#fluffy june prompts day 26
nykie-love-anime · 1 year
Day 26 ~ Love Notes
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Exchanging love notes leads to being teased by your favourite students.
“Aaah this is so cute.” Mina yelled as she just saw your and Hizashi’s love notes. “They are so meant to be together this is cheesy as hell.” Denki yelled after Mina. “Now man that you can say again.” Sero said looking at Kaminari “Come on guys let’s just leave the notes where we found them before they catch us snooping and then we will have to serve detention with Mr. Aizawa again.” Kirishima being the lovely student he is starts to explain. “And you all know how that turned out last time.” He concluded and the rest of them shivered at the reminder of the training drills they all had to do.
“You guys this is not nice. We do not mess with other people’s stuff especially our teacher. I would advise you to put it back where you found it and leave to your desks this instant.” The class rep said waving his hand all over the place. “Oh come on Iida it is not every day we get to experience what the teachers are like outside of school so let us be.” Sero said looking at the blue haired boy who just sighed knowing they are not going to listen to a single word that he is saying.
“What are you guys doing up.” At the new voice the four quickly spring around looking at their teacher standing there with her hands on her hips with a confused look on her face. “Nothing!” they all exclaimed. You turned your head to your desk blushing as you saw the sticky notes you and Hizashi wrote to each other this morning when he was keeping you company when you marked class 1 A’s tests.
“Okay please back to your seats we have to start with today’s lesson.” You said pointing to their seats and they quickly go back. “Guys today is going to be quiet reading for your next pop quiz. I want you to read pages 32 to 55. If you are done before the bell rings please come to my desk so that I can have a word with you all with the last pop quiz please. Some of you did wonderful and some not so much.” You pleaded with them while they all started reading quietly.
After five minutes of marking tests in silence there was a knock on your classroom door causing you to lookup. Not wanting to disturb your students you quickly stood up walking towards to door as quietly as possible to talk outside of the classroom with whomever is out there. Opening the door you blushed when you saw it was Hizashi. Flashing around to close the door not wanting the students to see who it is.
Before he could say anything you pulled him into a hug wrapping your arms around his neck you whined into his chest. “What’s the matter baby girl?” he asked being the ever loving husband. “Your notes got us caught.” You grumbled into his chest causing said man to snicker. “Yeah.” He teased with a small grin. Hearing the teasing in his voice you blushed even more.
“This is all your fault.” You muttered pulling away from the hug and all Hizashi could do was shrug with a stupid smile on his face. “Well they all know now that I love you very much and now they can all know that you belong to me.” He said with a teasing smile. “It’s not like you aren’t all over my desk.” He said with a grin and you just giggled. “I have to get back before they break down my class.” You said kissing his cheek.
“See you tonight baby girl.” “See you.” You said blowing a kiss and walking towards your class door already hearing a ruckus. “Back in your seats.” You yelled and they all scrambled away from their friends. Shaking your head with a small smile all of a sudden missing being in high school, getting into trouble with the teacher. You, Hizashi, Shouta and your brother who passed away in his second year of high school because of a villain attack. 
“Was it your happiness ma’am?” Kaminari asked with a teasing grin. “Yes it was my happiness Denki.” You said with a smile. “Denki, Mina, Hanta and Eijiro I want to speak to you guys after class please.” You said causing them to groan and Kirishima letting out an I told you so because after your class it was the end of the day for them.
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“Okay guys because you four decided it would be okay to snoop around I am going to give each one of you an hour of detention because we don’t mess around with other people’s stuff. I get you are curious but please ask if you want to know something that is why I am here. I will answer with the best possible answer.” You started with a small, disappointed sigh. “Sorry Mrs. Yamada. I promise from now on we will be on our best behaviour.” Mina said with a sad smile. Nodding your head you turned to the boys as they started apologising.
“Okay guys for detention I am going to have to ask you to clean the classroom as I have a meeting with Principal Nezu. After that I will return and inspect the classroom and if it is clean I can let you off early. How does that sound.” You asked them with a smile and they sighed with relieve and nodded immediately. “Sounds good ma’am. We will get started right away.” Kirishima said with a sharp smile. And you smiled closing the door going to your meeting.
“See I told you guys we were going to get detention.” Eijiro started. “Thankfully it is just cleaning and not extra homework or drilling training lessons.” He concluded with a sigh. As he finished they all started cleaning the classroom from top to bottom and thankfully as you got back have an hour later they class was sparkling and you let them go with twenty minutes to spare.
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Day 25 | Masterlist | Day 27
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stardew-atlantis · 2 years
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I posted 887 times in 2022
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#saw a fic post about asexuals that suggested giving an ace character a 'sexless romance' so sorry to my readers expecting smut in the end
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The BRILLIANT AND AMAZING @artjdg has created this absolute masterpiece of my beloved nerds 😭❤️🫂
This takes place during This Chapter of Winter but in order to add it directly to the chapter I gotta post it here first. (I really hope this works)
(Also click for better quality because tumblr likes to microwave images)
61 notes - Posted June 5, 2022
Comfort - (Harvey/F!Farmer Oneshot)
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(Art by @jellyaris ^_^) (Click for better quality)
I'm back with another fluffy oneshot! Last time the art was based on the fic but this time the fic was based on the art!
Summary: Harvey needs some comfort after a long day.
Word Count: 790
Warnings: improper soup practices, lmk
Now on Ao3!
"Hi honey," Harvey said, as he stepped into the bedroom after a frustratingly tedious day at the clinic.
SJ was sitting on top of the covers, typing away into her laptop. She looked up and smiled the moment she saw him. "Hey. How was your day?" she asked.
Harvey tried his best not to roll his eyes, instead offering a disgruntled sigh, preparing to tell her that he didn't exactly have the best day, and he did not want to talk about it.
"Uh oh." she teased. "That great, huh?" she said, sarcastically.
"Am I really that obvious?" he asked.
"Afraid so." SJ smirked, waving him over. "C'mere."
Harvey crossed the room to SJ's side of the bed as she slid her laptop forward to make room. When she rose to her knees, now at eye-level with him, he slipped his hands around her back, holding her close as she rested her hands on his chest.
SJ leaned in for a quick kiss, before asking, "You wanna talk about it?"
Maybe it was the slight concern in her expression, or maybe it was just because he was frustrated after stewing in his own thoughts for the majority of his walk home, but Harvey found that he actually did want to talk about it.
"Today's just been a nightmare." he began. "I told Lewis not to let Gus pack up the potluck soup, but he wouldn't listen to me."
At the Luau the day before, Harvey tried his best to warn the mayor that the scorching summer heat wouldn't be enough to keep the soup fresh all day long. At the end of the festival, Lewis suggested packing up the leftovers to serve at the saloon the next day. When Harvey pointed out that the meat in the soup could likely make people sick from how long it had been sitting out in the sun, he was met with condescending laughter.
"Eight walk-ins, three scheduled follow-up appointments and at least four cases of food poisoning, that I know of." he continued.
SJ reached for the knot of his tie, loosening it as he talked.
"I swear, the next time- what are you doing?" he asked, realizing she had untied it, and gently tugged at one side to remove it completely.
"Go on," she prompted, carefully unbuttoning the top buttons of his shirt. "I'm listening."
"I... okay. Where was I?" he asked, trying to get back to his original train of thought.
"Next time?" she reminded him.
"Right. Next time Lewis tries to undermine me like that again, I swear I'll have that soup marked as a health-code violation."
"You should. It's disgusting." SJ added, sitting back down, leaning against her propped up pillow. "Come, sit." she said, patting the space on the bed beside her.
The moment she suggested it, Harvey suddenly felt the exhaustion catching up with him, the ache in his legs and back reminding him that he hadn't sat down in hours.
Nodding, he circled the bed to sit down on his side. "I just don't know why he constantly feels the need to prove how paranoid he thinks I am."
SJ reached out for the green blanket at the edge of their bed, draping it over his legs.
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62 notes - Posted November 30, 2022
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my goal for the day: edit that next chapter that I've had written for months
64 notes - Posted July 15, 2022
Thunderstorm - (Harvey/F!Farmer Oneshot)
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(Art by the lovely @lizardfootman) (Click for better Quality)
So Lizard and I did a sort of collab with this one ^_^. I wrote a mini-fic, and they drew the amazing masterpiece above.
Summary: Harvey and SJ watch the rain together during a thunderstorm.
Word Count: 774
Warnings: none, lmk
Now on Ao3!
It was the middle of the night when a loud crack of thunder startled Harvey awake. He took a moment to remember where he was, and took a few deep breaths to calm his racing heartbeat.
The weather forecast had called for severe thunderstorms all throughout the night, so before they went to sleep, SJ and Zephyr made sure that all the farm equipment was put away, and all the animals were safe in their respective buildings.
Listening to the wind whip through the trees and the rain battering the windows as he first climbed into bed, Harvey almost worried for the structural integrity of the farmhouse, but when SJ wrapped her arms around him, holding him close, it silenced his fears enough to let him fall asleep.
Hours later, just as he began to calm down, he quickly realized that he was alone in the bed.
Harvey reached for his glasses on the nightstand, looking around the room to attempt to figure out where SJ went. He knew he'd never be able to sleep unless she came back, he still felt out of place sleeping in her bed without her.
Out in the living room, he spotted a large shadow, wrapped in a blanket. She sat in front of the window with the curtains peeled back, staring out at the storm.
At first, he wondered if she was afraid. If the thunder woke her up as well, and she was worried about the animals or the crops, but as he approached the window, he found her eyes sparkling with interest at the lightning outside, an excited look on her face that usually accompanied watching the stars on a clear night.
Hearing his footsteps, she turned, smiling as soon as she saw him.
"Hey." she whispered. "Sorry, did I wake you up?"
"No, the storm did." he replied, rubbing his eyes underneath his glasses. "What's the matter? Can't sleep?"
"I just like watching the rain." she shrugged, before raising her arm to lift up one side of the blanket. "C'mere, come sit."
Harvey sat down on the surprisingly cold wooden floor, sliding in close to let SJ share her blanket with him. She kissed his cheek as she draped the soft fabric over his shoulders, pulling him even closer.
"Warm enough?" she asked, softly.
He nodded, smiling as she turned back towards the window.
"I love thunderstorms. My favorite type of weather."
"Can't say that I agree." Harvey replied, shuddering as another rumble of thunder echoed through the valley.
"Not a fan?" she smirked, reaching out to take his hand.
"Thunder.... Makes it a little difficult to sleep, is all." he said, lacing their fingers together.
The touch helped to ground him. It reminded him that he wasn't in his apartment, where the walls vibrated during particularly strong storms, and the windows shook so badly he thought they might shatter. He was much safer here, with SJ.
"Rain is just soothing for me, and the lightning looks so pretty." she added.
He watched the storm with her for a few moments. He could understand her appreciation for the quiet beauty of the flash that cut through the clouds and lit up the night sky, but the roaring thunder that followed was a grim reminder of all the damage that one little flash could do.
"Aren't you worried about the lightning damaging the farm?" he asked.
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80 notes - Posted August 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Meet the Farmers (Pixel Portrait Masterpost)
Hello all!
During my recent stardew modding hyperfixation (I say recent, it's been like a year now😅) I've taken up making stardew-style portraits of farmers! I started with my 3, and then started making some for my friends, and now I've got about a dozen farmers from my fantastically talented stardew friends. (aka, this is a very long post)
So, without further ado, I'd like to introduce you all to the squad!
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Name: Sadie "SJ" V
Pronouns: She/They
Farm: Atlantis Farm
In-game spouse/partner: Harvey
Creator: Atlantis
See the full post
90 notes - Posted November 27, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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wri0thesley · 3 years
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[image id: starry sky background with ‘j0succ’s 5(555) follow event over the top of it]
hello everyone!!! i am so so happy that you have all followed me and read my writing and just in general being lovely to me, so i wanted to have an event to both celebrate my milestone and for my birthday (that’s june third, if u guys wanted to idk send me pictures of my husbands that day!). this event will probably stay open until then (although if i get too overwhelmed i might close it early!). i will warn you all when it’s about to close and reblog this post periodically! <3
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this event is a mix and match style event with prompts to choose from, and is open for the following fandoms:
- jojo’s bizarre adventure - jujutsu kaisen - my hero academia
please refer to my rules before requesting! (also linked in my profile and pinned post! please also refer to the rules of the event, below the cut!
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[image id: starry sky background with ‘rules’ over the top of it]
As mentioned above, this is a ‘mix and match’ event! First, choose a character: you may choose two characters in a poly relationship, if you want! If your idea features more than one character not in a poly relationship, please make that clear in the request! Then, choose some options from the four categories!
The four categories are
- Base. This is basically an AU category; you do not have to pick one, but if you don’t the fic will be set in the canon universe as detailed! You may also pick your own if the one you would like isn’t listed! If you choose something from this category, you can only choose one. 
- Sweet Add-On. This is the SFW plot category! Again, you can only pick one from this category; if you choose something from the Spicy category as well, it will become Fluffy NSFW - if you choose just something from this category, or something from this category and the base category, you will receive just fluff! This category cannot be combined with the Dark Add-On. 
- Spicy Add-On. This is the kink category! You can pick as many from this category as you would like, but try and keep in mind how they might work with each other and your other choices! There is also an option for adding in your own kinks if I haven’t mentioned what you’d like; please keep my rules in mind! This category can be combined with any of the other categories. 
- Dark Add-On. This is the Dark Content category. You can pick as many from this category as you like, and an option is included if your dark idea is not on the list! This category cannot be combined with the Sweet Add-On. 
if this all sounds a little complicated, you can scroll down to the bottom of this post to see some examples of what not to do and what to do! I have numbered all of the prompts for my convenience, but you can use their number or their name to refer to them, I don’t mind!
my default for writing is an afab, gender neutral reader (or occasionally an afab fem reader); if you would like something different, please include it in the request, but also keep in mind that i don’t have much experience writing amab readers and may not be good at it!
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[image id: starry sky background with ‘menu (prompts to choose from) written over the top of it]
Base (Choose one, or choose none – if none are chosen, fics will be written in the canon universe as standard!):
1. No AU / Canon Universe 2. No Powers Universe 3. Arranged Marriage AU 4. Monsters AU 5. A/B/O (Alpha, Beta, Omega) AU 6. Historical AU 7. Royalty AU 8. College/University AU 9. Soulmate AU 10. Apocalypse AU 11. Vampires AU 12. Crime/Organised Crime/Mafia AU 13. Sugar Daddy/Mommy AU 14. Coffee Shop/Bakery AU 15. Florist/Tattoo Artist (Two Opposing Occupation) AU 16. Fake Dating AU 17. Fantasy AU 18. Amnesia AU 19. Angels, Devils and Priests AU 20. Sex Work AU 21. Pick One Not On The List!:
Sweet (SFW) Add-On (choose one or none):
22. First Kiss 23. First Date 24. Cuddles 25. There Was Only One Bed 26. Mutual Pining 27. Huddling For Warmth 28. Taking Care of Each Other 29. Spending A Holiday Together 30. Meeting The ‘Family’ 31. Engagement & Weddings 32. Fake Dating 33. Domesticity 34. Enemies to Lovers 35. Friends to Lovers 36. Trapped Together 37. Comfort 38. Beach Trip 39. Confessions 40. Pregnancy
Spicy (NSFW) Add-On (choose as many as you want!)
41. BDSM 42. Impact Play 43. Pegging 44. Breeding 45. Dacryphilia (crying) 46. Corruption Kink 47. Face-sitting 48. Cunnilingus 49. Somnophilia 50. Size Kink/ Size Difference 51. Edging 52. Orgasm Control 53. Dominant Reader 54. Virginity (please specify whether virgin character or virgin reader!) 55. Masturbation (Mutual, Assisted or Guilty) 56. Choking and Breathplay 57. Petplay 58. Vanilla 59. Cockwarming 60. Sex Toys 61. Public Sex / Exhibitionism 62. Praise Kink 63. Degradation 64. Over-stimulation 65. Aphrodisiac or Sex Pollen 66. Corsetry 67. Voyeurism 68. Pregnant Sex 69. Bondage 70. Choose Something Not On The List!:
Dark Add-On (choose as many as you want):
71. Yandere 72. Non-Con 73. Mindbreak 74. Dub-Con 75. Master/Pet 76. Knifeplay 77. Gunplay 78. Predator/Prey 79. Dumbification / Dollification / Bimbofication 80. Fuck or Die 81.Choose Something Not On The List!:
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[image id: a starry sky background with ‘examples’ written over it].
- hi nat, could i get a fic of prosciutto in an arranged marriage au, maybe with orgasm control and a virgin reader? 
