I’m just warning everyone that I’m going to be pretty damn inactive over the weekend bc I’ll be working over twelve hours and usually when i get home I’m just exhausted BUT after tomorrow I’ll be on a break for a week so yay
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txtsfroma-blog · 7 years
there's been some wondering on whether or not the gossip asks are information available to the characters and we decided to do something a little creative. yes, they are! we're gonna treat gossip ask's like they're on A's twitter feed. so if your muse wants to react, they can on twitter or in starters/threads. just not on the original ask itself, since A is not physically there to respond to. hope this makes sense and you guys like it!
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kace-harris-blog · 7 years
I can’t sleep but if anyone wants to plot with Kacey like this.
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clemkennedy-blog · 7 years
gotta blast for a bit but I'll do some more plotting and replies and a starter when I get back
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ofarcherisms-blog · 7 years
hola, peeps !! this is probably an awful time to post this buuut oh well. i’m dani and i’ll be playing archer hart and noelle sinclair. i’m just gonna combine their intros into one post bc it’s late and i’m lazy, so here we go.
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(daisy ridley, 25, cisfemale, she/her) ARCHER HART you don’t know me but I know you. a (law student/bartender) who (got drunk and trashed their ex’s lawn) and people think you’re this (clever) (activist) but really you’re just (defiant). rumor has it that (you paid your way into law school) but the truth is (you had a long-standing affair with one of your professors). worry not, I can keep a secret.. for now. I think I’ll call you LOLITA.
daddy’s girl most likely but she also loves her mom a lot ok ?? she thinks the world of them both
v protective of her younger siblings
looks like she couldn’t hurt a fly but could actually put you in the hospital if she wanted to. she’s a v good fighter thanks to the stuff her parents have taught her
bi but leans a little more towards women, usually
took like a year or two off after graduating hs to travel the world. and came back with the idea of law school, since she didn’t think her parents would approve of following in their footsteps like she originally wanted to do
v self-contradictory, she’s a people pleaser esp when it comes to her parents and yet she has a habit of going against what people tell her
normally v calm, reasonable, and responsible, but she’s the type to do extremely dumb shit while drunk
like start an affair with a married person
but in her defense, she didn’t know they were married and one of her future professors at the time. i’ll probably throw up a wc for that but yeah, that whole thing is a huge mess that she’s in way over her head with
between law school and working nights at a bar, the girl hardly ever sleeps
her stress levels are through the roof and all she drinks is coffee and energy drinks. and vokda
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(hayley williams, 28, cisfemale, she/her) NOELLE SINCLAIR you don’t know me but I know you. a (musician) who (once got arrested because police mistook you for a hooker) and people think you’re this (creative) (artisan) but really you’re just (self-destructive). rumor has it that (you gave a baby up for adoption in high school) but the truth is (you relapsed recently). worry not, I can keep a secret.. for now. I think I’ll call you SPITFIRE.
kinda sorta prefers to be called elle but she won’t freak if you call her by her full name
alright, so she was once arrested bc a cop thought she was a hooker and she will gladly share this story bc she thinks it’s fucking hilarious. really she was just chillin’ on a corner, trying to enjoy a smoke after a show but apparently, her clothes, disheveled appearance, and messy eye makeup told another story
speaking of shows, she’s in a band (basically paramore bc i’m v original) and has been for at least a decade, so they’re rather well known
growing up with her mom often gone and the structure she was raised in, she acted out quite a lot when she was younger... parties, sleeping around, drinking, drugs, etc. most of which she outgrew with age but she has struggled with drug addiction since her mid-teens
she poofed for a while in hs bc she went to rehab but most people in town think she ended up pregnant or smth. i haven’t decided if that’s an untrue rumor or not but she did def go to rehab
she’d been sober for a good idk 6 or 7 years (tho she still smoked pot so i use that word loosely) but recently relapsed and is low key struggling with that
pansexual af
huge fuckin’ dork tbh
laugh about the height and overall size difference really, between her and her “little” brother with me 
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I just got home from work and I’m exhausted, I might just head off to sleep or watch this horror movie, Veronica idk idk but as always my IM is open if anyone wants to chat or plot  
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clemkennedy-blog · 7 years
everytime I see a Kennedy suggested for a FC, I quietly chant: one of us, one of us, one of us.
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Alright, so I have to take care of couple of things but I’ll be back soon. I’ll be on my phone so if anyone would like to plot then just message me or like this post! I might post his intro soon, if I’m not too lazy tbh 
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kace-harris-blog · 7 years
I don't know if my tags work cause new blogs totally suck. but if anyone would like to plot please let me know.
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Eww so I have to go to work in couple of minutes. I’ll be kind of around, kind of not but I’ll be back later tonight. Also my IM is always open if anyone would like to plot c:
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