#flats in leeds
avtar901 · 1 year
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Student Properties| Shared Accommodation| Student Flats in Leeds
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heavenbarnes · 5 months
i LOVE how many people are genuinely concerned by older bf!simon’s usage of 3-in-1
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marweezy1 · 2 years
Looking for Flats to rent leeds city centre then your guide Marweezy is the best choice for you to look for the perfect flats to rent leeds city centre. You can find the best flats for rent in leeds with the help of Marweezy.
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Season 2 of the Magnus Protocol is going to reveal that the rift wasn't to Archives-universe but to a completely unrelated one and Sam and the Archivist split a flat in Leeds across from this universe's Magnus Institute.
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girllblogging777 · 1 month
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↳ mattheo riddle x fem!reader (angst)
↳ 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑑 𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡 : 1,6k
𝑠𝑢𝑚𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑦 : you find out that mattheo and you are working for different sides in the war, and using each other to get information. was your relationship ever real ?
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“and that’s why i love them,” you giggled breathlessly after explaining what seemed to be your entire life story to the boy next to you. propped up on his elbows and looking at you with a mischievous grin, mattheo riddle had listened carefully to every word that hung from your lips for the past half hour. “i understand why those flowers are so meaningful to you now,” he declared softly, glancing at the vase of lilies on your living room table.
the two of you were lying on the floor of your tiny flat in london, a place where you’d never let anyone in before. after graduating from hogwarts a couple of years ago, you had completely shut the rest of the world away to focus on your work as a spy for the order of the phoenix. obviously, no one knew that, not even the boy next to you, with whom you had been entangled for a couple of months.
“yeah, lilies are my favorite…” you muttered, running a finger over his chiseled jaw and the scars on it that you knew all too well. both former students at the wizarding school, it was quite ironic that the two of you had never interacted during your teenage years. you had always been the confident girl who never cared much about the male species, and he most definitely liked getting attention from women, to cope with his lack of them in his emotional life.
however, your relationship with the wicked boy had changed when he saved you a couple of months ago near the diagon alley. you had been on a mission to find something specific for the order of the phoenix at borgin & burkes in the infamous and dark knockturn alley, known for its dark magic and bad reputation. just as you were about to leave, some people cornered you in the shadows and, for the first time in your life, you had been powerless.
you should’ve known better than to leave your wand in your bag and your mind elsewhere. thankfully, a dark-haired boy that you recognized as the son of voldemort had appeared like a miracle and grabbed your hand to leed you away safely. “why are you doing this? aren’t you supposed to be on their side?” you’d asked, confused to why he would help you. he had simply glared at you and answered in a whisper, “i’m not the enemy.”
a lot of things had changed between you since then. despite not knowing what he had been doing in that alley, even after the countless times you’d asked him, you were forever grateful for his presence that day. you had offered to go out for a butterbeer as payback, and what was supposed to be a one-time thing turned into regular coffee or lunches together. slowly but surely, mattheo let his guard down with you and began enjoying your company. you couldn’t say you were surprised when all your time spent together turned into more, and polite conversations turned into intimate actions.
the young riddle and you had nothing official going on. at first, you’d told yourself he’d be a simple distraction from your dangerous life and complicated missions. he wouldn’t commit and neither did you, both of you always having to “run some errands” and “visit friends from hogwarts.” you would’ve questioned his weird behavior if you were actually dating him, but since the two of you were not attached, you couldn’t blame him. after all, you too had secrets. the simple fact that mattheo riddle had known you enough to let you into his messy life was a sign that he was worthy of your trust, or so you thought.
the energy in the air was different today, as if something was off. perhaps it was because you had done something you always forbade yourself—inviting someone over to your place. “is that a cloak?” mattheo chuckled, his gaze shifting from the vase of lilies to the coat hanger. you froze when you realized what he was referring to, the large navy blue fabric that you used when going on undercover tasks hanging in front of you like a deer in the headlights. “uh yeah, i wear it sometimes when it’s cold outside,” you lied through your teeth, internally cursing yourself. merlin, that was exactly why you shouldn’t have had him over. the brunette boy didn’t quite understand your reaction and simply switched topics, curious about the expression on your face.
whatever calmness you had felt the other day when you were with mattheo was long forgotten by now, you thought as you walked back to your apartment a week later. the first odd thing you noticed was the broken portal of the building that not only happened to be your home, but also the order’s headquarters. then, your ears perked at the sound of glass breaking and people screaming. grabbing your wand from your coat pocket, you put the hood of your navy cloak on and entered the hidden building, not without muttering a quick prayer.
nothing could’ve prepared you for what you found inside. you barely registered the documents on the floor and broken windows before going into attack mode and throwing spells at everyone around. most of the people you recognized as your allies, but it was the others that startled you. with their masks and dark attires, your biggest fear had come true: the death eaters had found you. one of them threw something at you and you dodged it by hiding under a desk. your brain was on high alert and you tried your best to fight back against the shadowy figures surrounding you.
they were everywhere. throwing spells and punches, this situation was by far the biggest and most dangerous mess you had ever witnessed in these last few months. because unlike those times, you weren’t ready. “how did they find us?” you thought, sending the death eater’s wand flying through the window. “there must’ve been a spy, but who?” you kept wondering before you were sent reeling when the guy’s fist connected to your jaw. elbowing him in the stomach as hard as you could, you managed to knock him unconscious and throw yourself behind the table when a spell whizzed past you.
you winced when the all-too-familiar metallic taste of blood filled your mouth. you could also feel the thick liquid running down your waist, mixed with the water from the broken vase of flowers on the floor. “lilies,” you registered, “my favorite.” how utterly stupid to think about this during your last moments of life. trying to reach for your wand, you looked up to find another masked man towering over you. “that’s it,” the voice in your heart whispered, “that’s how it ends.” you looked up to the person who was about to take your life, and you swore you could’ve seen him flinch. hiding behind his costume, the boy’s wand trembled when your face appeared from under the hood. the navy cloak, the lilies, that day in the diagon alley— that’s when you understood.
mattheo riddle. the man facing you, holding out his wand in order to throw the death curse at you, was no other than the boy who you’d been kissing in the same living room a week ago. you couldn’t see his face, but you swore you could recognize those deep chocolate eyes anywhere. today, gone was the soft and loving look he always saved for you. his gaze was indescribable. in this moment, you couldn’t hear the people fighting and shouting around you. it was just the pain of your heart breaking, and him standing in front of you.
