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We at Pranasleep ® give you a soft mattress for bed that will give a luxurious look and feels for relaxing sleep. Stay connected to opt for the mattress today.
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ipegchangbin · 9 months
— it takes two
sub!jisung x dom!reader x sub!jeongin
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You wonder if Jeongin regrets staying on the extra bed of your hotel room with Jisung. Maybe he feels like your getaway is more of a honeymoon he butt himself into. But it isn’t really third wheeling when he gets to join in on the fun too, right?
🗒️ 4.6k
🏷️ fem!reader (she/her pronouns, afab) smut. fluff. porn, no plot. 
🏷️ threesome. petnames “baby boy” and “noona” (reader’s age is never mentioned). tipsy sex (everyone is conscious enough to consent), unprotected sex, perversion, voyeurism, dacryphilia, jeongin is inexperienced, slight member x member, poly/open relationship themes.
📝 this is especially for the one and only @meivida !!! theyre my ride-or-die till the end, this is all for them ! to my proofreader, my twinnie, my bestest friend, the jisung to my changbin, the jeongin to my bang chan—who said that?? otherwise, enjoy!
18+ only. minors do not interact.
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In his hotel room — and yours, and Jisung’s — there were two beds.
The main king-sized glory belonged to you and Jisung, the inseparable couple, and Jeongin claimed his place on the smaller extra bed. There was no reason to fret over anything.
But for some reason, Jeongin did.
He couldn’t seem to shut his mind off. Jeongin unpacked his things slowly and strategically, claiming his spaces in the cozy cabana-style room. It was supposed to be a simple vacation for the eight boys and their plus ones at the five-star resort, all for your well-deserved rest.
For some reason, he couldn’t relax.
Staring at the ceiling fan above him, he pondered the thought. It wasn’t that he had no plus one, nor that he didn’t have his own room. Those were childish things to complain about, and the cabana was too cozy to whine over.
His roommates, you and Jisung, weren’t exactly the source of his worries either. Sometimes you two would bicker and play around, sure, but it wasn’t annoying enough for Jeongin to feel as bothered as he was.
“Y/N, you know how I sleep. I’m taking this end of the bed!” Jisung whined, plopping a stack of his belongings onto the right side of the mattress.
You simply looked at him, astonished.
Again, Jeongin thought as he placed his train of thought back on its tracks; neither of you was exactly the problem. Jisung was his ride-or-die, his best friend for life. They showered butt-naked together multiple times. You weren’t the problem either; you had grown incredibly close with Jeongin to the point where you oftentimes stayed up to drink and plot against common enemies. Closeness wasn’t an issue with either of you; as a couple, he would willingly third-wheel anytime.
What if I’m intruding? What if I’m in the middle of something? What if they had their plans, he thought. He tried his best to wrap his head around the reasons behind feeling this uncomfortable, but nothing seemed to work. He cocked his head to the side, facing you and Jisung’s bed. It’s entertaining to watch you guys argue, but maybe sleeping is too awkward to interfere with. Was it too intimate of an activity? He had no idea, and, frankly, he didn’t think that was the issue.
“Oh, so you can’t even say please?”
You crossed your arms at Jisung, your gaze piercing through the poor boy. He shivered, and his eyes started darting everywhere but your face. You squinted at him, causing your boyfriend to finally freeze and respond.
“P-please? May I please take this side?” Jisung begged. “I-I’ll do…anything…”
The beats of silence that followed were nothing short of intense. Jeongin expected the awkward air to amplify, but it didn’t — instead, he caught himself zoning in on the scene, paying close attention to the both of you.
Your commanding glare softened a little. You almost chuckled at how pathetic Jisung looked, breaking into a nervous sweat, and it didn’t help that you smirked sweetly. Your hand trailed up from his tensed bicep up to his shoulder, his neck, and then his full and soft cheek. Caressing his skin with your thumb, you soothed your nervous wreck of a boyfriend, feeling his skin vibrate from your touch alone.
Jeongin couldn’t peel his eyes away from your movements. The both of you acted as if he wasn’t there; maybe you both thought that he had fallen asleep. Instead of counting sheep, he was counting the beats of the sequence, fully allured by you, and he didn’t understand why. It was as if he would have missed something if he blinked once.
He almost forgot to breathe.
“You’ll do anything for me?”
Jisung’s breath hitched, reminding Jeongin to exhale. “Yes, anything.”
He murmured something after. In a hush under his breath, Jeongin caught what he whispered.
“Anything for you, noona.”
Before Jeongin could even process the thought, you whispered something that he couldn’t quite make out, especially from his skewed, sideways view from the other end of the room. You both smiled, though: you smiled slyly as if you won the lottery, and Jisung smiled like he was obsessed.
Although he was more intrigued to know what you exchanged, you both walked away with your hands held together, making him shut his eyes and curl his head into the pillow to appear asleep.
“Yo, Innie, we’re just gonna grab a few drinks,” Jisung announced. “We’ll be—oh, look, he’s asleep.”
You both turned your heels and opened the door, leaving Jeongin alone and in awe.
Once he knew that you both walked far away enough, he attempted to sit up, only to feel an ache between his legs.
Well, fuck, he got hard, and he didn’t realize how long he had this hard-on.
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Naturally, he ran to the bathroom and tried to take care of it himself. Unnaturally, though, nothing seemed to work.
Minutes ago, Jeongin desperately pulled his shorts down and took his aching cock in his hand. Pumping it slowly, he attempted to relieve himself, humming lowly at the sensations it gave him. He knew that he had to get off before you and Jisung came back.
But he couldn’t.
His cock stayed hard, almost as if it didn’t want to release. He picked up his pace, his long and pretty fingers making their way up to the aching red tip, palming it sometimes, only to slam down to his sturdy and thick base. Jeongin even teased his balls, cupping them slightly before stroking his above-average length. His panting turned into moaning, and when he realized that he wasn’t even close to leaking, he started whining.
“Fuck, why can’t I…” Jeongin started to desperately thrust his hips into his hand, leaning his back against the cool tiles of the bathroom wall. He met eyes with his reflection in the big mirror in front of him.
Embarrassed at the look of his desperation, he tried to cum with the thought of it. Jeongin hated the thought of being watched right now or being walked right into. You and Jisung could come home drunk, but that doesn’t mean he wouldn’t be embarrassed. You could come home anytime. He had every reason to worry, and he did, and it made him hornier — but he couldn’t quite cum yet.
He’s insanely comfortable with both of you, but to be caught masturbating by his best friend and his best friend’s girlfriend feels leagues worse.
But maybe they both noticed how hard he had been since earlier. He was able to notice the tent under the comforter earlier, so what more is there with either of you? Jeongin started blushing in embarrassment, his ears turning red and the apples of his cheeks flushing shades of warm pink. He sniffled his nose at the warmth of the blood rushing through his veins.
The thoughts couldn’t stop running. Maybe you didn’t notice, though, since you and Jisung were so zoned in on each other earlier. He couldn’t forget the sultry look in your eyes, sending Jisung into a state of panic that Jeongin’s rarely seen before. He never saw his best friend seem so…small. He faltered under your touch so easily, the silly and tough guy persona leaving him for just a single moment. Jeongin remembered how he couldn’t breathe while watching you, his eyes eagerly following your pretty fingers as they danced their way across Jisung’s skin. You put your boyfriend in a trance, but Jeongin was caught in it too.
He wondered if you knew it. He wondered if he missed the way you both glanced at him and smiled.
This is wrong, Jeongin thought. This is wrong, he repeated in his head. “This is fucking wrong!” Jeongin said aloud, panicking yet still pumping his cock at an even faster pace.
He shut his eyes at the overwhelming sensations. It felt like he was being overstimulated despite not cumming yet — except he was; he was finally close to releasing, even leaking solid amounts of precum on the shower tile. He whimpered a string of curses under his breath, letting pathetic whines echo through the shower and the entire bathroom. He was beyond desperate, not caring for how he looked. He pulled his shirt up and bit the bunched fabric, drowning out his noises as the cold air hit his nipples. Jeongin could only focus on the rushes of ecstasy, the pleasure in the pain, the growing release, reaching the point of cumming, until he finally—
“Bro? Innie? You in there?”
Upon hearing the hurried knocks on the door, he pulled his shorts up and fixed himself. He didn’t cum. Instead, he took two breaths to compose himself and respond.
“Yeah! In the bathroom!”
“Oh okay. We’re gonna head to bed. Good night,  Yennie!” You greeted, pushing your slightly off-balanced Jisung onto the right side of the bed.
Jeongin slid his shorts down, not to continue but to stare at his red cock.
He tried to tap the side of it just to let it spill the pent-up cum that he failed to release.
Nothing happened. It remained hard and aching, but he couldn’t cum as if he’d gone back to square one.
Jeongin whispered through clenched teeth, “How am I supposed to sleep now?”
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His walk back was fast yet laughable. He was glad that neither of you saw it since he awkwardly shuffled in his steps, practically jumping into his bed when he reached it.
Trying to hide his erection was one thing he could do, but sleeping with an angry dick felt like hell on earth for him.
He shut his eyes and tried to sleep. Unfortunately for him, the more he dozed off, the worse the pain got.
Jeongin tried to breathe deeply just to ease the ache in his cock, shifting positions so that he could feel more free under the covers. As it happened earlier, nothing worked, and he only felt more stuffy.
He hummed a lullaby in his head. He furrowed his eyebrows, looking like a troubled fox that hadn’t known sleep. He sniffled like one too; his nose still flushed a reddish pink.
Giving up slightly, he carefully and slowly slid his hand down his shorts. His fingers reached his cock, and he had to bite a hiss back. It felt swollen even if it grew to its maximum size, and every single touch felt like fire coursing through his skin. Jeongin took his time to touch himself.
Just like you took your time to touch Jisung.
For some reason, his brain seemed to always want to circle back to the scene. You two had already dozed off, the alcohol in your systems wearing away in your sleep; Jeongin was the restless one about it. He was fixated on your deliberate movements, thinking about how your fingertips must’ve felt warm and ticklish for Jisung. He also couldn’t believe how easily compliant his best friend became. It was a side to him that was new yet interesting, one that Jeongin never knew he wanted to both see and feel for himself.
And why did he enjoy seeing that side of him?
He didn’t know if he wanted to be you or if he wanted to be Jisung, but fuck, he couldn’t help but replay the scene in his mind. It was everything he wanted: the intimate yet powerful touches, the gazes, the closeness, and the shamelessness.
All of it was so wrong.
Jeongin dug his head further into the plush fabric of his pillow. He was under stress yet pleasure, pain yet delectation. He teased his cock and the inner points of his thighs, strolling his fingers down to tease his ass and sliding back up to the overly sensitive tip.
And then he heard a kiss.
His ears perked up at the noise, prompting him to pause. He didn’t fully stop, hoping that his mind was playing tricks on him. He couldn’t look back at your end of the room, instead facing the closed curtains in front of him.
See? You’re already hallucinating and hearing things, he thought to himself.
And then he heard another kiss. And then another.
The smooching was slow and steady; it wasn’t obnoxious in sound, it wasn’t too wet, it didn’t sound forced. They weren’t too calculated but they sounded as warm as love would’ve felt. Passion burned through Jeongin’s nerves with each kiss of the lips. It was so quiet yet it thumped so loud in his ears, ringing throughout his system and echoing through his brain with the strongest reverb. His cock twitched from under the sheets, moving on its own.
Jeongin took the remaining courage he had and turned his head to face you. The ruffling and shuffling of the fabric made the kissing pause for a few solid seconds.
He opened his eyes slightly and, as expected, saw your body sprawled over Jisung’s, angled in such a way that it looked like natural sleep — except that your lips were attached to his.
The moment you both thought that Jeongin had fallen back to sleep, you picked up the pace. Soon enough, Jisung swiped his tongue across your mouth. His neediness was apparent with the way he persistently dug his face closer to yours, but you had the reigns. You took control with your slight bites and nibbles. At that point, you were straddling his hips, grinding ever so slightly on Jisung.
Jeongin could barely see anything but he could hear it.
Soon enough, Jisung pulled your body up and closer to his. He quietly insisted on making you drop your full weight on him. You kissed him passionately until you didn’t, your mouth left with his drool all over it. Licking it up, you started kissing outside his mouth, the perimeters of his lips, the outline of his jaw, the peaks of his cheeks, all the way up to his temples, and down to his neck.
He instinctively jutted his hips upwards, grinding on you from underneath. An apology nearly rolled off his tongue when you caught it, pecking the tip of his tongue and lightly sucking on his bottom lip after. That was when you did the same, fully rolling your hips onto his, making you moan into each other’s mouths.
At this point, Jeongin had shifted his body to the other side to watch. Neither of you seemed to notice — nor care, or so it seemed — which was his go signal to watch with half-opened eyes.
Like earlier, his eyes followed everything. From your hands making their way down to Jisung’s tiny waist, to Jisung himself cupping your breasts ever so softly: the boy watched it all in awe.
Nothing was helping Jeongin’s erection at all.
He started tearing up at the nearly unbearable ache. He needed release but he couldn’t have it even in embarrassing ways. Even then, he simply couldn’t stop watching as you pulled Jisung up. He pulled your shirt over your head as you threw his shirt aside as well. He helped you out of your shorts as you did on him, every single action needy and desperate yet equally as full of love. They seemed to only burn with the risk, whispering things Jeongin couldn’t understand onto each other’s skin. Maybe you were telling him to go slower, maybe he was telling you to be quieter. Maybe you both didn’t care and were teasing each other for it.
Maybe you were plotting. Nevertheless, the poor boy found himself subconsciously rutting on the pillow between his legs.
You positioned yourself between Jisung’s legs, his bare and firm length awaiting your warmth from beneath — finally being met with the plush walls of your pussy. You kissed him hungrily this time and Jisung responded with a shamelessly loud kiss back.
Like a fox, Jeongin could be prey. He salivated at the sight, something he saw in real life for the first time even if he shouldn’t have seen anything.
He straddled the pillow more harshly, wrapping his legs around it underneath the sheets. His lips twitched as he tried his absolute hardest not to moan. He wanted to match your pace with Jisung, but he couldn’t, he shouldn’t.
You could notice him anytime.
And you did.
“Innie,” Jisung spoke up, pulling away from the kiss with a dumb smile. He turned his head to face Jeongin. “Noona’s asking if you wanna come and join.”
You ruffled Jisung’s hair and kissed his head. “Good boy, told your friend as I asked you to.”
Jeongin couldn’t believe anything. A few silent breaths escaped his system.
