nettleclanstale · 4 months
Moon 83
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fawnsun · 8 months
The voices commanded me to make it
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This lil baby best no die my mental sanity needs her alive
ITS FLOWERKIT (of @brightclan where the cats are in the backrooms no asking how)
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elementclangen · 3 months
Moon 221-Greenleaf
Primcrest (63) decides to check in on the dark-cursed kits.  She knows that things have been. . .odd lately, with so many of them in the Clan.  Especially considering all the kits are unproven.  Their powers are evident by the fact that, even in the warmth of greenleaf, things keep dying around them.  Dawnkit (5) says that he feels like Xhosa (89) doesn’t like him much.  Echokit (2) says that he noticed Kestrelpaw (10) sharpening her claws near him.  And Flowerkit (5) just wants to be a leader like her namesake so she can have permission to boss other cats around all the time.  Alright then.  Rubbleheart (17) wonders why Kestrelpaw is so withdrawn and he asks her.  She explains that it’s not because she doesn’t like other cats: she just enjoys spending time on her own.  Dawnkit thinks that Safariaster’s (128) pelt is really pretty and makes his light up to mimic it.  Tumblepaw (10) is proud of being the leader’s apprentice and shows off the skills she’s been working on to the kits.  Echokit is amazed by the wave she conjures and makes one of his own that splashes her and is bigger than her own. And then Goldenkit (2) dries her off with a giant gust of wind.  Well.  That show off session didn’t quite go as planned.
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ts3lightclan · 1 year
(1.43) First Spring
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Though the chill from leaf-bare still hung in the air, the cats of Lightclan were relieved to find that the billowing snow had ended for the time being, and the weather had warmed up enough to melt what frost remained. While trees remained barren, the green grass began to flourish, and the flowers were already beginning to sprout.
Newleaf had arrived, and Birchshine was just as excited as any cat. She hadn't seen the forest so full of life and color since her kithood! There were so many new sights and sounds... not to mention the prey pile would be so much easier to fill now that prey was beginning to peer out from their dens.
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Birchshine had already caught several pieces of prey to contribute to the clan. Nothing quite filled her heart with more pride than providing for her clanmates, but even still, the warm air filled her heart with a sense of longing. What further changes would Newleaf bring to her life? She couldn't wait to find out.
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The snow has melted, and the flowers have begun to grow once more. The season is now newleaf.
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Bearpaw teaches Sleetkit, Elmkit, and Flowerkit some hunting techniques now that the weather has warmed up.
The kits are getting close to their apprentice ceremonies. Lightrunner has been spotted mumbling about their potential future mentors...
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Lightrunner and Stormflower have a playful spar in the middle of the camp.
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The pond in camp has thawed. The cats of LightClan can fish once again.
The Forest Spirit's garden is full of mud. The plants inside are still dormant for the time being.
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Miss the old warriors lore like “hah tigers have stripes because they’re only allowed to hunt in the dark because they’re EVIL” and “so this cat fought this massive boar and killed him and his mate and that’s how (insert thing that I forgot about)”
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Was gonna wait, but screw it. Future kits!
Lionfeather + Grassbloom 
= Redkit (scar)
Elderchirp + Birdsun 
= Mosskit (fire), Flowerkit (stem/star), Fernkit (light)
Runningcloud + Silverwhisker
= Shiningkit (moth/dawn), Snowkit (star), Tanglekit (bounce), Rosekit (mouse)
Red is canon Redscar, who becomes a medicine cat. He is seen in Code of The Clans. After Snowstar and their deputy, Brightwhisker, died, it was up to him to choose the next leader. He chose Flowerstem. Also decided to make him an only child because he seems like one.
Mossfire dies battling her Clanmate, Jumpfoot, for the deputy position after Brightwhisker died before she could name a replacement. He died in the battle too.
and as mentioned, Snowkit becomes a leader.
Fern, Tangle, and Rose are OCs. The good thing about Code of the Clans is that they don’t tell you all the Clan’s names, so you can make some of your own.
I’m debating adding Jump or Bright in here somewhere, but might add them to someone else. Don’t know who tho, since there aren’t a lot of options. 
