simonlorden · 4 years
send me a 👀 and i’ll post a snippet of art/writing that i never got around to finishing this year (r.i.p)
(this made me realize that most of my WIPs are so early in the idea phase that I don’t even have snippets to share)
“This is your room,” said the man with the impossible hair. “I’m right across the hall. October is next to you, and August is right across from her… And of course, once Amy comes back, we’ll be living in the tower…” He seemed to hesitate. “We don’t have a guest room there, but I’m sure we’ll figure something out. If anyone gives you trouble, let me know.”
And then he left.
Jonathan sat down on the bed, and breathed.
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flintstill · 4 years
I was tagged a long ass time ago during 3 weeks of finals by @flintsredhair--thanks, Meg! 😘
rules: tag 9 people you’d like to get to know better
top 3 ships:  
Danny/Alex from London Spy. My truest pairing. Idk what it was about them but they just resonated so deeply with me. They were so different yet so fucking seen and accepted as they were by the other, and kind of saved each other. They were just what the other needed--and each really needed at the time they met. GOD they hurt. As much as the mystery conclusion of the plot was meh, the emotional one was so satisfying and validating for me. I’m sure this all probably says some kinds of things about me.
James/Miranda. Yeah it used to me FlinthamiltonS but I got and am so fucking sick of Miranda being pushed aside and invalidated that now James/Miranda themselves pushed back and pulled ahead. They were there first, and he definitely loved her and desired her sexually, and what he later had with Thomas doesn’t make that to have never happened, so 🖕
Idk if they’re an OTP, but right now I’m really into Joaquin/Kevin from Riverdale--of which I have never even seen a full episode, and have just seen their scenes from season 1. Because I’m thirsty for Joaquin (Rob Raco), and the way his biker gang member-ass looks at Kevin so sensually and softly in the little screen time he has gets my imagination going and leaves me wanting more
lipstick or chapstick: Chapstick--stay moist my friends
last song: My Spotify library is still going on shuffle from when I was working out. Adore You by Harry Styles is currently playing.
last movie: Actual movie? Probably All the Boys I’ve Loved Before (which we rewatched after the second one) on Valentine’s Day
reading: Nothing. School has killed that for me. I guess I’ve been meaning to finish Elaine Aaron’s The Highly Sensitive Person, but I havent picked it up for several months. That or The Charisma Myth on my Kindle cuz ya gurl was/is needing help in that area
Tagging: @istanstens, @gay-blasted, @sidewaystime @lycanandproud, @mshenkotrash, @buffalo-bilbo, @captain-lumberjack-fantasies, @conversationslikeminefields, and @vadered if any of you lot want to do it, as well as anyone else!
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singedsun · 4 years
For fanfic writer Friday - can you give a summary of something you're working on?
ooh. okay. I have two things in progress right now. 
One - sort of ambitiously, I’m going back through old Dragon Age one-shots I wrote for Aveline/Isabela, re-ordering them and filling in the spaces between to make it one cohesive, chaptered story. 
Two - A Critical Role fic for Jester/Yasha/Beau something something. I have this idea based on the Ceremony spell and I’ve written a bit of the ceremony itself, just trying to put the rest together.
Thanks for the question!
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yourgaydads · 4 years
flintsredhair replied to your post “i’m probably gonna dump this fic on ao3 today, but, man, it has been...”
I'll read and comment! Those of us still posting and creating should support each other!
and guilt washes over me, because i'm a lousy commenter. thank you for always being an evangelist for supporting creators. but it's really like no one's been around to even open anything, and that preceded lockdown. it’s only natural that the fandom’s shrunk rapidly over the years, but this seems precipitously inactive for ao3. i don’t know. maybe i’m starting to look at this like it’s time to dust off the fandom’s obit. (i don’t take any of this as reason to not create. nor should anyone else.)
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urcadelimabean · 6 years
@flintsredhair replied to your post: 
probably because as far as I've seen, no one's trying to justify what Jack, Eleanor, Flint, or anyone else did wrt selling slaves/profiting from slavery being a thing, whereas a lot of The Discourse around Silver is about whether or not what he did to Madi and her people was justified. The day someone tells me that Eleanor's shitty treatment of Mr. Scott or Jack's coercing Vane into helping him use slave labor is justified, I'll be angry at that person too.
I think...hm. I see what you’re saying, but to me there’s so much *silence* around what these other characters did in comparison to the sheer volume of anger at Silver, and it makes me feel like there’s tacit approval (or at least not disapproval) of their actions, and that Silver is held to a different standard. There’s also a tendency to paint many of these characters as pure and perfect, and that sure as hell erases this kind of thing.
