#fionna — a reminder of what i am.
icedkings · 6 days
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loverofpiggies · 2 months
Oh, you watched Fiona and Cake, great!
I am curious, what were your thoughts about like Winter King or first opening? Or like about overall more mature stuff than in og adventure time
So now that I'm doing a huge rewatch of the OG Adventure Time, I will say I adore both in their own ways.
It was really cool seeing the more mature stuff in Fionna and Cake, sort of like the show 'grew up' with the audience, you know? And do NOT get me started on how much my heart was destroyed by Simons entire plight through.
See I never managed to finish the first show, mostly just got distracted, but on my rewatch I can tell I at least got through six seasons. I like how spaced out the original show is, and it makes the really sad shit with like the Ice King hit like a ton of bricks when it happens. It really feels like you're watching all these wacky people live their lives, and occasionally the horror of the Mushroom War reminds you of its effect, through Marceline, and the Ice King, and every character who was forced to live through it. I don't know, it's really nice!
Okay I'm gonna ramble so I'm putting a read more!
I was wondering if on a rewatch I'd get frustrated the way later seasons of Steven Universe made me get frustrated, but it never felt like that at all. It's just been... fun. It's just Finn and Jake on adventures, occasionally having to set down their fun and recognize the horror of things around them, and it's just. DAMN it's just done so well.
I just got to the episode where Finn meets Prismo and makes the wish, and accidentally ends up wielding the power of the crown, and all it did was break my heart. Like I was sitting there, and for a split second I was like 'wow that crown corrupted him really fast!' and then I remembered.... he was like 13 when he got the crown. He was still a child, and when Simon got the crown, he was what, in his 40s? He was just a kid, and couldn't possibly be able to handle or combat the crowns power. It just punched me in the gut.
So I very much enjoy how spaced out and silly the original Adventure Time is, because its such a unique world I love seeing more of it, and I feel like it makes the heavy scenes hit so much harder. With Fionna and Cake, I love how tight the story is and how structured things are. They're both SUCH good shows, with different ways of writing and different vibes and I adore them equally at this point.
ALSO THE WINTER KING, holy shit don't get me started, but I will rant about this mofo
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(These are keychain designs but I decided to put them together on a little canvas)
Firstly, I fucking LOVE the Winter King, and I'm really sad we didn't get more of him. I do wonder if the fact that Fionna's universe wasn't 'canon' during all the universe hopping, that if somehow the multiverse will reverse some things and 'repair' the damage. I'm not even saying that because I want to see the Winter King again, it just absolutely sounds like something that could happen in Adventure Time. Hell, look how they made Fionna and Cake just-- real! Thanks Prismo you're a cool guy.
But in terms of the Winter King as a character, and in terms of his universe? I want SO much more detail. Where is Finn, where is Jake? Marceline either left the Winter King or got killed, so I'm curious there too. The juxtaposition of genuine confidence and whimsy, and the mans incapacity to feel remorse or even real deep sadness (him saying 'Oh! The dead one?' when Simon asked about Betty was... holy shit) he was just an EXTREMELY interesting character, and I so badly want to see more of him.
Also dude was just funny. The fact he straight up admitted he thought about kissing his alternative universe self was so fucking funny, and plays heavily into his narcissistic behavior and tendencies.
On TOP of that, the idea of how he ended up cursing Bubblegum specifically would be so interesting. I read online people assuming when the Ice King did his spell, it was more like "I want Princess Bubblegum to love me, so I'll do a spell so she can understand what I'm feeling and then she'll marry me!" but then the 'understand what I'm feeling' is actually just... "Hey, I feel absolute madness, here, take it off my hands!' and might have just been a huge accident. We certainly can't trust Winter King's words about it.
I don't know. He was so fascinating, and the way he put feelers out to see if Simon would feel the way he does (Specifically talking about making an Ice Betty, then realizing Simon was disturbed so he shrugged it off with a laugh, being like 'no thats immoral obviously haha') and the fact that he was so cautious and smart about avoiding telling Simon how he conquered the crown? Like he would be glad to help and teach Simon how to keep his sanity AND his power... but obviously would have never spoken his secret the more he realized Simon would morally object to it.
I dunno. This character was in the show for 20 minutes and he was so fucking interesting I almost feel robbed. I hope maybe we can get some Adventure Time comics about the guy at the VERY least!
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inbarfink · 1 year
Goddam, just seeing Simon in these last two episodes is really flooding me with so many conflicting emotions.
Because, on the one hand, after his lowest point in Episode 4 - resigning himself to death in the hands of the Scarab - he’s clearly finally doing better. Just look at him making plans
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And showing off his smarts
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And finally genuinely smiling and feeling happy
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And being so glad to meet the alt versions of his friends
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And getting excited about his nerdy shit for the first time in glob-knows-how-long
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And cracking goofy geeky jokes
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And offering others the same grace and kindness he was given when he was trapped under the curse of the Magic Crown
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And trying to be comforting and fatherly and give Fionna advice and cheer her up
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He’s so clearly doing a lot better now, he’s rediscovering aspects of himself that his depression has torn away from him, he found a meaning and purpose in his life again. And it should warm my heart, and on some level it does....
But it also sends a chill down my spine knowing that this purpose that brought back the light into Simon’s eyes, the purpose he finally found is sacrificing his mind and identity again for the sake of Fionna’s happiness and her world.
He’s throwing himself right back into the miserable existence and the trauma he tries so hard to move forward from. He’s dooming himself because he honestly believes now that he’s always going to be miserable and lonely and fucked up so he might as well have be the kind of miserable and fucked up that is not lucid enough to know how miserable he is all of the time. The kind of misery that at least fits into his world.
Because he started to romanticize being the Ice King in a twisted kinda way, and now he has found the excuse to turn it into a selfless, noble act. Because the only way he feels like he’s useful and like he has worth is by protecting and helping and sacrificing himself for the sake of others.
(And like, especially in light of how he was trying to resign himself to death just moments before coming up with his plan. Not to get extremely dark, but.... suicidal people often seem to ‘get better’ just before the try to kill themselves. Because they feel like they’re finally ‘doing something’ and their misery is almost over. That kinda feels what Simon is going through right now? Becoming the Ice King again is not literally death, but it is a sort of death for Simon Petrikov’s identity.)
And this new sense of purpose in saving Fionnaworld by dooming himself is clearly blinding Simon to so many obviously telegraphed signs that this is a horrible idea.
