#first ever commission I've bought and it's amazing
fishysos · 26 days
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yayayayayayay a commission I got done by @silusvesuius
I'm incredibly overjoyed, this is one of the best ways I've ever used my money
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blufruity · 9 months
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🎆 HAPPY NEW YEAR'S EVE! 🎆 With the new year just around the corner I thought I'd share some of my favourite pieces from this year, do some goals and some thank yous. 2023 has been PHENOMENAL! First off, goals! I'd love to keep doing what I'm doing, genuinely! It's been a dream. I want to do more of that, more art for you guys, more commissions, more stickers and posters. It's been so much fun! I wanna move and get my own place, get life started!
And, of course, I'd love to work on something official for Doctor Who, Big Finish or Titan Comics. Of course, everyone knows that they're my biggest loves and mean more than anything to me so one day, hopefully, I'll get the chance to put my little stamp on the Whoniverse. 2024, here's hoping!
Goals out of the way, time for the thank yous! The first one goes out to everyone that has supported me this year to help my accounts thrive! I've done more this year than I ever thought possible. 2022 was really rough for me and this time last year I really just couldn't see the silver linings but everyone that has ordered a commission, bought a sticker/poster, liked, shared, followed or interacted with my Art over 2023 has made everything in my life now possible. So THANK YOU SO MUCH! I could never have dreamed that this would be my job even a year ago. Wow.
Next, of course, my friends! My friends on here and elsewhere. You guys are the best. It's so lovely to have people who support me and I can have fun and shared interests with. It's such a gift! I hope that we only get to know eachother better as the years go on.
And, lastly, my amazing partner and my family. I'm so lucky, I really am. They're all absolutely fantastic and I couldn't have done 2023 without them. I look forward to seeing where everyone goes and what everyone accomplishes in 2024! Happy New Year everyone! Thanks for a fantastic year!
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misc-obeyme · 3 months
i have two one shot ideas, one of which is a song fic and the other is a royal au, both with mammon and my mc *head in hands* also I'm getting a commission of the scene where me and Solomon accidentally gang up on mammon akskfj
where was i?? MOVIE THEATER. okay obviously Solomon bought the tickets, so I feel like me and Mammon would probably fight to pay for snacks. Either Solomon pays when we're distracted, or Mammon snatches my card and sticks it in his wallet with a declaration of "I'm paying tonight."
when we go to find our seats, I immediately claim the aisle seat. The idea of having to climb over someone and be an inconvenience is mortifying. Cue Mammon taking the middle seat and claiming he'll be there to protect us both when we get scared. So it goes, Solomon, Mammon, then me.
Throughout the movie, Solomon is completely tuned in, he's so invested. Aside from the occasional yelp from Mammon, and me jumping in my seat, the two of us are holding it together really well !!! Until a really big jump scare, and me and Mammon turn to cling to each other, only to smack our heads together when we try to hide our face in the other's shoulder. Ouch </3
Solomon nudges Mammon to switch seats with him, which Mammon reluctantly does. Solomon places his arms on the armrests, palms facing up as an invitation to hold hands and comfort us, but he's got the biggest grin on his face. The next jump scare has Mammon grabbing Solomon's hand and squeezing it like a lifeline.
I'm more hesitant. It takes me a minute to instead link my arm with his, basically clinging to his bicep as I stare straight ahead without acknowledging what I'm doing. I occasionally hide my face against him when I think another jump scare will happen, but curiosity is cruel because I'm definitely peeking one eye to catch what happens. Catch me having nightmares </3
Solomon is living his best life. He's doing amazing. He can die happy. But it also really cements it for him that oh, he really does have an attraction to these two people. Being able to be their protector is really making his heart warm. The way the two of them are seeking comfort from him in their own ways. First 'Oh. Oh.' moment for Solomon. He's already scheming proper dates.
