flaneuresse · 5 months
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parc de la ciutedella by jessica on Flickr.
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flaneur001 · 8 months
Headcanon…let’s go~
YANDERE male celebrity x GN Manager Reader
[TW- mentions of stalking]
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YANDERE CELEBRITY! Acts like a brat around everyone but you. His makeup crew and stylists have a hard time getting him to behave. But when you are around he switches the act and is pretty docile.
YANDERE CELEBRITY! Needs you with him all the time, on set when he is shooting, when he is touring, when he is modeling. He doesn’t care for your schedule or work hours, he wants you like an emotional support pet human. Going as far as refusing to shoot if you don’t accompany him.
YANDERE CELEBRITY! Calls you in the middle of the night crying because he thinks he is being stalked. Himself puts threatening letters around his house and asks you to stay over because he is afraid the stalker might break in.
YANDERE CELEBRITY! Clings closer to you when swarms of his fans approach him, saying that he is scared. He just needs an excuse to thread his fingers with yours.
YANDERE CELEBRITY! Lavishes you with expensive clothes and accessories that is sent to him by luxury brands, he loves loves loves dressing you up. He sometimes secretly sends you the unwashed items that he wore during shoots. The idea of you wearing something of his thrills him beyond words.
YANDERE CELEBRITY! Gifted you a penthouse in his apartment building on your birthday, because he wants you to assist him whenever he wants. He is a top artist, now you wouldn’t want to make such an important person wait do you? .You don’t need to know about the multiple well hidden cameras around the expanse of your penthouse. Afterall how would he take care of your safety? Or watch you sleep
YANDERE CELEBRITY! Keeps tabs on your dating life, and crashes EVERY SINGLE DATE YOU’RE on. So you had to go to others for attention? Wasn’t his love enough for you? Fine if you craved the attention so much, you wouldn’t mind handling multiple press releases the next day. He smiles with a mean satisfaction when his fans hover and scream around you and your date. This will teach you a lesson to never leave his side.
YANDERE CELEBRITY! Is very popular and always surrounded by admirers. But his eyes are always trained on you gauging your reactions whenever he is asked out. Are you jealous? Do you feel the same way as him? Is he on your mind like you are on his? Because you occupy his every single thought. The thought of you leaving his side even for a moment, makes his insides clench Maybe he should just tie you up
YANDERE CELEBRITY! Always wears light clothes, so he has an excuse to ask for your coat/sweater. You are annoyed because he never returns them. And if you ask him to return it, he simply buys you new clothes. Afterall he needs your clothes to hang beside his in his gigantic walk-in closet, he loves the idea that someday you will share every aspect of his life. And until he gets to hug you to sleep, he is content with cuddling with your clothes for the time being. Your scent placates him.
BONUS- YANDERE CELEBRITY! When he was playing a cop for a movie, he “accidentally” handcuffed himself with you for an entire day. Obviously he hid every key beforehand he is not a novice. So what if the shoot had to cancel? He had a ball staring at your pretty face all day. Especially when you fed him (he had purposely handcuffed his dominant hand)
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Rating: CUTE!
This street-wise flâneur of mid-century is doing what he does best: classic flânerie including fashionably strolling about in an ostentatious manner, smoking a cigar, and perhaps expressing a form of protest against bourgeois norms through "a counter-doctrine of inefficiency and uselessness — of which their flânerie was merely the most performative, emblematic expression."
This could be problem behaviour in some 19th century men, but the Parisian flâneur is only expressing natural instincts. Charles Baudelaire was an authority on this type of man, whom he called l'observateur passionné. Gavarni also sketched a flâneur.
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clove-pinks · 1 year
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Can't stop thinking about Achille de Gas in this portrait by his older brother—no longer a baby midshipman but all grown up in c. 1868-1872.
