beanlingpatch · 1 year
Each beanling is 15 USD, unless you are a FTO! First Time Owners can get their first bean or blight for 5 USD. This discount applies to beanlings and blightlings 1-27.
Payment is to be made within 48hrs of winning unless previously discussed. If you're uncertain about payment plans, please note Ceru.
Before entering, please make sure to read the Terms of service.
Then head over to either of this google form!
Sprouting Entry Form
Please select which beanlings and/or blightlings you would like to be in the draw to win. You must also note if you have a win limit - please also note your preferred win order!
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spottednova · 1 year
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[BP] Rhys x Citrus
 Beanling Patch (dA) / The Beanling Patch Site   It's Sprouting time! Beans 1 and 3 from this batch were claimed, but bean #2 will be available in the flat sale raffle that will be coming up in the next day or so!   Join us on the Discord for more fun!   Beanlings and Blightlings are a species owned by Ceru-Blues
  Posted using PostyBirb
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lomappreciationblog · 11 days
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Continuing from the previous post, here's the entry for the concepts of Flowerlings from the art book!
I'll be showing closeups again, but for the clarity here's the bottom text:
"At first, the concept was for all the Flowerlings to be old people. Flowerlings 2 and 3 were selected, and the female one became younger in that chapter. I was thinking of other flower motifs, like the cyclamen that appear to be looking down or cattleya with their frills that look like orchids. However, the shape and colors of the fuhcsia flowers that I saw around town left an impression on me, so I also incorporated them into the designs. (Ikeda)"
So like mentioned, Nao Ikeda made these three concepts based off the cyclamen, the fuchsia, and the cattleya. What we got in game were the "fuchsia," the male design, and the "cattleya," who became the females, though as Ikeda mentioned, they became younger in game and look more like young women.
By the by, Nao Ikeda has a wonderful eye for incorporating plant imagery and symbolisms into her characters - if I ever post the Dawn of Mana art, she explains what plant symbolism she gave each main character. In general, she's just really good at creative characters who follow a core imagery.
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The "Cyclamen" design, also named 'Scarlet Salmon," didn't make it into the game, and as with the Sproutlings the original concept for the Flowerlings also seemed much different than we got. Here's the note:
"The 'Flowerling Village, where various clans congregate and live together, is a true flower garden. However, everyone there is old. One of them, 'Scarlet Salmon,' is nor an old man with a hunched posture, but he was really handsome when he was younger... By the way, when they hold still they looks like flowers, so when they start moving they startle the main characters."
Some of these concepts also mention where the races would have been first introduced, and it seems like they were originally set in the "Giant Swamp," but it seems to have been a location that is cut out of the story, I can't think of any place in-game that resembles a swamp.
So, according to these concept notes the Flowerlings seem to be a harmonious sort in whose village the different clans live together, but there's not much beyond that, so if I had to guess any questline they were supposed to have were cut and they became NPCs that were connected to Sproutlings, and like them sort of just pop up in a lot of places. It's a shame though, I think the scenario of Shiloh/Serafina being startled by what they thought were flowers is a neat one. Hmm, I do wonder if the concept of "living together harmoniously in their own village" was given to the Lilipeas, given what we see in "Catchin' Lilipeas."
So for comparison, here's the in-game Flowerlings:
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One last note, in-game Flowerlings have minor roles in a couple fo quests, helping out the students collect reagents in "The Field Trip"...
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And probably being a big source of headache for players in "Teatime of Danger" haha. Though...we just kinda accept Flowerlings have psychic powers, don't we?
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One also pops up in "Niccolo's Businesss Unusual 3" as a poor target for our favorite swindler.
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mocha-tapioca · 1 year
eugh no bc like. ppl not wanting to share f/os is fine man!! completely understandable!!! if ur uncomfortable w someone sharing them there is a very affordable. nay. FREE OF CHARGE block button right there!!! but to then go on n be a whiny RACIST little piece of utter bs bc someone elses selfship w the same f/o is more popular??? girl. girl back up. unnecessary, unneeded, unwanted. also not a good look for ur digital footprint considering ✨actions can be traced back to u✨
like just curate ur own internet experiences man 😭
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spottedheart · 1 year
Sprouting flaffle is here! $15 per bean/blight, or $5 for your first one of you're a first time owner!
