#floofy hair luke is best Luke...
kalak · 2 years
Luke in galaxy of adventures is the only correct luke depiction actually
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Look at his change from anh to rotj.... same guy but different vibe... his floofy hair the dumbass energy in his eyes all gone now he's angry ):<
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He's so confused he has no idea what's going on but oh lord is he giving it his best
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1mnobodywhoareyou · 5 months
Bex and Riley for dealer's choice of birthday prompt!
A prompt request for two OCs 🥺 my brain children feel so loved right now. Thank you! But you made me make SO MANY DECISIONS and I’m mad at you for that 😉. Hope you like it! 
For context, Bex and Riley are both OCs in the Bex Verse. Riley is Bex’s best friend (Bex is Willexie’s kid) and currently playing around with gender and pronouns.
They reach the school and Bex turns to give Willie a tight hug. They return it readily, counting as they squeeze her ten times before finally letting go. 
“Ten’s not too old to hug your old Nomy in front of your friends?” they tease. 
Bex plants a hand on her hip as she rolls her eyes. “I’ll never be too old for hugs.”
Willie chuckles and restrains themself from ruffling her hair, “Yeah okay, we’ll see about that. Love you. Have the most amazing day.”
Bex wraps her arms around Willie’s waist one more time. “You too, Nomy! Love you, bye!” She waves as she runs off. 
She sees Riley in their usual spot at the edge of the playground, just outside of the chaos of the daily school drop off, and runs toward them.
They notice her almost immediately and jump up, wrapping her in a tight hug once she’s close enough. 
“Happy birthday!”
Bex smiles. “Thanks!” she says before holding her skirt out and giving a twirl, “Look what Auntie Carrie got me!”
Riley offers her an exaggerated appreciative whistle. Bex rolls her eyes. He’d finally learned how to do that and Bex is only slightly frustrated that she can’t figure it out for herself. Apparently even in a family of musicians, she’s got a distinct lack of people who can teach her how to do this one thing. 
“Nice!” they offer. Riley doesn’t understand the appeal of dresses, especially not floofy twirly ones, but if there’s one thing that is true for her, it’s that she’s going to amp Bex up any chance she gets. 
And if there’s one thing that Bex and Carrie share, it’s a love for floofy twirly dresses. Carrie had made sure that Bex could have her new dress ready for school today. They’ve made half a tradition over the last few years where part of Carrie’s gift to Bex is her birthday outfit and every year it’s more extravagant than the last. Bex’s dads make sure that Carrie keeps it age, season, and school appropriate though. 
She spreads her skirt out as she sits on the grass like usual. Riley drops down beside her. They know there’s not enough time before the morning bell to actually dig anything out of their bags so they spend their few minutes alone excitedly chatting about Bex’s upcoming party and what they’re expecting her family to do. Luke probably has some cheesy song planned. Reggie will bake like always and do something overbearing and embarrassing. Alex will cry. Granted, he cried this morning. Something about milestone birthdays and being ten and almost all grown up. He’ll absolutely cry again, though. Willie will try way too hard to be cool. They’re all so predictable but at least it’s funny when it’s not annoying. 
The warning bell chimes and Riley jumps up. They offer Bex their hand and she readily accepts the help in being pulled up, brushing off her skirt and legs once she’s standing. 
She laughs as she curtsies in thanks. Riley bows before offering her his arm. “Milady,” Riley teases. 
“Thank you, good sir,” Bex counters with another giggle as she wraps hand around his arm. 
“Anything for the birthday girl.”
They laugh together as they make their way toward the school. Unfortunately they aren’t in the same class this year so they separate dramatically once inside, complete with Riley pressing a gentle kiss to Bex’s hand. 
“Happiest of birthdays to you, Lady Bex.” Riley bows again as she makes her way to her own classroom, leaving Bex to find her way to hers. 
“You guys are so weird,” Bex hears someone mutter just loud enough for her to hear. She brushes it off and rolls her shoulder back, just like Auntie Carrie taught her, walking to her classroom head held high.
She used to fight back. When people talked shit about her. Or her dads. Or Luke. Or Carrie. But after many, many chats with her grown ups and teachers and principals, she started practicing new ways to deal with her ‘haters’ (as Flynn calls them). Right now, the strategy is a Carrie Wilson special and it’s been working out okay so far. Riley has a harder time but they’re all working on it. 
Riley’s waiting outside of her classroom at recess. “Happy birthday!” they exclaim as soon as she gets out the door. 
Bex laughs as she follows him outside, “You already said that.”
“Yeah, but I want to say it again. I’m gonna say it so many times today. Happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthd-”
Bex cuts him off with a hand to his mouth and another laugh. “Okay, okay I get it! Don’t expect this many happy birthdays from me when it’s your turn though.”
“No, you’ll probably do something way cooler.”
“Pft as if.”
“Yeah, ‘cause you’re the coolest.”
“You’re just saying that ‘cause it’s my birthday.”
“Nope,” Riley retorts, rushing away before Bex can respond. 
“Wait! You can’t run away from me! It’s my birthday!” Bex yells as she follows after her. 
Bex catches up to Riley where they’ve stopped at a broken piece of pavement. There aren’t a lot of great places to bug hunt on the school grounds but every once in a while, if they look really carefully, they can find something new in disrepair that hosts some creatures for them to watch. 
Bex crouches down and flips the corner of cement over. “Awe, just pillbugs,” she says with dismay as she watches the little ecosystem. “They don’t even count.”
She gently replaces the concrete, careful not to disturb them any more than necessary. Riley sits beside her on the cement pad. “We’ll find the coolest bug today,” he assures her. “We have to! Birthday and all.”
“It’s too bad we can’t go to the front where all the flowers are,” Bex says with a pout as she plunks down beside Riley. They’d tried. Many times. But the teacher on supervision duty always caught them and made them stay on or around the playground. Sure, there was some grass and stuff, but nothing like what the front of the school offered for insect-friendly hunting grounds.
They sit in silence, staring at nothing until the bell rings to take them back inside. 
There’s no playful exchange this time around but Riley’s waiting for her again at their lunch break, with another round of happy birthdays, and then again at afternoon recess. 
They don’t have any more luck in their bug hunting, choosing to forego it entirely for their last break and instead opting to flip through the book that Riley had brought from home. 
By the end of the day, they’re both nearly bouncing out of their skin in excitement, the disappointment of their failed insect tracking behind them. Riley gets to come home with Bex. Something that’s not necessarily new. Or rare. But it’s different this time. 
Bex’s classmates (and their parents) and teachers gawk when at the end of the day The Carrie Wilson™ is there in a limo to pick up Bex and Riley. The Carrie Wilson™ who happens to be sporting a dress that almost perfectly matches Bex’s.
Carrie greets Bex and Riley with a wink and smile. They quickly clamber into the car, beaming the entire time. She follows and lets the driver close the door behind them.  
“You should turn ten more often,” Riley enthuses as they take in the interior of the car. Carrie had had it stocked up with Bex and Riley’s favourite treats (and some proper after school snacks at Alex’s insistence. “They need protein, Carrie.” 
“They’d better still be able to eat dinner and cake!” had been Reggie’s input.
“Let the kids have their fun!” was Ray’s contribution. “It’s not every day your kid, niece, grandbaby turns ten!”
To which Alex had fought back tears. Again.)
Bex looks around with wide eyes. She catches sight of the chocolate eggs that she only ever gets when somebody goes on tour and squeals with excitement. She takes one for herself and hands another to Riley. 
“Wait til you see these!” she tells him excitedly as she unwraps her own and cracks the chocolate open. She shoves the candy pieces into her mouth as she grabs the signature yellow canister and pops it open. She teaches Riley about the joys of Kinder Surprise, grateful to see that they both got toys that aren’t pre-built. 
“Best birthday ever,” Bex sighs. 
“And it’s only just began,” Carrie reminds her with a wide smile. “Let’s get you home so you can see what everyone else has in store for you.”
“How many times has Daddy cried?” Bex asks around a mouthful of chocolate.
Carrie laughs, “He made me promise not to tell. Or count.”
Bex rolls her eyes, a perfect imitation of her dad, “Figures.”
Okay i genuinely needed to cut this off cuz it almost turned into #Bex’s first sleepover which I am NOT equipped to write right now. Maybe I’ll extend this for ao3 later…
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aurora-azran · 6 years
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Introducing the apprentice no.1 and the Azran Emmisary! Wait.....
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wille-zarr · 4 years
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And some headcanons!
One of the HCs I have is that she lived in a community kinda like on Sorgan, (athough in canon she might have just lived with her close family from what’s in the story so far? Luke-style, hell yeah)
Instead of Krill being their main source of income, it was this really pretty wool the livestock had that would sparkle like fresh snow, kinda like the webs that are mentioned! Fabrics were their Thing 👏 (I also have various designs for what the animals might look like :DDD)
The big, poofy ponchos were the norm. Hats, scarves and goggles commonplace too! Making for the Cutest Fashion. I’m thinking she had to sell hers at some point for various reasons once she went offworld (unnecessary for the types of planets she was on, too identifyable as Sularian wool, needed money to Live) and kept the other three items for their versatility (and sentimental value ;n;)
Also, we see what her hair was like a bit longer. (no sketches with it waist-length yet!) very thick and floofy. RIP ;^; I like to think this is a trait of her people as well. It makes sense that she would miss it
I have more fan interpretations of the story that will probably change the more we get to see in-canon, but I hope you like these!! I’d love to send more ^//^ Thank you for IFOW!! it’s inspired me to create a lot 💚
(P.S I haven’t read the new chapter but I’m rEALLY EXCITED I’m gonna be rereading a bit to prepare)
Above is fanart for “The Mandalorian” fanfiction: In Fields of White
(The art looks best on the mobile app; it might look a bit off on desktop!)