The description from the Minneapolis Institute of Art calls Achille a "dapper flâneur", but it's also hilariously critical of him:
Achille himself was something of a pretentious do-nothing, frequently running up debts and engaging in scandalous behavior. (He shot and wounded the husband of a former lover in front of the Paris stock exchange.)
[Edgar] Degas portrays Achille leaning on an umbrella, twisting his hip and pushing his chest forward to emphasize the studied nonchalance of his half-buttoned coat. The sketch is a study for the male spectator in the foreground of the painting At the Races. With eyes downcast and striking a self-consciously debonair pose, the fellow is clearly more interested in being seen than in the action behind him.
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walker-diaries · 11 days
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priest-iuput · 1 year
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A new visual language
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la-femme-en-rouge · 5 months
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ms-myself · 8 months
J’ai couru, dit la petite vieille, en déposant son sac. J’avais tellement hâte d’arriver. C’est bien vrai ce que tu m’as écrit dans ta lettre?
— Bien sûr, dit l’autre. Tu vas voir par toi-même. Viens.
Elle ouvre la porte de la petite cour.
Et les deux amies regardent le lilas qui a refleuri encore une fois !
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monstrouscrew · 8 months
our suggested posts on insta: dolls, monster high dolls, ooak, monster high dolls... Will f*king Ramos 😆😆😆
(we swear we really didn't like the band 'nough. zuckerbrains, more marine life, please)
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gravalicious · 1 year
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Sabelo Mlangeni, Coming to Johannesburg I, January 2011.
Source: Jackie Higgins and Max Kozloff - The World Atlas of Street Photography (2014: 236)
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flaneuresse · 3 months
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untitled by dailydoseofjess on Flickr.
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flaneur001 · 26 days
14 Days with you Royal Au (ongoing series) [Pairings- Enemy Duke! Redacted x GN Reader]
[Word count- 3172] [CW- Angst, Smut, Knife play] [A/N- Previously posted in the 14dwy discord server. Redacted belongs to @14dayswithyou]
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[part 1] [part 2]
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Part 2: The Evasive Enemy
You sat picturesquely at the ornate oak desk, absentmindedly twirling the quill in your hand as you stared blankly at the parchment resting before you. 
‘Whatever will I write?’ You mused silently as you dipped the tip of the quill in the open ink pot and scribbled the first words that came to your mind after an hour-long of dilly-dallying.
The dimly lit marital chamber was quiet save for the occasional scritch-scratch of your quill. 
Dearest Father, I am in good health. I know you have been worried about my prolonged silence to your lettered inquiries. But I find myself at a loss for words at the way I have been so utterly taken care of here.  We were mistaken to assume that he would fall for such baser fancies. A week has passed by and he has not visited since. Never laid a finger upon me. Always quiet and busy with his own devices. I am at a crossroads. The azure-eyed Duke seems even more mysterious now that I live under the same roof as him. Father, I have been granted permission to peruse his archives, without any surveillance. This seems suspicious, almost like a well-set trap. Though he is yet to show any animosity towards me. But I would be foolish to look a gift horse in the mouth. Keep your worries at bay father. I shall always keep myself and my safety first.  I have received the information about the article through your trusted aide, and I will bide my time until it's safe to infiltrate his study.  Until then, take Care. I will keep you informed.
Sealing the letter and putting it in the drawer, you stretched languidly and gently pushed the chair back. Your long robe billowed behind you as you trudged towards your four-poster bed and plopped upon the welcoming plushness of the pillows. Unbidden your face lolled to the side and your eyes landed upon the golden ring that rested atop the pillow on his side of the bed. The ring that he had left behind for you. It was the only evidence that he had actually been here. In flesh. 
The whole week, you were treated to rich meals, dressed in the finest of silks and jewelry, yet amidst all the niceties something constantly felt amiss. At first, you brushed it off to mere homesickness, but as time passed a cruel understanding dawned upon you. 
