#first one is a reference to loathing from wicked LOL
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axl-awesome · 15 days ago
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jm kind of obsessed
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lacrimosathedark · 9 months ago
Give me your Lucifer vibes.
What songs just scream Lucifer to you? What gives you his vibes? Especially looking for Lucilith and RadioApple vibes, but also just Him in general. Because I love him.
(Not asking for fansongs btw those are great but not what I'm looking for)
Here's some that I've got:
Who I Am by Citizen Soldier - The one creative little angel who was so different, and everyone wanted him to be someone else? Yes.
Don't You Worry Child by Swedish House Mafia - Heaven nostalgia
The Greatest Show from The Greatest Showman - He's the leader of Hell's circus and he's so bombastic it just feels like him. Also Jeremy Jordan iykyk
Look Who's Inside Again by Bo Burnham - Pretty self explanatory I think.
Angels by Vicetone - Honestly more Vaggie-coded, but it works for Lucifer too.
Angel With A Shotgun by The Cab - Because every rebellious angel character since ever has this on their character playlist.
All Eyes On Me by OR3O - Shockingly for a song about Bendy, it fits him almost perfectly. "A devil made from heaven, sent from above" is exactly what he is.
House of Memories by Panic! at the Disco - Feels very Lucifer stuck alone in his castle reminiscing. Also just "If you're a lover you should know the lonely moments just get lonelier the longer you're in love than if you were alone" feels painfully on point for him
Friend Like Me from Aladdin - His entire first verse on Hell's Greatest Dad is basically just this lol
Love Again by Dua Lipa - I heard this and to me it sounded like Lucifer thought he could never move on after Lilith, but he found himself falling in love again. Yes, I was thinking RadioApple, but it works in general as a moving-on song I feel.
The Duck Song - I am not using this but I'm putting it here so no one suggests it because I know if I don't someone will.
Fairytale by Alexander Rybek - Like, the violin? Yes. But also the lyrics just sound like Lucifer thinking about Lilith and this is the most perfect song for him I've found and boy does it tear my heat out thinking about it like that.
100 Years by OR3O - Just a love song about someone loving someone who left them. For 100 years. Like...is that not so Lucifer-coded?
Hopelessly Devoted to You by Olivia Newton-John - Switch the pronoun and it sounds very much like Lucifer missing Lilith.
What Is This Feeling? from Wicked - Setting aside all the lyrics that refer to the story it's from, this song is so perfectly Lucifer and Alastor and I thought of it as soon as I saw them interacting. Loathing at first sight.
Your Stupid Face by Kaden MacKay - The RadioApple song. And I need more songs that are like this. Contentious to romantic bantering. Not even specifically for them, just in general. I love this song.
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plasteredwalls · 2 months ago
Okay so first of all this fanart is beautiful
Second of all I mistook the dresses as being a redraw of the Wise Women's dresses from the wicked movie (the ones that Indina Menzel and Kristen Chenworth wore) or at least a reference. My reaction was then to say "LOL gays". Not because it was scarian. Because I thought it was referencing Indina Menzel and Kristen Chenworth. Who originated Glinda and Elphaba. Who are gay for, ahem, loathing for each other. Quick association went crazy for that.
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The idea of @mayvora
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It was drawn a month ago, but so quickly and poorly that I didn't want to post it for a long time
However, I've been watching you and realized that you like something like this ;)
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gerec · 7 years ago
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Dangerous Liaisons 
Charles Xavier as Vicomte de Valmont Erik Lehnsherr as Marquise de Merteuil James ‘Logan’ Howlett as Madame de Tourvel
This is a little ficlet I wrote for my darling @widgenstain, who is celebrating a big birthday today!!! I hope you like this, and I hope you’re having a wonderful day :D :D :D
No warnings except for mild internalized homophobia mentioned. Approx. 1300 words. Also this takes place in England not France just because lol.
Edwards appeared as Erik stepped through the parlour doors, having just returned from a brisk walk about the manor grounds.
“Sir, the Viscount is here. Shall I show him in?”
Erik frowned as he stripped his gloves absently, mulling over the plan he’d been weighing these past few days. His pride had been wounded dearly and his patience tested, and Erik was keen to answer Sebastian’s insult with appropriate retribution. But involving the likes of Xavier added potential risk to Erik’s calculated outcome, and he would have to be very careful indeed with the way he presented his proposal.
“Yes. Have him meet me in the library.”
It had been three days since his lover broke the news to him while they were still in bed; that he was newly engaged to the Countess Frost’s young ward, Jean Grey, and soon to be married. Sebastian had brushed off Erik’s indignation with cool amusement, and all the callousness of a man of privilege used to taking – and discarding – as he pleased. The novelty of being a first and only male lover had worn off after a year together, along with his once fascination over Erik’s ability to control and manipulate metal.  
No, Erik held no true devotion to Sebastian Shaw, but he was certainly not some frivolous, empty-headed thing either to be tossed aside with no worry or consequences.
By the time he entered the library, Charles had already made himself comfortable, sprawled laconically into his favorite chair before the chess set they frequented. He looked delightfully handsome as always, dressed in a dark waistcoat that highlighted his sharp blue eyes, and a smile that managed to be both utterly charming and filthy in turn.
Of course that was precisely the appeal of Charles Xavier, an unrepentant scoundrel that rather enjoyed his hard earned reputation. And though Erik was reluctantly attracted to the man’s incisive wit and wicked manner – and Charles thrilled at his own hard edges and cold calculations – neither had any true capacity for feelings, nor the inclination to delve beyond the surface of their unorthodox friendship.  
“My dear Earl Lehnsherr,” Charles drawled, “I came as soon as you summoned me. Have you come to your senses, hmm? Now that you’ve lost that dreadful bore Sebastian Shaw, will you finally let me take you to bed? Show you exactly how it is to pleasure a man of your…stature?”
Erik laughed. Trust Xavier to offer sex as a social greeting. “You will find it not so easy to garner an invitation to my bed, Xavier.”
Charles shrugged good-naturedly, and took the glass of claret Erik offered with a sly grin. “No indeed it is not, though you can’t fault a fellow for trying.”
He took his usual seat across from Xavier then, and took a slow, pointed sip of his wine. “I have a proposition for you.”
“Oh?” Charles asked with a playful arch of his brow, “is there to be a quest then, to go on? A monster to slay before I’m given your delectable arse as my just reward?”
“Delectable yes,” Erik conceded, returning Charles’ smouldering grin with a wink. “But sadly, mine is not up for the taking. I am referring to the pretty and virginal Jean Grey, the little telepath Sebastian is planning to marry.”
The smile on Charles’ face slipped just a little, before he rolled his eyes and downed the entirety of his glass in one go. “Let me guess. You want me to seduce her and take her to bed as revenge for Shaw’s insult against you. Erik, darling, I expected a more devious plan than to fuck a girl too young and stupid to know better. It’s entirely beneath me to accept a task that lacks any interest or challenge. You wound me.”
Erik rubbed his forehead and sighed. “I would happily gut Sebastian Shaw if I could, Charles, as well you know. But this at least will injure his pride if nothing else, to expect a virgin and get a trollop for a bride. What if I offered you the next two shipments of bordeaux I’m expecting, direct from my vineyard in France? As thanks for your…’assistance’?”
Charles shook his head. “It’s not that I don’t want to help you, darling, but I do have a reputation to uphold. While I don’t deny that Frost’s ward is appealingly lithesome, I’ve had more than my fair share of such delicate flowers. Besides, I’ve recently set my sights on another, much worthier target to pursue.”
In spite of his annoyance at being denied, Erik couldn’t help but be intrigued by Charles’ obvious excitement. As a telepath of great power and little care for decency or morals, Xavier found amusement as quickly as he lost interest within the stifling restrictions of upper English society. To garner such eagerness must mean…“Who is it this time? Which poor, unsuspecting soul have you decided to ruin with your nefarious ways?”
He refilled their glasses, and watched as Charles practically beamed with an almost boyish enthusiasm. “You’ve heard of Captain James Howlett, yes? Newly returned to London, having retired from a decorated career in His Majesty’s army?”
Erik nodded. Howlett was a man of few words, unrefined and definitely unsuited to life amongst the aristocracy. A war hero and a widower, and Erik allowed, an exceptionally fine physical specimen.
“Didn’t he have a wife, Charles? Even you can’t hope to capture the attentions of a man interested only in those of the female persuasion? ”
“Ah but that’s the thing,” Charles answered, eyes drawn to the purple-red liquid as he swirled his glass absently, “I’ve read his mind, Erik, and seen the very heart of him. He desires it so, the touch of a man, but cannot yet admit the truth of it even to himself. It’s buried deep, his longing for a man’s affections, beneath layers upon layers of teachings and propriety and self-loathing. Imagine what a triumph it would be, my friend, to break through all that armor? And make him crave that which he believes to be a mortal sin?”
It was…genius, Erik conceded, and indeed a worthier prey than the inexperienced Jean Grey, though he doubted even the venerable talents of the Viscount could sway a man such as Howlett. “Some things are beyond even your capabilities, Charles, or do you mean to use your telepathy on him? To make him amenable to your advances?”
Charles’ eyes flashed, and his lips thinned a little as he replied, “I have no need to resort to mind tricks. Mark my words, Earl Lehnsherr – I shall have him, and make him beg me for it in turn.”
“And I say that you will not,” Erik teased, thrilling in the way Charles’ eyes narrowed at the obvious challenge. “I shall make you a wager, so certain I am of your failure – if you succeed, I will allow you into my bed, and do to me as you wish for as much and as long as you wish it.”
Charles tossed his head back and laughed. “I will happily take your wager, and be all the more determined with such a promised reward!”
“You will have to provide written proof of the affair,” Erik warned, even as he returned Charles’ triumphant smile with a grin of his own. “In the Captain’s own words or the deal is off.”
“Done,” Charles promised, not even the slightest bit concerned with the additional requirement. He leaned forward and set his hand on Erik’s knee, an impish grin on his face as he asked, “Shall we seal it with a kiss?”
“You shall get your kiss after the wager is won and not a moment before,” he replied, and chuckled as Charles flopped back with an exaggerated sigh. “But it would not hurt to toast your new venture. To you—”
“To Captain Howlett, and your delectable arse—”
Erik smiled. “May the best man win.”
