ilynpilled · 7 months
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screwroot · 2 years
can ya showcase your 3D modeling skill?.
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I’ll never gonna stop saying how CHILD it’s the ultimate NCT LAB release! And by far MARK’s best solo work, and I have proof:
It’s kinda crazy how CHILD achieved 10 Million views in less than a month and GOLDEN HOUR… well it’s making its fight
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It took CHILD only hours to get 30K likes on Melon and Golden Hour a month 🙃🙃
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Child surpassed 8 Million streams in less than a month, GH only got 4 Million in almost the same time! 🫢
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Also on Spotify CHILD obtained 8 Million streams the first month while GH only 4 Million
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I know there’s really no comparison between these two songs since they’re opposite styles and genres, and the main targets where really distinct, but still, is kinda crazy how differently were this two songs received by the public! 🤔 not to mention GH has been highly praised by teenage girls, meanwhile older NCT fans really let it pass as another MEH.. NCT release.
I still love Mark, and I hope he give us more variety on music in the near future, with fresh concepts!! Not only focusing on this fck boy image, and please, NO MORE TikTok songs!!! 🙄
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cringelordofchaos · 6 months
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// for even if I'm far away, I hold you in my heart //⟩ 💙💜
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it's a normal thing to fall in love with movie stars
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ireallylikedmc · 8 months
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ray935sworld · 1 month
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muxas-world · 3 months
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WHEN WILL MY DAUTHERS COMBACK FROM ME FROM THE WARR (honda let go lf luca plsee i mis my boys on podiums making omegashit on live)
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expiredsoda · 9 months
sketch version if anyone is curious (🦗🦗🦗
sharing it out cause I personally feel like mc's expressions didn't translate too well in the final vid 😔, also they look more pookie when messy (welp honestly miranda just look goofy
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ragamine-kin · 3 months
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redraw of that one christian bale image under cut
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whatitsemerald · 6 months
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masonjarsmoments · 27 days
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Yeah I hate to be right. At least @fritzes and I are suffering through this together.
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asexualbuthorny · 7 months
I’m a background character but the villain’s mine pt.4
CW: abuse, mentions of starvation, toxic relationships, Mendella is very scared and nervous, reader is a simp, kneeling, begging, future smut
 To say that you were sweating would have been the understatement of the goddamn century. You honestly could fill a pool with the amount of moisture on you. Why were you so moist? Excellent question. It’s nothing big. It’s just that... YOUR LITERAL DREAM PERSON IS COMING TO YOUR HOUSE TO DISCUSS POSSIBLE MARRIAGE AND YOU WANTED THIS TO SUCCEED SO YOU COULD HOLD THEIR HAND AND MAYBE KISS. “My lord you should relax a little. How do you expect things to go smoothly with lord de Gregorian if you can’t say a word to him” Ilsith sighed as you sat on the sofa in you study. “Yeah relax. Easy for you to say. It’s not like the most perfect person in the world is coming- I mean he’s like a freaking god and next to him I look like a dirty ripped peace of cloth-” you complained as you tried not to pass out. While you were having a borderline panic attack you didn’t notice Camilla coming in with the guest of the fucking century. “...My lord, your guest has arrived...” . Fuck. Shit. Ok ok ok okokokokokokokokok. You can do this. “Ah lord de Gregorian, my apologies for not greeting you at the door. I lost track of time. Ilsith, Camilla, if you would.”. The pair quickly rushed out of the room to bring in tea and snacks for you and your “guest”. ‘I really hope he likes them’ you thought as you gazed at the treasure of this god forsaken kingdom. His golden hair and fur, his beautiful blue eyes, his sleek and elegant ears and tail. Truly Mendella de Gregorian was gods greatest achievement. “Oh where are my manners? Please, take a seat lord de-” “Just Mendella is fine. And thank you”. God his voice ‘hhhhnnnggggg’. You both sat down as drinks and treats were set down in front of you. “Well then. I know you don’t like to dawdle lord Mendella so let’s just get straight to business”....
      When (Name) wrote back agreeing to meet up for discussion of possible marriage Mendella almost passed out from the immense relief he felt. If he didn’t do something stupid and mess up he would finally be free and safe (as free and safe as he could get really). Once he informed his father of the news the man was obviously surprised that anyone would take his son. Afterall he wasn’t young and he was already engaged before but either way Lionas was a man of his word (when he wanted to be) so he let Mendella go meet the other lord. The father didn’t have many hopes and was honestly expecting his son to come back not having gained anything....
     When Mendella arrived at (Names) estate he was pleasantly surprised at the simplicity and borderline coziness of the place. It wasn’t too grandiose or overdecorated like his own home. Although the lord himself not coming to greet a distinguished guest soured Mendellas mood a little. Despite the ignoring of etiquette the omega wasn’t overly offended since he felt he had no right to feel that way considering his position. He stood around for a bit before a maid, smelling like an omega, came and after apologizing for the delay led him to where he would be meeting his hopefully future husband. The room he had been led to was simple but rather charming. The person who was, for all intents ad purposes, his savior sat on a comfortable looking couch looking like he was going to die. ‘Understandable. He’s meeting with me after all’. Shaking off the thought Mendella fully stepped into the room as the butler announced his arrival. Then the strangest thing happened... as soon as (Name) cast his eyes upon Mendella his ears perked up and his tail began to sway softly. The first words out oh the mans mouth were an apology for forgetting manners and an invitation to sit as he sent his butler and maid off to god knows where. They sat in silence for a while and Mendella took the time to fully take in the person before him. (Name) looked just as he was in the picture although, and Mendella was incredibly embarrassed to admit, he was way more charming. The lords ears were shorter and wider than his own and his tail was shorter but a lot more muscular. ‘He could probably crush someone with that’ Mendella thought with a barely noticeable gulp. His further thoughts were interrupted as tea and snacks were set down. The tea smelled great and the treats looked wonderful but a certain fear gripped at Mendellas heart. What if he thinks I’m a fatty? What if this is a test? Is this a test? Once again the omegas overthinking was interrupted by (Name) wanting to get right to business....
