sarintr · 10 months
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i really dont want them to introduce another prosecutor to the roster in aa7 so i want them to reuse an old prosecutor and i think sebastian debeste would be great for that role. that being said i also dont want them to use sebastian debeste as the prosecutor in aa7 even though i love him because that means they'll have to localize his name to the stupidest bullshit in english
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cuideag · 5 months
already gotta go static hunting again and it is kind of insane the hours people are wanting to put into this game lmao
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definitely-not-karen · 8 months
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I love the transformers wiki so much.
Oh a character that looks like First Aid appears before he canonically exists… let’s call him Firster Aid :)
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novorehere · 2 years
The people have spoken!!
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It was a close battle in the beginning, but it seems like headfirst reigns supreme after all…
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deus-ex-mona · 1 year
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yvanspijk · 7 months
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First, firster, firstest
Former was formed by combining Middle English forme ('first') and -er, so at the time it literally meant 'firster'. Foremost is peculiar too: it used to be formest - forme plus -est, so literally 'firstest' - but the part -mest was replaced by unrelated most. See the infographic for more.
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How to avoid a job for the rest of my life... Perhaps you have some answer
Well I rode trains for like....hold on let me do the math, 14 years. Then I moved into a house where no one cares that I never have money. They own the house tho, so it's not like rent is an issue.
I will say, riding trains is fun but it can also be extremely rough. I'm straight edge and always have been. I can count all my living friends from when I first started traveling on one hand. Everyone else od'd years ago. You also get caught in shitty weather a lot, if you're a poc like me you often interact with racists on the streets and I mean people who will call you the n word hard r to your face and you gotta be ready to fight them. With that being said the train riding community has gotten really faggy and friendlier over the years. I went to a queer train riders gathering like 3 years ago and I was one of the oldest people there and I'm only in my early 30's. Traveling kids are usually really young or pretty old, most don't make it through their late twenty's.
I dont believe in teaching people how to ride trains online. I think it has to be done in person to really get it. But I can give advice on a buncha other shit pertaining to living on the streets. But also I've always been an anarchist so I lived an atypical life to most other homeless people. I would crack squats/stay at them, lots of punk houses let me crash on their couch, at one point I lived and traveled on a school bus with a buncha earth firsters. Ok, I'm rambling now. Yeah.
Fuck a job, work is for suckers, and my housemates.
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mariacallous · 3 months
Today, the flames of violent nationalism still flicker in the Balkans. Revisionist grievances and autocratic instincts animate leaders in Turkey and Hungary. The fallout from the 2009 European debt crisis and the years of hardship and austerity that followed showed that resentment of German influence—in this case, economic influence—is never deeply buried. Even today, as Putin gives European states every reason to work together, tensions between Ukraine and Poland or between France and Germany occasionally flare.
There are worrying political trends, as well. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has spent years deconstructing Hungarian democracy and touting the rise of the “illiberal state.” Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is carrying out a similar project in his country. Parties such as the National Rally in France are rising in the polls and trafficking in a hard-edged nationalism that can easily turn into zero-sum geopolitical thinking, with centuries of historical grievances ready to be awakened. The far-right Alternative for Germany remains a political contender even as it becomes more extreme. The triumph of these movements might well be aided by a Russia assiduously waging political warfare, all too eager to set European states against one another.
A fractured Europe gripped by its ancient demons is a nightmare scenario, and nightmares usually don’t come true. But what is crucial to understand is that a post-American Europe would be fundamentally unlike the Europe we have come to know. The geopolitical shock absorbers provided by U.S. power and its umbrella over Europe will be gone. The destabilizing uncertainty over status and security will return. Countries will no longer feel so confident that they can ensure their survival without resorting to the behavior—the military buildups, the intense rivalries—that characterized earlier eras. Today’s Europe is the product of a historically unique, unprecedented configuration of power and influence created by the United States. Can we really be so sure that the bad old ways won’t reassert themselves once the very safeguards that have suppressed them for 75 years are withdrawn?
Don’t make the mistake of thinking that Europe’s transformation into today’s peaceful EU can never be undone. After all, Europe experienced stretches of relative peace before 1945—in the decades after Napoleon’s defeat, for instance—only for that peace to collapse once the balance of power shifted. And don’t think that tragedy can’t befall a continent that seems so enlightened: The history of Europe, prior to U.S. engagement, was the history of the world’s most economically advanced, most thoroughly modern continent repeatedly tearing itself to shreds. Indeed, if there is a lesson from Europe’s past, it is that the descent can come sooner and be steeper than currently seems possible to imagine.
In the 1920s, the forces of liberalism seemed ascendant: British writer James Bryce hailed the “universal acceptance of democracy as the normal and natural form of government.” The newly founded League of Nations was offering novel mechanisms for crisis management. Countries were slashing their militaries and settling outstanding grievances from World War I. Just a decade later, it was the forces of fascism that had the momentum as the continent careened toward another world war. Europe’s own history is testament to how quickly and completely things can all fall apart.
America Firsters may think that the United States can have all the benefits of a stable Europe without paying any of the costs. In reality, their policies risk reminding us that Europe has a far nastier historical norm. That would be a calamity—and not just for Europe. A weaker, more fragmented Europe would make it harder for the democratic world to cope with challenges from Russia, China, or Iran. A violent, hypercompetitive Europe could cause fallout on a global scale.
If Europe has benefited from being part of a thriving liberal order in recent decades, that liberal order has benefited from having a peaceful, gradually expanding EU at its core. If Europe turns dark and vicious again, it might once more export its conflicts to the world. On the day that the United States retreats across the Atlantic, it will be placing far more than the future of Europe at risk.