He saw hints of just how badly Farmworld Finn has been dealing with his own Magic Crown Related Trauma
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and maybe if things would’ve been different this could’ve been something they could have commiserated over. Simon could’ve had someone who understood a bit of what he has gone through, and seeing a version of Finn, of all people, face similar struggles - maybe could’ve helped him feel a little less Uniquely and Irredeemably Fucked Up. (For bonus points, they're ALSO both dealing with the grief of losing their Significant Other)
But his newfound obsession that Everything Will Be Better Once He’s Cursed again was making him totally ignore all of this.
And then there’s their little adventure in the Winter Kingdom. Which had both the Candy Queen/Princess Bubblegum as a perfect reminder of the suffering and pain involved in being trapped in the Madness of the Magic Crown
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And the Winter King as a reminder of the harmful and twisted things he was capable of doing as the Ice King.
But instead he basically refused to learn any lesson from that Universe that’s not just ‘Fuck That Version of Me Specifically’ and tried to advice Fionna to do the same.
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But well, while I am still worried about Simon’s mental state, his improved disposition does give me a little bit of hope. Hope that maybe he himself will notice that he is doing better and won’t be quite so eager to sacrifice his own sanity. Or maybe more likely, hope that now that he’s not just a miserable sadman screaming at their faces
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Fionna and Cake are growing to appreciate Simon Petrikov for who he is and will simply refuse to let him sacrifice himself for their sake. Because, yeah, Simon tried to tell Fionna to not worry about all of that Winter Kingdom stuff, that it was just that Simon was ‘messed up’ - but since when does Fionna Campbell do what she’s told?
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moronic-validity · 11 months
Winter's Tango
And, because all of you were so patient with me, here is a little stand-alone song fic inspired by Stalker's Tango by Autoheart
I don't think there are any warnings for this one, but I didn't have my beta readers look at this one so...it's probs a bit rough around the edges.
“Oh fellow Petrikov, I know you and the girls are about to leave, but would you mind assisting me with something?” Winter’s lilting voice called after Simon as he was about to leave.
He looked to Fionna and Cake who gave him a thumbs up before he turned back to follow The Winter King back into the castle. 
They walked for what felt like forever before they were in what appeared to be a ballroom.
“So what exactly did you need my help with?” Simon was confused, there didn’t appear to be an issue.
“Simon, did we ever take ballroom dancing classes in you timeline?”
Simon laughed nervously.
“We took one, in our freshman year of college. It went badly.”
Winter nodded pensively. 
“I guess that settles it,” He took Simon’s hand and wrapped his other arm around his waist, “I’ll lead.”
Simon didn’t have a chance to figure out where the music was coming from before Winter swept him off his feet.
I know, I know, I know this situation's strange
It takes a little getting, a little getting used to
Winter broke out into song, much to Simon’s displeasure.
Worse though, they were dancing the tango.
“Winter, I think you’ve gotten the wrong idea about my being here,” Simon’s protest fell on deaf ears as Winter let go of him for a moment, only to begin to circle him.
Love me, love me, love me, love me
Love me, love me, love me, love me
Love me, love me, love me, love me more
Winter got closer to him, leaving only inches between their faces.
Than you possibly can
“Are you beginning to see the big picture my dear Simon?” Winter said with a laugh, his hands back on Simon. His grip was firm and cold.
It's not that complicated, no matter what they say
You'll never meet another me
It's not that difficult to get your head around
You'll never meet another me
You'll never-never-ever-never ever meet another me
This time Simon was ready, and though he was rusty, he was able to keep pace. 
He knew he couldn’t stay, as much as Winter wanted him to, as much as he wanted to.
Each line he sang drove the point home, that Simon would never find someone that was so compatible to him.
That there was no one else that knew him the way Winter did.
I know, I know, I know I'm always in your place
But don't you see, my dear? I am your Doppelgänger
Have your face so
Simon couldn’t look away from him if he tried. 
They did have similar features, but Simon’s bore the signs of age that Winter’s never would. He had to remind himself of that, that Winter would never age and he would. 
Still though, there was something so appealing…
Love me, love me, love me, love me
Love me, love me, love me, love me
Love me, love me, love me, love me more
Again, Winter circled him, but this time, Simon found his place and followed his lead.
They circled each other, not breaking eye contact as Winter sang.
Than you possibly can
“I don’t know what you’re trying to get at Winter,” Simon said as they came back together.
“I think you do.”
It's not that complicated, no matter what they say
You'll never meet another me
It's not that difficult to get your head around
You'll never meet another me
You'll never-never-never-ever-ever meet another me
Their steps fell in perfect synchronization as if this had been a practiced number. 
Simon couldn’t help but think that if his first class had been like this, he would’ve gone back. 
The room had darkened and grown colder as he sang.
“So what do you say?” Winter’s body was so close to his, “Stay here, with me.”
“You know I have to leave” Simon stumbled over his words, “I don’t want to, but so many people need me…”
“There’s one last verse, why don’t you sing it.” It was phrased as a question, but Simon knew it wasn’t.
It's not that complicated, no matter what they say
I'll never meet another you
It's not that difficult to get my head around
I'll never meet another you
Simon was breathing hard as the music slowed. Winter still had him in a dip, inches from the floor, but he felt stable in his fellow Simon’s arms.
Simon hesitated for only a moment. 
“I’ll stay.”
