#fishl could be fish
art-freakazoid · 1 year
Art making!
Gonna draw something today! It’s going to be Wally based so dgfhfghh I’m gonna draw him in some adorable outfits I thought of UwU I was thinking of putting him in cowboy outfit! Like a western 1900’s thing be prepared! @:)
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keithisbae1 · 8 months
The Mershark & Mermaid - Part 1
Down in the ocean, there was a little creature. A shark if you will, she had little sharp teeth with grey scales, red eyes, claws and a red tail.
She looked nothing like her mother who was a beautiful mermaid, with luscious pink hair, silky skin and a pretty green tail.
And Sarada hated it, none of the other fishes or mermaids/men wanted anything to do with her. She looked ‘too scary’ and would ‘probably eat us,’ it didn’t help that she was bigger than the other fishlings her own age. Sarada couldn’t help the way she looked and whenever the topic of her father was brought up, which Sarada assumed was who she looked like her mother would try and change the subject.
Why couldn’t she know more about her father?
And she swam off.
“Sarada wait!” Sakura called but Sarada just kept swimming far away, how could she accept herself if she didn’t even know who she was. Maybe if Sarada knew more about Papa, about what they were, why no one wanted anything to do with them. Sarada could come to an understanding.
Why was she so different to everyone else?
Why didn’t she look more like Mama?
It was the first time Sarada swam away from home, she ended up finding a little quiet place which was now her comfort spot when she needed a break from everyone. She would sit on a small rock deep in the ocean, a place her mother warned her not to go. That it was dangerous with lots of predators however she had yet to encounter any. And if she did there was a small cave big enough for her to flee and hide in.
Except knowing what her mother was like, Sarada decided to bring Sakura over and show her hideaway, that way if it was necessary she could find her there. And to her own surprise, Sakura had seemed… relived? Whilst they were deeper in the ocean than they usually were, it didn’t set alarm bells for her mother, but Sarada made a promise not to go below any further.
For her own safety.
A dark heavy aura surrounded her and the little sharkling watched as other creatures quickly swam past muttering about ‘the creature’ and how dangerous it was to be here. Sarada panicked and quickly hid in her small cave peeking out. It was too risky to swim away, what if it caught her?
Whatever it was exactly.
“Mama…” Maybe she should have stuck with her Mama, what if she never sees her again or thinks she swam away from home to never return.
A big shadow slowly went past and Sarada trembled, she looked up to see a very big creature. The top part of him was human-like a mermaid except he had grey scales like her, he had a long g blue greyish tail which slowly flickered when swimming and long dark blue hair. How strange, he looks just like…
He looks just like me. Sarada thought, all fear subsiding and she began to be more curious. So there were other sharks like her. Was this where they lived?
She swam out of her cave and hurried over to him. He was ten times bigger compared to her and as she watched how swiftly his long tail flicked Sarada looked down at her own wondering if she would ever grow that size.
“Excuse me.” Her voice squeaked out, he didn’t hear.
“Hey!” She tugged on his tail, which got his attention although it was a slight pull it was noticeable. He lifted his tail to see a little sharkling dangling on it.
“What the-”
“Hi!” Sarada smiled when he glared at her. She was unfazed and immediately went right up to his face causing him to scowl. Even their eyes were the same colour.
“You look like me!” She chirped happily, the shark studied her for a moment before tsking and continuing on his way.
“Haven’t your parents told you not to talk to strangers?”
“My Mama has, but I don’t always listen to her.” Sarada watched his posture trying to mimic how graceful and deadly he came across, noticing this he smirked before flicking his tail roughly and dashing away.
“No fair, I have little fins.” She tried to hurry over and catch up to him and was almost out of breath when she did. He gave a sigh seeing as she wouldn’t give up.
“You’re not from around here are you?”
“No, I only live with Mama. I’ve never met another shark before.” Sarada spoke honestly completely in awe of how awesome he looked. If this was how she grew up to be she couldn’t wait, but were fishes really afraid of them?
“You should know better than to approach me.”
“Hmm, but you’re talking to me and don’t seem scary, you would never hurt me.”
But your Sasuke-Kun, you would never hurt me.
Sasuke blinked at the sudden memory that came to mind, it had been years since he thought of her. Why now?
He looked down at the little sharkling and she looked right back at him grinning. Her smile, her eyes, they seemed... familiar...
But that couldn't be, right?
“You said you lived with your mother?”
“Yes, she’s a really pretty mermaid but I never knew who my Papa was.”
That was all the confirmation he needed.
“What’s your name?”
“Sarada, what’s your name sir?”
After all these years, it would seem fate or rather their beloved innocent daughter would intertwine them again.
You can't get rid of me Sasuke, our feelings are connected. You told me that yourself.
Now, what was he going to do?
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bbowlingarts · 2 years
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You may ask me questions about this au
Extra info under cut—
Ok so basically i was bored and splaturtle wasn’t enough for me so lo and behold, I turned the clump into splatoon characters.
Red Guy is a sea anemone who worked with a couple of different clothing companies. He was mostly in charge of design before quitting to work on a small show before going missing. A few years later, he, a fishling who had been missing, and some young inkling appeared another show, but nobody had found ways to contact him or see him in person. (Usually, he wears some scarf in order to hide his mouth, which is oddly mutated.)