He was caught. You laughed at his face in the middle of your kisses. You knew, Jisung knew, and Jeongin was the last to realize.
He simply fell silent and the dead air thickened as milliseconds turned into seconds. A minute almost ticked by, causing everything to break. Suddenly, this probably wasn’t a good idea for anybody. You and Jisung grew slightly nervous.
If only you knew how much Jeongin wanted to say yes.
“If you don’t…I-I’m sorry. We don’t…we didn’t mean to invade. Promise. Just forget it if you don’t want to, we’ll take care of ourselves privately…”
Jisung started holding you tighter. You calmed him with soothing circles on the nape of his neck, assuring him to wait for Jeongin. His best friend couldn’t reply. He was too stunned, making you feel guilty for suggesting the sudden invitation in your tipsy thoughts.
“I know we drank, but I promise we’re fine. We’re so sorry it’s so sudden. If you’re uncomfortable—”
“Yes, i-if it’s okay, may I join?”
You and Jisung widened your eyes at Jeongin. The boy was probably also only half-aware of what he was saying but you knew that he meant it.
“I should…be the one saying sorry.” Jeongin sat up from his bed, not minding his erection in full view. he did not need to be embarrassed at this point. “Not gonna lie, I-I’ve been watching you two since earlier.”
It wasn’t jealousy. He didn’t feel jealous that his best friend was getting it on, nor did he envy that you were fucking his best friend right in front of him. It was longing; longing for whether he wanted to be either of you or to be the prey caught right in between.
“I just…w-wanted to be a part…of it…” Jeongin could feel a lump in his throat. His eyes got watery from half-shameless embarrassment and the pain in his cock.
“Well then, what are you waiting for?” You smiled gently and tapped the small space left on the bed. “Come join us, baby.”
Jeongin practically threw his comforter away to stand up. You giggled and the sensation of your body moving against Jisung made him whimper.
While waiting for Jeongin to settle, you turned to face Jisung, your wonderful boyfriend. You cupped his face with gentle hands and watched him smile, soft cheeks filling your palms.
He was excited. He’d been craving a threesome for a long while and he knew that you liked Jeongin enough for it.
You pecked his lips and rolled your hips back, allowing him to fill more of your cunt until he bottomed out. “You’re my good boy. This is your treat.”
“Mhmm, always gonna be noona’s good boy.” Jisung bit his lower lip with a shy smile. “Noona’s baby w-will be good all the time so we can always have this.”
You had to laugh. “Did you hear that, Innie? He wants to have this all the time.”
As you turned, though, you were greeted with the sight of a salivating boy, eyes trained on your pussy as his hand sat still at the base of his cock.
“Need help there?” you suggested, placing your hand around his.
With gentle tugs and feathery touches, you guided his hand up to the tip of his aching dick. You slotted your fingers between his and played with his smooth flesh. He had never had anything like this before and he was too shocked to move without you.
Too dumb to know how to use what’s his.
“A-ah, fuck, n-noona…” Jeongin’s hips jutted forward by instinct. Jisung mirrored the action, pressing his cock deep into your walls.
It wasn’t intentional but it was expected; you’re dealing with two needy guys after all.
“Good boy, you know what to call me already.” Your hand slid down his cock in the same way you moved your hips along your boyfriend’s cock. “You’ve been listening intently, huh?”
You squeezed Jeongin’s cock at his shaft. “Like a pervert?”
“N-no—” you squeezed harder. “Fuck! Yes, yes, I’ve been a pervert!”
You laughed and let go of him, only to slap him right where you left his touch. You clenched your cunt tightly around Jisung at the same time — the two boys moaned and writhed at the same time.
“I’ve been watching since earlier! I’m sorry, noona! M—fuck!” He was on the brink of tears. Precum leaked out of him again but he still couldn’t bring himself to release.
Smack. Smack. Smack. With each hit, he would cry harder. His chest heaved and the tears finally spilled at the fifth turn. Your boyfriend wasn’t suffering any less, though: his hands clung to your hips and tightened with every slap. He flinched even if he wasn’t at the receiving end of pain — or maybe he was since you couldn’t stop clenching and thrusting abruptly too. He started shaking, moaning in higher and higher pitches, the flinches turning into full-body writhing as he mumbled random things that only you understood.
He was close. You pressed down on Jisung’s chest as your thumb covered the hole in Jeongin’s cock, teasing him. Your boyfriend immediately came inside you and allowed all his cum to gush out in the smallest, prettiest series of thrusts.
Jeongin wished to cum that way, but you were literally blocking him.
He didn’t dare let go of you, though, and his shaky hands never left your hips and back. Instead, Jisung opted to stay still inside you. He brought his upper body closer to yours, whispering into the crook of your neck. Jeongin couldn’t hear it through his sniffling but was glad to hear you parrot it back.
“My good baby here said that you should treat noona well. Only then can you cum.”
Jisung hid his face in your skin but only popped his eyes out to watch his best friend. “Sorry, Innie. Please fuck noona well.”
Jeongin couldn’t believe that he had to fuck his best friend’s girlfriend with his cum inside her. Moreover, he couldn’t believe how much it turned him on even more.
“Think you can do it?” You asked with a smirk.
“Y-yes, noona.”
Not even one beat passed and Jisung propped you off of him, guiding you down on the bed. He gave Jeongin a pat on the back of his shoulder, a gesture he’d always done before.
Jisung kissed his cheek too before latching his lips onto your bare nipples for comfort.
Jisung sucked at your supple and plump skin while Jeongin positioned himself in between your pussy’s reddening lips. Even its exterior felt all sorts of soft to him, far from the quality of a silicone fleshlight. Despite this, he still knew that you would treat him like a stupid little fucktoy.
And you did.
You simply pushed Jeongin by his waist down onto your body. Suddenly his tip made its way inside, forced in with an overwhelming amount of ecstasy that Jeongin couldn’t take anymore. He still held back from cumming, breathing deeply and rapidly in a failed attempt to calm himself. He continued to cry as he sank himself further inside you, feeling the mixture of your smooth wetness and Jisung’s thick and creamy cum. It didn’t help that you were moaning so deliciously, roaming your hands around his waist, and Jisung was giggling and smiling contently while playing with your boobs.
It was all too much for Jeongin but he kept going. Your hand squeezes earlier were nothing compared to the grip of your cunt. Nevertheless, he did his best to pull back and push down to fill you up to your limit. He made sure to make you moan as soon as he found your sweet spot — he’s glad that Jisung pressed down on your skin.
“Noona, noona, fuck, god fuck…”
“She’s amazing right?” Your boyfriend smiled until his gums showed and his eyes crinkled.
“I better be,” you teased back.
He laughed in response, licking a heart shape on your nipple with his tongue. “Mhmm. I love my noona.”
“And I love my baby boy.” You signaled him with a finger to turn him around. Jisung showed you his ass and you tapped his round cheek, hitting the mole that cutely reflected his face mole. Before he knew it, you sank two fingers inside his ass.
“I’ll make you cum again, pretty boy. Show me how much you can cum with that pathetic little cunt of yours.” The words echoed through Jisung’s emptying head as he grew more and more in need. You knew that it wouldn’t be long before he was close anyway since his legs were closing and his ass seemed to clench nonstop.
“And Innie baby, please, show me how good you can make me cum.”
At this point, Jeongin truly only felt like he was good for cumming and making you cum. He mindlessly picked up his pace on your cunt, shocking you with how mind-numbingly fast he went. He grew completely desperate the more that he went, pressing every inch of your skin and moaning your name over and over. He was pathetic yet focused.
Jisung came, ass clenching around your fingers, but he couldn’t peel his gaze off the action.
He needed to cum as much as you did. He could feel your walls fluttering around him and your voice seemed to falter slightly as his thrusts became deeper and harder. You didn’t even need to command him. Your boyfriend seemed to help the both of you too, playing with your clit with one hand whilst he praised his best friend endlessly.
“Innie,” you huffed, “Inside. please.”
Jeongin blinked hard, not holding back on his whines, screaming when he finally released inside you.
His cum gushed out with load after load after load. It seemed as if he couldn’t stop, and he never could bring himself to pull out. He simply collapsed on your side, his thick cock still sunken deep inside you. You came at the same time, moaning his sweet little nickname while you felt yourself gush your essence along with his release. Jisung watched the white, creamy cum leak out of you before bringing a finger to it just to taste it.
You all tasted fucking good.
“Oh shit. I’m dizzy.” Jisung plopped his head next to yours and clung to your other side.
Your boyfriend mumbled something about the soju being rough on him before he sleepily told you that he loved you. Jeongin thought that he would be knocked out solidly after, but felt whiplash as soon as Jisung kissed his cheek again and told him the same.
“Love you both. Thank you so, so, so…”
He instantly fell asleep, his face squished next to your cheek.
You laughed lowly and turned slightly toward Jeongin. You held his face with your free hand and stroked his chin. His eyes smiled along with his dimpled cheeks in pure contentment.
“Smile more, baby. Your dimples are cute.”
He blushed hard in response. “Thank you, noona. R-really. Thank you for tonight.”
“Anytime.” You kissed his forehead and then his nose. “I love you, Innie.”
The boy melted at your words with a pretty, full-toothed grin. “I love you too, noona.”
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taglist: @toastyseungmo @hobihearteu @biddes-enthusiast @snow-pegasus @subby-kpop @myrandomthoughtsandhobbies @eggielix @turnipfizzle @hanniecheesecake @chrisbahng @laylasbunbunny @ppiri-bahng @he-they-heathen @chriscentric @svintsandghosts @starryoong @bbyquokka @suengmi @fun-fanfics
this was done for mei’s day, i’m glad you enjoyed again twinnie <3 i owe it to them for being my number one, and for getting me into skz and this horny ass fandom ^^ check my bff meivida out! WISH THEM A HAPPY 20TH!!!
thank you for reading ! consider reblogging and leaving feedback if you loved my work 💗 artwork and writing © ipegchangbin. no reposts and translations.
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deadsetobsessions · 3 months
The Wayne foundation was a giant in the corporate world. What made it impressive was that their company was based in Gotham where, despite or perhaps in spite of the frequent rogue attacks and general hostile environment, the Waynes managed to run a tight and efficient ship. Their operations run extremely smoothly.
However, that was not to say there were no mistakes. There were. Wayne Enterprises usually had enough-more than enough- budget to cover such mistakes.
The employees, after all, were humans (though their new CEO, Timothy Drake, might have been a vampire considering how pale he was) and were prone to make mistakes.
Thus, due to the nature of human mistakes, the visiting senior class of Amity Park’s Casper High found themselves in a rather baffling situation.
“Well, we can’t say there’s not enough beds.” Their chaperone-teacher, Mr. Lancer rubbed the back of his bald head.
Before them laid not ten, not twenty, but fifty five twin beds arranged in neat rows in Gotham Academy’s auditorium.
“What is this, the military?” Their other chaperone-teacher, Mr. Falluca, grumbled.
“It’s not like we haven’t slept in worse places.” Sam grimaced. The class collective shuddered as they remembered the junior camping trip from hell.
“Ugh, my hair is going to get frizzy if we sleep here.” Paulina muttered.
“I thought we were getting called here for cheer or something.” Star frowned. Her boyfriend of four years, Kwan, slung an arm around her shoulders and pulled her closer to comfort her.
The doors open as a harried Wayne Industries employee ran in.
“I am so, so sorry! This isn’t where we were supposed to have you stay but WE mistook the donation request and sent in beds instead of paying for hotel rooms!” They blurted out, looking panicked. “Your hosting class - we’ll have you meet them outside, maybe?”
“It’s fine, right guys?” Danny spoke up, arms crossed. Tucker hummed at his side, tapping quickly at his
“Yeah, whatever Fentina says,” Dash grumbled. After the reveal of Danny’s identity as Phantom, his hostility and bullying died a quick death. Though, Dash kept the nicknames as they were a hard habit to kick and there weren’t any malicious intent behind it. In fact, Dash quickly became one of Danny’s biggest supporters, hidden behind scowls and general posturing.
“We could just meet in here. Get rid of the bedframes and just have a giant sleepover while you guys get everything sorted out.” Valerie volunteered.
“That’s a great idea!”
The class, coordinated from years of ghost attacks, quickly assembled the giant floor mattress. Gotham Academy’s senior class filed in ten minutes later, gaping at the giant floor mattress(es) before whooping and joining Casper High’s seniors in tumbling around.
Danny threw an empty plastic water bottle at Kwan’s head.
“Hey! No PDA on the giant mattress!”
“Yeah, get that love shit out of here!” Someone else hollered.
“There might technically be only one bed, now, but it’s still multiple mattresses!” Stephanie Brown, one of Gotham Academy’s seniors heckled.
“Hey, Danny, it’s your turn for truth or dare!” Tim said.
“Truth.” Danny returned.
“C’mon Fenturd, too chicken to do dare?”
“Danny, that’s so boring,” Sam smirked.
Danny scowled. “Hey, whose side are you on?”
Sam and Tucker grinned and said in unison, “The winning side, duh.”
Tim cut in. “So, what’s the worst thing that’s happened to you?”
Danny groaned. “Camping trip, no contest.”
“Camping trip?”
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nyanggk · 11 months
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PAIRING idol park sunghoon x mental care captain reader
SYNOPSIS as a member of a famous kpop boy group, park sunghoon is at the age where his harmones are at their peak. in a fit to calm and satisfy these urges, the company deems you, the head of enhypen's mental care team, as completely capable of soothing him without developing feelings. well, that was the plan.
GENRE(S) smut, mutual pining
WARNING brat!sunghoon, some dialogues/words can be really rude or insulting, sexual content; loss of virginity, dom-sub dynamics (sub!sunghoon x dom!reader), hand job, unprotected vanilla sex.
if you are sensitive to any of these topics, please refrain from reading as I will not entertain any asks that contain your inability when it comes to reading warnings and having common sense.