- hi!!! maybe a fic for gojo with 59, 63, 71 and 72?
- hello! could i maybe request a florist/tattoo au (15) with confessions (39) and some cunnilingus? with geto, please!
- fic with itadori (i don’t write characters who havent been shown as over eighteen in canon!) with first kiss and yandere (one is from the sweet add-on and one is from the dark add-on, please don’t mix them!)
you can see the current request list (in case you want to check if yours made it through, for ideas, etc) here!
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[image id: a starry sky background with ‘thank you all so much! please have fun requesting! written over it.]
I don’t want to gush too much on this post but I am so, so grateful to every one of you who has ever interacted with me, reblogged my posts, recommended me or otherwise - thanks to the Jojo followers who’ve been here since the beginning, my new JJK followers, and my even newer BNHA followers (I haven’t written much for it yet but I hope that this event will help with that!). Having this space makes me so happy!
I hope you all have fun requesting, and feel free to send me questions if you want or need clarification on anything! I’m super excited to get started!
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STEPH I ACCIDENTLY REWATCHED TSOT AND NOW I'M FUCKING SOBBING. I JUST HAVEN'T WATCHED THE ACTUAL SHOW IN FOREVER AND FORGOT HOW SAD SHERLOCK LOOKS IN THIS EPISODE. GOD. so yeah i just wanted some fics where john & sherlock dance together, whether it be at a/their wedding, "for a case", some kind of ball, or my favorite- sherlock teaching john to dance. it's maybe one of my favorite situations/tropes in media. (also welcome back!! and i love you <3)
Hi Lovely!!!
AHHHH I’ve been putting a “dancing” list together before I even had a system in place to do my lists, so I’m going to use your ask as an excuse to finally post it because I can’t find the original ask, LOL LOL!!!
And to pad out the list, I’m adding any that I’ve tagged from my MFL List, so I hope you enjoy that, LOL.
As usual, add your own, friends!! Hope you enjoy!!!
You Lead, I Lead, You Follow, I Follow by BrighteyedJill (M, 862 w., 1 Ch. || Fever, H/C, John Whump) – John wakes up after a chase gone wrong to find Sherlock watching over him, but he’s a little hazy on the details.
Velvet by headlessjess (G, 1,155 w., 1 Ch. || Pining, Angst, Jealous Sherlock, Loneliness, Sad Fic) – It's the day, the wedding day - John and Mary, getting married. And then there's Sherlock, in pain and in love, without knowing how to deal with it.
Your love it feels so good by Hotaru_Tomoe (E, 2,843 w., 1 Ch. || Gay Club / Gay Bar, Lingerie, Stripping, Anal) – Sherlock is last at a quiz night and is forced by Anderson to perform in a gay stripclub. John must be with him, because he will have to record the performance. Sherlock takes the task very seriously. Part 20 of The English job
Behind Closed Curtains by twisting_vine_x (G, 2,939 w., 1 Ch. || Dancing, Angst, Pre-Slash) – Set loosely during season two, when Sherlock and John are still, ahem, dancing around each other. Sherlock teaches John how to dance.
Unimpressed by 221b_hound (M, 3,106 w., 1 Ch. || New Year’s Eve, Dancing, Jealousy) – Sherlock has no intention of attending the Met's New Year's Eve party. The start of a new year is all but meaningless to him. But he ends up there anyway, having odd conversations, and John does not find Sherlock's jealousy the slightest bit cute. And then there is dancing. Part 10 of Unkissed
Every Step of the Way by Shi_Toyu (G, 3,795 w., 1 Ch. || Car Accident, John Whump, Hurt/Comfort, Caretaking, Pre-Slash) – When John is injured on a case, Sherlock can't forgive himself. Everyone expects him to give up on his flatmate and get bored, but he'll prove them all wrong by sticking with him...every step of the way.
No Good Without You by textsandscones (T, 4,021 w., 1 Ch. || Case Fic, Sherlock’s Violin, Dancing, Soppy Fluff) – A diverting new case surrounding musicians and stolen instruments captures Sherlock's attention, the consequences of which lead both detective and doctor to see one another in a different light. Part 1 of Prompt Fills
Living Musical by VeeTheRee (G, 4,149 w. 1 Ch. || Est. Rel., Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Hobbies, Summer, Song Fic, POV Sherlock, Painting, Play Fighting, Soft Sherlock, Dancing, Love Declarations, Hair Petting, Promise of Forever) – A one-shot of John and Sherlock being domestic during summer. There is paint, fluff, and music from Imagine Dragons, namely from the album 'Speak To Me', specific song in this one-shot is 'Living Musical'. Part 1 of the Happy Fluffy Johnlock Time series
But Tonight You Belong to Me by esplanade (T, 4,296 w., 1 Ch. || Fluff & Angst, Pining, Stag Night, Sad Ending) – “You. It's always you. John Watson, you keep me right.”
The Dance Lesson by bittergreens (G, 4,596 w., 1 Ch. || TSo3 Missing Scene, Dancing, Pining Sherlock, URT/UST, Romance, Angst, POV John) – Sherlock teaches John to dip. Part 1 of Goodnight, Vienna
Sway by CrackedMetal (K+, 4,602 w., 1 Ch. || Romance, Drama, Dancing, Mary is Nice, Canon Divergence, Song Fic) – Sherlock doesn't leave the reception and Mary wants the best friends to have a moment to talk… So she suggests a dance. Johnlock with a side of John/Mary.
Sherlock and John Go Clubbing by wendymarlowe (E, 4,716 w., 3 Ch. || Clubbing, Dirty Talk, Dancing, Coming Untouched, Coming in Pants, Bi John, For a Case, Friends to Lovers, Flirting, Sherlock is Lost for Words, Sexy John, Mutual Pining, Possessive John, Floor Sex) – John pinched the bridge of his nose - even for Sherlock, this was a new level of no bloody boundaries. “You want me to go with you to a gay club, wait around twiddling my thumbs while I let you get pawed by a criminal, then out-flirt him and talk you into coming home with me instead?” Part 32 of John and Sherlock's Kinky First Times
a very soft epilogue (my love) by darcylindbergh (E, 5,395 w., 3 Ch. || Retirement, Domestic Fluff, Dancing, Dogs, Grumpy Old Men) – Across the pillows, Sherlock shifts and hums, the creases of his face deepening and then smoothing before settling. John watches him wake up, his chest swelling with affection and fondness, and thinks he’ll never get tired of Sherlock in the mornings, sleepy and soft. It’s been some forty-odd years, and John hasn’t gotten tired of it yet. Part 5 of things fairy tales are made of
Second Waltz by Atiki (T, 6,685 w., 1 Ch. || MCD, Angst, Fluff, Cancer) – "The night I died, you wished I could wait for you."
What I Hide By My Language, My Body Utters by PixChuu22 (M, 9,047 w., 1 Ch. || Fake Relationship, For a Case, Friends to Lovers) - Based on a prompt from Tumblr user thetwogaydetectives - “fake relationship that ends up being so real, they finally realize they are in love.”
Down with this Ship by FrostedFlame (PinkOrchid) (M, 10,862 w., 10 Ch. || For a Case, Gay Bar, Pining Sherlock, Coming Out, Slow Burn) – Sherlock drags John undercover to a gay bar - for a case, of course - looking forward to seeing John flustered by their surroundings (since you know, he's NOT GAY). John decides that he has hidden both his orientation and his feelings for his daft flatmate for far too long. He is done hiding, time to be honest with his bloody best friend in the world. He just hopes it won't change anything between them. And then it does.
the first day of forever by darcylindbergh (E, 11,850 w., 8 Ch. || Est. Relationship, Domestics, Light Angst, Insecurity, Emotional H/C) – “I’m going to marry you,” John murmurs with against Sherlock’s smile, and they both giggle in the joy of it. “We’re getting married.” “Yes,” Sherlock says, just to hear himself say it out loud. “We are.” A June wedding. Part 4 of things fairy tales are made of
All the Girls Love a Soldier by Book7BrokeMyBrain (E, 12,951 w., 1 Ch. || Military Kink, Frottage, Domesticity, Post S3, Pining Sherlock, Kilt John, Wedding, Dancing) – John is invited to a stag party and a wedding. The related accoutrement suit Sherlock to a T.
Twelfth Night by yourdykeinshiningarmor (E, 15,139 w., 5 Ch. || Fake Relationship, Christmas, Mutual Pining, Friends to Lovers, Angst & Fluff, BJ’s, Anal) – John is invited to his aunt's Twelfth Night ball. Sherlock offers to attend with him as a friendly face among strangers, but John's family force him to address his true feelings for Sherlock.
I Think I've Come A Long Long Way To Sit Before You Here Today by ArwenKenobi (T, 18,251 w., 3 Ch. || Grief/Mourning, Passage of Time, Major Character Death, Alternating POV, Sherlock Whump, Pining Sherlock, Hospitalization, Coma, Revenge Murders, Hallucinations, Love Confessions, Brutal Accident, Mystrade, Ghost John) – One year after John is killed Sherlock starts to wonder whether John has actually gone anywhere.
Out of the Woods by SilentAuror (E, 20,471 w., 1 Ch. || Post S4, Romance, Slow Burn, Flirting, Drunk Sex, Practical Jokes, POV Sherlock, Bottomlock, Possessive John, Pining Sherlock, Frustrated Wanking, Frottage, Hand Jobs, Blow Jobs, First Kiss/Time, Virgin Sherlock, Love Confessions, Soft Sherlock, Dancing, Bum Appreciation, Hanging out with the Yard) – Sherlock is fairly certain that John has taken to flirting with him of late, but can't be entirely certain of it. At least, not until a case takes them into a forest, along with Lestrade's team and something happens that will change everything about their lives...
Sonatina in G Minor by SilentAuror (E, 22,574 w., 1 Ch. || Case Fic, POV Sherlock, Angst, UST, Sherlock’s Violin, Post-S3, Romance) – John has come back to Baker Street, but Sherlock doesn't understand the strange tension between them, even after he begins teaching John to play the violin at John's request.
a good old-fashioned happy ending by darcylindbergh (E, 32,731 w., 26 Ch. || Christmas, Frottage, Comfort, Est. Rel., Fluff, Insecure Sherlock, Frottage, Nightmares, Sleepy Sherlock, Marriage Proposal, Humour, Fluff, Dancing, Cooking, Happy Ending) – For Christmas this year, Sherlock wants to get John something special: something every fairytale deserves. Part 2 of things fairy tales are made of
we have never seen a greater day than this by Lediona (T, 36,420 w., 7 Ch. || A Royal Night Out AU || WWII / VE Day, Prince Sherlock, Soldier John, Alternating POV, First Kiss, Bittersweet Ending, Homophobia, Dancing) – Peace. At long last. It’s VE Day and Prince William desires to join the celebrations. It is a night of excitement, danger and the first flutters of romance.
Guilty Secrets by Ellipsical (E, 55,086 w., 16 Ch. || Drumsticks, First Kiss/Time, Love Confession, Self-Sexual-Discovery, Anal, Rimming, Orgasim Denial, Butt Plugs, Cooking, Furniture Sex, Bath Sex, Rimming, Double Penetration, Anal Beads, Dancing, Romance, Tantric Edging) – John has a prostate exam and discovers something surprising about himself. Experimentation follows. Sherlock wants to help. They're in love. You know the drill.
The Bells of King's College by SilentAuror (E, 64,019 w., 5 Ch. || Post-S4, Missed Opportunities, Angst with Happy Ending, Fake Relationship, Case Fic, John POV, Jealous John, John in Denial, Travelling / Holidays, Virgin Sherlock, Wedding Proposals) – It's only been two weeks since Eurus Holmes disrupted their lives when Mycroft sends John and Sherlock to Cambridge to pose as an engaged couple at a wedding show in the hopes of solving six unsolved deaths...
Hell Sent, Heaven Bound by ConsultingHound (M, 64,381 w, 16 Ch. || Angels / Demons AU ||  Fallen Angel Sherlock / Angel Cop John, Alternate First Meeting, Slow Burn, Case Fic, John & Lestrade are Friends Before Sherlock, BAMF John, Mind Palace John, Friends to Lovers, John in Denial, Sherlock Picks Out John’s Clothing, Clubbing / Dancing, Mildly Jealous John, Awkwardness, Kidnapping, Sherlock’s Mind Palace, Sacrifice, Worried / Anxious Sherlock, Angst with Happy Ending, Immortal to Mortal) – Ex-War healer and current angelic guard John Watson is not having the best day. He overslept, he’s underpaid, and now there’s someone tagging the Council’s building walls. However things may be about to get interesting: there’s an unusual stranger hanging around (the definition of tall, dark, and handsome), a literal underground cult is brewing, and rumblings are coming from hell. Can he keep his neighbourhood safe, how and why is he being connected to all this, and who the hell is Sherlock Holmes?
White Knight by DiscordantWords (M, 69,840 w., 13 Ch. || S4 Compliant/Post S4, Marriage For a Case, Jealous John, Pining John, Janine / Sherlock Fake Relationship, Serial Killers, Case Fic, Undercover as a Couple, Weddings, John is a Mess, Misunderstandings, Wedding Planning, Jealousy, Drunkenness, Love Confessions, Angst with Happy Ending) – Green. The word green was used to convey a great many things. Illness. Envy. Inexperience. Standing there amidst Janine's chattering bridesmaids, watching Sherlock furrow his brow and study fabric swatches, watching him smile and simper and flirt, John thought it a remarkably apt colour choice. Because he felt quite sick to his stomach, he feared the source of said sickness might very well be jealousy, and he had absolutely no idea at all what to do about it. Or: Sherlock needs to fake a relationship for a case. He doesn't ask John.
Not Broken, Just Bent by Schmiezi (E, 87,585 w., 43 Ch. || Pining, Love Confessions, Torture, Hurt/Comfort, Heavy Angst, Villain!Mary, Suicidal Ideations, Main Character Death, Sherlock POV, Eventual Happy Ending) – "For a second, I allow myself to remember teaching John how to waltz. There is a special room in my mind palace for it. A big one, with a proper parquet dance floor. For a second, I go there. I remember holding him, closer than the World Dance Council asks for, excusing it with the fact that we are training for a wedding, not for a competition. For a second, I feel his hand on mine again, smell his sweat, hear the song we used. For a second, I allow myself to love him deeply. For a second, only a second, that love reflects on my face." Fix-it for S3, starting at the end of TSoT. Evil Mary.
Shatter the Darkness (Let the Light In) by MojoFlower (E, 109,683 w., 23 Ch. || PODFIC AVAILABLE || Genie/Djinn AU || Magical Realism, Kidnapping, Genie Sherlock, First Kiss / Time, Case Fic, H/C, Angst, Clubs, John Whump, Mild DubCon, Hand / Blow Jobs, Torture) – Fairy tales are for those who remember how to dream; not John Watson, broken and hiding from his bleak future in a beige bedsit. But then he discovers a lamp and finds himself in the dangerous riptide of an enigmatic man whose very existence is unbelievable, murder charges against his sister, and the growing pains of feeling alive once more.
Proving A Point by elldotsee & J_Baillier (E, 186,270 w., 28 Ch. || Me Before You Fusion || Medical Realism, Insecure John, Depression, Romance, Angst, POV John, Sherlock Whump, Serious Illness, Doctor John, Injury Recovery, Assisted Suicide, Sherlock’s Violin, Awkward Sexual Situations, Alcoholism, Drugs, Idiots in Love, Slow Burn, Body Image, Friends to Lovers, Hurt / Comfort, Pain, Big Brother Mycroft, Intimacy, Anxiety, PTSD, Family Issues, Psychological Trauma, John Whump, Case Fics, Loneliness, Pain) – Invalided home from Afghanistan, running out of funds and convinced that his surgical career is over, John Watson accepts a mysterious job offer to provide care and companionship for a disabled person. Little does he know how much hangs in the balance of his performance as he settles into his new life at Musgrave Court.
He really can’t breathe. by Luna_sharp618 (NR, 696 w., 1 Ch. || Pining Sherlock, Dancing, Sherlock Teaching John to Dance, TSo3 Fic) – In which Sherlock teaches John how to dip his dance partner for the wedding and has some pining thoughts.
The Gay Bar Scene that never was by MadSophHatter (T, 1,372 w., 1 Ch. || TSo3, Gay Bar Scene, Confused Sherlock, Jealous John, Humour) – The gay bar scene from The Sign of Three as I envisioned it. Featuring a confused Sherlock, halfnaked men, sexy dancing and John who is absolutely not jealous.
Tango by standbygo (M, 1,424 w., 1 Ch. || Different First Meeting, Dancing) – “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” “Shut up and dance – a man’s alibi depends on it.”
