#flora monti
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carmenvicinanza · 4 months ago
Flora Monti
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Portavo messaggi alle brigate, nascondendoli nelle scarpe o fra le trecce dei capelli. Se avevo paura? Certo, i boschi pullulavano di tedeschi, ma sentivo di doverlo fare.
Flora Monti è stata la più giovane staffetta partigiana della Resistenza Italiana. Aveva solo dodici anni e si era fermata alla seconda elementare, quando ha scelto di schierarsi contro il nazifascismo, consegnando segretamente messaggi alle varie cellule sparse nella zona dell’Appennino Tosco Emiliano.
Nata a Monterenzio, Bologna, il 15 novembre 1931, in una famiglia antifascista, figlia di Olindo e Maria, entrambi contadini, è cresciuta coi racconti del nonno Achille, picchiato e torturato perché si rifiutava di prendere la tessera fascista.
Pochi giorni dopo l’Armistizio suo padre si era ritrovato nell’aia una ventina di ragazzi fuggiti dal distretto militare di Bologna che indossavano ancora la divisa. Dopo averli accolti e rivestiti, si sono dispersi nella montagna e hanno formato la 66ma Brigata Garibaldi Jacchia, la prima della zona.
La famiglia aveva anche ospitato e salvato due soldati inglesi e un americano, tanto da ricevere, a guerra finita, i ringraziamenti epistolari di Winston Churchill in persona.
Aveva dodici anni quando ha deciso di contribuire alla lotta. Camminava per ore nei boschi, nascondendo i bigliettini nelle trecce e nelle scarpe, accostando l’orecchio al suolo, per sentire se stavano arrivando camionette. Più volte è riuscita a scampare alle perquisizioni.
Nel 1944, con l’intervento degli alleati americani, la sua famiglia venne fatta sfollare con un viaggio terribile su treni merci e stipati come sardine, in quello che era il campo profughi più grande d’Italia, Cinecittà, dove sono rimasti per sette mesi.
Quando rientrarono la loro casa era distrutta, ma tutte e tutti erano di nuovo insieme, compresi i fratelli arruolati.
Dopo il matrimonio si è trasferita a Bologna dove ha lavorato nella bottega del marito, sfrecciando a bordo di una lambretta per fare le consegne.
Sempre in prima linea nella lotta dei diritti di donne e lavoratori, si è trovata spesso a essere picchiata durante le manifestazioni.
Nonostante la sua bella età, continua a partecipare alla vita dell’Anpi, non si perde un comizio e porta la sua testimonianza nelle scuole e in altre istituzioni per raccontare alle nuove generazioni l’importanza della resistenza.
Fiera delle medaglie ricevute, è una delle ultime testimoni di quella lotta per la libertà in nome della quale, con coraggio, ha scelto di fare la sua parte.
Sulla sua vicenda sono stati tratti spettacoli, mostre e il documentario Flora, della regista Martina De Polo.
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awehaven · 11 months ago
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Kitten Monty in a patch of Light.
©Robin Fifield 2024.
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monsteractiasluna · 1 year ago
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So I'm a massive fan of demon aus and stuff so i ummm made my own demon au 👉👈
I'm not 100% sure if I'm going to write a fic or not for this,, I plan on maybe writing a few chapters, see if I vibe with it, and then post it or leave it in the abyss depending on how I feel when I'm done.
You are a freelance demon hunter with an odd relationship in regards to the demons you hunt. You allow those who kill criminals or the scum of the Earth to go free but hunt and kill those who harm the innocent. You never thought that your work would follow you home, and you certainly never thought that your work would wake you up every morning with pancakes and waffles. Who taught these demons to work a stove?
Some fun facts about the characters and stuff below the read more :)
-Y/n was raised by a demon, hence why they have such an odd relationship with demons. Y/n views them more as people who can make mistakes and less like evil creatures from hell. Y/n allows demons that kill horrible people to live because their Mother was one of those demons, often targeting abusive spouses and partners.
-Sun and Moon used to be one entity but had split decades ago due to a disagreement. They hadn't seen each other since the split until they both broke into Y'n's house.
-Y/n has lost several limbs during their hunts; but since they're on good terms with multiple demons they are always patched back up and made "whole" again. Y/n's mother is constantly on the verge of tearing their face off from stress.
-Since Sun is a plasma demon his body runs extremely hot. He has to maintain constant control of his body temperature or he risks burning everything around him. He also has to control the brightness of his body as if he gets too excited he WILL blind people. Sun smells like ozone before a lightening strike.
-Moon is a demon made entirely of frigid cold water, so just like Sun he has to work to control his body temperature. His natural temperature is extremely cold but if he gets too upset the water that makes up his body could solidify turning to ice. He can freeze the water in the air around him easily. He smells like the ocean during winter.
-Y/n is one of the only demon hunters capable of locking demons into objects. If they cannot kill a demon they will imprison them into an object and keep them in a locked room inside their house. They often put Sun and Moon inside a plasma ball and a snow globe when the two start fighting. Gay demon jail.
-Y/n is capable of using their mother's demonic magic, which is how they are so proficient during hunts. Mother's magic is plant based and helps Y/n control roots, vines, and other flora in their surroundings. The bracelet they wear signifies the bond the two have and Y/n can communicate with their mother through that bond. The bracelet can only be removed if the bond is severed, either through one party dying, both parties agreeing to sever said bond, or a strong enough desire to break free of the bond in some cases.
-Bonds between a demon and a human can come in a few flavors, romantic bonds are symbolized through the demon's solidified magic turning into a ring, familial or friendly bonds are symbolized with a bracelet, and forced bonds are symbolized via a collar around the victims throat.
-Vanessa is Y/n's protegee, after Y/n helped save Vanessa from a forced bond from a demon Vanessa decided she wanted to become a demon hunter to get revenge on the demon who enslaved her. Vanessa doesn't fully believe that demons aren't just evil creatures from hell, but does trust Y/n's judgement.
-The other animatronics are also demons! Y/n is friends with most of them :) Roxanne is a demon that specifically hunts human traffickers, Chica is a demon who hunts people that dump waste into the environment illegally (and then proceeds to consume the dump to ensure the environment isn't too badly effected), Freddy and Bonnie hunt down child abusers and often work as a team to do it, and Monty hunts poachers and exotic animal traffickers.
-Moon falls for Y/n first and falls fast. The minute y/n kicked his ass the first time he was down bad. He makes himself a nuisance to Y/n because he isn't entirely sure how to process these feelings and decides to makes it everybody else's problem. Sun originally just wanted to be friends but as time went on he realized he was falling for Y/n too. While Moon fell in love with you for your ferocity during hunts, Sun falls for your kindness and understanding towards those affected by other demons. Sun absolutely adores your passion and need for justice and it literally makes him swoon.
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tsams-and-co-memes · 10 months ago
List of characters and who they’re voiced by
I remembered Matt breaking character at one point and expressing that people keep crediting a different VA for one of the voices he does, so I figured I’d make something and share it to maybe help avoid any future confusion
If any of this is wrong or I forgot someone, feel free to let me know so I can correct it, and feel free to suggest additions for it, too!
Some of these are more obscure/gag/one time characters, but eh. I figured they were still worth mentioning
Sun/all Sun variants (except Cringe Sun)
Monty/all Monty variants (both their masculine and feminine forms)
Solar/Eclipse/all Eclipse variants
Trash Can Man
Solar Flare
One of the Bloodmoon twins/“Bloody”
Blue and Green (Rainbow Friends)
Wally Darling
Gordon Ramsay
Molten Freddy
Old Foxy
Henry Emily
Everett Larson
EAPS Andrew
EAPS Mimic
Blue Baldi
Huggy Wuggy
The Nutella King/Nutella servants
MGAFS Andrew
EAPS Lefty
Staff/map bots
EAPS Cliff (Monty's dad)
Moon/all Moon variants (except Cringe Moon and EAPS Moon)
Lunar/all Lunar variants
One of the Bloodmoon twins/“Harvest”
The devil from the bible
The only Kmart employee
Moon killer!Sun
Earth/all Earth variants
Monty’s mom
Matt: (up until 2/1/25)
Foxy/Cringe Foxy
Cringe Sun
Cringe Moon
Puppet/all Puppet variants
MGAFS Stitchwraith (both Jake and Andrew)
Monty’s dad
EAPS Lefty
EAPS Glamrock Bonnie
EAPS Mimic
Circus Baby/all Circus Baby variants
Elizabeth Afton
Evan Afton
Toy Chica
Roxanne/all Roxanne variants
Old Ballora
Tiger Rock
Cassie’s dad
Glamrock Freddy
OG Freddy
Phantom Freddy
Shadow Freddy
Golden Freddy
Bon-Bon (?)
Spring Bonnie
Glamrock Bonnie
Funtime Freddy
Glamrock Ballora (?)
Fem Moon/Moony
Glamrock Chica
OG Chica
Glamrock Mangle (?)
