#fleurmione week 2021
drabsyo · 4 years
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Fleurmione Week Day 1: “A Crush is Revealed”
Ginny and a few of the girls from Beauxbatons decide to set Fleur and Hermione up one morning.
“Do you zink our plan worked, Mademoiselle Ginevra?” 
“For the last time--it’s Ginny, just Ginny--and of course it did. It was my plan after all! Just... promise not to tell Hermione about this one, yeah?”
“Oui. As long as you promise not to tell Fleur either, of course.”
“Oh, you don’t have to ask me twice.”
Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 (AO3) / Day 6 (Fanart) | Day 7 
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fleurmioneweek · 4 years
Fleurmione Week 2021.1 has officially ended.
We want to thank all those who read, liked, kudos(ed), commented, and shared all the amazing fantastic lovely works that came out this week.
Remember even though the event is over the submissions are still being added to the collections so don't worry about submitting late!
Also, at the end of April we are going to be taking suggestions for September's Fleurmione Week 2021.2 Double Trouble. We'll keep you guys posted :)
This is the Ao3 Collection for this week:
Till the next time!
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Day 1 Art Submission by @drabsyo
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Asked my Friend if I can post his Fleurmione Video for the Fleurmione week!!❤️💙 He's a massive Fleurmione Shipper and makes videos of them! Please check him out!💝
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kamaro0917 · 4 years
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So this amazing artist @drabsyo did art to go along with the new fic I’m working on for the upcoming Fleurmione Week 2021. I’m so excited and am sending huge thanks to Drabs for being awesome and putting this together!!
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lipzlipzlipz · 4 years
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The talented @sosh022 made this for my story, I Only Have Eyes For You which I wrote for Fleurmione Week.
Thank you so much for this beautiful mood board, I love it!
Sosh is also a fantastic writer. Read her fics here
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Today is not only September 1st and time to head back to Hogwarts, but it’s @greenmegsnoham​‘s birthday! Megs is a fellow snek who is a master of many trades, so here’s a custom nameplate and a mix of recs of all her fandomy things! I first started seeing Megs around in the Rare Pairs and Drarry servers, but I didn’t get to know her until fests! She participated in a few fests I signed up for too, and then I claimed her Flintwood prompt for Quidditch Fest 2021 (aka this is what had us gushing about this ship to begin with). She was also one of the first folks to join the Wizarding Creators Den server when I first started it almost a year ago (wow, time flies!). When I heard Megs’ had a HP podcast, I was naturally intrigued, and started listening to episodes since late last summer. I joined the @careofmagicalshippers server, and well, the rest is history! If you don’t know what Care of Magical Shippers is, it’s a Harry Potter ship culture podcast where Megs and co-host Nathan dive into the when, why, and how for various ships! From OTPs to the rarest of the rare, they’ve got you covered. They’re full of giggles, but they also go into some interesting and in-depth ideas and dynamics for all the ships they discuss. Each episode I’ve listened to so far has given me something new to think about. The server community Megs has cultivated for the podcast has been a great place to meet like-minded folk too. It’s inclusive and 1000% embraces fandom etiquette to allow readers and creators to like what they like, feel safe and be their authentic selves. There’s a monthly fic club, as well as a few bingos, Ministry Mayhem (aka crack and chaos) and other creative activities for people to take part in if they fancy it. I’ve never seen a community or a podcast like CoMs before, so it’s really refreshing that Megs has taken the reigns to carve out a space that gives love to pretty much any ship you can think of (yay for all of the rare pairs, tropes and spicy things! 🌶️). It’s obvious Megs is passionate about what she does, and she genuinely appreciates all the people who make up fandom (readers, mods, reccers and creators alike). It shows in the way she screams about a lot people’s creations, shares all of the creator events she knows about, and just the general hype she creates about so many different ships is something you want to join in on. Not to mention, she’s not afraid to be goofy or geeky. We absolutely need more of that humour, especially during such a weird time right now. If you’re looking for new ships to explore or want to see what the CoMs podcast is all about, here are some episodes to dive into: 🎙️ >>> Hey, Linny! You’re so fine! (Luna Lovegood/Ginny Weasley)
Summary: This week we are diving into some femslash! It’s Linny week!! Ginny and Luna make SUCH a beautiful couple and so much in canon supports this ship. Join us as we take a look at the ins and outs of this lovely pairing! (and there may be more singing and definitely excess giggles) This was my first episode I listened to! I really loved how deep Megs and Nathan get when it comes to how their families and general pasts would affect who Ginny and Luna become as people. Also after surviving a war, these two have such a potential to balance each other out because of the genuine trust and honesty they already have as friends, which is wonderful for something more. 🎤 >>> We Fancy Fleurmione 🌸📚 w/ Danni (Hermione Granger/Fleur Delacour)
Summary: This week is all about the Lady Things™ with our special guest, Danni (@danpuff-ao3!) What if Hermione went to the ball with Fleur instead of Krum? Or they do both become advocates post-war for magical creatures, including Veela rights? What better duo than two strong, underestimated women? Sorry, Bill. Sorry, Ron. These ladies were made for each other, and we’re here to tell you why and how!
