#flip is a bossy dom
amywritesthings · 2 months
press four for more options. | part four.
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( Read on AO3 )
Pairing: levi ackerman x f!reader (attack on titan / shingeki no kyojin) Word Count: 4.6k Summary: After seeing your ex with his new girl at a work party, you take the not-so-smart advice from a friend to call a sex hotline to get over him. Your match? A baritone bossy dom named Levi.
Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI - alternate universe (modern), sex work, pet names, alcohol, mentions of drugs, jokes about death Credits: dividers by @saradika-graphics
part three. / return to part one. | masterlist
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Night comes around.
You do not call.
In fact, you don't call the Scout Services Hotline a single time that whole weekend.
As you scroll mindlessly through social media in your bed, fluttering between apps without retaining a single word or meme, your cell phone weighs heavily in your hand.
Don't call.
Just don't call.
It isn't like you're devoid of things to do.
Going out is an option.
Being around people may help your mood — but you don’t feel like unearthing from your snuggie poncho.
Putting on a movie can be a great distraction — but you know your attention span would barely last through the opening credits.
It was him.
Right there.
Right in front of you.
Levi from Scout Services, alive and in the flesh, holding your phone.
No amount of mental gymnastics can make you doubt otherwise. 
He has a voice like no other; one that haunts your day dreams and soothes your nightmares, one that brings this sudden urge to do better for yourself—
Ironically, to be independent and strong on your own.
Which, actually, really fucking sucks now that you’re stuck with the decision to totally disappear from the gym, too.
(Kind of thwarts the whole ‘new me’ chest-puffing you’d started Friday with.)
So you make a final decision:
You still have to go to the gym Saturday, Sunday, and Monday.
Even if you say nothing, keep to yourself, remain a shadow, you have to go.
(There’s a fragile line drawn in the sands of reality. You can toe the edge, but you refuse to. This is his livelihood. You’re not delusional to believe you’re a main character exception.)
Coincidentally, Levi goes every day, too. 
Your stomach flip-flops with the unsettling realization that your perch on a treadmill actually gives you a perfect vantage point to watch him as he sets his station up every morning.
Meticulously he sets towels down to place his shaker bottle and water thermos down, as if worried the ground hadn’t been cleaned overnight.
He even takes the disinfectant cloths and cleans every dumbbell he lines up neatly before starting his workout.
The dark-haired man truly is less-than-average in height, which isn’t a turn-off to you in the slightest, but his arms — his goddamn arms.
Levi wasn’t kidding when he told you that he could pick you up.
He could probably pick two of you up, one arm each.
They’re so toned, his forearms veiny from morning dehydration.
Training vigorously in his own world, not once does he notice that you’re the bumbling idiot that’s tripped on the treadmill (see: a few times) from dissociating.
Hell, he hasn’t a single fucking clue that you’re close enough to yell across the room to him.
Would he know?
That you’re Scarlet.
His, in some made-up world.
(Does your voice stand out in a sea of lonely people?)
The cleaning ritual extends to his cooldown, where he properly cleans each piece of equipment before nestling it back in its place.
Levi sits on his phone for a second, dropping down to a bench to scroll — text messages.
(Damn it, have you really resorted to minor stalking?)
As soon as he stands, though, you drop your chin to watch your sneakers rhythmically pass one another on the treadmill belt.
He passes like a ghost, evaporating into the men’s locker room without a word.
This is torture.
You miss him.
But you still refuse to call.
Can't — because in another world you may be his, but in this world, he is not yours.
— —
    Tuesday night rolls around and you decide you hate life.
Annie, Eren, Reiner, and Mikasa are already there by the time you walk into the downtown hotspot.
The boys as well as Mikasa are still in their suit attire from work, their ties loosened at their necks. Annie’s in a hoodie and jeans, clearly much more interested in having a comfortable evening.
If the emptied shot glasses are any indicator of the plans for this evening, then you steel yourself for one hell of a Wednesday.
You glide through the busy crowds of the bar towards the group.
Bodies upon bodies crowd this place — it’s never not a zoo at this hour, no matter the day. Saying excuse me would only waste breath. 
A live band croons on the far end of the smoky bar, forcing everyone to talk ten decibels higher just to hear the conversation.
(Can’t you turn around and go home while you’re ahead?)
In the sea of people, a pair of emerald green eyes over by a cluster of tables in the right-hand corner catch your movement. They widen, recognizing your face, and a lopsided grin of surprise follows.
“Holy shit, she left her cave!” Eren yells, holding up a cheap beer in salute to your arrival.
(Thanks Jeager, you little fuck.)
You don’t hear what she says, but you can see Mikasa’s lips part in tandem with a sharp elbow jab straight to his ribs.
Eren instantly falters his salute, souring in pain.
“I know. Don’t be so shocked,” you state to your colleagues, leaning up against the circular high-top table. “Am I the last to show?”
“Nah, you’re right on time. Armin and Jean’re on their way,” Reiner grunts, holding onto a comically small cosmopolitan in his rather large hand. “Sasha’s on babysitting duty with Nicco.”
You look around the bar for any other familiar faces.
“And Connie?”
“Passed out,” Mikasa supplies. “Took edibles after work.”
“There’s no chance in hell anyone’s waking him,” Eren snorts. “Fucker’s toast.”
Reiner sighs. “For what it’s worth, Jean tried.”
“No, Armin tried,” Annie corrects, finally piping up. She holds something on the rocks — brandy? Whiskey? You can’t tell. “Jean just laughed and kept trying to draw shit on his face.”
“You didn’t see the Snapchat he sent?” Eren asks after a gulp of his beer.
You shake your head, knowing damn well you’ve avoided using your phone for the last several days. 
Missed texts, abandoned tagged tweets, your streak in your mobile game ruined — anything so you wouldn’t be tempted to click that little number.
Damn it.
Enough wallowing.
“I’m gonna go grab a drink,” you state, disengaging with the table. “Anyone need anything?”
From your peripheral, you see a familiar mop of blonde hair walking towards your group. At his side is a much taller man sliding through the crowd, navigating the shorter one to the tiny table you’ve commandeered from the masses.
Armin and Jean.
Reiner and Annie shake their heads.
“Nope, I’m solid.”
“Good here.”
“Eren’s got the next round of shots,” Mikasa flatly states. “You’re fine.”
“Ha, hell yeah!” Eren exclaims, before he settles into a confused pause of silence. His head whips to Mikasa, blinking twice. “Wait, what?”
You don’t stick around for that aftermath.
Squeezing back into the lion’s den of people, you try not to get hit with any too-full beverages or waving hands.
You manage to weave and duck, eventually finding a small empty corner at the edge of the bar.
You rush to claim it before someone else can, your forearm on the wooden surface. 
Holding up two fingers to get the one of the three bartender’s attention, she nods once to acknowledge she sees you — she’ll get there eventually.
Two empty stools are available, so you scoot onto the one closest to the wall while waiting for your turn and drop your purse onto the other while you situate yourself. 
It’ll likely take a while if the busyness of the staff has anything to say about it.
An hour.
All you need to do is last one whole hour.
Chat a bit, mingle a little so everyone at work doesn’t think you’re a total goddamn recluse, then you can go—
“Is this seat taken?”
A question sounding to your left breaks your train of thought.
The seat.
The one next to you, where your purse lay.
Way to go, dumbass.
You answer on autopilot, not thinking twice about it.
“Oh — shit, yeah. I mean, no! No it’s not. I’m sorry.”
As your torso turns to grab your purse off of the deep red stool, your eyes drop to make sure nothing spills out of it.
“Hold on, let me just move—”
Your chin lifts to find yourself staring eye to eye with Levi.
His cheekbones look even sharper under the warm hue of the bar lights overhead, lips parted like he was interrupted in asking a question.
The whites of his eyes grow more prominent with every passing second, making the blue-gray color of them stand out in stark contrast to the black curtain of fringe falling against his temples.
The realization that you spoke — that he’s seen your face before — seems to be hitting him like a goddamn freight train.
Your blood runs cold as your own eyes round.
“...my stuff.”
Weakly you finish your thought, wishing for nothing but death right now. 
Maybe a stranger, like a secret agent with wicked strength, will simply rush the bar and put you in a headlock and knock you out. 
Maybe your drink will be poisoned. 
You’re happy for anything so long as it’s swift.
Levi grunts in acknowledgement, slowly finding a spot on the empty stool beside yours.
Both of you swivel towards the bar, staring ahead.
For what feels like hours, neither of you speak. The noise of the bar becomes overwhelming.
Somehow the surrounding voices feel amplified when you’ve lost your own. 
It’s trapped between a thousand apologies and half a dozen explanations that sound worse than the one before it.
You need to get up.
Excuse yourself out. 
You won’t get your damn drink, but that’s fine so long as you’re not here.
“How’s your phone?”
Eventually Levi speaks, and you find yourself wishing he hadn’t. 
The effect of his voice is even worse in person — so buttery smooth, the gravel much deeper in his chest now that there isn’t a phone receiver to dilute it.
“Not… damaged,” you reply cautiously.
Another stretch of silence passes, and you forget about ordering drinks altogether.
Your eyes drop to view his folded hands, how the veins protrude even when resting.
His fingers are slender, strong, and hate yourself for yearning.
You have to apologize.
This is crossing a line.
You need to—
“I’m canceling my subscription.”
You blurt a fraction later than Levi, proclaiming your innocence before he can ever condemn it.
When you meet his steely eyes, they squint with curiosity.
From the crown of your head to your chin, he assesses in a serpentine pattern before eventually finding your eyes once more.
“How come?” he asks, leaning further against the bar top.
“I— how come?”
You repeat his question in surprise.
Wildly gesturing towards the space between you with your hand, you snort.
“Uh, because that’s the right thing to do in this circumstance? Because seeing you in person is borderline unethical?”
He hums at that, not giving you much to work with.
“And for the record, I did not stalk you to this bar.”
“Didn’t think you did.”
“I’m actually here with friends—”
“Why didn’t you say something?” 
Levi interrupts, seemingly unbothered by your rambling. 
“At the gym. I can make an educated guess and say you knew it was me from the second I opened my trap, but you didn’t say anything.”
Why isn’t he freaking out?
Shouldn’t he be freaking out?
Just as you open your mouth to continue professing your innocence, the bartender walks over and points to you.
“What can I get you?”
You blanch, no longer remember how to order drinks. 
“I got her tab,” Levi interrupts casually, tapping his index finger into the counter. “Two hard seltzers.”
Then he has the audacity to glance your way.
“Pineapple, right?”
Holy shit, he remembers your favorite flavor?
Is this a flex?
(It kind of feels like a flex; a way to say I know you, I was there.)
“...pineapple’s fine,” you murmur in return, hesitant.
The bartender doesn’t waste another second to rummage in the mini fridge on the other side of the bar for two slim cans.
For another agonizing thirty seconds, neither of you say a word.
He raises his chin to watch whatever sport’s game is playing overhead on the television.
You stare at your mirrored reflection in the bar backsplash.
This is real life.
The man you’ve spent hours talking to over the phone to, getting off to, is sitting right beside you, yet he isn’t trying to create distance.
If anything, he’s buying you a damn drink and asking you why.
Why didn’t you say something?
“I didn’t say anything at the gym because that would have been extremely inappropriate,” you finally argue under your breath, keeping the conversation strictly between you. “What would I have said? ‘Oh hey, guy I've paid to talk to on the phone every single night for the past week. Isn’t it crazy that I actually go to the same gym as you?’ That’s so creepy.” 
When he says nothing, still staring at you, you continue to bury yourself into a deeper grave.
“I mean, I thought you lived, like… a billion miles from me. Maybe from another planet.”
His brows pinch with amusement. 
“On Mars, or…?”
He’s joking.
He’s actually joking about this.
You turn your chin, brow furrowed. “This isn’t funny.”
“It’s a little funny.”
He crosses his arms over his chest, and you have to force yourself to maintain eye contact.
“I wondered why you looked so scared of me on Friday. Thought maybe I smelled like shit from my workout.”
No, you want to say. Unfortunately it was the goddamn opposite.
“So you’re not…”
“Worried you’re a stalker trying to dox me because of my job?”
Levi blatantly finishes, and you wince.
Clearly he notices your embarrassment, because he sighs and relaxes his shoulders.
“I’m more pissed that you didn’t call all weekend, but then again, that’s the nature of the job.”
You both watch each other for a moment as the bartender returns, passing you both pineapple hard seltzers to nurse.
He pushes your can to your hand, nudging the icy-cold aluminum against your thumb, then picks up his own.
“The nature of the job?” you repeat, and he nods.
“People get bored. Run out of funds. Novelty wears off fast.” 
Levi shrugs, sipping his drink. 
“Just because you like talking to someone doesn’t mean they stick around. Wouldn’t blame 'em — shit gets expensive quick.”
“I just…”
You trail off, fighting to find the correct words to say.
“...I thought it wasn’t right to call again, knowing I knew what you looked like, so I didn’t.” 
Explaining yourself makes your tongue feel sluggish, like you were caught red-handed in a crime you didn’t know you’d committed until hindsight.
“I can leave you alone,” you decide to add, holding your drink tighter. “Like I said, I’m here with my friends and… after all, you were doing your job. A great job. You’re kind of the reason I’m even here in the first place.”
Levi’s brow knits, and your eyes widen.
“Not like that!”
“Pretty shit at asserting yourself even in person,” he murmurs like it’s a cheeky inside joke, and he sips once more. “So how am I the reason?”
He’s not angry.
Hell, he’s conversational.
Not the least bit worried about how you’ve both managed to get here.
Might as well be honest.
“Because I decided to stop being a little less scared of the world,” you confess softly. “It— That’s why I got to the gym so early on Friday. I wanted to start doing strength training, like how you talk about how much you love it. And… I thought, maybe, I’d spend more time with friends. Get out there more. Be more assertive — beyond right now, obviously.”
The dark-haired man’s expression smooths at that in a mixture of recognition and surprise.
The slide of his brow is beautiful, and your heart squeezes at the sight of an animated Levi in the flesh, just as you pictured.
“Do you have to go back to your friends right now?”
At first you don’t quite register his question, but then it causes butterflies to flutter in your stomach.
He looks left to right, as if trying to find your troop of buddies, before returning his attention back to you.
“You don’t… want me to leave?”
Levi shakes his head.
You feel bolted to your stool, unable to move even if you wanted to.
Simultaneously you sip your drinks, keeping eye contact.
It feels intimate.
Too intimate.
“So, then…” You start slowly. “What does this mean?”
“Well,” Levi begins, mulling it over in his head. “Means the whole provider-client relationship has basically gone to shit. You know my face, now I know yours.”
“Then again, that professionalism was already well into a shit pile way before Friday morning.”
You blink, not following. “Huh?”
“There’s nothing in the company policy about what to do when you stumble into your client at the damn local gym, but there sure as hell wasn’t anything about…”
Levi trails off, clenching his jaw in debate.
“...about crossing the line I practically leapt over. I’m good at my job because of my detachment, but this was the only time I bordered on unethical myself. That wasn’t fair to you, and I’m sorry.”
Levi… was sorry?
The words blurt faster than you can stop yourself. “Why the hell are you sorry?”
His eyes widen with a budding uncertainty.
“I… just said I crossed the line?”
“On the phone?”
“Okay, duh, but when?”
“Our last session.”
“So that was real.”
Levi actually got off to your voice.
If you weren’t in such shock about sitting here face-to-face with him at a local bar, then perhaps your ego would have, in fact, made a crash landing on Mars.
He considers his next words very carefully. 
“It wasn’t supposed to be.”
Then he sips more before shaking his head.
“Look. It’s… a job a friend of mine got me. I’m not a real-life Casanova or any of that shit. Hell, most of my time was spent training punks to fight in a boxing ring, so I never had the energy for relationships or dating.”
You can't hide your surprise. “You were a fighter?”
He makes a noncommittal face.
“Loosely. Personal trainer, training in general — fell into it after I got out of the service.”
“Right, you were in the army,” you murmur, and the edge of his lips upticks at your recollection.
“A couple of months ago the gym I worked for went under, money got tight, so I thought I’d try it out. Guess everyone says it's hard to teach an old dog new tricks, but bossing fighters around and fielding horny-ass callers ain't all that different."
Levi turns his chin just so to regard you under a wispy black fringe.
“I can usually predict what someone wants. The people that call this hotline shit, they’re in and out."
He takes a pause.
"You, though — the second I picked up your call, you threw me through a goddamn loop.”
You use your nail on your index finger to absently scratch the side of your thumb, attempting to process everything he’s telling you.
"First night we spoke, actually, I ended up at this very bar to contemplate why the fuck I wanted you to call back. Didn't want you blowing your money on it, obviously, it's overpriced and ridiculous, but — it clearly shook me up enough for me to take then ten-minute walk in the middle of the night in the first place."
Ten minutes.
That length of time strikes something in you.
“So, your… office building isn’t far?” you slowly ask.
