#firstprince stuff
alittlefrenchtree · 2 months
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twitter made me do it
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rwrbmovie · 1 year
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The spot right at the dip of his waist below his ribs looks impossibly soft, and Alex might die if he can't fit his hand into that little curve in the next five seconds.
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largepeachicedtea · 1 year
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*bagpipes intensify*
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firstprinced · 23 days
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artbyflor · 6 months
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birthday boy❣️❣️
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alexbidiaz · 2 months
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Red, White, and Royal Blue's emmy nomination had me in my feelings so I drew a moment from the movie 💖 I had a lot of fun drawing them in colored pencils and alcohol markers this time!
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jscajones · 1 year
Henry complimenting Alex’s cologne in the storage closet
The way Henry pauses and gives a look after Alex asks “have I surprised you in any way?”
The way Henry is looking at Alex when Pez is telling Nora “you are the most exquisite woman I have ever seen in my life”
The way Alex is so distracted he forgets who he’s talking to because Henry is in his sightline
Alex nervously trying to figure out how to stand before Henry comes into the red room
The look Henry gives Alex when he walks out of his bedroom i.e. “I am very, very gay”
“And I thought Alexander Gabriel Claremont-Diaz was a mouthful” “He is” and the fucking LOOKS
“Can he ever belong to someone else?” “Only momentarily”
“Would it make a difference if I told you not to see him again?” IMMEDIATE NO
Alex at the beginning saying royalty in the 21st century is so antiquated…..Henry saying the same thing to Bea later
“I would never call you a coward”
The SHIT-EATING SMILE Alex gives Henry in the V&A when he’s putting his arms on his shoulders and making him dance, the little shit
Henry waking up next to Alex the next morning and his lil smile and the way he leans into Alex’s arm around him
Alex finally calling him HRH when he’s telling the world he loves him
Zahra’s face pretty much the entire movie but especially when Alex is literally waxing poetically about Henry’s eyebrows
Also how curly Alex’s hair is in that entire scene
The fact that Alex is wearing his ring
Touch me and die
& Henry’s sweet relieved baby face after he hears that
Collapsing on the stairs like the drama queens they are
Alex watching Henry play piano like the sun shines out of his ass and he has a vitamin D deficiency
Yankee Doodle
Alex’s slutty ass tight shirt
Alex’s pecs (I’m fine)
Henry’s smile when he notices Alex wearing his ring and fiddling with it in the same way he used to
They went out onto the balcony and they cried and I cried
Yellow roses
That long ass hug
Henry looking like a lost little puppy on the stage until Alex takes his hand
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rockingtheorange · 5 months
TayNick soulmating
(Clip from @/jfuentes on ig)
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henrysfox · 9 months
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Alex + totally not being nervous and definitely not wanting anything more
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hrhprincedickheads · 10 months
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The next slide is titled: 'Exploring your sexuality: Healthy, but does it have to be with the Prince of England?' She apologizes for not having time to come up with better titles. Alex actively wishes for the sweet release of death.
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cantinabandmp3 · 10 months
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rwrbmovie · 1 year
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firstprince + hands size difference
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largepeachicedtea · 1 year
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"i thought maybe next summer, we could come back here for like, a couple weeks."
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chelleisamazing · 2 months
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I've seen this movie 100+ times and yet I'm screaming at this right now 😭❤️ they're so soft and cute, please!! 🥺
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beautifulhigh · 11 months
It just occurred to me that the polo scene doesn't get much love as it should. I know it's very short but just the thirst in Alex’s eyes, the way you can see his mouth dry while watching Henry ride that horse and his oh so sexy smile. I feel like that scene required a major dissection, and no one does it better so I came calling.
You know what? I'm doing this one now. I know I said I would do a meta on Henry Fox and I would do a meta on the New Year's Eve party but this is in my inbox now and yeah, let's talk about the polo scene.
(I'm also doing this now so I don't have another thing on my To Do pile, and your kind words made my shitty day a little better so thank you.)
Short scene, not a short meta.
In the book when he and Henry are in his bedroom, Alex has this little moment of clouds parting, sun beaming, angels chorus revelation:
In an instant of sudden, vivid clarity, he can’t believe he ever thought he was straight.