Jump looks a lot like Hollyclaw, so maybe she pulled a Blaze/Russet and had a biological father to bore her a son, possibly with a she-cat? I would also need a bio dad and she-cat for her....
First are Runningcloud’s and Silverwhisker’s litter (we’ll be seeing them soon!) (yes he did name Tangle after his apprentice).
and I imagine the siblings have their kits around the same time 
Also remember Shiningkit? Yeah, I forgot she exists. So now her timeline is moved.
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leafpoolstanblog · 4 months
Leader: Talonstar (28 seasons). Short-furred black tom. Deputy: Rubbleskip (36 seasons). Short-furred brown mackerel tabby tom with white patches. Seer: Smokestorm (28 seasons). Short-furred seal point tom. (Apprentice - Puddlepaw)
Warriors Turtlespark (36 seasons). Short-furred brown mackerel tabby tom. Flametail (19 seasons). Short-furred brown mackerel tabby tom with white patches. Berryheart (17 seasons). Short-furred black molly. Mistcloud (12 seasons). Short-furred brown mackerel tabby molly with white patches. Dewtail (12 seasons). Short-furred brown mackerel tabby molly. (Mentor - Slatepaw) Stonewing (10 seasons). Short-furred black tom. (Apprentice - Lionpaw) Pinenose (9 seasons). Short-furred black molly. Wasptail (6 seasons). Short-furred brown patched tabby molly with green eyes. Needletail (5 seasons). Sleek, short-furred black cat. Sleekwhisker (4 seasons). Sleek, long-furred brown patched mackerel tabby molly with green eyes. Juniperclaw (4 seasons). Sleek, skinny, and lithe short-furred black tom with green eyes and a thin tail.
Apprentices Puddlepaw (3 seasons). Sleek and short-furred black tom with pale green eyes and scars hidden under his thick pelt. (Mentor - Smokestorm) Lionpaw (3 seasons). Short-furred black molly with orange eyes. (Mentor - Stonewing) Slatepaw (3 seasons). Sleek, short-furred blue tom. (Mentor - Dewtail)
Nursery Grassheart (12 seasons). Short-furred black molly with a white patch on her chest. (Kits - Snakekit, Flowerkit, Whorlkit, 1 season)
Elders Whitethroat (50 seasons). Short-furred black tom with a white chest and paws.
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stresslitzia · 2 years
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never thought a fur texture would work as a highlight for an otherwise cel-shaded piece but here we are I guess??
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clanofthelost · 3 months
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I wanted to draw some of the other characters from clangen comics I've been reading and trying to keep up with!
From left to right we have:
Heronstar from @juniper-clan (The clangen comic that really inspired me to start making my own comic, highly recommend!!)
Nightcreeper from @anchorage-refuge (A clangen comic set in the Wings Of Fire universe and has now made me want to draw all my cats as WOF Dragons because I love this comic so much!!)
Frostpaw and Swallowpaw from @mouseclangen (I love these 2 silly lil cats and the art style of the comic so much, especially with how their facial expressions are drawn!!)
Pricklestar and Flowerkit from @brightclan (Cats in the backrooms honestly and incredibly unique and funny concept concept for a clangen comic and I'm excited to see where the story goes!!)
Nettleiris from @moons-of-dewclan (one of the first clangen comics I seriously got into! It has gorgeous art and interesting characters, would highly recommend!!!)
Icicleclash from @vespidclan (Another comic with some a very interesting twist that I dare not spoil! I also love how they draw their cats, very great shape language going on!)
I reccomend anyone who likes clangen who hasn't seen these comics to check them out!! This handful are some of my personal favorites and I wanted so show them some love!
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stemclann · 1 month
🌱 Welcome to Stemclan ! 🌱
This is yet another Clangen blog.. But this one's mine !
In a forest full of mysteries just waiting to unravel, a group of cats decides to set camp after moons of exile. This is where their leader, Veilstar, takes position after receiving a spiritual visit from Starclan, and swears to deepen Stemclan's roots so that it can thrive. What she didn't take into consideration, is that if there is blood on the roots, there will be blood on the branches. 🌿
From allegiances to lore, throught moons and moons of stories, this is Stemclan !
