#flowers 🌼
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aloesthetic · 8 months
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When my friends and I picked flowers and made our own bouquets at Indian Creek Farm in Ithaca♡
August 30th, 2023
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jkvjimin · 3 months
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JUNGKOOK + daisies 🌼 for @cordiallyfuturedwight 🤍
+bonus (after a 9 hours and 45 minutes flight):
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vanalex · 5 months
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halloween-sweets · 4 months
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shimmershy · 1 year
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Chara Week Day 2: Gold
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spookyclookykinz · 6 months
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yay! some trees in my area are starting to flower!
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jazzitos · 1 year
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𝄞 Run Around 모두 inside My Brain, Juliette ! ✿᭢
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gogandmagog · 2 months
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– L.M. Montgomery
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bubblegum-bitch666 · 10 days
Hi I like flowers do you
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soulless-prince · 6 months
So how did it feel during your stint as a Botanically and Anatomically Challenged Gargantuan Beast?
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* To say it felt amazing would be a HUGE understatement!
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hookedatweiss · 2 months
How to Crochet a Retro Daisy Granny Square Pattern
by Pattern Princess
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jkvjimin · 5 months
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KIM SEOKJIN + music videos ↳ happy birthday, kayla! @cordiallyfuturedwight 🤍🌼
(beautiful background art made by @kithtaehyung)
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bon2bonn · 9 months
Carlos Sainz X leclerc!reader
Words count : 4.2k.
Warnings : grammar, cursing, blood, Pickering siblings, overprotective brothers, crying, hospitals, arguing , fluff, Arthur being a menace, description of injury? .
*You can read "pt.1 here" , "Pt.2 here" , and "Pt.3 here" .
* aaaand we're done!, flowers 🌼 is officially done , see you in side chapters/drabbles or life updates ?? , don't be shy to say what you think or request if you like to ✨.
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Hours later she finally comes to , flinching at the bright florescent lights blazing at her eyes and adding to her growing headache . taking a moment to adjust before she tried to turn her head around in confusion but winced once she tried to move it the slightest . She carefully reached up , finding a thick bandage covering her temple and her left arm is secured in a cast all the way to her elbow with her fingers peeking out .
Now that she looked at the white room around she noticed how it's overly clean and smelled of disinfectants , the bed felt stif and uncomfortable , yup , she's in a hospital room , not knowing how or when , because the last thing she remembered was her head spinning , blood on her hand , and distance shouts and then darkness .
She closed her eyes trying to rid her mind of the flashing images then looked to the side slowly , smiling at the sight , her Mama along with Arthur who had his face squished as he leaned his head on her shoulder both passed out on a couch beside the door , Enzo was on a chair beside them too engrossed in his phone to notice her being awake .
It didn't take long before he turned it off , pocketing it while standing , before turning to glance her way , she gave him a tired smile with a quite "hi" , he returned it absentmindedly " hey" before opening the door and walking out , she watched in mild amusement as he quickly came back in , slamming the door as he rushed back in to her side startling their sleeping family in his haste , both sprinting up to stand , eyes wide and overly tired . About to give him a piece of their mind , but he quickly apologized pointing at her , as she watched the scene with a wide grin as they all stood staring at her stunned .
"Hi" she said again with a faint voice , but a bit louder , and it didn't take long before they came to their senses, taking turns in hugging her as tightly as they could minding her injuries , all shedding tears as they finally felt a huge weight lifting off their chest as she's awake and talking.
Enzo stepped out to notify the doctor , Arthur took it upon himself to fill her in on what happened while she was out . apparently a drunk was having too much fun that he stole a car and went berserk on the street , took the wrong turn and slammed into them , the driver got out with way less injuries than her and the bastard got out without a scratch on him , he only passed out and was arrested about two hours ago but that didn't last long .
when she asked in confusion about what he meant he told her " well , Charles and Carlos crossed ways with him , and they did some work on him before the police could hold them back " her mother went on " they're locked outside until the police could take the man out to proceed with their work after he's cleared enough to leave" , Arthur added in a sarcastic tone " at least he was in the right place to get a beating" earning a snort from his sister while their mother pinched him for his words , he looked at her offended holding his pinched arm in false agony before adding quietly " they bonded over it while almost getting themselves arrested " , that got his sister's attention but the doctor came in along with Lorenzo in toe before she could ask about what happened to them , taking her attention as the doctor asked her some questions checking her coherence and memory , checking vitals before he gave her a quick rundown of her injuries .
A broken arm that required a cast for couple weeks or so , a concussion from the impact of her head against the window that caused the gash that required some stitches , which explained why her head aches and the nausea , some bruises on her side that'd take time to heal fully and that's about it . Promising that She'll get discharged in a couple of days just to be sure they missed nothing with the check ups and scans, he made some notes to dose up the painkillers now that she's awake , she thanked him before he left .