WC 3k+
NOTE sorry I've been reading too much gojo satoru au's iykyk
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you've been working at hybe for quite some time now. soon, after working for a solid year, you were promotwd as the head of enhypen's mental care team that supports and helps deal with the artists' health. having worked in the same company as the famous kpop star park sunghoon for months now as his mental care person, meant that you were familiar with him in every way.
your job is to offer a listening ear to them and provide a rational solution to their problems, one that'd be possible to do as an idol.
many idols have expressed a variety of their concerns and their worries, varying from lack of self esteem to feeling mentally drained— all of which, you were able to provide a solve. so, when enhypen's park sunghoon peeked his head past the entrance of your office door and told you that lately, he feels as if he's sexually frustrated and doesn't know what to do or who to approach but you, you weren't all too surprised.
it's common for adult artists like him who grew up in the spotlight to feel this way. they rarely had the time to explore their sexual fantasies and date when they were teens. the company had a protocol for these types of problems— if the artist comes and tells you about these types of concern, you would bring it to the higher ups and usually, they'd deal with it. but you're only left to rethink that protocol as you sit on the soft mattress inside the vip room that the company had booked for the two of you. the reason? you were to take park sunghoon's virginity.
the room is at the 107th floor of south korea's most well-known five star hotel and only low flying choppers would be able to see through the huge floor-to-ceiling windows of your hotel room. it provided you the great view of the horizon with seouls busy night life at the bottom. the shower trickling in the background serving as music while you wait anxiously for sunghoon to finish up.
you don't realise when he finishes, but eventually he does and his calling voice pulls you from your thoughts. "noona?"
you were about to reply, however, as you turn to the direction of his voice, you're stunned to see him standing there shirtless, only a towel wrapped around his torso, covering the nether side of his body. his pecks are prominent and so are his abs. the gleam of the low lighting provide shadows that seem to accentuate sunghoon's abs more. not to mention the fact that he's smirking at you now, watching as your eyes ran down his body. "y-yeah?"
oh, there's one thing you forgot to mention; park "spawn of the devil" sunghoon is— for the lack of better word, a fucking asshole.
"uhm, are we gonna start or...?" he scratches his head, but the pout he unconsciously makes while he pretends to think is so close to adorable, you almost want to punch his face. "you know, they did tell you to teach me, right? come on, noona, I'm not gonna cum by myself. it's the least you can do if you're not going to teach me. there's no pressure if you don't wanna though. I'm good at everything, probably even sex."
you're not even shocked by the nature of his voice anymore. sunghoon has always been like this. his mouth has no filter when the camera is off. he's just a two-faced little bitch that acts all cool and poise in front of his fans. only you know the real him. the most annoying, irritating, and infuriating sides of him? you've seen them all.
chuckling in disbelief at how you've managed to get yourself into this situation, you cross your arms over your chest, comment, "you know, this has got to be the most fucked up thing I've done since being employed."
of course, sunghoon isn't fazed at all by your insults and the fucker even has the audacity to laugh. "don't worry, noona. i think it's a bit weird too." he admits. "why you of all people?"
"but you know," he quirks, smilling at you deviously. "i'll let it slide if you give me a good time."
this fucking virgin—
you swear, only a few words more and your hand and his cheek are going to collide with each other. this man has the audacity to order you around when he's the one asking for a favour.
it's settled, you're going to make park sunghoon cry, and he's going to look so ruined you're going to make sure that by the end of it, sunghoon's face will be covered with pretty tears streaming down his face, skin beat red from exhaustion, from the heat of your bodies, and with snot running across the top of his lips. a pretty portrait of your victory. that'll make this all worth it.
sunghoon doesn't say a thing when your mood changes, an evil and plotting smirk coating your lips, he only looks at you with watchful eyes.
pushing him onto the bed, sunghoon puffs out a huff upon impact and looks at you with menacing eyes. you'll be caught dead if you admit the fact that he actually looks hot.
not even daring to take your eyes away from him, you grip on the hem of your shirt before taking it off in one go. you almost laugh when you hear sunghoon gasp but luckily, you managed to carch yourself— if he hears you, it's going to be another round of his foolish antics to try and save himself from embarrassment.
without a word, you climb up his lap, ghosting your lips on top of his. "you're not the boss tonight, you hear me?" you ask, raising a brow. "you do whatever i say because you're the inexperienced prick who needs my advice."
as if in a trance, sunghoon nods. "for a virgin, you're fucking cocky, you know that? you're so annoying and you're so egotistic i just want to rip that smirk off your face everytime you say shit."
"for a loser like you, you sure talk a lot about how good you’ll be in bed." you spit out and you look do mean and angry that the boy just can't help but submit.
sunghoon almost chokes on a moan when you suddenly grip his hair, continuing your verbal torment on him ans effectively bringing his attention back on you. "you talk like that to other people at work? hm?"
gulping, he answers. but his voice betrays him. "n-no."
sunghoon thought he could stay composed, you're the person he's been picking on for so long after all. it'd be so embarassing if he makes it painfully obvious how much your words affect him but one grind of your hips against his boner turns him to mush and suddenly, all his secret intentions are revealed.
"i'm gonna have so much fun with you."
his long awaited first kiss is stolen by you and despite wanting to rile you up more and cover up his desire, he can't, as the moment your lips touch, sunghoon is diving into you without a second thought.
perhaps you were mistaken. is this the same sunghoon or was he replaced a few moments ago? where'd the cockiness go? you're not complaining but your definitely going to tease him about it.
petting his hair down, you coo in mockery. "the park sunghoon is asking for more? are you getting all needy for me, sunghoon?"
"fuck you." tease him and he'll spit out insults at you— not that you ever found them offensive though because no matter how hard sunghoon tries to hide it, you already found out his secret. it's true; he's a fucking loser— a virgin at that, who can't control his body when he knows he's going to get pussy.
"are you trynna play hard to get right now?" you chuckle. "being a brat won't get you anywhere, sunghoon. all that talk? it's only going to get you blue balls and punishments."
you don't give him the chance to talk back with lies as you mold your lips together harder, fiercer, with your tongue caressing the sharpness of his teeth. sunghoon doesn't hesitate letting you inside, even offering you a delicate moan. his eyes are half open in bliss and his cheeks are ten times hotter than how they were before. out of pure want, you pinch his ears, smilling into the kiss when you feel the hotness of his body spread even there.
pulling away, sunghoon chases your lips, but can only whine childishly when you duck past his jaw, likely because he wants to keep on kissing you.
what a wimp.
his whines of disapproval gets cut off by himself when you lick a bold stripe down from his collarbone all the way up to his jaw, kissing and sucking on the skin. you take it a step further by spreading your thighs further apart and digging your clothed pussy onto his bulge, making sunghoon scream.
"ah! noona...!" sunghoon whines with head thrown back, allowing you to cover more of his skin with your kisses. eventhough his head faces the ceiling, his eyes are miraculously still focused on you no matter what.
you continue grinding into his pants and each thrust has sunghoon panting with need, falling into the pool of pleasure you've created. he raises his hips up to meet yours, wanting to feel your heat better but the stupid fabric of your pants are preventing him from doing so.
"is it good, hoon?" you're getting cocky and you're all too aware that at this point, you're using sunghoon to satisfy your own needs. it's not about teaching him anymore. it's about getting your revenge and whatever it is you want from him.
though, sunghoon doesn't seem to mind.
"yeah..." he trails off, chest heaving. "it's so fucking good."
clicking your tongue, you raise your hips only to dig them ruthlessly onto his pants, earning a scream-like groan from him.
"you know, sunghoon—"
"call me hoon." he says, butting in.
you roll your eyes before continuing. "you know, sunghoon. i really don't appreciate the way you talk to me."
"you're. so. ungrateful." with each word, you rub yourself on him harder than before.
and his mind spins. sunghoon's body is on fire and if he was any more conscious, he would know that yours is too. you're just as affected by your actions as he is— but he doesn't need to know that.
sunghoon chuckles. "you like it though."
damn it, you spoke too soon. the two-faced bastard fooled you into thinking that he's gone dumb with pleasure— which is partially true in sunghoon's opinion.
irritated, you push him down the bed, his back hitting the mattress. "shut it."
"why?" he asks, the teasing smile on his lips never leaving. "come on, admit it. you like it when i talk like this. you love my mouth."
huffing, you unbotton your pants, taking them off hurriedly along with your underwear in one go. "really? we'll have to try it out next time then, don't we?"
"definitely." he answers before lifting his hips up to help you take his towel off.
there lays sunghoon's dick pretty and erect— you'll never tell him that though, his ego is just going to sky rocket if he finds out you like the way his dick looks, how you can tell just from looking at him that he's heavy and that his dick is thick enough to the point where your thumb and index finger won't meet if you wrap them around him.
"not bad, park." you comment, taking his dick in your hands and pumping it. you press the palm of your hand on his head and sunghoon starts moaning like crazy, body suddenly jolting as bolts of pleasure evade his senses. he tries his hardest to rub the whole of his tip on your hand but he only gets to do so much when you're restricting him by sitting on his lap.
"come on, yn." he moans, eyes begging you to give him more. "i know you think I'm pretty. you don't have to deny it. i know you."
ignoring his latter statement, you commnent on his lack of respect for you instead. "dropping the honorifics now, are we? finally, you're showing your true colors, park."
"i don't think so though. I've been showing you who i am this whole time."
you agree. "that's true."
it's addicting— he's addicting, and you're greedy enough to want to hear him louder, you want him heaving and his voice straining by the end of it. his dick is now coated with his own essence and it quenches the more you rub it. sunghoon is beyond into the pleasure now as his dick just can't stop pouring out precum. his dick is as pretty as it's owner— and so is his voice. the way sunghoon moans and groans put you in an unwanted frenzy.
for a second, you lose your control and let out an amused smile, giving his tip a hard tap. "cute."
shit. the compliment slipped out of nowhere before you could even catch it.
already knowing how sunghoon is going to react, "shut up." you say, trying to avoid looking at his face but at the roof of your eye, you can see the shit-eating grin sunghoon has on his face.
having sex with sunghoon puts him in such a different light. his cockiness and remarks almost seem attractive. the way his chest rises and falls all the while he teases you for complimenting him. if you two were where you were before, you'd be rolling your eyes at him, not wanting to fuck him more.
lining his tip with your pussy, you look at sunghoon and decide that though he's an asshole, you aren't going to be one by just sticking his dick in and using it how you like it. it's his first time not yours. if he was any kinder, you'd actually be careful and soothe him into everything.
but you know sunghoon. he's a big boy. he can take a little roughness. in fact, you're sure that this is what he prefers; he wants to play. he wants to have fun and he's content with this because deep inside, he knows you care.
"so," you prep, running his swollen tip along the valley of your vagina, collecting your juice on the way. "you ready to lose your virginity, pretty boy?"
sunghoon closes his eyes as if he's in pain and you lean forward to caress his arms in concern, thinking that something was wrong when you see him gripping the sheets fiercely. "fuck yes! hurry!"
rolling your eyes at his theatrics, you pinch his arms and he flinches in pain. he smiles with that charming heart throb boyish grin of his— the one that makes your heart flutter.
bitting his lip to contain his giggles, he clarifies. "i'm serious! put it in, please, noona."
you shake your head but comply to his request nonetheless. this boy... what're you doing to me?
as soon as sunghoon's tip gets enveloped inside your walls, sunghoon's mouth hangs open, eyes rolling back just like his head. his brows crash together and you can't seem to take your eyes away from the pure ecstasy painted across his pretty face. never have you seen such a perfect face like his and now, it's become even prettier with the continuous whining for more leaving his mouth.
"s-shit!" he screams and you can see the veins on his neck appear.
realising he's probably experiencing an overwhelming amount of pleasure right now, you lean forward with your chest pressed softly on top of his. your forarm is placed beside sunghoon's head in order to hold yourself up while the other is holding his dick steady as you slowly ease him inside you.
stray tears pool on the ends of sunghoon's eyes before finally falling down across his cheek. out of pure want and care, you kiss the line of stray tears away, comforting him.
"shh, it's okay." you hush, pecking the corner of his mouth. "you're okay. you're almost there, hoon." you cheer on.
you were about to offer him another innocent kiss beside his mouth but sunghoon had other plans. turning his head, he makes it so that your lips clashed at the center of his instead.
"kiss me." shocked, you hear sunghoon's muffled voice due to your lips being pressed against his. "want you to kiss me... please."
choosing to ignore the beating of your heart, you do as he asks and kiss him, effectively helping the boy distract himself from the overwhleming feeling of being encased in your warmth.
as you kiss, you inch sunghoon's length inside your pussy, retracting his cock from time to time in order to help you adjust to his thick girth. once you're finally sitting on his cock, you start moving in small and slow motions, your only objective is to ease him into it before fully giving him your all.
after some time, the greedy bastard starts asking for more. so you comply, not because he told you to— it was because he told you to, but because you were getting impatient and wanted to make yourself feel good already.
"t-that's it." sunghoon stutters, watching the space wherein your bodies connect. "just like that. love the way you bounce on me, noona. makes me feel so hot. i love it so much. you're so good to me...." he babbles on.
sweat trickles down your forehead as you ride his dick. leaning forward, you guide sunghoon's arms towards your chest, cupping your boobs in both hands. sunghoon massages your soft plush skin, wathcing them with his mouth hung open as they jiggle in his palm everytime you bounce on his dick.
"you're turning stupid on me, park." you chuckle, clicking your tongue.
mirroring you, sunghoon grins and answering you as if it was basic knowledge. "of course I'd go stupid. it's you."
there it is again. that weird feeling in your chest that makes your heart skip a beat. you don't know how to feel nor do you know what to say as you're not stupid. you've studied human behaviour and psychology for so long. it's literally your fortè. and to be honest, it doesn't really need a professional to conclude that sunghoon has feelings for you.
or maybe you're completely wrong and not only is sunghoon a complete jack ass but he's also a player.
so you do the only rational thing,you ignore it and keep doing what it is you were meant to be doing; fucking sunghoon, because that's what you're assigned to do. not catch feelings.
"i'm so close, noona." he screams hurriedly, eyes frantically looking at you and his arms snaking hastily to catch your hands, gripping onto them oh so tightly. "come with me, yeah?"
you roll you eyes at him. "so many requests."
"you're supposed to make them come true, aren't you?" he quirks back shakily, trying to get his mind off of coming.
"i'm not your fairy god mother, park." you state in faux annoyance yet you speed you movements up as your orgasm approaches. eventhough you answered his snarky comeback with one of your own, you still do as told.
"i'm not a-asking you to be." his voice stutters, the pleasure building up to the point where his voice starts to quiver. he's so close. one more hard thrust from you and you have him bolting forward, incasing you in his embrace so as to ground himself, screaming as he comes. his body jolts as the waves pool out of him and he grips onto your body tighter, teeth leaving a prominent mark on your shoulder as he bites down on it.
all of it mixed with the feelings of his warm cum painting your wet walls send you over the edge and before you knew it, you were convulsing in his hold, letting out a loud moan that vibrates from your throat.
"i'm not askkng you to be my god fairy or whatever it is you called it." he rolls his eyes, too tired to try to remember but not tired enough to let you go. his mouth is still on your skin and you can feel his saliva coating it but you can't seem to find the will to pull away, actually letting him nibble and suck on your skin as he pleases. "i'm asking you to be mine."