EAPS Charlie Emily
Michael Afton
Carrion (may also be voiced by Mitch, but idk)
EAPS Glamrock Ballora
MGAFS Charlie/New Puppet
EAPS Roxanne
Fem Sun/Sunny
Funtime Foxy
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flusteredfools · 2 months ago
Could you please give us some ramblings about Summer Daze? Some rambles for the poor?
Oh dear, I can't let you go hungry! hmm... I don't know what to ramble about it. Though I guess I should start off with it's a poly fic, where Sun and Moon are dating before they meet the reader (big surprise.. jk almost like all of my fics will have SunxMoon cause I love them being together XD) (Also sorry if you've already read the two drabbles about this AU in my kinktober collection a lot of it will be what was already shared! but if there's more you're wanting to know you can ask for more!)
AU Summary:  
You’ve always enjoyed the great outdoors. You love nothing more than spending time with nature and exploring and understanding the Earth’s flora and fauna; that seed of passion was planted in you when you were a young child sent off to your first summer camp, Fazbear’s Nature Camp. Fazbear’s Nature Camp was run almost entirely by their animatronics, with the only real human staff being the mechanics that were on call nearby. Now that you were an adult, you wanted to share that same joy and passion with other children; and what better way to do that than by joining up as a camp counselor at that very same summer camp now that they’re accepting human counselors? 
Well specifically two human counselors, and you were lucky enough to be selected! You’ll be working with the middle age group in the team Cosmos cabins with the Sun and Moon animatronics. You hadn’t heard of them, but that’s not too surprising as all the animatronics at the camp are new to you; the older models retired out of the main duties and now only show up on special occasions or certain activities. It made you a bit bummed, not able to show the original Freddy and Chica how much you’ve grown and learned since all those years ago but you’re sure counselor Sun and Moon will be as much of a delight as they were!
Looking at their small bios online had you excited, the two animatronics looked so cute and matched the space theme for the Cosmos cabins so well. At least you were until you met them two weeks before the summer camp opened up to guests; the two celestial animatronics wanted little to nothing to do with you, both having a dislike for adults. Moon pretty much just ignored you, rarely speaking more than one word at a time to you but Sun seemed to hate you from the start; almost actively making things harder for you. It was sad but you were determined to not let it get to you, surely if they could see how much you cared they would at least not continue to try to make you quit… right?
It takes some time for Sun and Moon to warm up to you, with Moon falling for you first and then Sun a bit after. You however, don't realize this until the two have fully spelled it out for you (sorry but you're a bit dense when it comes to love) thinking that all those more flirty teases and jokes are just that and not their awkward attempts to win you over.
Oh and here's some rough concept sketches!
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Here's some Camp T-shirts, Fazbear's Nature Camp logo on the front and the Team Logos would be on the arms and back. Team Flora Counselors: (Glam) Freddy, (Glam) Bonnie, & (Glam) Chica - Rec Age Group 7-10 Team Cosmos Counselors: Sun, Moon & You/Star! - Rec Age Group: 10-14 Team Fauna Counselors: Roxy, Monty, & Lewis/Buck (the other lucky human) - Rec Age Group: 15+
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Counselor Y/N: Very outdoorsy, athletic, and covered with freckles from too much sun exposure. (will have more/various outfits), tucks their ponytail through their hat to help hold it off their neck, isn't afraid of bugs or dirt, can properly clean a fish to eat, though isn't a huge fan of the taste. Enjoys foraging for berries and mushrooms.
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Sun! Extremely friendly and caring towards all children (though less tolerate of the more rowdy groups that tend to come from Team Fauna) has a major dislike for adults - including you. Time not spent with children is spent preparing the next fun thing for them or spent with Moon. Loves to wear all the friendship bracelets he makes with the children, he keeps a few special ones to always wear but most of them end up in a keepsake chest where he can keep them in perfect condition after their superstars leave. He always makes one for each camper, using their favorite colors and their name, with little team cosmos themed beads. Is usually loud and constantly moving, only slowing down or becoming quieter if he notices children who are overwhelmed or bothered by his upbeat actions. Otherwise a quiet Sun is an unhappy Sun. If/when he gets too upset he goes out to chop wood or seeks out comfort from Moon.
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Moon is just as happy and friendly to be around the children, though he doesn't speak nearly as loud or move as frantic as Sun. He happily does tricks or sings songs for his campers, as well as always starts the first story around the campfire. He has a personal collection of comfort stuffed animals, blankets and pillows that he sews himself in between sessions, in case any little superstar feels lonely, missing home or just struggles with sleep. Some of which are scented, weighted and can be safely heated up for extra warmth. He lets them pick whatever they need from his collection and if they want him too, he'd stay with them until they fall sleep in their bunk; he also gives them a small little controller that they can press to alert him if they wake up and need him again. If there isn't a superstar that needs him at night, he'll go to the counselors cabin and sleep on the same bunk as Sun. It's very crowded with the two of them but neither mind. If it's been a rough day, Sun will talk with Moon about whatever he can think up, just non stop chatter and rambling to Moon so Moon can enjoy his partner's voice and presence; just soak up his Sunshine. More often than not Moon will talk to Sun via messages in their private network than out loud, it just feels more comfortable for him that way; he likes the extra feeling of being connected together where it's just them.
I hope that wasn't too much of a ramble... but feel free to ask more if there's something else you'd like to know about them! XD <3
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kenmarlenn · 5 months ago
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Many Monty X Ballora ship names were discussed in the Discord today, including ones developing here; Flora herself likes Starshades!
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churami-nakahara · 25 days ago
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Henry Ashton as Fleamont "Monty" Rosier (b. 1979)
Short Background; Monty was born in 1979 along with his younger twin sister Andrea Rosier to parents Evan Rosier and Jacqueline Rosier (nee Potter) after a rushed marriage to legitimize him and his sister.
He is the heir of the family as the only son of his parents and is the older brother to the twins Lynette and Aaliyah.
After the people around his mother started dying by deatheaters during the war she sent Fleamont and Andrea to their great aunt Vinda's in france where they lived and attended Beauxbatons until their 5th year when their aunt sent them back to live with their mother due to her old age.
In 1998 he married Oarabelle Flora a young half siren and had a son they named Caspian Rosier. However this marriage ended in divorce after frequent arguments over money,
In 2000, he remarried to a young woman named Aphrodite Black and had their daughter Harmonia Black a year later followed by the twins Phobos and Deimos Rosier in 2002.