“it was you,” you whispered, “i thought you weren’t like them, you said you weren’t the enemy.” mattheo’s breath came out shakily at the familiar sentence. how stupid were you to think he was different that him, than his father.
“i’m not the enemy,” he said quietly, his voice trembling, “listen, i can explain-“ but this time you couldn’t believe him. the wand in his hand was still pointed directly at you, his fingers twitching as if he were wrestling with the decision to end your life or not. you could see the conflict raging in his eyes, but you also knew that he had made his choice long ago. perhaps even before he met you.
“then why are you here?” you asked, your voice breaking despite your best efforts to stay strong. “why did you betray us?” your voice broke in the last part “why did you betray me ?”
mattheo’s jaw tightened, and for a moment, you thought he wouldn’t answer. when he finally spoke, his voice was low and filled with regret. “i didn’t have a choice,” he admitted, his eyes never leaving yours. “they would have killed you if i didn’t lead them here. they still will if i don’t—”
he couldn’t finish the sentence, the words catching in his throat. you felt your heart shatter completely, the weight of his betrayal pressing down on you like a physical force. you had trusted him. you had let him into your life, into your heart, and he had used that trust to destroy everything.
“was it ever real ?” you asked, your voice barely above a whisper. you stared at him, searching his eyes for any sign of the boy you thought you knew. but all you saw was desperation and fear—fear for you, yes, but also fear for himself. and that, more than anything, told you what you needed to know.
“i guess i was a fool then,” you said, your voice steady now, though your heart was in pieces. “for thinking you were better than this. than him.”
his hand trembled as you proved his worst nightmare true, and he lowered his wand slightly, the fight draining out of him. “i’m sorry,” he whispered, and you knew he meant it. but it wasn’t enough. it would never be enough.
as the fight kept on going, the echoes of spells and shouts fading behind you, all you could think about were the lilies—your favorite flowers, now trampled and wilted on the floor, a painful reminder of everything you had just lost.
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a/n : this was such a good request, please give me more !!! i also appreciate likes/comments and reblogs <3
tag list (tell me if you wanna be added !) : @redeemingvillains @helendeath @jolly4holly @fluffycookies22 @shiftingwithmars @shiftingwithleah @mattheosdior @tateshifts @yikesitslush @bellatrix-lestrange5 @fbvreadingblog @justscrollinthrough @enyway @dexoq @larmesdevanille @larmesdevanille @reys-letters @icantkeepmyplantsalive @myunperfektstorys @moonlightreader649 @sp7-mr @clar2aa
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baddywronglegs · 5 months
England doesn’t have a North-South divide. But if it did have one, Cornwall would be in the North.
Now I’m not saying there isn’t a big geographical divide between like, Manchester and Canterbury, or that the country’s a homogeneous patchwork, what I’m saying is this divide isn’t north-south and thinking about it as such masks a lot of things.
Oh, and I am, for necessity of discussing this divide, going to be ignoring the Midlands. I hope you forgive me ignoring the deep cultural ties between Birmingham and Rutland.
Map Men made a video about the North-South divide in England (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ENeCYwms-Cc&ab_channel=JayForeman), which focused on the line determined by Danny Dorling in 2008.
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… Which isn’t a north-south divide. It’s a northwest-southeast divide, going up at more than 45 degrees – it’s more an east-west divide than it is a north-south. It also includes Wales in “the North” but we’ll get to that.
But it was a north-south divide he set out to find, so a north-south divide he sort of drew, excluding exclaves and enclaves where the metrics he was looking at would make that not a north-south divide.
Notably, several would seem to put the west country peninsula in “the North”… So what’s up with that?
(Dorling's full paper is here, and I recommend looking through the whole thing to see how he arrived at the divide he eventually concluded: https://www.dannydorling.org/wp-content/files/dannydorling_publication_id2938.pdf)
Anyway. This is what’s up with that:
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This is a geological map of Great Britain (and the Isle of Man, which isn’t actually part of the UK or any of its constituent countries but I guess it’s here anyway.)
Here again, in the boundary between Jurassic and Triassic geology, is that diagonal line from the Humber to the Severn, but continuing past both. For convenience, here are those two lines superimposed on one another.
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With Danny Dorling’s line (frequently following county boundaries or other administrative boundaries) in blue, and the geological divide in red.
One line was drawn in 2008, the other has existed over 200 million years.
This isn’t a coincidence – it’s the reason for the divide.
What made “the North” is the industrial revolution. And one thing that drove the industrial revolution was the mines: coal, iron, silver, tin, the rocks beneath our feet and the people who dreamed they were worth more than the people they sent into the dark to bring it into the light.
Towns grew around mines, from Walker to South Crofty, and more than just the mines defining them, it was the mines closing that would cement the divide.
“Byker Hill and Walker Shore, collier lads forever more”
“Cornish lads are fishermen and Cornish lads are miners too”
- Two folk songs about regional identity’s roots in its industry, from opposite ends of this dividing line
In the West Midlands, the Black Country didn’t earn that name with caviar; it, like Manchester and Leeds, reinvented itself when the industry collapsed: cities built in the brick ruins of the temples built to the exploitation of the workers, blackened by the smokes of the cremation of its labour industry. When the light catches the steel and glass just right, you can still see the ghosts.
Even the country life outside the cities is shaped by this geology: the terrain north-west of this line doesn’t lend itself to large, flat expanses of land for arable farming, and the divide is visible again when looking at agriculture:
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With the majority of land south of the Jurassic-Triassic line being arable, mixed and market gardening, with a fair amount of cattle in the Cotswolds and Chilterns and along the north side of the Thames, and the majority north-west of it being cattle and sheep – which are almost absent from the south side of the divide with the exception of the Isle of Wight and therefore, ironically, Cowes.
Not all farming is the same, the yearly flow of labour and of marketable goods between livestock and arable having little in common beyond being intensive work out-of-doors and taking huge amounts of land to accomplish.