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alysae · 8 years ago
Alright, I'm finally in the mood and I know of no better place to go - can you give me some tomarry/harrymort fic recs? You seem like a person of good taste, so~
Ah thank you! you came to the right place! Honestly seeing you gradually fall into Harrymort/Tomarry hell was entertaining lol
Now, about the fanfics. Expect a lot of unfinished works tho
brainstorm1001′s fanfics are a classic:
The Cave Incident and its sequel, The Love Accident
Three years after the lost battle of Hogwarts Lord Voldemort attempts revenge. Regrettably, he has never learned from his mistakes and underestimates Harry’s incredible luck again. HPLV later. Warning: mix of drama, angst and comedy! 
What was going to happen to him was something terrifying; all his instincts were rebelling against his decision but Harry resisted. Now it was his turn to make a sacrifice and ensure their survival. Compliant with the DH up to the events in Malfoy Manor. HP/LV COMPLETE & EPILOGUE!
A Snake Named Voldemort by estalita11
COMPLETE After being turned into a snake and unable to change back, Lord Voldemort is forced to turn to the only other living Parselmouth, Harry Potter. After making a deal, Harry agrees to help the Dark Lord return to his human form. SLASH HP/LVTMR
ObsidianPen’s fanfics. just. yes. (please read hauntingly it’s MAGNIFICENT)
Mine and its sequel, Hauntingly
He opened his mouth to speak, but he was cut off by an icy statement that caused the hairs on his entire body to stand erect. “I know what you are, Harry Potter… Death will never touch you.” SLASH, HP/LV. Darkly disturbing and all sorts of twisted- a story of abduction, possession, and manic obsession. SEQUEL posted: Hauntingly
No Glory
There was no glory in this… The Dark Lord divines what Harry Potter is in the Forbidden Forest, and revelations lead to incomprehensible consequences. Lord Voldemort has won…and the dystopia is damning. A disquieting tale of a fallen hero, taboo desires, and a Dark Lord’s obsession with something he has lost and finds himself unwillingly lusting after: a soul
All of Athey’s fanfics. ALL. tho most are wips OR abandoned (my favourite is Rebirth tbh)
Death of Today by Epic Solemnity
COMPLETE LV/HP: Raised in a Muggle orphanage, Harry arrives at Hogwarts a bitter boy. Unusually intelligent, he’s recruited by the Unspeakables and the Death Eaters at a young age. As he grows older, he constantly has to struggle to keep his footing around a manipulative and bored Dark Lord, who fancies mind games and intellectual entertainment.
Dreams and Darkness Collide by Epic Solemnity
AUSLASH! Though he was raised without the expectation of saving the world, Harry still possesses a savior complex. Only, it’s so dark and twistedly immoral, he created an alter ego to practice vigilantism. His second identity makes a name for himself and immediately ensnares Minister Riddle’s complete and obsessive attention. A game of cat and mouse begins and morals are questioned
Xerosis by Batsutousai
Harry’s world ends at the hands of those he’d once fought to save. An adult-Harry goes back to his younger self fic. Semi-super!Harry, Voldemort/Harry, SLASH-for the idiots
Stand Against the Moon by Batsutousai
Cursed against his will, Harry made the best of his life until he found himself, again, wandering in Death’s realm. When Death offers him a second chance, a chance to right the wrongs he’d been blind to for too long, he can’t possibly refuse.
Moments in Time by Watermelonsmellinfellon (and their other fics!)
Tom Riddle thought he was dreaming the first time, but when he repeatedly visits the same boy, he realizes that bigger things are at work. He watches the boy in the cupboard grow from a small child and into a young man. His brotherly affections begin to wane. What will he do when the boy isn’t so little anymore? Could he even imagine? Those Avada eyes calling to him. A/N: SLASH!
Iridescent by BloodyWar2401
AU; No Magic. Tom Riddle: A mob boss. Draco Malfoy: A vengeful prick. Harry Potter: Stuck as a cleaning boy for Tom’s office as a way to make up for something Draco claimed he did. Bottom Line: Damn all rich people to hell.
third time’s a charm by lejf
Soulmate AU: soulmates’ thoughts are written on their match’s hands. HP/TR (HP/LV) A story that follows Harry through canon events as he searches for his mysterious writer who always seems to be in pain.
Wicked Serendipity by FrankieSpitfire
Harry Potter is done with the Order and the war, he just wants to stay neutral and possibly not die a horrible death. It’s hard to stay unaffected when the Dark Side starts to look awfully tempting. Starting a whole new crazy journey, the Boy Who Lived decides to take his chances with Voldemort and consequently drags his friends along for the ride.HP/LV, warnings inside.[ON HIATUS]
Butterfly Heart by The_Fictionist
AU - Silence of the Lambs/Hannibal inspired. After recent events in his life, Hermione refers Harry to the renowned psychiatrist, Doctor. T. Riddle. He is unlike anything Harry ever expected or imagined, and soon proves to be a great help against the very shadows and name that haunts his waking hours. If only it remained that simple.
Love’s Loathing by The_Fictionist
Lord Voldemort is head of Magical Britain. Harry Potter is a rebel leader in charge of the last scraps of resistance against his regime. Things would be difficult enough even if they hadn’t once been engaged.
Kisses Cursed by The_Fictionist (you know what, just read all their fics)
Fairytale AU. Loosely inspired by Beauty and the Beast.
Some said he was once a man, cursed, and some that he sold his soul to demons and became one in turn. Others said that such evil as he could never have been human. That he was instead a nightmare, left lingering upon the earth a very long time ago.Harry just knew it wasn’t safe to walk near the Riddle House after dark.
The Gardens of Riddle Manor by VanillaGhost
When Harry happens upon a rare and beautiful flower, his relatives soon become obsessed with the gardens of their mysterious and powerful next door neighbour. Until one day they send Harry over the wall…
(a Rapunzel/Beauty and the Beast fairytale inspired AU.)
Freefall by ladyoflilacs
A voice whispers to Harry in the still of the night, when he is on the verge of sleep and at his most vulnerable. A retelling of Deathly Hallows. Rated M for Harry/Voldemort slash.
Lithium by grayclouds
The smallest change in details can lead to vastly different outcomes. When Harry finds Tom Riddle’s diary in his second year, he befriends the entity that resides within. This simple act results in a ripple effect that tears the story as we know it apart, causing a descent into the madness that is the human psyche.
Horror Of Our Love by leontina
AU! In a world where Neville Longbottom was declared the Boy Who Lived, Harry Potter grew up in a happy, loving family, but all of that changed when he was twelve; the year he met Tom Riddle. TMR/HP slash. Dark!Harry.
And there are so, so many more I’m not mentioning but are definitely worth reading sO, I’m redirecting you to these recs:
@acnara‘s fic rec here!
@hellyeahtomarry‘s fic recs: part 1 ; part 2 ; part 3
this post (hasn’t been updated tho)
@thetomarrylibrary blog. (it’s an amazing blog, check it out!!)
@helly-watermelonsmellinfellon‘s fic rec here!
I hope you find your kind of fanfic! you definitely should go through AO3′s tag and search more if you read all of these lol
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w-fangiri · 8 years ago
For YOUR EYES ONLY. Understand?? Because I MIGHT delete it after you read. OR, I might lock the page and you’ll be the only one with access.
This be my OC because it fucking bothered me that ALL THESE OCs ARE WHITE. So, sue me. LOL 
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Being the daughter of Hades was never easy for Hazel as she felt a constant need to prove herself. Beyond the fact that the only reason her name is Hazel is because the Ruler of the Underworld, himself, was so mesmerized by her pristine hazel eyes that he thought it would be the perfect name. It was partially because of that, that she was so determined to prove that she was worthy of being Goddess of the Underworld and that she was nothing like her father. One out of two didn't seem like a bad deal as Hazel would start to realize, at a very young age that she was very much her father's daughter. Not only had she inherited most of his abilities, but she inherited his ruthless temper and a few of his most famous personality traits. Despite being unable to use most of her true abilities, thanks in part to the magical barrier surrounding the Isle, Hazel found other ways to prove her worth. Although, she didn't see herself as evil or a villain. Not to say that she was nice, by any means. But, she liked to see herself as being in the Undecided category, which would leave room to maybe pursue the good act down the road. Gotta keep my options open, as she'd often refer to that particular decision.
At the very young age of eight, Hazel took an interest in sword fighting to fill her time. While most of the other kids were studying and trying to become the spitting images of their parents, Hazel was honing her skill. She was very competitive, but she was also a graceful and calm fighter. Rarely did she let her emotions drive her sword, which easily intimidated a lot of the other kids. Among the Isle inhabitants, most of them feared her for the fact that no one could beat her. Try as they might, she remained undefeated. But, there was one boy who was determined to beat her in combat.
Harry Hook, son of the Captain Hook, took a shine to trying just that. But, his interest in Hazel only came from the goddess' irrational loathing towards him. Since they were mere children, even though she was just a few months older than he was, Hazel was never shy about how she felt towards the hook-handed, pirate boy. To everyone else, she either seemed unpleasant or perpetually irritated. But, to Harry Hook, she was determined to keep the boy as far away from her as possible. Going as far as to hiss in his direction whenever she'd felt his presence near her. Of all the inhabitants, Harry was the only person who seemed to drive the girl to the point of rage that the blue streaks in her hair would ignite at the sight of him.
Though, nobody ever really knew or understood why she had such a reaction to him. As far as the rumors would go, some speculated that he'd pulled a prank on her in school; and Hazel being Hazel, instead of snitching on the boy, she held a grudge over it. Other rumors assumed her hatred of the boy was as irrational as a bull seeing the red of his coat and becoming enraged enough to lock horns. But, among those rumors were the ones that actively lead Hazel in pursuit of her hatred for the pirate. The inhabitants started to assume she was simply jealous of the other Villain Kids as they'd all had something that would undoubtedly link them to their parents.
Mal had her mother's eyes and her spellbook. Evie had her mother's weird obsession with hearts, mirrors and castles. She would argue Evie's obsession with being a princess, but immediately chalked it up to the obsession having more to do with money than the Prince or King that would come with it. Uma had her mother's necklace. Gil had his father's brains and brawn. And Harry. Harry was almost the spitting image of Captain Hook with his red coat, his tricorn hat and the hook he carried around. In truth, it made Hazel laugh at how hard they all tried to be like their parents. She didn't need any of the excesses of her father. She had her own flare with a simple black, leather outfit with knee-high boots to complete her look. Sure, she had the blue, fiery streaks in her hair; that she'd tried a gazillion times to have dyed away. But, thanks to Harry Hook, her rage would burn right through the dye. Every. Single. Time.