Operation Synchronous by Daziechane (NR, 1,691 w., 1 Ch. || Dancer Sherlock, Lip Synch Battle, Abuse Of Umbrellas, Bets) – Sherlock never welches on a bet. That doesn't mean he'll give in easily, however.
on his mouth like liquor by chrysanthemumsies (T, 1,780 w., 1 Ch. || TSo3, Stag Night, Gay Bar, Romance, Dancing, First Kiss, Fluff) – The gay bar scene from Stag night that the creators didn't want to show! Pure crack with a bit of angst and a whole lotta fluff (if you squint). Sherlock and John on the dance floor - what's not to love?
Take me to Baker Street by MorganeUK (G, 2,087 w., 1 Ch. || Adult Ballet AU || Ballet Dancer Sherlock, Doctor John, Song Fic, Pre-Slash) – I always loved Sergei Polunin interpretation of Take me to the church so I decided to write a version where Sherlock is a ballet dancer in serious need of a doctor…
May I Have This Dance? by ScaryFairy13 (G, 2,297 w., 1 Ch. || Slow Dancing, Fluff, First Kiss, Wedding) – John drags Sherlock to Greg's and Molly's wedding. Dancing ensues as well as the discovery of certain sentimental feelings.
Under the Lights by CarmillaCarmine (E, 2,872 w., 1 Ch. || TSo3 Fix It, Stag Night, Gay Club, First Time, Dancing) – Following Sherlock’s map marked with all the streets where they had found a corpse, John and Sherlock stumbled into a gay club. Part 1 of TSoT Fix-It
Dirty by standbygo (E, 5,093 w., 1 Ch. || Established Relationship, PWP, Dirty Dancing, Romance, Smut and Fluff) – “Yeah, I actually learned how to dance like that, like in the film. I was quite the hit at parties while the craze lasted. Some of Harry’s friends called me Johnny Castle, after the character. Or Swayze.” “Swayze? What kind of word is that?” John did not reply, but gazed at Sherlock, his lips pressed together but still smiling. After a moment, he stood and held out his hand to Sherlock. “Dance with me,” John said.
The Posh Purple Pirate (Enter My Life and Make Me Drown) by  Loveismyrevolution (E, 7,408 w., 1 Ch. || Exotic Dancer AU || Alternate First Meeting, Strangers to Lovers, For a Case, Lap Dancing, Hand Job, First Kiss, Pirate Sherlock, Drama Queen Sherlock, Dancer Sherlock) – When Mike Stamford invited him to a fun night out, John Watson never expected it would become such a wild ride - captivated by an enigmatic pirate his life suddenly gains speed in an unexpected direction. Part 1 of PirateDragQueenVerse
Life's Uneven Kilter by theslovenlyfool (T, 14,877 w., 4 Ch. || Canon Divergence S3, BAMF John, Secretly Married, Camp Gay Sherlock, Dancing, John is a Good Actor, Fake Relationship, Mycroft Plays a Role) – "According to Sherlock, the game began on September 21, 2005 at precisely 10:37:04 am. John complained that, with that logic, the game had actually begun on January 7, 2000, at around 1:30 am. But for Sherlock, games are only fun when others are willing to play. What is a game without an adversary, after all? And what is a proper dash across London without a partner? Now, Sherlock thought as he assessed the doctor with the unforgivable cane, the game is on."
Thirteen Dances (Or, The Doctor Dances) by Knackorcraft (E, 17,544 w., 13 Ch. || Dirty Dancing, Tango, Ballet, Frottage) – John is a great dancer: we're talking all types. Not only is he able to pop and lock it, he's got some great ballet technique. He was best at lifting / holding girls.
The One Where Sherlock Doesn’t Ruin John’s Holiday by nutmeag83 (T, 18,898 w., 11 Ch. || Pre-TRF / S2 Timeline, Friends to Lovers, Cruise Ships, Vacation / Holidays, Fake Relationship, For Science, Bed Sharing, Cuddling/Snuggling, Mutual Pining, John POV, Minor Case Fic, Cooking, Dancing, Drunk Shenanigans) – John wins a cruise vacation for two and brings Sherlock along. But when it turns out to be a couples cruise, they have to pretend to be a couple themselves (for science). How many pretend kisses will it take before they can’t deny their feelings any longer?
Lockdown by johnwatso and Salambo06 (E, 23,376 w., 20 Ch. || Quarantine, COVID-19, Lockdown, Fluff, Parentlock, Reunion, Dancing, Soft Idiots, Sex Toys) – The world is in lockdown due to Covid-19. This is how Sherlock and John spend their time.
Dance With Me by Silvergirl (E, 24,813 w., 12 Ch. || Post TEH, Dancing, Met Charity Gala, Sally/Sherlock Friendship, No Mary, Fluff) – Sherlock rescues Sally Donovan, and in turn she tries to help him get John to stop faffing about and get on with Johnlock.
Mountebank by Odamaki (M, 26,514 w., 2 Ch. || Fake Relationship/Dating/Marriage, For A Case, Jealous John, Suits, House Party, Crack, Trapped, UST, Dancing, Idiots in Love, Confessions, Friends to Lovers) – “I am calm,” John snaps, leaning on the door to glare out at the dark streets around them. Sherlock’s not said where they’re going; all he knows is they came off the ring road to the west of London and have vanished somewhere into the depths of Berkshire. All he knows is that he’s been trussed up in a suit that wasn’t hired from anywhere and if brought new would edge up into the triple figure margins. “Be calmer,” Sherlock advises, with a trace of irony. “We’re going to a party.” Part 29 of the The Sherlexicon
Time Of My Life by fiveainley_ohmy (E, 29,719 w., 8 Ch. || Dirty Dancing Fusion || Bisexual John, Dancing, Gay/Demi Sherlock) – John Watson takes his alcoholic sister to a summer camp in attempt to rehabilitate her. He didn't expect to fall in love with the dance instructor.
Brooklyn Heat, Summer Jazz by Zigster (E, 41,820 w., 10 Ch. || New York Ballet AU || Jazz Pianist John, Ballet Dancer Sherlock, Modern Setting, Brooding Sherlock , Confused John, Non-Linear Storytelling, Sexual Tension, Angst, Alcohol / Pot / Club Drug Use, First Time, Not-Good Mycroft, Happy Ending) – "There was, however, one thing that made it easier to stay on his piano bench every day. One thing that kept John Watson showing up to class on time, every morning at ten with a large thermos of honeyed tea and a conviction to see a job well done. His name was Sherlock Holmes and he was the most confounding and extraordinary thing John had ever come across - the most exotic of birds and the most unattainable of men."
Blond Barista Seeks Dashing Ballet Dancer: Inquire Within by prettysailorsoldier (E, 43,847 w., 1 Ch. || Unilock Coffee Shop AU || Rugby/Barista John, Ballet Dancer Sherlock, Fluff) – Between classes, his job at a local cafe, and being captain of the rugby team, John Watson's life is plenty stressful enough without the addition of a mysterious ballet dancer he can see through the windows of the dance studio across the street, but, somehow, he can't bring himself to mind.
My Pictures of You by 72reasons (E, 50,527 w., 19 Ch. || Fashion AU || Model Sherlock / Photographer John, Bisexual John, Gay Sherlock, Past Viclock, Past Warstan, Cocaine / Drug Use, Mary is Not Nice, Angst, Pining, Case Fic, Kidnapping, Human Trafficking, Past Jolto, Blow Jobs, Hand Jobs, Frottage, Oral / Anal, Fingering, Dancing, Non-Con Drug Use, Rimming) – John Watson, a photographer, gets an assignment to shoot gorgeous, young fashion model, Sherlock Holmes. He feels an instant connection, but Sherlock uses drugs and has an old friend who's just landed himself in a lot of trouble. When Sherlock comes to John for help, he reluctantly agrees. Angst, past loves, and insecurities threaten to end their budding romance, but ultimately love and trust wins out.
Focal Point by PuffleLock (E, 60,913 w., 13 Ch. || Post-TRF Divergence / Different Reunion, POV John, Slow Burn, For a Case, Friends to Lovers, Suicidal Thoughts, Sad Wank, Sherlock in Makeup, Dancing, Mentions of Torture / Depression / PTSD, Love Confessions, Idiots in Love, Frottage, Blow Jobs, Scars, Rimming, Anal, Toplock, First Kiss / Time, Gay Sherlock / Bi John) – John comes home early from a medical conference to find that every once in awhile, Sherlock can surprise the hell out of him. Can John surprise him back?
A Moment's Surrender by anchors (M, 64,272 w., 10 Ch. || Dancer AU || Ballet Sherlock, Swing Dancer John, Angsty Fluff, Romance, Swing Dancing) – Sherlock tours worldwide with the English National Ballet. John dances the Lindy Hop competitively all across the globe. That they would meet, then, by the slimmest of chances in one lonely city, is pure coincidence. The whole 'dancing together' bit is a little more planned.
This Is Your Song by agirlsname (E, 79,990 w., 19 Ch. || Moulin Rouge Fusion || Prostitute Sherlock, Poet John, Acting, Singing, Dancing, Writing, Poetry, Musical, Song Fic, Heavy Angst, Unreliable Narrator, Sherlock is French, Love at First Sight, UST, First Kiss/Time, Frottage, Coming in Pants, Anal Sex, Switchlock, Clothed Sex, Crossdressing, Secret Relationship, Forbidden Love, Jealousy, Terminal Illnesses, Grief/Mourning, Breakup/Makeup Sex, Past Drug Use, Attempted Rape, Canon-Typical Violence)– When John Watson is invalided home from the army in 1895, he moves to Paris to rediscover his writing and find a new meaning in life. His old friend Stamford invites him into a group of artist friends, and suddenly John finds himself auditioning to write a show for the famous brothel across the street. There, he meets the most beautiful man he’s ever seen - Sherlock, the star of the Moulin Rouge. But Sherlock is already promised to the investor of the show, the rich Duke Moriarty.
A Case of Identity – The Musical by shamelessmash (E, 83,147 w., 15 Ch. || 1950′s Hollywood AU || Musical, Case Fic, Undercover as an Actor, Dancing, Happy Ending, Kidnapping, Drugs, Fluff and Angst, Humour, Writer/Director John, Slow Burn / Romance) – A mysterious death on set causes chaos in Stamford productions latest movie. With the premiere date left unchanged, they must find a new lead actor and reshoot an entire movie in two months. Sherlock Holmes goes undercover as a lead actor in a Musical: a juggling act to solve a murder while singing, dancing and charming his way through 1950s Hollywood. The last thing he expected was to fall in love with the screenwriter along the way. Or as I like to call it: the case where Sherlock finally gets to dance. Based off this prompt.
Rewind by All_I_need (E, 87,593 w. || Fake/Pretend Relationship, Pining, Angst, Sharing a Bed, Dancing Lessons, Oblivious John) – About a month before John's wedding, he and Sherlock embark on one last case together: a murder at a remote hotel in the middle of nowhere. A lot can happen in a week. And a lot doesn't. But what if ...?
Rosethorne by suitesamba (M, 98,888 w., 28 Ch. || Secret Garden AU || Injured Sherlock / John, Recovery, First Times, Minor Character Death, Disability, Past Domestic Abuse [Mary/OMC]) – John Watson, WWII army doctor, is injured in the line of duty and can no longer wield a scalpel. Sherlock Holmes, Britain’s best code-breaker, is side-lined by his own devastating injury. In a work inspired by Frances Hodgson Burnett’s “The Secret Garden,” the two men must find meaning and purpose in a world which seems to have taken away all they hold most dear. But of course, it really hasn’t.
October to Hogmanay by snorklepie (E, 127,318 w., 25 Ch. || Post HLV Fix-It, Awkward First Times, Hurt/Comfort, Sherlock is a Mess, Shameless Smut, Sherlock’s Past, Scotland, Poison, Holmes Family, Kilts, Dancing, Angst) – John stared at Sherlock’s profile against the cab window and exhaled slowly. After a long moment, he reached out and touched Sherlock’s long fingers where they were fiddling with the button on his coat. The tall man didn’t look around again, but his fingers slowly unfurled before curling deliberately around John’s hand. Part 2 of Scotland
Shatter Me by Loveismyrevolution (E, 162,856+ w., 20/24 Ch. || WiP || Sherlock Dances, Friends to Lovers, Slow Burn, Angst with Happy Ending, Misunderstandings, Introspection, Mutual Pining, UST, Idiots in Love, Big Brother Mycroft, Implied Drug Use, Suicidal Thoughts, Hurt/Comfort, Love Confessions) – This is a story about two men trying to find their way back into the comfort of their companionship. No easy task in the aftermath of the events of Reichenbach, a wedding and a shot through the heart. They are facing a very rocky road ahead with a lot of introspection, misunderstandings, angst and pining. They each try to cope in their own particular way. Eventually, they'll find a way to communicate and learn about the true nature of their feelings.
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drethanramslay · 4 years
26, 58 and 61 for ethan x mc please? like angst in the beginning but fluff in the end. thanks!! i love your fanfics btw i read it like 100 times and i can’t seem to get over it.
Aww thanks anon ☺️ and thank you for the ask ❤️❤️
You can find the prompt list here.
#26-“Are you angry…?”
#58-“Where have you been?!” 
#61-“I’m sorry…I shouldn’t have done that, you can look after yourself…I shouldn’t have…I’m sorry.” this prompt is in the form of a text message 
Author's note: okay anon I know you wanted a fluffy ending BUT, I decided to write it as a continuation to Hard for me i.e the prompt in which people demanded asked for a part 2
So forgive me for the ending
Word count: 1.2K
Warning: none, it's just angsty as hell
Cry for me
The next one week was painful. 
Ethan's confession in the lift had left Leah in a flux of emotions. On one hand she was joyous that he returned her feelings and that he was all in.
But on the other hand she felt gut wrenching guilt which slowly started eating away at her sanity. She was in a relationship with Bryce. She had a freaking boyfriend but that still didn't stop her from pining for Ethan.
She was so lost in her thoughts half the times, zoning in and out of conversations. Bryce could see something bothering her so he slowly formulating a plan to cheer her up.
"Hey Princess?" Bryce asked as they drove to the hospital.
Leah snapped her head towards Bryce. "Yeah?"
“Are you angry…? Did I do something wrong?"
"Of course not, queen B!" I am angry with myself and the world.
"I just... Can't see you so down and lost. You know you can talk to me, right?"
I don't think I can talk about how I am completely and utterly in love with my boss and the fact that he returns the sentiments.
"Yap I know. It's just been a stressful week, y'know?"
"What if we have a movie night today?  We can eat junk food and laugh on trashy movies?" Bryce spoke up as they got out of the car.
"That's exactly the thing I need. Thank you Bryce." Leah smiled at him and wrapped her arm around his waist, giving him a side hug.
Bryce gave her a breathtaking smile and wrapped his arms around her. "Anything for you Leah."
As they stood there, with their arms around each other in the parking lot, Leah failed to notice a pair of stormy blue eyes burning into her back.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- After changing into her scrubs and grabbing a coffee from the coffee cart, Leah made her way towards Ethan's office. June and Baz were sitting and drinking coffee, pouring over the charts while Ethan wrote on the whiteboard.
"Good morning team." Leah greeted them with a smile.
"Good morning, Leah!"
"Good morning, Dr. Garcia."
"You are late. Where have you been?"
Leah's eyes snapped to the clock above the whiteboard.
8:00 am.
"I was getting the charts. And I am not late. We start the meeting at 8am." Leah said as she placed her laptop and coffee on the table.
"Dr. Garcia, this is not your 9 to 5 corporate job where you enter and leave at a given time. You are a doctor and time should cease to exist because our patient's life is in the palm of our hands. Every minute you spend wasting time, that much is cut from our patient's life. Have you forgotten your Hippocrates oath?"
Leah wanted to answer back, but she bit her tongue. NOT worth it Leah, calm down. 
So clenching her jaw and swallowing down the humiliation, she responded in a curt voice. "Yes Doctor."
"Tardiness in not acceptable. Is that clear?" 
Baz interrupted, trying to diffuse the situation. "Ethan she wasn't even that lat-"
Cutting Baz off, his icy eyes bored into her angry hazel ones. "Dr. Garcia, am I clear?"
"Crystal." Leah spoke up, glaring at Ethan.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- And that's how the entire day continued. When working the case they were like a well oiled machine but outside in the hallways, they would glare at each other as if they wanted to kill each other.
The tension between Ethan was so thick that you could cut it with a knife. They butted heads throughout the duration of the shift that even the staff noticed.
Leah felt like a ticking time bomb, threatening to explode. Anger, frustration and pain is a very dangerous cocktail together, and now she had all of them whirling inside her like a tornado.