Levi shakes his head. “No, no office. I work remotely. Kind of the reason why I took the gig in the first place. I wouldn’t do this shit if I had an audience in a damn two-by-four cube.”
You’re not sure what possesses you to confess it, but you point past your shoulder. 
“My apartment complex is actually six blocks down the street.”
Ten minutes away, is your implication.
His hand had raised to sip from his seltzer can, but it halts immediately.
His eyes narrow. 
“The complex on Junction Ave?”
“Yeah," you say.
“Right across from—”
“The Reiss deli.”
That narrowed gaze shoots wide. “You’re shitting me.”
“You say the word shit a lot.”
“Baby, I live there,” he blurts.
“Wait, what?”
Now it’s your turn for your eyes to nearly pop out of your skull.
(You’re too shocked to even process what he called you.)
He huffs in a brief laugh, shaking his head.
“You gotta be fucking with me.”
“I’m not! Wait, you live in the same building as me?”
“You said Thomas was your goddamn mailman,” Levi states. “Do you know how many fucking Thomas the Mailmen there are in this world? I didn’t think we’d have the same one.”
Holy shit.
Oh, holy shit.
You sit up taller in your seat. “Wait, what floor?”
“I’m on the tenth!” you exclaim in your shock. “Holy shit, so you…”
Have been right above me this entire time.
Your phone buzzes, ruining your train of thought. 
Reflexively you look down to see the preview of Annie’s message over your lock screen.
[A. LEONHART]: Did u die?
You’re here with friends.
“Friends wondering where you are?” Levi inquiries at the sight of your growing frown.
“Yeah, give me a sec.”
You swipe the screen north and type a reply.
[ME]: Talking to someone. Be over in a bit.
Annie’s reply is immediate, and you turn your phone from Levi’s view in mortification.
[A. LEONHART]: 🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆
[ME]: NO! Do not come over here!
[A. LEONHART]: ok ok ok noted
[A. LEONHART]: i’ll keep jaeger to the left end of the bar
“Looks urgent.”
You shoot a glance back up to Levi, who’s now angled towards you with his cheek squished against his clenched fist. His elbow props him up on the bar top. 
“No! No. It’s just my friend Annie. She — is actually the one who gave me the number to that hotline in the first place,” you confess.
Levi hums in that delicious way you’ve come to crave. 
“I don’t want to derail your evening. I’ve already taken you away from them for a while.”
Your heart is hesitant, but it grows despite yourself. 
“If you want me to stay, then I’ll stay,” you quietly state. “I… liked talking to you. I mean, beyond the whole — you know.”
He nods once, setting his drink down. 
“For what it’s worth, I don’t want you to disappear, either. My job’s not exactly corporate. Not many people can separate fantasy from reality. With you, I never had to bullshit what it was, but…”
Levi trails off, sighing heavily.
“...but I also understand if it’s just a fantasy, for you.”
Something nestles itself between the lines of his words. 
Something he isn’t saying outright, sussing out if he has any right to try.
“Do you really mean that, Levi?”
That sigh turns into a curbed huff, smile fleeting but enough to bring your stomach butterflies. 
“Damn. Sounds nice, hearing my name in person.”
Oh, sweet Jesus.
You could scream into your damn seltzer, but you decide to play it as cool as you possibly can.
“So Levi’s your real name?”
He nods.
“Not creative enough to come up with an alias."
Levi shifts, rolling out a shoulder.
"But to answer your question, I’m saying I… yeah, I mean it. I wouldn’t mind asking you out for coffee sometime, given we seem to run on the same gym schedule as it is. Just didn’t know if you wanted to leave it at the hotline and call it a day — no pun intended.”
Are you seriously hearing what he’s saying right now?
Does Levi want to step out of a fantasy and into your reality?
Your lips part with a million questions only to end up blurting a very stupid one: 
“Are you single?”
That earns a bark of a laugh, causing his head to gloriously drop back, exposing his neck.
(All you want to do is sink your teeth into it.)
“Yes. Very,” he promises. “Are you, still?”
“Very,” you promise back.
“And my job doesn’t bother you?”
You haven't quite gotten that far, logistically, but it's only a coffee.
He isn't asking to marry you.
Besides, he talks about it like any other office job. You can't find any ill feeling toward it.
“Work is work,” you argue with a one-shoulder shrug. “Sure, it’s unconventional, but… I’m so used to not knowing what I want, or second-guessing what’s good for me, and I don’t think I’ve ever second guessed a damn thing with you.”
Bringing the seltzer back up to his mouth, Levi smirks against the can, mulling something over. 
You smile in return, sipping your drink.
It's the truth.
He may not really know you, but he knows you.
Just as you're beginning to think you know him.
“Well, if you don’t get too wasted with your friends tonight—”
He steals a ballpoint pen from a dampened closed check from his left side.
Then he snatches a napkin from one of the bartending stations with lemons, limes, and straws.
Hunching over, he scribbles on said napkin, before turning a cheek to you.
“—and you end up going to the gym tomorrow morning—”
Levi then sits up taller, folds the napkin, and reaches for your hand resting on the bar top. 
His skin is smooth. 
Your entire body melts to his whim as he turns your wrist over, palm facing up.
One by one his fingers unfurl your fingers, nestles the napkin in your hand, then closes your fist for safe keeping.
“—give me a call.”
Leaving a twenty on the bar counter, Levi lets go of your hand to slip off of his stool.
You say nothing as you watch him give you one last once-over, expression full of admiration, before turning into the sea of people.
A call.
Flexing your hand, you uncrinkle the napkin to read the number etched black on white.
Not the Scout Services Hotline.
No — his number.
Your attention flies back to the original spot where you've now properly abandoned your friends, but you know they'll forgive you for your absence.
Annie knows.
She'll cover for your abrupt disappearance.
On autopilot you yank out your phone, bypassing the texts from your friends, emails from work, and tap the little telephone icon.
Zero through nine appear.
Hastily you type the number, hesitation long gone, and press send.
One ring.
By the third, it abruptly cuts. You hear shuffling in the background. Cars beeping.
“Hello, Levi Ackerman speaking.”
Levi Ackerman.
Knowing his full name warms your heart.
Standing from your stool, you rise to your toes to search the floor-to-ceiling windows.
Levi stands there on the sidewalk, holding his phone up to his ear.
“Hi, Levi. It’s formerly Scarlet.”
Immediately he turns to the bar, searching the very same window.
Searching for you.
You smile to yourself.
"My schedule just opened up. I know it's a little late for some coffee, but..."
Trailing off, your teeth catch your bottom lip.
Be selfish.
"Are you free for some tea now?”
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How are we feeling, Hotliner Nation? I teased that this may not be the end of this story. I'm not against writing a sequel, whether to continue the immediate story or time skip, but I wanted to see what people thought before I spoke too soon. Regardless, I hope you enjoyed our hotline journey together.
In the meantime I invite you to follow me here or subscribe to my AO3, as I have other projects in the works (including finishing the final chapters of my canon-based amnesia au with Levi, Silver Underground.)
The last two months have been such a wonderful journey, and I thank every single one of you for engaging the way you have. I never anticipated such a frenzy when I started P4, so sincerely, from the bottom of my heart - thank you for the comments, reblogs, inbox mssgs, etc. Every reblog gives this writer wings.
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ellecdc · 6 months
Moonwater is a bit new pairing for me and i love it too much but i always wonder how the dynamic are in the bedroom, i really dont think both men are anything other than rough.
I mean when needed the boys would be gentle but most of the time i dont think so? Remus, maybe? could be gentler but during full moon he’s an animal but regulus tho, i dont see him as the gentle type.
What do you think?
oooou ok ok I like it, I like it; let's discuss below
CW: discussing sex and dynamics, NSFW, mdni 18+
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So, this first part is going to be my own personal opinion based off of who I am as a person, and my views may not be shared within the fandom. I personally struggle with super abrasive dom/sub dynamics where a male character is very overbearing, controlling, etc. THAT DOESN'T MEAN I DON'T LIKE ANY DOM/SUB DYNAMICS, just that fics where a male character is being super aggressive and demeaning and such really aren't my vibe, if that makes sense?
I personally struggle imagining our sweet, sad boy Remus as being super mean in bed? Doesn't mean I don't think he's in charge, especially in poly!scenarios because when there's that many people in bed, someone has to run the show lol, but I don't see him as super bossy and assertive.
Now, keeping in mind that this is my interpretation on a character who literally doesn't exist (which is so sad wtf), my version of 'dom!remus' looks more like a very assured, confident guy in bed; he knows what he's doing, he's good at it, and he knows how to get everyone where they're trying to go (i.e., orgasm city, obviously). He takes care of everyone in bed, and (in the case of poly!marauders or poly!wolfstar) he certainly redirects anyone's naughty (bratty) behaviour (read: sirius), but I think he'd also be super communicative and understanding that it's a dance, not a battle which adds to his assuredness and confidence in bed because people feel safe with him - they know that he knows what he's doing and can let go because they trust him with their safety and their pleasure - and he's in bed with his partner's, not his adversaries.
I've often imagined his love language (how he shows love) to be acts of service and physical touch, which I think goes hand in hand with how he is in bed; when he's in a relationship with these ships, he's making love, not just fucking
I think you're right...some things definitely change around the full moon. I think leading up to the moon (depending on if it was a manic moon or if he was moonsick) there'd be a very noticeable change in him. For manic moons - he'd be a little more desperate, a little rougher (while still being our sweet guy as mentioned above lol), and I think there would be way more sex. He'd be insatiable and obsessed with you; "come on dovey, one more for me, yeah? you're so good, so good for me; i know you can do one more". Good luck trying to pry him from between your legs.
if he was riddled with moonsickness (immediately after every moon or leading up to a bad moon where he is sore and such), i think he might be a bit of a switch? He'd want to be held and cherished and taken care of - he'd nearly cry in awe every time you got on your knees to give him a lazy, gentle blowjob, or if you were in the mood, he'd lay back and let you ride him (he actually loved it - thought you looked beautiful up there)
Now for Regulus lolololololol
No one who grew up in the dynamics Regulus did is vanilla in bed, I'm sorry. (and I come from a place of authority in this - I relate a little too well to Sirius [though not as violent, obviously]). Honestly? I could see Regulus being mean. And not in a super demeaning way that makes you feel small or embarrassed (again, this is my preference), but he takes pleasure in surprising you by suddenly flipping you over and taking you from a different angle. By suddenly and without warning changing the rhythm of his thrusts from soft and slow to deep and punishing. He'd love marking you up - possessive af and making sure everyone and anyone knew that not only were you taken, but you were his. In the same vain, I picture him as a bit of a sadist/masochist but again, not in a super violent or demeaning way. He'd like for the fuck to be a little rough, a little hard; he loves the mixture of pleasure and pain - wants to be bit so hard he bleeds and wouldn't mind doing the same to you if you asked for it. I also think he'd be willing to try a lot of new things in bed, and some of his favourite sex is when you fuck him with a strap [if you're fem or afab].
I think Rem is still in charge - again, he's confident and assured in the bedroom and everyone trusts his authority and trusts him to keep them safe and satisfied. He would keep Reg from getting too rough or going too hard and would constantly check in to make sure you were still good with everything going on. He'd also be able to satiate any need in Reg regarding his masochistic tendencies. I believe Reg would bottom in the dynamic, but again, I think sometimes depending on the moon and how Rem is feeling mentally - he'd experiment more fluidly with Reg.
I've also mentioned before that I believe Purebloods have a breeding kink and with Remus' animalistic side due to his lycanthropy, that he would too. So I think there would be a lot of using cum as lube, taking turns filling you up with their cum, maybe some snowballing??? jesus christ I'm a sick fuck lmfao. anything to do with cum would send those boys spiralling, "no no babygirl, don't waste it" Rem would coo as he used his fingers to push cum back into your hole. or "whose do you want next, amour? Mine or Rem's?"
And I think you're right, when the time called for it, these boys would be so fucking good at making you feel nothing short of fucking worshipped. The soft, hungry gazes, the lingering and soothing touches, the praises falling from their lips as they gave you everything they got. I'd cry I think; they'd reduce me to tears for sure.
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f10werfae · 1 year
From Kissies to Sex
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pairing: Lumberjack!Henry x Shy!Reader
summary: After a brief argument Henry comes back to claim his precious babygirl’s virginity, after giving her second set of sweet lips a few kissies (DILF!Henry) (Dom!Henry)
likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated/ Disclaimer 18+
Henry Masterlist, Lumberjack masterlist
“baby bun, I told ya m’sorry, when are ya gonna let me back between those sweet legs a’ yours” Henry cooed brushing a bit of hair behind her ear, having just snuck in through her bedroom window now her grandparents were out. “I-i’m still upset, y-you promised to take m-me with you o-on your n-next trip! I-instead y-you left m-me here” She whimpered tugging on the bottom of his shirt, like a naive mindless little bunny, ignoring his hands that were busy massaging her bust through her shirt; his fingers circling her hardened nipples.
Having been dating for a couple of weeks now, it’s safe to say that Y/n found herself clinging to Henry like a puppy, her hands always wrapped around him and his around her. The furthest they had gone was him giving her pussy little “kissies” until it made her feel good, in fact it was practically normal for her to just sit her pretty ass right onto his face, especially after a hard day’s work; he needed his favourite sugary treat.
So when he was due for a log collection trip two hours out of town, little miss bossy pants stomped her foot saying she needed to go to keep her man company, how else would he live without his sweet sugar cube? Only for Henry to go on without her, being away for the better part of only 12 hours, but still that was 12 hours!
When he tried to call his baby up as soon as he got back for a sleepover, he was met with nothing but voicemails and declines, which led him to now. Sneaking into her bedroom while she was home alone, with the last time they spoke to each other just being two days ago.
“I know honey, I know, but are ya really gonna push me away? Future father of ya kids, ya future husband, your Henry?” He whispered stepping forward until she fell on top of her pink sheets, her body scrambling up against the headboard as he crawled up to her, their noses nudging against each other playfully as her hands cupped his bearded cheeks. “D-do ya promise to bring m-me next time? I don’t l-like n-not bein’ with ya” She whined kissing his lips softly, her glossy lips ghosting over his then kissing both his cheeks.
“I pinky promise sweetheart, now come on, don’t ya think I deserve my treat?” He tilted his head flopping down beside her, shuffling around to get himself comfy, watching as she stood up on her bed; flipping up her sun dress she held both his hands as she squatted down onto his face. His mouth kissing against her core as his nose nudged her clit, his hands grabbing onto her ass cheeks for dear life. “W-woah, feels good” She moaned out softly rocking herself back and forth on his face, his tongue venturing deep into her hole, his eyes peering deeply into hers as she bit her lips.
Humming against her mound, Henry felt her juices start to coat his face and beard, some of it even leaking down his cheeks onto her soft blankets; his nose manoeuvring her precious button to chase her release. “N-need more kisses, p-please?” She whimpered sitting up a bit more to hover over his face, letting her older man collect his breath before he growled and pulled her back onto his face. His face moving side to side rapidly as he slurped up all her juices, giving her one last tongue kiss down there before patting her ass to shift her down to his lap.
“Was that enough kisses for my baby bun? Did ya enjoy my lips on your cunt? Ya gonna deprive me of it again?”
“N-no never!” She gasped out as Henry started grounding her hips onto his bulge, her bare skin rubbing against his jeans, watching on as he unzipped his jeans to reveal his brief covered cock. “My sweet sweet girl, I can’t wait to bury myself in your soft puffy pussy, hear you moan and call out for me, how much you love me” He whispered caressing her jaw, smirking proudly as he watched her explore and take out his shaft, her mouth gaping open at the mere size of it.
Her face growing shy at the confession of him knowing her true feelings, as if she didn’t talk in her sleep about how much she loved him. “Y-you love me too right?” She beamed slowly stroking him up and down with her fist, giggling and squealing once he nodded and told her how much he needed and loved her. How she was his and his alone.
Pulling the rest of her dress off her he felt himself throb at the sight of her, “D-don’t look too hard o-okay?” She mumbled crossing her arms to hide herself, suddenly feeling insecure under his dark intimidating gaze. “Sugar pie, m’ gonna look all day every day for the rest of my darn life, you’re so goddamn beautiful” He crooned looking all over, his hands cupping each of her breasts, chuckling once he saw how her nipples hardened in his grasp
“Wait!Wait! T-turn them around” She whispered pointing to the array of stuffed plushies on her bed, collected from all the times Henry had won at the state fair, with Y/n call them their “babies” Nodding he turned around trying to hold in a chuckle, turning each teddy around so they weren’t witnessing this pornographic act. “Now m-m’ ready” She whispered leaning up with her hands on Henry’s shoulders, gasping as he flicked the head of his cock along her folds, pulling and stroking at the slickness to coat himself.
“Are ya sure you’re ready sweets?”
“You promise it won’t hurt?”
