#flare axe & smash hammer
brawlertech · 8 months
Black Titanium Special Attack Ventri with Flare-Axe & Smash Hammer | 3.0
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embersoftheorder · 1 month
DWC - August - Day 1 - Melee
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Blue light blazed across the wet stones of the claustrophobic tunnel of Stormwind's sewer system. Light was a valued and rare commodity down in the depths of the city, but it was thanked and enjoyed by those who tread it's foul waters. Tonight's wanderers included the Inquisitor Cheryl Duun.
Her green tinged goggles glowing with soft translucence as they cut through the dark to light her hindered sight, as much as she wished the glowing blue axe in her hands would brighten the darkness more. Her armor was tightly pulled to her muscular body to keep from snagging on anything, a piecemeal of chain and plate to protect as much as offer her speed. Her boots, soles tight and thick to keep from slipping into the slow flowing muck below her, gripped to the stone floor as she swung the stone blade of her weapon into the body of another kobold.
Most would consider the kobolds an easy foe, if even that as above the ground they were considered more of a minor inconvenience to the small folk of Elwynn and beyond. But here, here they were something different. Sinister, strong, and cunning in their movements and plans. Wielding weapons far superior to the crude stone or stolen steel, these were forged with a knowledge that they should not have. It was unnerving to see at first, but now after so many months of this vicious dirty work it was dangerous.
Beside her Cheryl heard Ramses give the order to hit the wall, the soft hum of his charged up weapon roaring to life behind her. The inquisitor gave a nod, not knowing if he saw it but she focused hard into the Tre's energy and caused it to flare bright watching the rats raise their hands at the sudden flash. Her own vision dazed from her bang, but she knew what to do as she flattened against the slimy stone wall.
There was a whine, a burst, and then the cheap smell of ozone as the arcane cannon went off. There was no fire or heat, but there was force and it was enough to hammer into the clump of foe rats ahead of the small band of catchers. They didn't even scream as they were blown back and smashed into the walls, the bodies gently folding and thumping down into the murky depths below them.
"Tides," murmured the woman as she blinked a few times behind the frame of her goggles. Her hand reaching up to pull them down and around her neck as he looked back to Ramses. The draenei smiling as he stood up and shouldered the cannon, even though he needed to duck a bit to keep his horns from scrapping the top.
"I think I got them," Ramses added with a hint of humor as he smiled with his softly glowing blue eyes.
Cheryl let out her own laugh as she tried to blink her vision clearer, not daring to touch her face down here again as she had when she first started. "I think so too. Come on, we got tunnel 17-C to go."
"Always, commander."
"Just Cheryl, Ramses."
"Very good, Just Cheryl," the draenei replied back, a wide smile on his face at his own joke.
Cheryl Duun rolled her eyes with her own smile before fishing her goggles back up before they pressed on into the under dark.
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fioras-resolve · 8 months
Every Pokemon move by how much it would take to make them a guaranteed hit
95% (Wide Lens) Crush Claw Cut
85-90% (Zoom Lens) Double Hit Giga Impact Hyper Beam Hyper Fang Population Bomb Present Sonic Boom Super Fang Wrap Barrage Bind Comet Punch Double Slap Fury Attack Mega Punch Rock Climb Screech Swagger Tail Slap Take Down
80% (Compound Eyes) Fury Swipes
70-75% (Compound Eyes + Wide Lens) Egg Bomb Lovely Kiss Mega Kick Slam
55% (Gravity + Wide Lens) Sing Supersonic
30% (Do Not Use) Guillotine Horn Drill
95% (Wide Lens) Flying Press Jump Kick
85-90% (Zoom Lens) Axe Kick Circle Throw Hammer Arm High Jump Kick Sky Uppercut Triple Kick Rolling Kick
80% (Compound Eyes) Cross Chop Submission
70-75% (Compound Eyes + Wide Lens) Focus Blast
50% (Gravity + Zoom Lens) Dynamic Punch
95% (Wide Lens) Aeroblast Air Cutter Air Slash Floaty Fall Fly
85-90% (Zoom Lens) Dual Wingbeat Sky Attack Bounce
80% (Compound Eyes) Bleakwind Storm
70-75% (Compound Eyes + Wide Lens) Hurricane (Rain also works)
85-90% (Zoom Lens) Poison Gas Toxic (Being Poison-type works too)
80% (Compound Eyes) Gunk Shot
70-75% (Compound Eyes + Wide Lens) Poison Powder Smog
95% (Wide Lens) Drill Run High Horsepower Mud Shot
85-90% (Zoom Lens) Bone Rush Bonemerang Bone Club Mud Bomb Precipice Blades Sand Tomb
80% (Compound Eyes) Sandsear Storm
30% (Do Not Use) Fissure
95% (Wide Lens) Diamond Storm Rock Tomb
85-90% (Zoom Lens) Meteor Beam Rock Blast Rock Slide Rock Throw Rock Wrecker Rollout Stone Axe
80% (Compound Eyes) Head Smash Stone Edge
95% (Wide Lens) Fury Cutter Pin Missile String Shot
85-90% (Zoom Lens) Skitter Smack Megahorn
90% (Zoom Lens) Poltergeist
95% (Wide Lens) Metal Claw Steel Beam
85-90% (Zoom Lens) Meteor Mash Steel Wing Gear Grind Metal Sound Mirror Shot
70-75% (Compound Eyes + Wide Lens) Iron Tail
95% (Wide Lens) Fire Fang Sacred Fire V-create
85-90% (Zoom Lens) Blast Burn Blaze Kick Heat Wave Overheat Pyro Ball Blue Flare Fire Blast Fire Spin Will-O-Wisp
70-75% (Compound Eyes + Wide Lens) Magma Storm
50% (Gravity + Zoom Lens) Inferno
95% (Wide Lens) Razor Shell Steam Eruption Triple Dive
85-90% (Zoom Lens) Aqua Tail Crabhammer Hydro Cannon Clamp Muddy Water Octazooka Origin Pulse Whirlpool
80% (Compound Eyes) Hydro Pump
95% (Wide Lens) Chloroblast Razor Leaf
85-90% (Zoom Lens) Frenzy Plant Leaf Storm Leaf Tornado Leech Seed Matcha Gotcha Sappy Seed Power Whip Seed Flare Syrup Bomb
70-75% (Compound Eyes + Wide Lens) Sleep Powder Stun Spore
55% (Gravity + Wide Lens) Grass Whistle
95% (Wide Lens) Electroweb Supercell Slam Thunder Fang
85-90% (Zoom Lens) Charge Beam Thunder Cage Thunder Wave Bolt Strike
80% (Compound Eyes) Wildbolt Storm
70-75% (Compound Eyes + Wide Lens) Thunder (Rain also works)
50% (Gravity + Zoom Lens) Zap Cannon
95% (Wide Lens) Glitzy Glow
85-90% (Zoom Lens) Mystical Power Psycho Boost Psyshield Bash
Zen Headbutt
80% (Compound Eyes) Kinesis
60% (Gravity) Hypnosis
95% (Wide Lens) Glaciate Ice Fang Icy Wind
85-90% (Zoom Lens) Freeze Shock Freezy Frost Frost Breath Ice Ball Ice Burn Ice Hammer Icicle Crash Triple Axel Mountain Gale
70-75% (Compound Eyes + Wide Lens) Blizzard (Hail/Snow also works)
30% (Do Not Use) Sheer Cold
95% (Wide Lens) Spacial Rend
85-90% (Zoom Lens) Draco Meteor Dragon Tail Dual Chop Eternabeam Roar of Time Scale Shot
70-75% (Compound Eyes + Wide Lens) Dragon Rush
95% (Wide Lens) Baddy Bad Night Daze Snarl
85-90% (Zoom Lens) Ceaseless Edge Ruination
50% (Gravity + Zoom Lens) Dark Void
95% (Wide Lens) Strange Steam
85-90% (Zoom Lens) Fleur Cannon Light of Ruin Nature's Madness Play Rough Sparkly Swirl
80% (Compound Eyes) Springtide Storm
70-75% (Compound Eyes + Wide Lens) Sweet Kiss
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ferinehuntress · 2 days
"Don't touch her" meme
except I'm the threat!!!!! 😈🔪
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“RAPHAEL YOU FUCKING BITCH GET OUT HERE!” Karlach shouted at the top of her lungs. Her bike skidded to a stop, and the smell of rubber filled the room. She climbed off, grabbing her axe and swung it over her shoulder. Fire burned around her shoulders, puffs of smoke billowing from her vents and into her mouth. A smash of her tail hit the ground, causing the floor to crack underneath the massive weight of her power. They had stolen the Orphic hammer, entered his domain, and left without a trace; but this time, Karlach had no desire to just up and leave.
He had touched Shadowheart, her soul, within the treasury of his vault and Karlach was going to give him two choices. Give her Shadowheart’s contract, null and voided, or die and she gets Shadowheart’s contract, anyway. The red dragon flared within her blood, possessive, protective, and damn near ready to claim every treasure within this house as her own. “You pathetic rat! Hiding behind your fancy suits and your pretty little poetry. You're nothing but a maggot, you hear me? I was fucking decimate you, now FUCKING SHOW YOUR FACE!” the scourge of Avernus demanded, as her eyes were no longer gold but pure bloodlust red.
Her axe demanded blood, needing to taste it upon its cold, hard steel. Veins of oil boil from her burning engine as she slams the axe down on the ground, destroying more of his house. Those within the house appeared baffled, debating on whether to attack or what for Raphael’s return. Each soul leashed to the cambion, and Karlach would have no trouble beating every one. She had fought creatures bigger, uglier, and harder than them. They were nothing but gnats to her, and Raphael, the stinking caress that attracted them.
“You laid a hand on my girl, and I’m about to show you just what happens when you mess with what is mine. Do I have to destroy your house to make you show your ugly mug!?” Karlach shouted, as she picked up her axe and hit one tower. She then twisted and slammed her tail into it, and after a strike with her hooves, the teal emerald tower crumbled underneath her raw power, raging from her love and bristled fury. Souls screamed as they swished up and out of the house of hope and she roared.
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xantchaslegacy · 4 years
Even the Swine
The dragon reminded Domri of the boar-god.
It was a stupid comparison, obviously. They looked nothing like each other, and Domri knew for a fact that Ilharg was somewhere else in the city, finally let loose to smash the Azorius and the Orzhov and all the bastards who spat on him and his.
But the power the dragon had about him. The same power Domri had felt the night Ilharg entered his dreams, speaking a language Domri didn’t know, but that he understood perfectly. The language that made sense of slaughter. The language that let Domri bring all the lost beasts of Ravnica to his side and finally set the Gruul clans on the right path.
Power. The other guilds wielded false power gained through lies and tricks. The pathetic guildless had no power, and would never amount to anything. Even among the Gruul, there was too much fear to wield power. Only power could smash this rotten place. Only real power.
So why not follow real power?
Domri splashed through a puddle that was probably more blood than water. At his back the most loyal of the clans stomped along with him. A small group, but some of the best and strongest of the Gruul. Strong enough to see that Domri would lead them to a better life.
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Even so, many of them couldn’t keep their eyes off the fools running around them, fleeing from the eternals instead of joining them. Idiots who couldn’t see that the blue men were here to remove the boot of guild oppression.
“We should help ‘em,” Revka grunted at Domri’s side. The big-shouldered berserker was looking toward the storefronts, at a bunch of eternals trying to get at a clutch of guildless workers. Two Golgari trolls and a spike-clad bloodwitch were fending them off with improvised weapons.
“Why?” Domri turned away. “They want to protect the weak, then they can die with the weak.”
“They’re fellow chaos-guilders,” Revka said. Domri could hear the frown on her face.
“Eh. Let the Raze take ‘em. We’ve got bigger rats to fry.”
“Should we bash them?” Another companion, a big-bellied ogre called Chokki, pointed a thumb over his shoulder. A bunch of gateless folk were huddled in a half-collapsed archway off the square, trying not to catch the attention of the metal skeletons that were wandering every inch of the district.
“If we’re not gonna help them, that is.”
Domri scowled. They shouldn’t even have been there, weak things. Idiots who licked the boots of merchants and the guilds of order, no doubt. They should have joined the clans when they had the chance. They should have joined the power that would have helped them.
He sneered. “Leave ‘em. This is happening for their good too. Either they’ll get to live in the dragon’s new world or they’ll die, either way it’s better than living in this stinking city as it is.”
“New world.” Thom, a long-legged viashino, looked around the street. Fires reflected in his wide eyes. “What kinda world do you suppose he wants?”
Domri scratched his chin. “It’ll be a world for the powerful. The right kind of powerful, this time.”
“Sure, Dom.” Chokki frowned at the eternals, still grappling with the Golgari. “Are we the right kind of powerful?” That got the others muttering. A few even stopped, and it looked like they might be itching to help with the fight.
On the wrong side.
Domri stomped. “That’s the world of laws back there. Laws that protect the weak and spit on us. It’s got nothing to offer any of you.” He thrust his axe toward the plaza. “That’s where the new power is. That’s what the Gruul have got to adopt to survive.”
The others exchanged looks. Most shrugged and followed Domri, but a few cowards slunk off to help fight the eternals.
Domri spat after them, and stomped away. Too frightened to follow power to freedom? Fine. He knew there were weaklings like that in the clans. He’d lived with them all his life.
Old Borborygmos had seemed powerful, once. He was big. Strong. But he lacked the power of will. The power to use power to do what had to be done in the world.
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He’d seemed powerful when Domri first challenged him. When the fire of the Raze-boar filled Domri’s heart and the wild beasts of Ravnica had flocked to him, throwing the suppressed rage of every member of the clans at the cyclops’ dragging feet. Borborygmos had knocked aside the first few easily. Easily enough that Domri had felt the old fear of his own smallness again. Easily enough that Domri had almost begun to doubt.
But then the first boar had made it past Borborygmos’ axe and struck his heel. Then the great coward had stumbled, and all the clans saw it. They saw him fall to one knee, then to another, and numbers overcame him. Tusks tore new scars into his legs. Heavy bodies rammed him. He beat at them still, killing a few, but unable to overcome the mighty rhythm of the wild. He’d dragged himself away like a dog, and even the swine had jeered his weakness.
The sky was clear by the time they reached the plaza, though the streets were anything but. Ravnicans, Eternals, and people in strange clothes who could only have been other planeswalkers were fighting, running, hiding. Some of Domri’s boars had found their way to the plaza, and charged through the screaming crowds, bowling aside outsiders and city natives in their rage. There were enough idiots fighting the eternals to keep them busy, but still the odd skeleton had made a run at Domri’s group, and gotten carved up for their trouble.
They were almost dangerous, as distracted as Domri and his companions were by the titans that loomed over the Plaza.
Every child knew that there had been ten stone titans long ago, that those pompous Boros had called on when they wanted to stamp down on anyone who dared want to be free. These new creatures might have been them, if they hadn’t looked so much like the eternals. If they didn’t also stomp wojeks and ledevs alongside the guildless beneath their metal-sandaled feet.
“Do you feel that?” Domri whispered. “The power of gods. They feel the same as Ilharg.”
The others looked at him like he was out of his head. The words did sound wild, it was true. But he felt in them the same raw power as he felt in the Raze-boar. The same power to topple the world.
The power the dragon radiated by the ton.
“Dragon!” He shouted, channeling the violence of the wilds into his voice. “I’m Domri Rade! Champion and leader of the Gruul clans!” He waved at his companions. “We’re here to help you bring this place to the ground!”
The dragon didn’t even flinch. He was looking somewhere else in the chaos of the plaza.
Chokki coughed. “I don’t think he hears ya, Dom’”
Domri swore. “Yeah, I can see that!” He looked around the plaza. The Dragon’s new gods were killing people by the handful. The eternals were killing people by the handful. If the dragon couldn’t hear him, then he’d show his allegiance by example. “Krokt, just start killing the strange-looking ones. It’s their own damn fault for coming here anyways.”
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The others hesitated. Domri snarled and charged a tall human with red face paint who hovered off the ground like a ghost. Another planeswalker, sure, but he defied the dragon-
Domri swung his axe. The strange man folded around it and lay still on the ground.
-and the dragon was the only power now.
Something collided with his axe on the back-swing. An older guildless man. He fell to the ground, at the feet of other ragged-clothed guildless. Family? Friends?
