girlslikecarsandmonet · 11 years
for ashwin. (cecilos, 220 words)
"That sounds dangerous, Carlos." "I promise it's not." "What if we explode?" "I did my research. We won't." "Hmm." Cecil pursed his lips, mulling it over. It was true that New Year's Eve kisses were previously proven to turn people into fireworks, but Carlos had never lied to him. He would sooner not believe his own conscience than anything Carlos said, especially when it was backed up by science. "Well, if you're sure." Carlos's brown eyes lit up behind his glasses, even before the smile from his mouth reached them. There he was again, being illogical. "Of course. Are you ready?" "Wait, it's--" Cecil's eyes fluttered and closed as a partucular scientist's lips pressed against his. Fireworks started going off outside, and Cecil's quite certain he's still human, but he felt as if he's exploding anyway. It went on for a long minute, that kiss. Finally Carlos withdrew with a long exhale, brushing their noses together. Cecil took a few seconds to regain his faculties. "Carlos, you rebel. We didn't follow the regulation community countdown. The Sheriff's Secret Police will be knocking down our door tomorrow." "But I have an alibi," Carlos said, and Cecil was about to ask what it was when Carlos leaned in again, beard tickling Cecil's chin, and it was as good an answer as any.
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niecormer · 11 years
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Erm Ito, do we have the same pocket watch?
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orlofsky · 11 years
I was talking with my friend about the dire lack of fanfic I actually want to read and I may have gone a little off the rails
Me: one of these days I'm going to snap so hard i end up just GIVING UP AND WRITING A SERIOUS FANFIC
Me: then it'll get like four hits and zero kudos despite being better than half the shitty shit out there and i'll just sink into despair and turn into miss havisham except with junk food instead of a wedding feast and unappreciated fanfic instead of a scam artist fiance
Me: *glides down the stairs in a tattered dress stained with dorito crumbs* FOUR... HITS. FOUR HITS AND TWILIGHT MADE SOMEONE A MILLIONAIRE. CASSANDRA CLAIRE GOT A MOVIE DEAL BY CHANGING THE NAMES IN HER RON/GINNY FANFIC *grabs your shoulders with clawlike hands* THIS IS WHAT COMES WHEN YOU DON'T SHIP POPULAR SHIPS
Me: *hands you a dusty swollen can of genuine vintage crystal pepsi from the actual 90s, the last time I participated meaningfully in fandom* YOU SHALL BE THE INSTRUMENT OF MY REVENGE. I WILL SEND YOU OUT INTO THE WORLD ARMED WITH EVERYTHING I HAVE LACKED. YOU MUST SUCCEED WHERE I HAVE FAILED, YOU MUST MAKE MY OTP A THING
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kajainthesky-blog · 11 years
psst ilu i am a secret person
of course you are i have no idea who this could be. no idea at all. ,
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cerebrosbeforehoes · 12 years
the rules:
1. always post the rules
2. answer the question the person tagged you asked and write 10 new ones
3.tag 10 people and send the link to the post
4. let you know you’ve tagged them
What is your biggest fear?  Witnessing someone die.
What’s the best gift you have ever received? A Remus/Sirius theme graduation scrapbook.
The best film in your opinion? I love SO MANY MOVIES, but let's say Singing in the Rain.
Any hobbies? Cosplaying. 
Winter or summer? Winter, SoCal-style.
Night or day? Day.
The best book you have read? I have probably read Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azakaban the most, but it's definitely hard to pick one book.
First OTP? Sirius/Remus because I didn't know the term before that.
One message for the world? Just calm the fuck down, and think for a moment.
Any talents? I can sing sort of.
(my questions for y'all)
favorite superhero?
beverage of choice?
quote that changed your life?
best animal you can't own as a pet?
favorite article of clothing?
first username on the internet?
fandom that once controlled your life, but are not really into anymore?
favorite movie genre? 
childhood vacation spot?
one goal for the future?
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boysinperil · 12 years
Good little things today: Dutch Bros green tea with grapefruit, and beating tumblr's bullshit unfollowing spree. 
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captainsway · 12 years
nomenicide replied to your post: watsonette replied to your post: robotspierre...
oh my god you can PLOT i wish i could lmao
for one of my comic ideas, i had an entire binder full of character designs/development, i had character charts, two generations full of timelines, and certain scenes mapped out and all that shit
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Gloria: Heck yes! They're the best part about the Awakened, and I'm writing fanfiction about their early childhood, ngl.
Ito: Not until you stop being a sweetheart.
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in-turquoise · 12 years
water a soda can every day. it will grow into a soul. use it to replace your old, broken one.
how to become a jigsaw puzzle without actually knowing how to become a jigsaw puzzle. by nomenicide
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niecormer · 11 years
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My favourite kitteh. She likes cuddles and clawing legs. Also nose nudging.
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kajainthesky-blog · 11 years
liv is really talkactive!
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cerebrosbeforehoes · 12 years
Cloud Atlas!
otp - frobsmith 
favourite canon pairing - ahhhhh frobsmith
worst pairing ever - Frobisher/VA (because THAT DIDN'T HAPPEN) or like, Sonmi 451/Hae-Joo in movie??
guilty pleasure pairing - I can't even think of one. enlighten me.
a pairing you want to see more - what sort of question is this? (frobisher and that fucking trombone)
that pairing everyone likes but you’re like “lol no” - does anyone care about Adam Ewing?
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martinaellysmith · 12 years
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captainsway · 12 years
nomenicide replied to your post: nomenicide replied to your post: watsonette...
theres this! en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Za& not enough murder though. but one of them is a police officer etc etc
that is neat! there needs to be more though!!
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*casually takes a break from Key Quest text posting to say a thing about a really quality dude who used to Neoblog as "krawkward" but has not done that for 3/4 of a year now*
Ito is no longer a Neoblogger but he was one of my absolute favorite Neoblogs while he was around (I still remember that "how gay can you make a Neopet" post he improved, as do several others, and I love it so)
No one's gonna put his name in my askbox or anything, he's pretty much severed all ties all with the Neotag, but he's really good at drawing and sometimes writing poetry and he's just a very quality and cute person
Here is a picture with a cat in it:
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sceptick · 12 years
tellmeohtellme replied to your post: .
wait is it just like “bark bark bark” because if so i actually think that is HILARIOUS
no, it wasn't, it was like legit rp???? idk man fandom is weird
but remember that time nova wrote fic for the prompt "Darren/Chris through the eyes of Chris' cat Brian" and it was just "meow meow meow prrrrrrrrrow mreow meow meow" for like 1k words because that was beautiful indeed :""")
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