But, this didn't matter to Harry as he often found solace in provoking Hazel. Over the years, they'd met each other numerous times in combat, Hazel managed to win each and every one. This lead to part of the reason the inhabitants feared Harry as well, as he was the only one who wasn't afraid to fight her. Despite him constantly losing to her due to his reckless ways. Most of the time, no words were ever needed as they'd clash swords on sight. The two had fought so often that the inhabitants would either clear the area entirely or they'd watch from the shadows. Harry and Hazel's rivalry was notorious throughout the Isle of the Lost as neither of them was afraid to spill blood from the other.
On this particular day, Harry was simply making his rounds before he first spotted the familiar, cat-like leather suit that was only donned by Hazel. Then, his piercing eyes traveled up her figure to lock on the streaks of blue in her hair. She hadn't yet sensed him near and Harry took that opportunity to stroll up beside her. She was standing at a cart in the marketplace, perusing the fruit, which were either spoiled or bruised and picking the bruised ones was enough to irritate her immensely. Her hand grazed a cantaloupe as an arm snaked over her shoulders and in the corner of her eye, she recognized the hook before she recognized the arm it belonged to.
"How's my favorite little goddess, eh?" Harry, being Harry, saw the beginnings of embers igniting in Hazel's hair as she let out a warning growl. That hadn't stopped him from cooing right into her ear. "Awwww... Don't be like that, lass. Once more with feelin'."
Before he could relish in her discomfort, Hazel growled out at him again. "Get the fuck away from me, Harry." With her words, she shoved her elbow into his ribs, making him step back. But, it wasn't enough that he'd release her. Today, Harry was feeling especially in the mood to annoy the fiery goddess.
Uma who'd been standing not far away called out to him. "Harry! Do you really have to do this? Every time?" To which, he tossed a maniacal grin her way and tipped his hat to her.
Turning his attention back to his nemesis, he continued to murmur to her as if he were whispering sweet nothings. "Uma's right, ya'know? We don't have to have a go at it every time we meet. By now, I thought ye'd have warmed to me. Ye don't call me Hook anymore."
Hazel, finally turned and locked her eyes with his that were heavily outlined in black liner. Half the time, it made him look deranged and it made it easier for her to gauge which mood he was in. She was seething and Harry was eating it up. She dropped the cantaloupe she'd been inspecting back into the cart before sending a harder elbow into his ribs, this time making him release her as she drew her sword right under his chin. In the distance, they could hear Uma and a couple others muttering about them going at it again while the previously quiet street suddenly became filled with chatter.
"I told you to get the fuck away from me. You know, if I didn't know any better, I'd swear you were either hard of hearing or you're seriously looking to get your ass kicked. Again."
Harry simply smiled as he pressed the base of his neck against her sword. It was a tactic he always went for with her, just to see if she was truly as pissed as she always came off. Seeing as she never took the opportunity to slice at him, he always figured she couldn't hate him all that much. "Come on, lassie. Ye'd threaten to cut open a man who isn't even armed?"
Hazel scoffed as her gaze dropped to his hook and she twitched an eyebrow up at him. "Oh, I wouldn't dream of threatening an unarmed man. But, you on the other hand? You get special treatment." As she said this, she made a swipe with her free hand with intentions of knocking his hook from his grasp. Though, she knew it wouldn't work as he always has a death grip on the damn thing. She never understood what it was about it that made it so special. To another point, it's how she always won their battles. This time, she figured she'd get the obvious out of the way. Only this time, Harry was prepared for it as he spun around, unsheathing his own sword and swiping it at her.
He let out a sickeningly cackled Oopsies as he managed to slice a few tips of her hair with his blade and she knew it the second it happened. Letting out a wild growl as she glanced down at the fallen strands, to her, that was all it took to bring them to an all out war in the market area.
Swords clashing and clanging along the street, Hazel managed a boot to Harry's sternum that nearly knocked him off his feet as he swiped at her with his hook. Nearly catching her and nicking her cheek, the once calm, combatant Hazel almost lost her shit. But, she hid it behind a smile at his efforts.
"Oooooh. Looks like someone's been practicing. Tired of getting beaten every time, Hook?!" She glared at him with a prideful gleam in her eyes as her last naming him took him slightly off guard, at least long enough to kick his sword from his hand. As Harry made a dive for it, Hazel managed to meet him before he could take it and kicked it out of his reach. Only to then catch him with a booted heel to his chest. For the time being, Hazel had Harry right where she wanted him. With his only available weapon being his hook, he pulled up a good fight against her.
"Awwww... Hazel, ye sound rather disappointed. Surely, ye 'aven't thought I would always be easily beaten. Did ye? Or are ye losing yer touch?" His smirk was as wicked as the quickness of his tongue as he made another swipe with his hook.
Drawing back with her sword, Hazel attempted to send a backwards jab to his smug jaw as she quipped back. "Meh. No matter if I'm losing my touch or not. You're cocky and you think because you can keep up with your hook that you have me on the ropes." She made a swipe at his abdomen, which he dodged only to harshly butt his forearm into her ribs.
When she let out a pained grunt at the sudden rush of pain, he laughed before cooing at her. "Doesn't feel so nice now, does it, lassie? Ye'll 'ave to do a little better than that to best me now." His words caused her to seeth even more and he took advantage of her enraged roars. He lead her sword without her even realizing it as he swiftly spun and swiped his hook at her. Catching the lapel of her jacket, Harry managed to mangle the leather material just a bit as he let out a fake, surprised gasp followed by a sinister chuckle.
Still, Hazel didn't take her eyes off him. She knew full well that he was aware of where his sword laid and she wasn't about to let him get to it. And as if he could hear her thoughts, he sent a boot her way, that caught the side of her knee and knocked her off kilter to one knee; forcing her back to turn on him. Instead of going for his sword, he swiped at the back of her jacket just as she was pulling herself up and the move was brutal enough to mangle the rest of the material to ruins. He swung his hook as if his own life depended on it and if it weren't for Hazel's leather jacket, the damage would have definitely been far worse. Thankfully for Hazel, he hadn't caught her back as she'd felt just how brutal the gash would be.
At realizing her jacket was now ruined, Hazel let out a angered, warrior's screech as she flipped from her calm, combative style to one much more dangerous. "You. Are gonna pay for that, asshole!"
Harry simply snickered at her as she came towards him. He was ready and the training he'd been killing himself and the pirate crew with was finally paying off. Never had he gotten this far with the skilled goddess and he was determined not to let pride overshadow his own skill. Now, Hazel was intent on drawing blood from the hook-handed pirate. She thrusted a boot at him, which he dodged, but she was ready for it as she landed a hard elbow into his gut before raising it and landing another to his jaw as the move forced him forward. Just as he almost doubled over into her, she managed to get a kick to the back of his leg that would effectively take him down a few pegs.
She growled out as she stared down at him with rage-filled eyes. Harry, somehow found the sight to be hilarious and bursted into a fit of maniacal cackling. "Is that all you've got, darlin'?"
At that moment, Hazel did the one thing she never did in a fight. She stopped and shrugged the tattered leather material off, revealing her gray tank top. All it took was for her gaze to drop, giving Harry just enough time to make a break for his sword. Though, she tried to stop him again, it was too late and the second she got to him, he'd brought both his sword and his hook up in a defensive move. The dark-haired girl was thrown off guard as Harry was able to get the upper hand in the fight. As she'd done to him before, he raised a boot and sent a vicious kick into the center of her sternum; not only knocking her on her ass, but momentarily knocking the wind out of her.
Harry didn't feel as much pride in the move as much as he did in realizing he'd finally beaten his greatest challenge. She was down and he stepped towards her. Stooping down next to her, he nicked her sword as he stared down at her. Both of them breathing heavily, he laughed at the sight while waving her sword above her. "I would say this counts... as a victory, yeah? Now, if ye'd like yer sword back ye know where I can be found. I can't wait to continue this little squabble!" Reaching over, he patted Hazel's head before pulling himself up to his feet. Glancing around, he hadn't even been aware of the large crowd that formed to watch their battle. The onlookers were oddly quiet and Harry took it as they were mourning his opponent's loss to him.
But, it didn't matter now. He pushed his way through the crowd with intentions of going onto their ship and into his room. Uma, however, stared at her first mate in both wonder and pride as he passed her on his way. He wouldn't admit that on the inside, he was dancing. Hell, he was practically doing a can-can. But, on the outside, you'd swear he just had the battle of his life. The only thing was, Harry knew this fight wasn't over. He also knew that when Hazel was back on her feet, she'd be on an absolute warpath with intentions of serving his head up on a platter at the Chip Shoppe. Thus, he would wait her out in his room. It was only a matter of time before she'd come looking for him.
It wasn't long before Hazel was already catching her breath and pulling herself up out of the dirt to dust herself off. Though, she was out of it, she'd heard every word Harry uttered to her. And as she picked herself up, she was monumentally pissed. A moment passed by where the dark-haired girl considered making him wait. She thought making him sweat it out as she wouldn't show up would serve to piss him off. She relished in that thought, but she remembered he had her sword. Her lips twitched with anger as she gazed around at the crowd of faces.
'What the hell are you all looking at? Don't you have jobs to get to?" Baring her teeth at them, more out of pain than anything, she hissed at them all. Abruptly, the crowd started to disassemble as she stalked her way towards Uma, still unmoved from her spot. Uma was also feared among the Isle, but the only other person who wasn't afraid of her was Hazel. In a truth she would never admit, Hazel was quite fond of the sea witch. Staring the teal-braided girl in the eyes, her rage sounded like gravel in her voice. "Where is he!?"
"Hazel, maybe you need to take a breath. Chill." Uma, had a duty to her first mate. She would protect him at all costs as he would for her. Even as she wanted to in this second, Harry had already thrown out the bait. He wanted to be sought out and though the sea witch was protective of Harry, she knew he wouldn't take too kindly to her thwarting his plans. Whatever those were at this time. With a solid roll of her eyes, Uma jutted her chin along the path the hook-handed pirate walked only moments ago. Hazel said nothing, but pushed passed her. There was one of two places the pirate could be and her gut feeling told her it wasn't Ursula's Fish & Chips. So, she made her way to their pirate ship while yelling along the way.