Domri didn’t have a lot of time to consider the group before they all pressed toward him, as if they didn’t care how dangerous he was. A line of eternals followed right behind them, weapons drawn. Behind Domri it was the same. His clan-mates pressed together, suddenly surrounded by a wall of blue and shiny bronze.
“P-please!” The guildless man scrambled up, clutching at Domri. “You have to protect us. You have to get us out of here.”
“Get off!” Domri shoved the man away, and he stumbled at the feet of the eternals. Two of his fellow guildless rushed after him, grabbing at his cloak to pull him away from the eternals. They got him halfway to his feet before eternal blades stuck them in a dozen places. The last one, a boy a little younger than Domri, tried to flee on his hands and knees, but a blue foot stomped down on his back, cracking his spine.
“Shoulda stayed in your home,” Domri muttered at the corpses. His heart was hammering. The other’s boy’s limp hand was inches from Domri’s own foot. “Shoulda just stood aside and let us bring the old ways back.”
Rade. I see you had brains enough to challenge Borborygmos at the right time.
The voice of power boomed like a battle-cry in Domri’s skull. The magical fires around the dragon’s feet flared up. Domri’s heart rose up. He’d been right. Power was on the side of nature. On the side of the Gruul.
I hope you’re grateful. I lost my best contact in the Simic procuring a contagion to make the cyclops weak enough to best without him realizing.
Domri blinked. Simic? What did they have to do with anything?
What brings you here? What can you offer me, little walker?
“I-I’ve brought you the clans!” Domri thumped his chest. “We’re all ready. Ready to tear down the stones and make Ravnica a paradise for the strong.”
The laugh that filled Domri’s head was unexpected. Unexpected and chilling.
An amusing fantasy, but I have all the dumb muscle I need. Your spark is worth much more to me now than you are.
A spear plunged through Chokki’s chest. The tips poked out of his back like tiny golden zits popping with blood. The ogre fell to his knees, grabbing uselessly at the wound.
Actually, I suppose it always was.
Domri barely had the time to get his weapon up to block a gob of acid-magic flung at his face. Revka’s scream cut short as an eternal’s tail ripped a hole in her throat. Thom managed to block a sword-strike, only to have the wind and the life bashed out of him by another eternal’s savage headbutt.
Two eternals came at Domri from the left and the right. One he smashed through with his axe. The other actually threw down its sword and reached out for him with its bare hands. It was almost fast enough to grab him, except that Chokki’s body came down on it, smashing it to the stone.
Domri swung his axe again in a wide arc, smashing apart two eternals whose weapons were still in his friends. He realized he was shouting. With a jolt and a bit of shame, he realized there were tears in his eyes.
“Bloody shits! We were here to help!” He scooped up a chunk of rubble and hurled it at another eternal. The bull-thing caught the stone in the head and stumbled a step, which was all Domri needed to get his axe up in the air and crack the thing’s chest apart. “We just meant to-”
He paused. The other eternals had stepped back. A single skeleton, all in fancy garb, was walking at him, holding a staff of gold out in front of them.
Domri spread his arms. “L-look. I’m strong enough, right? I’m strong enough to fight.” He backed away a step, nearly tripping over Chokki’s arm. “I’m not like them. I can-”
The skeleton lashed out with its staff, knocking Domri’s axe out of his hands. Domri looked dumbfounded at where the weapon had fallen. A second later cold metal fingers clamped down on his jaw and jerked his face back around to face the skeleton.
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Domri cried in surprise. A quick but pathetic sound that he was, for the briefest second, glad his comrades weren’t alive to hear.
“Let me go, you-”
The hands were cold
The hands were cold, and the cold seeped into Domri’s throat. His chest. His stomach.
“S-stop!” He grabbed the eternal’s arm to yank it off. These things were flimsy, right? He’d watched Revka rip half a dozen limbs out today, and he beat her at arm-wrestling all the time.
The cold flooded his fingers. His palms. His arms. They went numb.
Domri tried to shout. Someone would hear. Someone had to hear and come help him. The eternal squeezed, and only a gasp came out.
Walk. He had to planeswalk away. He could escape, and find more of his friends.
Domri’s knees gave out. He dipped down an inch, but the eternal held him upright.
He could fix this. He could make this right. Hadn’t he done right?
Pain was building in Domri’s chest. A crushing pain. A boot pressing the breath out of his lungs and into the eternal. His body sagged further, and his head lolled to the side. He saw the street. Bodies. His clan and the ones in tattered cloaks and hoods. Boars rooted around the corpses, snuffling and chewing.
Domri reached out to the rubble. To the dirt. The mana wouldn’t come to him. He tried to think of Ilharg, but in his mind the boar-god twisted into a shadow with horns and wings who just laughed.
Then the dragon was gone, and his head was full of light. Light that sang and hushed and went dark, dark, darker, darker, darker and quiet.
It was alright. It was alright. Just another burying, wasn’t it? Just another trial He would be fine. He would see the jungle again. He would see what he could turn Ravnica into. A good place. A green place. He just had to
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    “Even the Swine” is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan  Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the  materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the  Coast LLC.
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nagseolotl · 4 years
[KR] 01/04/2020 - KR-TEST Patch Notes Summary
Source: http://heroes.nexon.com/news/update/view?postno=922
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- Added [Milo] character portrait for [Season 4 Episode 1: Opening of the Ceremony] and [Season 4 Episode 2: The Brotherhood of Darkness] stories. 
- Fixed an issue in [Season 4 Episode 2: The Brotherhood of Darkness] when player character having the [Dark Knight] pact would transform into a [Paladin]; 
- Fixed an issue in the following stories, where NPCs were responding to characters having [Dark Knight] pact, as if they were [Paladins]:        : [Eight Swords];        : [Dreaming Oracle];        : [Exiled];        : [Fobellow Prairie];        : [Character Friendship Content] -> [Kai Comrade Short Story]
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- Modified the [Solo] and [Single Player Party] battles, so player characters automatically leave the battle once it is completed; 
- Fixed an issue when the game kept freezing when multiple player characters were leaving the party at short intervals; 
- Modified the [Quick Single Player Battles] so they can be re-entered; 
- Fixed an issue when camera's viewpoint would abnormally change after using [Transformation Skill]. 
- Clicking on [Forfeit and Return to Town] during a battle will automatically return you to town after a certain period of time; 
- Fixed an issue where loot dropped from [Succubus Selren] in [Eweca's Nightmare] battle didn't display the pillar effect if the drop was a rare item like [Selren's Essence]; 
- Added the guideline message for opening the map (Shortcut key H) during the [Guild Dungeon] battle; 
- Fixed an issue where [Rookie Redeemers] status effect of the new Party Leader would be reset when the Party Leader of [Redeemers] battle change; 
- Fixed an issue where [Cestus Karok] would get hit even if he didn't touch a specific attack of [Eternal Elchulus] in the [Tower of the Devil] battle.
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[Fiona - Long Hammer] - Increased damage for the following skills:        : [Honeybee Sting];        : [Crushing Swing];        : [Beetle Crusher];        : [Butterfly Swing];        : [Stigma Hammer]. 
- Reduced stamina consumption for the following skills:        : [Honeybee Sting];        : [Butterfly Swing] and its additional smash skills;        : [Stigma Hammer]. 
- Increased SP recovery for the following skills:         : [Crushing Swing];         : [Butterfly Swing]'s additional smash attack.
[Evie - Staff] 
- Increased damage for the following skills:        : [Active: Firebolt];        : [Active: Lightning Bolt];        : [Active: Ice Blast];        : [Active: Fire Storm];        : [Active: Lightning Wave];        : [Active: Ice Spear];        : [Active: Fire Shock];        : [Active: Guided Lightning];        : [Active: Ice Blow];        : [Active: Rage Conductor]. 
- [Active: Ice Blow] projectiles will now fly in better trajectories.  [Evie - Battle Scythe] 
- Slightly reduced the damage of [Enhanced Drains];
[Karok - Cestus] 
- Increased damage for the following skills:        : [Bolo Punch]        : [Straight Shot]        : [Sunday Punch]        : [Pivot Strike]        : [Weaving Attack]        : [Blast]        : [Big Bang Attack]        : [Dempsey Roll]        : [Active: Hurricane]        : [Active: Raging Volcano] 
- Decreased stamina consumption for the following skills:        : [Straight Shot]         : [Sunday Punch]        : [Pivot Strike]        : [Blast]        : [Big Bang Attack]        : [Dempsey Roll] (Normal version) 
- Increased SP gain for the following skills:        : [Bolo Punch]        : [Straight Shot]        : [Sunday Punch]        : [Pivot Strike]        : [Blast]        : [Big Bang Attack] 
- Recudes SP consumption for the following skills:        : [Active: Hurricane] and [Continuous Hurricane]        : [Active: Giant's Strength] 
- [Diamond Rush]        : When using [Diamond Rush] with 0 [Blast Charges], restores only half of the skill's stamina regeneration value.        : Using [Diamong Rush] will no longer consume [Blast Charges]. 
- Increased stamina regeneration of [Dempsey Roll]; 
- Reduced stamina consumption for [Weaving Dash]; 
- Reduced duration for the [Overheated] status effect; 
- Modified the [Giant's Strength Dempsey Roll] to allow continuous follow-ups with other [Dempsey Rolls]. 
[Vella - Twin Chainblades] 
- Vella will always have 10 stacks of [Cold-Hearted] at the start of the battle.
[Hurk - Teide] 
- Modified the following skills to allow switching to [Double Shot] mode:        : [Active: Split Slash]        : [Active: Spinning Slash]        : [Active: Bloodletting]        : [Active: Wicked Shot] 
- Fixed an issue where [Shellcase] wouldn't be filled automatically when [Teide Hurk] transforms into the 1st or 2nd [Transformation];
[Lynn - Blute] 
- Slightly reduced number of projectiles for [Transformation] skills [Divine Punishment] and [Encroach].
[Arisha - Spellblade] 
- The time it takes for [Mana Edge] to penetrate the target enemy is now scaled with [Mana Edge]'s skill rank; 
- [Diffusion Shift]        : Increased speed for the following animations after using [Diffusion Shift]:             >Throwing and collecting [Mana Crystal];          > Activating/Deactivating [Mana Blade] mode.  - [Diffusion Warp]        : Using [Diffusion Warp] via [Diffusion Shift -> Grab Key] will allow you to use [Quick Mana Tracer].        : The reaction of [Quick Mana Tracer] activated via [Diffusion Warp -> Grab Key] is much faster.        : Increased reaction speed of [Diffusion Warp] after being hit by the enemy.           > Doesn't apply if your character is knocked down. 
- [Mana Crystal]        : Slightly increased movement speed when throwing or retrieving [Mana Crystal];        : Increased movement speed of [Mana Crystal] (throwing, retrieval, penetration speed). 
- [Mana Blade]        : The [Mana Blade] skill can be learned up to Rank A;        : Increasing the skill rank reduces the delay between activating/deactivating [Mana Blade] and attacks;        : Modified the character emotion in idle position during skill activation. 
- Increased damage of [Active: Resonance] by 10%; 
- Increased Mana Absorbtion after activating [Active: Temporal Shift] from 80 to 180. 
- Modified the conditions of using [Full Force Strike] (obtained by completing Redeemers battles) to activate during [Arcane Flurry] attacks. 
- Modified the character emotion during one of poses in town. 
[Arisha - Whip] 
- Fixed an issue when [Arisha] could still use [Active: Fierce Rondo] via button combination when the cooldown timer is displayed; 
- Slightly reduced the damage for [Stringendo Strike]; 
- Modified the following skills to count towards [Kill x enemies with smash attacks] Bonus Task:        : [Stringendo Strike];        : [Accentato].
[Sylas - Phantom Dagger] 
- Slightly reduced damage for the following skills:        : [Cyclone Crash]        : [Cyclone Crash] (Enhanced)        : [Illusion Fist]        : [Illusion Fist] (Enhanced) - Slightly reduced damage of [Phantom Shards]; 
- Modified the [Illusion Fist] to not automatically target the BOSS monster. 
- [Active: Extinction Roar]         : Fixed an issue when [SP Cost Reduction] Skill Awakening effect didn't apply;    : Modified the [SP Cost Reduction] to apply only once the attack succeeds;        : Modified the [Cooldown Reduction] to apply only once the attack succeeds; 
[Delia - Bastard Sword] 
- When [Wild Star] skill is ranked F or higher, [Delia] will have [Spirited Lv 3] at the start of the battle; 
- Increased damage for the following skills:        : [Active: Full Moon]         : [Active: Ion Thrust]        : [Active: Wild Star]        : [Wild Star]        : [Solar Flare]        : [Rings of Saturn]        : [Orbital Flurry]        : [Starbloom]        : [Rising Comet]        : [Lunar Assault]        : [Falling Comet]        : [Meteor Impact] 
[Miri - Dragonspine] 
- [Miri] won't lose [Hydra] status effect when using [Hot Streak], but it will be lost when [Miri] gets hit by the enemy; 
- [Active: Slice and Dice]         : SP Cost changed to 400;        : Significantly reduced cooldown. 
- Reduced the [Active: Blazing Spine] delay before initializing the attack; 
[Eira - Mana Revolvers] 
- Slightly Reduced damage for the following skills:        : [Bullet Rain]        : [Bullet Storm]        : [Buller Hail]        : [Inverse Shot] 
- Increased damage for the following skills:        : [Warp Shot]        : [Warp Blast] 
- [Entropy Bullet]'s cooldown is changed from 60 to 55 seconds; 
- [Inverse Shot] will restore stamina upon successful attack; 
- [Eira] will follow-up each smash attack with normal attacks much faster; 
- Slightly reduced number of projectiles for [Transformation] skills [Divine Punishment] and [Encroach]; 
- Removed [Strength Mastery] from [Eira]'s skill list.        : All AP applied will be compensated.
[Belle - Battle Axe] 
- Improved damage absorption hit boxes for [Deforestation] and [Active: Landslide]; 
- [Rushing River]        : When you gather more than 2 stacks of [Rushing River], you will get [Full Rushing River] effect;        : Allows you to instantly use the 3rd level of [Rushing River], even if you don't have enough power;        : The effect disappears when using the 3rd level of [Rushing River];        : The effect won't apply during the [Cooldown: Rushing River] status. 
- Reduced cooldown for [Active: Landslide]; 
- Using [Flare-Up] as a follow-up for [Shortcut] will now restore stamina; 
- When [Belle] makes a [mistake] during smash attacks, the increases the amount of SP gained.
[Lethor - Crest] 
- Slightly increased attack range for the following skills:        : [Fists of Iron];        : [Cartwheel Strike];        : [Courage Blast Lv 1]    : [Dragon Strike]. 
- Modified the following skills so they can be activated immediately after [Unbreakable]:        : [Active: Pristine Strike];        : [Active: The Dragon];        : [Active: Earth Crash];      : [Active: Lightning Strike]. 
- [Unbreakable] can now be used and linked after [Active: Reiki Liberation]; 
- [Lethor] can now follow the following skills with [Fists of Iron] much faster:        : The first attack of [Active: The Dragon];        : [Active: Lightning Strike];        : The last attack of [Active: Earth Crash]. 
- Modified [Unbreakable] skill to work during idle, smash hit and light hit animations; 
- Modified [Reverb] so it can be activated with a normal attack button; 
- Adjusted the duration of [Invincibility] status after the [First Transformation]; 
- Modified the [Dark Knight]'s first [Transformation] so that other actions cannot be performed before animation ends.
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[Raid Battle: Solo Mode] 
- The following RAID battles will receive a [Solo Mode]:        : [Absence of the Soul] (Dullahan)        : [Price and Failure] (Aes Sidhe)        : [Iron Grip] (Arcana)        : [Twisted Truth] (Rupacitus)        : [Surprise Attack] (Claire)        : [Tower of the Devil] (Eternal Elchulus)        : [Red Stigma] (Macha)        : [Grave of Madness] (Agares)        : [Brilliant Lugh] (Lugh Lamhfada)        : [Eweca's Nightmare] (Succubus Selren)        : [Dungeon Laboratory] (Marject)        : [Remembrance] (Aodhan)        : [Siege of Rocheste] (Caesar)        : [Brotherhood of Darkness] (Nyle) [Dev Comment:] In Solo Mode, the BOSS monster's HP is reduced to suit the solo experience. However, compared to the normal difficulty, players won't receive [Goddess's Guidance] status and won't get as much [Evil Cores].
