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silvermations · 2 months ago
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Huh, who's that with James?
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lostlimerence · 9 months ago
Billy/steve/eddie fic rec alert:
People please please go and read this fic by Florentium - I’ve just stumbled across it and oh my fucking god the writing is stunning, the characterisation is amazing, character dynamics between the three ugh - you will not be disappointed - show this author some lovvveee!!
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ironbornsource · 2 years ago
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Pidgin of Gestures by @florentium Rated: Teen And Up Audiences Words: 2197 Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Category: Gen Characters: Theon Greyjoy, Wex Pyke Summary: After returning from Skagos with Rickon Stark in tow, Wex is reunited with his much-changed lord.
An excellent, beautifully melancholy reunion! I love the sense of estrangement of the bleak northern atmosphere and how it translates to the boys feeling so out of place and yet, not quite Ironborn anymore either... Their openness and sense of responsability for one another is so touching and particularly Theon, of all the regrets and things to feel bad about he has, apologizing for failing Wex as his squire is such an heartbreaking note.
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owlsinathens · 2 years ago
10 most recent first lines in order from first to last
Thank you @st-clements-steps for the tag! 🥰 Also fu tumblr for withholding my notifications 🤨
10. “If I were you, I’d go with Jon.”
From What's in the name of a King?, a short ficlet about names and identity
9. He hasn’t climbed those stairs in years, and yet Theon remembers every single step.
From The Staircase, which isn't a true crime Netflix docu, but a fic set in Winterfell before the Long Night
8. The footsteps sound loud on the path leading to the edge of the gardens. Of course. Of course.
From The Call of the Dragon, my foray into HotD and Daemon/ECP*
7. Let them come to you. They will. They always do.
From What it is like, a continuation of The Call of the Dragon
6. “Kyra really doesn’t like you, huh?”
From Another Christmas (without Dickens, thank fuck), a little sequel to Another Christmas Carol, on hiatus until a more christmassy season
5. Theon’s gaze follows the Kraken’s arms, the edges of the carving weathered and fractured.
From The Greyjoy of Pyke, my asoiaf canon only fic for Greysnow Week
4. The sea is rough as the wind in my hair
From To the Sea, a ballad (sort of) for Greysnow Week
3. The air gets colder each day, so cold it almost feels hot on his face.
From Time in a bottle, my got canon only fic for Greysnow Week
2. The Ghost flower is native only to the North of Westeros, growing in dark, hidden spots beneath tree roots and rocks.
From Snowbells, part one of a two-part sex pollen AU, also for Greysnow week
1. His hands are welded to the reins, his fingers stiff and sore.
From Chapter 7 of One by One the Walls Give Way (but do not hide your face), aka 1x1, aka the corset AU
Tagging @callmejude, @florentium, @ferrame, @sappsorrow, @megaunhappybunny, @attaining-fic, @samshinechester and whoever feels like doing this!
*EPC = my affectionate nickname for Aemond, aka Eyepatch Cunt.
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cealtrachs · 3 years ago
How many works do you have on AO3?
Fourteen. Eleven from the past 5 months.
What’s your total AO3 word count?
Just over 64k.
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
Boardwalk Empire (my OG fandom, god, such fond memories), Killing Eve, Game of Thrones, and one tiny foray into FMA.
What are your top five fics by kudos?
I would kill, to be the cold. (far from perfect, but very cathartic and educational to write)
two weeks (by far my least favorite of the five, but still good practice)
dissolve in my mouth (and never die) (one of the shortest fics i've written - love fellow killing eve girlies)
running you, with red (sadistic women are my weakness)
Siúil a Rún (the self-indulgent thramsay oneshot that people liked a lot more than expected! dark fealty. many of my vices.)
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
Most definitely. AO3 is basically me blowing off steam after work (indulging my id), and it's surprising when even one person comments on my fic. So usually I find difficulty re: containing my excitement.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
None! I am chronically tender-hearted, and most often write fluff/PWP.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
I'd say "Season after season, same rhyme same reason." or "second seal" My tastes with thramsay are cloyingly sweet.