"Har...ry! I'm gonna find you. And I'm gonna gut you with your own damn hook! Do you hear me?!" She made her way onto the ship, finding it odd that their crewmen let her through with the fit of rage and hollering she was doing. She assumed Harry put them all on notice to let her and she found herself cackling maniacally at the thought. She was going to find him and when she would, it wasn't going to be pretty. She passed through the barracks and banged on each door as she continuously shouted Harry's name. All ranging from Harry to Hook. And all the way down to You Hook-Handed Raccoon. By the time she got to that one, she found the only door that had a familiar tricorn hanging from its handle. Even she would recognize that hat anywhere and knew she'd found him. With the butt of her fist, she pounded against the door.
"Open the door, Harry! I want my sword!"
One set of pounding knocks. Two sets of pounding knocks. Three sets of pounding knocks later.
The door finally creaked open and Hazel didn't take a second to ball up her fist and send a hard-handed punch to the pirate's chin. Letting out a pained grunt, Harry stumbled back in surprise, though he wasn't sure why he would be. She shouted like a banshee all the way down here. In truth, it was exactly what he'd wanted. Hazel then pulled back to send another blow to his face, but the element of surprise was broken and he grabbed her fist, pulled her into the room and slapped a manacle around her wrist. Then, did the same with the other as she attempted to double up and sock him with it. Maneuvering to kick the door closed behind her, Harry pushed her against it as he raised her chained wrists above her head; holding her there.
Harry's face came not even an inch away from Hazel's as he stared deep into her. Both, once again breathing heavily, rage leaked from her gaze to his as he wedged a knee between her legs. He wasn't about to give her the room to send a knee to his precious jewels. But, it took a few moments of staring into his oddly calm, blue eyes before Hazel snapped out of the surprise and tried wriggling out of his grasp.
"What the hell do you think you're doing, Hook?! Let me go!" Hazel tried wriggling her chained wrists from him, but the pirate was simply stronger than her in this regard as he leered at her.
"Not until we've had a little chat." Glancing upwards, Harry used his span of reach to hang the chain of the manacles up on a hook-like peg that seemed to be freshly installed at the top of his door. This forced Hazel off the backs of her boot heels and prevented her from being able to get herself free. Though she tried like hell, Harry was very instrumental in using her short height against her. He had her right where he wanted her as he grazed his fingertips down along her outstretched arms.
"Are you fucking insane? What could we possibly have to talk about? Just give me my damn sword and let me go!" Her intention was to shout her words loud enough so that anyone would hear and come to break up whatever Harry had planned for her. Using her leather-clad hips, she tried to nudge him away from her, to which he didn't budge an inch.
His gaze was filled a creepy eeriness as he grazed his nose along her cheekbone and muttered. "I've heard worse. I assume ye'd know this by now." He couldn't help himself as he chuckled in her ear. However, Hazel wanted no part of this. What the hell is he playing at?
"Why do ye dislike me so much?" His voice was soft against her skin as the most confused expression crossed her face and she found herself squirming in an attempt to get away. Though, she knew that wouldn't be happening.
"You seriously chained me to your door to ask me why I hate you?" Hazel rolled her eyes and just as Harry caught the motion, he simply nodded as if whatever would come out of her mouth would either make or break his resolve. "Gee, why the fuck do you think I hate you, Harry? Come on. I'll give you three great guesses."
"Mm...No." He simply groaned out his response as he brushed his lips along her jawline before pushing his face into her neck. To say that Hazel was beyond confused was a vast understatement. But, she vividly felt his lips part before closing around her skin. Hazel's eyes widened and Harry suckled the spot as if they hadn't just tried to kill each other just minutes ago.
Shaking her head, Hazel tried to keep her equilibrium as she honestly didn't know what to make of all this. "Wh-What the hell are you doing, Hook? Get off me!" To this, he only shook his head against her.
"Not until ye tell me why." He'd released the patch of skin he worked on just to mutter and blow against the spot, sending strings of goosebumps to run along the goddess' body. Her eyes fluttered at the sensation and she was completely dumbfounded by this as she attempted to squirm again.
"Harry, you can't do this! This is wrong!" Her eyes widened more as she couldn't believe the words left her lips. More to the point of what she was insinuating.
Harry only chuckled at her before pressing feather-light kisses against her skin while cooing in his accent that suddenly had her squirming for different reasons. "Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. No... This is manipulation." His hands moved torturously slow down the length of her arms and down her sides as he reached around her to grab her ass through her leather.
The blue streaks in Hazel's hair began to come alive, but not for the same reasons as she'd had before when it came to Harry Hook. She squirmed and tried, hard, to keep her wits about her. She'd even tried convincing herself she wouldn't let his tactics get to her. "What is the damn difference right now? You've chained me to your door; even though I came here to kick your ass and get my sword back. And, might I add, you're holding me against my will."
He could tell she was trying to sound annoyed, even angry and the thought teased him more than she would know. But, he abruptly pulled his lips from her neck and moved them to the shell of her ear before his voice poured in. "Would ye prefer I stop?"
Hazel's heart pounded in her chest as her legs trembled. But, every reason she could come up with for him to stop evaporated from her mind as soon as they'd make an appearance. She feverishly bit into her bottom lip as Harry slyly slid the tip of his tongue along the edge of her ear and she adamantly shook her head. He chuckled as he moved his eyes back to hers. "Tell me, lass. I want to hear ye say the words. Would ye prefer I stop?"
"No. Nooo. Don't stop." Her words fell in a tremor from her lips as her gaze locked with his. She couldn't fucking believe this. Her nerves were bundling and doing backflips in her stomach all because of Harry Hook; and the most disturbing part of this development is that she wanted him to keep going. In truth, she was wound as tight as the leather and hands, belonging to her pirate nemesis, that currently hugged her ass.
Harry let out a laugh as he searched the want in her hazel eyes. "So, ye prefer bein' manipulated like this? Shall I continue?"
"Yessss." Her voice fell in a wanton whisper as she found herself gripping at the chains she'd almost forgotten about until Harry took it upon himself to drop to his knees in front of her. He would first lift one of her leather boots before untying its laces and pulling it off, then he'd repeat the process with the other. Her gaze locked on his as she pulled against her restraints. FUCK. The sight of him knelt before her made her nerves sing louder and a fierce need would settle in the pit of her stomach. As he set her other boot aside, he added his many rings and his gloves before shrugging off his red leather coat and proceeding to gripping the band of her leather tights and peeling them down her long, slim legs.
He took a moment to sit back on his haunches and gazed up at her. One would think it was the sight of Hazel's black, lace panties that set him off, but no. It was the simple fact they were nearly drenched and it was by far the hottest thing he'd ever witnessed.
"Do ye have any idea how beautiful ye are?" Harry sighed as if the wind had been knocked out of him. He saw how surprising this all was for Hazel, but it was equally surprising for him as well. When he'd gotten the idea for the manacles, he had only planned to confront her about why she's hated him all these years. His only intention was to get her to talk to him without trying to murder him. Never in a million years had Harry thought he'd find either of them in the position they were currently in. Him on his knees as if he were worshipping at her feet and Hazel nearly bare in front of him as if she was an exquisite painting that he was hiding from the Isle.
Their eyes caught as if they held a silent conversation and he leaned in to trail nibbling bites up along one of her legs, only to repeat the same attention to the other. The second time, he didn't stop until he met the apex of her thighs. He tugged at her lace with his teeth as he let out a low, animalistic groan just to feel her shudder from it. Then, he took the lace material in his fingers before swiftly sliding her panties down her legs. He discreetly pocketed them with a sly grin to the restrained goddess and she managed to nudge him with her knee.
"I don't know what you think you're doing, Hook, but you are not keeping those."
"Well, I beg to differ, lassie. Tell me what I'd like to know and I might consider it." Harry flashed the dirtiest grin up at her as he trailed his fingertips back up the length of her leg. Clicking his tongue as he admired the softness of her skin, Harry lifted one of her legs and draped it over his shoulder at the knee, bringing his lips closer to furthering his manipulation tactic. Hazel's mouth fell open at the sight of this only to squirm and tug at her restraints. This pushed Harry's buttons as he continued. Flicking his tongue at her, while feeling every quiver that currently ran through her, he leaned in to flick his tongue along her swelling clit. Hazel let out a sharp moan as her grip tightened around the chain.
Harry thought about teasing her to the brink without actually diving in, but his pants were tightening and becoming more constricting than he anticipated. Hazel's wanton moans drove him mad and he yearned to hear more. Thus, he slid the tip of his tongue through her drenched folds as he intently gazed up at her; watching her carefully. Hazel moaned out and shook the chain connecting her wrists and keeping her upright against the door. This only made Harry work more as he tasted her divine sweetness and began to vigorously spell his name through her folds. He chuckled against her wetness as he circled his o's around her clit and suckled the nub; effectively pulling a mangled, moaned cuss from her.
"Ohhhh. That feels...so...fucking good. Please...don't...you dare...stop." The girl drew her head back against the door as her eyes locked on the ceiling above them. An ocean of trembles scoured down her spine as he sucked her clit more and she couldn't help moaning out as he allowed her slick folds to graze through his teeth. She licked her lips as if it were a mimicking motion of the pirate's tongue exploring her sensitive clit. Her legs quivered for more and Harry let out a sickening chuckle as he lifted her other leg onto his shoulder. This drove the girl insane as she moaned and cried out into the air that seemed to be filling with heat.
"Say it. Say my name." Harry murmured against her skin as he traced his tongue around her opening, he ate her like she was his last meal; nearly pushing the girl's eyes to the back of her head.
But, she was quick to comeback, though her words were barely a whisper. "Isn't that Uma's thing?"
He shook his head, which added to the sensations he was driving through her core. "You're distractin' yerself. Aren't ye?" As he asked this, he raised his hand just under his tonguing action and slide two fingers into her. This made Hazel buck her hips wildly against his mouth, actually thankful he gave her legs a rest. All the while fighting the scream that built in the back of her throat.
But, that didn't stop her from squeezing her thighs around his ears, moaning out. "I'm trying not to pop your head like a damn melon!" Hazel's toes curled so hard behind the pirate that they both heard their popping sounds bounce off the walls. A sign that she was nearing her climax and this prompted Harry to speed up his fingering and suckling. Hazel cried out as she gripped the chain of the manacles as her orgasm built up, ready to destroy everything in its path. And still, she would deny his name to fly passed her lips.
