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Outdoor colouring therapy 🖍️❤️🩹🍂
#me#my face#hobbies#personal#nightshade society#outdoors#outside#coloring#colouring#nerd#selfie#selfies#fishwire choker#yin yang#☯️#anchor#⚓#all black#goth girl
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dammit, i get that we're in the future and we want better special effects, but there's just something so charming about dalek saucers on fishwire
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Fish With Fish Tape or Plastic Tape Follow @craftingstudio_yt Full Video On Our YouTube Channel. Subscribe to our YouTube channel. #wirecraftideas #fishwire #fishtape #fishwirecraft #wirecraft #wirekoodai #wirecrafts #fishwithfishwire #easycrafts #craftingstudioYT #craftingstudi0 #craftingstudio #craftforfun #craft #plasticwire #plasticwirekoodaipinnuvathueppadi #plasticfishwire #plasticwirecraft #love #fashion #style #trending https://www.instagram.com/p/CGEq8YwB-zw/?igshid=vqvs3q5ezrsc
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one of the games I bought was West of Loathing, and apparently I'm doing a lock-pickin' bean-slingin' corpse-revivin' playthrough as Shoestring Fishwire and his trusty steed, Spindle the Ghostly
like, what other game allows you to write a sentence like that without making something up
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the man in the necklace
where i Grew Up – there was a Man who
layered on his necklaces every morning.
thick strings of yellow black and red, the world
Seen through the Prism of his gold-opaque glass.
and i Loved them, he let me sit on his bare scarred knee,
and one hand would rub back and forth over the shiny dead
skin, a comfort of survival, while the Other reached Upwards
and i Grasped the beads in meaty toddler hands and Pulled,
sliding them BackAndForth along a fishwire string,
Marvelling at the Tides of light
till One Day my eagerness overcame me
and i Pulled harder and the string snapped with a
Twang earning me a shout but the cascade of
oceanblue flying through the air, whispering
their Gratitude for freedom, Somehow
i Thought it was worthwhile.
it worried me the next time though, because he
Broke his own himself, careless impatience, or years
too many of pulling overhead and off wearing down the
string to Naut, till a gossamer thread of hope alone held
it Together. and hed dismiss the next day once anger passed,
the Cheap glass, trinkets really, and vow to replace them but
he Never Did.
and it concerned me, because to my toddler-self
his Manhood leached out of him with every amber bead
Escaping, and it went into the air, and i was Concerned
What would happen then.
and now I’m A Man, their masculinity clearly having
Congrated In Me, but i have breasts and no beads.
and one day soon it will be reversed, and
Load my Neck with Amber –
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Hello, Friend! Can I say once again how much I am intrigued by you Vancelores? The Harlequins one is so tricky! I had to read it again to really get it all! And Kili as Harlequin!!! YES!!! KILI AS A HARLEQUIN!!! ALL THE YESES!!! I am DYING to know how he appears to Fili now, after they bond! I mean, I want to see him Before, too, but AFTER ... Like, what did he change to become more 'pleasing' to Fili's eyes? Such an interesting universe!!!!
why, hello Nonny!!
i am absolutely delighted (thrilled-to-bits ecstatic, vibrating, shrieking with glee) that you enjoy the VanceLores!! those lil’ bitesized folklore treats honestly plod around my creative brain on heavy feet and demand to be shared XD the muses want what they want and i am naught but their vessel hahahaha
it always makes me break my face with a smile knowing that there are others out there who enjoy the VanceLores as much as i do, so a thousand times THANK YOU!!! *glomp*
now: regarding Sweetpea Kee and how he presents himself to Fee (who - lemme just drop this tidbit - in this ‘verse is a detective, partnered, as he always is in my Precinct AUs, with Bard. lives alone in a stale apartment that offers nothing except the one luxury item Fee deemed worth splurging on: his king-sized bed ... and none of that is in any way relevant to what we’re discussing).
in my mind, Harlequins - when between Masters - sort of appear like paperdoll cutouts. practically translucent, lacking any color or overtly distinguishing features. but they are people (kinda, sorta) so they do look like something and those something-features remain as they build up from their template-selves and present a more pleasing image to their new Master.
like altering an off-the-rack dress so it fits perfectly.
