altraviolet · 1 year
🔞The Echo Garden🔞
Chapter 43: "Firelove Part 6: The Shattering"
Chapter length: 5824
Total fic length: 261,803
(handy link to Chapter 1!)
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o-sacerdote-chacal · 5 months
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Spirits of Fire hear my voice. I light your flames so that they intensify your presence in me. Grow, burn and burn intensely in my being, for you are my element and I am your receptacle and your bearer.
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firelove-gt · 7 months
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Chaleco de punto con cable
Color gris en diversas tallas
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thesmegalodon · 1 year
don’t be a firefighter be a firelover
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chicicherrycola · 1 year
wade elemental 🤝 pyro tf2
firelover not firefighter
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grammymumzy · 2 years
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Love is like fire
love is like a fire if you give it attention it will burn bright if you keep giving it what it needs it will keep burning but if you leave it alone for too long it will start to die out it will become embers when it becomes embers there is not much you can do if you are persistent enough you can once again make into a fire but if you don’t have the time to do so it will die out
Sir Green
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creepygoth666 · 9 months
Was going to work on finishing the lineart today, but between the occipital neuralgia, the nasty tension headache and my blood pressure currently high thanks to the pharmacy fucking me over on my meds it's probably not going to get done today. I wanted to try streaming it again, too, but. Welp.
Pharmacy claimed manufacturer backorder on labetalol 200mg doses so I was forced to take the lower 100mg dose pills for a refill. Doubling up on them does not equal out to the efficacy of the 200mg - the 100's are pretty much out of my system by hour 5, where I could go 7-8 hrs with the 200mg. And I'm on 600 mg a day - so my only choice now, if I want to keep my blood pressure in check, is to take these damn 100's every 4 hours. Between that and my other blood pressure med, that means I'm now taking meds and having alarms go off seven fucking times a day just to keep my blood pressure MAYBE below 140. Because 100mg pills are shit, and I'm going to run out of my calcium channel blocker pills faster because they're supposed to be for emergencies only (170 systolic or higher) but I'm taking them every day since I got the refill to help keep my BP low.
And the pharmacy now has the 200's in stock but won't switch me out. Claims I need a new Rx (I just GOT ONE in October, but apparently it's "expired" - like bitch how) and I'd have to pay out of pocket fully for the 200's.
So fuck me, I guess.
Anyways. Sorry the pic is taking so long. I want to finish it. I want to maybe try rendering it, though I'm shit at digital coloring. I have ideas for other scenes I want to try sketching as well (SW under the Crystal arbor during the Firelove arc, him and Roddy arguing before then and him going all Angry Owl pose), but.. yeah. Health ain't allowing it rn.
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belovedblossoms-m · 2 years
@fireloved​ liked for a starter w/ @ Botan !
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      “I can tell things have not been...quite kind to you as of late. It just isn’t fair at all how they have been treating you when they know you have such a kind heart, Lady Ursa.” She scowled in annoyance. “Grr...I wish I could teach ‘em a lesson or two myself!”
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firelxrdsdaughter · 6 years
Mother in a Dream | Closed RP
Azula was home…. and Ursa was definitely nervous about this. Sliding her frozen hands uncomfortably into her sleeves, the woman gave a short bow of the head in greeting. 
“Azula.” she said softly, offering a smile. “I’m glad you’ve come back.” was she? She always adored Azula, but, she was very well aware of their ever strained relationship. Her fingers were starting to ache…
“Didn’t have much of a choice, I’m afraid,” Azula muttered. 
She wasn’t ready for this. Any of it. Just as she hadn’t been ready for Zuko to come and rescue her from that cell in the Earth Kingdom -- or for him to succeed in doing so. 
The Dai Li had certainly made it near impossible...But then Zuko hadn’t ever known when to quit. 
Still, it hadn’t prepared her for the surprise that their mother was alive and well, and in the palace in Caldera awaiting their return. It hadn’t prepared her for the fact that he would insist that they see each other right away (rather out of character, considering). 