Harry felt her walls clench around his fingers and knew there was only a matter of time before she'd explode for him. This drew a sly laugh from his lips as he shook his head up at her. Pulling his lips from her pulsing clit, he withdrew his intrusive fingers and Hazel nearly convulsed at being denied her orgasm. "What...the fuck?! Don't you do this...to me! I was just about to-"
"I know, lass. I know." Harry simply laughed in a breathless way at her while muttering and his accent did nothing to calm her buzzing nerves. She glared daggers at him as he sat back on his haunches once more. "But, not just yet."
Hazel glared down at him, the question written in her eyes as she silently pleaded Why?! Harry took great pride in this. Not a second had gone by that he didn't think about the fact that the girl who was never shy about her dislike for him was here. Though, she was here under the ruse of getting her sword back, she was at his mercy and nearly pouting at not being allowed her release. Harry licked his lips as if savoring the flavor she left on his tongue as he listened to the mixture of moans, inhaled gasps and frustrated growls that all made their way from Hazel's pretty, pink lips. He was relishing in her silently begging for him to continue. It gave him a sick pleasure while making him unbelievably hard. He watched her shake the chain that connected her wrists and the sight of her teeth biting down on her lip.
"You're such a fucking asshole. You know that?" Hazel attempted to tighten her legs around his neck, but the quivering that rocketed through them prevented that. She groaned out in frustration as she pulled her leg back and pressed her foot against his chest. She sneered at him as she made to kick him backwards, but Harry had since had it with her surprise attacks. Swiftly, he grabbed her ankle before biting at it and trailing slightly harder bites up to her knee.
"I think ye know by now I never learned to fight fair, darlin'. Why does this surprise ye now?" His blue eyes bored into her as he toyed with her. Slowly, he set bite after harsher bite along her torso, slyly raising her shirt for the moment, as he pulled himself back up to his booted feet before wrapping her legs around his waist.
So, Harry Hook is a biter. As if I needed to know this. Hazel rolled her eyes at him and knew his biting was meant to leave the perfectly reddened evidence that he was here. Though, her body betrayed her every thought as she locked her ankles behind him once his nose grazed her own. Scoffing between them, he'd pressed himself so hard into her that she wasn't sure if it was her heart that beat with fury or if it was his. "I thought you never learned to count. There seems to be a lot of missing lessons in the Hook household, huh?"
"And still, ye won't tell me why it is ye dislike me so much?" Muttering as he brushed his lips against hers with every word, he wouldn't give her the chance to respond. He knew she would only refuse him. Instead, his own response was to smash his lips against hers. He did it in such a way that almost convinced her that this was no longer his way of manipulating the truth out of her. Hazel moaned and at first, she refused him entry. But, Harry took that as a challenge. Sliding his hands around her, he made sure to raise a trail of goosebumps wherever he touched. He grabbed her ass once again, but his hands wouldn't stay there. Instead, he trailed them up her back and grazed his fingertips back down. The tingling sensation caused the blue streaks in Hazel's hair to come alive once more and before he knew it, she was parting her lips and letting a moan fall in.
There was a shudder of glee that fluttered down the pirate's back and the second he slipped his tongue into her mouth, she curled hers around it with a yearning neither of them expected. His kiss tasted of salted chips and a sweeter saltiness that Hazel only assumed came from his perusal of her wetness. Her toes curled as she replayed the feeling in her mind and because of this, her own tongue grew hungrier for his. Harry relished in her suddenly wild and brazen kiss as he figured she was fighting him for dominance and to soothe her bitter heart, he let her win. But, only for a moment as he moved his hands from her back and pushed them in between them. He deepened their kiss to a feverish level that sounded all around his room. The sounds of lips smacking and the exchange of frustrated groans filled his usually quiet bedroom.
Harry worked his belts off and blindly tossed them with the small pile of their belongs that'd formed. Hazel tugged at her manacles as her thighs tightened around him. Her tongue wrestled his as she moaned into his mouth. She knew what he was doing and a fiery bolt of nerves shot through her. She was both nervous and anticipating the inevitable. I knew he and Uma hooked up at least once. The only reason the thought came up was because right now, Hazel was convinced he had to have been hooking up with someone to know all these little tricks. The vision of Uma in the very position Harry had her in painted itself in the back of her mind and it made her chuckle against his lips. Simply for the fact that if you know Uma, the situation would definitely be reversed. She chuckled against and Harry pulled back with a quizzical look in his eyes.
Hazel simply nudged her forehead against his as she murmured, almost out of breath. "You know, this would be a lot easier if you'd just free my hands, Hook."
"Oh, would it now?" The pirate hadn't stopped his work on his pants as his hard-on sprang free and he wasted not a second in grazing himself against her drenched folds. This forced a gasp from the goddess' lips as her mouth fell open. No matter what they would do, the elephant would never leave the room. They were both easily and constantly reminded that the fact still remained that not even an hour ago, they just dueled through the street. Harry chuckled at the mental reminder as he pressed another kiss against her parted lips. Her hair ignited in bright blue once more as he teased her entrance with his cock and as he felt a deep shudder leaf through her, he pushed his lips to her ear in a sinister whisper. "Nice try."
The word try left his lips in a deep grunt as he breached her entrance and filled her drenched walls with his thrust. Hazel cried out in a moan that seemed to drag from her mouth and Harry's face dropped into her neck as they froze there. The new sensation, the feeling of fullness surprised the hell out of Hazel, but the snug feeling Harry experienced sent a vibrating shiver down his spine. All that could be heard from them were shared groans as they both relished the feeling. Hazel's toes curled with the sound of harsh crackling while Harry's hands gripped her sides before taking their stay at her back. The pirate was the first to move as he pulled back, only enough to draw a breathy curse from Hazel before he slammed back into her. This forced his face to retreat from her neck as his forehead found itself resting against hers again.
"....Fuck..." Harry closed his eyes as the curse left his lips in a tremor. He didn't know what to make of it. Was it the fact that Hazel had felt so good to him? Or was it that she hated him and he found some sick pleasure in making her moan? Then, he grew determined. His thought process was still on making her confess the truth, but as a side quest, he wanted to hear his name in those moans she let out. He yearned to hear her scream his name in a way that wasn't murderous. It was sinister and downright evil, but there was no turning back for either of them.
Hazel let out moan after moan as he rammed into her. His hands dug into her skin as he moved them from her back and down to grip her hips. How in the hell is this even happening? Her thoughts banged and clashed around her mind like their swords as Harry filled her cunt like there was no tomorrow. His thrusts were deep and powerful as they managed to rattle the door they were pressed against. As if it would be of some help, Hazel gripped the chain of her manacles, but the only effect that had was making an even louder banging noise.
"Someone...is gonna hear us...!" Her head dropped back against the door as Harry's face had returned back to her neck. He sucked and nibbled at her skin to prevent his own moans from escaping. As far as he knew, as long as his mouth was occupied, he could maintain his handle on the situation. But, he couldn't stop his laugh at her obvious worry.
Pulling his lips from the purpling mark he was making on her skin, his blue eyes met hers as he moaned out his words. "...Everyone...will hear us..." He thrusted into her, hard and deep, making her cry out and her thighs tightened around him as if begging for life itself. His hands dug so deep into her skin, she was certain they would bruise and in this moment, she didn't care. Her gaze met the ceiling once more as the tingling sensation of her orgasm began to build again. She felt the knotting of her stomach unraveling and Harry only seemed to deepen his thrusts by dipping his hips, perfectly angling his erection to drive his name from her loud mouth. In his own rights, Harry was usually very loud, himself. Usually, he didn't care who'd hear him pleasuring someone or himself. Even though he'd always make sure no one was ever on the ship to eavesdrop. But, this was Harry on a mission to get something he wanted. Somewhere along the line of feeling her walls clench tight around his cock for release and pushing deeper into her, Hazel's mouth fell open.
Loud screams started ringing from the goddess' mouth. "...OHHHH! FU-" Before she could top off  her scream, Harry's hand clamped over her mouth and he abruptly slowed his driving thrusts; so much that the chain quieted. They'd felt the handle of the door jiggle from the other side as a muffled voice called out.
"Harry! Buddy, you know your hat's out here?" The voice belonged to no one other than Gil, son of Gaston, and Harry's face turned beet red as the boy tried to push the door open. "Yo! I know you're in there, buddy! You never lock your door. Let me in, man!" Harry pressed his face into the side of Hazel's, who was trying her hardest not to squirm. What Gil obviously had forgotten was a rule of the ship. If you want your privacy, leave an article of your belongings outside your door. The only reason Harry chose to leave his hat was so that Hazel would know where to find him.
They were both panting heavily as Gil continued to spill nonsense outside and Harry hoped to hell the boy would catch the hint and leave. Hazel, however, stared at Harry in a way that meant You're gonna have to say something to get rid of him.
"GIL!" Another familiar voiced carried in the distance and if Harry could be even more mortified in this moment, it was the fact that the voice belonged to Uma. "Put the hat back and get out of here. Obviously, Harry wants to be left alone."
There was a long pause of silence and Harry knew the boy was trying to register the situation. "OHHHHH! You mean the privacy rule?" Uma's laugh sounded closer as she lightly tapped at the door. She hummed a small tune that Harry knew meant he was busted. Of course, Uma would grasp the fact that Hazel came onto the ship on a warpath to possibly kill him and still hasn't left. If anyone could and would put two and two together, it's Uma. She rhythmically stomped her feet like she was letting Harry know that the coast was all clear. And the second her footsteps reached their faintest, Harry pulled his hand from Hazel's mouth. He let out an almost roared breath as he dropped his face to the other side of her neck. But, Hazel had already seen how red he'd gotten.
"Harry Hook. Are you blushing right now?" She breathlessly teased as she finally let herself squirm between him and the door. He let a soft laugh fall against her skin as he bit down, causing a yelp to climb from her lips. Harry Hook was absolutely mortified and it forced him to mentally retrace his steps. Gil's interruption momentarily threw him off his game, but he hadn't forgotten his plan. He traced harsh bites up the side of her neck and right under her jawline. Not only was Harry a biter, but he discreetly discovered that Hazel liked being bitten. Pulling his face back to hers, he stared at her. Not in the way that he had been, but almost as if he was staring through her. This forced Hazel to acclimate the fact that she was here for a reason. "Where's my sword, Hook?"
