churami-nakahara · 6 months
Gaunt Family Headcanons
I do not in anyway support JKR's transphobic views.
I really loved tumblr.com/spaceyaceface's Gaunt Family headcanons so i decided to have a try since i already have a few of my own and the rest i'm making up as I go.
Yes I know Teivel, Delfin and Evren aren't latin names but they do fit in with the Gaunt family.
*Death, Cruelty, Neglect, Abuse and of course let me know if I missed anything*
Teivel Gaunt II -Mr Gaunt-
The name in Yiddish means 'Devil' or 'Demon' and is of German origin. He was born in 1833, and he is the father of Ominis and his siblings. He was a stern man with brown hair and a salt and pepper beard, with cold, dark eyes. He was the child of parents Teivel Gaunt [I] and Tisiphone Gaunt. He had siblings, with him being the oldest, the other three being Bacchus, Janus, and Noctua. 
When his father died quickly, followed by his mother due to Dragon Pox, he and Janus more or less left the family fortune, even after stealing Noctua's piece of inheritance and telling her that she was left nothing, although it's not like she really cared either way, allowing her to stay in her already dwindling graces. He married one of his distant cousins, Delfin Black.
Like his father, mother, and brother, he is a massive blood purist and has tried ever since his children were young to teach them the pure-blood ideology as descendants of Salazar Slytherin. 
He was always quick to punish his children, always ready to use Crucio on them for any little thing they would do. Mainly the younger ones (Terra, Ominis, and Ursa) were always "walking on eggshells" around him, as it was very clear he held disdain for them. Preferring the older ones (Teivel [III], Apollo, Diana, Marvolo, and Evren) since they always did what he said.
His disdain for his younger child is for different reasons; for Terra, it was because she often went against him and would try to argue with him. With Ominis, he just didn't care about him due to Ominis being born blind, and with Ursa, similar to Ominis' but due to her being born deaf and mute.
Delfin Gaunt (nee Black) -Mrs Gaunt-
The name Delfin in Greek means 'Dolphin'; it comes from the constellation Delphinus. She was born in 1844 and is the mother of Ominis and his siblings. She was a neglectful woman with long blonde hair and cold blue-green eyes. She was known to be obsessed with herself and the family's reputation to unhealthy lengths. She was the child of parents Taurus Black and Nemesis Black. She had siblings, with her being the third child; the other five were Lynx, Cetus [I], Pegasus, Canis, and Lyra.
Delfin was forced to marry Teivel [II] at 16/17 by her father and mother because she wanted to marry a muggle man named Benjamin Hatt. She ended up having her first child, Teivel [III], around this time. With time after each pregnancy, it seemed like she kept going into a downward spiral, to the point where she was put into an asylum for a short while after her daughter Terra was born. 
Terra, Ominis, and Ursa were 'mistakes', as said by Delfin, any chance she got when they [mainly Terra and Ursa] wanted attention. She was also known to use the silent treatment on her children, then blame them for making her angry or upset.
Teivel Gaunt III
The name in Yiddish means 'Devil' or 'Demon' and is of German origin. He was born in 1860 and is the oldest son and former heir of Teivel Gaunt [II] and Delfin Gaunt. He was a serious man with blond hair, a blond beard, and green-blue eyes.
Like his father, he was a huge blood purist and hated muggles. Although he was more like his mother when it came to using the silent treatment, often pretending his siblings didn't exist,.
Teivel [III] moved out at 17, shortly after marrying another one of their cousins, Chione Gaunt. A year later, they had a son that they named Cepheus around 1877. After three years, in 1880, they had another son named Teivel [IV].
He was the second of the Gaunt siblings to die after Apollo. A few years after his and Chione's marriage, they and their sons were found dead on the kitchen floor. It's still unknown to this day what killed the two older Gaunt brothers [and their wives or sons in Teivel [III]'s case]. It's speculated that someone who hated the Gaunt family had them killed or that it was Marvolo himself who killed them in order to become the heir.