What is your name?
Because I might want to name my firstborn child after you
✨A R T✨
WHERE DO I BEGIN. (Probably should start by taking caps-lock off lol)
1. You NAILED Starlight/Ka’r’ika/Reader’s expressions. NAILED. THEM. Like the lopsided smirks? Sarcastic expressions? Murderous looks? You CAPTURED her spirit! 
2. I LOVE your interpretation of her appearance! The hat CRACKS me up!!! It’s so different from what I imagine, but it’s so freaking cute!!! And the poofy hair?? I LOVE IT. I HAVE POOFY HAIR SO I CAN RELATE.
4. The name you gave Starlight/Ka’r’ika/Reader is lovely!!! Funny story- up until last chapter, she had an in-story name. 😂 I edited it out because I worried it ruined the immersion! But many people still refer to Starlight/Ka’r’ika/Reader as the name I gave her!
One of the HCs I have is that she lived in a community kinda like on Sorgan
Yes! It’s one of the reasons she loved her time on Arvala! It was like a piece of home. Though, her community was larger than the Sorgan one. :)
Instead of Krill being their main source of income, it was this really pretty wool the livestock had that would sparkle like fresh snow, kinda like the webs that are mentioned! Fabrics were their Thing 👏 (I also have various designs for what the animals might look like :DDD)
YES!!!!! You got it!! They herded for the wool/fur, not meat! I would LOVE to hear about your animal designs!!
The big, poofy ponchos were the norm. Hats, scarves and goggles commonplace too! Making for the Cutest Fashion.
I have more fan interpretations of the story that will probably change the more we get to see in-canon, but I hope you like these!! I’d love to send more ^//^ Thank you for IFOW!! it’s inspired me to create a lot 💚
(P.S I haven’t read the new chapter but I’m rEALLY EXCITED I’m gonna be rereading a bit to prepare)
I am SO EXCITED my work inspired you to this degree!!! You have an amazing talent for capturing expressions and personalities through art. 
✨A M A Z I N G✨
I hope you enjoy the next chapter!! This has certainly been just such a treat! I might cry. 🥺💙
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spookyclooky · 3 years
10 Fandoms, 10 Characters, 10 Tags
thank you for the tag @midnight-shy love you, bestie!! this was hard until i started like, really thinking about it and remembering things that i like lol but ajjdjdjenf don’t judge my choices
Marvel- Peter Parker, Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Bucky Barnes, Natasha Romanoff, Thor, and Loki (how dare you make me choose one fuck you)
DC- Batman (Bruce Wayne), Flash (Barry Allen), Robin (somewhat torn between Tim Drake and Jason Todd, though. I’ve been bamboozled)
Stranger Things- Steve Harrington, my beloved. Also, Jim Hopper and Jonathan Byers but not nearly as much. One floofy haired boy owns my heart
Dead by Daylight- idk if Steve can count for this cause he’s in it, but this game has made me really adore Ghostface (specifically Danny Johnson but I haven’t seen the movie yet) and I think the Legion (none of them specifically, I just like their aesthetic/backstory), Jeff Johannsen, and The Huntress. (Plus I may or may not ship GhostMeyers now oop—). OMG AND ASH—I’ll stop now
It- Richie Tozier. No I will not be taking questions
Little Nightmares- Mono! That baghead boy deserved better (I still have to play some of the DLC)
Star Wars- Luke Skywalker. Mark Hamill is the best and I strive to meet him someday to tell him so. Also, Yoda and Obi Wan Kenobi (Ewan McGregor please)
The Office- Jim Halpert. Case Closed lol
Detroit Become Human- Connor is best boy, don’t @ me
Borderlands- Rhys, my dumb metal armed boy ilysm
tagging: @ my tumblr fam and whoever else would like to do this!
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gatheringfiki · 4 years
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Round Robins - IoLuke RR
The following story is a combined work of: @lazysaturdayonthebeach, @brandywinebridge-twentymiles, @a-taupe-fox, @lakritzwolf and @justalittleswallow
Pairing: Iolaous / Luke Garroway
Rating: T
Warnings: None
Tags: Anders and Mitchell cameos, magical mixups, slightly cracky, drama, humour, cute moments, brief mentions of sex and violence
Wordcount: 8860
The afternoon started innocently enough.  Luke and Iolaus planned to spend some quiet time at home, knitting and making plans for their next visit to New Zealand.
Unfortunately, an emergency call from a member of Luke’s pack quashed both.  His wife had been in an accident and he needed someone to care for their two young girls.  After confirming that he did not need Luke at the hospital, her injuries were not that serious, Luke immediately agreed to care for the youngsters.  Iolaus packed their supplies away while Luke drove their ancient, “antique" according to Luke,  pickup truck across town to pick up the two young girls, Amanda and Sara.
By the time the three returned, Iolaus had assembled the ingredients for spaghetti with meatballs.  He knew no child would turn down spaghetti and cooking the sauce would give Luke a focus and help him relax.  Luke smiled, pecked him on the lips and quickly got to work.
The girls where quickly entranced by Iolaus’ hair,  comparing it to Rapunzel’s.  He quickly found the movie on Disney+ while Amanda magically produced two brushes from nowhere.
Between the soothing strokes of the brushes through his golden curls and the kids’ movies, Iolaus was soon fast asleep.  By the time Luke came to summon them for dinner, both girls were cuddled on either side of his husband, quietly watching the end of the movie.  The words, “Mum’s fine, your dad will be here soon,” died on his lips when he saw what they had done.
Iolaus’ curly hair was completely brushed out.  It was a golden afro-looking poof at least three feet across.  How was he going to tell him?  Maybe he could just let him sleep and sneak out?  Could he get him into the shower without seeing himself in a mirror?  Would he believe Ares had smote him?
The girls slipped off the couch, careful not to jostle ‘uncle Iolaus’, and Luke stepped in to prop up his dozed-off husband with a stack of throw pillows. He decided that from a tactical standpoint, it’d be best to let his husband sleep for now. It would gain Luke more time to decide how to approach the hair situation.
Amanda and Sara giggled as Luke shepherded them to the dining room to their dinner.
“He’s like your sleeping beauty!” Sara, the younger one, announced to Luke, and Amanda quickly corrected her in the typical fashion of older, more world-wise siblings.
“No, Sleeping Beauty didn’t have golden hair. He’s actually Rapunzel.”
“Oh, well, you did sing the hair-growing song while we were brushing his hair! Like the witch in the movie!” Sara pointed out.
“Exactly!” the older sister replied, satisfied.
Luke closed the door to the living room behind them with the quietest of clicks, thinking to himself that Iolaus looked more like an excessively blow-dried cocker spaniel than a princess.
After dinner, he entertained the girls with a quick game of cards until their dad arrived to pick them up. They ran to his arms and Thomas, Luke’s fellow pack member, thanked him profusely and apologized for any inconvenience the emergency baby-sitting session might have caused to Iolaus and him. Luke assured him it had been absolutely no trouble.
Once the girls were off, on the way to their grandma’s house, Luke cleaned up and tiptoed back to the living room to check on his husband, mild trepidation dancing around his stomach.
Iolaus looked peaceful; he’d slumped sideways at some point, his head resting on the throw pillow for which he had knitted a red slipcover. Except that most of the color was obscured by the mass of Iolaus’ floofy hair.
Luke frowned. His husband’s mane seemed even bigger than earlier.
No, it had to be the angle, Luke told himself. Still, waking up Iolaus once he was asleep was oftentimes a wasted effort, so he decided he would transfer Iolaus to their bed now without letting him catch on to the halo of extreme frizz around his own head. They’d tame it together in the morning.
He scooped Iolaus up and the younger man merely hummed something unintelligible into Luke’s flannel-shirted shoulder while being carted off to the bedroom.Luke turned out the light and settled in next to Iolaus. The temptation to spoon in around him quickly left him when he realized Iolaus’ hair would easily swallow his entire face, potentially suffocating him. Somewhat miffed, he fell asleep, and only woke up when his alarm went off for his morning run.
He rubbed his eyes open and promptly turned to Iolaus, in hopes that maybe gravity or pure blind luck had fixed Iolaus’ problem overnight.
To his dismay, they had not. In fact, the problem had gotten worse – somehow, inexplicably, crazily.
By approximately ten inches of additional length.
When Iolaus woke up, he noticed three things: the first was that he must have gone to sleep really early the night before, because usually nothing could wake him up. Second, there was the hideous, shrieking noise of Luke’s alarm which always, always went off far too early (even if Iolaus usually did sleep through it). Third, the reason the alarm was still going off must have been because it was “”that time of the month”” and the only time that Iolaus EVER woke up with this much hair in his mouth was when his beloved werewolf husband used him as a wolfy pillow on full moon nights. It also meant that his beloved werewolf husband probably couldn’t turn off the alarm with paws. Iolaus grumbled and reached over, not yet opening his eyes, and flailed about, trying to find the stupid alarm clock that was still going off. The last thing he was expecting was for his arm to be caught in the warm grip of a familiar hand. Iolaus cracked one eye open. “Luke?” He couldn’t see his husband, though. All Iolaus could see was the brassy gold of… his own hair. He pulled his arm out of Luke’s grip and pushed himself up. His usually shoulder-length hair was now halfway down his chest and Iolaus could only stare. “Luke?” he finally asked again, because his hair definitely hadn’t been this long when he’d gone to sleep the night before. With a sigh, Luke chucked his running gear back into the closet - apparently giving up on that routine for the day - and walked over to shut off the screeching alarm. “You fell asleep watching Tangled with Sarah and Amanda,” Luke reminded Iolaus. That was not surprising - mostly because Iolaus was ALWAYS willing to watch Tangled, because… He thought that Flynn Rider A.K.A. Eugene Fitzherbert just… had a rugged charm and charisma that rather reminded him of his beautiful, rugged, charming werewolf husband. It also didn’t give him any answers to how he somehow had nearly waist-length hair. “I love you,” Iolaus said, because he was tired, and that always seemed like a good thing to say, but particularly when strange things were going on. Luke rolled his eyes and huffed but still came back to the bed to reward Iolaus with a kiss. “I love you back. But, if the girls singing that hair-growing song somehow managed to work on you, you know we’re going to have to look into it. Iolaus sighed, “We’ll need to look through your books?” Luke laughed and nodded, “We’ll need to look through my books.” Suddenly, tilting his head in that particularly canine-way that he sometimes did, Luke turned and sniffed. Following his nose, he walked back to the closet and opened it up. “I knew I smelled chameleon!!”