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[Guild House] - A new function [Quick Movement] is added to the Guild House Minimap.        : Allows you to quickly move to a specific place in the [Guild House]. - Players can now use [Cooking] expertise in the [Kitchen] on the 1st and 2nd floor of the [Guild House];        : The ingredients for [Guild Feast] can be purchased at the [Guild Shop]. 
- Improved some features of the [Guild Farm]:        : Upon joining the guild, each character is automatically given 5 [Watering Cans] at 9 AM every day;        : Received [Watering Cans] are unequippable items, so you can water crops immediately upon obtaining;        : Removed [Guild Watering Can] from the [Guild Shop].      -Old [Watering Cans] will be removed from everyone's inventory and will be refunded for 2 [Guild Seals] per 1 [Watering Can].            : You won't be able to replace crops if current crops' durability is above 0. - Modified the activation time for the following facilities in the [Guild House]:        : [Seal Vending Machine] can be used [3 times a day] and will reset at 9 AM;       : [Today's Fortune Vending Machine] can be used [once a day] and will reset at 9 AM;        : [Fatigue Restoration Bed] can be used [once a day] and will reset at 9 AM;   
- When [Guild Feast] is served, the system message will be sent to the [Guild Chat], even if the [Display System Messages] option is turned off. 
- The clock is displayed at the top right of the screen while in the [Guild House];     : Will only be shown when the [Show Clock] option in [UI Setting] tab is checked. 
- Fixed an issue when major facilities weren't showing up on the [Guild House Minimap].
[Character Friendship Content] 
- [Closeness Status] and [Waiting Comrades] UI underwent an update:        : Players can now check the details of each Comrade in the [Closeness Status] and [Waiting Comrades] windows;        : [Detailed Information Window] will display each Comrade's [Closeness Level], [Daily Closeness Status], [Preferred Presents] and [Special Friendship] information.        : Even if players haven't established any relationships with a Comrade, they can check the [Details] window by hovering over the [Closeness Icon]. 
- When [Closeness Level] and [Closeness] rise during a conversation with a Comrade NPC, the effect of them will be shown on the [Closeness Icon]; 
- The [Conversation Topics List] can now sort topics by recently acquired topics; - The [Conversation Topics] that can earn [Closeness] will be shown with [!] mark. 
- [Assignments] will now reward more [Closeness] than before; 
- Reduced the number of clicks on [Chitchat] among [Conversations]; 
- Lowered the price on [Present Items]; 
- Lowered the gold cost on [Calling the Comrade] by half; 
- Increased the time the Summoned Comrade can stay in the [Mercenary Lounger] from 10 to 25 minutes;
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- The Following items were added to the [Goldsmithing] expertise:        : [Innocent Cry];        : [Innocent Tear];        : [Devil's Crystal];        : [Devil's Teardrop];        : [Silent Resolution];        : [Grim Belt];      : [Woeful Belt];        : [Seal Belt];      : [Barrier Belt];        : [Frozen Thorn];        : [Frozen Will];        : [Frozen Dagger];        : [Frozen Desire];        : [Daybreak Conquest];        : [Daybreak Pioneer];        : [Daybreak Transcendence];        : [Daybreak Trailblazer];        : [The Book of Succession];        : [The Book of Inheritance];        : [Book of Milletian];        : [Shining Focus];        : [Milletian Focus]. 
 - The Following items were added to the [Armorsmithing] expertise:        : [Milletian Small Shield];        : [Milletian Large Shield]. 
- Modified the required skill proficiency to make [Premium Adventure Friends Food] from [Cooking] expertise to 10; 
[Dev Comment:] Players are no longer forced to cook [Tahtich Salad] to level-up [Cooking] proficiency.
- [Kitty's Cheering Potion] status effect will now stack, increasing (and showing) the number of battles you can visit while under the potion's effect; 
- Removed [Unique Item] attribute from the [Whispering Fairytale Book] item.
[Partholon Vanguard] 
- Added [Expedition Mision Auto Placement] feature to the [Partholon Vanguard UI];
- Added the [Look at the Character Camera] option to the [Menu]->[Options]->[Others] tab;         : Upon activating this option, the character's pupils will be directed at the camera;        : This option is set ON by default;        : Other characters in town won't be affected by the option. 
 - Fixed an issue when the item, containing a specific character, won't be found.
- [Battle Information UI] will now contain information on [Fatigue] consumption for selected battle; 
- Fixed an issue where the [Departure License UI] would show up when player would exceed sailing quota for [Ein Lacher] battle; 
- Fixed an issue where the number of sailings would show abnormal values on [Ein Lacher] battles; 
- Fixed an issue where [Battle Appearance Settings] button would disappear from the [Inventory].
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- Fixed an issue where textures of lower body parts would be abnormally deformed when [female characters] wear certain [Inner Armors]; 
- Fixed an issue where some characters would look abnormal when [Previewing Items] on some characters; 
- Fixed an issue where [Transforming into Ceara while using certain Emotes] will result in related objects to not disappear; 
- Fixed an issue where using /gift Emote on high terrain would result in character's abnormal appearance; 
- Fixed an issue where entering the [Beauty Shop] will result in [Inner Armor] models breaking; 
- Fixed an issue when [Special Rider Pants] would clip through the [Special Rider Jacket] during certain movements when [Hurk] wears [Special Rider Set]; 
- Fixed an issue where some texures would look abnormal when [Grimden] character wears [Impeccable Butler Jacket] after changing body shape; 
- Fixed an issue where a tearing effect would be shown on the neck and broken texture on the waist when characters wear [Special Double Volume Up+ Bunny Babe Outfit].
- Fixed an issue where items that cannot be incinerated, wouldn't display normally in the inventory when other items were incinerated; 
- Mitigated FPS drops, that occur when replacing equipment; 
- Fixed an issue when the character name wouldn't attach after /w when [CTRL]+[Left Click] the character name in the [chat window]; 
- Fixed an issue in [Mailbox] -> [Send Mail], where recipients would be abnormally entered when [Shift]+[Left Click] on a character name in the tab; 
- (TEST only) [Strange Traveler's Shop] is selling [Departure Licenses] and [Pact Change Coupons].
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beingatoaster · 5 years
I’ve been feeling very blocked lately on the writing front, so I hit a random prompt generator to loosen it up and got “knife, divert, scrutinize.” The scrutiny is, I guess, implied.
"But is it a good knife?" Mal asks, for the third time, jabbing it at the merchant's face so fiercely that he leans back and away from the point of the blade. He swallows, his throat bobbing. "I don't want a cheap blade that will break on someone's armor the first time I want to use it."
"It's good dwarven metal, ma'am," the merchant says, like he had the last two times. "Northern steel, Blackriver make. You treat it right, you won't find better."
"I don't care about the metal," Mal says. Her teeth are gritted, and she's nearly shaking with impatience, trying to get her point through to the nervous little man. "Is it a good knife?"
"Ma'am," the merchant says, and it seems like he isn't fearful enough not to be annoyed. Or maybe being frightened loosens his manners, Mal doesn't know or care. "A knife is made of metal. If the metal's good-"
"You say it's dwarven steel, but it's not dwarven make, because a dwarf wouldn't say that," Mal snarls, her patience snapping. She drops the knife, digs both her hands into the edge of his table, starts to lift. "A dwarf knows the craftmanship matters just as much as the material. Which means that it isn't a good knife, it's trash, your whole shop is trash, and I will get rid of it!"
The merchant scrambles backwards as Mal flips the table upward, sending the knives and swords and axe-blades and spear-points he'd had spread across it to the ground in a clanging crash. She can feel her blood pounding, hear her pulse in her ears, and the flex of muscle feels good, makes her feel strong and vital and exhilarated. She looks around for something else to tip, or fling, or smash. The merchant, maybe. She steps towards him, and he steps back, shaking. Shouting, but the foreign words stop meaning anything when her pulse pounds like this.
She hears a shout from her left, but she doesn't care, doesn't look. Her vision has narrowed down to the shaking, stammering, sweating merchant trying to back away from her, retreating rapidly towards a wall about to block him in, and she can't think about anything but how his soft, skinny throat is going to feel under her hand. Then she hears a squeal, from the same place as the shout, and turns to look.
There's a man there, a little group of men, an array of weapons and ill-fitting armor and the tacked-on badges that signify they're what passes for local law. One of them has a spear out, and he's prodding the kobold in front of him, a little dark creature brindled with black and violet and a little bit of gold, curled up with his head ducked low and his legs drawn up to protect his soft orange underbelly. He's curled on his side, like he'd tripped and fallen, and now the woman with the spear flips it, brings the butt down-
Mal grabs it right after it strikes, yanks it up, rips it out of the woman's grasp. The guards' attention turns to her, all of them, and she grins and makes a beckoning motion, stepping sideways, giving the kobold time to skitter out of the way. He vanishes into the shadows with a sweep of a dark cloak flaring out before it's pulled in tight, not even the shine of sunset-orange or freckled gold showing under it. Mal doesn't watch him go, just drops the spear and reaches over her shoulder for the hilt of the greatsword and throws herself into the fight. The guards drop one by one in quick sweeps, bludgeoned and battered and bleeding and dead, and the hammering of her pulse lasts long enough for her to knock a few more stalls over, for the fun of it and the way people scatter, before her breathing slows and she starts for the edge of town. She saunters, just to see if anyone's brave enough to follow. No one is.
Their campsite is deep in the badlands outside the town's borders, because Mal and Bugrotz can intimidate most innkeepers into selling them a room, but Sh'reel won't sleep indoors except under duress, and Xitt has specific requirements about windows. No one else is there yet--Nan will be shopping, and Sh'reel always feels they have to guard her, and Bugrotz had gotten wind of some gang of toughs running a fight club before he left Mal in the market and probably won't be home until tomorrow. Mal pulls off her weapon harness and drops it unceremoniously in the middle of the clearing, then sits down under a sheltering rock to bask in its shadow.
A dark cloak unfurls, and a brindled kobold sits down next to her.
"I was trying to buy you a new knife," Mal says, not sure if she's complaining or apologizing. Her voice is harsh either way, but it's always like that, in this language. "But I wanted to make sure it was better than that shitty one we broke on the last job, and the merchant couldn't tell me."
"Not good knives," Xitt says. His tail is twitching the way it does when he's embarrassed, and he huddles low on the ground, the ends of his cloak pooling around him. He's sulking. "But fancy. Liked the one with the big curves, like waves."
"We could ask Nan to buy it," Mal says after a moment. Apologizing, then. Bringing Nan in is always a peace offering. "She won't have upset anyone, and they don't know she's with us."
"Don't need to. I stole it."
Xitt reaches under his clothes and pulls it out. It was a big knife in Mal's hand, when she'd looked at it, but it's bigger in his. It looks like a stupidly fancy shortsword. Mal wouldn't trust it in a fight, but he's right, it looks stylish.
"Good," Mal says. "That merchant owes you. I would've strangled him otherwise."
"Wasn't trying to save the merchant." Xitt's tail flicks faster. Definitely sulky. "Was trying to divert the guards."
"Then you were being stupid. I can handle myself. You shouldn't put yourself at risk for me."
Mal feels anger flare again and forces herself to swallow it down, dragging her volume down on the last few words and biting her tongue on what might follow. That's not how Xitt normally works, putting himself in danger for other people, and it makes her even angrier that he'd do it special for her. That's not his job. She and Bugrotz, they're the ones who take on danger, because they can take it. Xitt needs to stay hidden and safe in the shadows, where he can kill whatever they're taunting. That's his place, and she needs him to know it.
Xitt hunches further, pulling his hood down over his face. "Didn't mean to. Meant to stab and hide. Make them look around like idiots."
"Don't lie."
"Not lying!" He pauses, then mutters into his hood. "I tripped."
The fury that's been building in Mal's chest, making her heart hammer, burning up her throat like acid, dissolves just as suddenly as it surged. It washes away in a burst of laughter, light and sparkling. Xitt huddles under his cloak like it can hide his mortification, and she laughs harder and harder, wheezing until her ribs ache, until she's so out of breath she can only hiss like a boiling kettle into her bent knees.
"Rude," Xitt mumbles from under his cloak, and Mal reaches out blindly and thumps him on the back, hard enough that he has to catch himself to keep from falling over. He hits her back, thumps her with his elbow, but she barely feels it. "Rude. I still got a knife."
Mal leans back and gasps for breath. She pats him again, more gently this time, and grabs his arm and squeezes it when he tries to elbow her off. She feels light in a way she rarely does, her mouth moving on its own in an unfamiliar smile. The killing had felt good, but this feels even better.
"Yes," she says, and pulls Xitt closer, ignoring his wriggling and protests, until he's tucked securely under his shoulder. "You got a knife."
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All-Stars -Story Mode- [CHAPTER 14] Part 3
Part 2 - [YOU’RE HERE] - Part 4
All finished with Part 3, I hope you’ll like it.
And looks like this part is short so I will leave it @sampoststuff and @gulliblepineapples to figure out how Pyro thinks of this after they had met Dempsey’s Ultimis self in this part. Good luck reading! 😉
Helghans, troops and soldiers alike, a small group of them sent by Visari himself. Are now in a fight with the Earth Dwellers known as Humans, bullets are flying everywhere and screams of the dying or a battle cry from someone in anyway while the heat of war is rising up.
*Welcome to Killzone.
Demoman is hiding behind the crate while Dempsey and Erron are out there fighting, as a Mercenary, war games are deemed the new normal when he was first hired by Redmond and it was the first time he will use his skills of denotations and demolitions on the first day of battle.
He had never thought that he would do it on his fourth day in an seemingly empty city that was inhabited with zombies, on a day like this even or any other day! Yet, now here he is, hiding behind the crate for cover listening to what was going on and waiting for a time to peek over the crate. Another gun fire is heard and as well with the scream coming with it, then a body of the Helghan Trooper plops onto the crate under him as Demoman jerked a bit in disgust.
“Like how it happened in Gravel Pit…” he whispered silently to himself as he palmed his temples with his free hand while another hand is gribbed on tightly on the Stickybomb Launcher. He peeked over again and see Takeo is shooting with the others, Dempsey slashed and then shot one of them and his teammates fighting to secure the area.
He then slowly and carefully got on his feet as Pyro passes by but then they stopped when they noticed him, “Demo!” they called out to him as they walked over to him and lends out their hand to them.
“Thanks mate.” Demoman said as he got on his feet quickly with the help of Pyro, “No problem.” they answered and before they could be on their way, Demoman stopped them as he looked at what was heading for them. Making Pyro looked at him and said “Demo, wha-” but didn’t had time to finish their sentence as they saw that a group of Troops are heading their way.
Demoman smiled as he had an idea in his head but needed Pyro’s help, “Pyro,” he said, making the pyromaniac looked at him and suddenly been grabbed by the wrist then being pulled along with Demoman as he continued “Come with me!” while they both ran.
Troops are behind them as they ran to the nearby connected iron overhead just standing on top of the train tracks and gone under it as Demo stops when he looked at it along with Pyro then a smile of inspiration grew on his face.
“I have an idea that includes yer skills of fire!” he said, Pyro turned over with interest.
The Troops are coming in as weapons are aimed and ready in their hands, running on foot to catch up to the duo as they are getting ready for them to come, with each stickybomb and oil dripping out from cans done by Demoman and Pyro as they hear each footstep coming closer and closer.
The Troops are coming in as weapons are aimed and ready in their hands, running on foot to catch up to the duo as they are getting ready for them to come, with each stickybomb and oil dripping out from cans done by Demoman and Pyro as they hear each footstep coming closer and closer.
Troops around the corner and saw Demoman and Pyro just standing there as they ran towards them with promise of bring an end to their lives but one of them looked around as saw why there were just standing there; they were prepared for them to come into their trap after they rigged it.
Demoman stopped drinking when he had a feeling that one of them noticed so a smile smugly as he then throws a mock salute to them as Pyro waves a goodbye at their pursuers before donating the bombs on them as they blew up into pieces of them through the sky as the remaining troops were left to burn in the flaming fire as Pyro gleefully laughs.
Demoman, who is laughing merrily as body parts and blood rain down around them as he goes up to a severed head of one of the Helghan Troops before kneeling down to it and smugly yet proudly saying "Oh, they're going to have to glue you back together... in hell!"
