#fizzarolli x oc x asmodeus
I love these photos
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*Rooster noises*
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Fizz be looking like that one smug cat meme
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lexezombie · 6 months
Ozzie did you lay these eggs?
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Everyone say Hi to my Fizzmodeus kids! (They're somewhere in their teens, undecided right now)
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also babies first drawing (doodle) of Fizz lmao -- I should draw Ozzie at some point
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cemeteryspider · 6 months
A Helluva Rescue
Fizzarolli x Succubus! Kingpin! Reader x Asmodeus
Summary: Inspired by season 2 episode 6, "Oops". Luckily Ozzie puts his best man/woman on the job to get Fizzie home safe
Trigger Warnings: Violence, guns, abduction, sexual themes, strong language, and general dark themes
Word Count: 1860
Being a famous Hellborn gave you some perks that so many did not have the gull to dream about. It gave you access to powerful people, and you climbed your way to the top of the Hellborn food chain. This is how you met the Sin of Lust, Asmodeus. You often provided protection for his dancers and other employees when they left the Lust Ring. Or when you personally delivered goods from other rings to the sin.
After a few years of this you met Fizzarolli, who's spunky attitude you had come to adore. You found yourself at Ozzie's nightclub more than you'd like to admit, and one night you had a red envelope with gold lettering sitting at your usual seat.
I have a different proposal for you tonight, meet me backstage after the show and we'll discuss
As anyone who wanted the Sin and his imp could imagine, the rest was history.
Despite your relationship with Fizz and Ozzie you spent most of your days in Greed. Dominating the heart of Greed Ring, your empire sprawled amidst towering skyscrapers that gleamed with the opulence of wealth. The air reeked of ambition and desperation, the constant hum of financial dealings echoing through the crowded streets. You reveled in the cutthroat atmosphere and the relentless pursuit of wealth that defined this particular part of Hell. 
Still many days were spent traveling to other rings. You went to the Pride Ring a couple times a year, and looked after some business dealings there. Though you couldn't own a human soul, it didn't mean you did have proxies to deal in them for you.
The Envy Ring granted you access to different sorts of people who were willing to spend money to get things from unsavory means. You want authentic blood sapphires, you got it. You want real human teeth, it'll be x amount. You want to get your nails done by Pride's top sinner without ever stepping foot there, well you were sure it could be arranged.
Your favorite place however, was the Lust Ring. Not for the slobs who insisted that just because you were a succubus you wanted to bang, but for your loving and doting partners.
Ozzie large hands massaging your back, "Oh darling, these knots are deep, you simply must come visit more often"
Fizz's jokes at the club, "I know you're jealous, the people I bang are 1000 times hotter than you losers"
The pampering, the caring, and god the sex was amazing.
This time however, Ozzie called you while you were in a meeting with a new client who was in debt to a loan shark. Quickly you had your assistant take over the meeting and you stepped out into the hall.
"What is it Ozzie-bear"
"Hey Doll, Fizzie had some meeting in Greed today and I was wondering if you could maybe send someone to look after him, ya know, without him knowing"
"Why didn't you send people with him, Ozzie?"
"You know how he gets sugar, he gave me the puppy eyes"
With a little smirk and a roll of your eyes, you told him you would get your best and most discreet people on the job.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you!"
"No biggie Ozzie, gotta keep our boy safe and sound"
After a quick good-bye, who are you kidding with either of your boys, good-byes were never short. A long string of I love you's and see you laters was given before eventually the new client and your assistant left the meeting room.
Seated behind your lavish desk, you sifted through an imposing mountain of meticulously organized papers, each document representing a different facet of your empire. When your phone starts to buzz. 
"Boss, something bad just happened, Fizzarolli got into a fight with some imp then they were both grabbed, me and Hen are going up to find him but-" Two shots could be heard from the other end, and two thuds presumably the two hellborn you hired to protect Fizz.
You growled as you crushed the burner phone in your fist.
"Jazz, get my jacket, I gotta teach some bitches a lesson"
Fizz started thrashing on the floor of the cage they were put in, and Blitz looked as though he was about to explode. Then you waltzed in the door with your tail swinging in circles from your right hand.
"Hey Crimson, Hey Striker, long time no see boys' ' You jumped on a crate and crossed your legs. "I hear you have somethin' of value"
"Hey, Darlin', I sure missed yer face", Striker walked up to you and took your hand in his and placed a long wet kiss to your knuckles.
Internally you groaned, but you were going to get Fizz out of this no matter what. You pressed your lips together and crossed your legs a little tighter, "Mhm, Could say the same about you, Striker".
Striker chuckled a little and got back to business, discussing prices for Fizz like he was a slab of meat.
"I don't know Striker, we have a pretty lucrative contract on the books" Crimson teased.
Your brows scrunched, who could it be, and how did they get the word out so quickly. It took you less than an hour to get from your office to this dump.
"Hmm, I think I could find a quick buyer for the real deal Fizzarolli, I'll pay double what the other guy is paying" With that everyone in the room looked at you. Their eyebrows raised and a sly grin on their face.
"Double and I get to spend the night with ya, that's offers always on the table for you babe," As Striker propositioned, a flicker of irritation crossed your face – a testament to your aversion to these negotiations 
"How about I see the merchandise first?" You tapped his nose with your fingernail and gave him a smirk.
"Anything for you sug" With a quick nod the cage descended from the ceiling and you hands went to the guns on your hips.
Two goons dragged Fizz and another imp from the cage and tossed them at your feet. You almost let your emotions get the better of you when Fizz hit the floor with a groan.
"Can someone untie them? I want to see the merchandise before I buy it, and I haven't got all day" Again another nod from Striker, and the two were untied.
Fizz had his hands over his eyes and was silently crying to himself. Despite you wanting him to look at you, to give him some reassurance, you also hoped he didn't just in case he revealed your relationship with him. Unlike Fizz and Ozzie, your relationship to them was more discrete. The other imp was still shouting, and you saw a gun holster, minus the gun, on his hip as well.
"I'd take the other imp, off your hands as well, he'll make a delicious snack for whoever buys Fizzarolli" Striker walked up to Crimson and started to discuss pricing on Blitz, with the right numbers Striker would give him to you because, as you learned, everything has a price.