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hi lolz im back T^T I realize that I haven't posted a hoon fic in a while— well I do have hoon fics they're just unlisted (don't remind me of them I CANT FIND THE MOTIVATION TO DO THEM AGAIN) but anyways hope you guys enjoy this one. for some reason, hoon reminds me of satoru. like, their personalitiessss they're both somewhat egotistic and they always tease ppl!!!
so ye, that's where I got the character inspo from ♡ don't spoil jjk for me I'm literally refraining from reading the manga just so I don't get any spoilers eventhough I badly wanna know what happens!!!
also, this is unedited :P don't sue me. I'll come back and fix this soon enough.
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dilemmaontwolegs · 11 months
Not A Verstappen: Gridlocked {4}
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x fem!driver!reader x Lando Norris Summary: A single photo puts half of the truth out into the world. Warnings: 18+ only, nsfw, fingering, swearing WC: 2.3k F1 Masterlist NAV: Sibling Rivalry One || Two || Three NAV: Gridlocked One || Two || Three || Four || Five
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Round Nineteen - Mexico 2022 You woke to a delicious smell and felt the strains of the free practices deep in your bones and every muscle protested the movements needed to get out of bed. Giving up, you laid there for a minute more, mentally preparing for the final free practice and qualifying race, before tossing the blankets back. 
You probably looked like a zombie the way you stumbled your way bleary eyed through the hotel suite to find Charles cooking breakfast. 
“Good morning, baby.” Lando grabbed you by the hips and pulled you into his lap while he waited patiently at the table.
“Just morning,” you grumbled with a yawn. “Nothing is good before noon.”
“I can think of one thing,” he teased as his fingertips traced the curve of your leg.
“Feeling a little tender, chérie?” Charles asked with a kiss to your forehead as he placed two plates on the table. “We can give you a massage after breakfast. Bon appétit.”
“Okay, maybe there’s a few good things in the morning,” you conceded before opening your mouth for the forkful of food Lando offered. “Are we still on for dinner tonight?”
“Sorry, love, Zak’s invited me and Danny to a charity event,” Lando apologised with a pout. “I’m sure Charles can take care of you all on his lonesome.”
“Of course,” Charles said with a soft smile, “but I’d rather you be with us.”
You shifted on his lap to face him and kissed your way along his jaw to his lips. “Me too.”
“Me three,” he murmured when you pulled back to finish eating.
As promised, after breakfast you found yourself lying face down on the bed with massage oil drizzled over your skin. Heavenly moans filled the pillow your face was buried in as the two of them found every knot in your muscles and eased them away with their strong hands. 
“I hope you don’t make sounds like that for Kristian,” Lando teased. He had given up helping Charles working his way along your body and instead parted your legs to focus his touch on one particular place. 
“Can’t say he’s ever fingered me,” you said before laughing at the soft spank he responded with. “Yet.” Heat burned across your ass at the smack he dealt and your yelp turned to a moan as he soothed the sensitive skin with his palm before kissing it softly. 
“I think our Lando is a little possessive of you, chérie.”
You squirmed on the mattress as his fingers worked their way back into you to find your cunt soaked for him. “I like it.”
“I’m not possessive, I just don’t want to share with you anyone else.”
You lifted your head from the pillow and found Charles’ lips pressed lightly as he tried not to laugh but the amusement was thick in his voice, “That’s what possessive means, mon cher.”
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You felt sorry for Charles as he was given a three-place grid penalty for something that wasn’t entirely his own fault. It was easy for the stewards to say he could have used his wing mirrors to see George coming up behind him on his flying lap but the window of view was so small that the stars had to align to actually see anything and react in time. 
His engineer should have warned him.
The urge to go to Ferrari and find him almost won but Max called out before you could leave the garage. “Do you have plans for dinner tonight?”
“Uh, yeah, I do,” you said as you scratched the nape of your neck nervously, something that didn’t go unnoticed.
“Is it a date?” You hated how intense his scrutiny was and his eyes narrowed the longer the question went unanswered. 
“Does it matter?”
“You’re dodging the question, zusje.” Max crossed his arms and looked over your shoulder. “Who is he?”
“Who’s who?” Your mood turned sour as you heard Jos’ voice behind you. “Are you coming to dinner?”
Max shook his head. “She’s going on a date.”
“And even if I wasn’t, I wouldn’t choose to spend my evening with you,” you said as you turned to face your father. 
“You have a boyfriend?” Jos asked with a tick in his jaw. “Why is this the first I’m hearing about it?”
“Let’s list off the reasons. 1) it’s none of your fucking business, 2) it’s none of your fucking business, 3) it’s none of your-”
“Okay, that’s enough,” Max growled as he dropped his arm over your shoulder and turned you away. “We’ll talk about this later, go calm down somewhere.”
You stormed out of the garage without a goodbye and straight into Ferrari’s next door, ignoring the looks they gave you as you climbed the stairs to where the driver’s rooms were. 
Carlos had just opened his door as you were passing it and he looked a little dishevelled and disappointed as he sighed to himself, and you could only imagine how much worse Charles was feeling. “Tough quali for you guys,” you said as you caught his attention and accepted the hug he offered. “How’s he doing?”
“Pissed off. Xavi is probably hiding in a hole somewhere by now. I would if I were him,” he huffed a humourless laugh. “It’s good that you're going out to dinner, I don’t think he would leave his room otherwise.”
“That’s what friends are for.” You gave Carlos a little wave as he went on his way before you knocked on Charles' door. “Hey, it’s me.”
The door opened before you had even finished speaking and you slipped inside quietly as you saw the sullen look on his face. Needing to comfort him, you caught the door with your shoe and kicked it shut so you could cup his face in your hands and pull him into a kiss. 
“I forgo-” You froze against Charles as the door swung open and Carlos filled the doorway, his jaw slack as he stared wide-eyed. “What the fuck, mate,” he hissed quietly as he stepped inside and closed the door shut. “You know Max is going to kill you, right?”
“I think that’s a bit of an exaggeration,” Charles muttered as he stepped back and took your hand instead. “What did you forget?”
“Huh? Shit, I forgot.” Carlos frowned and looked back at the door. “So…Just friends, ay?”
“Not just friends,” you chuckled, squeezing Charles’ hand. “But not ready to go public just yet.”
“Because of Max?”
“Because of Lando,” Charles admitted. 
“Ohhhh, because he’s been in love with her forever and you got the girl,” Carlos nodded to himself as he spoke only to stop when you laughed. 
“Because we are dating Lando too, and it will be a PR nightmare to explain.” You laughed as Carlos’ mouth dropped open and he pointed between the two of you. “Me, Charles and Lando, yes.”
“Woooow,” he laughed as he recovered and shook his head once more. “Max is 100% going to kill the both of you. Nice knowing you, mi amigo.”
“Thanks for your support, mate,” Charles drawled sarcastically and reached for his keys. “Let’s go, amour.”
“Can I just ask…” Carlos leaned back against the door so Charles couldn’t reach the handle. Crossing his arms, Charles rolled his eyes and waited impatiently for the question. “Does she top you like in the driver standings?”
“First Pierre, now you, putain de merde,” Charles sighed and pushed Carlos out of the way as he laughed. 
But then the laughter dried up and he turned to you offended at the news. “Pierre knew before me?”
“Since Suzuka,” Charles said with a smirk knowing it would irk him more.
Carlos reeled back and his eyes widened. “What the fuck, and that pendejo didn’t tell me. How long have you been together?”
“Just before Monza.”
“Before Mon…Monza! Ay!” Carlos dragged a hand down his face. “I thought we were friends, and Lando too? That guy has never kept a secret in his life.”
You looked at Charles with a giggle. “So dramatic, is he always like this?”
“Mhmm, try being teammates with him,” Charles replied with a roll of his eyes. “He just needs time to process, and I want to get out of this place before I cross paths with Xavi.”
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“Kristian would have a coronary if he saw this. I’m so full but it’s too good to waste.” The Italian restaurant Charles had found in the centre of Mexico City was beautiful but the menu was definitely not suited to your pre-race diet. “Is this your plan to slow me down tomorrow?”
Charles stroked your hand beneath the table. He had managed to get the reservation for a secluded corner booth hidden behind a thin thatch privacy wall, but you still tried to remember to be careful. “Nothing can slow you down, amour.”
“Not even the metaphorical baggage I carry around?” 
“What?” Charles choked on a laugh and had to take a drink of water to stop coughing.
“Something Lando said a while ago.” You chuckled at the memory as you twirled more creamy fettuccine around your fork. “Apparently I have daddy issues, along with his temper.”
“You’re nothing like Jos.” Charles shook his head adamantly. “Back in karting my family would come and cheer me on and I remember when Max came anything less than first place, Jos wouldn’t even clap for him. He didn’t want anything to do with him unless he was on the top of the podiums.”
“I know what an asshole my father is, you don’t need to convince me,” you muttered quietly, feeling sorry for Max’s upbringing that was vastly different to yours.
“I’ve watched you cheer for Max from the pits when you’ve had to retire early. I’ve seen how concerned you get when he’s in a crash,” he said, bringing your attention back to the present. “You’re nothing like Jos.”
Unable to articulate how grateful you were to hear those words, you instead chose an action. Charles froze with surprise for a moment when you kissed him before instinct took over and his fingers curled around your nape to deepen it further. The white wine that had been paired with the pasta was warming your body but not as much as Charles’ hand was as it crept up beneath your dress.
A throat cleared beside the table and Charles pulled back with a sigh as a waiter stood awkwardly holding a dessert menu. 
“No, we’ll take the bill, thank you,” Charles said before the young man could offer the specials. 
“You seem to be in a rush to leave all of a sudden,” you teased in his ear as the waiter left with Charles’ credit card. 
You watched his teeth bite his bottom lip before his eyes trailed down your body. “I want dessert, amour, just nothing they can offer.”
The car ride back to the hotel was tantalisingly slow and it felt like the air conditioner was set on high with the heated looks shared between you. It wasn’t until your phone rang that you were able to tear your eyes away from him and you saw the name on the ID.
“Shh, it’s Max,” you warned before answering the call. “Hey bro, how’d dinner with the donor go?”
“When were you going to tell me you were dating Charles?”  The air in your lungs froze and you knew Charles had heard the exclamation by the tightening of his fists around the steering wheel.
You knew there would be alerts going off on Kristian’s phone as the Aura ring on your finger picked up the sudden spike in your heart rate. “Wh-what makes you think that?” 
“Because you said you were going on a date and now I’m seeing pictures of you and Charles kissing.” 
A tirade of curse words tumbled from your lips, colourful enough to make Charles blush as he indicated to pull into the hotel valet entrance. It wasn’t unusual for any of the drivers to spend time outside of racing together but now the crowd waiting seemed to have a new hunger. 
“Keep driving,” you urged as you saw the cameras flashing. “Go!”
“Pull Charles on the phone,” Max growled. “We need to have words.”
“Fuck off, you’re not my father so don’t act like it.”
“In that case, here.” 
“Don’t you even think about-” you heard the phone exchange hands and hit your head against the window when you heard Jos’ voice.
“What do you think you are playing at? Do you know how this reflects on the family?”
You ended the call and turned the phone off so neither of them could ring back. “The audacity of that man! I’m sorry, Cha, I fucked up.”
“Amour,” Charles said softly as he reached across and took your shaking hand. “It will be alright, we will figure it out together.”
“Shit, Lando!” You rushed to turn your phone back on and saw the missed calls from Max, Jos and even Vicky - which was a low blow since you would have answered your little sister’s call if you had seen it. “He’s not answering.”
“He is probably still at the charity dinner,” Charles reasoned as he stroked his thumb over your hand gently. “We can’t just drive around all night, we will have to go back to the hotel at some point.”
“I know…this just changes, well, everything.”
A smile tipped up Charles’ lips as he reached a stop light and looked across to you. “It doesn’t change one thing; I love you.”
Click here for part five.
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starshideurfics · 19 days
Thirsty Thursday - Buzzed
steddie, omegaverse, modern AU, Eddie got out of Hawkins and got famous
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Most days it’s easy to pretend. Steve and Robin share a house and a workplace and most of a life in Indianapolis. He can usually forget how he and Eddie almost had something.
But that was before Eddie moved to L.A. to try doing something with his music, found his way into playing a busker in an indie film that miraculously got oscar buzz, and suddenly he’s a household name, booking tons of projects.
And Steve is happy for him!
He is.
It’s just… He misses having Eddie around. How excitable and goofy he can be, but also having a thoughtful alpha to hang out with other than Robin.
Not to mention his campfire scent and the way his callused fingers feel against Steve’s skin.
They still talk occasionally, texting mostly, little check-ins every couple months, but Steve hasn’t seen Eddie in-person in at least five years.
That’s why it’s easy to pretend. Steve’s old friend, Eddie, and Eddie Munson, alpha movie star, are two different people.
Steve’s crush can exist between the pages of magazines and on internet gossip sites.
He can moon over the pics from Eddie’s photoshoots that he has saved on his phone in private. Can keep his fantasies contained in his nest as he imagines his fingers sliding into short curls.
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At least until he gets a call from Dustin on an unassuming Friday night. Steve and Robin are already nearly through a bottle of wine, kicking their feet up after a long week of teaching, when Steve’s phone rings.
“Eddie’s next movie is shooting in Chicago,” Dustin starts.
“And he’s flying out early so he can stop in Indy for a week. I may have told him he should skip the hotel and stay in your guest room.”
“What? You’ve got one of the mattresses from the podcast ads in there! It’s comfy! And that way he doesn’t have to deal with paps!”
“Can you just say paparazzi like a normal person?” Steve sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose. “But it should be fine. When does he get in?”
“Next weekend.”
“I only just found out! El and I are driving down in a week, and Mike and Will are only able to skype in.”
He doesn’t mention Lucas and Max, since they also live in Indy; Dustin and El are likely staying with them.
Robin elbows Steve and hisses for him to put the call on speaker, getting caught up as Steve has a private crisis at the thought of finally seeing Eddie again.
To make matters worse, his totally not stalkerish web alert for Eddie’s name pings after he hangs up with Dustin. A new photo shoot.
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Eddie’s curls are gone, buzzed down to his scalp; Steve mourns for a fraction of a second.
Then he needs to squeeze his thighs together.
The wanting that he’s been squashing down for the better part of a decade comes back in full force, strong enough that Robin asks if his cycle is early and he’s going into heat.