“I’ll try my best sugar, you just relax and let me do this okay? Jus’ sit n’ look pretty for your man” He sighed out slowly sitting her down onto his length, her voice crying out at the sensation of being stretched out, she really did feel like she was being split in two. It didn’t help that Henry’s mouth and tongue were wandering over her breasts, causing an overwhelming sense of touch to cloud her brain. “You’re okay baby, you’re doin’ so good for me, so prouda ya” He cooed pushing her hair back away from her face, her mouth wide open as drool came from the corner of her mouth.
“S-so deep n’ big” She gasped out finally feeling him bottoming out inside of her, his hands resting on her ass when she leant forward to wrap herself around his torso, her hips eagerly moving against his in tiny movements. Slowly he started to bounce her up and down on top of him, her voice matching the rhythm of his thrusts as she cried and moaned out, “c-can feel you in my t-tummy” “M-my clit, p-play with her” “W-wanna hug”
That last statement nearly made Henry coat her with his cum then and there, the thought of her nothing wanting more than to be EVEN closer to him was so adorable and sexy. Pulling her off of him he dragged her back into his chest, as he lifted up one of her legs delicately, running himself through his folds once again before delving back in. His arm wrapped around her waist tightly whilst the other groped both her breasts greedily, even grabbing at the skin on her hips and stomach like a mad man. “S-so warm n’ s-snuggly, l-like a bear” Y/n whimpered out clearly cockdrunk, her mind running 100 miles an hour from the pure ecstasy she was feeling, Henry’s wet lips travelling over her shoulder and back.
“Open your fuckin’ mouth bun, need to kiss those purty’ lips of yours” He growled taking a hand and using it to turn her head to the side, his tongue drooling into her mouth as he dipped in and sucked on her tongue, both their faces soon turning wet and slobbery from their kiss. “Mmm want more kissies” She whined reaching up to kiss him again, this time clamping her lips onto his as she clenched her hole around him, Henry swallowing her squeals and grunts.
“Never leavin’ ya sugar, n’ you ain’t leavin’ me, ya hear me?” He whispered kissing her chin, spanking her tits as they moved and jiggled wildly, “mhm d-don’t wanna leave, wanna stay with you bear” She mumbled laying her head back down onto the pillow, feeling Henry fucking her own cum back inside her as he himself chased his finish. A slosh of white cream surrounding the base of his cock each time he thrusted up, evidence of both of them mixing together as one, how he finally claimed her as his woman.
“Too sensitive” She rasped out as Henry slowed down, as he slowly thrusted inside of her for another 10 minutes, just kissing and loving on her sensually. Until he finally slipped out and let her turn around to face him, her breathing still rapid as he pulled her arms over his waist, lifting her leg up to see how he was still dripping out of her lips, “stop lookin! s’embarrassin’” She whined pulling her leg back down as she glowered at him, huffing while he smiled and kissed her forehead, immediately breaking a smile onto her face.
“What ya don’t wanna see our baby bein made?” He joked running his hands up and down her body, pulling her closer to him, their chests flushed together. “I have to go home soon ya know that right? Your grandparents will be ‘ere soon” He whispered pressing a chaste kiss to her nose, watching it wrinkle cutely in response.
“D-don’t go! I-I wanna cuddle and hug n’ kiss” She said seemingly clinging onto him harder, “O-or bring me with you?” She offered looking up to see a smile forming on his face, she got him there,
“Ok fine, but you’re goin’ naked, that okay with ya?” He smirked standing up and fixing himself up, just wrapping her up in one of her fluffy blankets as he carried her out of the room a squirming mess, her giggles and laughs going unnoticed by Henry as he tucked her caterpillar shaped cocoon into the passenger seat. Clicking in her seatbelt with a soft wet kiss to the lips and a pinch to her cheek, letting her shuffle over to him once he got in, her head on his shoulder as they drove off towards the mountainous hills. Their home grounds.
psa: hope you all enjoy finding out about their first real sexcapade together 🫶
library blog: @f10werfaes-cosy-collection
@pandaxnienke @thereisa8ella @kimhtoo17 @beck07990 @dumb-fawkin-bitch @madebylilly @kebabgirl67 @marvelgurl @uwiuwi @stormcloudss @girl-of-multi-fandoms @misshale21 @hallecarey1 @nikkitc0703 @mischiefsemimanaged @oliviah-25 @aerangi @alina02 @alexxavicry @hp-hogwartsexpress @angelmather1 @acornacre @ggmimitf @thebaileybugle @p4st3lst4rs @kzhlvlysstuff @thoughtsofreid @cilliansangel @theekyliepage @cookielovesbook-akie @luvabellee @elenavampire21 @hoya122 @rosiesluv7 @yaminax @esposadomd @meyocoko @disaster-rose @severewobblerlightdragon @kemillyfreitas @adoreyouusugar @queensgirl718 @sweetybuzz25 @k3ira13 @shecamedowninabubble @ridingthehotmessexpress @heyitsme-2 @animez96 @namjoons-t1ddies @ameliascreampuffs @angelic-dreams13 @respectmyprivacys-blog @squishyturtle
See you all at the next update, lots of love🫶
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gunnrblze · 4 months
My little COD Ghosts sexy time/kink head cannons. (I’m ovulating, just bear with me, I think I lost the plot like 9 times)
My husband Hesh is rather vanilla in bed, but has a couple kinda oddball things (oddball to him lol) he’s fantasized about. It’s still something on the more tame side of kink, but I like to think his favorite kind of sex is romantic missionary but he also kinda wants to spank you sometimes or yap about getting you pregnant (whether you even can, want too, etc, doesn’t matter as long as you’re into it). He may or may not even admit it, but it plagues the inner corners of his mind (he’s shy methinks). He tries to hold back his noise, but if he’s desperate enough the man is VOCAL (he gets very desperate lol). Also down to try most positions, preferably if he can still see your face though. If you ever DO get pregnant by this man though, in a planned capacity, he will dick you down in a way that has you questioning how well you really know him, that dick will be FERAL!
My sweetheart Logan gets down I fear…I just know this man will have you in any room of the house, in any position. Loves to fuck you against the wall? Yeah. I think he’d also like being a little submissive sometimes. Like, tell him what to do, get a little bossy, if you catch him in the right mood he’d definitely get on his knees at the drop of a hat for you. I like to think he’s still not much of a talker during sex, but in lieu of little verbal communication, he can read your body like an open book. Soooo in tune with your reactions, it’s second nature for him to observe you like that. He can give head like it’d resurrect Christ himself though, do not let that man’s head between your legs unless you wanna ascend to heaven. (You def do.) Like a good soldier, he follows directions…
Keegan? This guy doesn’t play, he knows what he likes and he wants you to enjoy yourself too. He doesn’t see the point if it’s not mutual enjoyment, he’s gotta make you cum. I like to think he’d engage in some kink, also on the ‘tamer’ side, spanking, dirty talk, maybe a blindfold or some handcuffs here and there. I think he’d be willing to try/consider a lot of different things though if you asked. Avid pet name user, will “sweetheart” “love” “pretty/good girl/boy” you to death. Dick game is mean though, like I see him having an average amount of experience for a man his age, but he gets DOWNNN. Loves giving head, could probably bust just from watching you lose your mind over it. I’m a Keegan Russ soft dom truther.
Merrick gives me similar vibes to Keegan, except I feel like this man would secretly be a bit freaky once you guys have been intimate for a while lol. Like for a while it’s pretty conventional, but then once he’s well acquainted, he’ll manhandle and flip you in any position, order you about, whisper all kinds of shit to you… this man can yap methinks. Dirty talk comes so natural to him. (I think he has a thing for spanking too, sue me.) Naturally has that domineering energy but will lean into it more if you want. You’re absolutely his sweetheart during sex though, chronic “is this okay?” “does this feel good?” “do you like that baby?” user. Loves to praise too methinks, “you’re doing so good” “just like that” “there ya go, baby” etc etc.
Kick definitely gives me FREAK vibes, but in an almost controlled way if that makes sense? Very straightforward with it lol, like if you’ve got any kind of kink or scene fleshed out, he’s almost a little mechanical and analytical with it. Not because he isn’t connected in the moment, but because he’s SO turned on he’s observing you like you’re an act of god, a literal dog salivating at your feet, trying not to bust too quickly. Giving me that “focused but unfocused” energy. (You can’t convince me he wouldn’t like car sex too.) He can definitely have intimate, emotionally charged sex too, especially if he’s locked in with you.
Elias my beloved, he’s gotta be a sweetheart lol. I like to think him and Mrs. Walker had sweet married couple shit going on. I don’t really see him being into anything on the kinky side, but would prob dom you a little if he was in a mood. But this man can fuck ykwim? You need a soul mending experience? Get that man in your bed asap. If you two are mutually in love that dick will change your life fr, the Walker sons were made with care LMAO. (Loves finishing inside you if able, something triggers the primal ‘marking my territory’ part of his brain…)
Rorke is NASTYYY lol. This man would have the nastiest, freak sex with you, change my mind. I can see him being down to try sooo many things, like if you need that perv shit, he’s your guy. He’d def be into dom/sub things, and I can see him liking semi-public type stuff, the thrill of being seen/caught and what not. The mouth on this man is dirtyyyy, teases you relentlessly. If he loves you though, I think it sobers him a bit because he wants to worship your ass completely. Can also have slow, sappy romantic sex if the time is right. Will guide you and sweet talk you heavy. Loves getting head, and overall is a grunter lollll
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underdark-dreams · 10 months
yooo i love ur writings sm dude! thank u for providing the MUCH needed and appreciated rolan n dammon food ! if ur still accepting and willing to write for a more masc reader, would u do hcs with rolan (and/or dammon, idc :>) with a top/dom inclined reader? :]
BLESS your patience, anon! I got lost in writing a smut fic for this request this week. But you asked for headcanons, so it doesn't feel fair to make you keep waiting! In thanks, please expect a Rolan x m!Tav oneshot soon. 🖤
Rolan x top/dom M!Reader: Relationship Headcanons
[SFW + NSFW both under the cut]
This wizard has a serious case of oldest sibling disorder
Rolan can be downright bossy, because a lot of his self identity rests on feeling powerful and in control of things
On a deeper level, Rolan is just used to being the one taking care of the people he loves. Having the scenario flipped—being taken care of for once—it throws him off balance
Falling for a guy who takes the lead and takes initiative might honestly cause Rolan a mild identity crisis without him realizing. He’ll deny the feelings for a week or two, stewing and blushing and unintentionally broadcasting his crush to anyone around him
This was not the plan. So why does he keep daydreaming about you picking him up princess style and tossing him down onto your bed
Inside Rolan’s dying to get swept off his feet and lavished, he just doesn’t know it yet
Maybe it finally clicks for him the first time you pull Rolan close and murmur all your appreciation into his pointed ear
Rolan is so weak for praise and so, so hungry for it, especially from you
He can’t help but melt inside when you tell him how good he is, how clever and competent, how much he deserves to feel incredible and how much you’d enjoy being the one to make him feel that way
Kiss him afterward and feel Rolan whimper softly against your mouth as he goes a bit limp in your arms. He’s entirely yours
He’s not only falling in love with you, he’s discovering a whole side of himself he never gave himself time or permission to explore
But you? You make him feel loved and completely safe
Rolan will occasionally come to you to pout or complain about trivial things, just to get a kiss and hear you assure him you’ll take care of it for your sweet little mage
He’s still flustered by how much he enjoys it at first, even more so when he feels himself flush and stiffen under his robes
Rolan also becomes addicted to the feeling of being wrapped up in your arms
Your arm draped on his shoulder: your hands looped around his waist to keep him tucked in close while you’re kissing: and especially your forearms caging him in against the wall while you grind against each other
Rolan’s still proud, so it’s not easy for him to admit or ask for these things out loud unless you’re alone
But even in a public setting, he will sometimes appear close beside your shoulder and glance over at you with a wordless request that means please hold me a bit, I’m tired/lonely/needy for you
If you don’t notice fast enough, Rolan might softly brush your hand or loop his tail low around your calf to get your attention. You’re the one who awakened these feelings in him, and by the hells he’s not going to be ignored now
Face it: you have unleashed needy sub Rolan upon yourself, you’ll just have to dom up and deal with the consequences
When you’re fucking him, Rolan can be somehow vulnerable and teasing/demanding all at the same time
Old habits die hard…so might Rolan if you don’t give him what he needs
Rolan knows the right word from you or the right gesture pinning his wrist or thigh can get him dangerously close to losing it, and some nights that makes him feel rebellious
He has a smart mouth even in bed, and provoking you excites him sometimes
‘Gods, I bet I can finish myself before you do—’ Rolan’s grip closes around his own hard cock as your slickened fingers gently and slowly prepare him
Other nights he has absolutely zero fight in him. Just a soft pile of Tiefling clinging to the man he loves as he kisses across your shoulders, asking you to take him while you tell him that he’s more than good enough
Rolan may try to hide it (that or he’ll make zero effort), but he’s weak for any time you order him around or direct him
‘Get on your hands and knees’ ‘Spread for me like a good boy, Rolan’ ‘Stop biting your lip or I’ll bite it for you—go on and let everyone hear who makes you feel this good, that’s it—’
It all gets him so needy for your cock that he can’t say no to any of it until you’re filling him
His favorite positions are usually the ones that let him hold onto you for even more closeness—missionary, against his desk in the Tower, etc.
Of course, those don't give him a chance to hide his reactions from you, so you’ll occasionally see him blush dark or squeeze his eyes shut or bite back the sounds you coax out of him
Alternatively: just tell Rolan he thinks too much and fuck him into his mattress so hard he can’t think about anything else at all including his own ego
The way he clutches your shoulders for dear life and pants your name will let you know how much Rolan loves it (and you)
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primojade · 2 years
“ I could tell you I love you without saying I love you. ”
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘 | Different and unique, albeit a bit unconventional and funny, ways they show you they love you without exactly saying affectionate words.
𝐂𝐖 / 𝐓𝐖 | gn!reader x albedo, zhongli, wanderer, venti, cyno and tighnari (separate); fluff, crack on some, stuck on confined space (tighnari); established relationship; if you spot the meme, very good have a nice day 😂
𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒 | Look, I'm not very good at writing fluff because angst is what I do best xD this is just what I could do now so forgive me if the fluff is inadequate lol. Also, this is part of the Fluffvember event hosted by @maehemthemisfit <3 I enjoy writing this so I hope you can also enjoy reading~
masterlist | fluffvember masterpost
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It was an established law in the house that the chores should be equally separated at all times. For example, you would wash the dishes in the morning, then the Wanderer would take his turn in the evening. An equal work for everyone living under the same room, and he agreed, albeit begrudgingly at first.
Though such was the case in washing the dishes, you would always see him loitering near you in the morning when you were washing the dishes, crossing his arms while leaning on the doorframe with a frown, under the guise of personally seeing you doing chores because he feared you would break the plates when he was not looking. Likewise, it becomes a habit for you to also sit by the counter to wait for him to finish his chore in the evenings before retiring to bed together.
You would, happily, daresay it become a routine, even.
When you were being particularly affectionate that night, you would just hug him from behind silently, your head resting on his back and your arms wrapped tightly around his torso, no matter how many times he complained loudly and sneered at you for being so clingy. (He said that grumpily but he made no move to remove you anyway, so you guessed that he didn't actually mind the affection.)
“Hmp. Come, hold my hand." His tone sounds so bossy and demanding, though you were not surprised. It's just the way he was, you could even say it was amusing at times. 
You wrinkled your nose, peering over his shoulders to see him holding the sponge on his right hand and a plate on the other. “...But you were washing the dishes?"
The Wanderer rolled his eyes in exasperation. “Did I stutter? I could multitask.”
That evening, your shit-eating grin couldn't be any wider to the point he told you irritatedly to wipe that off or you'll sleep on the sofa tonight.
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For someone who had lived for so long, Zhongli surely had a knack for poetry at times. Sometimes, it was a random burst of inspiration from overlooking the Liyue Harbour plains, at times it was about a history long forgotten, many times it was, well, about you.
“I love you dearly."
You couldn't help your stomach doing flips and your heart was somersaulting in happiness. And you want to return to him all the love and affection he freely gave you, even with simple words. 
Although Zhongli seems to have a small dislike of you saying the word of affirmation back to him.
“I love—"
"I advise you not to finish that sentence." He firmly said, his gloved finger gently tapped at the bottom of your lip to cut you off. Your muscles almost weakened at the intensity of his fiery eyes boring into you.
Seriously speaking, if anyone could perfectly pull off the dom-boyfriend thing, it would surely be a man with the charisma of a god.
"What? Why?"
A small pause.
Then his eyes softened as his large hands cupped the corner of your cheeks, tracing your cheekbones with light feathered touches that left you sighing pleasantly. “...Because it felt you were merely agreeing with me.”
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Albedo's curiosity is one of his charms, that's an undeniable fact. His capacity for boundless discoveries knows no bounds, so you couldn't exactly find in yourself to be surprised when he asked you such a…scandalous and funny question.