Everyone has the right to dislike the characters they dislike, of course, and I’m not really trying to change anyone’s mind by saying this. (I’m a huge supporter of live and let live, ship and let ship!) But to me, if I was going to Cancel silver I would feel like I’d need to cancel like half the cast as well?
Anyway, that’s just my opinion. thank you (and I mean that not sarcastically!) for your comment.
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beanabouttown · 6 years
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flintsredhair replied to your post: hey, does anyone know what kind of ship this is? ...
it’s a wtf, because it looks like a brigantine but I can’t tell if the mainmast is lateen-rigged or gaff-rigged, and if this is meant to be after the 17th century, it should be gaff-rigged. also they appear to not be carrying a topsail on the mainmast which I suppose works if they’re just not under full sail but it makes the ship look damn weird
meg that's. less than helpful
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inthenighthours · 6 years
flintsredhair replied to your post: Anyone here remember my long flinthamilton...
it doesn’t have to be perfect, nothing ever, ever is, and we’ll love it regardless
my perfectionism might disagree there, but thanks! 
I’m hoping to make some significant changes with the mood and tone and deal with the consistency since some of the later stuff gets more dark/serious. But yes, and I feel like if I can do that I’ll be pleased with it. Hopefully, my will to have it finished might overpower my need for perfection there. Also my cowrite/enabler might have something to say about that too. 
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smallhorizons · 7 years
flintsredhair replied to your post “palimpsest”
*bursts in through your door* DID YOU JUST SAY SORCEROR JAMES
So. I actually first started thinking about when Silver brings it up with him, after the doldrums. Silver says that it felt as though Flint’s grief and rage had conjured that storm; that he had killed the wind and kept them in the doldrums. Silver immediately dismisses his own thoughts as crazy but I, in my love for all things supernatural-flavored, immediately went, Oh.
So yes, let’s talk about sorcerer James. Let’s talk about a James who has such a nature affinity for the sea and the storm that his very mood is reflected in the weather. Let’s talk about a James whose rage indeed conjured that storm; whose grief and loss and brokenness after Miranda’s death did indeed keep the Walrus stranded in the doldrums because he was so goddamn ready to die nature itself reflected that mindset.
Let’s talk about a Flint who is the most feared pirate captain in the West Indies not just because of his brutality, of his success, of the reign of terror he has created. Let’s talk about a Flint whose name is whispered out of fear that the sea itself will hear and spirit your words back to him. Let’s talk about a Flint who sailors claim can wrestle the very sea into submission; survivors say he stands at the helm of the Walrus and causes the wind to die out of their sails while the waves crash around them. They say that, with a word, he can cause clouds to block out the sun; can stir up a storm as easily as he stirs up passion in the hearts of his men. They whisper that he can dash a ship against the rocks with nothing more than his will. That he can conjure terrors out of the sea so profoundly vile that the very sight of them drives men mad. The Witch-King of the High Seas, they call him. The Scourge of the New World.
Let’s talk about a Flint who wields his powers in the name of the Maroon Princess; a Flint who stands on the beach, unflinchingly, as cannon-fire rains down upon him, and calls upon the land to protect them. Let’s talk about a Flint who, in his panic, cannot remember how to urge the sea to return Silver safely to the surface when he sinks below. Let’s talk about a Flint who twists strands of nothingness into a bouquet of roses for Madi because he doesn’t know how to apologize for not doing more to save him. 
Let’s talk about a James in whose footsteps flowers bloom as he makes his way towards Thomas, hardly able to believe his eyes. Let’s talk about a James who coaxes barren soil to grow crops when he and Thomas escape from Oglethorpe’s plantation. Let’s talk about a James whose magic has been twisted into something ugly and violent and wrathful learning how to be gentle again in the home he and Thomas make on the cliffs overlooking the sea.
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figmentof · 4 years
August for the writing ask game!
august: are any of your fics associated with certain genres/artists/songs/etc?
like many fic writers, i love to use song lyrics as my title but i think the fic in which i have a small playlist for would be my current fic “i’m sending a message”. Sam Tinnesz’s music pretty much sets the tone to this fic even though the fic isn’t as hopeless and angsty, but hey i like my moody music lol
ask me about my writing
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buildarocketboys · 7 years
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@flintsredhair yessss omg I keep forgetting such obvious ones
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otterjpg · 7 years
whenwearesilenced replied to your post “hey y’all super important question; what would james and thomas’...”