You stalked over to Blitz, though the affiliation with guns was the only thing you knew about him, walked around him for a moment, quickly cutting the tape that still bound his hands with your sharp fingernail. Making eye contact with him you pressed a finger to your lips and shoved a gun in his hand without anyone noticing.
A smile spread across Blitz's face as you grabbed Fizz and threw him over your shoulder and started to make a run for it. You shot everyone you saw on the way down the stairs, while Blitz covered everyone behind you.
Once Fizz was safely in the car you continued to cover Blitz until he made it as well. However, before you could get in the car and signal to the driver to get away Striker pressed the hot barrel of his gun to your temple.
"Well sugar, I guess this is checkmate" But just before he could pull the trigger, Asmodeus appeared, snatching the gun from his hands and throwing it across the street.
"Just what do you think you're doing?" Ozzie growled in Striker's face. Ozzie grabbed him by the throat and squeezed. You just put a hand on his huge forearm, and he threw Striker to the ground.
With a growl the great Asmodeus shrunk and fit himself into the limousine with the two imps and succubus.
The driver peeled out of the place as soon as the door was closed and you collapsed into the nearest seat. Fizz huddled in a dark corner, his breaths coming in rapid gasps as panic gripped him. Your heart sank at the sight, a mix of worry and determination flooding your thoughts. Despite the familiar smell of wherever he was, he couldn't shake the danger of the gunfight or being held captive so quickly. Blitz stood over him leveling the gun at your forehead.
"Does ANYONE want to tell me what the FUCK just happened"
The screeching tires signaled your escape, but the tension lingered in the air, still adrenaline was high in all parties involved. 
You explained the situation to Blitz while pulling Fizzarolli in between you and Oz who smiled up at the both of you.
"Ah Fizz you could've just told me you were fucking them", Ozzie, sensing Fizz's discomfort, shot Blitz a stern glance, causing him to back off immediately.
Blitz was waiting for the car to stop where he could get out and call someone who's name was Loona.
Once that happened you, Fizz, and Ozzie snuggled up in the backseat with both Fizz and Ozzie tearing up.
"I'm so sorry that happened Froggie, you will be getting a full escort the next time you even leave the mansion" Ozzie coddled Fizz all the way to bed and you tucked him in and told him that you and Ozzie had to talk business for a minute.
"Thanks for the save back there Ozzie, I would've been done for, if it wasn't for you" The slight burn on your head pulsed, a persistent reminder of the close call, but you dismissed it, not wanting Ozzie to worry unnecessarily.
"Sweetheart, you didn't tell me you were hurt" He grabbed your right shoulder and inspected the bullet wound that must've just grazed you, and the small burn on your temple you tried to hide with your fingers.
"I didn't even notice it Ozzie" Still he sat you down on his desk and bandaged you up.
"There, Doll, all better" You smiled as he kissed the white bandages, and picked you up to take you to bed. "By the way, Doll, you did all the heavy lifting".
You snuggled in a little closer to his chest and breathed out content with the moment.
"Breakfast tomorrow?" You mumbled already falling asleep.
"Always, pancakes with extra whipped cream" He set you between him and Fizz where you usually slept.
Your boys tangled their limbs with your and scooched as close as they could to snuggle up with you.
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valentine67272 · 4 months
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a/n:MY FIRST HELLUVA BOSS STORY!! EEEE!!! anyways! hope you enjoy <3
TW:A LOT OF FLUFF, violence, swear words, mentions of sex, etc! SFW!
Yet another boring day in hell, but this time you had a little meetup with an old friend, Blitzø. Basically you, fizz and blitzø were a friend group, your father was way worse than blitzøs though. your name was already famous around hell, a performer and a singer! your manager is just a rude old man who always bosses you around. BTW YOUR 8’11 FT!! TALL AF.
i was walking down the sidewalks of the Lust ring, i had my headphones on so ididn’t hear what was happening around me. i felt hands on your shoulders, i jumped slightly, looking back to see it was just fizzarolli.
“you scared me!” i said, pinning your ears. fizz just laughed. “sorry!” he said, a smile krept onto my face as i saw his cute little face. my ears flicked as they pointed up.
I then heard Laughing and screaming? you looked back to see Blitzø fighting with some dude. i sighed in disappointment. He was surprisingly winning. but then slowly after started loosing. fizz just watched.
i was about to run over there, and i did. i stopped the dude from punching blitzø again. “what the fuck? who the hell are you?” the dude said. “(Readers 1 name). why the FUCK would you fight someone that’s smaller than you. to scared your going to loose to someone your own size?” i glared, the dude laughed. “He challenged me actually, and i’m not afraid. i have defeated many of people that are my size, little girl.” that named triggered me. i punched him and he fell. “DONT ever call me that again.” i said in a threatening tone.
fizz got worried and ran towards the scene. pushing through the crowd of people. the dude and me started to fist fight, fizz wondered where Asmodeus was to come and protect You, but you were actually winning the fight.
the guy then elbowed my stomach, making me fall. i was bleeding from my nose and a little from my mouth. blitzø was obviously drunk and went away from the scene. the guy had now pulled out a large knife. my eyes widened as i tried backing away.
“(READER)!” fizz said loudly, quickly trying to push pass the other people that now came. Finally, Asmodeus came. “DONT YOU DARE THINK ABOUT THAT!” Asmodeus yelled angrily at the dude, picking me up. the dude had dropped his knife and stared in utter shock and fear.
“s-sorry sir..won’t happen a-agin..” the dude said, running off. fizz sighed in relief. the crowd of people was no where to be seen. asmodeus calmed down seeing me hurt. “thanks.” i smiled gently at him, his expression changed from anger to worry.
“i’m fine” i said to Asmodeus. “No you are not babe!..” Said asmodeus. Asmodeus gently grabbed fizz and started walking to your guys mansion.
you sat in the medical room as Asmodeus grabbed the med kit for you, fizz stayed by your side.