Blushing, but knowing he can’t keep a secret from her to save his life, he shows her his phone.
“All I can see is how noticeable his ears are now,” Robin says with a judging look and a shrug. “And I am never going to buy Eddie as a tough guy, but I guess I can understand what you omegas see in him.”
“Rooooob!” Steve whines, indignant.
“Steeeeeve!” she teases back.
“I just… Fuck, I need to get laid.”
“I’m sure Eddie would if you asked him nicely.”
“He looks like he could hold you down, get you to stop stressing so much.”
“Robin… I can’t think about that.”
“Sure you can.”
“I can’t.”
“You can, and you know why: The bulk of the conversations Eddie and I still have are about you. He always asks me how you are, what you’re up to, at least once a month.”
Steve’s taken aback by that. “What?”
“Yeah. He usually asks if you’re seeing anyone. Tries to sneak it in. Like I’m not going to notice.”
She raises a single eyebrow, and Steve feels intensely confused. “Then how come he doesn’t ask me? Or talk to me more?” He tips back the last of his wine and pulls his legs up tight to his chest.
“Because you’re both idiots,” Robin says, voice warm and full of love as she hugs him.
A week later, a car with dark tinted windows pulls up in Robin and Steve’s driveway.
Eddie has a baseball hat and sunglasses on as he gets out, the disguise barely enough obscure his features, but even if it were better, Steve would still recognize him by his posture.
Robin is out running errands and picking up dinner, but mostly giving Steve an hour of privacy. A chance to say something before either of them can get stuck inside their heads and fuck it up.
“Hey, Stevie,” Eddie says with a smile as he pulls off his sunglasses in the entryway.
“Hey yourself,” Steve replies, pulling Eddie in for a hug, ready to make it quick, only for Eddie to hold on tight and press his nose to Steve’s neck. A purr rumbles from his chest.
Steve reaches up and pulls the hat from Eddie’s head, letting it fall to the ground.
He rubs his fingers over the stubble of the alpha’s hair, keeping him pressed close to the bonding gland at his neck, his scent crying out for Eddie to claim him.
Soft lips ghost against Steve’s neck. “I missed you,” Eddie whispers.
“Missed you, too.”
Steve kisses the side of Eddie’s head, the only part he can reach, lips pressed to the velvet of his shorn hair. Then it’s like his brain suddenly catches up with him. “Sorry! We- I didn’t-”
Eddie presses a single finger to Steve’s lips, finally pulling back to look in his eyes.
Without his curls, Eddie’s gaze is somehow more intense, dark chocolate looking into Steve’s heart. “Don’t apologize, puppy. You have nothing to apologize for, not to me.”
“I’m the one who ran away, who’s been hiding instead of alpha-ing up and telling you.”
“Telling me what?” Steve asks, lower lip trembling.
“That even after all this time, I can’t get your scent out of my nose. That I still dream about you every night. That I work so much to keep from going insane missing you. That I sh-”
Steve cuts him off with a kiss.
Eddie doesn’t waste any more time, just picks Steve up, their lips still connected, and carries him to the nearest bedroom—fortunately Steve’s—and drops him on the bed. Getting out of their clothes doesn’t take long; they’ve both waited long enough.
And Robin will be home soon.
Part 2
Now expanded into a full fic! Read here
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trendywaifus · 9 months
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just a short thirst. i’m down bad for her.
imagine topaz as your ex girlfriend chasing you down for a hot minute since you’ve been evading your taxes to spite her. she finally has you cornered in belobog, demanding you to pay what you owe to the ipc. you refuse to and she’s ready to arrest you. topaz pauses for a brief moment before her eyes lights up; peach lips stretching into a sly smile.
“ i can arrest you on the spot or, “ her gloved finger runs along your jaw sensually. “ we can discuss a different way to pay what you owe at the goethe hotel tonight. “
flustered by her suggestive actions, you stammer, “ a-are you serious right now, topaz? “
she chuckled, her gaze narrowed with desire and longing that she didn’t care to hide. topaz backs away. “ you’ll see how serious i am once you come. meet me at the hotel by 9:00pm sharp and i’ll escort you to my room. don’t be late, yeah? “ she smirks at you before walking off.
when you do meet topaz at the hotel at the designated time, she’s visibly in triumph. she’s excited to finally get her hands on you after so long. as much as she hates you for making her chase you around, she misses the way you made her feel intimately. after topaz takes you to her room, she immediately closes the door and locks it shut.
before you can speak, she lightly shoves you down on the bed. she grins down on you with a predatory glint in her purple teal eyes. she presents to you a single golden coin on her open palm. “ let’s play a little game of heads and tails. its simple, if the coin lands on heads, i’ll let you go and you don’t have to worry about paying a dime to the ipc. if it lands on tails, “ the corner of her lips grows wider with excitement, “ consider yourself in debt to me and you’ll have to pay your dues with your body for the next 300 years (300 years is outlandish!). “
she flips the coin in the air. you pray that it’s tails head so you can get away from your hot ex. when it lands back on her palm, her face turns smug, and you damn near fainted on the mattress. topaz walks in-between your legs and drops to her knees. her deft gloved fingers fiddles with the waistband of your pants/skirt. you stopped her hands bashfully, “ w-wait, i thought we were suppose to discuss? isn’t 300 years past both of our lifetimes?! “
topaz licks her lips, “ oh (name), we did discuss—with the coin flip. and, the 300 years was merely just an exaggeration—but I’m sure you do owe me at least over five hundred thousand worth of credits. “
within ten minutes, you’re on your back, fingers tangled in her white locks as her tongue and fingers has you seeing literal stars. you’re sobbing, begging for her to stop overstimulating you. too bad for you, this was only just the beginning.
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chrollohearttags · 1 year
I promise imma get to the eren and connie threesome but can we pleaseeee talk about how him and armin would fuck the shit out of you? Cause I just know they’d be so fucking nasty like omg. They wouldn’t spare a bitch at all. The dirty talk gone be crazy, they treating you like you an object and you definitely gone have to block their asses afterwards! 😭😭
I would give warnings for this but it’s everything so proceed with caution or whatever (I must be stopped honestly.)
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“N-no more..I can’t—“
“What’d she say? Sounds like she’s tapping out, dude. What you think?”
“I think she’s just being a baby…aye, look at me, princess..we’re not done so hold those fucking legs open and stop playing.”
the three of you had been holed up in a five star hotel room for what felt like an eternity…rose petals scattered atop the mattress, a collar and chain lacing your throat and a vibrator whirring against your clit. Your eyes damn near making home within in the back of your head with the amount of orgasms you had endured in this two hour span. Surprised by your man after touching down from a flight to come visit him out on tour. The two of you had been on FaceTime while he was backstage and needless to say, you took pleasure in giving him a preview of what was to come once he made it home but he wasn’t the only one tuned into the show..it was one time when his homeboy and fellow producer Armin happened to catch a glimpse. That’s when you decided to continue on fingering yourself in front of the camera; curled toes in view and cream dripping all down your knuckles. Making a mess just for your boo but the more, the merrier..
“Is that your friend? Tell him I wanna fuck him too..”
boldly proclaiming in the moment as a show of confidence. Completely unaware of the two demons you were dealing with. Shooting each other glances, they’d both smirk and turn back to you. “Shit, I’m down..” “Bet..” the only thing either of them had to say because their actions spoke louder than any words could. When you met them in the lobby of the Bellagio, they wasted no time admiring your outfit, feeling you up and Eren even gave you a slap to the backside. “Let’s get your pretty ass upstairs. Got a surprise for you, baby.”
fast forward, after being face fucked on the edge of the bed by your boyfriend while Armin ate your pussy to being put into a full nelson; pounced up and down on Eren’s lap while he fed you deep, long strokes standing up..only to then put you on all fours, pull you by that collar rather than your hair as Eren ate you out from behind , flicking his tongue around your asshole whilst Armin used your mouth for the first timeit was wild! But the fun had only begun..
“You such a nasty fucking bitch, baby. Letting us spit in that mouth, swallowing our nut..you know how much I love that shit, don’t you?”
petting you like his loyal puppy as you sat obediently on your knees, a wide smile plastered on your face as they swiped their loads from across your eyelids. “Look at that smile..she loves being treated like a slut.” They’d tug on your collar; guiding you along as they saw fit. Taking turns using and thoroughly training your throat. Even feeding you slaps while doing so. Cupping your jaw and filling it with their massive cocks. “Yeah..all the way back, mama. You don’t need to breathe. Just eat that fucking dick up..you got it all the way back that time, made that shit disappear…good girl..”
eren not once hesitating to praise you and Armin following suit. But even so, they couldn’t stop until they broke you. They tried all sorts of things with you..taking you past limits you never sought possible. It was insane! Especially as your
“She only gone be in town for one night..gotta make sure she really misses us when she gets home.” Eren declared , shooting his best friend a wink as the two tag teamed you; putting every hole in your body to good use..Armin’s tattooed fingers thrashing around so delicately inside of your pussy; rubbing on your clit while faint twitches from his cock arose in your throat. Meanwhile, Eren was enjoying taking claim over your other entrance..holding your legs in place himself only because he wanted the opportunity to suckle on your toes whilst he did so. Watching those tears of pure bliss stream down your face. “This my first time fucking this ass too…it feels so good, baby. Spread it open f’r me, just like that.”
causing you to whimper around Armin’s shaft. And he loved the feeling. They took you through at least a couple more rounds; dredging up streams of squirt and all types of creamy secretions that they graciously lapped up when possible. “Put it in your guts, that’s what you told me, right? Tell me you can feel that shit..feel that dick pressing through your stomach.” Other times, letting it stain their chests and abs. “F-feels so good..” “I know, baby. You can’t stop..” cooing to you in the sweetest tone all while pounding you senseless, not even stopping when Eren came inside of you. It had all become a beautiful blur and you were certain you’d be all but immobile the next day..
but this was one visit that was well worth it!!
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ladykailitha · 1 year
Just a goofy little thing that’s been on my mind the last couple of days.
Steddie The Dating Game style!
Steve is the one asking questions and they have given him three choices: Tommy the Prep, Billy the Punk, and Eddie the Metalhead.
The first question Steve asks is if they were trying to impress him on their first date, what would they do?
Tommy: I’d pick you up in my Jag, fly you out to the French Riveria and have champagne on the terrace watching the sun set.
Billy: I’d pick you up in my Camero, drive you to the fanciest restaurant in town, taking you to a five star hotel and fuck you into the mattress.
Eddie is looking over at these assholes like WTF: I’d find out your favorite places to go, start with making you breakfast in bed, take you out for a picnic of all your favorite foods, then do something fun like the roller rink or mini-golf. And then take you star gazing to finish the day.
Steve is stunned by all their answers, but Eddie’s the most.
As it goes on, Tommy’s answers get more and more extravagant and Billy’s gets more and more lewd. Eddie is trying to stay out of the pissing contest the other two seem to be engaging in.
Even Steve is getting tired of it. So he asks an offbeat question designed to throw Billy off and get him to shut up.
Steve: How do you feel about male lingerie?
Billy is confused and asks what that even is.
The host explains that it’s men’s underwear designed and made of the same materials that is found in women’s lingerie, but made to fit the broad shoulders, flat chest, and dick of men.
Billy frowns: For you or for me?
Steve rolls his eyes. He knows better than to say Billy: Me.
Billy smirks: You’d wear it once, Babe, and then I would rip it of you and fuck you until screamed my name.
It was exactly as disgusting as Steve thought it would be. 
Eddie leans into the microphone even though it wasn’t his question: If that’s what you liked, I would buy as many as you wanted in all the best colors. Black of course. Red for sure. Maybe even a little pink one for kicks (cue Steve turning pink). I’d even do a little photo shoot for you in your favorites and then lovingly removed to make love with you.
Steve who had already been leaning toward Eddie for the sheer fact he wasn’t an ass like the other two, is smitten.
After he picks Eddie and they are getting ready for their date, he confesses that the question was meant to throw Billy, but after Eddie’s answer, he almost wants to try it. With Eddie.
Come to find out, Eddie was just as rich as the other two, he just wanted to make sure Steve had fun and not just throw money at him.
They quickly become the show’s biggest success story.
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pinkanonwrites · 1 year
Stargazers, New and Old
Another Vash fic! Forgive me, TWST Fans, I’m so deep in the paint on this guy it isn’t even funny.
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Vash the Stampede/Reader, +3,000 Words, GN!Reader, Mutual Pining, Cuddling, Stargazing
Through your shared time as drifters, you and Vash had spent plenty of time together beneath the stars.
Granted, it was usually from the roof of whatever cheap hotel the two of you were staying at for the night, tearing into snacks and idly chatting about whatever Vash had or hadn’t accidentally managed to blow up that day. There’d even be a celebration sometimes, if things went right! Townsfolk would spill into the street, drinking and dancing and celebrating another one of Vash’s many perfectly timed victories as they piled your table high with heaped praise and overflowing mugs of alcohol. As hectic as they could end up being, you often got plenty of enjoyment out of the fuss, watching Vash stumble around sheepish and drunk as his praises were sung up to the starry evening sky.
But if you honestly had to choose? You’d say you enjoyed nights like these much better.
Sometimes Gunsmoke’s two suns would sink deep into the horizon and the two of you would find yourselves between towns, lost to the sands of the evening desert. Not too often, really. Usually Vash was quick to make sure you had at least the basic amenities readily nearby: food, running water, a creaky old motel mattress that was only barely better than sleeping on the floor. He was fine going without them for an evening or two, but he hated to put you out in any way. But sometimes you’d get stopped up along the way, or have to stealth around a bandit camp, or get distracted watching wild Thomases scamper up and down the sandy hillsides, and end up somewhere in the empty desert, iles from the nearest town.
Luckily both of you were prepared for this kind of thing at this point, Vash even proudly showing off some of his little “survival trinkets” he’d scooped up before meeting you, like a miniature campfire set that packed away into a pocket-sized tin.
“Ta-da!” And that was where the two of you found yourselves now, tucked around the fire at the base of a large dune, Vash presenting you with a metal camping mug full of instant noodles with all the pride and bravado of a chef presenting a five-course meal. “Your majesty, may I present…. Dinner!”
"Why thank you, chef." You took the mug with both hands, letting the warm metal soothe the calluses on your palms. As Vash prepared himself a mug you cracked him a sly smile. "Or are you more my court jester?"
"What, was 'knight in shining armor' already taken?" He chuckled, cupping his own mug in his gloved palms and sipping carefully. "YEOWCH! Still pretty hot! Be careful, m'kay?"
