#fleur takes after her grandmothers a lot.
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hollowed-theory-hall · 7 months ago
I saw your wand post and now I can't stop thinking about how veela hair works in a wand. Probably affected by the relative of that veela being the weilder. But veelas are close enough to wizards/muggles to seamlessly interbreed.
Do wizards/muggles have bits that can be used in spells wands potions???? What.
Ohh, this is a fascinating subject and my honest ansear is a resounding YES.
See, anything that has magic in some capacity can be a wand core. Wizards are easy to explain, but even muggles have magic in them (discussed here, and here), latent and dormant magic, but magic nonetheless. Ollivanders says himself the three wand cores he uses aren't the only ones that work, just the most reliable ones:
Early in my career, as I watched my wandmaker father wrestling with substandard wand core materials such as kelpie hair, I conceived the ambition to discover the finest cores and to work only with those when my time came to take over the family business. This I have done. After much experimentation and research, I concluded that only three substances produce wands of the quality to which I am happy to give the illustrious name of Ollivander: unicorn hair, dragon heartstring and phoenix feather. Each of these costly and rare materials has its own distinct properties. The following represents a short summary of my research into each of the three Supreme Cores. Readers should bear in mind that each wand is the composite of its wood, its core and the experience and nature of its owner; that tendencies of each may counterbalance or outweigh the other; so this can only be a very general overview of an immensely complex subject.
(from Pottermore)
Basically, Ollivanders is running a business, as such he wants to supply wands that people want to buy. We know Thestral hair, Horned Serpent horns, Troll whiskers, and more can all function as wand cores. Dragon scales could likely work as well, the thing is these other cores Olivanders doesn't work with fluctuate more greatly both in power and in pickiness. If he made a Thestral hair core, for example, he'd probably never sell that wand because of how picky it'll be. It's likely cores are also picky what woods they work with, and that the three cores he works with can pair with basically any wood, which allows him a lot of room to work with.
Ollivanders tells Fleur this about her wand:
“Yes,” said Mr. Ollivander, “yes, I’ve never used veela hair myself, of course. I find it makes for rather temperamental wands . . . however, to each his own, and if this suits you . . .”
(GoF, 308)
So, basically he only makes the wands that are easy to control and tend to not act on their own, are more likely to pick a wizard that comes into the shop, and are consistent in the magic they produce. And it makes sense from a business standpoint, he wants to ensure the widest variety of wizards could find suitable wands that they'll be happy with.
But it also means, hypothetically, that wizards who buy their wands from Ollivanders don't necessarily get their perfect match of a wand, since he isn't selling the core that would truly vibe with their magic. Sure, one of the three he does sell would work, and work well, but there could be a British wizard/witch out there that has an okay wand from Ollivanders that works well for what they need but if they pick up a kelpie hair wand, all of a sudden magic would flow through the wand way easier and more naturally. Idk, I think it's interesting.
I also agree with you Fleur's wand works as well as it does for her because the hair came from her grandmother, who knew and loved her. So, similarly, if you take hair from a muggle or wizard who wants to power a wand for you and whom you're related to, it could work. I think the power of these wands would fluctuate quite a bit depending on who the hair comes from. I also believe the wand's personality would be affected by the person the hair is from, so you essentially have a stick version of that person, which is a little weird to think about but could be really interesting to explore in a hypothetical scenario.
Now, because I'm thinking about it, I kinda headcanon child Fleur was really close to her grandmother and her grandmother died either around the time Fleur needed to get her wand or a bit after, and her wand was something willed to her by her grandmother and something that allows Fleur to keep her grandmother with her after she died. (I don't think we know if her grandma is alive or not, but this is now my headcanon).
As for spells and potions, we know this to be true already. I mean, a Polyjuice potion requires the hair of whoever you want to turn to. You can say it's because the potion needs the DNA, but magic doesn't exactly work like that. Not only that, but it's specifically hair and not fingernails, or any part of the person, no, it's hair.
We also see you need to bleed on the rock to enter the cave where the locket Horcrux is kept, which, again, shows human blood (magical and muggle alike) has specific magical properties spells can recognize, just like their hair. Voldemort's resurrection potion uses muggle bones, wizard flesh, and wizard blood and they clearly work.
And if we think about this from the Alchemical lens, it makes a lot of sense. In the philosophy of Alchemy, everything is alive, rocks, plants, animals, and people are all alive in the way that they have a soul, a divine magical spark also sometimes called quintessence that exists in everything. So, any component you take from nature has magic and can be used for spells or wands to various different affects depending on many different components and the context of how it's used.
(I think the use of human ingredients like human blood and bones is probably taboo and considered dark in the Wizarding World and therefore, not really done)
yes, muggle and wizard parts can be used as wand cores and spell/potion ingredients. It all depends on what you want to accomplish and if these ingredients work for what you need or if that person is one you'd get along with as the kind of team a wand and wizard create. After all, the wand will still need to choose you.
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liiilyevans · 2 years ago
Next Gen Girls
The big sister of the group
Always there to lend an ear and is the first to defend her girls when the need arises
Tries really hard not to let her cousins see her cracks (she's a lot like her dad in that way)
She teaches her little cousins (Lucy, Roxanne, and Lily) some French when they're around eight
They all end up on the floor laughing with tears in their eyes because the girls can't roll their r's well and it makes for some interesting pronunciations
She never misses a family dinner at her Grandma Molly's house
If she is not there, something is wrong
Has broken up a physical fight between her cousins before and will do it again
She is close with all the girls and doesn't really have one in particular who she's closer to
She always carves out time to talk to each of the girls and bond with them
No one dislikes Vic
They might hate her bluntness or have disagreements with her, but she does not keep receipts and all her cousins appreciate that about her
Can you say wild child?
She's the reason Bill and Fleur have grey hairs for sure
She's two years younger than Vic and they are like night and day
Dom is the life of the party and also the family's budtender though most of the parents are unaware of this
She's very chill and loves hanging out with her cousins and gossiping
This has gotten her into trouble before
Once Rose walked in on Dom talking about her latest hook up and Rose ended up not speaking to her for over two months
She is really close with Molly
These girls are twin flames, both wild to the core
They go backpacking across Europe together after they graduate Hogwarts
Dom decides to get a tattoo while she's high and it ends up getting infected
Molly takes her to a Muggle doctor and the girls end up giggling over how cute he is
Molly is the same age as Dom, but she was born first
She is supper smart but never flashes it around
Organizes monthly girl's nights for all her cousins
Not all of them end up coming and that's ok, but they know the door is always open if they want to
If they do end up coming, she makes a bunch of 'junk food' like chips and chocolate chip cookies from scratch
She takes after her grandmother when it comes to cooking and the other girls love her for it
If Dom is the budtender, Molly is the bartender
She used to work at a bar and can do all sorts of fancy tricks when pouring shots or making drinks
One night when the girls are all together, she makes a mixed drink for each of her cousins and one for her sister and names them after each of them
The definition of the cool one
She's always off on some adventure or taking some cool vacation
She is six years younger than Vic, but they're still very close
She goes to Vic whenever she needs advice on anything from love to life to her career
The younger girls adore her and think she's the best thing since baked bread
She caught them doing weed (which they stole from Dom) once at the Burrow in the twins' old room and didn't tell the adults
Instead she grabbed them water, helped them add a little concealer so they didn't look so high, and reminded them that getting high with their parents downstairs was definitely not the best idea
Then she winked and was gone
Everyone is always shocked that Ron and Hermione produced such a chill kid
She's Healer so anytime that one of the girls end up with the slightest headache they call Rose
She pretends to be annoyed but she really loves it
She's the quiet one
Not in the shy way but in the if you interrupt me again, I'll cut your head off way
A total bookworm
And swears like a sailor
She's the most reclusive of the Wotter girls
She's the one who comes to their sleepovers the least, even though her sister hosts them
It's not that she doesn't like them or the girls, she just values her peace and quiet
She's is six years younger than her sister and eight years younger than Vic
If any of the girls were going to pull up to a fight, they're bringing Lucy
She is tiny but mighty
Loudest of all the girls and definitely the most likely to accidently break something
She's the same age as Lucy, but Luce was born first
She loves the chaos that is the Burrow when all of her family members are there
Is probably the easiest of the girls to talk to and the most outgoing
Like this girl's mouth does not stop moving for a second
Are we surprised that she's really funny?
No, no one is surprised by that
She is closest with Lily, but Vic is like an older sister to her
She and Lily hang out a lot at school and once they graduate, they move in together
They definitely spend those first few years partying way too much and getting high way too often
But they grow and mature together and they're closer because of it
If you took all of Harry's bad traits and all of Ginny's bad traits and mixed them in a pot, you'd get Lily Lu
She is sarcastic and always has a comeback ready
She can also be a brat and Ginny blames Harry for that
She is the last grandchild born, three months younger than Roxanne
She has green eyes not brown, and yes, this is a hill I will die on
Loves her cousins, but can find them overbearing at times, especially Vic
When she's feeling overwhelmed, she goes to hang out with Lucy
They both appreciate the quiet and downtime
She sites the fact that she and Roxanne both have annoying older brothers as the reason they're so close
Also a wild child, but in a much more self-destructive way than Molly or Dom are
She blows through boys like they're candy, and it's especially concerning to her cousins
She's loyal though and no one is going to say a word about her family without answering to her
You can think Becky (aka @harryissuchalittleshit) for these headcanons because she asked me for them! You should send all the love her way because she is awesome!
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viola-verse · 1 month ago
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VIOLA (비올라) is a South Korean-New Zealand singer, dancer and songwriter belonging to the now disbanded Big Hit girl group LE FLEURS. She made her solo debut on the 3rd of February 2023.
Stage Name: Viola Birth Name: Viola Ha-Neul Kwon Korean Name: Kwon Ha-Neul Birthday: Dec 26, 1993 Zodiac Sign: Capricorn Height: 163cm (5 ft 3) Weight: 45 kg (101 lbs) Blood Type: O- MBTI Type: INFJ Ethnicity: Korean-New Zealand European Solo Fandom: Violettes Instagram: @/violaverse - masterlist coming soon Youtube: Viola Kwon Twitter: @/viola-verse - masterlist coming soon Weverse: @/violakwon
Viola Facts: – Viola was born in Wellington, New Zealand. – She has 3 younger brothers, twins Simon (Su-Han) & Robert (Chan - 1994), Michael (Seong-Yu - 1997), and Daisy (Mun-Hee - 2016).  – She is cousins with SEVENTEEN's Hoshi (Kwon Soonyoung). – Her dad is Korean and Mum is NZ European. – Her family moved around a lot until they moved to South Korea when she was 11. – She said in an interview that if she wasn't a kpop idol she would be a photographer or dance teacher. – She loves songwriting and said she finds it therapeutic. – She loves doing anything creative like painting, making friendship bracelets, and arts and crafts with her nieces and nephew. – She was 14 (2007) when she started as a trainee. She was under Cube Entertainment before moving to Big Hit three years later (2010) with fellow Le Fleurs member Lee Jun-Ha . – She is trained in ballet, hip-hop and contemporary dance. – She was 8 when she started playing piano and 3 when she started ballet. – She gets her name Viola from her grandmother (Violet) on her mother's side. – Is fluent in Korean and English. She can speak some Japanese but isn't confident in her ability to speak it. – She loves taking photos and is often seen with a camera in her hand when she's not working – She debuted with her group Le Fleurs on Jan 16th 2014. They disbanded after three years (Sept 09th 2017). – Despite having not been a kpop idol since her group disbanded, she has many connections in the kpop world due to working for Hybe. – She broke her ankle in April 2017 and went on hiatus. Her group disbanded 5 months later. – She is still close friends with Le Fleurs Unnies Lee Jun-Ha and Lee Su-Jo. – She is credited on two songs that she co-wrote with Suga (BTS) in their trainee days. The two have been close friends since they met in 2010. One of the songs is featured on the Le Fleurs debut album. – She's close with the BTS and TXT members. – After she finished her rehab on her ankle, Big Hit offered her a job helping train the new trainees (2018). She also helps with choreography and has worked with some of HYBE's groups, including TXT & her cousin's group SEVENTEEN. – She loves Lego and will spend hours putting together a Lego kit. – She's good friends with Hwasa (Mamamoo). There group promotions often aligned with each others so they quickly formed a friendship. – She was an athletic child and played cricket and netball in primary school. – In a poll, she was voted most biased in her group but she thinks she's the least biased. – She wanted to be an actress until she moved to South Korea and got more into KPOP. – She hates aegyo but would always give in to her fans and do it. – She loves kids and has said hopes to have a family of her own one day. – On Dec 15th Big Hit announced that Viola, after 6 years, will be making her debut as a soloist in early 2023. They are quoted saying, "After a lot of convincing, former Le Fleur's member, Viola Kwon, will be debuting as a soloist early next year. No set date has been announced yet. Please go show her lots of support."
More facts about Viola
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©️2025 @viola-verse & @dancinglikebutterflywings - Do not copy. modify and/or repost anywhere.
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saviourse · 5 years ago
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nel is a fullblooded veela from the velébit mountain range of serbia, the birthplace and largest veela clan in the world. henrie is a pureblood french witch who graduated from beauxbâtons académie of magique before meeting nel and joining the war against grindelwald. henrie worked in the l’oracle ( french ministry of magic ) under the job of caring for magical creatures. during this time nel left serbia under the orders of  wizarding federation. for years magical creatures – centaurs, giants, and even veelas were persecuted and hunted by the magical community. but after world war i things started to change. nel went to france in order to negotiate protection for the french veelas who immigrated here; and this is how she met henrie. 
nel remained in france citing her need to represent and continue negotiating protection – and ensuring protections were maintained – by the l’oracle. during this time henrie and nel began their romance. shortly after nel found herself banished from serbia for betraying the veela rule of only loving within the clan. nel never left france after that. 
henrie and nel lived in paris with the main veela clan of france, the garde veelas. paris was one of the many half-muggle, half-wizarding cities of france ( not unsimilar from england’s own tinworth, upper flagley, ottery st. catchpole, etc. ). france had it’s own few: honfleur, brantôme, louhans, nogent le roi, falaise, ornans, argentat, barjols, and paris.
veelas are one of the most fickle races. they owe no loyalty to anyone but themselves, but because they were often disloyal and ‘traitors’ it was no surprise to nel when many aided grindelwald in his search for power, promising them a place outside of hiding in serbia and other countries. he promised more than what ministries of magic were promising. 
during the years leading to grindelwald’s rise henrie became increasingly concerned with corruption within l’oracle, breakouts from the underground french prison of édras; the minister of l’oracle disappearing; and aurors caught breaking the law. in the distant past the l’oracle had been one of the darkest ministries in the world. they produced more dark wizards than any other country, and to nel and henrie, history was repeating itself.
henrie didn’t leave l’oracle until wizarding france argued against helping the muggle world during the rise of world war ii. the l’oracle cited the statue of secrecy, warning that any who are caught using magic to help the muggles will be imprisoned. henrie couldn’t believe it; so she left l’oracle. since then nel and henrie remained and paris and secretly helped the muggles in in the city. 
in-between the years, they met and english magizoologist, newt scamander, who was hunting grindelwald with the ministry of magic behind him. newt had remarked on never meeting a veela ( too secret, too hidden, and there are no books in the world about them. only word-of-mouth legends ) and nel was flattered. during grindelwald’s invasion of paris nel and henrie joined forces with him to repel the acolytes and they won.