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blackswallowtailbutterfly · 2 years ago
Plant names that are used as names or might be nice as names
Abelia (Abby, Bibi, Bel, Bee, Lia)
Achillea (feminine of Achilles; Lea)
Aletris (like Alexis or Beatris; Al, Allie, Tris, Trissy)
Alisma (Al, Allie, Lee, Alis, Lissy)
Alliaria (Al, Allie, Lia, Lee, Ria)
Amaranthus (actual name already; Amy, Mara, Anne, Annie)
Ambrosia (actual name already; Amy, Rosie)
Ammophila (Amy, Phil)
Andromeda (actual name already; Anne, Annie, Andy, Mimi)
Angelica (actual name already; Angie)
Anise (Anne, Annie)
Anthea (actual name already; Anne, Annie, Thea)
Apple (actual name already)
Aquilegia (Gigi)
Aralia (Lee, Lia)
Argemone (Gem, Gemmy, Monnie)
Argentina (Gen, Genny, Tina)
Arisaema (Aris)
Aronia (Ro, Nia)
Artemisia (actual name already; Art, Arty, Mimi, Missy)
Ash/Ashley (actual name already)
Aster (like Esther)
Barley (like Bartley)
Betula (Bett, Bettie, Tula)
Bluet (Blue, Bett, Bettie)
Blossom (actual name already)
Calla (Cal, Al, Allie)
Callirhoe (Cal, Al, Allie, Ro)
Caltha (Cal, Al, Allie)
Calystegia (Cal, Al, Aly, Gia)
Carya (actual name already)
Celastrus (like Celeste; Cece, Cela)
Celosia (like Celeste; Cece, Cela)
Chelone (Lonnie)
Cherry (actual name already)
Clarkia (Clark, Kia, Kiki)
Claytonia (Clay, Toni)
Clematis (Clem)
Cleome (Cleo, Clem, Mimi)
Clintonia (Clint, Lin, Toni)
Clover (Clo)
Comandra (like Cassandra; Anne, Annie, Andy, Maddie, Mandy)
Commelina (Mel, Lina, Melly, Lin, Lee)
Dahlia (like Delia or Thalia)
Daisy (actual name already)
Dale (actual name already)
Dalea (like Delia or Thalia)
Daphne (actual name already)
Datura (Dottie, Tura)
Della (actual name already)
Dianthus (Dia, Dianne, Anne, Annie)
Drosera (Dro, Ro, Sera)
Erigenia (Eri, Gigi, Gen, Genny, Genie, Genia, Nia)
Evadne (actual name already; Eve, Evie, Eva)
Fern (actual name already)
Filipendula (Fil, Filly, Flippa, Penn, Penny)
Flower/Fleure/Flora/etc. (actual names already)
Forest (actual name already)
Gale (actual name already)
Ginger (actual name already)
Grindelia (Dede, Delia, Lia)
Halesia (Hal, Hally, Al, Allie)
Hazel (actual name already)
Heather (actual name already)
Holly (actual name already)
Hydrangea (Hydie, Angie, Gigi)
Iris (actual name already)
Isotria (Izzy, Tria)
Juniper (actual name already; June, Junie)
Laurel (actual name already)
Lavender (actual name already; Lav, Vendy)
Leafie (actual name already)
Liatris (like Beatris; Li, Lia, Tris, Trissy)
Lilac (like Lilah)
Lily (actual name already)
Linaria (Lin, Linny)
Lindera (Lin, Linny, Lindy)
Linnaea (Lin, Linny)
Lobelia (Lo, Lola, Bel, Lia)
Lonicera (Lon, Lonnie, Cera)
Lotus (actual name already; Lottie)
Lunaria (Lulu, Luna)
Magnolia (Maggie, Nola, Lia)
Malia (actual name already)
Maple (like Maybel; May)
Meadow (actual name already)
Melia (actual name already; Mel, Melly)
Melothria (Mel, Melly)
Mentha (actual name already)
Mertensia (like Mercedes)
Mitchella (feminine of Mitchel; Mimi, Mitch, Chella)
Monarda (Monnie, Mona)
Montia (like Monty; Monnie, Monty, Tia)
Myrtle (actual name already)
Myrica (like Erica)
Oakley (actual name already)
Olive/Olivia/etc. (actual name already)
Pansy (actual name already)
Peach (actual name already)
Peltandra (Pel, Tandy, Andy)
Persicaria (Persi, Kari, Carrie, Caria)
Petunia (actual name already)
Phyllis (actual name already)
Pontederia (Ted, Teddie)
Poppy (actual name already)
Praline (Lina)
Primula (Prima)
Prunella (Nel, Nelly, Nella)
Robinia (Rob, Robby, Bob, Bobby, Robin, Nia)
Rose/Rosa/Rosaria/Rhode/etc. (actual names already)
Rosemary (actual name already)
Salvia (like Silvia; Sally, Vivi)
Silvia/Sylvie/Sylvaine/etc. (actual name already; Vivi)
Tansy (actual name already)
Valley (Val, Al, Alley)
Vallisneria (Val, Valli, Al, Alli, Allis, Lissy, Neri)
Veronica (actual name already)
Violet/Viola/etc. (actual name already; Vi, Vivi)
Willow (actual name already; Will, Willie)
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hotreadingwitch · 10 months ago
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@galaxostars tagged me in this little chain so here goes nothing...pasting below a tiny bit from the first chapter of my current Jegulus WIP for @imsiriuslyreading 's lovely Hozier-themed fest !!
When they had circled their way around the grounds a second time and returned to the house, Regulus felt as if he knew the flora and fauna better than he knew the back of his brother’s hand. His social battery was draining though, and quickly. As a result, he soon realized he’d accidentally tuned Effie out, his tired mind focusing instead on the pretty architecture and the padding of his two feet on the dusty carpet. That was until he stumbled across a striking, framed picture on the wall outside of her office. Regulus typically hated portraits, any photographs with people in them really. The ones in his mother’s house had always made him feel like he was being observed as if they somehow contained the very much alive and well essence of his long-gone, and likely judgmental, relatives. And yet, the picture before him of a gorgeous man with circular spectacles and a salt-and-pepper beard made him feel wholly at ease. 
“Is that your husband?” Regulus asked, not even realizing that he was interrupting her pleasant stream of chatter.
A pained look crossed her face but only for a second before it was replaced by a soft, nostalgic sort of smile, “Yes, Fleamont—or Monty, as he always liked to be called. He passed two years ago.” 
Regulus felt sad for the kind woman who stood before him, and sadder too then as his eyes flitted across the wall of photographs, taking in ones of Effie and Monty first with a small child, then an athletic teen, and more recently he supposed, a handsome young man. In one family portrait, which seemed to be taken at some sort of graduation ceremony, the resemblance to both his parents was uncanny. His father's strong jaw, Effie’s warm smile, both their curly hair. But the part of his appearance that struck Regulus the most was his chocolatey gaze. Their son truly had his mother’s eyes. 
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comfort-clubhouse · 1 year ago
NEW Comfort Characters List!!!
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Oggy and Olivia (Oggy and The Cockroaches)
Little Miss Sunshine, Little Miss Shy, Little Miss Tiny, Little Miss Splendid, Little Miss Dotty and Little Miss Hug (Little Miss)
Mr Happy, Mr Nonsense and Mr Impossible (Mr Men)
Mr Quiet, Mr Scatterbrain, Mr Funny and Little Miss Giggles (Mr Men Show)
Hello Kitty, Cinnamoroll, Keroppi, Chococat, Gudetama, Fifi, Mimmy White, Mama White, Papa White, Grandma White, Grandpa White, and Julianna Scott (Sanrio)
My Melody, Kuromi and My Sweet Piano (Sanrio and Onegai My Melody)
Pusheen (Pusheen the Cat)
Shirousa, Kurousa, Strawberryusa, Blueberryusa, Momousa, Vanilla, Aousa, Pandausa, Balletusa and Primausa (Sugarbunnies)
Miffy (Miffy)
ENA (ENA Season 1 and Dream BBQ)
Moony, Hourglass Dogs and Shepherd (ENA)
Humf, Humf's Parents, Uncle Hairy and Flora (Humf)
SCP-049 SCP-999, SCP-131 and SCP-053 (SCP)
Boyfriend, Girlfriend, Tabi, Carol, Sunday, Hex, QT, Nikusa, Solazar, Annie, Garcello, Rascal, Chris, Sarvente, Ruv, Selever, Rasazy, Pom Pom, Ash, Cassette Girl, Dr Springheel and Nikku (Friday Night Funkin)
Boy and Girl (Friday Night Funkin - Twinsomnia)