Apollo Gaunt
The name Apollo means 'destroyer' in both Greek and Latin origin, being based on the Greek and Roman god Apollo. He was born in 1862 and is the second oldest, as well as the younger twin brother of Diana. and former would be heir of Teivel Gaunt [II] and Delfin Gaunt. He was a careless man with dark hair and cold, dark eyes, like his father and younger brother, Marvolo.
He loved to make the lives of his three younger siblings awful, liking to mess with them by telling lies or 'accidentally' locking them in their rooms with nothing to eat unless Diana took pity on them and finally gave them food.
He was considered the golden boy of the family, having started a market for selling dangerous magical creatures and objects. 
The young ones were glad when he finally left, like their older brother Teivel [III]. Apollo was forced to marry Melinoe Weasley in 1880 at 18 after their little fling ended with her falling pregnant. Their twins, a son they named Arion Gaunt and a daughter they named Despoina Gaunt, were born short after their parents marriage. Nearly five years later, they have another son named Evander Gaunt. 
He was the first of the Gaunt siblings to die. A few years after his and Melinoe's marriage, they were found dead in their home. It's still unknown to this day what killed the two older Gaunt brothers [and their wives or sons in Teivel [III]'s case]. It's speculated that someone who hated the Gaunt family had them killed or that it was Marvolo himself who killed them in order to become the heir.
The kids ended up moving to America with their aunt Ursa and her lover after the two had eloped.
Diana Black (nee Gaunt)
The name Diana means "divine" in Latin and is also the name of the Roman goddess Diana. Born in 1862. She was the only daughter for a long time until Terra and Ursa were born. She never could do much to protect her youngest siblings, but she still did her best but also didn't since she never wanted to be treated like them. A woman with blonde hair and dark eyes who hid behind an indifferent facade to save her own skin.
Diana was 23 when she was married off to her distant cousin, Betelgeuse Black.
Mainly due to her family, who started selling their possessions and had her steal valuables to send home for the family to sell in order to keep their manor.
She and her husband had their twin daughters, Helen and Clytemnestra, in 1885, with their twin sons, Romulus and Remus, being born two years later, in 1887. All the while, Diana kept stealing from her in-laws until after the birth of her youngest son, Cetus [II], who was born in 1889. 
When she was caught by her husband who ended up strangling her to death.
Marvolo Gaunt
The name "Marvolo" implies something "marvelous." "Volo" can also be taken as "I want" and, in combination, may be read as "I want to be marvelous." Born in 1865, he was the third son of the Gaunts. He was a crude and impatient man with dark hair and eyes. He was known as the cruelest out of all his siblings, often lashing out at them.
He was considered the golden child, always doing everything in his power to get into his father's good graces in order to become the heir, despite being the third-born son. 
He learned Crucio and Imperio at a young age to try and appease his father and used them to keep his siblings 'in line', preferably using them on Ominis or Ursa for being the 'pitiful little mistakes' and once in a while on Terra if she happens to try and stop him. 
It was very clear from a young age who the favorite was with their mother. As she always spoiled him more than the others, eventually he was able to steal the title of Heir and the inheritance after his older brothers Teivel [III] and Apollo mysteriously died. 
But, by the time he got it, there was barely any left for him. Causing the family to start selling their possessions and marrying Diana off as soon as possible so she could steal valuables to send home for the family to sell in order to keep their manor.
The whole situation didn't help with Marvolo's temper; in fact, it made it worse, making him increasingly violent and cruel towards the three younger siblings, often twisting their arms till they cried, 'accidentally' bumping into them causing them to fall down the stairs, locking them outside, or even leaving them stranded in the woods until one of the maids found them.
It was a blessing for the young ones when Marvolo finally found a wife—a distant cousin of theirs named Oizys Black. He and his wife had their daughter Belladonna 'Bonnie' Gaunt in 1899 after 4 years of miscarriages. But she was kidnapped by her aunt Ursa as an infant, who wanted to give her niece a better life outside her family. One year after that, the couple had their son, Morfin Gaunt, in 1900, and tragedy struck once again in 1907 after Oizys died giving birth to their second daughter, Merope.