I'm gonna fucking confront him. That son of a bitch has it coming. Leah thought to herself, her teeth grinding.
So when she saw Ethan head towards the stairwell, she followed him.
"Dr. Ramsey, wait up."
"If it isn't patient related, don't bother me."
Leah rushed after him and grabbed him by his elbow with incredible strength, causing him to stop and turn towards her.
"What has gotten over you Ethan?"
"I don't know what you are talking about." He crossed his arms and stood there, towering over her.
"You are a smart guy. Acting dumb doesn't suit you. Now, let's try again, what has happened that has made you so pissed with me?"
"Rookie, I'm not mad at you."
"Yes you are!! You said Rookie in B flat and that only happens when I have royally pissed you off. And last time I checked I haven't done anything wrong-"
"What you did wrong, was crash into my life. What you did wrong, was try to cheer me up on a bad day. What you did wrong, was comfort me in my pain. What you did wrong was have faith in me when I was in doubt. What you did wrong, was make me fall for you."
Leah's jaw dropped. What sort of backhanded compliment was that? Clearing her throat and squashing the butterflies in her stomach, she spoke. "Ethan you can't say things like this to me."
"Why not? It's the truth. I like you way too much for my liking." He said in a low voice.
Leah threw her hands in the air. "Because, I am in a freaking relationship! You had your chance and you blew it. Don't Gove me mixed feelings now."
"No now you will listen. You pushed me away. You said that you wanted space. You wanted my professional development. You wanted things to go back to normal. This is the new normal, okay? Accept it."
For a first time in a very long time, he looked helpless and guilty. "I was so wrong sunshine..."
Leah stuffed her hands in her coat and looked down at her lavender converse. She was at a complete loss of words. If things would have been easier she would have kissed him and hugged the sadness out of him.
But life is complicated. And everything has a price.
"So that's it huh? So..." Gulping Ethan continued, "You are over me?"
Her brain was screaming at her to say yes and to move on from the angsty and painful chapter of her life. But she could not get herself to say it.
"If things were not as fucked up as they were... Do you think we would be a thing?"
Sighing she patted his arm. "I think you are smart enough to figure that out."
Leah side stepped him and climbed down the steps and opened the door of the stairwell to find Bryce standing there, a deer caught in the headlight expression on his face.
Leah greeted him, curiosity laced in her voice. "H..hey?" 
Bryce immediately turned and started walking away fast.
"Bryce wait up."
This is some deja vu.
Bryce stopped and turned towards her, pain shining in his eyes. "Is it true?"
"That you have feelings for Dr. Ramsey."
Shit shit shit. An alarm went on in her brain which caused her to freeze up.
"I-" Leah started but she was interrupted.
"I heard everything."
Leah took a deep breath. Cat’s out of the bag. No point denying it. "Please don't jump to conclusions. I-" her pager beeped, signalling that a VIP patient had arrived and she sighed.
"I need to go now. I will talk to you tonight. Please don't do anything rash. I beg you."
Without saying a word, Bryce shrugged and walked away.
Why is does it feel like the two important men of my life walked away from me in a span of 2 minutes?
It was nine in the night and Leah was finally done with her rounds. Wearing her jeans and jumper, she tied her hair long black locks into a messy bun and stared at her reflection in the mirror.
Letting out a breath, she gave herself a pep talk. Okay Leah... You have to make a decision. You are not Hannah Montana. You can't have the best of both worl-
Her phone pinged, interrupting her. She picked it up to see that it was a text from Ethan. 
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Letting out a sigh, she picked up her messenger bag and walked out of the hospital, only one thing running in her head.
Who do I listen to? My head thats telling me that Ethan will hurt me again and that Bryce is better? Or my heart which tells me that Ethan is my one shot at true love?
It was painful to write this 
Also the last part got 88 notes so lets get this to 90 notes so that I have motivation to write part 3 heheheheh 
what do you think will happen in the next part?
I love you guys 
Permanent Tag list: @trappedinfandoms @oofchoices @agent-breakdance @dailydoseofchoices @tyrilstouch @siaramsey @theeccentricbibliophile @ac27dj @ramseysno1rookie @justanotherrookie @openheart12 @jamespotterthefirst @checkurwindow @chasingrobbie @junggoku  @bellcat2010 @choicesstan1 @mvalentine @crazynutella @hatescapsicum @anonymously-cool @nooruleman @sanvivrma
Ethan x MC Taglist: @ethandaddyramsey @edith-eggs1 @pixelberryownsme @samihatuli @loveellamae @x-kyne-x @paulfwesley @zeniamiii @binny1985 @an-urban-witch-ig @ramseyegerton @mrsdr-ethan-ramsey @newcolonies @theodorepjames4 @unluckygs @choices-love-affair @kaavyaethanramsey  @caseyvalentineramsey @ohramsey @squishywizardhq  @junehiratas @lilyvalentine @itsgoingnuts  @choicesfanaf @humanpokemon @temptress-of-death-and-desire @rookiefromedenbrook @courtesanofedenbrook  @hatescapsicum @sanchita012 @edgiestwinter  @fabi-en-ciel @mrsdrakewalkerblog @elwetritsche75  @livingpurpose @drramseysownsme @queencarb @andromedasinclaire @schnitzelbutterfingers @thanialis @floatingmeera @rookieoh @ethanramseyswhore @lucy-268  @big-yikers ​ @have-aheart ​ @whimsicalreader @tsrookie @itschoicesfanaf @lilypills @mals-chesthair @raleigheffingcarrera @utterlyinevitable @choices-fangirl-yeet @rookie-ramsey @papinaveensbitch @custaroonie @helloayzcream @hyperlightgrifter
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lonestarpost · 3 years
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May 17, 2021~ Masterlist ~ Issue 15
The Edits Edit
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Some of the best edits this week that deserve all the love.
Day 2: TK and the team by @tarlosbuddie is a gorgeous gifset that highlights the 126 rallying around TK. It’s just so beautiful that I cannot stop looking at it.
—I’m just saying, if you’re truly sorry about knocking my block off, maybe you should just give me naming rights to your firstborn.—Uh, what if it’s a girl? by @buckleys-diaz is a fantastic gifset that highlights Grace, Tommy, Judd, and Billy! Plus, take a look at this fantastic Paul content.
“it’s okay. we’re okay.” by @trkstrnd nearly killed me with this video edit of Tarlos in 2x12.
This meet the in laws gifset by @rafasilvas is everything you could want in a gifset! And don’t forget these hot parallels for Tarlos.
#go team go by @rafaelsilva shows some great parallel moments! Let’s not forget this wonderful TK and Mateo moment either.
passion noun // a person toward whom one feels strong love or sexual desire. by @wwasted highlights some of the best moments of Tarlos being passionate.
RAFAEL SILVA as Carlos Reyes in 911 Lone Star S02EP12, The Big Heat. by @shoenaerts highlights the handsome Carlos Reyes so well. This one with Judd and TK also stands out!
RAFAEL SILVA “The Big Heat” — 9-1-1: Lone Star (2.12) by @tylerposey is another gifset that shows the glory of Carlos Reyes (and hotness...)
“i’m… i’m really sorry.” by @kylosolo is so beautiful and heartbreaking!
About the other blow-up at the firehouse... by @audreyhrnes is so pretty, and I love the artistic details in this Tarlos edit.
Fic Recs
Some amazing fics you should check out!
I’ll Steady Your Hand by  @sunshinestrand ( dazedastrophile )
Word Count: 1160
Chapters: 1/1
He can’t seem to find air even as he steps out into the warm Austin sun and he quickly walks away from the entrance of the firehouse, making it a safe distance away before he slides down the side of the building, leaning his head back and only then can he gain some of his breath back, his body panicked.
gonna be okay (but surely not today) by @justapoet ( justapoet )
Word Count: 2590
Chapters: 1/1
He snapped out of it and smiled, though, when TK stepped closer. His smile shortly died at TK's expression, empty and pale, and he moved to put his feet on the ground.
This drabble by @djdangerlove ( DjDangerLove )
Based on this head canon by @mtnofgrace:
Alright here's my little fluffy hc
Tarlos with a baby introducing him/her to Carlos’s parents - Gabriel & Andrea would melt and dote on that baby so much. Maybe going out to the ranch, Carlos showing the baby around even tho he/she is still little. Introducing him/her to his horse and his favorite places on the ranch. TK just watching him and falling more in love with his husband before finally joining him on their little adventure around the ranch.
All night, I’ll riot with you by @bellakitse ( Bellakitse )
Word Count: 2048
Chapters: 1/1
After the fire, Andrea lashes out at Gabriel and Owen for putting the boys in danger. At the end of his rope, Carlos joins in when he hears them say they weren’t thinking of them. He and TK have a conversation about what happened at the firehouse between them.
as the world collapses on hell’s front door by @lire-casander ( Lire_Casander )
Word Count: 1637
Chapters: 1/1
tk's been trying to make sense of his father’s whereabouts for the past couple of days, until a familiar face comes to the station and gives him bad news
as long as I have you by @ravens-words ( Ravens_World )
Word Count: 2934
Chapters: 1/1
TK had known the other shoe would drop eventually. He was honestly surprised they'd lasted this long.
Fandom News
Hosting events? Have important announcements? You’re welcome to bring them here to keep people in the know.
911 & 911 Lone Star AU Weekend
From June 25-28, 2021 there will be an AU weekend for 911 and 911 Lone Star!
Prompts for Fic Writers:
June 25, 2021 - Day 1: “This is the job I was meant to do.” - Different career path
June 26, 2021 - Day 2: “I didn’t expect to see someone like you here.” - Different first meeting
June 27, 2021 - Day 3: It didn’t have to end up like this - change a situation in canon
June 28, 2021 Day 4:  Writer’s choice
Prompts for Artists:
June 25, 2021 - Day 1: First Meeting
June 26, 2021 - Day 2: Soulmate AU
June 27, 2021 - Day 3: Break a canon event
June 28, 2021 Day 4: Artists choice
6 notes · View notes
ineffablefool · 5 years
ineffablefool’s 2019 fanfic post
I started writing Good Omens fanfiction in my head, while trying to sleep, on the night of June 30th.  I put the first actual text down on virtual paper (using the sticky note app on my phone) on July 1st.
My AO3 account had to go through the queue for creation, but I officially joined up on July 15th, and posted that first fic on the 17th.
I have been writing and posting fanfic for six months, and according to AO3′s count, have put up precisely 151249 words.  Now, that’s... not accurate, because I have 18 advent ficlets up, each of which have about 15 words of not-story preamble, plus some song lyrics and such here and there.  But I am pretty sure that there are still fully 150k legitimate words of Soft Zone(TM).
That’s a lot.  I feel pretty accomplished.
Here is a list of everything, oldest first, WIP last.  Every single story is completely asexual, and every single story is completely fat-positive.  That’s the Soft Zone(TM) promise.
Thank you to everyone who’s been riding along with me in 2019.  I hope to bring you even more words in 2020.
Something That Keeps You Here (T, 4880 words) A love-confession fic where Aziraphale is worried that his corporation is too soft, but good news!  It isn’t!
They Are A Pale Picture Of You (T, 4567 words) Kind of like the first one, but from Crowley’s POV -- a love-confession fic with a self-conscious Aziraphale.
Calling You An Angel, Calling You The Nicest Things (G, 1464 words) A lIght-hearted established-relationship fic revolving around pet names.
Hoping For The Chance To Start (G, 713 words) A Crowley’s Flat After The World Doesn’t End ficlet with light mutual pining but no romantic resolution.
And I’ve Waited For You (G, 1844 words) A love-confession fic with a bunch of pining Crowley up front.
Log Of Events In A Soho Bookshop (G, 1184 words) A light-hearted established-relationship fic where Aziraphale gets really distracted by reading.
Spoiled, Sweet (T, 1804 words) A love-confession fic which was written just because I got one moment stuck in my head and had to shove the entire rest of a story around it.  Features pining but also silliness.
For Want Of A Scone (T, 3566 words) A lightly piney but mostly breezy love-confession fic.  The first time I started getting really obnoxious about the fat positivity (and then I basically never stopped, and also won’t).
Crowley Wakes (G, 1604 words) A sort of angsty piney thing where actually there’s no need for pining at all.  Crowley is kind of a disaster sometimes.
A Plea, A Petition, A Kind Of Prayer (G, 3607 words) Fairly heavy angst by my Soft(TM) standards.  A dickwheelie letters fic where Aziraphale finds a bunch of mysterious unsent love letters from the 1800s and then shows them as a curiosity to Crowley.  I wrote a handful of the letters and they are redolent of conifer.
Then I Knew, Oh Then I Knew (G, 3536 words) A love-confession fic with just a smidge of corporation angst from Aziraphale.
Tattlebones (G, 3345 words) A silly, breezy love-confession fic revolving around a goofy stunt and a plastic skeleton.
Armor Of Righteousness (G, 3209 words) A somewhat dramatic Protective Aziraphale love-confession fic.  Exists because I couldn’t stop thinking about this sketch by speremint.
My Heart Your Home, Your Shape My World (T, 4974 words) As of when it was posted in August, my most blatantly yell-it-to-the-rooftops fat-positive fic.  Established-relationship fluff, non-sexual intimacy, lots of softness.
Your One Pet Name For Me (G, 2615 words) A love-confession fic that I basically wrote because TheLadyZephyr got me thinking about pet names.
A Very Peculiar Feeling (G, 2639 words) A love-confession fic where Aziraphale can sense something from Crowley which definitely isn’t love, nope nope.
Sometimes The Truth Is Like A Second Chance (T, 3118 words) A love-confession fic where Crowley has an accidental fake boyfriend, like in this Tumblr post.
All Sorts Of Fascinating Things (T, 6855 words) Established-relationship crossover fic with Star Trek TOS, although it’s barely a crossover in that no important Star Trek characters have lines.  Remember the episode “Shore Leave”?  Yeah, it’s that episode.
So Soft, So Warm (T, 1314 words) An established-relationship very fluffy, very lovingly fat-positive fic.
A Snowy Night In Soho (T, 2463 words) An established-relationship very fluffy, very spitefully fat-positive fic.
To Carry All My Love For You (T, 6268 words) A love-confession fic where Aziraphale has large arms, with folds and lots of stretch marks and lovely things like that, because an anon asked for it.
It’s Beginning To Look A Bit Ineffable, I Suppose (T, 14653 words) Probably complete because I don’t expect I’ll do the prompt for the 31st -- 18 holiday-themed ficlets based on drawlight’s prompt list.  Mix of established-relationship and love-confession; mix of canonverse and my INNW human AU.
If Not Now, When (T, WIP, 71027 words currently) Currently-updating human AU, 24 chapters posted thus far, 26 written, and 28 total expected.  Crowley is trans and ace and falls hopelessly in love with a customer at the coffee shop where he’s briefly working.  All the obnoxiously adoring fat positivity you can handle, plus Battling Personal Demons and the occasional stop-in at a very silly tabletop RPG game.
(Fun fact: my earliest stories were written with canon Aziraphale’s appearance in mind!  The first one where I can for sure remember my visibly-fat-Aziraphale headcanon coming into play was For Want Of A Scone, although that doesn’t mean I hadn’t been spoiled by speremint’s lovely art earlier.)
(Additional fun fact: I hope you are having a lovely day, night, or other time period!)
30 notes · View notes
These are the links to the smut games 80% of these requests reference to:
 Smut Game 1 || Smut Game 2 || Smut Game 3 || Smut Game 4|| Smut Game 5
if a smut game isn’t listed in the request just pick one, if it’s a smut game with a high number chances are it’s from smut game 4 or smut game 5!
Rules or regulations:
1. If you post the scenario on your personal Tumblr make sure to put IOAMB in the first five tags!
2. Feel free to submit the scenario to me and I’ll post it if you want to stay anonymous 
3. If you post the story elsewhere on a different platform please give credit to this Tumblr, and send me a link, I still would love to read them!
I see your request are open... I don’t know if you write for A.C.E but if you do can I get like a making out with Chan, please??? It could just be making out or lead to more, that could be up to you
if you are still up to it,, can i request an a.c.e junhee smut based on 'toothbrush' by dnce ? if not that's ok,, but either way thank you for staying active and i love what you do !! 💝
I want request a.c.e nerd!jun smut where you are college students and he is ur tutor and u tease him all the time pls 💛💙💚🧡❤
can i request a chan (a.c.w) thigh riding?
hi ! thank you for keeping this acc alive with quality content ,, i was wondering if you would still be willing to write sumn for a.c.e ? nothing wild,, just a soft smut for junhee based on either waste it on me (bts) or beautiful (bazzi). it doesn't matter whether it's a drabble, scenario, or bullet pointed,, but if not that's totally fine and thank you again !
