#fix furnace
askurameshiyusuke · 9 months
Where's a three foot tall spitfire of a troll doll when you need one. It is fucking cold in here.
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plantanarchy · 11 months
truly i am not cut out for house issues my little brain short circuits with anxiety over basic stuff
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exomechanist-chujin · 3 months
it is kinda both a shame / a good think you weren't around to see clover, knowing you, you would probably send apex or some stronger battle robot you may have after clover if you learnt about a human arriving in snowdin, and martlet basically going AWOL. and heading towards the dunes. of course assuming you didn't just call martlet on her phone to see if she is safe. but no offense, you seem to be the type of person to panic a bit too much under those circumstances and jump the gun (with good reason of course, assuming things with the snowdin attacks went the same way as it did for us) speaking of which, i hope you have checked in with dalv btw.
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focsle · 2 years
Every time I look at the Cheap Old Houses instagram I am filled with such delusions….
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I know I said I hate the cold. Look, I knOW.
But it is hotter than Satan's family jewels in here. The AC is out and it's quite literally hell 😅
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daughterofsarenrae · 10 months
Tfw ur house doesnt have heating so u have to dress up in ur renfest chemise & dress & cloak bc its the warmest thing u have
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bunnyb34r · 3 months
Agsgdgdggd the guy I helped make a bale came up to me and was like "hey so I noticed you werent here yesterday... you okay?"
And immediately I went "yeah, making that bale really killed me. Had to take off."
He thought it was absolutely hilarious and I guess he came up to RC later and told her I'm really fast with comebacks like he wasnt expecting that sgdggdgdgd
She was like "yeah she's a snarky little shit. Not at all like yall think she is"
Just bc I'm quiet and polite at work doesn't mean shit man. I'm quiet and polite bc 1.) I have to see you people up to 20 hours a week. 2.)unless you give me a reason to be anything but nice I'll be in my customer service persona and that bitch is polite and QUIET
Also 3.) I'm just fucking quiet unless I'm super comfortable with you, then I don't shut the fuck up
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gonguji · 9 months
I'm having lots of new brainworms lately thinking of verses for kabukimono, as well as figuring out a changed version of the story to serve as a base :3c
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bookpdf · 10 months
worst part about living alone is when you come back from a trip and gotta deal with Tasks after being on a plane for several hours
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barnabybrainrot · 11 months
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aeide-thea · 2 years
usually when nef gets anxious abt weather noises i'm like 'aw bud it's okay!' but actually this time i'm like 'no i'm with you this wind is kinda scary :('
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bizarropurugly · 1 year
my AC can't keep up with the insane humidity and heat index today. despie my best efforts to plug up my door and close off my bathroom it has risen 2 degrees
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plantanarchy · 2 years
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Yeah I hurt my back pretty bad yesterday, have been doing the same grueling repetitive tasks all week, and have been doing all the day to day making sure poinsettias don't die alone but. It's pretty
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fbwzoo · 2 years
Some days I'm like yeah, I have a reasonable number of animals and then some days my mental checklist goes
- feed & medicate dogs
- let dogs outside
- set up new humidifier for animal room
- start putting protective tubing over cords in animal room
- refill water bowls and bottles
- help Jack feed 3 cages of rats, hedgehog, hamster
- let dogs outside again
- remember there's a snake meal in the fridge
- let dogs in to go to bed with Jack
- pause to put snake meal under hot water
- feed cats so they stop following me
- feed snake
- update to do list of cleaning animal room, cleaning cat boxes, & steam cleaning rug from a dog accident to include cleaning bedroom humidifier to get it working again for snake
All just after 7 & around also gathering clean laundry, getting lunch for work tomorrow, refilling my own water, and wondering if I forgot anything.
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haberdashing · 2 years
you know it's shaping up to be a great holiday season when you're like "let me look up stuff about hypothermia, and maybe carbon monoxide poisoning while i'm at it. you know. just in case."
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