"I will." You blew on your own cup of broth before sipping it. Shuffling over a bit, you let yourself lean heavily into Vash’s side, leeching his excess body heat. A single glance up showed the rosy-red blush that began to creep across his face at the contact, but you chose not to comment on it. “It’s really amazing how cold the desert can get during the night.”
“It’s actually because there’s no humidity. Without the water in the air to hold the heat, it cools off a lot faster.” Vash took another slow slurp of his noodles, staring out over the vast landscape beyond your tiny fire. “Deathly hot in the daytime, dangerously cold in the night… It’s a really formidable place.” A familiar, distant expression overtook Vash’s face at that. He did his best to hide it from you but you’d long since caught on to it, those moments where his walls faltered and you could damn near watch in real time as the melancholy of a man who had seen far too much began to creep in along the edges.
“And yet, here we are.” You simply responded, gesturing to the small campfire with your mug before holding it up to Vash. You never really felt like you could offer him much in these moments, simple placations and apologies feeling far too hollow. But at the very least, you could offer this. “Cheers to surviving? Despite everything?”
He chuckled, low, soft, and tired, bringing his cup up to yours to clink the metal rims together. “Despite everything.”
You let your head thump gently against Vash’s shoulder, the two of you absorbing the cool silence of the desert night. There was little need for words between sips of noodles and broth; the silence with Vash never crept into uncomfortable. As the fire and your supper dwindled in unison the sky inched ever further towards utter blackness. With no towns within a good dozen or so iles in any direction the deep velveteen shades of space were even more apparent than usual, long strips of indigo and blue speckled with pinpoints of distant light. 
“All done?” Vash finally spoke up, taking your empty mug from your outstretched hand. “I’ll take care of these if you want to get the sleeping bags ready.”
The first few times you had slept out beneath the stars, you were adamant about having your sleeping bag a reasonable distance away from Vash’s. ‘Personal space,’ you insisted, even as he joked that you’d be too wooed by his natural charms if you slept any closer. But over time you just couldn’t help yourself. Getting to know Vash, to really know him, seemed to go hand in hand with your own sleeping bag drifting ever so slightly closer and closer to his with each passing night. Now you barely even blinked as you rolled the two of them out, side by side.
With a belly full of warm food and the promise of a cozy place to sleep ahead, the exhaustion seemed to wash over you in a sudden, leaden wave. You barely had the energy to kick your shoes off, shuffling yourself awkwardly into the bag until it was pulled nearly up to your chin. When Vash turned back around from putting your mugs away he barked out a short, surprised laugh.
“Comfy in there?”
You nodded, biting back a yawn as your eyelids fluttered. You watched through bleary lashes as Vash put the cap over the top of the pocket bonfire, snuffing the flame with a soft hiss and plunging his silhouette into moonlight. You could catch the vague shimmer off of his glasses lenses, the glint on the pauldron of his prosthetic arm, and the barest hint of a soft smile by the light of the five moons.
“I’ll finish cleaning up, why don’t you get some sleep?”
You nodded again, humming softly as you let your eyes slip fully shut and melted into the darkness behind your eyelids. “Mhm… Thank you, Vash.”
You swore that as the comfortable fuzz of sleep crept further into the edges of your mind, you felt a warm, metallic hand pat you gently atop your head.
And then, blackness.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
You normally slept incredibly well with Vash by your side, safe in the knowledge that whatever may happen, he’d be there to protect you.
Which is why it came as a bit of a shock to you when you jerked suddenly awake, the fog of some already-fading nightmare seeping away from your consciousness. Even as you struggled to recall it the details continued to slip away, flashes of smoke and gunmetal and blond hair streaked with clumped, drying blood all that remained on the peripheries of your subconscious. It left you as most nightmares do, feeling hollow and distinctly paranoid.
The chill in the air certainly didn’t help either. Even within the plush confines of your sleeping bag you could feel the cold cutting through, leaving your entire body tense and shivery, muscles aching. You certainly wouldn’t be getting back to sleep any time soon.
But just as you saw fit to roll over and curse your bad luck, you noticed Vash. He was sat upright, leaning back on the heels of his palms, sleeping bag pooled around his waist as he tipped his head up towards the night sky. His face was lit in profile by cool, white moonlight, and without his familiar tinted lenses on you could see the reflection of a thousand little stars in his aqua-colored eyes. A look of incredible serenity was upon his face. You almost hated to disturb it.
But at some point he must have felt your eyes trained upon him, because he turned his attention to you, and that distant, moony gaze seemed to focus into something soft and concerned.
“What are you still doing up?”
“I could ask you the same thing.” You sat up and immediately regretted it, the frosty wind cutting straight through your thin, linen shirt. “Aren’t we getting up early tomorrow to beat the heat?”
“Yeah… Guess I just couldn’t sleep, is all.”
“Me neither.”
You fell silent again, following Vash’s gaze as it trailed back up towards the marbled sky. Shivering, you tucked your knees up to your chest and wrapped your arms around them as your eyes flit back and forth across those tiny, oh so distant specks of light. It was hard to even imagine that each one was just like one of your two suns, even harder to imagine that somewhere out there is where humans originally came from. Was Earth somewhere in this milky spiral of stars? Could you find it, one day, if you really looked hard enough? Or was it already too far gone, too distant or dim or lost to the hubris of the people who came long before you? You supposed you’d never really know for sure.
“Do you know any constellations?”
You startled a bit when Vash broke the silence, and just barely in the moonlight you could see him put up his hands as a sort of ‘Sorry!’ gesture. He’d had time to adjust to the dark, so maybe he could see you better than you could see him. 
“Not really.” You replied. “I know what some of them are called but I could never figure out how you were supposed to find them.”
“Want me to show you? It’s really not that hard, if you know what to look for.”
You nodded, scooting your sleeping bag as close to Vash as you could get. He wrapped his right arm around you and rested his chin on your shoulder, reaching up towards the sky with his prosthetic. You could feel the warmth radiating off of him, thrumming like an old yet sturdy machine. He outstretched a single finger, a thin glow of blue-green energy pulsing beneath the metal as he pointed.
“See that bright one, right there?” His voice was barely above a murmur, hesitant to break the silence of the vast desert. “Follow my arm, it’s gonna be just at the tip of my finger.”
“I…Think so? Is it just to the left of that kinda red one?”
“There you go! That’s the main point of Luridae, the Scorpion. It’s supposed to be the tip of the tail. If you draw a line to the one right below it, then the one below that, you follow the trail and make like, an upside-down hook shape. Seven stars.”
“But how is that supposed to be a scorpion?”
“You’ve gotta use your imagination!” He laughed at your furrowed brow, moving his hand a bit further to the right and up. “If you can find Luridae you can find Sula, the Spear. That’s an easy one, it’s those five stars in a straight line, see? It points right towards the tail.”
You squinted, trying your best to follow Vash’s instructions. Sure enough, just up and to the right of that bright star was a line of five, neat in a row like someone had sketched them up there.
“I see it! It’s right there, right?” You brought your arm up right next to Vash’s, sides of your arms touching all the way up to your palms as you traced the line in the sky with your fingertip. Even the metal of his prosthetic was unnaturally warm, just enough to be comfortable, like it was still holding its heat from the evening sun.
“Yeah, you got it!” His cheek was nearly pressed to yours, and you could feel him smile at your success. The excitement was infectious, leaving you feeling floaty and light despite your exhaustion. “Wanna try a few more?”
“Sure! What about up here?” You tipped your head all the way back, staring straight up into the night sky, only to wince at the sharp twang of pain you felt in the back of your neck. “Ow.”
“You okay?” Vash’s face filled your vision, expression soft with concern. You just shrugged, rolling your shoulder and pressing your fingertips into the tense muscle.
“I’m fine, just tweaked my neck a little. The cold just makes all my muscles kind of achey." 
Vash's hand rested on the side of your arm, almost hot to the touch against your chilled skin. How could he possibly run so warm? You wanted to melt into nothing more than a little ball curled up in the palm of his hand, dozing in the pleasant warmth it provided. Meanwhile his eyebrows had flown up his forehead, blinking incredulously at you.
"You're freezing! Why didn't you say anything?" 
"I dunno! I didn't wanna bother you? Besides, I didn't notice until I woke up, anyway!"
He frowned at you, unconsciously jutting out his lower lip in an adorable pout that made your heart stammer in your chest. He made a lot of faces like this, smug little smiles after a trick shot or delighted beaming grins over dinner, even those soft, bittersweet little expressions he'd shoot your way when he thought you weren't looking; faces that made you want to just throw caution to the wind and lean in and kiss him until you both ran hot and breathless.
But you couldn't. Vash liked to joke about how fearless you were, unafraid of tailing after the Humanoid Typhoon through each town and city he blew through, but you weren't that brave. Not enough to risk the possible rejection of the person you cherished most in the world, even if he was under the impression he was doing it for your benefit. No, you were nowhere near that brave. Not yet.
"Maybe you'll just have to share with me then, if you want to keep warm!~"
"Can I?"
You both stiffened, neither of you expecting your response to actually come out of your mouth. Vash was clearly trying to tease you, you could see that now by the wide eyes and startled red fluster on his cheeks, but you'd been so deep in your own thoughts you hadn't even registered it properly until the words were already out of your mouth. You clammed up quickly, the back of your neck feeling hot and prickly as you cupped your hands over it and turned jerkily away from him.
"Ah! Sorry, I didn't- I wasn't really thinking I was just- You know I should have known you were just joking, so… so let's just go back to sleep. Sorry. This is weird… sorry."
You'd definitely said sorry way too many times. And he'd definitely noticed. But maybe he'd actually cut you some slack for once and not point out how effectively you'd just humiliated yourself in front of him. Or maybe you could just roll yourself up in your sleeping bag like a pill bug and in the morning you'd forget this entire exchange even happened.
"...Do you really want to?" He mumbled, warm fingertips resting on your upper arm again and sending a shiver down the length of your spine. He didn't pull away even when you flinched at the contact, voice staying hesitant, small, almost like he was trying to soothe a skittish animal. "I don't want you to freeze or anything. I really don't mind."
"It's not weird?" You'd almost mustered up the courage to ask 'I didn't make things weird?' but you chickened out at the last moment catching a glimpse of Vash's soft expression when peering at him from the corner of your eye.
"No, it's totally fine! I run kind of hot anyway. I can be your heated blanket." Seating himself all the way upright, Vash opened his arms to you, and it took everything you had not to dive into them the second the gesture was offered. 
Trying not to look as eager as you were, you slipped carefully out of your own sleeping bag, shuddering as you were buffeted by the evening air. It was a bit of an awkward clamber, one you tried desperately not to think too hard about as you burrowed your way in right next to Vash. He was a big guy, and the sleeping bag was barely big enough for him to begin with, so once you got yourself situated you found that you were basically snug up against him from your ankles all the way up to your neck. And oh, was it everything you'd imagined to be and more. You were curled up into his right side; he'd tucked you up in such a way that your head was resting right on his shoulder with his arm slung around you, keeping you close. The thin fabric of your pajamas did nothing to quell the heat that rolled off of Vash's body and seeped into your own. It was a familiar, achingly safe kind of warmth, like falling asleep in an afternoon sunbeam coming through the window and landing across a soft mattress. It felt right. It felt like home.
"Comfy?" His voice was so soft a murmur you could barely make it out, and you nodded for fear of any words being let out giving away your true feelings on the situation. How were you ever supposed to sleep on your own again, knowing that this bliss was just within arms reach? "That's good. Hey, try looking up now?"
You blinked up at the night sky, an endless expanse of stars and moons stretched over your heads. His free arm rose again, fingertip tracing an abstract, polygonal form against the starry backdrop.
"Rivus Minor, the Little River. You can follow it across the sky, just like this. Follow my hand, okay?"
"Yeah." You whispered, for you didn't think you had the strength nor the courage to speak any louder. You'd follow his hand as it traced the stars. You'd follow him to the driest, most desperate towns, the true wastelands. You'd follow him through hell and back out again, to the most barren edges of No Man's Land and back, a thousand times over. Even if he tried to leave you behind, for your protection he'd say, for your safety, you wouldn't be able to help but follow. You'd follow him through blood and gun-smoke and tears and keep following beyond. As long as Vash was there, you couldn't help but be there too.
"Okay. I'll follow you."
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maginxlia · 2 years
Starring JJK Men ✰ As Side Pieces
The Cast Line Up Satoru, Suguru, Toji , Sukuna and Kento
Rated TV-MA
Contains Adult Content
Minors this isn’t for you
Summary✰ The Men as your Sneaky Links/Your man on the side! warning this ish hot like it came out the microwave! Btw I don’t condone cheating. Repost cause the tags are doing me dirty
No pronouns up in Here but the Reader has a kitty
Gojo Satoru
✰ Satoru Takes the role of side dick Seriously like his reputation is on the line
✰ Anytime or anyplace he’s ready to pleasure you right, just call him and he’ll come running
✰ He has you down in his phone as “🔒” cause he got the master key for you baby
✰ He could be in a fight against a curse and he’ll stop right in the middle of it just to take your call; After he gets off the phone with you he wraps the fight up quick as hell cause You Need Him!
✰ Your deadbeat husband never deserved you in the first place and Satoru will be The first to tell you this, you finally got what you deserve… Him
✰ Satoru has fucked you on every surface of your home and he’s proud of the fact
✰ At this point he’s not a sneaky link, there is literally nothing sneaky with the nasty shit he does to you
✰ Hickeys on your neck, bruises on your thighs and his seed leaking into your panties for days make it hard for you to hide your affair from your husband
✰ Ever since you got with Satoru you've been able to do things you were never able to do, From different positions to deep throating him perfectly. He’s training you to fuck better and you don’t mind: you have even become more flexible
You laid upon the plush Mattress of Satoru’s bed as he lowered in himself into you, your pussy was already tender from the five orgasms he had given to you earlier but you couldn’t help but wet your lips from anticipation
His hands held your legs for the perfect mating press.
As he entered you Satoru couldn’t help but moan and shudder against you “ ah you’re taking me so well like I knew you could, You’re so wet, tight, and gorgeous” he said breathlessly as he fucked into you like a deprived madman
In this position, you felt so good as his dick tenderly kissed parts of you no man had ever reached before, your eyes had tears of pleasure in them as he fucked you dumb. Your hands roamed his toned body as you felt his muscles ripple as he thrust in and out of you as you screamed his name
“Always so fucking perfect for me. Always doing your best” he grunts out as he presses you deeper into the mattress, his balls slapping your ass so deliciously. his left hand grabbed your face to lock eyes with you “ Come on baby, and cum for me” his words were all you need to cum hard around his dick making your toes curl
He fucked you delightfully through your orgasm before he came deep inside you, Satoru propped himself on his arms while his dick was still buried deep in you as he kissed your lips tenderly pulling away for you “ I hope you’re not too tired, I’m ready to go again baby”
You were always willing for Him.