Do you write crossovers? If yes, what’s the craziest thing you’ve written?
No, and I've never really had a desire to.
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Ha, no. If anything, people have been handling me with kid gloves.
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Yes. I adore soft d/s with a focus on emotional intimacy (sex as communication) and "possessor becoming the possessed" vibes. I adore seeing villains broken down to their raw, easily bruised parts - without losing what makes them terrible.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Why would someone do that?
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Have you ever co-written a fic?
I've received offers, but have never gotten around to it.
What’s your all time favourite ship?
As a ship, definitely Villanelle/Eve. I adore the character progression (Villanelle's concept of love moving from "you're mine and if you're not i'm going to shoot you in the chest" to "i want you to be safe and happy, even if that means i have to resign myself to never seeing you again" as Eve lets the monstrous parts of herself appear) and how well-balanced it is in its toxicity. For fic writing as an abuse survivor, thramsay has been extremely cathartic, and has an amazing breadth of complex work dedicated to it.
What’s a WIP you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Thramsay Phantom Thread AU.
What’s your writing strengths?
I occasionally write good prose, and I write what I want to read.
What’s your writing weaknesses?
I haven't produced enough to judge, but I'd say lack of conflict and under-editing. I'd also like to improve my dialogue.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in fic?
As with most things, it depends on the execution.
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Boardwalk Empire, when I was 15.
What’s your favourite fic you’ve written?
Though not my favorite in execution (I only enjoy Chapters 5 and 6, God bless everyone who managed who get through the first four), "I would kill, to be the cold" is the first fic I've written in six years, and only the third I've written over 2k - it proved to be an extremely fun and cathartic process. As far as result, probably "nothing's gonna take you (from my side)," "Season after season, same rhyme same reason." or "Siúil a Rún"
Thank you to @florentium for the tag. :)
Tagging; @madeofsplinters, @goatsandgangsters@sylvanwhispers @via-whitmore
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thus-said-the-soul · 5 years ago
“In sleep, I become a garden of roses blooming in the dark.”
Latin: In somno, existo hortus rosarum florentium in tenebra.
Greek: ἐν ὕπνῳ γίγνομαι, ὁ κῆπος τῶν ῥόδων ἀκμαζόντων ἐν τῷ ἐπίσκιῳ.
—Lisa Marie Basile, Light Magic for Dark Times (2018)
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silvermations · 2 months ago
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Y'all believe in her? Or nah?
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feathersandblue · 5 years ago
Last Line Meme
Tagged by @vaysh11
Rule: Post the last line that you’ve written and tag as many people as there are words in the line.
One of these days Geralt would grow tired of the bard trailing behind him, gazing at him longingly across the camp fire.
Too many words and not enough friends:
@andartha, @athenadark, @arzani-fuchsia, @janiedean, @cerberusia, @ideen-elster, @starrose17, @von--gelmini, @florentium
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ferreandhiscat · 6 years ago
Do you have any fic recs?
Umm it depends on what you want, I’ve never done fic recs But the best thing I’ve ever read ever is this series Summer Offerings By Callmejude and Florentium  It’s Theon/Jon it’s beautiful canon divergence. it makes me cry I’v read the whole series about three times. 
I don’t really have...anything else but there's like four or five works in that series and the most recent work is going to be about 20 chapters it’s amazingly well written. (and also completed and is being published on a schedule) I can not recommend this series enough. There is some smut but fuck it’s done so well I love it so much. 
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selkiewife · 2 years ago
Taken from @owlsinathens! Rules: post the names of all the files in your wip folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have wips!