After the movie ends, Mammon is in full denial mode about how scared he was. Yet, even as we're walking out of the theatre, he still hasn't let Solomon's hand go. Not until we get back to the car. And it's already almost 1:30 in the morning, but we're still reluctant to turn in for the night. And that's when I suggest checking out this 24 hour diner that I swear has the best milkshakes ever known.
diner scene is gonna be so fun and then the sleepover!! This wasn't as good because I'm half asleep but work ended on a sour note (i definitely could've handled a situation better, imposter syndrome is hitting hard aaa I've never experienced that). But I needed to cheer myself up and what better way to do that than by thinking about my silly little story !! I got the wip sketch back from the artist and it made me so giddy. I'm slowly getting closer to actually writing. Soon !! I just need to be bullied into it lmaoo
Also the new ax merch 😭 what am i gonna do with a light stick? absolutely nothing. Am i still gonna hunt it down on eBay if it's not available online? Absolutely. OKAY HAVE A GOOD DAY/NIGHT AND FIND A LUCKY PENNY ON THE GROUND !! I CAN'T SAY STAY HYDRATED BC I DON'T EVEN KEEP MYSELF HYDRATED OKAY BYEE
- ✨ anon
Oh? You need some bullying?? Listen, admittedly I'm not very good at bullying... I definitely go more for the positive encouragement, but uh here's my attempt. *ahem* WRITE THAT STORY. OR ELSE!!
How was that? You're totally gonna write it now, right?? LOL!
Anyway, I say write all the stories!! One shots, too! Sometimes it's fun to do lil one shots because they don't take quite as long!
I loved you and Mammon smacking your heads together lol I'm sorry but that's just soooo cute!
AH SOLOMON stepping in to be your protector alds;kfjdlkfj. I LOVE IT. What a schemer, I love him so much! I also love that this is his oh moment lol. YESSSSS realizing your feelings!!
Ah but I'm sorry work ended badly! Imposter syndrome is a bitch, but it's also a big fat lie. I find the best way to deal with it is to ignore it as much as possible! Or replace it with true mantras that usually helps for me, too!
I haven't seen the ax merch! But you know, sometimes it's about having the item and displaying it, you don't have to use a light stick for anything! Hmm. I feel like I'm starting to sound like Levi lol.
OKAY let us both work on hydration then lol!! I hope you have a wonderful day/night as well!! I wait for the next scene with anticipation!!
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sylvasa · 5 months
Tag game
Tagged by @dangerliesbeforeyou to list five things I can talk about for an hour without preparing. Thank you for the tag!
1. Ateez.
I only discovered them last year, when Bouncy came out (June 16th, a day after Yeosang's birthday). I was still in the middle of recovery, and wasn't able to game much yet. So I was lying in bed or on the couch all day, scrolling through various social media apps, amongst which tiktok. And when I did find them, I fell hard. I watched any content I could find on them for the past 5 years, bought so much merchandise, made my husband like them too.. up to the point where we got up early last Saturday to watch their coachella performance live through YouTube. My husband was even unable to sleep, scared I wouldn't wake up form the alarm and miss it. What a saint.
2. Doctor Who
I've only ever really seen new who. My all time favourite doctor is 10, but I really love all of them. I even have a huge airbrushed artwork done of the 50th anniversary episode, my favourite episode ever. Also arranged by my husband as a gift, commissioned from his friend and their airbrush teacher helped too! Okay my husband is great at supporting my obsessions. Did I tell you that I'm meeting David Tennant this summer!? We got tickets to comic con, including meeting and getting pictures with him! Just two more months to go!
3. Stormlight Archive
I've read this several times. First I read it by myself, then I read them out loud to my husband who is really into the series as well. Then, while I was recovering and couldn't properly use my eyes so I couldn't read, we listened to them on audiobook. I love everything about the world. I can probably rant for over an hour about my favourite character alone, honestly. If you like reading, read the stormlight archive series!
4. Elden Ring
This was the first souls game I ever played. My husband loves the dark souls series and I watched him play it a lot, but I never though I'd be able to because I can have a bit of a temper when things don't go my way while gaming. So he'd gotten the game for himself and when I watched him play, I was really amazed by everything about it. So before he finished (he doesn't game nearly as often as I do), I started the game instead. Then I cleared it before he did, and 4 more times after that, before helping him clear his run. After that I started to really like souls games, and I'm actually pretty good too!
5. World of Warcraft
I started playing WoW since 3 days after its European release on February 11th 2005. I have had periods where I didn't play much, but since a few years I'm back to raiding with some friends and I love it! I also push mythic keys, and of course have AotC every patch since then. New patch coming next week!
There are probably more, but these are my biggest obsessions, especially Ateez currently.
