#first one by @imaverycatgirl
imaveryevilenby · 2 years
saw your star drawing post and was like oh hey it’s user imaveryevilgirl, back when I made my first tumblr ever like a year or two (idk time😳) ago you were one of the very first blogs I ever followed. I had the intentions of dming you and being friends but I just knew I would be too awkward U__U for reference back then you were imaverycatgirl? or imaveryfoxgirl? and your profile photo was an orange haired girl in front of a trans flag :) anyways now when I see you pop up in my feed I’m like oh hey it’s cool tungle user sorry this was long and cringe 👍 hope you’re having a good day 💌
why yes i was! and then i had a gender crisis and became evil
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rabbitremains · 4 years
bi and ready to cri
pan and ready to kick the can
gay and not okay
straight and i haven't ate
lesbian and ready to hit a pedestrian
ace with a horrible face
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20xbetterthanu · 4 years
Tumblr Family Tree Newsletter
Welcome to the Tumblr Family Tree Newsletter. This is just a general update on things that are happening in the tumblr fam at the moment. Enjoy!
Recently @backslashdelta and @porcelain-nightbird got married!! This officially added Sim to the Tree!! yay! marriage!!
@anderhummel and @blaine-andersxn got hitched as well! woohoo!
New Children:
@lesblam was adopted by @heartsmadeofbooks and @esperantoauthor. Elise is their fourth child, after @oohbabycupcakes, @pineappletheatrekid and @20xbetterthanu
@comewhctmay and @20xbetterthanu adopted another child as well, their third. @the-veirdo is their newest child, joining @gay-tired-and-pissed-in-ohio and @mypatronusisasquirrell in the Vanderpoops
@gorgxoxus and @kurthummeldeservesbetter adopted @lgbtblaintana, their first and only child. congratulations!
@porcelain-nightbird and @backslashdelta adopted @sugar-motta-bitch to add to their mix. Jenna is their third child, following @sugarcarnation and @mostlygleethoughts.
@heartsmadeofbooks has a fic out, Sing To Me Instead, go check it out it’s amazing!! @esperantoauthor just recently finished Friends in Low Places, which is also amazing and I am also live blogging it!! @backslashdelta is currently working on It Was Only A Kiss, go check that out!! @blurglesmurfklaine finished Cornelia Street!! Go read it!!
@pineappletheatrekid, @oohbabycupcakes and @20xbetterthanu are all scarily connected by the date February 15.
@pineappletheatrekid and @oohbabycupcakes are still on a Sill shipping rampage, despite the constant threat of being disowned.
@20xbetterthanu wrote a fic where Kurt and a Traffic Light have relations, encouraged by @the-veirdo and @lesblam. @pineappletheatrekid countered with a fic of her own.
@esperantoauthor and @heartsmadeofbooks will never get divorced because Esp says Laura is the only one who has not betrayed her.
@gorgxoxus and @kurthummeldeservesbetter have introduced @pineappletheatrekid to Wes x Gavel fics.
@comewhctmay was hiding the fact that she was a Will Schuester stan from @20xbetterthanu and now Ally is considering divorce. Ally blames it on her siblings. Bad influences. 
@sugar-motta-bitch is working through a lot of Skank! Kurt headcanons
most of the children in the group want to be Canadian now.
@imaverycatgirl still shit posts as usual. Go check her blog out, its hilarious.
If you are in the family tree and you have not joined the discord server and you want to, here is the link
If you are not apart of the Tree, and you want to be, all you have to do is ask. We’ll figure out who’s kid/spouse/sibling you’ll be--though it may take a little time. 
That’s all the news as of today!! 
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heartsmadeofbooks · 4 years
Hey everyone,
It's the last day of 2020 (it's over already in some parts of the world, yay) and I know it's been a very, very difficult year for many people, full of loss and pain, isolation and struggles. Just because the year changes doesn't mean that whatever's ahead will be better, but I really, really hope it is for everyone, even if there's not going to be a magic solution overnight. But maybe when the clock strikes midnight, you'll feel a bit of hope for what's to come, and that's already something. Hope opens up the world to possibility.
I've been doing my best to focus on the positive - something that's very hard to do sometimes, and I get it. And one of the most positive things to happen to me in 2020 was deciding to write about two boys falling in love again, and getting to share their stories with you like I did so many times over the last decade (wow, okay, DECADE. That's crazy). It gave me purpose and it made me feel loved and supported, and it also meant I got to rejoin this fandom after a hiatus, in which I wondered if it even existed anymore, if there was anyone out there who still loved Kurt and Blaine as much as I did. And it was so great to log into Tumblr at some point halfway through this crazy year and find out that yes, there were many people still here, and that the fandom had somehow turned into an incredibly sweet one. It's like all the negative aspects, the ship wars and the fights disappeared and only the most supportive, the nicest people remained, and it's been a safe haven to come to in this dumpster fire of a year.
So thank you.
Special love needs to be sent to one of my oldest friends in this fandom, and also my beta, Christine aka @christinejaneanderson, who's been amazing since the first day we talked. Every day I feel grateful that a silly little show about a glee club brought us together. Love you lots ♥ (and also, you're in the future and it's already 2021 there, can you tell us if it's looking any brighter? Thanks).
More love to my incredibly confusing yet fabulous Tumblr Family that embraced me, for some reason, and made a mother (and a grandmother, wtf) out of me. Thanks for making me feel like I still belong, @esperantoauthor (MY WIFE), @backslashdelta (SISTER), @gorgxoxus. @kurthummeldeservesbetter, @imaverycatgirl, @anderhummel, @blaine-andersxn, @lgbtblaintana, @comewhctmay, @oohbabycupcakes, @pineappletheatrekid, @lesblam, @mostlygleethoughts, @sugarcarnation, @warblerjeff, @mypatronusisasquirrell, @gay-boi-ohio and, of course, @20xbetterthanu who started this beautiful insanity.
Anyway, I don't want to drag this on forever, but I really, really wanted to let everyone know how grateful I am that you carried me through this year and made me feel good about myself and gave me something to look forward to.
Happy New Year to all of you, whoever it is that's taking the time to read this, and I hope that whatever 2021 has in store for you will be wonderful. Love, L.-
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