grindelwald disappeared again, but france was not out of danger. the l’oracle was revealed to be corrupt and dark wizards were prowling more than ever. war in the muggle world was growing, too. nel and newt said their goodbyes, promising to come to his aid if he ever needed it and newt held to the promise. before the height of the wizarding and muggle war, they got married, becoming nel and henrie mladen.
the mladens were fully against l’oracle. statute of secrecy or no, they believed it was wrong for wizards and witches to be in hiding while war devastated france. paris was not safe; but the mladens frequently posed as muggles to help those in hiding and keep their citizentry safe, breaking magical rules but never being arrested because the l’oracle had fallen. it became the dark ministry again. other countries had broken off ties with them. 
newt scamander hadn’t seen the mladens for several years after his visit to paris, but nel and newt sent letters to each other once a year on the movements of dark wizards in france, the veelas, and and l’oracle’s plans. newt enjoyed the letters because, while she still didn’t dilvulge much about the veelas, each letter was a deeper peak into their world.
newt saw the mladens again in the war at nurmengard castle, austria. they did not follow l’oracle into war, preferring to remain seperate from it and entered the battle for themselves. newt scamander can vividly recall two french wizards descending on the castle, nel in her full veela form carrying henrie, both blasting away the darkness with powerful white magic. the mladens repelled several dark wizard who tried to approach nurmengard castle, and because nel was recognised for her powerful wandless magic, it didn’t long take for the acolytes torecognise that taking her out would be step closer to winning.
nel was attacked in the air by several acolytes at once and permanently injured one of her wings as she fell into the mountains, disappearing. henrie continued to hold off the dark wizards believing her wife to have died in the battle. 
after the fall of nurmengard castle and the successful capture of grindelwald and his followers, nel was found in the mountains but could never fly again. her veela days were over.
wounded and still angry at l’oracle, they returned to paris and once again posed as muggles to help rebuild the city. 
nel officially went into hiding again, preferring to masquerade as a regular witch in lieu of the veela hunts that started again in post-war france. many veela clans of europe also went back into hiding after l’oracle started seeking wizards and magical creatures who betrayed france. 
in the following years they had their only child, apolline mladen. she was the first veela of the family to attend beauxbâtons, and later on she married a french wizard by the name of etienne delacour. the mladens became the delacours. 
voldemort was gathering followers again. many french wizards once again defected or betrayed l’oracle ( the mladens still didn’t trust it after years, even with etienne delacour an auror from there ). the l’oracle still never fully recovered from the war against grindelwald, so it crumpled again easily. during the first wizarding war, nel mladen was killed by a killing curse, and henrie left paris and the l’oracle forever. even though she had left the ministry a long time ago, she remained loyal to the soul of wizarding france. she now owed no loyalty to her own country. france could fall for all she cared; beauxbâtons, too. 
nel was buried in the pére lachaise cemetery in paris.
in the later years with the birth of fleur and gabrielle the mladen-delacour family had relocated from paris to honfleur. 
the last we see of henrie mladen is when they portkeyed with their daughter, son-in-law, and youngest granddaughter to ottery st. catchpole for fleur delacour’s wedding. when the wedding was attacked by voldemort’s followers, henrie immediately returned to paris. the l’oracle had fallen again and so had england’s ministry of magic. france was returning to darkness. 
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alice-beaumont-ravenclaw · 3 years ago
Fascinating Hat
A/N #1: Here is the second fic (and last original fic) for the Summer Break Challenge of @usernoneexistent
Recommended reading: Stolen Dance | There’s Something About Alice
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Alice was leaning against the window frame, looking at the grey clouds floating above the sea and the Irish countryside. Her daily dose of rain would start soon. Weather in Ireland was boringly predictable: sun, cloudy, rain, sun. But when would that sequence of events happen, there lay the mystery. She heard the sound of the crashing waves as the sea became more active with the approach of the rain. 
She was lost in those thoughts when there was a knock on the door. Had he forgotten his key? She went to open it and who she saw surprised her.
“Andre?” she exclaimed, surprised to see her long-time friend standing on her doorstep in the middle of nowhere.
“Oh, thank Merlin, this is your house! I first went to the wrong house, and a man wearing a vest and no shirt opened the door. I nearly had a heart attack.”
Alice smirked. “Don’t see a lot of countryside fashion in New York, do you?” she said, stepping aside to let him in.
“I would not call what I saw fashion,” said Andre as he made his way to the kitchen and sat on a simple wooden chair. “Speaking of fashion,” he added, eyeing her outfit of a simple oversized cardigan worn over a t-shirt and a pair of jeans. 
“Andre, I can’t wear designer clothes in a small Irish village; I would stick out like a sore thumb!” exclaimed Alice.
“You could wear them inside the house,” replied Andre.
Alice let out a sigh of exasperation. This reminded her so much of their school days, except that she was now a grown woman who could take care of her own outfits. “Andre, if you came all the way here just to see how I dress in the countryside, you have your answer and can now leave.”
Andre raised his hand in self-defence. “I’m sorry. Old habits die hard, I guess. I just really miss dressing you.”
Alice sat down in front of him, her cheek resting in her hand. “I’ll admit I do miss wearing my fancier clothes.”
“If you miss the fancier lifestyle, why don’t you just come back to New York? You’d be just as safe there as you are over here. You can’t honestly tell me you enjoy spending your time here, in the middle of nowhere,” he said, looking at his humble surroundings.
“While this is not the Ritz, I still have great childhood memories here. I used to come here with my grandmother when I went to live with her after Jacob’s disappearance,” reminisced Alice.
“Come on, even with childhood memories, after having lived in Tokyo, this must feel like a complete change. Unless…”
Alice stared at him, narrowing her eyes.
Andre met her gaze with a smirk. “Unless this reminds you a bit of your time in Romania?”
Alice looked away. “How do you—”
“I still talk to him, you know. He didn’t tell me anything but that Tokyo Tower snowglobe… Let’s just say him trying to hide it quickly confirmed my suspicions.”
Alice looked back at Andre. “So, you saw that snowglobe? Is that how Barnaby…?”
“No, but I think Catherine let it slip. Unlike Malkia and Usagi, she can’t resist his puppy dog eyes.”
“Neither can I…” said Alice, sighing. “Anyway, why are you here exactly?”
“Right! We were so busy reminiscing, I forgot to tell you,” said Andre as he took out an envelope from a pocket inside his jacket. “You are invited to Bill and Fleur’s wedding.”
A tense smile appeared on Alice’s face. “That’s very nice of them, but I’m not sure it’s a good idea. With Voldemort’s followers acting out now that everybody knows he has returned, I don’t want to risk it. I may not be their main target, but I’m not their favourite person either.”
“Oh, come on. I’m not asking you to walk the streets of London. It’s just a wedding at The Burrows. Since Harry Potter will be there, there’s probably going to be dozens of Aurors, including your favourite Metamorphmagus…”
“I don’t know.”
“Fleur really insisted for you to be there. She already sees you as her future sister-in-law,” said Andre, an ever-so-subtle sly smile appearing on his face.
Alice glared at him. “Don’t go there.”
Andre shrugged. “I just meant that Bill sees you as his little sister.”
“Sure you did.”
“Anyway, I might have something to convince you,” he said, taking a paper from his pocket and placing it on the table.
Alice looked down at the paper. “Is that… a sketch?”
“Your wedding outfit!”
“You’ve drawn a sketch before even knowing if I would accept the invitation?”
“I wanted to come prepared.”
Alice chuckled as she pulled the paper toward her. “It’s really great, as always. But I’m not wearing that hat,” she said, pointing at something on the paper.
“It’s not a hat; it’s a fascinator.”
“Fascinating. But I’m still not wearing it. And I’m not even sure I’ll come anyway.”
“You wouldn’t want to disappoint Bill, or any other member of the Weasley family, now, would you?”
“Andre…” warned Alice.
“I meant Molly and Arthur. You haven’t seen them in a while.”
“True,” she said, leaning back in her chair. “But I don’t know. I would have to ask—”
At that moment, there was another knock on the door. Alice went to open it, and when she returned to the kitchen, a tall, handsome man with chestnut hair and green eyes was following her.
“I was so excited to go feed and pet the neighbour’s sheep; I forgot my—” the man was explaining when he saw Andre.
“Hey, Barnaby,” said Andre, waving to his former schoolmate and Alice’s current boyfriend. He couldn’t deny that, standing next to each other, Alice and Barnaby looked like a power couple, even when dressed in countryside outfits. But even if they looked picture-perfect, he knew all too well who was Alice’s perfect match.
“Oh, hey Andre, what are you doing here?” asked Barnaby.
Andre took one of the invitations. “You two have been invited to Bill’s wedding.”
“A wedding! I love weddings!” exclaimed Barnaby.
“But Alice isn’t sure she wants to go,” said Andre, pouting.
Barnaby turned to Alice with sadness in his eyes. “Why not?”
“I don’t know… I’m afraid it might be too risky.”
“Please, Alice, seeing the gang again would be so much fun. And I’ll be there to protect you,” he said, pleading.
She looked into his green eyes. How could she say no to those puppy-dog eyes? She kissed him on the cheek. “Alright, we’ll go.”
Barnaby gave her a big hug before giving her a quick peck on the lips. “Great! Oh, I wonder if my bowtruckle suit still fits me!” he said, running off to the bedroom.
“His bowtruckle suit? Does he mean the one he wore at the Celestial Ball?” asked Andre.
Alice nodded. 
“I don’t see how a suit he wore when he was 15 would still fit him.” Andre sighed. “I guess I’ll have to use my magic. After that, I’ll get to do your outfit,” he said with a smile.
“I’m still not wearing that hat,” said Alice as she started to leave the kitchen to help Barnaby find his suit.
“Fascinator!” exclaimed Andre as he followed her.
“Still not wearing it!”
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A/N #2: I hope you enjoyed it! Also a big thanks to @lifeofkaze for beta reading this fic! I have no fic planned for the "Watermelon" prompt of the challenge, and the other prompts will get fics from my Brazil series.
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spinachgarden · 3 years ago
Fleur de Louve Month Week 2 Day 1: Fluff
Prompt: Baking Together, 1.2k words
Cooking has always been passed down in the Wilson family.
She’s spent the last five or so years teaching her children how to help in the kitchen - showing their little hands how to mix and knead and crack eggs and brush butter on top of biscuits, how to read the family recipes and follow them to the letter. Cooking is a love language, to her. She cooks for her family to show them she cares, to teach them about their heritage, and to remember her parents and grandparents guiding Sarah’s own little hands to go through the motions of each dish.
When her and Bucky get serious - really serious - she teaches him. They’re in the kitchen, aprons tied around their waists - hers is a gift from AJ and Cass, declaring her the world’s best mom, and Bucky’s is a gag gift from Sam, with the Captain America shield embroidered on the chest - laughing and dancing around the space as they prepare tomorrow’s biscuit dough.
She finds he needs less instruction than she thought he would. He doesn’t strike her as the kind of man who’d know how to bake, but he navigates the kitchen with relative ease.
“This brings back memories,” he says, unprompted, after one of Sarah’s stories about her grandmother teaching her this exact recipe. “My ma used to make us help her in the kitchen all the time.”
He doesn’t talk about his mother much, so Sarah perks up. Bucky is open with her about everything else, but she knows precious little about his family.
“What did you make?” she asks.
Bucky smiles fondly as he measures out the flour, taps a knife across the top of the measuring cup to remove the air bubbles, and dumps it into her mixing bowl. “I remember making challah,” he says softly. “Babka, if we could afford chocolate to fill it with. Blintz. She used to be in the kitchen all the time.”
He gives her a soft kiss on the cheek, measures out the salt, and passes it to her, then starts on the baking soda, his fingers gently tracing the worn and yellowed recipe card as he double checks the amount.
The recipe card is faded at this point, barely legible, but Sarah can’t bring herself to rewrite it. Her grandmother wrote it for her mother when she moved in with her father, and her mother gave it to Sarah when she married her husband, along with the rest of grandma’s handwritten recipes. Bucky treats it gently, reverently, like he understands just how important that single piece of paper is to her.
“Cooking has always made me feel closer to my family,” Sarah tells him. “My grandmother taught me when I was little, and my mama helped. Those memories are so special to me.”
Bucky nods with a bright smile. “I know the feeling,” he says. “I don’t remember a lot about my childhood, but I remember being in the kitchen with my mom when she taught Becca and I how to cook. Half the stuff we made the first time didn’t turn out right, but she just kept showing us.”
Sarah pours the wet ingredients into the dry and mixes them until just combined, then turns the dough out onto the countertop and rolls it in practiced motions. As she works, Bucky comes up behind her and wraps his arms around her waist, pressing his chest to her back, resting his head on her shoulder. Even if she can’t see his face, she can feel him smiling against her cheek.
“You look happy when you’re baking,” he says against her skin. “Less stressed.”
She takes a deep breath and relaxes into his hold. “It’s comforting to me,” she tells him. “Always has been.”
Sarah cuts out the biscuits while he’s still wrapped around her, then places them on cookie sheets and covers them in plastic wrap. They won’t be baked until tomorrow,  but she’s always made her dough ahead of time so that she doesn’t have to wake up at the asscrack of dawn.
“I like baking with you,” he says, and her heart flutters a bit.
“You’re not a bad sous chef.”
The next morning, Sarah wakes early, untangles herself from Bucky’s embrace - despite his groans of protest - and pads into the kitchen. It’s earlier than she normally rises, the first rays of sun just beginning to shine through the open window, but she’s always found mornings peaceful, quiet.
As the sun starts to rise in the sky, Sarah gathers her ingredients. Egg, flour, salt, yeast. It’ll be a couple hours before the boys wake for school, and Bucky will probably be up around the same time, so she has at least until seven-thirty to figure this out.
At six, she hears someone stir upstairs. Assuming it’s one of the boys getting up to use the washroom, she ignores the noise.
Only a moment later, she nearly jumps out of her skin when Bucky materializes behind her.
“Morning,” he says groggily. He wraps his arms around her as she works, much like yesterday, resting his head on her shoulder. “Come back to bed. S’too early.” His voice is still gruff with sleep, deep and gravelly, and it’s tempting, oh so tempting, to just head back upstairs with him.
“Gotta finish the biscuits,” she says sweetly.
He looks at the dough forming under her hands for a moment, blinking owlishly.
“That’s not biscuit dough,” he says.
“It’s not,” she confirms.
It takes a long moment for Bucky to scan the ingredients, blinking sleep out of his eyes the whole time, his grip on her waist never loosening. “You’re making challah,” he says with a soft smile.
“I am,” she says. “I hope that’s okay.”
He spins her around in an instant, so fast that she squeaks, until their faces are very close together.
“It’s perfect,” he says, and kisses her softly, tenderly. Slowly, he backs her towards the counter without ever breaking the kiss, keeping it languid and passionate. They continue kissing for a long time, his hands resting on the counter behind her, until he grabs her by the butt and lifts her up to rest a little higher on it, her legs wrapping around his waist.
They break apart only when the timer for the biscuits goes off, and Bucky reluctantly takes a step back to take them out of the oven. He brushes the butter on the tops of the biscuits as she continues kneading the challah dough, the whole while wondering if this is how Bucky’s mother made it a hundred years ago.
