#mershark Sasuke
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The Mershark & Mermaid - Part 10
“Oh well you see, she can’t. Sarada has to go and meet up with her parents.” Boruto explained calmly. Orochimaru was bound to figure out who she was, and they couldn’t have that. Perhaps if he and Mitsuki distracted him long enough then Sarada could swim away and escape.
“At this time? Now, now Boruto. You know as well as anyone that being out this late is dangerous for sharklings. Why don’t I take you home, you’ll be much safer then.” A scary smile appeared on the ‘snake’s’ face. If only they had stayed with his mama, sure she would have questions but at least she wouldn’t have harmed Sarada. Why out of all mersharks did it have to be him?
“Actually-” Mitsuki interrupted, as much as he loved his parent, he knew he couldn’t be trusted to be around Sarada. He was about to say something before Sarada spoke out, coming out of her hiding spot from Boruto.
“Uh, sure?” She shrugged.
“I don’t mind staying a little longer, I’m sure Papa won’t either.” What is she thinking? They both thought giving a confusing look to the young mershark.
“Excellent, right this way then. I told you; you should bring your friends around more often Mitsuki.” Orochimaru turned around swiftly leading the way.
“Sarada, what are you doing? If you stay here, you’ll be in danger.” Boruto whispered close by.
“Well, he doesn’t know yet. Besides, I’m sure Papa will come and save me.” He had to, Sarada believed in him and for now it was best to be discreet. Even if they did find out she was Sasuke’s daughter, if they don’t know who her mother was, she would be safe. Right?
However, what the three sharklings weren’t aware was that Orochimaru wasn’t leading them to his home. But instead taking them to where the Uchiha sharks lied. If she was truly the daughter of Sasuke and the mermaid, then they would indeed be quite interested with her.
Whether she made it out alive or not wasn’t any of his concern.
“It’s getting late, you should go back.”
“I’m not going anywhere without my daughter. I told you.”
“More sharks will be out by now, it’s not even safe for sharklings.”
“All the more reason for me to stay don’t you think? If it’s between me and Sarada, who do you think they’ll go after. A small child or an adult mermaid with more meat, I’d rather be the one distracting them then have them lay a hand on my daughter.” Something about those words stirred Sasuke in the wrong way, almost as if saying how easy her and Sarada’s life was to get taken away.
And he hated it.
“Don’t fucking talk like that!” Sasuke snapped swimming in front right of her. His claws held onto her arms harshly glaring at Sakura. Almost as if telling her to take it back.
But she won’t.
“Why not? It’s the truth, right? Mermaids, sharklings. We’re nothing but food to you. Why should I gloss over-”
“I will kill anyone before they go near you or Sarada!” His voice held a deadly tone and his eyes, those damned eyes. They held conviction, the image of losing Sarada and Sakura. Sakura flinched feeling his sharp nails dig into her arms to which his face immediately softens apologising letting go.
She knew he wasn’t lying.
“Why?” Why would he go so far for her?
“Sarada I can understand, but me? We haven’t talked in years. Why would you go so far for me?” Why? Was she really that dense? Surely, she couldn’t believe that all those moments together were nothing. Then again, given how they ‘broke up’ could he blame her for doubting him?
“Do I need to spell it out for you?” Sakura looked at him expectedly waiting for an answer, some closure maybe.
Mama should know the truth.
“Because I… I love you.”
When Sakura was young, she was a curious little mermaid, always wanting to learn more about the sea. Including above with humans too. Sakura went about her day collecting unusual items she found when they dropped them into the sea. She had a various collection from jewellery, to mobile and electronics and even clothes like shoes. Not that the little mermaid knew exactly what they were but that was the fun of it. As soon as she discovered a new item Sakura went out her way to find out exactly what it was.
Her parents warned her to be careful, but it wasn’t like Sakura went up to the surface to meet them. She waited until the coast was clear before swimming over to the object, the humans would even jump in to retrieve their items if it was something important, so Sakura knew to wait patiently before putting herself in danger.
“Where are you going forehead?” A young Ino asked as Sakura tried to sneak away.
“I heard there were more humans about.” Which meant more treasure.
“Don’t you think you need to stop with your little ‘collection?’” The fishling asked, concerned about her friend’s safety. Ino knew Sakura inside and out and was worried that this hobby would put her in danger one day. What if the humans saw and captured her?
“I’ll be careful, please don’t tell Mama or Papa.” Ino gave a pinkie promise but only if Sakura was back at a certain time. If not Ino would assume the worst and tell her parents, she had gone out again. Realistically Ino knew she should say something right away, but with her friend’s pleading face how can she deny her?
“Deal!” Sakura grinned happily; she was glad to have a friend like Ino.
Sakura knew she saw the item drop over here. Granted she had never been this far down the waters before but the fishling was determined to find the shiny object. It was dark and scary, Sakura looked from left to right. It felt like she was being watched but that couldn’t be right? And if something were to happen, she was quite fast so could easily out swim them. The mermaid continued her quest until up ahead she saw a little merboy on a flat rock lying about inspecting the item she was looking for.
“Hey, that’s mine!” Sakura swam over to him, her little hands on the rock as she looked up curiously from below. Now that she got a good look at him, he seemed slightly different than a merboy. With the tail being a giveaway. The strange boy put the item on his face where his eyes were. Oh, was that where it’s supposed to go? They were called glasses; however, she didn’t know what its purpose was.
“Yours? It’s the humans.” He turned to face her with a smirk. “I bet you don’t even know what it’s used for.”
“Yes, I do! It’s… it’s um…” Sakura tried to come up with an excuse that seemed more believable than what he was currently using them for, nothing came to mind. Humans were strange when it came to clothes.
“Um, okay I don’t know. I collect them, I’ve been waiting for ages to get it. Please can I have it?” Perhaps if she looked cute enough the merboy would willingly hand them over? He only snorted amused with her antics.
“What use would it be to you if you don’t-” It was only until he took the glasses off did he realise who he was talking to or rather what he was talking to.
‘Wait a minute.’
“You’re a-”
“Sasuke, are you down here?” That was his brother Itachi. Sasuke looked at the mermaid and to where he heard his brother’s voice. He had to think of something before Itachi came over, what was she thinking swimming all the way down here? Didn’t she know how dangerous it was?
“Quick, you need to leave. Here! Take it!” Sasuke gave the glasses to her ushering her away.
“Ah, thank yooou?” Sakura squeaked when the strange merboy pushed her away before swimming up to his older brother. “I’m here Itachi.”
“What did I tell you about wandering on your own?”
“Sorry, a human dropped something, so I went to see what it was. I couldn’t find it.”
“You know better than to go after something a human left, it could be a trap.” Considering the number of times humans have come close to capturing them. Fortunately, there was always another mershark about to help. Some of the humans have even come face to face with a shark, but who would believe them?
“I know.” Sasuke looked down pouting, he wouldn’t have said anything had the mermaid not distract him. Knowing better than to touch anything human related but like Sakura Sasuke was a curious little mershark and he went to inspect for himself.
Sakura watched the two brothers from a distance. It wasn’t until she saw the older one did it register what they were and how close she was to dying.
The mergirl certainly had a lucky escape, but why did he willingly help her?
“Hey Ino, do you know about the waters below?” Sakura asked one evening, of course every merfolk knew of the mersharks living below. Yet Sakura couldn’t stop herself from thinking about the one who saved her. He could have easily led her to his brother and be a snack to them, instead he distracted the older shark and pushed her out to safety.
“The deep sea? That area is invested with mersharks, it’s dangerous for mermaids. You should know that forehead with your big brain.” Ah, Sakura did know, but wanted to make sure.
‘He protected me though.’
Now instead of having any interests of the objects the humans would drop her curiosity led her to the mersharks.
Fortunately, when Sakura went off alone again Ino had assumed it was because she wanted to find more human objects. Never would she tell her about exploring the deep sea, Sakura was only going because she wanted to go and thank the mershark boy. That’s what she tells herself at least. Certainly not because her curiosity got the better and was curious about other mersharks being the same as him or if he was the only one.
The little mermaid was careful on where she was swimming knowing if she encountered an adult mershark she would be as good as dead. That was the cruelty in their ocean world, everyone is out for themselves. She was willingly putting her life in danger but at least her parents and friend were safe. Sakura swam from rock to rock hiding behind it peeking out to see if there were any predators about. None that she could see so far, so Sakura continued swimming out in the open.
No luck either on finding the small shark boy. Sakura felt her ears drop. What was the point if she couldn’t find him.
Without warning the mermaid felt a huge tug on her tail and being lifted upside down.
“Well, well. Look at what we have here?” The shark grinned showing his pointy teeth. Sakura froze having no idea what to do. She didn’t sense or see him beforehand, how was he able to surprise and come up behind her?
“This is no place for mermaid, but I can’t complain. I’m starving.” A second shark appeared to which she later realised there was a group of five of them. There was no way she could escape.
“Oi, save me a piece as well.”
“Get your own. This is baby, it’s hardly going to satisfy one shark let alone two.”
“That’s not fair.”
“I saw her first!” The mersharks began fighting as the other one held her higher out of place trying to control his ‘friends.’ At first Sakura was worried if she would be torn to pieces with how violently they were attacking. She heard plenty of gruesome stories that had happened to merfolk, these stories were shared at a young age to put the young ones off on going to shark territory.
However, now that they were distracted a little sharkling came and bit onto the mersharks claw hard enough that he dropped the mermaid. Still in a daze and terrified of the adults Sakura had barely noticed and was frozen. Even when the young mershark boy took her hand and pulled her with him so they were swimming away. He was saying something, but Sakura could barely hear him, her heart hammering so much she felt like it was going to burst.
“Oi! Get back here Uchiha, I don’t care if your father is Fugaku. I’ll eat you in front of him myself.” The two were being chased but Sasuke was faster. As he rounded a bigger rock there was a small cave big enough for the two of them where he was hiding before.
Sasuke pushed the young mermaid in before peeking outside to see if they had been followed. It seemed that the coast was clear, and they couldn’t keep up with him, still it was best for two to lay low for now. Sasuke turned to the mergirl with a glare.
“Are you stupid? What were you thinking coming down here? You know sharks eat mermaids, right?”
“Uh… I um…” Coming down here seemed perfectly reasonable before but now she was a fumbling mess. Shaken from what happened earlier, I mean Sakura practically faced death in the face and had he not appear she probably would have been torn to shreds and shared ‘equally’ that way. “You’re lucky I saw you; you would have been fish food.”
Quite literally.
“I… why are you hiding?” Was the first thing that came to mind.
“Sharks eat sharklings too, I’m as much as food to them as you are.” Except as he was slightly bigger, he would probably be more fulfilling than a small mermaid. “You are?” This was the first she’s heard of it. She knew they feasted on merfolk sure but their own. What about the parents? Wouldn’t they be upset? Want revenge? He merely shrugged as if it was nothing.
“That’s how our species work, if you die a sharkling then clearly your too weak to live as one.” Such a cruel and horrific thing to say to someone so young, Sakura could only imagine what that would be like in her fins. Imagine not only having to worry about sharks but adult merfolk at such a young age. The thought gave her the shivers, but it wasn’t exactly as though they had the right body parts to begin with.
“That’s not fair, what if you get stronger when you get older.”
“Life’s not fair, that’s how the world works. We should be safe in here though, their too big to get in here and it’s where I hid from them before.”
“They were chasing you?”
“Yeah, but then they got a glimpse of you and thought you were an easier target.” In a way Sasuke had felt guilty because had he not been taunting them from before with Naruto they wouldn’t be in this situation. Sometimes his head got a little bit too big with being an Uchiha, although she shouldn’t be here at all. He found it strange when he first met her but as she was after the human’s item Sasuke took it as an accident and that she hadn’t realised how far she was.
She was too innocent, so he helped her out. It would be such a waste to die so young, why was she back though?
“What’s your name?” Here he was her hero, twice and she still didn’t know his name.
“Sasuke? My name is Sakura!” Sakura grinned holding her hand out for him to take.
“Wait a minute, what are you doing?”
“Asking me my name, giving me yours? It’s weird.”
“Why is weird? I just wanted to thank you for saving my life… twice now I guess hehe.” She stuck out her tongue bashfully. “Because a mermaid and mershark can’t be friends, you know when I get bigger, I can eat you right?”
“Pfft, if you wanted to eat me, you wouldn’t have saved me to begin with.” Sakura said filled with confidence. She was a strange mermaid but maybe he was no better like she said for rescuing her and here starts their unusual friendship.
“Ino! Ino! Guess what I met someone!” Of course, Sakura didn’t mention him being a mershark, but she was too excited and wanted to gush about her new friend.
“So the human’s toxic did this to you?” Sakura asked looking at the now different mershark. What once was his pale scales were now grey. Even his hair and tail had changed colour, but Sakura couldn’t help but be fascinated by him.
“I told you, leave me alone! I don’t want to see anybody!!” Not looking like this.