Pyro picks up one of the body parts to examine it as that body part is just a torso of what’s left of the Trooper before searching through it,
*Searching… *... *Pyro finds a ammo for a Wunderwaffe and wielding torch light! *These two items are adding to their Back-Pit.
Demoman looked at the text as he drink what was left of the scrumpy inside the bottle and watching it fade away from sight. “Aye think we better get used to it now that we’re here.” he drunkenly said, Pyro nodded
“Loud and clear Demo.”
as they played around the lighter again but they didn’t noticed a familiar man in 1940s Marine uniform, coming their way as he surveyed the scene around him: Body parts, a few puddles of blood and weapons scattered throughout the area around him and the two RED Mercenaries.
“Hey guys-” a familiar voice of a man called out but Pyro and Demoman immediately got their weapons out, axe in the fire-lover’s hands and an empty bottle in the Scotsman’s left hand as he smashes it, breaking it into pieces except a part that allows him to hold it as a broken yet sharp melee weapon as they turned towards him, ready to fight if needed but soon thought that this man is Dempsey but they noticed a change in his usual style, buzzed haircut, a uniform used to be worn in the 1940s and a scar on his nose.
“Dempsey?” Demoman said, to winch it surprised Ultimis Dempsey to know they had know his last name as the Scotsman continued “Bloody hell, don’t scare us like that, lad.”
“Sorry?” Dempsey said, rising an eyebrow toward the two, Pyro tilts their head as they looked him; they can’t decide if the BLU Spy is trying to fool them again or not like back in Double Cross Map.
“Dempsey,” they started to say before grabbing a collar of his shirt, “Whatever happened to your jacket?” as he looked at them with more confusion as well with the Corporal who is looking at them. “H-Hey ma- er lady or… Whatever you are,” he began, making Pyro look up at him, “Can you, like let go?” he asked, trying to be nice and Pyro lets their hand let go of his collar in suspicion and confusion as they mumbled again “Okay, whatever…”
“Don’t cha remember us?” Demoman looked at him, “I’m Demoman and this is Pyro.” he gestured as Pyro went back on his side, still looking at him. “Well, ya know my name.” Dempsey said, crossing his arms as he looked at them.
Pyro was gonna hit him with their axe as they fully believed Ultimis Dempsey is the enemy spy from the BLU Team but as they turned, they noticed something in the skies as the familiar rocket thrusters had sounded the surrounded area as Demo and the Marine continued to talk.
Looking up, Pyro sees a ship nearly the same size as a tank with wings with thrusters soaring through the skies and heading for the west side of the city. Pyro looks around then they found a shovel on a nearby shed before walking towards it and picking it up, they then walked passed Demoman and Dempsey til they are just 5 foot from them as they looked at them before digging a trench with the shovel.
Demoman didn’t noticed that Pyro is digging until Dempsey pointed it out “Hey, what’s that doing?” as he looked at the pyromaniac digging, Demo looked over his shoulder and sees them digging winch it was odd to Demoman because they had never done something like this before.
It doesn’t take a while when Pyro managed to finished digging a trench and then opens up a Back Pit (Or in this Game-like Story; they had entered a Pause Menu like in video games) to pull out...
Class: Pyro
Real Name: Nova Eldon Gender: Female Birthdate: 01/1/1940 Birth Place: Tokyo, Japan Health Points:175/175 Overheal Points: 260/260 Quick-Fix Overheal Points: 220/220 Condition: Pyro Normal: 100% (If wielding a Powerjack; 115%) Backward: 90% (If wielding a Powerjack; 104) Crouched: 33% (If wielding a Powerjack; 38%) Swimming: 80% (If wielding a Powerjack; 92%) LV: 68% Gold: 117
Items (Bag): -Fabled Ribbon [Equipped] -Notebook >[Brodie Helmet] -Shovel Weapons: -Flame Thrower (Primary) -Shotgun (Secondary) -Flare Gun (For Emergencies Only) -Panic Attack Shotgun (Just in case there’s an Alien invasion again)[Equipped] -Fire Axe (Melee) -Powerjack (It is an antique automobile jack with a team-colored car battery strapped to its base with tan leather straps. It is count as a Melee.) -Thermal Thruster (Jetpack)
Back-Pit: -3 Blankets -Pillow -Tent -Drawing Pad -Crayons -Lighter -Wunderwaffe Ammo
*Pyro puts on Brodie Helmet on.
“Pyro, what are ye-” Demoman had time to finished when Pyro hurryingly grabbed him and U!Dempsey before running and jumping into the trench, taking cover from whatever it was in the skies. They then painted above the eyes with black sports paint, making them look like they are angry and ready for anything.
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Pyro had prepared a trench just in case it’s going to be another Alien Invasion
Then three heads popped out of the trench, first one was Demo, then Dempsey and then Pyro with the Panic Attack, an pump-action shotgun with a drum magazine attached to the front and an external firing hammer hence the weapon’s name as they held it in their hands. Pointing it at the sky, looking around for the flying rocket-powered ship from the space age as Pyro adjusted their helmet on their head.
They are fully expect an attack as Dempsey tried saying “What the he-”
“Ssh…” Pyro shushed him with a old-finger-shushing motion on the muzzle.
“Hey I was talking-”
“Ssshh…!” They shushed him again still looking at the clouded sky as they halts him with a helt-motion of their index finger before holding the shotgun with both hands again.
“Pyro, what has gotten-” Demoman was then shushed by Pyro as they had placed their finger on his mouth and then doing a zipping-a-zipper motion as they shushed “SSsssshhhhhh….” before returning on the look-out for the ship. “What are ya looking for?” Dempsey whispered to them finally, Pyro looked over to him and mumbled “UFO, an Unidentified Flying Object.” before turning their attention back to the sky and of course, they heard him laughed on their right and saying “There no such things as UFOs.”
Pyro hickled back with a mock laugh, “Yes there is.” as Demoman said “Pyro, be nice.” while he looked at the sky.
“Oh, like you have encountered one before.” Ultimis Dempsey teased, Demoman looked over to him and said “Some things are different in yer Universe, isn’t it?” as he looked through his Back-Pit to find another weapon.
“Yeah?” the Corporal shrugged, looking over to him now and saw that he is serious. “Are you serious?” he asked, rising an eyebrow at this when Pyro nodding but doesn’t look at him as Demoman gives him a thumbs up.
“Anything, Pyro?”
“No.” they shook their head.
Pyro looked around, turning their head left to right as they gripped tight on the Panic Attack, looking for any alien ships coming in but… None so far but they not going to take any chances to relax at their most vulnerable as they got out of the trench, holding their hand out for their teammate as he grabbed it and being pulled out of the trench.
“Aliens had tried to take over our world once but both sides of RED and BLU are still too busy with the bloody war games until one day we had to defeat them with a giant ray that destroyed- Destroyed whot?” he said as he looked at Pyro before they both answered together:
“The mothership.” “The mothership.”
“Okay then…?” he said awkwardly, lending his hand out for anyone of the two and the one who grabbed him with Demoman and pulled him out of the trench with little trouble. “Anything else happened after that?” Dempsey asked next, “Only another time laddie.” Demoman shrugged as he looked around before Pyro placing their hand on his shoulder as gunfire is heard from elsewhere.
“Bloody hell… We better catch up with the others, Pyro!” Demoman rebuked as Pyro nodded with no argument. Then they ran with Demoman saying “We have to inform this to Richtofen!”
“You know the-” Dempsey questioned before being interrupted by Demoman yelling “Yeah!” while he runs as Pyro stopped to look at him and giving him the “I-am-watching-you” gesture before jugs up to catch up to their teammate.
“Wonderful…” Ultimis Dempsey groaned, “First it was with a goddamned Nazi, now this. Has the whole world gone crazy??” as he looked with caution but he is confused. How did they know who he is when he didn’t meet them?
“Ungh, I gotta get back to the others!” Dempsey said as he ran to where Demoman and Pyro are heading.
Something is going on around here and he’s going to need answers to that.
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royal-writer · 6 years
A Lamb to Slaughter
I like the ability Shadow Walk. Would like to get Fucked Up with it one day.
Only a short time ago, vibrant sunshine yellow flowers had been perfuming the air with delicate scents.
Now the air smelled of violent magic, sweat and smoke. Speckled blood colored the petals what flowers remained uncrushed from heavy feet, and dotted the foliage and grass. It painted bodied slumped over in the grass. Embers danced and crackled; catching on anything they could to hungrily feast upon the wilderness as well as the deceased.
Past the cries of men and pounding blood in his eardrums, the clash of thunderous steel echoed in Amon’s head. Sparks met with each strike and blow. He chased his adversaries retreat, and parried away his blows.
They danced; feet sliding across dust. The man tripped up upon one of the dead, and the nobleman swooped down at the opportunity. His sword sank into the man’s flesh. Penetrating worn leather, and making the man howl with pain.
He swung wildly. The blade whooshed past the Illiad’s face the first time, and the second ripped into his jerkin. Grateful to be wearing the thick padding of leather and a veil in the form of a chainmail shirt for protection, the blade did not slice him. He yanked backwards; taking his weapon with him and unsheathing hit from the man’s abdomen. With a hoarse cry of agony, the man stumbled further, until he fell over the carcass of one of his allies.
Before he could take another swing, Amon slammed a foot into the man’s leg to immobilize his struggles, and plunged cold steel into the man’s skull. Bone crunched, and the man lay still with his mouth agape and eyes still wide with horror. A disturbing death-glaze was only just beginning to wash over his eyes as Lord Amon whirled around, his cloak rolling behind him like a heroin’s cape as he turned to pick his next target.
A man offered himself up rather quickly. His cutlass caught upon his shoulder, and Amon grunted as it drew across to slice close to his neck. With a curse, he countered by clashing his blade against the man’s. The ricochet was enough to make teeth rattle, and the man’s weapon bounced back beneath the heavier blade and momentum.
A roar of pain and rage. From seemingly nowhere, another came hurtling from his peripherals to strike at him with a blunt sword. It deflected off armor, and Amon swung; knocking one weapon aside while elbowing the man away that stood too close to his left. The fool clearly wasn’t very tactful or experienced in a fight. A dull blade for a dull moron.
As the former jabbed forward once more, the nobleman’s blade twisted against the man’s. Metal squealed. He stabbed upon the man’s exposed wrist, and he released his weapon with a cry. Left exposed, there was a clean opening, and he went for it. His sword found its mark; moving in a flat arc.
Flush against the man’s ribs, he stared vacantly. Jaw dropping. Blood choked out from his lips, and he fell backwards as Amon tore his blade free.
The smell of searing flesh filled the air. Nauseating. He could hear voices shouting ritual conjurations.
A sharp pain pierced his leg and he shouted, looking down suddenly to see the man he’d struck with his elbow upon the ground. The stranger’s dagger was lodged in his calf.
The man tore the weapon down; flaying flesh. With an agonized flinch, Amon raised his foot and snapped his boot down upon the man’s arm as hard as he could. His weight caused the limp to crunch; bones shattering beneath his heel.
As his wails filled the air, Amon raised his weapon to stab upon the man when a blast of magic struck his side. He hissed through clenched teeth, searching for a the attacker. He could see what appeared to be a wizard of some sort keeping a safe distance from the violent fray of attacks; orange magic dancing along his staff. A sinister smile, watching the violence play out.
His grip tightened upon the hilt of his blade. Turning back down to the prone man, Amon swung his sword as the lad went sprawling back; narrowly missing a beheading. He went to swing again, hoping to end the squabble to deal with the more vital threat, and missed again as the figure scrambled desperately back.
Cursing beneath his breath, he went to slice at them again and felt someone grab at him from behind his back. They grappled with him. Arms struggling to ensnare; a short knife jabbing beneath his breast. It did nothing but tear his clothes, and catch upon the chainlinks.
Irate, Amon flung his head back, smashing it into someone’s nose. Whoever it was, they squealed with pain and released him. Their sad excuse for a knife; more a kitchen’s steak knife than anything, hit the ground.
Crude blood slickened the dirt to almost a muddy texture. Magic scarred the land; exploding against trees and startling birds to flee into flocks as the mage hurtled another flash of their hexes and spells into the fray.
Mutilated bodies. Crazy eyes of men driven almost to madness with their bloodlust.
Ignoring the two retreating individuals, Amon went for his bow. His boots left tracks of red upon the ground as he lifted the weapon. He took a moment to asses the worst of the fight, and choose to aid Aylin first. Cornered, with Penimra and Pri’cha coming to his aid, Amon fired an arrow.
Straight and tree, it launched off the bow and burrowed into the backside of one of the men blocking view to the Drow. They swayed in place for a moment, before collapsing to the ground.
Grabbing another arrow from his quiver, the nobleman set it within the longbow and pivoted. The hairs on the back of his neck rose, and he smelled the crackling energy of magic burning the air.
Warping bronze energy flashed; darting across the chosen battlefield. He had only a moment to take a breath, before seeing it pelt upon Ravamora. The young elvish girl screamed; and staggered back. Mid-way to her collapsing on the ground, Essätha’s silhouette appeared to shimmer behind the girl like the outline frame of an angel to catch her.
Amon went to turn on the villainous spellcaster, but a figure stood in his way.
The arrow let lose. Too late; the man knocking the bow aside so the arrow stuck uselessly to the ground and shattered. They swung their hammer upward; narrowly missing Amon’s jaw as he backstepped.
Another swing. It came out wide; connecting with his thigh. He caught himself from collapsing, knowing a horrible bruise was likely to well up there.
Fumbling, he went for the dagger at his side. It flew the air; missing his assailant entirely. They gave another swing of their heavy hammer, knocking into his side and causing him to wheeze as he stumbled back further. Bruised ribs now; if not broken.
The man grinned victoriously. Lifting their hammer, they made to swing again.
Lord Amon retreated; quick on his feet. It was a narrow miss, with the weapon pounding into the ground where he’d just been. Shudder to think if even his toes had been within range of that brutal swing.
Once more, the air seemed to crackle with energy. He could taste metal on his tongue, and electricity in the air.
As he whipped his head around to the sound of snapping, popping magic, he spotted the spear of orange light headed straight for him.
He inhaled sharply; expecting the worse.
A wall of black emerged between him and the orb of amber light. It solidified; the darkness melting away into a familiar figure.
Essie hissed past clenched teeth. The wave of light rippled around her like a blazing inferno.
The nobleman’s eyes darted between the backside of the woman behind him, and the man before him. He gritted his teeth; hating the decision he had to make. As much as he would like to see that she was unharmed, the man was raising his mighty weapon again for another attack.
Amon ripped his sword out of the sheath, and flung it forward.
The man gurgled around the blade sticking in his jugular. He reached up; smearing blade and cutting his hand in an attempt to remove it. The hammer dropped from his other hand, and he fell to his knees as Amon tugged the blade free of the man’s throat. He coughed; holding to the gaping hole of his throat, before falling facefirst into the dirt, dead.
Swiveling on his heel, the Illiad reached out. He could see the balled up fist Essätha clenched and held to her stomach as she formed shapes and gestures with her free hand, hurtling a flare of magic right back at the mage.
“I’m fine,” she wheezed; already a flicker of shadows dissolving her frame.
She disappeared before he could say anything. Collapsing downward into his shadow; and remering across the battlefield in Abernathy’s who was closer to the caster. A whirlwind exchange of firepower; magic colliding in the air violently between them as she acted like a barrier between the orcish-elf and the man before Abe could force her back, and take a frontal charge at the man.
Dropping his sword; too focused to bother properly sheathing it, Amon held his longbow steady and breathed. Notching the arrow, he held his breath steady, and released.
The arrow whistled through the air, and struck upon the man’s arm as he cried out.
Fury. Fury in the magician’s face. His hand jerked; crafting a series of gestures that sent various magic missiles flying.
Amon braced himself, pulling up the edge of his cloak as the line of magic all came soaring in his direction.
Abernathy gave out a furious warcry; his weapon flashing as he bashed his axe into the man’s side. Too late to stop the assault of the magic.
The air in front of him shimmered, a veiled shadow of black emerging from seemingly nowhere.
The missiles pummeled with force into the figure as it solidified at the last opportune moment.
Swearing, Amon strode forward in one large step, catching the Yuan-Ti as she fell back with a gasping breath of pain.
“Essätha, what in Pelor’s name do you think you’re doing?” he growled close to hear ear.
“Keeping you all safe,” she panted tiredly.