AJ and Cass wake up as the challah is rising, and the kitchen is taken over by two preteens scrambling to pack lunches and get ready for school. Sarah works deftly around them, dishing up biscuits and gravy for breakfast while Bucky pours glasses of orange juice and sets the table.
“Mom,” Cass says innocently. “Why do you have a flour handprint on your butt?”
Bucky snorts and his face goes bright red as Sarah tries to find an explanation that doesn’t involve giving her kids the talk at the kitchen table.
Before she can think of a child-friendly explanation, AJ says “you don’t want to know,” followed by “can we have Halloween candy with breakfast?” and then “and can I put some in my lunch, too?”
“One piece,” she tells him sternly. Across the kitchen, she catches Bucky’s eye and he winks at her.
She couldn’t picture a better morning if she tried.
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theoutsanityshoppe · 3 years ago
ok how about Geoff and Fleur Wicke? :3c fave facts!
Oooooh well, unfortunately I don't have anything for Fleur, but I love that you picked her out of the crowd!! She's still very new, and past her original case [in which her older sister murders their grandmother for money] for the Detective, I haven't yet quite figured out her life yet. I instead keep adding more characters to the world XD; Here's an interesting fact at least about her design! She's one of the very few whose design I originally bought as an adoptable, then changed around a bit into what she is now. I'm veeeeeeeeeeeerry picky about adoptables - if I ain't gonna use them, I don't want them!
Otherwise - fave facts about the toast loving og man himself: Geoff! Where to start \( ̄︶ ̄*\)) god I love this man! Let's make a list! *a-hem*
His glasses make the world look grey/black/whites, so he never understands what people mean when they try to distinguish by color
He and Cricktok both have terrifying eyes when you take off their glasses, especially with their permanent plastered smiles. He looks like he's ready to kill [also Cricktok's design was heavily influenced by his as around that time he had been put into storage after the role play group he was in closed down and I didn't know what to do with him anymore]
Absolutely anything he fixes WILL make toast, no matter how impractical. He will not reveal his secret on how he does this
Has no idea where he is at any time and routinely confuses his current home city, Neo Oldesville, with his old one, Monotone World
He is 100% color blind and see's the world in grey/black/whites
Even I don't know how old he's supposed to be. I think when I made him he was in his 20's, but the way he talks he sounds like he's in his 70s. Personally I like to think he's in his 20s and just sounds old XD
Routinely scares just Jeb, who is also from the same role play group Geoff was but has been more altered to fit the new story, because of how often Geoff attacks him with his "toast weapons". [Jeb will not serve toast in his cafe because of this]
Overall he's one of my top favorites, at least in my top 20. It's been awhile since I made a new top 20/10 list ... so idk where he sits exactly... but I KNEW I had to bring him back somewhere. Actually a lot of Neo Oldesville characters are just old ones brought back to life! It's nice - I just haven't opened about 27 character profiles cuuuuuz they're basically empty lol whoops.
Ask me a question about my ocs!
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harryissuchalittleshit · 4 years ago
Molly and Arthur's relationship with their children and significant others. Ik Molly didn't like fluer at first and I get the feeling she's one of THOSE mother-in law's even though I love her to deatg
Bill is the oldest
The younger four saw him almost as another parent, being so much older and often having been asked to babysit them
So both Molly and Arthur have a soft spot for him
They remember the two years that was just the three of them
As we know Bill started to rebel once he was out of school and went to Egypt
He made a strong stance on it when he returned to England during the war and even after
Okay, so Fleur and Molly did have a strain relationship, but after Bill was attacked, a respect was formed between Fleur and Molly
You can’t see someone you love and care for almost die and not bond
Arthur has never had a problem with Fleur and recognizes that she is a seriously gifted witch
And Fleur has a great relationship with him
Molly and Fleur get along a lot better once Victoire is born
And Molly and Arthur help them get the hang of parenting their rebellious children when they’re older
They have a LOT of experience in that field
Charlie is a mama’s boy
He gets along well with his parents, but living so far away is hard on all of them
I like to think that Charlie starts making sure to come home at least every other summer and every Christmas to stay with Molly and Arthur and spend the summer with all of his nieces and nephews
He spends a lot of time writing letters to home
When Molly and Arthur’s health start to fail he moves home permanently to take care of them
He’s a good son to them, but the distance is what hurts their relationship
Percy is a definite mama’s boy
More so than Charlie
If he would’ve had to see Molly at the ministry instead of Arthur he would’ve returned home a lot sooner
His relationship with the family as a whole is very difficult after the war, but between Molly, Charlie, and George everyone else accepts him eventually (except Bill, big thoughts on that)
Audrey is the perfect daughter in-law
Molly adored her the second she met her and Arthur knew her from the ministry before she and Percy start dating
She knits with Molly while pregnant with her daughters
She is also Muggleborn, so she indulges Arthur’s curiosity a lot
They remind her of her own parents and the simple life she had before she went to Hogwarts
All in all, Audrey is the reason Percy fits in with his family so well after the war
It’s hard after the war
George eventually moves out of the Burrow and back to the flat over the shop
He puts a show on for a long time, but then he and Angelina reconnect
It’s not a “she fixed him” story, it’s a “we were both hurting and misery loves company, but now we feel better” story
She brings George back to them and they are forever grateful to Angelina
George becomes part of the family again and he becomes really close to Arthur
But he only talks about Fred to Molly, and she starts sharing stories about her own brothers
Angelina and George have the first family wedding after the war and they make it a very joyous event
It’s exactly three days after Molly and Arthur’s wedding anniversary
Angelina is also a half-blood and answers a lot of Arthur’s questions about Muggle medical equipment and practices
Angelina is Arthur’s favorite of his in-laws
Ron is Arthur’s son
Out of all their children, Ron is Arthur’s kid, the one that can be depended on to want to spend time with dad ALL the time
He is the kid that gets dragged to the ministry all the time, as he can be expected to behave and not wander off (at least not too far)
But he is also Molly’s kitchen buddy
Pretty much when he was little, he would hide in there when Fred and George hanged up on him, and molly gave him a bit of work
He asks his parents if it would be a good idea to propose, as he values their opinion on the matter
Molly and Arthur love Hermione so they push Ron to propose and make her an official part of the family
Things do fall apart a little after Rose is born and Hermione goes back to work and Ron steps back and becomes a mostly stay-at-home dad
But things are patched up by the time Hugo is born
The baby girl
Ginny gets away with a lot when she’s little
She grows closer to her parents while in hiding
She sees them age so much during that time and after the war
She writes home every week of her seventh year, mostly to Arthur
Ginny has never been “girly” enough for Molly, but after the war that falls away
They all realize that it’s time to let go of perceptions and to just love one another for who they are
Molly is the only one to go to Ginny’s very first match with the Harpies
She’s benched the whole game, but Molly is so proud of her that it doesn’t matter
So Harry is Molly’s favorite of her in-laws
He can do no wrong and it’s obvious to everyone that she thinks this
He was family long before he asked Ginny to marry him
He did ask permission just because he thought it was the proper thing to do
He got told to go through the brothers
James is their first grandson and that cements Harry as Molly’s favorite
Bonus, relationships with the grandchildren:
She’s the first grandchild
She has a special place in their hearts
She is the first in so many ways and when she runs away to France they are the only ones she writes too
She is the oldest by quite a bit, so she gets to remember a lot of time with just her, Molly, and Arthur
She will always be close with them
The oldest grandson
He reminds them of Bill
He has a trouble streak that breaks when he’s made Head Boy
They see so much potential in him and that ever goes away even as he gets older
He makes them hopeful in a way they hadn’t been in a long time
The second grandson
Despite being named after Fred, he’s a mini George
He holds so much in and then explodes
He gets on well with Molly and Arthur, and his other grandfather Micah
While he’s good with jokes and puns, it’s his facial expressions that really make him funny
He’s also always willing to help out with anything, and enjoys degnoming the garden
The second granddaughter
She’s beautiful and witty and funny even as a child
She goes to Arthur for cuddles and Molly for sweets
She has a way of getting out of any trouble, even if she is the instigator
She’s a lot like Ginny when she’s younger, one of the boys and never too fussed about anything
She goes to them for comfort
Rose is just like Molly
She is a mother hen, she loves to cook, and she loves spending time with Molly
The feeling is very mutual
Rose always finds Arthur first at any family event to give him a big hug
After she loss her Grandma Jane, she clung on tighter to Molly
After she loss her Abeulo Javier, she made sure to always tell Arthur she loved him between visits
She write them at least twice a month at Hogwarts, and she leaves out no details
They were very proud of her becoming Head Girl
Just like Arthur
They both like to sit at the edges and just watch the chaos
Al goes out of his way to learn about Muggle things so he always has something to talk to Arthur about
When he’s older he gets really interested in the space program and that becomes their thing
Molly loves how close Arthur and Al are
Remember that Percy is a mama’s boy, well Molly is named after both of her grandmothers
She adores Molly and Arthur
Her other grandparents were killed in the war, so she only knows them
In the summer holidays, she’ll go over every Sunday morning for tea
It’s her time to spend with them alone, just by herself
She picks up knitting from Molly and really enjoys it
Molly is the one to carry on the family legacy, she has seven kids (six daughters, one son)
She is also close to her grandparents
She is often found tucked beside Arthur at family events
Just like Al, she finds something specific and Muggle to talk to Arthur about
Hers is travel, and they end up talking about trains a lot
When Lucy gets pregnant with her oldest, she goes to Molly with questions
Every Monday she makes sure to visit and usually brings along her children
She doesn’t write her parents, but she writes Molly and Arthur
She feels like she was always pushed off onto them
Between Victoire’s rebellions and Louis’ autism, she was the one pushed onto others
When she gets pregnant at sixteen, she tells Molly and Arthur first because she doesn’t know who else to tell
She always has dinner with them every Wednesday
He reminds them of Fred
He has an endless amount of energy and talks constantly around them
He constantly spews knowledge and always wants people to know what he knows
Because he sees Rose always helping in the kitchen, he helps in the kitchen and learns how to cook from Molly
When his Abeulo Javier dies, it really affects his relationship with Arthur
He’s scared to lose another grandparent and he actively seeks out Arthur at family dinners
When he finally has children, he makes sure to let them know Molly and Arthur and have a real relationship with them
He loves the Burrow
He likes to visit when he knows no one else will be there
Molly and Arthur are just happy to have him, they’re not used to quiet though
He makes a portrait of them for their fiftieth wedding anniversary and one of the Burrow for their seventy-fifth anniversary
Louis very much is about presence and not words, so while he doesn’t know much about his grandparents, he knows them as much as he needs to
When Molly and Arthur pass, he gets all the old family photos
She’s the baby of the whole family
She will always be the baby in their eyes
She dances before she walks, and it’s while she’s “helping” Molly at the Burrow
Molly tells Harry and Ginny to put her into dance classes and that changes her life forever
Lily always seeks out Arthur at every family dinner, even if it’s just to give him a hug and a kiss
The summer before her seventh year, she goes to the Burrow almost every day
She wants to know everything she can, about them and their life
She keeps a journal of all their stories and after her oldest graduates from Hogwarts, she writes a book of their life
It brings her and Hugo closer and they are the only ones who have signed copies by both Molly and Arthur
He is the oldest, but he had Andromeda until she passed when he was four
He had been living with Harry for about a year by then
He is the reason why Molly goes by ‘nana’ and Arthur goes by ‘grandad’
He is their grandson in every way but blood relation
He makes time every week to spend time with them and writes to them every other week while at Hogwarts
When he’s down, he goes to the Burrow
His children know Molly and Arthur as their grandparents
Send me a Weasley and I’ll give you a fic, a couple of head canons, or my opinion on them in both canon and fanon!
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thescentifollow · 4 years ago
New Year’s Eve | Fred Weasley
After a blissful dinner on New Year’s Eve with your loved ones, your boyfriend, Fred has a question to ask you.
Word count: 2.6k
A/N: This is not how I planned it to be but I like it. Instead of making it too fluffy and cheesy I tried to capture the feeling of home, coziness and the comfort you feel when you’re with the poeple you love. I hope you like it! Feedbacks are always appreciated. ^-^
New Year’s Eve 2000
Seeing the laughs filling the living room in your new apartment on New Year’s Eve, you could feel the coziness of home. Everyone you loved was around you, except the ones you lost, the ones who sacrificed their lives for a better world. You teared up a bit thinking about Remus, Tonks, Sirius… and many more. You feel sadness and gratitude at the same time whenever you are reminded of them. You really wished they were here today.
With the voice of the small, adorable, newborn baby in her grandmother’s arms, you snapped out of the thoughts and wiped the tears. You made your way to play with her with a funny expression on your face to make her laugh.
“Look Victoire, Auntie Y/N is here.” Molly said with a baby voice.
You took one of the little baby’s hands and made funny faces. At first her face remained expressionless, but a few seconds later she started laughing like crazy, which made you feel proud. It was hard to make her smile and you made her laugh.
“Y/N, dear, this place looks amazing, I have to say.” Molly said and gave you an approving smile.
“Thank you, Molly; we are very pleased with it too.” You answered and smiled at her. Then you offered her to take a break and have a drink like everyone else. She gladly accepted it after planting a kiss on her granddaughter’s hand. You played with Victoire and took her to the other rooms to show her around. You explained the rooms to her in a baby voice to keep her entertained and sometimes she would nod and look you in the eye like she understands everything you say. When you were back downstairs you took a look around and felt blessed to have such people around you.
Molly, Ginny, and Hermione were talking about Hermione’s new job at the Ministry of Magic. Arthur, Ron and Harry were in another corner talking about the reformations that were done at the Ministry past year. Bill and Fleur were resting against the wall and chatting, looking relaxed since Victoire was in safe hands. Sadly, Charlie and Percy were not able to come this year. Charlie was busy, stuck in Romania and Percy was invited to another event.
Fred saw you standing next to the stairs and sent you a mocking look and mouthed: “Auntie.” And lifted his eyebrows cheekily. You rolled your eyes as you tried to contain your smile. Then Arthur approached Fred with curious eyes and started asking questions about the Christmas lights above the fireplace.
You remembered seeing those lights for the first time. It was when you were living in the Muggle World for a few months after the war and you remembered both you and your boyfriend liking it quite a lot. This year you went back to that store and bought a few pairs of them, thinking Arthur would love them. You wanted everything to be perfect for it was your first Christmas since coming back to the Wizarding World and it was also the very first Christmas in your new apartment.
When the doorbell rang Arthur was talking to Fred about how adorable and interesting the tiny light bulbs were. Fred looked at you, lifted one eyebrow with a smile on his face and pointed at the door. You got the message right away and went to answer the door.
“Come on Victoire, we have one last guest.” You kept talking to the little baby.
“Finally! We were starting to worry that you got stuck under a pile of snow.” You said acting like you were mad while welcoming George; but he did not fall for it.
He grinned cheekily and gave you flowers as a sorry for being late. You sighed but accepted the flowers gladly.
“Hello little baby.” His eyes went to her right away and Victoire said something incomprehensible. He guessed it was her way of welcoming him then turned to greet you. You hugged him as he started teasing you the moment that he entered the house.
“Hello to you to sister-in law.” You glared at him, trying to contain your smile at his cheesy nickname. Well, it was cheesy but after being friends with the twins for more than 10 years and dating Fred for 5 years, you got used to it.