“But your upset and I can’t leave a friend alone being upset.” Especially after his traumatising experience. Even if his form had changed Sakura was sure he was still shaken up from almost being eaten. It took her a while to get over it when they met the second time.
“Stop calling me your friend!”
“Nope!” Sakura plopped herself down next to him as if to make a point. Their tails were swished side by side. She tried to look at him, but he refused, hating how he looked. Sakura pouted at this.
“Come on Sasuke, let me see.”
“Please?” At this he snapped, he hated how carefree she was. Couldn’t she see that this wrong?
“I’m not supposed to look like this! I mean look at me, I’m gross, I look like a monster I mean I know I’m meant to look scary but not like this. What if I get older and can’t find a mate? What if father’s wrong and the human’s toxic kills me later? What if?” He was having a panic attack, Sakura could tell. She swam over to him, her little hands held onto his claws as she tried to snap him out of it.
“Sasuke, Sasuke! Breathe.” The little mermaid inhaled and exhaled trying to get him to do the same. He did. She gave him a small smile in response and that was all he needed to feel safe.
Safe, secured and relaxed.
“I know it’s scary, and we have no idea on what’s happened, but I don’t think you will die. You’re a sharkling, if something were to happen it would have er did.” She looked up and down his new look. “And you’re still the Sasuke I know, it doesn’t matter what’s on the outside. It’s the inside that counts, that’s what my parents always told me.”
“Yeah, but your parents are merfolk.” Sasuke muttered but Sakura ignored him letting go of his claws. “Point being your still Sasuke and still cute. Your hair is soft too.” Sakura went to touch his hair again liking the texture all the while the words ‘cute’ kept ringing his ears as he found himself blushing.
Sakura went to face him again upside down.
“Are you blushing?”
“Tsk, no?” And how could she tell?
“Aww, Sasuke is even cuter now.” Sakura squealed hugging him giggling away.
“And besides I’m sure you’ll get lots of mersharks fawning after you. You’ll be a… a… mermaid man? No wait, mershark man!” Sasuke looked at her dumbly.
“What’s that?”
“Someone who’s popular with mermaid, my parents won’t go into details though. In your case though it would be sharks. What’s a female shark called?” Sakura asked curiously. It amazed him how she could be focused on one thing and then another.
“Stop getting so close.”
“But your so cute and I really like your eyes.”
“Mersharks are not meant to be cute.” But he did find her words reassuring, if a mermaid like her could be at ease with him maybe other mersharks can too. She always knew how to make him feel better, unlike his father.
“Except Sasuke.”
“Don’t act surprised, we have a daughter between us. I don’t see the point in lying or denying my feelings for you.” What? Where did that come from?
“But… I saw you. With her.” When Sakura went back to tell Sasuke the news of Sarada she saw him with another mershark clinging to his arms. It had only been a few weeks since Sasuke ‘broke up’ their little arrangement so of course it could only be because he met someone else.
A mershark like him, someone who could give him everything and not having to hide their relationship to the world, his family and friends. Perhaps he didn’t think she could get pregnant and have a future together. Even though rationally Sakura tried to make sense of it, the two of them finding someone their own kind but for her it was too late.
She couldn’t get rid of the baby and even if she could Sakura would refuse. Because this little one was the proof of their love and afterwards the closest thing Sakura had to Sasuke.
The mermaid was terrified, she wasn’t sure whether Sarada would fit in with the rest. How she would eat but fortunately Sarada wasn’t a fussy eater. She didn’t need fish or any type of meat to which could be because of her own DNA as Tsunade said.
‘Don’t forget she is part mermaid too, although she looks more like a mershark, she is neither a full mershark nor mermaid.’ Hearing those words made Sakura’s heart swell. Because again Sarada was proof of their love and yet it was so painful too.
Because she could never meet her father.
“You cheated on me, you broke my heart. What do you mean you-”
“I never cheated on you. Yes, I wanted to hurt you, I want you to think that way and see me with someone else.”
“Why?” How could he be so cruel?
“Because then it would be easier for you to hate me. To stay away and never come back. I couldn’t have you come back. They knew! My parents, Orochimaru, everyone.” There was no coming back from it.
“I didn’t have a choice, if I left you alone, they wouldn’t harm you. They’ll let you be, they even promised on leaving your family and friends alone. I couldn’t turn down their offer, I wanted to protect you!” Even if she still hated him, Sasuke wouldn’t blame her, but he would not regret protecting her from his family. Everyone now, including the sharklings knew of the mershark that mated with the mermaid. Sasuke would not deny it, but he could at least act aloof and uncaring towards her now, or so he thought.
With Sarada in the picture… what use is there on pretending. If he knew beforehand, could they have swum off together and start a new life? It wouldn’t be fair to Sarada as she would be lonely with no friends but at least he can keep them away and safe from his family.
From any sharks that would dare to harm them.
“You… no you don’t get to do this. You don’t get to swim back in my life and act like nothing’s happened. I refuse.” Her head was spinning, and heart ached, this is exactly what she wanted but everything was happening too fast. Sarada didn’t know who her father was one minute and now he was here. Sakura hadn’t seen Sasuke in years and for the longest time thought he was with someone else, that he wanted to have Sarada here, to be raised with another mershark who was his mate and now he’s saying all these sweet nothings to her.
That he had always loved her?
Sakura swam around him determined on looking for their daughter, yet the two didn’t seem to notice other sharks nearby and as she was swimming fast to get away from him, she almost swam into them.
It wasn’t until Sakura felt a tug on her arm from Sasuke pulling her closer to his body. Damn him and his speed but before she could react in any sort of way his fangs went to her neck and bit her hard. Sakura let out a yelp at the pain, but it was enough to stop the other sharks from going near them. Assuming she was already caught and his meal instead, Sasuke looked at them sharply with a glare. It was enough to scare them away fleeing and making sure the area was clear he tore his fangs away from her but he still held her close. They hadn’t had this type of physical contact for years.
Sakura groaned at the stinging sensation rubbing her neck.
“That fucking hurt you asshole!” Plus was going to leave a mark too.
“Your used to it.” He shrugged letting her go swimming ahead. Her face flushed instantly knowing exactly what he was referring to. Sakura had a good mind to smack him.
“I’m not lying either, you can believe me or not. Hate me even but I will kill anyone before they go near you or Sarada.” Because in Sasuke’s eyes out of the three of them, the one who should get punished is him. Not his daughter who is innocent in any of this or Sakura who was his light.
They were both young and didn’t know any better but getting older Sasuke should have. He was above her. If anyone was going to pay it would be him.
She didn’t doubt him for a second, his words had her frozen in place. She wanted to say something, have a snarky comeback but a scream that sent a dreaded chill down her spine interrupted her thoughts.
“Sarada!” Sakura quickly swam ahead recognising her voice.
She needed to save her baby.
“What attracts you to another mershark?”
“What attracts you to a merman?”
#sasusaku#sasuke uchiha x sakura haruno#sasusaku fanfic#ssfanfic#sasusakufanfiction#mershark/mermaid AU#mershark Sasuke#mermaid Sakura#mershark Sarada#yaaaay I finally updated#also currently working on the next chapter too
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The Mershark & Mermaid - Part 9
Sasuke was different from most sharks, despite being an Uchiha his appearance was… unique and not like his family. At a young age sharklings were to go further into the deep given to other sharks to be fed and tested, if they were weak then they would die or more specific eaten by the mersharks. If they were strong then they would escape and live. As the years progressed more and more sharks were hesitant on keeping such a trial, especially when there were more and more humans about.
They couldn’t go extinct from one another and who’s to say the sharklings wouldn’t grow strong in their own time. Uchihas were few of the sharks who continued this method, plucking out the weak as they were the strongest of mersharks. And Sasuke was no exception, despite the protests from his mother Sasuke had agreed to go through this trial. He wanted to get stronger and knew this would be the only option. And if he were to die, then he was simply not made for this life and maybe he could finally escape Itachi’s shadow.
What they didn’t know that day was that there were humans right above them. Dumping a load of toxic waste. At the time Sasuke was struggling to keep himself awake, the sharks were taunting him, attacking him with their tails and tossing him around like he was some toy. Their claws would scratch him leaving him all bruised and battered.
He thought he was finished until something had distracted them, it had entered the deep sea and that was when he knew this was his chance and attacked them. Sasuke didn’t feel or notice anything that day, too preoccupied in fighting for his life. To stay alive.
He had bitten two of them, scratched the eye out of another and headbutted another in his way. He was able to escape and swim back home safely. He had completed the trial, to make it out alive in an area infested with mersharks.
The sharkling couldn’t wait to see the look on his dad’s face, he could finally acknowledge him. Sure, he was beaten up badly but that was to be expected, this was proof that he could get strong. Until he fainted when he saw his parents.
When he woke up Fugaku had told him how proud he was however Mikoto was different, it was heard sometime later that within a few days the mersharks that were trying kill Sasuke were dead. The humans had gotten to them first with poisoning their land, and now it would only be a matter of time before Sasuke was taken away from them too, or so they thought.
Sasuke had come down with a fever with his wounds being fully exposed to the toxin, his life was in danger. He would scream and cry from the pain, but death never came, instead his appearance had changed. His pale scales turned grey and black hair changed into darker blue and grown slightly longer. Even his tail which had used to be purple turned into a blueish grey and he grew slightly bigger too.
It had seemed mother nature was tired of those two-legged creatures’ always taking and taking and finally allowed them to adapt. And Sasuke was one of the few lucky ones to be chosen. As his fever broke Sasuke had never felt so alive but was also terrified with how different he looked now compared to his parents. Was this really a good thing?
“Of course, it is son, you’re the first of us who have been chosen to adapt. Overtime this will be the norm.” If that was what his father had thought then it must be true, right?
“Oh wow, you look so different.” A younger Sakura swam around the sharkling inspecting him. She swam closer to touch his longer blue hair, it had only been two weeks since they last met. Did mersharks really grow so quickly.
“So soft.” Sasuke tsked swatting her hand away from his which only made her giggle in response, and she swam playfully around him until she was upside-down right in front of his face. Has no one ever told this mergirl about personal boundaries?
“How could you tell it was me?”
“Silly, I can always recognise you. You can’t escape me that easily.”
Maybe it wasn’t just the adrenaline keeping him going that day… maybe… just maybe… deep down he wanted to live again so he could see her, Sakura. Sure, she was a mermaid and not someone a predator like him should be friends with, but she kept him going. Made his day brighter and always smiled at him despite knowing what he was. Who he was. She had no ounce of fear and he admired her for that.
Whatever this is they had, it was worth fighting for. Was this why he was chosen?
“Sasuke? Oi, Sasuke?” Sakura had snapped him out of his thoughts watching him closely.
“You spaced out all of a sudden, are you okay?”
Why were these memories resurfacing? Ah well, it didn’t matter now. None of it did.
Boruto’s Mama was a very sweet mershark, happily welcoming Sarada to their cave. She almost reminded Sarada of her own mother with how gentle and kind she was. “Make yourself at home dear, Boruto is always bringing his friends’ home.”
“I was going to bring you a fish to make up for it.” Except Sarada had to wonder… would she have shown this same kindness if she knew who she was? Boruto had mentioned that his Papa and hers were close friends, so were they safe? Could she tell them?
Mitsuki seemed to know about her because of his parent, for some reason and she couldn’t put her tail on it, that didn’t sit right with her. Like it was someone who shouldn’t know and be wary of.
“I also must apologise for my son again for telling such lies, I mean really Boruto what were you thinking. You shouldn’t go making up such rumours, how would your uncle feel?”
“But it’s the truth I swear!”
So graceful and again there was her size, like Karin’s. Mama was tiny in comparison to them, especially to Papa. How can the two of them look so different and be so… so… in love? She didn’t know what love looked like but could see there was something there with the way they looked at each other. The same look Aunty Ino and Sai had or Shikamaru and Temari but at the same time it wasn’t there.
Well, Papa did hurt Mama. Sarada reasoned, maybe that was why.
“You must be hungry with all the playing, Boruto can be over the top. I’ll see if we have any leftovers.” She ignored her son’s protests.
“Th-thank you so much ma’am but… I can’t stay. I need to go…” She wouldn’t be able to stomach eating fish and that would be a big giveaway to them.
“Don’t be shy dear and call me Hinata, I promise it’s no trouble at all.”
“No-no, I’m sorry I really can’t stay. My Papa is looking for me, I need to go.” She couldn’t stay with them much longer, they seemed so nice and kind, but Sarada was having so much anxiety. If they knew the truth, would they eat her?
“We can take you home Sarada, right mom. It’ll be safer for us then.” No mershark would dare go near sharklings with the parents about or in some cases knowing who the parents were. If it would get back to them they would only be digging their own grave.
“I can’t, I’m sorry.” And Sarada quickly fled before they insisted some more, although both Boruto and Mitsuki followed knowing it wasn’t safe for her to go alone.
“Boruto! Mitsuki!” Hinata tried to call going after the three, but they were out of sight.
What a strange sharkling, maybe she is…
She could only hope the two of them made it sure she got home safe.