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valentinapoeni · 7 months
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Labeba and Mammon in fancy outfits uwu (And fizzarolli and Asmodeous too because I wanted to draw em)
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midnight-raven · 9 months
Helluva Family AU
(or my Helluva Boss AU where the I.M.P. Family is a little bit bigger)
Nickname: Percy
Parents: Blitzø and Stolas
Siblings: Octavia, Loona (Sisters)
Likes: Books, Stargazing, Being with his family, Spending time with his friends, Studying spells
Dislikes: Being looked down upon, Stella, His dads being overprotective, Bullies, His family in danger
Nickname: N/A
Parents: Millie and Moxxie
Siblings: Conner (Twin Brother)
Likes: Photography, Her Parents, Music, Learning music with her Dad, Playing with her Brothers and Friends
Dislikes: Being made fun of, Large crowds, Conner reminding her that he’s five minutes older, Excessive Violence
Nickname: Con
Parents: Millie & Moxxie
Siblings: Chloe (Twin Sister)
Likes: Fighting, Teasing his loved ones, Hanging out with Uncle Blitzø, Reminding Chloe that he’s five minutes older, Seeing his parents in action
Dislikes: Getting in trouble, Somsone else making fun of Chloe, His parents being overly affectionate
Nickname: Ollie
Parents: Fizzarolli & Asmodeus (Adopted)
Siblings: N/A
Likes: Watching his Dad perform, Burgers, The Queefs, Juggling, His Dads, Learning to be a Clown
Dislikes: Mammon, People making fun of him, Being pushed around
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coralillom · 5 months
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Helluverse OC
Helluva boss- Cici (Succubus)
Ozzie’s Personal Assistant/Manager
In charge of Asmodeus scheduling, Working mainly at Ozzie’s, Makes sure everything is running smoothly. Really good friends With Fizz since he started working at Ozzie’s.
Head cannons:
- Around Her neck are Ozzie’s feathers that she ripped off him after he was stressing over Ozzie, Did it as a method of comfort (Well that’s what she said to Ozzie but she took out a hit of anger too)
- Constantly stressed considering Ozzie makes a lot of cancellations and rescheduling to hang out with fizzy “His business partner”
- Always knew about Ozzie and fizz, Honestly just assumed they were married.
Design Choices:
- Wears a Lot of jewelry (even if she can afford it she steals most of it )
- Scars on her back wear her wings use to be, (They were ripped out - who knows by who???) displays them proudly
- Scar across her face, Accident during an Ozzie show gone terrible
- Everything else are birth marks
This OC is new so her story may change around but overall this is my self insert.
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real-hot-grl-shi · 4 months
I would post my helluva boss/hazbin hotel ocs but I feel like the drawings are way too suggestive and idk where to post them AUGHH spent so much time on them too!!!
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Like I feel like this is all I can show AHHHH FUCK. (It isn’t even p0rn!!!)
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itsyagurlchip · 6 months
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full image:
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time lapse!:
how did I do :)???
btw my self insert is called kandi, bc of her hair (NO U CANT EAT IT 😡😡) and the fact that she has fluffy fur, like a bear :)
ok, I admit it. I'm a simp for the two 😔🙏🏾
©KAL pls don't steal, repost, trace, or whatever an art thief does. you can inspire yourself! just tag me to let me know<3
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cute-kawaii-gamer · 8 months
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This is Desiree or Desy, the Prince/Princess of the Lust Ring in the Hazbin Hotel / Helluva Boss world.
Desy is genderfluid and Pansexual...
They werent very happy about their father relationship with Fizzarolli at the start. Asmodeus was espending all his free time with Fizz, so Desy felt like they were being left behind...
But after talking thinks out, and getting to know Fizz, everything got better, to the point that they started to see Fizz like a second parent...
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DRAG QUEEN OZZIE :DD Before I possibly fuck it up
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phoenixfl3009 · 1 year
She wanted to wear her daddy’s shades ✨💚
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avionvadion · 7 months
Hii 🥺 any crumbs about Astraea's and Damien's relationships with their various demon aunts and uncles?
Ozzie is definitely the fun uncle who brings a car full of toys to spoil his niece and nephew. 🤣 I feel like he might actually be who gets Damien into inventing/building things. (Ozzie himself in an inventor, just for… other… things) But like once he discovers Damien enjoys tinkering with his toys (taking them apart and putting them back together again) he’d probably get him toys specifically for that purpose. For being the Sin of Lust, he’s honestly probably the most behaved/most reliable of the other sins to have around the little ones.
If Fizzie is around??? Aw, you know he’d be doing little acrobatic tricks to make them laugh. Probably actually plays with them instead of leaving them to their own devices with all the toys Ozzie brought.
As for Bee, well… she’d definitely make sure the little ones are having a good time and would keep an eye on them, but she’d… kind of be the irresponsible fun aunt where as Ozzie is the responsible fun uncle?
Like, Beelzebub would just throw cake after candy after cake at them and get the duo hyped up on sugar. 🤣 She means well, but it doesn’t actually… go well. That said she does keep them out of danger and protect them, but it doesn’t really change the fact that Astaea and Damien are bouncing off the walls and doing zoomies through the castle halls. Vortex is probably gonna have to get Bee to chill a little with the sweets; he’s definitely the more responsible of the two, lol.
Nobody trusts Mammon. Lucifer and Ozzie both agreed Mammon does not get to go anywhere near the kids, and Eleanora is just like, “Yeah, okay, you guys know him better than I do,” and Ozzie is just like, “Honey, I’ve known him since the start of Hell and he is the WORST. He exploited and emotionally abused Fizzie for years!”
“Oh shit fuck that guy. Yeah no. Keep him away please.”