The chameleon lowered its little front paw, which it had used to scratch at the door.
“About time!!” It gave Luke stinky eyes, a very impressive feat since it could look at him from two different angles. “I’ve been sitting in this bloody closet for hours!”
Luke stared at the talking chameleon and ran a hand through his hair. “Where the hell did you come from? How’d you get in here?”
“Fuck if I know!” The chameleon was still clinging to one of the coat hangers by its tail, while trying to reach the open wardrobe door. “Last night I was just sitting in my home, minding my own business, and suddenly I’m in this fucking closet, as a fucking lizard!”
Luke looked over his shoulder at Iolaus, but the latter was preoccupied with the mass of hair curling around his face. He looked up, and lifted the hair off his face like a curtain, pulling it apart to each side. Then he shrugged.
“Well aren’t you going to get me out of here?!” the chameleon snapped. “I’m not a frog, you know? I can’t jump!”
“You could,” Luke said and pointedly crossed his arms, “maybe try and be a little more polite about this? It’s not my fault that… this… happened to you. Whatever this is.”
The chameleon was silent for a moment, its eyes darting this way and that, at first separately, and then in sync.
“Please?” it said eventually, with the air of someone who isn’t used to begging other people.
Luke could sympathise, though. Being turned into a tiny reptile had to be stressful, to say the least. Add in the fact that you’re suddenly trapped in a wardrobe, and… well.
Luke reached out and the chameleon carefully crawled onto his hand.
“Thanks,” it muttered grudgingly.
“So,” Luke said the chameleon after a glance at Iolaus who was still trying to sort his hair to be able to get up.“What’s your name then? Who are you?”
The Chamaeleon looked at Luke with one eye, and with the other Iolaus who had finally sorted his hair out and slowlly approached.
“My name?“ it asked. “Why don’t you tell me yours. And tell me where we are.”
Iolaus stood next to Luke and looked at the chameleon on his boyfriend’s hand.
“It’s a talking chameleon!” he gushed. “How cool is that? Hercules and Jason won’t believe this! What are you going to do with it?”
“Oy! I can hear you, you know,” the chameleon spat, his tongue flicking out of his mouth.
It turned a reddish colour and retreated the tongue in haste. “Anyway, who the hell are you guys. Where am I.”
“In New York,” Luke said carefully. “Is that where you expected to be?”
“NEW YORK?” The chameleon’s little body clearly wasn’t sufficient for the indignant shriek it wanted to give. “No.”
“Well, that’s where we are.”
“Do you want some water?” Iolaus offered, suddenly aware of his manners. “I guess we can also find some flies somewhere around here. Do chameleons eat flies?”
“How do I know?” The chameleon retorted. “Until 10 minutes ago it was not a pressing question for me.”
Luke rubbed his head. “Right. A talking chameleon. Who claims to be unable to turn back into whatever it was before?”
“Who would prefer to remain a chameleon, mate?”
Luke suddenly became aware that Iolaus had turned around to fetch the water and BOTH eyes of the chameleon were fixed on one particular body part. “Oy! Eyes on his head, buddy.”
Iolaus turned around and cocked his head, looking utterly confused.
“This lizard was checking out your butt,” Luke complained.
“It is a nice butt,” Iolaus and the chameleon said in unison.
Luke groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose with his free hand. “Why do I never have Adamas when I need it.”
Then it hit him. “Babe!” he called after Iolaus who had disappeared in the kitchen. “While you’re there, take one of the vials from the first aid pack please.”
“Sure thing!”
Iolaus came back to find Werewolf in human form and potential human in chameleon form glaring at each other. Luke held out his hand.
“The vial please.”
He grabbed it, taking barely the time for the obligatory squeeze of Iolaus’ hand.
“What …” the chameleon started. Luke dumped the holy water from the vial over it’s body. It hissed and curled its back to showcase its spikes. “What the hell?” it bellowed, more startled than harmed. “I thought you wanted to give me water for drinking.”
“Um, yes …” Iolaus very helpfully placed a saucer of water on Luke’s hand. Luke shook his head at his boyfriend and finally placed the chameleon and the saucer down on the little bedside cabinet.
“It’s not a demon,” he explained to Iolaus.
“Cool. So what is it then?”
Iolaus suddenly remembered the packet of dried crickets stored in their gift stash. They had found it in a vending machine at Ripley’s Museum on their St. Augustine adventure. He jumped up and ran across the room to rifle through the antique chest that held their collection. Two pairs of eyes tracked his bouncing bottom as he bent over inside the chest.
“Hey! My boyfriend, my butt.”
The little chameleon turned on Luke solemnly. “Luke, buddy, you have to help me.”
Luke’s head turned slowly, very slowly, toward the chameleon. “Mate, if you’re having me on, I’ll dump you in a bowl of skittles and let you freak out.”
“Luke. It’s me. Anders. Mitchell and I were doing…”
“No! No. I do not want to hear about your sexual hijinks.” Luke bodily recoiled. He already knew far too much about their friends’ intimate relationship details.
“But you do believe me?” Chameleon Anders jumped from the table to the couch and stalked over to Luke’s lap.
“I do. Only you could get yourself in this ridiculous situation. If you weren’t a vessel, you’d probably be dead.”
“Oh, shit! Mitchell probably thinks l’m dead! Please call him!”
Iolaus came running back into the room waving the box of crickets. “I found it!!”
“I am not eating bugs, butt boy.” Anders’ snark was back in full force now that he had survived his embarrassment and moved on. “Your tan looks great. Been lying out in the nuddy?”
Luke was already on the phone talking to a distraught Mitchell. Suddenly, Anders’ little chameleon body was hoisted into the air and plunked on the dining room table with Luke’s cell phone on speaker. Luke pulled Iolaus into their bedroom to explain while their friends calmed each other. The explaining turned to making out before they re-emerged.
When they emerged, they found Anders-chameleon trying to climb into a packet of cookies left on the table, the phone abandoned for now and the call disconnected. Luke extricated the small green creature before he could fall in headfirst and then, resigned, placed a cookie in front of him. Andres took a nibble and mid-bite, informed them:
“Mitchell said to text him where to meet us. Though I’m not sure I want him to see me like this.”
“But you look so cute!” Iolaus exclaimed.
“That’s what I’m afraid of,” Anders said. “He might prefer me as a tiny animal he can put in a box.”
“A box! Good idea, Anders. We’ll need something to carry you in,” Luke announced, heading for the kitchen cabinets. “I think I have an old plastic container up on the top shelf-“
Anders spluttered cookie crumbles everywhere. “You’re not putting me inside any Tupperware!” He scanned his surroundings quickly, then zeroed in on Iolaus with his round-eyed gaze. “How about I ride on Rapunzel’s shoulder here?”
Luke sighed, pausing his quest for a container. Arguing with Anders, even a tiny-chameleon version of him, was always a lesson in patience and he didn’t have much of it now. They needed to move, before Iolaus’ hair grew even longer. Already it was getting hard to manage.
He looked at his husband, who shrugged. “Sure, as long as he promises to not tickle me. And to stop commenting on my butt.”
“You’re no fun,” Anders grumbled before stuffing another chunk of cookie in his mouth.
“That’s settled, then,” Luke stated decisively and strode over to the door instead, grabbing his keys. “We have to get moving. The sooner we speak to Hercules, the better, because if any of the Greek gods are involved in this….”
“You’re saying it like his gods are any better,” Iolaus snorted while nodding towards Anders, who was currently climbing into the palm of his hand in order to get a lift onto Iolaus’ shoulder.
“Hey, I’m a norse god and I’m suffering here too,” Anders-chameleon pointed out, then promptly squawked in terror as Iolaus started heading towards the door after Luke. “Christ, do you have to bounce so much while you walk? I feel like I’m on a roller coaster here!”
Iolaus laughed, which did not improve the bouncing in the slightest.
Anders-chameleon kept grumbling and complaining on the way to Luke’s pick-up.
“Can’t you walk with a little more elegance and less stomping? I’m getting sea-sick up here.”
“I am just walking,” Iolaus said and gave Luke a suffering look. I can’t, you know, float, or something.”
“Oh god, I am so…” Anders-chameleon groaned. “Can chameleons puke?”
“DO NOT PUKE INTO MY HAIR!” Iolaus yelled, and the poor little creature almost jumped out of his scaly skin.
“Jesus fucking Christ mate!” Anders-chameleon dug his little paws into several strands of hair. “Don’t do that!”
Iolaus huffed and fell into the passenger seat of Luke’s truck. Fastening the seat belt was a challenge with all the hair in the way. When Luke finally was about to turn the key, Anders-chameleon piped up again.
“Wait wait wait are you sure this is safe? I don’t have a seat belt, if you crash us I’m going to end as a wet green splat on your windshield!”
“I won’t crash us.”
“Good.” Anders-chameleon said with a pout. “Feeling sick is already bad enough.”
“Please tell me when you have to throw up,” Iolaus said.
“I don’t even know if I can.”