I am really bad at tagging so if you see this and want to do it, please do!
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So, as I've been mentioning I've been working really hard on setting up my office space. It's not done quite yet but it's coming together really well and I wanted to show it off.
The pictures are all fanarts that I have either commissioned, requested during events, or have been gifted to me (the exception being kakashi carrying his students. that was drawn based off of one of my posts)
Artists are
@animetrashmuffin (which yes, is over half the collection XD and is amazing and deserves all of the love) Some of these were commissions thus posted on my page, so i won't tag those because i want you all to look at her beautiful page full of all sorts of delightful art
Sukea and Kakashi
KakaIru and Bull
Gai hugging Kakashi
Team Seven (which I wrote a whole fic for for an event)
@crypticsummons (who spoils me <3 )
@kankuroplease (which includes the only art i currently have of Hotaru and which i adore to bits, plus the Kakashi holding a Pakkun plushy because i loved it so much i wrote my first ever KakaRin fic for it XD)
Hatake Hotaru
(i cannot find the kakashi one cuz there's a lot of Kakashi art on her page XD)
@mokutone (which includes Kakashi in my bookshelf, Gai in a photoframe and Shizune in my other bookshelf. Mokutone is just so sweet and kind and make's such beautiful art and Kakashi fit perfectly into that bookshelf and i couldn't not add Gai and Shizune to the room)
Kagami--Uchiha (the only Kagami/Yua piece i have and another amazing person)
Meeceisme (who drew Kakashi carrying his three very sleepy students after a long day of training. Original post can be found HERE please show them some love)
HKZV (Which was a commission that @yamanaka-shin bought for me because they're amazing!)
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jariktig · 1 year
orchid, ivy, chamomile?
orchid ⇢ what’s a song you consider to be perfect?
Ack, thrown me on two counts:
First, I don't really believe that any human production is perfect (brilliant, emotionally wrenching, glorious, absolutely; but everything we do can be improved...);
and second, I generally prefer instrumental music, so picking a song as such isn't where I'd naturally go.
That said - and going for a piece that's at least sung - the sextet from The Marriage of Figaro is gorgeous musically, and jams an amazing amount of comedy and drama both into 4 1/2 minutes or so, and has an underlying set of messages (human communication is hard, check your assumptions before executing your plan, you can get what you want even against an aristocrat with a lawyer in his pocket) that I very much enjoy... Can't remember without looking at the CDs which is my favourite favourite version, and I'm away from home atm, so sorry for that.
ivy ⇢ what are your ‘tells’ for your emotions and moods? how can someone tell you’re happy, annoyed, upset or tired?
I try to tell people more these days, so to some extent by listening and believing me... in general, I'm fairly well-trained in not offering up other tells in a variety of capacities, so that can be difficult for other people and I try to aim off for it verbally. And I have apparently very little control over my eyebrows, so tells for scepticism or surprise are a bit more obvious.
chamomile ⇢ what kind of things do you like receiving as gifts?
Generically, things that see me, or try to, especially if they're surprises. Quite often the best things are second-hand or commissioned and I think that's because of the thought that goes into them. Concrete examples: an aunt once bought me a mug with my (unusual in the UK) name on that I treasured for years and mended four times because I'd always wanted something with my name on as a child and never had it; the first gift best-beloved ever bought me was an espresso-maker-cum-alarm-clock device that wakes you in the morning by making you a pot of espresso and I've never felt so seen and loved; various people have bought me second-hand copies of a series of out-of-print books that I collect, or Decepticon-themed oddities...
Thank you! That was fun...
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oneiricazalea · 9 months
Been feeling deeply negative and hopeless with a lot of self-neglect and suicidal ideation since November. Life goes on though, and I don't really want to end a calendar year dooming and glooming entirely; despite everything, I have a little hope for next year, and there is so much i really do want to accomplish. I'm also reminded that it's okay to live for the little things... S o, trying to think of things that were good this year and/or that I accomplished, even if small 🫡
In Hobbies
I learned that my keyboard still works after years of sitting in my closet, so I'm gradually getting back into learning how to play and how to read music sheets. This alongside having bought a kalimba on a whim, and generally being glad that although it's been very slow, I haven't given up just because I'm not immediately good at either. My hope is to feel like I've learned enough to justify getting a guitar to learn with next year.