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anoopsiedaisie · 1 year
My Fionna and Cake episode 7&8 tangent
Lets start it off with the score. 20/20 it was fantastic. my stupid theory post will happen eventually, and I will ABSOLUTELY TALK ABOUT PETRIGROF
The star - Cake thinking Fionna was upset cause her fling died was silly, Fionna was clearly upset before about the candy people. The fight with the vampires was funny but intense, I love how Cake and Fionna care a lot about eachother. Also why does Simon know what holy water taste like. Pb and "Star" was so cute, and I was so right when I talked about us getting more Bubbline on tiktok (Tiktok account is not linked anywhere btw) The vampire world is super sad though, cause they had really been eating for so long, that a potential thousands of people died. Marshall and Gary really lit up the episode from the sadness once again, Gary's tangents of his candy kingdom are so cute. AND HIS HAMBO THINGY IN HIS CAR. Marten and baby Finn are so cute, I wanna legit cry cause HES MEANT TO BE A GOOD DAD BUT HES SO STUPID IN THE OG UNIVERSE. Also imma say this now, Prismo gets in trouble for breaking the rules once and ignoring a few beeps, BUT Scarab ignores several beeps and his entire job and doesn't get in trouble, that boss better have a good reason. Second date (potentially) and Marshall already introducing his boyfriend to his mom, damn. Marshall's mom matches og Hunson perfectly somehow, duche parent club. And Marshall's little blush of embarrassment from his mom acting all weird infront of Gary. Billy's corpse is messed up, like reall messed up, and the reminder of how tall he is is also crazy. I was also wondering the entire time if Pb was human in this universe until she bit off half her arm basically. The Star's outfit is so good, but I wonder how she turned into a vampire now, maybe she was bit in front of that worlds Simon's body and thats why she screamed at something. Already long section so I'll end it here with, I LOVED THIS ENTIRE EPISODE, Huntress dying was sad though, and Gary Marshall kiss was adorable. Closing thought of this episode, Bubbline but toxic yuri. Jerry - Simon and Betty better get a happy ending or I will legit be so sad, they love each other so much, and Betty just legit became part of a god over her Fiance once celebrity crush. I love how gorgeous everything is in this show, Orbo is also a funny character. I feel like someone could narrow down where things and places they go in this Lich's wish universe it'd seem fun at first then spiral though. Simon does NOT know how to draw though get this man an art class. The tree house being naked though, all its leaves gone. Lich's wish to kill all life, really just unironically killed ALL life, down to plants. Fun little references to old episodes, and including one that revolved around Ice king, hmm. Also I wonder the age gap between Betty and Simon, I like to see it as they're like a year apart but Simon just skipped grades cause hes a smart cookie. Also Simon had slides ready for people to be loud, HE WAS READY. Nerd girls in love. I am also guessing Bmo has been alone for awhile now, at least since season 5ish times since thats when the Lich would have made this wish. All the references in Ice King's junk from the melted ice kingdom. Ninja guide books, kunai, vhs tapes and the camera, the pink diary, his bed has the wishing amulet that Gunter used to break bottles. I was RIGHT
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Fionna see's how unhealthy Ice King was, and changes her mind and wants him to not become this sad sad man again. Simon would genuinely be such a sweet and wonderful parent, he loved taking care of the babies in the baby universe, and he sees Fionna get happy when he tells his story with Betty and keeps doing it to keep her happy. Neddy is also guaranteed dead, already obvious but the candy kingdom doesn't have the juices being produced. Bmo has done a lot in his isolation, a lot of stuff is changed or moved, I feel so bad for bmo. But the lines "Help me zip up my bra" and "Ooo, butt stuff" Wow. The Simon and Betty stuff makes me so happy, they're so cute and I love them, they need to have a happy ending or I will be so sad. The lesbians ever, I love these lesbians, let the lesbians be happy. Simon struggling to say he loves her is so CUTE. Poor Bmo, I feel so bad, but he was probably so sad being alone, sad in someway. Petrigrof moment was so cute and adorable please, I want them so happy, they deserve to be happy. Now for the bombshell, Jerry. The Lich's wish monkey paw aspect is that he gets depressed and has nothing to do now that all life is gone. Billy's body decomposing as the Lich parasites it. SO, imma theory my reason for the portal finally opening to GolBetty, either it was because the Lich was used as the battle and influenced it in a way to allow it to finally work, OR Betty's wish to keep Simon safe truly included the crown being worn. Like the crown really did trigger GolBetty like "BITCH, NO" or the third that makes probably the most sense, The Scarab was literally about to kill Simon and go against what Betty wants, meaning she is going to interfere. I saw someone say that GolBetty likely wont remember Simon and this could cause something. BUT I REALLY HOPE THEY DONT DO THAT, I WANT THEM HAPPY SO BADLY
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flying-bear-tv · 1 year
Some stuff i noticed in the fionna and cake finale + betty theroy
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# 1 Prismo's face glitch
This one is pretty self explanatory. for a frame prismos face glitches for no reason. I cant think of something we have seen that would explain this.
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#2 After credits apple
After the credits there is a short animation of two shapes morphing into an apple. I thought this was a logo or something unrelated at first so I reversed image searched the apple but I couldn't find anything. So if its not related to a company it should be related to the show right? The shapes and bow for sure remind me of golbetty and apples have appeared multiple times (mostly use to shrink in size) This probably is important.
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#3 Season One
The image on the left is a promotional poster for the show. On the bottom it gives the date episodes will start airing. Notice the lack of "Season One" near the top. The image on the right Is for the show's soundtrack which was released yesterday. All im gonna say is if I were producing a 10 episode miniseries I wouldn't want to specifically label it as season one if there was only one season.. And I definitely wouldn't only put that on promotional materials AFTER the season was done airing. I bet $72 there will be a season 2.
OKEY GUYS IT TIME TO TALK ABOUT BETTY1!!!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!! :]
Adventure time season 6 episode 43. The Comet. yea im bringing this up.
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I saw a post saying this means "comet". It has the same number of characters as the bus sign but I no idea where they found how to read this. I think it makes sense though and I'll tell you why
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As Simon is flying away from golbetty he sees her do this .. Notice the color of the light (electricity?? fire?) I also think she changes shape a bit. the image on the left is her when she first electricitys herself and the image one the right is a few seconds later. I'm not gonna draw any conclusions on why this is right now.
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Now back to Adventure Time ;]
In The Comet finn witnesses several of his reincarnations. The two shown are a comet and a butterfly.
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Now IF the bus is saying golbettys destination is "comet" this HEAVILY implies reincarnation as comets are directly tied to this in adventure time. Also notice how the electricity golbetty is using is THE EXACT SAME FUCKING COLOR AS THE COMET. And what does simon wake up to after seeing golbetty do that.
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I think what happened is by Simon and Betty both moving on from their toxic yuri relationship Betty's wish to keep simon safe was realized. Because tbh the thing that was mostly likely to hurt Simon was his own indifference to life and tendency to self sacrifice. I mean, he was completely ready to say goodbye to his sanity multiple times JUST that episode.
This allowed Betty to separate from golb because she no longer needed its power. She gave simon and kiss, and then fucked off to do butterfly shit.
Even if im wrong this show was so beautiful TvT I really needed it. I totally understand if yall are disappointed because simon and betty didn't get a happy ending together but. They really needed to move on. And who knows.. maybe we'll get a season two ;) bye
Oh and the scarab fight scene was way too long and bringing jay and little destiny back was weird and forced.
