brnsblu-blog · 5 years
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sh*ts azula say
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brnsblu-blog · 5 years
A   A   N   G .
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          “just because i’ve lived a thousand lifetimes doesn’t mean i was any better at bending, yeah i had help along the way but there’s nothing wrong with having to ask for assistance from your friends,” he knew that azula defeated him–almost killing him–back in ba sing se, but he won the war, and that to him is what mattered the most. 
A   THOUSAND   INSULTS   AND   CHALLENGES   MIGHT   NEVER    have  gotten  to  her,  for  azula  can  spit  fire  better  than  most  of  them.  but  his  words  give  her  pause  for  a  moment,  and  a  frown  forms  on  her  face  at  the  memory  of  mai  and  ty - lee:  they  were  never  truly  her  friends.  she  doubts  she’s  ever  had  a  true  friend   ---   and  yet  still,  she  is  more  talented  than  the  lot  of  them!
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❛   how  pitiful!  tell  me,  how  is  being  so  weak  you  can  not  accomplish  anything  yourself  ‘ okay ‘ ?   ---   where  is  your  pride?!   ❜   it  is  clear  in  her  gaze:  she  simply  doesn’t  understand. 
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brnsblu-blog · 5 years
"All that I am I see reflected in your fiery gaze, Azula. You will forever me my greatest triumph."
RESPECT   IS   SOMETHING   SHE   IS   USED   TOO   receiving  from  her   advisers,  her  soldiers,  her  people.  it  is  expected;   it  is  how  it  should  be,  but  it  means  nothing  more  than  a  reminder  that  the  natural  balance  of  power  is  in  place.  but  her  father,  the  only  one  equal  to  herself  in  the  young  firebender’s  eyes:  his  respect  is  everything  to  her.  at  least,  in  moments  like  these  she  feels  that  way.  it  is  the  closest  thing  to  affection  she  has  known  from  either  parent   —   perhaps  this  is  affection,  the  pride  in  his  eyes  that  set’s  her  heart  afire  and  warms  her  bones.
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azula  quickly  bows  her  head,  gently  closing  her  eyes.  it’s  to  save  face  as  much  as  anything  else.  suddenly,  she  feels  like  a  child.  she  is  a  child   —   but  that  should  be  no  excuse!  she  has  to  grit  her  teeth  slightly,  feeling  something  well  up  behind  her  eyes.  a  thousand  elocution  lessons  and  an  aptitude  for  lies  suddenly  come  in  handy  as  the  girl  tries  to  keep  her  expression  neutral.  it  would  be  weakness  to  cry…   she  would   —   she  would  never! 
❛   thank  you,  father.  i  will  make  you  proud,  i  swear  it.  i  will  burn  down  the  entire  earth  kingdom  if  i  must!  we  will  have  victory   —   and  i  will  be  at  your  side!   ❜
❝   ♔      @fathertofire   /   not a meme.
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brnsblu-blog · 5 years
so  i  reached  100  followers  today  &  i  just  wanna  say  thank - you  to  everyone  for  welcoming  me  and  following  me  and  gushing  and  plotting  with  me!  you’re  all  amazing.
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brnsblu-blog · 5 years
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❛   MOTHER   ---   ?   NO,   NO...   YOU’RE  NOT  REALLY  HERE.   ❜
❝   ♔      @fireloved   /   starter call.
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brnsblu-blog · 5 years
—  sentence starters :  a softer world,  ii.    content warnings for suicidal thoughts & death & violence.
life is not always better than the alternative, but saying so is mental illness?
sometimes i want to ruin my whole life so i can start over without feeling guilty.
i would never hurt another human being for free.
can’t stop, won’t stop, not sure how to stop!
i’m not afraid of commitment. i’m afraid of being committed to you when the right thing comes along.
i promise you right now, i will never lie to you. it will be terrible.
be careful what you wish for, stupid.
you and i were meant to be together, even if we weren’t meant to be happy.
that’s the way it crumbles, cookie-wise.