Start reading from moon 0 - 🌼 Here ! 🌼
Allegiances - 🌻Here !🌻 (Note that allegiances might sometimes be slightly late on updates compared to the actual story) (+ note that cats will be added to the allegiances once they reach warrior status, or else it's going to be a mess for me to update 💀)
Lore - 🌷Here ! 🌷 (Random posts, most asks that characters answer themselves, ect)
🌜 Wanna look for a specific moon ? Search in the tags : Moon (+ number of the one you're looking for)
🐈 Wanna look for a specific character ? Search their name in the tags and all content involving them during the time they had that specific name will appear! (Please note that some names will change and so the tags will as well, for example Flowerkit ➡️ Flowerpaw = Same character but different tag refering to a different phase of their lives.)
Tags / subjects that might appear in this comic : (this section isn't done yet, I'll add details later) Violence - Kitten death - Dead body / corpse - Mysoginy / sexism - Homophobia / transphobia - Xenophobia ⬆️ That will depend on the characters / plot point they face, and doesn't in NO WAY represent my own vision on these topics.
Hi everycat ! 😺
My name is Amande (she/her, 29 yo) and I'm a french concept artist / illustrator / aspiring tattoo artist from France. That's the reason why there might be a bit of spelling / grammatical mistakes along the way. I'm trying my very best to notice it before I post but I know I won't catch everything. That's also why some of the names are translated in screenshots / allegiances ! It helps me connect to the characters better and remember them more accurately.
I've always been a huge warrior cats enthusiast, ever since I was a kid. This blog, while it might not be updated regularly, is a form of escapism for me and it brings me a lot of joy <3 I hope I'll get to stay consistent and that you'll like what I have in store for all these kitties💐
Note - This post is bound to evolve with new tags and informations. I'm currently looking at ways to make the pages easily readable, regarding order, image descriptions, ect, if you have any suggestions please don't hesitate to talk to me about it ! I'll reblog it when that happens.
I hope you'll enjoy thesestories and characters as much as I'm having fun playing with them ! See ya around, and have a very nice day 🎀
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Headcanons I have that have 0 bearing on Canon
Cinderheart had a mild phobia of snakes. It is now extreme.
Goosefeather was fine with not having any kits, but he wanted the option to say no instead of being forced.
Needletail had regular nightmares as a kitten because of scary stories she begged apprentices to tell her
Sedgewhisker has webbed feet like her father Beechfur
Littlecloud considered Whitethroat his brother
Tawnypelt considered naming Dawnkit "Flowerkit" but she had too many big feelings about her mom and picked Dawn instead for the time the kits were born.
Russetfur wished Sasha had brought her kits to Shadowclan, she wanted to have mentored Hawk or Moth.
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gabbioso · 6 months
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elementclangen · 3 months
Moon 220-Greenleaf
Sadly, the elder Chiku (154) went for a walk in the woods and was later found dead.  He lived a good life, but the Clan misses the wisdom of their oldest member.  Primcrest (62) grieves for him.  He was almost like a second father to her, and his loss, so soon after Fry’s, hits hard.  Xhosa (88) is still not getting along with her apprentice.  She thinks that Smokepaw (9) is useless and lazy.  Yes, she is being ableist. Rubbleheart (16) takes the opposite approach.  He loves spending time with Smokepaw and wishes there were more hours in the day so he could spend even more time with her!  Kestrelpaw (9) is still quiet, but opens up a little bit to her mentor.  Charipeak (86) thinks she’s brave for doing so.  Dawnkit (4) is glad that there are other kits in the nursery (aside from his sister), and he thinks that Goldenkit (1) is always reliable.  Safariaster (127) wishes that non-earth-blessed cats were allowed to become  Healers. She’d like to retire, or take on an apprentice, but she can’t while she’s the only Healer.  Despite not being his biological kits, Wildcave (103) views Creekstar’s (74) most recent litter as his own and wants to spend time with them to get know them better.  Creekstar did ask before getting together with Vaxxstreak (106) and Wildcave was perfectly fine with it.  None of them expected kits to come from the pairing though. In the nursery, Dawnkit is feeling the suspicion of the Clan on his shoulders.  He’s old enough to get it, and he cares about it.  Unlike Flowerkit (4), who’s just dreaming about who her mentor will be.  Umm. . .they’ll pretty obviously be mentored by either Creekstar or Primcrest.  Who else?  Downkit (1) has been hiding from other kits and Spotkit (1) worries about him. Echokit (1) and Flowerkit definitely have competing personalities.  He tries to tell her to replace the bedding in the nursery and she hisses at him.  Hopefully they won’t use their powers in a fight.  Creekstar shudders to think about what would happen if two untrained dark-cursed cats fought each other.