Lucifer, making a frog face and tipping his hat. “He didn’t go near Charlie, he isn’t gonna go near Astraea and Damien. If he even tries it-“
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I fear I may want to post an Asmodeus x Fizzarolli x OC fic… is anyone interested…? There are hints (full on NSFW scenes) of Valentino x OC and porn actors x OC, but the main love interests are Ozzie and Fizz. It’s a crossover of Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss. I want to post it but if no one is interested then I just won’t. :p
(I absolutely do not support Vivziepop’s actions, I just like the shows)
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Finding Family (Fizz's Found Family)-Chapter 8
Flying (pt. 2)
“You’ve never been to Gluttony before?” Asmodeus was sitting opposite Fizzarolli in the back of his blue limousine, smiling to himself about the way Fizzarolli was looking over each detail of his outfit for the evening as if he didn’t come up with half of the ideas himself. It was almost as if he didn’t believe he was wearing it. Fizzarolli seemed to be determined to catalog each hand sewn bead to memory. It made Asmodeus happy, he’d made the correct decision in ordering a second custom outfit for Fizzarolli. “Enjoying your sparkles?”
Ozzie’s foot nudging against his own was enough to rouse Fizzarolli from his trance. Winning Mammon’s contest a little over a week ago had changed more for him than he imagined it would. When Fizzarolli went to meet with Mammon the day after winning, he was greeted with five new costumes and a whole new set of Mammon branded props! When he returned to the penthouse after his workday that day, he was received with a sparkly invitation to one of Queen Bee-Lzebub’s parties. That’s where they were headed to now, that’s what this new outfit was for.
“There’s so many of them. More than the showgirls costumes used to have.”
Asmodeus chuckled. “It’s Gluttony, you’re supposed to be excessive.” Asmodeus was also dressed up for the occasion. His outfit was like nothing Fizzarolli had ever seen Lust wear before. He remained in his boots, halfway up his legs and drawing the eye even higher. He opted for shorts on the bottom, tight and made of leather, with a jeweled belt buckle in all of Ozzie’s colors. His blazer was also made of leather and underneath he wore a body chain that hung like the most intricate and commanding necklace down his whole chest. Fizzarolli knew the piece of jewelry also hooked around Ozzie’s shoulders under his arms and chained itself halfway down Ozzie’s back.
“This is a new outfit for you, too. I’ve never seen you dress like this in Lust.” It wasn’t a bad thing, though Fizzarolli found himself worrying about how much he was allowed to stare before it became weird. That’s part of the reason why he’d been studying the hand beaded corset (that also worked as a battery pack if he wanted it to) and teal silk shirt with balloon sleeves and intricate embroidered details. Even his pants and ruff had extra details sewn onto them. For the second time in the span of a fortnight Asmodeus had managed to create an outfit for Fizzarolli right out of his dreams.
“It’s Gluttony, you’re supposed to be excessive” Lust repeated. Fizzarolli blushed. He still wasn’t comfortable with excess, Asmodeus noted. He wasn’t so averse to it that he’d refused the outfit, though. He’d gotten quite excited when he saw Ozzie’s sketches. He’d made design tweaks to the outfit himself and he still seemed amazed when the outfit arrived at the penthouse yesterday. Asmodeus was happy he was amazed, though. He deserved to shine tonight, this party was for him after all.
“Before we get there, a few ground rules” Asmodeus continued.
Fizzarolli interrupted. “Oh, there’s rules tonight?”
“You’ve never been to Gluttony before. Do you want to walk into your party unprepared?” Fizzarolli stayed quiet. “You have nothing to worry about, first of all. Bee is going to love you.”
Asmodeus talked about Bee-Lzebub like they were close. Ozzie didn’t talk about his friends often.
“She throws a great party, she knows how to keep the energy high.” sort of like someone else I know, Ozzie thought. “But she talks before she thinks sometimes. Nothing she says is mean spirited. You’ll know if you’ve made her angry.” Asmodeus knew that Fizzarolli could take a punch. He could give one right back and play it off most of the time too. But this was Fizzarolli’s first time out in public with his new stretchy limbs, and his first big public appearance without Mammon attached to him since he won the pageant. He knew Fizzarolli was excited, but he was also worried that someone would say something that would get Fizz’s feelings hurt.
“Don’t piss off the Queen Bee, don’t take offense. Understood. Any other rules?”
“No Beezlejuice” Fizzarolli stuck his tongue out in a teasing pout. He already knew that, he was on too many medications, it wasn’t safe. “I already told her about that, though. She won’t push it on you.”
Fizzarolli wondered how many deadly Sins knew about his personal business. Mammon did, Belphegor did, Asmodeus did, and to some extent Bee’Lzebub now did as well. He was only three away from collecting them all. Pretty impressive for a scrappy little imp from the Greed Ring.
“Her food is good enough, I think I’ll be able to have a good time without the booze.” The two of them nodded. “This isn’t my party though.”
“You’re the excuse for her to throw one.” Asmodeus laughed to himself. “Well, she doesn’t really need an excuse to throw a party. But she saw your show, she was impressed. You’re the guest of honor.”
“Is that why you’re dressed so nicely?” Fizzarolli’s hand reached out and his finger curled around the smooth gold chain.
“Maybe I was jealous, maybe I wanted to sparkle tonight too!” Asmodeus liked the way he could make Fizzarolli blush almost as much as he liked the confidence that this past week has given Fizzarolli. Asmodeus also liked the way Fizzarolli’s knuckle danced across his nipple. That had to be intentional.
“Oh, you wanted to compete with this?” Fizzarolli’s hand slid back to his corset, which was a kaleidoscope of beadwork. Gold shimmered in flecks between magenta and aqua; violet, olive, fuscia, and cerulean collided in fireworks all along Fizzarolli’s body. Fuck glitter, he’d never been shinier.
Both of them had a laugh together before the car slowed to a halt. The guest of honor had arrived.
The skies were yellow like honey, and the honeycomb imagery didn’t fall short on Fizzarolli. He chuckled as he looked up at Queen Bee-Lzebub’s castle after stepping out of the limo.
“Queen Bee” he laughed, looking up at Asmodeus as he got out of the limo as well. “This is her hive.” Asmodeus chuckled and nodded.
“Are you ready?”
The Hive was huge. A towering atrium with hoops and….lava? No. Beezlejuice decorated the outer parameters of the room. The biggest disco ball Fizzarolli had ever seen towered over the center of the atrium, sending glittering flecks along the room as light hit off it. Large swaths of fabric swagged from the ball’s pole outwards to the upper balconies alternating blue and pink. It almost looked like a circus tent. Fizzarolli wondered if it looked like this all the time, or if this really was all for him. The lights went dark shortly after the two walked in. For a moment, Fizzarolli felt like a kid at the circus again. He felt the same excitement forming in his chest that he did the first night he saw a circus show.