That took him off guard as his stare seemed to shift. He pressed his lips back against hers as he pushed a deep thrust back into her, pulling an unsuspecting gasp from Hazel. He pulled one of his hands from her hips to reach up and unhook the manacles from the peg that kept her where he wanted her. At this, Hazel's eyes widened and she assumed he was about to let her go. Instead, he pulled the chain over his head; letting it rest around his neck. Harry stared deep into her as he thrusted into her again.
"Ye'll tell me why ye dislike me?" He'd finally broken his silence as he rammed his hips into hers, effectively driving his hard-on through to her g-spot and she cried out at the sensation. It was as if she'd been hit with a ton of bricks and her hands found their way into his wildly, messy hair. His hair only added to his lunatic aesthetic and she tugged, hard. Harry let out a growl and he rammed into her again as if his thrusts were his question on repeat.
"Why is that so damn important to you?" Her frustration came out in a rush of hungry, breathlessly groaned whispers as he thrusted into her like he was giving her a warning to watch what she'd say next. But, Hazel wouldn't budge, even as he literally took her where he stood. "All these years...and you never seemed so intent on wanting to know."
Harry's eyes searched hers as his hips worked up a pace of driving his cock balls deep into her. Simultaneously, he wanted to shut her up, unless it was to give him what he wanted or to answer the question that he'd never admit had started to eat away at him over the years. He rammed his impressive length deep into her drenched cunt once more and Hazel's fingers tangled within his mass of locks.
Truthfully, Harry had always been a little curious about hair pulling. He just hadn't thought about what it'd feel like to have his own hair pulled the way Hazel had as he felt her nerves building up along with his once again. This time, it was Hazel's face that fell against his. Her mouth gaped as she let out shrill cry after cry. All filled with curses that seemed to reach the ceiling above them. Once Harry was certain she was bound to break, he growled at the fact that she still refused to moan his name. And as punishment, he stopped his thrusts again. He stopped all movement, yet he wouldn't pull out of her snug cunt.
This pulled a rage-induced scream from Hazel's parted lips as her face was pressed against the side of his. She attempted to bite him back as she growled. "...What...the fuck? Why...do you keep stopping?" Harry couldn't help the laugh that'd leave his mouth if he tried. She was begging for him and still denied him the ecstasy of hearing his name off her wanton tongue. This started to fuck with the pirate, deeply. It managed to make his cock harder, but it also drove his determination. Gripping her hips with one of his hands, he pushed them off the door before carrying her over to his bed.
As if either of them needed a full reminder of how deep his length was buried in her, Hazel's fingers gripped and tugged at his hair until he climbed onto his bed with his knees. Laying her down on the covered mattress, she moaned out a soft Please to him as his body covered her own, due to the manacles and her hands still tangled in his hair. Roughly, he reached behind his neck and grabbed the chain only to stretch her arms along his bed. He held her by the wrists as he rammed his hard cock into her once more.
"Tell me. Why." His words came out in a grating plea as his thrusts became more deliberate, more relentless and stronger. As if he was intent on eviscerating her beneath him, he held her in place while Hazel didn't seem to gather the determination leaking from his gaze. With one hand, he dragged his fingers along her arms before reaching her gray tank top. He was torn on if he wanted to rip it off her or to simply push it up her body. And in the spur of the thought, he did just that; pushing the material up along her arms until it joined the manacles clamps around her wrists.
Keeping her bound wrists in one hand, he grazed wandering fingers down the length of her arms before taking one of her small breasts into his palm. Her nipples were so hard, Harry thought he'd explode just from the sight of them. Teasing one between his index and thumb, Harry's mouth furiously watered for them, but he wouldn't let Hazel witness his yearning. His hips pounded into her with a purpose that was heard in Hazel's mangled cries and the thumping of the bed against the wall. Of course, the bed had been a permanent fixture on the ship, but that somehow didn't stop the sound from ringing around them.
"...Don't stop! PLEASE. FUCK..." Hazel's legs tightened around him before Harry pushed his knees further up on the bed with dripping hints of impatience, forcing her thighs to part, which would drive his cock deeper into her wetness. Her cunt swallowed him like a dream and he was rapidly losing himself in her. He was reaching his own climax and the closer he got to it, the further his goal seemed to be. Hazel's melodious cries began to cloud his mind as his cock twitched with need inside her. This forced Hazel's toes to curl in the air, which he got the full show from his peripheral.
"...Say...my...name..." Words grit out from Harry's clenched teeth as his moans became harder to suppress. Hazel wrapped so snugly around him felt divine and as he pounded into her, forcing loud moans to fly passed the goddess' gaped lips, his own followed as they fought the current of their approaching orgasms. Only this time, Harry had no intentions of stopping. However, Hazel realized the pirate was too far gone for his own undoing and managed to capitalize on his moment of giving himself over to his impending release. She yanked her manacled hands from his and grabbed onto the torn material that made up his shirt. She let out a maniacal giggle as she wrapped her thighs back around him and used the strength she had to flip him onto his back.
"Still...so...very...reckless..." Straddling his hips with her own, Hazel hissed her moaned words down to the bewildered pirate as she pushed her manacled hands under his shirt. She bucked her hips with a searing purpose and managed to pull a loud, crashing curse from Harry as he stared up at her. She let her hands wander over the lines and sinews of his stomach and a groan followed as she pressed her hands against his chest for leverage. He recognized her sudden look of determination. He knew it too well. Yet, it was usually aimed at trying to kill him or voicing her disdain for the pirate. He was fucked. Literally. A frustrated, yet breathy groan sounded from his lips as he pushed his hips up into hers and she eagerly returned it with the curling thrust from hers.
"You wanna know...why...I hate you...so much?" Hazel gritted out through moans as she fucked him with an intensity that even surprised her. But, to both of them, the grind of her hips and the way she dug her nails into his chest was obvious. She was fucking him like she hated him and it wasn't any further from the truth. But, Harry wasn't having it. He wasn't gonna be dominated in his own scheme. With one hand, he reached across his bed as if to grab something and with the other and in another swift movement, he sat up under her while pulling the manacles back over his head. The move brought his face just about an inch beneath hers and he gnawed at her jawline with his teeth.
"...Oh, ye will tell me, lass. But...ye'll not be takin' over..." As his accent grated against her heated skin, she felt Harry grin as if he couldn't be prouder that he snapped the control right out of her hands. Hazel was about to retort when she felt something scathing along her back. It was cool and pointed and as Harry's teeth drew more marks along her skin and down to her breasts. Marks that she was certain would be obvious for all the Isle to see once she'd leave the ship. She let out a heavy, moaned gasp at the realization. He pulled the hardened nipple he teased just moments ago into his mouth and suckled it while grazing his hook along her spine. He felt her shivers and the lines of goosebumps it drew in its trail. Harry chuckled maniacally as she excitedly bucked her hips into his.
"That...damn...hook...!" Hazel's moans were almost growls as she drove her hips deeper onto his. She pulled his cock deeper into her and the feeling, each sensation he was giving her was driving her out of her mind. But, the pointed feeling of Harry's hook was almost like the last straw. Harry's lips moved from one of her nipples to the other and he suckled them like they were the most divine candy he'd ever gotten his hands on. But, a fiery need settled in the pits of his stomach as he felt her confession bubbling under her skin. Turning his hook sideways, he dragged the cool silver down her spine and made it a point of drawing the tip all the way back up. He did it on a loop and Hazel's hips quickened as she cursed into the air.
"You were...always... And I mean...ALWAYS...such...a cocky...little...shit... You thought...you could get...whatever...you wanted... All...because you had... that damn...hook...!" Though, her words were mangled and feverishly moaned to him, she punctuated each and every one with a bucking thrust of her hips. As if it was her way of driving her points home to the pirate. But, Harry was relishing in what sounded like her confession.
"...Mhm... Tell me... more, lass..." He moaned as he nibbled her peak with his teeth before trailing nibbling bites back up along Hazel's neck. He'd seen the telltale marks he was leaving all over her skin. Marks that would surely not leave within a day and he smiled like he was being told the secrets to getting off the Isle. All the while, Hazel's body buzzed with her impending need for release and every sensation Harry pushed through her. Her hips still made the point of punctuating her thoughts, her words and her moans with deep, pounding thrusts that pulled his cock deeper into her.
"That hook...formed a chip...so big...on your shoulders... I was sure...you'd drown...in your own ego..." As her moaned words fell in tremors from her lips, Hazel dipped her head so that her lips were pressed right against Harry's ear. She chuckled deeply as she took it upon herself to nibble at the edge of it as he continued grazing his hook along her spine. Her skin tingled as strings of goosebumps raised in its trail. Harry, relished in all of her. He moaned out as her hips rode him like she was riding him through the barrier itself. But, most of all, Harry was losing himself in her. In all of her. What is she doin' to me? Harry's mind rattled in all directions. The reminder that the girl now nibbling his ear with soft, sensational moans of pleasure, that he gave her, absolutely despised him. His cock somehow managed to stiffen more as his thoughts rattled his being. And as if Hazel could sense the pirate's wandering mind, she slid her fingers back into his mess of hair before tugging him clean out of his mind's spiral.
"And...I wanted...to wipe...that smug...ass...smile off your face... I needed...to knock you...off the thousand...pegs... you built... for yourself..." Hazel grit her words out through what sounded like angered moans against the pirate's ear. Harry, being Harry and partially, if not completely, insane; he ate this confession up like it was candy stolen from a baby. Hazel's true anger began to seep through the fluid rocking of her hips as the meat of the matter began to come to light. But, the picture still wasn't very clear for Harry as he teasingly dragged the point of his hook down her spine.
"...Mm...You want... the whole truth... don't you...?" Making a point to bite the edge of his ear, Hazel purposely let his skin graze through her teeth and she chuckled as she felt Harry's body tremble beneath hers. With each thrust of yearning they gave each other, she felt hIs heart beating wildly right against her chest. His lips were parted with the sounds of low, hungry groans seeping free and he relished in the way her thighs hugged at his sides. But, he wanted more. He needed to know what was left of Hazel's confession. That's where Hazel had Harry right where she wanted and she wasn't even sure he realized it. Until she tried to slow her angered thrusts. Harry only chuckled in that sinister way of his as he shook his head beneath her chin. A sexily muttered No flew from his lips to her skin as he furiously gripped her hip with his free hand. He eagerly rocked his hips upwards into hers, managing to ram his cock into her as her she cried out at the sensation. Her lips parted against his ear and he was so close to his explosion, he was practically running on fumes. How long can I hold out?