What a hilarious episode! But also, Megs, Nathan and Danni shine an amazing light on how Hermione and Fleur can bring the best out of each other with their determination and their strengths. They are more than just women. They’re capable women who strive for what they want, who come from different backgrounds where they can learn and benefit from each other, and they’re more than what people stereotype them as (ie. beauty or brains, or whatever else). 🎙️ >>> Flintwood: 🪨 + 🪵 = 🔥 (Marcus Flint/Oliver Wood)
Summary: What happens when Flint meets Wood?? You get FIRE!!! This episode is all about Megs and Nathan’s BestieTP, Flintwood! The ultimate Rivals to Lovers!!
This episode is here, not just because Megs and I have screamed bonded over Flintwood so much, but because there is some good emotional and deep content discussed that we normally wouldn’t pick up right away when we see these two together...until folks dig into all the fic, characterisations and possible backstories that exist. Yes, Marcus and Oliver can get physical, rough and rowdy, and there is so much tension between them, but there are so many reasons why (aka denial of feelings). They may have different personalities, but they’re two sides of the same coin. One of my fav episodes so far. 🎤 >>> Versy Weasley, Lover of Wood 👓🪵 w/ Geoff (Percy Weasley/Oliver Wood)
Summary: Perciver is the ship of choice the week, and the perfect Nerd x Jock pairing! Megs and Nathan are joined again in this episode by Geoff (aka DreamQuaffle)! Fantastic Percy-centric discussion to be had, lots of giggles (obviously), and features ANOTHER fire of a fic by Geoff! Get ready for the SPICE!
I loved how silly this episode was! Yes, I am a Perciver shipper, but what I really appreciate about this episode is how Megs, Nathan and Geoff go more into Percy’s characterisation, how Oliver complements him (and vice versa), and the potential of both of them being on the neurodivergent spectrum. It really does make sense when it comes they’re fanatical and sometimes over-zealous tendencies about anything they’re super passionate about (like each other). If Megs wasn’t already busy enough with the podcast, she’s also a fest mod! She ran @hpshipuary, a daily ship challenge, this past February and she is currently modding @hpcestfest (claiming is still open until Sept. 9th) and @hpfacultyfest (which is still open for claiming, and works start posting today). She does all the graphic design work for everything listed above, she’s an artist (check out her art) AND she writes fic! I have no idea how she has time to do all of these things, but gods, I am so impressed. Honestly, I think Megs must have some ridiculous superpowers to juggle everything. Amazzzing.
If you want new fic reading, make sure to check out these Megs’ fics (especially if you like smut and/or ships that include Harry): 💞 >>> Scarred (Harry/Bill, E, 13.6k, mind the tags)
Summary: Harry can't escape the press, the fans. His dreams as an Auror shattered, relationships near impossible, Harry finds himself trapped in a life he cannot live. If only someone could set him free. 
I had no idea I needed this ship until I read this?! Gosh, soulmates and the amount of feelings this fic has is pretty mind-blowing. So I’m usually not one for infidelity fics, but this one just worked. It reminded me of my uni days where many people (myself included) were told to find someone ASAP to live happily ever after, and sometimes, that’s not how life works. Sometimes, you do need to go with your gut feeling, and this is what this story embraces. Also, Bill is just hot in this. I gotcha, Harry. I see what you see. ❤️ >>> I’m not broken (Drarry, T, 455)
Summary: Draco should want to have sex with his boyfriend...shouldn't he? 