“Awoo Awoo!” Atop the disco ball appeared a mane of golden plasmic light. It reminded Fizzarolli of the beautiful horses from his circus, but this was even better. It was lighter, and more colorful than horses were. It was golden, a deep honey with flashes of orange and cyan and watermelon swirling throughout. It was glorious. The lights raised and Fizzarolli could see the rest of Bee-Lzebub standing atop the globe.
“Kings, Queens, and Rotyal In-Between’s are we having a good time to-night?!” Fizzarolli heard the room howl and cheer in response. Fizzarolli decided to howl, it made Asmodeus chuckle. “Good, good. I am your host, the Queen Bee of Gluttony and I’m ready to get fucking wild!”
More cheering. The energy was electric. Fizzarolli was buzzing. He still couldn’t comprehend that he was here, that this was apparently for him.
“But first, I need all you freaky little bastards to give your warmest, loudest, freakiest welcome to our guests of honor. Coming all the way from the Lust Ring…..The King of Kink, The Lord of Lube, the Duke of Dicktown: Lust himself…...King Ozzie!” More cheering. A spotlight flashed onto the two of them. Fizzarolli howled again and clapped for Asmodeus. The two exchanged a glance.
“And our real king tonight…...the comeback kid from Greed. Hell’s favorite tie breaking champion, the King Clown himself...the one...the only…...Fiz-a-Rolli!” Bee was distinct with every syllable as she said Fizzarolli’s name. Confetti burst from everywhere and rained down on the crowd as Bee-Lzebub dove from her position above everyone else and into a hole nearly as narrow as her, into a golden vat of her bub.
She would do well in the circus, Fizzarolli thought.
Queen Bee appeared from another hole in the ground, the golden liquid following her and swirling around the room. Fizzarolli hadn’t even noticed the cheering, he’d been so mesmerized by Bee-Lzebub’s performance. The way that gold seemed to float in the air with her, swirl into a big cloud, and explode into….cotton candy?! Fizz was full belly laughing by the time the Queen had come to greet them.
“Ozzie! Baby!” Bee-Lzebub flew towards the Sin, stopping short to nuzzle Ram and Bull. She was buzzing, flying so that she hovered at Asmodeus’s eye level. “The energy is crazy good tonight. And fuck! What is this tasty little snack?” Bee flew up and around Ozzie, inspecting both him and the clown next to him from every angle.
It could have been inferred that Bee-Lzebub was referring to Fizzarolli as the snack, or the way Asmodeus’s ass fit in his pants. Maybe even the both of them were the treat she was referring to. It wasn’t, though. Bee could taste energy on people and she’d known Lust since the beginning of Hell. She knew what Lust tasted like happy, mad, sad, and everywhere in between. There was a hint of sweetness on him tonight that she hasn’t ever tasted on the Sin. It was faint enough that she knew not to make a fuss out of it, strong enough that she knew she’d made the right decision by naming Fizzarolli the king tonight.
“Bee, babe. You’ve outdone yourself again.”
Bee-Lzebub’s attention turned Fizzarolli a moment later, but not before Fizz had already extended a hand up to her height. She was still buzzing.
“Holy Shit!”
“Fizzarolli. Nice to make your acquaintance, your highness.” Fizzarolli retracted his arm as he extended his legs so that he was nearly eye level with both of the Sins. He stayed a few inches shorter out of respect.
“Holy Shit!” The Queen repeated. She took Fizz’s hand in two of hers and shook it vigorously. “You were not able to do that a week ago! What the fuck have you been up to?”
Fizzarolli and Asmodeus smiled at each other. “You like my dildo arms? They’re new.” Fizzarolli’s tongue stuck out of the side of his mouth.
Asmodeus tried to hold it in, but couldn’t contain his burst of laughter.
This moment was sweet, like honey. Bee-Lzebub smiled, she laughed too. “O-okay! You are a little freak. I like you.”
Fizzarolli didn’t like the word freak in any context, much let alone when applied to him but the burn of being called a freak was softened by being told he was liked. It didn’t feel hollow when she said it. The way she looked excited about his new telescopic abilities almost mirrored Fizz’s own feelings about them.
Bee-Lzebub, still holding Fizzarolli’s hand, pulled back and twirled him around. She howled once more. “King Jester is in the house!” A few more hounds near them howled, but not nearly as many from a moment ago. The party had started. “Come on, you twisty little thing. Let’s see what these dildo arms can do!”
Fizzarolli didn’t have much time to think about it. Queen Bee had his hand and she was flying up. The arms only extended so far. Fizzarolli did as was natural to do in this sort of situation. He took a deep breath and counted to three (quickly).
He crouched, he jumped.
Fizz was flying.
It was like the circus again. The swaths of fabric draped around the ceiling in alternating colors mirrored the tent of the Big Top. Fizzarolli was high in the sky and laughing his ass off. Bee-Lzebub had let go of her grip on him as he flew into the air, Fizzarolli did a flip. Bee caught him as he started falling and did that three more times before putting Fizz on her back and heading straight for a stack of hoops in the middle of the atrium. Both of their eyes narrowed. Bee was laser focused on making it through the middle hoop. Meanwhile, Fizzarolli was concentrating on his timing.
Three, two, one. The clown jumped and landed on top of the top hoop. He bent backwards, wrapped his tail around the hoop, turned himself into a ball, and fell back through the hoop. He managed enough force to swing back up and land on his feet, just barely. He held his arms out in victory but only for a moment before they were grabbed again and Fizz was being carried up to the ceiling. Bee’s top set of arms were holding Fizz’s, she was flying upside down as they ascended. It felt like the trapeze, when he was little. This could have been anyone from his circus family holding him right now. The two of them were laughing as they floated.
