ofmaddoxs-blog · 7 years
hi, hello, everyone !! i’m danielle and i’m super pumped to be here bc this rp looks amazing and i love the plot behind this fam. anyways, this is my tol, scruffy son, maddox.
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(matthew daddario, 34, cismale, he/him) MADDOX ST. JAMES you don’t know me but I know you. a (lawyer) who (always puts liquor in their morning coffee) and people think you’re this (clever) (grifter) but really you’re just (aloof). rumor has it that (he bribed a judge for custody of his children) but the truth is (his real family put a hit out on him). worry not, I can keep a secret.. for now. I think I’ll call you LOTHARIO. -A
name’s actually leonardo russo or it was.
born and mostly raised in italy, to a prominent mafia fam. his uncle, however, had moved to the states rather young and gotten involved with the dixie mafia early on. long story short, stuff went down in italy and leonardo’s fam moved to the states and started working with the dixie mafia instead. he was 16/17ish at the time.
soooo his accent isn’t too heavy anymore but it does show up when he gets upset/angry or really tired.
during his time with the dixie mafia he mostly worked as a hitman/the muscle, the one never afraid to get his hands dirty for his fam. bc he used to be the type of guy that would do anything for his fam and he considered all of them as such. he was also a very talented con artist, usually using his charm and looks to steal from wealthy men and women by pretty much seducing them and robbing them blind. but it also worked well for some hit contracts so eh. 
they pushed for him to go into law so they could have a lawyer in their pocket just in case things went south, so he does truly have a law degree, he’s just used to being a crooked lawyer. go figure.
now onto the reason, he turned. he fell in love with one of the dixie’s prostitutes and actually planned on running off with her since y’know you typically don’t get to just walk away from that kinda life. they had twins together and he loved her more than anything, he was even planning on asking her to marry him the night she ended up murdered. by one of the dixie’s ofc. they somehow found out she was planning on bailing and yeah. after that, he was done with all of them, even his own actual fam. who say he’s dead to them, so that’s fun.
knowing they’d probably never be safe with him, he left his kids with their grandmother (the girl’s mom) and headed to florence.
he doesn’t really care about what happens to him anymore tbh but thinks his new ‘fam’ should get a second chance at a ‘normal’ life so he’ll put on a fake face and play along as the friendly new neighbor.
has a slight drinking problem but listen, if you lost everything and your fam was trying to kill you, you probably would too.
wasn’t crazy about having to be engaged to someone bc that’s still kinda a sore spot for him but having to pretend to be engaged to a woman that looks like that... he ain’t mad.
he’s pretty guarded obvs but once you get past that he’s someone that will stick by you through thick and thin.
also super good at playing guitar, piano, and drums.
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kace-harris-blog · 7 years
hey, everyone! my name is Ashley or ash. whatever you’d like to call me I really don’t care. I'm super excited to bring my dad friend of a character to this rp. all I really want in this life is to pass the stupid test I've been studying for two years for and all the angsty plots in the world. also, I am the most awks person you’ll ever meet. so yeah.
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ps. why is it so hard to find gifs of Justin Hartley?
trigger warnings: adoption tw, drugs tw, death tw, drunk driving tw
(Justin hartley, 40, cismale, he/him) KACEY HARRIS you don’t know me but I know you. a (undercover cop) who (helped Jude get into the witness protection program) and people think you’re this (loyal) (mediator) but really you’re just (reckless). rumor has it that (his first wife died in a car accident) but the truth is (he’s lied to his two year old son that his mother passed away. when really she’s alive). worry not, I can keep a secret.. for now. I think I’ll call you BAD COP. -A | ash, she/her, 26, EST
Kacey didn’t grow up in Florence, Louisiana. he was born in savannah, Georgia. he was adopted by two loving mothers. growing up he was always curious about who his birth parents were. and when he asked his mothers they didn’t have much information on them since it was a closed adoption. though they wanted Kacey to have any information on them as possible. they were very supportive when they found out he wanted to find out who his parents were. when he contacted his brith parents they wanted nothing to do with him. and his mothers helped him bounce back from that.
becoming a cop was something he always wanted to do. hearing the stories his mother would tell him of getting rid of the streets of bad guys was something he always wanted to do. back in high school he dealt with the embarrassment of having his momma as a history teacher. they always had to endure those awkward times when she would hear the rumors of the sleeping around he did.