King Reek
Ros and Reek
Captain's Daughter
Theon and Reek
Ramsay and the Miller's boys
Glass Gardens/Glass Houses
Things just as bad or worse
Jeyne 5 Rhymes
Mirror at the Wall
Theon and Jon in the Crypts
Gloves angst porn
Tysha remembers
Oberyn Wins
Fire and Blood
Essie x Sylvenna
Tagging @attaining-fic, @salty-wench, @st-clements-steps, @alleyskywalker, @nosafeanchorage, @team-mom-wannabe, @gingersprites, @hawkeyescoffeewrites, @ship-ambrosia, @thecoolestfreakyouknow, @octopuscato, @janiedean, @dontbotherwiththepronunciation, @thelustybraavosimaid, @cealtrachs, @florentium, @firelordzutara @alwayssmiled, @megaunhappybunny, @demon-of-the-ancient-world, @vivacissimx, @cola-fiend, @cornunut @samshinechester @evax3
If I didn't tag you and you want to do this, pay the iron price!
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owlsinathens · 2 years ago
Thank you for the tag @salty-wench ♥️ so much Greysnow 🥰
My words are hands | smile | spoil | fond | different
From the Ghost Past Life WIP in which Theon is a ghost hunter and Jon a forlorn ghost.
He doesn’t stop until he’s at his car, his hands shaking so hard he drops the key two times before he manages to fumble it into the lock. Only when he’s inside the car, all doors locked and the lights on, Theon realizes what has happened.
He’s seen an actual fucking ghost.
From the Kryptonite AU, the superhero fic I swear I'll write one day.
“Hey, no smoking inside.”
Theon tilts his head, giving Robb’s sister Sansa the most heartbreaking look he’s capable of, and after a moment her disapproving frown turns into a reluctant smile; she rolls her eyes.
“Alright, but go over to the windows.”
From Theon Greyjoy's first case, a murder mystery I started eons ago that didn't do well, and I lost motivation and then I couldn't find my notes. I recently found them and now a new problem has arisen: they might as well be hieroglyphs for all I can decipher them 🤦🏻‍♀️
There are days like this. When the horrible situation is brightened by a tiny drop of luck. Even better, Ramsay is deeply disappointed, he leaves Tarly to question the witness. He totters off, angry and hurt, like a spoiled child.
from a mountaineering AU I need to do more research for (I love mountaineering stuff) Greysnow, of course, with a side of past thramsay and robb-related guilt all around
Theon fumbles the mask back onto his face, his eyes falling shut in relief when oxygen comes streaming into his lungs. “Thanks!” he shouts between deep breaths. “Wow… I wonder how many... brain cells... I’ve lost.”
“I wouldn’t worry about that.” Jon has taken his mask off to grin at Theon, almost fondly, his teeth very white in his tanned face with the black beard. “There weren’t that many to begin with.”
From a really really dark Model/Photographer AU
At first I thought it was just another one of them, one of the creeps and the lechers and the old perverts. [laughs] I didn’t know better! I turned my head to see who was staring at me this time, and that’s when I first saw him. Open-mouthed and with pink cheeks, immobile, as if someone had petrified him. As if I were the Medusa or something of the sort. He looked like a complete moron, no different than the others. I could almost read his thoughts, same old stuff, wrong stuff, right? Not something I wanted. Could have wanted, anyway. But then I made the mistake and looked into his eyes and that’s where it all went to shit.”
Words: ship | frown | mother | black | ice
Tagging @st-clements-steps, @selkiewife, @callmejude, @ferrame, @sappsorrow, @florentium, @salty-wench and everyone who wants to!
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cealtrachs · 3 years ago
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thank you for the tag dear @gildedbonereader 🌿
tagging (no pressure) @florentium @elizabethsproctor @platoapproved @dordey @alphabetloop + anybody that would like to do it
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owlsinathens · 4 years ago
Omg you guys are the sweetest! Tagged by @evax3 AND @estrangedandwayward AND @littlerockerao3 thanks a lot fam ❤️ and of course right back at you!