Early winter had settled over the Fire Nation, and with it a brisker wind which promised the monsoon season would be wild and damaging. Soon she would be forgotten again in the wake of floods and disaster relief and any number of things that she remembered had always occupied her father during the rainy season.
Maybe her mother would forget about her too, and Azula could live peaceably. For a little while.
She searched the soft lines of the older woman’s face for a breath. Caught the weariness there which only seemed to mirror Azula’s own...and wasn’t that appropriate? Somewhere along the line, Azula’s reflection in the mirror had become her mother’s face, if a little leaner in the cheeks. 
“I see you’re back as well,” Azula added after the fact, feeling less eloquent than she had ever been in her entire life.
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lightcracked-blog · 6 years
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                    “   don’t even talk to me. don’t try to pretend that you’re on my side because you’re not; you act like some sort of saint, but you’re a fucking liar!   ”
                    // @fireloved       ❤ ‘d     for a starter!
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altraviolet · 2 years
The Echo Garden
Chapter 38: "Firelove Part 1: Paper Time Machine"
Chapter length: 6355 words
Total fic length: 235,765 words
The beginning of the Firelove arc! Chapters may be a little shorter, but we are building to something very important =)
Note: Fic is rated T as of posting date (March 11, 2023), but the rating will eventually go up. If you stumble on this link some time in the far future, please keep that in mind.
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firelove-gt · 7 months
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Top de tirantes con encaje y ribetes
Cualquier talla
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cheiianarchive · 6 years
@fireloved ( sc. ) - generated muse: JIAN
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                 ❝what brings you here?❞ the question was asked the second he saw her enter. Gaze was raised to look at the Lady, so unlike all the other people, he saw here every day. The Earth Kingdom could be rough, dirty and loud but she had a CALM AURA surrounding her and Jian was sure that she was not from around here. ❝is there anything I can do for you?❞
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bendingtook · 6 years
♡ [ firepraised ]
hug meme || Accepting@firepraised
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     aang, at times, couldn’t help himself with how liberal he was giving out hugs--so when he backed away from roku after sharing some love, the young avatar gave a soft, yet nervous, chuckle. 
          “sorry, you looked like you needed a pick-me-up.” 
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brnsblu-blog · 5 years
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❛   MOTHER   ---   ?   NO,   NO...   YOU’RE  NOT  REALLY  HERE.   ❜
❝   ♔      @fireloved   /   starter call.
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sonxfiroh · 6 years
Grief | Closed Rp
GOT sentence memes // @sonxfiroh
Ursa gently rested a hand on his shoulder, trying her best to comfort the other. “I remember the death of my own mother… It’s not something you will ever get over.”
And it certainly wasn’t. Ursa still yearns for her mothers advice, her touch… her smile. Growing up the daughter of the Avatar made her mother a strong woman. Someone Ursa looked up to.
“…But you can still live on when you keep her memory close.”
He offered his aunt a weary smile for the encouraging words, but in truth they did little to assuage his feelings of guilt and helplessness. What good was medical school when, in the end, none of the doctors were able to help her, and he was still too far away from the end of his own research for it to do her any good? 
Lu Ten’s hand closed around hers briefly, squeezing at Ursa’s fingertips. 
“I’m trying...to be strong for dad,” he admitted, “he’s suffering more than me he’s -- all alone in that penthouse for days on end, sitting in the dark. Sometimes he won’t answer his phone and I worry -- “ 
Lu Ten dropped his head into his hands, breathing out a heavy sigh. “Honestly I..When you and uncle Ozai and the kids showed up the other day I was relieved that it was” civil “happening because I’m at my wits’ end.”
And his teacher had excused him from class indefinitely. Until your period of mourning is over at least, and you are able to pay attention to what you are doing.
It made sense, but he still couldn’t help but feel a little slighted. His classes and residency had been the only thing keeping him going when his mother had gone to hospital. They’d been the only thing that he’d had left when she’d died, aside from his father.
Now he just had the giant emptiness that she had left in her wake, and the knowledge that his father was not himself infallible. That he was, in fact, more human than super human. 
Lu Ten sniffled, and turned to look at his aunt a little better, dropping his hands from his face. “You’ve never talked much about your mother,” he invited.
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