Geto Suguru
✰ Suguru relishes the fact that you CHOOSE to Fuck HIM over your husband, you really need his dick bad huh? He is superior after all
✰ He doesn’t blame you for getting side dick from him, Your husband is quite the Pathetic man chasing after his pleasure from outside hands
✰ That's why Suguru feels no pity as you climb into his car and the first thing you do is feel up on his dick, you deserve to get dicked down right. You’re worth it babe
✰ Suguru has rules for you though: He never fucks you at your place and you can’t play with yourself anymore, He takes full responsibility for your pleasure and he wears it proudly
✰ Fucks you in his car, at his place, and at any hotel that is near enough cause he Needs you to be under him
✰ When he’s done with you he wants you to stay beside him because he doesn’t want you to go home to that cold lonely place (He catching feelings)
✰ Loves when you talk to your husband on the phone while he’s in you, it drives him to fuck you harder so you can moan out and let your husband know you’re getting it good
You’re currently seated on top of Suguru as he thrusts up into you, his hands are wrapped around your throat so pleasantly as your left hand laid on his firm chest, and your right hand?? It held your cell phone that you were currently talking to your husband on
“Yeah.. I’m .. alright.. just doing … Yoga” you answered your husband as Suguru hands tighten around your throat, his hips jackhammered up into you at an unbelievable pace making you tremble as he smiled up at you
You nearly moaned out when he pinched your nipple out of nowhere “Ahh.. NO I’m fine.. Just this pose …is very hard ..to hold” you could barely keep it together while your husband kept questioning you as You were rolling your hips around to keep up with Suguru thrusts. Suguru played with your clit with his hand that wasn’t around your neck
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His dick in your pussy, his hand around your neck, and his fingers on your clit were making you touch and feel every constellation before you knew it you had came around his dick, dropping your phone in the process as your eyes rolled back in bliss
Looking down you got a fright when you came down from your high, Suguru had your phone in his hand with a devilish look in his eyes “Yeah I’m sorry Man but They’re getting dicked down Reaaal Good right now, They’ll call you back when they’re fully satisfied” you only stare in shock as Suguru end the call on your screaming husband.
Uh oh.
Fushiguro Toji
✰ Toji doesn’t give a damn if you're married. Hell he’s going to fuck you like you’re his anyway
✰ Your husband is a wimp, a chump, and a loser who rather go out to play instead of enjoying what he got at home. Toji doesn’t respect the man.
✰ That’s why he fucks you in the bed you share with your husband whenever he can
✰ Honestly, You’re too kind Buying Toji sweaters with the credit card your husband gave you, if you’re giving Toji is taking.
✰ The same can be said about your body. if you’re Giving him an inch of you, every night Toji is greedily happily going to take it while making you scream his name so loud that your neighbors can hear you
✰ He wishes your husband would catch him while he’s raw balls deep in you, He really wants to beat the hell out of your husband
✰ He’s very bold with it. Parking his car on the front lawn of your yard, Taking his clothes off and leaving a trail of them from the front door to the bedroom, Leaving his dirty underwear where your husband can easily find it. All this so your husband can know you’re getting fucked by a Real Man
You’re on your knees as Toji fucks you from behind, his thumb delightfully rubbing circles on your clit as your face is pressed against the mattress
Your words are coming out all broken as his dick reaches places inside you that only he can touch “fee sooo goo” you moan out
Toji Hips stopped “ Use your words, I haven’t fucked you that silly” He grunts into your ear. “Toji it feels so good” you moan out perfectly as his hips start back to thrusting into you “ That’s what I want” He voice deeply says as his thumb finds your clit again making you squirm against the onslaught of pleasure he giving to you
You couldn’t help your body involuntary clenching on his dick as he stuffed you full of him making Toji Grunt against you, without any control You came around his dick so prettily as your body went limp against the Mattress.
Toji wasn’t far behind you as he greedily chased his own orgasm, coming deep inside you before giving you a few more shallow thrusts. He got off of you and sucked your juices off his thumb while he cleaned his dick off with one of your husband’s clean silk shirts only stopping to smile at you when you both heard your husband scream out “WHAT THE FUCK?”
Toji cracked his knuckles, Oh it's on.
Ryomen Sukuna
✰ The King of Curses has you whipped
✰ Sukuna got you driving him around in the car your husband bought you, He fucks you in the penthouse your husband paying for and he got you waking up out of your sleep late at night for a dick appointment cause you need him so bad
✰ You are a proud addict of his and you could never be ashamed of being addicted to the Man who calls himself the king of curses
✰ How many times have you Crawled on the plush wool carpet of your bedroom to Sukuna?? You’ll never know. You have no shame, you’ll live on your knees for eternity if it pleases Sukuna
✰ In Sukuna's eyes, you are his and he will kill anyone who disagrees including that worm you call a husband who treats you like a worthless object.. especially him.
✰ You won’t hide the fact Sukuna fucking you on the side (Not like you can) You proudly show your bruises and love bites that Sukuna gave to you
✰ The Aura around you makes people back the fuck off including your husband who hides from you
✰ Being Sukuna’s pet comes with its benefits and immense pleasure that no other can replicate
Currently, Sukuna had you in front of your full-length mirror fucking you dumb while he held you up in his arms
Your back was facing his chest as he held your legs wide open with his hands, you couldn’t do anything but drool on your chest and moan obscenities; His dick had you all the way intoxicated, and the way it was moving in & out of you?? Had you hypnotized
You closed your eyes when you were close to cumming, making Sukuna stop his thrusts “ Look at what I am doing to you, I want you to study it. I want you to worship it” He growled into your ear.
The tears forming in your eyes were from the lack of movement you were feeling, You wanted to cum so badly so you did exactly as your king said while he went back to fucking you deeply
The noises of his grunts and your dirty moans feel the room. His claws digging into your flesh was an Additional sensation to push you over the edge as your pussy throbbed around him “ My King can I cum?” you were able to force out Coherently knowing damn well he would stop if you didn’t say it right.
“You can cum pet” Sukuna growled into your neck before licking it. With his permission you came hard, you were trembling uncontrollably with each squeeze your pussy gave his dick
Sukuna came with you but he wasn’t done yet, He continued to fuck you all through the night until you were pleasantly sore. He was going to make you high off of him and you are going to dedicate each orgasm he gives you to the love of him.
Nanami Kento
✰ Never in a million years, Did Nanami think he’ll fall for someone already married
✰ Nanami was always too busy to cater to his personal life and Needs, personally he never saw himself as sidepiece material, He viewed marriage as a sacred thing that no one should interfere with but then you came along and changed everything for him
✰ It started innocent enough, long conversations on the phone with you and spending his free time with you as friends but it blossom into something more
✰ Your husband is a drunken brute who is always too busy entertaining his drinks and strange women to even show you a drop of love
✰ Hell Nanami didn’t even feel sorry for the fool as his relationship with you grew into something lust filled
✰ Nights When he gets off late from work and He come by your place to pick you up, ✰ A bouquet of roses awaits you on the passenger seat of his Lexus
✰ After you two kiss, Nanami driving you to a five star hotel where your passion filled night can began
✰ He always have a glass of bourbon before he makes love to you, it's a tradition that relaxes him
✰He never fucks you, Nanami makes tender love to you and he worships your body; Never to leave a harsh mark on you
Nanami had spent an hour kissing and worshipping your pussy, the orgasms he gave you were bountiful and heavenly.
Currently he was finally inside you, his thrusts were soft yet with a purpose as his tongue circled around your nipple. You couldn’t help but arch your back to his Ministrations as Your fingernails clawed his back, you were lost in pleasure
“You’re so perfect and beautiful” Nanami moaned up at you “Like you were made just for me “ he said before his lips caught yours, your tongues dancing with each other
Nanami was relishing the way your pussy squeezed and pulled him in like you were starved for him, the sensation made him tingle as your hands held onto his arms
He was hitting your G spot so good that you couldn’t help but moan into the kiss, his hand holding your own as he helped you along the way to your orgasm. The sound of you two making love filled the room so pleasantly.
Nanami's free hand found your clit as he tenderly rubbed circles matching up to the pace he’s thrusting into you, his eyes staring into your own as sweat beaded down his face. You came while holding his hand, your free hand brushing back his hair as he came with you
“Ken” You softly said, “Yes dear?’ He answered back, “I think I’m in love with you” you breathlessly said
If only you knew he had fallen for you long ago
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userholland · 2 years
snowed in hell
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you didn't think a weekend with your boss could get worse... actually, it does once you're snowed in with him and away from home. you thought he was the worse, but there is something beneath his cold exterior that's very passionate and romantic and you're curious if you can explore that.
PAIRING: ceo!tom holland x assistant/secretary!reader
GENRE: smut 18+ minors dni!, pwp, enemies to lovers (?), secret crushes, lots and lots of longing and pining, dom!tom + dom!reader
WORD COUNT: 3.2k [the longest one so far lol]
A/N: merry christmas eve/happy holidays! sexy present here lmao. i haven't written smut in a while so apologies in advance but i thought id just throw one in there. honestly may post more on my smut sideblog now that i have a bit more time to write! let me know if this series has been great for you guys :D
𑁍 masterlist 𑁍
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"A weekend away didn't seem like a bad idea"... is what you should be thinking. The winter wonderland that was this beautiful snowfall was all nice and cheery until you're going with your boss for one of his many conferences before the holiday season can start.
Now, Tom Holland wasn't bad looking, but once his egotistical comments spouted out of his mouth, you were able to snap back into reality. Not only could he sound like the most out-of-touch guy, but he flaunted how successful he was on-top of his looks.
So when he invited you- no, expect you- to come to this conference, it was a bit of a disappointment when you thought that it would be your one weekend of not doing anything that revolved around him. Now it was all about him... as per usual.
Carefully driving to the five-star hotel, all he did was talk about his own expectations and try to figure out what to say at the big dinner they were holding before tomorrow's conference. All you could do was make mental notes since you were driving and he was checking himself in the mirror in the backseat.
Luckily, you had adjoined rooms so there was some separation between your lives these next two days. While he was working in his room, you hoped to go on the slopes and enjoy breakfast on the nice outside deck while reading a book. Maybe even meet someone like in some cheesy romance movie.
"No, no, we have the charity ball on the 5th. The opening of the library the week after." Tom sighed, "Yes, yes, darling, I'm aware of that, but we can move all those dates... Trust me, I know Mr. Morales isn't with his wife on Tuesdays and Thursdays..." He continued, his left eyebrow arched.
You could roll your eyes, but all you did was take a deep breath.
"Well, I checked in the mirror and I can say that today is gonna be a great day." He smirked.
Oh, God. You needed this thirty remaining minutes to turn into thirty seconds.
"Y/N, slow down a bit. We're in no rush." Tom signaled his hand, looking through the front windshield.
"Yes, sir." You grinned, fixing your posture as you eased your foot off the gas pedal.
♡ ♡ ♡
You're relieved once you're checked into your room, knowing there was one wall between you and Tom. When you lay on your bed, basically hoping into the soft mattress, you let out a huge sigh of relief.
After a few minutes of hearing Tom's muffled voice through the wall, it was silent. You fix your skirt and button up before knocking on the door until Tom said you could come in.
When you step in, you see Tom standing in front of the full-body mirror by the window. As much as you wanted to complain, he did look good in a dark suit. You saw him adjust his sleeves under his jacket, but his tie was crooked.
"Here, I let me fix your tie." You trailed as you walked over.
You leaned into your heels, pulling the tie a bit down before pulling it perfectly where the top button of his shirt was. His brown eyes glossed over as he watched you, admiring how the orange light from the sunset laying against your face.
When you lifted your head, you saw his eyes, but you two could just produce awkward laughs. When you were hired, all your friends envied that you worked for someone as handsome and suave as Tom, and so were you. It was his huge ego that got in the way. Then, there were moments like this where that small crush bloomed back up.
Tom couldn't disagree that there weren't some feelings in the beginning as well. Workplace relationships were frowned upon, and already keeping his father's company afloat, there was no need to try to impress you. He would rather fight off those feelings then see where it goes.
"Thank you, Y/N." He said before clearing his throat.
"Of course, sir." You grinned.
"You don't have to always call me that. It's Tom, darling."
"I know." You quickly said, but you felt heat on your cheeks.
"Well, we need to get down there." He quickly gathered himself before the two of you left your rooms.
When you entered the elevator, it was just the two of you. There wasn't much said but it stopped on the floor below, a few people filed in and you felt Tom place his hand on your lower back as you took a few steps back.
You leaned next to him, placing your hand on his chest. Tom's heart hadn't beat so fast in a while, but in that moment, he thought everyone in the small space could hear it.
"Sorry, sir." You said, pulling your hand back and then tucking your hair behind your ear.
"You don't have to apologize, darling."
Your eyes fixated longer on him before the doors opened, and he walked out with the others.
Quickly, you followed him before he was practically mobbed by his peers, asking all these questions and statements while you stood behind his back. A few times he'd look over his shoulder to make sure you were close, and you would show him a small smile.
Time got away as he loved to talk business before timidly tapped his shoulder and he turned his attention toward you.
"Sir, the conference starts in five minutes."
He chuckled, "Oh, I have to go but nice seeing you guys. Let's catch up this weekend." Tom smiled at the few men.
As the two of you walked away, Tom's smile fell and his hands played with the first button of his suit jacket.
"What happened?" You asked, trying to keep up with his fast pace.
"Just because I have the money to finance their plans doesn't mean I can. I'm not..." He trailed, "Well, I'm not some dream maker. Let's put it at that."
"Sorry about that, sir." You cleared your throat.
"Remember what we spoke about?" He asked, turning to you.
"Tom... I meant Tom." You trailed, giving a half-smile.
He actually smiled back, something you rarely saw but the two of you continued to the hall, taking your seats before a long meeting.
♡ ♡ ♡
After an hour and a half, you and Tom went to the bar as per his request. Instead of sitting at the stools, you were sat at a table and you weren't use to spending a dinner with him. When the waiter came by, you were going to order for the two of you until Tom spoke first.
"One glass of scotch neat and a gin and tonic, light on the tonic." He said, impressing you.
"You remembered?" You asked, sounding like an old friend.
"Of course. It's not always your job to do that." He grinned.