“Do you mind making out with me?" His tone never changed, the same calm, a bit indifferent, but with enough warmth that he reserved only for you. "Fret not, it's for the sake of science.”
"What." You deadpanned, not understanding where his sudden line of thought comes from.
Of course, you don't mind. But its funny how it's very Albedo-like to ask something like making out right now just for the sake of science when he had many chances to do so behind…closed doors before.
He seemed to have read your thoughts because a serene smile crossed his lips as he put down all his paperworks and approached you. “I merely had to collect many samples before I could draw a definite conclusion. This study is, if you want to know, based on my unpublished research that consists of you and me alone, by the way.” 
Albedo said it all in a matter-of-fact tone that you couldn't help but to laugh at its incredulity, his arms snaking around you in a warm hug that could dispel the frigid cold in Dragonspine. “We could. But I have to finish this first.” You gestured to the papers on the table.
The alchemist didn't miss the playful twinkle in your eyes as he gently plucked the papers away and cupped your cheeks so you were looking straight at his seafoam eyes, smirking smugly. “If that's your attempt to decline, I deserve to have the right to decline your declination."
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“Corporate can't ask me what's the difference between you and the world.”
It's been a stressful week for you, and all you've wanted is to curl next to your lover, with his arms wrapped warmly around and rest your head on his chest. There was nothing more domestically pleasing than having Cyno's talented fingers smoothing your hair while also massaging your scalp. It's a very therapeutic way of spending time together, especially since he has such a busy schedule during the day.
These simple moments you could cherish forever.
Though you couldn't say the same when he, of all times, chooses to break the comforting silence between you two with one of his seemingly dry jokes again.
Still, you were a faithful lover to him. So, as a faithful lover that you are, you indulged in his daily dose of humour.
You nuzzled your face to the crook of his neck, grinning to yourself when you notice a slight goosebump on his skin. “Why not?”
Cyno deeply breathed. "Because for me, they're literally the same.”
It took you a few seconds to realise what 'joke' he was talking about. By then, you could feel your heart leaping from your throat, and your satisfied grin slowly morphed into a flustered expression. 
He gave a small, triumphant snort, but you were too engrossed to the fact that he just told you that 'you were his world and his world is you', to really care for anything but him anymore.
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Tighnari is a man of many talents, a great leader who strives for the success and perseverance of others while also never failing to seek knowledge to whichever that piqued his interest. His scholar and Forest Watcher side is highly admirable, but that couldn't be the same to his…questionable sides.
“—I can't believe we're stuck in the same closet together.” You said in disbelief, both of your hands propped on Tighnari's sides to keep yourself grounded and crashing into him completely. 
Although you knew he wouldn't mind, you refuse to give him another teasing material from you. He would surely use your flustered state with this forced proximity just to get a rise from you and then embarrassingly retell it later just for shit and giggles. (He does this especially when you are particularly stubborn about doing something that would compromise your safety.)
You didn't even realise how both of you got inside the same closet together. Because the only thing you could think of right now is how he— 
“Truly unfortunate,” there was a barely concealed mirth hidden in the recesses of his usually stern voice. Unbeknownst to your appalled self, the key to the closet sits comfortably in his pockets.
For only during this time could he spend his time together with you, without anyone to disturb you both. He could hold you in his arms without any prying eyes, stare at your face without a single hint of shame, and gleefully hear the thundering beats of your heart.
Tighnari knew Collei would open the closet soon, as he told her beforehand. But for now, a man could enjoy his alone time with his beloved, right? Enjoying the hidden moment as if there's only him and you in this world.
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You knew Venti could be a little ball of menace sometimes (read: all the times), but he's very open to his affections and the way he expresses his love is a bit unconventional and too much for others, suggesting something unbelievable and funny, but you knew its because he's always thinking of you. 
You loved that he's attentive of your moods, that he knew when you need a good laugh, or a shoulder to cry and vent on, or merely times that you need a song to calm your raging heart. He never failed to read you like an open book, questioning you what you want, and giving you all the freedom and love you could hoped to have.
Venti is a good lover. 
Still, he's a little menace.
For example, there was a time that you stubbornly refused to let go of your fourth commission for that day, and you were undeniably exhausted and stressed from fighting left and right. As a good lover that he proclaimed he is, Venti playfully snatched the commission paper from your hands and ran away with it, laughing gloatingly at how you could never catch up to him.
It seriously took you almost almost five minutes and cursing and following him around to catch up to his surprisingly long strides. You hit the back of his head and scolded him for doing this again (you knew this was his way of making you take a  break so you didn't have any heart to be truly angry).
“Dear me, you could punch me in the face and I would still want you.”
“Shut up, Venti.” You tried to keep the glower to tell him off, but the way he heartily laughed and invited you to fly in the sky, just the two of you this time…
Once again, the commission is forgotten.
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TAGLIST (let me know if you want to be added in my future works!): @samarill , @maehemthemisfit , @chocogi
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chrollosbm · 11 months
Sunflowers Fields: a Choso Love Story: Chapter Two
You're broken from a past relationship, thinking you only deserve the worst. Choso comes along, making you realize you deserve the world and more. Will your ex-boyfriend let you go without a fight? (Choso x black!reader, yandere Choso)
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warnings: swearing, alcohol use, manipulation, (eventual) heavy smut, overstimulation, begging, dacryphilia, dom choso, bossy choso, sub reader, slight yandere choso, suguru is her ex
Sunflower Fields ao3 version
Chapter One here
You walk down the street, stumbling, with no idea where you were going. You were grateful you settled on kitten heels rather than stilettos for the night, because otherwise you would have probably broken an ankle by now. You would have been afraid if you weren’t so blasted, but there you were with God knows how many shots in your system. As you reach a dead-end though, you begin to worry. You suddenly start to sober up (or better yet try to be a little more aware of your surroundings) and turn around, realizing you really don’t know where you are. Why did you have to leave the club so dramatically? You could have simply told Andrea and Kento you were ready to leave, but instead you had to make a theatrical scene in front of a really hot guy. 
 Panic begins to set in as you continue to pace down the road and search for your phone in your bag. Just as you find it and open up your contacts to call Andrea, you hear a car pull up beside you. You freeze, not knowing what to do. If this was it, you were going to be so pissed in the afterlife. 
Cause of death: kidnapped and killed after leaving the club because you couldn’t stop thinking about your cheating ex-boyfriend.
If that happened you would beg the Lord to revive you just so you could kill yourself again.
Your body begins to tremble when you suddenly hear a familiar voice call out your name from the car. You look up stunned to see Suguru staring at you from the driver’s seat, confusion written all over his face. His hair was in a bun with a few strands left out, his ears pierced and covered in black earrings. He was so fucking beautiful. Your heart strings tugged when your eyes met his. So many memories flooded your mind. All the pain, sadness, and betrayal was clouded by the memories of all the great times the two of you spent together. Before it all went to shit. Laughing until your stomach hurt, long drives with hands clasped together and music blasting with the top of his car down, bone shaking, passionate sex after an exciting date night.
All ruined.
“Dollface? What are you doing out here?” He says, his voice laced with genuine concern. His eyebrows were furrowed, face reading concern.
“I’m going to marry you. You know that right?” Suguru said to you, seriousness in his eyes. The moonlight was shining down on him as he was on top of you, breath heavy, hair sticking to his face and neck. Harsh waves were crashing in the background, almost as harsh as your heart was beating. 
You froze, pausing to comprehend what he just confessed. “Shut up.” You had said, not believing him, a small, disbelieving smile on your face. Still you had goosebumps erupting from your body, from both the wind chilling your bare skin and the words he had just spoken to you. 
“I’m being serious, dollface.” His eyes remained on yours as he continued to thrust into you, slowly, deeply, intensely. “You’re going to be mine forever. You’re not going anywhere.” 
Your stomach begins doing flips and your eyes well with tears as you stare at the handsome man, soon beginning to stream down your face. 
“When do you think you want kids?” The two of you were sitting on your couch, binging reality television shows you basically forced him to watch with you. Your feet were in his lap and he was rubbing them, skillfully. 
“We could start trying now.” He said with a smirk, eyes twinkling at you. “I’ll admit, I haven’t been the most careful with pulling out lately.”
You gasped and  picked up a pillow that lay closest to you, and reached over to hit him in the head with it, playfully. “Suguru! Not funny.” You yelled at him but he laughed anyway.
“I’m kidding, dollface.” The smile on his face was blinding. “I want nothing more than to make you the mother of my kids, but I’ll wait until you’re ready.” Sincerity was written all over his face. “Like I said, you’re not going anywhere.”
Suguru steps out of the car and before you could stop him, he wraps his arms around you to hold you tightly.
“Let’s get you home, okay?” He says softly as he pulls away to wipe the tears from your face. His eyes read confusion, guilt, and sadness. You want to punch yourself for how weak you’re being, and how easily you’re letting him back in. You nod your head anyway, and let him guide you to the passenger seat of his car that you had become so familiar with. 
As he shuts your car door, you feel a buzz on your phone and pull it out to see Andrea calling you. You quickly reject the call, sending a text saying you’re okay and that Suguru came to get you. This will only bring on more calls and texts, but she’s aware he wouldn’t put you in any physical danger. She would at least know you weren’t kidnapped.
The drive was silent with a few glances that your ex-boyfriend kept giving you every now and then. You pretended to not feel him staring into the back of your head as you were turned towards the window, with the window down, trying to sober up as much as you could. If you had known you would have a run in with your ex, you would’ve stopped at shot number two. Maybe you wouldn’t even be in his car right now doubtful. The tension was becoming unbearable when the two of you thankfully pulled up to your apartment. 
You cleared your throat awkwardly. “Thank you for the ride. I’m glad you were there to save me.” You gave him a grateful tight lipped smile, which he returned, sadness in his eyes. You sat in the car, staring at each other longer than you should’ve until you finally reached for the door. He grabbed your hand before you could pull the lever. “Wait. Please.” You turned towards him and regretted it. He was giving you that look. The look you had fallen for so many times.
Your eyes were welling with tears again, when you managed to let out a small and quiet, “What is it?” 
“Can I come in, please? I want to talk.” He begged, that look remaining on his face. You had seen it so many times that you wondered if it was rehearsed at this point. You knew whatever he had to say would be filled with lies and manipulation, yet you were falling for it again. You wanted to kick yourself. You were doing it again. You were letting him in again after he gave you a knife to the heart. Over and over again he would leave wounds that were never given a chance to heal. Instead, he just put a bandaid on the wound when you needed fucking surgery.  
When the two of you entered your apartment the tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife. You kicked your shoes off and without a word, set foot to your bedroom. Suguru did the same and followed you to your bedroom like a lost puppy. Your room was a disaster with hair products all over the floor, laundry that had been piled up and an unmade bed, but you didn’t care. Partially because you were drunk and partially because you couldn’t give a shit about what he thought of you right now. You didn’t have anything to prove to him at this moment. You sat down on your bed and he followed suit. You sat in silence, heart beating out of your chest, waiting for him to say something, anything at all.
“I fucked up.” He broke the silence. He was looking down at the floor, playing with the black rings on his fingers. “I fucked up so bad again and I’m sorry. I fucking miss you.” He looked up at you with red, wet eyes as you turned your head to focus on him. You were stunned. Tears began to leak from his eyes and they were soon streaming down his face. 
You didn’t know what to say. There had been plenty of times where the two of you had gotten back together, yet you were the one crying and pleading, not the other way around. Not like now. This felt real. This felt genuine. Was it, though?
You were still frozen, staring at him with confusion written all over your face as he continued. “I don’t deserve you, dollface. I know that. But I want to prove to you that I can change.” He looked down at his shaking hands again, unable to continue looking at you as he spoke. “I still love you. I love you more than any dumb bitch I decided to fuck around on you with. They don’t compare to you. They never have.”
You were fully sober at this point. It was like all the fog in your brain had cleared.
Your breathing was getting heavy now. Your eyes welled with tears and your heart was racing impossibly fast. You didn’t know how to feel. Happy? Sad? Angry? Betrayed? Stupid? 
“I’ll do whatever I have to do to fix this.” He practically begged. “Say something. Please.” He choked out, looking at you, those beautiful brown eyes piercing into your soul. 
You just shook your head as tears fell from your eyes. Your body began to shake with sobs and you felt Suguru wrap his arms around you and you didn’t stop him. Of course you didn’t. You were weak. Always there at his beck and call, forgiving him. You remembered the times you were on your knees begging and crying for him back when he did you wrong. 
Those were the words that repeated in your head as he guided you on your back, kissing you with such passion and vigor. He held you so delicately, like you would fall apart if he let you go. Maybe you would. 
Those were the words that clouded your mind as he removed your clothes, ever so slowly and kissed every inch of your body, including your tear filled face, eventually reaching your lips.
Those were the words that engraved in your brain when you kissed him back and let him give you orgasm after orgasm, all night long.
You woke up in the morning, feeling nothing but shame. He was asleep in your bed again, with the sun shining on his beautiful face. His eyes were closed and his bare chest was rising and falling slowly. Whenever he slept, he looked like he had no troubles whatsoever. He slept so peacefully, while you barely slept anymore. You spent your nights worrying if he was fucking around, out with the next woman. Every night he wasn’t in your bed, you didn’t sleep. You couldn’t, you were on the brink of panic attacks
You got up from your bed, slowly, careful not to wake him. He didn’t move a muscle as you grabbed your robe hanging from your closet and walked over to your in-suite bathroom. You looked over your shoulder once more to see him still sleeping soundly as you opened the door quietly, shutting it the same as you stepped inside.
You turned the light on in your bathroom and almost jumped when you saw your reflection. Your makeup was smeared, your hair was a disaster, and one of your false eyelashes had fallen off. You shook your head and quickly started your morning routine, not wanting to look at that fightful sight anymore. Once you finished brushing your teeth and doing your morning skincare routine, you attempted to fix your hair by simply brushing it back into a puff, making it look more presentable. 
You looked in the mirror again. 
Your eyes were lifeless. The eyes that once held happiness and joy now had no light. It was like everything had been drained from you. All emotion, energy, passion, and excitement was wiped from you. Your under eyes were darker than ever and your skin was dull. It was like you were a shell of your former self. 
You were shaking again. You were shaking so bad that your legs gave out from under you and you fell to the floor with a loud thud and a sob. Full blown sobs were coming from your mouth now and they couldn’t stop. You wrapped your arms around your body to try to calm your shakes and cries down but it didn’t seem to be working. 
You’d never felt so much pain or shame in your entire life. Why were you doing this to yourself? Why were you letting a man who obviously didn’t give two shits about you tear you apart? Why did you always go back? Why did you let him manipulate you, over and over again? 
You didn’t even notice when he walked in. You didn’t notice when he was wrapping his arms around you, begging and pleading with you to tell him what was wrong, to tell him what happened. You only came to when he was calling your name, distress and fear in his voice. Your eyes finally snapped up to him and relief flooded his teary eyes.
“What the fuck happened? What’s wrong?” He was holding your face in his hands, not caring about the snot and tears covering your skin. He looked so stressed, like his whole world was about to come crashing down. And maybe it was.
You looked down and managed to shake your head.
“What’s wrong?” He repeated, more firmly this time.
Your hands were still shaking. You couldn’t keep doing this. You couldn’t let him continue to destroy your sense of self, destroy your life, destroy you.
“You are.” You muttered out, still looking at the floor, voice ice cold.
Suguru froze and gave you a stunned look. “I’m…what? I’m lost…” He trailed off. “What do you mean? What about last night?” He seemed to be putting together the pieces of what you were trying to say. 
“Fuck last night.” You said, bringing your eyes to his, fury held in them. “It’s not like you meant that shit anyways.” Your hands stopped shaking and were currently balled in fists at your side. 
He sat there in silence, still shocked at your words. 
You stood up from the floor and got a tissue to wipe the tears from your face. You turned your sink on and splashed your face with cold water, trying to remove the puffiness from your eyes. When you opened your eyes, he was standing behind you, looking at you in the mirror with hurt and anger written all over his face. “What do you mean I didn’t mean it? I was pouring my fucking heart out to you.” He was yelling now. “I meant it. I’m going to change-” You cut him off.
“You’ve had plenty of time to fucking change, Suguru. Two years in fact.” You said, voice laced with anger and hurt. “You expect me to believe you every time you say you're going to change? Everytime you apologize, I’m supposed to just be there, ready to forgive you?” You turned to face him now, wanting to look him straight in the eye.
“No that’s not-” He tried to say but you interrupted him once again.
“Then what the hell is it?” You were yelling now. “You always say you’re sorry but you’re not really remorseful. If you were truly sorry you would leave me the fuck alone!” You were looking at him with so much anger that you swear you could’ve seen fear in his eyes.
“Is that what you want?” He responded, coldly, all emotion gone from his eyes.