Trump’s Return Would Transform Europe
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sergeifyodorov · 1 year
saviour prospects are great and all but wheres my love for late-firsters, late rounders, last oas. the ones you didn't know anything about until their name was called and now you'd defend this child with your life. any one of you could be the next pavelski or bergeron or kucherov or robertson or you might never hear of them again. baby faces, bad haircuts, charming stories. magic in the maybe
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vash3r · 7 months
really enjoyed First Move 2: Move Firster
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palmettoshenanigans · 8 months
Neil Josten: I need to win The Sport or else the American branch of the Yakuza will kill me dead and that's if my serial killer father doesn't get to me first and that's if the rejected son of the Yazuka who helps run a Death Cult for The Sport doesn't get to me firster and that's if-
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calisources · 1 year
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Pain does not exist in this dojo. 
That’s just black paint on a wall. 
We are basically karate cousins.
Never mind your past mistakes, don’t let them determine your future. 
I may not always win, but I never quit a fight. 
Kicks get chicks. 
When negative feelings overwhelm you, look for the good within yourself. 
Change that ring tone. Get some Guns N’ Roses or something. 
The best defense is more offense. 
Strike First, Strike Hard, No Mercy
Let’s go, Hot Wheels.
Back in my day if we want to tease someone, we do it to their face.
Failure, it never tastes good.
Everyone’s got a sob story. That doesn’t give you the right to be a bully.
Guess the garbage doesn’t fall far from the truck.
Stop drinking the butter!
If your enemy insists on war, then you take away their ability to wage it.
When do I get the cool karate pajamas? 
Defeat does not exist.
If you have hate in your heart, then you have already lost.
Fish sticks are dope. 
Sometimes the scars you can’t see are the ones that hurt the most.
A true Cobra feels no sympathy for its meals.
No one wants to do business with a bully.
Cobra Kai never dies. 
Make sure all that defense doesn’t turn you into a cream puff.
Karate is not a phase, it’s a way of life. You can leave it for awhile, but it never leaves you.
To be Cobra Kai, you have to have a killer instinct.
The humans response to danger is fight or flight, but an eagle’s response is fight and flight.
I don’t trust anyone. I am using Cobra Kai to get what I want.
Instead of using your speed to run away from your enemies, use it to run at them.
How are you gonna do that? They strike first, and you strike firster?
You’re not a sensei, you’re a conman.
You mess with a cobra, you get the fangs.
It’s time to put the past behind us.
I am Cobra Kai.
At Cobra Kai, we believe anyone can be a winner. All you need is the right teacher.
Look at that line. You’d think he was giving away Teslas or something.
They show no mercy, we show them no mercy!
Nice ascot.
First train mind. Then train body.
We are way past the time for white flags, (name).
Dork to door service? Never thought I’d see the day.
I was ready to let this go. And you just kept getting in my way.
I only lose if I give up.
Cobra Kai had given him the strength he didn’t even know he had.
Youth is not a liability. It is the greatest power.
Right and wrong, there is no such thing. There are only winners and losers. Cobra Kai builds winners because we are willing to do whatever it takes to come out on top.
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gwemmieee · 22 days
It's really nice to continue to meet and hear from good people from all backgrounds. People who really care about building others up, including you, so that you're able to focus less on defending yourself and more on building them up in return. It's really nice. And it helps me remember that, yes, my instincts about which groups are dangerous to me are off the mark. Because it's really not about which groups are bad. It's about which individual people are not safe for you and your unique cocktail of experiences and instincts to interact with in certain ways.
Have I noticed certain recurring patterns with certain groups of people regarding the ways that they're shitty to me and why? Yes. Do I have strong instincts to let that color how I approach and respond to others who "appear" to be like them? Absolutely. Are those instincts helpful when I'm dealing with people who are shitty to me? Yup. It's always more helpful to understand and anticipate the pattern of harm.
But do those instincts serve me when I know someone is just legitimately a good person who does not repeat any patterns of harm at all? No, that's exactly when they're inhibiting--like a crutch. Should I assume anything about patterns I'm anticipating before I've seen evidence that they're dangerous? Generally no, that's not helpful either, though there can be red flags to spot. Are those red flags helpful to teach others like me who deserve to be safer? Yes, but at the same time, I have no respect for anyone who shares my struggles but shoots first and asks questions later. Understanding, compassion, empathy, but not respect.
Are those red flags and other instincts serving anybody if I broadcast them out in a public space? Generally no, as it's more likely to bolster shoot-firsters and add to prejudice and discrimination than it is to actually help anyone. Is anybody I don't trust entitled to even know what my instincts and red flags are, exactly? Fuck no, and I'm realizing it actually harms me to overshare them if anyone listening has decided they know all about me and how to immediately fix me or condemn me.
Can I instantly know at a glance whether someone is safe for me or not? Nope. Should I always do my best to give the benefit of the doubt? Yup. Should I clearly express boundaries and give them every chance? Definitely.
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negativojpg · 1 year
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Moving my most recent art to Tumblr because bleh anywho this is a firster ! !
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novorehere · 2 years
The fact that the getting swallowed headfirst vs feet-first poll is split almost exactly 50/50 down the middle is so amusing to me, I genuinely did not predict it would be this close of a race.
My money’s on the feet-firsters, but the upside-down crew could definitely pull out the win if they’re not too dizzy to show up to the polls xD
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