On those rare occasions when you caught glimpses of the Handsome Duke walking in the hallways, you felt this forlornness tug at your heart. Even back at your family residence, although you were loved, the brunt of all the responsibilities fell upon your shoulders after your mother’s death. You were always expected to be the guardian and the responsible oldest child for the five of your younger siblings. 
So gentleness and affection were seldom directed towards you. Hence when the Duke showered you with so much tenderness that first night, in his warm embrace you felt like you belonged. Like you had finally found a tether for your wandering soul.  His cold gaze slowly travelling the length of your body like a hidden caress, still lingered fresh in your mind and you felt guilt simmer in the back of your throat.
You were not here for this. Your life was far from normal and he was the reason why your great noble house had perished. Yet you simply couldn’t will yourself to forget the touch of his hands, the graze of his warm lips on the sensitive spot on your neck, or the way he hugged you when you slept. You hated to admit it, but you were downhearted to find yourself alone the morning after. The whole estate was abuzz with the news of the Duke consummating his marriage with the oldest child of the rival clan.
You were not a fool, nor were you naive enough to avoid the snarky gossip that always bubbled under the pretense of politeness in your presence. 
“His Grace has not visited them after the first night…”
“Maybe he was not satisfied?”, the servants chortled as they flitted about your room while cleaning or serving you meals.
You let them babble because your target was something else entirely. The Duke had something in his possession. Something that linked him to the murder of your mother and the conspiracy that destroyed the reputation of your house. Your initial plan was to seduce him and distract him enough that he began trusting you to let his guard down. Yet here you were, trapped in a golden confinement, with every treasure in the world laid at your feet. He even went ahead and granted you access to his archives and his office, without even batting an eye. This gnawed at your mind and slowly chewed you up on the inside. 
‘Does he not care?’ You wondered. 
You were named, ‘The prized possession’ by the people in the estate. Compared and downgraded to the several expensive objects that the Duke won and then instantly got bored with. Lay in some deep recesses of the estate gathering dust and forgotten. They said that you will soon be treated like that. And somehow this line of thought added to your insecurities.
“Or Maybe I’m not as important as I thought myself to be…” you murmured, suddenly regretting not putting in more effort that night. Regretting not begging him to stay. 
A flurry of activity and noises caught your attention breaking this downhill stream of thoughts. Rising fluidly you walked towards the bay window and nudged it open checking for yourself what all the ruckus was about. The young maids giggled and chattered under your window, pointing towards the practice grounds for soldiers. 
“Look, the Duke is out sparring today” The ladies squealed and peeked from behind a bush. Your interest piqued, you walked towards your balcony and leaned on the vine-covered railing to get a proper view. Surely enough, the young duke was in an intense sparring match. He was wearing black leather pants with high boots, his torso left completely exposed for all to see. You gulped unconsciously, eyes traitorously following the way his muscles rippled when he threw, blow after expert blow with his war sledgehammer. His long black hair swished around and beads of sweat rolled down his pale skin making you shiver involuntarily, at the way your degenerate mind imagined him sweaty and panting atop you in bed. 
Before you could make a hasty exit, the Duke’s eyes flitted to the balcony as if sensing your presence and his mouth lifted in a half smirk like he somehow knew what was going through your mind. Blood rushed to your face and you quickly ducked inside.
Evening fell. You were bathed and dressed by the chambermaid Iansa. She was very sweet and you two had bonded over this last week, getting familiar with each other through the little interesting anecdotes she shared about the Duke’s estate. 
As she took your leave, you began your daily routine. Sitting half-dressed in the center of the bed like some common whore waiting for the Duke to visit. Only that he took much pleasure in keeping you on your toes and never visiting.
A beat of silence passed. The oil lamps lining the walls flickered. Until the last shred of your patience cracked and you rose from your bed. Putting on the lush slippers you pushed open the giant double doors and walked outside into the cold and empty hallways of the Duke’s mansion. You marched towards the Duke’s office throwing all caution to the wind. 