“Maybe you shouldn’t have eaten those cookies,” Luke remarked.
“I was hungry!”
“You’re a reptile, after all. Chameleons eat insects.”
“Talk about eating dead flies and I will puke into your buddy’s hair!”
Luke rolled his eyes and looked at Iolaus, shaking his head. Then he frowned.
“Wait, where is he?”
“Where is who?” Iolaus asked.
“The chameleon. He was on your shoulder a moment ago!”
“I am right here you moron!” came the voice out of Iolaus’s hair.
“Oh.” Luke lifted one eyebrow. “I guess it’s a stress reaction.”
“What is?” Iolaus asked and gathered a few stray strands of hair into his lap.
“Adapting the colour to the surroundings. He’s the same shade as your hair now.”
“Great,” Anders-chameleon said. “Then Mitchell won’t have to see me like this. I am going to stay here.”
“Uh,” Iolaus said and blinked.
“I really, really hope Hercules can help us out with this,” Luke said, and started the engine.
Luke started the car and pulled into traffic.
“So,” he said conversationally, his eye on the road. It’s not as if he could make out the chameleon he was talking to among Iolaus’ hair anyway. “I think it would actually be best if we just make you Mitchell’s problem.”
“Absolutely not!” Chameleon Anders protested and Iolaus winced when his little claws dug into his neck.
“Let’s see if Hercules can help,” Iolaus suggested. “We can still contact Mitchell if he cannot.”
“There is no ..:” Anders started, but Luke cut him off.
“We can also dump you at a zoo or pet shop.”
Silence descended. Then Iolaus piped up:
“That was mean. Don’t worry Anders, we’re not going to do that.”
Luke glanced sideways at Iolaus, as they waited at a red light. “You’re too soft.”
The chameleon gave a dirty laugh and Iolaus protested: “I’m not soft and you know it.”
“Your heart,” Luke clarified. “Not the rest of you. Other than your hair …”
The honking behind him made him realise that in his contemplation of his boyfriend’s beautiful blond hair, he had missed that the light had turned green.
The rest of the ride was spent in silence, as Luke navigated the traffic and both Iolaus and Anders sulked. And Luke was not about to admit that it had really been a too low blow.
Once the chameleon was presented to Hercules, Iolaus’ friend looked critically at the creature. Anders was green again and still clinging to Iolaus shoulder.
“Right,” Hercules said. “A talking chameleon.”
“A human who has been turned into a chameleon. And teleported,” Iolaus corrected. Hercules glared at him.
“A human that was turned into a chameleon and teleported into your room. Got it. And you expect me to do what?”
Anders looked at him with one eye, the other roved around the modest room. Luke shrugged, letting himself fall onto a chair.
“Help. Anders seems to be the vessel of a minor Norse god. You’re the vessel of a demi-god.”
“Was the minor really necessary?” Anders asked pointedly.
Hercules sat up a bit straighter. “Right. What god is that?”
“Bragi?” Hercules looked unsure. “Not a god I ever heard of.”
“The god of poetry,” the chameleon clarified. “My voice compels mortals.”
“Yikes. Right. God stuff.” Hercules sighed. “Well, thank you for ruining my plans. I almost had a date.”
Iolaus scoffed. “As if.”
“You got a boyfriend,” Hercules pointed out. “If you can get lucky, I see no reason why I cannot.”
Their bickering was interrupted by a chameleon hiss.
“Is this the time?” Anders asked with reptile dignity.
“No.” Hercules rubbed his forehead. “Right. Let’s think.”
Iolaus slumped into the front seat of Luke’s truck, angry and pouting.  Luke slid quietly in behind the steering wheel.  Anders, still in chameleon form, was left with Hercules for the night.
“As soon as we get home, you’re calling Mitchell and explaining yourself,” Iolaus snapped, then turned to the window, his back toward Luke.  Nope, nothing soft there.
The twenty minute trip across town seemed like a lifetime.  Silent Iolaus was something Luke had only experienced once before.  He hated it.  Iolaus had bettered the vessels of gods and he was silently plotting, how was one werewolf to survive?
Iolaus knew Anders was safe with Herc, his best friend.  But Mitchell was a good friend too and he felt like he was letting him down by not personally protecting Anders in his tiny, vulnerable form.  Luke had made the mistake in New Zealand, not him.  He should not get to dictate terms now.
Once they pulled up behind the antique shop with it’s cozy but tiny upstairs apartment,  Iolaus jumped out before the truck was fully stopped.   Luke called out after him but it was no use.  He was inside and up the stairs before Luke got the windows rolled up and the doors locked.  He was really in trouble. 
Surprisingly fast, Iolaus had washed up a bit and changed into shorts.  Luke caught him pulling on a soft sweater.
“I’m going to start supper,” Luke said, soft and sad, “Clean up and change, then come call Mitchell with me."  He left the bedroom without another word.
The kitchen smelled of butter, garlic, and onions.  Delicious!  Water struggled to boil in a big pot on the back burner.  Iolaus crumbled feta into a large bowl with chopped parsley.  Luke sighed.  One of Iolaus’ comfort food creations.  He might yet be forgiven.
He smiled hesitantly when Iolaus head turned toward him.  The blond curls bobbed indicating the chair closest to him.  Then golden eyebrows raised indicating that he should get on with it.
Mitchell was a mess, still.  He had an endless string of questions.   Was Anders okay?  Was he still a chameleon?  Had he eaten yet?  Should he fly over?
In the end, they managed to calm Mitchell down a tad, though not prevent him from rushing to the nearest internet-bearing device to buy a plane ticket for as early as possible. Luke felt like he should be the one covering the cost, but he didn’t have that kind of cash laying around.
All he could do was promise to fix things. And he meant it.
It calmed his heart a smidge when he noticed that Iolaus was looking at him with something like approval in his pale eyes.
But clearly, Luke had not been forgiven yet. After hanging up, Iolaus remained mute and dinner was conducted mostly in silence, except for Luke’s compliments about the food and Iolaus’ grumble of a thank you. They went to bed the same way – with hardly a word exchanged.
Luke had never seen Iolaus this upset, and he couldn’t fall asleep for the agonizing worry that gripped him. What would it take for Iolaus to forgive him? He hoped the two of them, and their relationship, would make it through this clusterfuck of a situation unscathed…
He tossed and turned long after Iolaus had dozed off, his deep, regular breaths reassuring to Luke. Yet even as the alarm clock’s digits crept past midnight, his thoughts wouldn’t stop racing, each scenario his mind conjured worse than the previous one…
He finally gave up. Wasting time not sleeping would get them nowhere. He set his feet back on the cool parquet floor, went about locating his previous day’s clothes quietly.
Then he snuck out of the bedroom, casting one last look at the bed to make sure Iolaus hadn’t stirred.
When Iolaus woke up, he felt surprisingly rested at first. He stretched and yawned, and only when he realized that Luke’s side of the bed was empty did everything come rushing back.
“Luke?” he called out, but no answer came.
Slightly unnerved, Iolaus pulled on his jeans and hurried out into the living room. No one was there, and the kitchen, bathroom, hallway – the same thing. The apartment was empty.
Iolaus grabbed his phone, but there were no new notifications, nothing. He tried calling Luke, texting – no response. He was on the verge of panicking when he spotted a hastily penned note on the kitchen table.
‘I’m sorry about all this. I’ll fix this – I promise. I’ll get in touch when I can, please stay home in the meantime.”
“Goddammit,” Iolaus cursed, and, completely ignoring Luke’s request, rushed to the front door. He had to go look for his martyr of a husband, since Luke had a penchant for committing rash, self-sacrificing acts when he felt he needed to correct a wrong.
Only once he was out on the street did he realize he should have probably put on a shirt first
Luke had gone far enough, he wouldn’t be recognized. He ducked into the shadows of a sadly-familiar abandoned building. Hiding out of sight, he quickly stripped his clothes off and folded them before tucking them out of the way. His mind was racing, and he had so much work to do to *fix* what had happened. Anders and Mitchel were gone, but it wasn’t on good terms, and Luke knew that he had a lot of work to do to truly put things to rights. He glanced at the clothes one more time. He had a lot of ground to cover, and he had to do it fast - the best way to do it was on four legs. Luke took a deep breath and spared one more moment to hope that Iolous truly did *know* how much Luke loved him. And with that, Luke cracked his neck and then leapt into the street, running down the sidewalk on four paws, sticking to the shadows, and it was still early enough that hopefully no one would notice the sight of a werewolf in the dim morning light. --- Iolaus left the house - and the first thing he noticed was that his guilt-ridden, self-sacrificing husband had apparently *not* taken the car. Iolaus sighed in frustration. When he had tried to call Luke’s cell phone, Iolaus had found it on the table next to Luke’s wallet. It meant that it would just be that much more difficult to find him. Iolaus couldn’t call in that the car was missing, or run tracking on Luke’s phone. Nope, there was only one way that Iolaus was going to be able to find his stubborn husband - and that was by good, old-fashioned looking. Which would be practically *impossible* if Luke was *trying* not to be found… Iolaus sighed again, and pulled his cellphone out of his pocket. It was a good thing he had a friend who specialized in impossible tasks… “Hey, Hercules? How have you been lately? Listen - I need a favour…”
“Yeah, okay, I get it.” Iolaus looked left and right before he crossed the road in a haste. “Yeah, I’m going to hurry up.”
Iolaus stared at the phone with a frown. It didn’t happen often that Hercules just hung up on him. But whatever, he had to hurry because Hercules and Jason had plans – plans that didn’t involve Iolaus, and that made Iolaus realise, not for the first time but this time especially painfully, how much they had moved apart since he had married Luke. Maybe he could do something to salvage that friendship, a favour for a favour.