As others have said, this is not a comprehensive list, just off the top of my head, in addition to the lovely people who tagged me: @salty-wench, @selkiewife, @attaining-fic, @imacreepygirl, @thereluctantbadger, @orionsvisiting, @lordhellebore, @callmejude, @florentium, @ferrame, @flurgburgler and @sappsorrow (pick one 😉), @quicksilvermaid and @majorbisexualdisaster 🐙🐙🐙
I’m starting something! Just tag your favourite blogs to show everyone some appreciation in these final days of 2020
I’m tagging @slightlyrebelliouswriter23 @lavenderlemonrose @fandomqueenregnant @triquetrine @cinnamonfoxjosten @chaoticneutralcinnamonroll @illyrianwitchling
thank you for the tag!! definitely not a comprehensive list but here are just a few of the blogs/people that brought me great joy this year:
@bucephaluses​ @thegreenerartist​ @fxcrt @mini-minyard​ @cowboymoonking​ @heartstoppercomic​ @gayarsonist​ @coachday​ @cinnamonfoxjosten​ @incorrectaftg​ @nightcountries​ @hoob-gooblin​ @nothing-more-than-hot-leaf-juice​ @12am​ @ourravenboys​ 
hey hi hello tysm for the tag!! I’m definitely missing or retagging people so my bad for that but here some people/blogs that made me really happy this year!!
@daystens @josteneils @cranewive @willsoots @fxcrt @kingfrumpkins @rabeimwald @dayurno @reynolds-walker @reneewalking @candied-cream @kevindavidday @lem0n-shark @kerejean @deus-ex-knoxina @cowboymoonking
thank you for the tag kat! i owe you a lot thank you for listening to me always ❤️ these are the some of the lovely people who come to mind for this and i really really hope & pray that the next year treats us better ❤️
@lem0n-shark @criswisstuff @scrat-is-god @thegreenerartist @iamthebonecarver @travel-sized-cup-noodle @mini-minyard ofc @santaclausisafurry @fxcrt @uberimmortal @onlypartiallystars @keratonin
lots of love
I cannot believe THREE amazing people (@whatareyoudoingwithamaserati is not in this thread) tagged me, holy shit! Okay okay okay here are my serotonin blogs
@whatareyoudoingwithamaserati @whatmack @kevindavidday @mini-minyard @bloodydamnit @redrabbitspod @redsingedwings @travel-sized-cup-noodle @hands-off-my-plants @fxcrt @b00kworm @simonsrosebud @absolute-0zero @dayurno and now my brain is short circuting because of all the amazingness I just tagged
I didn’t think more than one person would actually like my blog enough to do this, oh my god, but in no particular order, a list of accounts that have brought me so much serotonin when I see a post from them,
@ljf613 @optimalmongoose3 @bucketgirl @jaad96 @yearningonandon @suhappysuho @oceanblu-skies @writtenfoxscreams @lt-col-john-laurens @reasontokill @criswisstuff @havenjunde @queenaveryrules and @kevindavidday and @lem0n-shark (even though you’ve already done it, 🥰)
Hope y’all have an amazing day!
Umm…I—uh…thank you. Was not at all expecting that, but like, thanks a ton. It feels great to know that I’ve been able to do that for you. I’m not exactly sure who my serotonin blogs are because my dash is such a mess😅, but here’s a few (an understatement) blogs that I do love a lot:
@wordstosay @sprakles @odiko-ptino @hufflautia @vegetarian-bard @obliviousbunny @and-then-the-trash @little-boats-on-a-lake @vessel-fox @mimascribbles @loki-the-trikster-god @mosketchesiguess @themothatethebutterfly @autumnsfallenleaf @sincerity-vs-falsity @blastlight @biandabouttocry @erinye @ethicalmemes @followcb @sixteenbucketsofwater-and-a-pen @one-sexy-fucking-toucan @one-time-i-dreamt @wellinthewoods @quiet-storm132 @syzygy-sonder @mistressofwordz @incorrectbatmanquotes @small-reptile-cake @gigantogirl @song-of-faerghus @historyfilia @the-art-of-positivity @haltyoubillowychickenwing @ikickedagoat @remote-controlled-watermelon @greekmythologyquotes @desssnow @evil-queen1 @gayarsonist @gay-ulmo