“This is enough, I’m done waiting” you mumble as you neared the entrance to the office. Slowly, you entered inside finding it absurd that nobody was guarding the entrance to this room. You smirked to yourself, reveling at the idea of seeing the surprised expression on the Duke’s face once he realized how you, whom he thought so insignificant, was the one responsible for putting him in his rightful place. The tyrant deserved nothing but to rot in a prison. Strangely enough, the thought of getting revenge helped keep this gnawing urge to kiss the smirk off of his smug face at bay.
“Serves him well for treating me like a plaything” you mutter under your breath as you eagerly work through the rows and rows of documents filed neatly for your tampering. A chilly air from the open window, nipped at your exposed skin, the scant lace outfit not providing much to shield you from the cold temperatures. You suppressed a shiver as you grabbed a few files and took them to the window to get a better look at, under the moonlight pouring in through the glass window.
As you skimmed through the documents, a warm hand snaked around your waist, spinning you. Surprised, you were about to let a scream fall from your lips when another hand pressed tightly on your mouth, muffling it effectively. 
“Shhh Angel, we don’t want to alert the guards now, do we?” A husky voice asked. Moving from the shadows, the moonlight bathing his figure, Duke Ren smiled down triumphantly at you, like a predator who had just caught his prey.
Slowly, he released his grip on your mouth only to rest both his hands behind you on the desk effortlessly trapping you between his arms. His face inched closer as his ice-blue eyes burned into yours, “So you finally grew weary of waiting, I assume” he purred. His deep baritone made you think of unspeakable things.
You clenched your teeth, staring back at him defiantly, “Why ask me to wait if you were never going to visit” you hissed, mulish and miffed.
His eyes widened by a fraction, warm chuckle spilling through his cherry-tinted lips, bringing your attention to them. 
“Why, Angel such…temper” he tsked, “One would think you missed me.” His hand shot out, trailing a slender finger on your temple, down your cheek, only to come to rest at your chin. His calloused hand cupped your jaw, bringing his thumb to your mouth to trace the shape of your lips. 
Your breath hitched in your throat, as he rubbed the pad of his thumb across the seam of your lips, pushing and prodding until it entered your mouth. His thumb moved around, exploring the warm wetness, as his face came impossibly closer to yours, “Let me in, Angel” he breathed.
And you don’t know if it was the curiosity or the way his eyes held your gaze so enticingly, that made you want to obey everything that fell from those lips. Closing your eyes you opened your mouth wider, wide enough for him to push three fingers in, pumping them in and out as your greedy tongue lapped against them. Unbidden a moan escaped you, and his other hand grabbed your hip, fingers digging into your flesh as he roughly pulled you closer to his body, thrusting your cores together.
“Look at me love” he whispered in your ear, nipping the shell playfully before his mouth descended to your neck, to leave open-mouthed kisses.
You groaned and opened your eyes, breath already coming out in shallow pants.
“For someone who claims to hate me, you sure love me touching you. You like to think of such debauched fancies don't you?” he snickered with roguish pride, “Driving you wild. Taking you to the depraved depths and back…defiling you” he spoke hotly in your ear, his erection tenting temptingly in his leather pants.
“Please” you begged, not knowing if you wanted him to release or ravish you. 
“Please what Angel?” He challenged smirking cruelly as he, all too soon, removed himself from you, and folded his arms across his chest, regarding you with thinly veiled amusement.
A wild blush rose to your cheeks. He waited in silence as if he expected you to actually utter the vulgar words. Your chest still heaved, body warmed up with his skillful ministrations. And suddenly your mind painted an image of him in bed with other people. Jealousy like never before threatened to take over you. 
‘How is he so skilled? Has he been going to others every night?’ You mused darkly.
“Let me go” you whimpered, angry tears pricked your eyes half from humiliation and half from longing. Pulling the lace robe tighter to cover your modesty you whispered, “I do not belong here” carefully avoiding his eyes.
