#bc our furnace got clogged with fur again
fbwzoo · 2 years
Some days I'm like yeah, I have a reasonable number of animals and then some days my mental checklist goes
- feed & medicate dogs
- let dogs outside
- set up new humidifier for animal room
- start putting protective tubing over cords in animal room
- refill water bowls and bottles
- help Jack feed 3 cages of rats, hedgehog, hamster
- let dogs outside again
- remember there's a snake meal in the fridge
- let dogs in to go to bed with Jack
- pause to put snake meal under hot water
- feed cats so they stop following me
- feed snake
- update to do list of cleaning animal room, cleaning cat boxes, & steam cleaning rug from a dog accident to include cleaning bedroom humidifier to get it working again for snake
All just after 7 & around also gathering clean laundry, getting lunch for work tomorrow, refilling my own water, and wondering if I forgot anything.
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