#finnish mutation
felinefractious · 2 months
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[Image Source: Messybeast]
A New Finnish Flavor of Feline Coat Coloration, “Salmiak,” is Associated With a 95-kb Deletion Downstream of the KIT Gene
Cats with a distinctive white hair pattern of unknown molecular cause have been discovered in the Finnish domestic cat population. Based on the unique appearance of these cats, we have named this phenotype salmiak (“salty licorice”). The use of a commercially available panel test to genotype four salmiak-colored cats revealed the absence of all known variants associated with white-haired phenotypic loci: full White (W), Spotting (Ws) and the Birman white Gloves associated (wg) allele of the KIT proto-oncogene (KIT) gene. Whole-genome sequencing on two salmiak-colored cats was conducted to search for candidate causal variants in the KIT gene. Despite a lack of coding variants, visual inspection of the short read alignments revealed a large ~95 kb deletion located ~65 kb downstream of the KIT gene in the salmiak cats. Additional PCR genotyping of 180 domestic cats and three salmiak-colored cats confirmed the homozygous derived variant genotype fully concordant with the salmiak phenotype. We suggest the newly identified variant be designated as wsal for “w salmiak”.
[Read Full Study]
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Have I suggested Kestrelflight yet? If not this is it. I need to suggest him for... reasons.
Here’s your boy!!
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“No. I think they were angry with me for staying away. But I had to stay with my Clan, didn't I?”
[Gray-brown ticked spotted tabby with yellow eyes and the Finnish mutation.]
I finally got the chance to draw a standing kitty!! And Kestrelflight is my victim >:)
Design notes!
Tall, tufted ears.
Round face shape, but elongated.
Not shown very well due to his pose, but he’s a ticked tabby; his stripes (spots) are only on his tail, face, and legs.
Lots of fluffed shapes with three tips.
Scarring includes: None.
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roseate-felidae · 2 months
Learning new cat colour genetics. Carnelian, kaparti, phoenix, caramel/apricot and pink eyed dilution.
Basically, I learnt most of the genetics of cats and some rodents from a book called the Colour Inheritance in Small Livestock by Roy Robinson. Printed 2013.
But new genes has since been discovered, part 3
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Carnelian (kopal, serdolik)- kurilian bobtail
What is it- starts out reddish, then turns pure red with dark tail tip with age (no dark hairs, except tail tip).
Genetics- co-dominant extension gene, ec (sometimes es). In single is golden, in double is Carnelian.
Single tabby with Inhibitor gene looks like bimetallic (single self with I is normal smoke)
Single with wideband gene is brownish golden with dorsoventral paleness.
With self colourpoint is taupe points
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Kaparti- laperm, lykoi, randonbred cats in carpathians, Transylvanian breed.
What is it- start light and grizzled with white points. With age is almost black, with white points. Sometimes have black face.
Genetics- dominant,
Type of roan
Tempreture based points
With colourpoint- is powdery points
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Salmiak- randonbred
What is it- originally called Finnish mutation, it causes a roan effect, with a black head and white spots.
Genetics- KIT gene (white mutation). Recessive
Found in Finland and Hungary in randonbred cats
Actualy discovered in 2007, despite the gene being discovered as a KIT mutation in a study only recently.
Named for the Finnish salted Liquorice, which its pattern resembles
Originally thought to be a variant of homogenous Kaparti
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Phoenix/pseudo cinnamon- Maine coons
What is it- turns red cats into mahogany
Genetics- dominant.
Born golden with blue paws and tail
Changes pads colour and brighter eyes
Opposite to extension gene
In self cats the tabby markings are visible as mahogany on bluish background.
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Caramel/apricot- Oriental shorthair, Siamese, Balinese, Oriental Longhairs, Tonkinese, Burmese, Birman and British Shorthair/Longhair
What is it- transforms dilute colours - blue, lilac, fawn, cream - into caramel (in black-based colours) and apricot (in cream cats)
Genetics- Dilute modifier gene (Dm). Dominant in dilute cats. Masked in dense.
Have metallic sheen on them.
Doesn't effect dense colours (black, choc, cinnamon, red).