When they were high enough, Fizzarolli was being thrown again. This time his objective was clear, he was reaching the pole that the disco ball hung from. Fizz stretched his arms out but purposefully missed. His legs hooked around the pole instead and Fizz spun from the top, all the way down. Just before he reached the bottom, Fizzarolli’s hands caught the pole and Fizz flipped so that he was right side up. He ended up landing on his butt, straddling the pole on top of the disco ball. He couldn’t stop laughing. He hadn’t had this much fun in years.
“Everybody, your king for the night!” Bee’s voice was loud, but the cheering was louder. Fizzarolli felt the energy in the room, it was electric. Had he done that? He could get drunk off of this feeling alone, he was on top of the world right now. The spotlight shining on him lit him up like the mirror ball he was sitting atop of. If ever there was a time for Fizzarolli to shine, it was now.
Fizzarolli ended his performance by standing again, falling backwards, and doing a back flip. It had been a long time since he’d done one of those, but he was feeling confident. Besides, he trusted that his aerial partner wouldn’t let him fall. That would really hurt the energy of the night. Fizzarolli had guessed right. After a third flip mid air he landed on something soft. When he looked up, Bee was laughing at him, he was cradled in her arms. Fizzarolli laughed too and jumped down from a much safer height.
“Well shit, little man. You really do know how to put on a show. You are welcome here any time.”
Fizzarolli beamed with pride.
“Let me get you a drink” Bee-Lzebub was already ushering Fizzarolli over to a lounge area off of the atrium on the first floor.
“Oh, I can’t-” Fizzarolli was cut off by the Queen’s laugh.
“Yeah, I know. Oz already gave me the whole lecture. And hey, I respect it. So if you’re thirsty tonight come to me or Vortex, okay honey?”
Fizzarolli had no idea who Vortex was, but he wasn’t going to argue. His question was answered soon enough when he was walked over the bar where Asmodeus was chatting with a large gray and black hellhound.
“Tex!” Bee flew over to the hound and gave him a quick nuzzle before dropping behind the bar next to him. “You found Ozzie, good! Can we get a fruity little drink in the clown’s hand please?” Bee, a natural hostess turned to Asmodeus and gave him her full attention next. “Have we gotten you a fruity little drink yet?”
“Not yet, we were just-” A large hurricane glass appeared in Ozzie’s hand, orange and red with a little umbrella on top.
“Sex on the Beach, bitch!” She winked at Asmodeus.
Fizzarolli made his way to the bar with enough time to hear that. A moment later, Tex was handing him a drin. It looked pretty similar to Ozzie’s drink, but more his size. He started to question what it was but Bee-Lzebub interrupted him next.
“It’s your night to shine, baby. You need to sparkle inside and out!” The queen rubbed three of her fingers together over his drink and glitter rained down and into the glass. She waited for him to try it, and groaned when Fizz hesitated. “It’s safe, I promise. I just told you about the lecture Ozzie gave me.” Her tone lightened. “Go on. It’s just orange juice and grenadine.”
“And magical glitter” Fizzarolli replied. Bee laughed, it was light and carefree.
Nobody did anything, so Fizz took a sip of his drink. It was sweet, and Bee was right. It did just taste like orange juice and cherry syrup, but it sparkled. He felt great! When he gave Bee-Lzebub the thumbs up, she took that as a sign to continue with the house tour.
“Sweets and eats are over here. Get your fill, enjoy enjoy. There are no rules here tonight. Oh!” She stopped and turned back to Fizz who was following in tow. “The brownies. They’re safe for you. Actually……..they might help with some of that pain Oz is always complaining about. Loosen you up a little, get elevated.”
Fizzarolli turned behind him when Bee’s attention flew over his head and she gave a pointed “What?!” Asmodeus was giving her a look. “It’s safe! I asked Bell last week. Don’t be lame, Asmodeus.” Bee snapped her fingers and grabbed a bottle of bub out of thin air.
“You’re trying to get me high” Fizzarolli asserted.
“Hey, that’s your choice. I’m simply giving you the option. Don’t say I didn’t warn ya” Bee-Lzebub took a drink. “Anyway, get your party on, baby. Have some treats, have some eats, get your dance on. You’re in good company tonight.” And just like that, Queen Bee-Lzebub was off flitting around the crowd checking in on everybody.
Asmodeus hadn’t been lying when he’d made the joke about Ozzie having Bee’s order over a year ago. The buffet table was organized appetizers and finger foods first, then the meaty stuff at the end. Desserts had their own spread farther down. Chips with at least 12 different types of dips lay on a large lazy susan. Next to it were fruits, mini weenies, shrimps and cocktail sauce, crackers and cheeses, sandwiches, dumplings, and walking tacos. There was also a taco bar, a mountain of chicken wings, pizza, gyros, and burgers. The dessert bar was just as crowded with options.
All of it was delicious. Fizzarolli did his best to sample as much as he could. There were dips with flavors he couldn’t even describe. He hadn’t been wrong when he’d assumed he would be more than happy with the food tonight.
The brownies were fucking delicious.
“They’re safe Ozzie. Belphegor said. You trust Belphegor. I hear you say it all the time.” It was a little over an hour later and Fizzarolli had just finished his second brownie. Bee was right about it loosening things up. He was fuzzy and excited and happily sitting in Asmodeus’s lap, starting in on his sixth chicken leg of the evening.
“Just because it’s not going to interact with your medications doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be supervised.” When Fizzarolli pouted, Asmodeus clarified. “You’re slippy.”
The laugh started deep in Fizzarolli’s chest and erupted in a croak. Asmodeus could only smile at the clown. He was glad Fizz was having a good time.
“I’m just saying, you don’t have to babysit me. You’re a guest of honor too. You should be enjoying yourself!”
Asmodeus chuckled. “Who says I’m not?”
The moment was interrupted by another booming voice approaching them. “Little Jester!” Fizzarolli was very confused, but when he turned to the large imp calling out to him, his eyes lit up. “Well, you’re not so little anymore, are you? You’re the clown now.”
“Buttons?” He hadn’t seen Buttons in years. He’d visited Fizzarolli while he was in the hospital recovering. Him and his brother, Patches, had made his first pair of horns. But things had gotten busy, he hadn’t even realized how much he’d missed the man until he was standing right in front of him. How did he even get here?