“For the hundredth time, I’m not you sister-in law.”
“No, not yet. Though I doubt that it’s gonna take long.” He winked at you and made his way to the living room. You just shook your head and followed him. He became the center of attention the moment he entered the living room, and this made Victoire cry at the top of her lungs. Fleur rushed to take her and calm her down.
You made your way to the kitchen to bring out the dishes you prepared. You could hear Molly scolding George because of his lateness.
“George Weasley, how dare you make all these people wait for you on New Year’s Eve? It does not matter we are your family; you are not allowed to behave this way…”
You giggled while you slowly made your way to the living room.
“Since everyone is finally here, we can start.” You emphasized the word finally and sent him a look. It made everyone giggle and the scolding turned into a sweet laugh.
“Do you need help with anything, dear?” Molly asked approaching you, as you put the dishes on the dinner table.
“No, thank you Molly. Everything is ready. Please sit down and start.” She nodded with a smile on her face and rubbed your shoulder.
“Freddie, can you bring the wine my parents sent us?” You asked Fred and he gave you an okay sign.
The dinner was a blast. Everyone enjoyed it and complimented you and your boyfriend’s cooking. Freddie’s amazing cooking skills was a surprise for them since he never cooked for them. But you knew that he took cooking classes in the Muggle world and you were quite proud of him. After dinner you played games such as Who am I and Charades. As the night deepened Victoire fell asleep and Fleur put her to the bed in the guest room. Everyone went back to their initial corners to chat a little. You were sitting by the fireplace with Molly and chatting when Fred approached you from the back and whispered to your ear.
“Darling, can you come upstairs for a second?” You sent him a curious look and he mouthed the words “Present time.” With a smirk on his face. You turned to him and whispered.
“Now.” He answered with an intense look in his eyes. You just shook your head and excused yourself to follow Fred upstairs. You saw George sending him a thumbs up as you walked upstairs.
He held your hand and rubbed your skin with his thumb as he led you upstairs. You could feel his breaths were unstable and you wondered why but you didn’t ask, thinking that it was probably because he was excited for the present exchange between the two of you. When you reached the upstairs, you let go of his hand to enter the guest room. He knit his eyebrows confusingly.
“Wait here.” You whispered trying not to wake the sleeping baby up. He nodded not being sure what you were doing as you entered the room. Opening the wardrobe next to the rocking chair, you built in the Muggle World, you reached for the box you hid underneath the boxes that needed to be unpacked.
Fred knocked on the door impatiently. You told him you were coming in a second very quietly, but you were sure he heard you because you heard his footsteps and the sound of your bedroom’s door opening. You looked at Victoire one more time and planted a kiss on the top of her head before leaving the guest room.
When you entered the room, he was facing away and looking outside of the window. You approached him and hugged him, and he brought you to his side and put his arm over your shoulder before planting a kiss on your temple.
Looking outside, you noticed that it started to snow again.
“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” You asked rhetorically. He hummed and nodded. His eyes caught the box you were holding.
“Well, what’s it you are holding?” He knew the answer but asks anyway.
“Obviously, it’s your present, Weasley.” You answered. He loved it when you called him by his surname because it reminded him of the school days you had spent together. His eyes lit up and he reached for the box in your hands. You took a step back and lifted one of your eyebrows.
“Where is mine?” His eyes darted and he wiped his sweaty hands on his trousers before answering you.
“I have it, I promise. But can I please have mine first?” He asked with puppy eyes and a pout on his lips. He tried to speak calmly but you could sense the nervousness in his voice. So, you gave in and passed the box to him. He took the box, put it on the bed and embraced you lovingly. His one hand was on your back and the other one was stroking your hair. At that moment, all you could hear was your calm breaths and your hearts beating harmoniously. You kissed his cheek before you pulled away and wished him a merry Christmas.
You held your breath as he opened the box. He said nothing at first, but you could neither say anything nor move because of how nervous you were. So, you waited for him to say anything. The box was full of your pictures together, pictures you had taken as friends, as lovers, on your first date, on your second, on your twentieth. The photos of you on the first night you had spent together. Pictures of you resting on the porch of the Burrow under the sun, almost dozing off. There were also his pictures playing Quidditch you had taken, and your pictures he had taken without you knowing, while studying or reading. There were notes you had exchanged secretly during class and detention. And there was also a familiar diary at the bottom of the box. He took it in his hands and after a few seconds he lifted his face to look at you. Now you could see his face. His eyes were full of tears that were about to be released. You could finally move again; you sit next to him slowly and quietly and took one of his hands in yours. It was the diary you had kept during your school years, the diary you had written all your feelings for Fred in. He didn’t know it but there were also letters you had written to him as you had waited for him to wake up after that heartrending incident.
He laughed lightly as he remembered that one time, he had tried to grab it from you. You had gotten so angry at him that you hadn’t spoken to him for 3 days. He looked at you like he was asking for permission, and you nodded at him.
As he opened the diary and touched the old pages that began to wither, you started to tear up too. He knew how hard it was for you to gather the courage to go to your home after you had obliviated them prior to the war. You knew it was a low chance that they had still been there, but you had been hopeful anyway. When you saw that they were gone, it wrecked you. The fact that your stuff was the exact way you left them hurt more. It was your existence on the World meant nothing. The tears started to fall as you remembered all those hurtful memories. The possibility of losing both your family and Fred after he got hurt during the war, was agonizing. The situation with your family was irremediable. As for Fred, you were grateful to him, for he had clung to his life.
After the war and Fred’s treatment, you had decided to live in the Muggle World for a while because what you had gone through was too much for both of you. Being away from the Wizarding World had made it a lot easier to heal. After Victoire’s birth, you decided to go back to your actual lives, that you had put on hold for a while, because you had wanted to be with your loved ones and feel like you belong in that world again. The birth of Victoire represented the start of a new era for you and you loved the baby dearly.
He closed the diary as soon as he heard your little sobs and take you in his arms. Your sobs got as he rubbed your back. You stayed in that positions for some time. He whispered words of comfort into your ear, but you knew he was crying too.
When you finally started to calm down you pulled away from him and saw his wet face. You both cried after recalling all those memories.
After a few seconds, a smile made its way to your face as Fred rubbed his nose to yours like the way Eskimos kiss. He mirrored the smile and looked into your eyes deeply. You felt like he could read your soul. You would not be surprised if he could. He reached for his pocket and a small, square shaped, navy blue colored, velvet box appeared in his big hands. Your eyes went to the box he held in his hands from his face, and to his face from the small box in his hands. You opened your mouth to speak but words did not come out.
“Marry me.” He said without a without any hesitation in his voice. His eyes were glued to yours as he waited for your answer. You looked at him, your lips parted but not being able to speak.
All you could do was to nod. He closed the gap between the two of you and kissed you passionately. It was more like a fight to decide who was yearning more for the other than kissing. It is not like you had not been intimate with each other before, but something about this was just different. He pulled away from you after planting a loving, lighter kiss on your lips and opened the small box.
“It was my grandmother’s. My grandmother and my grandfather had loved each other dearly and they had lived a very happy life.” He told the story of the modest but mesmerizing ring as he put it on your ring.
“It’s beautiful.” You said, tears coming back. You placed a small kiss on his lips before hugging him so tightly that after a few minutes he asked you to let him go because he couldn’t breathe.
Someone knocked on the door as you were putting all the photos into the box and you were surprised that it was George. It was probably the first time you witnessed him knocking on a door. He had a knowing expression and a smirk on his face, so you just extended your hand for him to see the ring. The first words he said after seeing the ring made both Fred and you laugh.
“MUM! MUM!!! MUM!!!!!!!!”
He left the room in a hurry and went downstairs running. Fred got up and looked at you before pointing out the door with his head, smiling softly. He extended his hand for you to hold before leading you downstairs to give the big news to everyone, if your brother-in-law to be hadn’t told everyone yet, of course.
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fandomlovingfreak · 4 years ago
Mrs. Weasley, Dear (11/?)
George Weasley/Reader
Word Count: 1444
Rating: E for everyone ( trigger: pregnancy )
MasterList Link I AO3 Link
Summary: After their whirlwind romance, including a Pureblood Marriage Contract with a special clause, confessions of love from both, and a quick wedding, everything seems right in their world. Domestic life seems like it was meant for them.
Notes: Sorry for the very very very late chapter update! School has become increasingly more stressful due to finals coming up! 
Besides that, there will be maybe one or two more chapters of this series and then it will wrap up! I will be working on finishing up my Charlie Weasley/Reader (Incidentally In Love) series and then hopefully starting up a Fred Weasley/Reader series!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart, for reading and commenting such lovely things on these stories. The support means so much to me. I love writing more than I can describe and sharing my passion and imagination with you and others means so much to me. I love reading what you have to say! Thank you so much!
Their child comes at the most inconvenient time, naturally. He gets an Owl from his mother at noon on a Wednesday that (y/n)'s in labor. George immediately feels the flush of emotions one would be expected to feel: fear, anxiety, excitement, and maybe a tiny bit of nausea. 
After rushing to tell Oswald the news, he apparates to St. Mungos, immediately rushing towards the Witch at the front desk to ask which room is (y/n) Weasley's.
"George!" He whips around to where his mother-in-law is standing, "This room, dear." He thanks the Witch at the desk, shaking her hand like a mad man, before scurrying towards where Missus (y/l/n) is standing.
"Have I missed anything?" He asks, feeling rather frazzled by the entire situation. He hasn't felt this nervous since his wedding day.
"No. We've just got here," she reassuringly pats his arm. He appreciates that she's rather calm. It's a nice contrast to the frantic buzz he's feeling.
(y/n) is pacing the room with Molly following behind her. She's got a hand on her protruding stomach as she does one of the breathing exercises with his mum.
"(y/n)!" He's rushing to her side in an instant.
"Oh, George! You made it." She's grinning at him, clutching his biceps.
"Are you comfortable? I shouldn't have gone to work today--"
"I'm fine. And obviously, you weren't aware this would happen today. It's fine, darling." He kisses her quickly. "What was that for?" She asks, grinning.
"Because I love you."
"You're so sweet--" Her face contorts in pain, and she grips his arms a little tighter.
"What's happening?" He looks around at the mothers in panic.
"Just contractions, dear. It's normal." Molly says.
"I'm fine" (y/n) squeaks out, "honestly, it's not that bad."
He cups her cheek, "I've known you since school, (y/n). I can tell when you're lying."
"I'm putting on a brave face," she laughs, releasing her death grip on his arms. 
Their son is born in the early morning after hours of exhaustion from his wife. He has worshiped (y/n) since the moment they heard the baby's first cries, showering her with words of admiration and adoration. The woman was much braver and tougher than he could ever claim to be. He'd told her that multiple times as well, getting a little giggle from her and a thank-you.
"You honestly amaze me." George hasn't put the baby down since (y/n) handed him the little bundle of blankets. He swears he could hold the little guy all day and never get tired of it.
"Yeah?" (y/n) laughs.
"Yeah. I don't know how you did any of this, (y/n)."
"Honestly, me either. That was awful." She teases, "You can do it next time."
George chuckles, "Next time? We're already thinking about the next one?"
"Nope. Nevermind me saying that. That's a maybe and a very weak one at that."
"What're we gonna name him?" George asks suddenly. He's only thought about it a million times over. What would they call the small human being they'd brought into the world? This choice would dictate so many parts of his life. How others would address him, which letter his grandmother would put on his handmade sweater every Christmas, his nicknames...
He glances over at his wife. She looks radiant in this new phase of her life. Merlin, he's so proud of her and so grateful that she's brought their child into the world. 
"How do you feel about Fred?" (Y/n) suggests with a small smile.
George looks up at her, "really? You wanna—" he can't help the tears that spring to his eyes as he looks down at the child.
"Of course. Don't you think it fits?"
"Fred Weasley the second sounds good, doesn't it?"
He leans over to kiss her, "it does."
(Y/n) holds her hands out for him to place little Fred in her arms, which he does. He takes his place on the bed next to his wife, cuddling close to her side.
"How do you feel about it, Baby Weasley?" she brushes aside the little hair the baby has, "do you like the name Fred?" He yawns widely, stretching his little fingers up towards his parents. (Y/n) brushes her fingers in the tiny palm of his hand. Little Fred wraps his miniature fingers around it. "I think he likes it." (y/n) looks up at George, beaming.
"Thank you," he whispers, watching the baby, the tears still fresh in his eyes.
"For what?" she glances up at him.
"For making me the happiest man alive."
"Where's my grandbaby?" Molly comes into the room, followed by Arthur and his siblings. 
"You all decided to come at the same time?" He looks over at (y/n), who's rocking the baby.
"We wanted to see the baby," Ginny grins, walking towards where (y/n) is sitting. "He's beautiful (y/n)." 
(y/n) grins, looking up at her, sister-in-law, "Thank you, Gin."
George notices Charlie for the first time in the back of the room, "Charlie! When'dya get in?"
"About an hour or two ago," he practically calls over the heads of the rest of their family. George squeezes through the crowd to embrace his brother.
"It's good to see ya."
"Congratulations, George. I haven't seen him yet, but I'm sure he's cute."
"He's perfect." Perfect was the only way to describe the infant with his ten perfect tiny fingers and toes. He can't help but gush over his son. Besides knowing he was a father for the past months, there was something different about holding his child. The moment he saw the baby, it felt different. He felt different.
"Does he have a name yet?" Ron joins in on the conversation.
"He does." I hear (y/n)'s voice over the chatter of our family. Everyone settles down a tiny bit, ready and eager to hear the newest edition to our family's name. "We've settled on Fred."
"Fred?" Molly comes nearer to (y/n)'s side. The entire room seems to wash over with emotion; everyone's eyes are a little tearier than moments before.
"Yes. Fred Weasley the Second," (y/n) looks down at our son, moving his yellow blanket away from his face. George glides through the others to get to his wife.
"It was (y/n)'s idea," George leans down to press a kiss to the woman's forehead. 
"Fred would've loved it--" Molly's choked up, wiping tears from her eyes.
"Do you want to hold him?" (y/n) asks. She passes off the baby to Molly, who cradles the infant in a practiced way.
"He's so beautiful." Arthur's leaning over his wife's shoulder. (y/n) holds George's hand in hers, her fingers brushing against his knuckles lovingly as they watch the new grandparents coo over their grandchild. 
Molly passes the baby to Arthur, who passes him to Bill. Bill and Fleur cradle the baby for a few minutes before passing him to Ginny.
"You have to let me babysit soon," she says, moving to show Harry the baby.
"He looks so much like (y/n)," Harry comments.
(y/n) laughs, "You think? I think he favors George just a bit more." 
Charlie looks over Harry's shoulder, "I dunno (y/n), he definitely looks a lot like you." 
"So that's why you keep calling him beautiful, eh?" George jokes.
"Oh definitely," Charlie grins at the both of us.
"Charlie!" Molly swats her second eldest son's arm.
"Sorry, mum," he chuckles, "Clearly, the baby gets its looks from George."
Ron snorts, "Clearly."
"Hey!" George butts in, "We're siblings, you know! There's a good chance if I'm ugly, the rest of you are too." The room erupts in laughter, scaring the poor baby who erupts into tears. 