Blue caramel is sometimes called just caramel and cinnamon caramel is sometimes called Taupe.
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Pink eyed dilution in cats- two accounts in domestic (both female). In Donskoy (Milkdud)
What is it- It changed black to a fawn/bluish-tan colour and the eyes had a red pupil and gold flecked red/pink irides (iris)
Genetics- recessive, modification of eumelanin. "oculocutaneous albinism with the identification of a splice-site variant in Hermansky–Pudlak Syndrome 5 gene”
"Black cat hair (non-agouti) contains numerous small dark brown to black melanin granules uniformly distributed throughout all portions from base to tip of the hair.
Smoke cat hair (non-agouti + inhibitor (silver) gene) has a scarcity of melanin granules at the base of the hair.
Blue cat hair (non-agouti + dilution) has larger basic melanin granules, but still relatively regularly shaped, and a non-uniform distribution of granules.
Chediak-Higashi Smoke cat hair trait has even larger melanin granules than the blue dilution, and they are relatively irregularly shaped. All of the cats were Persian and resembled blue smoke Persians.
The pink-eyed dilute cat hair had very small yellowish-brown melanin granules and very few larger granules. Under the microscope, some lighter banding could be seen on the hairs, but the tip was coloured. The base of the hair was paler than the tip (agouti banding)."
Is not c gene. Like albino
She was a blotched tabby (dominant) with moderate white spotting (dominant) and had a slight kink at the tip of her tail.
Was called flavism and Ukraine chocolate in Donskoy once
Has irregular heats
Has no tapetum lucidum and poor vision
Similar gene as pink-eye mouse and non-syndromic oculocutaneous albinism (OCA) in humans
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Here is a picture of a finnish mutation cat! for the tournament
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Oké, here's the deal: since we still don't really know the mutation(s), i can't say that this's the currant scientific agreement; what's more, as far as i'm concerned, this is just the theory of the author of messybeast (although i've seen several people on facebook in cat genetics and karpati cats groups agree), BUT right now it seems like the finnish mutation is the equivalent of nonagouti homozygous karpati with white spotting. (I do think it's a convincing theory.)
Here is the messybeast article with comparisons.
Good news: this means i can absolutely include it! I'll dub it as black karpati with white (i'm still pondering on making homozygous and heterozygous karpatis different competitors), note in the poll that this is the finnish mutation, and use your picture for it. Is this acceptable for you?
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whatcoloristhatcat · 1 month
i heard they invented a new kind of cat, 'salt licorice'. what do u think?
yes the salmiak/salt licorice/finnish mutation!! they actually discovered it in the 2000s in a feral population but just recently identified the genetic mutation that causes it :)
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not a geneticist, but from what i understand it’s caused by a large deletion downstream from the KIT gene. the KIT gene does a lot of things, but it’s associated with white spotting in cats! mutations of the KIT gene are also associated with white spotting in other animals :)
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lightningwaters · 2 years
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homunculus-argument · 8 months
Sitting here eating unheated premade blood pancakes straight from the package, I'm starting to think about just how annoying finnish cuisine must be to someone who didn't grow up in this kind of an environment. Like yeah welcome to the cold north where nothing that grows naturally has any real nutritional value - there's mushrooms growing off the ground for like two weeks in one season and your own weight in mushrooms is like 3 calories. We just eat orc shit made out of whatever can eat the stuff that grows here.
I mean milk isn't that fucked up of a concept if you don't really think about it. Like it's not the bovine titty itself that makes it weird, just that the native population here have a genetic fucking mutation that enables them to digest it in the first place. Sure, lactosis digestion isn't that rare, but I'm still baffled by why people say it like "65% of the world population is lactosis intolerant", like the 35% who are not are somehow the default setting. There was nothing fit for human consumption here that had enough calories to keep people going, so people fucking mutated to consume something that isn't.
And also the things that people just culturally do not eat. Like predators and other omnivores. I don't know if you can get lynx or wolverine meat anywhere, but it took me 20 seconds to find a perfectly credible online store to buy bear meat. I could buy my own weight in canned bear meat right now - it would cost like 7000 euros, but I 100% could if I wanted to.