This event fostered disdain for his daughter, as, until the day of his last breath, he blamed Merope for the death of her mother.
Evren Gaunt
The name Evren in Turkish means 'universe' and also is a snake/dragon in Turkish folklore. Born in 1867, he was the fourth son of the Gaunts. He was a cruel man with dark hair and blue-green eyes. He loved to torment his three youngest siblings, always making comments about their appearances, but with Ursa, he just would choose to pinch or push her instead.
It was a reliving but sad day for the two younger siblings [Ominis and Ursa] when Evren found a wife, as it was their friend, barely 17-year-old  Zenevieva Nightingale, in 1891/92, and left the house. With their twin sons Osiris and Hades Gaunt being born a year later.
Zenevieva tried to run away with one of the servants/her lover Edmund Katz and her sons two years later,.
This escape ended in Edmund dying after being hit with a killing curse, and Zenevieva and the sons were dragged back to the manor, with their[?] daughter Elpis Gaunt being born shortly after, but it's never really been clear who the father actually was. Followed by seven more children after this event.
Evren ended up dying under mysterious circumstances eight years later after drinking a cup of 'comfrey' tea.
[I hope someone knows what I mean by 'comfrey']
Terra Gaunt
The name Terra meaning "earth" in Latin and is also a name of the roman goddess Terra Mater. Born in 1870. She was the second daughter, And was the complete opposite of her parents and older siblings; as she often stood up to her father and older siblings even though it normally ended in her getting hurt. She was a young woman with brown hair and light brown eyes who loved her Aunt Noctua and two little siblings.
Her Aunt Noctua taught her, Ominis and Ursa morse code aswell as sign language when they were young. 
She was married off to her first cousin Caelus Gaunt in 1887 where a year later they had their triplets; Ops, Saturn and Janus [II] Gaunt which unfortunately lead to the passing of Terra Gaunt.
Ominis Gaunt
Ominis is Latin for 'Omen.' Born in 1875, five years after the second daughter, it was clear ever since him, his older sister Terra and younger sister Ursa were born that they were mistakes.
This aswell combined with Terra's protective 'defiant' personality, Ominis being blind and Ursa's deaf and muteness.
The only good thing the three youngest children had was their Aunt Noctua. She helped them not go down a dark path the others took. 
He wanted nothing to do with most of his family and often hoped that one day he'll be able to run away and be free from his family.
[A small theory/headcanon of mine is that he and Mirabelle Hawthorne [other oc] ran away with Ursa and her lover to America.]
Ursa Nyx Fairchild (nee Gaunt) 
Ursa is a Latin word meaning bear. Born in 1876 a year after Ominis. it was clear ever since her, her older sister Terra and older brother Ominis were born that they were mistakes. She was a young woman with dark hair with one green eye and one dark eye.
That and her being born deaf and mute didn't help her situation. 
Her Aunt Noctua taught her, Ominis and Terra morse code aswell as sign language when they were young. 
She fell in love with Muggle-born Charles Fairchild but knowing her family would never let them marry; they eloped and ran away to america but before that she kidnapped her niece Belladonna 'Bonnie' Gaunt in 1899 when she was just an infant as she wanted to give her niece a better life outside her family.
She and Charlies had their twins Noctua-Marie and Ominis in 1925.
Both her and her husband passed a year later, leaving their children to be raised by Bonnie.
Noctua Gaunt
The word "Noctua" means "Night Owl" in Latin. It's estimated she was born between 1857-1867 [I prefer 1867 ngl]. She was the opposite of her family. She was a young woman with brown hair and brown eyes.
The three youngest would often stay with Noctua when their home life was turbulent.
She taught Ominis to read braille and taught him and Terra sign language and Morse code to be able to communicate with Ursa and did the same with Ursa so she wouldn't feel so isolated due to her deaf and muteness.
Terra, Ominis and Ursa were the only children that'd listen to her while the others were too far lost in the darkness of the Gaunt family bloodline.