Once you got your drinks, you cheers to the night and a successful start to the weekend. You almost wanted to toast to Tom not getting on your last nerve, but a man came by with 'manager' written under his name on his tag.
"Excuse me, but we just wanted to tell you that there is a harsh snowstorm right now. There may be some bad cell service and the roads are completely covered so, I would advise you not to go out tonight if you were planning to leave."
"Thank you for telling us." Tom nodded.
"We can send anything complimentary to your room if needed, Mr. Holland." He reassured him before leaving.
"Wow, so you're not new around here." You joked a bit and wondered if it was okay.
"Yeah, I've come here a few times. With my dad before I took over the business. Anything you need, on me."
You nodded, taking a sip of your drink, and then the rest of the hour was getting to know one another. He got to know you better than when you were first interviewed, but now that he was relaxed, Tom got to know you better than the side he aggressively showed in the office.
He had been meaning to sit down with you for a long time, wondering if there was any chance he would, but he thought about his reputation too much. He knew it could be a mood-killer sometimes, but there was a lot to hold yet being with you right there made him forget all of that.
There was an unspoken tension at the table and neither of you two wanted to address it... but there was still enough time in the weekend.
♡ ♡ ♡
That night, you weren't sure how to feel. You wondered if there was actually anything you felt romantically toward Tom. You paced the room a few times and ended up staring into the night sky through your deck.
Once you tried to focus on the silence of the room, you could hear the muffled TV noises coming through the wall that shared your rooms. You took a few deep breaths as you approach the door, talking yourself through this in your head.
You knocked, "May I come in?"
"Yeah!" Tom shouted.
When you entered his room, the beginning of the movie Charade starring Audrey Hepburn was on, oddly fitting with the location you were staying at. Tom walked from the bathroom, his tie loosen and his shoes off. He seemed more relaxed than you did, but he probably wasn't wondering what was coming of this in your mind.
"Hi... I uh, I just heard the TV and thought I would um... I uh, come over." You said, knowing how awkward and childish it sounded.
"Yeah, just an old movie. I was practicing my speech for tomorrow's conference." He said, gently pulling off his cuff links.
You hummed, standing there and your knees suddenly felt weak.
Tom took a second look at you, "Is everything okay?"
Butterflies swarmed inside your stomach, fuzzy feelings exploding and all you could do was slowly walk over to him. He sensed what move you could make, but Tom stood tall and strong, able to easily do it.
"Y/N, look at me." He softly commanded.
Your eyes met, and all you could hear was the TV in the background and the sound of your heart beating in your ears. Just as you took a step closer, he placed his hand on your soft cheek. Soon, your lips met in the middle for a spontaneous kiss that tasted heavenly.
As your tongue pressed against his, practically melting at how soft his was, his firm hands began to unbutton your top before he pulled away from the kiss.
"Is this okay?" He practically whispered.
You hummed, "Yes. Yes, keep going."
Just like that, he contiuned pulling apart the buttons one by one as your noses brushed against one another's and you could barely take the tension.
Once you undid the last button, you let your shirt fall near your feet. Standing there in your silk white bra and skirt, you slowly pushed him toward the bed until he sat down. His eyes trailed your body as you stood only a few feet away and your hands met the back of your skirt.
He watched you slowly peel down the zipper, the fabric pulling from your body before it fell to the ground as well. Tom's mouth gapped a bit, seeing your stockings were attached to a white garter belt and the matching lacey, white panties beneath them.
Tom was loss for words, the dim lights not doing any justice for your body. He leaned up as you walked toward him, and his hands immediately met your hips. He slowly pressed his lips against your lower abdomen, giving you butterlies as he continued to tease.
As you watched him carefully place his wet kisses, your hand met his soft curls and carded through them each time he got lower. He used his teeth to pull at the top of your panties, letting the fabric lightly slap your skin.
"You look like an angel, you know that?" He muttered.
You wanted to nod, but he ran his hand up your inner thigh before meeting your clothed slit. He smirked as he massaged the wet spot on the center of your panties. Your swollen clit ached, trying not to let your knees get weak as you still stood infront of him.
Your hands met his shoulders, and your fingernails lightly grazed his freckled skin. He kept moving his two fingers ever so slowly as he left a small love bite on your hip.
"I bet you want me to fuck you senseless, yes?" He groaned, "Until you can't even say words... just my name."
A small moan left your throat as he switched to his thumb rubbing on your clit. You gulped, wanting him to pull them off already but instead he brought you down to your knees.
"Not before you prove to me you're a good girl who deserves to be fucked so good." Tom nodded, holding his eye contact with you.
At first you wanted to pout, but you also wanted to show him that you were no force to be reckon with either. He thought he had the control and you were going to change that.
"Yes, sir." You trailed, giving a new meaning to the respect addressing he always told you not to use.
After unbuckling his belt, you threw it to the side before unzipping his pants. His cock pressed against his briefs, bigger than you expected. You tossed his pants along with his belt before your hand moved against his hard that stayed below the soft fabric.
Your fingers pulled each side of the band of his briefs, watching his cock spring up and all felt was your face feeling hot. He carefully watched your hand perfectly grip his base, pumping his hard slowly as your tongue ran over his red tip.
"Fucking christ, fuck." He groaned, using his weight to push up on his elbows as he laid back on the bed.
He expected you to be fast, but the slowness of your pace was killing him. Your hand moved up and down, your spit lubricating his base and your mouth wrapped around his tip.
"Don't fucking tease me all night, darling." He lowly growled, his hand moving through your hair to keep it from your face. He wanted to watch every second of his cock in your sweet mouth.
As your hands pushed against both his thighs, you felt his cock grow harder as his tip pressed against the back of your throat. You couldn't see Tom, but heard his moans he was obviously trying to hold back.
"No teeth, darling. Open your mouth wider... fucking. Yeah, fucking feels good." He practically panted.
Before he felt himself on the edge, you pulled away and all he could hear was his own heart beating. He didn't question fast enough, and you were already on your feet before straddling him.
"You had your fun, now you're gonna show me why you deserve to fuck me." You giggled, half-smiling then pressed your lips against his. He liked this side of you.
Tom rolled the two of you over, the cool sheets against your back. He parted your legs as he trailed wet kisses over your bra, down your stomach then over your panties. You tilted your head watching him unclip your stockings from your belt, then pulling your panties to the side.
He propped your left leg over his shoulder before placing a kiss on your clit, so swollen and wet. His tongue perfect stoked below your clit and right above your slit, just the place to make your whole body squirm. Tom continued to flick his tongue right at your sweet spot, holding down your hips as they tried to move.
A trail of quiet moans left your lips, completely in awe of how he took his time. Just as your stomach turned, his two fingers slipped inside you. They curled and moved slowly as his tongue worked your clit.
You could cum right there, letting him watch your whole body wither but you wanted to play the long game too. Your grip moved to his curls, tugging so hard the move you tried to hold back your orgasm.
"Oh... oh, I wanna..." Your voice strained, ending up biting your lip.
Tom smirked before leaving wet kisses up your slit and then further up toward your hips until wrapping his lips around your right nipple.
You leaned up on your elbows, smiling to yourself before he kissed you again, "I wanna be in control now." You whispered.
The two of you switched positions again, straddling him as he leaned his back against the headboard the of bed. You slowly wrapped your arms back around him, pecking faint kisses up his neck before meeting your noses again.
Your one hand guided his tip to your slit, rubbing it against the wet entrance before sinking down on his lap. His low, rough grunt was against your lips, but all you could do was smirk.
"I bet you want me to move now on your cock. I can feel it stretching out my tight hole." You whispered once more.
He didn't think such a dirty sentence could come from those lips.
"God, you feel fucking amazing, you tease." He said, his fingers pushing into your hips.
"I don't want you to cum until I say..." You kissed him, "Think you can do that, sir?" You teased.
Surprisingly, he nodded his head but he was completely putty. You fixed your posture to make your back straight, then start moving your hips. His head falls, pressing his forehead against your shoulder.
Tom tried to refrain from moving, bucking his hips a few times. You tried to take control by kissing him and make sure he's distracted, but there was no stopping his wanting to turn the two of you over and have his own control back.
"Don't be shy, tell me if you're gonna cum." You whimpered, also feeling your walls tighten around his throbbing cock.
"God, yes. I'm gonna cum." He grunted between your kiss.
You sped up the pace of your hips, hearing the slapping of your skin fill the room. You gasp and whine, "Don't cum yet."
But, he was so eager.
"Not yet... not yet." You trailed as you felt near your edge. You wanted him to wait until you were right there too.
By this point, he didn't want to move his hips, afraid of letting go since he was holding back. Your nails dug across his back, your clit incredibly swollen and your wetness trailing down your inner thighs.
"Fucking cum now, God!" You announced in a whiny tone.
Tom pushed down your hips, and his cock bottomed out inside you. Your voices were shaky and hoarse by the time you came back down from your highs.
Your head fell against his shoulder, both of your bodies settling as you huffed to catch your breaths. You slowly rolled off of him and lay next to him in his bed. Quickly, he pulled the covers over you two and leaned on his side to look at your tired self.
"Think we can go for round two in say..." He checked his watch, "Ten minutes?" Tom joked.
You smirked, "Make it five and I promise I'll have you screaming louder than me."
"Is that a challenge?"
"Not for me, sir."
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AFTERCARE KAPPA !!!!! it can be continuing the aftercare of the last fic or a completely new one IDC I JUST WANT AFTERCARE KAPPA I LOVE YOU THANK YOU 🤭🤭🤭🙏🏼🙏🏼 🙏🏼❤️❤️❤️
Summary: Kappa giving you all the aftercare you deserve after an intense session!
Pairing: Kappa x fem!Reader
Word Count: ~ 1k
Content Warnings: Mean!Dom!Kappa Being All Soft And Gentle With You, Plenty Of Aftercare, Affectionate Petnames, Still 18+! Due To The Overall Topic, Kappa Dropping The L-Bomb 🖤
A/N: Vague sequel to Whore but can be read as a standalone!
Tagging the squad:
@crypticsewerslut @quicksilversg1rl @alalalaaallaaalaaa @icarus-star @milsthouqhts @roryculkinsbf @roryculkinsgf @spookyorchid @arch1viste @whoareyoi @angelsanarchy @b4sementgrl
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Who made you like this?
Who encrypted your dark gospel in body language?
Synapses snap back in blissful anguish.
- Ascensionism By Sleep Token
"It's okay. I'm here and I will hold you as long as you want me to." Kappa whispered softly into your sweat-soaked hair, wayward strands of it sticking to your forehead and cheeks.
His gentle fingertips caressed your shoulders, gently stroking over your trembling back as you sobbed into his chest, hiding your face in his tight embrace.
"I know. I was really mean this time, no? But you took it all so well, were such a good, obedient princess for me and I'm so proud of you." The words of praise cascaded out of his mouth whilst all of his senses were focused on making sure that you slowly found your way out of the depths of the subspace he put you in.
Kappa's voice, now all soft and tender, needed a few moments to really reach you as your mind was still nothing but an empty plate, devoid of any thoughts whilst your body appeared to act on its own.
"It hurts…" You sniffled with a weak, barely even there voice.
"Where does it hurt, love? Can you show me?" He asked in return right away and gently nudged your hand with his.
With shaking fingers, you guided his hand by the wrist towards your thoroughly sore and painfully throbbing pussy.
"Oh, there?" , Kappa curved his palm to gingerly cup your aching cunt "I know, I went a bit hard on you, didn't I? Would you like me to clean you up a bit? Perhaps a nice, warm shower would help?"
"Maybe.." You answered, the tears slowly running dry, unsure of whether moving your exhausted muscles right now was something you could actually do.
"Then how about we give it a go, hm? Let me help you up." Kappa pressed another caring kiss to your hairline before withdrawing his hand from your crotch and swiftly rising from the mattress.
After he got himself on his feet, he leaned down to you, carefully helping you up while you turned yourself onto your back before taking both his hands that pulled you up.
You couldn't deny that your entire body was hurting, muscles sore and nerves thoroughly overstimulated. Your legs nearly denied you to stand up properly but Kappa was right there with you, holding you up on your feet.
"There, there…", He cooed with a soft smile on his lips "Easy…let me take it from here, yeah?"
He wrapped his arm around your waist, holding you close to him while you took one slow step after the next with him towards the bathroom.
Although the hideout wasn't exactly a five star hotel, Kappa made sure that the two of you alongside everyone else had access to everything necessary.
"That wasn't so bad was it?" It rolled over his tongue in a warm chuckle as soon as he had maneuvered you into the bathroom and sat you back down underneath the showerhead.
"Does that feel nice, babe?" Kappa asked while carefully adjusting the heat of the water that started running down your back, soaking through your hair.
"That's….that's nice." You uttered as the shower reached a comfortably hot temperature.
"Perfect." He quipped before sitting down in front of you.
For a moment, Kappa just looked at you, a warm smile spreading over his face, a smile filled with adoration and love. His eyes studied your features, roamed over your body, taking notice of the bruises that he had left on your sensitive skin.
"Let me take care of all that.." He muttered before reaching for a bar of cheap, vanilla scented soap.
He lathered his hands with a bubbly layer of foam before taking them to your hair, attentively massaging your scalp and running his fingertips through your wet hair. Your eyes slowly fluttered shut as you allowed yourself to enjoy Kappa pampering you like this. Breath by breath, your mind slowly got back in touch with your body and you felt your muscles relaxing under the steaming stream of water.
"You were so good for me, love.", Kappa praised in a gentle tone, "I'm so so proud of you and I'll make sure to show you."
Once again, his hands brushed through your now soapy hair before his hands wandered down, delicately cleaning your skin from the sweat and your thighs from the dried up leftovers of his release.
"After that shower, I'll tuck you in all nice and tight, just like my princess deserves it. And tomorrow you'll get a good breakfast in bed, how does that sound?" You allowed Kappa to lean your torso further back under the shower head before he started to rinse your hair.
Warm water cascaded down your front, over your chest and over your legs washing the soap off your skin.
"I'd like that." You answered with a faint smile playing around your lips, a comfortable warmth spreading inside your ribcage.
"Then that's exactly what you'll get, love." Kappa scooted closer to you, peppering your collarbone with soft pecks.
"You're so precious to me, babe." He uttered into the skin of your neck as his hands ran over your exhausted body, "I might just admit that I love you.."
For a good moment you forgot how to breathe.
"What?!" Your question came across a little too excited than you intended it to.
"Fuck it. I love you." Kappa answered in a heartfelt tone and you could've sworn to feel your head spinning again.
"I…I love you, too."
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