#fir posts
simplycrazyhunter · 1 year
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Deck Roof Extensions Medium-sized mountain-style backyard water feature deck image with an addition to the roof
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felixfeliccis · 1 year
Gonna read Homestuck if this gets 1k notes
edit: 2K!!!!!!! IF IT GETS 2K NOTES!!!!!!!
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themetalhiro · 1 year
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omg happy birthday tra-guy!
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clarysjace · 2 years
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Deck Roof Extensions
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princemick · 8 months
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Simon 'Ghost' Riley // Call of Duty MW3
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borkb11 · 4 months
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Men fucking scare me.
Now, some are going to go like, "it's not all men", " Are you also scared of your dad/brother/male relative?", "Another 'feminist' hating on men" and so on probably. Sure, it's not all men but it's always men.
I was scrolling insta when I came across a reel where a guy is complaining about how whenever there is a crime concerning a woman, we raise our voice and protest yet when there is a crime concerning a man, there is barely even news coverage. Which is certainly true and fair. But seriously, right now? Why is it that men always complain whenever people are trying to give justice to a poor victim girl?? I totally agree that whether men or women, all victims should get their justice but have some fucking sympathy instead of complaining?!?
Next, another reel where a lawyer guy was talking about women's safety laws and all, the comments? "Law for women, la*da for men". Well, why don't you go and take a look at the statistics? Maybe read the news daily, I mean the local one. Again, I'm NOT against men's safety, ofc no. It's just that, why can't men complain or raise their concerns without pulling the women with them? What do you want? The laws that are made for us (not that they're REALLY useful) to go nil??? Or what?? Equality? That is feminism. Fucking equality!! You don't hear a true feminist complaining, "why do men get paid more than us? Salary for men, chillar for women" or anything, instead it's "We want to get paid the same as that of a man." Again, I'm NOT speaking against men particularly, just the ones who feel enraged towards us just because we want to get treated as a human first, and equally.
I was talking to a guy friend and his attitude is, "Yeah what happened to her is TERRIBLE but hey, it's not like I can do anything about that? I would never do that and be a good person but that's all I can do, I can't tell the rapists that what they did was wrong and they'd too be like 'oh yes yes oops we did wrong' right?". Now, I do understand his perspective but sure a bit more sympathy and kindness won't hurt anyone?? He even has a sister!! And in the age of social media, anyone with a phone can contribute to some extent.
When I read the details of the case, my soul cried out. I can't even imagine her sorrow. Oh my goodness. My insides felt all queasy reading those gruesome details. All girls of all ages have almost experienced a bad incident with men. Harassment, molestation, abuse, assault, SOMETHING! So many cases everyday and so many more which don't even get registered. Rapes have become so common in India that unless and until it's something very gruesome, people don't even bother that much. It's always "What has it got to do with me" until it's someone you, someone who is close to you. 78 years of independence yet girls are still caged behind walls.
It's always "Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao", Beti padh toh li lekin Beti bach nahi pai. Why is it always "Arre voh toh ladhka, voh toh aise he karega", Voh aisa kyu karega?!?
Why is that ladhkiyo ko mana karte hai raat mein bahar jaane ke liye because it's not safe for her, lekin ladhke puri raat awaaragardi kare, koi dikkat nahi.
Why can't we just teach boys to respect women? To not just respect women, but to respect everyone? The next person is a living being, is that not a good enough reason to not be cruel??
Ajeeb toh hai.
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beastwhimsy · 2 months
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Talita and Firth-nga (Fir) chatting about tusks and antlers, as well as their similarly carnivorous diets
@jayrockin your specbio work has been a HUGE inspiration for me!!! I adore Talita and wanted to draw something out of appreciation for your work. I can't wait to see where RTTS goes next!!!
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poisonedfate · 6 months
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bbc merlin - 03x02 The Tears of Uther Pendragon II
i've said it once and i will say it again: the kindness in this show is as hated as magic. it's the parallel. it is the kindness in these characters that sets everything alight, the same fire that often follows those who use magic, haunting them. you can argue about rights and wrongs, but this is what it always ultimately comes back to. it's merlin's kindness that keeps him from blindly following fate. it's morgana's kindness that first allows her to taste that hatred, the one that's gonna settle deep within every inch of her softness. it's kindness that makes them fight and kindness that holds them back. it's the prayer and the song of the executioner. all of it, and i mean all of it, can be and is attributed to magic too. it's one in the same. it's love and it's hate. the dark and the light. the poison and the cure. it's everything.
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hunybody · 1 year
i wake up in the evening. and i ain’t got nothing to say. i come home in the morning, i go to bed feeling the same way. i ain’t nothing but TIRED! man i’m just tired and bored with myself! hey there baby, i could use just a little help… messages keep getting clearer. radio’s on and i’m movin around my place. i check my look in the mirror. wanna change my CLOTHES MY HAIR MY FACE, MAN I AIN’T GETTING NOWHERE! i’m just living in a dump like this! there’s something happening Somewhere! baby i just know there is! You sit around getting OLDER. there’s a joke here somewhere and it’s on ME. i’ll shake this world off my shoulders, come on baby, the laugh’s on me! stay on the streets of this town. and they’ll be carving you up alright. they say you gotta stay hungry, hey baby i’m JUST ABOUT STARVING TONIGHT!!!!!!!!!