"But, why?" With harsh growls and a harder graze of his hook, Hazel's cries only heightened as she retaliated by quickening her thrusts. Only this time, she pulled his hair until his eyes were locked on hers.
"Because...I wanted...to be...your...nightmare... You had...that hook...and you... Fuck...did you...become...unbearable... You...robbed...me... You...threatened...me... And I... Oh...how...I promised...you...would...pay...for that... That's...why." Though, laced intoxicatingly with moans of pleasure, Hazel's words rained down on Harry with a fury and the hatred of a thousand suns he'd never see. He reveled in how her hips bucked into his when she felt particularly strong about what she was saying, but he felt her words like tattoos etching his face. He made to trail bites long her jawline, but Hazel managed to maneuver her manacled wrist until she was able to grip his throat in her gifted hand. She didn't squeeze in a way that was meant to kill him, as her tone might've suggested, but it allowed her the leverage to take control of their rocking hips. She quickened the rhythm as if she was threatening to bring Harry to the edge of his orgasm before letting him finally pop. The pirate wasn't oblivious to this and was so riled up with the anger leaking from her hazel eyes, he almost came just at the sight.
Harry was a sick and twisted boy. He enjoyed the anger and contempt she held for him. It definitely raised the bar of his resolve as he was already struggling. He tried to remember the incident she spoke of, but he honestly couldn't. Do ye know how many I've robbed over the years? His thoughts rattled in his mind and he actually worried that if he voiced any kind of disassociation to such a time, she would definitely strangle him with his own manacles. Instead, he dug the tip of his hook deeper into her skin as he drew it down her back. It wasn't enough to draw blood, but it was more than enough to satiate the goddess' excitement for pain as she gifted him a deeper curl of her hips.
"...FUCK...HAR...RY..." She let out the most satisfying cry of his name and it took everything in him being not to climax right then and there. Since they'd started this, the thought of her moaning his name ran rampant through his mind. But, he began to think she wouldn't bend. Not to this particular whim. Should've dug a little deeper sooner. As his thoughts taunted him, Hazel's body began to tremble with each hard thrust he'd drive into her. She was closer and he felt her cunt scream around his cock as her fingers tangled and pulled his hair for life itself. Chuckling through his own gratifying moans, Harry drew the hook along her spine once more and that was it.
"OHH...GO-....HAR-...FU-...!" Hazel's blue streaks came alive once again, only this time they flamed bright blue. The clear sign that her climax hit her harder than Harry had anticipated, and he couldn't stop himself. None of her words finished themselves, but one thing was very certain. His name tumbled in a shattering chorus from her gorgeous, pink lips and it set his orgasm off on every heated cylinder the pirate possessed. Harry dropped his hook beside them as his moans escalated to intense growls before his hands dug into her back. They'd both froze in place as their orgasm rocketed between them like a kinetic wave of energy neither of them expected. Harry, knowing that Hazel is Hades' daughter assumed this was what her ignited locks and he couldn't contain his excited. His lips were pushed into her neck while her own were darted towards the sky as they remained locked in a mass of quivering limbs. They were both spent beyond recognition.
Harry's eyes slowly opened as he became perplexed of where he was. He recognized the significant darkness of his room on the ship as he peered up at its porthole. The light that shone through had drastically changed and he was certain it was nighttime. The only thing is he wasn't sure how deep into the night it was. His mind raced with vivid imaginations of Hazel and he was almost certain the entire affair was the makings of a wet dream. That's not to say that Harry would evade admitting that he dreamt of the fiery-haired goddess from time to time.
All his thoughts shifted once he further drifted out of his sleep. Long enough to notice the girl now sleeping soundly against his chest with his other arm wrapped snugly around her.. If Harry's eyes bulging wasn't enough to wake him up, this was. The moonlight made her blue streaks seem as if they glowed and the pirate was momentarily awestruck. But, he had to pull himself out of his gazing. What he experienced was definitely not a dream and somewhere after their shared climax, they'd obviously both fallen asleep.
"Well, aren't ye a talented one, Hook?" He muttered to himself as he mentally tried to retrace how they'd gotten here. Even as he found himself gently stroking Hazel's hair, Harry was completely dumbfounded. He glanced down at their mass of tangled limbs and realized that at some point, he'd released her from the manacles; yet had no idea where those were now. Hazel being as bare as the day is long quietly snored against his bare chest, indicating that he'd taken his shirt off; yet had no clue as to where that was either. But, his pants were still undone, with the addition of Hazel's hand hidden within them.
How was he gonna get himself out of this one? He'd actually felt more comfortable than he expected and that managed to fuck with him. Harry stared down at the girl, whose face seemed to resemble a peace that might've been foreign to her. He had the urge to kiss her forehead, but silently cursed himself for the notion. Slowly, he traced his fingers down Hazel's bare back and couldn't fight the smile that crept along his face. There was no doubt about it. She was absolutely breathtaking. Not that he wouldn't have admitted that beforehand. Harry always considered her beauty; even when she was hell-bent on slicing him up.
As he drew tiny circles along her back, Hazel began to stir. Harry couldn't believe he was melting from the tiny, groggy groans she murmured against his chest. Though, he made no move to retract himself from her, he watched the goddess' eyes open before she would go through the same ordeal he had. The pirate would never admit that it was cute watching her retrace their steps before finally noticing and pulling her hand from the opening of his pants.
"Uggh. What time is it?" She turned her face into his chest as her arm pushed along his stomach. Clearly, she wasn't fully awake and the pirate chuckled heartily at the sight.
"I've no idea, lass." His voice was slightly raspy, which made his accent sound even rougher and Hazel's eyes snapped up to meet his. Letting out another groan, she hadn't in a million years thought she'd be greeted by Harry Hook's sleepy voice and it shook her more than she expected. But, as she became more conscious of their situation, she was determined to save face.
"Mm. Right. You wouldn't." Hazel began pulling herself up from his bed and the pirate grew a little testy at this as she seemingly started to look around for her belongings.
"Ye don't 'ave to go now, lassie. Mornin'll be here soon." Harry squirmed as he shamelessly stretches his arms out to her once she snaked away from his side. Hazel threw him a glare that made him drop his arms to his sides before making to close the fastenings of his pants.
"You want me to wait until all your shipmates are awake so they can see the blatant evidence of this?! Yeah. I don't think so." Hazel had a thought as she leaned back over towards Harry. She flashed him a slick grin as she snagged her panties from his pocket before climbing over him to sit at the edge of his bed. "I told you, you weren't keeping these."
"T'was worth a shot, don't ye think?" Harry laughed as he actually had forgotten that he pocketed those earlier. Should've hid them when I 'ad the chance. Admiring the fiery little goddess, Harry reached over to draw his fingers along her back. He watched her find her shirt before putting it back on and stepping into the lace. Hazel's skin flustered as she felt his wandering fingers and tossed another glare at him.
"Harry, let's not pretend we suddenly care about each other, alright? This was a one time thing and I'm still wondering what the hell you were even thinking?" Her voice sounded annoyed, but they both knew that it wasn't towards Harry as she meant it to be.
"I was thinkin' I wanted to hear the truth from ye. Why ye disliked me so much." Even as Hazel stood to pull up her lace, Harry's hand lingered in the air for a few moments as he watched her. "But, wantin' to learn the truth turned to somethin' else entirely."
"Yeah, no shit. Where's my sword?" She made to roll her eyes before Harry pointed across to his chair in the corner. Propped up against the desk was her sword and she let out a hefty sight at him for it.
A matter of gathering her clothes later
It didn't take Hazel long before she was dressed again. All the while being very aware of the pirate's intent gaze on her to whole time. Mostly, Harry stayed quiet as he didn't feel like taking the risk of sounding like he actually cared about her. In truth, Harry didn't feel much hate towards the goddess to begin with. Harry'd only started to fight with her once she made her dislike known. He was actually intrigued with her and the fact that she'd go to such great lengths to spurn him.
Harry watched as Hazel got herself back in order. Except for her obvious mess of hair that would paint an interesting picture for anyone who knew she was on the ship. Once she felt she was presentable, she reached to grab her sword before turning to the pirate, still lying comfortably in his bed. Aside from the warmth that Hazel had provided him.
"I don't hate your hook, Harry. I hate the way you wield it. You've become an exceptional opponent with your sword. That, I admire. But, you've gotta learn how to not be so damn reckless. You didn't need to boot me to win." Without another word, Hazel tried not to look back as she quietly left Harry's room and snuck off the ship.
In true honesty, Hazel didn't quite know why she felt the need to acknowledge his skill at all. But, the truth was, she admired his hook. Often times, she was jealous of it. There had been a time when she'd have gladly taken it off his hands just because of the way he swung it around with reckless abandon. It was obvious the pirate only carried that thing around for the aesthetic of it all. She felt sorry for it more than she did for Harry. Over the years, she'd watched him use it for petty thefts, as he'd done to her once upon a time. And she always laughed because they would give in to his tactics, though there was very little damage he would've done with that hook.
-A number of One Time Things later-
Months had passed since Hazel and Harry's first intimate incident. Seemingly, nothing had changed between them. They still held their usual banter that would often lead to Hazel pulling her sword on the pirate. Only now, Harry won their duels more often now that he was learning to switch up his tactics. As Hazel had started doing as well once she figured out that he was learning her techniques. Though, their duels seemed to be held out of spite, those like Uma and a few of her pirate crew knew better. Though, she never spoke freely about it, only in passing with Harry, Uma figured out since their first incident that something deeper happened between them. She didn't seem as jealous as Harry would have assumed, which is why he never brought it up.
But, as time went by, Harry and Hazel's one time thing slowly turned into two, then three, and then four. More often than not, Hazel found herself sneaking onto their ship while Harry started taking back alleyways to get to her place. To the inhabitants, who weren't as blind as the pair thought they were, they'd all assumed their continued fighting was their form of foreplay. And in many ways, it was. They both knew they got off on the heated battles they put each other through.