Turning to Enzo with a concerned look " where's Charlie and carlos? " He sighed as he brought the chair closer to her bed to sit down on " still locked out" frowning at her deflated look , he took her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze " you scared the light out of me " Arthur supplied as he made himself comfortable at the foot of her bed " you should've seen him earlier , he looked like he aged ten years" she huffed a laugh trying to lighten up the somber atmosphere " what do you mean ? He's always looked like that " the eldest glared at them both before he cracked a small smile as they kept on teasing him, their mother sat back finally taking a breath after a long dreadful hours , all night she was waiting and praying for her daughter to be alright , for her to wake up and return back to them . Now here she is laughing with her brother's and trying to lighten their worries.
Not long after a gentle knock sounded on the rooms door , their mother stood up and walked to see who , exchanging a warm greeting and a nod " yeah , she's awake" before she stepped aside opening the the door wider to let whoever stood outside in .
Carlos stepped in , she noticed the same tired look up on his face hair messy from running his hands through it in stress, and a fresh bouquet of her favourite flowers held in his hand as he reached her side in seconds , putting it on the side as he leaned over taking her hand in his , slipping his fingers through hers as he brought it up to plant several kisses on the back of it , holding it close to his heart relishing in how warm it is in his hold compared to hours earlier when she was first brought into the room , he leaned up with his forehead against hers both relaxing as they're finally close again .
Their mother signalled for the brothers to step out , both disagreed but got a scolding glare that got the oldest to comply but the youngest refused, acting as if he didn't see causing Lorenzo to drag him out by to back of his shirt in a quick movement not giving him time to react , closing the door behind .
" Hi" he finally breathed out , too overwhelmed to voice anything yet , she gave him a smile as she greeted back " hi" voice still croaky but she was more than happy with him there beside her.
Moving closer he pressed his face on the crook of her neck , letting her hand go to close his arms around her in a delicate but much needed hug for both of them , his voice muffled as he kept his hold on her , trying to ground and assure himself that she's okay " mi Vida , I was so scared " she hummed in understanding, cradling her fingers through his hair in attempt to comfort him " me too mon cœur , I thought I was going to ......" her throat closed up as tears clouded her vision causing him to lift his head, wiping away the falling tears , he planted a long loving kiss on her lips to comfort her spiraling mind , letting her fist his shirt in a tight hold , it's her way to calm her racing thoughts and making sure he's there with her for real , he held her fist with one hand running his fingers on the back of her hand and using the other to caress her cheek with tender touch , but their tranquility was ripped as she glanced at his bruised knuckles startling him as she quickly grabbed his hand gently inspecting the assaulted area in concern "your hand!" , he tried to look nonchalant but his anger boils again as he remembered the smug look on the drunk bastard's face " it's nothing a pack of ice won't fix " avoiding her scolding glare but she wasn't having any of it , " you shouldn't go around punching people " he huffed bowing his head down to nestle it back on her neck mumbling " Arthur snitched, didn't he ? " She leaned her head carefully on his with a laugh " he always snitch , you should've expect it " he shrugged" at least he was already in the hospital " only to groan as she lightly smacked his shoulder with her good hand , but smoothed it after as she asked in a hushed tone reaching for his injured hand " does it hurt?" His shoulders relaxed and his face softened from it's frown looking at her fondly as she inspected it again for a moment before giving his knuckles a light kiss " I should be asking you that , mi amor , you're the one in a hospital bed " she assured him " I'm okay, the painkillers are doing wonders " .
He hummed with a knowing smile turning aside to retrieve the bouquet on the side watching her face lights up in glee as she beamed at him , holding them with a wide smile as he handed her the bouquet, moving to the table below the window on the other side , retrieving an empty vase to fil with water from the adjacent room that she noticed now was a bathroom before coming back to her side table taking the flowers out of the wrapping and carefully arranging them as she taught him before , and stepped back once he finished , hands on his hips as he asked proudly " what do you think? " She teased him with a shrug " not bad , still needs improvement but eh " he gave her an offended look " aaahhhhh, don't lie Hermosa, I did it just like you " she looked away " not even close !" He rolled his eyes leaning down to prep quick kisses on her cheek ending it with one on her lips as she turned to face him " you should take some rest " she refused even when a yawn slipped out " but I just woke up " , with another peck on her pouting lips he argued " I know , but you're still tired and your headache will get worse the longer you're awake " , convinced with his words she asked " will you stay ?" , nodding he took her hand in his after he brought the empty chair closer to her side sitting on it and leaning on the side of the bed leaving a last kiss on the back of her hand "for as long as you want and need me to " watching her drift in and out before she finally fell asleep , him following right after her .