Oh, this is gorgeous. This fic captures such a vulnerable and important moment for Draco, and anyone else who identifies as ace. We’re always told about love and sex and how they need to be linked together, but that’s not the case! You can love someone like Draco loves Harry, and sex doesn’t need to part of it. Also, there’s more than relationships than sex (as well as a whole spectrum of attraction and other things in between). 🧹 >>> Yes, Daddy (Scorpius/Harry, E, 11.5k, mind the tags)
Summary: Scorpius loves his Daddy. But no one knows. Not even Harry. Especially not his father.
OKAY. I usually don’t seek out fic with age difference, breeding or daddy kinks much, but I have to say, this was smokin’, and it’s a fic that’s hard not to re-read or think about. There’s humour, and I adore Al and Scorpius’ friendship. Not onlt that, but damn, the smut makes you sweat 🥵 and goes to a whole new level. Megs worked some magic with this one, since you know, I’m cool with reading more fics with these kinks now. But also, Harry and Scorpius are actually just so tender with each other. And Draco is dramatic as usual, what else is new? 🤣 💼 >>> It’s Yours (Neville/Percy, E, 3k, mind the tags)
Summary: Neville's interview for Percy's secretary takes a very interesting turn...
Sooo, this one doesn’t have Harry in it, but if you like Top!Percy, praise kink, power play and boss/employee dynamics, this is the fic for you. Also, Megs pointed out there needs to stories where Percy’s taking the lead. I agree, and she’s making it happen. I don’t know what the hell it is, but Percy not only being in control in the office but when it comes to sex is very appealing. And seeing this from his perspective, which shows what motivates him to do the things he does and to get what he wants, and Neville just handing all of that over...yes. There 10000% needs to be more of these two! You can find more of Megs’ work on AO3. Make sure to leave kudos and comments to show appreciation for all of her fandom contributions. Megs, thanks for being you, for making CoMs exist, and for sharing all the love for all the ships. Things would not be the same without you around. Have a fantastic day!
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priory · 4 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Fleur Delacour/Hermione Granger Additional Tags: FW2021.1 Summary:
Hermione feels some kind of way when she's around Fleur but she's having a hard time figuring it out
(prompt: jealousy for fleurmione week 2021)
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drabsyo · 3 years
What were some of your favorite fleurmione week fics? Any recommendations? (I didn't realize it was a thing until today and there are over forty stories.)
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More Fleurmione fic recs here: Pt1 | Pt2 ✨💖💙📚
Dance Avec la Vie by Sosh_022 (Day 2: Dancing)
(Listen. Listen. Listen. This is on a whole other level. It gives you an intimate look to a ballerina's life except—and are you ready? It's through the eyes of Hermione Granger, herself. But listen, that isn't even the best part. The best part? She'll fall in love with Fleur Delacour, who is also a badass ballerina like her. If you can't already tell, I'm swooning.)
Summary: In 2016, New York City Ballet performed a total of 58 ballets. Not one was choreographed by a woman. | "Classical ballet is all about women and the female form, but it is controlled by men." | "As a dancer you see a lot of male duets but you don't see female duets very often. We can't lift each other above our heads but maybe we can partner each other a little bit more." | Or, two ballerinas dance together and spark a revolution.
Lights, Camera, Action! (Are We Canon Yet?) by Sosh_022 (Day 1: A Crush is Revealed)
(Cuteness overload. Couldn't stop grinning the entire time. And Fleur calling Hermione 'wifey'—hello??? Why isn't anyone talking about this???)
Summary: Fleur guest stars on a TV show that Hermione stars in.
Just Gals Being Pals by DisasterLesbean (Day 6: Babies)
(A well and truly delightful read. Fleur and Hermione just constantly skirting around each other, everyone knows we can never get enough of that. Bonus points if the brightest witch of her age is a little bit oblivious to that fact herself...)
Summary: “If you’ll sign here for guardianship.” The wizard gestures to a line. Fleur’s hand shakes as she lifts her wand to the line. “You as well, madam.” Hermione turns her empty gaze towards him. | “Me?” Hermione exclaims. | “They specifically listed the both of you as Josephine’s guardians." | The baby in question is chewing on the wizard’s hair.