You froze. Was it? Were you really done? There was no going back after this. You couldn’t stick up for yourself and create these boundaries just to take them back. You couldn’t take him back. That would make you truly weak. 
“It is.” You tried to ignore the piercing pain in your heart as the words came out of your mouth. 
You tried to ignore the fast beating of your heart as he looked back at you with such coldness. It was like nothing you said even mattered to him. You tried to ignore the screams from your mind to chase after him as he left your bathroom to dress himself. You tried to ignore the tears streaming down your face as you heard the front door shut. It all became too hard to ignore as your body hit the floor again, sobs escaping you once more.
You woke up on your bathroom floor with a migraine and a heartache. Memories from earlier in the day flooded your mind as you got up and walked in your bedroom to climb into bed. As your body hit the sheets, memories of Suguru taking you over and over again crossed your mind and you shook your head, trying to shake them out of your brain (if that were possible.) 
You sighed and realized you should probably check your phone. Your best friend was probably worried about you and as much as you wanted to hide from the world, it wasn’t fair to not let her know you were safe.You braced yourself for the amount of texts and calls you would see from Andrea and wasn’t shocked to see way too many from her. You sighed and quickly dialed her number, even though the last thing you wanted to do right now was talk to anyone.
In Andrea fashion, she picked up on the first ring and immediately started yelling, which caused you to pull the phone away from your ear, wincing.
“Look who finally decided to answer. You have got to be fucking kidding me! You went home with him? Are you out of your Goddamn mind?!” She continued to yell. “I was worried sick about you! Nanami almost went to the police station before you finally responded to me.  Not to mention Choso. The poor baby was so worried and afraid something happened to you!” 
Your heart sank when you heard that. You forgot all about Choso. The sweet, sexy, quiet man that you left at the club with no explanation. You were so selfish. He seemed to be genuinely enjoying your company as much as you were enjoying his and you left him hanging. 
You waited for her to stop yelling at you before you responded. “Andrea, I’m so sorry. I was fine one second then I wasn’t the next. I started thinking about Suguru and I felt like I was going to throw up so I left. I was drunk out of my mind and I wasn’t thinking.” You begged her forgiveness. “I was having such a good time with him and everything just hit me out of nowhere. I know you did your best to get me to forget about him last night but I just couldn’t.” You explained, your heart strings tugging and voice cracking as you let everything out at once.
She let out a soft sigh. “I’m sorry, babe. I didn’t mean to yell at you like that. I was just worried.” She paused, worry in her voice. “What’s going on? You don’t sound okay. Did he do something to you?” Her voice was rising. 
Well, yes. But you couldn’t tell her that. She went out of her way to do nice things for you all day yesterday. There was no way you could tell her you fucked your ex-boyfriend she was trying so desperately to get you forget about last night. There was just no way. 
“I’m okay!” You tried your best to sound okay, to sound like your heart wasn’t about to leap out your chest. “Really, I’m okay. Suguru and I are done this time, for real.”
She tried to say something but you cut her off. 
“I really don’t want to talk about it.” You said firmly, breathing starting to roughen again. You didn’t want to cry again. 
There was a brief silence on the call before she spoke again. “Okay.” She accepted and you were shocked. She wasn’t one to let things go, but it seems like enough distress was in your voice to make her stop questioning you. 
“Well…” She started. “Choso really likes you, just so you know. He didn’t say it, but he seemed genuinely concerned when we couldn’t find you. It was the most emotion I’ve ever seen on his face.” She changed the subject quickly and you almost sighed from relief. You were out the hot seat, well kinda.
“Really?” You entertained her. It’s not like you didn’t find Choso intriguing. You definitely did. He was sexy, attentive, kind, intelligent, and seemed to have a good head on his shoulders. However, you just didn’t know if you had the emotional and mental capacity to deal with another relationship, situationship, whatever. He was fun to talk to, and very fun to flirt with, but right now the thought of dating someone almost made you throw up in your mouth.
“Don’t worry, by the way! I told him you ended up taking an Uber home when you told me Suguru picked you up last night. I didn’t want to ruin your game.” You could feel her smirk through the phone. 
‘There’s no game to be played.’ You almost let out, but didn’t. You really didn’t want to let her in on anything right now. All you wanted to do was distract your mind in any way possible, even if that meant entertaining your friend’s failed attempt at matchmaking. 
You wanted to take this time to heal, to really better yourself. So that’s what you were going to do.
Chapter Three is up
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kessellluvr · 10 months
playing dangerous - NSFW
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kink-/fluffmas day six
distracting hayley while knuck is in jail :0
pairing: dom!hayley (outlaws 2017) x afab!reader
warnings: cheater!hayley, sub!reader, fingering, face riding, bondage, office sex, jealous sex
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you and hayley had known eachother for about three years now, always got along.. well about a week after knuck was sent to jail you’d notice hayley’s changed behaviour - she was more bossy, more dominant. you wondered why she acted like this towards you but you never really questioned it.
you were apart of their club for about 3 years. you’d always loved driving the bike and since your older brother was a part of the copperheads australia - you decided to join too. you helped them out in the clubhouse, serving drinks at the bar. you were gorgeous so of course, some of the men came to flirt with you.. but you werent intrested in them at all.
you’d notice hayley trying to not stare to obvious whenever one of them old creeps tried to hit on you, you just knew she was boiling with jealousy.
..one night after the club had closed for the day - at around 2am, you finished cleaning some shot glasses, it was only you and hayley in the club and she was drunk… anytime her man wasnt around she would just drink, not even caring if ot affected her behaviour. you quietly sang along with the music playing in the background, using two fingers and your towel to dry out the inside of a shot glass. you were pretty sure hayley couldnt hear your humming, she was probably already in a deep sleep upstairs in her office. you finished all your little glasses and put them in the cabinet, drying off your hands before going to check on hayley one last time.
you softly knocked the door to her office and heard her groan. “who is it?!” she exclaimed - you turned the handle and stood in the doorway, seeing her laying on the sofa. “oh you..” she murmed to herself, her tone a little more.. excited maybe? she gestured for you to come sit next to her, so you closed the door behind you and sat down next to her, she sat up straight and looked down at you. “you know.. i dont like seeing those weirdos hitting on you.” she said, trailing her index finger along your jawline, making you shiver. you were suprised by her words “oh.. why?” you asked her, looking up into her brown eyes with a red shimmer, the perfect contrast to your light, innocent ones. hayley’s hand went to wrap around your neck - your eyes widening, “..cause youre mine..” she hissed, her grip wasn’t painful but also not very comfortable.. but you couldnt help but feel the dampness in your panties growing. “y-yours..?” you squeezed out and she kept intense eye contact, her grip tightening slightly to drive home her point. “mine.” she whispered in a deep tone, her hand leaving your neck and placing both on either side of your hips - pulling you up onto her lap, you whimpered silently. she grinned at you and the back of her hand went to caress your cheek “dont be scared.. ill keep you safe..“ she said, her tone softening.
you looked down at her face, your lips parted, wanting nothing more than to pull her in for a kiss. „do it..“ she temped, as if she could see right through you. you knew this was a dangerous game.. but you slowly leant in, her soft plump lips crashing into yours as she pulled your closer by your ass, hands grasping desperately. as you started making out - whimpering and not caring if any of the other men in the house heard. you slowly ground your hips against hers - trying to hint what you wanted, your panties were completely soaked at this point.
hayley pulled away and flipped your down so you laid on your back on the couch, hayley straddling your hips. „hold your hands together above your head..“ she commanded in a whisper, you nodded, holding your wrist together above your head and watching her take off her shirt, using it as ‚rope‘ to secure your wrists together. you couldnt help bur stare at her bra clad breasts, feeling a deep lust to feel them.. as you were busy staring at her tits, her hands moved to undo the buttons of your jeans, shoving them down and throwing them aside and revealing your panties.. and the wet spot on them. „awh look at that..“ she hummed, trailing a finger up your clothed slit before slipping it into your panties and tugging them down to your ankles. „youre so so wet.. do you really like me that much, hmm?“ and you nodded. „y-yes.. youre so.. fine..“ you managed to stutter out - causing her smirk to widen, she let her middle and ring finger wander up your slit once more, making your squirm and whimper. she used her thumb to tease your swollen, slightly wet clit before pushing her fingers into your throbbing hole - making your moan loudly, followed by you biting your lip and your cheeks turning red with embarrassment. „dont hold back, little one.. let them know what im making you feel.“
she kept finger-fucking you like that, your hips thrusting in rhythm with her fingers, desperate moans escaping your lips as you felt yourself nearing climax - your eyes rolling back in your skull as she curled her long, slendery fingers. your legs shuddering as you cried out in pleasure, your ejaculate came dripping out your cunt as she pulled her fingers out, looking at your with those hungry eyes. „good girl..“
as you came down from your high she tightened the restraints around your wrists once more, she undid her ripped jeans and threw them aside alomg with her panties too. she positioned her hips over your face „now your gonna eat mommy like the good slut you are.. yeah?“ she demanded, locking her cunt onto your lips - you welcomed her, of course. licking a long stripe from her hole to her clit before taking the bundle of nerves between your lips and starting to suck it carefully. hayls let out a soft moan, her hips started grinding against your face - trying to get more friction so you started sucking harder and more desperately, occasionally dipping your tounge into her pussy - as deep as you could. as you felt hayley’s breath get more ragged and her hip movements more messy, you knew she was close and you wanted nothing more than to see this woman cum for you.
and just like that.. a few more sucks and licks and she was cumming for you, her warmth spilling onto your lips - you, of course, eagerly swallowing them. when hayley catched her breath, she collapsed onto your chest, cheek pressing against your breast. she looked up at you and smiled - leaning in to give you a forehead kiss „mine.“
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ja-reau · 2 years
Could you write a larissa x reader smut, where larissa is being submissive for the reader for the first time
Control - Larissa Weems x Reader
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This is my first published work on tumblr! I hope you all like it :) Feedback is always appreciated and welcomed! Feel free to send me more asks!
Word Count: 704
Warnings: light bondage, vaginal fingering, oral sex, sub!Larissa, dom!reader
Larissa Weems was not good at letting go of control. Her whole life, she was in charge, she was the leader, she was the one dictating what would go on. So when you approached your girlfriend, telling her that you wanted to try and be in control during your after work work out with her, she was hesitant. “I’ll be slow, I promise.” you had told her. 
It wasn’t that you didn’t like having Larissa boss you around. You did. But you wanted to see what it would be like to flip the script. And you were nervous. You heard the clicking of her heels right outside your room, right as you finished lighting some candles in the bedroom. She walked in, closing and locking the door behind her, a smile appearing on her face when she saw you and what you had set up. “Oh, is this all for me?” she asked, removing her coat and hanging it up next to the door. “It is. I’m sure you’ve had a long day.” You started, letting your nerves subside. “Strip down and come lie on the bed.” You instructed, your hands on your hips in hopes of appearing a bit more dominant. Larissa raised an eyebrow at this as she started to slowly undo the buttons on her blouse. “Getting bossy already, are we?” she teased. “Did I say you could talk back?” You asked, which made the older woman redden slightly. 
You told Larissa a few days back that you wanted to tie her wrists back so she wouldn’t be able to move or touch you during this. And by the blush that crept on her face, you knew she was on board with it. You finished tying the last knot before moving down and grabbing her chin, making her look up at you. “Tonight you’re all mine.” you said before kissing her, swallowing the moan she let out at your words. Your free hand moved down her naked body, stopping right at her parted legs. “Do you want me?” you asked, your voice low, matching the tone of voice she usually used on you. “Please, y/n.” The women beneath you begged. “Just take me already.” she begged. This was easier than you expected it to be. Who knew that Larissa Weems could be a whimpering, moaning mess? You tsked. “You’ll take what you get, understood?” you asked, receiving a nod. You gripped her chin tighter, forcing her to look at you. “I asked you a question. Good girls use their words to answer. Do you understand?” you asked again, easily slipping into the dominant role. She nodded quickly, red spreading across her face and chest. “Yes, yes. I understand.” she repeated, desperation evident in her voice. “Good girl.” You said before starting your descend down her body. 
Once you got between her legs, you couldn’t contain yourself any longer. Spreading her long, milky legs apart, you dove right in. You sucked and licked her clit, moaning against her. “Y/n” she moaned, sending shock waves throughout your body. Her body’s response to your mouth made you go crazy. “You taste amazing.” you mumbled against her, licking at her clit again slowly. “Y/n, more. Please.” Larissa was practically begging you at this point, and you had barely even touched her yet. Without warning, you slid three fingers into her, starting at a slow pace, humming against her clit at the moan she let out. After letting her adjust for a moment, you started to pick up the pace, thrusting your fingers deeper and faster, curling them with each thrust, receiving moan after moan from your girlfriend. “Good girl, you take me so well.” You said before going back down, continuing to suck and lick her clit like this was the last meal you’d ever have. You felt her getting close, she was clenching around your fingers. “Cum for me, princess.” you said before you bit down on her clit gently. Like the good girl she is, Larissa came, moaning out your name. 
You pulled your fingers out, licking them clean and purposely moaning at the taste. “I should tie you up more often.” you said before leaning down to kiss her.
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amywritesthings · 3 months
press four for more options. | part three.
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( Read on AO3 )
Pairing: levi ackerman x f!reader (attack on titan / shingeki no kyojin) Word Count: 4k Summary: After seeing your ex with his new girl at a work party, you take the not-so-smart advice from a friend to call a sex hotline to get over him. Your match? A baritone bossy dom named Levi.
Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI - smut, alternate universe (modern), sex work, phone sex, dirty talk, dom!levi, light dom/sub, guided masturbation, edging, pet names, sex toys, multiple orgasms, mentions of body image Credits: dividers by @saradika-graphics
part two. / part four. | masterlist
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“Hel-lo, is the idiot in the room still with us?”
A slender hand waves back and forth, back and forth, until you awake from your everlasting daydream.
Annie Leonhart sits across from you at your favorite coffee shop looking like the cat that caught the canary.
That knowing smirk hasn’t left her face since she sat down.
Curling her fingers, she pulls her arm and returns her hand to join the other under her chin once she’s finally caught your attention.
The small blonde squints her icy blue eyes, observing, deciding on what you’ll say before you launch your defense.
“That good, huh?”
Embarrassment is your first folly.
"I— What?!”
“I know a blissful climax cloud when I see one.”
Sometimes Annie could be an ass, too smug for her own good, but she was a fiercely loyal friend and colleague.
Everything is meant in jest — at least, to you. Not many others got to avoid her wrath.
You lean over the table, reaching your hand out to cover her mouth.
She manages to duck your advances, expertly so, and rears her head with a small chuckle.
“Relax, no one’s listening,” she chides.
“That’s not true,” you argue under your breath. “It's a small shop. You know the vultures circle this place.”
“Not since the old thirsties got busted for their smutty book club — which, quite frankly, I resent losing.”
"You resent?" you repeat, mirroring her squint. “But you never ended up joining the old lady book club.”
“Mm, I didn’t,” Annie agrees, picking up her coffee cup to sip leisurely. “Doesn’t mean I didn’t listen. I looked up a couple of those titles for myself. In retrospect, they had good taste.”
She pauses, setting the cup back on the table.
“So… are you going to make me work for the details, or what?” she finally leads, getting to the point while you skate around it with imaginary triple axels. “Did you call again after Friday?”
You did.
In fact, you've called several times — almost every night since last Friday with the exception of Tuesday, since you’d fallen asleep as soon as you hit the couch after working overtime.
It’s now another Friday afternoon, one week from the first time you’d called the hotline, and you’re wondering what constitutes bordering on addiction.
“I have,” you confirm. 
“That’s all you’re going to say?” she chastises with a grimace. “Boo — tomato, tomato.”
“What?! What did you want me to say?”
“For starters, who the guy is.”
“Not happening.”
“Loser.” A beat passes. “But it’s not Bert?”
You shake your head vehemently.
“Definitely not Bert.”
“Thank god,” she exhales. “I like you, but I don’t know if I like you enough to be calling up the same dude to get our rocks off.”
“Jesus, Annie.”
“Oh, come on, don’t be such a prude.”
You pick up your own tea, sliding it across the table before taking a tentative sip.
“I don’t know how you freely talk about this like we’re trying out restaurants.”
“Because it’s not real?” she suggests, and your stomach flip-flops. 
You know it isn’t. 
It’s a job.
It’s his job.
“I don’t know,” Annie continues, sitting back against her chair with her arm draped across the curve. “It’s no strings attached and hot. I’ll never meet Bert, and he’ll never meet me, and it isn’t like he’s going to ask to hold my hand and beg me to meet his mom.”
“You’re such a commitment-phobe,” you comment with the roll of your eyes. “You won’t ever meet anyone’s mom.”
“Yeah, because I’m not a psycho,” she replies with a snort. “I take it you went premium?”
You nod once. “Levi suggested it.”
Her eyes widen, delighted, and you scowl at your own stupidity.