"Enough, you three!" Molly shakes her head fondly as little Fred gets handed over to his mother. (y/n) hushes the small child as he wails. The rest of the family holds their breath as they watch (y/n) with interest. (y/n) runs her fingers down the baby's miniature facial features. He calms soon, falling into a deep sleep in his mother's arm.
"Charlie!" George calls to his brother before he can slip out of the room with the rest of the family.
"Yes?" Charlie turns back around to face them.
"Can we talk to you quickly before you leave?" Charlie nods, coming closer to the two of us.
"Charlie, we wanted to know if you'd be Fred's godfather" (y/n) looks up at George.
His brother looks shocked for a minute before asking, "You want me to be the godfather?" 
"You've done so much for me, Charlie. There isn't anyone else I would want to be my son's godfather." Charlie embraces him.
"Of course, I'll be Fred's godfather. I'm honored that you've thought of me."
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sweeethinny · 4 years ago
James is Dating - Part 2
I love part 1, but I felt that Ginny's reaction to that was missing, so here goes, one more mother and son moment between James S. and Ginny
Part 1 | AO3
read bellow the cut :)
'Busy?' Ginny said, head into James' messy room, looking for him in all that mess of clothes, gifts, new things, and a lot of other things he kept inside.
'No. Do you need anything?’ He stepped out of the small closet by the window, still wearing only the old, dirty paint-dry shorts he had used to help build the new house for Sir, their dog.
'Do you want to go with me to the market? Your father asked me to buy more ice cream, fish and beer.' Today all the Weasley and aggregates would gather at the Potter house, Harry seemed more anxious than ever to open the new room, which was now not just a forgotten room at the back of the house, with everything that couldn't fit in the attic, which almost never had the windows open. It was an appropriate place, with comfortable armchairs, a wallpaper of flamingos that Ginny had chosen and an incredible view of the pool and the sunset.
'Sure, I'm just going to put the shirt on ... will I meet you down there?' She nodded, closing the door and walking to the stairs.
It had been a day since James told Harry that he was dating and so far he has remained silent to Ginny, which saddened her a little, since James always told her several things. She waited patiently after dinner, guaranteed to get James to help clear the table with her, and yet, today during the morning run, she tried not to say too much, hoping that he would bother with the silence - as he always did - and talk about the news she already knew.
Harry summed up what the two of them had talked about and how happy James looked about how it all went down, but Ginny wanted to hear directly from him, not just what her husband remembered.
Harry couldn't tell if James had that sparkle in his eyes that she saw appear during one of the dinners, while he and Mira talked softly in the other corner of the table, and her son seemed to almost sparkle every time she laughed. Or when he hurry down the stairs while the owl hooted to announce it arrival with the mail. And Ginny wouldn't even comment on the time she caught him looking at Mira' breasts. It was a quick thing, while she and Mira talked about Quidditch, the girl fixed the collar of her sweater, without any apparent malice, and out of the corner of her eye Ginny had been able to notice the movement of James' eyes.
She wanted to laugh and make some comment about it, but the boy soon managed to get them off track and take Mira away from Ginny, saying they were going to play Quidditch - and they went.
Mira was a girl that Ginny had been cheering James on to notice her, since the first day Ginny met her, she was a sweet person, and it was understandable that even Scorpion, always tried to be around her on vacation. She was also beautiful; tall, almost the same height as James, with blonde hair similar to Fleur's, but more wavy and messy than the perfectly smooth strands of her sister-in-law, dark eyes that seemed almost unreal, and a way of behaving that exuded confidence. Not much to detriment her, just enough that she could survive the world without being too affected. And she was smart, which was a very important point for Ginny not to worry about.
As far as James talked, her mother was a witch and so was her stepfather, while her father was a muggle, as were her grandparents. They even got to know her mother on a day when they went to get Mira to go with them to the Quidditch Cup, the woman had studied in the same year as the twins but was a Ravenclaw, just like her husband.
Mira was the perfect girl that Ginny could have imagined for James.
Okay, aside from the fact that maybe she was in as much or more trouble than the boy, but it was something to let go of.
'Is Dad going to make fish? I thought Teddy had convinced him to make that meat pie,’ James appeared, startling Ginny who was concentrating on watching the yard through the big window in the living room.
'You know what he looks like, when he put something on his head, forget it.' She turned, smiling at the boy and giving him her arm to hold, in order to apparate to the dark and safe alley where they landed. The market was a block and a half away, but today was a Saturday during the holidays, which meant crowded streets and long lines for even the simplest things.
'Excited to start classes?' She asked, needing to restrain herself from releasing a million questions about the courtship he had kept hidden for so long.
'Yes, at least I’m not going to see Professor Johann anymore, which makes me very happy. ’
'I thought you liked DADA.' The two stopped in the fishmonger line, surrounded by conversation.
'I like it,' James shrugged, fussing with his hair like his father did, almost making Ginny laugh. 'But he is very annoying, and he hates me.'
'I doubt it.'
'I'm serious, he hates us all but Mira, but it's because she and he share the same terrible taste for books, and they've been reading the same saga lately, but if it weren't for that, he would make her organize more than thousand of his books in alphabetical order too, as he does with us. '
‘And what does he tell her to do?’ Ginny wanted to jump for joy because they were talking about Mira, knowing that now it would be much easier to pull James’s secret.
'He almost never gives her detention, really, it's almost like he was blind to her walking down the corridors or in the forest at night, but the times he had to do that, Mira said that she just kept separating the tests by year and home' James denied, looking incredulous.
'Well ... and what would she be doing in the hall at night? Or in the Forest? ’
'Nothing I know of, of course.' James smiled in that way that always made Ginny and Harry watch, his eyes shining in something malicious, as if hiding to death what the hell they were up to at school. 'I am usually in my room, you know? Respecting the schedule and sleeping early. ’
‘Oh sure, I sure believe that,’ She smiled falsely. 'Will Mira come to dinner?'
'No, she traveled to her uncles' house in France, her cousin just gave birth to a baby.'
'Hm ... We should go to France for the next vacation, it is a pretty beautiful destination, especially in the summer.' James smiled in agreement, but if Ginny knew her son well, he was not thinking about French landscapes. 'I like her.'
'From whom?' The boy looked at her, curious, as if he were caught in the act.
'Mira. She is very kind to us. ’
'She is like that naturally.' James defended her, even though Ginny was not implying anything.
'A great quality, by the way ... And she is beautiful.' James' cheeks turned pink, but he continued to look confidently at all the fish exposed in the ice basins, it was almost their turn.
'Scorpion agrees with that, I think I saw him looking at her legs more times than I can count.' He looked at Ginny, his brown eyes looking so much like the ones she saw in the mirror when she caught herself thinking about Harry as she dressed for her class, trying to ignore how all the girls seemed to like him now that he was in sixth year and had grown up.
'And you? Do you agree?' She took a risk, biting her cheek to contain her smile when her son's face caught fire.
'She is my best friend.'
'Hermione was Ron's best friend.' She shrugged. ‘That didn’t stop him from finding her beautiful.’
'Daddy told you, didn't he?' James stared at her as if Ginny had just said that she knew his biggest secret, eyebrows raised.
'Did he tell what?' Before James could speak, however, the fishmonger called them.
They didn't waste a lot of time in the market, exchanging few words while choosing the products and then paying, walking at a slow pace and almost as if they were postponing their return home, feeling the breeze of that summer night, and seeing the city brighter and more awake than ever.
James didn't open his mouth, seeming to think well before speaking, but Ginny wanted to laugh and ask her son if he thought she was an idiot and that she hadn't realized that overnight, there were pictures of him with Mira in his room, especially the one of the two in Hogsmeade where he had his arm around her waist.
'He told you what I told him.' The boy finally spoke, and Ginny stopped walking, thinking that if they went home, there would be no way to talk without Albus, Lily, Harry or her whole family arriving and hinder, then, she preferred to stop and sit on a bench that was in front of a square they used to run, discreetly putting a spell so that the fish that would not spoil by staying out of the ice.
'Yes.' She looked at him as soon as they were seated, smiling from ear to ear. 'Your father is a gossip, you know that.'
'What do you think?' James also smiled, but his cheeks were flushed.
'Well, I like Mira, and as long as it doesn't interfere with your studies or hers, everything is fine. I've been waiting for this for some time.' The boy laughed, denying and looking at the lake that shone ahead, lit by the various lampposts.
'Her grandmother wants to talk to us.'
'Grandma?' James nodded, laughing even more.
'She says she wants to meet our family, said she is tired of just hearing about the Potter but never sees them in person.' The two laughed. 'It's all right? Are we going to have dinner with them after they get back from the trip?’
'Of course, it will be a good time, I'm sure.' She sighed. 'Do you like her? Isn't it just something to pass the time?' Ginny didn't know if she would be able to overcome the disappointment she would feel if James did that, even though she thought it unlikely that he would be able to play with Mira's feelings like that.
'Nooo, I really like her. We get along well.' He looked happy, in fact, during the Easter break he looked a little miserable, and Ginny wondered now if it had anything to do with her. James was no longer hiding in the room and remaining silent and scowling in the corners
'Good, because I like her very much, and we would fight if you were playing with her.'
'It is more capable of her making me cry than the other way around,' he joked. 'But I wouldn't have told you if it was nothing.'
'You didn't tell, your father told me.'
'Yeah, whatever.' He shrugged. 'I think I was embarrassed... Lily made the whole trip miserable, sitting in our compartment just to provoke, talking nonstop to Mira.'
'She's jealous of you, you're her big brother.' Ginny smiled, remembering how sulky her daughter was every time James went out with friends and she needed to stay. 'You did the same with Teddy. It's normal.'
'But it sucks.' He made a face. ‘Albus wasn’t like that when he heard.’
'He's better at hiding his feelings, we'll have to wait a few more weeks to find out.' The two were quiet, the music from the pub across the street was loud, as were the laughter and conversation, and Ginny almost started to worry with when it would James who wanted to go to places like that, wondering if she would stay up all night like she did when Teddy first went out.
Not that she didn't trust James, but it was still a little disconcerting to look at him, and realize that he was no longer that little boy who hugged her legs whenever he was embarrassed.
'Are you happy?' She looked at him.
'Yes.' James smiled, that shy dimple appearing on his left cheek. 'I was afraid that she would reject me. She’s a little scary. ’
‘But she didn’t reject it.’
'Yeah, something like that... She tried, and we fought, but then everything went well and I kissed her.' He smiled sheepishly, making Ginny laugh and that maternal concern dissolved a little.
'Well, this is what matters.' She stood up. 'Come on, let's go before your dad pulls out his hair and calls the Aurors to look for us.'
'He wouldn't do that.' The two walked to the alley.
'Never doubt Potter' drama.' Ginny lined them up, James holding her arm. 'I'm happy for you.' She kissed her son's forehead - which was almost starting to get taller than she was - and apparated them back to the house.
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idunnoficsorsumthing · 4 years ago
Best friends part 2
I am watching a suitable boy and I am soo hooked rn. Also everyone GO VOTE I am not even American, and I do think ya’ll should vote.
Part one of this was based on my relationship with my bestfriend. But, now I had to stray away from it lol.
Part one
George Weasley x Reader
You spent the summer working at your parent’s pub in London. George wanted you to work for them. But, you weren’t interested in those two being your boss. You did help out a lot, and you quickly became familiar with the quirks of the shop. You could spot a love sick girl looking for some love potion from a distance, and you knew what to get the parent’s looking for a birthday gift, that wasn’t going to bother the parents too much. “Fred you are running low on puking pastilles” you said, he went over to the bin where they usually were. “George is in the back making taffy. Go tell him to make more.” He said, you nod, walking over to the door in the back of the store. You knock on the door, and carefully open it. “I swear this isn’t FDA approved.” You said, he was stirring a cauldron over a gas pit. He chuckled. “Nobody is asking for licensing.” He said, you shake your head, taking the notebook of recipes. You pick up a clean cauldron, and start working on the puking pastilles. “Babe can you hand the wrappers?” George asked. He meant the taffy wrappers, you try to step on the stool. Of course they had to put the boxes out of your reach. “Careful, sugar” George said, when you went on the top of your shoe to reach up the cupboard. He put his hands on your hip to keep you from falling. “Want to get some dinner after this?” George asked. “Yeah we should get some egg rolls. Fred loves eggrolls” You said, stepping off the stool. George scratched the back of his neck with his hand. “I meant the two of us,darling” he said, you look at him for a second. Darling… he never called you that. He only ever called you names he swore were cringey. You nod. “Yeah sure” you said, you decide it was nothing, just your head playing mind tricks. 
To say you were having just the slightest bit of feelings for George was a lie. You had loads of feelings for George all friendly. But, this whole skit the two of you did about getting married was messing with your head. Because you kept imaging if this was something you really did want. If you were going to be honest with all the fear of Voldemort returning, and all the heartache the Weasley’s endured when Arthur was hospitalized a relationship was probably the last thing on George’s mind especially with the start up of the store. This was the first season open when all the school kids would be coming in. Of course you could still order them to be delivered to Hogwarts, at least after Umbridge was gone. Harry taught you a lot of protection spells, that you taught first years so there wouldn’t be a too big of a load of students to teach for him. Hermione, and Neville helped too. The two of you walked through the streets towards a restaurant. You liked wizard restaurants more than muggle ones, they had better service. Food would just appear on your plate, and it would also be cleaned up in a jiffy. But, the eggrolls of this muggle restaurant were just the best.  “Look,” George said, when the two of you walked past a muggle jewellry store. In the window were necklaces, rings and golden watches. “You should get a watch sometime. You always forget what time to meet me.” you smiled. He looked at the various pieces of jewelry. “This one is just you.” he said, pointing at the ring that had the precise cut, color, and shape of something you’d wear. “I love it.” you said, the ring just sat there in the window. “Come on we should get going.” you said, pulling him by his hand.
The two of you just ordered,egg rolls with some side dishes. “I should get you a ring. It is a shame to tell Alfie and Ophelia that you had to wait years because of the store.” he said, you laugh at him. “George. I love our banter. But, I need you to do a reality check.” you mumble. Before taking a sip from your drink. You wished he didn’t hear you, yet you needed to say it. “What reality?” he asked, he took the napkin, and put it over his lap. “I mean that us talking about getting married is messing with my head.” you said: “It makes me think there really will be red haired babies, George.” you put down your glass, and stare at George. He had a frown on his face. “Will there not be? I mean I know your hair color isn’t that dominant so likely they’ll have red hair.” he said, you give him the look when he is being an idiot. He knew what it meant. Shut up. “We aren’t dating, George.” you said, he shook his head with a laugh. “I knew I was forgetting something,” he joked. You glare at him. You weren’t interested in him being an idiot. You needed some answers, though you couldn’t help but laugh a little. The waitress came with your food, she puts down the plates, and you thank her. “If you want to break up with me. No hard feelings, except for my heart. It will be in a thousand pieces.” he said, he looked serious this time. Except for  the corners of his mouth which were curled in a laugh. You shake your head, and laugh, he was messing with you, and you were being silly. You change the topic quickly, and tell George you needed to take some egg rolls with you for Fred. 
The two of you were walking back to the apartment, George took your hand in his, you were holding the bag of take away in your other hand. “Do you want me to stop?” he asked. After the comfortable silence, you stop in your steps, too tired of this game.He looks at you waiting, for you to say something.  “I love you, stupid.” you said, stepping forward, pressing your lips against his as your hands are on the sides of his face, to pull him towards you. He didn’t waste much time responding to the kiss. 