“Self-sacrifice is not protecting; it’s suicide.”
“The rest of you can’t take a magic beating,” she mumbled. “I can.”
Sighing deeply, Amon looked up to see that Abernathy was subduing the mage just fine on his own. The man now, upon the ground and suffocating for air as he was choked out. A look around the area once fueling with combat, and it was plain to see that those not dead were beginning to willingly surrender.
Pulling the weakened woman closer in his embrace, Amon murmured close to her ear: “Just because you are the most resistant to something, does not mean you alone should be baring it. We are all a team. You are not worth less than the rest of us. I would have been fine; I can take it.”
He felt her stiffen against him. Her words barely there; a whisper fading in the air even so close: “I only wanted to protect you.”
Amon remained silent. He knew this. Her reactions were obvious.
But there was fear in her voice that caught him off guard. A rarely displayed vulnerability.
Essie placed a hand to the ground, and tried to push herself off of him.
Fastening his arms tighter around her, the nobleman held her in place. She resisted for only a few seconds. Tempted to push off anyway, before settling back into his hold gradually.
“Protect me with a little less blind risk, please,” he breathed into her curls of hair. “You are not made to be anyone’s martyr. And I don’t know what I’d do, if something happened to you…”
Her breath hitched. He could feel the softness of her fingers sliding over the back of his hands, enveloping over them where they lay against her. His eyes widened a small fraction at the peek of her warm eyes glancing back at him. She opened her mouth, seeming trying to find the right words to say.
“Hey, you two,” Adela rasped, limping over towards them. “We got an unconscious dirtfucker to interrogate. You able to stand?”
“Y-Yeah-” Essie squeaked, scrambling out of his arms as fast as she could.
Slowly, Amon followed. Wincing as he rose from his knees, aware of the wobbling in his frame. Aches throbbed and he ached with a fierceness in all his joints and burning muscles sore from the fight.
Noticing the paleness in Essätha’s features, and the way she trembled and swayed just standing in place, he reached out to place an arm around her shoulders.
She tensed. Eyes darting to his face, then to where his hand rested as a white light pooled out of his fingertips and into her skin to soak into the autumn of her skin. Her breath quickened for a moment, and then relaxed as the tension in her body began to erode. She leaned towards him unknowingly; seeking refuge against his side.
“Thank you.”
The words were sweet; but the tone was more-so. Dripping with honeyed gentleness.
“But what about you-?”
He resisted the urge to flinch as she reached out for him. Instead of prodding or poking around an exposed wound for examination however, she wiped at his sticky brow with sweat, pushing hair out of his face.
His mouth quirked up into a smile as he teased, “I’ll be fine. I didn’t jump out in front of numerous bombardments of attacks.”
A smile. Thin, and unconvinced; with eyebrows drawn worryingly down.
“Don’t look so concerned, see?” he gruffed; embarrassed as he laid his free hand against his chest. The same shimmer of life-bearing light emitted from his hand into himself, and suddenly the lacerations upon much of his body began to restitch themselves with a gradual warmth.
Nothing compared to the warmth of her side nestled against his. Nothing compared to the warmth shining her her bright eyes.
“Good,” Essie murmured, staying close against his side as they followed after Adela. “I’d have for you to have spent all your healing-magic on me.”
It’d be worth it, if I had, he thought, grinning down at her.
But he had more then enough reserves to pass around to the others; who appeared a bit stiff with pain. He’d be sure to do what he could once they gathered, that Sul, Abe, and Pri’cha perhaps could not.
It just gave him that small, satisfying feeling of fulfillment to help someone. That’s what he told himself, anyway. And that nothing of it had to do with the way of overwhelming gratitude and pride with which Essätha looked at him with; with those butterscotch eyes he could sink into for a lifetime.
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astral-multiverse · 5 years
Super Smash Bros. Multiverse: Brandon Astral Moveset + Extra
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Stage Entrance: Brandon flies in and poses as he adjusts his cap before getting into his stance
Alternate Costumes: Default, Fire Brandon, Black and Gold colors, Gaiso colors, Starri colors, Darius colors, Sherman colors, Female Alternate Costume
Neutral Jab/Rapid Jab: Throws two straight punches with his clawed gauntlets and ends with a sword stab. Rapid Jab is him rapidly slashing forward
Side Tilt: Horizontal sword slash
Up Tilt: Shoots an arrow with his new crossbow into the air and the arrow splits into two, falling down on each side
Down Tilt: Swings his hammer low to deal heavy damage. Slow, but powerful
Dash Attack: Holds sword out and spins around like a tornado, moving forward and getting dizzy
Side Smash: Comet Punch. Charges up a powerful punch, longer you charge the more powerful it gets
Up Smash: Quasar Shock. Fires a huge bolt of electricity into the air to attack above him
Down Smash: Nova Spire. Punches ground to make two pillars of fire erupt on both sides of him
Neutral Air: Deep Space Freeze. Spins around in air with arms spread out, unleashing a cold aura around himself
Forward Air: Crescent Kick. Does a front flip with leg extended forward, hitting opponent with an axe kick. Spikes at heel of his shoe
Back Air: Turns to use whip behind him
Up Air: Does a flip kick
Down Air: Meteor Crash. Goes straight down as he curls up into a ball and surrounds himself in flames. The higher he is, the more powerful it is. Has a set distance
Neutral Special: Star Gun. Charges up his shot, up to five stars can be charged up and fired. Charge can be held
Side Special: Rocket Charge. Surrounds self in flames and flies forward. Similar to Charizard's Flare Blitz, but isn't as powerful and has no recoil damage
Up Special: Rocket Boost. Similar to Palutena's Rocket Jump, but goes higher and does more damage
Down Special: Astral Charge. Aura spikes around Brandon, damaging whoever is near him. He then absorbs the aura, making his next Star Powered attack stronger
Grab: Grabs with one hand
Pummel: Punches with a weaker Comet Punch
Forward: Shoulder tackles the foe forward after stunning them with his Quasar Shock
Up: Summons a Nova Spire to launch foe into the air
Back: Spins around and uses Stellar Twister to throw opponent backwards
Down: Uses Cosmic Whip to grab opponent and swings them overhead to slam them into the ground
Final Smash: Ultimate Synergy Attack! Brandon transforms into his SuperStar form and uses his Vaccuum Force attack to suck in enemies. The ones caught in it get taken into a Cinematic Final Smash where Brandon and Bella and their team in their Synergy forms to pummel the opponents and finish with their ultimate Synergy Attack: Team Synergy Flare. Anyone over 100% gets instantly KOed. Bella also won't appear if she's fighting against Brandon
Up- Spins around and poses while winking and flashing a peace sign (Or V sign)
Down- BEC flies off of his wrist and Brandon starts typing something on her holo-screen before BEC goes back to his wrist
Side- Brandon shrugs his shoulders and says "You sure you're ready?"
Idle Animations-
Regular- Stands with his hand resting on his side
1- Folds arms and taps his bicep with his index finger and tapping his foot
2- Floats in air and lies back with his hands behind his head and legs crossed, like he's sitting in a chair
3- Stretches body and yawns
Victory Theme- Remix of Starman theme
Victory Poses:
1- Brandon lands while sliding on the ground a bit before he performs two roundhouse kicks and finishes by posing with a peace sign, saying "Behold the power of the stars!"
2- Brandon's teammates celebrate by toss him into the air a few times before they throw him one last time, causing him to flip in the air a few times and land, posing with his friends afterwards
3- Camera starts in one of Brandon's eyes as it's shining like stars before it zooms out and Brandon starts posing with his hands flaring with his cosmic aura, saying "They don't call me the Hero of the Stars for nothing!"
Boxing Ring Title: Hero of the Stars
Crowd Cheer: B-R-A-N-D-O-N, Let's Go! B-R-A-N-D-O-N, ASTRAL!!
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gaijinhunter · 8 years
[PAX South] Dauntless Hands-On Impressions
My excitement for the game is NOT just “wishful thinking”! I was given a special opportunity to try the PAX South build of Dauntless; it's currently in pre-alpha with open beta in the Fall and a closed alpha demo sometime before that. The game was a blast to play despite still being in an early stage.
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In the demo I got to slay 2 monsters: Shrike (the owl bear) and Pangar. Both were unique and fun.
Weapon impressions:
I really loved all 3 weapons, despite thinking I was going to gravitate to one of them. The sword was fast and furious and had at least 2 major combos (triggered by a different button so the controls were not complicated at all), so it was nice to choose which one depending on the situation. You charge up energy as you hit the behemoth and once your gauge is full you can activate it and for a limited period of time you are super-powered. It’s nice to have these elements of big chance and it’s great you can choose when to activate it, so you can wait until someone knocks over the monsters first then go ham on it. Very fun!
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For Hammer, I really like the interpretation of the weapon they have. It’s quite agile and has nice wide strikes. Best of all, and I’m sure you’ve seen video of this, is the super jump you can do. Basically it’s a Gun Hammer and you have a few ammo slots of aether energy. You can activate a jump by pressing a button then do an air attack. It’s satisfying to jump in and smash the head of a behemoth when it turns around. Very different than how you think of hammer in a game like Monster Hunter. Another thing worth noting is once you run out of aether shots, you can reload the weapon and currently they use a system like Gears of War with the “perfect reload” which felt super satisfying to pull off.
Axe is the big hitter that is slow but does massive damage. Stamina management is really crucial but numerous times I was able to get the behemoth to flinch with a well-timed hit. I like that there is a walking charge attack so you aren’t necessarily committed to a position (which there was a fixed position strong charge as well). After doing enough damage you can unleash a super slam that raises your base attack power, think of it like a great sword in Monster Hunter that has the Long Sword spirit system.
Overall I like the way aether plays a big roll in this game, from the weapons and how they deal out bigger damage, health pools you can heal from on the field, and elemental attacks the Behemoths do especially when enraged.
Behemoth Impressions:
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Shrike was fun - I think it’s going to be an earlier monster but that doesn’t mean it was easy. It’s one of those fights where you can find yourself getting greedy and are punished for it. There are generous i-frames for evasion if you can time it well but even that won’t help you if the behemoth is in your face!
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Pangar is really a good example of where this game shines and proved to me they know what they are doing when it comes to monsters design. Its moves had personality and it felt very different from the Shrike hunt. It also had a good variety of attacks: clawing, tail swipes, charging at you, ice attacks, you name it. In my demo I was able to utilize one of the sword combos that ends in a nice upward slice to sever its tail, which felt good! Some media had some gameplay footage but it doesn't really do it justice - when you are in there close and fighting it, the action is well-paced and exciting.
Gameplay Notes: When an fellow slayer is down you can run over to revive them (not at full health or anything) and you really want to since the longer they are down and out the closer you get to a quest fail. It’s really well implemented and will be something you just have to try out, but I found it kept the team really thinking about each other, and once we ran out of heal items it really raised the stakes. Absolutely love this idea. Not being sent back to camp keeps the action heavy and makes you move as a team but is never a pain in the butt. Lots of “omg dude I’m down quick someone help” “thanks!” and accidentally dying as you try to revive a fellow slayer is funny.
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I also think the flare system is cool. Since there are no loading times, if you run and spot the behemoth you can throw a flare into the air to signal other slayers in a way that is integrated into the game world.
Overall: The game is really showing promise and I can see and most importantly *feel* what its going to be like later and it’s exciting. It takes from Monster Hunter some of the core things we like but doesn't feel like a clone--it feels different and in a good way.
The developer is super open, funny, and interacts with the community. Also worth noting is while we don’t know the details, they are adamant that the F2P will not be pay-to-win. These are a bunch of guys who love the same games we do and are trying to do this right—they have my support not only because they are cool but the game is also frankly just shaping up to be a lot of fun.
Can’t wait to see more as the game development continues. I knew that I wanted to cover this game closely but after having a hands-on demo with the game, I am now fully committed to covering it. It's going to be free to play so if you have a PC it won't cost a thing to give it a try. I really think you guys will enjoy this game so put it on your radar!
Until next time...happy slaying!