Iolaus huffed out a heavy breath, and broke into a run. Or rather, a jog, since he would have to cover a lot of ground, and couldn’t sprint the entire distance. He was heating up quickly and removed his flannel to tie it around his hips by the sleeves. He wiped some sweat off his forehead, and focused on putting one foot in front of the other.
Luke had covered a lot of ground by now, had circled back two times, but even his nose had found no trace. He sat down on his haunches, pondering his choices, when suddenly another scent hit his nostrils.
It was faint, far away but it immediately made Luke’s hair rise and his skin tingle, but not in a bad way. No… quite the contrary.
Almost despite himself Luke got up and scented the air. Yes, that was… oh god, no.
He couldn’t. He had a job to do. A mission. He couldn’t let himself get distracted by the scent of Iolaus. Iolaus, all sweaty and hot, and…
Images of Iolaus’, panting and his naked body and covered in a sheen of sweat, began to invade his mind.
And the animal in him began to win over, because even Luke as a human couldn’t withstand that scent. He turned around, a low growl in his throat, and followed the scent of his husband, his human part almost ashamed of how horny he suddenly was, while the animal only had one thing on his mind: making Iolaus sweat and pant some more, but not from running.
The scent grew stronger, and Luke was glad he wasn’t wearing pants because that would have been uncomfortable, but also he wasn’t glad at all he wasn’t wearing pants because, well. He was a horny werewolf running around following the scent of his sweaty mate.
He rounded the next corner, the scent heavy in his nostrils, and there he was.
Iolaus spun around when he heard the padding of Luke’s paws, and his panting breaths.
“Luke? Is that you?”
The wind turned and blew a whiff of Iolaus directly into Luke’s face. It was too much.
Iolaus yelped when he was confronted by a very, very horny werewolf in the middle of the street.
“Luke!” he said as sternly as he could, which just turned Luke’s growl more - aroused.
Well the day was just getting better and better. “NO, Luke,” he admonished when Luke stalked closer. And when he did not stop, he added a sharp “Bad dog!”
That stopped Luke short as expected and he looked up at Iolaus with wounded eyes. 
“Yes, wolf, not golden retriever, yadda yadda.” Iolaus shook his head fondly. “You need a new line one of these days. But right NOW,” he took a quick step backwards, when Luke’s ears perked up, “Now we have to find Anders and Mitchell. Did you find a trace of them?”
Dejected Luke’s tail thumped the ground in denial.
“Great, just great. Great.” Iolaus was not used to being the thinker of any operation. “Great,” he repeated. “Right, let’s find the car, I’ll drive, you change into something presentable at home and then we will think of a plan.”
They were home 40 minutes later, Luke dressed and looking self-satisfied after a very good blow job he had given Iolaus. Iolaus was still flushed as he tried, for the umpteenth time, to call Anders or Mitchell. He loved it when Luke’s horny animal instincts took over.
Of course neither Anders nor Mitchell answered.
“Do we need to find them?” Luke asked plaintively. “There’s better things to do with our time.”
His brain had not yet recovered from the full onslaught of lust.
Iolaus swatted his leg. “Yes, we do. What if they’re in trouble? They might need our help.”
Luke sighed but stopped arguing. 
Lust aside, he was as stubborn and loyal as Iolaus, of course. That’s why they immediately had such a strong bond despite all their differences.
“Okay, let’s take the car. I might get a sniff of them somewhere if we can cover the ground more quickly.”
Luke’s head hung out the window like a golden retriever. Behind the wheel, Iolaus drove as fast as he thought Luke could reasonably process scents while trying to keeping the other vehicles and pedestrians safe.  They had to find Anders and Mitchell.
Garbage, dead body, more garbage, fire, mmm… leather… that smells good.  Steak!  Rare.  Rare.  Medium rare.  Ruined!  Who really eats well done steak?  Even in his human form, when he turned to look at Iolaus, all he could do was whine.
Dead rat, perfume, too much perfume,  flop sweat, pee, human pee, cat pee, dog pee, wolf pee he didn’t recognize.   He looked up for a location so someone could check that.
Poop, human poop right out in the alley, gross.   A truck passed and the exhaust made him sneeze.  Gym sweat, body odor, baby powder, gasoline, cigarettes, construction dust, mold, snot.  A car passed them and a kid burped in his direction.  Macaroni and cheese.
Cigar… good expensive Cuban cigar… Scotch, Bourbon, good vodka… seemed like someplace he should smell Anders. 
Iolaus turned into a street lined with restaurants.  Pizza, chicken, pastrami, turkey, drool, falafel, potatoes, stew, shwarma, cucumbers, garlic, onions, puke, mustard.
More strange wolf pee, same wolf.  He looked up for a location again and sent a text.
Dog poop.  Seriously, did humans not know or care that there was a law about picking that up?  People were walking here. 
“Anything, yet?  Mitchell or Anders?” Iolaus asked.
“Nothing you should wish that you could smell, babe."  And with that Luke returned to his work, sniffing.
Duck, eggs, rot, gym shoes, broccoli, hot tar, an electrical fire, fish, burning oil, grinding metal, paint, turpentine, linseed oil, sawdust, stagnant water, blood.
Wait.  He inhaled deeper and asked Iolaus to turn right.  The scent of the stagnant water grew stronger.  Under it was something familiar.  He was panting now, trying to find the piece of scent he knew.
As Iolaus accelerated down the empty street, Luke continued to sniff out all the scents as they came toward him, then combed through the onslaught of information as consciously as he could in human form. Finally, even though the smell of stagnant water was strong enough in his nose to overpower everything else, he found and isolated the right scent.
The fact that he could smell both Anders and Mitchell around here was reassuring, gave him hope. They smelled alive.
But there was that strange wolf scent again, and other troubling ones…
Luke zeroed in on the approximate location and pointed it out to Iolaus. The truck came to a halt in front of an old retaining pond at the edge of a neighborhood. It was surrounded by a chain-link fence, tall grass sloping down towards the middle where a few ducks floated serenely on the murky water’s surface. Luke hoped he’d be able to turn off his wolf-senses soon; he was starting to feel nauseous from the strong smell of the water, mixed with duck poop and algae and who knew what else.
The two of them jumped out of the vehicle and slammed the car door shut. The ducks squawked in alarm and took off, wings flapping in a frantic rhythm.
“Anders!” Luke shouted. “Mitchell!”
Iolaus was by his side in a flash, scanning the fenced-in area. They both listened for an answer, Luke wishing he could turn on his wolf-hearing too. But, unfortunately, he still needed his nose and he could only access one enhanced sense at a time in his human form; otherwise, his human brain might self-combust from receiving much more information than it had been built for.
Their shouts stayed unanswered. All they could hear was a distant rumble of an airplane taking off and the traffic from the main avenue a few blocks over.
“Should we look in there?” Iolaus pointed towards the pond.
Luke nodded somberly. He didn’t have a good feeling about this, but there was nothing else they could do. They hopped over the fence, the tall grass rustling against their jeans as they walked down the slope. There was a large concrete drain pipe, with a trickle of water coming out of it, to one side of the pond, and Iolaus narrowed his eyes at it.
“I see something – someone - in there!” he exclaimed. Excited and relieved, he started sprinting towards it without thinking twice.
Luke could now make out a larger shadow and a smaller form a few feet into the opening as well. His nose told him it was Mitchell and Anders. But the other scents he’d picked up on the way – the unknown wolf and something else, something much stronger yet deceptively subtle, like a very expensive perfume or a rare but poisonous orchid - came from there as well.
“Iolaus, be careful!” he called out and set off after his husband at a run.
The words were barely out of his mouth when a figure materialized out of nowhere, between them and the drainage pipe. It was a figure of a tall man, clad in a golden tunic and with winged sandals on his feet.
Iolaus skidded to a frightened halt a few feet before it and Luke nearly crashed into him in his rush to stop as well.
“He - Hermes?” Iolaus whispered in terrified awe.
The Greek God replied with nothing but a mischievous smile.
It had been a while since Iolaus had to deal with Greek Gods. An upshot of not hanging out with Hercules as much anymore.
Right now he wanted to punch Hermes in the face. Who still stood there smiling, golden tunic and winged sandals looking completely ridiculous next to a filthy pond and huge concrete pipes.
Luke growled. “This would explain the foul smell.”
Hermes’ smile wavered a little. Did gods smell like wolves? 
“Anders and Mitchell are my friends, not Hercules’,” he tried to bargain. “There’s nothing to be gained from taking them prisoner.”
Luke ignored them both for a moment, sniffing and listening. Yes, those must be Anders and Mitchell in the pipe, the smell was too strong to be a decoy.
On the plus side, there was no sign of them being hurt. 
He started sprinting towards the pipe. As expected, he was immediately repulsed by Hermes. With a low growl, Luke jumped at him.
Of course he stood no chance, but for once in his life, Iolaus got the hint.
He sprinted away to some distance and pulled out his phone. First text went to Hercules with his location.
Second text went to Dawn, whose number Anders had given him too. If Anders was a vessel, his secretary should know who to contact. Of course she might only have contacts in New Zealand, but nobody could fault Iolaus’ optimism.
Third text went to the werewolf group.
He sprinted back to where Luke had just about managed to grab Hermes. He threw himself at the god, trying to pin him down.
The next moment, there was Aphrodite and in a blur, Mitchell and Anders were out of the pipe and onto the Greek Goddess.
A remarkably short time later, loud howling chased away the ducks remaining in the pond. The werewolf pack descended upon the fight.
Iolaus leapt aside, as the only human in this entire disaster he had no desire to be accidentally bitten.
His phone was buzzing again. 
“Herc, where the fuck are you? Hermes and Aphrodite want to take Anders and Mitchell.”
“On our way!” Hercules shouted. “I called Cheiron too …. and you need to call the Shadowhunters.”
Oh. Hercules was right, as always.