I Only Have Eyes For You by lipeviez (Day 2: Dancing)
(Don't touch me. Don't look at me. Don't even breathe in my direction. This one HURTS. I love it.)
Summary: A dance introduces Hermione to possibilities she didn’t know existed, possibilities she didn’t know she wanted, but there’s nothing to be done when the source of those possibilities has just married someone else. | A prequel to You’ll Lose A Good Thing.
Mutually Assured Attraction by lipeviez (Day 1: A Crush is Revealed)
(Because you'll need something fluffy to combat the pain from the one before this. And nothing says fluff than teaching the person you want to date how to ride a motorcycle! Ya know... if Hermione manages to in the first place.)
Summary: Hermione Granger gets roped into giving motorcycle lessons to Fleur Delacour, and wants to ask her out, but very well may die before she gets to.
As You Wish by Kamaro0917 (Covers most prompts)
(Fleurmione As You Wish AU. Need I say more? This one is also a multi-chapter, completed story! Yay!)
Summary: There was a time when she dreamed of finding true love, being swept off her feet, and riding off into the sunset toward her happily ever after. She grew out of that mindset long ago. The idea of marrying for love was just a dream for fools to cling to, and Fleur Delacour was no fool. | Everything changed when the new farmhand showed up.
Neighbors by lipeviez (Day 3: Jealousy)
(The tension in this one is through the roof. No, not because they're neighbors—or wait, actually, you know what? Never mind. That's definitely it. Rated E!)
Summary: Hermione’s flat has windows that face the windows of a flat in the building next door. This wouldn’t be a problem except for the fact that Hermione can’t stop watching her neighbor. Oh, and her neighbor might just like her watching.
What We Are: Fleurmione Week Sneak Peeks by cationix, waxwing_Saint (Covers all prompts)
(THIS one is incredible. I smell a Fleurmione classic incoming. This is the BIG ONE.)
Summary: For Fleurmione Week March 2021, we're posting teasers from our Big Damn Project: | The Triwizard Tournament brought them together with a mysterious pull of attraction. Hermione wants answers but Fleur is willing to fight fate until it kills her. With a war going on--Fleur on the front lines and Hermione hunting for fragments of Voldemort’s soul--will they accept their destiny, or are they doomed to become a cautionary tale?
Once Upon a Time in New York City by drabbles (Day 6: Babies)
(Okay this one is just my measly attempt at writing a fanfiction for this fandom lmao because for some reason, Robert from the film reminds me so much of Hermione! Also, Disney Princess Fleur breathing whimsy into Hermione's colorless city life.)
Summary: When Hermione Granger and her six year old daughter moved to New York, she already had both their lives planned out. She would finally settle down with someone, give Rose the proper family life she deserved, and win as many cases as her law firm would allow. However, things take a whimsical turn when a strange Frenchwoman crashes into their lives, making Hermione question the true meaning of happiness and eventually, love. Or... the Fleurmione Enchanted AU.
I haven't been able to read everyone's contributions yet, but please I hope you take the time to read everyone's stories. Everyone's worked so hard during Fleurmione week, we're all just so lucky to have many talented writers for our rare pair 💖📚💙
And as always, I hope you enjoy reading! Please feel free to leave more fic recs on my ask box in case I missed any of your favorites, which I probably have! 🥺🥺💖
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kamaro0917 · 4 years
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Fleurmione week is here! Shout out to @drabsyo for this freaking amazing art to accompany my fic! She’s also posting her own works for Fleurmione week so bop over and share the love and support!
And be sure to check out other artists/writers who are submitting works in homage to our favorite useless magical lesbians.
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kamaro0917 · 4 years
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Thanks @sosh022 for putting this together to go with As You Wish!
Also, Fleurmione week is in full swing! We’ve seen crushes revealed, dancing, and a bit of jealousy! Can’t wait to see what happens when drinking games and beds are involved...
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fleurmioneweek · 4 years
Day 6: Fleurmione Babies
*cue organizers running around, screaming about babies for an hour*
No, but seriously, we get pretty excited about babies over here. Especially when they're Fleur and Hermione's babies. It doesn't matter if they're lovingly adopted, genetically theirs, or if they're fur babies - we're excited for all the Fleurmione babies.
Thankfully, we have a day this week dedicated to Babies and all their glory. Welcome to Day 6: Babies!