But one thing that also goes hand in hand with this is that sheep aren’t mostly farmed for their meat but for their wool, and what drove industrialisation in the Pennines was the steam-loom: the mechanisation and mass-production of wool.
(Incidentally, on this map arable farming and market gardening also correlate with several types of English traditional dance: Molly, Border an East Midlands and East Riding plough dances, which began as a way for seasonal farmhands to make ends meet by busking with menaces in the winter off-season, but that’s for a later Morris ramble).
But hang on, that puts Hull on the same side of the divide as Kent, not, for example, Liverpool. So what gives there?
The East Riding isn’t built on mining - a kid with a bucket and spade could find the water table in most of the county.
Hull, and other ports of Yorkshire with it, was built on whaling – and not many industries have collapsed harder than whaling. For once, the geography of the land has little impact on this, but the geography of the sea does:
Between England and the European continent is a shallower stretch of sea called Dogger Bank – named for the Dutch cod-fishing boats known as Doggers which fished on it. But shallow water isn’t great for whales. So where is there water good for whales?
Well, whalers from Great Britain would venture as far as the Antarctic ocean in search of whales, and often hunted off Greenland – but there was water closer to home where whales did and still do frequent:
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(There is still whaling in the North Sea. Around 500 minke whales are killed by Norwegian whalers each year “in objection to” the global ban on commercial whaling.)
Outside of this, there’s also a divide between port cities dealing primarily in cargo or primarily in passengers, something which is somewhat evening out by one means or another, but here’s a current map of UK passenger ports and their passenger numbers:
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Or at least circles sized to correspond to their passenger numbers - source with stats: https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/sea-passenger-statistics-all-routes-2021/sea-passenger-statistics-all-routes-2021
Compare this with a map of cargo ports by load:
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Source with numbers: https://safety4sea.com/uk-ports-record-steady-performance-during-2018/
Generally showing passenger numbers getting lower the further you get from Dover, but not the same correlation with cargo (Plymouth and Holyhead both bucking this trend at a glance).
So, if not “The North” and “The South”, what name does make sense for this divide?
I propose “the South” be known as Lloegyr.
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These names still exist: Domnonea still exists in Brittany both as a name for that same region from which Brittonic settlers came to Brittany and an area of Brittany named for them, and in Welsh, yr Alban is Scotland, Cymru is Wales and Lloegr is England.
Wales isn’t part of “the North”. “The North” is part of Wales.
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not-xpr-art · 7 days
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Len and Tommy's life told through nine photos ~
A fanart based on the Inside no 9 episode 'Bernie Clifton's Dressing Room' because I loved it so much!
See below for close ups and unnecessarily detailed explanations of each individual artwork lol
First wanna say that I spent wayy too long on these (like 25+ hours), especially trying to make them look like actual old photos lol... also trying to get their likeness right for the various ages was really bloody hard lol, but hopefully each photo has the essence of each character even if it might not look 100% right pfft...
Second thing is that the dates & locations are very much my own subjective thoughts on their life and not particularly rooted in the canon of the show lol
Also I did go really heavy with the colour symbolism lol...
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Ravenhill School, 1965.
The year they met, both are around the age of 10 (give or take). Len is 3 from the left in the top row, Tommy 2 in from the left on the bottom row (also I tried to include references to the other 2 League Of Gentlemen guys... Though I think the only vaguely recognisable one is Jeremy pfft)
Also shout out to @lapis-lazuliie for the idea that they met at school!
(side note, this is the least detailed of all the paintings not just because I was too lazy to render all those children's faces pfft but ALSO because of the significance of them being less recognisable or prominent in each other's lives in this point...)
I was planning on making another childhood/early teen photo but couldn't really think of any good subject matter that could also fit thematically with the episode (also the fact both are coming from poor families who would have had limited access to cameras in this era means we can just pretend that there are just no photos that really exist of them at these ages pfft...)
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Photo booth in Leeds, 1974.
Both in their late teens, they'd (well, mainly Tommy) gone to a photo booth in Leeds with the intention of getting some professional looking photos only for Len to immediately make Tommy laugh once they got in there lol
The middle photo is covered in lines as Tommy had planned on throwing it away, only to find he couldn't bring himself to do it in the end... Is it platonic? Romantic? Both? Who knows, you decide lol! I mainly wanted it to be a candid moment between two people that love each other lol
(final one is them play fighting because that's kinda just what 19 year olds are like pfft... also I think photo booths technically gave you 4 photos? so let's pretend there was another photo that they did throw away for whatever reason lol...)
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Rehearsals, 1979.
Deep in the midst of practising their routine for some of their first performances!
I'll admit this photo was mainly me wanting to include something more episode specific lol and also to get in some much needed heavy handed symbolism (the crease in the photo separating them, the bottle in front of Len's face, etc)
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Polaroids taken at Tommy's flat, 1985.
In-between shows the two often spent a lot of time at Tommy's place (featuring that god awful sofa the previous home owner had left). I did originally plan to have them in the sofa shot together, but was finding it hard to figure out who would have been taking that kind of photo so figured it made more sense to make it shots they took of each other.
Also marks the beginnings of Tommy's weariness (& Len's over drinking...)
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Outside the Glasgow Pavilion, 1988.
The morning of that fateful performance...
Ok not much else I wanna say about this other than the reference I used for the pose had Reece sorta awkwardly clasping his hands in front of him which I really liked but unfortunately in my art it just looked like he was trying to cover his crotch so I had to change it pfft...
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Tommy standing at Len's grave, 2024.
The sixth anniversary of Len's death, and the sixth time Tommy has travelled across from France to lay flowers at his grave. Photo taken by Leanne from the inside of a taxi (I'd like to have had more references to her in these photos but was unsure of dates/ages where it would have fitted...)
She couldn't get her phone to not focus on the raindrops on the window as she tried to take a picture of Tommy at her father's grave but then realised that she actually liked the pathetic fallacy and had it made into a print anyway lol (look I'll be the first to admit that this is the least 'realistic' in terms of a photo that people would take, but I couldn't resist the symbolism of it lol...)
There were a lot more ideas for photos I wanted to do but for obvious reasons had to keep it to just 9 lol
Also will be posting these on my ao3 with snippets of stories to go with each photo so keep an eye out for when I share that link!