Can I request a single mom au and you have been dating Junee from A.C.E for 4 months and you decide to tell him and you aon calls him oppa and everything is happy. Also can there be a little bit of angst because he is a little upset you didn't tell him. Thanks😘😘😘
A.C.E donghun literaly anything about making love at like 2 a.m.
Hi I see that you do anime request too I’m so happy because I love your writing!💕 If I can request one punch man saitima x reader(female) if the story be kind like they were married and she just found out she was pregnant 🥰 and anything else can be up too you 😊 thank you
can i request a grey vampire smut
May I request a scenario where Gilthunder meets up with the reader after not seeing them for a long time?
I love your writings so much ahhh but I’ve never sent in a request! Could I request something with Hongjoong from Ateez pls? Super steamy, go wherever your mind takes you💋
i know you don't know ateez the much but can i request a seonghwa vampire fluff smut
Ohhh nice can i request a heated makeout session with Hongjoong?
Heyooooo. Can I request a pure smut with T.O.P. and GD of BigBang with numbers 20,22,29,40,53,56 and 57? 😅 If it's too much, just ignore it. (srry for bad english). Thank you in advance 💕
Omg could I request from smut game no.5 BigBang’s T.O.P and numbers 33 and 88, combined if possible. L O V E your smut to DEATH! Thank you❤️
Can I get an uhhhh Drabble request of joon wanting reader to ride him but she’s too shy ands he’s also obsessed with her boobs? Gracias unnie😚
Hmm I just came from watching Eat Jin/Eat Chim’s vlive so I’m having feelings... of a slightly crack, lil bit fluffy/smutty~ scenario with Jin and foodplay 😋
BTS reaction to s/o being thicc? Pretty please and thank you
Hiiii! Is there a way i may request a smutty/ fluffy jin? Like one where it's a cock warming one? I love your writing and want you to do it if you can!? Thank youuuu!!
Can I request a suga scenario where he and his girlfriend fight and he gets so mad she thinks he'll get aggressive towards her?
kim taehyung in a bandanna will forever be my kink. like could you just imagine being blinded by his favorite one when he goes down on you? or tied to the bed with them with a vibrator to your clit? or him twirling it and spanking you with it when you’re being a brat? girl 🥵 - ftta
Hello!, I love you fics. Could you write a lovesick/passionate Taehyung smut please
Yoongi getting really mad at anther member bc of whatever while his girlfriend is with them and she gets scared scenario pls :)
can you imagine sucking tae off in poor kookie’s bed? like okay you’re on your knees on the floor, completely naked. tae is on the edge of kook’s bed with his dick in your mouth, head thrown back letting out breathy moans. then poor virgin jungkook walks in and see you two and he’s just a shy bitch and he’s like “that’s.. that’s my bed” but you can see that he’s ROCK HARD as his eyes are just glued on your pussy clenching around nothing. and you and tae are just like, “wanna join?” - ftta
i’m tryna choke on tae and have him stick his fingers down my throat and smack me in the face and hold my hair in a makeshift ponytail while he fucks my face 🥵 - ftta
i want tae to choke me while i ride him into the sunset. I WANNA GET CAUGHT BY PAPA JOON AND MAMA JIN AND GET YELLED AT 😩 tae likes chocolate and i have a whole lot of it that i’m willing to share - ftta
Can you please do something where jungkook eats you out until you can’t feel your legs please?
Hey could you write a story of namjoon and hoseok and the reader being in a poly relationship. The reader is their sub/girlfriend, heavy bdsm and praise kink :3
105 w/ namkook plssss
I WAS LITERALLY SMILING SO HARD WHEN I CAME ACROSS THE “your hair looks vibrant against my dark complexion” PART THEN I JUST COULDNT STOP SMILING OMG. well here’s some more thoughts. i keep having this daydream of tae eating me out after he’s been out all day and he asked if i touched myself at all (it’s a rule that i can’t) and i say i haven’t but i rode kookie’s thigh and jimin ate me out. then he begins a ruthless fingering pace and he’s all cocky “i’m sure jimin can’t make you feel - ftta
Can I get a mufuckinuhhhhh.... Namkook 3some?????
i wanna dom jungkook with taehyung and have him call me mommy and tell me how he’s a good bunny and that he deserves to cum. i wanna listen to him beg me to tell tae to let him cum. “i’m a good bunny mommy. please tell daddy to let me cum. i’m such a good bunny. please, i’m so close” fuck me up
Hey, so I was wondering if you could do a smut fic with Tae (BTS) waking you up with slow passionate sex
yoongi 101 pls ?
i’m not yoongi biased and i try to remain in my lane since my bestfriend is, but like i’m dyinggggg to receive some tongue technology. he’s such a lazy person and i feel like he’ll lazily give head too. always having me on the edge of cumming but not quite enough. i love the idea of edging so yes let’s do it. send me to hong kong min yoongi - ftta
I don't know if you are taking request but could I request a Taehyung x reader? Where it's like a daddy and kitten dynamic, and he keeps praising her while he eats her out? Or something like this? I absolutely love your writing, you're so talented. Thank you 💜
BTS and GOT7 Reacts to Coming Home and S/O Throwin’ It Back
Hi! I'd like a Yoonkook smut. Yoongi and jungkooJ from BTS just for clarification. And I'd also like the numbers 24 and 28 from the second smut list to be included in it. Thank you! Also you can decide if the two of them are dating or are just good friends. Have a nice day/night!
Could you please do a “sex in the shower” with jungkook please???
can i request a poly relationship with a sub!jungkook, dom!taehyung and dom!female reader? where kookie is begging to cum and he promises he’s a good bunny? this has been a reoccurring dream 😂
Hi again ❤ a while ago i request #8 and #18 but i didn't put from what smut game so i'm here to say that they're from Smut game 2. Sorry for my silliness and again thank you very much w/ a dom Yoongi
Hi~ I would like to ask for 19 and 22 with submissive YoonGi and Female reader. By the way i love your blog, it's really awesome ❤
and please please please pretty please do the bts one to their s/o holding in their moans oh PLEASE
How about Suga for that shower sex scene, I feel like that would be great
Hi for your Smut game 5 can I request no.8 no.12 no.14 no.26 no.32 With BTS’ Kim Namjoon please :))
Hello lovely, I just wanted to say you are my absolute favorite writing blog. I was wondering if you could write a smut where you embarrass Namjoon while you're at an event by "flirting" with another member in front of everyone so he punishes you when you get home. Thank you lovely 💕.
Hello! Could I request #14 with Bts’ Taehyung? :))
51 smut game 5 with jungkook please?
Hello:), Could I get a Jimin, Jungkook, and V fanfic with 78,81,83.
Hi! I would like a V(BTS) fanfiction with the prompts 18 and 46
100,103,104 with Bts’ Yoongi please. I love your blog <3
28 smut with Jeon jungkook!!!!!!!!
#48 bondage smut game 3 with Maknae lineV?
#11 smut with jungkook?
Hi!! I absolutely love your writing and was wondering if you could do: y/n and Jungkook first time (him maybe being kind of nervous) Thank you so much!! How do I know if/ when you do it? Will I just have to keep in checking? 😊😂
I saw your requests are open! Can I please request a smut with Sehun containing spanking?
Can you do a best friend scenario where you find out that kyungsoo has a daddy kink
I'm not sure what's going on with me, but I have been thinking about Chanyeol a lot lately. Like I really want him to just put his hand on my cheek with his thumb in my mouth as I sink to my knees and he fucks my throat😩, please tell me that this is just a phase
Baekhyun whispering in my ear telling me what a good girl I am for them and whining while kissing my ear and neck telling me how badly he wanted to fuck me. Chanyeol chucking against my pussy, the vibrations causing me to buck my hips up to his face, begging him for more. Them making me cum over and over again. Taking turns fucking me while the other fucks my mouth. Fucking each other while the other fucks me. Until they eventually fuck me at the same time.... Yeah such a way to wake up. -💜(2/2)
I literally woke up so hot and bothered! Laying against Baekhyun, my back against his chest, his arms forcing my legs open for Chanyeol, who is slowly leaving kisses down my body. Baekhyun running his hands down my torso up to my breasts, playing with them. Chanyeol finally giving in to my desperate pleas for him to stop teasing and finally fucking me with his tounge. -💜 (½)
can i request from the smut game? exo’ chanyeol x female reader #15? (maybe sub!chanyeol with a mommy kink?)
smut game 1 // 14 // for lay x male reader
3rd: 77 with dom Baekhyun ft Yixing/Lay
56 and 101 with EXO chanyeol please!!!! Thank you so much!
Hi! Can I get 28 and 39 with EXO Sehun???? Thank you!
82; jongin & kyungsoo
can you write number 8 for lay x male reader plss 💕
If you write for exo...Please write a Dom Minsoek imagine.
Can I get an ot12 exo reaction to you loving being overstimulated for long periods of time(5 orgasms non stop for example) please?
Xiumin Rought Sex prompt?
the baekyeol poly request was about baek and the reader being chayeols littles who weren’t allowed to touch each other but baek being the brat he is gets curious when chanyeol leaves and talks the shy reader into play time?? they probably get in big trouble when he interrupts them 😉
a smut w morning sex by jaebum?
Can i request 20 of the smut game with got7 mark and Bambam they are my biases ❤
Can you do JB making you his for the first time, if you know what I mean
Could I request a reaction in which the reader (being a little heavier/chubbier than usually) gets into an anxious state when GOT7 undresses them worrying about how they look in their eyes?
hii! could i get a smut w jb from got7 where the reader is riding him in the living room while the tv is on in the background? thank you c: ps. love your writing c:
Can I request a GOT7 reaction/scenario, in which Y/N is very self conscious and insecure about herself/himself due to being a little chubbier than others and questions if she’s worth being liked and if the member actually likes her. 🤧🙏🏻
can you please make got7 reacting to you getting angry and ignoring him in a conversation while his friends watch?
Can I request got7 reacting to making y/n cry??🥰
i feel like bam is a cum inside, swallow, on your face or on your tits. he likes to paint his s/o - ftta
Will you please write something with Smut Game 2 numbers 13 and 15 with Mark from GOT7?💚 Your writings are so amazing by the way :)))
Can you do jealous Mark got7 scenario smut how would be. Like you don't give him attention because you are busy speaking with the boys or else. Pretty pls ❤
The thought of Mark and Bambam and Jinyoung just taking me in all three holes. My tattooed body covered in their cum. Them calling me a cock hungry whore as i happily choke on whoever's length is in my mouth. My pierced bottom lip bruised from the face fucking. All their moans and grunts. Jinyoung holding my wrists behind my back groaning what a slutty cunt i have and that im their fuck toy to fuck whenever they want 😍
BTS and GOT7 Reacts to Coming Home and S/O Throwin’ It Back
Can I request jealous Daddy!JB having angry sex with you (his gf) after seeing you talk to your Ex Seungcheol from SVT? Let’s just say that maybe Scoups got a little too close for JBs liking.
Can I get 36, 45, 82, and 100 with JB, Jinyoung, and Mark from Got7?
Hello can I request a threeway yugyeom x bambam x girl reader smut please?? With prompts 37 and 65 from smut game 5? Noona kink please 😭 tysm ily if you do this!
I’m the anon that requested number 80 for markson... I forgot to add which smut game: smut game 5
Can you please do number 28 with jb?
(Smut game 5) Yugyeom and 65, 71, and 72 please xoxo
5+77+79 got7 gang bang pleasue
11 with bambam please
jinyoung with 27 and 57
👋🏻 hey. I don’t know if your still taking requests for you smut game but 104,101,40,14and 21 with mafia boss JB make up sex
Could I request #73 (from smut game 5) with BamBam?
16 and 17 smut with Jackson please!
Telling GOT7 you're ready for a baby 😉
Hello idk if you got my ask because my internet was giving out right when I was sensing it but I wanted to request a threesome smut with yugyeom x bambam x Female reader. Using scenarios 37 65 79 from the smut game #5!!! Tysm! (If you did see the first ask you can ignore this one)
Shiii that Monsta X reaction post was great, I know you said you'd do the maknae line but I was wondering if you could kind of make one for Got7 as well. It's cool if you don't want to I just wanted to know if you'd be up for it (holding back moans)
Rough sex with Jinyoung (GOT7)?
Jinyoung (GOT7) Dom imagine?
Can I request a smutty Jooheon drabble? Like maybe he’s a mafia king and you’re his gf.
Part V of ‘A helping hand maybe mouth’
For the drabble thing...uh Shownu as an eThot or like him just being real good to himself in the mirror 😳😳🙈 an I mean if you already have something like that link me frfr♡
Wonho. Love at first sight
Hey can you do smut where Jooheon and you are sworn enemies? You can decide the rest of the plot -Thanks
Hello loove 💗💗 if you are accepting requests and aren’t too busy with life, may I request a soft Jooheon smut? Thank you in advance! ☺️
Hi can I request a Shownu date smut?
Can you do a (possible daddy???/sir??) Monsta X reaction to them fucking you so hard you have tears running down your cheeks? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Thanks luv
Can I get a Monsta X request of Minhyuk? 20, 45, 46 Thank you, love you~
And Shownu's pillowy lips 😍😍😍😍 imagine them running along your skin and whispering naughty things in your ear…
11 & 14 with chanhyuk from monsta x please ❤️
Hello!! I just found your blog and I really like it it’s great !! But could I request a scenario with Kihyun from Monsta X where he’s been stressed and frustrated all day but when he finally gets home he lets all his anger out on you ( If you know what I mean *wink* *wink*) please and thank you!!❤️
I was wondering if you could do number 41 in the list you made, with Kihyun (from Monsta x)?
Heeeeey I was wondering if your requests are still open, and if so can I get a smut fic about Hyungwon (Monsta X) being in love with his cute chubby black girlfriend's creamy thighs but in a smutty way lol
#39 with shownu? thank you!
OML REQUESTS ARE OPEN OKAY CALM DOWN, I want to request Jooheon x fem!reader x Jackson smut with the prompts (13,39,40,79 and 81) where Jackson confessed to Jooheon that he had been have no fantasies about Jooheon’s gf and how he wants to make her cum so much she’s shaking, and passed out by the end? Good god I’m too dirty for my own health. Thank you and have a good day, remember it’s okay to feel sad, and if you need to talk, never hesitate to do that! 💙💙💙💙
I just noticed your requests are open and I'm super excited! Could you please do MX Hyungwon as a dom, similar to his "Promise is a Promise" character. I'm not too good with situations, maybe jealously or SugarDaddy!AU? Thank you so much, you're a very sophisticated smut writer!
monsta x reaction to their s/o riding them
Monsta X reaction to you having triplets
Wonho being whiny in bed smut please?
Yay omg your requests are open!!!! Please can i have a smut with shownu and fem reader. Since its nearing christmas maybe something where you're both decorating your apartment and he finds the christmas lingerie you were going to surprise him with???
Monsta x Joohoen..'When you ask him to go rough on you' ?
Overstimulation with Lucas?? ~🌹
i heard that you're requests are open, can u do something where you make NCT's Taeyong mad and he ties you up and overstimulates you with a vibrator
Werewolf Lucas x African American reader smut please?
hiii, can i request sub!Jaehyun, tied up, whiny, + overstimulation pls??? thank youuuu💕
This is a smut for yuta NCT. Where the female reader is helping him study for something(English maybe) and decides to reward him because the did good, !sub-yuta! And he is a moaning mess
Omg I don't know why... But I'm eating ice cream and it started melting so I had to hurry to lick it off... And now I'm becoming obsessed with the thought of someone licking ice cream off me..or whipped cream... Or licking it off of Jaehyun... I can't 😰 -💜
I got an idea. So Lucas smut. You've been seeing Jaehyun for a while and you like him he's a really sweet dude. Unknowingly to you Lucas is hella jealous and decides to do something about it. So he may or may not have mess up your date with Jaehyun causing Jaehyun to think you the date never existed from deleting your text. And he comes to save the day but he can't stand how you're so willing to forgive Jaehyun so it turns into a bit of angry/jealous sexy time.
Can I get a smut with either Yuta or Winwin, where you are helping him study and he is having a hard time so you decide to give him a reward 😏. Put some sub- action to please.
So do you write for Jaemin NCT? If you do can I get a first time with reader smut? Shy and soft. If you are not comfortable with writing for Jaemin can I have it for Yuta instead. Thank you. ~💕
Daddy kink with Jaehyun.........🤤
could i ask for a johnny seo x yukhei smut where they both fucked you before and johnny walks in on you getting ate out from lucas and bets he can make you scream louder? This has been on my mind for the looongest. please and thank you 💘
You write your NCT right? Can you make a yuwin x reader smut, some whinny baby boys would be nice to, if you don't want to do two characters you can pick one.
do you think you could write a Johnny x poc reader x jaehyun where they are all roommates and one day they see the readers toys and uses them on her? please and thank u 💓
Smut Game 5 | 29 + 28 + 50 with YUTA from NCT. 😎 Thank you, I love your incredible content.