Sarada kept swimming and swimming, she had to get away from them and find her parents. She felt bad for leaving and being so rude but the more sharks she came across the more likely she would be discovered. “Hey, hey. Wait up!” Yet it didn’t seem like Boruto would give up, he was even catching up to her. How did he swim so fast? The sharkling swam in front of her blocking her from going anywhere.
What the-
“How did you…”
“They don’t call my grandpa the Yellow Flash for nothing.” Boruto grinned smugly. Although that didn’t really answer Sarada’s question seeing as she had no idea who the ‘yellow flash’ was. Maybe they were a powerful mershark.
“Why are you leaving? My mama could have taken you home. It’ll be safer to go with her, plus it’ll be getting dark soon.” It would be too risky for her to go out by herself, if she couldn’t find her parents in time then who knows what other kind of sharks or sea creatures would be lurking. Boruto once being a young naïve sharkling almost ended up in danger and if it wasn’t for his father being there, he wouldn’t be here now.
“I can take care of myself.”
“It’s because she can’t find out she’s Sasuke's daughter.” Mitsuki explained, which only made Sarada glare at him. Wasn’t he the one going on about how Boruto couldn’t be trusted with secrets?
“Eh? But you told me she wasn’t Uncle Sasuke’s daughter.”
“Have you not heard of the story?” Mitsuki asked ignoring both glares now being sent his way, considering Hinata was giving Boruto a stern lecture. Despite how she looked, she could be scary.
“What story?”
“About a mershark and mermaid that mated, then they had a sharkling and decided to keep it a secret.” Eh? Sarada was confused, that wasn’t what happened. Well, not entirely. Her own Papa didn’t know she existed until a couple of days ago.
“That’s a lie!”
“Oh…” So Sarada was that sharkling?
“Um, is that a bad thing?” Mitsuki could only facepalm, didn’t they have this conversation the other day when he thought Neji was with a mermaid.
“Yes, mersharks are meant to eat mermaids, not mate with them. They’re our prey.”
“So… you are going to eat me?” Sarada looked at the two in horror, and here she thought she could trust them. That they were different and wouldn’t hurt her.
“No way, we won’t eat you.”
“But he just said-”
“It is true, mermaids are eaten by mersharks but like I told you, I want to see what kind of shark you are. I won’t say anything, and we won’t eat you.”
“Yeah, we’re friends now and friends don’t eat each other.” Friends? Were they? They had only just met and yet he was talking like they knew each other for years. Boruto was strange but she felt at ease with him. “And this is Uncle Sasuke, he knows what he’s doing.” Boruto nodded his head with his claws crossed completely confident in what he was saying. Except he had no idea on what he was doing, neither Sasuke or Sakura knew what would behold Sarada’s future. Was she better off with him? Sakura? Or away altogether from both sharks and merfolk. It wasn’t like they had planned to have a baby and keeping Sarada a secret would be impossible.
“So what’s it like?”
“What’s what like?”
“Being a mermaid and mershark, do you have any special powers?”
“It doesn’t work like that Boruto…” Mitsuki sweat dropped.
“Aww there’s got to be something.”
“Well, we know she doesn’t eat fish and can’t hunt.”
“Hey!” There was no need for teasing her, the other two laughed as they swam about. Sarada starting to feel more at ease with them, maybe it wasn’t so bad being here. That is until a bigger mershark started heading their way, the three were too engrossed in their conversation that no one noticed until they spoke.
“Mitsuki, I expected you to be home by now.” Said little one froze and bowed his head to apologise.
“Sorry, I lost track of time.”
“Sarada, get behind me.” Boruto instructed/ whispered, and she did, hiding behind him the best she could. She had recognised him as that scary shark that her Papa was talking to before. So, this was Mitsuki’s parent? Yet he seemed much more friendly.
Unfortunately, her presence didn’t go unnoticed by the shark.
“And who is she?”
“She’s… our new friend?” Boruto tried to sound as casual as possible whilst being in defence. “She’s also really shy, she literally swam away from me and Mitsuki when we first met.”
“I see,” Orochimaru stared at her to which she flinched but tried to remain calm, if they didn’t say anything then there was no need to worry.
“Hi,” Sarada squeaked but didn’t give much eye contact.
She seemed so familiar, aha so that was why... and that was when an idea came to him.
This would be fun.
“Is that so? Maybe you should invite your new friend to ours, it would be rude not to.” At hearing that both young sharklings froze, Orochimaru had to know something.
They had to think of a plan and quick.
I want Mama and Papa.
#sasusaku#sasuke uchiha x sakura haruno#sasusaku fanfic#ssfanfic#sasusakufanfiction#mershark/mermaid AU#mershark Sasuke#mermaid Sakura#mershark Sarada#need to do an update on this aaaaah
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The Mershark & Mermaid - Part 8
Maybe they could be friends.
“You don’t look like a full shark.” Boruto swam around little Sarada eyeing her.
“I don’t know.” The young sharkling shrugged. “There’s something different about you, but I can’t put my tail on it.” Then again perhaps not. Did he suspect something was off? What if he finds out and brings her to that bigger mershark who was talking to her Papa earlier.
Sarada gulped, she really wanted to get back to her Mama now. She didn’t feel safe and there were too many mersharks around. She should have stayed, she should of-
“You look a lot like Uncle Sasuke but there’s something off too.”
“May… maybe it’s because of my Mama?” I mean it was only natural right. He didn’t have to know she was a mermaid. “And I am a full mershark!” Sarada lied with confidence but it was to keep herself safe. She had to lay low until she found a way home. And what was wrong with being half mershark and half mermaid?
“Sorry, but you do look weird-” Sarada gave a small huff swimming away, all anxiety disappearing. She’ll play on this act until she could find a way out of there. It took a while before the other sharkling went to catch up to her, he didn’t mean to offend her.
“I don’t want to hear you insulting me anymore.” I mean really? Was this how he made friends?
“Okay, okay. I’m sorry.” Boruto swam up in front of the sharkling stopping Sarada from going further. She pouted crossing her claws together, he really had the nerve.
“I promise I won’t say anything else okay.” Sarada doubted it but at least he did look apologetic.
“Anyway, do you want to play together?”
“No!” Sarada probably answered a bit too quickly.
“Eh? Why?”
“Because I need to get back to-” No she couldn’t mention Mama, he would most likely follow her unaware she wanted to get away from here. But what else was she supposed to do? Maybe she could trick Boruto to help her?
“You need to go back to Uncle Sasuke? You don’t have to go right away do you?”
“I’m sure Uncle Sasuke won’t mind if you are with me, like I said he and my Dad are really good friends. I can show you around. Oh, you have to meet Mitsuki too, all of us will be great friends.” The blonde grinned with his claw held out to her.
“Okay…” Sarada gave in, besides it wasn’t like she knew where she was going. At least for now she could trust Boruto and hope Papa will find her.
“By the way, I never caught your name.”
There was an awkward silence between Sasuke and Sakura, seeing as she insisted on tagging along with him Sasuke suggested staying low for now so there was less chance of being spotted. He was in front and on the lookout so that if any shark was to be seen they could back away before they were noticed.
“We can’t keep low like this, Sarada could be anywhere-”
“And if you swim up you’ll be fresh meat, have you forgotten where you are?!” Couldn’t she see he was trying to protect her and she wanted to make a scene and be caught?
“I don’t need you to protect me, I need you to protect our daughter! How can you be so calm about all this?”
“Sarada will be fine, she’s a shark. She’s less likely to stand out compared to you.”
“Even so, she’s still part mermaid. Do you really want to take that risk? Forget it! I’ll find her myself.” As Sakura was about to head up three sharks came swimming by and Sasuke quickly took her arm bringing her back down and hid behind a rock, he covered her mouth before she could let out a yelp shielding her body with his and hoped they would swim past.
Instead one of them narrowed their eyes calling out to the others.
“Oi, oi did you see that?” They turned their heads looking around but nothing.
“Did we see what?”
“I thought I saw... eh must be my imagination.”
“You’re always seeing things. Should we be worried about you?”
“Haha, very funny. I swear I saw a mermaid.”
“Mermaid? I have heard they’ve been showing up more recently. Just the other day that Hyuga saw one. Are you sure it was a mermaid?”
“I’m pretty sure, perhaps they’re hiding-”
“Do I look like a Mermaid to you?” Sasuke came out deciding it was best to reveal himself rather than have them find Sakura. She watched from afar being sure to stay as well hidden as possible.
“Ah... Uchiha-san... I’m sorry I didn’t realise I...” He looked back to his friends for some help but they backed away in fear.
“Sorry, sir, he’s always seeing things.” They tried to excuse him but the glare Sasuke sent their way made them quickly flee swimming away.
“Hah! What a bunch of cowards. Imagine being afraid of you-”
“What did I tell you? Do you think it’s wise to parade yourself about?” Sakura remained quiet, partly embarrassed with how right he was and another having been too close to him earlier.
“Even after all these years, you are still the same. I would have thought you learned to be more careful, that you would know better. Especially with Sarada.”
That seemed to snap her out of it.
“Be more careful? Why else do you think I protected Sarada from you? To keep her away from the other sharks but nooo you were the one who brought her here and now she could be in danger.” He didn’t have an excuse for that, she was his. Rather than think rationally he wanted to spend time and get to know her.
“Don’t you dare have a go at me for being immature when you agreed to this!”
“She’s my daughter!” Again, what else was he supposed to say?
“And you should know better! Shark or not, this place is not safe for her. Besides you were the one who broke things off! Do I have to keep reminding you? So why do you get a say now? Who are you to tell me how to raise her?”
“And you think Sarada will be happy when I tell her mother is dead because you’ve been looking for her? If you didn’t want all this stress you should have stayed away from me!”
“Oh, that’s rich, I can say the same to you. You could have easily stopped this long beforehand and you never did. Not until it was too late.” Even with all the yelling and screaming, not one shark was to be seen. She knew being alone with him would be too much, that there would be nothing but arguments (at least on her side) but him being worried about her made no sense.
Why would he care now?
Sakura sighed feeling frustrated that she couldn’t get through to him.
“I don’t get it, what’s up with you Sasuke? What are you hiding?”
“I’m not hiding anything.” They were so close now.
“Liar, it’s been years and I can still see right through you.”
“You knew I went back right?”
“I went back, I wanted to tell you about Sarada. As upset as I was and knew you didn’t want to see me. I felt like you deserved to know, you are her father after all. But then I saw you with her.”
“The mershark, you two were very... close. She was all over you. I assumed that was why you broke up with me, that you were cheating on me.”
Ah, he knew what day she was referring to. His parents wanted to set him up with a shark instead however after already threatening to kill Sakura it was too late to go back to normal.
“So was it true?”
“Were you cheating on me?” Was it better to tell the truth? Wouldn’t that make things more difficult?
But Mama deserves to know the truth.
Mama won't forgive you at all if you don't tell her anything.
His daughter’s words rang in his ears, what good would it do though?
“Does that matter now?”
“I guess not, we should look for Sarada anyway.” It wasn’t the answer she wanted but questions and fighting can come after, right now they had to find their daughter.
“Do we really have to do this?” Sarada, Boruto and Mitsuki were all hiding behind a rock away from their prey. There was a swarm of fish of all kinds swimming around. She didn’t want to chase after them, she’ll freak out and what kind of mershark is afraid of fish? They’ll start suspecting something is strange, she’ll be found out and then they’ll eat her… or their parents will eat her.
No, Sarada shook her head. She could do this, she had to.
“Yeah, it’s a really fun game. Plus it helps us practice hunting.”
“Have you never played before? I thought it was a common game for sharklings?” Mitsuki asked innocently, of course, the two were aware that Sarada wasn’t a good hunter from watching her and Sasuke before. That was why Boruto purposely chose this game, as a way to help. They expected her to confess that she didn’t know how to hunt so they could give her tips but it seemed her pride too great.
“Uh yeah, of course, I have. I’m just not in the mood.”
They wouldn’t pry though, it must be embarrassing having to be a shark and Uchiha that couldn’t hunt.
“Ah ah look over there, Mitsuki there’s a bunch of baby ones over there.” Mitsuki nodded and then pointed out to a bigger fish that would be perfect for Boruto to take. “I can bring it to Mom, she’ll be so happy.” The two started to discuss their plan of action, Boruto and Mitsuki will take different directions so that they could trap and lure the fish Sarada’s way so that she would have the chance to get one. Then afterwards Boruto can go ahead and catch his own prey for his family. It was the perfect plan.
“Ready… GO! Sarada you know what to do right?” Boruto and Mitsuki swam in the opposite direction of one another leaving little Sarada to watch in horror as all the fishes started to panic. This was horrible, how was she going to save them? She followed after, a bit later eyes darting from one side to the other. Some managed to hide in small holes or duck down into their homes. Others however were too stressed and kept bumping into one another.
A bunch of baby fishes headed her way, the plan was going exactly how they wanted. Instead of doing anything Sarada just ushered them away allowing them to swim past her.