Life doesn’t work the way you plan it. Because if it did, Fred would still be alive. He would be laughing at the fact what the two of you became, two puke covered parents to adorable babies, and to be fair George was struggling everyday with the death of his twin brother. There had been times where you thought he never would be the same again. No one in the entire world felt his pain. Fred didn’t get to see the wedding day, or the day that he became an uncle. “Y/n” George said, holding Ophelia in his arms. He had been struggling with dressing Ophelia. Because he never knew how to put on the dress. You take Ophelia from his arms, placing her on the bed, and buttoning the dress. “I have to go to work.” George said, placing a kiss on your cheek, and when you picked Ophelia up, he placed a kiss on her cheek. The sound of crying came from the other room, and of course Alfie woke up. “Oh Alfie Frederick Weasley what am I to do with you?” you said, picking up your baby boy. He was a fussy little boy, only if he was in his crib. He loved to be in someone’s arms, and he would be a content little baby when he was. The likelihood of the two of having twins was apparently big, no need to skip a generation because your mother has a twin sister, fraternal though, and polar opposites. You hold Alfie in your arms, and he stopped being fussy quickly. While you held Ophelia in your other arm. You didn’t get much done if the two of them were fussy. You were waiting by the door for George to  go to work. You were entertaining the babies with a lullaby. When you look up to see George standing in the kitchen’s doorpost just looking. “What?” you ask. He shrugged. “I was just wondering if you thought I was still joking.” he said, referring to the times he talked about the future and you didn’t believe him. “Oh bugger off, Weasley.” you laugh. 
You took the babies to the burrow that afternoon. It wasn’t planned but Molly loved the twins. You step out of the chimney, you always have the babies in a wrap around your chest. One on your back and one on the front to make sure you wouldn’t lose them during the trip. “Oh my dears.” Molly greeted. She was sitting on the couch knitting. You handed Alfie, who’s hair was a dark shade of ginger, wasn't much like his grandmother’s  and you held Ophelia to your chest while drinking the cup of tea Molly gave you. You visited Molly too often, you knew that. But, Fleur didn’t need help with Victoire, and Ginny and Harry didn’t rely on Molly for help with James. “If we visit too much you’ll say so?” you ask her. She nods. “Nonesens, I miss having children around.” she answered. You gave her a smile. You felt your daughter drool over your shoulder. “George coming tonight?” Molly asked, and you realised you forgot to put a note out for George. “I should give him a call.” you said, Molly laughed. You called the phone in the shop, Ophelia was asleep, you held her in your arms. “Weasley’s Wizards and Wheezes, how can I help you?” you heard your husband say. You chuckle a bit. “With me, we are at your parents house. Will you come here after work?” you ask him. Ophelia made a content little sound, small bubbles from the milk were on her lips. You try to wipe them away. He chuckles. “Yes, I’ll be there, darling.” he said, you heard Alfie cry, Molly must’ve put him down in the crib. “our son is crying.” you said: “I should go.” you hear him laugh. “Love you.” he said, hanging up the phone.
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rons-hermiones · 4 years ago
Come Find Me
Come Find Me
by rons-hermiones
Summary: Unplanned, Hermione is forced to spend Christmas at the Burrow due to her grandmother falling very ill. After being ignored by Hermione for weeks, Ron is determined to show her how much she means to him. Just before he gets the chance to tell her, Bellatrix Lestrange shows up with other plans for Hermione. Can Ron get to her before it's too late? (Ron/Hermione Half-Blood Prince AU)
Rating: M for language & dark themes in later chapters.
Chapter Nine
Soon after breakfast Hermione disappeared back to Ginny’s room, she traded in her flannel pants for sweats. Keeping on her navy jumper, she threw on a warm cloak from her trunk and snuck into the garden. 
Despite the cold, the outdoors were refreshing. Something about being outside just calmed her, helped clear her head a bit. 
Slumping against her new favorite spot, an old oak tree, she pulled out the very book she’s kept to herself for weeks. Hermione begins to read it, eyes skimming the same passages over and over, jotting down important points in her notebook. 
Like usual, she was so engrossed in her task at hand, she failed to notice someone walking toward her. 
“Bonjour mon chèri.” Fleur’s smooth voice announces, seemingly floating over to Hermione through the breeze. 
At first the brunette jumps at the surprise, having been tense lately, but soon she relaxes. Fleur was just about the only person she was willing to talk to these days. 
Like Hermione, she had been feeling out of place, trying to find her footing. And sure they were in two completely different situations, one being engaged to a Weasley, the other pining after one, but it was oddly comforting to not feel so alone. 
“Bonjour Fleur, comment allez-vous?” Another bonus, is that for whatever reason, the blonde reminded her eerily of her grandmother. 
Maybe it was because they both lived out their days in France and Hermione was trying to cling onto anything when it came to her Gran as of late, but Fleur’s presence allowed her to think of the woman without feeling sad. To just remember her how she is, a kind, loving woman. 
“Bonne.” She smiles, Hermione just now notices the blanket in her hand, “I’ve been sent on a mission to keep you warm!” She giggles, subtly nodding to the window. 
Hermione looks over to find Ron standing there watching them, but as soon as her eye catches him, he drops the curtain like he was never there. 
“Oh, I’m fine.” She tells the woman, quickly closing her journal and book. 
“Well, I was given very serious orders that I get this quilt to you.” Then, she drops on the grass next to the younger girl. 
She grits her teeth, “you can tell whoever sent you that if they want me to have that, they should’ve come themselves.” And she doesn’t even know why she said it, Hermione has in fact been avoiding Ron. 
“I said the same.” The blonde states, “but you seem to make poor Ronald rather nervous.” 
Hermione remains silent as she begins to pick at the quilt Fleur’s laid over them. 
“I know what happened.” The older girl states after a moment. 
Her eyes snapped to Fleur’s blue ones, “you do?” She sounds strangled. 
Curtly, the blue eyed woman nodded, “of course. Ronald writes Bill about any chance he can and Bill can only offer so much advice about girls.”
She scoffed before she could help it, “yeah, pretty girls like you, and Lavender Brown, or even,” 
Fleur cut her off, “they were all about you mon chèri.” 
At this a twisted laugh left Hermione’s throat. 
“No je jure!” She exclaimed, “Every night Bill comes to bed and reads his letters, he suggested I should join him to practice some English. At first it helped, but now I am invested!” 
“Nice to know my life is entertainment, Fleur.” Hermione teased with a small smile. 
“No, I didn’t mean it like that!” She defended, but then noticed the smile on the younger girls face, “alright well, it is entertaining. Anyway, if Ronald knew I read them or am telling you about it, he’d surely die from embarrassment.” 
In turn, the witch just scrunches her brow, imploring the woman to go on. 
Fleur clears her throat and sits up, “Oh Bill!” She starts in her best English accent and Ron impression, stifling a laugh from Hermione, “Almost died again tonight! Hermione saved me, again! She is brilliant, oh Bill,” she gasps dramatically, “I need something to get her for Christmas, but she’s already perfect! What do I do? Please write.” 
“No way.” Hermione laughs at Fleur’s impression and at the dramatic recap. 
“I swear it! Recently his letters have been a lot more, how do you say?” She pauses, “pathetic.” 
“Go on then.” Hermione encourages liking the amusement of Fleur’s performance as Ron, as well as the additional information. 
“Bill I am a,” she thinks for the exact word, “a tosser! A right tosser!” Hermione laughs, that was something Ron would say, “I have messed up terribly, Hermione, she’ll never speak to me again and I can’t blame her.” 
Suddenly, Hermione’s brown eyes go wide as Fleur goes on, this time dropping back to her normal voice, speaking softly, “It’s so hard without her and I would give anything to make things right.” She finished. 
The brunette's vision began to blur, “he really wrote that?” She asked hoarsely. 
In turn the French woman nodded, “every word.” 
A tear slipped down Hermione’s cheek at the knowledge. Knowing Ron missed her too made things even harder. She doesn’t think she has it in him to talk things out and go back to how things were. She’s too scared to be hurt again, she doesn’t know if she’ll survive. 
“Look Hermione,” she sighs sadly, “I understand that things between you and Ron are complicated and that you are hurt. We all see that, he sees it more than anyone, and he’s been beating himself over it since.” 
“Fleur, I,” she begins to protest. 
“I am not saying you should forgive him just like that, what I’m telling you is that he knows he’s hurt you and it’s killing him. Just give him a chance mon chèrie.” 
She contemplates this for a few moments. Her heart aches for Ron. It’s kind of backwards that she feels bad because he’s aching for how he hurt her, and she feels bad about it. It’s like she just can’t scrub him out of her life, no matter how much she thinks he wants her gone, she knows that’s not the case. 
And Fleur’s right, she isn’t ready to forgive him, she probably won’t be ready to for a long time, but she is willing to take a step with him. To hear him out and just try and understand, but when the time is right. 
“Okay.” She says simply, wiping at her eyes with her wrists. 
The blonde plants a warm kiss on her bushy hair and moves to stand up. 
“Stay warm.” She flashes her a small smile as she works her way back into the house. 
“Fleur!” She calls before she can help herself. 
The French woman turns eyes wide with curiosity. 
“Not that I’m not grateful, but why did you tell me?” Hermione just needed to know. 
Again a smile sat on her pretty face, “because us girls, we need to look out for each other, especially here,” she gestured to the Burrow where eight men were currently residing, “you and I especially.” Subtly hinting that the only two other women were Weasley’s themselves. 
A small smile now stretched on Hermione’s lips, “thank you Fleur.” 
And with a wink the blonde walked back into the house knowing if she and Ron got through this, one day Hermione would surely be her sister. 
“Fleur’s been out there a long time, what do you reckon they’re talking about?” Ron asked, still looming by the window. 
“I dunno, you.” Harry shrugged over his Quidditch magazine. 
“Hardy har.” Ron shot back sarcastically. 
“Have you figured out what you’re gonna do tomorrow, with your gift and all?” He asked casually. 
“How’d you hear about that!” Ron bellowed embarrassed. 
The chosen one dropped his magazine to his lap, eyeing his friend, “the whole house knows by now, except Hermione.” He shrugged. 
“I’m gonna hex the bollocks off Bill.” 
“Wasn’t Bill, it was Charlie.” The green eyed boy corrected. 
Ron rolled his eyes, “even better.”
“Well,” Harry drawled, “Ginny told me Hermione’s trunk is overflowing with gifts.” He waggled his eyebrows suggestively. 
The ginger shook his head, “doubt she got me anything mate, not unless it’s puking pastilles, you know, without the purple end.” 
“Oi, that’s my best mate you’re going on about, don’t you doubt for a second that she wouldn’t get you anything.” He said annoyed with Ron’s lack of faith. 
Weasley said nothing and continued to poke his head out the window, quickly jumping away when Hermione’s brown eyes found his. 
“You and Hermione may not be speaking but she does care. I reckon that’s the problem, that she cares too much.” 
He drops his hand from where they’re clutching the tattered drapes, “I know that Harry.” Ron says defeatedly. 
“You seem to be forgetting.” He sits up, “I know for a fact she’d die for you Ron, even now, even when you two aren’t speaking.” Harry states. 
Ferociously, the red head shakes his head, “don’t say things like that. I don’t wanna think about that.” His response was reaching that of when Fred made his Death Eater joke yesterday. 
Sensing his best friend's rising temper, he quickly averts the subject, “so when are you gonna give her it? The gift.” 
Ron shrugs, his initial plan was to give it to her privately, explain everything behind it, but as Christmas closed in he grew more nervous. “Leave it under the tree?” His voice is high and squeaky. 
“Ron,” the dark haired boy grumbled, “again my knowledge about girls is limited, especially when trying to think about Hermione like that.” He squirmed, “But I think if you put this much into the gift, you might as well explain why.” 
“It’s not easy.” He admits quietly, plopping onto the couch, “it wasn’t easy telling you, or Ginny, or even breaking up with Lavender.” 
Harry shakes his head, “I think that’s the whole point Ron, if things were easy then we wouldn’t know how much we wanted them.” He said quietly, silently reflecting on his own wishes. 
“Harry Potter,” Ron said after a moment, “when did you get so poetic?” He teased. 
In response the chosen one laughed and chucked his magazine at the gingers head. 
“I reckon I’m rather tired of watching some tosser feel sorry about himself.” 
“Who ever could you mean Potter?” He joked. 
“Hmm, tall, red hair, blue eyes, I think he’s Gryffindor keeper. What’s his name? Roger? Rupert?” He suddenly sounds a lot like Slughorn. 
“Shove it.” He chuckled, “I don’t even know what I’d say.” Ron commented. 
Harry sat up and went to the edge of the couch cushion, scooting closer, “pretend I’m Hermione.” 
His face scrunches, “what? No! That’s bloody weird.” 
“Come on Ron! You need all the help you can get. I don’t think anyone can handle this from the two of you anymore.” The chosen one encourages. 
From the rare good mood Harry seems to be in Ron complies. 
“Hermione, would you please,” he notices Harry watching him, “can’t you like... look away?” His friend rolled his eyes and kept staring at Ron, “would you please come outside with me, I’d like to give you something.” 
“No Ronald!” Harry shrieked in his best Hermione voice. 
“Harry what the hell? You’re supposed to make this easy!” Ron countered. 
“Well would she?” The dark haired boy asked. 
“Good point,” the ginger agreed, clearing his throat, “anyway, it would really mean a lot to me and I’d like to talk to you.” He tried entering the act again. 
“Oh so now you want to talk?” The Boy-Who-Lived asked, impersonating his best friend quite poorly. 
“Harry.” He groans. 
“Fine, fine.” He stops, “let’s talk.” 
Averting his blue eyes from green ones, he envisions Hermione somewhere in the room, “I just wanted to tell you how sorry I am for hurting you. I know that it won’t fix anything, but I’m through with Lavender, we should’ve never been together. Not when it was hurting you and you don’t have to tell me why, I knew it was, so I’m sorry. I really am, I just hope you can find it in yourself to consider forgiving me. I’ll be here, however long it takes.” He rambles out, momentarily forgetting Harry was even there. 
“Is this when we snog?” The chosen one says, interrupting the daze. 
“Oh shove off.” He grunted back annoyed. 
“I thought you did good Ron, I’m sure you’ll have to account for at least two interruptions, but, I think it’s a start.” Harry’s voice is now serious. 
“And that’s all I’m asking for, a start.” He clears up. 
“Well as long as you buck up tomorrow, that’s what you’ll get.” 
Before Ron can even answer, Harry’s green eyes find the window. Abruptly, Weasley turns and panics. 
“Fleur’s coming back! Act casual.” He jumped to the couch and acted as if he were napping, leaving a laughing Potter. 
The door soon opened as Fleur appeared, “Bonjour boys.” 
“Oh hey there Fleur, didn’t even notice you came in.” The redhead states, causing Harry to chuckle even more. 
The blonde rolled her eyes, knowing what he was doing, “you know Ronald,” she began, too casual for his liking, “I’ve been told by someone, that next time you’re to give them something you should do it yourself.” Obviously she was referring to the blanket, but Ron’s mind jumped to the gift in his room. 
“I told him the same!” Harry called happily in agreement. 
“Oui, smart boy.” She praised me. 
“Alright, alright, I get it. I swear the next thing I need to give Hermione will come directly from my hands. No one else’s.” He promises. 
