#fkbu final
pandasaurio-espacial · 5 months
Relationship: Kambe Daisuke/Katou Haru Characters: Kambe Daisuke, Katou Haru Additional Tags: Canon Compliant, Post-Canon, not quite case fic, more like vague references to a case as a plot device, Mutual Pining, Miscommunication, more like, Lack of Communication, Kambe Daisuke is Whipped, Friends to Lovers, Partners to Lovers, not enemies to friends to lovers because they're friend by the start of the fic, the enemies is implied in the past, Confessions, Minor Injuries, Kidnapping, but very brief - Freeform, Hurt/Comfort, Light Angst, Happy Ending, POV Third Person, POV Multiple, I wrote this for myself but you're welcome to read it
After the death of his mother, Kambe felt hollow and adrift. Katou brought color back to his life and gave him a purpose beyond solving the mystery of his parents. On his side, Katou seemed to have warmed up to him a considerable amount while chasing criminals around the world. During this time, Kambe and Katou had turned into an excellent team. Of course, they still disagreed on methods and bickered constantly, but it was mostly lighthearted. Kambe thought they had learned to see thing from each other's perspective. That was, until a week ago, when their investigation had brought them back to Tokyo. "Haru", was all Daisuke could say at first. They felt the same way about each other. Haru had been holding back, worried about not being worth the effort to Daisuke of all things. The idea was so ridiculous, that Daisuke would've laughed in other circumstances.
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ao3screenshotss · 2 years
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polandspringz · 1 year
its been like almost 3 years since i wrote a fanfic for fkbu and my winter break ends in 2 days but im gonna IM GONNA FINALLY WRITE THE FIC IVE BEEN TRYING TO WRITE AND NEVER HAD TIME TO WRITE FOR TWO YEARS LETS GOOOO`
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Just finished watching the last episode of Fugou keiji and now I'm in post-series depression mood.
I really really loved how they ended the series. Daisuke laughing so adorably when Haru pushed the button, then that beach scene and the ending with the bridge moment that started it all...
I wish for a 2nd season but this was so beautifully closed that I have no hopes for another season
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shuotaizawa · 4 years
daisuke smiling genuinely for the first time in the whole series and it’s all because of haru
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majycka · 3 years
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Here I go again with matching sunset icons 👀
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ecclectricity · 2 years
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           ▍║▍▏║   | indie | private | multimuse | feat. claude von riegan | ║▍▏║▍                                                         [  blog .   rules .  muses .  ask  . ]
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epickiya722 · 2 years
Oh, Kiya, why don't you talk a lot about your fics (fanfiction and original works)?
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endlesscacophony · 2 years
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Indie. Private. Multimuse. featuring Dimitri from Fe3h.                     [ ★ ] [ ★ ] [ ★ ] ⓒ
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beekugou · 4 years
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ace-aro-taku · 4 years
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Haru Kato & Daisuke Kambe, Final Episode
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eijunes · 4 years
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fugou keiji balance: unlimited | episode 6
— ill got, ill spent.
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lee-etc · 4 years
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it's me I'm fkbu artists
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arahabakix · 4 years
anyhoo daiharu is canon you heard it here folks
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kai-teaa · 4 years
cars cars cars
a lot of important development happens around cars so lets take a look (Im excluding the scenes from this post which focus more on car accidents throughout the series)
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this is the first time we see haru and daisuke together, the camera slows down as they unknowingly cross paths and we are shown the two main characters 
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everything started with the car show. which is interesting bc it could’ve been literally any other event, car show just seems a little unusual to be normal
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i actually lied and do wanna add this in bc it shows us more on haru and daisuke besides the foreshadowing owo here were shown how reckless daisuke is but we know he isn’t going to hurt anyone bc he swerves and misses haru (and im sure he wouldn’t have hit the other people either) and daisuke does a lot of damage to the cars behind which just goes to show how willing he is to do property damage haru is immediately shown as a righteous character, trying to stop the rogue driver and risking his life for the civilians.
its also their first impression of each other, and now they both have very strong opinions of each other. the car show defines the beginning of their relationship since they couldve just met at the office like normal coworkers and probably not thought much of the other
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This is when Haru sees Suzue and decides to trail her back to her house. and bam we (including haru) learn more on daisuke’s family and his wealth/tech
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this scene makes me so happy, haru and daisuke are joking around and teasing each other like close boyfriends do, theres not really any animosity in their relationship anymore, a stark difference from the previous eps, and later we see exactly how much they trust each other
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ok im so soft for this scene they just ahhh, haru tells daisuke his instincts and daisuke trusts them and helps him figure out a solution, if this had been in ep 1 maybe 2, i doubt haru wouldve accepted, but like i said before, the trust bw them has grown significantly
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this also has me crying in the club, haru doesnt expect daisuke to trust him (even tho haru trusts him) and so hes surprised to hear that, and even daisuke lowkey doesnt like admitting this based on how he sped off before haru could respond, daisuke doesnt really have anyone in his life he can trust but haru will be there for him and vice versa
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i wasnt sure whether to put this part in the other post since its a vehicular accident but i think it works better with the theme of this post. I think this is also some foreshadowing again for the future. first, suzue wasnt able to help daisuke leaving haru to save him. later on in the show, this will happen again (maybe in a more metaphorical sense) and either a) suzue wont be able to help him again leaving it up to haru b) bc of this previous failure, suzue will be able to overcome the next obstacle and help out or c) a mix of both
but it does also play into the theme of kambes and car accidents (while i dont think anyone purposefully sent in a cat somehow to stop suzue and kill daisuke, i think its more of a reference to this happening)
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and my favorite, daisuke was trying to distance himself from haru to protect him ofc and haru wasnt having any of it, he literally and metaphorically broke down the gate/wall daisuke kept between the two of them, in crashing his car, haru sent a very clear message that nothing was going to stop him from helping daisuke
and daisuke realized haru was there for them no matter how much he tried to sever their relationship, so he accepted the help and support he so desperately needs, he now knows haru will always be in his corner, no threat of losing his badge or other outside force will stop haru from coming back
now hopefully the next episode will bring us more hints and clues so im keeping my eyes peeled for any car scenes, my two years of literature and film analysis classes are telling me to pay attention so i will be O.O the entire time (also i put more foreshadowing relevant stuff in this post so check it out)
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balognatehchicken · 4 years
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So, how much?
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