“Go, go, I’ll distract them. Just go!” Somehow… thankfully they were too busy to notice. Sarada needed to get their attention and then an idea popped into her head.
She let out a scream and purposely swam over to Boruto bumping into him, the two crashed against another rock and hearing this Mitsuki swam over to check the damage.
“Are you two okay?” Was it embarrassing for little Sarada? Yes, but at least the fish would be okay.
“Oh, so you were chased after a bigger Mershark and got lost?” Sarada nodded pretending to still be scared, although thinking about the larger snake mershark she saw before it wasn’t hard to pretend to be shaken up.
“Yeah, I’m sorry. I thought I saw him again. That’s why I wanted to go back to Papa, he must be worried.”
“Either that or chasing after the shark himself, Uncle Sasuke can be really scary when he wants to be.” Boruto nodded, now it made sense why Sarada was insistent on wanting to go back. He felt a bit guilty forcing her to play.
“That doesn’t surprise me, you’re not really good at hunting are you?” Sarada froze at Mitsuki’s words. Did he know? “How…how did you figure that?”
“We saw you and Uncle Sasuke together and you were crying-”
“I was NOT!”
“Was too, but it doesn’t matter.” Boruto shrugged. “Big mersharks go after weaker sharkling all the time, it’s pretty common.”
“So, does that mean you two are in just as much danger too?” Would mersharks come after them as well?
“I can beat up any shark that tries to eat me!”
“No offence Boruto-Kun but I don’t think you could.” Sarada let out a small giggle at that causing the blonde to frown. “Hey, I’m super strong!”
“It really depends.” Mitsuki ignored Boruto’s protests. “If you show a sign of weakness, like you not being able to hunt other sharks will see you as vulnerable and easy prey. On the other hand, it’s not uncommon for them to also eat sharks just because they can. We only have to be faster than them.”
Wow, being a shark was tough.
“Maybe we should take Sarada back to Sasuke-san though. He must be worried about her.”
“Mmh, that’s a good point.” Sarada was happy that they were willing to help.
“Oh, I almost forgot. Boruto-Kun did you hear the rumours?”
“About a half mershark and mermaid about. Apparently-”
“Boruto, there you are.” A bigger mershark appeared interrupting Mitsuki, much to Sarada’s relief. She would have definitely given it away and how did he know about her? Not even her Papa did beforehand.
Perhaps she should be wary of him.
“Mom!” Boruto swam over happily and excitedly told her what they were doing and playing hunting.
“Oh this is Sarada, she’s our new friend.” He grinned introducing her.
“Uh hi?” She squeaked, wow she looked so pretty and similar to Neji had a silver tail only with dark long blue hair.
“Oh yeah and guess what? She’s also Uncle Sasuke’s daughter too!”
Wait, what?
“What do you mean, he doesn’t have a daughter.” Hinata looked at the girl suspiciously. She did look a lot like him but as far as she knew he had no sharklings.
“She’s not,” Mitsuki smiled innocently.
“Eh? What do you mean she’s not?” Now Boruto was confused, but she said she was and they both saw her with Sasuke.
“Boruto is just making things up again.”
“Boruto is that true?”
“Eh? No, I mean we saw-” As Boruto was trying to explain to a furious Hinata who looked down on him disappointedly, Sarada turned to the other shark. “Why did you say that?”
“My parent knows everything about your Papa. All the sharks try to keep it a secret from us sharklings, that a mershark mated and was with a mermaid because they worry we’ll do the same.”
“So you’re keeping my secret for your parent?”
“No, I won’t even say anything to them. I just wanted to see what kind of shark you are and besides Boruto-Kun will know too so it’ll be the three of us.” Said sharkling was now being yelled at by his mother.
“And well Boruto is not the best at keeping secrets, I tried to tell him before.”
“How do I know I can trust you?” After he was about to expose her to Boruto and knowing about her this whole time... then again, what choice did she have?
“Guess you’ll just have to wait and see.” There was that smile again, could she trust him? Hopefully... she’ll have to let her Papa know.
#sasusaku#sasuke uchiha x sakura haruno#sasusaku fanfic#ssfanfic#sasusakufanfiction#mershark/mermaid AU#mershark Sasuke#mermaid Sakura#mershark Sarada
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The Mershark & Mermaid - Part 2
Sakura knew she shouldn’t be doing this.
“Your back?” The mershark trailed around her, his glowing red eyes peering right through her soul. The same eyes she gets lost in and likes to watch whilst they-
“I said I would be.” Her hands traced his chest with a smirk.
What would stop him from eating her once he was satisfied?
Her brain was telling her, no, to be rational but her body moved on its own as did his when his lips descended upon hers grasping the back of her head and roughly pulling her closer.
His tail wrapped around her small frame.
“Where’s Sasuke?”
Sakura froze at the voices nearby but then his fangs moved down to her neck grazing it and distracting her.
“You're his best friend, shouldn't you know?” Another voice cut in. One was a white shark whilst the other was orange.
“Yeah but the bastard's been more distant than he usually is. It's like he's distracted or something.”
Oh, how right they were.
Sakura licked her lips letting out a low moan as his claws glided down her tail.
“Shh, you don't want them to see you like this do you?”
At least they were well hidden.
“What the hell happened to your back?” Sakura knew she should have healed herself before coming back home.
It was the perk of having Tsunade as her mentor and was the reason she was able to keep the meetings between her and Sasuke a secret for so long. Not every mermaid had the ability to heal.
“Uh…it’s nothing. I got caught up in a current that’s all.”
“Right, like I believe that. Seriously forehead, they look like claw marks. Did you almost get eaten?”
“No! I told you-”
“Sakura, there is no current. We both know that. I'm your friend, you can trust me.”
It wasn't like she would blab about something like this anyway, not with how serious the matter was.
“I went to see him.” Ino knew fully well who the 'him' in question was.
“And by seeing you mean…”
“We… we mated...” Sakura fidgeted with her hands watching as Ino's eyes grew wide taking in the information.
“You did what? Your crazy forehead. He’s a shark!”
“So? SO?! He’s a predator.”
“He's different from them, he saved me!”
“Oh, you mean from that time you almost got yourself killed because you wanted to explore the deep sea. Sakura he’s using you.”
Admittedly it had been a thought that crossed her mind, what shark would mate with a mermaid with no other intentions in mind. However, Sakura still sneaked off to see Sasuke.
The visits never started off as anything inappropriate, she was curious about him and although he had often referred to her as an annoyance he would answer her questions and humour her.
Of course, neither had made their little friendship public. If either of Sasuke's friends or family caught on, she would be their meal. Yet somehow Sasuke always managed to put them off their scent.
If he wanted to eat her, he would have by now, right?
“And okay, let’s imagine he doesn’t plan on eating you. What are you expecting out of this? For him to make you his official mate? Your only setting yourself up to get hurt.”
Perhaps Ino was right, but what could she do? She couldn't just end... whatever it was they had.
“Besides there's plenty of fish in the sea, why don't I introduce you to a few. I'm sure they can distract you.”
Them distract her from Sasuke? If only, maybe then Sakura wouldn't be in this situation.
“Sakura this is Hiroto, Hiroto Sakura.” The blonde was pleased with matchmaking her friend with such a fine merman, better than any shark for sure.
“A pleasure to meet you Sakura-san, Ino's told me a lot about you.”
However, when Sakura awkwardly smiled shaking his hand she swear she could feel eyes glaring daggers at them. Or maybe that was wishful thinking on her part as Sasuke never leaves the deep sea.
“You shouldn’t be here Princess.” The sinister smirk didn’t go unnoticed by Sakura from the white male shark and Sakura felt pale. How didn’t she feel their presence?
“It’s rare for mermaids to swim this deep underwater. You must either have a death wish or be really stupid. Works for me.” Normally Sakura would blow up at such an insult but fear overtook with the three of them surrounding her, she was as good as done for.
Why did she go back?
“Hey, Jugo, what’s your favourite part of a mermaid.” He laughed menacingly as the two circled around her.
“Urgh, don’t make too much of a mess.” Was all Karin said, however, something seemed… off? First of all, why was a mermaid down here in all places?
It was almost as if she had been there plenty of times and had been expecting someone.
Then there was her smell, Karin had smelt it before.
She smelled like-
“Wait, Suigetsu don’t-”
Too late, because the next thing they knew Sasuke had Suigetsu's arm in his claws and was ready to snap it in two.
“Don’t touch her!” He snarled glaring daggers at the shark. “She's my prey! Understand?”
All he could do was nod dumbly and when he finally released him Sasuke turned his attention to Sakura.
“You, follow me.” She wasn't really sure what to make of his attitude but being with him was safer than being with them.
“Gee, what was that for? He could have said something sooner.” Suigetsu scowled muttering to himself. Karin decided to keep quiet, they may have been dense and believed Sasuke but she knew it was far more than that.
Sasuke would probably talk to her about it later.
“What were you thinking?”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t realise they were…”
“You should have stayed back home.”
“I… I know.” Sakura looked down ashamed, she usually wasn’t so distracted but everything Ino had said. From what she wanted out of this and finding someone else...
Except no one could make her feel the way Sasuke does.
“But I wanted to see you again.”
“See me? Why? Isn’t your merman enough?”
“My… my what?” So it wasn’t her imagination?
“You came to see me?”
“You haven’t been here for the past few weeks, what else was I supposed to do?” Ah, so he did care. Inside she was happy but also dreaded. What did this mean if their feelings were mutual?
“We should stop this...” Yet her body betrayed her and Sakura found herself leaning towards him.
“We should.” Then why was his tail wrapping around her? This was too dangerous yet neither made a move to stop it.
Meanwhile back in the present, little Sarada was asking Sasuke a ton of questions.
“I have so many questions, what kind of food do we eat? If I’m good my Mama makes my favourite seaweed spaghetti. Will I grow as big as you? What’s it like being a shark? Are there others too, is this where we live? Why hasn’t my Mama taken me here, she said it’s full of pre…pre…preditators and that there are a lot of creatures that want to eat me? Do baby sharks get eaten a lot?”
Yup, she defiantly took after Sakura.
#sasusaku#sasuke uchiha x sakura haruno#sasusaku fanfic#ssfanfic#sasusakufanfiction#mershark/mermaid AU#mershark Sasuke#mermaid Sakura#mershark Sarada
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The Mershark & Mermaid - Part 7
⚠️⚠️Warning: ⚠️⚠️ Implied some dark themes
Sakura waited impatiently at her daughter's secret hiding spot, it was only for the night.
One night!
He promised to bring her back safely. Okay so technically speaking they didn't say when she would be brought back, but Sakura hoped Sasuke would understand that she wanted Sarada back as soon as possible. If he could bring her back safely home now well... maybe she'll consider letting him see Sarada more often.
Just then, the mermaid could see Sasuke's figure from afar but her heart leapt not seeing a smaller one by his side.
Please don't say...
"Where is she?"
"I... I lost her."
~Previously~ For the next few hours Suigetsu, Karin and Jugo entertained the young sharkling. They were playing hide and seek all the while Sasuke was trying to figure out what to do. She couldn't hunt and eat fish and was way too friendly to complete strangers. How is he supposed to protect her here? "She's still young." Jugo tried to comfort the mershark. "At her age, I was given to the sharks to feed on." "You aren't like the rest of your family and neither is she, you can't expect her to pick up on things so quickly." He knew that, Sasuke didn't expect a miracle and that it would take time before Sarada's shark instincts to kick in, but he started to wonder if that was even possible. Can half a mershark and mermaid even have the same instinct as a normal shark? "Maybe that's not such a good thing. If I were like my parents, I wouldn't have gone anywhere near Sakura and then we wouldn't be in this mess." There was nothing wrong with what he said, if he was a normal mershark everything would be fine. There would be no Sakura and no Sarada and he could get on with his life like usual... yet the thought made his stomach churn. "But you don't regret a thing do you?" Sasuke was surprised at Jugo's statement considering how the three of them were beforehand when the whole situation came out. "I can't say I understand what you feel for the mermaid is natural. I can't think of them as anything but prey however I can see how fondly you care about your daughter and as much as you try to deny it you are still in love with that Sakura maid no? You wouldn't go so far as to protect her if that was the case." "Your right."
"But it's not like anything can happen. Like you said it's not natural, so where does that leave us now?" "I don't have all the answers but you'll figure out something. Doesn't Uchiha Sasuke always get what he wants?" "If I didn't know any better I would say you're encouraging me to pursue a relationship with Sakura." "I didn't say that necessarily. But if it makes you happy, we'll support you. You know Suigetsu and Karin will too." "Mr Jugo, you aren't hiding. That's not how you play the game." Sarada popped out of nowhere dragging Jugo along. "My apologies Sarada and I told you to call me Jugo only." He then turned back to look at Sasuke. "Just think about what I said." It was quite surprising how honest he was and all things considering Jugo was certainly not someone he'd imagined would tell him to go after Sakura. If only it was that simple. "Papa do you want to play too?" "Ah, I'm coming."