Fleur stares at him for a moment before a grin stretches across her face, “good Ron, for a moment I was worried you were a, what was it? A right tosser.” She says before leaving the room. 
For a moment he’s left shocked by her words, wondering why she’d say such a thing. Then suddenly, his mind flashed to how he closed every single letter to Bill: A right tosser, Ron. 
“Oh Merlin,” he grumbled red as a tomato, “Bill!” He bellows as Fleur’s giggles float from the steps.
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bbyx · 4 years ago
ripple effect - part nine
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Summary: During her fourth year at Hogwarts, (y/n) Deauxville falls for none other than Cedric Diggory. But it's not easy when you have to deal with protecting your family's fortune, keeping your father's illness a secret and having two of your closest friends catch feelings for you.
Pairings : reader x cedric, reader x draco, reader x harry (y/n) walks to care of magical creatures, worried lines creasing her face. 
You were planning on seeing Harry first thing this morning so he could explain how the fuck his name ended up in the Goblet. But Harry hadn’t shown his face at breakfast. You were a little disappointed, knowing the shoe prank would have cheered him up a slightly.
 (y/n) had started getting very worried when Ron said he “didn’t give a rat's ass about where Harry was.” Hermione was nowhere to be found and all your other friends were too hungover to be of any help. You regretted never going to sleep, you and Draco had stolen some Wideye potion from Snape’s cabinet, but the potion made your mind feel foggy. On second thought, maybe that was just the hangover. 
The fresh air doesn’t help much at all, the wind makes you dizzy and your eyes can’t seem to focus with all the light sweeping through your sunglasses. If it weren’t for Harry, you would have done the same as Cedric and Nick, who both didn’t bother to go to class today. 
“Harry!” You croak, wincing at the pain growing in your head.
“(y/n)! Uh what’s with the sunglasses?” Harry says, glancing up quickly at the cloudy sky.
“I think it’s pretty self explanatory.” You say, inching the glasses down to show him your bloodshot eyes. 
“Harry, what happened with the Goblet.” You say, your tone becoming more serious.
“ I’m not sure, somebody must have put my name in somehow. Moody thinks somebody’s trying to kill me again.” Harry sighs running his hand through his hair. “ And Ron's jealous, and half the bloody school hates me.” He looks so exasperated, you wish you could just take all his worries off his shoulders. You missed the happy boyish glint in his eyes.You grab his face in your hands. 
“Hey, I don’t hate you.” You say softly, which finally brings a small smile to his lips.
Draco’s blood boils as he walks the grounds to Hagrid’s hut, seing (y/n) and Potter’s silhouettes. She’s resting her head on Harry’s shoulder and laughing at his stupid jokes. Draco knew that should be his shoulder. And to make matters worse she seems to only have eyes for that big Hufflepuff oaf. Finally (y/n) breaks free from Harry and joins the rest of the Slytherins. Draco motions for Crabbe and Goyle to shut up as he nears Potter.
“Ah, look, boys, it’s the champion, got your autograph books? Better get a signature now, because I doubt he’s going to be around much longer. . . . Half the Triwizard champions have died . . . how long d’you reckon you’re going to last, Potter? Ten minutes into the first task’s my bet.”  
Before Draco could pull anymore insults from his brilliant mind, Hagrid arrived carrying huge crates filled with those disgusting skrewts. The giant man explains that students will be paired up to take the skrewts on a walk. Draco takes a leash attached to the grey slug like thing and joins (y/n)’s side.
“Be my partner?” A voice breaks you out of your thoughts.
“Of course.” You answer, sounding even raspier than before. 
“Bad hangover huh?” Draco says as the creature starts venturing off.
“Hmm” Is all you managed to say back, your head hurting from all the thinking you’ve been doing about the Goblet mystery.
Walking the skrewts was a disaster, everytime one of their ends exploded it would send the skrewt, and the poor student walking it, flying forward a couple feets. Lavender Brown was constantly screeching because apparently her skrewt was “trying to kill” her.
Yeah I'm rooting for its success.
Draco wouldn’t even let you near the skrewt, holding it out as far away from you as he could. 
“Why can’t I walk it? It’s just like a dog.”
“Dog?! Have you seen this thing? No, I'm not letting you near this death machine. It’s already burned you once...”
“You’re so annoying Dray.” You say playfully shoving his shoulder.
“(y/n) you can’t even walk straight yet.”
Just at the right moment his skrewt’s end blasted and sent him flying in the mud. You laugh so hard falling to the floor, bracing yourself for the next wave of pain. 
“I’m dropping this class next year, I swear.” He grumbles, getting up and glaring at the creature.
You were mad, furious even at Draco for making those stupid Potter stinks badges. Draco was furious at you for jinxing most of them to say Malfoy stinks instead. The two of you weren’t speaking anymore, making the atmosphere with your Slytherin friends very awkward. You took some consolation in knowing that Millicent and Daphne had refused to wear the badges, but for the past week you had been spending most of your time with your brother’s friends or Harry and Hermione. To add fuel to the fire, Draco has gotten into a fight with Harry and jinxed Hermione’s teeth. It also  didn’t help that Cedric was now followed by a group of girls everywhere he went, preventing the two of you from having a private conversation.
On your way to charms, Jeremy appears next to you, fixing his yellow tie. 
“What do you want?” You say slightly angrier than you had meant to.
“Nothing. Um Cedric wanted me to give this to you.” Jeremy says, pulling out a small envelope from his robes.
“Oh thanks.” You say but he’s already ducked inside a classroom.
You rip open the envelope. It reads:
Picnic tomorrow?
Miss you, 
P.S: there will be chocolate frogs.
(y/n)’s bad day had just gotten a great deal better.
You were waiting by the Black lake for Cedric, while everyone else had gone to Hogsmeade. It was a surprisingly nice day for early november, you weren’t cold in your hoodie but you weren't warm either. You spot, from across the grounds, Cedric clumsily balancing a huge basket in one hand and levitating a couple other objects with his wand. You can’t help but notice how dashing he makes the Hufflepuff uniform look. He sets down a checkered blanket on the ground and throws a couple pillows on top.
“Ta-da!” He says opening the basket, filled with warm butterbeers, little pastries and fruits.
“Ced, you’re too nice.” You say giving him a long hug.
“Wait, I'm not done,” He says reaching into his pocket and pulling out a chocolate frog. “As promised.”
“I brought you something too.” You say, ruffling through your bag and handing him a small pin with a gold butterfly. “In French culture, butterflies are supposed to bring good luck, and since the first task is coming up and-”
Cedric’s lips crash into yours. Warm. He tastes warm.He tastes like cinnamon, honey and ginger. He slides one hand in your hair and holds your waist firmly with the other. Finally, you break apart for air. 
“I love it.” He whispers in your ear, grabbing the pin from your hand and securing it to his sweater. He’s wearing his usual lopsided grin.
“I’m glad.” You say, a huge smile spreading on your face.
The rest of the afternoon was one of the nicest you could remember. Cedric had brought bread for the ducks and you laying on his chest, finding shapes in the clouds while he played with a baby duckling. Suddenly he stops humming, waking you up from your dazed state. Cedric shifts, sitting up slightly.
“(y/n) what’s your wand core?”
“Veela hair, my grandmother’s. Why?”
“Just wondering if you had the same as Fleur. She mentioned it  at the weighing of the wands.”
“What’s yours?” You say not wanting to stay on the subject of your breathtaking cousin much longer.
“Unicorn hair.” He says twirling his wand around. He stops. “So if I put your hair inside a wand it would work?” He wraps a strand of your hair around his wand. You ponder his question for a couple seconds.
“Probably, but it would be a weak wand. I don’t think I have a lot of Veela genes.” You say smiling as Cedric plays with your hair.
“You’re always underselling yourself, you know.” He chuckles before planting another kiss on your lips. Then an idea pops up in your head. Cedric looks confused when you suddenly get up. He catches your wrist.
“Where do you think you’re going?”
“Calm down Romeo, i’m getting flowers for your flower crown.”
“My flower crown?”
(y/n) comes back a little while later, holding dozens of brightly colored flowers. You sit down crossed legged and start knotting the stems together. Cedric puts his head in your lap.
“Are you nervous about the first task? It’s only a week away.” You say looking down at him.
“A little, but i’ve got this now.” He runs his fingers over the golden butterfly. You smile softly. After that, you and Cedric debate about Quidditch as he feeds you sweets because your hands are busy braiding the flowers together.
“Ta-daa!” You say holding up the finished product. The crown was full of daisies, daffodils and carnations.
“Can I put it on?” He says excitedly.
“Of course, I made it for you.” You answer, placing it on his head. He darts like a little kid towards the lake to gaze at his reflection.
“I’m never taking it off.” Cedric says quietly as you walk towards him. He turns and hugs you tightly. “Thank you, it’s beautiful.”
“We should head back.” You say motioning to the group of girls, back from Hogsmeade, giggling behind a tree.
“Well shit.”
Cedric pulls his wand out of his pocket, mumbles a spell and the blankets that tidied up the blankets and basket. Wingardium leviosa he whispers, making the objects levitate. Then he flings you over his shoulder and makes a mad dash towards the castle.
“Ced! Aah put me down! I swear Cedric! CEDRIC AMOS DIGGORY put me down!” (y/n) says laughing wildly.
Draco was in a particularly bad mood at dinner. All anyone would talk about was stupid Diggory and his stupid flower crown. A number of girls had tried to replicate their own flower crowns but Draco knew exactly where the one on Diggory’s auburn head was from. He had worn multiple of those as a child and was always amazed at the skill of her nimble fingers.
Yeah, keep grinning you big oaf. Little do you know she’s made a dozen of those for me.
“Yes (y/n), try to keep up please.” Hermione says quickly, walking to her next class. “He says he saw dragons in the Forbidden forest. And Karkaroff used to be a death eater.”
“Oh. my. god.” You say, your brain piecing everything together.
“What?” Hermione says, glancing at her watch. “What? Please I haven’t got all day.”
“Hermione, remember at the World cup, when I rented that property to the ministry? Remember? Dragons! That’s what they’re using it for.”
You can practically see the wheels turning in her mind. “That makes perfect sense. How did we not figure that out.” She says shaking her head wistfully.
“Nevermind that, how is Harry going to fight a fucking dragon.” You say, racking your brain for spells. Another worry hits you. ”I have to warn Cedric.”
“That’s what Harry’s doing right now.”
“Cedric, do you have a plan? For the dragon, I mean.”
“Yeah, I’ve thought about it, but i’ve thought about this more.” Cedric says, kissing your neck softly. A smile tugs as your lips as you mumble “You’re so cheesy Ced.”
You and Cedric were in a small alcove near the potion classrooms. His warm tongue grazes your lower lip, making you unable to focus 
“I’m serious, I can help you if you want.” He pulls you into a hug, resting his head on top of your hair.
“There is one way you can help.”
“What’s your favourite type of dog?” 
“What?” You say, incredulously.
“Just answer.”
“Concentrate, Harry, concentrate” Hermione says.
“What d’you think I’m trying to do?” says Harry angrily. “A great big dragon keeps popping up in my head for some reason. . . . Okay, try again. . . .” 
(y/n) and Hermione were in an empty classroom, trying to teach Harry a summoning spell.
“You need to flick your wrist more.” You say, your nose buried in Basic Hexes for the Busy and Vexed. 
After what seemed like hours, Harry finally got the hang of the Summoning spell.
“That’s better, Harry, yeah that’s loads better,” Hermione said, looking exhausted but very pleased. 
“Well, now we know what to do next time I can’t manage a spell,” Harry said, throwing a rune dictionary back to Hermione, so he could try again, “threaten me with a dragon. Right . . .” 
He raises his wand once more. “Accio Dictionary!” 
The heavy book soared out of Hermione’s hand, flew across the room, and Harry caught it. “Harry, I really think you’ve got it!” you say clapping. He blushes a little. 
 “Just as long as it works tomorrow,” Harry says. “The Firebolt is going to be much farther away than the stuff in here, it’s going to be in the castle, and I’m going to be out there on the grounds.”
 “That doesn’t matter,” said Hermione firmly “Just as long as you’re concentrating really, really hard on it, it’ll come.”
 “Harry, you’d better get some sleep . . . you’re gonna need it.” You say motioning at the window, where the sky was a moonless pitch black.
The next morning, you woke up in blind panic. Dragons. It seemed so much more daunting than it had yesterday. The sick feeling in your stomach only got worse when the champions were escorted out at breakfast. Everything seemed to be going so fast. Next thing you knew, you and Draco were walking towards the forbidden forest. (y/n) and Draco were on speaking term again because he had agreed to do her potions homework for the month.
“Go get a good spot Dee, i’ll join you soon.” You say before running forward to the champion’s tent.
When you enter, you see Krum looking sulkier than usual on a stool and Fleur  fiddling with her hair nervously. You almost felt bad for her before she rolled her ice blue eyes at you. Harry was talking to Hermione and Cedric was pacing back and forth, his skin greener than usual.
“Hey,” You say touching his shoulder. He jumps slightly at your touch. “ Are you okay?”
“Of course!.” He says, but his voice wavers a little. “ What are you doing here?”
“Came to wish you good luck” You say tapping the little golden butterfly gleaming on his chest. “And give you this.” You say standing on your tiptoes and pressing a lingering kiss on his lips. He grabs your waist tightly, not wanting to let you go.
The sight of you and Cedric kissing makes Krum even surlier than before and Harry is now the one who looks green. At the same time, Ludo Bagman walks in.
“ Ah, young love.” He says, which makes you both pull away breathless. “I’m sorry to break this up but i’m going to have to ask you girls to please step out.” Ludo Bagman says to Hermione and (y/n), who was blushing furiously.
“Good luck Harry.” You say, squeezing his hand right before exiting the tent.
A/N: I’m gonna make a taglist for ripple effect so send me an ask to be added xx. ALSO this is my ABSOLUTE FAVOURITE gif he’s just so cute.