@lesbiansforboromir @prismatic-starstuff 👉🏻👈🏻 @thefancypigeon @obliviousbunny @blastlight @legolasthegayleafyelf @outofangband @rat-goblin-15 @fingolfino
@rattle–the–stars @blastlight @biandabouttocry @sprakles @writtenfoxscreams @thewingedmulberry @watching-the-cookies @the-butter-churner @thefancypigeon @donut371 @igothicprincess @and-then-the-trash @justlgbtthings 👉👈 @tis-thy-girl
hfbfkvhif 🥺
no u @obliviousbunny 😤 @authorchanlove @lothcatrun @dragonix-3 @anmcrtist @macjaket @subaquatic-pumpkin @sleeplessdreamer14 @bogmonsterunicyclist @justsomebandomtrash @rambling-manticore @introvert-mints @blackholesandlions @made-of-meat @groovy-rat-man @ohhoneato @thewistlingbadger
thank you so much @rattle–the–stars
@dedmemehehe @bluemisha262 @x-crying-at-ikea-x @rudeness-sarcasm-and-cytoplasm @capitalism-is-a-disease @genderfae-skater @one-sexy-fucking-toucan
Thank you so much for tagging me! It means a lot
@stingy-bee @made-of-meat you don’t have to do it again ofc @alienlamp @theoneandonlyidiot @shoeinastring @ur-friendly-neighborhood-rat @that-aro-asshat @recycledcactus
Thanks pseudo-Kermit. You’d be included if you weren’t already here.
@katelfiredemon @thestarmirror @enbies-and-felonies @arokeith @xonar-verse @potato-going-down @x-crying-at-ikea-x @killjoyjay @pencilwritesshiz47 @oifaaa @silkwingfood @im-a-dragon-cawcaw @youcandalekmyballs @torristrey @jbbarnes-loki @slavic-draws @i–am-melonlord I love you all
Awww @that-aro-asshat you sweetie! Always makes me smile when you pop up in my notifications!
@takenene @im-a-dragon-cawcaw @isitsdonenow @nostraightstarks
oh my goodness! @jbbarnes-loki thank you!
here we go! @littlerockerao3 @robbeonsa @jumbojaime @felonyofasshai @gaystannis​ @wqnterfell​ @weirwoodtears​ @weirwoodeyes​
love you guys! join the discord djdjfnfnwreigiwern
Awe, @nostraightstarks thank you❤️ I’m not putting your name in the list because you’re the one who tagged me but you’re technically in there just so you know haha
So, here they are: @estrangedandwayward @evax3 @lesbiangrimalkin @fineosaur @salty-wench @wqnterfell @owlsinathens @northernfieldsforever
Thank you so much @littlerockerao3
@evax3 @jeynepoole @fineosaur @salty-wench @fineosaur @robbeonsa @rainhalydia @owlsinathens @greekphilosophress @istaricelebelasse (theres probably more but i love all yall)
thanks so much you guys @estrangedandwayward & @littlerockerao3 , you’d be on my list too!! ❤️
So here we go (i’m sure i’m forgetting someone, so sorry about that): @salty-wench @rainhalydia @cafeleningrad @selkiewife @welt-verbessererin @fineosaur @direwolf-summer @northernfieldsforever @adecila @catewip @owlsinathens :)
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silvermations · 2 months ago
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... does... does she know?
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selkiewife · 4 years ago
Theon Fic Appreciation
I ran out of time to go into why I love each of these AMAZING fics. But here are some more of my most favorite non-Theonsa fics for ship week! Each one of these fics is brilliant and incredible. Please remember to read the warnings on each fic because some of them are very explicit and some depict torture and abuse. So please read all the warnings.