“Papa…” Sarada swam into his room poking him. It was late and chances were Sasuke was fast asleep but she was scared, the cave was so big that she almost got lost on the way, the fact it was deep underwater too. It didn’t bother her during the day but now Sarada kept seeing things. Shadows of monsters her imagination made up, although given whereabouts they were probably didn’t help the little one. “Papa.” Sarada prodded him again and he groaned slowly opening his eyes. What time was it? Shouldn’t she be tired after today?
“Can I sleep with you?” She asked, big eyes pleading. His first instinct was to say no, she was a shark and sharks don’t sleep with their parents. Yes even sharklings, because what type of predator would they be if they were coddled as such?
“I want to sleep with you and Mama!” A sharkling Sasuke asked, tears brimming his eyes. He knew his father would say no but was hoping under the circumstances he would be given permission. “Absolutely not!” “But-” “Do I have to repeat myself?” “I keep dreaming about the shark who almost ate me!” He yelled out afraid, he needed some reassurance. To know that someone was there and he was safe. That his parents would protect him from the other mersharks. “And whose fault is that? The strong kill the weak, are you weak Sasuke?”
The word weak kept echoing in his mind, he wanted to be strong. “Itachi wasn’t like this.” “Fugaku…” Ah yes, his beloved older brother who could do no wrong. Sasuke tried hard to be like him but no matter what he was never good enough in comparison.
“Maybe we should consider it.” “No!” Mikoto looked at her husband with horror. “He's too weak dear, this is the only option.” “Fugaku no, you know how I feel about this.” “We've gone through it.” “Exactly, and I refuse to let my own baby go through such a thing.”
“What are you talking about?” Sasuke looked at his two parents confused. “It's a way to help you get stronger, you want that don't you Sasuke?” “Don't try and sugar-coat it, you're leaving him out there defenceless for other mersharks to eat him.”
What? His parents were.... were going to leave him out there alone? “It's common for sharklings in the Uchiha clan. If they're considered prey to other sharks, fighting for their life is the only way to get them stronger. You want that don't you Sasuke?”
Did he want that? “Sweetie, you don't have to do any-” “Yes...” Maybe this way he could finally get as strong as Itachi and finally make his father proud.
“The cave is really big and scares me; Mama lets me sleep with her sometimes.” Sarada brought him back to the present. “Sure,” but Sasuke wasn’t like his father. There was no way he nor his family would accept her into the clan so why should he coldly treat her as one of them?
Sarada beamed and tucked herself underneath his arm snuggling close to him. It didn’t take long for her to drift to sleep letting out little snores. Maybe Sakura was right, his life wasn’t for Sarada yet neither was Sakura's.
“But I don’t want to go home yet!” Sarada pouted swimming next to him. She wanted to play more with Suigetsu, Karin and Jugo and maybe see more of Papa’s friends. “Now Sarada we promised your mother, besides you still need to properly apologise to her remember?”
“Hmph!” Sarada huffed and went swimming ahead annoyed, it wasn’t her fault that Mama was angry at him. HE needed to make it up to her, once again Papa was being nothing but a hipocrit. Until she heard the wailings of someone in distress. She crept over behind a rock and saw a mermaid and merman surrounded by mersharks. Should they go over there and help? No, she should get her Papa to help, surely he’ll do something. “Papa-” Sarada was surprised to see him already behind her. He barely looked at the scene before taking her claw and leading her away. “Keep swimming!” He told her. “But- but we have to help them! They have a child, we can’t leave them.” Although the merboy and her weren’t friends Sarada recognised them well enough. He didn’t have any siblings so he would be left alone unless… what if they had them him too? “This is important!” “Sarada!” She flinched at his harsh but hushed tone. They couldn’t risk getting caught. “I can get involved.” “Why? You're stronger than them, just tell them not to do any bad stuff!”
“It’s not as simple as that. Your mother and her friends are the only ones who are safe because of me. Everyone else… has nothing to do with me.” “I don’t understand…” What was he trying to say? “They were the ones who came into shark territory. They knew what they were doing and the risks, it can’t be helped.” So… there was nothing he could do? Sarada looked down. “What’s going to happen to them?” “…” “Papa!” “Ah, Sasuke my boy.” Sarada immediately retreated hiding behind Sasuke's back. “Orochimaru.” “Talking to yourself?” “Yes.”
“Hmm, how unlike you.” The Uchiha tsked, knowing Orchimaru this can't be good. “What do you want?” When Sarada decided to peek out her heart stopped beating. He was almost as big as Papa and was it her or did he look slightly different than usual mersharks? More like a snake than an actual shark, not that knew what a snake was. He just looked... odd compared to Sasuke and his friends. His tail was darkish grey whilst his scales were pale white. She wanted nothing more than to swim away. “You seem a bit distracted.”
“Because I have better things to do than talking to you right now.” And he needed to figure a way to get Sarada out of here. “Oh? Well be my guest and leave, nothing’s stopping you.” “And have you follow me? I don’t think so.” Buy some time, buy some time.
“Suspicious as always.” With Sasuke preoccupied in thought, Sarada slipped behind a rock not far from him and swam below until she felt safe enough to swim away. Anything to get away from that creepy shark, she'll make her own way home. It couldn't be that hard.
On second thought, it was hard. Very hard because now Sarada had no idea where she was. The sharkling kept swimming around. “Maybe this way-” She bumped into something hard hitting her head. “Ow! Hey, watch it!” Boruto rubbed his sore head but then his eyes brightened realising who it was. “Oh hey, it’s you!” Another mershark? “Please don’t eat me…” Sarada whimpered backing away confusing the young shark. “Uh… what? I can’t eat you, I’m too small.” “I’m Boruto. Your Uncle Sasuke’s daughter right?” “Yeah? You know Papa?”
“Oh, he’s my Uncle!” “Really?” “Well, not by blood.” “He’s my Dad’s best friend.”
“Ooooh, yeah like Mama and Aunty Ino.” Sarada grinned feeling slightly easy, he didn’t seem so bad. And he looked about her age, maybe they could be friends? But now how would she get back to Mama?
“You lost her? What do you mean you lost your own daughter?” “She must have freaked out when Orochimaru showed up, she was behind me I swear but I couldn't risk him finding out.” “I knew I shouldn’t have left her with you. What if something happened? She must be so scared! You promised me Sasuke, you promised!” Sakura began panicking, she didn't blame Sarada for swimming away. She must have been so scared but now her baby was by herself. “And I’ll find her, I will. I won't let anyone touch her but you need to calm down.” He reached out grabbing hold of her arms to steady the mermaid, cupping her face to look at him. “Breathe Sakura. In and out.” She nodded, taking a deep breath before breathing. Panicking wouldn't do any good. Sarada needed them both.
It had been so long since she felt his touch and yet being so close brought back painful memories. “I'll bring her back here.” Sasuke was the first to break contact. “I’m coming too.” “No way!”
“She is MY daughter, I don't care what it takes. You are taking me with you.” And with that, she flicked her tail swimming past him. He forgot how stubborn she could be. Fuck! Everything was going wrong today.
#sasusaku#sasuke uchiha x sakura haruno#sasusaku fanfic#ssfanfic#sasusakufanfiction#mershark/mermaid AU#mershark Sasuke#mermaid Sakura#mershark Sarada
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The Mershark & Mermaid - Part 5
Sarada felt really happy. She finally had her whole family with her, even if it would be more difficult for Sasuke to introduce her to his own parents it didn’t matter. All she needed were her own.
Unfortunately, things weren’t as simple as Sarada thought.
“Mama, I’m really sorry. Papa explained everything to me.” The little sharkling swam up hugging her mother, she didn’t know how hurt Sakura had been in the past and Sarada will do her best to be more understanding.
“Sarada…” Sakura looked up at Sasuke unsurely. Sarada was still too young to understand fully about them, maybe in the future, they can have a more serious discussion.
“I apologise too, you had every right to know who your father is. It’s that it was…” Too complicated, and hurtful, she’s glad and grateful Sasuke wants to be in their daughter’s life. It’s just hard to trust him.
“I know, it was really hard. And Papa said you have every right to hate and be mad at him and I do too.”
“But now I know who my Papa is so I can spend time with both you and him. I want to spend some time here with Papa right now. Is that okay?” Sarada’s eyes were full of hope and excitement. Something she couldn’t take away from her daughter.
“I see…” So he really was taking her away. Of course, Sarada would want to spend more time with him… more time with them. It’s only natural yet why did it feel like someone stuck a claw through her chest?
“Maybe another time Sarada,” Sasuke spoke out, it was far too soon to make such decisions.
“But I want to spend time with you now!” Sarada pouted. “Please Mama I promise to be good.”
“It's too dangerous for you to be here.” What if she got lost and one of the sharks found her, even if Sarada did look like a shark her scent says otherwise. One little drop of blood, that's all it took. And then the mersharks would know about them.
Surely Sasuke would agree.
“I'll take care of her.”
Then again maybe not, he seemed so sure of himself too.
“Can you?” Sakura’s arms instinctively clutched Sarada hugging her tighter, Sakura couldn’t risk losing her precious baby.
“It’s not that I doubt you can, but Sarada is… adventurous.” The little sharkling looks as though she was about to protest but Sasuke scoffed amused. “Wonder who she gets that from.” He muttered audible enough for Sakura to hear, she coughed and looked away.
“The point being… if you take your eyes off her for one second anything could happen. You know it’s not safe.” What wasn’t he getting? Surely, he himself knew the risks of allowing Sarada to stay.
“Mama, I’ll behave. I promise, pleeeeeease.” Sarada begged.
“And are you planning to keep her cooped up? One day she’s going to outgrow everyone and then what? That’s when she’ll be able to live with me and have no idea how to hunt and defend herself? It's best she does it now when she's still young, otherwise, she's defenceless.”
“Don’t talk like you know what’s best for her, you’re the one who pushed me away. Pushed us out of your lives, we could have talked and agreed on something but it's too late for that now!” The words came flying out as if he knew what it was like raising a sharkling by himself constantly bombarded with questions as to why the other parent wanted nothing to do with them.
Why did he get to make the rules now?
Sarada looked back and forth between the two parents arguing hating it. This wasn't how everything was meant to be, especially seeing the hurt and regret on her Papa's face. Perhaps Sarada can explain what happened.
“But Mama, Papa said he lov-” Her mouth was covered by Sasuke’s claw as he tugged her away.
“It's not my place to say, your right. But I promise I won’t let anything happen to our daughter.” Sarada gave a sideway glare pouting at the shark, why were adults so complicated? If Papa was honest and explained his feelings and how he wanted to protect them, surely everything could go back to normal right?
Sakura looked at the two suspiciously for a moment before reluctantly giving in. This was a losing game.
“Fine, but listen if anything goes wrong. Swim straight back to me, do you understand.” If Sarada did get into trouble and knowing her daughter would most likely be the case. If she swam back home she'll be safe.
“I'll let you stay with him tonight, but only for tonight okay? You come back first thing in the morning and then... maybe we can arrange something.”
Baby steps, it'll have to do for now right?
The sharkling nodded because for whatever reason Sasuke didn't trust her speaking. They were already having secrets between them?
“Yes, Mama!” Sarada spoke finally breaking hold from Papa. “I'll be safe.”
“We should get going,” Sasuke said swimming away.
“Right now?”
“Mama, I'll make it up to you when I get back,” Sarada beamed up at her, since when had she become so mature?
Sarada waved bye to Sakura and the mermaid felt her heart clench.
It's just for today right? But of course, it would happen more regularly. Something Sakura wasn't ready for. And what if Sasuke can't keep an eye on her? Too many thoughts were going through her mind.
Please be safe Sarada.
“Papa you liar!”
“What did I tell you?”
“But Mama deserves to know the truth.”
“Sarada, this is grown-up's business and I told you before she's not going to forgive me right away.”
“Mama won't forgive you at all if you don't tell her anything.” Who would think having a sharkling would be so difficult?
“You are not setting a good example to me, Papa. Don't blame me if Mama finds another shark.” And with that Sarada swam ahead of him. Unbelievable.
“Don't go too far.”
“Are you really okay with this?” Ino comforted her friend patting her on the back as the two were sitting on a 'table' (rock) discussing the matter.
“No, of course not. But I can’t do anything about it. Sasuke’s right, I can’t keep Sarada here. When she grows up she'll be too big to stay here and then what? I haven't thought that far ahead about what will happen.”
“I always assumed the two of us will go and live by ourselves somewhere, away from everyone and everything but...”
“But you're worried that Sasuke is taking her away?”
Pretty much.
“Am I being selfish?”
“Don't be ridiculous, it's natural. You raised her and it's not like Sasuke made things any easier. But you have to understand Sarada's perspective. She's only a baby and finally gets to spend time with her own Papa, not to mention being around other sharks. She's bound to be excited.”
“Once she's older though, she'll understand.” Sakura gave out a half smile, thankful for the blonde's reassurance. Ino always did know what to say.
There was still one thing unsettling her.
“That's not it though, Sarada is part mermaid. Will it really be safe?”
