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Does anyone remember using this style of fish tape reel? All steel. It was tight, pulling the snake out of the reel and a hand buster getting it back into it. The black plastic handle winder was a purchased-separately accessory that helped to get the fish tape back in the reel. I was so happy when the plastic reels came out.
#electrical services#electrical contractor#electrician#electrical#electricians#mrelectrician#mrelectriciantv#electrical work#fishtape
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Dawn of The Seventh Day:
Everyone should listen to ozma
Also fuck fishtape, me and the homies hate fishtape
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Fish With Fish Tape or Plastic Tape Follow @craftingstudio_yt Full Video On Our YouTube Channel. Subscribe to our YouTube channel. #wirecraftideas #fishwire #fishtape #fishwirecraft #wirecraft #wirekoodai #wirecrafts #fishwithfishwire #easycrafts #craftingstudioYT #craftingstudi0 #craftingstudio #craftforfun #craft #plasticwire #plasticwirekoodaipinnuvathueppadi #plasticfishwire #plasticwirecraft #love #fashion #style #trending https://www.instagram.com/p/CGEq8YwB-zw/?igshid=vqvs3q5ezrsc
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Dato: 05-05-2020 09:17 CEST Opprinnelig tittel på pressemeldingen: VERDENS FØRSTE BATTERIDREVNE TREKKEFJÆR Kategori: , trekkefjær fishtape milwaukee kompakt powertools batterier elverktøy 18v Gjennom AUTO-RUN™ batteridrevet innmating og tilbaketrekking eliminerer denne banebrytende nye løsningen behovet for manuelt trekkverktøy, slik at brukere enkelt kan styre trekkefjæren med mindre anstrengelse, og trekkefjæren trekkes automatisk inn på spolen igjen.
Milwaukee Tool er stolt over å presentere verdens første batteridrevne trekkefjær – M18 FUEL™ trekkefjær.
Gjennom AUTO-RUN™ batteridrevet innmating og tilbaketrekking eliminerer denne banebrytende nye løsningen behovet for manuelt trekkverktøy, slik at brukere enkelt kan styre trekkefjæren med mindre anstrengelse, og trekkefjæren trekkes automatisk inn på spolen igjen.
«Når det gjelder å trekke nye ledninger gjennom vegger og elektrisk opplegg, har elektrikere lenge vært avhengig av manuelle trekkefjærer som første punkt i installasjonsprosessen. Dessverre er det slik at jo lengre røret er, desto vanskeligere er det å styre dagens manuelle trekkefjærer på grunn av lite effektiv binding og mating», sier Henrik Nielsen, Nordic Product Manager for Milwaukee Tool.
«Ved å utnytte den batteridrevne teknologien til vårt M18 FUEL™-system kan vi nå levere verdens første batteridrevne trekkefjær – som gjør arbeidet for elektrikere fysisk lettere, gir mindre rot og øker produktiviteten på arbeidsplassen», sier Henrik Nielsen.
M18 FUEL™ Trekkefjær har en børsteløs POWERSTATE™ motor og kombinerer bruksmåten til et håndverktøy med et elektrisk verktøy og kan trekke en ledning gjennom et 30 meter langt rør med tre vinkler på 90° grader. Dette er bransjens første elektriske trekkefjær. AUTO-RUN™ elektrisk innmating og tilbaketrekning med regulerbar hastighet gir brukerne kontroll til å føre ledninger gjennom krevende rør uten de repeterende bevegelser som en manuell trekkefjær krever. REDLINK PLUS™ elektronikk sikrer maksimal ytelse og beskyttelse mot overbelastning.
For å sikre at brukerne er forberedt på alle typer situasjoner – uansett lengde og materiale – har det nye verktøyet en elektrisk motorenhet som drives av M18™ REDLITHIUM™-ION-batteri og er kompatibel med 4 tromler med trekkefjærer i stål og ikke-ledende polyester som ikke kjører seg fast. Tromlene er enkle å skifte ut.
Milwaukee Tool er opptatt av å forbedre produktiviteten ved å gi elektrikere ytelsesdrevne løsninger som øker produktiviteten ved alle typer elektrisk installasjon. Den nye M18 FUEL™ trekkefjæren er fullt kompatibel med hele M18™-serien som nå består av over 165 elektriske verktøy drevet av samme batteritype.