Tankman (Tankmen)
Soft Boyfriend and Soft Mouse (Friday Night Funkin - Soft)
Shinto (Friday Night Funkin - Lullaby)
Skid, Pump, Lila, Jaune, Robert, John, Streber and Bob Velseb (Spooky Month)
Hat Kid and Snatcher (A Hat In Time)
Taki (Friday Night Fever)
Charlie Dompler and Pim Pimling (Smiling Friends)
Lazlo, Edward and Gretchen (Camp Lazlo)
SpongeBob SquarePants, Patrick Star, Sandy Cheeks, Gary, Plankton, Mindy, Mr Krabs and Karen Plankton (SpongeBob)
Mario (Mario and DIC Cartoon)
Luigi (Mario, DIC Cartoon and Super Mario Movie)
Yoshi (Mario and Super Mario World Cartoon)
Peach, Daisy, Wario, Bowser Jr, Boo, King Boo, Rosalina and Luma (Mario)
Bowser (Mario and Super Mario Movie)
Count Bleck and Tippi (Super Paper Mario)
Lumalee and Giuseppe (Super Mario Movie)
Bow and Watt (Paper Mario)
Koops (Paper Mario and The Thousand Year Door)
Polterpup (Luigi's Mansion)
Hellen Gravelly and Morty (Luigi's Mansion 3)
Rabbid Rosalina (Mario + Rabbids)
King Koopa (Mario DIC Cartoon)
Oogtar (Super Mario World Cartoon)
Sonic and Tails (Sonic, Adventures of Sonic The Hedgehog and Sonic Movie)
Amy Rose, Dr Eggman, Cream, Cheese, Chao, Orbot, Cubot, Vanilla, Vector and Chip (Sonic)
Sage (Sonic Forces)
Zazz and Zavok (Sonic Lost World)
Tails Doll (Sonic R)
Knuckles, Tom Wachowski, Maddie Wachowski and Dr Robotnik (Sonic Movie)
Wes Weasley (Adventures of Sonic The Hedgehog)
Po and Laa-Laa (Teletubbies)
Snorky and Fleegle (Banana Splits)
Rilakkuma (Rilakkuma)
Donutella (Donutella)
Captain N and Simon Belmont (Captain N the Game Master)
Rayman (Rayman and Animated Series)
Rayman/Ramon (Captain Laserhawk)
Globox, Grand Minimus and Ales Mansay (Rayman)
Betina and Flips (Rayman the Animated Series)
Red Guy, Duck Guy, Sketchbook, Colin, Lesley, Electracey and Bread Mother (Don't Hug Me I'm Scared)
Postman Pat and Jess (Postman Pat)
Fifi Forget-Me-Not (Fifi and the Flowertots)
Spud and Lofty (Bob The Builder)
Numbuh 3, Numbuh 5, Father, Monty Uno, Mushi Sanban, Maurice, Delightful Children from Down the Lane and Interesting Twins from Beneath the Mountain (Kids Next Door)
Bambi, Thumper and Faline (Disney's Bambi)
505, White Hat, Demencia and Black Hat (Villainous)
Goliath (Gargoyles)
Chudd Chudders, The Earl, T-Bone and DangerGrid Of Doom (Skatoony)
Kirby, Meta Knight, Ribbon and Elflin (Kirby)
Tootie and Plex (Yo Gabba Gabba)
Mio and Mao (Mio Mao)
Luz Noceda, Eda Clawthorne, Willow Park, King, Raine Whispers, Collector, Emperor Belos and Lilith Clawthorne (Owl House)
Anne Boonchuy, Marcy Wu/Darcy, Sasha Waybright, Sprig Plantar, King Andrias, Lady Olivia and Hop Pop Plantar (Amphibia)
Grim Reaper and Jack O Lantern (Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy)
Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Daisy Duck, Goofy, Clarabelle Cow, Oswald the Lucky Rabbit and Ortensia the Cat (Disney)
Mugman, Devil, Baroness Von Bon Bon, Sally Stageplay, Ms Chalice and King Dice (Cuphead Show)
MX (Mario 85 and Mario's Madness)
Lucas (Mario 85 and Mario's Monday Night Massacre)
Mario.EXE, Coronation Day Peach and GB (Mario's Madness)
Pac-Man and Inky (Pac-Man)
Gingerbread Man/Gingy (Shrek)
Matt, Tord, Edd, Tom, Eduardo, Zanta Claws and Ringo (Eddsworld)
Matilda (Ellsworld)
Pocoyo and Nina (Pocoyo)
Lord X, Curse of X, Hog, NormalCD and Majin Sonic (VS Sonic.EXE)
Mao Mao, Adorabat and Badgerclops (Mao Mao - Heroes of Pure Heart)
Edd/Double D and Nazz (Ed, Edd n Eddy)
Dawko, CookieSwirlC, Jaiden Animations, RRcherrypie, RME Music Channel, Kristers Viļums, Janet HQ, FrozenPhantom, Blazeplayz/All mighty hobo, king of creepypasta, NashiroThePenguin, 🌸..POKE_TV..🌸, []Kiara cutie❤️[], Fluffle Puff, Añćä, SMG4, Xx_Amanda_xX, SSGSS Marioftw, WiiLikeToPlay, Kitty Ashley, Marciplier, .anormalhuman, Jay productions, °•[PDC_FOREVER]•°, °Just_an_autistic_idiot°, DAGAMES, CG5, CK9C, PR!NC3 P!lLL, VanossGaming, Markiplier, Jacksepticeye, jacknjellify, AnimationEpic, Katie Ryan, Welp I'm Spooky, Rosanna Pansino, Or30, WolfyChu, SweetoToons, atsuover, Nicky Tate, Sr Pelo, VanillaHamHam, PedramDoesStuff, mashed, Ashley Nichols Art, Emirichu, GinjaNinjaOwO, ☆ShadowsFluffyChestFur☆, So Yummy, ThAt1!FnFfan, .ImSea, Knight, Sonrio the Hedgehog and king_dice3245 the hedgehog (YouTubers)
Robert Englund, Charles Martinet, Wendie Malick, Frank Welker, Keith David, Makiko Ohmoto, Kevin Michael Richardson, Clancy Brown, Jeffrey Combs, Tara Strong, Grey DeLisle, Michael Rosen Marty Grabstein, Jason Alexander, Mark Hamill, Greg Eagles, Mel Winkler, Tom Kenny, Joey D'Auria, Richard Horvitz, Lex Lang, Elsie Lovelock, Harry Hill, Susan Sheridan, Paul Schoeffler, Bill Nye, Justin Fletcher, Michael Jackson, Daft Punk, Marc Thompson, Brandon Rogers, Jonathan Freeman, Gilbert Gottfried and Brendan Blaber (Celebrities)
Wanda and Dark Laser (Fairly Oddparents)
Penny Ling (Littlest Pet Shop Series)
Sayori and Monika (Doki Doki Literature Club)
Gabriel (Ultrakill)
Raiden (Metal Gear Rising)
Garfield and Odie (Garfield)
Sam and Max (Sam & Max)
Spot (Spot The Dog)
Woolly and Tig (Woolly and Tig)
Raiden, Sub Zero and Scorpion (Mortal Kombat)
Francis (Felidae)
Dr Heinz Doofenshmirtz (Phineas and Ferb)
Katz, Courage, Le Quack, Freaky Fred, Muriel Bagge, Computer, Bunny, Kitty and Black Puddle Queen (Courage The Cowardly Dog)
Bubbles and HIM (Powerpuff Girls)
Share Bear and Wish Bear (Care Bears)
Rick Sanchez (Rick and Morty)
Zim (Invader Zim)
Komi Shouko, Najimi Osana, Komi Shuuko and Tadano Hitohito (Komi Can't Communicate)
Emily and Percy (Thomas the Tank Engine - Model)
Sunflower (Plants Vs Zombies)
Slappy (Goosebumps)
Lost Silver and Strangled Red (Friday Night Funkin - Lullaby)
Misfortune (Little Misfortune)
Hypno (Pokémon and Friday Night Funkin - Lullaby)
Jigglypuff, Pikachu, Darkrai, Mew, Buneary, Celebi, Jirachi, Riolu, Lucario, Manaphy, Latios, Latias, Piplup, Dwebble, Diancie, Wynaut, Togepi, Zorua, Minccino, Cinccino, Pawmi, Axew, Emolga, Chikorita, Torchic, Cosmog, Pachirisu, Komala, Ralts, Mudkip, Eevee, Sylveon, Altaria, Swablu, Quaxly, Misdreavus, Gengar, Audino, Iris, Alice, Alicia and Bianca (Pokémon)
Wall-E, EVE and M-O (Wall-E)
Six (Little Nightmares)
Maleficent (Disney's Sleeping Beauty)
Jaq and Gus (Disney's Cinderella - 1990s)
Pomni, Ragatha, Gangle, Jax and Caine (The Amazing Digital Circus)
The Cat (Coraline)
Optimus Prime (Transformers)
N and Cyn (Murder Drones)
Gizmo (Gremlins)
Charlie Morningstar, Angel Dust, Alastor, Nifty, Lucifer Morningstar, Rosie, Fat Nuggets, Husk, Keekee, Emily, Zestial and Velvette (Hazbin Hotel)
Blitzø, Moxxie, Millie, Stolas, Asmodeus, Fizzarolli, Paimon, Collin, Queen Bee-Zlebub, Vortex, Octavia, Oliver and Loona (Helluva Boss)
Frost Queen Cookie, Clover Cookie and Espresso Cookie, Onion Cookie, Squid Ink Cookie, Cream Puff Cookie and Parfait Cookie, Strawberry Crepe Cookie and Cherry Blossom Cookie (Cookie Run - Kingdom)
Scar and Lex Woods (Alien Vs Predator)
Giulia Marcovaldo and Luca Paguro (Luca)
Tanjiro Kamado, Nezuko Kamado and Zenitsu Agatsuma (Demon Slayer)
XR, NOS-4-A2, Zurg, and Ty Parsec (Buzz Lightyear of Star Command)
Woody, Buzz Lightyear, Jessie, Mr Potato Head and Mrs Potato Head, Slinky Dog, Buttercup, Dolly, Trixie, Bonnie Anderson, Bunny and Ducky (Toy Story)
Little Green Men (Toy Story and Buzz Lightyear of Star Command)
Peep (Peep and the Big Wide World)
Totoro (My Neighbour Totoro)