“Hm, I see” he began, as he leaned down, slowly sliding a dagger out from his leather boot. He balanced the blade on his fingers as he almost toyed with the weapon.
“You are right about one thing, Angel”, he drawled, as he stepped into the moonlight giving you a good view of the dagger in his grasp. Its silver blade glinted sinisterly in the dark, bejeweled hilt looking magnificent, fit for a person of his stature.
His blue eyes flit to yours silently daring you to break eye contact, “you don’t belong in this room” he murmured, pointedly staring at the scattered documents around you. 
“Bu-but you gave me access to your archives without surveillance” you sputtered, licking your lips as you felt cornered by his unrelenting gaze. A quiet dread filled your guts.
He tilted his head, regarding you with an inscrutable expression, and you took him in for the first time this evening. He was wearing all black like always. A silk shirt with the laces half done that exposed his broad chest. Tight high-waisted bottoms that accentuated his shapely midsection. His long black hair was loosely tied in a plait, making him look like a vision. 
But something about the way his sapphire eyes glimmering with that melancholic look, made him appear vulnerable in this moment.
A beat of silence passed, and he waited, the air simmering with the heavy tension between you both, as he looked at you with hopeful anticipation. For what, you didn’t know.
Slowly, tentatively he walked, closing the distance between you both again.
“Angel” he breathed. And somehow that one single word broke you. For it was spoken with such disappointment and fragility you never expected from this tyrannical Duke.
“I gave you access to my archives because I trusted you.” He ground, “I went against my advisers, against the whole estate, vouching for you, marrying you. Why do you think there was no guard stationed outside this room?” With each uttered word he stepped closer until you both were hairsbreadth apart.
“So tell me, was it all for naught?” He stressed, and the accusation stung like he had slapped you.
But you couldn’t lie to him. Not when you have been so perpetually lying to yourself. 
“This was a marriage of convenience between our households and nothing more, your grace” you replied curtly, ignoring the way his grip tightened around the dagger or the way his gaze darkened at your blatant aloofness. But you pressed on, delivering the final blow you knew would break him.
“You were and will continue to be nothing to me”
A snarl escaped his lips, and he was on you in an instant. You could feel the cold metal of the dagger pressing against your neck as he hissed, “Go. Take it all away. Whatever you were here searching for, take it. But do not lie to me Angel” his voice cracked, gaze softened, eyes searching your face desperately. 
“Not when the longing in your eyes so plainly mirrors the longing in my heart”  
Maybe it was the way the dagger pressed into your throat, a slice away from stealing your life, or maybe it was the way your face reflected in his ocean-blues, as if you were the only thing his eyes saw, that you yanked him close, pulling his mouth to yours in a needy kiss.
A low groan escaped him, sending a shiver down your spine. His hot tongue slipped into your mouth roughly entangling with yours in a sensual dance. 
You arched into him. The metal of the dagger sandwiched between your throats,  pricking your skins, was an ironic symbol of the enmity and the dark lust that often surrounded you both.
Every caution, every coherence fled your mind when his other hand raked through your hair, angling you into a deeper kiss. As the scant distance between you diminished, the blade broke your skin, sending you into a frenzy of pain and pleasure.
The heady aroma of mint and cherries invaded all your senses, mingled with the scent that was uniquely his. You were drunk off of him, intoxicated and utterly lost in depravity.
But when his teeth clamped down on your bottom lip, a whine reverberated deep in your chest and your hips involuntarily bucked forward, rubbing into his engorged arousal. He groaned and your eyes snapped open at the loss when he stepped back and moved the dagger away from your throat. 
Your mouth involuntarily chased his, earning a soft chuckle from the man.
Catching you by surprise, he suddenly dropped to his knees. He grabbed your wrist, placing the dagger in your open palm, as he stared up at you. 
“I am at your mercy now, beloved” he whispered, hands coming to rest at your thighs as he blinked at you, azure eyes glinting like precious gems in the dark.