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brawlertech · 9 months
Pale Lime Gold Flare-Axe & Smash Hammer | 3.0
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rincongamers · 6 years
Dota 2 Update - January 29th, 2019
7.21: === GENERAL * Melee creeps average gold bounty reduced by 3 * Range creeps upgrade cycle gold bounty increased from +3 to +6 * Replaced the primary jungles' ancient camps with big camps * Heroes no longer gain 25% more benefit from their primary attributes (affects attributes from both items and the hero) * All heroes' primary attribute growth values increased by 15% * Health per strength increased from 18 to 20 * XP required to reach level 7->12 changed from 640/660/680/800/820/840 to 720/750/780/810/840/870 (the difference is +80/90/100/10/20/30 XP) * The following melee heroes now have +5 movement speed: Naga Siren, Underlord, Monkey King, Nyx Assassin, Bloodseeker, Riki * The following melee heroes now have +10 movement speed: Alchemist, Dragon Knight, Meepo * The following melee heroes now have +15 movement speed: Legion Commander, Lifestealer, Lycan, Sven, Ursa, Wraith King * Ranged heroes with 295 movement speed and above now have 5 less movement speed * Tier 2 tower armor increased from 14 to 15 * Tier 3 tower armor increased from 14 to 16 * Melee Barracks armor increased from 13 to 15 * Tower Protection armor bonus for Tier 2/3/4 increased from 3 to 4 ITEMS * Animal Courier: Flying movement speed increased from 460 to 470 * Aeon Disk: Active status resistance increased from 50% to 75% * Aeon Disk: Recipe cost reduced from 1350 to 1250 * Battle Fury: Percentage damage bonus against non-hero units changed to be a fixed amount matching Quelling Blade * Bloodstone: Bloodpact changed from 60% of current mana to 30% of max mana * Bloodthorn: Cooldown reduced from 18 to 15 * Boots of Travel: Level 2 movement speed increased from +32% to +35% * Buckler: Activated armor bonus duration on heroes reduced from 25 to 15 (carries through to Mek) * Crimson Guard: Recipe cost increased from 600 to 750 * Drum of Endurance: Passive changed from a 6% movement speed aura to +20 movement speed to yourself only * Ethereal Blade: Enemy debuff duration increased from 3 to 4 (matching duration when cast on allies) * Eul's Scepter of Divinity: Movement speed bonus changed from +6% percentage to +20 flat * Holy Locket: Now uses Energy Booster instead of a Void Stone (provides +325 Mana) * Iron Branch: Cast range increased from 200 to 400 * Manta Style: Movement speed bonus reduced from +25 to +20 * Mask of Madness: Lifesteal increased from 15% to 20% * Mekansm: Stack limit is now tied to cooldown on cast (like Greaves and Crimson stack mechanics) * Meteor Hammer: Radius increased from 300 to 315 * Necronomicon: Last Will damage increased from 550/675/800 to 600/700/800 * Nullifier: Duration increased from 5 to 6 * Phase Boots: Recipe changed from Gloves of Haste to Blades of Attack * Phase Boots: Armor bonus increased from 5 to 6 * Phase Boots: Now gives +18 damage on melee (and +12 on range) instead of +20 attack speed * Phase Boots: Melee active speed increased from 20% to 22% * Power Treads: Recipe changed from Blades of Attack to Gloves of Haste * Power Treads: Attribute bonus reduced from 14 to 10 * Power Treads: Now gives +20 attack speed instead of +12 damage * Sange and Yasha: Movement speed bonus reduced from +35 to +30 * Solar Crest: Movement speed bonus changed from +6% percentage to +20 flat * Spirit Vessel: Damage as a percentage of current health increased from 4.5% to 5% * Spirit Vessel: Movement speed bonus changed from +6% percentage to +20 flat * Tranquil Boots: Active form movement speed increased from 24% to 26% * Tranquil Boots: Disabled form movement speed reduced from 20% to 18% * Vladmir's Offering: No longer uses Headdress nor provides its hp regen/stats * Vladmir's Offering: Now requires a 525 gold recipe * Wind Lace: Movement speed bonus changed from +6% percentage to +20 flat * Yasha: Movement speed bonus reduced from +25 to +20 * Yasha and Kaya: Movement speed bonus reduced from +35 to +30 HEROES * Abaddon: Curse of Avernus curse duration increased from 4 to 4.5 * Abaddon: Aphotic Shield manacost reduced from 115 to 100/105/110/115 * Alchemist: Base movement speed increased by 10 * Alchemist: Base agility increased from 16 to 22 * Alchemist: Chemical Rage base attack time improved from 1.3/1.15/1.0 to 1.2/1.1/1.0 * Alchemist: Level 10 Talent reduced from -8s Unstable Concoction to -7s * Alchemist: Level 20 Talent Concoction talent now adds the damage to the max instead of the base * Ancient Apparition: Chilling Touch damage increased from 50/85/120/155 to 50/90/130/170 * Ancient Apparition: Ice Vortex manacost reduced from 65/80/95/110 to 50/70/90/110 * Ancient Apparition: Level 25 Talent reduced from 900 AoE Cold Feet to 700 * Ancient Apparition: Level 25 Talent increased from +4% Ice Blast Kill Threshold to +5% * Anti-Mage: Fixed Counterspell providing double magic resistance when the shield is active * Arc Warden: Spark Wraith damage increased from 100/160/220/280 to 100/170/240/310 * Arc Warden: Tempest Double duration increased from 14/16/18 to 16/18/20 * Arc Warden: Level 10 Talent increased from +25 Attack Speed to +30 * Bane: Enfeeble attack speed slow increased from 40/60/80/100 to 50/75/100/125 * Bane: Enfeeble manacost reduced from 70/90/110/130 to 50/75/100/125 * Bane: Level 10 Talent increased from +6 Armor to +7 * Bane: Fiend's Grip duration increased from 5 to 6 * Batrider: Firefly now grants a 4/7/10/13% movement speed bonus * Batrider: Firefly duration reduced from 18 to 15 * Batrider: Firefly cooldown reduced from 40 to 34 * Beastmaster: Inner Beast attack speed reduced from 15/25/35/45 to 10/20/30/40 * Beastmaster: Hawk health reduced from 300/450/600/750 to 150/200/250/300 * Beastmaster: Level 15 Talent changed from +40 Boar Damage to +65 Wild Axes Damage * Beastmaster: Level 20 Talent changed from +80 Wild Axes Damage to +50 Boar Damage * Beastmaster: Level 25 Talent increased from -15s Hawks Cooldown to -20s * Beastmaster: Level 25 Talent reduced from +30 Inner Beast Attack Speed to +25 * Bloodseeker: Base movement speed increased by 5 * Bounty Hunter: Shuriken Toss cooldown reduced from 10 to 9 * Bounty Hunter: Jinada gold steal increased from 12/18/24/30 to 12/20/28/36 * Bounty Hunter: Track critical strike damage increased from 140/160/180% to 140/170/200% * Brewmaster: Drunken Brawler critical strike reduced from 170/200/230/260% to 140/180/220/260% * Brewmaster: Cinder Brew duration reduced from 7 to 5 * Brewmaster: Cinder Brew duration is refreshed on ignition * Brewmaster: Cinder Brew ignite DPS increased from 20/25/30/35 to 20/30/40/50 * Brewmaster: Level 10 Talent reduced from +20 Damage to +15 * Bristleback: Viscous Nasal Goo manacost reduced from 25 to 12/16/20/24 * Broodmother: Level 10 Talent increased from +75 Spawn Spiderlings Damage to +125 * Broodmother: Level 15 Talent changed from +35% XP Gain to +15 Agility * Broodmother: Level 20 Talent increased from +20 Spiders Attack Damage to +30 * Broodmother: Level 25 Talent increased from +350 Spiders Health to +450 * Centaur Warrunner: Retaliate no longer gains charges while it is active * Chaos Knight: Chaos Strike cooldown reduced from 7/6/5/4 to 4 * Chaos Knight: Chaos Strike lifesteal reduced from 50/55/60/65% to 40/50/60/70% * Chaos Knight: Chaos Strike max damage increased from 160/190/220/250% to 160/195/230/265% * Chaos Knight: Reality Rift slow duration increased from 2 to 3 * Chaos Knight: Reality Rift slow reduced from 15/25/35/45% to 10/20/30/40% * Chen: Divine Favor bonus damage reduced from 10/20/40/80 to 12/24/36/48 * Chen: Divine Favor now provides double bonus damage on non-hero units * Chen: Divine Favor duration increased from 12 to 14 * Chen: Divine Favor manacost reduced from 110 to 70/80/90/100 * Chen: Hand of God heal increased from 250/400/550 to 300/450/600 * Chen: Level 15 Talent reduced from -10s Divine Favor Cooldown to -7s * Chen: Level 25 Talent reduced from +400 Hand of God Heal to +350 * Chen: Level 25 Talent increased from +4 Holy Persuasion Max Units to +5 * Clinkz: Level 15 Talent changed from +20% Evasion to +15 Strength * Clockwerk: Battery Assault cast point removed * Clockwerk: Rocket Flare manacost reduced from 50 to 35/40/45/50 * Clockwerk: Level 20 Talent changed from +20% Magic Resistance to Rocket Flare True Sight * Clockwerk: Level 25 Talent changed from Rocket Flare True Sight to +50% Magic Resistance * Crystal Maiden: Freezing Field now grants you 10 bonus armor while channeling * Crystal Maiden: Arcane Aura allied mana regen reduced from 1.2/1.7/2.2/2.7 to 1/1.5/2/2.5 * Crystal Maiden: Arcane Aura self mana regen increased from 2.4/4.4/6.4/8.4 to 2.5/4.5/6.5/8.5 * Dark Willow: Bramble Maze manacost reduced from 140/150/160/170 to 100/120/140/160 * Dark Willow: Bramble Maze cooldown reduced from 34/31/28/25 to 25 * Dazzle: Poison Touch mancost increased from 95/110/125/140 to 110/120/130/140 * Dazzle: Shadow Wave cast range reduced from 900 to 800 * Death Prophet: Base damage increased by 3 * Disruptor: Base armor increased by 1 * Doom: Scorched Earth cooldown reduced from 55/50/45/40 to 50/45/40/35 * Doom: Devour health regen from 4/8/13/18 to 3/8/13/18 * Dragon Knight: Base movement speed increased by 10 * Dragon Knight: Dragon Blood health regen increased from 4/7/10/13 to 4/8/12/16 * Dragon Knight: Elder Dragon Form frost attack slow increased from -20 to -30 * Dragon Knight: Level 20 Talent changed from 2x Dragon Blood to +25 Strength * Dragon Knight: Level 25 Talent changed from +40 Strength to 2x Dragon Blood * Drow Ranger: Level 15 Talent changed from +25 Attack Speed to +10 Agility * Earthshaker: Fissure manacost reduced from 125/140/155/170 to 110/130/150/170 * Earth Spirit: Rolling Boulder damage reduced from 100 to 70/80/90/100 * Earth Spirit: Boulder Smash slow reduced from 80% to 60% * Earth Spirit: Level 15 Talent reduced from +200 Rolling Boulder Damage to +150 * Elder Titan: Level 10 Talent reduced from +25 Movement Speed to +20 * Ember Spirit: Sleight of Fist cooldown reduced from 30/22/14/6 to 18/14/10/6 * Ember Spirit: Base damage increased by 3 * Enchantress: Enchant cooldown reduced from 55/40/25/10 to 22/18/14/10 * Enchantress: Enchant creep duration reduced from 50/60/70/80 to 26/44/62/80 * Enchantress: Enchant manacost reduced from 65 to 40/50/60/70 * Enigma: Midnight Pulse manacost rescaled from 75/95/115/135 to 50/80/110/140 * Faceless Void: Time Dilation AoE increased from 725 to 775 * Faceless Void: Level 10 Talent increased from +8 Strength to +10 * Faceless Void: Level 15 Talent changed from +300 Health to -1s Time Walk Cooldown * Grimstroke: Phantom's Embrace rend damage reduced from 120/200/280/360 to 75/150/225/300 * Grimstroke: Ink Swell manacost increased from 90/100/110/120 to 120/130/140/150 * Grimstroke: Ink Swell movement speed reduced from 18% to 12/14/16/18% * Gyrocopter: Base strength increased from 19 to 22 * Huskar: Attack point reduced from 0.4 to 0.3 * Huskar: Berserker's Blood max attack speed reduced from 220/260/300/340 to 160/220/280/340 * Huskar: Life Break damage and cost reduced from 34/39/44% to 32/38/44% * Huskar: Level 15 Talent reduced from +15 Burning Spears DPS to +10 * Invoker: Base damage increased by 3 * Invoker: Exort bonus damage reduced from 4->28 to 3->27 per instance * Invoker: Level 10 Talent changed from +1.25s Tornado Lift Time to -30s Ghost Walk Cooldown * Io: Temporarily removed from Captains Mode * Io: Tether now transfers health and mana even when Io is at max hp/mp * Io: Overcharge now has an 18 second cooldown and an 8 second duration. No longer has a 2 second toggle. * Io: Overcharge now costs 40/60/80/100 mana to cast. No longer cost 6% of health and mana per second. * Io: Overcharge attack speed bonus increased from 40/50/60/70 to 50/80/110/140 * Io: Overcharge damage reduction increased from 5/10/15/20% to 15/20/25/30% * Io: Relocate delay increased from 2.7/2.35/2 to 3.5/3.25/3 * Io: Relocate cooldown reduced from 130/110/90 to 90/75/60 * Io: Relocate is now cast delay again instead of channeling (being interrupted, silenced, rooted, etc will cancel the ability) * Io: Level 25 Talent changed from -60s Relocate Cooldown to -30s * Jakiro: Level 10 Talent changed from +30% XP Gain to +300 Attack Range * Jakiro: Level 15 Talent changed from +300 Attack Range to +40% XP Gain * Juggernaut: Base armor reduced by 1 * Juggernaut: Omnislash no longer allows you to teleport while using it * Juggernaut: Healing Ward movement speed reduced from 420 to 400 * Juggernaut: Omnislash cooldown increased from 130/120/110 to 130 * Juggernaut: Level 15 Talent changed from +1s Blade Fury to +50 Blade Fury Movement Speed * Keeper of the Light: Level 10 Talent changed from 8% Spell Lifesteal to +30% XP Gain * Keeper of the Light: Level 15 Talent changed from +30% XP Gain to +1 Will-O-Wisp Health Count * Kunkka: Level 25 Talent changed from -1.5s Tidebringer Cooldown to +60% Tidebringer Cleave * Legion Commander: Base movement speed increased by 15 * Legion Commander: Level 20 Talent reduced from +40 Movement Speed to +35 * Legion Commander: Level 25 Talent changed from -10s Press The Attack Cooldown to 350 AoE Press The Attack * Leshrac: Diabolic Edict increased from 9/18/27/36 to 11/22/33/44 * Leshrac: Level 25 Talent reduced from +50 Diabolic Edict Explosions to +40 * Lich: Frost Shield slow reduced from 35% to 20/25/30/35% * Lich: Chain Frost damage reduced from 300/400/500 to 250/375/500 * Lich: Level 25 Talent increased from +40% slow to +50% * Lifestealer: Base movement speed increased by 15 * Lifestealer: Base armor increased by 2 * Lifestealer: Level 15 Talent reduced from +30 Movement Speed to +25 * Lina: Base damage increased by 3 * Lion: Level 10 Talent increased from +75 Cast Range to +100 * Lion: Level 15 Talent increased from +120 Gold/Min to +150 * Lone Druid: Spirit Bear movement speed increased from 340/355/370/385 to 340/360/380/400 * Lone Druid: Spirit Bear attack damage increased from 35/50/65/80 to 35/55/75/95 * Lone Druid: Level 20 Talent changed from -0.3 Spirit Bear Attack Time to 0 Entangle Cooldown * Lone Druid: Level 25 Talent changed from 0 Entangle Cooldown to -0.5s Spirit Bear Attack Time * Luna: Level 10 Talent increased from +200 Cast Range to +300 * Lycan: Base movement speed increased by 15 * Lycan: Wolves armor reduced from 1 to 0 * Lycan: Wolves magic resistance reduced from 80% to 70% * Lycan: Wolves health increased from 230/260/290/320 to 300/350/400/450 * Lycan: Howl health regen increased from 4/6/8/10 to 4/8/12/16 * Medusa: Fixed Mystic Snake bouncing to Spell Immune enemies * Medusa: Level 10 Talent reduced from +20 Damage to +15 * Medusa: Level 15 Talent reduced from +35% Mystic Snake Mana Steal to +30% * Medusa: Level 20 Talent changed from +700 Mana to -4s Mystic Snake Cooldown * Medusa: Level 25 Talent changed from +7 Split Shot Targets to +1000 Mana * Meepo: Base movement speed increased by 10 * Mirana: Sacred Arrow movement speed increased from 857 to 950 * Monkey King: Base movement speed increased by 5 * Monkey King: Wukong's Command attack rate improved from 1.3 to 1.2 * Morphling: Strength gain increased from 2.3 to 2.6 * Morphling: Level 10 Talent increased from +15s Morph Duration to +20s * Naga Siren: Base movement speed increased by 5 * Naga Siren: Mirror Image duration from 24 to 26 * Naga Siren: Mirror Image damage taken reduced from 475/450/425/400% to 400% * Naga Siren: Level 20 Talent increased from -5s Ensnare Cooldown to -7s * Nature's Prophet: Using tango on a sprout tree will 2x regen (like eating a branch tree) * Nature's Prophet: Level 20 