Almost everything that can be made out of animal products historically has been, because nothing really naturally grows here that's fit for human consumption. This was never a place for an ape. There's just plants that animals can eat, and you eat the animals. And you better eat the whole animal, too. I've spent this week living off blood pancakes and liver casserole. And even things that you wouldn't consider odd if you've grown up around it, but wouldn't even occur to you if you had not. Like gelatin.
I can only imagine how annoying it would be as a muslim moving to Finland and ending up in a town that doesn't have a special Halal shop, so you try to do your shopping in the regular local grocery store, and try to navigate what here even is halal and 80% of the stuff doesn't have any clarification in the packages. And then looking at the self-serve candy and thinking "oh fuck it, I'm going to get myself some fruit and berry gummies for a treat. At least there's no fucking way that these would have pork in it."
And then there's fucking pork in it.
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salvadorbonaparte · 11 months
Language Playlists
Disclaimer: These playlists predominantly reflect my taste in and knowledge of music. I apologise in advance. Some playlists include songs in other languages including English if deemed appropriate for the playlist. All playlists are works in progress. Playlists in bold are really long.
Multilingual and Continental Playlists
African Music (this used to be a South African playlist and then just mutated)
Foreign Covers
Germanic Music (excluding German and Low German)
Middle Eastern and North African Music
Multilingual Mixtape (contains most of the playlists in this post and a lot more)
North American Music (classic and contemporary indigenous artists)
South Asian Music (mostly but not exclusively Hindi film soundtracks ngl)
Single Language Playlists
Irish (Gaeilge)
Low German and Northern German
te reo Māori
Scottish (Gaelic)
Hidden Agenda: Please recommend me music in Romanian and Croatian 🥺 (I also accept other recommendations)
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max1461 · 1 year
Thinking about it, it's really weird that some languages are more conservative than others, right? Like, really weird.
With biological evolution, conservatism can be explained in terms of settling into an ecological niche that's very stable. Such a niche provides a stable equilibrium: once a relatively optimized design is found, slight genetic deviations will generally make the organism less suited for the niche and will be selected against, thus acting against random mutation to preserve traits for the long haul. But this state of preservation has to be actively maintained by selective pressure. Absent such a stable equilibrium, the weight of random genetic drift would indelibly build up and turn the organism into something else over long periods. At least, I think that's how it works.
But with language change, we don't have any form of selective pressure acting on language structure, as far anyone can tell. There's no force at all acting to maintain an equilibrium. So it would seem that random changes should build up across the board, and linguistic "living fossils" should be impossible. But then you have languages like Finnish, which are notoriously conservative in morphology and phonology. Proto-Germanic *kuningaz was loaned into an earlier stage of Finnish and to this day remains kuningas, whereas it became kung in neighboring Swedish (and, of course, king in English). Everybody just accepts that as a fact of life, but upon close inspection it is really weird.
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seth-burroughs · 6 months
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What if. What if they were cats. Today on rain code art that caters to me and me only
Some notes:
The ahoges are now adapted into ear tufts. I don't know how common or if possible are ear tufts on short-haired cats, so, assume artistic liberties or something. Rule of Pretty
Yuma now has blue eyes, because 1) I'm making all the charas have realistic cat genetics and bright purple eyes just. aren't really possible in cats unless they have albinism, and even then it's just a slight tint, and 2) he's a colorpoint now, and all colorpoint cats have blue eyes! That is because colorpoints have a form of partial albinism, and because of that all their eyes are blue because the blue layer in the eye (that's common to all cats) is not covered by another color :)
All the fur flying around Yuma is because of stress, as cats shed excessively when they're having a terrible time. Soon the whole Kanai Ward is covered in Kokohead memorabilia
Makoto gets a new mask and is now perpetually owo'ing. As soon as he takes it off he reveals the face of the most miserable cat alive after hours upon hours of getting whisker fatigue (causing sensory overload in cats, for ex. when rubbing whiskers on the side of a bowl that's too deep) wearing it. As for the fur, I have no idea how he dyes it that way and I will not make up one