M18 FUEL™ trekkefjær – 30 m NC-sett (M18 FPFT-202 NC eller ST-sett)
Trekkraft: 100 kg
Utløserknapp for variabel
hastighet: Ja
Utskiftbar trommel: Ja
Kabeltype: Stål eller ikke-ledende polyester
Lengde på verktøy: 49,3 cm (med 2,0 Ah-batteri)
Vekt med batteri: 6,4 kg
M18 FPFT-202 36 m ST-sett inneholder: M18 FUEL™ motorenhet for trekkefjær, trommel med 36 m x 3 mm trekkefjær i stål, 2 stk. M18™ REDLITHIUM™-ION 2,0 Ah-batterier og M18™-M12™-lader.
M18 FPFT-202X 30 m NC-sett inneholder: M18 FUEL™ motorenhet for trekkefjær, trommel med 30 m ikke-ledende trekkefjær, 2 stk. M18™ REDLITHIUM™-ION 2,0 Ah-batterier og M18™-M12™-lader.
*Selges også som bare motorenhet (M18 FPFT-0)
Tromler selges også separat:
M18 FUEL™ trommel med 36 m x 3 mm / 120" x 1/8” trekkefjær i stål (48445176)
M18 FUEL™ trommel med 72 m x 3 mm trekkefjær i stål (48445178)
M18 FUEL™ trommel med 30 m trekkefjær i ikke-ledende polyester (48445195)
M18 FUEL™ trommel med 60 m trekkefjær i ikke-ledende polyester (48445197)
Se videoen av M18 FUEL™trekkefjær eller finn nærmeste butikk på www.milwaukeetool.no
Kilde: Pressekontor Techtronic Industries Nordic AS – PRESSEMELDING –
Kontinuerlig innovasjon i over 95 år. Milwaukee Tool er en bransjeledende produsent av kraftig verktøy, tilbehør og håndverktøy for fagfolk over hele verden.
Siden selskapet ble grunnlagt i 1924 har Milwaukee Tool vært bransjeledende i både holdbarhet og ytelse. Med et urokkelig engasjement for fagfolk og håndverkere fortsetter Milwaukee Tool å tilby innovative bransjespesifikke løsninger.
Enten det dreier seg om lederskap innen litiumion-teknologi, som du finner i M12™- og M18™-systemene, tidsbesparende tilbehør eller innovative håndverktøyprodukter, er Milwaukee Tool opptatt av å levere avanserte løsninger til fagfolk, løsninger som tilbyr økt produktivitet og enestående holdbarhet.
Hashtags: # #trekkefjær fishtape milwaukee kompakt powertools batterier elverktøy 18v trekkefjær fishtape milwaukee kompakt powertools batterier elverktøy 18v
#Techtronic Industries Nordic AS#trekkefjær fishtape milwaukee kompakt powertools batterier elverktøy 18v#Pressemeldinger
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Hey there, welcome back. It’s … ten-oh-six, hour number two of Around The House. Good to have you with us here on the program. Let’s get back to the phones now. Buddy in Erie, thanks for waiting. You’re on the air with Ken Moon Around The House, what’s goin’ on?
Good morning!
Hi. I … got some goof-off on my slats … on the ground. And I took a Dremel to it. And … turns out, I’m straight down to the rebar now. And I got gyp board down there, and … there’s gussets down there and everything else, so, my question is, if I’ve got a heel-cut, sort of a honeycomb … girder up there and I got a heat pump runnin’ through there, which is the compression and decompression that heats everything, cools everything… can I hotwire a hose bib up there to get a hurricane clip … (echoing increases) … to just secure everything that’s going through the home when I prepare completion my on the towel prompter, prompt (inaudible) …
We’re … we’re gonna have to put him on hold���
… We’re … we’ll have to get him to call back, ah, if you can put him on hold, Jason, ah, ‘cos that was just an odd connection, don’t understand what’s goin’ on. In the meantime, Richie. Richie, you’re on the air with Ken Moon around the house. Ah, good morning!
Hi Ken!
I was in my, ah, crawlspace, ah, earlier in the week, and I saw a downspout in there, ah and some horizontal gutters. Uhm, and there’s a drip cap! Uh, attached to an earthquake strap? Uh, in the easement. So, the overhang, of the uh, exterior roof kind of comes through there at an elbow, in an electric lateral. So, with an elevation sheet, should I be able to get an evaporator coil around the expansion joint to kinda get some wonderboard in there? Or maybe, ah, some facing brick, with some fishtape, maybe? Uhm, with the grain of the grade beam, kind of a laminated beam, and, around the gloat valve? And the gloss enamel’s just comin’ loose! And the-
(Sighs). Hey, Mike, uh, Mike Wolfe. Let’s dump this caller. Ah, I have no idea, Richie, what you’re talking about, maybe you need … to take another pill and settle down this morning I guess, huh? The perils of live radio. I apologize for that, but we’re back here with the program at twenty-one minutes after ten o'clock, and … Huey, in Ken Caryl Ranch, good morning, you’re on the air, hi!
