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For fintheiceprince
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toonysart · 12 years
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thanks uvu!
and embrace i shall
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doriima · 12 years
whispers you are super cute
whispers go away you perfect being
touches your face
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bunyubi · 12 years
yo you said you want food tagged, is it enough if i just tag it food or do you have a special tag saviored?
i have ‘#food’ savioured so thats fine c: thank you
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kajainthesky-blog · 12 years
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rootyful · 12 years
20. Favorite Holiday
Christmas, because my bday is right before that and HEY CHOCOLATE and also days off from school/college and in future probably also work.
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phiillii · 12 years
fintheiceprince replied to your post: fintheiceprince replied to your post: tumblr...
no problem haha i got the same thing explained to me today too, so we’re both dumb
yes dumb together. BUT! not as dumb anymore now.
jokerchenisdifferent replied to your post: fintheiceprince replied to your post: tumblr...
in the book it also says that’s how he signs his name. Simply an R. Because of that word play with grand-r.
hah what a punster mcpunstein. cool, good to know. :D
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toonysart · 12 years
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haha, thanks. Don't mind me though, i'm just complaining cause i have a really shitty cold i just needed to talk is all i really appreciate the hug though, thank you uvu
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doriima · 12 years
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I decided that Azzy and her legs in these glorious tights need their own post.
Snowman Photographer
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georginoschkavincen · 12 years
fintheiceprince replied to your post: fintheiceprince replied to your post: ...
you could put a spell on the drawings, like everyone who looks at them automaticly loses their soul
yes, that is a good idea, I shall do that and their souls shall give me power
Yes, I like that idea! Here, have some souls, too
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kajainthesky-blog · 12 years
fintheiceprince replied to your post: im reallt drunbk yhid is a public apologgy
its okay uvu
om rorry im not even tryimng to spell right right now 
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reverse-mermaid · 12 years
12, 13, 24
12. Prospit or Derse?
Derse - because I'm a Derse dreamer, because stupid adorable carapaces, and because CONDY.
13. Midnight Crew or Felt?
Midnight Crew, obviously.
...god FUCKING damn it I have that song stuck in my head again.
24. Have a favourite AU?
I really dig the fuck out of Haremstuck. Just... DANG, okay.
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mydetheturk · 12 years
ensignw replied to your photo: Which one? Because both scream Lady!Droog to me...
The non-lace ones. The lace ones look too much like sneakers.
fintheiceprince replied to your photo: Which one? Because both scream Lady!Droog to me...
i personaly thing the second pair would fit better
You guys told me the opposite ones.
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misdreavusy · 12 years
fintheiceprince replied to your post: ah i had to go to school today for 4 hours and we...
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kisses u on the cheek 
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phiillii · 12 years
fintheiceprince replied to your post: tumblr help
grantaire signs his name R because in french it sounds like “grand r”
oh man of course
looks like my 7 years french in school were good for nothing 
grand r
thank you. /eternally a dumb
//and thanks to the anon who told me as well!! :)
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toonysart · 12 years
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