And while movie!Alex doesn't have the same bi awakening that book!Alex does. this is very much his moment of "oh I am very not straight at all" and that is valid of him.
(As this is a Jen meta, we shall also be talking about everything else because you do not analyse a text in isolation.)
This interview talks about the editing of the polo match:
Nick [Moore], my new editor coming in, took a look and he says, “I wanna try something with that polo match.” He spent a weekend of his own time doing something, and then he was ready to show me. He sat me down and said, “I’ve done something crazy.”
And we went from filmed scripted scenes and a lead in, to "bagpipes intensify" and it works SO well for where these boys are in this new stage of their relationship.
Our establishing shots are of the teams, the horses, the uniforms. This is Henry's world and Alex is about to step into it (which is a reversal of Henry at the NYE party - I swear I will write that meta once I have all the gif posts I want to link to) and it's all quick cuts and sharp transitions and moving shots. The pace has been set for Alex to enter.
We pick him out in the crowd but he's lost as quickly as we spot him. He's one of many here and it's all too quick to stay with him.
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Firstly, you will never convince me that he didn't pick the tightest trousers he could find. Henry's comment about him being a mouthful is foreshadowed, right there.
He walks in, he's looking around, he's doing up his jacket as a form of protection. Alex is the proverbial fish out of the proverbial water (and I have a meta about water if you're interested) and we're straight back in with the quick edits. Horses, polo sticks, this is not a game most people know how to play. Alex certainly doesn't. He's doing up his jacket and he is uncomfortable.
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He is not a stranger to a suit, and that is certainly not something that is ill fitting. It is circumstance, not clothing.
And then we get our first clear shot of Henry. Only it's not clear, not at first. He literally comes into focus.
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Stick aloft, mouth open, like he's a walking riding metaphor.
And Alex's face changes.
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Yeah. He is definitely not straight.
From then on we stay with Henry. We, in Alex's viewpoint, have found him. And so we track Henry through the game and it's just generic horse legs if we're looking at anything else. The only player we/Alex see is Henry.
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Here, Henry is leading. Going in first, checking it's clear, knowing Alex will follow him. Henry leads, Alex follows. Into the garden, into the bed, into the sexual component of their relationship. Alex admits to Henry right from the start that this is new to him:
“I’ve, uh,” Alex begins. “I’ve never actually done this before.” “Alex,” Henry says, reaching down to stroke at Alex’s hair, “you don’t have to, I’m—” “No, I want to,” Alex says, tugging at Henry’s waistband. “I just need you to tell me if it’s awful.” Henry is speechless again, looking as if he can’t believe his fucking luck. “Okay. Of course.”
When it comes to being with a man? Henry leads, Alex follows.
And then the pacing and editing kicks off. We intercut to the tempo of the bagpipes between the match and the hook up and Henry is leading the charge on both.
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He's in charge and Alex is LOVING it:
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Turns out being on the receiving end of Henry’s royal authority is an extreme fucking turn-on.
This is risky and the most dangerous thing they have done so far. Amy walking in on them in the Red Room is one thing - book!Alex is VERY thankful for the staff NDAs when it comes to what they know about him and Henry - but neither of them care here. And Alex is very much letting Henry take the lead and set the pace.
Which, given how long Henry has wanted Alex, wanted this, and how he's not able to live and love (at this point) as openly as Alex is, giving Henry this control means that not only can Alex continue his education in this mlm era of his life, but he's giving Henry all of the freedom he can. God Bless America or something.
We intercut the make out scene with shots of things being hit, the hard slamming of one thing against another, of riders in saddles. The hands may be a metaphor for sex in the Paris scene but we have it here as well.
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Alex is fully on board by this point and he's not letting Henry set the full agenda. In his White House bedroom we got the scene of Henry going down on Alex (and there is no way that it was a one-way exchange given how long they were there) so now? It's his turn.
My favourite editing choice?
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We then cut to Henry's arse bouncing in that saddle. If the Paris scene is making love? This is them fucking. Henry is bouncing away, riding for all he's worth, chasing down his singular aim with precision and determination.
It's innuendo at its finest.
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I love this shot. We're looking up at them - we're just like Alex who is now looking up at Henry due to his new vantage point (#NoLongerTaller) - and we see Alex is fully crowding up into Henry's space. And they are right by the door. There is no cover, no escape. Anyone coming in has fully caught them. Please let there be a PPO or a Secret Service be just outside. Please. For their sanity if not mine.