We most definitely aren't hitting our November-made goal of finishing two books by the end of the year, but my best friend and I did begin reading, and that's the important part. It has been fun trying to get back into reading than just thinking about reading and bemoaning how I haven't really tried since school, and I'm hoping after the four books we got together, I can finally get through The Eye of the World!
Likewise started reading fanfiction again. So many authors I've looked at are so skilled and generally amazing, and I'm reminded of how nice it is to just turn the brain off and read about the same characters in different scenarios again and again, with a different flavor each time from the unique writing styles that are out there. Thinking of starting a sideblog where I can comfortably reblog and cry in the tags about my favorite pieces and series /thinking
My brain still short-circuits when I try to crochet and count my stitches, but I started. Again. Grandma bought a bag containing a bunch of little... sample-sized? yarn for me to play with, so I'm going to do my best to learn it properly this time...! Apparently it's good to have a hobby dealing with one's hands, and drawing is too categorized as 'work' in my head to be good for de-stressing I think, so I'm going to hope for the best with this-
My friend and I finally finished the second 'arc' of our roleplay story- after this story has been rebooted long before we could ever hit that point in the past, it's finally done, and we've come out of it with a lot of new characters we love! I'm excited to move onto the next one, as extremely dramatic as it's going to be from the jump lmfao
In Drawing & Work
My decade-old computer is going to be tentatively retired soon, shortly into the new year. I worked hard to afford the newcomer, a funky little mini PC with 8 more gigs of RAM than i am used to working with, and my dear 2010-something PC has earned a rest. Looking forward to something that will hopefully be able to handle my timelapse recordings and letting me get back into editing together videos...!
^ A little more financial responsibility this year than in all the others to get to that goal. I've actually been really good at saving and not impulsively buying things when sad lately.
My work ethic has been better this year, and the old commission queue has been cut down by a lot. It could always be better, but this is a start and it's been a steadier climb than before. I think the waitlist will finally be cleared in the first quarter of 2024.
I've been more adventurous this latter half of the year with YCHs and background work. It's not always successful, but it has to start somewhere. I think I've been a little better at not feeling so immediately down by a lack of feedback there and on other art pieces too, to a degree.
This year did continue the trend of drawing less even for personal enjoyment... but the things i did manage, I think, were more experimental too. I'm ending this year off feeling ambitious for certain projects in 2024, including getting more into making pixel page dolls and trying to make an OC animatic. I've never really done either, but I'm eager.
For design work, I got to do the weapon design for a vtubing friend; the character + weapon design for their friend, and that design was adapted into a vtuber model by one of my favorite artists! Currently now doing another, related design. I also got to do the Genshin verse clothing design for my best friend's OC. It's been a fun year of designing character things in general, after feeling so iffy on my designing capabilities. I like to think I'm improving.
For personal designs, I'm pulling my teeth with finally solidifying the 37+ characters that need to be finalized for story and splash art type things, but I am still fond of a few of this year's OC works! Sarvazad, even if a lot of elements were adapted from Dottore's design to make them kinda match-y; Seijaku's most recent design cleaning, even if it will be updated again soon; and Sirin finally has an outfit that is a step in the right direction I think—to be edited still, because it is not quite the degree of "character is a dying mage but also uses daggers" that i want, but this is closer than she's been in the last decade.
Gradually getting more comfortable in Clip Studio Paint... I still do all my shading in Sai, but at least for sketching, lining, flats and final adjustments, Clip has been good. I like Perfect Pencil and HiBiSoft. For funsies, my favorite brushes are under categories named after the Harbingers/commedia dell'arte.
Trying to learn how to animate little things. It's unfinished, but there was a fun instance with the Red Flags meme, and now trying to learn Procreate Dreams.
In Games
In January, I finally really got into Genshin Impact after only tentatively trying it now and then since its release, and that's been the hyperfixation of the year for sure. I love what lore I understand; the music is everything to me. Polumnia Omnia and everything from Vortex of Legends are still my favorite tracks. A little AU roleplay was done, and although an OCs-getting-isekai'd-into-Teyvat never took off from planning, it was very fun to imagine different scenes and dynamics playing out!