Iolaus ducked behind the pipe that recently held his friends and dialled Jocelyn. While the phone was ringing, he dared to have a peek at the fight.
Aphrodite seemed more interested in groping Anders’ butt than fighting off the werewolves. And Anders was starting to realise it, wiggling his behind almost as skillfully as Iolaus while also managing to ogle the goddess’ mighty chest.
A loud growl made him and all the werewolves jump.
A large dog emerged from yet another pipe. 
Luke felt all his hair stand up - and that in his human form.
Shit. That must be Cerberus’ vessel. The scent of the strange wolf.
Iolaus saw Cerberus eye Luke and screaming a frantic voicemail at Jocelyn’ inbox, jumped between the dog and Luke.
Mitchell had yet to notice Anders’ distraction tactics with Aphrodite. He was busy chasing Hermes. Only the god’s winged hat and shoes kept him ahead of the vampire’s supernatural speed. He was fingertips away from catching his prey when the scream of his friend stopped him. The sight of Iolaus charging in between Cerberus and Luke was both inspiring and terrifying.
But it wasn’t Mitchell who jumped in to protect him. Hercules arrived at just that moment and dashed into the fray. Cerberus stopped briefly to decide on a target. In that moment, Hercules tossed Iolaus to Luke with a shout to keep him safe, and locked eyes with Hermes, who winked at him before flashing away.
Mitchell shrugged off the departure and looked for Anders. That’s when he noticed Aphrodite groping his boyfriend’s butt. Big Bad John was not happy. He ignored the dog fight as the werewolves and Hercules rolled and grappled and fought Cerebus like a pack of junkyard dogs trying to claim a single bone.
He snatched Anders out of Aphrodite’s grasp and stalked over to protect Iolaus. One look between Luke and Mitchell was all that was needed. Luke dove into the fray. Mitchell grabbed Iolaus and moved the two blonds back fifty feet.
The fight rumbled and tumbled across the grounds. Occasionally, a body would be ejected. Before any of the observers could figure out who or what it was, it dove back in. Iolaus sat down to wait. He’d seen Herc fight enough times to know this could take a while.
Mitchell growled at Aphrodite, but she kept her distance, talking to an older man in a white suit. He turned his attention to making sure Anders’ was okay and telling him how happy he was to have the blond human again.
Finally, Hercules staggered out of the dogpile with a subdued Cerberus over his shoulders. The man in the white suit walked up to him. Herc dropped the three-headed dog at his feet and grinned like he’d won the lottery. The man waved his arm and bothered the dog and Aphrodite disappeared. Then Hercules and the man walked over to the two blonds, Mitchell, and Luke, who had just joined them.
“Hey, guys! I’d like to introduce my dad.”
“Zeus?” Mitchell frowned, clutching at Anders’ reassuringly human form as if afraid his lover might get turned back into a chameleon under the God’s gaze. Or into something new and potentially worse, like a Yorkshire terrier, or a talking teapot.
“Wow, and I thought my family was fucking weird,” Anders muttered as he eyed the imposing man before them. Though he had to admit that Zeus’ white suit was quite on point; its sleek cut and beyond-expensive material made Anders more than a little envious.
Still, he was grateful that he could fit into human-shaped clothing again.
Iolaus rushed to bow before Zeus. He’d already encountered Hercules’ father several times, usually after Hercules had gotten into trouble - sometimes as a direct result of Iolaus’s bad decisions. The God had always made him twitchy with his unnerving, all-seeing eyes and deep voice. Though today, Iolaus found that he had more urgent business than quaking in his boots in front of the Boss of Olympus – he had to make sure Luke had suffered no serious injuries in the fight with Cerberus. He tutted over the scratches on Luke’s hands and a shallow gash on his upper thigh, but Luke made a reassuring noise at him and pulled Iolaus close, thus effectively putting an end to the scrutiny.
“Quite an unusual motley of friends you have there, Hercules,” Zeus stated. “A werewolf, a vessel of Bragi, a vampire, and… um. Iolaus.”
Zeus’ disparaging tone made Luke scowl in turn. His chest inflated and he inhaled as if to say something, but Iolaus’ palm, urgently pressed against his chest, indicated it might be best to let it pass.
“I don’t care who or what my friends are,” Hercules shrugged. “I simply enjoy their company.”
“I can’t imagine why,” Zeus lifted one eyebrow, sounding dubious. “But no matter - they all seemed to have emerged unscathed, for the most part, and back in their usual forms. I must admit, it was amusing to watch at times.” He smirked, then turned to Hercules, sounding formal now. “Your tasks are now completed, son.”
“I knew that day would come!” Hercules grinned, but then his victorious smile faltered. “You might have enjoyed the spectacle, dad, but could you please leave my friends out of whatever business is between you and I?”
“I shall not make any such promise,” Zeus replied calmly. “Life on Olympus does get fairly tedious at times and this was a rather pleasant diversion.” His gaze returned to Iolaus and then Anders, and a small hint of amusement hovered in the corner of his mouth.
“Oh, great, so I was turned into a lizard because you and your lot were feeling bored on top of your fancy mountain?” Anders groused under his breath.
“He’ll turn you into worse if you don’t shut up,” Iolaus hissed in his direction, even quieter.
Both of which, of course, Zeus could hear perfectly well.
After a moment of slightly awkward silence, Zeus looked around again.
“I may have to visit earth more often,” he said thoughtfully. “It was quite… amusing.”
“If you do,” Anders said, lifting one finger, “could you maybe bring… whatever it is you gods drink? Some kind of god-juice or whatever? Because those morons from Asgard left their god world and now our powers suck. Like, some divine Gatorade or something would be cool. Since, ya know, you been playing us.”
Zeus lifted one eyebrow. “From one god to another, so to speak?”
Anders shrugged. “From one god to a moron living in the body of some Kiwi because he lost most of his powers but yes, technically, from one god to another.”
Zeus chuckled, and was gone without as much as a ‘poof’.
“Thanks for nothing, asshole,” Anders muttered, making Hercules and Iolaus gasp.
“God! How can you be such a dick?” Hercules asked.
“At least I’m a god.”
“Sort of,” Iolaus cut in. He really had it up to here with gods and he wanted to go home and take care of Luke. And, you know, take care of Luke.
He watched the others go, Anders and Mitchell into one direction, with Anders complaining and Mitchell trying to cheer him up, and Hercules, after a shrug, into the other.
“See ya around,” he said before turning around and walking into the opposite direction.
“See ya,” Iolaus said and looked at Luke. “Remember to invite you out for a drink someday!”
Hercules lifted his hand in a salute, but didn’t say anything.
Then Iolaus looked up at Luke again. “Can we go home now?”
“No place I’d rather be right now,” Luke muttered and looked around.
“You’re okay?”
“I’m a werewolf. We heal fast, if it wasn’t silver that injured us.”
“Right. Let’s go home.”
But when Luke unlocked the door to his shop, he stopped dead in his tracks, and his eyes widened. “Are you fucking kidding me…”
Iolaus was standing behind Luke as he opened the shop, so when Luke cursed he had no idea what was going on at first.
More werewolves? Vampires? Shadowhunters? Slavic gods?
Luke strode into the shop, growling instead of cursing. A waterpipe had burst.
He had been out fighting gods and with gods, dealing with a vessel turned chameleon and using his werewolf instincts while being human (his nose was still recovering) just to come home to something this mundane. A burst pipe. 
He raced down to switch off the main, which was next to his werewolf room. Cool. He’d need to dismantle that before any insurance guy game in and drew weird conclusion.
He heard splashing behind him, and turned around, right into Iolaus arms. Luke rested his cheek against Iolaus head. “What the fuck,” was all he could articulate, and Iolaus answered “Yup.”
“Who did not do us a favour today so we could call them to help?” Luke asked after the hug had restored some of his equilibrium.
“Well. Let’s just send a message in group chats, and let’s see if anyone has energy enough to turn up.”
They did and luckily Cheiron as well as two mundanes they knew but could hardly have contacted today immediately responded.
Iolaus made Luke sit down before they arrived, instead of dealing with potential pools of bacteria and made sure to disinfect and bandage all wounds.
In the end, it wasn’t so bad. The water had mainly damaged the lower floor - while it had been happily glugging along on the ground floor, it had mainly dripped down to the cellar. The floor at the entrance would have to be redone and some of the cheap “3 for one dollar” paperbacks would become fuel for campfires. Some boxes of old books Luke had had downstairs to evaluate were damaged and they put those away for the value to be determined to recover the money.
They set up a date for a dinner invitation with their helpers and finally, finally, they were on their own, on their couch.
After all the worry, searching, and fighting, Iolaus was knackered.  He settled Luke on the couch with whatever movie was in the queue and took a quick shower.  When he re-emerged, wearing nothing but shorts.  His still-drying skin glistened in the light, especially where his hair dripped on his back.
He laughed softly to see Rapunzel playing.  Luke’s head was tipped back on the back of the couch and he was snoring, exhausted.  Iolaus considered that he really should send him to have a shower, but kissed his forehead and let him sleep instead.  He continued to the kitchen and made spaghetti with sausage and four cheeses in the sauce. 
Once dinner was ready, Iolaus set up the meal on the coffee table in front of the couch.  He gently woke up Luke by waving a bowl of hot spaghetti under his nose.  He giggled as the sniffing started before any other part of Luke’s body moved.
“Food,” Luke moaned, “I love you."  Se sat up and took to offering,  digging in.
Iolaus giggled again, "The food or me?”
Luke kissed him and left sauce on his lips, “Both.”
Iolaus laughed out loud and picked up his own dinner.  “Fine, but after dinner, you need to take a shower and let me rebandage anything that hasn’t healed yet.”
“Yes, dear,” Luke replied, with a mouthful of food.
They both laughed. 