James' is a ginger tabby cat, totally. Come on, this man has a bunch of lives, he is soft but he is also gonna scratch your eyes out. Thomas.. I don't know :(
i can totally see james’ as a cat, esp. during that scene in s1 where he’s negotiating with gates, vane and rackham and he’s being god damn stubborn... The only bit i disagree with is the nine lives; he has wayyyy more than that in that show i swear to god its at least double.
@flintsredhair replied to your post “hey y’all super important question; what would james and thomas’...”
James' is a swan and Thomas' is a goat
I can ABSOLUTELY see thomas’ as a goat oh my god... i can’t quite explain my reasoning but yes. I also approve of a swan for James; beautiful from afar but can and will break your arm if it feels you’ve wronged it.
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flintstill · 4 years
@flintsredhair replied to your post: For SOME fucking reason I have the Latin chorus of...
do it! it's amazing how much less cluttered my head gets when I find a song to sing. 
Oh gurl, this song chose me, I don’t know where it came from and I would but I dont want to weird my roommate our by belting religious hymns 😂
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I was tagged by @frecklesandthighs. Thanks dear. much love  ♥️
1. How did you become aware of Black Sails? (like did someone recommended it to you, etc) Actually it was last year, I was browsing netflix looking for something to watch and i came across it. I remembered seeing some gifs here so i gave it a try. I was inmmediately hooked, watched two season in a binch. But then something happened in my life and i stopped watching, until this year when the few blogs i was following for bs starting talking about the end getting close. So i rewatched the two first seasons, and the rest in time to be updated for the last episode. 
2. What’s a BS character you liked right from the start? Billy Bones man. I just loved this akward tall but lethal guy that was so pissed with flint. And then obviously flint when he killed singleton. I feel in love with the bastard inmediately.
2. Where are you from? Chile. Small, very thin and long country, between “Los Andes” mountains and the pacific ocean. 
3. What’s something that makes you happy? My cats and dog. Videos of silly animals. Reading fiction. Painting. Relaxing at the river with a beer in one hand and a joint in the other.
4. What do you spend most of your money on? other tan rent? Food, comics/books, texts and materials for class, weed.
5. What’s your favorite food? Just one?, i have a ton of favorite foods. If it just one then French fries. If i can choose more: french fries (any form of cooked potatoes truly), chocolate cake, fruit smoothies, rice with fried fish, toasts with avocado, rucula salad (with boiled eggs, tomatoes, garlic and cheese), pasta, etc
6. Do you have any tattoos or piercings? Tattoos. I have 7 of them. Looking to get 2 more in the near future.
7. If you could speak any language, which one would it be? Japanese.
8. What’s something that you’re better at than most people? Remembering things, I have a very good memory. Things you think i will forget? hahaha no man, i remember. Sometimes it is like a curse.
9.  What was the last movie you watched? Was it good? The hintman’s bodyguard. Tbh no, i don’t think it is good. I didn’t like it. Ryan Reynolds character is a fuckboi, and the women in the movie are just love interests.
10. What’s a good thing that happened today? My father came visiting. We took our dog to the park (she lives with him) near my campus. Watching my dog’s face when she saw me from the car and how she started running towards me tripping in her own legs. Oh man I almost cried.
11. Do you consider yourself an empathetic person? Yes. Too empathetic sometimes.
Tagging: some mutuals from the bs family  @buildarocketboys @thefvckingwarship @flintsredhair @gaygingerpirates @scienceofdeducjohn @apostateparagons
new Q’s:
1. If you could be any character from black sails, what character will you be and why?
2. What future movies, to premiere in the few months left this year, are you waiting for to watch?
3. If you could live anywhere (real or fictional), where would that be? 
4. What is the one item of clothes that you can’t seem to stop wearing all the time?
5. If you were to become rich tomorrow, what would you do with the money?
6. Do you have pets? What are they? Names?
7. If you could have a date/meeting/talk to for a whole day with someone long dead. Who would that be?
8. What is the one thing that could make you really hate someone?
9. cliché question but, favorite food?
10. If you were made to choose between certain happiness for yourself and certain happiness for your beloved ones. What would you choose?
11. Tell us some random fact about yourself.
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yourgaydads · 5 years
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this still haunts me.
(toblerone stephington and david tennannant committing mancrimes)
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tenderflint · 7 years
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moodboard: miranda hamilton barlow
for @flintsredhair
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hamiltonthomas · 7 years
flintsredhair replied to your post “Me: I know that I liked the post, lemme just find it quickly… My...”
psst. Em. I know you like mobile but xkit has a feature where you can search your likes. it's lovely.
I know, thanks. :D I actually found it that way since I could remember a few words from the quote. It’s worse with gifsets. xD
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