Hi Ken!
I had to ask you about … pests. Pesky animals.
Yeah. Yeah!
Well, it started with my fireplace, it started with fruit, really. Smelled like apple pie, or somethin’, every time I used my fireplace, you know?
… Uhuh-
And then I looked in there, and I saw a bunch of apples–
And then I saw … raccoons, just runnin’ wild, and they were storin’ … apples in there, OH they were runnin’ wild. So, what would you … do? With the constant presence of raccoons in your fireplace.
Well, (laughs), well, well, this, is it a mom & babies inside there?
Yeah. There’s a whole clan.
Yeah, I’ll bet there is. This is the time of year when they breed and, and uh, whelp, if you will, or have their litters, and usually there’s, what, five or six little babies with each, uh, each litter. Well, you gotta get 'em out of there before you do anything because if you trap 'em in there they’ll die, and you think the apples smell bad! If you have dead raccoons in your fireplace flue [chuckles] .. so you’re gonna have to trap them. Have either you or an animal control person’s gonna have to trap them and release them far, far away. And then put a-you can put a screen. Y'know, kind of a uh a uh a uh reh uh ah uh ruh ah eh uh uh a spark arrestor cap. A steel cap, over your fireplace and the gaps are little enough that they can’t get back in there. So that’s really the way to do that but you gotta get rid of em first. And you might, you might try some of the repellent products that you can spray, maybe you wanna, uh, sp … I mean, I think they come out at night to feed as I remember. So maybe at sundown you can get up there and shine a strong flashlight down in the chimney, and if they’re gone, man, that’s great! If you look down there and there’s none left cause they’ve gone foraging then of course you can just cover that fireplace flue opening with a piece of wood, or cardboard or plywood or,
Yeah. Put a couple bricks on it, and then get that spark arrestor cap so they can’t, they won’t ever come back because they can’t get through that gap. So that’s … what I would use but get 'em out of there and I think night time is the best time to do that.
Well that sounds a lot better than what I tried. That’s for sure.
What’d you try?
I put some mannequins in there? But these were like, pressure treated with pressurised chemicals, they’re like the … Cadillac of mannequins. And I put them in there and I kept adding stuff, like, I added wigs on there and [LPC’s voice starts to echo] leather jackets, and I added a horse whip! And I added, I added-
Ah you tried, like a s-,
chin strap-
Like a scarecrow kind of thing, huh?
[LPC echoing and distorting more and more] Yeah I added a chinstrap and even ordered a bullwhip and I added a wig and I added all kinds of stuff and I added some different things, I had like a cactus in there, I added all kinds of different things and they kept comin’ out and kept comin’, kept comin’, kept comin’-
Sounds … sounds like a vaudeville routine! And not … not trying to get rid of a -… Hey listen, I gotta get rid of- I can barely understand you, so we’ll let you go.
Let’s let him go, Jason. Yeah. I don’t know what he, ah, uh … he kind of lost me at the end there, mannequins and stuff. But … maybe he was trying to do a scarecrow thing that [laughs awkwardly] wasn’t very effective! I don’t know, but, you can’t trap 'em in there! You gotta get rid of em some other way. I don’t know if that last part was…? Was that … was he putting me on? I, you know, somethin’, I could barely hear what he was sayin’, but it sounded like wigs and whips and mannequins and leather jackets? Maybe he called the wrong show! Maybe that’s it. Lance in the Springs, good morning!
[Lance] Well, thank you very much for letting me follow up THAT call, Ken, I appreciate that!
I know! I, he was sounding relatively sane until the very end, but anyway, go ahead.
[Lance] I-I-I know raccoons are really bad but I think that if you’ve got that many mannequins on hand with all the wardrobe for 'em I think you’ve got other issues.
[laughing] Yeah I think, I think so!
[Lance] And then I’m glad that you’re back, I hope you’re feelin’ better and, just you know, like that last guy, watch out for mannequins, I guess.