when he graduated high school he went to the police academy. he had the option to go get a degree in criminal justice but didn’t want to go to school. as he recently married his high school sweetheart, they couldn’t afford the both of them to go to college. so his wife did, while the police academy was the route for him.
by nineteen he and his wife had their first child together. it was hard balancing school and a baby, but they both found a way to make it work. this had to be the most exciting part of his life. having a child and being married to the love of his life what could possibly go wrong?
his wife who was apart of the mob had gone out with the girls one night. and someone from the rival mob group hit the girls car. as they were very drunk. it took a while for Kacey to get back on his feet. being only nineteen, widowed and having a young child it was a lot. his mothers happily helped him out in his time of need. they knew how distraught he was.
finally he went back to the police academy graduating just a year later than what he was. he put all his time into his son and moving his way up the ranks in the job force. by the time he reached five years with the police he became an undercover cop. mostly working with college students and drugs.
a couple years later he had a child with Jude. they have a son named Nate and he’s two years old. Kacey says that Nate’s mother passed. so nobody but Jude knows that the kid is hers. Kacey obviously has full custody of him. and besides work his two children mean the world to him.
Kacey like to think of himself as the cool dad. even though he’s not very cool. if he’s not working or spending time with Nate he’s probably being hella lame, like reading (even though me irl, is obsessed with reading.) or probably going to the gym.
he doesn’t drink often. if he does it’s like a beer or two. he’s never smoked or does drugs and doesn’t want to.
Kacey is bisexual af. 
and his nineteen year old son is very much a wanted connection!!!
also the rumor is true. he still wears his wedding ring from his first marriage. to this day he still loves his first wife. and he’ll even admit to that.
Kacey knows the st. James I'd like to assume.
idk what else to say but please give me plots and love me forever. 
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ofarcherisms-blog · 7 years
hola, peeps !! this is probably an awful time to post this buuut oh well. i’m dani and i’ll be playing archer hart and noelle sinclair. i’m just gonna combine their intros into one post bc it’s late and i’m lazy, so here we go.
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(daisy ridley, 25, cisfemale, she/her) ARCHER HART you don’t know me but I know you. a (law student/bartender) who (got drunk and trashed their ex’s lawn) and people think you’re this (clever) (activist) but really you’re just (defiant). rumor has it that (you paid your way into law school) but the truth is (you had a long-standing affair with one of your professors). worry not, I can keep a secret.. for now. I think I’ll call you LOLITA.
daddy’s girl most likely but she also loves her mom a lot ok ?? she thinks the world of them both
v protective of her younger siblings
looks like she couldn’t hurt a fly but could actually put you in the hospital if she wanted to. she’s a v good fighter thanks to the stuff her parents have taught her
bi but leans a little more towards women, usually
took like a year or two off after graduating hs to travel the world. and came back with the idea of law school, since she didn’t think her parents would approve of following in their footsteps like she originally wanted to do
v self-contradictory, she’s a people pleaser esp when it comes to her parents and yet she has a habit of going against what people tell her
normally v calm, reasonable, and responsible, but she’s the type to do extremely dumb shit while drunk
like start an affair with a married person
but in her defense, she didn’t know they were married and one of her future professors at the time. i’ll probably throw up a wc for that but yeah, that whole thing is a huge mess that she’s in way over her head with
between law school and working nights at a bar, the girl hardly ever sleeps
her stress levels are through the roof and all she drinks is coffee and energy drinks. and vokda
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(hayley williams, 28, cisfemale, she/her) NOELLE SINCLAIR you don’t know me but I know you. a (musician) who (once got arrested because police mistook you for a hooker) and people think you’re this (creative) (artisan) but really you’re just (self-destructive). rumor has it that (you gave a baby up for adoption in high school) but the truth is (you relapsed recently). worry not, I can keep a secret.. for now. I think I’ll call you SPITFIRE.