so Kee would’ve had fishwire hair, translucently pale skin, somewhat silvery eyes, etc. upon meeting Fee, before their bond was transferred and set. Kee’s height and basic build would remain the same, adjusting minimally (if his Master, say, liked straightbodied female angles or gangly legs, Kee would appear less muscular but not necessarily waif-skinny because his template doesn’t allow for that kind of drastic change).
the shape of his eyes and prominence of his nose would change as well, depending on his Master’s preferences. if his Master prefers more feminine features, so be it: his eyes would be rounder, his nose smaller and his jaw softer.
being that this is Fee we’re talking about, i imagine Kee presents himself as we, the fanhomies, already know his sexy self to be: dark hair, broody bedroom eyes, cheerful mouth. yanno? rendered as the dreamy Modern AU Kee babe we all recognize him as.
you’re welcome to imagine Kee any way you want :D but that’s how i feel Kee would present to Fee.
i hope that was to your satisfaction, Nonny! and THANK YOU SO MUCH again!
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Sephiroth from Final Fantasy : bill.alexander.948 // photo: steadyshark
I've always really been into FF7. I was kind of inspired by the guy who made the Polygon Cloud outfit years ago. I even contacted him for a few questions. The costume is hard to hear and talk out of it, so it's not that easy to interact with other people while in costume, everything has to be non-verbal unless they get close enough to hear and talk. I do like running up to Aeris / Aeriths and acting like I'm about to attack them though when it seems appropriate. I get a lot of fist-bumps from people, which is cool, but sometimes it's done too hard which isn't good for the cardboard.
With 3D printing becoming a thing, I came across a reddit user who had the files for the entire main cast. I extracted Sephiroth from it. I put my body size and dimensions in Cinema 4D to see how everything could fit around me, so I had to make certain adjustments to the size of things, while also not adjusting things too much to keep the original design intact as much as possible. I would then take the adjusted 3D model and use Pepakura to unfold the polygon faces, and I did size tests to see what truly fit me, what didn't, and what needed additional tuning.
There were times I had to redo pieces, like the face/head, I had to build out 3 times to fit how I wanted it. Some pieces, like the pants, had to be drastically changed in order for me to have the ability for me to walk.
The head had to be enlarged from the original, which actually made it look better and more "chibi". Having the eyes cut out with no white layer that I can see through actually worked in its favor too. Not only could I see better with regular holes, but it made him look even more menacing I think to have dark eyes. I don't think this would have worked as well if done with other characters, so it's a good thing I choose him.
Anyway, after getting the unfolded versions from Pepakura, I imported the vector versions of individual pieces into Illustrator on a canvas to the size of 36" x 48". I went to Staples to get these pieces printed on large blueprint paper, then cut them out and labeled which pieces belong to what. I looked around and in some cases purchased cardboard for it, I didn't want the cardboard to be too thin or too heavy, depending on which part of the costume it was for.
For the legs, I wanted much sturdier material. The head had to be a mixture of heavy and lighter cardboard, as I didn't want the head to weight too much, so there was a balance of heavy in the front with less cardboard and lighter in the back with more cardboard. He has a lot of hair coming down from the back, but that ended up helping to support the back piece and worked out really well.
When the cardboard was folded up and taped the way it was supposed to be, the next step was getting fabric. Because the models in the game are so low quality, I had to look at various references for the chest and eyes material and colors. I decided to do what seemed aesthetically pleasing and wing it with the eyes, since many sources felt too different. I've never really worked with sowing before, but thankfully it wasn't anything too complicated. I used a mixture of sowing and glue dots, to save on time. I wish I had just sown the whole thing, but I was on a time crunch. I had to worry about functionality too, like how to I get the chest to close, how do I get random hairs to stick out unnaturally, how do I properly fill out the inside of the head and comfortably, etc.
The answer to most of these questions was velcro, fishwire, and suspender buckles. the last 2 being my dad's idea. At one point I built a really long sword for him, playing with the possibility of the hand being able to hold it, but I felt that would just create even more issues for walking around, also poking people without noticing.