"Just Gals Being Pals" - DisasterLesbean
"No Coffee, More Problems" - fuzzy_logic9
"Treasures" - CelticOffspring
"We have a family" - CluelessLemon
"Day 6: Fleurmione Babies" - Ayexev
"The lights in my sky" - LazuliEva
"What We Are: Day 6" - cationix, waxwing_Saint
"A little bird told me" - Kinococha
Essays from a not Not-Mother, Mother - Psycholgical_Top
Once upon a time - Drabsyo
As you wish: Chapter 5 - Kamaro0917
"Day 6 - Fleurmione Babies" - genesiswingz
"Day 6: Fleurmione Babies" - Tekturna
"Day 6: Fleurmione Babies" - drabsyo
Don't worry about submitting your works late! We will always add them to these collections if you tell us or if we see your work!
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fleurmioneweek · 4 years
Day 7: Free
When we agreed that this day would be free to let our content creators add in their own little flavor to the week we got a bunch of variety! From Tour de France to Ancient Greece. Fleurmione is shining in all these universes. It just shows how our creative mind works with our favorite duo in vastly different periods and locales.
Let's all brace ourselves as we dive into the minds of our creators and explore Day 7!
"Ride With Me" - fuzzy_logic9
"As You Wish" - Kamaro0917
"Of Gods, Kings, and Men" - Sosh_022
"Take a coffee with me" - Kinococha
"The Ménage à Trois Solution" - Hermione_Stranger
"Spring Exchanges" - CelticOffspring
What we are: Day 7 - cationix, waxwing_Saint
"Day 7 - Free Day (Marriage)" - genesiswingz
Remember the organizers are still accepting all the work you are all willing to make for this event. We love y'all and have a great day :)
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lipzlipzlipz · 4 years
Fleurmione Week 2021.1, Day 3: Jealousy
In the beginning, Hermione made peace with watching from afar and would smile and laugh at the romantic escapades of her neighbor, viewing it as living vicariously through her. She admired her free spirit and zest for life. Hermione also made it a game of watching Fleur’s body language, discerning whether the blonde was looking forward to the date or only mildly interested, telling herself she didn’t care one way or the other. If her chest tightened when Fleur’s interest appeared high, Hermione chalked it up to a bit of indigestion. On the infrequent occasion things took an intimate turn, like heavy making out or an escalation to bedroom activities, Hermione would discreetly close her windows and blinds, and ignore how her indigestion burned even hotter.
So what if she had begun glaring at the men who arrived to pick Fleur up? So what if she found every one of them lacking? She didn’t have feelings. None whatsoever. That teenage crush was long gone. And it wasn’t as if Hermione was a homebody. She still went out with her friends and went out on a few dates with people Ginny set her up with; she’d even gone home with one of them. Her love life might not be as exciting as Fleur’s but she thought she was doing all right.
But then, one night six weeks after she moved in, Fleur’s date was a woman. And Hermione’s indigestion turned into heartburn.
Read here for the rest
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lipzlipzlipz · 4 years
Fleurmione Week 2021.1 is here!
Here’s my Day 1
Hermione paced along the sidewalk in front of a muggle café, waiting, wiping her sweaty hands on her jeans. Today was the day. Today was the day she would finally ask Fleur Delacour out. She would do it as soon as the woman arrived, point to the café Fleur had once told her about as a favorite haunt and where Hermione had asked the woman to meet her, and smile her most charming smile. She could do this. Right?
Click link above to read more
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lipzlipzlipz · 4 years
Fleurmione Week 2021.1, Day 2: Dancing
It was an up-tempo song. She could handle this. She could dance with a girl who she had always found intimidating. Hermione nodded and placed her hand in Fleur’s. A tingle shot through her hand and up her arm, and Hermione thought nothing of it at first but when she looked up at the blonde, the older witch seemed surprised and then shook her head as if to dismiss something. Whatever it was, it was gone and the Frenchwoman’s kind smile returned as she drew her out onto the dancefloor. For a few seconds of awkwardness, they bobbed their heads and bounced their shoulders to the beat until Fleur bravely put her hands on Hermione’s waist and pulled her closer.
Read here for more
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drabsyo · 3 years
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Fleurmione Week 2021.2: Day 7
Free Day: _"I'm here to save you! Wait--what is SHE doing here?!" _or that one scene in Incredibles
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