Goku, Chichi, Vegeta, Krillin, Beerus and Whis (Dragon Ball Z)
Master Crane and Lord Shen (Kung Fu Panda)
Scarecrow (Arkhamverse, The New Batman Adventures, Batman The Animated Series, Nolanverse, Fear State, Brave and The Bold, Injustice 2, Happy Halloween Scooby Doo, Harley Quinn Series and Tomorrow-Verse)
Mad Hatter, Baby Doll, The Ventriloquist, Scarface, and Alice (Batman The Animated Series)
The Joker (Batman The Animated Series and The Batman 2004 Series)
Ragdoll, Catwoman, Penguin and Riddler (The Batman 2004 Series)
Harley Quinn (Harley Quinn Series, Injustice 2 and MultiVersus)
Ghoul (Batman Beyond)
Question and Huntress (Justice League Unlimited)
Scream Queen (Batman - Brave and The Bold)
Red Hood and Green Arrow (Injustice 2)
Starfire (Teen Titans)
King Shark (Harley Quinn Series)
Jake, Mee Mow and Princess Bubblegum (Adventure Time)
Chikn Nuggit, Cheezborger, Slushi, Bezel and Cofi (Chikn Nuggit)
Dr Drakken (Kim Possible)
Elvira (Elvira, Mistress Of The Dark and Happy Halloween Scooby Doo)
Narrator (The Stanley Parable)
Medic and Sniper (Team Fortress 2)
Wheatley (Portal)
Peppino Spaghetti, The Noise, Vigilante and Fake Peppino (Pizza Tower)
Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash, Flurry Heart, Princess Celestia, Apple Bloom, Granny Smith, Thorax, Discord, Ocellus and Silverstream (My Little Pony)
Apple Blossom, Strawberry Kiss, Kooky Cookie, Spilt Milk, Milk Bud, Dum Mee Mee, Sippy Sips, Choc and Chip, Buncho Bananas, Jessicake, Donatina and Peppa Mint (Shopkins)
Mr Stitchy and Clowny (PIGGY)
Screech and Seek (DOORS)
Agatha (Dark Deception)
Lambie (Doc McStuffins)
Fink, Shannon, Darrell, Professor Venomous, Lord Boxman and Red Action (O.K KO)
Pipsqueak and Grammy Norma (The Lorax)
Freddy Krueger (Nightmare On Elm Street - Original)
Jason Voorhess and Pamela Voorhess (Friday The 13th - Original)
Michael Myers (Halloween - Original)
Leatherface/Bubba Sawyer (Texas Chainsaw Massacre - Original)
Chop Top Sawyer (Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2)
Needlem0use/Sarah Henderson and Luther (Needlem0use)
Filburt Shellbach, Rocko Rama and Spunky (Rocko's Modern Life)
Pops, Eileen and Hi-Five Ghost (Regular Show)
Mirabel Madrigal, Pepa Madrigal, Antonio Madrigal and Bruno Madrigal (Encanto)
Meilin Lee (Turning Red)
Abby Park (Turning Red)
Bluey Heeler, Bingo Heeler, Chilli Heeler, Bandit Heeler, Muffin Heeler, Socks Heeler, Brandy Heeler, Radley Heeler, Frisky, Calypso, Rusty, Lila and Pom Pom (Bluey)
Lilo Pelekai, Stitch, Angel and Pleakley (Lilo and Stitch)
Rebecca Rabbit, Emily Elephant, Zuzu Zebra, Zaza Zebra and Edmond Elephant (Peppa Pig)
Brandy and Mr Whiskers (Brandy and Mr Whiskers)
Big and Small (Big and Small)
Holly Thistle and Nanny Plum (Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom)
Mort, Gia, Melman, Stefano and Alex (Madagascar)
Skipper, Kowalski, Rico and Private (Madagascar and Penguins of Madagascar)
Corporal (Penguins of Madagascar)
Scratch, Molly McGee and Libby Stein-Torres (Ghost and Molly McGee)
Spawn (Image Comics)
Cyan Fitzgerald (Todd McFarlane's Spawn)
Hades (Disney's Hercules)
Jafar, Iago and Genie (Disney's Aladdin)
Nasira (Disney's Aladdin in Nasira's Revenge)
Horned King (The Black Cauldron)
Kissy Missy, Boogie Bot, Bunzo Bunny, Candy Cat, Hoppy Hopscotch and Dogday (Poppy Playtime)
Moon Knight and Mr Knight (Moon Knight)
Peni Parker (Spider Man - Into the Spider Verse)
Doctor Octopus, Vulture, Electro, Shocker, Tinkerer and Aunt May (Spectacular Spider Man)
Eddie Brock/Venom (Venom)
Baby Groot and Rocket Raccoon (MCU's Guardians of the Galaxy)
Jeffrey the Land Shark (It's Jeff)
Penny Proud, Oscar Proud and Suga Mama (The Proud Family)
Mike/Svetlana/Manitoba Smith/Mal, Zoey Izzy, Cameron, Jasmine and Chris McLean (Total Drama)
Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl, Peridot, Rainbow Quartz, Greg and Lapis Lazuli (Steven Universe)
Chiaki Nanami, Korekiyo Shinguji, Monokuma and Monomi/Usami (Danganronpa)
Sailor Moon, Sailor Mercury, Artemis, Luna and Diana (Sailor Moon)
Secret History Tails and Secret History Mario (Mashed)
Roy O'brien (ROY)
Loid Forger, Yor Forger, Anya Forger and Bond Forger (Spy X Family)
Pixie, Brutus, Lola and Hugo (Pixie and Brutus)
Felix and King Candy/Turbo (Wreck It Ralph)
Isabelle, Timmy Nook, Tommy Nook and Rover (Animal Crossing)
Gidget, Chloe and Daisy (Secret Life Of Pets)
Ember Lumen (Elemental)
Sun, Moon and Eclipse (Five Nights At Freddy's - Security Breach)
Foxy (Five Nights At Freddy's)
Funtime Freddy and Circus Baby (Five Nights At Freddy's - Sister Location)
Bill Cipher, Mabel Pines, Wendy Corduroy, Stan Pines and Ford Pines (Gravity Falls)
Eric Duckman and Cornfed Pig (Duckman)
Slender Man, Splendor Man, Trenderman, Jeff The Killer, Laughing Jack, Sally and Lulu (Creepypasta)
Elmo, Cookie Monster, Big Bird and Julia (Sesame Street)
Ms Piggy, Swedish Chef and Gonzo (Muppets)
Bubble and Ice Cube (Battle For Dream Island)
Four, X, Six, Lollipop and Cake (Battle For BFB)
Winner, Price Tag, PDA and Conch Shell (The Power Of Two)
Lightbulb, Paintbrush, MePad, Bow/Bot, Paper, Test Tube, Silver Spoon, Clover, Goo and Candle (Inanimate Insanity)
Tune (Object Mayhem)
Shelly (Brawl Of The Objects)
Brownie (Battle For Isle Of Sleep)
Orbulon, Ashley, Kat, Ana, 9-Volt and Penny Crygor (Warioware)
Wallace, Gromit and Feathers McGraw (Wallace and Gromit)
Wendolene Ramsbottom (Wallace and Gromit - A Close Shave)
Lady Tottington and Hutch (Wallace and Gromit - Curse of The Were-Rabbit)
Penny Fitzgerald (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Sans, Papyrus, Toriel, Mettaton, Napstablook, Asriel and Alphys (Undertale)
Ralsei and Jevil (Deltarune)
Grizzly Bear, Panda Bear and Ice Bear (We Bare Bears and We Baby Bears)
Chloe Park (We Bare Bears)
Agent Trout (We Bare Bears Movie)
Jared (We Baby Bears)
Flaky, Flippy, Sniffles, Lammy and Cub (Happy Tree Friends)
Neo Cortex, Aku Aku, Dingodile, Pasadena O'Possum, N-Gin, Lani-Loli, Kapuna-Wa and Crash Bandicoot (Crash Bandicoot)
Ochaco Uraraka, Momo Yaoyorozu, Eijirou Kirishima, Tsuyu Asui, Hawks, Mirio Togata, Present Mic, Shota Aizawa, Ms Joke, Eri, Kota Izumi, Tomura Shigaraki, Toga Himiko, Dabi, Inko Midoriya, Ordinary Woman, Spinner and Tenya Ida (My Hero Academia)
Claire Foley (Professor Layton)
Sam (Trick R Treat)
Hanazuki, Kiyoshi, Yellow Hemka, Pink Hemka, Light Blue Hemka, Blue Hemka and Raspberry Hemka (Hanazuki)
Bugs Bunny, Tweety Bird and Marvin the Martian (Looney Tunes)
Zardy (Zardy's Maze)
Flapjack (Misadventures of Flapjack)
Charles Calvin, Right Hand Man, Reginald Copperbottom, Dmitri Petrov and Ellie Rose (Henry Stickmin)
Mr Shark, Mrs Tarantula, Diane Foxington and Wolf (The Bad Guys)
Miraitowa and Someity (Tokyo 2020 Mascots)
Bing Dwen Dwen and Shuey Rhon Rhon (Beijing 2022 Mascots)
Meggy Spletzer, Tari, Melony, Karen, Axol and Mr Puzzles (SMG4)
Blackie (Nightmare Cafe)
Dr Nefarious (Ratchet and Clank)
EteleD/Henry Morris and Corrupted Mii/Austin Sanders (Wii Deleted You)
Connor and Hank Anderson (Detroit - Become Human)
Poppet, Luvli, Jeepers, Shishi, Sleepypaws, Baby Rox, Roxy, Holga, Suey, Tomba, Kissy, Fifi, Marsha and Dr Strangeglove (Moshi Monsters)
PukeyHurlC (Grossery Gang)
Mama, Nastasia and Ichigo (Cooking Mama)
Yuto (Babysitting Mama)
Moomintroll, Snorkmaiden, Snork, Moominmamma, Moominpappa, Snufkin and Joxter (Moomin)