Often times, Hazel found herself wrung up on Harry's door, while the pirate would find himself chained to Hazel's bed. In the streets of the Isle, the pair never let on about their lives behind closed doors. Though, more and more inhabitants seemed to be privy to the rumor mill picking up speed. Neither one of them made any moves to play into what others thought they knew. In public, they remained bitter enemies with a score to settle between them. While it wasn't a matter of saving face for anyone who would try to prove them different; their constant dueling made them better combatants. Harry's reckless style kept Hazel on her toes. While Hazel's calm and graceful tactics made him a much sharper pirate and first mate to Uma. Not to mention that the sea witch recognized this.
Now, Hazel's once again found herself chained to the pirate's bedroom door. Only this time, instead of her leather catsuit, the goddess' managed to scrounge up a pleated, leather dress with a skull cut into its back. When Harry laid eyes on her, despite the fact the pirate couldn't find words, he mentally decided he wasn't taking her out of it. He grew anxious at the thought of seeing the skirt raised up along her back. For the most part, Harry tried to behave as he had something in mind. But, the pirate had to admit that there was no such thing as behavior when she looked like that while being chained to his door.
Harry forced his lips to part and remove themselves from the purpling spot he eagerly worried into the skin of Haze's neck. This made the goddess laugh because she could tell he was a little nervous about something. Only she couldn't figure out what he could possibly be nervous about with her. For a moment, Harry pulled himself so far from her that his breathing was heavy when he stepped away from her.
"Awww... Don't you dare go catching feelings on me now, Hook. You never pace. At least, not with me. It's not like I'm going anywhere." Hazel chuckled as she watched the pirate pace a small path in front of her. Harry, however, quietly muttered to himself and it was so low that the goddess could barely hear him. To a point, it was cute that something about this made him nervous. She squirmed against the door while her eyes wandered over his moving figure before he stopped and stared at her.
"Now or never, righ', lass?" The look in Harry's eyes was a little deranged, but not his usual madness and Hazel had no idea what he was talking about. He paced once more before firmly nodding and the gesture seemed more towards himself than it was towards Hazel. Though, it was a short distance, Harry's boots moved with purpose as he walked over to his desk. He rummaged as if he was stalling for time before eventually pulling one of the drawers open. Hazel attempted to crane her neck as if to peer over his shoulder, but the bulk of his height made that impossible. And as if he could feel her hazel eyes boring into his back, Harry glanced over his shoulder at the restrained goddess.
"Oh, for the love of it." Harry suddenly smacked himself in the head as he seemingly reached back into the drawer for something else. That, he brought into view and it was a simple cloudy, glass bottle. Hazel easily recognized it as Harry's moonshine and her mind began to wander. What the hell is this even about? He pulled the cork from it before aimlessly tossing it on the desk while he took a swig. It was months ago that Harry let her in on the secret that he makes the ship's moonshine and that it's more of a process to scrounge up the supplies than it is to actually make it.
Eventually, they'd share random conversation and a bottle instead of rushing to escape one another. Though, neither of them would admit it, they saw vastly different sides of each other during that time. After weeks of Hazel teasing him that she assumed he made his moonshine in a toilet like she'd read in some books, the pirate fessed up that most of his process happened on a stove at Ursula's Fish & Chips. Hazel preferred her version better, to which Harry teased that he'd never kiss her again if that were the case.
But, never had Hazel seen Harry drink with intent to calm himself or whatever uneasiness he seemed to be experiencing now. Slowly, he turned back around to face her, seeming to be significantly calmer than he was. His smug smile adorned his face as he walked back over to her; bottle in hand. The moment he stood before her, he pressed the rim of its neck against her lips and without hesitation, Hazel parted her lips for him. There was only a swig left and he gifted it to her. She licked her lips as he pulled it away and replaced it with a hard kiss.
"Harry... You realize you're acting strange, right? What's going on?" She pressed her forehead against his as her fingers gripped at the chained manacles. But, with his smug smile back in place, Harry raised his finger to press against her lips.
"No talkin', alrigh'? Ye'll be listenin'." He was definitely more confident than he was before as he dropped to his knees in front of her. Hazel let out a relieved laugh as she assumed his motives were with a naughty intent, until he pulled one of his knees back up. From his back, he presented her with a tiny, red, velvet box and Hazel's eyes widened as if they'd pop clear out of her head. Harry chuckled as he pretended not to notice as he took a deep breath. "Would ye-"
"Harry, NO! I don't know what you think you're doing, but NO! Absolutely not!" Aside from the immediate igniting of her blue locks, Hazel's heart pounded furiously in her chest and the swig of moonshine Harry had given her seemed to knock her off kilter. Harry, being the annoying pirate he is, pretended to be hurt by her rejection, though he was dancing on the inside. It took everything in him not to laugh as he saw every thought practically skitter across her forehead. Where the hell did he even get that? Her thoughts banged around her mind as other thoughts poured in. You managed to find a dress that hasn't been severely tampered with and you're wondering where Harry Hook found a velvet box?
"Ye didn't let me finish, lassie." There was an amused twinkle in Harry's eyes as leaned to press a calming kiss against the goddess' knee. That only managed to make her squirm and he found it amazing how her body responded to him over time. He raised an eyebrow at her as if asking permission to continue, and though her heart still beat thunderously in her chest, Hazel nodded.
Mimicking the nod, Harry focused his attention back to the small box in his hand. "Now, ye worry wart." He had to chuckle his rising nervousness away as he made to open the box, but was intent on his dramatics. "Would ye do me the honour of bein'-"
Harry's eyes sparkled up at Hazel as she'd now begun worrying her lip. Her mind wrestled itself into submission as she stared on. I swear, if there's a ring in that box... Harry, being as attuned to her as he'd become, opened the tiny box as her thoughts ran into a brick wall. It wasn't a ring. But, it was a gold coin with a decal that looked monstrously close to his hook on its face. Hazel's face scrunched in a mixture of relief and curiosity as he presented it to her. "Hazel, Goddess of the Underworld, would ye do me the honour of bein' my hookmate?"
Staring long and hard, it took her a massive minute to gather her thoughts. What!? From Harry Hook, it was both a grand, yet corny gesture. Both, which Hazel couldn't even deny was adorable if she tried. Harry did what Harry does best and poked his lip out at her, which was meant to bring her back. Letting out a loud chuckle, she rolled her eyes before nudging him with her knee. "What would people think, Harry? What would Uma think?! Don't think I'm stupid, Hook. You two haven't gotten together because things like this are frowned upon."
Harry simply pulled himself up to his feet, reached up to push the velvet box into her palm before unhooking the manacles and tugging the chain over his head. Staring deep into her, he wrapped his arms around her as his smirk appeared in place of his dissipated smile. "Ye're distractin' yerself, aren't ye?" As he asked this, he pressed a kiss against the tip of her nose and was glad when it earned him a giggle.
"Yes! This isn't some small thing, Harry. This is us. I'm supposed to hate you!" To say that Hazel was in fact distracting herself from making a decision, was an understatement. One that Harry saw right through as he stole a heated kiss from her cheek, then one from her neck before finally pressing one against her lips. He brought his icy, blue gaze back to hers and simply shook his head.
"Don't ye go worryin' 'bout the others, lassie. Uma..." The pirate sighed deeply as he had considered what his captain would think of all this. At first, he imagined the fury that would flash across her adorable face at him for possibly throwing away what they meant to each other. He thought about how, for as long as he could remember, he worshipped the ground she walked on. And the fact that he still does and probably always will. This wasn't Harry disregarding what could've been and, on several occasions, almost was with Uma. But, he was embracing that what could've been just wasn't in the stars for them this go around. That maybe they would find each other in another time.
Right now, Harry had grown to feel something for the girl who, at every turn, would openly admit that she hated him. And he could tell, just by the way she looked at him and the way her hair lightly ignited, that she was on the same page. He embraced that maybe this whole "Faith" thing did exist. The first incident in his room could have happened in a much different way. They very well could've killed each other that day. But, in a weird spur of the moment, what happened is maybe what was meant to be.
Harry shook his head, realizing he drifted as he pulled his full attention back to Hazel, who seemed to be admiring the coin over his shoulder. He chuckled, but he felt greatly relieved that she was silently considering him. He places a soft kiss against the corner of her mouth. "Come back, lass."
"What? I'm here. You're the one getting lost in your words." She chuckled and wrinkled her nose at him. "And before you finish, I'd like to point out that I actually like Uma. I'm not sure how I would take her trying to kill me for thieving you away."
Harry, however, couldn't contain his laugh if he tried. But, it reminded him of what he wanted to say. His fingers squeezed at her sides as his eyes searched hers. Not for reassurance. He didn't need it as he watched the lightly, ignited flames dance in her hair. His smug smile back in place, he grazed his hand up along her back until his fingers tangled in her hair. "Uma'll understand. But, I won't go on pretendin' this isn't real."
As the word real left his lips, Hazel's eyes pulled to his and the fact that it was the farthest thing she imagined him saying was obvious. She made to open her mouth to speak, but was momentarily dumbfounded. She'd realized about a two weeks ago that keeping up the bitter enemies act was getting harder and harder to pull off. Of course, it was a rush and that's often how they landed in either his or her room. But, she was finding less and less excuses to start an all-out fight with the pirate. Adjusting her arms over his shoulders, Hazel pressed her forehead against his while placing a heated kiss against his lips.
"Harry... It's been incredibly hard to pretend that I hate you. So, if you're really serious about this. Then. I guess I have no other choice."
"So..." Harry tried to hide his eagerness, but even he was certain his smile would crack his face at a moment's notice. But, the sight of Hazel's spreading across her lips made the pirate happier than even he had anticipated.
"Yes! I'll be your hookmate." Hazel laughed at the term, but she laughed even harder as Harry lifted her off her feet and swung her around his room. Neither of them knew how this whole "dating" thing worked. Harry had only heard about it in a book Uma read to him once, simply because he was curious and she scoffed at the idea. All the while trying to hide her blush. But, the situation wasn't so different for Hazel either. She'd read numerous old books that depicted it as "courtship" and she found herself scoffing at the idea.
Harry swung Hazel around his room once more, only to land her on his bed where he pulled her into a deep, heated kiss that seemed to last longer than any they've ever shared. The idea of Harry being her pirate and Hazel being his goddess was one they had never thought would be possible. A year ago, had they been told that eventually they'd end up together, Hazel and Harry, most likely, would've raised their respected sword and hook at the person brave enough to conjure such an idea. But, here they were. All spite and animosity turned into something neither of them ever expected to be.
The End
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