"Wait." You sit up taller. “Don’t—”
“Oh, that’s a hot name.”
“Annie, I swear to—”
She sours to herself. “Damn, that’s so much hotter than moaning Bert.”
The tea in your cup bubbles from your chortled breath. 
“Yeah, not my favorite name ever, but that’s fine — because it’s more like he’s moaning Annie.”
Paired with a wicked grin, your friend winks at you.
“We have two very different wants.”
You squint, and her grin widens. “Wait, do you—”
“Oh my god, Annie.”
“What?!” she chirps with a chuckle. “You like the bossy ones, I like being the boss. You’re not allowed to kink shame me. We’re in this shit together.”
“Who said I like being bossed around?!”
She points her finger at your facedown phone.
“Porco Galliard bosses people around. I’m not stupid. And you scream ‘I don’t like being assertive’.”
The same observation Levi made over the phone without ever meeting you in person.
“Whatever, that isn’t the point,” you wave off, deciding to try and swerve the subject. “I wanted to ask: how many times do you call a week?”
Annie presses the tip of her tongue against her cheek as she considers.
“A week? Maybe two, three at most. It used to be a hell of a lot more, but I’m working a lot of late nights.”
“When you say ‘a hell of a lot more’, do you mean—?”
“Daily?” she finishes for you then tries to recall. “Why? Are you daily right now?” 
You hate yourself for a second. 
“Sort of? It’s only been a few days, but—”
“Hey, that’s nothing to be ashamed of.”
She reassures in that randomly serious way Annie can pull on a rare occasion.
Making fun of people might be her favorite pastime, but if she can sense true withdrawal from her friends, then she’s quick to stop. 
The blonde reaches over the table to pat your hand, but it’s hardly a comfort.
Annie is about as comforting as raw-dog wearing a hand-knitted sweater by an amateur: it's itchy, too tight, and you want it to stop immediately. 
“You’re a grown woman with grown woman money. If guys can go get blue balled at the strip club, then why can’t we call a hot guy over the phone?”
Again: not comforting at all.
With reluctance, you nod.
“You have a point.”
“I know I have a point.”
“Then again, I don’t know how long term this fix can be,” you reason. “It’s very expensive.”
“Yeah, but you know what’s more expensive?” Annie retorts. “Hooking up with a stranger at a bar who’s abysmal in bed. Maybe not so much for your wallet, but definitely for your ego.”
“And your sanity,” you agree, “if they’re weird.”
“Or a creep.”
“Or a serial killer.”
“A weird creep that happens to be a serial killer.”
You both give each other a look, an unspoken conversation of two delusional women saying ‘exactly’ in a singular gesture, as you sync the sips of your drinks.
— —
  “Do you ever — ha — use to — oh — ys?”
You’re not sure why you’re so chatty with your rabbit vibrator barely hovering over the hood of your clit.
A week ago, you would've been trying to smother yourself with a pillow for talking.
However, with each night you’ve called Levi, the more comfortable you’ve become.
More bold, if openly using toys tells him anything.
The avalanche that brought you here was quite swift.
Traffic lights no longer remind you of the cars on the road but the man waiting for you on this hotline.
A willing striptease; a compliance to do what you wish but let him take the lead.
All you had to say was ‘my hand’s getting tired’ during an edging session.
All Levi had to reply with was ‘if you had a toy, I’d allow you to tag it in’.
Like you’re completely under his spell.
Like you couldn’t have been using one from the get-go, but you listened.
You said you did.
He said grab it.
(God, you always listen.)
Now you’re here, legs spread in the center of your bed with your phone sitting between the valley of your breasts as you talk to him through the speaker.
“I am right now,” Levi replies in that diplomatic way of his, the lift of his voice telling: he’s amused by the way you try to speak to him, even when you’re ready to scream with impatience.
“I meant on yourself,” you exhale shakily.
“On myself?”
“Like on c-calls,” you stammer, forcing yourself to focus.
He loves when you lose your mind.
You refuse to cave so fast tonight.
“A mystery for another day,” he teases, before adding in a firmer tone: “You earned it. Touch it to your clit, but don’t go inside yet. I want you wet and ready for me, understand?”
“You’re so mean.”
“I don’t want to hurt you,” he softens for just a moment. “And don’t talk back.”
“Sir, yes, sir,” you joke, before pressing the device against your clit.
The vibrations surge pleasure down your legs, causing your toes to curl.
You’re not sure if it’s the ‘sir’ or the moan you emit that makes him groan in return.
“The answer is no,” he finally states.
For a second, you think you did something wrong.
Then you circle back, remembering what you asked in the first place.
The toys question.
“You don’t?”
“Not on me, no.” He exhales, slow and steady. “Too busy making sure I’m hitting the script.”
That’s the funny thing about these calls:
The fourth wall? 
He doesn’t pretend to be your boyfriend for the night, just as you don’t pretend he’s only yours.
You’re aware he’s a sex worker, just as he seems to open up about his profession when speaking to you.
At first Levi wouldn’t — it was meant to be a fantasy — but each night he’s divulged more.
Like how he used to be in the military. (Unrelated to sex.)
Like how he has an affinity for tea, going so far as to have a mild cup with you after a session in lieu of a cigarette. (Unrelated to sex.)
Like how he’s a Capricorn. (Unrelated to sex — kind of.)
In the midst of learning about him, you’ve learned about yourself.
You’re less vanilla than you originally thought.
With Porco, things felt regimented.
You weren’t willing to open up your heart, much less your legs, because he was too cold behind closed doors.
Driven to his work and passions.
Levi, on the other hand, will suggest leaning against the wall with your hand in your underwear, eyes forced to watch yourself in your full-length mirror.
To worship yourself, when he can’t.
To pump your fingers into your weeping core, when he can’t.
To give over complete and utter control with the promise that you’ll come as many times as he asks you to, because if he could be in this very room — this very apartment — he’d easily do it himself.
With Levi, you’re bold.
With Levi, you’re in.
So you’re not shy to arch your back, moaning into the receiver when you feel your first orgasm approaching you like the incoming tide.
“Levi,” you whimper his name, “can I—”
“Shit, baby, you know you can,” he practically purrs, already knowing what you’re going to ask. “C’mon. Let me hear that pretty little voice of yours, huh? Just for me?”
“Just for—”
The last word is garbled by the way your teeth clench, legs snapping together as the first climax hits after a relentless twenty-minute edging session.
It’s unreal.
It’s pain.
It’s bliss.
It’s everything you’ve ever wanted.
You pant, pulling the vibrator away from your body for a moment to catch your breath.
You hear him hum with approval on the other end, a low rumble against your chest.
“That’s a good girl,” he says after a beat. “Feeling better?”
“So much,” you confess breathlessly.
“You sound better.”
“Thanks to you.”
“Didn’t do much.”
“Oh shut up,” you scowl before laughing.
Turning off the toy for a momentary reprieve, you allow yourself to catch your breath as you grin up at the ceiling.
“Always so goddamn modest.”
“You’re one to talk,” he scoffs, shifting on the other end of the line. “Can’t take a damn compliment to save your life.”
You make a face like he can see you in the dark, but you decide to continue the conversation.
That’s a new thing the two of you have picked up — talking.
Lots of talking.
You get off, sure, but he knows your work drama, your chore schedule — your mailmen even have the same first name, funnily enough.
“I’m serious, though,” you exhale. “Do you ever like… get off? Without toys, obviously.”
“During a call?” he clarifies, and you nod. He answers like he can see it. “No, not — not typically.”
“Wow, so you’ve faked an orgasm with me,” you tease with a blissed out snort. “Shame, shame, I know your name.”
“I what?”
“Faked it,” you clarify, fluffing your pillows behind your head as you situate yourself on your bed. “As if I don’t hear you breathing all heavy and shit over there.”
Then something unusual happens.
The man grows quiet on the other side. 
Nothing shuffles.
No huffs or ‘tchs’.
Just… silence.
“Levi?” you ask, brows knit.
A beat passes, but he answers.
“Are you good over there?”
“I— yeah, fine,” he clears his throat.
You frown immediately, blinking twice. “Sorry, was that a weird question?”
“Not at all,” he clarifies, gruff this time, “just… I said not typically, not never.”
Suddenly you abandon the rabbit and sit up in bed, eyes as wide as saucers.
“No, did you actually—”
“I already said too much.”
“No, wait, you can’t just imply that you’ve gotten off with me then abandon ship here, Levi!”
“I’m not abandoning ship — why do you say such weird shit sometimes?”
“How many times?!” you yelp.
“I’m not answering that.”
“Holy shit,” you exhale, “I’m so mad I didn’t pay attention.”
It’s like you can hear Levi squinting, narrowing his eyes with uncertainty on the other end of the phone. “...why would you be mad?”
“Because maybe I want to hear you get off, too?” you suggest simply.
Another agonizing breath of silence.
Chewing on your bottom lip, you place your phone on your sheets and pick up the vibrator, contemplating your next move.
“Because I would totally love to just… I don’t know, make you moan, too? See what you taste like? Feel you lose control, pull my hair, hold my head down while I wrap my lips around—”
Two syllables shoot out of his mouth, as if overwhelmed with shock.
An Uno reverse in your favor.
You’re no Shakespeare, but what you say is as honest as words can possibly be.
“I picture you all the time,” you confess softly, pressing the rabbit vibrator’s first function.
A low rumble begins, and you guide it between your legs.
You’re already soaked from your session.
There will be little give to the toy.
“When we’re not on the phone together, I wonder what it would be like. I could be at work. I could be at a coffee shop. Like, holy shit, I was meeting with a friend today and all I could think of is how badly I’d love to just take you to it — maybe disappear in the back hall, find a bathroom? I’d bend over a sink. I don’t wear skirts all the time, but I’d wear one for you.”
You hear shifting on the other end of the line, but Levi is deathly silent.
Mindlessly, your hand takes hold of the vibrator and you press against your entrance.
With a tiny whimper, you push in, deliciously enveloped in a sea of vibrations.
“You wouldn’t need to wear a skirt.”
Suddenly his voice appears, and you accidentally push the vibrator further in, causing a strangled moan to exit your mouth. 
“Pants are just as easy,” Levi cuts you off, a thread of a whisper. “Couldn’t take that much effort. Wouldn’t give a shit if anyone saw your damn clothes at your ankles.”
Suddenly the room burns.
“I just know you’d fill me up so good,” you whine, and there’s a sharp hiss on the other end.
“Jesus Christ.”
You hear it: the waver in his voice.
“Yeah, baby,” he concedes. “I’d fill you so fucking good.”
You whimper, a pathetic little noise at the base of your throat, and he exhales a large breath — as if he’s been holding back this entire time.
“When have I ever led you astray?” he challenges, a bit more strained now.
It’s the hottest thing you've ever heard.
“I wanna make you feel so good,” you breathe, ragged and wrecked, and there’s a small groan on the other end of the line.
“You already do, baby.”
“Not how I want to,” you argue in return, body pulsating with the growing need to release a second. “You’re so good at making me cum, but all I want is to take it how you want me — bend me over and fill me up, push me to my knees and stick my tongue out—”
“Fuck,” he curses sharply. “You’re so good for me. So, so fucking good, not fuckin’ fair.”
“Wanna cum with you.”
He groans, louder this time, and inhales the most deliciously jagged breath you’ve ever heard.
“Right there, baby,” he forces out. “C’mon. Give me one more. Just one more.”
You don’t need to be told twice.
You purposefully bite your tongue when you come a second time, squeezing your eyes shut with all of your senses focused solely on your ears.
A grunt, as if he’s holding back just the same before exhaling, slow and languid.
In your mind’s eye, you see it: how he uses his teeth to hold up his t-shirt, painting his abdomen with streaks of white as he holds himself back from climaxing too loud. His whole body trembles. He squeezes the tip, milking himself for all he’s worth.
Pulling the vibrator from your body, you turn it off and toss it elsewhere on your bed. Your body curls around your phone, trying to stay quiet so you can listen.
Not typically, not never.
You say nothing, can’t, but a small giggle of euphoria emits from your throat.
Surprisingly, Levi chuckles back with that drugged slowness that comes with exhaustion.
“You’re too damn giddy after two orgasms,” he chastises, which only makes you laugh harder.
“Uh-huh, Huff ‘n Puff,” you tease right back, and he tsk’s right against the phone.
And in your heart, you know—
Know you’re in deep shit.
Know that you like Levi, even if it’s impossible to like a stranger.
Maybe when you get this month’s credit card bill, you’ll sober up from your crush.
But not right now.
Just not right now.
— —
  The next morning, you’re up bright and early.
Skip the elevator to the apartment lobby.
Walk down the stairs to kickstart your adrenaline.
Skip the coffee at the local shop.
Choose a small cup of chai instead.
By the time you make it to the gym, you’re more ready than you ever have been in your life to take on the day.
— —
  Forty-five minutes later, your sweat even has sweat.
Staring at your reflection in the mirror, the endorphins from a tough workout only make you feel that more excited to get your shit together. To be more mindful of your time.
(Totally not because your last call with Levi was unreal. Nope.)
Overall, you went from hating your life to — well, this.
Whatever this is.
Owning your self agency and worth after a pitiful breakup?
Unfortunately joining this gym had been Porco’s idea — he’s a treadmill hamster, and you got swindled by the sea of abs under his tank tops.
A ‘couples activity’, whatever that meant.
(Being sweaty and tired without an orgasm to finish it off never did feel rewarding.)
After the breakup you considered trying to get out of your 6-month contract, but Porco dipped first.
He joined Pieck’s crossfit endeavor somewhere else in the city, leaving you and this dingy little gym to commiserate together.
Now, you excitedly get ready in the morning to the gym — not to get thin or look a certain way to appease anyone else. A revenge body is bonafide stupid.
No — you don’t want to be anything but stronger.
Because Levi would probably think it was hot if you were stronger.
Maybe the next time you call, he’ll be impressed that you’ve taken to strength training. 
Maybe he’ll give you some pointers — one more topic of conversation to be had.
Setting down the free weights back on the rack after a thorough cleaning of the equipment, you step out of the way of the other regulars gearing up for their workout and head towards the locker rooms to shower.
In the small pocket of your leggings, you hear your phone vibrate. 
Digging your hand in to fish it out, you see a familiar name on your lock screen.
[A. LEONHART]: Yo [A. LEONHART]: We’re all going out Tuesday for drinks – u in?
All means the department.
All might mean Porco and Pieck.
Annie must sense your apprehension, before adding:
[A. LEONHART]: Porky probs not going, Pieck’s got a family thing
Well, that’s two positives.
[ME]: I’ll think about it. [A. LEONHART]: Think about it????
[A. LEONHART]: 🍅🍅🍅
Her and her fucking tomatoes.
You snort and begin to write back—
But not before accidentally slamming chest to chest into a stranger.
The phone flies out of your hand like a bar of wet soap.
Like a Scooby Doo short, it alley-oops to the sky then smashes down against the black-speckled rubber gym floor.
Before you can even react, the person you’d bumped into is bending to crouch on the floor.
“Shit. My fault.”
Every cell in your body freezes.
Time ceases to exist.
They scoop your phone into their hand, flipping it over checking for damage. 
Luckily, the screen is intact. 
No fall damage.
But that isn’t why you’re frozen.
As they rise to full stance, your eyes are still downcast. 
From their sneakers your eyes crawl up, up, up — noticing the basketball shorts that cut just above the knee with compression under armor peeking beneath.
On his torso is an emerald green tank top, clinging to his flexing abs, the fabric speckled with sweat. 
His collarbones are defined; chin just as sharp as his cheekbones.
Then you meet his eyes.
A blue-ish gray.
The man standing before you runs on the shorter side — under average height for a man.
His ebony hair dangles and sticks to his sweat-slicked forehead, the ends pointed and shaggy.
It takes a moment until you realize you’ve seen that hair before.
While you’ve taken to walking on the treadmill for your warm-up these last several weeks, he’s typically nestled in the strength training corner of the gym alone. 
Every morning that you’re here, he is also here diligently working on his physique.
He’s always in some squat position or lying on a bench, so you never paid attention to his face—
He’s fucking gorgeous.
“Looks like it’s fine,” he says casually, and your stomach falls out of your ass.
Smooth like honey, low like a rumble.
There’s no way.
There is absolutely no way it’s—
The man holds your phone out for you, brows knitting curiously. 
You can’t speak. 
Hell, you can barely breathe.
He shakes his hand to wake you from your shock.
“Take it.”
You know that voice like the back of your hand.
Wordlessly, you reach a shaky hand towards the phone to take it back.
You part your lips to speak, but no words exit.
All you can do is grasp your phone and pull it to your chest as you catch the scent of his deodorant with a mixture of musk when he passes by, none the wiser.
By the time you turn to say something, anything—
Levi from Scout Services Hotline dips into the men’s locker room.