Komasan, Komajiro and Whisper (Yo-Kai Watch)
Hatsune Miku, Kasane Teto and Kagamine Rin (Vocaloid and UTAU)
Tuffy and Tyke (Tom and Jerry)
Misty (Tom and Jerry Show - 2014)
Shaggy Rogers, Scooby Doo and Fred Jones (Scooby Doo)
Madelyn Dinkley (Scooby Doo! Abracadabra)
F, Y and P (Alphabet Lore)
Sammy Lawrence, Boris, Tom and Allison Angel (Bendy and The Ink Machine)
Bendy (Bendy and The Dark Revival)
Sulley, Mike Wazowski and Boo (Monsters Inc)
Puss in Boots, Kitty Softpaws and Perrito (Puss in Boots)
Three Diablos (Puss In Boots - The Three Diablos)
Jack Horner and Death Wolf (Puss In Boots - The Last Wish)
Toothless, Ruffnut Thornston, Tuffnut Thornston, Valka Haddock, Cloudjumper, Gobber, Hiccup Haddock III and Astrid Hofferson (How to Train Your Dragon)
Bender (Futurama)
Wednesday Addams and Enid Sinclair (Wednesday)
Molly Horren, Milly Mandara and Chloe Ventura (Milly, Molly)
Major Dr Ghastly and General Skarr (Evil Con Carne)
Unikitty and Puppycorn (Unikitty)
Viridi (Kid Icarus - Uprising)
Scrooge McDuck (Ducktales)
Della Duck, Dewey Duck, Manny The Gargoyle and Lena Sabrewing (Ducktales – 2017)
David Jones, Zoe Kusama, Cathy Turner, Samuel King, Eduardo Ramirez, Amy Young, Maddie O'Malley, Charles Dupont, Sunny and Margaret Littlewood (Criminal Case)
Tutter (Bear in the Big Blue House)
Chowder and Mung Daal (Chowder)
Shaun (Shaun The Sheep)
Timmy (Shaun The Sheep and Timmy Time)
Mittens, Otus and Apricot (Timmy Time)
Jack Skellington, Sally, Zero and Oogie Boogie (The Nightmare Before Christmas)
Emily (Corpse Bride)
Jack Sparrow, Hector Barbossa and Davy Jones (Pirates of the Caribbean)
Hank J Wimbleton, Tricky, Sanford, Deimos and Jebus (Madness Combat)
Happiness Hank (Happiness Apotheosis)
Kedamono and Popee (Popee the Perfomer)
Mama Imelda (Coco)
Frankie Stein, Dracalaura, Catty Noir, Abbey Bominable and Twyla (Monster High)
Madeline Hatter, Kitty Cheshire, Crystal Winter, Bunny Blanc and Lizzie Hearts (Ever After High)
Tessa, Mags, Eye Brawl, Dr Krankcase, Flynn and Hugo (Skylanders)
Bart Simpson, Maggie Simpson, June Bellamy, Krusty the Clown, Groundskeeper Willie, Sideshow Bob and Ned Flanders (The Simpsons)
Sebastian and Ursula (Disney's Little Mermaid)
Melody (Disney's Little Mermaid II - Return to the Sea)
Cruella De Vil and Lucky (Disney's 101 Dalmatians)
Mrs Brown (Mrs Brown's Boys)
Joe Swanson and Jasper (Family Guy)
Cleveland Brown (Family Guy and The Cleveland Show)
Tunip (Octonauts)
Chuck and Matilda (Angry Birds)
Leonard Mudbeard, Courtney, Zeta and Debbie (Angry Birds Movie)
Nikki, Max, Nerris, Ered and Gwen (Camp Camp)
Victor Creel and Mike Wheeler (Stranger Things)
Skeletor and Orko (He-Man)
Margaret the Mole and Felix the Fish (Andy's Apple Farm)
Mushu (Disney's Mulan)
Iroh, Suki, Momo and Toph (Avatar The Last Airbender)
Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Alya Cesaire, Gabriel Agreste and Nathalie Sancoeur (Miraculous Ladybug)
Evil Queen/Grimhilde, Dopey and Snow White (Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs)
Bjorn, Splork and Kat Tut (Peggle Deluxe)
Nigel Thornberry (Wild Thornberrys)
Quasimodo, Esmeralda, Claude Frollo, Clopin Trouillefou, Hugo, Victor and Laverne (Disney's Hunchback of Notre Dame)
Lumiere, Fifi and Chip (Disney's Beauty & The Beast)
Klaus (American Dad)
Pinocchio, Figaro, Honest John, Gideon and Geppetto (Disney's Pinocchio – 1940)
Winnie The Pooh, Tigger, Piglet and Eeyore (Winnie The Pooh)
Mog and Owl (Meg & Mog)
Captain Hook and Smee (Disney's Peter Pan)
Kronk, Yzma and Kuzco (Emperor's New Groove)
Trixie and Captain Cuddlepuss (Creature Comforts)
Wally Darling, Julie Joyful and Barnaby B Beagle (Welcome Home)
Rocky, Babs and Mrs Tweedy (Chicken Run)
Konata Izumi (Lucky Star)
Lucy Loud, Lynn Loud and Luan Loud (Loud House)
Rita and Spike (Flushed Away)
Nugget (Super Meat Boy Forever)
Om Nom, Om Nelle and Nibble Nom (Cut The Rope and Om Nom Stories)
Swampy and Allie (Where's My Water and Swampy's Underground Adventures)
Linus van Pelt and Woodstock (Peanuts)
Dory and Deb (Finding Nemo)
Destiny (Finding Dory)
Billy Bear, Bonnie Bear and Mr Pumpkin (Butlins Mascots)
Grogu and Din Djarin (The Mandalorian)
Wally/Waldo (Where's Wally - 1991 Series)
Mr Tumble and Granddad Tumble (Something Special)
Sackboy (Little Big Planet)
Vex (Sackboy - A Big Adventure)
Parappa and Sunny (Parappa The Rapper)
Danger Mouse and Penfold (Danger Mouse)
Baymax (Big Hero 6)
Otto, Antauri and Circus of Ooze Crew (Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go)
Sid, Manny, Granny and Peaches (Ice Age)
Arnold (Hey Arnold)
Yumeko Jabami (Kakegurui)
Lucas (Lucas The Spider)
Marisa Kirisame (Touhou)
Noddy, Fuse, Naughticorns(Bling, Hoof and Cloppycorn), Pat Pat and Dinah Doll (Noddy)
Toto (Dr Panda)
Wander and Lord Dominator (Wander Over Yonder)
Alice Green, Tilly Green, Cricket Green and Bill Green (Big City Greens)
Ty The Tasmanian Tiger and Maurie (Ty the Tasmanian Tiger)
Larry the Cucumber (Veggitales)
Lady Dimitrescu and Karl Heisenberg (Resident Evil - Village)
Norrie and Peggee (Hey Duggee)
Kratos (God Of War)
Tiana, Charlotte La Bouff and Dr Facilier (Princess and The Frog)
Berry, Dreamy, Lily, Petite and Daisy (Palace Pets)
Ms Featherbon (Palace Pets - Whisker Haven)
Simon and Fionna (Fionna and Cake)
Gordi and Maria (Unicorn Wars)
Zippy and Bungle (Rainbow)
Dougal (Magic Roundabout – 1970)
Benrey, Dr Coomer and Tommy (Half Life VR)
Shellsea (Fish Hooks)
Jude (6teen)
Susie and Kimi (Rugrats – 1991)
Jenny Wakeman (My Life as a Teenage Robot)
Skulker and Walker (Danny Phantom)
Zippy (TUFF Puppy)
Rango and Beans (Rango)
Calvin McMurray/Freckle and Mordecai Heller (Lackadaisy)
Dee Dee (Dexter's Laboratory)
Master Shake (Aqua Teen Hunger Force)
Pugsley and Norma Khan (Dead End - Paranormal Park)
Stocking Anarchy (Panty and Stocking)
Ongo (Jelly Jamm)
Bubble (Fundamental Paper Education)
Darkwing Duck and Quackerjack (Darkwing Duck)
Snorky and Fleegle (The Banana Splits)
Fear, Anger and Sadness (Inside Out)
Anxiety and Embarrassment (Inside Out 2)
Naven Nuknuk and Zora Salazar (Epithet Erased)
Captain (Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists)
Astral (Yu-Gi-Oh Zexal)
Benrey and Tommy (Half Life VR)
Felix the Cat (Felix the Cat)
Kiff Timberlay (Kiff)
Vanity Smurf (The Smurfs)
Glendale (Centaurworld)
Bernie (Zig and Sharko)
Varian (Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure)
Wubbzy and Daizy (Wow! Wow! Wubbzy)
Fender Pinwheeler (Robots)
Joe Dalton (The Daltons)
Toaster (The Brave Little Toaster)
Hilda (Hilda)
Gizmo (Gremlins)
Cheshire (Alice In Wonderland - 2010)
Jiji (Kiki's Delivery Service)
Dick Dastardly and Muttley (Wacky Races & Dastardly and Muttley in Their Flying Machines)
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strawbubbysugar · 1 year ago
So I had a couple of general questions about the world of Bethroned, if that’s ok?
1. How is the weather? Is it the same in both kingdoms or does one kingdom have better weather than the other? Does that affect the fauna/flora?
2. I know that to survive the humans need food and shelter, so most of their jobs I imagine fall under farming, fishing, building houses, etc. But what about the citizens of Atomata? What are their duties and needs? Do they have a farm where they "plant" or build devices that absorb energy to power up their citizens? How do the citizens keep their kingdoms running?