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art · 2 years
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Creator Spotlight: @scottlava
Scott Campbell has illustrated numerous children’s books, including SKULLS!, Sleepy the Goodnight Buddy, and Zombie In Love. He was author/illustrator of the much-loved HUG MACHINE. He enjoyed a long career in video games, where he art directed the critically acclaimed game Psychonauts and Brutal Legend for Double Fine Productions. Great Showdowns is his ongoing online series. Scott’s work has appeared in galleries and publications around the world. You can see more of his work at ScottC.com.
Check out our interview with Scott below!
How did you get your start in art, and more specifically, with Great Showdowns?
I went to art school in San Francisco and have been painting, making comics, and designing video games ever since with Double Fine Productions. The Great Showdowns began at the first Crazy 4 Cult exhibition at Gallery 1988 in Los Angeles back in 2007, an exhibition of artwork inspired by the cult classics of cinema. The first 10 little paintings were intended to be snack-sized pieces for people to easily collect. They began with perhaps the most iconic of wild west showdowns from A Fistful of Dollars with Clint Eastwood. I pulled some of my favorite moments from films like Ghostbusters, Predator, Exorcist, and Planet of the Apes and placed them all in simple little dust-colored squares as if they were in the dirt streets of a wild west town. They began as good versus evil but grew to all kinds of showdowns between people and objects and often moments of great love between people. I started a tumblr for them a few years later, and I have been posting them ever since. We have published three Great Showdown books and have had 3 solo exhibitions along with worldwide scavenger hunts. There are over a thousand of them up on the site by now, and i do not plan on stopping any time soon.
Which 3 famous artists (dead or alive) would you invite to your dinner party?
I would like to gather Jim Henson, Walt Disney, and Richard Scarry together for dinner and chats. They have all created my favorite and most joyful worlds. I think we would have some of the most delightful chats.
What is a medium that you have always been intrigued by but would never use yourself?
I love collage, but every time I try it, I get frustrated and just quit. Someday I will get into it when my kids are old enough to really mess around with various mediums. I plan to have boxes of textiles and magazines for them to just annihilate.
What does your work set up look like?
Oh, it’s just a table with an old mug for water and an old plate for my watercolors and not much else. I share a studio with a bunch of very inspiring people who make wonderful things, from fabricated creatures to VR experiences and films. I have probably the simplest little area in the space. I do have an old oak flat file that I love to look at.
Advice you would give to an aspiring creator?
The biggest thing I would push upon everyone would be to not fret about one’s visual style. The style will grow and present itself as you experiment with mediums and expose yourself to various cultural delights. Just have fun and try all kinds of things.
What is one interaction you had from a fan of yours that has stuck with you over the years?
I gave a game design presentation many years back on a game I had art directed at the time called Brutal Legend at a game conference in Leeds. The game followed a roadie to the age of metal in the land of metal, with demons and chrome volcanoes and hot rods growing from the ground, and rivers of happy and cheering fans. After the talk, I spoke with someone whose work I had seen in earlier portfolio reviews at the conference. She was very shy but incredibly talented. She came up to me after the talk feeling pretty emotional and inspired to the point of tears and sobbing. It was probably the most extreme reaction I have ever gotten from someone, and it touched me deep down in my guts. That’s why we make things! To bring on the tears!
From video games, to illustrations, and children's books, you've worked on many projects. What was the most challenging, yet rewarding one?
Video games take an enormous amount of work over a long period of time and rely on the skills and talent of many like-minded people. It is sometimes difficult to corral such an effort, but it is incredibly rewarding to see it all come together to create such epic worlds. That said, though, children’s books are very enjoyable in a cozy way. It’s just me right there working on a world and all the pressure is on me. I cannot rely on all the talented people around me to make it look great.
Who on Tumblr inspires you and why?
I love perusing old fashion and film blogs and artists like Bob Jinx and Neil Sanders and collections like Its Colossal.
Thanks for stopping by, Scott! Be sure to check out the Great Showdowns over at @scottlava!
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avtar901 · 1 year
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Student Houses To Rent in Hyde Park | Student Housing Leeds | Avtar Properties
Located in the highly popular student houses to rent in Hyde Park, we have expanded our premises to a city center location to rent student housing in Leeds and Hyde Park etc.
For more information please visit:
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daisyblog · 1 year
Will You Go On A Date With Me?