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x-i-l-verify · 1 month
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I never really ever know what to say When all of my emotions get in the way I'm just trying to get us on the same page
I always get it better right afterward When all the wrong impressions are said and heard How come I can never get the right words I need to convey? Wish I could explain
Can I let the trees do the talking? Can I let the ground do the walking? Can I let the sky fill what's missing? Can I let my mouth do the listening?
My level 3 flowerling monk (Way of the Four Elements) that I've been playing for a few months in @breezy-cheezy's Dragon Stew campaign.
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exileseverafter · 2 months
GT July: Coveted
Characters are from The Exiles Ever After. Her Imperial Eternity. Weaver of the Golden Thread of Fate. Blessed of the Faerie Queen, The Ever After Empress Valerian. 
Scarlet Sun, Rider of the Blazing Day, never really absorbed the meanings of all of Her titles until he first saw Her. And then he knew. 
She was graceful. She was wise. She was secretive, her every hand gesture and smile the calculated result of hundreds of thousands of minds processing in tandem. Everything She did, every action Her systems took moved the world a little closer to domination and eternal peace under the Empire. Knowing more about how She worked than most citizens and officials just made Her more terrifying, more awe-inspiring and beautiful. 
She was beautiful. No matter how many bodies She used and shed, the inner beauty of Her authority and power shone through. And Scarlet was in love with Her, all of her many minds and bodies.
It was that love that brought about a jealousy he knew could ruin him. 
Scarlet was a Flowerling, the smallest of the Kinfolk who lived in a “world of towers,” as the philosophers liked to call it. The Empress’s current body was human. He could comfortably sit in the palm of Her hand if She ever invited him to do so. He had been proud of his small size, how it served him as a spy and assassin, excerpt…
Oh, to stand face-to-face with the Empress, as human-sized Dark Midnight could do. To tower over Her and bow to one knee as Her gigantic warrior, as Bright Morning did. He loved his fellow Riders, but oh, to be all of those things and his tiny, wily self, to be her one Rider. 
It was a betrayal in his heart, treason against the vow of equal duty the three Riders shared. And it was nearly impossible. To shift back and forth so quickly without dying, to change size so dramatically, it was something no one in memory had done before. 
And Scarlet wanted it in the depths of his soul. He wanted to be her Flowerling, and her human, and her giant. 
He wanted to be Her everything, so that one day Her myriad minds would look upon him and only him.
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silvermoon424 · 10 months
On a more personal note: How do you picture your magical girls' transformations? Do you have specific songs or music they transform to?
I actually do have transformation music picked out for each of them!
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Erina (pink girl): A specific NicoNico cover of Mami's transformation song
Iris (purple girl): Precure Open My Heart
Rhae (red girl): Precure Heartful Beat Rock
Luna (blue girl): Uranus and Neptune's transformation theme
Flora (white girl, not introduced here yet): Felice Fun Fun Flowerle
Visenya (black girl): Theme for Scanty & Knee Socks
Daenerys (silver/blue girl): Haven't picked one for her yet, I'll need to fix that!
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cordycepsbian · 7 months
Kali. We think it's fun how she is incredibly impulsive and prone to terrible dog shit decisions and yet paranoid over any potential damage that injury to her body might cause. We also think it's fun to make it so the Pheromones Thing wasn't actually meant to Do That Kabbu is just a beetle who is pre-programmed to default to Flip Things. She is one of the worst possible candidates for werebeastification however it would be funny and we're fond of her because we once wrote 10k words of outline for a (still unfinished) fic where we randomized half the main characters and got Her as one of them and we got attached.
