#flaming son
drenched-in-sunlight · 2 months
one thing i find interesting is that Rellana's sword description said the red one is engraved with "golden flame", it's the same flame seen on Fire Knights' weapon and Messmer's spear. so, flame with gold tinge.
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only the flame in Messmer's Orb has black tendrils of the Dark / Abyss, and it's the Orb description that specifically states he hates his fire. other items like his Kindling and Embers also have very distinctive dark outlines (the Kindling description confirms the Abyssal Serpent was eating away at the fire).
so we can safely assume Messmer's fire, when given to others, carries over the golden grace Marika blessed him with, whereas when it's Messmer himself wielding it, or if it's a catalyst that "can't find purchase" in other hosts like Fire Coil / Fire Serpent spell, it will always have the additional dark tendrils, since only Messmer carries the Abyssal Serpent. such a neat design choice and a very consistent way to showcase that.
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and it kinda makes me emotional because Marika is vulnerable to fire, yet her blessing to her son is so strong that her gold bleeds into his fire, & it's something that carries over when he shared it to those under his command. like how full of warmth and love that blessing must be? man.
Ymir i get it. i get you. you covet the strength of a mother so much cuz that strength is truly incomparable. welcome back BIoodborne's "Let the pungence of Kos cling, like a mother's devotion...Mercy for the poor, wizened child."
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killzilla · 10 months
when i first met the false dragonets, i actually really loved them bc they're all just sad kids yk? anyway, i loved Flame when i first met him and my heart was WRENCHED when he hugged Avalanche.
then when i saw his design in the graphic novel i fell inlove ALL over again.
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i know there's really not much about him and he's more or less an asshole, but i am 100% a Flame enjoyer. that bein said, i also REALLY love the Gold winglet and no ONE FREAKING TALKS ABOUT THEM ENOUGH !!
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puppetmaster13u · 10 months
Prompt 138
Danny squints up at the blurry form cradling him, brain trying to catch up with his situation. He can feel the pulse of his siblings’ cores nearby, gently pulsing contentedly despite the chaos of his last memories. His limbs feel too small and pudgy, too-small fingers gripping onto something as his vision started to clear. 
There was a man, holding him? Cradling his too-small form like he was an infant- was he an infant? He was pretty sure he wasn’t supposed to be, he had been older but now he wasn’t. He squinted up at the stranger, green eyes meeting green. Huh. They kind of looked like he could be their dad or something. 
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echo-stimmingrose · 1 year
Frank: Did you guys hear about this guy in Florida who covered himself in hand sanitizer, got tased and then burst into flames?
Leo: *deranged laugh* Oooh
Piper: I'll get the hand sanitizer.
Jason: Leo, no!
Nico: Leo, yes!
Leo: Why not? I'm fire proof!
Percy: I swear to the gods if you start another forest fire that I have to put out I will lose my shit!
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forgetful-nerd · 1 month
Rise! Mikey and 2012! Raph would be best friends because the moment Rise! Mikey spotted this cutie sitting on 2012! Raph’s shoulder:
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He’d be instantly obsessed with his fellow fire turtle
And 2012! Raph would never miss the chance to show off his son.
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whoishotteranimepolls · 3 months
"Who's Hotter?" One Piece Fandom Wars
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bl0ssom-skies · 1 day
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Whoopsie daisy!
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enavstars · 8 months
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6 characters challenge to celebrate 1k followers
Thank you all so much for the suggestions I had a lot of fun doing this!
I picked characters I loved but never did fanart of them. And I couldn’t resist to pick Mk and Red son, I love them too much <3 (tho I may change Red son's design in the future)
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Thank you all so much for your support and kind comments <3<3
I never thought I would get this far with silly lego ninjas but I'm really happy and grateful and I don't plan on stopping any time soon!
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blazingvoltzzz · 2 months
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There's something about Deku in any shot from the new movie that just gets me. He looks so good in them! This is a Deku Slander Free Blog. I will not tolerate anything bad ever said about my precious green haired son!
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amanita-muscaria-lover · 11 months
Me when Liam is inevitably mentioned in Iron Flame:
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youareunbearable · 1 year
I love playing around with different concepts and head cannons for the Fenaorians but the one thing that will AWAYS have me in a choke hold and that I could be thinking about at any given point of the day is that Maedhros is his Grandmother's mirror image. He's beautiful, beloved, talented, but also so irreversibly tainted and disheartened about he world and their role within it so much so that both choose death by their own hand then spend another second experiencing the repercussions of their actions
Im just so charmed about the idea that both Feanor's mother and eldest child (the one that gave him the world and the one he left the world to) killed themselves because they both couldn't handle the burden of Feanor's choices
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tepara3s · 1 year
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totallynotokguys · 1 month
Lego Monkie Kid Rewatch: Season 3
Episode 10, Samadhi Fire Part 1/2
Just a warning, I do talk about season 5 for a moment, but I'll try to keep it labeled and separate so you can easily skip over it without getting spoiled if you want.
Now that I know a bit of the Journey to the West, I have only just realised how impossible it would be for the pilgrims to be here helping baby Red Son.
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No way could this rage baby Red Son have thought up clever scheams to catch and eat Tang Sanzang the way JTTW Red Son did. Not to mention at the end JTTW Red Son ended up going to Guanyin's villain reform program.
On the other hand, I don't believe the sealing of Samadhi Fire would have happened before the journey. Wukong is clearly wearing his post-pilgrimage get up and the pilgrims all act like they know each other.
