eurovisionru · 2 years
«Flor-de-Lis» сыграет на 15 инструментах
Жизнерадостным «Привет!» встретили журналистов представители Португалии «Flor-de-Lis». Изюминкой композиции группы «Флор-де-Лис», в составе которой 6 человек, является использование множества музыкальных инструментов. Для выступления в Москве приготовлено более 15 инструментов, среди которых - крошечная гитара, специально изготовленная для конкурса. Журналисты отметили радужный звук и позитивную энергетику песни «Все улицы любви». По словам солистки Даниэлы, мысль, которую они хотели донести д... Читать дальше »
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sol941sblog · 3 months
A vida se torna mais leve quando percebemos que QUALIDADE é melhor que quantidade...que o simples pode ser o suficiente.
Life becomes lighter when we realize that Quality is better than quantity... That simple things can be enough.✍️
تصبح الحياة أخف عندما ندرك أن الجودة أفضل من الكمية... أن الأشياء البسيطة يمكن أن تكون كافية✍️
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skulsakz · 1 year
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lily flower
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braziliansongs · 9 months
flor de lis // djavan
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docpiplup · 2 years
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Jean Reno as Héctor Hugo in "Un Asunto Privado" @asongofstarkandtargaryen
1×01, La Flor de Lis
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negreabsolut · 1 month
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Cavaller blau, per ArtofTy. [font]
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cgclarkphoto · 6 months
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Imperial chocolate -  cg photography
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{Hannah Green, from "Are you still hungry, Mother?"/ Anne Carson/Sam Gordon, "A Mother's Hate"/ Ella Wilson/ Joan Tierney/ Ella Wilson/ Ocean Vuong, from On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous/ Unknown/ Nayyirah Waheed/ Sharon Olds, “Holding To A Wall, Treading Saltwater”/ John Green, Turtles All the Way Down/ Safia Elhillo, "an inheritance," published in Narrative Northeast/ Annie Ernaux, from I Remain in Darkness/ Poplar Street by Chen Chen/ Unknown/ Tumblr User: @inkskinned/ Elena Poniatowska, from "La Flor de Lis," published c. January 2011/ Kyung-Sook Shin, Please Look After Mom}
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grupo-sale · 2 years
Los 50 mejores restaurantes de Latinoamérica 2022
Los 50 mejores restaurantes de Latinoamérica 2022
Los premios culinarios más prestigiosos del mundo regresan este 2022, presentando entre sus programas, a los Mejores Restaurantes de Latinoamérica. Y para este año, la ceremonia fue presencial en Mérida, Yucatán, entre las ruinas de la civilización Maya. Se celebra en este 2022 el décimo aniversario de este tan esperado galardón. Que desde el 2019 ha sido llevado en modo virtual, y nuevamente…
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sol941sblog · 3 months
A mulher é a divina Deusa, foi a primeira a pecar, mas sabendo usar seu poder será a última a cair!
Renzo nogueira✍️
The woman is the divine Goddess, because she was the first to sin but if she knows how to use her power she will be the last to fall✍️
المرأة هي الإلهة الإلهية لأنها أول من أخطأ ولكن عندما تعرف كيف تستخدم قوتها ستكون آخر من يسقط ✍️
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septemberkisses · 3 months
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On Mothers and Pain - Collected Works #1
— her pain was mine, but mine not hers.
Excerpts from-
Autumn Sonata by Ingmar Bergman • On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous by Ocean Vuong • Letter to my Rage: An Evolution by Lidia Yuknavitch • honeytuesday • sixisockets • La Flor de Lis by Elena Poniatowska • The Unbearable Lightness of Being by Milan Kundera • The Unfinished World and Other Stories by Amber Sparks • A Mother's Hate by Sam Gordon • Salt by Nayyirah Waheed
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ibuprofenjuliet · 1 month
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art & quote credit (gif credit):
| The Dedication, Edmund Blair Leighton / David Viscott | 1st gif maker @alvsanne
| Five young ladies playing in a park by Florent Willems / Elena Poniatowska, from "La Flor de Lis," | 2nd gif maker @zendayacolemann
| Im Rosengarten by Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema / Tamsyn Muir, Harrow the Ninth (The Locked Tomb | 3rd gif maker @lady-arryn
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hebiecaos · 1 month
É que conversar com você costumava me dar borboletas na barriga, aquelas que fazem a gente balançar os pés e esconder o rosto no travesseiro, abafando um grito de excitação. Era bom. Eu ficava ansiosa pra falar sobre o meu dia para você: sobre o podcast que eu escutei, o livro que eu li, a flor que eu nunca tinha visto antes e minha constelação favorita que eu observei pensando em você. É engraçado como tudo isso foi ficando de lado com o passar do tempo. Uma hora não existia mais mensagem de bom dia ao acordar, nem os flertes bobos... aqueles vídeos de gatinhos que você me mandava com a legenda "a gente".
Ah, e depois? Depois não existiam mais apelidos carinhosos, nem mensagem de boa noite. Agora a gente passa dias sem se falar, fácil, fácil. É engraçado porque eu me acostumei, eu realmente me acostumei. Quando você manda mensagem, eu não sinto mais aquela excitação para responder; eu não tenho vontade de te contar como foi meu dia, o que eu tô sentindo, qual podcast de física eu ouvi hoje ou se algo me irritou... Você sabe, minha paciência é limitada. Mas o que mais me dói é que eu gostaria de sentir tudo isso, eu gostaria de te contar cada mínimo detalhe, mas não é como se você se importasse o suficiente para manter uma conversa comigo agora. Aos poucos, fui perdendo você, mesmo quando você nunca me pertenceu, mas o mais ironico é que você ainda me tem como ninguém.
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docpiplup · 2 years
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Aura Garrido as Marina Quiroga & Jean Reno as Héctor Hugo in " Un Asunto Privado"
1x01, La Flor de Lis
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hey-i-am-trying · 10 months
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Alexandre, or Xaninho Romântico, the Portuguese capy, left these three books to Bagi.
He left the first book with lilies of the valley. "Bagi, come back soon. If I have to cry again hearing Flor de Lis(a singer) again, I will dig my own grave."
He left the second book with roses. "Bagi, this last week I have visited to your home… But I have been feeling your smell less and less. I hope you are well."
He left the third book with spiderwebs. "Bagi, I have been thinking a lot, and I have been reading your books again and again. I have been thinking about what you said about feeling sad for the little eggs' death. I had never met them, but if you think they are so great it, they must be spectacular. Each one of them. I don't know if it is going to help, but I (capybara Alexandre) have my own idea about death, I don't like to think about death as the last dot on a story. Life is a tale, a journey, and the person goes through countless chapters, death is just another one. I do not mean like an an 'afterlife'. Each hero has it origins, has their adventures, has their rest. It is important to face someone's death as just a farewell. Yes, it is normal to be sad, but the hero is having their rest. Their end. A conclusion made up of pages and pages describing their passage. Probably doesn't make a lot of sense, and I probably repited myself a bunch of times. Sorry for the random rant, Bagi. I hope you are well, wherever you may be. I hope you are having your rest"
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