Played a lot of FFXIV with friends and my brothers off and on, finishing Shadowbringers I think this year and tentatively stepping into the beginning of Endwalker. I still need to continue EW, but I know I felt so much and could not stop thinking about the events of Shadowbringers, and just fawning over my WOLs Theia and Sif in general. Re-experiencing ARR in another playthrough has been fun despite the slower beginnings. I don't think Equilibrium will ever be replaced as my favorite music from the game, but... White Stone Black is spoilers for me, but super enjoyable; I didn't know anything about Don Quixote until then, so I can say I learned something from a lyric analysis. And I loooove Dalnodo's cover of Dedicated to Moonlight ♥
Finally in earnest started playing Monster Hunter World with my brothers and my best friend; many laughs, a lot of learning, and me gradually going even more nearsighted and misreading Radobaan's name had us renaming it to Radobean, affectionately just Bean. And then the new MH was announced, so that was a nice surprise-
Socially, it feels like this has been both my most and least social year LOL;; I'm still extremely nervous about talking to people, but I'm trying not to be so harsh on myself in the moment. It feels like... it should be less "God I'm abysmal to talk to" and more "It's okay to be awkward. Just be honest and kind." I want to try reaching out to people more. Trying to find the ability to hold a conversation, but that hopefully just comes with practice.
I finally talked a little about what I would perhaps have at least wanted to do, if I had stuck school out. It turns out 'mortician' and 'embalmer' are in the same field but not the same—not really. Embalmers handle preparing the bodies. I don't know yet if that's what I want to do for sure, if I think it'll be worth the schooling and debt—and it feels supremely ambitious whenever I think of jobs that would require leaving the house after being a shut-in for so long—but I think at least talking about the future for once, when my caregiving work is over, instead of staying clammed up about it has helped somehow.
Before dropping out of high school, my room was also my classroom. I realized earlier this Fall that I actually still hate being in my room all these years later. I think, after a bit of cleaning and rearranging and downsizing on a lot of old belongings, I'm a little more willing to be in there besides just to sleep. Little by little, I think that space is becoming mine again.
There are probably other things, but I can't remember them at the moment—and this list ended up getting longer the more i wrote and remembered anyway. I struggled a lot this year, but I think I did more than I've given myself credit for 😌
I guess I can consider this my year wrapped? Something I can look forward to re-reading at the end of next year, and seeing if I progressed in some ways 🙏
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dynamightgod · 2 years
The first ever fanart commission I've ever bought. I'm so excited I fucking love this. Suprianto is amazing. Thank you❤️
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jessicarobert007 · 4 years
Soul Manifestation Is Setting Conversions On Fire! Double The EPC As Our Last Platinum Offer 10 Minute Awakening! 100% Commissions Available For Whitelisted Affiliates!
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Based on feedback from members we've upgraded the entire Manifestation Program to create version 2.0.
What's New for Manifestation Magic v2.0?
The main changes include:
1. New harmonic brainwave entrainment "pulsing". This helps the brain reach deeper, more optimal states for manifesting more quickly and easily.
2. The "hypnotic suggestions" are now more focused on the desires members told us they wanted the most help with. One of the biggest focuses is now on releasing fears around money. So, you can spend without worrying and trust that everything, including debts and bills are taken care of.
3. We've utlized new "QFT" (The Quantum Freedom Technique) technology to tune into your vibration and help you become a vibrational match for what you truly desire.
The very popular version 1.0 is still available for easy access as well.
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65% Complete (danger)42
35% Complete (danger)22
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“...I can't sleep without it anymore.”
Hi Alexander...
...A few weeks ago everything just fall to pieces. I thought that was the end for me. I lost everything, my house but most of all my faith.
I bought your Manifestation Magic and in less than a week a lot has changed. I was always in fear what will happen to me and all of a sudden my puzzles pieces are coming back again...
...I'm listening every day and night all my audios and I can't sleep with out it anymore.
With lots of
I can only say WOW for everything you did for me and a change in my lifestyle. Thank you I really appreciate it.
- Pauli Grant
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“Wow so much and amazing things are happening right now it’s just fabulous!!!!”
Hi Alexander
Gosh where do l begin!
Wow so much and amazing things are happening right now it’s just fabulous!!!!
...My destiny is crystal clear and so bright I cannot thank u enough!!!!!