    You would be lying if you said that Mendella didn’t look scared right now. Was it something you said? Something you did? Just then you noticed him glancing at the snacks Ilsith had brought out. Damn. He didn’t like them! You were such an idiot! Shit you haven’t even started and you’re already messing up. Nice going dumbass. Your mental beating yourself came to an end as Mendella handed you a paper. “The marriage contract. Read it and from there we can adjust if you find something disagreeable”. The sun itself said as you started scanning the contract. The hell?!? This was literally mostly benefitting you! Isn’t Mendella supposed to get something from you as well? Well besides sharing your house and riches (literal dream come true btw). Your brows furrowed in confusion and before you knew what was happening Mendella threw himself in front of you on his knees with desperate tears in his eyes and fear on his perfect face. “Please! Please! You’re my only hope! I’ll-I’ll do anything! I’ll be anything you want! I can learn what you like just please give me a chance! I beg of you let me prove to you that marrying me is worth it!”. With that said he grabbed at the front of your pants and started trying to unbutton them. ‘AYO!!!???’....
   He fucked up...HE FUCKED IT ALL UP! The moment a frown appeared on your face Mendella knew he was failing. HE NEEDED YOU! You were his only hope! He had really hoped he wouldn’t have to this but if he could succeed in at least seducing you he could stay even if he was just a bed warmer to you Mendella needed you to agree to marry him. He couldn’t come back home with failure he couldn’t handle what would happen next. So he dove for your pants. Mendella knew what alphas liked...he had learned when he got engaged to the crown prince. He could do this. He could just float away until it was over....
   “Hey!-Hey stop! Wh-what are you doing!?”. You were not prepared for this outcome. In fact you were prepared for everything except this. As the frightened omega was clawing at your pants you saw his eyes get glossier and glossier as his sobbing quieted to hitched breaths and his hands got weaker and weaker. When he resorted to shoving his face into your crotch you finally gathered enough braincells to end this. “ENOUGH! Lord de Gregorian control yourself!” You grabbed Mendella by the shoulders and pushed him away from yourself. You kneeled on the ground to be on his level and started thinking of possible ways to calm him down. ‘Think asshole think! What calms distressed omegas down?’ Acting on impulse you grabbed the softly thrashing man and hugged him close. Mendella immediately burried his head into your shoulder and took several breaths of your scent. With that his struggling came to a stop. You decided to try something and started purring while softly stroking Mendellas ears as your own tail softly wraped itself around the two of you. “Are you okay lord Mendella?” you asked quietly and the omega tensed again. ‘Shit’ you thought as you held him a little tighter. “Please please I beg...” Mendella whispered against your neck as his tears wet your shirt. “Shhhhh it’s okay it’s okay” you tried to soothe. “Please don’t be angry. We can make the contract more in your favor just please don’t reject me yet” the omega pleaded again. ‘Wait...was this all because of the contract’. Realization hits you like a train. His previous fear and nervousness. He thought you were going to reject him when he saw you being confused! You were the fool of the century! “I wasn’t planning to reject you my lord. It’s just that-” “That what?” he interrupted you. That was good, he wasn’t as scared anymore. “It’s just that the contract was ONLY in my favor and I got a little confused is all”. Mendella pushed himself away from your hold, you already missing the contact, his eyes were wide and ears stood at attention. “You weren’t going to reject me? Truly?” “Yes. I agree to your proposal and ask you to marry me so please do me the honor of a lifetime and become my husband”. Mendella stared at you with wide eyes for a moment before clearing his throat and wiping his eyes with his sleeve coming back to his usual self. “Very well lord (Lastname). I accept.” “Please just call me (Name)”. Mendella lightly blushed at your words before turning his head to the side and starting to get up from the floor. After he was standing steady you got up as well and the two of you went over to the table to sign the marriage document. “And with this our agreement is final. I suppose I’ll be seeing you soon future husband.” you said as you tried to smile reassuringly at Mendella who was staring at the piece of paper like it was gold. “A-ah. Yes yes we will. I will plan out all the other details so you can sit back and just let me handle the rest” he said while putting the papers away. “I will be returning to my home now. Thank you for your cooperation I will make sure this marriage is worth your time” “Haha~ yeah.....” .....
    Ilsith stood beside you as the both of you watched Mendellas carriage leave your territory. He looked over at you and froze...literal hearts and flowers floated around you as a dreamy and lovestruck look took over your face. ‘Our lord is really deep in it now’.....
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tigertofu · 1 year
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me every single time i open the gta v tag on ao3 and am greeted w/ a bunch of fics abt nopixel server/gtao roleplayers
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54prowl · 2 years
if you feel so inclined, reblog in the tags your favorite haikyuu team/s
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silverlombaxwitch · 2 years
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"As we sat wide awake, we all dreamed of a day where we'd rise and finally shine in this story of our lives"
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