Talent changed from -4s Sprout Cooldown to +25% Cooldown Reduction * Necrophos: Death Pulse damage increased from 100/140/180/220 to 100/150/200/250 * Necrophos: Level 15 Talent increased from +20% Ghost Shroud Slow to +30% * Night Stalker: Hunter in the Night movement speed bonus increased from 20/25/30/35 to 22/28/34/40% * Night Stalker: Removed Scepter * Night Stalker: Dark Ascension now provides full unobstructed vision, instead of only 900 range * Night Stalker: Level 15 Talent changed from +150 Cast Range to +15% Lifesteal * Nyx Assassin: Base movement speed increased by 5 * Nyx Assassin: Strength gain increased from 2.3 to 2.5 * Nyx Assassin: Level 10 Talent increased from +60 GPM to +90 * Nyx Assassin: Level 10 Talent increased from +6% Spell Amp to +8% * Ogre Magi: Fireblast cooldown reduced from 12/11/10/9 to 11/10/9/8 * Ogre Magi: Multicast 2x chance increased from 60% to 70% * Omniknight: Heavenly Grace status resistance reduced from 50/60/70/80% to 50% * Omniknight: Heavenly Grace duration increased from 8 to 10 * Omniknight: Heavenly Grace now provides 7/14/21/28 bonus strength * Omniknight: Heavenly Grace manacost increased from 75 to 80/90/100/110 * Outworld Devourer: Sanity's Eclipse multiplier from 9/10/11 to 8/9/10 * Outworld Devourer: Level 15 Talent reduced from +30 Movement Speed to +25 * Pangolier: Base damage increased by 4 * Pangolier: Level 10 Talent changed from +20 Movement Speed to +300 Swashbuckle Slash Range * Phantom Assassin: Rearranged Level 15 Talents - +25% Cleave vs +15% Lifesteal * Phantom Assassin: Rearranged Level 20 Talents - +20% Blur Evasion vs -4 Armor Corruption * Phantom Assassin: Rearranged Level 25 Talents - +5% Coup de Grace vs Triple Strike Stifling Dagger * Phantom Lancer: Level 10 Talent increased from +10% Evasion to +15% * Phantom Lancer: Level 20 Talent increased from +4 Max Juxtapose Illusions to +5 * Phoenix: Sunray can no longer move forward while rooted * Pudge: Base damage increased by 6 * Queen of Pain: Scream of Pain manacost reduced from 95/110/125/140 to 80/100/120/140 * Queen of Pain: Shadow Strike damage per tick increased from 30/45/60/75 to 30/50/70/90 * Razor: Attack backswing reduced from 0.7 to 0.4 * Razor: Level 10 Talent increased from +200 Health to +225 * Riki: Base damage increased by 4 * Riki: Base movement speed increased by 5 * Riki: Level 20 Talent increased from +0.2 Backstab Multiplier to +0.3 * Rubick: Telekinesis lift duration reduced from 1/1.4/1.8/2.2 to 0.8/1.2/1.6/2.0 * Rubick: Level 15 Talent increased from -45 Fade Bolt Hero Attack to -60 * Sand King: Burrowstrike damage increased from 85/150/215/280 to 100/160/220/280 * Sand King: Sand Storm AoE increased from 350/450/550/650 to 425/500/575/650 * Shadow Demon: Soul Catcher manacost reduced from 110 to 50/70/90/110 * Shadow Demon: Shadow Poison manacost reduced from 50 to 35/40/45/50 * Shadow Fiend: Presence of the Dark Lord armor reduction increased from 3/4/5/6 to 4/5/6/7 * Shadow Shaman: Level 20 Talent reduced from +3s Shackles Duration to +2.5s * Silencer: Last Word cooldown reduced from 28/22/16/10 to 22/18/14/10 * Silencer: Level 10 Talent increased from +5 Armor to +6 * Skywrath Mage: Mystic Flare deals damage to creeps if no heroes are around * Slardar: Level 25 Talent reduced from +1.5s Slithereen Crush Stun to 1.25s * Slark: Pounce no longer does 30/60/90/120 damage * Sniper: Headshot now has a back knockback of 10 * Sniper: Level 15 Talent changed from +35 Shrapnel DPS to +15% Shrapnel Slow * Spectre: Strength gain increased from 2.3 to 2.5 * Spectre: Spectral Dagger movement speed increased from 8/12/16/20% to 10/14/18/22% * Spectre: Level 20 Talent reduced from +20% Spectral Dagger to +18% * Storm Spirit: Electric Vortex manacost reduced from 85 to 60/70/80/90 * Storm Spirit: Level 10 Talent changed from +20 Damage to +30 Overload Damage * Sven: Base movement speed increased by 15 * Sven: Warcry shield health changed from 110/220/330/440 to 80/110/140/170 + 1/1.5/2/2.5x your strength * Sven: Storm Hammer cooldown increased from 13 to 16/15/14/13 * Sven: Storm Hammer damage reduced from 100/175/250/325 to 80/160/240/320 * Techies: Remote Mines manacost reduced from 200/240/300 to 120/180/240 * Templar Assassin: Meld debuff is now applied before the attack damage is reduced by armor * Templar Assassin: Fixed meld bonus damage being increased by Spell Amplification * Templar Assassin: Level 10 Talent changed from +3 Psionic Traps to +15% Evasion * Templar Assassin: Level 15 Talent changed from +7 Armor to +25 Movement Speed * Terrorblade: Strength reduced from 16 + 1.7 to 15 + 1.5 * Tidehunter: Anchor Smash damage reduction from -45/50/55/60 to -30/40/50/60% * Timbersaw: Reactive Armor bonus armor reduced from 1.3/1.4/1.5/1.6 to 1/1.1/1.2/1.3 * Timbersaw: Reactive Armor bonus health regen reduced from 1/1.2/1.4/1.6 to 1/1.1/1.2/1.3 * Timbersaw: Reactive Armor max stacks increased from 5/10/15/20 to 6/12/18/24 * Timbersaw: Whirling Death tree bonus damage increased from 10/15/20/25 to 12/18/24/30 * Timbersaw: Level 20 Talent increased from +10% Cooldown Reduction to +15% * Tiny: Avalanche AoE reduced from 400 to 325/350/375/400 * Tiny: Avalanche cooldown increased from 23/20/17/14 to 26/22/18/14 * Tiny: Level 15 Talent reduced from +125 Avalanche Damage to +100 * Tiny: Level 15 Talent increased from +350 Health to +400 * Treant Protector: Living Armor damage block increased from 20/40/60/80 to 25/50/75/100 * Treant Protector: Scepter now causes Treant's Overgrowth to deal damage instead of only Enchanted Trees * Treant Protector: Overgrowth duration increased from 3/3.75/4.5 to 3.25/4/4.75 * Treant Protector: Level 20 Talent increased from +40 Leech Seed Damage/Heal to +50 * Troll Warlord: Level 15 Talent increased from +75 Whirling Axes Damage to +90 * Troll Warlord: Level 20 Talent increased from +20% Evasion to +25% * Tusk: Tag Team slow duration reduced from 0.5 to 0.4 * Tusk: Tag Team manacost increased from 40/50/60/70 to 70 * Tusk: Tag Team cooldown increased from 15 to 24/21/18/15 * Underlord: Base movement speed increased by 5 * Undying: Level 15 Talent changed from Tombstone On Death to +30 Tombstone Zombie Damage * Undying: Level 20 Talent changed from +30 Tombstone Zombie Damage to Tombstone On Death * Ursa: Base movement speed increased by 15 * Ursa: Fury Swipes damage reduced from 10/16/22/28 to 7/14/21/28 * Vengeful Spirit: Level 20 Talent increased from -5s Magic Missle Cooldown to -6s * Venomancer: Strength gain increased from 1.9 to 2.1 * Viper: Nethertoxin AoE increased from 350 to 380 * Viper: Nethertoxin damage increased from 20/35/50/65 to 30/45/60/75 * Visage: Level 10 Talent reduced from +125 Cast Range to +100 * Visage: Level 20 Talent reduced from +60 Familiars Movement Speed to +50 * Visage: Level 20 Talent increased from +15 Soul Assumption Damage Per Charge to +20 * Warlock: Base strength increased by 2 * Warlock: Chaotic Offering attack damage increased from 75/125/175 to 100/150/200 * Warlock: Golem attack backswing reduced from 0.74 to 0.57 * Weaver: Level 10 Talent changed from +7 Strength to +75 Shukuchi Damage * Weaver: Level 15 Talent changed from +75 Shukuchi Damage to +14 Strength * Windranger: Level 15 Talent increased from +100 Attack Range to +125 * Windranger: Level 15 Talent increased from +100 Powershot Damage to +125 * Winter Wyvern: Cold Embrace base health regen increased from 15 to 14/18/22/26 * Winter Wyvern: Cold Embrace manacost changed from 75 to 50/60/70/80 * Witch Doctor: Maledict cooldown reduced from 50/40/30/20 to 30/26/22/18 * Witch Doctor: Level 10 Talent increased from +5 Armor to +6 * Wraith King: Base movement speed increased by 15 * Zeus: Reworked Static Field. Now affects enemies directly affected by your abilities. No longer has a range.
0 notes
brawlertech · 1 year
Green Gold Special Attack Bruiser with Flare-Axe & Smash Hammer | 3.0
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brawlertech · 8 months
Purple Gold Flare-Axe & Smash Hammer | 3.0
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rincongamers · 6 years
Dota 2 Update - January 29th, 2019
7.21: === GENERAL * Melee creeps average gold bounty reduced by 3 * Range creeps upgrade cycle gold bounty increased from +3 to +6 * Replaced the primary jungles' ancient camps with big camps * Heroes no longer gain 25% more benefit from their primary attributes (affects attributes from both items and the hero) * All heroes' primary attribute growth values increased by 15% * Health per strength increased from 18 to 20 * XP required to reach level 7->12 changed from 640/660/680/800/820/840 to 720/750/780/810/840/870 (the difference is +80/90/100/10/20/30 XP) * The following melee heroes now have +5 movement speed: Naga Siren, Underlord, Monkey King, Nyx Assassin, Bloodseeker, Riki * The following melee heroes now have +10 movement speed: Alchemist, Dragon Knight, Meepo * The following melee heroes now have +15 movement speed: Legion Commander, Lifestealer, Lycan, Sven, Ursa, Wraith King * Ranged heroes with 295 movement speed and above now have 5 less movement speed * Tier 2 tower armor increased from 14 to 15 * Tier 3 tower armor increased from 14 to 16 * Melee Barracks armor increased from 13 to 15 * Tower Protection armor bonus for Tier 2/3/4 increased from 3 to 4 ITEMS * Animal Courier: Flying movement speed increased from 460 to 470 * Aeon Disk: Active status resistance increased from 50% to 75% * Aeon Disk: Recipe cost reduced from 1350 to 1250 * Battle Fury: Percentage damage bonus against non-hero units changed to be a fixed amount matching Quelling Blade * Bloodstone: Bloodpact changed from 60% of current mana to 30% of max mana * Bloodthorn: Cooldown reduced from 18 to 15 * Boots of Travel: Level 2 movement speed increased from +32% to +35% * Buckler: Activated armor bonus duration on heroes reduced from 25 to 15 (carries through to Mek) * Crimson Guard: Recipe cost increased from 600 to 750 * Drum of Endurance: Passive changed from a 6% movement speed aura to +20 movement speed to yourself only * Ethereal Blade: Enemy debuff duration increased from 3 to 4 (matching duration when cast on allies) * Eul's Scepter of Divinity: Movement speed bonus changed from +6% percentage to +20 flat * Holy Locket: Now uses Energy Booster instead of a Void Stone (provides +325 Mana) * Iron Branch: Cast range increased from 200 to 400 * Manta Style: Movement speed bonus reduced from +25 to +20 * Mask of Madness: Lifesteal increased from 15% to 20% * Mekansm: Stack limit is now tied to cooldown on cast (like Greaves and Crimson stack mechanics) * Meteor Hammer: Radius increased from 300 to 315 * Necronomicon: Last Will damage increased from 550/675/800 to 600/700/800 * Nullifier: Duration increased from 5 to 6 * Phase Boots: Recipe changed from Gloves of Haste to Blades of Attack * Phase Boots: Armor bonus increased from 5 to 6 * Phase Boots: Now gives +18 damage on melee (and +12 on range) instead of +20 attack speed * Phase Boots: Melee active speed increased from 20% to 22% * Power Treads: Recipe changed from Blades of Attack to Gloves of Haste * Power Treads: Attribute bonus reduced from 14 to 10 * Power Treads: Now gives +20 attack speed instead of +12 damage * Sange and Yasha: Movement speed bonus reduced from +35 to +30 * Solar Crest: Movement speed bonus changed from +6% percentage to +20 flat * Spirit Vessel: Damage as a percentage of current health increased from 4.5% to 5% * Spirit Vessel: Movement speed bonus changed from +6% percentage to +20 flat * Tranquil Boots: Active form movement speed increased from 24% to 26% * Tranquil Boots: Disabled form movement speed reduced from 20% to 18% * Vladmir's Offering: No longer uses Headdress nor provides its hp regen/stats * Vladmir's Offering: Now requires a 525 gold recipe * Wind Lace: Movement speed bonus changed from +6% percentage to +20 flat * Yasha: Movement speed bonus reduced from +25 to +20 * Yasha and Kaya: Movement speed bonus reduced from +35 to +30 HEROES * Abaddon: Curse of Avernus curse duration increased from 4 to 4.5 * Abaddon: Aphotic Shield manacost reduced from 115 to 100/105/110/115 * Alchemist: Base movement speed increased by 10 * Alchemist: Base agility increased from 16 to 22 * Alchemist: Chemical Rage base attack time improved from 1.3/1.15/1.0 to 1.2/1.1/1.0 * Alchemist: Level 10 Talent reduced from -8s Unstable Concoction to -7s * Alchemist: Level 20 Talent Concoction talent now adds the damage to the max instead of the base * Ancient Apparition: Chilling Touch damage increased from 50/85/120/155 to 50/90/130/170 * Ancient Apparition: Ice Vortex manacost reduced from 65/80/95/110 to 50/70/90/110 * Ancient Apparition: Level 25 Talent reduced from 900 AoE Cold Feet to 700 * Ancient Apparition: Level 25 Talent increased from +4% Ice Blast Kill Threshold to +5% * Anti-Mage: Fixed Counterspell providing double magic resistance when the shield is active * Arc Warden: Spark Wraith damage increased from 100/160/220/280 to 100/170/240/310 * Arc Warden: Tempest Double duration increased from 14/16/18 to 16/18/20 * Arc Warden: Level 10 Talent increased from +25 Attack Speed to +30 * Bane: Enfeeble attack speed slow increased from 40/60/80/100 to 50/75/100/125 * Bane: Enfeeble manacost reduced from 70/90/110/130 to 50/75/100/125 * Bane: Level 10 Talent increased from +6 Armor to +7 * Bane: Fiend's Grip duration increased from 5 to 6 * Batrider: Firefly now grants a 4/7/10/13% movement speed bonus * Batrider: Firefly duration reduced from 18 to 15 * Batrider: Firefly cooldown reduced from 40 to 34 * Beastmaster: Inner Beast attack speed reduced from 15/25/35/45 to 10/20/30/40 * Beastmaster: Hawk health reduced from 300/450/600/750 to 150/200/250/300 * Beastmaster: Level 15 Talent changed from +40 Boar Damage to +65 Wild Axes Damage * Beastmaster: Level 20 Talent changed from +80 Wild Axes Damage to +50 Boar Damage * Beastmaster: Level 25 Talent increased from -15s Hawks Cooldown to -20s * Beastmaster: Level 25 Talent reduced from +30 Inner Beast Attack Speed to +25 * Bloodseeker: Base movement speed increased by 5 * Bounty Hunter: Shuriken Toss cooldown reduced from 10 to 9 * Bounty Hunter: Jinada gold steal increased from 12/18/24/30 to 12/20/28/36 * Bounty Hunter: Track critical strike damage increased from 140/160/180% to 140/170/200% * Brewmaster: Drunken Brawler critical strike reduced from 170/200/230/260% to 140/180/220/260% * Brewmaster: Cinder Brew duration reduced from 7 to 5 * Brewmaster: Cinder Brew duration is refreshed on ignition * Brewmaster: Cinder Brew ignite DPS increased from 20/25/30/35 to 20/30/40/50 * Brewmaster: Level 10 Talent reduced from +20 Damage to +15 * Bristleback: Viscous Nasal Goo manacost reduced from 25 to 12/16/20/24 * Broodmother: Level 10 Talent increased from +75 Spawn Spiderlings Damage to +125 * Broodmother: Level 15 Talent changed from +35% XP Gain to +15 Agility * Broodmother: Level 20 Talent increased from +20 Spiders Attack Damage to +30 * Broodmother: Level 25 Talent increased from +350 Spiders Health to +450 * Centaur Warrunner: Retaliate no longer gains charges while it is active * Chaos Knight: Chaos Strike cooldown reduced from 7/6/5/4 to 4 * Chaos Knight: Chaos Strike lifesteal reduced from 50/55/60/65% to 40/50/60/70% * Chaos Knight: Chaos Strike max damage increased from 160/190/220/250% to 160/195/230/265% * Chaos Knight: Reality Rift slow duration increased from 2 to 3 * Chaos Knight: Reality Rift slow reduced from 15/25/35/45% to 10/20/30/40% * Chen: Divine Favor bonus damage reduced from 10/20/40/80 to 12/24/36/48 * Chen: Divine Favor now provides double bonus damage on non-hero units * Chen: Divine Favor duration increased from 12 to 14 * Chen: Divine