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paragonrobits · 1 year
Marshall Lee: So, uh, Fi, some of my buds have been talking about whatever was going on with you and that Simon dude you went on a multiversal road trip with, and it's probably a good idea to cut off rumors before they get out of hand. Fionna: Are the buds in this case Ellis and those prankster dudes that you broke off contact with after they almost put me in the hospital? Marshall: Yeah. THOSE chucklefucks Fionna: Mm yeah thought so. What are the rumors Marshall Lee: They think you saw that Simon dude as a father figure Fionna: they WHAT Marshall: hey, I'm just repeating what they said Fionna: Marshall, my dude, my friend, my broski, my duderino. The crack on my knuckles, the dude who reminds me that bathes are important for hygiene Fionna: I AM OVER THIRTY YEARS OLD. Fionna: You tell those dudes that I am a LITTLE PAST THE POINT where I'm honestly looking for a parental figure in my life. That guy isn't a dad figure, he's a FRIEND. Fionna: A friend I was having prophetic dreams about with, romantic subtext I think? Fionna: But yeah. I am NOT looking at him and seeing a dad. Marshall: Yeah, I figured, I think that's enough information for me to head things off. Wait. What was that about romantic subtext? Fionna: I said what I said. Cake, in the background: SHE WAS THINKING ABOUT DESTROYING THAT MAN'S BUBBLE BUTT LET ME TELL YOU Marshall: ... Fionna: ... Marshall: I don't know why but some part of me is resonating with the greater multiversal vibe of myself across all universes and for some reason they are giving me the compulsion to NOT THINK ABOUT THAT AT ALL and I don't know why. Fionna: If for some reason he was the dad figure to another version of you and I got with him, would that make me your step mom Marshall: YOU'RE MAKING IT WEIRDER THAN IT HAS TO BE, YOU CAN STOP AT ANY TIME
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cathchicken · 1 year
Ok so here is my view regarding the betty and Simon stuff from the finale, cause. I got things to say (spoilers ofc)
basically I am satisfied with the direction they went with Simon, him choosing to accept Betty how she is and learning to move on and find that he is worthy of staying alive even without her is good. Tough, but good. Also the little detail of the Betty statue being golbetty now is nice reminder of that too. Now, for Betty? I’m not sure… when I watched the scene where she says goodbye, it hurt but it made sense. She is letting go to do her own things.
But, then it shows her destination changing to a demonic place, and her becoming golbetty. It makes me think. Is she really happy with this reality? Simon is safe but, even if she’s fairing well as golb, I don’t actually know if this is truly what she wants for herself. I feel like if there’s a season two, maybe expanding on Betty’s true ending would be interesting… I don’t want her to change “back” or be with Simon, necessarily. I want her to become what she wants for herself.
Now ofc, what she really wanted was to keep Simon safe. And as Golbetty she also saved ooo. Maybe she is happy with this, that she can protect the people she cares about. But again, I feel like it… isn’t fair for her. It’s reality, it’s not like we can go back in time and change that. That was the main point of the bus scene anyway. But moving forward, and thinking about Fionna’s “shouldn’t we get to die as ourselves?” line makes me feel that this isn’t Betty’s end. Simon and Betty have reached a consensus and understanding of the flaws of their relationship and how they should move on. But for herself… Betty is still sort of left in the dust.
Now I don’t think this loose end is a bad thing for this season. Like, the whole season was about Simons struggles and Fionna’s. Betty was a very minor character and if anything it makes sense if her current issues are left untouched for now. If they do plan to extend the series in some sort of way, which seems possible, I feel like this Betty conflict might have been intentionally left unresolved. Because hell yes, I would absolutely take a season/mini series dedicated to specifically wrapping up Betty’s story.
I’m not sure how that would fit in specifically in Fionna and Cake though..? Because besides Simon, Fionna’s story was. Wrapped up pretty tightly. I can’t think of anything a second season could do to expand her world more… hmmmm….
All in all, the finale was really good to me. Episode ten definitely felt rushed but they had the right ideas, so I’m not too disappointed. Although I felt like Scarab was a bit underwhelming… he didn’t feel like a big threat to me in the end. Sort of a shame. Oh well. But hey, it leaves me wanting more!! Cause I can’t get enough of this series haha. Or maybe just adventure time in general :)
Edit: also I forgot about this. Erm what is she doing here, it looks like she’s changing form..??? What does it mean WHAT DOES IT MEAN
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Like guys there HAS to be more to her story. There’s gotta be.
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itsanotheridiot · 1 year
Gonna start this off by saying everyone’s opinions are valid and it’s okay if you don’t agree with me and I am open to discussion
Anyways I enjoyed Fionna and Cake ending was it flawless definitely not but I felt it did stay true to what the series is. Adventure Time is literally about how the adventure never ends so did the story leave MANY questions and felt VERY open ended yeah but that’s also how the mains series ended and how distant lands ended and I felt everything served the narrative purpose they were meant too. Winter King waking Fionna up from her fantasy mindset. The Star reminding Simon that he did make a difference even if he doesn’t feel like it. The nature of Simon and Betty relationship was address.
Did the series end very simple and kinda quick paced yeah it did but not surprised adventure time has always ended in the simple things are good right now attitude I do wish HBO will give them more pace time like the battle with scarab could have been longer or more action but adventure time isn’t really known for action so whatever also kinda feel like Tom over exaggerated Simon’s last talk with Betty but I think it’s emotional in the sense that for almost 12 years we thought their relationship was perfect but there was this major flaw that structural the whole relationship 
also Adam muto did mention how if they are allowed they want to make more spin offs so it might not be the last we see of the characters so maybe more answers like why prismo face glitched or who is his boss, etc

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relientlykrazie · 1 year
Simon: I'm feeling like this whole experience with Fionna and Cake helped me realize that my life is worthwhile. I'm worried I'll forget that. Minerva: This will be a cycle of learning and forgetting and relearning and forgetting again.
Alright so I know this is only a very small part of a therapy session he's having but I feel like an actual therapist (which I don't think Minerva is, she's a Helper sure but I think she was more trained in saving lives medically, ya know?) would say something more... insightful. Like something about having affirmations to remind yourself of your self worth and support group that has your back/with you in case of emergency (Marcy is 100% his emergency contact).
Granted I'm not a therapist myself but I am an assistant to one and kinda want to ask her what she would say to a client like Simon. If I ever do that, I'll edit this post with that but in the meantime, any therapists on here feel free to jump in with your two cents of what you'd say to help a client like him.