Between them, they demolished an entire pound of pasta, a loaf of garlic bread, and the entire pot of sauce that included a quart of tomatoes, two onions, and a pound of sausage, among other things.
Luke headed for the shower while Iolaus loaded the dishwasher and wiped down the kitchen.  He’d start the washer when they went to bed, as usual.
For now, he dropped back onto the couch, weary to the bone, and picked up his knitting.
And that’s just where Luke found him half an hour later when he stumbled back out after his shower, equally tired.  He smiled, walked to the kitchen and started the dishwasher, came back and gently pried the knitting from Iolaus’ hand.  Then he picked up his husband and carried him to bed.
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5sosspicedrosey · 5 years
can I have a ship pretty pretty pleaseee???!? I'm 5'3 (ik I'm short for my age lol), I have blue eyes that are green in the center, I have blonde hair that I dye a lot but I'm giving it a break right now go let it heal. I have a giant German Shepherd named Davie and a little tiny Scotty named Lana. I play bass and sing in a band and I love the show stranger Things. favorite color is definitely black lol, video games are a must
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hun, I’m getting Luke Hemmings vibes.
-first of all, I feel like Luke is hella soft with you.
-you definitely have to stand on the tips of your toes to kiss him, or sometimes he just picks you up.
-in your relationship, I feel like he’s the sun and you’re the moon. 
-I feel like you two like to lay together on the patio furniture at night, watching the stars. you lay on top of him on the couch, his legs stretched out and one arm behind hs head while the other is wrapped around you. your head is in the crook of his neck, snuggled close to him amongst the fairy light surrounding you.
-you two totally built a huge playhouse for your dogs with one of those kits you get at the store wiith instructions.
-you spent a nice sunny summer weekend building the playhouse, in your old, worn clothes and hair in messy ponytails.
-I feel like you’d be sensible and wear your runners whereas Luke would insist he didn’t need runners and instead he would wear his flip-flops.
-that definitely wasn't the best idea because he’s clumsy and he dropped a hammer on his foot.
-I feel like you’d be in the garage getting more tools or whatever (you are a lot handier that Luke, he sucks but it’s cute), and you’d hear a loud screech and you’d rush out to find Luke laying on the grass cluching his foot with tears in his eyes.
-he’d feel comfortable crying around you.
-you’d proceed to try to help him up, but since he’s so much bigger than you it would take a while. he’d be whining and you’d be like, “Luke, I’m trying!”
-you’d help him hobble to the car, him putting a vast majority of his weight on you and both of you stumbling. the neighbours would be so confused but they wouldn’t be surprised because shit like this probably happens all the time.
-you’d drive to the emergency room and wait to see a doctor. it would probably take hours but you and Luke would talk and he’d get all soft and apologetic about what happened. you would just kiss his nose and tell him that it’s all okay. after waiting for a while he’d definitely fall asleep on your shoulder.
-you two would arrive home in the evening with him on crutches and both of you laughing hysterically at what a weird and evenful day it was.
-you’d have to help him get into his pyjamas because he’s so fragile and you’re worried, and when you’re undressing him he’d try to kiss you and he’d get all horny but you’d be like, “Luke, you broke your fucking foot, we can’t have sex now.”
-he would flash you his signature cheeky smirk and you’d end up giving him a handjob or something because you couldn’t resist.
-once your heads hit your pillows you’d be out like lights. your dogs would sleep curled up beside you two.
-you two are hella dysfunctional but in the good way.
-after his foot healed you two would try and build the playhouse again because he insisted on doing with you and he’d totally read the instructions wrong and mess it up, but you’d call it ‘original’ or ‘unique.’
-you two would totally spoil your dogs.
-buying your dogs costumes!
-luke decorating the playhouse with glitter and floofy carpet. he totally went overboard but he had to hide the misplaced wood planks sticking out of the side.
-whenever you’d want to dye your hair he’d want to pick the colour.
-here’s a short blurb of him dyeing your hair:
you’re sitting in your WHITE bathroom, a towel draped over your body.luke to you: “kay hun, DO NOT get this dye anywhere because it will stain.”you: “Luke, i know, i’ve done this before.” he didnt hear you because he was too busy reading the instructions.luke: “ready?”you: “yep.”Luke (the dumbass) didnt realize he already took the cap off the dye and proceeds to SHAKE it and the dye literally flies all over the bathroom. you hear him go, really quietly but pointed, “fuck.” he had no expression, he’s just standing there, taking in what he just did. hair dye is ALL over your WHITE bathroom.luke says really quietly to you; “babe, why’d you do that?”
-when your hair isn't dyed I feel like you two look a bit like brother and sister.
-people always get that mixed up.
-you two find it hilarious.
-always walking Davie, Lana and Petunia. you two love to bring them to the beach and go swimming and play fetch.
-he gets jealous easily.
-you use that to your advantage because you and Calum both play bass. you and Cal definitely play pranks on Luke, like, you bond over the bass and pretend to get all close and Luke goes bonkers. 
-when you're driving home from a party when you and Cal were being particularly cheeky, Luke gets all quiet and that could either lead to him being vulnerable and asking for your reassurance or he gets kinda angry... SEX
-it doesn't seem like it but I feel like he can get rough in the bedroom.
-but one painful-sounding squeak from you (even if it’s not from pain), he immediately stops and asks if he hurt you.
-did I mention he is so soft?
-you two jam out at home alllll the time. 
-you bond over music and have the biggest music collection.
-you teach him how to play stuff on the bass.
-at 5sos concerts, he totally invites you on stage to play with them.
-the 5sos fam ship you two sooooo much. they love your love.
-you always beat him in video games and he pouts about it. 
-he gets hella competitive.
-you call him ‘baby boy’ and he MELTS.
-he loves when you tickle him.
-he asks you to do his nails. 
-matching nails!
-like, he is the daytime and you are the night. he is the sun and you are the moon but together you are the earth.
(I got so carried away whoops!)
I hope you like it!
- Winnie
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auroradean · 6 years
headcanon: cas singing cut my lip by 21p at karaoke and dean just sitting in back at their table absoutely /dumbstruck/ because he knew his best friend could sing but gotdAMN
it doesnt help that theyre already well on their way to being completely blitzed & cas is up there basically making love to the mic/stand with his shirt unbuttoned too far leaving little to the imagination- looking thoroughly like a luke pritchard circa ‘06 doppleganger with all the fixings
floofy hair obviously included
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allwaswell16 · 7 years
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This is the masterpost for my fan fictions. You can also find and subscribe to my fics here on ao3. My word count so far is: 388,316. All pairings are Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson unless otherwise specified. Thanks for reading! <3 <3
Faded From This Touch | explicit | 7k | read here on ao3
Pop star Louis Tomlinson is about to make his long awaited return to music. Unfortunately, his label and manager feel his long hair isn't in tune with his pop star image. When Louis goes to get a hair cut at a posh London salon, he unexpectedly finds a very handsome reason to keep returning.
Today’s the Day (Winter Drabble Series) | G | 300 words | read here on ao3
Polar-Harry pines for the beautiful boy he sees in the coffee shop. Radiator-Harry meets the beautiful boy in the coffee shop he has been pining over. Melt-Harry talks to the boy in the coffee shop he has been pining over.
Be My Homeward Dove | explicit | drarry | 7k | read here on ao3
It's almost Christmas, and Draco must find Harry the perfect gift. It's much more difficult than he'd imagined.
We’re Dancing On Tables | explicit | 5k | read here on ao3
Last week, Louis went on the very best date of his life with the hot guy from his chemistry lab, which was great until the guy never texted him or called him afterwards. Everything is great. Everything is fucking great. Now this guy has the nerve to show up at Louis’ house party, which of course forces Louis to plot to ruin his night.
Staring Across the Room | explicit | 26k |  read here on ao3
Harry Styles has a great life. He’s a children’s librarian at the New York Public Library, he’s got wonderful friends, and he loves cooking, green tea, yoga, and his collection of bow ties. He doesn’t mind that his life seems a little structured, maybe even a little boring. But when Louis Tomlinson joins the library staff as the new Installation Coordinator, things become a lot less predictable. Louis gets under his skin right from the start, bossing Harry around, making noise during story time, and eating the last cupcake in the staff lounge. Louis may be almost offensively attractive, but Harry will not be succumbing to Louis Tomlinson’s charms, even if the rest of the library staff have.
Do You Smile To Tempt a Lover | explicit | 18k | read here on ao3
Pairing: Nick Grimshaw/Louis Tomlinson
Nick Grimshaw is entranced by Louis, his very beautiful, very cheeky new coworker at The National Portrait Gallery. He watches him day after day, wondering what he’s furiously typing on his laptop over lunch. With a little help from the very bored barista in the gallery cafe, Nick finds himself growing closer to Louis than he ever dreamed possible.
Let You Lick the Lollipop | explicit | 4.4k | read here on ao3
Louis may be throwing a Halloween costume party for a lot of drunk college students, but that doesn’t mean he can’t also hand out candy to trick-or-treaters. He just has to keep people from stealing all the candy--especially the very hot guy in a toga who won’t leave his candy alone.
This is Halloween, everybody make a scene | general | 2k | read here on ao3
When Louis takes his son trick-or-treating in a stormtrooper costume, little does he know by the end of the night he will end up gaining a Luke Skywalker, a Chewbacca, and a Rey. He doesn't mind the additions, and if Rey's very hot dad wants to come along as well, he doesn't mind that too much either.
Just Hear This (series) | explicit | 46k | read here on ao3
Former boy band member Louis Tomlinson can’t stand pompous indie artist Harry Styles, but with a new record label to launch he is going to have to endure his pretensions to snag up and coming new artist Liam Payne, who happens to be Harry’s oldest friend. Luckily, Liam seems to be very interested in 78 Records and maybe a little more than interested in Louis’ best friend. Too bad Harry won’t be making this easy on any of them. Or a modern day Pride and Prejudice.