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putting both of your pink bugs in the same post. we chose flowerling for kali because they're mostly support for other enemies and midge for scarlet because midges are basically bug bats. there's definitely A Story behind kali getting flowerling sap in her blood somehow
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loaflovesdoodling · 11 months
Hey so what if when Lord Farron is in dreamland Selene tells Pleiades about her childhood with him and how scared she is that Farron might take her away and make her go through all that trauma again
(this is a continuation of that one roleplay from a couple days ago)
Chamomile Flowers
Swift, quiet steps across the castle corridors, Pleiades wasn't having any of it, Selene struggled to keep up:
"Could we please go a little slower?"
"hm? Oh, sure. Sorry."
That said, he started walking at a more tolerable pace, and so, room after room after room, they finally found Blossom in the kitchen, playing with some other Waddle Dees. Ades walked up to her, he knelt down:
"Hey little flowerling, sorry to interrupt you and your new friends, but we gotta go." The little Dee was confused at first, but a simple gaze in his crimson eyes was enough to send the message "This is a very urgent matter" straight to her soul; she got up, and started Waddling torwards him.
Like clockwork, he caught her just in time and lifted her up all the way to his head, where she gripped on his hair and sat down. He gave a slight nod of goodbye to the Waddle Dees, and so the three left the castle, trying to avoid the Ex-Leader of the Mapop Clan down the hallways.
Outside the castle, Pleiades suddenly asked Selene:
"Aren't you tired?"
"Of what?"
"Of... whatever, forget I asked."
He was clearly thinking about something, he just refused to speak his mind, as always; when he was lost in thought like that it wasn't rare he'd ask random questions to break the silence.
He was quite the enigma to understand for Selene and the others. Only Blossom knew him best, but being the mute toddler that she was, she couldn't communicate with them.
Eventually, Pleiades built up enough courage to talk, he sighed:
"Just... that guy."
"Huh? Who? What are you talking about?" Selene replied, perplexed.
"That Lord Farron, or whatever he wants to be called. I have a bad feeling about him-- Agh, curse my instincts and intuition..." he grumbled.
Selene went completely silent for a few seconds, before mumbling:
"no... your senses are right."
"he isn't who he proves himself to be, he's a tyrant, a monster, because I--.." she suddenly cut herself off, and inhaled every other word she had to finish her statement. Did she really want her brother to know the truth?
Pleiades was even more disoriented and baffled than before, but he didn't want to push it. After just a few moments of total quiet, he spoke up:
"It's okay, take your time. I'm not going to force you to tell me anything if you don't feel like it. Just wanted to say I don't trust him, that's all."
"No... It goes so much deeper than trustworthiness, you wouldn't... you couldn't....." she struggled to find words, sniffling; now he was even more concerned, he patted Selene's head to provide some sort of comfort as they kept walking:
"..is everything alright?!"
"n-no, not really... it's just....." she now sobbed, trying to explain her case,
"it's the fact that he ruined whatever was left of my childhood, he..."
"I thought he was my father, and I loved him like one, I really did, but he was just so cruel... constantly forcing me to take part in painful and extreme training sessions, and if I failed, he'd just hurt me even more and... I was just so tired.. of everything. I-it felt like I was his weapon more than anything.. and...."
Just then, Pleiades stopped in his tracks, clenching his fists, Selene was scared of what he might've gone to do to Farron with that information, she pleaded:
"C-come on, let's just keep on walking.."
but Pleiades did not move. Instead, he lifted her up and embraced her tightly. He said:
"I'm sorry."
"Y-you don't have to be, it's not your f-fault..."
"I should've known better. I should've..."
"it's okay, r-really..."
Still hugging his little sister, Ades started walking again; Blossom landed on her goggles, trying to comfort her aswell, despite her miniature size. He muttered:
"I swear on the forever life I have I won't allow him to even lay a finger on you ever again."
"T-Thank you.."
".. would you look at that."
"like I said, the chamomile flowers are in full bloom. Let's all have fun and forget about the past for now."
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beanlingpatch · 1 year
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It's Sprouting time!