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acaciapines · 10 months
What are your thoughts on fionna and cake so far? Any favorite/least favorite characters or episodes?
i dont know HOW you sent this at the most perfect time but we just finished!! so so so so SO
as a heads up this is! nimona. acacia will add her thoughts after but for me i think i liked cake the most??? its the shape shifting cat of it all I CAN BE A SHAPESHIFTING CAT TOO!! but honestly i think i liked everything im riding the high of finishing it so?? i cant think of things i disliked?? im new to watching things!! this is the first show ive watched!! as me! so its like EXTRA special!!
i really liked all the worlds they went to!! they all were so FUN and the designs were so GOOD i love how they redid fionna she looks SO GOOD NOW and simon's depressed old man energy was real real good! um what else. i dont know!! i had a really good time! i think i liked it more than adventure time proper!! its shorter so it has more time to just be good all around but even the parts of adventure time i really liked i liked fionna and cake more!! whooo!!!!!! nimona out!
(acacia now) i also really liked it, haha….i never actually cared much for the fionna and cake episodes in adventure time, but the way they did it here was so so interesting--i think i just really like normal ass people in fantasy stories and it was done really well here, i FELT fionna's energy okay. i too do all of those things.
i was not expecting the stuff with simon and betty but i really liked it!! i found it very interesting…also i pinged it early on like 'huh this seems. mildly unheathly wonder if they do anything with that' and they did! which was great for me personally.
i dont know! i really like stories about fighting for the world you get even when its not perfect…i think the ending did that SO WELL, because like, we get some magic that sticks around (mostly cake) but the world itself doesnt become this fantasy magical land…for the most part its very real.
bubbline was my favorite part of adventure time and i really liked gary/marshall here but WHY DID THEY DO BUBBLEGUM DIRTY LIKE THAT…of all the names they picked GARY??? like. barry is right there………..truly the only choice i do not understand. cannot fathom how they got gary. is this payback for all of bonnie's unethical sciencing. honestly thats fair.
also me watching pb and marcy in the vampire world: oh yeah i might be aromantic but i am 100% gay too always nice to be reminded
overall! we had a BLAST watching this and now that we're done i. i dont know what we're gonna do with our time anymore.
actually thats a lie i need to read the adventure time high school aus. i know they have to exist. every fandom has them. i need to study them with a microscope i need to know how people try to adapt adventure time into a human high school au when most of the main characters are fully adults. do they just make jake a normal dog.
the true answer is jake should be a furry <3
okay thats all for us if you cannot tell we are still riding the fionna and cake high. deciding to watch adventure time was the best decision we made.
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dumbangrypuppet · 11 months
Tried to sleep early yk but here I am at 1 am because I went to bed too early.
I promised my little brain I was gonna stop thinking about Comet for a while, (my dumb little dude.)
And when watching YouTube, I got reminded of the Adventure Time Episode, "Thanks for the Crabapples, Giuseppe!"
Specifically, just the poem. And boy. Did I start crying.
What if when Comet dies, he wrote a poem like that for Eris and Hazel?
(btw if you don't know what poem I'm talking about here it is.)
"These are not my tear drops, daughter dear, but just a sheen of dew that lingers here, past other fields where other fathers lie, who kept their daughters better far than I."
IM GONNA CRY. (I say, as if I haven't cried over this silly fictional man and his situation for weeks)
Anyway, if you feel like crying over this man too, here's some angst I wrote for him from an RP.
And here I go, ranting about the parallels between Simon and Comet.
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Thank you Adventure Time for giving me ideas that tear my heart out again and again
(also, I need to draw Comet and Simon meeting, they'd get along fast.)
Like okay. I will literally spell it out for you
Both Simon and Comet literally tried to give up their lives (well Comet is actually doing so, he doesn't have a cosmic god of chaos for girlfriend to stop him and make him see reason) for people they barely knew.
Simon with "wanting" to become Ice King again to save an entire universe,
Comet with giving up his soul, his entire life to a demon so that the town he resides in can be protected from a giant threat.
(Comet resides in a fictional town called Uverney. Every resident there is a monster or creature of some kind, and Uverney is meant to be a sanctuary for monsters. But now, there's a group of monster hunters going into the town, and it's not gonna end well.)
Simon doesn't tell Fionna what's gonna actually happen to him when he puts on the crown. Though I don't think this is from selfishness or anything of the sort, perhaps he just doesn't wanna think about it. But STILL!!
Comet doesn't tell his daughters about the deal, or what the price was, he keeps the fact that once it's all over, he's going to die to HIMSELF. He sold his soul to protect an entire town, full of people he barely knows. (I should also mention, he's literally in the dumps right now for a multitude of reasons, the big one being that his coffee shop had been burned down the night before.)
Simon feels his life has no worth or purpose. People literally liked him better when he was consumed by the madness of the crown.
Comet also feels his life has no worth, and now no purpose. If you read the images above, it mentions things he's lost.
Comet lost his dad at 13, after a demon possessed his body and used it to kill his father. He lost friends because not only were they scared of him, but once his dad was gone, he had to move in with his mother. There his only friends were his brother and sister, who cut off contact after Comet turned 18 and left to pursue music.
If you saw my other post about this stupid silly man, you'll know that didn't go well either.
He fell in love with one of the roadie's, a man named Avery. They knew each other for three months, and Comet thought he was in love.
He was, but Avery wasn't.
No, Avery wasn't even a real person, a real name, instead it was a fake name created by the demon Amon, and all he wanted from comet was to use his body as a vessel. (I probably haven't explained or made it clear, Comet is a trans man.)
So this tragic little guy!! He's just. Torn apart! He's got nobody, nothing!! He never lets anyone in again, he tells himself not to fall in love anymore because all that does is hurt him.
(which totally sucks because Comet is absolutely husband material btw)
So yeah. Dumb little witch man. Hates himself a lot.
Hold on edit time because now I have more.
Simon should have realized that his existence was important after Vampire World, because without Simon there to protect Marceline, the world gets run over by vampires.
Comet doesn't think about all the good he's done for others!! I'll just bring up some events from the rp and some from the canon story.
He finds a girl in the forest with the help of his 4 year old daughter at the time, takes her in and takes care of her. 9 years later, this girl is Eris and her and Hazel are like peas in a pod bro.
Comet finds two hobos living behind his café, and what does he do? He gives them a job. (this action has consequences later because they're the indirect reason his café burns down later)
Eris finds a kid in her flower pot and another in the forest who needs help?? She uses her teachings from Comet to take them in and help them just as what was done for her.
Comet teaches both Eris and Hazel how to properly use magic to protect themselves.
A bloodied girl shows up on the front porch to his house? Comet brings her in, patches her up, makes her HOT CHOCOLATE AND SOME SANDWICHES, and EVEN OFFERS HER A PLACE TO STAY IN HIS HOME until she can get back on her feet.
He is a good person, even if he thinks he isn't.