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Our Story Masterlist Summary: YN and Harry spend time together and their feelings start to grow. Warning: swearing Since YN's brother Louis auditioned on The X Factor and was put into a band with four other boys, she didn’t get to see him much which she found incredibly hard considering how close they are. They called and text a lot but it just wasn’t the same, so when Louis invited YN to go to Leeds Festival with him and Harry she was absolutely thrilled. Although YN had met Harry a couple of times before, she hadn’t got the chance to chat with him properly, so she was excited to be able to get to know her brother's bandmate. On the day of the festival, YN had agreed to meet Louis and his friends inside the field as she was travelling from their hometown whilst the two boys were going to arrive a bit later due to band rehearsals. Once YN had arrived at the field, she spotted some of her brother's friends that she knew including Oli and Danny. YN was chatting to Oli when she felt a pair of hands cover both her eyes and her brother's voice saying, “Guess who”. She immediately turned around and jumped into his embrace. “Oh I’ve missed you so much” YN expressed whilst she wrapped her arms around his neck with a tight squeeze. “I’ve missed you too, Kiddo” Louis said as he held her in his arms. Letting her go, he introduced Harry to his friends “Hey guys…this is Harry…Harry these are me mates...and you remember YN” “Hey” Harry spoke, whilst Louis’s friends replied with a nod of their heads or “Alright mate”. After having a catch-up with her brother about what he and the band had been up to and how he’s going to try and visit their family back in Doncaster soon, the group decided to move closer to one of the stages where the acts were performing. As the group walked towards where a band YN hadn’t heard of was performing, Louis was walking a little ahead talking to Danny and Stan, whilst YN kept Harry company at the back. “So..how’s living with my brother?” YN tried to make conversation with the curly-haired boy. “Uh..yeah it’s good…to be fair we’ve been so busy lately that we haven’t spent too much time in the flat” Harry explained whilst glancing down at YN. “I miss him..but I don’t miss his mess and dirty clothes hangin’ around everywhere” YN joked and Harry chuckled. “He really misses you..you know” Harry replied, whilst giving his head a shake to move his curls “You should come..maybe come up and visit us one day…we could show you around London or something” YN gave Harry a grateful smile “I’d really like that thank you…I miss just hangin’ out with him..we’d do almost everythin’ together”
“He’s told me some stories…you sound like a mischievous pair”
“You’ll just have to wait and see” YN stated with a cheeky smirk. YN was standing in line waiting to get a bottle of water with Harry and some of Louis's friends. Music from different artists was blasting through the open field and YN began to dance around, waving her hands in the air and singing along loudly to the music playing. Harry couldn’t help but admire her, he’d never got the chance to talk to her properly, only getting to know her through things Louis would tell him when they would talk amongst the band. Looking at YN, Harry could see the resemblance between her and Louis, they had the same shape nose and their eyes would crinkle when they both smiled. He’d never admit it, how could he, she's his bandmate's sister but he couldn’t help but think how pretty she is. Before he had the chance to advert his eyes elsewhere, YN caught him staring. “Whot?” YN asked whilst still jumping around, enjoying the music playing in the background. Sassy and full of attitude, just like her brother Harry thought to himself. Quickly thinking “I-I..was just thinking about how similar you and Louis are…like you're so carefree and..I don’t know..you just don’t care what people think about you..you just enjoy yourself” “What’s the point in worrying about what other people think?” YN asked. “It’s just..everyone seems to have an opinion about you.. don't they?” “And it’s just that…an opinion” YN quickly replied, she was now at the front of the queue so quickly ordered a few bottles of water as Harry stood behind thinking about the words she just spoke. --- It had been a few weeks since the festival and although YN spoke to Louis nearly every day, either on the phone or by messaging, she still missed him. Spending the weekend with him at the festival reminded her of the times when he was just her brother, and she didn’t have to share him with the rest of the world. But he had invited YN to visit him at his flat for the weekend because he wanted her to meet his new girlfriend, Eleanor and it was Niall’s birthday and he was having a party to celebrate and of course, YN said yes. It was the night before she was travelling up to London on the train to stay with Louis at his flat that he shared with Harry. YN was sitting on a stool at the kitchen island that was standing in the middle of the open plan kitchen and dining room, chatting to her sister Lottie and Mum whilst she cooked dinner. “So are you lookin’ forward to goin’ down to London tomorrow?” Jay asked whilst she stirred the pasta in the saucepan in front of her. “Yeah..I can’t wait..I’m so excited”
“I’m so jealous” Lottie said with a sad pout “Can I go to?” “When you’re a bit older” their Mum answered her. “That’s not fair” Lottie said and stomped out of the room. YN and their Mum looked at each other and YN rolled your eyes at her sister's dramatic behaviour. “So fookin’ dramatic” YN said. “YN! Language” her Mum scolded with a frown. With that, YN's phone buzzed in front of her with a Twitter notification. At first, she ignored it thinking it was probably another fan mentioning her in a tweet or trying to message her, but as she took another glance she saw the username @Harry_Styles, he had sent her a DM. @Harry_Styles Hey! Louis said that you are coming to visit this weekend and you’re coming to Niall’s birthday. It’ll be nice to see you again, maybe we could do that tour of London like we talked about :) She stared at the message for a while, unsure about how to reply. Did Louis ask him to message her, she wondered. After a few minutes of thinking about how to reply, she began to type a message back. @YNTomlinson Hi Harry. Yeah I’m travelling down tomorrow, I arrive around 5pm. I’d really like that but only if you’re not too busy x After pressing the send button, she realised she had put an ‘x’ at the end out of habit. Her eyes widened and she could feel her heart beat faster. But before she could overthink anymore, another message appeared.
@Harry_Styles We’ve got the weekend off so I’ll look forward to being your tour guide for the day. We’re gonna be the youngest at the party and the only ones not allowed to drink. So we’ll be the sober ones haha! X
He sent an ‘x’ back, maybe he didn’t find it weird as she had thought. Not wanting to keep him waiting she typed out a quick reply. @YNTomlinson I can’t wait! Waters on me x @HarryStyles Water? Aw I thought we could be a bit more adventurous and maybe have a lemonade x
She couldn’t help but let out a little giggle at his sarcasm. For a moment she had forgotten that her Mum was still in the room cooking. “Who’s got you giggling?” Lifting her head and looking at her Mum she panicked and said “Aww..I-I..It’s just Mia..she sent me a funny photo that’s all” she smiled as her fingers tapped against the screen. Her Mum eyed her suspiciously not quite believing her but decided not to say anything. @YNTomlinson Adventurous is my middle name x
--- YN had arrived at Louis and Harry’s shared flat, last night, around five o'clock after taking a two-hour train journey to get there. When she arrived Louis, Eleanor and Harry were all hanging out in the lounge area of the flat. Louis introduced her to his new girlfriend and Harry welcomed YN with a warm hug. “How was the train ride Kiddo?” Louis asked as he sat back down and placed his hand on Eleanor's thigh. Harry had gone to the kitchen to get everyone a drink and YN sat cross-legged on the chair close to the window. “Yeah it was alright…a bit boring on me own..but I just put me earphones in” “Well we’re gonna try and come down soon…I want Mum and the girls to meet El” Louis turned to smile at the girl next to him. “Please do..Lottie stomped out the room last night ‘cause Mum said she couldn’t come wiv me” YN explained “’onestly it was so fookin’ dramatic…so yeah please come down” which made Eleanor giggle. “I wonder who she’s followin’ ey” Louis stared at YN with raised eyebrows. “I wasn’t tha’ bad Lou” YN wined. “You fookin’ were…nobody could even look at ya without you bitin’ their fookin’ head off” YN rolled her eyes at her brother before he continued “I feel sorry for whoever decides to date you” he laughed as YN rolled her eyes again. With that Harry walked back into the room with drinks for each of them, he handed YN hers and she thanked him. He sat on the black sofa opposite and watched as YN took a sip..lemondade she thought. As she looked up, Harry gave her a wink which made her stomach flutter. The night passed as they spent it eating pizza, telling stories, and watching a movie. YN even got to know Eleanor a little bit more and learnt that she was an only child, so she was really looking forward to meeting the rest of the Tomlinson family. YN and Eleanor both chatted about what they were going to wear to Niall’s party, Eleanor explaining she still wasn’t sure and brought a few outfits to choose from as she was staying the night. She asked if YN wanted to get ready together and said she would even help to curl her hair and do her makeup.