the animals living in the walls of my house have way more sex than i do.
i know i can’t make you love me. but i wish i could make you shut up about not loving me.
i love those quiet moments in the dark where you can stop pretending.
i’m in love with the you i wish you were.
we’ll always have yesterday.
tomorrow isn’t coming.
you and me, baby! we are the future, and the future is bleak.
just smile. just keep smiling a bit longer.
i don’t want a world without pain or loss. i just want them to mean something.
i wish there was a word that meant ‘goodbye’ for someone who was already gone.
nothing can change the way i feel about you. i wish it could.
i can’t remember our first kiss. was this really all it was?
when the world ends the seas will boil, the skies will turn to ash in the lungs of everyone who isn’t safe in your arms.
you have ruined me for romantic comedies.
i do not believe in love at first sight. but god damn. look at you.
of course you can live your whole life without ever being you. but why?
if our love lasts forever it’s gonna get real awkward when one of us dies.
i hope my plane crashes, my train de-rails, or i’m shot in a drive-by. i hope something changes.
the hospital sounds… restful. i could use a rest.
there’s two ways we can do this. the easy way, or i cut you. the easy way is also i cut you.
i shot a man in reno just to watch you smile!
i am going to break your arm so that the bone juts out and then i will stab you to death with your own insides. i will win this chess game, is what i am saying.
i don’t know how to make things right. so i’ll just keep pretending that nothing’s wrong.
when life gives you lemons, take the lemons and be thankful you got anything, and then go home to your empty apartment.
if we couldn’t carry our dead inside us, we would be empty.
sure, confiscate my grappling hook. arrest me if you have to. at least i know i tried.
fuck politics. i just want to burn shit down.
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brnsblu-blog · 5 years
J   O   R   A   H      M   O   R   M   O   N   T .
Jorah tried not to appear too perturbed by her comment, but he failed rather miserably. He straightened and stiffened, jaw clenching and releasing before he responded. “I plan to win her favor back. I will not be out of her favor for long.” He at least had confidence. No one could fault him that.
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HER   SMILE   SPREADS   LIKE   WILDFIRE   ACROSS   HER   FEATURES.    ❛   i’m  sorry.  you  reminded  me  of  someone  for  a  moment  there   ---   your  sheer,  blind  desperation...   ❜   azula  sighs,   and  shakes  her  head.    ❛   if  she  does,  accept  you  back,  how  could  her  people  or  her  advisers  ever  trust  her  again?  a  queen  must  know  her  own  mind  and  stick  by  her  convictions.   ❜
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brnsblu-blog · 5 years
We found you hiding, we found you lying Choking on the dirt and sand Your former glories and all the stories Dragged and washed with eager hands But oh, your city lies in dust, my friend But oh, your city lies in dust, my friend
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brnsblu-blog · 5 years
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❝      ♔      azula visage      ⌣      2 / ?
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brnsblu-blog · 5 years
think  i’m  gonna’  switch  my  fc  to  dilraba dilmurat  because  i  mean?  freakin’  look  at  her?
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brnsblu-blog · 5 years
J   A   I   M   E      L   A   N   N   I   S   T   E   R .
໋.𝕬𝖟𝖚𝖑𝖆.   ⋮  @brnsblu
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Even from the mere way she surveys the Faith Militant surrounding her , Jaime is reminded all too well of the tactics of battle. That feral look in her eyes is something he is reminded of by the Starks ; the Baratheons ; the Dothraki; the Mad King. When a young Jaime Lannister shoved his sword into the back of Aerys Targaryen. 
❝   These lunatics ? No , but I know of them. Lie low , and the followers disperse with sharp enough a look. Your eyes are sharper than any dagger , and blacker than the deepest night. If you’re discreet , you can escape with ease.  ❞
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❛   —   PLEASE,   I   HAVE   NO   INTENTION   OF   LYING   LOW.    they  have  all  ready  dared  accuse  me,  it’s  only  polite  i  answer.  in  fact...   you  are  right,  trials  are  tedious.   ❜   she  turns  upon  her  heel  with  a  swift  grace,  addressing  the  septon  and  the  lord  he  had  brought  fourth  to  accost  her.