But even if there isn't for some insane reason, they don't care. They are so lost in each other, so caught up in this moment, that they aren't FSOTUS and the Prince Of Wales. They aren't boys with status and expectations. They're just two consenting adults who are testing the boundaries of what public indecency actually means.
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They are really going for it now. Henry's arm is tensed with the effort of keeping Alex close, his hand is splayed on Henry's back to give him contact with more of him. They are not letting go. Diving all in like it's a nod to the Olympic event where they met in the book.
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And when they come up for air it's because Alex is... well... about to go diving.
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Those fingers make VERY quick work of the belt and what he is doing with his hands and those fingers is further evidence in the "this is them fucking" category.
And then the frame which I'm guessing inspired Cordelia's ask to me:
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LOOK AT THAT FACE. Look at those fucking eyelashes. But Alex is wanting and he is wanting hard for Henry. Pun intended. He's got a plan for this, he's got a To Do list for those Very Bad Things he promised/threatened Henry with all those weeks ago.
And it will have been weeks. The State Dinner was around February time based on the texts (end of January at the latest) and then Henry says the polo match is "next month" (which would put it end of February, early March because we would not say 'next month' if it were next week, regardless of when the month starts) and so it's been weeks since they hooked up in Alex's room. Weeks of having to just text and email and maybe venture into video calls.
None of that would compare to being together.
This is the first time that Alex has gotten his hands on Henry since his bedroom and he's desperate to get more than his hands on him.
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And this shot as Alex pulls Henry's trousers down is fucking pornographic. Matthew López, did you direct Nick to act like this or was it his choice? Go watch his expression as Alex is pulling the offending clothing out of the way and tell me that this isn't pornographic.
And then we cut to the not-at-all subtle shot of Henry well, making the shot. With ease and power and the ball shooting out of frame. Something something orgasm metaphor something release.
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There's even a little wisp as he makes the shot. If this post isn't flagged for mature content I'll be surprised.
Next shot?
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Congrats on not getting caught, on the sex, on the most smut-filled-while-almost-fully-clothed-sex scene I've ever had the joy of frame-by-framing through.
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Alex is doing up his tie again but he's not uncomfortable. And Henry is so fucking happy I could cry. Because he just hooked up with this guy, in semi-public, and got away with it. They are firmly in Henry's world here, a world where he can't be out and proud, and he got to have something he wanted. And, maybe crucially, no one knows about it. His privacy is intact.
But more importantly, this thing he's got with Alex is something. It's not a one night stand. Alex came here specifically for him, because he asked him to. Because Alex wanted to see him, be with him. This wasn't an obligation, this wasn't something set up by anyone for show and to do damage control. This was for them, and them alone.
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Look at these smug bastards. Look at them. Gettin' their rocks off and making puns about being hungry and eating like they didn't just devour each other.
I gotta bring the feels here 'cause it's me.
Henry attended the State dinner because he was expected to, because that was in place before the New Year's kiss. It was an obligation and in both the movie and the book he had been ghosting Alex. And then Alex grabbed him in the Red Room and they hooked up and at the end of that scene Henry nervously asks Alex if he wants to be his guest at the polo event. Alex doesn't actually say yes - he says he doesn't know how to play polo, there's a comment about it being safer if he's on the sidelines - but leaving aside any fear that he would stand Henry up this is the first time they have made plans with the intention of seeing each other, of being together in this way.
This is, for want of a better term, kinda like a date.
Alex turned up, Henry put out, and they're very much committing to seeing where this path will take them. (Forever. It'll take them to forever.)
Alex isn't straight, Henry is very much in love, and they're embracing that giddy phase of a relationship where you just can't keep your hands off each other. And we fade from this to Paris where they're on another kind of date and then there's another kind of sex scene and it's a speedrun of their relationship on screen like they weren't indulging in foreplay with all the text flirting.
Which, by the way, don't think I didn't notice that Henry's jersey number was 4. Four-play indeed.
(Thanks for this, Cordelia, I needed something like this to soothe my brain.)
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alexbidiaz · 8 months
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Alex being the little spoon on a cozy morning in their brownstone 💖
Suggested by @mulderscully
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