That’s where they are now, both sitting on the bed in the guest room which is YN's for the weekend. Eleanor had curled her hair in loose curls as they chatted about make-up, and fashion and even planned to go on a shopping trip together soon. YN had decided on wearing a plain simple black dress with some ankle strap sandals. Whilst looking in the mirror YN couldn’t help but look at her stomach and legs and began to compare herrself to Eleanor whose tummy was flat in her dress and her legs just looked flawless. In the bathroom next door, Harry was dressed in a smart black shirt, paired with some black skinny jeans and brown Chelsea boots, he was brushing his teeth and he didn’t mean to listen but the door was slightly ajar and he could hear them both chatting away. He could hear YN quietly ask Eleanor “Uhh..El..can I ask you something?” “Yeah of course” “Do..do I look okay in this..it’s just I can’t help…but..but..I dunno..think maybe me stomach and legs are too big for it” Harry heard YN stutter. At her words, Harry couldn’t help but frown, he actually felt upset that YN thought about herself that way.  “YN..you’ve got to be joking babe..you look absolutely beautiful and your figure is just..well perfect” Harry smiled at Eleanor’s compliment and couldn’t help but agree. “Uhh..thanks El..I just..sometimes I get in me own head…ya know” “We all do babe..but I meant what I said” Harry had decided he had eavesdropped enough and moved into the lounge area to wait for them both with Louis as they needed to leave in the next ten minutes. As he was chatting with Louis about the football scores, YN and Eleanor walked into the lounge giggling together about something. Harry gulped when he was YN, wearing a fitted black dress that hugged her figure perfectly and her loose curls framing her face and lips painted a dark red. Louis interrupted his thoughts “Oi oi! Look at you pretty gals” and pecked Eleanor’s forehead.   YN walked behind the couple heading towards Harry’s car when she heard Harry’s voice next to her “I like your hair..it really suits you” which caused a blush to creep up onto her cheeks. Harry noticed the slight colour on YN's cheeks as she thanked him with a shy smile. He always thought she was confident and especially after their conversation at the festival about not worrying about what others think. But looking at her shy smile and thinking about the conversation with Eleanor, he concluded that maybe she hid her insecurities well behind a loud and sassy personality. ---
They had arrived at Niall’s party which was at the Sanderson Hotel and found Niall surrounded by a group of unfamiliar people, that Louis and Harry seemed to know. “YN!” Niall shouted as he noticed her standing between her brother and Harry. He had pulled YN into a tight squeeze. “Thanks for comin’ love” “’appy Birthday Niall” her Doncaster accent was heard “’ere’s your card..there’s a little something inside..I didn’t know what you liked so..” The Irishman interrupted her “Aww darlin’ you didn’t need to get me anything..thanks love”. He pulled her into another embrace and left a platonic peck on top of her head. Harry felt a little confused when he felt jealous of Niall being able to act so casually towards YN. When Harry welcomed her yesterday when she arrived, with a hug, he couldn’t help but think afterwards if it was awkward or if he had sprayed too much aftershave, but here the other boys were hugging her like they’d known her for ages. Why was he overthinking everything towards her, he wondered to himself. As the night went on, Harry found himself tucked in the corner chatting with James, as James was telling him a story about his recent holiday, Harry’s eyes couldn’t help but find YN in the crowd. She was dancing along to ‘I Gotta Feeling’ with Louis and Niall and his eyes landed on her hips swaying along to the beat. “Oooo…has our Harry got a little crush” James teased, making Harry look back at him. “Piss off Corden…she’s Louis's sister” “Didn’t deny it” James continued teasing and laughing at the young lad's glare. ”Ooo she’s coming over…I’ll leave you to it” and before Harry could say anything, James had disappeared into the crowd. “Alright…where’s the lemonade you promised then?” YN asked with a giggle. “They ran out…their most popular drink apparently” Harry teased. “Aww yeah, I can fookin’ imagine..must be flying off the shelf” Harry couldn’t help but noticed how similar YN and Louis were with your quick comebacks and witty humour.
The party had decided to move on to Movida and do a pub crawl to celebrate Niall’s 18th Birthday. Being the youngest member of the band and still being seventeen, Harry decided he was going to go home early. Louis had suggested YN go back to the flat with Harry as she wouldn’t be able to get into the pubs and clubs as she wasn't old enough. So YN found yourself back at the flat, and she explained that she was going to change into something comfy. After changing into some comfy pyjamas and washing her make-up off, she walked back to the lounge area where she found Harry sitting on the sofa scrolling on his phone. As YN entered, Harry lifted his head “Hey, I was going to watch a movie..and chill if you want to join” “Yeah..I’d love to” but Harry sensed she wanted to say more. “You alright?” he asked as YN awkwardly stood in the doorway. “Uhh..yeah..um..I was just wondering if..um I could make a cup of tea please?” She stuttered out, almost sounding embarrassed. “Only if I can have one too” Harry replied with a cheeky smile. “milk and two sugars please”. YN only smiled and went to the boys' kitchen and got two mugs out of the cupboard and switched the kettle on to boil. She carried the two mugs of tea back into the room where Harry was scrolling through the movie options on the screen in front of him. She passed him his mug and he muttered a thank you as he took a sip. “Must be a Tomlinson thing..you can all make a good cup of tea” Harry joked, making YN chuckle. “Yeah..we’re a bit obsessed with tea...can’t beat a good cup of Yorkshire tea” YN said with a smile. For some reason, she carried on talking about her love for tea and then let her secret out that only her family knew about “…yeah I can’t sleep if I don’t have a cup of tea before bed” instantly regretting it because he’s probably going to think she's a bit strange now. “I’ll remember that…maybe I should start drinking some before I sleep..see if it works” he thought out loud.