“You don't think Sasuke can take care of her.”
“I know he can, I can see how much he adores Sarada. It's only one slip-up, one mistake... I can't let that happen.” Ino frowned, Sakura made a good point. Who knows how many mersharks would try to get in between, especially considering now Sasuke was the fiercest of them all.
If they couldn't beat him physically, then they could get to him with his daughter who was still young. However, as her best friend, Ino couldn't think of those thoughts and had to be reassuring.
“She knows to swim here, I'm sure she'll be fine. Sarada is a lot like you and did you not always visit Sasuke?” The blush that overtook the mermaid made her giggle.
“Now let's get some drink down you, your child free tonight. You should be celebrating.” Despite not liking or having a bad impression of the Uchiha. Ino knew he could be trusted to look after their daughter.
They had to have faith in him. And if not, she will gladly have words with him herself should anything happen to her beloved goddaughter.
Boruto and Mitsuki were swimming by until little Boruto noticed the big mershark.
“Hey isn't that Uncle Sasuke?” They swam closer to get a better look. It was only until then they saw another sharkling crouching. “Oooh, I didn't know Uncle Sasuke had a daughter. Why didn't he say anything?”
“Maybe it's a secret?” Mitsuki shrugged.
They watched Sarada hiding from the fish and then pounced ready to attack however when it turned to look at her she froze and went crying to Sasuke hugging him.
“Uwaaaa Papa, the fish gave me a 'please don't eat me' look. I couldn't do it.” Sasuke sighed petting Sarada's head.
“Are we sure she's his daughter? I thought Uchihas were known to be vicious.” Mitsuki whispered.
“Well, she called him Papa so he must be. Maybe it's her first time.” The two sweat dropped, everything seemed so abnormal.
Especially with how soft and calm Sasuke was. And is he smiling? Uncle Sasuke never smiled.
“Your the one who insisted on learning to hunt,” Sasuke figured it would be too much for her but Sarada kept on begging saying she could do it. This was now the fifth fish she had failed to catch. Not that it mattered.
“Sorry, Papa.” Sarada sniffed.
“It's fine, I'll catch us something. But you need to stay hidden so no one else finds you... perhaps close your eyes too.” Sarada nodded returning to her hiding spot.
“We should say hi!”
“I don't think that's a good idea Boruto.”
“Why not?”
“Did you not hear Uchiha-san, no one is supposed to know about her. Including us.”
“I'm sure he has his reasons, maybe this is one of them. If she's not good at hunting she'll be easy prey for other mersharks.”
“Ooooh.” That made sense. Still, Uncle Sasuke should know he can trust them but maybe there were other reasons. “I'm getting hungry myself, I wonder if Dad caught us anything.”
Maybe they can be friends in the future.
#sasusaku#sasuke uchiha x sakura haruno#sasusaku fanfic#ssfanfic#sasusakufanfiction#mershark/mermaid AU#mershark Sasuke#mermaid Sakura#mershark Sarada
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The Mershark & Mermaid - Part 6
The young sharkling stared at the fish before her unsure where to start. “If you don’t eat you won’t grow big and strong.” Her Papa said. Even so, Sarada had never eaten a fish before. The two were in Sasuke’s home, he lived down deep in a cave where no one could bother him. It seemed quite lonely but on the plus side, they didn’t have to worry about any unexpected intruders. “It’s staring at me…” The little mershark muttered poking it. Sasuke sighed and was about to give her his piece instead until the little sharkling disappeared and brought back a bunch of seaweed. “But that’s okay, I found this.” She said placing it in a ‘bowl.’ Well that was what the humans referred it to Sakura had told him. “Does Mama make you this?”
“Yeah, it’s my favourite.” She grinned slurping away using her claws; unfortunately, seaweed wasn’t enough for a growing sharkling. “It’ll get easier… as you get older your instincts will kick in and you won’t hesitate but to go in for the kill.” Sarada had stopped eating at that, so… she was just going to attack innocent creatures for no reason? “Is this why everyone back home is afraid of me?” She may be young but wasn’t stupid. It was obvious how different, bigger even Sarada was than merfolks. They didn’t like her clearly but it never occurred to her that they could simply… be afraid. She only had a few close friends but would never want to hurt them. “We’re predators Sarada, and they’re the prey. That’s how the world works.” If she was going to survive as a sharkling, he had to toughen her up. Otherwise, she may as well live with Sakura and at this rate neither was a great option. “But you never ate Mama, so you’re a hipocrit, Papa.” This again. “I think you mean a hypocrite.” “That’s what I said, hipocrit,” Sasuke smirked amused, for someone who talks a lot it was adorable how she pronounced certain words wrong. And he was still getting used to being called ‘Papa.’ Papa, Papa, Papa. It was like she wouldn’t stop saying it, not that he could blame her. “But Sarada won’t eat fish, I will be a fish-free shark.”
“You really think you can decide that.” “Yup!” Such confidence. “Finish your food,” was all he responded ruffling her hair, he'll let her be for now. Sarada pouted trying to sort out her small bang. “Yo Sasuke! You in there?”
Suigetsu? Immediately Sasuke was on high alert, as was his daughter. Sasuke told her to remain quiet as he went out to get rid of his friend, only to find another two sharks waiting. Did something happen? “What is it? I’m busy.” “Yeah, yeah. You’d rather brood alone but this is urgent. Apparently, a mermaid was spotted near the area not too long ago.” Ah, most likely Sakura. She should be back home by now though. “And get this, Neji also met one. She was looking for some bracelet or something. I’m telling you Sasuke, they’re taking advantage of us. They think we’ve gone… soft…” He wasn’t like where this going. “What’s your point?” “My point is, the next intruder who comes in should get a warning, regardless if they’re friends with pinky or not. A bite, a scratch? We’re sharks Sasuke, they are food! You can’t keep expecting us to live like this!” “I couldn't care less if you want to go ahead and kill a mermaid but leave Sakura and her friends alone. That was the deal.” At this little Sarada had peeked out to see what was going on. There were three other sharks with her Papa. A white-haired male with a white tail, his fangs were big and scary. A red-haired female with a black tail which Sarada found to be mesmerising. It wasn’t every day she got to meet a fellow female shark and her Papa was right about them growing bigger. She was twice Mama’s size, did that mean she would grow as big as well? And finally, an orange-haired male who was slightly bigger than the other two but not like her Papa, with a purple tail. Despite the size, he gave off a calming aura.
Sarada was both intrigued but also terrified. On one claw, she really wanted to meet them, as they were friends of Sasuke so surely they wouldn’t eat her right? However, Papa had told her strictly to stay inside and warned her about the dangers.
“They're mocking us, they know we won't touch them so they keep coming back. They need to be taught a lesson.” “I think you’re the one who’s getting cocky. Would you like a reminder of what I did with your tail?” “Sasuke...” Jugo could already feel the urge to kill coming from the Uchiha so got in between for the other shark's sake.
“I told you this was a bad idea,” Karin muttered to Suigetsu. “Papa you shouldn’t be threading your friends.” Sarada appeared beside him with a serious expression, once again mispronouncing her words. “Mama would not approve.” “I thought I told you to stay in the cave.” Despite the deadliness in his voice and anger, Sarada wasn't bothered, as if she was already used to it. All three sharks turned to the little sharkling who seemed remarkably like Sasuke, except for as long as they knew him Sasuke had shown no other interest besides the mermaid. “Who's she?” Suigetsu pointed to the sharkling confused. “Hi! I'm Sarada.” She was about to swim up and shake his claw but Sasuke pulled her back behind him. “Sarada.” He gave her a stern warning.
“Sasuke... don't tell me she's...” Karin gave Sasuke a look already knowing the answer. “Shit Sasuke! Your family is going to kill her.” “Language Suigetsu!” Karin bonked him on the head and he rubbed the sore spot. “Oh come on! You can't think this is okay? I mean seriously a mermaid and mershark? It's unnatural. You could have any shark in the world Sasuke and you chose her. Even pink hair isn't natural for a mermaid.” “Hey!” Sarada swam up to Suigetsu frowning. “Mama is really pretty!” There! That will teach him and swam back beside her Papa. All whilst the white shark remained quiet, trying to process if that was meant to be a comeback. “She really taught you,” Karin smirked enjoying the baffled look on Suigetsu's face and the sharkling's smugness. “Oi, that wasn’t… don’t encourage her!”
“I would appreciate it if you didn't insult my daughter's mother.” “Daughter's mother? So you two aren't...” Suigetsu made a motion with his arms and Sasuke twitched resisting the urge to punch him. Not in front of his daughter at least.
“I have no intention of starting such things with her again. You all keep your side of the bargain and I'll keep mine. You leave Sakura and her friends alone and I'll stay away from her.” Now Sarada was even more confused, didn't Papa say he would make it up to Mama or is he lying to protect her again? Gah, adults were so confusing. “Right.” Suigetsu didn't believe it. And neither did the other two, it was clear as day how he still harboured feelings towards the mermaid. Did they understand such feelings? Nope, but he was their friend and they only wanted what was best for him. “But is it really safe to keep her here Sasuke, your family... especially Madara? She wouldn't be safe, not mention Orochimaru.” “Karin's right, what if they find out about this Sakura?” Jugo asked, worried for the little one. She was too innocent for their world. “For now, we're sharing custody, Sarada only has to be here for as long as Sakura allows me. And if they do find out they don't have to know she's Sakura’s. As far as they're concerned she's from a random shark and by then Sarada will be a blood-thirsty-” he turned to look at his daughter only she was nowhere to be seen. Instead, they found her behind him touching a small fish's nose with her claw. “Boop! Now you boop me.” The small fish then booped its nose with hers. All four sweatdropped at the scene.
“You are both screwed!” Suigetsu muttered, oh yes this plan was foolproof. Jugo was the first to snap out of it swimming and introducing himself to Sarada. The small fish didn't seem frightened either and happily swam around the two.
“Do you like fishes too Mr Jugo?” Sarada's eyes sparkled with curiosity. “Uhh...” he wasn't sure how to respond without breaking her heart.
She knew it was too risky to swim all the way out here, but Tenten had successfully snuck out and needed to find out the truth. Whatever the Uchiha was hiding, she would get to the bottom of it, Sakura deserved some closure. But how to find such a shark? The Hyuga didn’t seem too happy when she was there last time, she could always pretend to lose her bracelet again if push comes to shove. “Last time we met was here?” She swam looking around. “Or was it here… great now I got myself lost!” And she was talking to herself.
Another bonus.
“Looking for someone?” A voice startled her and she almost threw her shell weapon at him. “Aaaah, don’t startle me!” “What do you want? I’d thought you would have learnt your lesson after last time.” As polite as always. “Neji Hyuga,” Tenten stated as if she didn’t hear what he said before. His eye twitched at such disrespect. “I challenge you to a game.” “A game?” What a ridiculous request. “Yes, if I win you have to answer all my questions. All of them!” “And if I win?”And if he wins… uh she didn’t think this through. “What’s in it for me?”
What was in it for him? “Uh… I’ll do whatever you want? Including something really embarrassing, anything.” It’s not like she would lose to him anyway. With what Tenten had in mind. The mershark tsked before swimming away.
“Enough, I don't want to indulge and get involved with you.” Go figure. Guess she'll have to hit him where it really hurts. “So, you're afraid to lose?” “You wish.”
“Hey, that's totally fine. I mean I did beat up four sharks myself when I was in my teens so I can understand why-” “Deal.” He wasn't going to let some mermaid push him about.
#sasusaku#sasuke uchiha x sakura haruno#sasusaku fanfic#ssfanfic#sasusakufanfiction#mershark/mermaid AU#mershark Sasuke#mermaid Sakura#mershark Sarada
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The Mershark & Mermaid - Part 4
"Liar!" Sakura snarls pulling Sarada behind her.
"What did you tell her?"
"I haven't told her anything, I promise." He can't blame her for the way she's acting, he almost did let it slip out that he was her father so maybe it was a good thing Sakura arrived when she did.
"Except a few things about sharks." The young sharkling wouldn't leave him alone until she knew everything about Mersharks. Sarada peered from behind Sakura completely dumbfounded as to why her mother was acting this way.
"Mama, what's going on?" Why did it look like she wanted to kill Mr Sasuke? What was Mama doing here anyway? Sarada was sure she had remained unsuspicious. Moreover, weren't sharks meant to be the ones to do the killing anyway?
"Mr Sasuke is really nice, he told me a bunch of stuff about sharks. He never tried to eat me, I promise." Perhaps she was concerned for her safety. Then why did it seem like these two knew each other, he even called her Sakura.
"Sarada…" Her mother let out a frustrated sigh still glaring at Sasuke, and then she turned to her daughter.
"I've told you to never swim in the deep sea, that it was dangerous."
"But I haven't, I was at my hideout and met Mr Sasuke from above." At this Sakura turned back to Sasuke eyebrow raised.
"Since when do you swim above water?"
"It's getting too crowded down below, each year more sharks are being born so they want us to take the top part as well."