Just like Simon, he is important, and if he didn't exist or wasn't around, there would be terrible consequences.
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keefwho · 1 year
September 02 - 2023 Saturday
6:50 PM
This morning was going well, I just stuck with the first thing I thought of until I got bored. But I fell into my old habit of not knowing what to do. I also started to get pretty lonely but didn't know where to turn for that. I still kinda am but I am hanging out in the TDS server mostly because I have nowhere else to go. I'm a social refugee. I hope tonight improves.
7:10 PM
I'm just a sad, bored person. Doing the same shit over and over that makes me upset. Maybe I need to crack down on those exercises I said I was going to do. I have been halfassing them after I said I was going to go hard so I could finally start making some progress again.
I am soul-crushingly lonely tonight. I hate myself for it because it's all my fault. There are people I could hang out with or things that I could do to hold me over if only I could actually focus on any of it. But Im always so sucked in my own thoughts feeling dreadful about everything.
Im having the thought that
Tonight sucks, I'll be lonely until bedtime. I'm just a sad person who can't possibly pick myself up and have fun. I'm stuck where I am, bored and alone. This is all I will ever be. Tomorrow I'll either feel guilty about not going to town to get my own groceries or I'll go and realize how much it sucks and how hard life is and how it never ends. I hate weekends, I hate them so much. By default they are becoming horrible days no matter what. I'm so sad that I let it get like this. Why can't they just be fun anymore.
If I could just get some perspective on myself. Instead of doing something, literally ANYTHING, I'm stuck wallowing and going ADHD on Twitter, Youtube, or Twitch. I could pick literally anything to do and it would be better than what I'm doing. There is no wrong choice in that regard.
9:00 PM
I hate myself today and have chosen to succumb to depression. I just can't try tonight, I'll sulk and dread and do nothing all I want. I hate everything, myself the most.
Maybe I'll watch Fionna and Cake like I've been wanting to but I wanted to watch it with someone. But no one seems interested so maybe it'll just be a me thing.
I was also gonna drink 4 drinks tonight like usual but I might only stick to 3 since tonight sucks and I have to go somewhere tomorrow morning. I could have 3 tomorrow too then.
9:20 PM
I'm doing this stupid self destruction shit where I put my Discord on DnD and closed it so I don't know if anyone messages me for awhile thinking it'll help. But I know I'll open it back up eventually and find that nobody messaged me and I'll feel 1000 times shittier. Or someone will and I'll regret having muted it. There is no winning.
10:04 PM
I hate being alone, I don't want to watch Fionna and Cake on my own. But here I am.
Who would have thought this show would remind me how detached from everything and everyone I feel. My heart is empty and closed off, thats why I am alone. I have nothing inside of me /
10:56 PM
I'm tired of being alive living as this failure. I just want to stop
I let myself down and everyone around me today. I know what I'm doing. How I'm acting only serves to damage myself and the people around me. I just don't know how to stop it sometimes so the best thing I can think of is to not act at all.
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writer-and-artist27 · 5 years
With a Lancer
Part of a oneshot I’ve been writing that was inspired by Fate/Zero and this soundtrack from No Game No Life: Zero. I’m so close to Episode 16 in Fate/Zero, but I kinda don’t want to see it because of who’s going to kick the bucket in it... Oh well. Fluff is a good remedy for canon angst! 
Dedicated to @nyakiniega and @maelstrom-kat yet again. Here we go.
The man opposing me kept staring. His ashen gold eyes were focused on me so much to the point I felt myself fidget. And that mole under his right eye, it felt different. It wasn’t like Kei’s mark that was under her left eye. This one felt cursed, in a way, and yet because of this being a dream and my own chakra coming up to combat it, I knew its power wasn’t affecting me. The dark green armor and two lances in his hands though…
Was he a Servant? Like Saber?
“Hello?” I tried gently.
The man jolted, eyes widening before softening in my direction. It was as if the light had come back to his eyes in that moment alone once he focused on me. “Excuse me, milady,” he said smoothly, bowing his head. “I was simply at a loss for words. I was not expecting to be called here.”
“Well,” I found myself giggling nervously into my hand. Don’t tell me I had another Knight around, and in my dreams too. It took way too long to curb Saber’s habits. “I guess that makes two of us? Because I usually go to sleep without any dreams. You’re the first person I’ve seen here in a long time.” In a very long time, actually, I thought, but didn’t voice.
“I see,” he said, raising his head to make eye contact again. Again, he was back to staring, and I found myself holding my breath. “You’re… you’re not affected, milady?”
“Um,” my voice cracked from the confusion. By what? The spot on his face? “By your mole? No. And um, I know we just met, but you don’t have to call me ‘milady.’ I’m just a civilian girl, so you don’t have to drop that kind of title for me.”
Those ashen-gold eyes widened again before a soft smile came over his lips. “I see,” he said, and the hint of gratefulness was hard to miss in his voice. “I am humbled by your presence nonetheless, milady. Excuse the title, but I find it fitting. I must have good luck, for you are the first woman in a long while for myself to not be affected by this curse.” He let go of one of his lances, rubbing the right side of his face with a forlorn expression. “It is something I cannot help.”
Welp. Here was another set of unbridled issues bundled into the mold of a person. Had anyone given this person even a bit of respect without being manipulative? The visual implications already didn’t look good. “If it helps anything, you seem really nice and I’m not aiming for anything, just a talk?”
The surprise was back in his eyes again before he laughed softly. “That would suffice, milady. Let me introduce myself.” He put a hand to his chest while bowing his head. “Lancer-class Servant, Diarmuid Ua Duibhne, first warrior of the Knights of Fionna. And you are?”
Whoa. Another Knight. And Fionna? Um. Politeness, please work with me, I don’t want to offend him. Even if I don’t know the legend where he came from.
I took a small breath and put on a small smile, taking a bit of my dress to curtsey in return. “Hoshino Tomoko, pianist of Nagareboshi Cafe and civilian friend to Team Minato. It’s nice to meet you, um, Diarmuid-san?”
Diarmuid raised his head to blink at me. “Tomoko-sama, you do not have to use ‘-san’ for a Knight such as myself. ‘Lancer’ or ‘Diarmuid’ is sufficient.”
Er. “I-If you don’t refer to me with ‘-sama’ in return, Lancer?” I offered instead, heat flooding my face. “Because I’m not exactly a ‘Master,’ really.” Aside from being with Saber, but let’s not bring that up right now. A nervous laugh left me, because god, I was still not used to this. “I said it before. I’m just a civilian girl more than anything else, and I’d like to see you as an equal, not just a Servant.”