“You put on quite a show, kid. How does it feel to be living the dream?” Fizzarolli scrambled out of Lust’s lap and extended his leg closer to Buttons. He wrapped the man in a large hug, his arms wrapping twice around them.
“You’re here!”
Buttons laughed. “I’m here, kid. Yeah. Patches too, and Sloppy Joe. Few others.”
“How?” For a second time, the former clown laughed at Fizz’s responses.
“When the Queen comes to your shop and asks to invite as many circus people as possible for tonight, you listen.”
This had to be a dream. Or a drug. The brownies were making him hallucinate. Fizzarolli turned back to Asmodeus. “Is this real?” he mouthed. Fizz turned back to Buttons when the king confirmed that he was, in fact, real.
“Do you want to come back and see them? I know they’re all dying to see you.”
Fizzarolli’s head shook eagerly. He smiled and turned back to Ozzie. “Go have fun! I’m visiting family!”
There were only a handful of his circus family waiting for him on the other side of the atrium, near one of the bars. Most of them were much older than the average demographic here, but they were just as energetic when they heard Fizz jingling towards them. They whooped and hollered for him, a few pulling him into a hug while another blew an air horn for him.
Barb should be here.
Fizzarolli had largely been a child while in the family circus, only in his last handful of years did he get to participate in any of the adult gossip flitting between tents. But Fizzarolli was grown now, and the adults had all been drinking for a few hours already. Fizzarolli happily listened as he got caught up with everybody. Buttons and Patches lived in Gluttony now. They owned a tailoring business. They’d acted surprised when Fizzarolli hadn’t realized his corset was made by them, as if anybody else could be as whimsically opulent. Sloppy Joe, the old cook, also worked in Gluttony. He still cooked. One of the old horse performers, Wendy, moved to Wrath and works on a ranch. She gives horse riding lessons on the side. Ariel, one of the aerialists that worked with Barb was in Pride now. She’d always thought sinners were interesting.
Everyone was interested in Fizz's noodle limbs. Everyone was interested in learning about Fizzarolli being cozied up in Lust’s lap.
Another hour and a half later, everyone was interested in learning how Fizzarolli managed to get Asmodeus out onto the dance floor with him.
The attention and support from his family had given Fizzarolli one hell of a confidence boost.
Many many snacks, sparkly drinks, and dances later everyone’s eyes were on Fizzarolli once more. How he’d managed to convince Bee-Lzebub he didn’t know, but he was warm and tingly and so fucking excited. He’d liked when the eyes were on him, he was feeling good, he wanted a challenge.
“Alright, Jingles. On your signal.”
Fizzarolli nodded at Queen Bee. The lights dimmed again. Bee took Fizz’s hands and for the second time tonight they were flying. They started much like the last time, with Bee throwing Fizz into the air, letting him flip, then catching him. Then, when Fizzarolli was firmly planted atop the mirror ball, Bee clapped and two long silks dropped from the ceiling for him.
Fizzarolli was no aerialist by training, but this past year had made him delusional enough to try. After Asmodeus had managed to convince him to try and work towards acrobatics, Fizzarolli managed to convince Mammon to put silks in the Little Top so he could practice after hours. Or well, so Barb could practice. Fizz had only done this once, but he’d watched Barbie do it a million times. He was stronger now with these new limbs, and he had a metric fuck ton more confidence. Bee promised she wouldn’t let him fall.
The room went quiet and the music changed. Fizzarolli grabbed the silks and like he knew how to do, he worked one around his foot, shimmied up, and began to climb. He wasn’t the most graceful at it, or the most consistent. Barb would probably be laughing at him, but he managed to climb to top of the silks. His tongue stuck out with determination as he remembered how Barb wrapped one silk around his leg, an extra catch for when he fell. He’d confirmed the sequence just minutes ago with Ariel.
One deep breath.
The music swelled, Fizzarolli let go of his grip on the silks, the audience gasped, and Fizzarolli fell. His body stopped, dangling upside down and hanging on by his knees at the height of the disco ball. The crowd erupted with cheering. Fizzarolli was dizzy, but giddy. He looked down below him and saw Asmodeus looking up at him.
“And you said you’d never do aerials” Ozzie chuckled. Fizz’s grin grew three sizes. His arms outstretched down towards the other.
“Catch me!” He called, letting go of the hold on his legs and plummeting down straight into Lust’s arms.
“Are you having fun tonight?” Oz asked once Fizzarolli had opened his eyes again. Fizzarolli didn’t need to respond for Asmodeus to know the answer. That look of wonder had been on Fizz’s face all night and Asmodeus just couldn’t look away.
Fizzarolli thought the plush fabric of the seats in Asmodeus’s car were soft and nice to lay on. He said goodbye to the skies yellow as honey, as sweet as Queen Bee. He liked Bee-Lzebub. She knew how to throw a party, that was the best time he’d had in a long time. Maybe ever. And how she managed to find his circus family? People he’d long since thought had forgot about him…..it was so sweet he could cry. Fizzarolli’s leg extended across the car and hooked around Asmodeus’s. He then retracted his leg, pulling himself right into the Sin’s lap.
He wouldn’t be so bold sober. While they’d definitely grown closer in the ten or so days since winning Mammon’s competition, but they were far away from having anything close to a label. Fizzarolli had spent more than one night in Asmodeus’s bed since then, but not every single night. Tonight though, he was hoping he would get to.
“Hello” Asmodeus looked down at Fizz with amusement.
“Hi.” Fizzarolli looped his hand up and around Asmodeus’s shoulder, catching his other hand and pulling himself into the other’s side but only for a moment. The beautiful and intricate not-a-necklace was keeping Fizz from being able to properly cuddle into the other’s side. His hands started trying to work at one of the clasps he knew was in the back.
“Can we take this off please? It’s beautiful to look at, not comfortable to settle next to.” Fizzarolli’s whole body relaxed just a bit more as he felt a hum reverberate through Ozzie’s chest.
“Oh, I see. You need a cuddle.”
Asmodeus obliged when Fizzarolli nodded, finding himself oddly comfortable with the way Fizzarolli curled up against him and settled against his chest. When Fizz let out a content sigh, Asmodeus felt pride.