Noctua fell in love with a muggle named Felix King when they were 14 after she took her nephew Ominis [6] and nieces Terra [11] and Ursa [5] when she visited the Confectioneryshoppe that he worked at.
Shortly before her disappearance three years later she had their daughter Circe Harmonia King. When she ended up disappearing the only person who looked for her was her lover Felix as her [favorite] nephew and nieces were still only kids and the rest of her family didn't even bother.
Her kindness however stuck with the three youngest children she influenced them to be like her the opposite of their family.
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churami-nakahara · 10 months
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Sionnach Lamb Endless Halloween ver.
She's a werewolf and I also decided to add her scars from the various overblots and a flamingo attack cause she [mainly Grim] was messing with the Heartslabyul flamingos
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churami-nakahara · 10 months
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My interpretation of Ploaris from Arcana Twilight; she even has the constellations for Vega, Andromeda, Bootes, Sirius, Virgo and Gemini on her overskirt.
If the writing is blurry then here
-i didn't want to add the extras as she does have a crown and veil
-Possibly Lilith's (obey me crossover) daughter or granddaughter
-Either mentor of Solomon or he was her mentor (Thinking the second one)
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churami-nakahara · 10 months
Twst oc; Sionnach Lilith Lamb
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This would have been I'd she decided to work for Ferro Honest
And well I was thinking of 'Show and Tell' music video when I drew this
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churami-nakahara · 10 months
Well, but actually, I think Revan(Levan) is Diaval (Maleficent live action) and Crowley is Diablo (Sleeping Beauty)
Like Diaval, Revan(Levan) is soft, friendly, care for others. He is also good at teaching others.
Diaval and Diablo. They are not the same.
Diablo is much more cunning.
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churami-nakahara · 11 months
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My WIP pokemon mcs in the future and so far I've drawn + two of my fan made pokemon [Dolleon and Conenny]
My Legends Arceus mc: Athena
My Brilliant Diamond mc: Diana
My Sheild mc: Selina
My Pokemon Black mc: Andromeda
Still working on the rest + my own pokemon region
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churami-nakahara · 11 months
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This was how Sawako was supposed to look-
Long blonde hair
Green eyes
A colder personality
She was also supposed to be in the Port Mafia as apart of the Black Lizard
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churami-nakahara · 11 months
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My obey me mc
💜Persephone Lamb💜
Her nails have little sheep designs on them
I am missing some things since I don't have my quotev profile rn
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churami-nakahara · 11 months
Hey just kinda posting what i want i guess
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churami-nakahara · 1 year
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Fyodor's daughter like Fyodor she doesn't have a Canon age
💝Lyubov Dostoevsky💝
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churami-nakahara · 1 year
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Not my best
💫Fredrika Charlotta Runeberg, 15💫
Also! If any of these sound familiar I have a quotev account.
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churami-nakahara · 1 year
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Another oc!
🖤Mari Mori, 14🖤
She's not in the Port Mafia but I just can't tell which is better for a backstory; either stolen by Dazai or ran away on her own and showed up on the D.A's doorstep.
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churami-nakahara · 1 year
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My first ever BSD oc;
💥Sawako Ariyoshi, 18💥
I'm torn of what her personality would be since I like a 'emotionless' protag as most of my protags I write are 'hot headed' or 'sweet with hidden trauma'.
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churami-nakahara · 1 year
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Just something I drew when I was bored her name is Princess Alethea
No this is not a taken post from Instagram if anyone saw this on there it was possibly from **My** Instagram
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churami-nakahara · 1 year
reblog if you’d like one of these in your inbox
- ask me things you want to know about me
- why you follow me
- what’s on your mind/what you’re thinking about
- a compliment
- make me choose between two things
- ask for advice
- tell me a secret
- things you associate me with
- anything!!!!
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churami-nakahara · 1 year
Reblog if you want anon messages of what you would be the patron saint of
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churami-nakahara · 1 year
Reblog if you hate Garte Ro'Meave
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