“Oh,” he said, and a small surprised laugh left him too as he put a hand to his chest, bowing slightly in acknowledgement. The sound reminded me of Papa’s chuckling with how soft it was. “As you wish, Tomoko.”
A warm feeling flooded my chest as the smile on my face grew. “Thank you, Lancer. Or is your real name okay?”
Diarmuid gave me a small smile in return as he straightened his back to stand tall like before. “Either is fine.”
“D-Diarmuid it is! I-It just feels awkward saying, ‘Lancer,’ ‘Lancer,’ all the time.” I don’t even know when I raised my voice to a high-pitch, but once the words left my lips, I found myself covering my mouth. “N-Not that either name is a bad thing, but Diarmuid, your real name sounds nicer and I don’t want to make you uncomfortable, really, you’refine, I’mjustbeingweird, soI’llshutup—”
Diarmuid blinked before raising a hand in the air towards me. “Tomoko.” That same smile was on his face as he shook his head. “You do not have to get so excited. You are fine.” He chuckled again, but this time, the sound seemed mournful. “Much better than my previous Masters, to be completely honest.”
“Oh.” I took a few steps towards him, already feeling the temptation to hug him. Why was it that the next Knight I had to meet had to look so sad? Better question. This was only the second Servant I was meeting, so then why did it seem like all Servants had their own issues that weren’t resolved with proper therapy?! 
Diarmuid sighed quietly to himself.
Instead of going with that previous train of thought, I asked gently, “Are you okay?”
“…Pardon?” There it was. The same shock that I originally saw in Saber’s eyes was now in Diarmuid’s, and he gaped at me. “Mila—Tomoko, why do you ask?”
Honesty it is. “Because you looked upset and I’m tempted to give you a hug?”
A pale pink covered his cheeks for a single moment before he shook his head. “I do not believe it is something that can easily be helped, milady.” He lowered his head, not meeting my eyes anymore. “And excuse my rudeness, but I would like to refrain from physical contact.”
Er. Hey. Excuse me, what was so rude about that? The simple fact that he had gone back to the “milady” title said everything. This person needed a nice and respectful talk. “Th-There’s nothing wrong with that! I just wanted to ask!” I took a few steps back, shaking my head all the while. “And besides. We’re together right now, here in…in…” I paused before going with it. “This white space dream thingie?”
Diarmuid gave me a single long look before turning away and snickering quietly to himself, covering his mouth with his hand in his best attempts to hide it.
Ha. I was getting better at having people laugh at my self-deprecating jokes! Yay!
“I know, I know, my language can be a bit weird, but hey!” I sat down onto the ground as best as I could, ignoring the white all around us before patting the spot next to me with my hand. “We can talk about whatever you’d like, Diarmuid. Because last I checked, we’re not in a Contract as Master and Servant. We’re just two people, stuck here, so let’s pass the time?”
That did it. Finally, finally, he turned to meet my eyes, and those ash-gold irises flashed with something. “I may not have much to share, Tomoko.”
He used my name. I smiled anyways. “I still would like to get to know you, Diarmuid. We have time. Let’s just spend it in peace?”
Diarmuid continued to stare at me, in amazement or shock, I didn’t know. Then, he nodded, striding forward to sit down next to me, putting his two lances to the side. “How about you lead, my lady?”
I pouted and found myself reaching over to pinch his nose. “Diarmuid. No ‘lady’ things, please. If you keep doing that, I’m gonna boop you.”
“B-Boop?” he echoed, sounding a bit congested thanks to my blocking one airway of his. “What is this ‘boop’ you are referring to?”
I rolled my eyes and let go of his nose to instead poke the top of his head. We had a lot to talk about. “Boop. The art of poking your nose or forehead! The closest to physical contact I’ll give until you feel okay with hugs!”
Diarmuid gave me that same wide-eyed look before chuckling softly under his breath. “Are you always so spontaneous?”
“Mm-hm! I’m a fool and a dork and I’m okay with that!” was the only loud proclamation I had to reply in haste. “It helps everyone relax, and I’m not any kind of ruler, so weeeeee!” I threw my hands up in the air too, just because. Happy juice? Having someone to talk to in my dreams without wanting to kill me? Maybe it was both!
Diarmuid chuckled again. “How silly.” The smile on his face was unmistakable. “Nonetheless, go ahead, Tomoko.”
I nodded eagerly, because yes, he was actually doing okay in social interactions and not going all Knight-ly on me! “Well, let’s go on with what goes on!”
“What a strange saying. Nonetheless, that would be alright.”
If not for his saying no to physical contact, I wanted to hug him right there. Screw modesty, everyone needs a nice hug! Oh well.
Diarmuid looked like he needed respect, so I’d be damned to not give him that. He deserved it, and it was the least I could do.
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strykingback · 4 years
The Beginning of Artorian Rule..
Location: Atlas, General Ironwoods Office.
Time: 6:00 AM.
OST: A New Dawn.
This was it.. the moment  this one singular moment that all the Amadeus brothers hungered for. An Artorian Rule in Atlas, setback after setback. Ironwood snapped, The Ace-Ops leader Clover Ebi is dead, and the Atlesian Military is far too ragged to continue to fight. 
Hans and Glestchner both looked at the empty chair where sat Ironwood and next to him his most trusted specialist. Not anymore. Now would sit a leader... a leader with the strength to rule. 
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“We have come very far... haven’t we brother.” Glestchner spoke looking at his brother and then back at the empty chair slowly walking up to it. 
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“I’m aware of it Glestchner... while I did lead this force to claim Atlas I’am glad that you did tell me of Lady Salem’s plan to bluff in front of Ironwood to break him or our military might could’ve feigned defeat  right then and there.” Hans replied watching his older brother approach the chair. 
“Despite all this. I think you should be leader of this new Artorias. The Beginning of the Artorian Empire.” 
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“An Interesting suggestion, and I’am ready to uphold this responsibility. We must begin by purging the bloated pigs of Atlas and sending them back to Mantle... let them be fed to the horde below and make them struggle to come back up, and those who have fought to survive to be up here shall remain as long as they show loyalty to Artorias and Artorias only.” Glestchner nodded taking a seat. 
“And the People of Mantle... since they do have a heat shield thanks to the sacrifice of that Eikon (Titan) against Imperius which not only saved his son and Perseus, but bought Mantle a long respite....Let them live out their daily lives.. but those that have the strength to work shall work in the dust mines. Both Human and Faunus including the bloated pigs of Atlas.” 