The door cracked open with Charles peeking his head this time , silence greets him as he found them both asleep , he braved himself to step in and take a seat in couch trying his best to not disturb their rest as he sat back and took a glance at their sleeping forms . His sister's hand holding onto Carlos outstretched one as he leaned on the side hunched over the chair with his head beside their locked hands his position wasn't comfortable for sure but his content face proved otherwise.
His sister's face was finally relaxed, if it wasn't for the bandage covering her temple and the cast on her arm it would've looked like she's taking a nap after a long day , not confined in a hospital bed with a broken arm and concussion .
Now he felt truly helpless as he let the events of the night before settle in , he almost lost her, his only sister , almost gone and he wasn't even there with her , he wasn't the brother she deserved to have because he let his pride and anger blind him from considering what she went through because she was scared of what he'd think , and he proved her right all along, he failed to fulfil his promise, he could've lost her and their last memories are him screaming at her before walking out on her , not sparing her a chance to listen . thinking that by opposing her being with anyone he was protecting her from a heartbreak , but in reality he was the one hurting her the most .
How everything he was mad about seems so insignificant and irrational now when he looked back with clear mind , guess that life have it's own way to set things back .
Shuffling from the bed caught his attention as Carlos shifted on his chair, carefully lifting his upper body up while keeping his hand still , holding his breath as he carefully peeled his hand out of hers , positioning it to lay comfortably on the bed instead, he let a breath of relief as she wasn't disturbed by his movement and leaned to leave a light kiss on the top of her head , moving carefully from her side he acknowledged charles presence with a nod , approaching his hunched form as he made his way to the door.
" How is she ?" Charles asked in a hushed voice still looking at her sleeping soundly, Carlos looked back at her before giving his friend a tired smile " she's still shaken up but she's too stubborn to let it shows , but she'll be okay" , Charles nods then leaned his head on his hands, his mind still in torment of what to do ? What to say when she wakes up? That if she wanted to talk to him in the first place, but a hand on his shoulder snapped him out " it won't be easy to get through this unless you're there with her " Charles looked up in defeat " what if she doesn't want me to ? " , " that's unlikely to happen , she'll always need you , but you'll never know unless you talk to her , just remember what we talked about , those possibilities and what if's aren't worth wasting time on when you can try working on mending things with her " he left Charles with a squeeze on his shoulder, stepping out leaving him to brave himself one more time.
Not long after , she woke up again, this time with less confusion and a lighter headache than before . the room is quiet and she thought she was alone until she looked at the couch beside the door again , this time finding Charles sitting there with his head still on his hands , and before she could stop herself she called out " Charlie? " , his head snapped up and even from her bed she could see how tired he looked, hair disheveled and eyes red rimmed, a sob slipped out as she called him again, he stood quickly rushing to her side trying to find what's wrong as he asked in alarmed voice " what's wrong? , are you hurting? , is it your arm !? , please tell me what's wrong ?" Her sobbing only increased as he kept helplessly asking her , she frantically grabbing his hoodie's sleeve as he turned to call for a doctor to see what's wrong , he turned back to her taking her hand in his trying to calm her down , but she kept crying " you're here" .
His body tensed as he asked in a strain voice " you don't want me to?" She shook her head frantically gripping his hand more " No ! I want you here ! , I thought you wouldn't come, I thought you........ I thought you wanted nothing to do with me anymore" his shoulders deflated, eyes welling up as he shook his head " no , I would never . I'm sorry, I didn't mean what I said that night and I was too angry to think right, I'm sorry I wasn't there for you back then , I thought I knew what was best for you but I only drove you away " her tears kept falling as she shook her head " I sorry too , I should've told you everything, I thought I was doing the right thing , I was just scared of disappointing you but I only made everything worse" now both their crying could be heard from the hallway as their family stopped outside on their way back, all halting to let them talk it out , Lorenzo held Arthur back as he tried to reach for the door to get in " no you're not" but the youngest protested " he made her cry , again ! I'll just smack him in his empty head " their mother scold him in a stern voice " Arthur Leclerc , there won't be any more fighting in this hospital, one child in the hospital is too much for me !" He backed down in guilt apologizing .
Back inside the both calmed down enough, both suiting Buffy eyes faces red from crying hard , they looked at eachother before bursting into a fit of giggles at how miserable and disheveled they both looked, and after a moment she asked hesitantly " Charlie?" He hummed at her to go on " can I get a hug?" He nod when his voice cracked " yeah" wrapping her in a much needed hug minding her arm when he scoot closer , feeling her hand clutching the back of his hoodie tightly and her tears came back but he kept holding her as she asked " are okay now?" , he tightened his hold in assurance " we're more than okay" , releasing her after she finally let go , he wiped away her tears " I missed you " she gave him a tired smile " and I missed my annoyingly idiot twin " he huffed at the insult but didn't argue back .