Favor manacost reduced from 110 to 70/80/90/100 * Chen: Hand of God heal increased from 250/400/550 to 300/450/600 * Chen: Level 15 Talent reduced from -10s Divine Favor Cooldown to -7s * Chen: Level 25 Talent reduced from +400 Hand of God Heal to +350 * Chen: Level 25 Talent increased from +4 Holy Persuasion Max Units to +5 * Clinkz: Level 15 Talent changed from +20% Evasion to +15 Strength * Clockwerk: Battery Assault cast point removed * Clockwerk: Rocket Flare manacost reduced from 50 to 35/40/45/50 * Clockwerk: Level 20 Talent changed from +20% Magic Resistance to Rocket Flare True Sight * Clockwerk: Level 25 Talent changed from Rocket Flare True Sight to +50% Magic Resistance * Crystal Maiden: Freezing Field now grants you 10 bonus armor while channeling * Crystal Maiden: Arcane Aura allied mana regen reduced from 1.2/1.7/2.2/2.7 to 1/1.5/2/2.5 * Crystal Maiden: Arcane Aura self mana regen increased from 2.4/4.4/6.4/8.4 to 2.5/4.5/6.5/8.5 * Dark Willow: Bramble Maze manacost reduced from 140/150/160/170 to 100/120/140/160 * Dark Willow: Bramble Maze cooldown reduced from 34/31/28/25 to 25 * Dazzle: Poison Touch mancost increased from 95/110/125/140 to 110/120/130/140 * Dazzle: Shadow Wave cast range reduced from 900 to 800 * Death Prophet: Base damage increased by 3 * Disruptor: Base armor increased by 1 * Doom: Scorched Earth cooldown reduced from 55/50/45/40 to 50/45/40/35 * Doom: Devour health regen from 4/8/13/18 to 3/8/13/18 * Dragon Knight: Base movement speed increased by 10 * Dragon Knight: Dragon Blood health regen increased from 4/7/10/13 to 4/8/12/16 * Dragon Knight: Elder Dragon Form frost attack slow increased from -20 to -30 * Dragon Knight: Level 20 Talent changed from 2x Dragon Blood to +25 Strength * Dragon Knight: Level 25 Talent changed from +40 Strength to 2x Dragon Blood * Drow Ranger: Level 15 Talent changed from +25 Attack Speed to +10 Agility * Earthshaker: Fissure manacost reduced from 125/140/155/170 to 110/130/150/170 * Earth Spirit: Rolling Boulder damage reduced from 100 to 70/80/90/100 * Earth Spirit: Boulder Smash slow reduced from 80% to 60% * Earth Spirit: Level 15 Talent reduced from +200 Rolling Boulder Damage to +150 * Elder Titan: Level 10 Talent reduced from +25 Movement Speed to +20 * Ember Spirit: Sleight of Fist cooldown reduced from 30/22/14/6 to 18/14/10/6 * Ember Spirit: Base damage increased by 3 * Enchantress: Enchant cooldown reduced from 55/40/25/10 to 22/18/14/10 * Enchantress: Enchant creep duration reduced from 50/60/70/80 to 26/44/62/80 * Enchantress: Enchant manacost reduced from 65 to 40/50/60/70 * Enigma: Midnight Pulse manacost rescaled from 75/95/115/135 to 50/80/110/140 * Faceless Void: Time Dilation AoE increased from 725 to 775 * Faceless Void: Level 10 Talent increased from +8 Strength to +10 * Faceless Void: Level 15 Talent changed from +300 Health to -1s Time Walk Cooldown * Grimstroke: Phantom's Embrace rend damage reduced from 120/200/280/360 to 75/150/225/300 * Grimstroke: Ink Swell manacost increased from 90/100/110/120 to 120/130/140/150 * Grimstroke: Ink Swell movement speed reduced from 18% to 12/14/16/18% * Gyrocopter: Base strength increased from 19 to 22 * Huskar: Attack point reduced from 0.4 to 0.3 * Huskar: Berserker's Blood max attack speed reduced from 220/260/300/340 to 160/220/280/340 * Huskar: Life Break damage and cost reduced from 34/39/44% to 32/38/44% * Huskar: Level 15 Talent reduced from +15 Burning Spears DPS to +10 * Invoker: Base damage increased by 3 * Invoker: Exort bonus damage reduced from 4->28 to 3->27 per instance * Invoker: Level 10 Talent changed from +1.25s Tornado Lift Time to -30s Ghost Walk Cooldown * Io: Temporarily removed from Captains Mode * Io: Tether now transfers health and mana even when Io is at max hp/mp * Io: Overcharge now has an 18 second cooldown and an 8 second duration. No longer has a 2 second toggle. * Io: Overcharge now costs 40/60/80/100 mana to cast. No longer cost 6% of health and mana per second. * Io: Overcharge attack speed bonus increased from 40/50/60/70 to 50/80/110/140 * Io: Overcharge damage reduction increased from 5/10/15/20% to 15/20/25/30% * Io: Relocate delay increased from 2.7/2.35/2 to 3.5/3.25/3 * Io: Relocate cooldown reduced from 130/110/90 to 90/75/60 * Io: Relocate is now cast delay again instead of channeling (being interrupted, silenced, rooted, etc will cancel the ability) * Io: Level 25 Talent changed from -60s Relocate Cooldown to -30s * Jakiro: Level 10 Talent changed from +30% XP Gain to +300 Attack Range * Jakiro: Level 15 Talent changed from +300 Attack Range to +40% XP Gain * Juggernaut: Base armor reduced by 1 * Juggernaut: Omnislash no longer allows you to teleport while using it * Juggernaut: Healing Ward movement speed reduced from 420 to 400 * Juggernaut: Omnislash cooldown increased from 130/120/110 to 130 * Juggernaut: Level 15 Talent changed from +1s Blade Fury to +50 Blade Fury Movement Speed * Keeper of the Light: Level 10 Talent changed from 8% Spell Lifesteal to +30% XP Gain * Keeper of the Light: Level 15 Talent changed from +30% XP Gain to +1 Will-O-Wisp Health Count * Kunkka: Level 25 Talent changed from -1.5s Tidebringer Cooldown to +60% Tidebringer Cleave * Legion Commander: Base movement speed increased by 15 * Legion Commander: Level 20 Talent reduced from +40 Movement Speed to +35 * Legion Commander: Level 25 Talent changed from -10s Press The Attack Cooldown to 350 AoE Press The Attack * Leshrac: Diabolic Edict increased from 9/18/27/36 to 11/22/33/44 * Leshrac: Level 25 Talent reduced from +50 Diabolic Edict Explosions to +40 * Lich: Frost Shield slow reduced from 35% to 20/25/30/35% * Lich: Chain Frost damage reduced from 300/400/500 to 250/375/500 * Lich: Level 25 Talent increased from +40% slow to +50% * Lifestealer: Base movement speed increased by 15 * Lifestealer: Base armor increased by 2 * Lifestealer: Level 15 Talent reduced from +30 Movement Speed to +25 * Lina: Base damage increased by 3 * Lion: Level 10 Talent increased from +75 Cast Range to +100 * Lion: Level 15 Talent increased from +120 Gold/Min to +150 * Lone Druid: Spirit Bear movement speed increased from 340/355/370/385 to 340/360/380/400 * Lone Druid: Spirit Bear attack damage increased from 35/50/65/80 to 35/55/75/95 * Lone Druid: Level 20 Talent changed from -0.3 Spirit Bear Attack Time to 0 Entangle Cooldown * Lone Druid: Level 25 Talent changed from 0 Entangle Cooldown to -0.5s Spirit Bear Attack Time * Luna: Level 10 Talent increased from +200 Cast Range to +300 * Lycan: Base movement speed increased by 15 * Lycan: Wolves armor reduced from 1 to 0 * Lycan: Wolves magic resistance reduced from 80% to 70% * Lycan: Wolves health increased from 230/260/290/320 to 300/350/400/450 * Lycan: Howl health regen increased from 4/6/8/10 to 4/8/12/16 * Medusa: Fixed Mystic Snake bouncing to Spell Immune enemies * Medusa: Level 10 Talent reduced from +20 Damage to +15 * Medusa: Level 15 Talent reduced from +35% Mystic Snake Mana Steal to +30% * Medusa: Level 20 Talent changed from +700 Mana to -4s Mystic Snake Cooldown * Medusa: Level 25 Talent changed from +7 Split Shot Targets to +1000 Mana * Meepo: Base movement speed increased by 10 * Mirana: Sacred Arrow movement speed increased from 857 to 950 * Monkey King: Base movement speed increased by 5 * Monkey King: Wukong's Command attack rate improved from 1.3 to 1.2 * Morphling: Strength gain increased from 2.3 to 2.6 * Morphling: Level 10 Talent increased from +15s Morph Duration to +20s * Naga Siren: Base movement speed increased by 5 * Naga Siren: Mirror Image duration from 24 to 26 * Naga Siren: Mirror Image damage taken reduced from 475/450/425/400% to 400% * Naga Siren: Level 20 Talent increased from -5s Ensnare Cooldown to -7s * Nature's Prophet: Using tango on a sprout tree will 2x regen (like eating a branch tree) * Nature's Prophet: Level 20 Talent changed from -4s Sprout Cooldown to +25% Cooldown Reduction * Necrophos: Death Pulse damage increased from 100/140/180/220 to 100/150/200/250 * Necrophos: Level 15 Talent increased from +20% Ghost Shroud Slow to +30% * Night Stalker: Hunter in the Night movement speed bonus increased from 20/25/30/35 to 22/28/34/40% * Night Stalker: Removed Scepter * Night Stalker: Dark Ascension now provides full unobstructed vision, instead of only 900 range * Night Stalker: Level 15 Talent changed from +150 Cast Range to +15% Lifesteal * Nyx Assassin: Base movement speed increased by 5 * Nyx Assassin: Strength gain increased from 2.3 to 2.5 * Nyx Assassin: Level 10 Talent increased from +60 GPM to +90 * Nyx Assassin: Level 10 Talent increased from +6% Spell Amp to +8% * Ogre Magi: Fireblast cooldown reduced from 12/11/10/9 to 11/10/9/8 * Ogre Magi: Multicast 2x chance increased from 60% to 70% * Omniknight: Heavenly Grace status resistance reduced from 50/60/70/80% to 50% * Omniknight: Heavenly Grace duration increased from 8 to 10 * Omniknight: Heavenly Grace now provides 7/14/21/28 bonus strength * Omniknight: Heavenly Grace manacost increased from 75 to 80/90/100/110 * Outworld Devourer: Sanity's Eclipse multiplier from 9/10/11 to 8/9/10 * Outworld Devourer: Level 15 Talent reduced from +30 Movement Speed to +25 * Pangolier: Base damage increased by 4 * Pangolier: Level 10 Talent changed from +20 Movement Speed to +300 Swashbuckle Slash Range * Phantom Assassin: Rearranged Level 15 Talents - +25% Cleave vs +15% Lifesteal * Phantom Assassin: Rearranged Level 20 Talents - +20% Blur Evasion vs -4 Armor Corruption * Phantom Assassin: Rearranged Level 25 Talents - +5% Coup de Grace vs Triple Strike Stifling Dagger * Phantom Lancer: Level 10 Talent increased from +10% Evasion to +15% * Phantom Lancer: Level 20 Talent increased from +4 Max Juxtapose Illusions to +5 * Phoenix: Sunray can no longer move forward while rooted * Pudge: Base damage increased by 6 * Queen of Pain: Scream of Pain manacost reduced from 95/110/125/140 to 80/100/120/140 * Queen of Pain: Shadow Strike damage per tick increased from 30/45/60/75 to 30/50/70/90 * Razor: Attack backswing reduced from 0.7 to 0.4 * Razor: Level 10 Talent increased from +200 Health to +225 * Riki: Base damage increased by 4 * Riki: Base movement speed increased by 5 * Riki: Level 20 Talent increased from +0.2 Backstab Multiplier to +0.3 * Rubick: Telekinesis lift duration reduced from 1/1.4/1.8/2.2 to 0.8/1.2/1.6/2.0 * Rubick: Level 15 Talent increased from -45 Fade Bolt Hero Attack to -60 * Sand King: Burrowstrike damage increased from 85/150/215/280 to 100/160/220/280 * Sand King: Sand Storm AoE increased from 350/450/550/650 to 425/500/575/650 * Shadow Demon: Soul Catcher manacost reduced from 110 to 50/70/90/110 * Shadow Demon: Shadow Poison manacost reduced from 50 to 35/40/45/50 * Shadow Fiend: Presence of the Dark Lord armor reduction increased from 3/4/5/6 to 4/5/6/7 * Shadow Shaman: Level 20 Talent reduced from +3s Shackles Duration to +2.5s * Silencer: Last Word cooldown reduced from 28/22/16/10 to 22/18/14/10 * Silencer: Level 10 Talent increased from +5 Armor to +6 * Skywrath Mage: Mystic Flare deals damage to creeps if no heroes are around * Slardar: Level 25 Talent reduced from +1.5s Slithereen Crush Stun to 1.25s * Slark: Pounce no longer does 30/60/90/120 damage * Sniper: Headshot now has a back knockback of 10 * Sniper: Level 15 Talent changed from +35 Shrapnel DPS to +15% Shrapnel Slow * Spectre: Strength gain increased from 2.3 to 2.5 * Spectre: Spectral Dagger movement speed increased from 8/12/16/20% to 10/14/18/22% * Spectre: Level 20 Talent reduced from +20% Spectral Dagger to +18% * Storm Spirit: Electric Vortex manacost reduced from 85 to 60/70/80/90 * Storm Spirit: Level 10 Talent changed from +20 Damage to +30 Overload Damage * Sven: Base movement speed increased by 15 * Sven: Warcry shield health changed from 110/220/330/440 to 80/110/140/170 + 1/1.5/2/2.5x your strength * Sven: Storm Hammer cooldown increased from 13 to 16/15/14/13 * Sven: Storm Hammer damage reduced from 100/175/250/325 to 80/160/240/320 * Techies: Remote Mines manacost reduced from 200/240/300 to 120/180/240 * Templar Assassin: Meld debuff is now applied before the attack damage is reduced by armor * Templar Assassin: Fixed meld bonus damage being increased by Spell Amplification * Templar Assassin: Level 10 Talent changed from +3 Psionic Traps to +15% Evasion * Templar Assassin: Level 15 Talent changed from +7 Armor to +25 Movement Speed * Terrorblade: Strength reduced from 16 + 1.7 to 15 + 1.5 * Tidehunter: Anchor Smash damage reduction from -45/50/55/60 to -30/40/50/60% * Timbersaw: Reactive Armor bonus armor reduced from 1.3/1.4/1.5/1.6 to 1/1.1/1.2/1.3 * Timbersaw: Reactive Armor bonus health regen reduced from 1/1.2/1.4/1.6 to 1/1.1/1.2/1.3 * Timbersaw: Reactive Armor max stacks increased from 5/10/15/20 to 6/12/18/24 * Timbersaw: Whirling Death tree bonus damage increased from 10/15/20/25 to 12/18/24/30 * Timbersaw: Level 20 Talent increased from +10% Cooldown Reduction to +15% * Tiny: Avalanche AoE reduced from 400 to 325/350/375/400 * Tiny: Avalanche cooldown increased from 23/20/17/14 to 26/22/18/14 * Tiny: Level 15 Talent reduced from +125 Avalanche Damage to +100 * Tiny: Level 15 Talent increased from +350 Health to +400 * Treant Protector: Living Armor damage block increased from 20/40/60/80 to 25/50/75/100 * Treant Protector: Scepter now causes Treant's Overgrowth to deal damage instead of only Enchanted Trees * Treant Protector: Overgrowth duration increased from 3/3.75/4.5 to 3.25/4/4.75 * Treant Protector: Level 20 Talent increased from +40 Leech Seed Damage/Heal to +50 * Troll Warlord: Level 15 Talent increased from +75 Whirling Axes Damage to +90 * Troll Warlord: Level 20 Talent increased from +20% Evasion to +25% * Tusk: Tag Team slow duration reduced from 0.5 to 0.4 * Tusk: Tag Team manacost increased from 40/50/60/70 to 70 * Tusk: Tag Team cooldown increased from 15 to 24/21/18/15 * Underlord: Base movement speed increased by 5 * Undying: Level 15 Talent changed from Tombstone On Death to +30 Tombstone Zombie Damage * Undying: Level 20 Talent changed from +30 Tombstone Zombie Damage to Tombstone On Death * Ursa: Base movement speed increased by 15 * Ursa: Fury Swipes damage reduced from 10/16/22/28 to 7/14/21/28 * Vengeful Spirit: Level 20 Talent increased from -5s Magic Missle Cooldown to -6s * Venomancer: Strength gain increased from 1.9 to 2.1 * Viper: Nethertoxin AoE increased from 350 to 380 * Viper: Nethertoxin damage increased from 20/35/50/65 to 30/45/60/75 * Visage: Level 10 Talent reduced from +125 Cast Range to +100 * Visage: Level 20 Talent reduced from +60 Familiars Movement Speed to +50 * Visage: Level 20 Talent increased from +15 Soul Assumption Damage Per Charge to +20 * Warlock: Base strength increased by 2 * Warlock: Chaotic Offering attack damage increased from 75/125/175 to 100/150/200 * Warlock: Golem attack backswing reduced from 0.74 to 0.57 * Weaver: Level 10 Talent changed from +7 Strength to +75 Shukuchi Damage * Weaver: Level 15 Talent changed from +75 Shukuchi Damage to +14 Strength * Windranger: Level 15 Talent increased from +100 Attack Range to +125 * Windranger: Level 15 Talent increased from +100 Powershot Damage to +125 * Winter Wyvern: Cold Embrace base health regen increased from 15 to 14/18/22/26 * Winter Wyvern: Cold Embrace manacost changed from 75 to 50/60/70/80 * Witch Doctor: Maledict cooldown reduced from 50/40/30/20 to 30/26/22/18 * Witch Doctor: Level 10 Talent increased from +5 Armor to +6 * Wraith King: Base movement speed increased by 15 * Zeus: Reworked Static Field. Now affects enemies directly affected by your abilities. No longer has a range.
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