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“Agreed my brother. It shall be done.” Hans spoke turning around leaving the room looking at the Elite Artorian soldiers bringing a wounded Ironwood, from being beaten down by his own men and women who tired of the Atlesian general. “Wait.” He told his elite troops looking at the battered General as he knelt smiling at him. 
“What...is. it that you want... you-” Ironwood spoke until the fist of the Artorian General met his the mans face with a drizzle of blood leaving his mouth, leaning in to his ear Hans only reveled in this pain.
“Enjoyed your final moments as General, James... because I shall enjoy my new position as General of the new Artorian-Atlesian military and will enjoy the flames of Atlas and the screams of the people YOU failed to protect. You should’ve focused more of your forces on the rest of Remnant rather than in Atlas.” Hans spoke standing up with another soldier approaching Hans. 
“Sir! We have captured the rest of Ace Ops do you think it is best that we execute them or-” The soldier spoke until a hand from Hans came up stopping the man. 
“Take them away to the Gauntlet. Let them be imprisoned alongside the others who dared to oppose our rule.”  Hans spoke placing on his mask. 
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“All Artorian forces, it is time for the beginning of a New Dawn. Force the Atlesian pigs out of their houses and homes with the exception of those who fought to be here.., let them know a new rule has begun, execute the members of the council..and let this be a message to all of Remnant, that Artorias still lives!” Hans spoke through his communicator. 
That entire morning was filled with screams of terror, as Artorians soldiers left and right swarmed the streets of Atlas cutting or burning the flags of the Greatest Kingdom and replacing them with Artorian flags. The screams of the innocent or well  overprivileged were not heard as they were sent back down to Mantle which ledft most Mantleans confused, shocked, and in awe. Those who were spared were questioned and some were forced to questioned. Luckily Willow Schnee and her son Whitley were one of the few who were questioned and kept their right to be in Atlas. 
That morning was known to be as the End of Atlas.. and the New Dawn of Artorias.
Location: Mantle, Unknown Apartment. 
Time: 20 Days After the End of Atlas. 6:00 AM 
OST: Awaken My People. 
Morning had come... and with Morning, came the announcements for the rise of the Artorian people through a speech from Glestchner. 
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“Awaken! Awaken people of Mantle and former bloated pigs of Atlas!!  The time for rest has come to an end! The night has ended and the morning has arrived, there will be time to rest once dusk arrives. Back then during the times where Atlas has trampled over you, now both Mantleans and Atlesians must work to enter the beloved Artorian Atlas! No matter your gender, No matter your race be it Faunus or Human, both shall know what it is like to suffer and know pain! Feel your fingers own flesh peel from your skin from working in the dust mines, feel the back breaking labor that had toiled us the Artorians for so long, and know of the wrath that will fall upon you if any forms of resistance is found!!!” The voice of Glestchner rang out  on the speakers of Mantle awakening the people. 
“Today’s curfew has been moved from twenty hundred hours, to eighteen hundred hours. Early to bed, Early to rise in the New Artorias! We hail to you people of Mantle..and former bloated pigs of Atlas as you leave your homes to work in the mines. Please understand that all aggression towards Artorian soldiers will result in public punishment such as Ten Lashes to the back, Public Execution, or one year in the Gauntlet. Thank you!” A Female voice spoke. 
“God, I seriously hate that guy.. “a shriveled old voice spoke out. Even after all the shit James Pulled it really hit him hard didnt it Robin.” Qrow spoke looking at the leader of the Happy Huntresses. 
“Right and not to mention how he abandoned the resistance as well. Now were fighting a war to claim it back. Only if we had a way..” Robin thought to herself with Qrow looking away sadly being reminded of his failure for letting Clover his first TRUE FRIEND die from the hands of the duo that was Tyrian and Hans... even with their combination it still was not enough. 
“We’ll need to get word out to Ruby and the others... they’ll know what to do but how do we do that in the span of seven hours?” Qrow said opening his eyes glaring at the floating city of Atlas. 
Suddenly a knock was heard at the door with both Hunters grabbing their weapons as the door opened to reveal, Fionna seemingly looking surprised and in awe. “Oh. did I come at a bad time..” she spoke meekly.
“No you didn’t whats up?” Robin asked. 
“Some people wanted to speak to you and they have a plan...” Fionna answered with two figures entering in the first being Oscar and the other the rogue Atlesian Sentient Android:  EXCELSUS. 
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“The Hunt has spoken to me...and given me visions of a plan.. This Hunt she has set us out for is FAR FROM OVER.” They spoke looking at the two Hunters. 
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littlesnowarrow · 7 years
Get to know me
I’ve missed pc-Tumblr Hey there! Last night’s been quite busy, as @rhetoricalrogue, @saibrarutherford and @novamm66 (shit who am I gonna tag then) tagged me in this meme :) Thank you ladies <3!
Rules: Answer eight questions and tag eight people.
is this necessary? –> please enjoy these random bits of information about me that you didn’t need to know <3
▪️last movie I watched: Lilo and Stitch. Ever since I saw the Skadi Mahariel Gifset™ I realised that little psycho resembles the idea I had for the elf’s personality, so I had to check the film for references *cough* lame excuse *cough* ▪️last song I listened to: Bang Bang - Iwan Rheon. I’ve had a serious crush on this man since I saw him for the first time in Misfits. And he has an amazing voice *swoons*  ▪️last book I read: Does A Class Act by @slothquisitor count? I’m also currently reading “Dangerous Work: Diary of an Arctic Adventure” by Arthur Conan Doyle  ▪️last thing I ate: Chocolate cereals yaaay! ▪️where would you want to time travel to?: as usual, the Italian Renaissance (whatever it takes to travel again to Tuscany) or the Viking era. I always wonder what my non-existent religious believes would be if I lived with such superstitious people… or without medicine o.o ▪️fictional character I would hang out with for a day: Today I’ll say Ned Stark -he reminds me a lot of my late granddad. I need some strong noble advice these days. And Lagertha from Vikings *fangirls* ▪️If I could be anywhere right now, where would I be? In my bed lol I’ve slept too few hours lately, and my eyes and batteries are tired. But then I’m likely to take Fionna for a long walk this afternoon, who knows
▪️Current fandom obsession? Dragon Age, Vikings, Roha- I mean, LOTR… that kind
I’ll tag… @thesecondsealwrites, @slothquisitor, @lechatrouge673, @jiruchan, @swiggle-muffin, @sarcasmfish, @missragdoll84 aaand @the-emerald-halla! Of course you can do it only if you want ^^
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