Share a fic you have read muliple times
Jeyne by @saltedcrow, @fistofhnsw​ (Theyne)
now we’re ghosts and we’re praying for winter by janie_tangerine, @janiedean (Greysnow)
Share a fic that brought you joy
A Song of Our Own (Until Springtime) by theonsfavouritetoy, @owlsinathens (Greysnow)
Cathedral Where You Cannot Breathe by callmejude, @callmejude (Throbb)
honey, there is no right way by merrymegtargaryen, @jeynepoole (Theyne)
or we may walk until the daylight, maybe by janie_tangerine, @janiedean
some flowers bloom dead by janie_tangerine (Throbb)
Something Borrowed by emmaliza (Throbb)
Summer Offerings by callmejude, Florentium, @callmejude, @florentium (Greysnow)
Share a fic that inspired you
Harder & Stronger by hiddenindians (Theyne)
Heir of Tragedy by Prince_of_Leaves  (Theyne)
Reclaiming Humanity by notmoreflippingelves (Theyne)
The Hunt by Proskenion 
Share a fic that broke your heart
Kindness by acerbitas, (Theyne)
kiss the pain away by loserrobin (Theyne)
Say It, Spit it Out (What Is It Exactly?) by callmejude (Greysnow)
Ships in the Night by Mytiny_Sybarite (Throbb)
Thankful by martina_y (Throbb, Roose and Theon)
The Bath from Love Sticks, Sweat Drips Part II by Attaining (Greysnow)
We none of us do by sternflammenden (Theyne)
Unjustified by notyourparadigm (Throbb)
Share a fic you can’t stop thinking about
Cared For by Treegoats, @capraiaso​ (Thramsay)
Don’t Miss by cheerynoir (Throbb)
Father by Potoo (Throbb)
Gratitude by acerbitas (Thramsay)
Share a fic that made you see the characters or the story in a different way
Trained by Attaining, @attaining-fic (Theonsa)
You Know I Won’t Say Sorry by 1000lux, akio4000 (1000lux) (Throbb)
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owlsinathens · 4 years ago
Some one sentence prompts. "Why are you lying to me?”
Eep, thank you very much for indulging me 🥰🥰🥰
4. (Angst) "Why are you lying to me?"
He finds him under the weirwood, just like Theon knew he would. Where else would a Stark go on the eve of battle? Jon is sitting among the roots, his sword in his lap, needlessly polishing the gleaming blade, and for a moment it's as if Theon is seeing Eddard Stark instead of his bastard son. At Theon's approach Jon lifts his head and the moment passes, no stern Lord Stark, just a very tired-looking Jon.
"I heard you came," Jon says instead of a greeting, turning his gaze back to his sword. "Didn't think I'd see you again, to be honest."
"I had to come." Theon kicks at a leaf, not daring to take a seat beside Jon. This isn't where he's wanted. "If I can right at least some of the wrongs I did, I'll gladly give my life for Winterfell."
"You came here to die then?" Jon shakes his head, still not looking up. "Why are you lying to me?"
"I'm not," Theon says, taken aback. "I meant what I said."
"Then you have a very twisted view on how a man can right his wrongs." Jon lets the sword glide into its sheath, laying it aside. "What good would it do anyone if you died?"
Theon doesn't have an answer for that. He'd thought they must want him dead, the Starks, for what he did. But Sansa hadn't wanted that, and Jon hadn't killed him when they'd met again.
"I don't want to die again," Jon says into the silence. "How could I ever hope to rectify my mistakes if I died? I can only go on, learn from them, do better." He half smiles, his eyes very dark. "Do you really want to die, Theon?"
Theon swallows, finally sitting down, an arm's length away from Jon. There had been times when death had seemed like the only friend he still had, an escape, salvation. There had been times when he would've had welcomed death gladly, with open arms. But now...
"Yara'd murder me if I got myself killed," he finally says, earning himself another crooked smile from Jon. "I don't – I don't know."
"You do know." Jon tilts his head, giving Theon a sharp look. "Or you wouldn't be here."
Maybe it's true. He's here for Sansa, for Bran, for Jon, for all of them. Most of all for himself.
"No," he finally says. "I want to live."
"Good." Jon turns his head to the side, another smile playing around his lips. "Then see that you do. I still have one bone or another to pick with you once this is over. And some amends to make myself."
Theon only shakes his head, not knowing in the slightest what Jon can mean with that. But with a little luck he'll have time to find out on another day.
I want to live.
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