kinda sorta prefers to be called elle but she won’t freak if you call her by her full name
alright, so she was once arrested bc a cop thought she was a hooker and she will gladly share this story bc she thinks it’s fucking hilarious. really she was just chillin’ on a corner, trying to enjoy a smoke after a show but apparently, her clothes, disheveled appearance, and messy eye makeup told another story
speaking of shows, she’s in a band (basically paramore bc i’m v original) and has been for at least a decade, so they’re rather well known
growing up with her mom often gone and the structure she was raised in, she acted out quite a lot when she was younger... parties, sleeping around, drinking, drugs, etc. most of which she outgrew with age but she has struggled with drug addiction since her mid-teens
she poofed for a while in hs bc she went to rehab but most people in town think she ended up pregnant or smth. i haven’t decided if that’s an untrue rumor or not but she did def go to rehab
she’d been sober for a good idk 6 or 7 years (tho she still smoked pot so i use that word loosely) but recently relapsed and is low key struggling with that
pansexual af
huge fuckin’ dork tbh
laugh about the height and overall size difference really, between her and her “little” brother with me 
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rcmaniisms · 7 years
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(jake t austin, 20, agender, he/they) ROMAN MONROE you don’t know me but I know you. a (MODEL/FORMER ACTOR) who (SKIPS MEALS "SOMETIMES") and people think you’re this (CONFIDENT) (REVELLER) but really you’re just (STUBBORN). rumor has it that (YOU WANT OUT OF YOUR MODELING CAREER) but the truth is (YOU'RE ADDICTED TO STIMULANT MEDICATION). worry not, I can keep a secret.. for now. I think I’ll call you TWITCH.
first thing’s first. family and close friends would use they/them with roman. anyone else would use he/him. family & close friends should also use he/him when mentioning roman to people outside those circles. don’t out them, yanno?
gender is a lie, nothing is real!!
but they still gotta get that $$$ ya feel so like. when they’re done modelling they’ll totally come out but while they’re still working.....not so much.
but!! it’s chill they’re chill it’s all gucci
in typical fashion (ahaha) roman uh. roman has a diet plan, but sometimes their idea of a “plan” is “not eating lunch because i just ate, like, three brownies and i can’t afford to fuck up my weight” like,,,,, ro sweetie it doesn’t work like that
but!! fam them and fallen are tight as fuck i Weep they love all their siblings but bby roman and bby fallen were like. Convinced they were actually twins. they even tried swapping clothes to “trick” people into thinking they were the other one. they were cute kids ok
roman is...kinda short, by model standards. officially, they’re listed as 5′9 but they’re 5′7 aND A HALF
they!! are super gay!! they’re open about that tho. that’s not as ~controversial~ anymore. 
they kinda lowkey Hate modelling now it’s rlly stifling and controlling but?? it’s all they know??? well that and acting but they definitely don’t want to go back to that. 
they’re dependent on stimulation medications. ykno like adhd meds. shoots are exhausting, and it started out as a way to stay perked up throughout the day. but pretty soon it wasn’t enough, and they had to take more and more, and at this point they basically Need them to get through the day. the crash isn’t fun. 
uhhhhhhhh there’s probably more idk love them
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virgilashwood · 7 years
(thomas sanders, 29, male, he/him) VIRGIL ASHWOOD you don’t know me but I know you. a (english teacher) who (writes scripts under a pseudonym) and people think you’re this (friendly) (bibliomaniac) but really you’re just (disorganized). rumor has it that (you had an affair with you department head) but the truth is (when you were 18 you needed money and started doing low budget porn). worry not, I can keep a secret.. for now. I think I’ll call you FAKESPEARE. -A | Drea, they/them, 20, est.
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hey it's drea back at it again with terrible puns. also ngl i used that gif for yolks.
there once a boy named virgil who grew up in the small town of florence and vowed to never move away after his parents passed away.
most everyone knew the outgoing english teacher, friendly as he was young
but even the friendliest people fall prey to the gossip mill, and given that it was common knowledge that the young man played for the other team so to say - was it really surprising that old ladies decided that he must be sleeping with his male, heterosexual MARRIED department head? which he isn’t by the way - can you say power imbalance and toxic relationship?
he’s a forgiving teacher and an even more forgiving neighbor but he really doesn’t want to be involved with your drama
10/10 orders crofters by the case to be deliver to his house ( i fuckin love crofters man )
the dark side
death is expensive, so is university. virgil’s parents died suddenly in the middle of his third year and in order to keep up with expenses, he starred in a few low budget porns
now that he has a steady job, he spends what little free time he has writing scripts under a pseudonym - none of them have been his big break yet but he’s maintaining hope
no your eyes aren’t playing tricks on you - the young english teacher is in fact wearing a back brace but he doesn’t wanna talk about it
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