As promised, Harry took her on a little tour of London the next day before she was heading back to Doncaster. If YN was honest, she didn’t want your time in London to end, she has really enjoyed herself. Harry was already showered and dressed when YN walked into the kitchen on Sunday morning. He was pouring some milk into a mug and using a spoon to stir it. “Morning” he greeted. “Morning Harry” YN smiled. “I’ve made you a cup of tea…I’m sorry if it's not as nice as yours” he joked. YN laughed at his joked and took the mug from his grip “Thanks Harry…maybe I can teach you the Tomlinson way one day” “Letting me in on the family secrets” he said before taking a sip from the white mug in his hand “I was thinking maybe we could walk to Hampstead Heath..it is about an hour's walk but we could stop on the way for some breakfast” Harry suggested. “I did ask Lou if he wanted to join us but I don’t think he even lifted his head from the pillow..looks like they had an eventful night". “Yeah..sounds good” YN smiled as she took a sip from her mug “I’m goin’ to go and have a shower and get dressed". YN and Harry had stopped for a takeaway coffee and a breakfast toastie in a little cafe that was near the boys flat. Harry insisted he paid despite YN's effort of trying to swipe her card before he could. They were walking along the busy road of London, heading towards the park. “So..tell me all about YN Tomlinson” Harry began as they walked side by side holding their cups in your hands, taking a sip as they walked. “I’m sure you’ve heard enough from Lou” “Well..yeah he told me some things..but I want to know YN and not..I don’t know...what Louis wants me to know” he explained and took a glance down at her presence next to him. YN thought before speaking “Uhh..what do you want to know?..I think I’m pretty borin’” YNlaughed. “Boring is not how I’d describe you…you’re full of life and energy and you..you seem to just live for the moment” “Well yeah..you only live once so..you know…may as well live while we’re young ey” “See…you're good at giving life advice” Harry observed “Louis told me you’re studying at the moment..Business wasn’t it?” “Yeah..I fookin’ hate it” YN said with a frown “I didn’t know what to study so I just pciked that…I really like being creative and I wanted to do something with like hair or beauty or..I dunno something where I can show my ideas..you know” “It’s never too late to start…take your own advice…no point spending your time in a job or whatever that you don’t like” Harry spoke. “Hmm..true” YN agreed “I just haven’t got the experience you know and nobody wants to take you on or..like help when you don’t know what you're doin’” “Why don’t you speak to Louise?” Harry suggested “She’s going to be coming on tour with us..maybe she could help or something” “Yeah” YN thought “I could, couldn’t I” “Never know..maybe you’ll end up on the road with us now” Harry teased and bumped her shoulder with his.
YN didn’t realise how the time went so quickly, YN and Harry spoke all the way to the park about families, childhoods, friends, the band…everything and everything. Once they got back to the flat, Louis was laying across the sofa. “Hey..you two enjoy?” he asked. “Yeah…it was nice to just walk around” YN said “I’m gonna have to leave soon…me train leaves at three” YN said as she checked the time on her phone. Before YN left, Louis wrapped his arms around her “Let me know when you’re ‘ome safe alright…and look after Mum and the girls for me” “I will..thanks for letting me come down and stay wiv you” YN said “Thanks for showing me around too Harry…breakfasts on me next time though”. Harry couldn’t help but smile at the words ‘next time’, he had really enjoyed just getting to know her today and he was excited at the thought of doing it again. ---
Once YN got home that evening and spent some time with her Mum and younger sisters, filing them in on what she got up to on the weekend and all about Eleanor and how they're going to come and visit them soon, YN was laying in her bed, covered with pink covers, and of course a cup of tea in her hand. As she was taking a sip from her mug, her fingers started typing out a message to her new contact. Harry had given YN his number to send Louise’s number to her. YN Hey Harry! Just wanted to say thank you again for this weekend. I really enjoyed myself xx After sending the message YN began scrolling through Instagram and liking some of her friend's posts that they put up over the weekend. Harry Hey, glad you got home safe. I had a great time too! I took your advice and I’m having a cup of tea before bed x YN You’re in for a good night's sleep xx Harry Sweet dreams YN x
--- After Harry’s last message, YN didn’t think she would speak to him much after that. How wrong was she? They text every moment of the day they could, she found yourself checking her phone every few minutes to see if the curly-haired boy had replied, feeling instantly disappointed when she didn’t see his name on her screen. Little did YN know, Harry was doing the exact same thing, checking his phone every moment to see if she had replied to the funny video he had sent her or listened to the song he suggested she listen to. Louis had teased him about who he was constantly texting and who was making him smile like a giggly schoolgirl every time his phoned buzzed. Each time he replied “It’s just a friend”, because how could he tell his bandmate..and best friend that he was falling for his sister. Harry was back at his Mum’s house visiting before the Up All Night tour began in late December. He was sat at the dining table whilst his Mum cooked him and Robin some breakfast. Since coming home the night before, Anne noticed her son’s attachment to his phone, if he wasn’t typing on the screen he was checking it before putting it back in his pocket. She was about to ask who was making him smile like that but Harry interrupted her thoughts. “Uhh..can I ask you both something?” “Of course my love” Anne replied, whilst Robin said “Anything son” Harry paused and thought before trying to get his words out “I-I..What do you do when you..you really like someone..but shouldn’t” “It depends on why you shouldn’t” Robin replied “Like..you just shouldn’t think of them that way..because well you're going to upset people” “Darlin’ If you like someone..and I mean really like someone then…something you have to be selfish and if you and the person like each other..and you know want to give it a go then..go for it because you have one life, so don’t let other people stop you from doing anything you feel is right” Anne advised.
“Your Mums right, Harry” Robin spoke as Harry sat and listened to his Mum’s advice, thinking how YN had given him similar advice a few weeks ago. Before Harry could change his mind or overthink he began to type out a message. YN was sitting at the dining table, eating a piece of toast with her sisters when she felt her phone buzz in her pocket. Harry I’m really scared to ask you this because Louis will probably kill me, but will you go on a date with me? X
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marweezy1 · 2 years
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Marweezy provides apartments for rent in Leeds city centre, offering comfortable and modern living spaces for individuals and families alike. The apartments are conveniently located in the heart of the city, allowing for easy access to nearby amenities, entertainment, and transportation. With a variety of floor plans and features, Marweezy aims to provide a personalized living experience for their tenants.