" I'm still not over how you're dating my teammate "she nudge his shoulder " admit it already, you're just jealous he's dating me , not you " side eyeing her with a sassy voice " lies and deceptions , we both know I'm the better twin " she scoffed at him " rude!! " But he ignored her and kept talking " at least it wasn't Max " groaning as she cackled at his annoyed face " so I guess....... " He paused as she tilted her head waiting for him to go on " I'll give him a chance , just because he makes you happy I won't run him over on track next race weekend " he rolled his eyes as she let out a cheer at his words swatting away her poking hand but stopped when he saw her brows creased in a frown as she huffed " not you too" his confusion cleared as he followed her eyes to his now bruised knuckles attempting to hide it but winced as she pinched his arm hard enough for him to jump back from another one aimed at his ear " aaahhh! , what was that for? " She glared at him the best she could " for you running around punching people!" He argued heatedly " he deserved it!" , dodging as she went to chuck a spare pillow at him , exclaiming dramatically " stop ! Why are you trying to hit me ! I already have an injured hand" , she snapped back " and who's fault is that ?" He quickly answered " it's Arthur's fault! " The mentioned brother stood dumfounded at the door frame , jaw dropping as he was accused pointing at Charles in bewilderment " I did nothing! , It's your fault you marched to the guy and swung at him !" Charles pointed back at him " after you pointed him out to me! " , " I didn't!".
They went back and forth shifting the blame on who's fault is it , Carlos and Lorenzo stood back watching as Pascal ignored the Pickering brothers heading to her daughter's side , both paying them no mind , Enzo clapped Carlos on the back " well , I guess it's time to officially welcome you to the family . good luck , you'll need it with those three idiots" he stepped in trying to separate the two as they kept swating eachother before his sister snapped from her bed " Enzo , he just got here , don't scare him away " Carlos chuckled at them as he closed the door after him , stepping closer to her side taking her hand gently " don't worry mi amor , I won't be going anywhere" .
The garage buzzed as mechanics swarm in and out preparing the cars and equipments before they need take them out , both drivers stood to the side after they finished putting their suit's on Carlos stood with his hands behind his back looking smugly at Charles who rolled his eyes at him arms crossed in irritation, tempted to reach out to smack the smug look off his face , but his sister's glare kept him put , but he won't keep quiet about how displeased he felt when she showed up wearin his teammates number instead of his " you're a traitor " she looked at him with a side eye " I'm in Ferrari's garage, wearing Ferrari's merch from head to toe , what else do you want!? " He kept his unimpressed look " it's not my number on it ! " , not giving him a chance she nonchalantly asked " and ? " A look of betrayal took over his face as Carlos starts cackling beside them " that's it ! Arthur is my favourite now! He won't betray me , where is he ? " Looking around for his , she held back her laugh as she tried to keep a straight face " at least I'm here , your favourite is at the McLaren's garage" but failed as he stood wide eyed before them " you can't even trust your own blood these days ! , I only trust Enzo! He won't let me down " moving to head out to the McLaren's garage next door to drag his youngest brother back , leaving the couple behind as the shared a knowing look " should we tell him? " She shook her head at Carlos's question " he'll lose it he knew " thinking back to the facetime call she had with her brother earlier, him watching the race back home wearing a Ferrari cap with Carlos number instead of Charles.
Taking the quiet moment carlos brought her close with a hand on her waist, the other held a single flower that he gave to her before wrapping the other arm around her too , watching her face breaking into a wide grin , light dimples on display that he didn't hesitate to kiss , leaning his forehead on hers " you look breathtaking mi Vida "Giving him a teasing smile " i always looked like this " he hummed in agreement pumping his nose with hers " even more so when you're wearing my number" relishing in her laugh as she gave him a quick kiss wrappin her arms around his neck to bring him closer " well , it happened that it's my favourite number " running a hand through the back of his head " but I like the driver more " earning a smirk as he gave her a peck on the cheek " I heard he's a good driver , no?" She only hummed " one of the best , on and off track " he ask " how so ?" , she answered with a wide grin " he brings me flowers, hold my hand , takes care of me , puts up with my annoying brothers and respects my mama , and I looooove him " he startled her with a deep kiss leaving her out of breath as he hid his face on her neck " and he love you too , more and more everyday day " both lost in their small bubble until someone called him to go over some final notes , he gave her an apologetic smile before reluctantly letting her go with a final kiss wither wishing him luck and a safe driving, watching as he was swept away . her twin brother not far behind doing the same but stopped as she came up to wish him luck , rolling her eyes as he came back to her again , taking his cap off shoving it on top of her head , feeling accomplished before he was dragged out .
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halloween-sweets · 6 months
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