Yeah, I know! [Laughing] I didn’t mean, you know, every caller and every listener to this show is very precious, and Huey, I didn’t mean to offend you but your cell was so … choppy there I just couldn’t … see what you were up to. But … I’m not sure it’s … really wanted to know. Anyway, so, uh, anyway, thanks, Lance for your call. [Laughs] Let’s get Tony in the Springs on the air right now, good morning.
[Tony] Good morning, Ken, how are you?
I’m doing fine, just in response to the last caller I’m still in recovery, but … I AM recovering! So that’s all good news.
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The Right Kind Of Tools For Efficient Electrical Jobs In Florida
The article informs the readers about the importance of the right kind of electrical tools for performing electrical jobs efficiently. There are a number of electrical tools supplying companies in Florida which supplies their products to the electrical contractors of entire Florida and its adjoining areas.
Having the right kind of tools has a number of advantages. Since the inception of human life, tools are used by us for performing various tasks and jobs. Choosing the right kind of tool makes a lot of difference in the kind of work which is being done. There are a wide variety of tools available in the market for performing various tasks and in every specific field, it is very important to choose tools properly and wisely. When work is done with the correct type of tools it not only improves the quality of the work, it also increases the effectiveness of the job done.
The job performed by the electricians is quite sensitive in nature as it involves a number of safety issues. Without the right kind of electrical tools, it is nearly impossible for the electricians to perform their job successfully. Nowadays with the advancements of technology different types of specialized tools are being invented and electrical contractors are required to have all the different varieties of specialized tools to deal with different types of electrical problem with ease and efficiency.
Tools in an electrical contractor's arsenal include having a variety of hand tools and power tools. Within the purview of hand tools come:
· Pliers
· Screwdrivers
· Wire strippers
· Fishtapes and poles
· Measuring devices
When it comes to power tools every electrical contractor is supposed to have power drills, saws, cable tugger selector and a number of other devices. In recent times power tools have an ergonomic design and are made lighter and easier to handle. The small compact tools are packed with high power suitable for performing tasks of varying size.
Having power tools simplifies the job to a certain extent. For example, cable tugger or cable puller without which it is very difficult to imagine wiring an entire commercial project. Cable tuggers are available in different sizes and with varying pulling force. With this equipment, the job of cable installation becomes faster and efficient. There are a number of other associated accessories used in cable tuggers.
In Florida, there are a number of companies which supplies electrical tools to the electrical contractors of the whole of Florida. Most of the well-known electrical tools supplying companies are there in the business of electrical tools for quite some time now and have earned a good name and reputation for supplying tools which are capable of offering the highest quality of performance. One can search the vast world of the web by simply typing tools for electricians contractors Florida and the list of all the companies which supplies electrical tools in and around Florida will come up on the screen and from there the customers can choose a supplier as per their requirements.
#Cable Pulling Systems#cable tugger systems#Journeyman Series Florida#Wire Pullers#Wire Tugger#Apprentice Series Florida#cable tuggle selector#Tools for Electrical Contractors
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✅QUIT LEAVING MONEY ON THE TABLE! Sign up for my class and catch these dollars!✅ Panic bar, exit device repair both mechanical and electric. Segn up below https://web.cvent.com/event/9420c678-ce89-4af7-9b56-9f7a4fd1d3f7/summary Limited class size! Sign up today! Installing Access Control Commercial We will cover the actual installation of the electronic access including everything from residential grade locks to full blown commercial grade access. Topics covered will be: •Cutting electronic strikes in steel frames •Cutting electronic strikes in aluminum •Installing magnetic locking systems •Coreing doors, wood, metal and fire rated doors. Briefly mention rules for fire doors. •Drilling walls and frames to run wires fir your systems. Mounting power supplies to make running wire easy. •Simply wiring of these single unit systems •Tools and equipment needed to do the job like jigs, fishtape and other specialized tools needed to install systems •How to work with electricians and contractors to make your systems work and are properly wired. https://www.instagram.com/p/CEj1fa3AOQ5/?igshid=pyz9bf3wgll7
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Tonight is the kind of a night where you come to the stark realization that you would pay any price for someone to deliver a fishtape. #itsonly25feetofconduit #nomadlife #vanlife http://bit.ly/2C1mKfo
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When cutting out the drywall and feeding from the ceiling, it is ideal to use a #fishtape - at #CSG we feed first and then cut. #Phoenix #LowVoltagePros #Tucson
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