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Author's Note:
Thank you for reading part three of P4! I continue to be blown away by the response. Because of your encouragement, I wrote one of the fastest updates I've made in ages. How are we feeling now? Let me know in the comments!
Thank you for likes, and even more love to those who choose to reblog this to help spread the word of this series or reply in the comments. ilu xo
811 notes · View notes
uhzuku · 4 months
I don't think this fits what you were going for, but now I'm thinking about being on a date w Endeavor, it's a fancy place, both of you dressed up nicely. And while he's ordering wine you sneak your foot up to press between his legs, and you can see his eyes darken the moment you do. But there's not much he can do about it, so his voice just gets a little more gravelly as the waiter keeps chatting about different flavour profiles. You're smiling like a satisfied cat and you can just see that Enji is about to snap. The moment the waiter finally leaves, you're about to pull your foot back down, but you're too slow. His hand wrapping around your ankle while he gives you a glare, lowly hissing that you should behave
god this is just making me think of domming him soooo good like. the date ends and you take him home and he THINKS that he’s abt to tear you a new one via pussy/ass destruction and then you just flip everything?? and suddenly he’s moaning on the bed and begging you to ride him faster and ‘please let me cum, i’m so close-!’ and i just dhcbrhxngndj
OR OR OR him taking you home and doing jusssttttt what he planned out ( even though really he’d not planned it, unless the two of u were already official yk <3 ) and rearranging ur guts sooooooo good and then at the end when it’s cuddle time u get to just tease him and be like ‘u liked that right? shit got ur attention a lil too well huh’ w a shit-eating grin and all he can do is grit his teeth and tug you closer and demand u just go to sleep bc he doesn’t want to admit that he likes u being bossy~
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yandere-fics · 6 months
Hmmm... Entitled sister miriel... nepo baby... Hold on... Domineering sister that likes to control and leash Miriel. They understand they're soulmates and the domineering sister uses that to her advantage. "I got you a collar so everyone knows who you belong to my dear Miriel. Of course everyone knows who I belong to, I'm holding your leash after all." She's almost constantly forcing Miriel to sit still while leaving hickies and bite marks on parts that'll be most visible throughout the day. Miriel also has a tag on her collar that says "property of (S/N)" along with an address and contact information. Dom sister also LOVES to embarrass Miriel in public, especially during dates. Slowly turning up the remove on Miriel's vibes, giving her a shock through the collar..... Yes.... YES.... I might be about to go evil.
Miriel is also a lot more bossy too though, constantly ruining things for her sister because she's the only one allowed reader's attention, she'll be a good big sister but that also means you have to be good and give her all your love and attention or she'll flip out and start bawling.
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breanime · 1 year
Okay, I got to know: who is the mean Dom and who is the nice/soft Dom, Finan or Sihtric?
This ask hit me like a shot of espresso, I am INTRIGUED by this question! Intrigued, I say!
So here's what I think...
Smut under the cut
First of all, my mind immediately went to THROUPLE mode, so in the lense of Finan and Sihtric sharing you...
I think Finan would be the mean dom, and not very mean, mind you, but he would tease you about how needy you are, how wet they made you, the noises you make, the way you tremble under his big hands--he's a talker, this we know. And beyond the teasing, he would love to make demands of you in bed-- never past your limits, absolutely never-- but he's bossy, and he likes being able to tell you what to do. Better yet, he likes to use his considerable strength to manhandle you around. If he wants you ass up, he'll grab your waist, pick you up, and flip you over with ease. Finan is STRONG, whatever you want him to do to you, he will do and he won't break a sweat. I also think he'll love to overstimulate you, and he's such a fucking tease about it, he'll laugh in your face as you shake and sob around him 💗
Now the other one...
Sihtric is a man who loves battle, but doesn't like to raise his voice. This is a soft dom. Sihtric will soothe you while Finan teases, shush you when you cry and kiss you slowly. But he's also a man who loves a thrill, to feel himself at his peak, a crescendo of adrenaline and emotion that he can only get when in battle or in you. So Sihtric will fuck you deeply. Relentlessly. He'll whisper soft words and his lips would be feather soft against your hot skin, but by the Gods, Sihtric will fuck you like it is the last time, everytime. And hold you, cradled between him and Finan, so softly afterwards.
Anyway, I know that wasn't a real answer and I know like... 3 and a half things about dom/sub culture but you got my wheels turning on this one! Thanks for the random question! You're the best!! 💗
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collectivecloseness · 2 years
(cw nsfw/dubcon)
Thoughts on kurt making captive!reader dom him? Like still sub kurt but he's kind of bossy and topping from the bottom. At first she wouldn't want to, she barely even knows this guy and he's just fucking kidnapped her, but she comes around to it because she's so pissed at him and maybe discovers a side of her she didn't know she had.
Oh dude for sure. Thanks for asking!
He drops her in his room, locking the door, and stuttering explains exactly what she’s gonna do to him. He yells a bit with open arms if he has to repeat himself a couple of times, either because she doesn’t understand his mumblings or she doesn’t get why or what he wanted. Because this is all new to him and he’s kinda nervous. But the screaming from him makes her flinch, and realise if she wants to live, or have any chance of escaping later on, she might as well do what he says. It could be worse after all, at least with her domming, she can use the power to her advantage.
When Kurt goes to annoyedly scream at her again she raises her voice “Don’t you fucking yell at me Kunkle!”
Kurt’s still mad, not sure if you guys are playing yet, shoulders heaving and lips glossy with spit, eyes dark as he watches you. But that tone did snap something in his chest.
“Now.” You take your first step towards him of the night. “You’re going to take off all your clothes and you’re going to be quick about it, or there’s going to be no treat for you later on.”
That gets Kurt to whip into action, even if you’re unsure of your own words, he doesn’t seem to notice, or maybe he’s too delusional to want to, taking off all his clothes and whimpering when you snap that that includes his underwear too. Pulling it down past his thighs and nearly falling over, as you witness his pink and strained hard on slap against his weirdly soft looking tummy. Weird because you didn’t know why you noticed or liked that detail.
You scoff as you see the small trail of pre in his dark blue underwear, snatching it from his hands and he looks at you like a frightened animal. “Dirty boy. You gonna cum just from looking at me? Pathetic. What’s all that from anyway?”
“I... mmm- I was touchin’ myself, when you were knocked out earlier...” Kurt admits almost in a dream like stance, whether it’s from knowing you’d be mad or his reminiscing you couldn’t quite tell under those hooded eyes. You shoved the dirty underwear into his chest, pushing him back onto his bed. “Very bad of you Kurtie.” You tell him as you climb onto just his thighs, hating the way that he bites his lip in an innocent whimper makes your stomach flip. But then his hands reach for the back of your thighs and you test the waters with one light slap to his cheek, not wanting him to think he can touch you in any way. “Don’t be a naughty boy.” Only you get to touch him first.
Kurt doesn’t seem to really appreciate the slap, and you decide to play it a bit safer, being allowed to dom being a silver lining here, but those words make Kurt’s mouth fall open in a wet ‘o’ shape, and when a breathy high pitched moan leaves his lips seconds after, you fight the urge to roll your eyes.
She’d probably try and see if she could get away with just dry humping at first. Kurt is almost definitely a virgin, so even that would be a lot for him. She climbs onto his bulge, maybe fully clothed if she’d distracted him enough, or Kurt gets bossy underneath, eyes dark and nails gripping into your thighs, only painfully releasing in a sigh once you listen to him and strip down to your underwear, Kurt letting hsinelf relax and have you take the reigns again. Although don’t be fooled, Kurt still has control. He’s the one who kidnapped you after all. And you have no idea where you are, and Kurt’s probably stronger than you too.
You start shifting yourself against his cock, the outline of your cunt stark against your panties, and even the sight makes Kurt’s head fall back with a groan, never mind the fact he can feel you just about surrounding his shaft.
You start to pick up the speed a bit, gaining some sort of rhythm, unlike what Kurt would have had if he’d been on top of you. Hopefully if you get him to cum quick enough, which shouldn’t be hard, you can get this over with. Your hands are settled on your thighs, grasping them in order to control the contorted expression of pleasure that is trying to breach your face, as from this angle you’re rubbing your clit against his cock with each thrust. But Kurt’s hands move to your own, soft in their touch but firm in their grasp, bringing them to either side of his chest, just a bit under his armpits, to force you to hold him instead, a bossy look in his eyes.
You slow down a little, but only to give a long, hard and slow drag up his dick, causing him to cry out and move under you, pinned by your hands around his ribs. “Such a little brat. Huh?”
“Y-Yes.” Kurt moans out, even though you were degrading him. Clearly he liked that, or maybe he’d like anything from you.
Now your body starts to run on its own, and it’s as if your brain has been tricked that this is just some guy you’re screwing around with, and not your captor, because your hands go to squeeze his chest of their own volition, and without Kurt telling you to do so, as you pick up the speed dry humping his stiff cock again. With Kurt’s wheezing and whining getting louder.
His cock is leaking against the front of your panties and your tummy, so much of it coming out you could almost think it was cum, and as the wet spot shifted against your clit in a few long strokes, it made a shaky moan leave your body, gripping onto Kurt’s tighter as your own body trembled once hard in excitement.
This only got Kurt to get more excited in turn, holding closer to the back of your thighs and trying to move them whilst also shifting under you, but you were more in control. Your thrusts did the most work against his painfully erect cock, his only need to touch and hump into you desperately. Which you caught onto. “So desperate huh? Desperate for me? Gonna cum all over my panties huh? They’re ruined now because of you. Gonna cum Kurt?”
He nodded fast. And with that Kurt painted your entire clothed pussy, crying out as he aggressively tried to push hismelf more into you, and as you moved quicker and quicker against him, fuelling your own high and extending his orgasm.
Once Kurt had finally finished cumming your panties were soaked. But not just from his cum. Now you didn’t care what happened, Kurt couldn’t exactly tell anyone you guys slept together considering what lead up to it, and your cunt was literally throbbing with need, the heat unbearable. You only shifted your knees to the side of his leg and between his thighs, hating the way you smiled to yourself at the whine from Kurt as your knee moved dangerously fast under his crotch, to slide off your stained underwear. Quickly clambering back on top of Kurt and grinding just like you were before, except this time you were spreading your own slick against Kurt’s twitching cock, watching it come back to life and Kurt’s brown eyes light up.
“Shut up.” You told him, smushing his warm drool coated cheeks together and lightly shoving his head away, as you grasped his cock in one hand, turned on by the thick weight of it, and the way Kurt mewled under your touch. Trying not to move, trying to be good. You were both also acutely aware you were still Kurt’s hostage victim technically, and you had something so precious in your hand. It was almost more exciting that way. But all you did with it was collect your own pre, smearing the tip against your sensitive clit a couple of times, watching Kurt’s surprised face as he felt it, before sliding it inside your aching hole, moaning pleased as it finally had something to fill it. Something so warm and thick and that fit just right, something attached to Kurt Kunkle. Who was infuriatingly cute, gazing lovingly up at you like that. And you slid it inside, sitting on it with a relaxed hum for a good minute or two. If not mostly to tease Kurt.
“M-Move please.” Kurt asked, but you didn’t look at him, you were too busy getting used to this feeling. “Stop talking.” You sighed.
Kurt’s nails scratched your chest as they flipped down your bra, a tantruming look on his features. “Start moving!”
Your nails dug stingingly into his chest and he let you go with a “Ah!”, whimpering as you slowly leaned down, and did something he wasn’t expecting, you kissed his nipple. “Only good boys get this pretty pussy. Are you gonna be a good boy for me? Or are you gonna be silly and not let yourself cum inside me.”
That turned things back around for Kurt quick. He soothed over your chest with soft palms, coming to undo your clasp but he kept his pleading shiny eyes on you as he did so, as if showing he was technically asking permission in this way, and you just let him, let him take off your bra and throw it into one of his open drawers. “I’m good. I promise. ‘M your good boy.” He said, earnestly quiet.
“Good boy.” You quickly praised, not missing the smile that flicked onto his face as you did so.
And while you fucked him, hearing a myriad of his pleasured and surprised noises babbling from under him, you leant down to give his lips a sweet peck. Unsure what inside you made you want to do so. His lips were puffy and wet, and somehow sweet favoured, even with some small sweat on his upper lip. But you still continued to kiss him. And that’s when Kurt filled you up with his own seed. Your orgasm quickly following as you milked it out of him, bouncing down on his hips and using him as if he was a warm breathing sex toy.
But he wasn’t. Kurt was something else. Your kidnapper? Your lover? You don’t know and neither does Kurt. But you have a feeling if you stop this dominant role in your little game, he’s going to decide for you.
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onewomancitadel · 2 years
It's actually very interesting that even if the narrrative roles are superficially flipped, female villain/male hero really does not often play out the same way female hero/male villain does and definitely does not come with the same flavour - though generally speaking the association of villainy with sexuality holds true, in the case of heroines that's usually from a positive perspective of discovery and let's say - broadly - there is a bit of that 'controlled slut' vibe with a female villain; so female villains, I would generally say, don't lean to a very feminist interpretation in fandom
I have sadly encountered this in the characterisation of Knightfall - superficial readings which don't interest me - and really don't emphasise either character being 'real', just party to some sexual fantasy.
Ofc you do get that with heroine/villain pairings, Dark Fuck Prince, bossy dom type stuff, and that's anathema to me too and I hate it lol. I can't really say 'no offense' here, can I, since I already sound quite mean and dismissive. Oh well. I am, unfortunately, a joykiller - and 'fun' for me is being exactingly precise, so I can't really leave people to their 'fun', though, yes, I know, we shippers often encounter unwarranted criticism for harmless delights; in this case I am unfortunately somewhat of a traitor.
Though circling back around to the first point of this post, I think this is partly why the heroine/villain crowd don't actually generally crossover with the hero/villainess crowd, in part archetypical priming, in part because they don't read as the same thing, in part because it's not necessarily the same power fantasy - and is part of why I'd never personally recommend Knightfall to other Reylos, say. Though I also wouldn't do that because very few ETL ships recommended to me read as similar to the Reylo I enjoy, and it's apparent that we don't all get the same things from the same ship. Though I do think what makes Knightfall a bit more distinct is that Cinder is a villain protagonist, and is not merely narratively ancilliary or there to cause mayhem, so she and Jaune are pretty much narrative equals and there's a bit of fucky (and structurally interesting) stuff going on there.
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noocturnalchild · 4 years
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One shot for our favorire detective Flip Zimmerman x reader ! 
Warning : Smut , NSFW, Sub!reader 
“Hey you”
He threw his keys and cigarette packet on the table and clicked his boots towards you, as you busied yourself in his kitchen. He lifted the pot’s cover and inhaled the scent of the stew you were making. It was really not much. He said nothing, as was his habit, but you could tell from his nostrils flaring and the tiny smile that graced his lips that he was content.
“Hey” you shyly replied.
You liked him coming home to you putting yourself to use. It was the least you could do.
A couple months ago, Flip fished you out from a pretty shitty situation and shittier life you didn’t want to recall anymore. He offered you to stay with him till you figured your life out and you accepted, right away. Mere months that seemed like eons ago, and you were more than grateful for him, for that big sassy grump, cladded in his eternal plaid flannels.
“Bedroom is off limits” he said the first time you set foot in his house, with a serious look and a more serious tone, and you just nodded, apprehensive, but then he compensated, made sure you were more than comfortable in the guest room that became yours,  bought you new curtains, put in the trash the old gloomy pieces and replaced them with light and pretty ones, made sure to fix them himself. You thanked him more than necessary that day, and he just hummed.
Flip was bossy and secretive as fuck, always chain-smoking, everywhere, outside, in his pick-up, inside the house, his living room, the kitchen, his bedroom, everywhere, chewing on the stick of a cigarette and frowning at some documents that he always kept away from your curious glances.
“Go play away, girl” he would say, frowning even more as you pouted, just to smile when you turned your back to him, doing just what he asked, playing away.
You liked to keep his house tidy. He had little furniture, just the functional stuff, but you managed to insert, here and there, glasses full of flowers you picked up on the sidewalks, arranging them in what you thought were pretty bouquets and putting them in his large glasses, displaying them in the kitchen and the living room. He never commented, eyeing the things and walking around, frowning at his documents and cigarettes.
His place was warmer since you got to stay with him, he came to a nice dinner every night and the house smelled better, he noticed it all, but refrained from saying shit about it, ignoring the good changes, afraid of getting used to them just to lose it all in the coming months. He knew you were temporary here, and he hated to think about the day you were going to announce that you’d found a decent job that would allow you to pay rent and live by your own means. He actually dreaded the whole thing, mildly panicking every time he saw you, leaning over some newspaper, circling the job announcements you found interesting, just to breathe out of relief every time you came home disgusted, bitching about how awful the boss was or the dirty places you went to or just something. He would cheer you up halfheartedly and go out smoking.
“Well, there’s always tomorrows y/n”
And you always smiled at that.
