#fir’s footnotes (addons)
yourlocaltreesimp · 1 year
I adore the way you write Yan!Hyrule. The inclusion of his fairy traits are so sweet 😋
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I have an obsession with myths, and given that that covered every origin of mythos i catch myself tapping my fingers like a cartoon villain as I write yan!Hyrule with faerie traits. Just wanna give him some silver jewellery and honey.
quick hcs because i have brainrot and i’m sick:
Gives you so many gifts so others know you’re not up for grabs
Loves loves loves seeing you in his clothes
Heals you, even if you don’t need it. Time can wait, sure he has a stab wound, but his flower needs healing for their paper cut.
Again, he definitely thinks you’re married to him.
Will enchant your entire wardrobe great fairy style, it’s a good excuse for kisses.
Steals all of your green clothing. Burns it. (Fae can’t see people as clearly/at all if they wear green.)
Absolutely adores physical attention.
Will sort through your bags, do all your chores, bless you with good health and fortune and will not accept your thanks.
Giddy when you call him by his ‘true’ name.
Just a sweetheart, really.
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yourlocaltreesimp · 1 year
ooh! That puppet guide reader is really good material! Hope you don't mind but it gave me an idea, guide reader is being held in a gloom infested dungeon in the depths, like the 5 sage temples, the chain need to explore the dungeon to find a way to open or break the five locks to the barred door that guide reader is behind, and poor reader is just softly humming loz songs, like song of healing, marins song, epona song etc, being trapped with gloom has taken a bit of a physical and mental toll on them, and believe the chain is just another hallucination, singing songs is the only thing keeping them from completely breaking and helping block out the cruel whispering from the gloom whilethey pray forthe chain to save them. then when the chain finally unlocks the final lock to readers giant cell. They find their guide surrounded by puppet versions of the chain saying hurtful things like, how could reader leave them? Reader let first die, reader left time all alone like navi, reader never cared, reader abandoned them ect, this what guide reader has been enduring the whole time they've been kidnapped. Ganondorf has been trying to mindbreak them in order to make them his obedient trump card cuz guide reader is the chains one true weakness. and the chain has to fight the puppet chain cuz puppet chain is the final boss, once the boss fight is over it takes a few minutes for reader to realize that the chain is real and crys in happiness and relief that their together again. Sorry it's so long, keep up the amazing world!
When I tell you i’ve been thinking about this all week, I mean it.
The singing, the hallucinations, the morbid realisation that the chain has that you don’t think they are real?
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me reading that ^
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yourlocaltreesimp · 1 year
Yahaha! You found me!
I'm really glad people enjoy my writing and I don't mind at all if you draw/write anything for me! It would be an honor and I would love to do the same for you ᐠ( ᐛ )ᐟ
I do have a few headcanons for the Masked!Reader based off my OC, but I'll try to keep it GN and vague so others can put their own thoughts about it.
.•♫•♬• 𝑴𝒂𝒔𝒌𝒆𝒅!𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓 •♬•♫•.
Masked!Reader who always keeps the mask on, but with some exceptions will remove it (fighting, comfortable with others, etc.). They only trust people that they bond with and know won't leave or betray them due to past experiences in their world. With how troublesome their life has been in the past, it's difficult for them to tell for certain what someone's intentions are and if they're someone they can keep by their side.
Masked!Reader who basically has a sleeper build and is quite strong for their size. They may have a seemingly small frame (4'10"-5'3"), but they sure due know how to pack a punch and fight like a beast. They know that they're strong as hell, but intentionally make themselves looks small and frail to throw off any threats. In reality, they can lift and throw things 4-6 times their own weight with little to no sweat.
Masked!Reader who is secretly self-conscious and anxious due to trauma, which tends to cause them to get stuck and spiral in their own head. They may have an outward and kind personality, but they truly have a hard time with excepting their own worth and believing they are worth of the type of kindness and care they give. Occasionally when they've had a hard or stressful day and feel as if they are the cause of it, they may stay in one spot almost as if they're in a trance of sorts. It would be best to pull them out of it before it gets worse...
I may add onto this in the future, but in the meantime, if you got any ideas to recommend I'd love to hear them!
- 𐂂 anon
Okokok. First) Ily. Second) here’s a list of stuff i’ve haphazardly put together.
Masked!Reader who is just as yandere for the chain as they are for them.
Masked!Reader who’s quite literally a cryptid or possibly eldridge deity. No harm will befall their heroes so long as they stand.
Masked!Reader who will bite a man. Provoked and unprovoked
Masked!Reader who the shadow both fears and admires. Someone so efficient at throwing him off course, but how could he mind.
Masked!Reader who is an absolute badass, and we’re all here for it.
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yourlocaltreesimp · 1 year
I honestly find your content AMAZING I mean any time I see you've updated I immediately look to see what it is that you have blessed us with. Tbh you've inspired me to go back into writing and break through my writers block so I've been thinking about several different scenarios and wanted to share even if it ain't the best.
.•♫•♬• 𝒀𝒂𝒏!𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒊𝒏 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝑴𝒂𝒔𝒌𝒆𝒅!𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓 •♬•♫•.
Imagine the Yan!Chain with a reader that always and I mean ALWAYS wears a medical mask, but nevertheless is sweet and kind to everyone (the masks kinda like the cloth ones that are pure black with the white mouth/ accesory designs on them). They never take it off even to eat or bathe unless they feel comfortable, safe, and trust the people their around which has yet to happen. The chain oh so desperately want to know what their beloved looks like beneath the mask, thinking of the way their cheeks and expressions look like and the way their lips would feel against them.
Masked!Reader that doesn't usually take off their jacket/hoodie for similar reasons and they seem to have a small figure They must be protected, the chain can't risk loosing such a small precious being... but reader knows personally that they aren't as weak as most people see them. The may be small (about 4'10" - 5'3"), but they've lived a wild and dangerous life back in their world and know how to fight like a professional.
Masked!Reader who proves this when all of them are suddenly ambushed and finally gets the chance to prove they can take care of themselves, only to go completely feral the moment one of the boys get hurt...
.•♫•♬• 𝑶𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒕 •♬•♫•.
You had been traveling with the Chain for quite some time now and had formed a bond with each and every one of them, treating them with the kindness they had wished and craved for after so long. They saw you as a small, sweet angel, their one and only love that HAD to be protected no matter what.
They became incredibly protective when anything they deemed a threat came into view, it was cute and sweet at first but after a while it kinda got a tad bit irritating. You knew that you weren't as weak as they saw you and you wanted to prove that once and for all when the time came. Which was much sooner than you thought.
All of you were traveling through one of the many woods that scattered the land, you being in the center of the group and calmly chatting with the others until a group of monsters attacked out of nowhere. Everyone immediately pulled out their weapons, including you, as they all began to defend from the attacks of the beasts. Some of the boys stayed close to you, defending you from the monsters, which is when you finally saw the opportunity and decided to prove yourself.
You managed to quickly rush past them towards one of the monsters, despite the contradicting shouts from the oothers as you charged into battle. With one swift slice, your short sword sliced through the one of the beast and ended it with ease. All of them watched on in awe before some of them went back to fighting, a few of them stuck in a trance as they watched your elegant and powerful fighting stance.
Unfortunately, due to being a bit distracted by your grace, one of the boys ended up taking a hit from an enemy. You saw the hit and the way the monster seemed to mock the fallen Link and all you could see in that moment was red. A burning rage inside of you suddenly boiled up and spilled over as you let out an almost animalistic growl that could even cause the greatest of heroes to tremble in fear, the look in your eyes like one of an apex predator.
You subconsciously dropped your weapon and charged at the monster as it looked up at you...
I might continue this if you'd like, but I really love your writings and hope to see more! Make sure to stay hydrated, rested, and eat at least three meals a day! Hope you have a great day/night!
- 𐂂 anon (if that's okay with you)
I- 𐂂 anon this is amazing! Thank you so much and welcome to the crew. I love your writing style sm- ahehejejenwns snsnsnskkakdkwkw
I’m glad i was able to spark some inspiration, and i’ll refill my glass of water just for you <3
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yourlocaltreesimp · 1 year
Mothman koridai and courage
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TW: Yandere, Obsession, unhinged Courage and Koridai, cryptid shit, murder
Mothman! Courage and Koridai
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Courage and Koridai as Mothman cryptids are definitely… animalistic. They bring you food and water while keeping you hidden from the forest happenings. They don’t care who you were connected to back in your village, your their’s now.
Protected from everything. Doesn’t matter how threatening the beast that opposed them, if it so much as frightened you in the slightest it’s nothing more than a corpse.
Definitely stalked you in your village before they took you. They kept notes of your little habits and ensured your safety. Made sure where they hid you would be out of the village’s reach. Made sure your spouse was dead after you were successfully obtained.
Lots of pet names revolving around the light. My sun, My moon, My star, etc.
They made their mutual agreement to share you, sure. But that doesn’t mean they like it. The other is constantly planning to pull you away, hide you all to himself. Jealous boys.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
It was Courage who volunteered to kill your spouse. Not really a ‘volunteering’, more that he stated rather simply to Koridai that he’d be the one to do the job and that was the end of it. Koridai was just pleased that he’d jet to hold his little love’s body and keep them safe. And if all went well, to himself. The actual stealing of you was rather simple. Get in -you forgot to lock your doors, but it’s okay, you must’ve known they were coming.- get rid of the… extra waste of space and utter fool to think they were worthy of you and get out. And given Courage’s seething hatred for the person who so freely called you, rival to the sun with such radiance, their lover, he made easy work of drowning them in their own blood.
“Golly, they look even better from up close” Koridai whispered, spellbound. His wings chittered as he held you, euphoric to finally be so close. Courage didn’t bother to clean the scene, Koridai too enraptured in your sleeping face to give a care to anything else. Besides, it’d send a pretty clear message to not search for you.
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yourlocaltreesimp · 1 year
We all like that hec of the links being taller than reader but I give you this sage,cal and wild being shorter than reader it's that love troupe of the feral short person that seems to have so much rage that seems to have no where to go and their lover who is taller then them and is much calmer and is the only person to be able to calm their angry lover. Botw,tolk and time of calamity show link to be shorter then the people around him anyway. Maybe because of the height thing that gives those links a bit of insecurities especially with the competition with the others.
Absolutely correct, A squabble (that is what i’m demanding a group of Links separate from the chain be called) of feral links just being absolutely head over heals for their taller lover.
I also saw this and thought: ah yes, toddlers.
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