From June 16th to June 30th, sprouting sign ups will be open! For anyone who has flowerlings or blightlings, you can sign up to get a batch of sprouts made for them! Just click the link here to find out more about the event!
For anyone who doesn't, go ahead and take a look at the NPCs on the site here- you can pick a pair and submit them in order to get your first beanling as a little sprout from the pair you've chosen!
And, for anyone interested but not wanting to commit until you see the designs- stay tuned, because there will be a flat sale raffle at the end of July that will be for the sprouts that don't have homes!
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spottednova · 1 year
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Hey guys, I usually don't advertise too much beanling/flowerling stuff, but these guys are meant to be charity auctions to raise up a bit of money to help some folks in our little community who deal with gender dysphoria.
More info below, and hey, if you decide you want to join the community, we'd love to have you!
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lomappreciationblog · 14 days
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Something I have pondered about a long time is, if turning into a Flowerling locks a Sproutling out their shared mind? It raises a lot of questions, really, since the Sproutlings are connected to the Mana Tree that the Flowerlings don't seem to be...though, Flowerlings seem to possess some sort of psychic powers and their own collective consciousness, going by the Flowerlings who control the gates at Mindas Ruins. Still, given that Sproutlings are very important to the ending, it seems odd that they can evolve into Flowerlings, who don't seem to appear in the ending.
I wonder if the discrepancy here can be chalked up to the fact that these two were originally separate races entirely, because the art book shows Nao Ikeda's concepts for the two races separately. This is just my speculation though, take it with a grain of salt, but the art book does reveal some shuffling went around as development went on (say, initially Escad was gonna have angel wings to contrast Irwin, but they were found a strange design element on him, so those wings went to Daena).
I'll recheck my art book if I go home, but I remember the concept for the Flowerlings shows they were both originally elderly men and women types, but in the game the females eventually came out looking much younger. Lastly, I think the art book said the female Flowerlings were inspired by orchids?
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thesoulbox · 7 months
Congrats on 100 million followers.
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In exchange I'd like to share this with you. As a token of our friendship.
Oh my goodness..thank you flowey on twitter dot com...never have i felt so happy in my life, i wont forget you when i get one thousnand million flowerlers, thank you very much :)))) also man oui oui Je ne sais pas parler français ,':)
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barbaracleboy · 1 year
OKAY! Finally got some doodles done! Gonna try and draw some more but for now have these:
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@amorosebeing Asked for Yin and/or Mothiva, and I like both of them, so...
Positive Opinion: Super cute in every way, I'm real fond of her dynamic with Maki and chubby cheeks.
Negative Opinion: I'll be blunt...she could be taken out of the story completely and there would be zero changes.
Headcanon: Less of a headcanon and more speculation, but there's gotta be some sort of latent magic energy or something in the Wild Grasslands, right? Crystal or not, between Tarantular and Yin, there's gotta be some sort of magic stuff going on. Even the Seedlings might be affected by it (I'm pretty sure Flowerlings use some sort of magic on their allies...or maybe it's some sort of healing pollen).
Positive Opinion: I'll also take this as an opportunity to defend Mothiva (sort of). She's an asshole, but the game succeeds in making me not hate her because she's rarely if ever rewarded for being an asshole or allowed to get away with it: she loses to Team Snakemouth constantly, she has to be saved by them, and there are even smaller failures like when she wants to get the artifact from H.B. and doesn't or when she's trying to kiss up to Bianca and gets told off by a guard. TLDR, Mothiva's an asshole written well.
Negative Opinion: That said, I feel they should have leaned more into the idea that she and Zasp really care for each other (at least on her end). I like that idea, and I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be canon, but I don't believe too much dialogue in-game supports it much?
Headcanon: Pretty sure I've said this before but I am way into the idea that Mothiva was born poor and hated that life so much she'd almost, if not kill to keep herself from being like that again. That's why she took Team Snakemouth "stealing her thunder" so seriously.
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02memo · 4 months
リモンッチェロ 2024 05 11 #リモンッチェロ #バラ #rose #roses #garden #gardening #flowerl...
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