#final fantasy#final fantasy cosplay#Sephiroth#Sephiroth cosplay#acen#anime central#cosplay interview#cosplay feature
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For our wedding I’m DIYing as much as possible, including my bouquets. A couple years ago a family friend of mine had cancer and passed away, but before he did he sent my parents back with a bag of fake pearls for me to work with. It recently occurred to me that they’d look great with my dress, so I’m washing them, and they’ll be strung on fishwire and glued around the flowers. https://www.instagram.com/p/B15EZaMH_8v/?igshid=171kdpaduptmj
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ana oosting
For the ArtScience exhibition ‘Unexpected Smells’ at the Electriciteitsfabriek in Den Haag, May 2019. Kinetic folded sculpture that the visitor could explore with headlight, making the reflective patterns visible. Materials; Tyvek, Oralite 5600 (made possible by Antalis), neodymium magnets (made possible by Magnete), copper pipe (made possible by Wenzel), compression fitting (made possible by Bonfix), Arduino, Aliminium pipe, chain, fishwire, metal plates, ball bearings, metal cable.
( Materials; Tyvek, Oralite 5600 (possible per Antalis), imants de neodimi (possibilitzats per Magnete), canonada de coure (possible per Wenzel), muntatge per compressió (fet possible per Bonfix), Arduino, canonada Aliminium, cadena, fil de peix, plaques metàl·liques, rodaments de boles, cable metàl·lic.)
Tomopteris (paraula neollatina d'origen grec que significa «un tall» + «ala», però presa com a «aleta»)[1] és un gènere de poliquets planctònics marins. Totes les espècies descrites són conegudes com a holopelàgiques, el que significa que passen els seus cicles de vida a la columna d'aigua.[2]
Edmund Newton Harvey havia notat la bioluminescència groga inusual que produïen els parapodis.[3] Hi ha molt pocs animals marins coneguts que exhibeixen luminescència groga.[4][5] Moltes espècies de plàncton són conegudes per mostrar aquesta propietat de bioluminiscencia.[6] Els mecanismes d'aquest procés no són ben entesos; només se sap que no utilitzen cap de les luciferines conegudes actualment. Si es molesta, se sap que algunes espècies alliberen partícules bioluminiscents dels seus parapodis, tot i que possiblement totes les espècies de Tomopteris ho facin. Es pensa amb això es pot distreure als depredadors, anàlegs als chaff que dispensen d'avions militars durant maniobres evasives.
En general, creixen a només uns pocs centímetres de longitud total (de 20 a 40 mil·límetres de longitud total), tot i que probablement reflecteixi la mida dels que són susceptibles de ser capturats en xarxes d'arrossegament.[7]
Lilian van Daal presenta el projecte de biomimicria més nou: Radiolaria # 1. Radiolaria # 1 és un model o cadira impresos 3D de mida real feta d’un material únic que incorpora totes les funcionalitats: flexibilitat, adaptabilitat, fermesa i estabilitat. Amb Radiolaria # 1, Lilian van Daal continua buscant per millorar, ajustar i innovar la producció d’aforaments suaus fent ús de les lleis de la natura. En aquest disseny del projecte, la natura i la tecnologia més nova s’uneixen per utilitzar energia i material de la manera més eficient. Aquest resultat és una cadira construïda sense lliscar d’un material únic: poliamida reciclada (PA 12), proporcionada per la impressió 3D Oceanz . ..
Ernst Haeckel’s Radiolaria (1862)
According to Wikipedia Radiolaria are “protozoa of (diameter 0.1–0.2 mm) that produce intricate mineral skeletons, typically with a central capsule dividing the cell into the inner and outer portions of endoplasm and ectoplasm. They are found as zooplankton throughout the ocean, and their skeletal remains make up a large part of the cover of the ocean floor as siliceous ooze.” In 1862 the German biologist, philosopher and artist Ernst Haeckel published an image laden monograph on these microscopic organisms, turning his eye and exquisite line to their intricate and varied forms.
For more on Haeckel check out our article “Ernst Haeckel and the Unity of Culture” by Dr Mario A. Di Gregorio, on Haeckel’s theory of “monism” which lies behind the mesmerising illustrations of his Kunstformen Der Natur.