❛   in  this  savage  land,  do  you  have  any  honour?   you  may  not  judge  me:  azula,  rightful  imperial  heir  of  the  golden  empire  of  yi  ti.  i  demand  your  finest  champion,  and  when  i  beat  him  into  the  dust  you  leave  me  be.   ❜
the  various  men  look  on  in  shock,  and,  after  her  final  words,  amusement.  a  torrent  of  laughter  rises  from  the  crowd,  but  azula  remains  composed,  gripping  her  hands  behind  her  back.   ❛   and  whom  is  your  champion,  princess?   ❜   it  is  clear  they  didn’t  believe  her.
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brnsblu-blog · 5 years
A   A   N   G .
@brnsblu liked x for a one liner!
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           “you’re not all that much older than me, you know?”
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❛   AND   YET   IT   SEEMS   TWO   YEARS   MAKES    all  the  difference!  but,  let’s  face  it,  i  could  be  four  and  still  be  more  talented  than  you.  think  of  all  the  times  i’ve  bested  you?  you’re  only  special  because  you’re  the  avatar,  i  was  a  prodigy  all  on  my  own  without  a  thousand  lifetimes  of  practise.   ❜
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brnsblu-blog · 5 years
about me.
name  :    rain. nickname  :    rayray, bean. gender   :    it’s whatever. pronouns   :     not bothered. zodiac    :     gemini . birthday   :     june 13. sexuality  :   bi. country   :    uk. religion   :    pagan. hogwarts house  :    griffinpuff. MBTI   :    infj.
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brnsblu-blog · 5 years
J   A   I   M   E      L   A   N   N   I   S   T   E   R .
✧ ໋.𝕬𝖟𝖚𝖑𝖆.   ⋮  @brnsblu ⋮ starter call !
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A   WITCH,   THEY   SAY,   A   VILE   BLOOD   MAGIC   HEATHEN.    barely  out  of  king’s  landing  and  the  faith  militant’s  grasp  is  still  strong;  groups  of  men  encircling  a  girl;  raven - locked  and  golden  eyed.  she  is  not  of  westeros;  any  single  glance  could  tell  a  man  that.  barely  a  woman  grown  at  all,  yet  she  holds  herself  as  a  queen  might.  as  his  sister  might   ---   too  proud  for  what  is  being  done  here.  her  chin  tilts  upwards,  ignoring  the  crowds  in  favour  of  the  newcomer.
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❛   ---   if  a  trial  is  what  you  call  this.  these  men  accuse  me  of  things  they  don’t  understand.  tell  me,  are  they  yours?   ❜
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brnsblu-blog · 5 years
❛   KIDNAPPED   ---   ?    BY   MY   BROTHER   ---   ?   ❜    the   princess’  laughter  was  surely  over  the  top;  could  it  be  that  amusing?  yet  azula  is  far  from  done.    ❛   and  using  your  own  necklace  too!  oh,  how  embarrassing!    ❜   she  has  to  wipe  a  tear,  her  laughter  catching  in  her  throat. 
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❛   please,  tell  me  more.   ❜
❝   ♔      @marredset ( katara )   /   starter call.
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brnsblu-blog · 5 years
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brnsblu-blog · 5 years
You got: The Chariot
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You!  get!  shit!  done!  You’re  determined  and  action-oriented,  focused  and  persistent.  Underneath  your  aggressive  spirit,  however,  you’re  also  fiercely  caring   —   and  can  be  a  protective  force  to  be  reckoned  with  if  anyone  crosses  the  people  you  care  about.
Tagged by:   @exilekniight,  kinda!  thank  you! Tagging:   @bythelotus,   @kingimpudent,   @garuvusu,   @regalvus,   @thcbluespirit,   @tofindtruth,   @crownedjust,   @gclden,   @hisbattles,   @thesellsword.
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