Duck has a similar situation, exept he had always been an actor for many things. He’s mostly seen in turf war training videos or historical films based on the Great Turf War. He is a type of fishling, (a flying fish, specifically) and used to be popular. He then went missing while working with a small show, before one day reappearing in another show along with Red and Yellow. Just like Red, nobody could find a way to contact him.
Yellow, on the other hand, hasn’t been seen by society before (other then a young inkling who did seem similar to him from a small television show.) He himself is actually an artificial being. He is powered by power egg-like batteries and has been alive for basically 25 years. His batteries are near dead, basically. His Father has appeared in both TV series he’s in, so many don’t what to think about Yellows status.
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Lesley is existent in this au, i just dont know what to do with her yet. Much of the stuff i just wrote are placeholder basically until i can get an actual story grasped
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anadorablekiwi · 2 years
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Here have pants
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jules-hazard · 3 years
Sinking ships
(refrence to hold rush by Taylor Swift)
/haven't heard the song, and i guess i'll listen to it after i finish with the poem not to let it affect the image i came up with :)/
he told me once
as i was half-conscious from overdose
dead whales create a whole new ecosystem
as their massive rotting corpses
reach the bottom of the ocean
nature is kind enough
to not let their precious lives be wasted
when their massive singing souls
are gone forever
small fish silently chant of
as they feed on those chunks of
give birth to other small fish
begetting colonies of thousands
never hungry
or needy
or caught
it's peaceful down there
in the dark
in the tight embrace
of pure water
the cycles go on and on
and no currents can
lead the starved
away from their castles
of bones
away from their
only home
i never thought this could happen
to sunken ships
as the seething waves devoured
my loosely patched-up carcass
and tore me to shreds
of broken wooden planks
unable to produce and maintain
the wonder of life
my lovely sea angel
let me bury myself
in sand
to finally get some rest
he gifted me with garlands
of pretty shellfish
taking root in the frames of my
wreathed me with
colorful seaweed
and only in the bottom
of his realm
i found my blissful calm
and the shoals of cheerful fishlings
played and danced all over me
like his soothing yet tickling touch
finally offering me
/hope you enjoyed it! bring some more if you wish :)/
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hisvanity · 5 years
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writober day 4: rumors.
when settlers first came to hoenn and settled on the hoennese coast, couples were beset by a swarm of sentient pink hearts. the little fishlings swam up to their boatsides, leaping out of the water like dolphins, even floating up to greet them in aqua rings. the fish were friendly, even fearless, somehow knowing that they would never be eaten. for who could eat such a dear and precious thing, drawn to love like moths to a lamp? 
rumors of the fish’s aphrodisiac powers spread: their appearance was said to herald a successful, long-lasting relationship. couples kept at least one or two in their homes; some kept entire schools. luvdisc were first considered a luxury to include in wedding ceremonies, and then they became a staple. the papers crowed that they had found the end to all relationship strife. due to its flat shape and its association with the powers of love, scientists dubbed it luvdisc.
but not all was right with those who sought to own these living good-luck charms. as scientists pondered over the mystery of how a fish with such little power could exert so much control over others, and as success story after success story flooded the papers, the truth lay by the wayside. for decades there was no talk of the screaming and the tears that followed, years later, the introduction of the luvdisc into some homes. no talk of wives who threw their husbands’ things on the lawn. no talk of the husbands who ran off with others as their spouses lay waiting, forlorn, in their marriage beds. peoples’ suspicions started to emerge: maybe the luvdisc weren’t the bringers of romance at all. maybe they were the takers. but no one was able to prove anything for sure, and so these rumors remained buried.
as an indigenous sootopolitan, wallace knows the truth. his people, having lived in hoenn for thousands of years, knew the ins and outs of the seas around them. luvdisc, far from being what people thought they were, are love vampires. they gravitate to those with romantic feelings, especially strong ones, and they feed off that love until there is nothing left. some couples don’t feel the effects throughout their lives, as the draining is very gradual and love is a renewable resource. but other couples feel it after a few years--or even a matter of a few weeks. heck, some couples may even feel more love toward their partners as a result of this parasitism, because luvdisc exude a substance that gets couples to love each other more so that there’s exponentially more love for them to feed on…“love highs” and “love crashes” are very common among luvdisc owners. sootopolitans have known about this for a very long time…but it’s not as though many people listen to the ones who tell the truth, because what are a bunch of superstitious natives to them?
wallace discussed this once with his colleague blue / @blueshadesofvictory. blue asked wallace what was the best way to win my zoey’s (@heartists‘) heart, and wallace decided to troll him by saying “get her a bunch of luvdisc.” when blue and zoey talked about keeping them, however, wallace revealed the truth, and laughed at the shocked expression on their faces. what a sneaky little shit.
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enkisstories · 5 years
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My host family fosters a teen by name of Duane. Turns out he is an expert angler and willing to let me document his fishing for my work task. The youth leads me to an enclosure and encourages me to grab a fishing rod, too.
Isn’t that a bit unfair, I ask?
Nah, Duane replies. The fish do not need to bite.
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Duane (catching a log): “There! Better?”
Eldigan: “From my point of view, yes. For the video, nope.”
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Duane then fishes out a tiny fishling.
“Throw it back!” I tell him. 
“Oh, I will!” the boy replies.
And then he fastens the fishling to the hook and casts the rod again. I would throw up if I could, but instead I walk away, leaving Ares to document the cruel reality of Island Living.
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