You’re the Light (series) | explicit | 39k | read here on ao3
Before beginning a new graduate school in the fall, Louis Tomlinson decides to spend the summer working in Chicago as an editor’s assistant for the Chicago Tribune newspaper and staying with his old college roommate. What he finds on his first day of work is a tall, gorgeous editor named Harry who has the most beautiful green eyes he’s ever seen—and who also happens to be his new boss.
Looking Through You (series) | explicit | 49k | read here on ao3
Just as Louis and Liam were starting out in the music industry, writing and producing for up and coming artists, a fateful meeting with new pop singer Harry Styles changes everything. Four years later, just as Harry is set to embark on his next world tour, a drunken confession causes a rift between once inseparable friends. As Harry tries to make sense of his feelings for Louis, he begins writing his next album to express them as it may be the only way to break through the walls that Louis has built between them. 
That’s How I Know | explicit | 17k | read here on ao3
Louis Tomlinson has just landed his dream job, coaching soccer at Augustus University. When he moves into a new house near campus, he meets his very fit new neighbor, English professor Harry Styles. Although their first meeting leads to an instant mutual dislike, the more Harry gets to know Louis, the more he likes what he sees. Or the one where Harry’s African grey parrot spills his dirty secrets to his very hot neighbor.
I’ll Be There | explicit | 5k | read here on ao3
Louis is less than thrilled to find out his roommate has coerced his nemesis to check on him whilst he’s sick in bed. However, Harry seems to take great pleasure in taking care of Louis. Maybe this green smoothie drinking, hot yoga instructing, hair in a bun wearing, pretentious art history studying wanker isn’t so bad after all. On Monday, Louis thinks Harry’s a twat. By Friday, he’s thinking of reasons for him to stay.
One Day You’ll Say These Words | mature | 10k | read here on ao3
Growing up together in Yorkshire has led to a lifelong friendship between Louis Tomlinson, the future Marquess of Rotherham, and Harry Styles, the heir to a viscount. When Harry suddenly inherits his uncle’s title and estate much earlier than expected, Louis must watch his friend struggle under the weight of these new responsibilities, including searching for a wife with a dowry large enough to save his estate. However, sitting idly by as Harry looks for a bride brings some unexpected feelings to the surface. A friends to lovers story set in the Regency era.
Sound Like a Song | explicit | 14k | read here on ao3
Part 1 of When We Were Young Series: In high school, Louis Tomlinson lit up Harry’s world like nobody else, even if Harry did most of his pining from the safety of his tightly knit circle of friends. Ten years later, Harry is ready to make some changes. He’s tired of having so many regrets and not taking charge of his life, and he still hasn’t forgotten how brightly Louis shines. He’s about to get a long awaited second chance.Or the one where Harry helps out at a farmer’s market and gives Louis free vegetables. Featuring Elton John songs, many vegetable puns, way too many zucchinis, and being right on time for the love of your life.
Look Like a Movie | mature | 10k | read here on ao3
Part 2 of When We Were Young Series. Louis lights up Harry’s world like nobody else. Harry just wishes he could be brave enough to ever ask him out. Although Harry’s high school life is fraught with anxious encounters, he gets by with a little help from his friends.Or a prequel taking place ten years before ‘Sound Like a Song.’ Featuring school dances, soccer games, overeager lab partners, crushes, and being ten years too early for the love of your life.
How Could I Ever Forget | explicit | 14k | read here on ao3
After his boyfriend leaves him for a job in New York, Harry vows to move on with his life. A year later when their best friends announce their engagement, Harry knows he’ll be forced to see Louis again and face the truth he’s been trying his best to hide–even from himself. Or a Vegas AU where Ziam’s bachelor party turns into drunken karaoke, winning thousands at slots, washing your clothes at the laundromat in your underwear, and making life altering decisions that you can’t remember in the morning.
You Really Got Me Now | explicit | 6k | read here on ao3
Louis is the best older brother anyone could ask for. He knows this because he’s agreed to help chaperone his younger sister’s school trip to Rome. As it turns out, Italy is full of surprises. Fizzy’s Italian teacher is surprisingly hot, Rome is surprisingly interesting, and Louis is surprisingly falling in love with more than just the city.
You & Me | general | 3k | read here on ao3
Louis Tomlinson doesn’t have much faith in fate. Unfortunately, his mother does. She thinks he’s destined to be with her best friend’s son. Louis hasn’t had much luck in love, so he decides to finally meet this boy his mother thinks is his match. As fate would have it, he encounters an intriguing stranger to confide in before he meets with destiny.
1D Very Silly Chat/Email Chain (series) | (im)mature| 7k+ | read here on ao3
(1) Danger in the Produce Aisle, (2) Caramel Apple Peeps, (3)The OT4 Email Chain, (4) Email Chain OT4, (5) Screaming, (6)The Brits & Always You, (7) Is Neil Available?
Important topics including: frightening fruits, no milk for Louis’ tea, hacking, being jealous of Steve Aoki, way too many poo jokes, Niall screaming, dogs Liam doesn’t Instagram, Harry’s floofy hair, Liam’s chains, Instagram aesthetics, and much more!
Now That I’ve Found You | mature | 6k+ | read here on ao3
Harry Styles has a great job working for his brother-in-law’s construction company. He has just one small problem. His concrete sub-contractor just quit, and he needs a foundation built as soon as possible. One fateful turn brings him exactly what he’s been looking for—an experienced concrete construction company that happens to be owned by the most beautiful man he’s ever laid eyes upon.
For You I’d Bleed Myself Dry | explicit | 3k+  | read here on ao3
After a public and humiliating breakup, Louis Tomlinson finds himself on his would-be honeymoon with his best friend, Niall. However, this St. Lucian paradise is not all that it seems. Louis may be particularly vulnerable to an unusually handsome predator.
On a Day Like This You Know It’s Meant To Be | t&up | 2k+  | read here on ao3
One year ago Harry Styles met Louis Tomlinson, the man of his dreams. Harry is certain he’ll never see him again, even if they did make a pact to reunite should the Chicago Cubs win the World Series. Harry has one small flicker of hope left when it appears the Cubs might actually win it all. But will Louis fulfill his end of this fateful bargain?
Won’t You Please Come Around | mature | 5k+ | read here on ao3
Harry has lived in London for a month, and so far the only friend he’s made is his sister’s cat, Mr. Whiskers. When the lock on the window breaks, Mr. Whiskers begins exploring his new neighbourhood a bit too thoroughly and brings back mementos of his escapes. Or a Valentine’s Day story where Harry has a really fit neighbour, and his cat is a thief.
Let Me Kiss You | mature | 3k+ | read here on ao3
Harry Styles is on top of the world. He’s moving to Chicago to live in a kick ass apartment that he’s sharing with his old college friend, Niall. When their old college crew makes plans to hang out, Harry realizes he will be coming face to face with his unrequited crush, Louis.
haven’t you heard | explicit | 8k | read here on ao3
Harry Styles has been in love with Louis Tomlinson since they were eighteen. After six years together, Harry is ready to propose to the love of his life. The holidays strike him as the perfect time for a romantic proposal, but his well-meaning friends and family (including his self-appointed best friend, Niall) seem to thwart him at every turn. Or the four times Harry tries to propose, and the one time he gets it right.
but tonight (you’re on my mind) | explicit | 36k | read here on ao3
Pairing: Nick Grimshaw/Louis Tomlinson (Tomlinshaw)
Nick’s friendship with the lead singer of Seventy Eight has come with a new circle of people including an entrancing, blue eyed drummer. But what brings them together can also tear them apart.
And I Could Hear the Thunder | mature | 1/? WIP | read here on ao3
Harry prepares to inherit his family’s estate, and Louis is the mysterious boy living in the manor to the north.
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thesorrowoflizards · 4 years
Any s1 malec hcs if u have blease spare some they were so adorable from magnus's bad flirting to Alec trying to hold himself back from boyfriending him Hahatherewasnoangsthaha
lkjgdg idk about hcs but i do fucking love s1 malec like.....magnus’s terrible flirting and puns were so fucking cute to watch and like alec constantly Vibrating With Gay when he was near magnus like just watching him with the biggest [eyes emoj] looks ever and checking him out 
and like the magic sharing thing (Will Never Be Over This) like alec just so wholly dedicating himself you know? like he just threw himself into that shit he was like “Take What You Need” and just like. no holding back. totally willing to let magnus in completely you know like just trusting him? and the clasping hands???? the weak little help me?????? and magnus is just like exhausted but there’s alec, someone he doesn’t even know that well, holding him up and helping him and when magnus basically collapses in his arms and that moment we can never forget where he looks up at alec all wide eyed and soft and surprised and alec just is like. hes got him u kno?? its so good??? 
and then after when all the others have fucked off bc theyre selfish bitches (luke sweetie i’m not talking about you, it’s safe to say you don’t count in this scenario given you’re like, sleeping off nearly dying) and alec... stays behind, and helps him clean up, which is just so thoughtful in a way the others just weren’t at all. and magnus is like you know i have magic right and alec is just like yeah but you’ve already exhausted yourself enough tonight and im AAAAAAA
i do like... dont get me wrong s1 was shit on so many levels (alecs floofy hair and magnus’s more colorful style are what save it--also i’m sorry i still like magnus’s s1 cat eyes best. i love the later ones too but i just have a fondness for the s1 ones) but like.. i do honestly like exploring s1 malec like. idk they’re just in this interesting position. kinda like the before picture in a before/after Two Men Go Through Lots Of Trauma But Also Find Love And Therapy or smth lmao like they both start off pretty damn closed off but they like,,, bloom like pretty flowers u kno 
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