3. In both kingdoms there are some villages close to the front lines, how are they being affected by the fighting?
4. What are the main exports/imports of both kingdoms?
5. This is the last one, promise. Besides marriage what other responsibilities did Sun and Moon have as Princes to their kingdom? Did they have to go visit the towns and check on the well-being of their citizens? Attend council (war) meetings? What other duties did they have?
Sorry for the questions, please don’t feel obligated to answer if you don’t want to. :)
1. Automata is a bit warmer than porphyal. Think Canada vs America. The Porphyal capital is an incredibly rainy city, while the Automata capital tends to have very mild weather. In general both kingdoms get all kinds of weather, sun, rain, snow, etc. it does vary between the areas more though. Like how it’s colder up in the mountains!
2. You got it exactly right! A lot of their work involves working on and building Solar, water, and other sources of renewable energy. A farmer in automata’s job would be to “plant” Solar crops that take in the sun and turn it into energy to send to the capital, while keeping some for their own village to be run on!
3. They’re towns dedicated to the cause mostly, with things like places for soldiers to get healed up or rest, or for generals to plan things. Very few children or families in these towns, and could honestly be considered just very large military camps.
4. Energy/plastic/metal from Automata, and lumber/textiles/art from Porphyal!
5. They do both of those yes!! Sun’s duties revolved mostly around the military side of things after he went to the front lines. Moon handled most (if not almost all) other duties. During the winters he would visit a few towns, but most of his duties involved education, attending meetings, diplomacy, stewardship preparation, swordsmanship & defensive training, etc. he had a LOT to do. Sun would also be doing these things, but on the front lines he was learning them from Monty. Who wasn’t exactly what I’d call.. the most educated teacher
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weirdestbooks · 1 month ago
Secret States Chapter 24
Someone Should Have Kept an Eye on New England (Wattpad | Ao3)
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“Dad. We have a problem.” Kansas said, popping her head into her father’s room. She saw Dad place his phone on the table, as vibrations from it seemed to cause the table to shake.
“Add it to the list then.” Dad said with a slight chuckle, “What’s up, Sunflower?”
“New England’s gone. They left. No one can find them, and Tenny says that Flora says they are going to talk to Britain.” Kansas informed him. Dad sighed.
“They’ve gone to meet their namesake. My father will love this.” Dad said with a small groan. Kansas laughed, rolling into the room.
“Well, they have wanted to introduce themselves for a long time. Figures they’d be the first to run off without telling you, although they certainly won’t be the last. We all know that Monty will want to meet up with Canada again.” Kansas said. 
That was just the tip of the iceberg, too. Many states talked about what they wanted to do, who they wanted to talk to once their existence was revealed.
Of course, even then, none of them were stupid enough to reveal their existence without Dad’s approval, without the approval of their family.
Texas. What a loyal, prideful dumbass.
“While I do trust my British family, I don’t trust my children not to kill them. Well, maybe not all of them, but definitely Uncle England and Dad.” Dad said, standing up and placing his phone in his pocket.
“Well, Flora is right about New England getting in trouble. I’ll try to stop them before more shit goes down. I don’t need them bugging me about any attempted murders when I’ve already gone most of Europe complaining about how I didn’t tell them, and family who knew about my states asking about Confederacy,” Dad said.
“What a mess,” Kansas said, knowing that this was going to interrupt his father’s sleep schedule even more. Kansas was going to have to talk to the other alters about ensuring he got some sleep.
This was their mess, too. They could help share the responsibility. Even if Dad was insistent he could do everything himself. 
Dad was clearly the cause of Texas’s dumbassery. Not Mexico. She seemed to have more common sense than Dad. But what did Kansas know? Maybe Mexico could be just as big of a dumbass.
That would explain why Texas is the king of all dumbasses.
Kansas would have to meet Mexico to see whether or not that was true.
“Indeed. No one listens when they want answers. And a lot of people want answers.” Kansas said. Dad pulled out his phone again.
“You don’t need to tell me twice.” Dad said, looking at the messages that were still coming in, “How can one man send so many messages in such a short amount of time? Canada, you never seek to amaze me.”
“Dad. New England. Pressing problems.” Kansas reminded him.
“Right that, I’ll get onto that. Will you let Ginny know they are in charge while I’m gone?” Dad asked. Kansas snorted.
“I’m sure they already know, as they always are. Unless they are somewhere else. Or somehow in trouble. Which is rare.” Kansas said, pausing as she realized she was beginning to ramble.
“Anxious Sunflower?” Dad asked, recognizing her nervous tick, putting his phone away and bringing his attention to Kansas.
“Who isn’t? I’ll be fine, though. Promise.” Kansas said, trying to reassure him.
“You sure?” Dad asked. Kansas smiled.
“Mostly,” Kansas relented. Dad placed a hand on her shoulder and knelt down to pull her into a hug.
“Let me know if you need anything, my sweet Sunflower,” Dad said. Kansas hugged him back, enjoying the warmth and security his hug brought.
“I will,” Kansas said, pulling away. Dad put his hand on her cheek and smiled at her, his eyes showing warmth and love.
“Thank you, Sunflower. Now, I need to stop some homicides. Love you.” Dad said before kissing Kansas on the forehead and rushing off. 
“Love you too, Dad! Maybe just let them kill England, though!” Kansas called, hearing her father laugh as he walked off. Kansas grinned widely.
Kansas was glad. Even though things were getting rough, and something terrible might happen, Dad was still Dad. He was still putting them ahead of him, still looking forward with a smile.
Still staying hopeful. Still waiting for things to work out.
Still hiding things from everyone who loved him.
Hopefully, the alters could continue their all-important job of talking sense into Dad, even as everything changed and crumbled.
But while they had that job, Kansas had one of my own. 
Recruiting her siblings into Tennessee’s betting pool. Because Kansas wanted to help fund a new motorcycle for Nebraska after Hamburg destroyed his old one in that fight with Bavaria. 
And Kansas needed the money that would allow her to help him buy that new one.
Kansas was a great twin.
So, time to pull in some new victims!
“Hey, Bama!” Kansas said, calling out to her brother, “Nesse’s started a betting pool because New England has done something stupid again! Want to join?”
“Oh, hell yeah! What did those idiots do this time?”
“Homicide against an Englishman!”
“Are you sure they are going to get in trouble for that?” New Mexico cut in. Alabama and Kansas began laughing at that comment, knowing that there was probably some fact in that statement.
How much trouble could that region even get into?
They had Vermont!
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wizardiest-wizard-of-oz · 10 months ago
if anyone wants I have a musicals playlist that's over 200 hours that has I think around 205 musicals here's an alphabetized list let me know if I'm missing any I should add (I don't like Andrew lloyd Webber musicals and I'm also not a huge fan of jukebox musicals more specifically mamma Mia) and if anyone wants a link please ask me
21 Chump Street
25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee
36 Questions
42nd Street
The Addams Family
Alice by Heart
Annie Get Your Gun
Anything Goes
Avenue Q
Back to the Future
Bat Boy
Beauty and the Beast
Be More Chill
The Big One-Oh
Billy Elliot
Black Friday
Bonnie and Clyde
Book of Mormon
Bring it On
Once More With Feeling (Buffy musical)
Bugsy Malone
Bye Bye Birdie
Catch Me if You Can
A Catered Affair
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
A Chorus Line
Cinderella (Rodgers and Hammerstein)
The Colour Purple
Come From Away
Damn Yankees
Days of Wine and Roses
Dear Evan Hansen
Desperate Measures
Dog Man
Dr Horrible's Sing Along Blog
Drowsy Chaperone
Duolingo on Ice
Epic (all released sagas)
Everybody's Talking About Jamie
Falsettos Revival
Flora the Red Menace
Fun Home
Funny Girl
A Funny Thing Happened
A Gentleman's Guide to Love and Murder
Grand Hotel
The Great American Trailer Park
Grey Gardens
Guys and Dolls
The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals
Hadestown (broadway)
Hadestown (off broadway)
Hedwig and the Angry Inch
Hello Dolly
How the Grinch Stole Christmas (this one is just for Patrick page)
How to Dance in Ohio
How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying
Hunchback of Notre Dame
In the Green
In the Heights
Into the Woods
In Trousers
It Shoulda Been You
Jekyll and Hyde
Kimberly Akimo
The King and I
Kinky Boots
Kiss of the Spider Woman
Legally Blonde
Les Miserables (english and french)
The Lightning Thief
The Lion King
Little Do They Know
The Little Mermaid
A Little Night Music
Little Shop of Horrors (english and german)
Little Women
Lizard Boy
Love in Hate Nation
Love's Labours Lost
Mad Ones
Make Me a Song
A Man of No Importance
March of the Falsettos
Martin Guerre
Mary Poppins
Mean Girls
Merrily We Roll Along
Miss Saigon
Monty Python's Spamalot
The Music Man
My Fair Lady
My Heart Says Go
My Son's a Queer (But What Can You Do)
The Mystery of Edwin Drood
Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812
Nerdy Prudes Must Die (I only have one song because I'm waiting to watch it with my friend before adding more)
A New Brain
New York, New York
Next to Normal
Nightmare Time
Once On This Island
Once Upon a Mattress
Only Murders in the Building (Death Rattle Dazzle)
The Pyjama Game
The Prince of Egypt
The Producers
The Prom
Ride the Cyclone
The Rink
The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Scottsburo Boys
She Loves Me
Some Like it Hot
Something Rotten
The Sound of Music
South Pacific
Spiderman Turn off the Dark
The Spitfire Grill
Spring Awakening
State Fair
Sunday in the Park with George
Sweeney Todd
Sweet Charity
The Theory of Relativity
Thoroughly Modern Millie
Tick Tick Boom
The Time Traveller's Wife
The Trail to Oregon
A VHS Christmas Carol
The Visit
Wait Wait Don't Kill Me
West Side Story
Water for Elephants
Wizard of Oz
The Wiz
Zombie Prom
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sunsdrop · 2 months ago
Flora answers questions about the series! | accepting.