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Iron wire x fishwire
About how fragile happiness is
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I have beaten West of Loathing. Thus ends the tale of Shoestring Fishwire, ultimate necromancer, repairer of ancient technology, clown-fighter, bean slinger, lockpicker and safecracker, best friend of Cactus Bill, owner of railroads, diplomat to goblins. may his tale be told a thousand generations
#this was a dumb bit#west of loathing#the end of the story of Shoestring Fishwire#(unless I decide to buy the dlc)
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Make the robot hover up the side of the chair onto the chair and them from the chair onto the table
Im then going to have it move in and around a few items on the table and knock some of them over with an over exaguarated sway on some of the movement snd then for the final shot i am going to have it spin round and shoot a over the shoulder shot of my robot that is going to shoot something with a lazy thats either going to come out of its eye or arm and then its going to dart off out of the scene
My aim is to probably have everything but the table greenscreened so i can just have a wierd background added to it or make it so that the plate for my animation would appear to be in a box
And i will map some sound effects of this with lazed beams shooting etc and will use after effects in order to create the beams
I will also keyframe it in after effects for the robots movement on the table and then have a few animations that will take place via maya
Such as having the design of the ball that it floats on have a small stripe or triangle design and keyframe it so that it moves as the robots moving and also have a few of the turns made have a bit of swing on the end of them so they are overexagurated when the are edited
I will hopefully be able to get the camera track the data and export them into after effects and also im going to use fishwire in order to knock some of the objects over to show interactio with the robot
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Kendra Scott Leandra Shoulder Duster Earrings in Gold Clear Rock Crystal $130
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Kendra Scott Leandra Shoulder Duster Earrings in Gold Clear Rock Crystal $130
Item specifics
New with tags: A brand-new, unused, and unworn item (including handmade items) in the original packaging (such as
Kendra Scott
Drop Length: 3.84" Theme: Leandra Closure: Fishwire Style: Drop/Dangle UPC:
Gold/Clear Rock Crystal
Kendra Scott Leandra Shoulder Duster Earrings in Gold Clear Rock Crystal $130 Price : 91.00 Ends on : Ended
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Kendra Scott Leandra Shoulder Duster Earrings in Gold Clear Rock Crystal $130
New Post has been published on https://www.uberbuyer.com/kendra-scott-leandra-shoulder-duster-earrings-in-gold-clear-rock-crystal-130/
Kendra Scott Leandra Shoulder Duster Earrings in Gold Clear Rock Crystal $130
Item specifics
New with tags: A brand-new, unused, and unworn item (including handmade items) in the original packaging (such as
Kendra Scott
Drop Length: 3.84" Theme: Leandra Closure: Fishwire Style: Drop/Dangle UPC:
Gold/Clear Rock Crystal
Kendra Scott Leandra Shoulder Duster Earrings in Gold Clear Rock Crystal $130 Price : 91.00 Ends on : Ended
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Test- the cheapest most effective material to use for our work is twine. We also toyed with the idea of wool and fishwire but both posed risks with weather and safety.
Cotton twine is only available at in one colour at an affordable price so I have tried to come up with a solution to coluring it. I didn’t want to spend a whole heap of money so I read up about using vinegar and food colouring.
This method works to an extent, the twine does not pick up a whole lot of pigment but I think this gives it an earthier quality which fits well with the rough essence of twine.
We have 11 colours we are wanting to use, the challenge will be differentiating these colours using the limited amounts of food colouring.
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Pack of 8g Plastic Earrings Hooks. Different Colours. APPROX 500 Pieces Hypoallergenic Fish Wire for Sensitive Ears for just £7.99 Pack of 8g of Plastic Earrings Hooks. Different Colours Available. Approx 500 Pieces of Hypoallergenic Fish Wire Jewellery Findings for Sensitive Ears. Ideal for Handmade Crafts. 13mm x 7mm. All sizes are approximate. Also available: Fish Hook Jewellery Findings. Different Colours Available https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/538539628/50-pairs-of-fish-hook-jewellery-findings Silver Metal Stud Earring Slide Backs https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/505877198/50-25-pairs-of-silver-metal-stud-earring Assorted Round Cabochons. 11mm Diameter Imitation Gems https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/574772380/pack-of-20-assorted-round-cabochons-11mm Bronze Kokopelli Charms https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/530680281/20-x-bronze-kokopelli-charms-25mm-native Beautiful Bronze Butterflies https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/487200547/20-x-beautiful-bronze-butterflies-22mm-x Etsy: www.dojore.etsy.com Instagram: www.instagram.com/dojorewebsite www.dojore.com Website: www. dojore.com Etsy: https://etsy.com/shop/dojore Ebay: https://www.ebay.co.uk/str/dojorecreates https://www.instagram.com/dojorewebsite
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