...My destiny is to help women who have been left with children and animals to fend for themselves. I am going to give them a home for the rest of their lives! Huge responsibility but I am up for it
Lots of love
- Bridge
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“I still can’t believe this works.. what magic is this?!”
I’ve been listening to these audios repeatedly for a while now. I’ve been seeing 555, 11:11, 22:22 nothing happened for a while but after about 2 weeks, my sales have gone from 3 figures a month to 4 figures a month and it keeps growing. I still can’t believe this works.. what magic is this?!
Here’s my tip – don’t give up if it doesn’t happen immediately.. set your intentions clearly (very important), keep listening until you see the signs repeatedly, whatever it is you’re trying to manifest – it’s coming. Signs were everywhere for me – especially on my phone and my computer. I just kept seeing it, so I kept listening, putting out positive vibes and it finally happened for me.
- Jason C.
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“I am extremely impressed with Manifestation Magic so far, a thoroughly worthwhile investment.”
Having just read the whole of the Quick Start Guide I am highly impressed with the level of detail and clear and precise directions that you have provided. You have demystified so many things that I was not clear about especially with the visualisation which has eluded me up till now. I am actually feeling quite excited that this can work for me and I'm not one to get excited easily! I am extremely impressed with Manifestation Magic so far, a thoroughly worthwhile investment.
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“I use Manifestation Magic exclusively.”
I purchased your program and have been using it every day since. Your programs resonate with me and I will continue to use them.
So, please do not worry.
I purchased two other manifestation programs in the past that do not compare with what you produce. I use Manifestation Magic exclusively.
-Kathy Arima
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“But WHOA these audios are different!!”
I’ve tried lots of other audios before – Brainwave, Subliminals, Hypnosis, you name it I’ve tried them all.. so I was expecting this to be like the same old crap I tried. But WHOA these audios are different!! I feel so energized and confident, I feel like new man! I don’t care much about money but my focus is self-transformation! …It’s weird I am seeing myself become stronger and feel more powerful day after day!
- Alvin L’mpao
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I am amazed at the result so far! Apart from a shift in consciousness, after I filled in part one of the form and visualized a business class seat for my upcoming UK trip (which I had already booked economy), today in my email box I received a flier from the very carrier I was flying with telling me about their business class deals!"
I've recently started using your program and must admit to having a hefty dose of skepticism before beginning, having tried lots of similar programs in the past. However, after listening as suggested to several of the audios over a few days and beginning to complete the order form, I am amazed at the result so far! Apart from a shift in consciousness, after I filled in part one of the form and visualized a business class seat for my upcoming UK trip (which I had already booked economy), today in my email box I received a flier from the very carrier I was flying with telling me about their business class deals! If that’s not a sign that the universe is listening and putting wheels in motion, I don’t know what is! Very impressed and looking forward to moving in a new direction.
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“A billionaire contacted me within 2 minutes and I sold a camera I literally just posted within 3...WHOA”
Amazing product 😊 I just wanted to say THANK YOU!
A billionaire contacted me within 2 minutes and I sold a camera I literally just posted within 3...WHOA
- Laura McCaughey
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“I got $322 unexpected
deposit into my bank account...”
... The first day, nothing happened...
The second day I got a fillup on gas and $50 cash...
The SECOND time I tried this, I got $135 on the first day…
The THIRD time I tried it a week later, I got $322 unexpected deposit into my bank account…
Yesterday I did it again without even knowing it…woke up to someone calling me to give me $160
- Mallorie E
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“...I listen to the twilight one every night, all night...”
...I listen to the twilight one every night, all night...
... I seem to be able to deal with whatever is being thrown at me at the moment and deal with it and let it go.
I've been more of a positive person the past few days....
At least now, (and this is just after a few days) I can say I deserve and receive whatever the universe wants to give me.....instead of, I don't deserve.
So, thank you very much for putting these audios together.
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dreaming-byzantium · 7 years
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When I started collecting sketch cards I had NO IDEA I was going to end up with such little masterpieces! And, being a shipper at heart, it was an amazing discord for me when I found out that there were Artist out there ready to paint my ships.
I was ・:*:・。NAIVE・:*:・。
Those are the ones from a dear friend of mine, Olivia, who’s a Real Artist and an Exquisite Woman <3
You’ll find her art on Facebook (The Art of Olivia Moy) or on twitter (livielightyear)! 
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