@elouann asked: ☀️+ random. ( i have no clue whats going on )
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This man is the literal WORST. UNCLE MONTY .... SCREW YOU. He's kind to everyone BUT Rapunzel ..... he hates her because she 'doesn't respect tradition' .... she changed the design of a flag... basically said that her coming back was ruining the way things were.
I get he was created to teach the lesson that "Not everyone will like you and that's okay" BUT............... THERE WAS NO REASON FOR HIM TO BE SO MEAN TO HER...... ugh. To me, he's the true villain of the series....
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animalcrossingshowdown · 2 years ago
Round 2 most popular villager results:
Round 2 is over, and both New Leaf darling Marshal and New Horizons darling Raymond have been eliminated! Sorry to any of you who had money on either of them taking the whole competition.
Round 3 will begin March 28th. I think round 3 is when the choices are really gonna start getting tough, there are a lot of matchups coming that I think will be very close. After round 3, submissions will open for three villagers to make a comeback, so stay tuned for that!
also it was my birthday today ! lets get some animal parties down in the replies 🦉🧁 🦝
Biggest sweeps (85% and over):
Molly 93.2% / Monty 6.8%
Lucky 90.1% / Lucy 9.9%
Jeremiah 88.6% / Jane 11.4%
Merengue 86.6% / Mint 13.4%
Kiki 86.1% / Kitty 13.9%
Ione 85.9% / Jacques 14.1%
Mitzi 85.7% / Miranda 14.3%
Sasha 85.5% / Samson 14.5%
Sylvana 85.4% / T-Bone 14.6%
Lily 85% / Lionel 15%
Closest Matches (55% and under):
Dom 54.7% / Dotty 45.3%
Ellie 54.4% / Eloise 45.6%
Zucker 54.4% / Zell 45.6%
Viché 54.2% / Victoria 45.8%
Grizzly 54.1% / Gwen 45.9%
Knox 53.8% / Koharu 46.2%
Curt 53.6% / Curlos 46.4%
Pippy 53.2% / Poko 46.8%
Bam 52.8% / Baabara 47.2%
Raddle 56.2% / Raymond 47.4%
Fuchsia 52.3% / Gala 47.7%
Frita 51.7% / Frobert 48.3%
Bow 51% / Boots 49%
Marty 50.6% / Mathilda 49.4%
Shino 50.5% / Sherb 49.5%
Hamlet 50.2% / Hamphrey 49.8%
Middle of the pack:
Petri 84.3% / Penny 15.7%
Bunnie 84.2% / Bubbles 15.8%
Maple 83.9% / Marcie 16.1%
Purrl 83% / Quetzal 17%
Punchy 82% / Puddles 18%
Vesta 81.9% / Ursala 18.1%
Bianca 81.5% / Big Top 18.5%
Ribbot 81% / Rilla 19%
Rolf 80.7% / Rooney 19.3%
Butch 80.1% / Camofrog 19.9%
Sunny 79.9% / Stu 20.1%
Melba 79.1% / Megumi 20.9%
Chrissy 78% / Chow 22%
Lolly 78% / Lopez 22%
Poppy 78% / Portia 22%
Tangy 77.4% / Tasha 22.6%
Coco 76.7% / Cookie 23.3%
Agnes 76.3% / Ace 23.7%
Skye 76% / Snake 24%
Hornsby 75.1% / Huggy 24.9%
Papi 75.1% / Pango 24.9%
Shep 75.4% / Scoot 24.6%
Ankha 74.8% / Anchovy 25.2%
Alice 74.7% / Aisle 25.3%
Pekoe 74.1% / Peck 25.9%
Rodeo 74.1% / Rocco 25.9%
Audie 73.9% / Apple 26.1%
Bob 73.5% / Blanche 26.5%
Cherry 73.1% / Chelsea 26.9%
Cleo 72.6% / Cobb 27.4%
Carmen 72.5% / Canberra 27.5%
Pecan 72.1% / Peaches 27.9%
Reneigh 71.9% / Rex 28.1%
Roald 71.8% / Rio 28.2%
Tad 71.8% / Tammy 28.2%
Kyle 71.4% / Leopold 28.6%
Tom 71.1% / Tucker 28.9%
Daisy 71% / Cyd 29%
Hazel 70.9% / Hans 29.1%
Chai 70.6% / Chabwick 29.4%
Whitney 69.8% / Wendy 30.2%
Pashmina 69.7% / Patty 30.3%
Freya 69.5% / Freckles 30.5%
Kabuki 69.4% / Ken 30.6%
Nana 69.1% / Nate 30.9%
Norma 69% / Nosegay 31%
Fauna 68.9% / Felyne 31.1%
Erik 68% / Epona 32%
Gayle 68% / Genji 32%
Bertha 67% / Bettina 33%
Muffy 66.7% / Nan 33.3%
Cube 66.6% / Cousteau 33.4%
Vivian 66.6% / Wade 33.4%
Bones 66.4% / Boomer 33.6%
Phoebe 66.1% / Pierce 33.9%
Goldie 64.9% / Gladys 35.1%
Tutu 64.9% / Tybalt 35.1%
Chevre 64.8% / Chief 35.2%
Apollo 64.7% / Annalisa 35.3%
Tia 64.7% / Teddy 35.3%
Bruce 64.3% / Bree 35.7%
Lulu 63.7% / Mac 36.3%
Tipper 63.7% / Tiffany 36.3%
Caroline 63.3% / Carrot 36.7%
Ketchup 63.3% / Kid Cat 36.7%
Wolfgang 63.3% / Woolio 36.7%
Goose 63% / Greta 37%
Soleil 62.9% / Spike 37.1%
Beau 62.8% / Bea 37.2%
Clay 62.5% / Claude 37.5%
Ruby 62.5% / Rudy 37.5%
Fang 62.2% / Eunice 37.8%
Amelia 62% / Anabelle 38%
Sprinkle 61.8% / Static 38.2%
Rosie 61.7% / Roscoe 38.3%
Pietro 61.4% / Pinky 38.6%
Diana 60.7% / Dobie 39.3%
Stitches 60.6% / Stella 39.4%
Deirdre 60.2% / Deli 39.8%
Walker 59.9% / Weber 40.1%
Biskit 59.6% / Billy 40.4%
Hugh 59.5% / Iggy 40.5%
Maggie 59.5% / Maddie 40.5%
Opal 59.5% / Ozzie 40.5%
Bella 59.1% / Belle 40.9%
Henry 59.1% / Hopkins 40.9%
Ed 58.9% / Elina 41.1%
Cephalobot 58.6% / Celia 41.4%
Drago 58.6% / Drift 41.4%
Flo 58.4% / Flash 41.6%
Flora 58.4% / Flurry 41.6%
Olivia 58.3% / Octavian 41.7%
Marina 58% / Marshal 42%
Julian 57.3% / Julia 42.7%
Joey 57.1% / Joe 42.9%
Azalea 56.8% / Avery 43.2%
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rygoespop · 1 year ago
List of characters that appear in my Thomas and Friends AU
and Rebecca
Donald and Douglas
Bill and Ben
Brent the Ballast Spreader
Arry and Bert
Diesel 10
Bash and Dash
Sir Handel
Peter Sam
Mighty Mac
Harry (Formerly known as Lord Harry and later as Patrick)
Flying Scotsman
Splodge (Splatter and Dodge)
Jinty and Pug
Patriot the Big City Engine
Green Arrow
Yong Bao
Annie and Clarabel
Old Slow Coach
Judy and Jerome
Fred Pelham
The Slip Coaches
The Horrid Lorries
Max and Monty
Big Mickey
And Beresford
Coming Soon:
Duchess of Hamilton
Flying Thistle
Kenji (Maybe)
Ivo Hugh
Ada, Mabel, Jane, and Cora
City of Turo
2007 Prince of Wales
Old King Coal
Hannah (Henrietta’s Sister)
Helena and Victoria
So, there you have it
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