#46 with nct yuta pls ;)
Can I request 65 with Jungwoo? For the smut game 5 thing? Is this how I do it? :)
1st: 44 with Sicheng/Winwin as the sub.
2nd: 85 with Doyoung as the dom ft Jungwoo.
5, 23, 27 for Ceo!Johnny?
Omg ok so the very very first one and very very last one of the post with Johnny of nct 😬😬 If not, just the first one please 😌 (Sending on anon cause it sends from my main) -@sexynct
10 + 69 with nct 127 winwin? 💚
can I request yuta smut where he gets jealous? 👀 Also I think your account is safe! The tumblr rule doesn’t apply to smut 💘
44, 20 for the smut game please 🥰🥰 and also can be with either with taeyong, doyoung or jaehyun <3 (smut game 5)
#50 from smut game 5 with ncts johnny please x
okay yanan from pentagon is my ult bias. my beautiful baby. i bet sex with him is always so deep, long and full of love and praises. “you’re so pretty baby” “you feel so good clenching around me” “oh my, i love you” he makes me so soft - ftta
Hello!! After seeing Taemin’s Want mv i’ve been craving for a Taemin smut about him being a seducer??? Like i have no idea what i want but that HAHAH please go off i trust your writing ^^
Could u do Cock warming with Christian Yu?
Hello, i love your scenarios. Can please make a story with Monster woo, like the movie a marry an anti fan,or something bad fell in love. Thank you
you could do a scenario with no:el where reader is older than him (noona) and gets flirting with him, and he is embarrassed? well, he is legally of age, but if you do not want to do smut I understand. but I really want that scenario. thanks!
hey sweetie can u please write some coogie fluff? i dont find anything😭
pls a christian yu scenario about he discover that will be dad, his gf saying that she is pregnant?
hey can u pls do a scenario with seungmin(wybh)
can u write a jealous monster woo smUT PLEASE
Can you do a size kink smut with monster woo
Hi! I was wondering if you could do a Jay Park fluff/smut where you haven’t slept with him in a long time because of a huge weight gain from medication? I love your blog sooo such! Keep up the amazing work doll 🖤
can you write something where monster woo comes home really tired and upset and i comfort him by giving him a massage and lots of cuddles (please and thank you )
please write more christian yu or kim youngwoo smut!!!! Daddy’s Cum Slut is so good iM crYinG
Monster Woo smut where you’re a virgin and its your first time, thanks!
Hi! Im new to your account but i already love it and the way you write🙈 i just wanna say please keep doing the audios, i really like the one you posted!!!! And if you take requests, pls a Simon Dominic one🙈 thank you💙
Hi, can you make a Dean x Reader one where the reader is having a panic attack and he tries to calm her down and it turns into a make out session. Fluffy plss 🙂
I'm desperately in need of Christian yu scenarios. Maybe a scenario with his girlfriend on Instagram live? like he does a live at morning and u join him after u wake up? love u btw❤
hello! may i request a dpr live smut wherein the reader is a stripper and dabin watches them after a long day of recording. thanks! ❤️
Pleaseee I need some more Christian Yu smut in my life, it can be anything!!
Can I have a Kris scenario with overstimulation and a quiet and shy reader please?
Hi! I was wondering if you could do a Jay Park fluff/smut where you’re insecure about the baby weight you gained after having his first child? If not that’s totally fine! I love your blog, Thank you 🥰🥰🥰
Hello ok so this might be little to descriptive but here goes can you write a smut about monster woo having sex with his neighbors daughter. Can you also make the girl like 4'7?
Christian x Y/n x Dabin yes PUHLEEZ you are a genius can’t freakin wait ~ Toki 💕 anon
Omg I am so freakin excited to read that New Christian Yu Smut!!!!!!! Lollll you tryna add a dabin/dpr live smut to ya requests👀❤🙏 I feel like dabin is like lowkey kinky ya feel? Like choking and maybe even slapping like.... I see it. Every time I listen to text me and he says show me how you uhh and im like ???? How I what you gotta be specific😂💀 anyway I'm rambling ok gonna read now - Toki anon💘
hi, could you write a christian yu x monster woo x reader smut, theyre daddy/master doms and the reader is their pet/baby girl. theyre into degradation but praise kink too and are sweet and rough, :) merci
Hi! I love your writing! I was wondering if you could do a Jay Park fluff/smut of where you’re insecure to have sex with him because you’re plus sized, and not his type but he fell in love with you anyway? That kinda made no sense, sorry 😬 but if not that’s so chill! Keep up the great work doll!!
I just read the monster woo smut and I fucking loved it. Can I please request a smut with young west from mkit rain ( his name is Kim youngwoo as well haha) where you come at the studio to keep him company while he’s recording his latest mixtape ( so he’s kinda stressed) but you’re horny and things get steamy? Thanks a lot in advance
Oh and can you make y/n black, with long hair , big eyes and a little bit shorter than young west ?( I’m tall but he’s surely taller than me lol) and slim thick ( just a little tho) Ok I hope I didn’t exaggerate with the request 😅 Thanks again if you’ll write it :)
Oh god, super nerve wracking to write to you without anon on but I'm trying to be braver and you deserve to know who it is that appreciate your awesome efforts of writing. If it's possible I would love to request a Monster Woo smut where he's just downright domestic? Just really taking care of his babygirl? Let me know if you need more description!
HIII I LOVE YOUR FANFICS OMG 😍😍 Can I please request a Monster Woo smut where he fights with his s/o and is really angry so he lets out all the anger in bed? If that makes sense, like he would be really rough and shit? Thank youuu 🥰
Alrighty do you think you can pop out a chan(Chris) Drabble where he likes to be choked? Like it starts out making out in bed ignoring the movie we put on and then smutty smut smut SMUUUUTTTT😊 - Toki💘
okay so can you do a make out session with lots of dry humping that ends up with u getting him off by a handjob with chan?
thigh riding with minho from stray kids?
What about Chan & Squirting ? Like it’s not his plan but he’s going so hard it just happens 🤷🏽‍♀️
Pls just write anything smutty about Felix bc he got me feeling some way recently
hello, I love your writings so much you're amazing! I wanted to request a cockwarming session with chan in his studio, thank you! ❤❤❤.
a smut or pre-smut w han jisung of stray kids? maybe in the dorm? ^^
Heyy, hope you’re having a good day uwu Could you please write stray kids’ reaction to their gf sexting them (teasing) in public thank you!!
If requests are open and you write for Stray Kids can you do a bang chan smut maybe😅
can I get a bang chan meal with edging and overstimulation on the side? I would also like a sex toy with my combo :) and a large size kink <3 extra napkins and extra lube please
hey, i know one of these is already written, but i wanted to request a felix (stray kids) x reader fic. uh maybe where he asks you to be his boyfriend and then the members walk in on you guys making out?? i’m sorry if this is too similar to the other fic!! and of course you don’t have to do it if it’s too much trouble!! thanks to all you guys for being wonderful writers 🌸
i'm not sure if you're open to requests atm but i was wondering if you could make stray kids' reaction to taking a shower with their s/o for the first time and or seeing them in a bikini or some sort lol sorry if im asking too much and its okay if you don't want to do it, i understand. keep up the good work💟
Hi! Can I request a bang chan smut? Maybe you guys are in the dorm and need to be quiet so the others don't here. Love your blog!!💗
Could you do 63 and 99 from smut game 5 for stay kids bang chan please?💜
a seokmin smut w him having a thing for titties and dirty talk👉👈also THIGHS his thighs
What would seventeen be like with their little? I gotta know~
hi yes can minghao and vernon run a train on me? please and thank you from the bottom of my vagina and throat - ftta
Not to be that person but sunwoo can like you know eat me out with those lips because 🥵🥵🥵🥵
A smut with a dom Ravi for the smut drabble thing
Haiii beautiful soul💋 if your game n.5 is still open can i request threesome with VIXX Ravi and Leo, 80., 90. and 91. If u cant make it its okay. I just wanted to say that my inner hoe is enjoying your posts so much💋 have a beautiful day/night.
Best friends to lovers fluff/ Angst featuring Vixx Hongbin x reader Pwease?
Hey, i wanted to request a smut! Threesome with vixx’s hongbin and sanghyuk. Smut game 5 (12,54,81,84&87) can it be like the main character is hongbins gf and she keeps teasing him while the two members are playing video games then !!!
Okay because I am the biggest slut for Leo and Hongbin can I get the dirtiest kinkiest threesome please. Your work is amazing and I only trust your admins with this request. Thank you in advance
Uh those last two Leo requests are from game 5 ^~^ one was with prompt 5 and the other with prompt 82 😬
82, 79, 32, with Leo, Ravi, and Wonho please??
5, 27, 29 with VIXX Leo please? I love reading your smut 😏
Yay, requests are open!! 😃 can you please do CEO Leo who is just completely enthralled with Reader when she starts working for him and he flirts with her no matter where they are or who’s with them and eventually smut happens? I’m in need of some good VIXX smut 😏😏
Can i get 43 and 26 with Mafia!Ravi the pornshik? lol i'm gonna love this blog hard! ♡♡♡
psa: sex with winner’s jinwoo is probably so loving and sweet but if he’s pissed he’s breaking my back, making me cry and shit. rip the other members ears - ftta
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nykie-love-anime · 1 year
June Fluffy Prompts
This is my 30 Day Writing Challenge
Day 1 ~ Coffee Shop Au Aizawa x Female!Reader
Day 2 ~ First Meeting Fanboy x Mitchell!Reader
Day 3 ~ College Au Bakugou x Female!Reader
Day 4 ~ Sharing A Bed Bob x Female!Reader Headcanons
Day 5 ~ Celebration Cyclone x Mitchell!Reader
Day 6 ~ Adopting A Pet Steve x Female!Reader
Day 7 ~ Gardening Shigaraki x Female!Reader
Day 8 ~ Stuck Together Dabi x Female!Reader
Day 9 ~ Kisses Hawks x Female!Reader Headcanons
Day 10 ~ Promises Aizawa x Female!Reader
Day 11 ~ Clothes Part 1 Various Rick & Morty Characters x Reader
Day 12 ~ Clothes Part 2 Jake x Female!Reader Bradley x Female!Reader
Day 13 ~ Dancing Izuku x Wife!Reader
Day 14 ~ Gifting Something Cute / Dumb Kirishima x Female!Reader
Day 15 ~ “You Play The Piano So Well.” Bradley x Female!Reader
Day 16 ~ “I’ll Keep You Safe I Promise.” Bradley x Daughter!Reader
Day 17 ~ Breakfast In Bed Bucky x Rogers!Reader
Day 18 ~ Road Trip Karasuno x Male!Reader Headcanons
Day 19 ~ Attention Phoenix x Female!Reader
Day 20 ~ “Just Pretend To Be My Date.” Kuroo x Female!Reader
Day 21 ~ Caught In The Rain Daichi x Female!Reader Headcanons
Day 22 ~ “Your Hair Is So Soft.” Kenma x Male!Reader Headcanons
Day 23 ~ Flowers Pete x Daughter!Reader
Day 24 ~ Sharing Blankets BakuDeku x Bakugou!Female!Reader
Day 25 ~ Reading In Bed Iceman x Male!Reader
Day 26 ~ Love Notes Hizashi x Female!Reader
Day 27 ~ Reunion Jake x Female!Reader
Day 28 ~ Pet Names Texting SMAU
Haikyuu My Hero Academia
Day 29 ~ Late Night Date Javy x Female!Reader
Day 30 ~ Desserts Shinsou x Gn!Reader
Tumblr media
So my last post for June Fluffy Prompts was just posted. I cannot believe a month went by that quickly. I would just like to thank everyone who read my fics. Thank you for the likes, reblogs and comments I really, really appreciate every one of you guys.
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sae-bae-ran · 7 years
A/N: ★ - personal favorite; I’ll try to update this post every month; likes and reblogs are much appreciated ^^
Would you consider a gift in the form of a cup of coffee? ☕ ^^ I love coffee!
Last update: January 26, 2019
Rules: click
All Scenarios: click
RFA (+ Saeran and Vanderwood):
Breakfast in bed with RFA + Saeran
RFA waking up before MC and falling even deeper for her
RFA + Saeran breaking the 4th wall to comfort a very sad MC ★
RFA + Saeran accidentally tripping and falling onto MC
RFA calming down MC with severe anxiety
RFA + Saeran dancing with MC ★
RFA (- Yoosung & Seven) + Saeran with a very sensitive and compassionate MC
MC finds herself in RFA + Saeran‘s world ★
Zen, Jumin and Saeran reacting to an MC who gets hit by a car on the street
RFA + Saeran reacting to an oblivious MC whose male best friend has feelings for her ★
RFA + Saeran crossing over dimensions to comfort a heartbroken MC ★
RFA + Saeran proposing to MC ★ 
RFA + Saeran hearing MC singing for the first time
RFA + Saeran and Vanderwood reacting to an MC who is depressed/self-harms
RFA comforting/taking care of an MC who’s in severe pain
MC catching RFA + Saeran singing to themselves
RFA + Saeran on their wedding night (nsfw-ish) ★
Zen, Yoosung, Saeyoung and Saeran breaking the 4th wall to reassure MC they love her ★
RFA + Saeran go back in time to save MC from a fatal accident ★
Zen and Jumin reacting to an MC who performed for them at the RFA party
By Character
Zen being supportive of an MC who’s learning how to swim
Yoosung reacting to an MC with autism
Jumin reacting to MC with Hematidrosis
Jumin + an MC with a black cat named Luna
Jumin and MC on a date
Jumin and infertile MC adopt a baby boy
Saeran dating an MC who can heal plants and accelerate their growth
All Headcanons: click
Zen’s birthday HCs
RFA + Saeran with an MC who has super long and beautiful hair
RFA reacting to a hard-working MC with a learning disability
RFA with an MC who loves to tickle them as a form of affection
RFA + Saeran with an MC who has dark skin and picks at it
RFA + Saeran and Vanderwood reacting to an MC who has a hard time flying
RFA + Saeran and Vanderwood reacting to an MC who is going blind [short post]
RFA + Saeran reacting to a rich MC
RFA + Saeran and Vanderwood reacting to an MC who smokes
Zen, Jaehee and Saeyoung with an MC who’s like a little sister to them
RFA reacting to an MC who speaks more than 10 languages
Saeran and Saeyoung reacting to an MC with very low self-esteem
RFA + Saeran reacting to an MC who has trust issues
Saeran + aftercare (nsfw-ish) ★
RFA - V + Saeran comforting an MC who has severe period cramps ★
RFA reacting to an MC who has a risky job
RFA + Saeran and their spirit animals
RFA with an MC who has trouble sleeping at night
Yoosung, Jumin, V, Saeran and Vanderwood with an MC who’s like a little sister to them
RFA + Saeran reacting to an MC who doesn’t want to have kids
RFA (- Zen and V) + Saeran on their first date with MC  ★
RFA + Saeran and Vanderwood text MC for Fanfic Author Appreciation Day
RFA + Saeran and Vanderwood reacting to an MC who fears failure
Jaehee, Saeran and Vanderwood reacting to an MC who is superstitious
Jumin, Saeyoung, Saeran and Vanderwood reacting to an MC who’s a criminal lawyer
The MCs and their partners dressing up for Halloween
Trick-or-treating with Saeyoung and Saeran
Saeran in an established/committed relationship
Saeyoung + aftercare (nsfw-ish)
Yoosung with a little daughter who looks just like MC
Zen, Jumin, Saeyoung, Saeran and Vanderwood reacting to an MC who has supernatural powers
By Character
All Writing Prompts: click
“I’m in love for the first time”
“I lie awake and miss you” ★
“This calls for a toast, so pour the champagne!”
“Hold me close”
“You are my only one”
“When it all seems to fall apart, I will be here”
“I love the way you laugh”
“I know this isn’t much, but...”
“I still can’t believe that you’re right next to me“
“Come to bed, don’t make me sleep alone!”