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hgroogingsupplies · 9 months
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HG Roofing Supplies are a leading supplier of roof insulation materials in the UK. Quality products for energy efficiency and comfort. Get a quote today!
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skinnyazn · 10 months
I Will Not Ask and Neither Should You
Pairing: Simon 'Ghost' Riley x F!Reader (Jaguar) Chapters: 1/3 Notes: inspired by Hozier's Like Real People Do, this is unlocking a big chunk of Jag LORE (based off of her dossier I made), also Simon's backstory, there may be smut there may not be we shall see where the fic takes it, it's gonna be angstyyyy,
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Part Two | Part Three | AO3 | MASTERLIST Why were you digging? / What did you bury Before those hands pulled me / From the earth? I will not ask you where you came from / I will not ask and neither should you
“Ya ‘eard from her?”  
“No, Simon,” there was a pause on the other side of the phone line. A flick of flint and a few inhales. “Think I’d be the first to know anyway?”
Simon wandered the sparse room like his namesake. The cracked curtains let in a dull, yellow light from the streetlights outside. It was raining again, as it does in Leeds in November.
“Supposed to be enjoying time off, not working holes in the carpet,” a longer inhale this time.
“They’re hardwood.” and Price chuckled on the other side. “‘Something I have to do.’” Simon read aloud your note again, not caring that his captain heard him. The paper was warped slightly from the warmth of his hand.
It was the only thing you’d left, when you left, two nights ago. He’d woken to an empty bed and an emptier room. The flat was Simon’s—a simple place to crash when he was on leave between missions. He never bothered to decorate since he was rarely there. Just kept the minimal furnishings that came with the gaff. But somehow you and your black duffel and your warm body had turned it into a place he wanted to stay.
“Have you even called her?”
Simon stilled in front of the window.
“Christ, Simon,” was all Price could manage, then a long exhale.
“If she wanted me to know about it she would have said something by now.” Simon stared out the sliver of window at nothing in particular; the beads of rain created a bokeh effect against the glass. "Think she’ll be back?”
“Dunno with that one,” and it was honesty. “Tends to not stick around.”
“She’s stuck this long.”
There was a lingering silence as Ghost set the note down next to his skull mask on the nightstand. The mattress sunk under the weight of him. 
Price sighed on the other end of the phone. “People like her—like you—like their autonomy.”
Ghost let out a sharp exhale. “And yet ‘ere I am, still runnin’ headlong into shit missions with you.”
“Aye,” the other man chuckled. “You’re more desperate than she is, though.” There was a long drag of his cigar. “Needed somewhere to hone all that hate.”
Simon only grunted in response.
“It’s late, Simon. Sleep. You can figure out if you want to call her in the morning.”
“Sure.” There were a few breathes before, “Thanks, John.”
Laying down on the bed, Ghost stared at the dial-pad, contemplating what to do next. The archaic phone dimly illuminated his chest and face in the dark.
Missions were so easy—straightforward. Infiltrate and navigate all the unknowns until you reach the best outcome. But life outside of the task force was a muddle of grey. Simon never did fully figure you out; never fully made peace with himself either. He shut the phone and turned on his side, willing futilely for a sleep that would not come.
if you'd like to be (un)tagged for updates let me know! @deadbranch @solidly-indulgent @aalxrose @dotcie
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trainsandkitties · 29 days
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Name: James Hughes Age: Appears to be around 30, is actually 81 Height: 185 cm/ 6'0 Sexuality/Gender: Non-binary/Pansexual Pronouns: They/Them Extra: -They're of hispanic descent, their parents being most likely from the region of Castillia y Leon -They grew up with foster parents in Leeds and later worked on the L&YR -They moved to Sodor shortly after Thomas and moved into a small flat in Tidmouth -In present day they live in a house nearby Thomas, Percy, Annie and Clarabel, still in Tidmouth -They came out as an enby in the 80's -They have issues with upkeeping romantic relationships, often changing partners -They fear any open flames, which was caused by the accident when their brakes caught fire
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lostfunzones · 8 months
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Quarry Hill flats, The Kitson House Telephone, Leeds 1980's
Photo, Peter Mitchell.
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nevesmose · 2 months
Very unserious mirror universe of the doll AU expanding on a lil idea from a convo with @chemos-factories - Fulgrim is a normal dude apart from being a huge nerd obsessed with plate armour (bed covered in knight stuffies, suit of armour dakimakura, has made himself a chainmail weighted blanket, cosplays every possible armour-wearing character) who one day gets his dream job as a preservation specialist at the Royal Armouries in Leeds.
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(And you know what, he also lives in the exact same flat I used to, in one of those brick buildings on the left. Write what you know etc etc.)
Anyway he's introduced to the exhibit storage areas all glowing with happiness and sets to work on some task or another, enjoying finally being there but at the same time still very nervous so having to use every technique he has not to fall back into the self-sabotaging patterns of overthinking and perfectionism that have hurt him so many times in the past.
During a stressful moment he takes a break from his work intending to get some fresh air or a tea/coffee or something, but accidentally takes a wrong turning and ends up walking into a foreboding darkened storeroom with a single looming figure in the centre.
He turns on the light which brightens the room just enough for him to see that it's the tallest, ruggedest suit of plate armour he's ever seen perfectly set up for display. Most of the plates are dull grey hammered steel except for the armour's hands and lower arms which are silver-plated and covered in elaborate Renaissance engravings/decor.
He's so enraptured by the need to feel the delicate, intricately-constructed fingers of the gauntlets against his own hands that he completely ignores the numerous Haunted artefact!! Do not touch!! Containment only!! Never ever for public viewing!! notices all around it.
For some reason impossible to put into words he can feel the calming influence of the armour, as though its stoic protectiveness is being somehow shared with him.
And then one night, after spending far too many lunch breaks mooning over the silver-handed armour, he's suddenly awoken by a mysterious yet deafening CRASH CRASH CRASH of steel plates in the darkness just outside his bedroom...
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