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sunshiinnne · 4 months
Life is too short to dwell upon your misery, just say, ✨ bhaad m jaaye ✨ and move on!
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hawkeyeslaughter · 8 months
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edward hermann as captain steven j newsome in “ heal thyself “ 8x17 , m*a*s*h , dir . mike farrell . // “ ivan the terrible and his son ivan “ , artist ilya repin .
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yourlocaltreesimp · 2 months
What more is there?
Synopsis: Twilight reflects on his life and how far he’s come
Haven’t written for Twilight in a while, so I’d figured he deserved a little bit if love. (and a little bit of pain, i can’t ever write true fluff)
Tw: Cucoos.
There were many points through his various mishaps and misadventures where Twilight doubted the quality of his life. Through realms and eras he’d seen all sorts and sources of suffering. He’d become familiar with the sight of it, and was not really surprised when it began to embed itself within him.
Even before the story he’d be known by really began he’d known that aching part of himself. He was aware, distantly, that drifting along his life in Ordon day in and day out was not maintainable. That this life, one he had no right to not be content with, wasn’t fulfilling to him. He liked the work, the urge to leave his house in the morning and the satisfaction when he settles down in the evening. He quite enjoyed the people, sharing their laughter and being understood, wholly by another. The animals, too, were a facet of his life he enjoyed. Who wouldn’t find the goats, and the horses, and the cats, and… even perhaps the cucoos, endearing.
But there was always the gnawing sense of, ‘Is this really it?’
That want to see what’s at the horizon and live the life he saw whenever he could sneak a nap in the barn.
During his journey he was too preoccupied to worry about his life. Not when the grand scheme of both Hyrule and the Twilight realm was laid out before him. His life seemed so insignificant when compared to the hundreds of thousands he was working towards saving.
After the fight had been won and the mirror shattered, it began to come back. That once great ambition had soiled into regret.
It was hard to focus on work when he could now wonder if this was truly the right use for himself. It was hard to leave his house each morning without wondering if someone, somewhere was waiting on him. He couldn’t settle, he couldn’t sleep. Not when there always felt like there was more to be done.
It was hard to enjoy the company of others when now he felt so pointedly the company he lost. Midna, though at times she’d been irritating, was a never leaving sense of comfort and companionship. And even despite the fact they were so fundamentally different, they were quite similar as far as humour. They were friends not because of the circumstances they’d shared previously, but because even though they lived in different realms with vastly different lives, they were similar people.
For so long he’d longed to be loved in such a manner that it consumed him. Where that aching voice was finally put to rest. Where for once he didn’t feel out of place and incorrect on some fundamental level he couldn’t fix.
For a fleeting moment he did have that.
And now he was alone.
He had to deal with the isolation that no one in Hyrule understood fully what he was going through.
At least…
Not His Hyrule.
Joining the other heroes of the other times, or the ‘chain’ as they’d so lovingly dubbed themselves, he’d found a remedy to both problems. That call to adventure had been stated by the ever shifting landscape of an ever changing Hyrule. But now could literally stare at his predecessor and successor in the eyes and see parts of himself in them, literally and metaphorically. Of course not even mentioning the other six Links and you. He found familiarity among and between so many different people from so many walks and experiences of life. Hell- you weren’t even from Hyrule and yet he’d found so much of himself within you. And maybe even some of you in him, on those quiet days where he could stand to love himself a fraction of what he was beginning to feel for you.
Oh— and he got to keep Epona.
A very nice deal indeed.
This life he led was not normal, nor was it what many considered to be honourable, but it’s what made him happy. He awoke lighter each morning and he felt more sure of himself than he ever had prior.
Now, back home, he’s been able to make sense of it all. He can mesh together the easy parts of life at Ordon with the odd parts of life that fill his soul. His work is easy and routine, but aided by the ever lingering sense of his Twili form. His home is familiar and the company is much the same, though his spouse is one entirely foreign to Hyrule.
Regardless, they laugh over the same jokes and reference the same things.
His life is exactly how it was and what it used to be and yet he can reap so much more joy from it. He’s learned to embrace the chance and change of life, that he can’t enjoy each and every possible timeline at once. But this one, right here, with You by his side and the memories of all he’s done and seen? This one he’s content with what he’s made it.
He can wake up every morning, before the sun is even risen and still find things to look forward for. Sure, that ever nagging voice tells him not to leave the safe comfort of your arms. It urges and picks at him to stay sleepily intertwined with someone who he feels he is interwoven with on a spiritual level. But of course he leaves, knowing you’ll greet him with a hug and a kiss the second he’s returned to you. That you’ll share quiet moments, just like this, just as people.
He can throw his head back in laughter and truly revel in what he once might’ve found as a waste of time. But his life is too short and too singular to not spend the time cracking bad puns and horribly failing at dancing. What’s the point to living life if not to experience what’s available to him. And if that’s being chased around by his spouse holding a cucoo then so be it.
He’s seen the world and he can ponder every shifting mirage of what might have been. But here he is loved and understood.
And what more is there to ponder when he has that?
What more is there to want when he already has you?
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dinoserious · 2 years
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lightly chewing on de again. disco buggys
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orbch · 3 months
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teen linclyde. many a detail. pls look at them
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