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ts3lightclan · 1 year
(1.40) The Proposal
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"I don't know about this..."
Mousepaw was surprised that Antpaw of all cats was apprehensive about Stormflower's proposal. He was usually the most eager to explore and try new things, being the most... careless of the litter.
"Why? I thought you'd be excited!" Birchpaw seemed equally shocked, tilting her head. Mousepaw just sat and allowed Antpaw to groom her fur, tipping her head to the side so he could reach behind her ear. He tended to fuss over her when he was anxious; was this related to the conversation?
"I'm just not sure it's a good idea, that's all. I mean..." He huffed, lowering his voice so that none of the others in camp could hear. "Skunktooth was... he was exiled, I don't know if we're allowed to talk to him."
"But Stormflower says it's fine!" Birchpaw replied, furrowing her brows. "And she's a healer. We should trust her!"
Still seeming unconvinced, Antpaw turned his attention back to Mousepaw, wordlessly asking for her opinion.
"...I just want to see him again," She mumbled quietly. "It might be controversial, but... he's our father! Why wouldn't we be allowed to see him?"
Antpaw kept silent. Mousepaw couldn't understand why he was so against the idea.
"Well, if you don't want to come along," Birchpaw huffed, rolling her eyes, "Then Mousepaw and I can just go by ourselves. That way you won't get in trouble, okay? Besides-" She grinned, motioning to a spot in the distance where Stormflower and Lightrunner were speaking. "-We're gonna be warriors soon! We should focus on that first!"
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Antpaw, Birchpaw, and Mousepaw return to camp with Stormflower. The healer reports to Lightrunner that the siblings have earned their warrior names.
Their warrior ceremony will be held soon.
The three apprentices discuss Stormflower's proposal with one another. Birchpaw and Mousepaw are on board, but Antpaw is still oddly reluctant.
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Bearpaw has recovered well from her injury, though the incident has left a scar.
Magicburst seems to be giving his apprentice more positive attention since the incident.
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Flowerkit finds a squirrel in the warriors' den and chases it around.
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alfiely-art · 8 months
Alfie Dashboard Simulator
Based on your likes!: porn bot
Mutual 1: reblog of “Warrior Cats Most Misogynistic Moments: a Tierlist”  #they forgot about when shitpaw waterboards flowerkit #for her cat miscarriage
Mutual 2: just a doodle for my au
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Mutual 3: yomi big boobs. Yomi pussy. Yyomi
Because you follow #death note: porn bot
Mutual 4: reblog of Aesthetic old anime, but purple
Mutual 5: I hate them
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Mutual 6: reblog of Am I Autistic Quiz? #guys… 44!!!
Mutual 7: CONTENT FILTERED. WANT TO CLICK? > yes > reblog of a random poll
Mutual 8: I love red hair men <333 yomi
Mutual 9: warmup
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kanditimesystem · 9 months
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hey did you guys knowwww uhhhh.. Cattale
these guys can be warriors or just regular cats, i went ahead and gave them warrior names because why not :) if you draw any of them please tag me so i can see!!!
(names under the cut)
Asgore - Goldenstar
Toriel - Softwing
Papyrus - Scarletbone
Sans - Bluebone
Gaster - Nightgaze
Undyne - Troutfang
Alphys - Amberdapple
Nabsablook - Bleakcry
Mettaton - Sparklepelt
Frisk - Fallenkit (Fallenheart)
Asriel - Flowerkit (Flowerspirit)
Chara - Blossomkit (Blossomheart)
Grillby - Blazetail
Muffet -Spidereyes
Mad MewMew - Pinkfury
Temmie - Jollymew
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