“So… Looks like we’re the only ones without dates, huh”
“Come to bed, don’t make me sleep alone!” (nsfw-ish)
“You’re keeping secrets you don’t need to keep”
“Kiss me slowly”  ★
“I still can’t believe that you’re right next to me”
“Kiss me slowly” ★
“I can’t do this anymore”
"We’ve run out of time”
“Don’t try to change me” // Unknown ★
“I  just can’t keep you off my mind” // Ray
“Stay with me tonight” ★
All AUs: click
Stardew Valley AU
Gangster AU
Space Station AU
Coffee Shop AU
Star-crossed Lovers AU
All Fanfics and Drabbles: click
Point of No Return [implied and very vague Saeran x Reader] // angst
Sunburnt [Saeran x Reader] // fluff ★
Free [Saeran Choi; Saeyoung Choi] // AU, writing prompt
Morning Sunshine [Jumin x Reader] // fluff
Dinner for Three [Jumin x Reader] // fluff ★
Forget Me Not [implied Saeran x Reader] // angst // Saeran Choi Week 2018
Ghosts in the Photograph [Saeran Choi; Saeyoung Choi] // angst // Saeran Choi Week 2018 ★
Mystic Hacker [Saeran Choi; RFA] // fluff // Saeran Choi Week 2018
Hello Brother [Saeran Choi; Saeyoung Choi] // Shaman King AU // angst
Fire Within [Saeran x OC] // Avatar: The Last Airbender AU // multichapter
Wrapped up in a Blanket of Love [Saeyoung x Reader] // fluff
A Dream Within a Dream [implied Saeyoung x Reader] //angst, nsfw-ish
Headcanon Games
Fluffy HC Game to Celebrate 100+ Followers
Symbol HC Game
Super Cool HC Meme
In Depth HC Prompts to Celebrate 1000+ Followers
Character + Number HC Game
Fanfiction Trope Game
Mystic Messenger 2nd Anniversary Game
Character + Number 2nd HC Game
Plant Symbolism HC Game to Celebrate 2000+ Followers
Word Prompt Game
Dating HC Game
First Times HC Game
What Would It Be Like HC Game
Zen’s Birthday Event [April 01]
Saeran Choi Week 2018 [June 05 - June 11]
Saeyoung and Saeran’s Birthday Event [June 11]
Writing Prompts Inspired By Songs
✿ Plant Symbolism Headcanon Game ✿
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amitapaul · 2 years
Day 26
Then it arose.
Cool, soft and round as a full summer moon
Light, white and bright in all its pristine beauty
Emerging from the translucent bridal veil
Of diaphanous mists of evening rising
From the muggy humid heat of a tropical afternoon
That kills the very desire for sustenance
Thus did the weightless idli rice cake rise
From the steaming hot pot on a wood-fire
Glowing gold -orange like a June sunset
Accompanied by fluffy clouds of coconut chutney
Ready to float upon the spicy liquid darkness
Of a thin lentil , tomato and tamarind rasam
Tempered with cardamom, cloves and cinnamon
Curry leaves and star anise , coriander, cummin
Appetite-whetting black pepper and chilies
Fragrant as the sea breezes from the coasts
Of Coromandel and lush Malabar
Musky with scents of sandal and allspice
Ready to entrance the languid and the liverish
Uniquely poised to dent their turgid torpor
Singing its siren song to stomach’s stupor
Appealing to all six senses at once
Ostensibly oozing onomatopoeia
Mixing masked hunger with stirring desire
Thus was the sluggish appetite awakened
And tempted to the table to partake
Of idli, rasam, and coconut chutney
On such a night as this rice cake gave ease
“ When the sweet wind did gently kiss the trees”
Oh, the sheer pneumatic charm of it !
#usnapowrimo2022 #Day26 Poem 33
Prompt : Write a Poem based on an Epic or Homeric simile.
0 notes
whoinwhoville · 7 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Doctor Who (2005) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Tenth Doctor/Rose Tyler Characters: Tenth Doctor, Rose Tyler, Shareen Costello Additional Tags: Dancing, Fluffy, Tooth Rotting Fluff, Tango, pardon my spouting of wikipedia facts, LegendsLikeStardust, doctorroseficprompt, dwficprompt, Wedding, Wedding Reception, the adventures in between, Vignette Summary:
They've got the moves.
@legendslikestardust​ June 26 prompt: “Well, you know what they say...”
The Doctor careered around a corner at the intersection of Billiards, the Flesh-Eating Plants Botanical Garden, and That Locked Room with the Strange Smell. He skidding in his stocking feet, having been relaxing in the library with a cup of tea and Volume II of the Annals of Ancient Klom. (A very interesting read. He’d marked his page.) The shriek from the direction of Rose's bedroom had been bloodcurdling. It had been followed by a series of punctuated screams, what sounded like pounding on the floor, and then crying.
"Oh I reeeeeeally hope that Botran scorpion didn't come out of his pre-feed coma. It has been forty-three months though. Very possible,” he muttered to himself.
The Doctor didn't bother to knock. He aimed his sonic, and burst through her door (which wasn't actually locked).
"Rose! I can explain--"
"Shareen's getting married! And I'm her maid of honour, and it's happening on December 9, but I need to go for a fitting in October. She has really horrible taste in clothes, but I don't care, she's my best mate, and she'll make me wear blue eyeshadow I bet, and I’ll probably have to get fake nails -- the kind that are two inches long and glittered up with rhinestones. But I don't care! I'm so happy for her!" Black mascara ringed her eyes.
"What? So you're not being attacked by a big pink thing--" he opened his arms wide "--about this big with two spiked tails, six eyes, and fangs dripping with lime green goo? The way you were screaming, after all.“
"What you goin' on about?" Rose laughed as she began packing a bag, shoving in clothes and makeup and lacy unmentionables without bothering to fold them.
He rubbed the back of his neck and pulled a face. “Never mind."
Rose turned to look at him, one eyebrow raised. "Something you're not telling me?"
He blew air through his lips, frowned, and then shook his head in denial. "Naw. Nothing to worry about. So a wedding eh? And I suppose you'll be wanting to go?"
"Didn't you hear a word I just said? Shareen! My best mate! She's getting married! I’m her maid of honor! I’m already packing! Of course we're going. I'd rather go home sooner than later, if you don't mind. It's been a rough couple of days.” She frowned. ”You going down into that pit… Toby blowing fire outta his mouth… All that creepy writing on his face. Those poor Ood. I think we both deserve a break. Don't you?"
"I suppose we do. Righty-o then. I shall set a new course at your bidding, milady."
“October 2, my timeline. Dress fitting. And then we could jump ahead to the wedding right away, yeah?"
"Sounds like a very good plan, Rose Tyler. Second of October it is. But first," he pointed a thumb over his shoulder. "I have, errrrr, something I need to check on. You're sure you haven't seen a big pink scorpion-looking thing?"
"No! And I hope I never do!"
"Shareen definitely has," the Doctor tugged on his ear, “very red and… slitty taste."
“Doctor! That was rude! She does not have shi—“
“NoNoNoNoNo!!!! Sllllllliiiity taste. That slit. It’s very… long.” He blushed a bit, and then cleared his voice.
Rose laughed, and then twirled. The asymmetrical dress flared out, revealing a long slit all the way up her leg.
“You know, I had visions of a glow-in-the-dark neon pink ruffled mermaid dress so tight that I wouldn’t be able to sit. But this is sorta amazing. Not very bridesmaid like, but still amazing.” She smoothed down the silky fabric. “Shareen and Benny, that’s her fiancé, they’ve been taking Tango lessons to dance at the reception. Don’t know what the rest of us are gonna do, seeing as how the average wedding guest probably doesn’t know how. I know I don’t. Wonder if she’s gonna give all the women roses to hold in their teeth?“
“Tell you what. The Tango originated in Argentina and Uruguay. We really must go. It’s one of the few dances I don’t know.“
“You saying that you don’t have the moves, Doctor?” She smiled, biting her tongue.
“Oh, I have the moves,” he said low, voice rumbling. “Just haven’t learned them yet. I promise, we will be better than anyone else in the room.”
“Upstage the bride?” she flirted.
“Absolutely. You are the best, Rose Tyler, and I only take the best.” He winked saucily.
Rose twirled dramatically, grabbed his hand, roughly pulled him close, and led him around the room, arms jutted out.
“The Tango is said to have significant health benefits. According to Psychology Today, dancing the Tango makes you feel relaxed, sexier, and less depressed, and it increases testosterone levels. Not that I need any manly enhancement.”
Rose snorted a laugh as the Doctor continued his lesson. “The Tango is the official dance of Rundamimanina. Well, it’s a variation of the Tango. Well… it isn’t really the Tango at all. But the Rumdamimanians do love dancing, which is odd, considered the people on Rundamimanina have two left feet. Literally. I’ve never taken you to Argentina, and it’s been ages since I’ve been there. May as well learn the Tango from the best. But I’ll have to make sure we don’t land during one of those dodgy regimes.” He shuddered. “Don’t want to get thrown into prison for unlawful assembly — dancing the tango was outlawed for a time. Imagine that! Illegal to dance the Tango! So, Rose Tyler. Argentina?”
“Sounds like fun. You know, Shareen’s mum has been trying to get me married off to her nephew since I was thirteen, and even though you’re my plus one, I have to walk down the aisle with the bloke, and he’s handsy.”
“I’ll be your knight in shining armor, Dame Rose.” He bowed, gallantly.
“Well thank you, Sir Doctor.” Rose curtsied. “I’m sorta surprised Shareen actually got away with choosing these dresses. Course, we’ll be wearing shawls for the church ceremony. Fringed. Gorgeous. Her mum would have her head if our shoulders weren’t covered up. The slit is pushing it as it is. We’ll just have to make sure we don’t do any deep lunges walkin’ down the aisle.” Rose smiled saucily.
“I think this is the best reception I’ve ever been to,” Rose grinned.
“I have to admit, as human weddings go, this one gets high marks.” He surveyed the room. “Nice lighting, great music, although the cake wasn’t—“
“Banana. I know. Doctor, normal people don’t have banana cake at their wedding.
“But that’s the thing. I’m not normal,” he bragged. “And if I were human, I’d have banana cake.”
“With edible ball bearings. I know, I know.” Rose rolled her eyes.
The musicians — an accordionist, pianist, and a guitarist began to play a soulful, sexy-sad song.
“So, are you ready to show off our superior dancing skills?”
“More than.”
He held out his hand and led her to the dance floor.
Their toes traced patterns on the floor. Hands were clasped. Arms locked. Faces just shy of touching. A small but precise flip of the leg, a running of the toes up a calf. Legs in tandem, as if man was glued to woman. Red silk flipped. Toned legs flexed. Dark eyes flashed — locked onto the soulful, golden-flecked eyes of his companion. As the song progressed, the touches became more intimate, more sensual. Slower. More pronounced. More teasing. More… raw.”
When the music stopped with a flourish, the room was silent, staring at the couple who were now snogging on the dance floor. Someone began to clap slowly, and then another person whistled. And soon the room had erupted with a combination of incensed gasps from maiden aunts, teenaged boys cat calling, throats being cleared, and lots of cheering.
Rose startled when she felt a sharp, varnished fingernail poking her shoulder, and then snickering.
“‘We’re just friends, Shareen! Honestly!’” mocked the bride.
“Uh…” Rose fumbled for words through swollen lips. “We… the thing is…”
The Doctor stood still as a statue, slack jawed, eyes glazed, and hair riotously on end, a victim of Rose’s wandering hands.
There was a rather awkward return to the TARDIS once the reception had wrapped up. Rose dropped onto the white bench, and proceeded to examine her dark red fingernails.
“So,” the Doctor said, sauntering around the console flipping switches more deliberately than usual.
“So…” Rose cleared her throat. “What was that?”
“What was what?” he dodged.
“That dance. That kiss.” Rose cleared her throat again.
He turned, and leaned on the console, arms and legs crossed, looking right into Rose’s eyes.
“That was the Tango.” The word hung in the tingling, charged air.
“Yeah, I know that, but—“
“And you know what they say about the Tango…” He pressed his tongue against the teeth for a moment, pushed himself off of the console, and extended his hand.
She hesitated for a moment, biting her lip, but then took it. He pulled her gently to him, but not close enough to touch. Music echoed within the expanse of the room. They began to dance.
“What do they say about the Tango, Doctor?” she asked.
“The Tango, it is said, exposes the passions of the dancers’ hearts. Brings truth to the surface.”
Their movements were precise, in unison. Harmonious.
“At least that’s what the Rundamimaninians say about their non-Tango Tango.”
“Even with two left feet?” She smiled.
“Especially with two left feet. Who else but two people in love would put up with a dancing partner with two left feet?”
She nodded, and smiled, following his perfect lead.
“They have another saying, too. That when two people are finally dancing there is no lead. That the lead, in reality, knows their partner so well that he or she is anticipating the next move of the one that is supposedly following.”
“So are you saying you knew I was going to kiss you, so you kissed me?”
“Well, in this case, I think we both knew at the same time. Or what we’ve wanted. So no leading. No following. Only a pair of dancers completely in sync, letting the truth come to the surface.”
They danced slowly, with even more passion than they had at the reception. The lights dimmed, and the music softened a bit. And they never stopped dancing again — the truth finally revealed through a dance.
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jestbee · 7 years
June 11: Growing Older With You
Title: Growing Older With You Tags: fluff, birthday fic, cuddling, introspection (a little bit), just tooth rotting fluff because birthday Words: 1228 Summary: It’s Dan’s birthday and he’s not over thinking it this year… much.
Prompt: Dan’s birthday. Plus I asked on here and on Twitter whether you guys wanted Fluff or Smut for the birthday fic and you guys said Fluff. (Apart from one greedy individual who asked for both… stay tuned)
So this really has no point other than being completely fluffy. I’m really enjoying all the bday fics I’ve seen today and this is not one of the good ones by a long shot so please, go read some others after you read this!!
FEDIJ Day: June 11 (Dan’s Bday)
Previous Day | Masterlist of fics so far
[AO3 Link]
At least it’s a nice day. If he has to be getting older, at the least the weather has the decency to be nice.
He turns over and shuffles into the sleeping shape of Phil at his side, melding himself into the space created by his arms and letting a soft sigh escape his lips.
“Happy Birthday,” Phil mumbles, his eyes still closed.
“Oh, you’re awake.” Dan says, trailing a hand over his waist.
“Hmm,” Phil replies, running his own arm over Dan and pulling him closer. He still doesn’t open his eyelids but instead settles his head onto the top of Dan’s. “I could hear you thinking.”
“Just cursing the sunshine for waking me up,” Dan singsongs.
“Yeah, okay.”
“I was.”
“Not thinking about how now you’re closer to thirty than you are twenty? Not thinking about your encroaching death and how time is fleeting and… well you know, all the usual stuff you get introspective about on your birthday.”
“Not this year,” Dan whispers.
Phil does open his eyes then, and squeezes Dan twice, signalling for him to lift his head at look at him.
“What’s different this year?” They both know what is different this year.
Dan shrugs, feigning nonchalance, the movement jostling both of them in their tight embrace. “Dunno. Getting older doesn’t seem so bad when I get to do it with you.”
“You sap.”
“It’s my birthday, I’ll be sappy if I want to.”
Phil ducks his head then and kisses Dan lightly, a delicate brush of his lips against Dan’s pink and parted ones. Dan sighs into Phil’s mouth and slides his legs forward, tangling them with Phil’s. He presses closer, deepening the kiss slightly, though nothing too extreme. It’s lazy and natural, moving their mouths together with no real goal in mind other than the simple enjoyment of it.
“Hmm, a happy birthday indeed,” Dan jokes as they part for air.
“Birthday breakfast?” Phil suggests, “Then presents? Then… Mario Kart? Then….” He trails off with a shrug. “Anything you want, it’s your day.”
Dan nods, but gets thoughtful look on his face. Phil reaches out to brush a stray hair from his forehead, and ends up rubbing the crease between his brows with the pad of his thumb.
“Thinking again?”
“Just…” Dan smiles, the dimple in his cheek deepening slightly. “I think I’ve already had the best gifts ever over the past few years, I can’t imagine asking for any more. We’ve done some amazing things, haven’t we?”
Phil nods eagerly. “Yes, we’ve been very lucky. The books and the tour and everything.”
Dan shakes his head slightly, “I didn’t mean that,” he clarifies, “I mean us.”
He tangles their fingers together on his chest and drops a kiss on Phil’s jaw.
“All of this, the house and… I don’t know. I guess somehow everything feels a bit more… permanent.”
Phil slides a hand to cup Dan’s face, drawing him close so that their noses brush. “It is permanent, Dan. I’m keeping you forever, okay?”
They kiss once again and it’s sweet and lingering and Dan feels his mouth curve into a smile against Phil’s.
“Even though I’m getting old?” he asks, “I’m not young and beautiful anymore.”
“You’re always going to be beautiful,” Phil corrects him, “And I’m always going to be the one to get old first so I’ll try it out for you and let you know how it feels, okay?”