“I had a really good night, Oz.” Asmodeus placed his hand against Fizzarolli’s back, to keep him close and safe. Fizzarolli’s hand rested against Ozzie’s chest in agreement.
“I’m glad. I had a feeling you and Bee would get along.”
“She’s soooooooo nice and her food was so good. Fuck, Oz. I could cry. It was beautiful. There was so much to choose from.” Asmodeus rubbed Fizzarolli’s back and let the jingly little demon in his lap ramble on. “And she found Buttons! And Patches! Did you know they made this?” Fizzarolli pulled away from Ozzie’s chest to run his hand down the corset.
Asmodeus chuckled. Fuck, he was cute. “I did know.”
Fizzarolli continued. “They live in Gluttony now, they run a shop. Ozzie I have to go there someday, I bet it’s magnificent. Their tents were always filled with the most glittery things. They were so good at mending. They made me my horns! My very first horns. I still have them, but they’re old. Made out of scraps! And-and Wendy. She has a ranch! Out in Wrath! She saw one of my tour shows, I didn’t even know!” Asmodeus continued to rub Fizz’s back. He was adorable. “And Ariel helped me with the silks.”
“Amazing performance, by the way. You never told me you knew how to do that.”
“I didn’t.” Asmodeus’s expression turned to confusion. “When you convinced me to try the acrobatics, I convinced Mammon to put silks in the little top. After hours, Barbie would practice, she’d show me.”
“But tonight was your first time actually doing it?” Lust was amazed.
Fizzarolli shook his head. “Did it once before….hmpf.” Fizz pouted. “I did it once.” He waited for Asmodeus to say something, but he didn’t. Fizz felt compelled to fill the silence. “I know that’s probably pretty reckless, but Bee promised me she wouldn’t let me fall. But I didn’t need her promise, I didn’t fall.”
“It was a very compelling show.” Asmodeus agreed. It had been more than that. He couldn’t have taken his eyes off of Fizzarolli in that moment if he had wanted to.
“Oh you liked my performance, did you?”
Asmodeus smiled. “I did. Very much so.”
“Do you think the silks draped over your bed would hold me? I could try again tonight” Fizzarolli was now sitting more upright than he had been before. One of his hands was wandering up Asmodeus’s chest, Asmodeus stopped the other one before it could reach past his belt buckle.
“I don’t think the bed is rigged for trapezing. Not tonight.” Though Ozzie would make a note to look into that for the future.
Fizzarolli pouted. “We can still have some fun tonight though, right?” Fizz’s hand brushed against Asmodeus’s cheek. His other hand tried once again to get below the Sin’s belt. The sin smiled down at him and shook his head. He placed his hand over Fizz’s gently.
“Not tonight, Fizzy.”
Fizz’s pout was larger than ever. “But why not?”
“How many brownies did you have tonight?” Fizzarolli’s laugh should have been answer enough.
“Fuck if I know.”
“Exactly.” The silence rang loud and Fizz had to accept it. He sighed and curled back up against Asmodeus.
“Can I still stay in your bed?”
How could Asmodeus say no to a face that cute? He was more than happy to keep Fizzarolli close for the night. “Of course.”
The two of them stay seated in comfortable silence for the remainder of their ride. Oz had assumed that Fizzarolli had fallen asleep by the time they’d arrive back at the palace, he happily carried him. Fizzarolli liked the feeling of being carried.
“Hey Oz?” Fizzarolli asked as they reached the elevator. The Sin blinked in surprise and looked down at the other.
“Yeah, Fizz?”
“Why does everyone think I should wear glitter around you?”
Lust was confused. “Who thinks that?”
“Fucking everybody.” Fizzarolli leaned back in Ozzie’s arms so far that Oz was afraid he’d fall. The sin had to reposition the lanky noodle of a clown in his care.
“Specifically around me?” Fizz nodded. Ozzie paused and thought about it. “I thought you wore glitter because you liked it. You like to jingle, you like to shine.”
Fizzarolli giggled. Fuck, that’s cute.
“Do you like to wear glitter, Fizzarolli?”
Fizzarolli had never really thought about it, he had never really considered the choice. He’d had a fair amount of say with his outfits in the circus, but he’d never been completely in control. He’d never worn much of it either, outside of experimenting with some of the other performers on off days.
“I guess I just want to know if it’s me that gives off glittery energy, or if you’re like, known to have a kink for it and I’m just unaware? It’s just….it’s come up multiple times. And then there was the magic glitter tonight and….am I supposed to be in glitter? Do you like me in glitter?”
Fizzarolli loved to hear Asmodeus’s deep laugh with his ear pressed to his chest. Asmodeus took a moment to think.
“I think you shine with or without glitter.” It was faint, but Asmodeus could feel the way Fizz’s energy shifted. He was blushing, wasn’t he? “But-” Ozzie’s hand traced a line along the boning of Fizz’s corset. “It is a nice touch.”
A shiver ran down Fizzarolli’s spine as Asmodeus ran a finger down his torso. He’d never given much thought to his opinion on glitter before. Maybe it would be a topic he would have to revisit. He definitely liked this corset, and he really liked the attention Ozzie was giving him while he was in it.
“Don’t do that when you won’t sleep with me tonight.” Fizz’s hand is in Asmodeus’s face. The Sin chuckled.
“I literally will be! You asked to sleep in my bed tonight.” Asmodeus’s took Fizz’s hand in his own.
Fizzarolli’s tongue is long, and it stuck out halfway to the Sin’s face. “Don’t get literal with me, Duke of Dicktown.”
Ozzie’s expression remained light, his tone always edging on a laugh with Fizzarolli keeping him in good spirits. “Well, I could still help you out of these clothes…..if you’d be so agreeable?”
Fizzarolli’s laughter was the only real answer they needed.
For a second time this week, Fizzarolli had flown higher than he’d ever dreamed possible.
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juveeeen · 7 months
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Roxxie Heartz!
This Is Roxxie Heartz. She is a succubi performer at Ozzie's and the adopted daughter of Asmodeus.
She's an actress in the human world which is how she's able to do her job as a succubi (Kinda like how verosika is a performer in the human world)
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