"Of course, they do," great. Now that would mean even Sarada's hideout wasn't a safe place. Who knows how long it'll be before the rest of the reef panic as well. Granted they were still from separate areas, it would take time to adjust.
"Sarada I don't want you anywhere near them."
"Why? I'm a shark too just like them, what's wrong with me learning about myself?"
"Sarada, please I'm-"
"No!" Sarada shook her head furiously moving back. "You never tell me anything! You only think about yourself and don't care about my feelings!"
"Don't talk to your mother that way." That was the first she heard Mr Sasuke raise his voice.
"Why? Why do you care, you're not my dad and she hates you. Why are you defending her? I hate both of you!" And she swam away with tears in her eyes, Sarada thought she could trust Mr Sasuke but he was like every other adult in thinking 'he knew best' when all she wanted was the truth.
"Sarada wait! Now look what you did, are you happy?" Sakura was furious, what was Sarada even doing with him in the first place? Why was he spending time with Sarada when he coldly told her all those years ago that there wasn't anything special between them. How he hated her and even when she chose not to believe it, give him the benefit of the doubt, she had seen him with other sharks.
Sakura swam back that night crying her heart out.
She was about to follow after their daughter until Sasuke tugged on her wrist.
"I'll go."
"You? Why do you get to go?"
"This is my mess, I should take responsibility shouldn't I?"
"Since when did you care? You're the one who wanted nothing to do with me… with us." The mermaid looked down feeling hurt, all the emotions from back then were swelling up inside her. As if they were still fresh.
"I know… and I'll make it right." Sakura scoffed at that.
"Why… so you can take Sarada away from me. This is why I didn't tell her anything, you'll only do more harm than good." She knew what he was doing, to take her precious baby away to spite her more. Maybe live with another mershark so they can pretend to be a happy family.
Break both their hearts and afterwards… afterwards… Sakura bit her lip at the look Sasuke was giving.
No, he wasn't like that. He wouldn't hurt Sarada, she can see it plastered all over his face. With the way, they locked eyes. He was hurt and tired so so tired like she was.
"Are you going to tell her?"
"She should know… it's because of all these secrets that she's been hurting."
Why did he always have to be right? Sakura can still remember Sarada's sad expression every time she tried to change or remained silent about the subject. It was only natural for the sharkling to ask, especially when all who she was surrounded by were mermaids and mermen. How different they were and in comparison to the young ones Sarada was bigger, had grey scales, gill slits across her neck and a dorsal fin on her back.
She even looked different from her own mother.
Bringing up the past wasn't easy, let alone having to explain it. Sakura had always planned to explain everything when Sarada was older. So that she would understand and it would be easier, but who was she kidding? It would have been impossible to keep it a secret for so long.
"Fine, just… promise me you won't hurt her. Not like with me, she deserves to have you in her life it's all she's ever wanted and be… happy."
Even with all the pain, he caused her, if it would make Sarada happy. If he could be a good father, be there for her and part of their daughter's life.
That would be enough.
Sasuke thanked Sakura and awkwardly swam past to find their daughter, he meant every word he said in making it up to them.
The two of them.
It didn't take long for Sasuke to catch up to Sarada or find her. Especially when they had their own little secret hideout, it was further down but no one disturbed him here given his reputation which is why it was a safe option for them to meet. It was also where he and Sakura had their 'meetings.'
"Go away!" Sarada huffed sitting further in the cave. It was big enough to fit a mermaid and sharkling in but too small for a mershark like him.
"Not until you talk to me." Sasuke sat outside on a rock in front of the cave.
"I already did now go away!" He huffed amused. Talk about deja vu.
"You are just like your mother, she used to mope in the caves too whenever we got into an argument." Knowing full well he couldn't fit in the cave and would make him converse with her outside.
It was… something to say the least.
"This is unfair."
"Not my problem!"
"Your being childish, how am I supposed to talk to you properly when I can't even see you."
"You're the one who called me fat! Now go away, I don't even want to look at you." Her voice echoed inside.
"You are aware this is shark territory right? And that wasn't what I meant, I was trying… to...to give you a compliment…" And look how that backfired, he should have never taken such advice from his brother… not that Itachi really knew he was seeing a mermaid. Perhaps that's why calling her plumpy wasn't the best compliment. Sakura was still sulking inside the cave.
"I find that hard to believe. And for this being a shark territory why do you have such small caves?" Why indeed… to protect the sharklings maybe? Or most likely it was because they scared away whoever was living here first.
Either way, Sasuke hated it.
"You know my Mama?" Sarada's little head peeked out curious. Did this mean he would tell her more about them? Sasuke smiled softly patting the spot next to him, which she eagerly accepted and sat down curious. Her eyes were slightly puffy from the crying earlier.
Of course, she wanted to know.
"Ah, I did. We were… friends." They had never established an actual relationship and the term friends with benefits didn't exactly sit right knowing she would ask him or someone else what that meant.
"You were friends with my Mama? Even though you're a shark?" Sarada was starting to put all the little pieces in place. Her expression frowned in concentration on what that would mean, Sasuke decided to spare her little brain and tell her.
If she hated him, he wouldn't blame her. He would too.
"Ah, I'm your… your… your father…" He waited for the explosion, for her to hit and hate him and say that she didn't want anything to do with him again. After everything he did, he deserved to be. Sarada's eyes widened and she turned to look at him.
"Father? So your my… my real Papa… like for real real?" Her eyes brightened with glee and joy.
"I wouldn't joke about such matters Sarada. I know I abandoned and left your mother and you but-" She stopped him mid-sentence by swimming in front of him and hugging her Papa, she really was tiny in comparison to him. And to forgive him so easily? It was almost scary. Sarada looked up at him beaming.
"Finally I always wanted to meet you." Sarada did have her suspicions deep down, they looked way too much alike for it to just be the fact they were both mersharks. However, with everything Inojin mentioned, the young sharkling tried to deny it, not wanting to get her hopes up. She wished for it to be true, yes but didn't expect it to be a reality.
Sarada then pulled away from him suddenly looking hurt and sad.
"But why did you hurt Mama all those years ago? Mama is really nice and friendly, she doesn't deserve that. Do you really hate her?" There would be a lot of questions, Sasuke should have expected it.
"Sarada…" How was he supposed to answer that?
"You remember me telling you about mersharks and mermaids right, how he… I should have eaten your mother. We're two different species. I'm the predator and she's my prey."
"But… you didn't. And you must have loved Mama right? You two had me!"
"Pardon?" How did she… she was far too young to know about mating.
"My friend Inojin said his Mama said that we're here because when a mermaid and merman love each other very much their love is so big and then poof! They have an egg." Sarada smiled brightly as if that explained everything.
"Unless it's different for sharks?"
So that's how.
"Ah…no… your right…"
Yeah, it was best to leave it as that. She'll know the truth someday.
"I do love her."
"Then why did you hurt her? Why lie, lying is really bad Papa."
Papa… that was going to take a while to get used to.
"Weren't you also lying Sarada?" He teased poking her forehead. Sarada pouted rubbing the spot.
"My lie is different! No one was telling me anything." She huffed crossing her claws, there was a lot of Sakura within her.
"Once you get older… you'll understand."
"I don't see why mermaids and sharks can't be together. I'm friends with them." Sasuke wasn't sure if her naïvety was a good thing or not.
"Even if that wasn't the only thing stopping us, I've hurt your mother too much. It's up to her if she wants to forgive me or not." Although that wouldn't stop him from trying, Sarada looked a little deflated but tried to stay positive.
"You still looooove her though."
"I think right now, you should go back and apologise to your mother. You have no idea how worried she's been." Hmm maybe her Papa did have a point but she was happy seeing the slight blush on his cheeks.
"Okay." She'll prove it to them.
"Hmm, I know I dropped it around here somewhere…" Tenten looked around, it was too dangerous to be here. She knew that sharks could be anywhere but she had to find her bracelet, it was all that her mother had left her.
Besides, if Sakura could come and go as she please (even if it was because of Sasuke) then hopefully that meant she could too.
"Ah look what we got here." Tenten froze on the spot as not one nor two but five sharks surrounded her. Great, why did this have to happen to her? The mermaid tried to look for a way out.
"Such a pretty red tail you have, what a waste." They all laughed until a larger figure appeared behind them.
"Enough, don't you know whose territory you are under?"
"Ah, Mr Hyuga sir I'm so sorry. This would never happen again." The sharks were a blubbering mess but he just tsked.
"Make sure it doesn't." And they all scampered away, heh what cowards. That is until Tenten got a good look at him.
Holy shit he's huge.
He had a long large silvery tail and his hair was longer and prettier than hers. How unfair! Perhaps it was a mershark thing. Yet somehow she wasn't frightened like the other sharks. Instead, she was more bewitched, with the silver tail and eyes she guessed he must be a Hyuga.
Well, that was what they said.
Was he really planning to eat her instead?
"I believe you're looking for this." And in his claw was her yellow beaded bracelet.
How did he find it?
"Uh… yeah um thank you?"
"Don't overthink it."
Never mind, why did the assholes always have to be the good-looking ones.
"You're a friend of pinky's correct?"
"I believe you mean Sakura?"
"Whatever, there's a deal we've made with the Uchiha." Uchiha? Was he talking about Sasuke?
"Under no circumstance must she or any of her friends be harmed, even if YOU were the ones who come across our paths."
"Why's that?"
"He's powerful, and a hassle to deal with. He won't make things difficult for us if we follow his request. That is the only reason you are alive remember that."
Ouch, rude much.
But he hated her, didn't he? Betrayed her trust.
Perhaps there was more to the story than meets the eye. Maybe she could find out more?
"Can you-"
"Uncle Neji, there you are! We've been looking all over for you!" Boruto and Mitsuki swam over to him in a hurry. The young sharkling then looked over at Tenten, he'd never seen her before.
"Uncle Neji, who's she? Is she your girlfriend?" Boruto looked at the mermaid, she looked really pretty but he couldn't understand why he would have never met her.
Oh how cutely naive young sharklings were.
"Don't be ridiculous Boruto." Neji coughed shooing him. "Shouldn't you be bothering your father?"
"Yeah, but I want to play with you today and so does Mitsuki."
"You know Boruto a shark and mermaid can't be together." Mitsuki pointed out.
"Eh? Why?" The young shark asked confused.
I should really get out of here. TenTen took the opportunity to swim away. She didn't need any more hassle. Perhaps she could go back later and find out more about what Sasuke was up to.
For Sakura's sake at least, but getting a Hyuga to talk would be tricky.
Still, at least she knew she was safe with him.
#sasusaku#sasuke uchiha x sakura haruno#sasusaku fanfic#ssfanfic#sasusakufanfiction#mershark/mermaid AU#mershark Sasuke#mermaid Sakura#mershark Sarada
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The Mershark & Mermaid - Part 3
"Oh?" Sasuke turned his attention to the little mershark.
"What is it?"
"It's really late, Mama might get worried." She hadn't realised how much time she spent with Mr Sasuke. It was weird Sarada had felt a connection. Maybe it was because she had never met a shark like her nor had a father figure.
Probably a mixture of both, but still Sarada had so many questions she wanted to ask. Including his opinion on why he thinks her Mama never took her here.
That is if he'll allow it.
Her Mama did say to not speak to strangers but Mr Sasuke seemed nice.
"Can I see you again?" She asked eyes pleading, she always got what she wanted with her mother and the puppy-eyed look. Maybe it'll work on him?
"Is that wise? Your Mama might not want that."
"She doesn't have to know." It wasn't like she was going to go back and tell Mama about this to begin with. Sarada wanted answers, and who knows. She might find her own Papa if she can convince Mr Sasuke to introduce her to other sharks.
He was hesitant at first, Sakura didn't tell him about Sarada for a reason. Not that he blames her, he was the one who ended things and never wanted to see her again.
How was she supposed to tell him about Sarada?
How would she have even faced him?
He should tell her to go home and forget that they even met but knowing what Sakura was like Sasuke had no doubt their daughter was a curious little shark. If he did send her away she might come back and wouldn't be so lucky the second time. What if she bumped into one of his family members?
Sharklings were easy prey, it was best to keep an eye on her for now.
"Okay, but you mustn't let other sharks see you. Do you understand? It's dangerous out here."
And anyway he had no doubt it wouldn't take long for Sakura to catch on.
"Yes sir!" She was just happy that he agreed.
Few things Sarada had learnt, yes sharklings did get eaten by other sharks. It was a tough world out there, yet Sarada didn't think that was the only reason her mother warned her off. It was most likely due to her father but she'll find him.
She can feel it.
Excitedly Sarada swam straight home until she came across their coral cave and tried to creep in without being noticed. That wasn't going to happen though as she saw her mother furious with her arms crossed and tail swishing from side to side.
She was pissed alright.
"Sarada! Where have you been? Do you have any idea how worried I was? I even went to your hideout. Where were you?" Quick, think of something.
"I went up to the surface." She braced herself for what was about to come.
"You did what? Sarada! What if the humans saw you, they would have killed you on sight."