“So slice my throat and reduce me to nothingness. But do it while you hold my gaze. For that’s the sight I want to remember when I die” he spoke with a rueful smile upon his face and a fierce anger bubbled inside you at the sight.
You were angry at the way he toyed with your emotions, angry at the way you were lusting after a man who was responsible for your family’s destruction. Angry…at the way you were falling for him.
‘Why did you have to meet me like this?’ was the last thought that flashed in your mind as you flung the dagger across the room vehemently, shattering the ornate mirror adorning the wall. 
You gave him one last searing look before marching to the door, not wanting him to see the lone tear that had rolled down your cheek.
The moment your hand reached for the handle, his slender fingers wrapped around your wrist spinning you around, as he pulled you flush to his chest. 
A hand cupped your cheek as he leaned in kissing the tears that fell traitorously from your eyes. He didn't say anything. He didn't need to. He simply rocked you in his embrace peppering kisses on every inch of your face. 
Then his head ducked down, languidly licking the little wound left behind by his dagger. His own neck held the same marks as yours.Just when you thought he was done, he tilted your chin making you face him fully as he whispered against your mouth, “Poor choice to keep me alive. Now I shall remind you every passing second of the day, that you are mine” he purred, “Mine to love and mine to ruin”
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spectre-ship · 9 months
considering followup projects; I have some different fabrics I wanna work with. currently thinking I'll start off making a work blouse with oatmeal linen, something like these examples from the Merchant Tailor Museum:
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albeit one with a rectangular body and off-the-shoulder gathered sleeve, so that I don't have to worry about drafting a curve for the armscye (I've seen examples of work blouses with sleeves like that in ambrotypes and daguerreotypes.) so it will be a bit of a weird cross between features from different examples of the same kind of garment, but certainly still nothing beyond imagining.
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foundationsofdecay · 9 months
Plini - Flâneur
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grandhotelabyss · 9 months
Why does walking help with thinking and writing? Also, do you consider yourself a flâneur?
While one could no doubt quote Rousseau or Thoreau or Nietzsche here, I believe the answer is as simple as moving the body also moves the mind. There's something about being physically but not mentally occupied that helps you think, which is why ideas also come in the shower or while washing the dishes. And walking in a landscape full of significance, whether artificial or natural, can't help but stimulate thought. I have no head for birds or flowers—I am a human-focused writer—so I like a good urban walk where you wonder what that strange sad person's story is or what goes on in that little dress shop on that narrow street or who lives above that grimy-looking pizza place and can they smell the food.
I refer to myself as a flâneur with parodic exaggeration, but I don't really consider myself one. It's not so much about who I am as about where I am. Certainly I am an idler, a stroller, a layabout on walkabout searching for aesthetic interest and that fleeting vitality Baudelaire described as the essence of the modern. However, the concept of the flâneur includes the idea of walking with no purpose, which I think must also imply a genuine risk of getting lost. To be a true flâneur you need a city big or labyrinthine enough to get lost in—a London, Paris, Tokyo, New York—whereas I have done all my urban ambling in Pittsburgh and Minneapolis, cities you can circumambulate on foot in an afternoon.
(You can do the same in Dublin, raising the question of whether or not Ulysses is a flâneur novel. I think not. Stephen has aspirations to such status, cultivated in fin-de-siècle Paris, but Bloom's earthier urban appetites—not for the Baudelaire-style sex worker Gothicized into daemon or vampire or for the opium passport to glamorously lethal Cythera, but merely to get a glance at the neighbor lady's slip and to eat a gorgonzola sandwich—work against the concept's potential aesthetic preciousness.)
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s2z · 1 year
Preston, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. 2022-12-30 16:29:33 by stuart murdoch Via Flickr: Walking to a friends house for drinks. One of several projects, that explore photography as evidence amongst other ideas. Blog | Tumblr | Website | Instagram | Photography links | s2z digital garden | pixelfed.social | glass | grainary | vero | hipstamatic
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