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lovelylogans · 4 years ago
Yes. Please Open The Box. I've been on hp brainrot cause I've been rewatching the movies with my mom. Please
i feel like i have a lot of opinions that are popular opinions, and fuck terfs, but nonetheless:
regulus black would have been the perfect example of a brave slytherin that albus was named after
arthur, hagrid, or remus could have served as other father figures instead of albus; tell me hagrid would not burst into tears upon hearing his child was named after him? also, arthur, for both ginny and harry!
i read the occasional drarry fic but it has to be very, very well-written; or, at least, it has to have the understanding that draco has to go through some sort of redemption, either through atoning for his own actions, or an au in which he already has—some fics make him the next-gen spy, a bit like snape
uh, draco and dudley are perfect foils, and people would simp after dudley if he was as “conventionally attractive” as tom felton
dudley had more of a canon redemption arc than draco did
fatphobia is rampant in the series—villains are the vast majority of fat rep, and even good fat characters like molly or hagrid still have faults (hagrid is “big and dumb,” a bit like dudley tbh, and molly is kind of just? a Mother? like that’s her defining character trait. nothing wrong with being a stay at home mom if that’s what you want, of course, it’s just that molly didn’t have much of a personality outside of her children until the later books.)
misogyny too—molly was so mean to hermione in the fourth book and fleur in the sixth, ginny was mean to fleur too, hermione gives off “not like other girls” energy especially concerning lavender and pavarti
poc harry and hermione—sure, jkr says she’s cool with it, but she gets a lot of credit for the bare minimum. she could have written them that way.
there’s a whole lot of white people in hp. wish there’d been better rep
same with dumbledore! it’s so clear she said he’s gay to get better credit for rep that’s barely there, but now she has the chance to expound in it in the fantastic beasts movies, she isn’t planning on addressing it. right. okay.
should i even get into the antisemitism of the goblins
most -isms jkr ticked, tbh, and described better by other people who these -isms directly affect, so i won’t get too much more into it
wish hufflepuffs had more house rep, in general, they mostly just get cedric, and i wish that “good slytherins” were expounded upon, especially concerning the whole “no slytherins stayed” for the final battle you cannot TELL ME that there wasn’t ONE slytherin who had ambitions to fight voldemort
(i’m a ravenclaw, btw)
cho, angelina, and ginny are all overhated; movie!ginny was albeit lacking a lot of the Spice of book ginny, and movie cho got shorted bc they didn’t include marietta as the betrayer of the da, but like. god. pls chill ppl
albus probably considered that sirius was innocent but decided to leave him in azkaban, even though he didn’t know for sure; albus probably also laid out the traps for the stone with eleven-year-olds in mind, just in case harry wanted to try and prove himself; albus was behind a lot of the machinations, and at the very least he left a child to be abused for years on end
i wrote a ten page essay on why snape is a garbage person for that college class i mentioned. i got a perfect score.
like seriously i could talk about how much snape sucks and why him having a crush on lily isn’t redemption, but like. we get it. c’mon. “i see no difference,” threatening to kill a student’s beloved pet, being that student’s worst fear....... come on.
harry should have been the dada professor when he grew up. like it’s right there.
tonks is genderfluid you cannot convince me otherwise
i love wolfstar as much as the next gal, but if we get a marauders tv show slash movie, you know she’d make that shit as straight as possible. no thanks.
someone on tiktok said florence pugh as helga hufflepuff tho and. yeah.
mmm jkr really should have kept her hands off a lot of the international schools; i know she messed up at the very least native american representation, even though native americans requested she not do that, and there are really big Colonization Vibes from those expanded schools. which like, i get, bc colonization was happening, but. still. so many fics have done better with those concepts.
speaking of! fic recs! these are all on ao3
the changeling: slytherin!ginny. takes her through all seven years and addresses various kinds of magic. i absolutely adore it. harry/ginny
boy with a scar series: takes various “what ifs” about the harry potter series and writes them; mostly canon ships
sunshine in my eyes: lily is raised by professor mcgonagall. jily
true, and unafraid of toil: a character study of autistic newt scamander
the dogfather: petunia turns down taking in her son, sirius escapes azkaban much earlier, and harry’s adopted by muggles. only the first year of hogwarts is written out in full, but there’s ficlets that follow through to the end of the wizarding war. wolfstar.
(the completely unwilling participants on) the bachelor: james is the first british bachelor; lily is a journalist who is sent on the show, undercover, by her shitty boss. james/lily
swung by serafim: a characterization of snape that i do not completely hate; i avoid the last two chapters, bc i do not like snarry, it squicks me out, and i didn’t see the tags for it until the very end of the work since it gets more textual in those chapters, and also it involves real life events that feels a bit strange to write about in fic, but. that’s just me. i think there’s cho/harry/cedric in there?
turn: genuinely just one of the best-written harry potter fanfics i’ve ever read. harry after the epilogue gets sent to an alternate universe where things went a little different. drarry
the debt of time: obligatory “hermione gets sent back in time to the marauders” fic; these were super popular on fanfic.net, where i started out, but i read this recently and really really enjoyed it. sirius/hermione, remus/hermione
the pure and simple truth: everyone goes out to a bar. drarry, romione
hogwarts, to welcome you home: harry as the dada professor from mcgonagall’s perspective
stealing harry: sirius never went to azkaban, but harry still went to the dursleys for a bit. it’s written up to part of the third book, but it has notes for how the rest of the series would have turned out. wolfstar
hermione granger’s hogwarts crammer for delinquents on the run: if harry was told he was a wizard at age seventeen, instead of age eleven. drarry
the reclamation of black magic: harry’s grandmother dorea was in a coma and never died. now she’s come to adopt her grandson and seek a reckoning on the wizarding world. this is unfinished and is in harry’s first year; sirius black/remus, for a bit, but also remus/female oc and sirius/male oc; probably harry/hermione, by the end of it.
if any of you have fic recs (especially fics featuring ginny, jily, or wolfstar) (i’ve been meaning to read atyd, i’m saving it) please let me know!
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readingsoyoucanavoidlife · 4 years ago
In Denial
Sometimes I just want everyone to be happy and alive, so here is my headcanons for if Tom Riddle never existed. 
~James and Lily never have to fight in a war, so James becomes a professional quidditch player and he became the longest reining Captain before he quit, bought the club and became the manager for it, as well as the coach for the players. Lily becomes a healer at St. Mungo’s and was able to invent a cure for dragon pox. When James’ parents died as a result of the disease she worked tirelessly researching it and came up with and affective cure. She has a portrait hanging in the hospital and after a long day sometimes has conversations with it (it the only way she can have a decent conversation in her current state). James teases her about it a lot.  
~They get pregnant at a later age, because their relationship doesn’t move as fast since there is the lack of war pressure and not knowing what will happen to them. Same goes for the Weasleys and Andromeda so they all have their children later. (Canonly Molly and Arthur got married quicker because of war) And I’m just going to say that the Grangers had fertility problems, so had Hermione later. (this way the ages and relationships stay the same)
~After Harry they have three more children; Grace Iris Mia Potter, Sophie Lily Potter and Danial Charles Monty Potter. (In that order) (Iris and Charles are Lily’s parents names and Mia and Monty are shortened from Euphemia and Fleamont). Remus becomes Godfather to Grace, Peter (since he couldn’t betray them) becomes Godfather to Sophie, and Marlene becomes Godmother to Danial. Grace is two years younger than Harry (the year bellow Ginny), Sophie is one year bellow her and Danial is two years bellow that.
~They don’t see Dudley or their actual Aunt and Uncle often, they tend to meet up to have a tense cup of tea once a year. The Potter’s always send them birthday and Christmas gifts but the Dursley’s never do. They hardly heat from them until Dudley reaches out saying that he thinks his child is magical. James laughs a lot at this and more specifically the looks on Petunia’s and Vernon’s faces. They do agree to help him and his family understand. 
~When McGonagall becomes Headmistress, the sorting becomes more based on personality and not character and bloodline. Thus ending the prejudice towards the houses. This is the thing that she brings to Hogwarts like the other Heads have done before her. (Dumbledore's was giving people, like Remus, chances) However this is before Minnie’s time so they are all in Griffindor. She becomes Headmistress in Harrys 6th year when Dumbledore leaves to retire in a tropical country, there is no imminent threat so why should he stay at school? His only problem is that sometimes it’s too hot to wear socks.  
~Grace works for the ministry and falls in love with a guy who went to Durmstrang but now works in England, named Eric Luka. They end up having a daughter together, Scarlett Luka. Although when Scarlett is a year old, he walks out on them. Grace becomes a single mum for four years before her co-worker Aiden Murphey asks her out. They had always been friends as he had been a year above her at school, although he was in Ravenclaw. They get married and Scarlett changes her name to Luka-Murphy. They have three children together Liam, then a year later Finn and a year after that they have Owen.
~Sophie become a wizard robe designer and manages to bring some more modern and muggle aspects to the wizarding world. She starts her own clothing brand and falls for some one in Danial’s year. Zoe Phillips, they get married but don’t have any kids. They are perfectly content with spoiling their nieces and nephews.
~Danial is the perfect child of the family and people try to not like him because of it, but end up giving in because he is so nice. He is an architect for the wizarding world and marries a Hufflepuff in his year called Audrey, she is also an architect. Again they are the perfect couple that is so sickening but you can’t help liking them. They have two daughters, Emily and Olivia, who is four years younger. 
~Wolfstar is a thing (as it always has been), they are together up until Harry’s 7th year. They are facing difficult struggles and are always shouting at each other, even though they still love each other. They decide to take a break and they each are set up on dates. Sirius with some guy and Remus with Tonks. On this date Remus gets very drunk because he misses Sirius and they sleep together. 
~ A week later they promise to be better and stop their break. Although after three months, Tonks contacts Remus to tell him that she is pregnant, and it is his decision whether he wants to be part of it or not. Remus has his freak out about whether the baby will be like him and what Sirius will say. 
~Sirius understands what has happened and doesn’t blame Remus because they were on a break, but is upset that he was with someone else. After a talk with James, Sirius feels better and is by Remus’ side the whole way and becomes excited for a baby when Remus calls Tonks to say that he wants to be a part of it (secretly he had always been jealous about the way his nieces and nephews look at James and Lily). Tonks knows how in love the boys are.
~Wolfstar begins to miss out on baby stuff and Sirius complains that its not how its meant to be when the kid arrives, so Tonks come to live with them. Tonks love the arrangement because she doesn’t have to be alone and the boys dote on her and the baby once he arrives. James becomes a Godfather. They continue living together until Teddy a bit after Teddy turns one. Tonks moves to London to be closer to her work and they co-parent using floo network all the time. Sirius normally watches him during the day since he is a wizarding writer and Remus is a professor at Hogwarts (floo’s into work) and Tonks is an auror.
~Harry and Ron become Friends with Hermione when they save her from trouble with Filch for being out after bed (she was in the Library for too long). They help her with the invisibility cloak and she lies for them when McGonagall reveals them from under the cloak when she stepped on the end of it.  
~Neville has a happy childhood and is coated in his parents love, by the time he gets to school he is much more confident. He still takes a toad but his parents gave him an owl. Alice and Frank support all of his choices and are proud of every accomplishment he makes, even if his Grandmother says that it’s a waste of their time and effort. He and Harry are close friends from a very young age because of their parents, although they never really were best friends. When they went to Hogwarts and Harry went off with Ron they still looked out for each other and laughed together.
~Ron and Hermione (Ginny when they got older) came over to the Potter’s for some of the holidays, like they would go to the Weasleys for some before parting for a week before September 1st for “family time” and so their parents could see them off. Because of this Sirius and Remus become close with Ron and Hermione, so when Mrs. Weasley hosts a party (when Teddy is around three) they are invited too as part of the Potter family. Tonks comes along too as a family outing with Teddy. Teddy and Victorie hit it off and begged their parents to have play together more. Tonks sees Charlie at the party and starts talking to him as they were in the same year at school, though in different houses. He introduces her to his friend who works with him and is recently moving to London to lead the organization for dragon well-fair in England, protesting to let the Gringotts dragons free. In short Tonks and the person get together. (still unsure on what her partner identifies as but they are from a Greek pure-blood family with the surname Samaras).
~Charlie never marries or truly settles down but treats his dragons like children and is the best uncle ever.
~Bill comes to England not because of war but because he accidentally got promoted and had to move back. Him and Fleur still get married quickly, and have Victorie a year after that, Dominique come after two years and Louis three years after that. They pretty much lead the same lives other than the fact that their wedding isn’t crashed by Death Eaters and Fleur insists they have it in France (since they don’t have to stay in England for it)
~Hemione and Ron get together in 7th year in a similar sort of way. Ron is caught by Hermione tell off some kids for playing pranks on the house elves and teaches they about their history and situation. She can’t help herself, so she snogs him in the deserted corridor after the kids have gone. 
~Ginny and Harry break up after his 7th year, she wanted more independence especially since this was her last year and the only year attending the school without her family there. Harry was also going to auror training and starting his own path in the world and wanted to experience being by himself in the world, with new responsibilities. They both date a few people whilst broken up and remain close friends, they were each other’s firsts (Harry’s 7th year) but were with other people too. After four years, Ginny made the Harpies first team and one the match for them. Like before, Harry and her ended up kissing in front of the entire stadium, they have been together ever since. 
~ Ron and Harry both became aurors but shortly after Remus retires (he was getting more tiered after the full moons with his age and Sirius’ book became a best selling novel in the muggle and wizarding world so he could support them comfortably), he became the DADA professor. After joining the aurors he never felt like it was a good choice for him and didn’t know what he wanted to do, so he just stuck it out. That was until Remus mentioned he was retiring early and that they were struggling to find a competent professor. 
~Ginny does take maternity leave with each of her children (Jake, Samuel and Lyra - because no one is dead) but still play for the harpies until she is forced to retire. After retiring she writes sports articles for both the Prophet and the Quibbler, becoming chief editor of both. Harry is able to take care of the kids whilst she is away, with the help of a nanny. They both couldn’t see a reason to put either of their careers on hold. 
~Ron revolutionized the strategies that were used and as a result far less people were harmed and more people joined the force. He still took a 7 year break to be a stay at home dad whilst Hermione was being a boss, but practically worked part time since everyone respected his opinion and always asked for his advice (he got paid half time wages because of this). When Rose and Hugo both went to a muggle primary school, Ron worked for them officially again, but because of all the work he had done he rose quickly through the ranks and when the old head of the aurors retired, he became head of the department.
~Fred didn’t die so him and Angelina became a permanent couple (they never wanted to or could be bothered with getting married). They always had an on and off thing since the Yule Ball, they were the only people that they ever were in love with, despite their previous inconsistency. They only had one kid together. Joseph Weasley. Fred wanted him to have a sibling like he had but Angelina only ever wanted one and he had many cousins, George had his second kid at the same time and the boys were practically twins. (Fred II is renamed to Luke Weasley, since Fred didn’t die)
~George married Katie Bell after running into her at Diagon Ally whilst locking up the shop (Fred was out with Angelina that night). They agreed to catch up and it resulted in them having an amazing time, which ended with Katie giving George her contact details. They got pregnant with Roxanne just after George had proposed, so the wedding was preponed until she was there. Unfortunately Katie got pregnant again with Luke just when they started planning the wedding. two years later they finally got married and their children walked down the isle (it was the cutest thing, Molly was weeping).  
~Percy and Oliver fall in love ( how do you expect two guys that are the definition of opposites attract share a room for 7 years and have nothing happen) Oliver stops Percy from being a complete prat as there is no ministry fall out with his family to get him to that point. Oliver makes him realize that his family are the greatest gift, especially with all their flaws. They have a small ceremony with only family and close friends and adopt a little witch naming her after Molly, three years later they adopt another witch and name her Lucy. 
~Snape and Lily still fall out with him calling her a mudblood, just because there wasn’t an group to kill those like her doesn’t mean he didn’t hang around with prejudice people and have those views. He still become potions professor when Slughorn retires. Though occasionally he will get howlers from the Potter’s and Longbottom's shouting at him for his behavior towards his students along with some howlers from Marlene and Dorcas, Emmeline, Mary, Sirius and Peter with use of his old nicknames they had for him. (because how dare he disrespect their friends kids)
~Peter still is friends with the marauders, but he moves away from them and distances himself every year to the point where they only write to each other to celebrate special occasions. He never finds a partner or has children but does become a pub manager and lives comfortably.   
~Draco and the Golden trio make their peace at the end of 7th year. They never become friends, they just forgive each other ( for the most part, him calling Hermione a mudblood is not forgiven). They act civilly towards one another, especially when Scorpius and Samuel announce that they are dating. They learn to tolerate but nothing more.  
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