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All of this to say, just how many differences are there between the show's journey and the novel's.
Then again, the fact that Iron Fan and Bull King are still in love and married should have been the first tip off for me.
Season 5 Spoiler Talk
I am curious, are all of these differences a result to Nine-Headed Demon's interference? What the heck did the guy have to do to insure Red Son would be born late enough to be baby during Tang Sanzang's life time? Is the Nine-Headed Demon responsible for the Samahdi fire being so out of control in a young Red Son? In JTTW, Red Son still wields it and has great control over it.
"For the Samahdi fire to be split in three, you must harmonise you're energies!"
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These three? Harmonise? A hard headed demon king, a sentient rock monkey, and a duty bound celestial ex-mortal? Sanzang was basically asking for failure here.
Wukong: 'Psssh, this is easy.'
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Also Wukong:
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Ao Lie just took a blow for Sanzang!
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The notorious, lets everything go to chaos in a box around him while continues to be horse actually stepped up and took action. Now I know for sure this is post-pilgrimage! Character development!
Reprimands in sarcasm and bonks heads when annoyed.
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Brother coded, brother coded, brother coded, brother coded
"Alright, you win."
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In the last episode when Tang said this it was more from Macaque's perspective and thus Tang sounded desperate and hopeless. He really seemed like he'd given up.
Now, thanks to these three shots… everything feels different. Same lines, same delivery. But now I believe Tang isn't giving up. He's got a plan!
I have not talked enough about the sound design in this show! I love the sounds they use for magic. I'm pretty sure that each magic user plus each different power their unique chime/gong! Examples:
Tang's has a very clear and simple ring.
Ne Zha's sounds like fairy twinkle lights, all light, airy, and chimey.
Wukong main magic is like a bamboo thunking against a stone, or a a small stone creating ripples in a pond. Wish I knew what made this sound. I have been conditioned to be hyped every time I hear it.
Interestingly, MK's magic sounds the same. I believe this is what further fed into the belief that Wukong had gifted MK his magic instead of it coming from the kid. The shows own little misdirection!
But really, I think the reason for the similarity in their magic, both ability and sound, stems from them both being made by Nuwa as celestial stone monkeys.
The whole reason I thought to bring it up was this transition. We go from a third person perspective to looking through Wukong's eyes. and the first thing to clue us in that this is happening is the sound of Wukong's gold vision activating before suddenly the image blinks gold and we find ourselves zooming out of Wukong's eyes as he watches the scene from far away.
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The way they did this was such a cool transition as well as an awesome example of how the golden vision works! Superman, you wish you're eye powers were this cool!
"Let's hope my aim is as good as it used to be."
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AKA: "If I skewer you, it's totally because I missed and not because I'm still angry at you and taking petty revenge."
Red, blue, green. Long ago, the three Samadhi Fires were separated and the great destruction was extinguished.
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Only when the three colors are found again can they unite and create- PINK FIRE!
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Wai- what? That's not how color theory works. How did I never notice before? The full might of the Samadhi Fire is pink.
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Love the shattered chains, and the washing away of the blue aura to symbolize LBD's hold over him being broken.
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"Someone get some water!"
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I'm surprised he didn't throw snow at her. Its right there.
Anyone else think it's really cool that Wukong can just pull Macaque out of his shadows?
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Like, no one else has been able to do that!
Ah, so Tang didn't have a plan. He just did it because it felt right. shakes my head Oh Tang, and for a moment I thought you were competent.
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Seriously though, I am now forever scarred by the word destiny. I hate it.
"I hate to interrupt, but can someone explain what is going on!"
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No please interrupt. We need you MK! You're the only one who could possible salvage this situation. Everybody else just keeps making it worse!
Macaque- ignoring the child in fiery pain to celebrate his freedom.
Wukong- lashing out at the closest person marginally at fault (that isn't him).
Ne Zha- voice of doom declaring the girl and world as a lost cause.
Like, great job everyone. Way to solve your problems.
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majestick-posts-op · 3 months
My personal list for the top 10 hottest men in one piece
10) Killer.
Even with that mask he was still able to pull and the 50% of his bandaged covered face already showed us something beautiful.
9) Ace.
If we're talking about Alabasta Ace then he's a disgustingly hot bastard. He hasn't showered in 3 weeks and I love him. Wano Ace is a dead wife <3
8) Kuma
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7) Sabo
Unhinged type of hot. He has victorian gentleman drip but at the same time he'll take me with him to cause a revolution and while he looks at me with blood on his face and those blue eyes that stare into your soul I'll know he's the one.
6) Luffy
Wano did things...
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Do I have to remind it to anyone?
5) Franky
You guys I am so envious of Robin actually. She gets a multifuntion cyborg husbands who shots lasers out of his nipples and cola from his ass. Peak masculinity.
4) Usopp
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If only he wasn't whitewhashed :(
3) Yamato
Bold of him to keep his tits after coming out as a man. Definetly adds to the great completion.
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2) Jimbei.
Was canonically refered to as handsome by Robin. Do I need to say more?
Honorable mentions:
Law (If he had more mushroom drip I would have added him)
Buggy (Didn't include him because the "man" part probably doesn't suit them entirely)
Corasan (More cute than hot but he's there)
Rayleigh (Aged like diamonds underpressure)
Penguin (He's so fine for what?? Drowning him??? I'm still pissed)
1) Brook.
Nothing needs to be said at all.
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hughschiers · 9 months
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This is such an important video to me y’all don’t understand
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