"I know, but I'm fine." She gave a small smile. "There weren't any humans. I was curious, I promise not to go up there again." Sakura let out a sigh feeling frustrated, she would have to keep a closer eye on Sarada otherwise she may not be so lucky.
"Sarada, you know I love you but please you need to be careful. Your young, you shouldn't even be out all the way there. I trust you so please, do not make the same mistake. Stay away from the surface and away from the deep sea." Sakura cupped her daughter's cheeks lovingly. She knew Sarada was curious and had every right to ask of her father.
She just didn't know how to tell her he wanted nothing to do with them.
"Okay, mommy."
"And as much as I love you I'm still going to have to punish you. Tomorrow I need to come back by dinner. If not I'll send out a search party, understand?"
"Yes, Mama." Unfortunately, Sarada was smarter than that and decided to meet Sasuke a few weeks later. So that her mother would be put off the scent for now.
"You saw another shark?" Chocho couldn't believe it, since when was Sarada one to break the rules?
"Yeah, and I plan to see him again."
"Does your Mama know about this?" Chocho asked, she along with Inojin and Shikadai were the few friends Sarada had. All their parents were so they grew up together.
"No, and it's a secret so you mustn't tell anyone."
"Then why tell us?" Inojin swam up above avoiding the fishes.
"Because your my friends and I trust you. I have to find my Papa, maybe he could help. And I want to know more about being a shark."
"Say Sarada, have you thought that he might be your Papa?" Sarada stopped swimming and gave Chocho a look.
Sasuke, her father?
"No, I mean that would be too easy… right?"
"You mentioned he looked like you, so he could be." Shikadai shrugged.
"Don't all sharks look the same?"
"Actually," Inojin interjected. "There are different types of sharks, you have the Uchiha, Hyuga, Uzumaki, and Hozuki. There's a lot more too but each of the species look alike. If this Sasuke looks like you maybe he's related to your father."
"Oh?" This was easier than she thought.
"Or, he is her father." Chocho piped in once more, Inojin snorted.
"Oh please, what are the odds of that happening?"
"I'm just saying, don't rule it out."
"If that were the case then he would know, Haruno-san is the only Mermaid to have been with a shark. He would have given a reaction." Yeah, Inojin was right. There would have been something giving him away.
"I think I would know if he was my Papa." He would most definitely give a reaction, wouldn't he? "But I would love him to be." He seemed like a nice shark.
This was the sixth time she met up with Mr Sasuke. Sarada looked forward to their meetings, she was finally starting to learn more about herself. Right now the two were sitting on the rocks at Sarada's hideout which she proudly showed him.
"So sharks eat mermaids?" This wasn't the first she heard about it, Inojin had told her about this before and why everyone had seemed to stray away from her Mama. They looked down on her but hearing it from another shark and finding this to be true seemed… different.
If this was the case then how could she have them both for parents?
"But then how come I have a mermaid for a Mama and a shark for a Papa? Shouldn't Papa have eaten Mama?"
"Maybe they were close?" Sasuke awkwardly replied.
"So you can be friends?"
"It's not ideal, reality is your Papa should have eaten your Mama."
"Then why didn't he?" Why did she have to ask so many questions he didn't know how to answer. She was what five… six maybe? For someone who still struggled with pronouncing certain words, she was certainly smart… and nosey.
"I can't answer that." He really couldn't as he petted her head fondly and she pouted.
"I wish I could ask Mama, but she won't tell me anything." She probably wouldn't have an answer for that either.
"You shouldn't give your mother a tough time, she was probably hurt by him and wanted to protect you from getting hurt." It was the truth.
"What's with you and that mermaid?" Of course, Karin had to blab to Naruto about it, maybe she thought he was aware of the situation.
"What mermaid?"
"Don't play dumb! Karin could smell your scent all over her, you've mated with a mermaid? Why have I never known about this?"
"I don't know if you've noticed, but we're sharks. It's not like I can parade my relationship with her."
"So you do have a relationship with her?"
"But you want to?" He kept silent, it wasn't like they had planned this. Things had just… escalated and now here they were. Naruto gave out a sigh.
"Sasuke, I'm not against you or anything. I want to be on your side but you know as well as I do how risky this is. Are you willing to put her in danger?"
"Maybe…" Sarada never really considered that. She always thought it was unfair that she never knew her father and everyone else did but maybe they hated each other now. Did he hate her too?
"So, does that mean… he wouldn't like me?" Was she wasting her time? Did he not care about her or Mama? The little sharkling wanted to cry; perhaps her mother was right all along then. Especially if he hurt her in the past.
Sasuke froze up unsure how to answer, he wanted to reach out and comfort his daughter but what right did he have? He abandoned her -them- long ago. Even if it was for their or rather Sakura's protection at the time.
This wasn't going to be fixed overnight, but spending time with Sarada... he didn't want this to end.
"He does care."
"How can you be so sure?" Sarada sniffled looking up at him.
Because I-
"Sarada?" A familiar voice called, her voice and both sharks turned their heads to the mermaid.
Oh no, now she was in big trouble. Except she wasn't looking at her but Mr Sasuke who in turn was also looking at her.
It was almost like they were caught up in their own little world.
Did they know each other?
"Sakura-" She grabbed her arm pulling their daughter away from him.
"Sarada stay away from him."
"Mama?" Sarada looked over to Mr Sasuke and back at her Mama, there was definitely some tension with the way she glared at him. What was going on?
"I knew something was off."
"What have you told her?"
#sasusaku#sasuke uchiha x sakura haruno#sasusaku fanfic#ssfanfic#sasusakufanfiction#mershark/mermaid AU#mershark Sasuke#mermaid Sakura#mershark Sarada
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The Mershark & Mermaid - Part 1
Down in the ocean, there was a little creature. A shark if you will, she had little sharp teeth with grey scales, red eyes, claws and a red tail.
She looked nothing like her mother who was a beautiful mermaid, with luscious pink hair, silky skin and a pretty green tail.
And Sarada hated it, none of the other fishes or mermaids/men wanted anything to do with her. She looked ‘too scary’ and would ‘probably eat us,’ it didn’t help that she was bigger than the other fishlings her own age. Sarada couldn’t help the way she looked and whenever the topic of her father was brought up, which Sarada assumed was who she looked like her mother would try and change the subject.
Why couldn’t she know more about her father?
And she swam off.
“Sarada wait!” Sakura called but Sarada just kept swimming far away, how could she accept herself if she didn’t even know who she was. Maybe if Sarada knew more about Papa, about what they were, why no one wanted anything to do with them. Sarada could come to an understanding.
Why was she so different to everyone else?
Why didn’t she look more like Mama?
It was the first time Sarada swam away from home, she ended up finding a little quiet place which was now her comfort spot when she needed a break from everyone. She would sit on a small rock deep in the ocean, a place her mother warned her not to go. That it was dangerous with lots of predators however she had yet to encounter any. And if she did there was a small cave big enough for her to flee and hide in.
Except knowing what her mother was like, Sarada decided to bring Sakura over and show her hideaway, that way if it was necessary she could find her there. And to her own surprise, Sakura had seemed… relived? Whilst they were deeper in the ocean than they usually were, it didn’t set alarm bells for her mother, but Sarada made a promise not to go below any further.
For her own safety.
A dark heavy aura surrounded her and the little sharkling watched as other creatures quickly swam past muttering about ‘the creature’ and how dangerous it was to be here. Sarada panicked and quickly hid in her small cave peeking out. It was too risky to swim away, what if it caught her?
Whatever it was exactly.
“Mama…” Maybe she should have stuck with her Mama, what if she never sees her again or thinks she swam away from home to never return.
A big shadow slowly went past and Sarada trembled, she looked up to see a very big creature. The top part of him was human-like a mermaid except he had grey scales like her, he had a long g blue greyish tail which slowly flickered when swimming and long dark blue hair. How strange, he looks just like…
He looks just like me. Sarada thought, all fear subsiding and she began to be more curious. So there were other sharks like her. Was this where they lived?
She swam out of her cave and hurried over to him. He was ten times bigger compared to her and as she watched how swiftly his long tail flicked Sarada looked down at her own wondering if she would ever grow that size.
“Excuse me.” Her voice squeaked out, he didn’t hear.
“Hey!” She tugged on his tail, which got his attention although it was a slight pull it was noticeable. He lifted his tail to see a little sharkling dangling on it.
“What the-”
“Hi!” Sarada smiled when he glared at her. She was unfazed and immediately went right up to his face causing him to scowl. Even their eyes were the same colour.
“You look like me!” She chirped happily, the shark studied her for a moment before tsking and continuing on his way.
“Haven’t your parents told you not to talk to strangers?”
“My Mama has, but I don’t always listen to her.” Sarada watched his posture trying to mimic how graceful and deadly he came across, noticing this he smirked before flicking his tail roughly and dashing away.
“No fair, I have little fins.” She tried to hurry over and catch up to him and was almost out of breath when she did. He gave a sigh seeing as she wouldn’t give up.
“You’re not from around here are you?”
“No, I only live with Mama. I’ve never met another shark before.” Sarada spoke honestly completely in awe of how awesome he looked. If this was how she grew up to be she couldn’t wait, but were fishes really afraid of them?
“You should know better than to approach me.”
“Hmm, but you’re talking to me and don’t seem scary, you would never hurt me.”
But your Sasuke-Kun, you would never hurt me.
Sasuke blinked at the sudden memory that came to mind, it had been years since he thought of her. Why now?
He looked down at the little sharkling and she looked right back at him grinning. Her smile, her eyes, they seemed... familiar...
But that couldn't be, right?
“You said you lived with your mother?”
“Yes, she’s a really pretty mermaid but I never knew who my Papa was.”
That was all the confirmation he needed.
“What’s your name?”
“Sarada, what’s your name sir?”
After all these years, it would seem fate or rather their beloved innocent daughter would intertwine them again.
You can't get rid of me Sasuke, our feelings are connected. You told me that yourself.
Now, what was he going to do?
#sasusaku#sasuke uchiha x sakura haruno#sasusaku fanfic#ssfanfic#sasusakufanfiction#mershark/mermaid AU#mershark Sasuke#mermaid Sakura#mershark Sarada
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Relationships: Haruno Sakura/Uchiha Sasuke
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Rating: T
Summary: The more they pushed each other away the more they gravitated toward each other.
They both knew it would end horrible but fate is a funny thing.
New chapter finally out!! I hope you enjoy 😊
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Relationships: Haruno Sakura/Uchiha Sasuke
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Rating: T
Summary: The more they pushed each other away the more they gravitated toward each other.
They both knew it would end horrible but fate is a funny thing.
#sasusaku#sasusaku fanfic#keith's fanfiction#mershark/mermaid au#sasusaku fanfiction#I really need to write the next chapter#sasuke uchiha#sakura haruno
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A Nightmare Most Beautiful
⚠️ CW: Very dark and horrorish? ⚠️ --- Legends were if you go out to sea far enough you would be bewitched by a beautiful melody that will lead you into the ocean.
Death comes swiftly and quickly. No one knows whether they drowned as no bodies ever end up being found or something worse.
Others mentioned about a woman with pink hair or so they say. She looked like a human but had a fish tail. A mermaid perhaps? No one knew.
Many men have set sail on hoping to encounter said creature. But none have come back successfully.
Except for one man.
He had witnessed and seen everything but no one believed him. They all laughed at his absurd tales so why bother correcting them.
To them he was a crazy old man.
He had snapped out of his trance by the cold water of the sea where a bigger, scarier creature was awaiting them down below.
He looked to be a mix of a shark and human, similar to the other but very much different.
He would use his eyes to put them asleep and let them dream of happiness as his claw would slash right through them.
The only reason he lived to tell this tale was because of two things. His friend snapping him out of it whilst taking the hit himself and the creature taking pity on him by sparing his life.
Swimming up the other one (a siren he read later on) before surprisingly speaking his language.
"You can tell of the humans what happened but no one will believe you."
And he wasn't wrong.
Just then a smaller version of him came swimming out of hiding, looking at all the dead bodies before heading to the closest one to feed off of.
So that's what happened to them.
He didn't say anything, too afraid that one wrong word and he would be dead. They did speak their language.
The smaller one curious of the living human having never seen one before swam over before looking back at her parents.
"Can I eat him too Papa?"
"No, then that would waste our hard work."
"Aww." She pouted but nevertheless went over to another to eat.
He still couldn't figure out how he managed to escape. Maybe they had also taken him back to shore?
Till this day, they still haunt his dreams but he knew better now.
Whilst children were told of the mysterious woman watching over them, knowing if they behaved good or bad he knew the truth from down below.
Then again, who's to say they were in the wrong when the humans came into their territory.
Siren Sakura X Mershark Sasuke anyone 👀
#send me a made up fic title#this is for AdelineVW7#keith's snippets#sssnippetaday#sssnippet#sasuke uchiha x sakura haruno#sasusaku#road to ninja#you can tell I just wanted an excuse to write another mershark AU haha
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