As big a man as he was, He still wasn’t comfortable around you, when you slid closer to him, you both on the couch, casually watching the baseball games on Saturday nights. Or when he bumped into you in the bathroom, in your sleep clothes, and tried not to stare too long at your tits, obviously free from any constraints under those thin sleep shirts you liked to wear.
Sometimes he felt sick of himself, thinking of you in ways he shouldn’t, so he just kept keeping his distances, closing himself off, as you kept being good to him, always cheerful and happy around him, like a bee, his little bee.
Often, he came home very late, tired, exhausted. He let himself black out on the couch and when you woke up, late at night, to drink some water or go to the bathroom and you saw him all crumpled on himself on the couch, you made sure to take off his boots and cover him carefully. That, he knew. You also tucked away rebel hair strands off his eyes and watched him snore for a while, and smiled to the rare peaceful face he made when asleep, and of course, this, he would never know.
You knew he worked hard, you knew that he was like he was because of it. All the horror of crimes, all sort of wicked fuckers he dealt with everyday, the interrogatories, the stress, the anger and the nerves of his fucking job, the guns and the hematomas on dead corpses. Photographs, hundreds of them between his folders, hours and days of collecting evidence and sometimes pursuing false tracks, and you would expect him to come home to you with a fucking smile plastered on his face? Of course not, and if you were there, you better make yourself useful and alleviate some of this burden, and not expect a single thank you in return.
That night too, Flip came in late, very late, and collapsed on his couch, boots and jacket on. You watched him as he started snoring right away, brows pinched together, even in his sleep. It had been an exceptionally rough day, you concluded, and smiled to him nonetheless. You reached to free him of his leather boots, and he sighed in his slumber, burying his face under his arm. He was obviously uncomfortable, and instead of covering him as was your habit, you decided to push your luck a bit.
You whispered, close to his face, and his eyelids fluttered, selling him out. You smiled.
He ignored you but you were determined.
“Flip?” you shook his shoulder a bit and he grumbled “Come on please, go to sleep, let me take this jacket off you at least, you will be hot and bothered with it on all night” you continued, always whispering as he groaned low, tucking  his face further into his sleeves and you laughed this time.
Emboldened, you grabbed his hand and pushed him up, and it startled him, your bold move; his eyes widened, challenging you to push further.
“Don’t push your luck with me, feather weight!” he threatened you, fully awake now. But you just laughed and you saw him hide an amused smile. It was a game then.
You pushed again, two hands pulling on one big warm paw. His hand was so big, why was it so big?
“Come on Flip, please just this time” you whined, as he closed his eyes again, fully conscious.
“Please” you sang, “ it’s for your own good, you know”.
No reaction.
“I want you to have a good sleep tonight, Flip, come on” you said, softer, and he blinked, slowly opening his eyes, and this time he let you drag him off the couch. He shrugged off his jacket in one swift movement, then, docile, he let you guide him to his bedroom. It was suddenly too quiet, him just looking at you as you walked backward, hand always in his much bigger one.
You knew that his bedroom was sacred territory, but he didn’t say a thing when you didn’t stop at his door and continued to walk backward to his bed. He kept his eyes locked on yours, intense brown pupils daring you to stop, or not to. You decided to act on your instincts and kept going, holding your breath. He finally sat on the edge of his bed, and before you thought of letting go of his hand and stop the dangerous game you were both playing, he threw his big body backward, taking you down with him with little effort, making you both bounce on his mattress.  
You stayed like that for seconds, you on top of him, laid there, not daring breathe or move or speak.
Fast heartbeats and ragged breaths filled the quiet 3 am night. You didn’t move off him, you didn’t scream or run away, no, you didn’t push him away when he slowly put his arms around you, pressed you up a bit, tightly against him so your face was leveled with his. He looked at you with heavy lidded eyes, searching for something in yours, and he found it.
“Didn’t I say, bedroom. is. off. limits?” he shook you a little with each word and something in you ignited, at the deep low rumble he used to talk to you, at the veiled half threat, half promise of it.
“I… I’m sorry” you barely breathed, lips dangerously close to his, and he smirked.
“That’s it. You’re a good girl, you know that?” he whispered, nudging your nose, close, closer, too close.
Your heart wasn’t the only part of you that fluttered at his words, as you felt warmth spreading through your veins, and your body vibrated against his. He smirked again, pressing his lips to yours in a sweet and sleepy kiss. You let him, closed your eyes, then kissed him back, tentative little licks at his lips, he hummed a little and you responded with a moan.
“Hungry?” he asked. You couldn’t but nod, already feeling desire overwhelming you, wanting him to talk to you again in that tone of his, but it was his fingers that started to toy with your shirt instead. Your hands responded, rubbing and pulling on his flannel, and his muscles tensed as your lips caught fire, licking and biting and sucking at his, stopping only to catch your breath.
“Fierce little thing” he panted, reaching for your ass, patting it through the light shorts you were wearing just to pinch it hard, big hands splayed on both cheeks, squeezing hungrily as you moaned against his neck again, breath hot, burning his already excited skin.
“Flip …please”
Your hands reached for his flannel buttons, trembling fingers trying to get rid of the fucking fabric that stood in your way but he yanked your hand off and glared.
“You think you can spoil my rest, come to my room and do as you please, and get away with it like that?”
You hiccupped, frustration and hunger coiling in your stomach, pulsing in your core… This man, his voice, his tone, the look in his eyes, glistening in the dark.
“I’m sorry… please… Flip, let me” you begged, shameless, hips starting to grind against his and he groaned.
“Little bee” he puffed and rolled you on your back, looked at you as his hand reached to both your wrists trapping them up behind your head.
“Lights on, wanna see you” he let go of one hand, let you reach for the night stand, fiddle with the switch of his night-light until you managed to get it right. Dim light spread across the room, making your eyes squint a bit as he took you in, sucking on his lips when his eyes fell on your obvious hard nipples under your see-through night tee.
“See, much better. You look beautiful”
You blushed at the sudden soft tone, at the look of complete awe mixed with hunger he gave you.
“Flip.. I… I wanted this…you for so long”
“I know, doll, ain’t blind”
He dived into you, without restraint, mouth squeezing your perked buds through the thin fabric. He sucked at them, moaned into them, wetted the material, rolled his tongue, using teeth and spit as you arched your back, pushed your tits into his hot mouth, moaned high, hands both trapped in one big fist.
God, he was so hard, hard the minute he took you to bed with him. You were doing this to him, taking him out of his mind, out of his life, out of his shitty work, his shitty problems, and all the ugly things, all at once, making him feel good, so good, out of his mind.
“I thought you were…” you said when he let you catch your breath, and you bit your lip at the nerve of it.
He gave you a confused look.
“Blind” you breathed.
And his eyes turned sad and thoughtful, and he kissed your neck, slow and aching.
“Nah…” he sucked at your pulsing spot.
“I knew” another kiss.
“I know it all” another lick “want it all” a moan.
“with you”
Your body was just one tense chord, pleasure striking you, hot white heat between your thighs.
“I want you to keep doing all the pretty little things you do… those things you do for me , ya know, your little flowers and your pretty smiles, hum?”
He cupped your chin, looking at you tenderly, making you smile again, eyes fogged with happy tears as you nodded .
“Let me take these off then” you whispered, eyeing his clothes. God, he was still fully clothed, you couldn’t take it anymore.
He kissed you again, tongue battling with yours as he freed your hands that went tangling in his silky hair immediately, tousling his dark locks. You hummed in satisfaction but found little relief, so your hands fled to his flannel again, tugging it off, pulling angrily at his undershirt, sending it to the floor, not losing a second as your fingers began to unzip his jeans, freeing him of the heavy fabric before taking him in, heavy short breaths escaping your parted lips. You could swear you were drooling, as you flattened your palm on the hard planes of his abdomen, feeling the tremors and the heat of his belly, before traveling to his crotch, sensing his hot heavy cock as it pulsed with need, and you both closed your eyes for a second, reveling in the moment.
He hissed when you experimentally started to stroke him through his boxers, hazy eyes focused on your task as you sat on your knees. You pressed kisses to his stomach, flickered your tongue on his belly button, licking there, hand always working on his length, caressing his balls ghostly as he tried to control his breath, fisted your hair, played with it in his big strong hands, scratched your scalp gently, seeking your attention.
“It’s a risky game you playing down there, little bee, isn’t it?”
It was the first time you used his name like that, and you looked up, just to be met with the silver glint of a thin chain around his neck that caught your eyes. Small pretty six branch silver star decorated it.
You’d never seen him wear it, you’d never noticed it, tucked away under his shirts. It was just normal; you’d never seen him without a shirt before tonight, big shy grump that he was.
You couldn’t resist as you jumped up in his arms, pecking at his chain on his skin, peppering small kisses around it, pulling with your teeth on the silver thing, it took his breath away.
“You want me that much?” he let out a hoarse laugh, his hands were everywhere.
“Yeah… yes… I do” you buried your mouth in his chest, sucking at his nipple. Sloppy and wet.
“You don’t know what you doing to me, drooling over me like that” he panted, and his fingers wandered south, seeking your heat through your night shorts. You were embarrassingly wet, and you gasped and whined when he brushed your clit through the fabric.
“Be good to me, lay on your back”, he commanded and you obliged. You reached for your sticky tee to pull it off but he stopped you, hunched it up just under your breasts, and fisted it with one strong hand.
“No. This stays.”
He slapped one breast, making both joggle. You hiccupped again, arched your back. Round dark stains formed on the fabric around your tits, wet from his spit and your sweat and he seemed so satisfied of his doing.
With one swift movement, he yanked your shorts down with your panties, exposing your wet pussy to his prying eyes.
“Spread those pretty legs baby, let me see”
And you did.
“How do you want me?” You smiled to him, dizzy.
“Like that” he glared, ogling you.
And he splayed two fingers down your wet slit, massaging your entrance, pinching at your sensitive pink folds, rolling your clit, toying with it, making you quiver under his touch, whine and moan and drool on his sheets as your eyes rolled shut from the languid pleasure he was giving you.
His cock was painfully hard now, straining in his briefs, wanting relief. He pulled at your hand, brought it to his erection and guided it, slid it up and down. You teased his head, splaying your middle finger on the wet spot that pre cum formed on his slit, rubbing gentle circles that made him shudder.
“Fuck y/n, pull it off ..off.. fuck”
He was losing it, with the way you took his free cock in your small hand, the way you pumped it gently between your fingers, caressed the swollen veins, teased the head some more, cupped his balls, rolled them softly, moaned at just the sight of it… but god, when you sat back up and kissed it, parted those pretty lips of yours and gave it a loud kiss on the head, god, he felt it twitch, spasm, ready to burst.
“I swear to God y/n…” He barely breathed.
You smiled teasingly at him as you let yourself fall back on his pillows, and rolled your hips to remind him of his stilled fingers in your pussy. He decided to punish you a little and pushed two big fingers right in you, making you cry out. He didn’t let you recover as he started pumping them and curling them inside, in and out, fast, rough, punctuated by his ragged breaths and the slapping of skin as he fucked his cock into his fist, eyes glued to your pussy, to the sight of your hole greedily swallowing his fingers to the knuckles.
You reached for your stiff clit that needed attention, chasing an orgasm that started to creep in the pit of your belly, fire licking at your skin. He let you, spurred you on, praised you, and you moaned for him, moaned like a whore, like you never did in bed, with anyone.
“Go on baby, cum for me, cum for me here …let that tight pussy milk my fingers”
Your vision shattered, white pleasure shaking your limbs in erratic spasms as your hips jerked up and your head rolled back. He stilled his fingers, drenched in your cum, pressed them to your sweet spot, collecting some more before bringing them to his mouth, sucking them clean as he watched you coming down from your high.
You were so glad Flip was a natural secluded guy, choosing to live in a quiet sheltered place. You got only tall trees and crickets and squirrels as witnesses of your 3 am hot sex symphony.
“Good?” he asked and you nodded, catching your breath.
“Good. Now, doll, what is that you’re staring at?” he asked, voice deep, deep, as he played with his cock, teasing you.
“Your cock, sir. I’m staring at your cock” you purred.
Damn, you wanted to kill him?
“Let me hear that again” he said in his threatening tone, the one that made your insides melt again, begging for him.
“You cock, SIR.” you punctuated your last word, making his cock jump in his hand, and he squeezed the base, preventing himself from coming there and then as he decided to play with you a little longer, make you wait for it.
“Ahuh? Like what you see?” he tapped the head on your flushed pussy folds, started to gather your wetness, teasing you.
You squirmed “Yes, sir, I do”
“Want to take it?” he reached to one perked nipple, twisted it.
“Mghm.. Yeah” you pushed you hips into his cock, trying to get the tip in you, in vain. “Yeah, please, give it to me, I want your big cock, sir”. You were desperate.
“Want that fat cock?, huh, doll face?”
“Oh yeah, want it, need it, please put it in me” you mewled.
He didn’t need to hear more, grabbed your hips with two big hands, and pushed in. You both groaned from the intensity of it. The heat of it, the intimacy of it. You both reached for one another, wanting to take one another’s hand, knot your fingers together, connect, connect, connect.
“Fuck y/n… has been a while baby, you’re impossibly tight” he panted in your neck. He was impossibly thick and you were impossibly tight and it was heady, the feeling of his body flush against you, hands entwined, legs entangled, his scent invading your head, his facial hair tickling at your collarbone as he babbled, plush lips kissing every patch of skin available, lost in you, just as lost in you as you were lost in him… You whimpered and tried to push him further, deeper into you, angled your hips so your thighs were squeezing his, heels digging in his flesh, and he moved in and out of you, slow torturous motions, driving you both insane.
“Fuck Phillip, faster please…ah-“
He liked how his name sounded on your lips, and hell if he would deny you anything. He backed up a little bit and nudged his nose with yours, pressed his forehead to yours as you trapped your legs around his waist, giving him better access and you nodded.
He then started a faster rhythm, and you could hear your pussy making those obscene noises from it being fucked so good and fast and deep, balls slapping your ass, as his pubic hair scraped your clit, drowning you in pleasure and anticipation. Your nails scratched the back of his neck, your teeth nibbled at his earlobe.
He tracked your mouth and kissed you hard and rough, his silver chain batting at his chest as his hips went wild and your moans high, loud, vulgar. You didn’t care.
“Gonna fuck you so good baby doll, gonna fill you up so good, stretch that tight pussy so good” he breathed in your mouth, and you felt your second orgasm building so fast through your veins. God, you liked his cock, you liked how he moved his hips. He knew exactly what to do with you, he was one talented man, but his voice, it was just on another level, you could cum only from him talking to you like that.
“Please Phillip, just talk to me and I’ll cum”
“Ahuh? Really baby? God you killing me you know? You’re so good to me, look at yourself, taking my cock so nice, huh, Look at your pretty tits bouncing from taking my cock, pussy sucking cum outta that cock, fuck!” he rolled his hips in tight hard circles, and that was it. you spasmed under him, gasped in his mouth and he swallowed your cries in a searing kiss, as your pussy gushed around his cock, milked it, clenched around it.
“Did so good baby, yeah just like that”
He fucked you through your climax, so close now, knew it was coming, so fast and hard as his balls tightened. He pulled your legs up, hooked them on his shoulders, balanced his weight on his knees, and watched as his cock slid in and out your cunt, drenched in your cum and sweat.
He was so beautiful like that, you thought in your haze, face focused, those brows pinched together, again, but for completely different reasons this time. Locks of hair beating on his face, chain beating up his flushed chest, so beautiful as he pounded you, rammed into you, big hands manhandling you, so masculine and strong. Definition of sex.
His hips jerked, cock twitched in your pussy and he pulled out. He wanted you to see his load of cum as it burst out of his slit, jets of thick white ropes painting your belly and tits. His cock twitched and jolted again, leaking some more, until it was all over your body, hot and slick on your gleaming skin.
You splayed your fingers on your body, collected it and spread it some more on your skin, humming and buzzing in pure bliss as you watched your man recover from his high, staring at you, shaking his head in disbelief and amazement.
“Fuck baby that was… So hot” he huffed, incredulous, and you both laughed.
“Come here big man” you opened your arms for him and smiled, all teeth. He threw his big self on you, still laughing as you combed his hair with your fingers, and kissed him soft and sweet behind his ear.
“Can we go grab a bite now?” he asked after he took extra care cleaning you both up. He extended his hand, and you took it, beaming at him.
“You mean breakfast?”
“Don’t tell me…” Flip reached for his alarm clock , whistled long and incredulous when he saw the time. 5:45 am, no fucking way.
The first bird started its song outside, mocking him, and you laughed.
“What should I do with you now? keeping me awake all night huh?” He spanked your ass, playful as he grabbed for his first cigarette of the day and you rolled your eyes at him.
“Won’t be the last night, I tell you” You bit your lip as you took his hand, leading him to his kitchen.
“Ahuh, you smartass” but he smiled, kissed you again, knowing exactly that it wouldn’t.
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