“Good plan.”
“You ready for some fun today?” Phil moves away from him then, getting out of bed and searching the room for his discarded tshirt. It’s somewhere around, he’d flung it across the room at one point last night.
“Can’t we just stay here?” Dan says, rolling over defiantly and shoving his head into his pillow.
“Nope, places to go people to see.” He finds his tshirt wadded up against the foot of the bed and pulls it on over his pyjama bottoms. “Come on, up.”
“I’d rather just be with you,” Dan says, lazily moving from the bed, his pace slow and laboured.
“That’s why we went for dinner last night,” Phil insists, “Because we have plans with other people later today. We have a few hours though.”
“Fine,” Dan pretends to pout and look grumpy so that Phil will move closer and kiss him to make it stop. It works. “But after dinner we’re coming home and I get to do whatever I want. Which will be nothing.”
Phil moves away again and Dan takes a moment to pull on his own clothes, watching as Phil looks into the mirror briefly, running a hand over his hair. His glasses are askew and his tshirt is wrinkled and his actions aren’t doing much to tame a mop of bedhead currently adorning his skull, but Dan smiles fondly at him in his reflection.
“Nothing, you look cute this morning.”
“I look cute every morning,” Phil giggles, tongue poking between his lips.
“True. Still… maybe I am getting all introspective, because I was just thinking that I can’t believe I’ve known you for nearly a third of my life. I’m getting old and life is unpredictable and time is slipping away but… I have you, don’t I?”
“You have me,” Phil nods.
They gaze at each other without words for a few seconds and Dan lets the passage of the years wash over him. It’s his birthday and he’s closer to thirty than he is to twenty, and Phil is already thirty and everything feels wonderful and permanent. This is it for him. He’s had so many birthdays where all he could think of was that he felt uncertain and like he hadn’t achieved what he should and that time was his enemy, rushing forward without giving him a chance to catch up to the expectation of it all.
This year is different. Because they’ve made all of these decisions and they’ve been about them in a way that’s more personal than they’d allowed themselves to be previously. They’ve taken the leap and moved again, to a place where they only have one bedroom really, and picked colour coordinated furniture and have the floor to ceiling windows that Phil has always dreamed of. This year it feels like he’s caught up with time, like he’s finally settled and happy and confident with everything.
It’s slowly getting to the point where they might be able to share that with the world. Not yet, neither of them are really ready for that, but it isn’t an impossibility anymore. It’s gone from an if to a when in a way that Dan never really expected. They don’t talk in hypotheticals anymore, they talk in in eventualities.
“Did you say something about presents?” Dan asks, shaking himself from his thoughts.
“Yes!” Phil enthuses, taking Dan by the hand and pulling him from the room. “But first, breakfast!”
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chickeninthewoods · 6 years
2004 films
| The Bachelor | Tuesday, Dec. 28, 2004 (late-nite) | Pulled from the pile of purchased DVDs at the folks'... to great disappointment. This is a bad, bad film, and Chris O'Donnell truly sucks. Phoned-it-in sucks. This explains why he hasn't worked much in the last 5 years - which was a bit of a mystery up until now. Avoid this like the plague.
| Spanglish | Dec. 27, 2004 (afternoon) |
| Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban | Sunday, Dec. 26, 2004 (late-nite) | Dark and long. The kids are growing up, and the films are, as well. I think my mom is borrowing this from my sister. She has all three, unfortunately mostly in fullscreen.
| Snow Falling on Cedars | Sunday, Dec. 26, 2004 (late-nite) | Fantastic and incredibly sad. This was pulled from the stack of purchased DVDs at my parents' house over xmas vacation (who knows why they buy what they buy).
| Rivers and Tides | Saturday, Dec. 25, 2004 (afternoon, w/ the 'rents) | A gorgeous, nearly-meditative study of the work of Andrew Goldsworthy, who creates sculptural installations in and from nature.
| Seabiscuit | Saturday, Dec. 25, 2004 (w/ the 'rents) | Oddly-paced, but exciting. A book moved to the screen doesn't always work well, though, for the reasons well-illustrated here. The historical snippets might have worked well as chapter introductions, but they make for a confusing set of transitions on screen.
| De-Lovely | Friday, Dec. 24, 2004 (evening) | A mess of a film, though pretty and entertaining. But maybe that was intentional. Porter's life was a mess, albeit an entertaining one.
| Before Sunset | Wednesday, Dec. 22, 2004 (late-nite) | I had planned to watch this on the plane to Indy, but after watching the original last night, I couldn't help popping this one in today before my trip. I'm frustrated as hell by it, and the sudden ending, but I guess that's the reality part.
| Before Sunrise | Tuesday, Dec. 21, 2004 (late-nite) | Luminous, like Julie Delpy's skin.
| 24: Season 3 | Week of Dec. 17, 2004 | My current policy is to review television series all at once, rather than a disc at a time, but I wanted to begin by noting that this season does not start out well. The tech is particularly bad, and I don't really care about what happens next.
| The Door in the Floor | Saturday, Dec. 18, 2004 | A little less dark than I thought it might be, and more tangible. I haven't read any Roth, ever, and now I'm prompted to start. I'll have to rent it again to watch the commentary and featurettes -- I'm fascinated by writer/screenwriter collaborations, and the adaptation process (so long as the writers can also talk).
| The King of Comedy | Wednesday, Dec. 15, 2004 | I think it's not possible to watch a film on the recommendation of someone who says its their favorite. I just don't have much to say about it.
| Jersey Girl | Tuesday, Dec. 14, 2004 (afternoon) | Ooh, this was cute! 13 Going on 30 cute, 3 Men and a Baby cute. The kid was great, and the Sweeney Todd bit was cute even in its un-cute-ness. A definite recommendation for parents and families who want to see a decent movie.
| A Home at the End of the World | Thursday, Dec. 9, 2004 | I'll admit, I rented this for the much-anticipated kiss between Colin Farrell and Dallas Roberts. It wouldn't have been worth waiting for, if that's all there was to this film. But all the things I disliked about marginally similar films, I liked about this. Where Forrest Gump was nearly campy, this was understated and honest. Where the Myth of Fingerprints was sarcastic, this was lacking all irony. At the same time, where Big Eden was celebratory and fantastical, this was pretty raw. So I don't know exactly how I feel, but I'm glad I saw it.
| Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind | Saturday, Dec. 4, 2004 (afternoon) | Reviews were generally positive, but I had received a recommendation against watching it just a few days prior. I enjoyed it, and would certainly keep it out of the "never again" bin, though it probably won't end up on a best list. As other reviewers noted, its the emotional core that saves this film from a bad sort of quirky, and I did appreciate that. But I felt it didn't go far enough exploring the morality of doing such a bizarre and radical thing. I would have preferred a "what if" movie with a love/life story running through it, to a love/life story with lots of other stuff piled around it. Jim Carrey didn't annoy me, though, and that's a rarity. Kate Winslet is yummy.
| Capturing the Friedmans | Nov. 27, 2004 (afternoon) | Truly one of the most amazing films, ever. While working on a short film about children's pary clowns in NYC, the filmmaker happened upon an extraordinary story of a family caught in an avalanche of molestation charges and media frenzy in the mid-1980s. The film includes footage shot by family members during the time of the arrests and court proceedings, as well as present-day interviews with police and other persons involved. If netflixing, be sure to get Disc 2 as well, as there are hours of additional footage and follow-up interviews with the filmmakers.
| Maze | Nov. 1, 2004 (afternoon) | This scared me off initially, fearing it was a Rob Morrow vanity piece, but then I forged ahead on faith in Laura Linney. And I wasn't disappointed -- the film is quite lovely, surprisingly nuanced, and I forgive Rob Morrow his salary whining in the 90s (Janine Turner, however, is getting her just desserts in dry-eye commercials)
| Ghost World | October 25, 2004 | I held off on seeing this when it was playing at York Sq., but it was fun on dvd. Scarlett and Thora bring so much to the table.
| The Apprentice, Season 1 (all discs) | Oct. 20, 2004 | Addicted to S2, thought S1 might be good. Soapy fun.
| Seeing Other People | Oct. 20, 2004 | Julianne Nicholson is always great, but the movie wasn't my favorite. Vulgar and ultimately a little boring.
| Dopamine | Sunday, Oct. 10, 2004 | I like Sabrina Lloyd, and the story here was interesting, but I didn't ever really latch on to anything in this picture. There was so much unexpected darkness, maybe that pushed me away. | Normal | Friday, Oct. 1, 2004 | I was so skeptical... but this was handled with about as much grace and dignity as I could ever have imagined.
| Uptown Girls | Sunday, Sept. 19, 2004 | Decent fluffy entertainment.
| Dinner for Five: Season 1, Disc 1 | Sunday, Sept. 12, 2004 | Never as interesting as it promised.
| High Art | Saturday, Sept. 11, 2004 | Not as hot on the most recent viewing, but I'm sensing the ambition element more clearly each time I see it.
| Alias, Season 2 (all discs) | Week of Sept. 6, 2004 |
| Tuck Everlasting | Sunday, Sept. 5, 2004 |
Alexis is a wonder, and I'm so glad she has a spot on the WB for a while.
| Charlotte Sometimes | Sometime in September, 2004? |
| 13 Going on 30 | Wednesday, Aug. 11, 2004 | I watched this on the plane, BDL>>DTW, and finished in the wrap place in terminal B. Cute, cute, cute entertaining fluff.
| Mona Lisa Smile | Monday, Aug. 9, 2004 | I don't know why I haven't returned this yet; it was good, though not in the Wonder Boys-kind of way I had hoped. Not much new to say, though it was interesting to watch how the juxtaposition of super-smart-capable and wanna-be-housewifey played out
| Watching You | Friday, July 30, 2004 | This was a set of short films, all lesbian-themed in some way. I got it because I was looking for a short called "travelling companion," which had been on another set of shorts on VHS a few years ago. The quality of gay-themed cinema has come so far in the last few years, though. My favorite ("10 rules") was actually in the "extras" section, though I wasn't sure exactly why there was that division. The title short, "Watching You," was set in Israel (??), though that never was mentioned explicitly.
| The Cucumber Incident | Monday, July 27, 2004 | This was an indie (so indie it's not even in IMDB yet) documentary, viewed on the Sundance Channel's DOCday. It tells the story of a group of three women in a family who basically raped and beat the husband of one of the women, who had been molesting his daughters. It's complicated and awful -- the wife who let her husband back in the house after he'd been to prison for molesting her older daughter, the child protection system which didn't intervene after subsequent charges (and let him back in the house after his imprisonment), the complicated revenge / scare tactics they exacted, and the overwhelming weight of the justice system that fell on them as a result. Everything about this is awful, and though I never felt like we really got to the heart of the women's fury as they prepared to terrorize this guy, that may be as much a result of midwestern stoicism as it is a comment on the film's ability to draw out their story.
| A Mighty Wind | Saturday, July 24, 2004 | I've watched this more than once now - I don't know why, but it's silly and entertaining and even ok musically.
| Travelling Companion | Tuesday, July 20, 2004 | I watched this on an interminable train ride from New Haven to Boston, when the train literally broke down in the middle of rural Rhode Island. Nice.
| Casa de los Babys | Monday, July 12, 2004 | I may need to give this another look before I comment too much. I rented this while my sister was visiting, and I'm not sure we finished it.
| Along Came Polly | Sunday, July 11, 2004 | B+
| Girl With a Pearl Earring | Sunday, July 4, 2004 | Watched this at T's up in New Hampshire -- it was a lovely portrait, and a really creative and daring way to make a film about a painting.
| Dead Like Me (entire first season) | July, 2004 | So bummed I don't get Showtime anymore... rent the dvds if you get the chance, it's almost as good as Six Feet Under (the first year of SFU)SHO
| Things You Can Tell Just by Looking At Her | Wednesday, June 30, 2004 | I watched this in the car, driving from my parents' house in Michigan down to visit my sister in Indianapolis. It's not a bad car-movie (if such a category exists), except that I did get a tad claustrophobic at one intense point. I really thought I had seen this before, but I had only vague moments of deja vu as I watched it. The women were just amazing -- Glenn Close, Callista Flockhart, Amy Brenneman, Cameron Diaz (and more) -- but I was particularly amazed by Callista Flockhart. I don't think it's reasonable to question her talent after watching her work in this film -- something so far from Ally McBeal, so different and difficult. The movie is a set of one-acts, each focusing on a different character. The supporting characters in each act are extremely sparse, though there's a bit of connection woven throughout the film, between the characters. It's important to understand that they're living in the same time, the same world. Glenn Close is an Ob/Gyn with real emotional maturity and intimacy issues; Cameron Diaz is a relatively well-adjusted blind girl whose sister (Amy Brenneman) is taking a backseat; Holly Hunter is a successful, albeit lonely bank officer who reels at the pointed analysis of a homeless woman who buns her cigarettes; and Callista Flockhart is a woman tending to her dying lover (Valeria Golino). There's also a piece with Kathy Baker who infantilizes her new short-statured neighbor, but I found it really odd and jarring compared with the rest.
| Raising Victor Vargas | Tuesday, June 29, 2004 | Watched on the plane from Detroit to Hartford -- though I think I'll want to see it again when I can hear and concentrate better. This would make a great double-feature with "Real Women Have Curves", for the sheer heart of both
| The Banger Sisters | Sunday, June 27, 2004 | Watched mostly on the plane between Hartford and Detroit, and finished up at my parents' house in Michigan -- this was a fun little showcase for a variety of veteran and newcomer talent. Goldie Hawn's butt really is amazing, Susan Sarandon proves she can give up scenery-chewing for Lent, and Eva and Erika somehow manage to look like sisters (though moreso if their parents were Susan and Goldie...)
| Nobody's Baby | Monday, June 14, 2004 | Caught this one on Showtime, found by the Tivo's Radha Mitchell wishlist. I'm not sure what Radha's doing playing these desert waitresses (e.g., When Strangers Appear), but this one wasn't bad. A little anachronistic, maybe, but not awful.SHO
| All the Real Girls | Saturday, June 12, 2004 | Though I really like some of the actors, I just didn't find this movie that compelling. It was slow, and maybe would have been better if I had seen it on the right kind of day (e.g., long, slow, cold and weathery).
| Trembling Before G-d | Saturday, June 12, 2004 |
| Purity | Saturday, June 12, 2004 | I watched this nearly in a double-feature with Trembling Before G-d, and it was so stunning. Clearly bitter and biased, but stunning.
| Saved | Friday, June 11, 2004 | Saw this Heathers-in-a-Christian-High-School in the theatre, opening weekend. Not terribly crowded, which was surprising. The movie was just delightful; funny and interesting and terribly attentive to the details, which was important. It's fun to see someone like Mandy Moore play a character this deliciously saccharine, too. Go see.Orange
| Marathon | Thursday, June 10, 2004 | Caught on the Sundance channel -- and couldn't tear myself away. It's a faux-documentary of a girl who does an annual 24-hour crossword puzzle marathon in NYC -- mostly on noisy subways and buses. The dialogue is minimal, the plot is pretty much nonexistent, and yet its riveting to watch, for some reason. It's one of the few times watching a film where I felt like I was in that zone of a conversation where I was truly getting to know someone.
| Out of Season | Sunday, June 6, 2004 | A surprisingly ok new grrl movie, which is unusual. And since I wasn't expecting anything at all, I was a very thrilled little camper. This definitely goes on the recommendations list, maybe even above 'Go Fish' (though after 'Get Real').| Soldier's Girl | Friday, June 4, 2004 | A really wrenching look at the story of a particular casualty of 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell" (pre-"Don't Pursue," I think). I don't know how close to the truth this story was, but I'm not sure it matters. It was beautiful.
| The Company | Wednesday, June 3, 2004 | I've been dying to see this ever since it came out, but I was a bit disappointed. While the dancing was just out of this world, I had trouble adjusting to all the jumps between performance and slice-of-life/rehearsals and story. I think that was intentional, but it just didn't work for me. I love the Joffrey, though, and it was worth the time spent just to watch them dance. Neve included. While I'm usually the first to scrunch up my nose at something that appears to be a vanity piece, this is most certainly not one of those times. No one hires Altman to do a vanity piece, for starters. For an Altman-esque look inside the ballet, this is what you want. But I still prefer Center Stage for the energy of the dance world (as soapy as it can be).
| xx/xy | Tuesday, June 1, 2004 | I wasn't sure what to make of this -- it sounded too much like that other film with Kathleen Robertson in a menage a trois -- but with Mark Ruffalo, I wanted to give it a shot. It was interesting for the blurriness and for the look at a particular kind of person's behavior in a relationship, but I didn't love it.
0 notes