Gave Kurumi appaloosa mutation (that I constantly mix up with finnish mutation in my head) to resemble her freckles :) she's a spotty kitty now :33
Also wanted to imitate a braid with her tail but couldn't really make it work, so instead it's now thin at the base and tufty at the end. Can you. Can you see it (also gave her detailed shading because she's a very special girl that deserves it)
Yomi & Martina are probably going to be next, I already have a very clear image of cat Yomi rotating in my head. To go along with my transmasc Yomi headcanon, and keep him dying his hair, he is now a black-red calico that paints over his black patches with orange dye to look like a bicolor. As torties/calicos are almost always female unless something funky is going on. To win boy kitty passing. Something which is possible to fail at
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Seini (Villainous Oc)
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Name: Terttu Lehtonen
Age: Same age as the rest of the sidekicks 
Ethnicity: Finnish 
Occupation: Superhero; Sidekick
Sexuality: Straight
Headcannon Voice Actor: None (English); None (Spanish)
Residence: Helsini, Finland 
Relatives: Jorkki Lehtonen (father); Hannele Lehtonen (mother)
Abilities: The ability to create and manipulate mushrooms; Mushroom top 
Personality: She is a very expressive and excitable girl who has a great love for nature and loves exploring. Despite her condition of being mute and death, she doesn't allow that to deter her from being a hero. She is also very brave and likes to take a challenge wherever she can. She also has a great love for mushrooms which she takes serious and can tell lots about them to people. She doesn't like to be underestimated because of her powers and often tries to show how much damages mushrooms can do. 
Background: Originally a nature loving girl from Finland she then got interested in PEACE as a way to make the world a better place despite her disability. She joined as a member of the academy, got powers (which came with being mutated with a mushroom head), and then got partnered with Eflora. 
* She knows Finnish sign language and is trying to learn ASL.
* She is a close friend of Evocator. 
* She loves the Moomins. 
* She is an expert in mushrooms and likes mushroom foraging. 
* Her parents are park rangers. 
* She is death mute. 
* Her favorite food is Finnish pancakes. 
Created through picrew.me/en/image_maker/54757…
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felinefractious · 2 months
I know their randombred at the moment and you do breeds and catteries. But do you think you'll do a submission on the Finnish mutation? (apparently its linked to karparti. According to messybeast)
This, and Tortie and white are my two favourite cat colours. Too bad this is only really in Finland (I'm UK).
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[link to messybeast article]
At the moment I don’t have any queue’d, your best bet is to follow the karpati tag because any visually similar cats are likely to end up there.
I’ve got plenty of tortie and white’s queue’d though!
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sautethehorrors · 8 months
What is funger << could easily Google but want friend to tell me about it instead
Funger is short for Fear and Hunger, the first installment in the Fear and Hunger video game series. Its an awesome game that combines a jrpg play style with roguelike elements where each room of the dungeon, and the items found inside, generate randomly with each play through.
It's a one person endeavour created by a Finnish dude called Miro/orange, and it's a love letter to the horror game genre. It feels like a mix of Soulsbourne, Binding of Isaac, Silent Hill, and Pokemon vibes to me.
Basically you start out as one of four characters/classes: D'acre, the knight, Cahara the mercenary, Enki the dark priest or Ragnvaldr the outlander, and your quest is to enter the terrifying and mythical dungeons of Fear and Hunger in search of the leader of a mercenary army named Legard, who has been captured and imprisoned there.
The kicker of the game is that you only have 30 minutes to find him from when you first start the game. After that even if you find his prison he'll be dead, but you can still keep exploring the fucked up dungeons. There is SO MUCH to explore in the dungeons and truthfully I think it would take at least a few days of play time to actually find Legarde in under 30 mins.
Oh right, the other kicker of the game is that everything kills you. Like everything everything. At the start of the game you're way too weak to fight anything on your own, so it's more a survival horror game of trying to hide and outrun enemies while rooting through barrels and crates for items that coukd potentially be helpful. You have to keep track of your hunger bar by eating and drinking water, your body bar takes a hit whenever you get hurt (even from stuff like stepping on a rusty nail that can cause an infection that slowly drains health), and your mind meter is constantly dropping and needs to be sustained with whatever substances you can find, from wine to opium.
It's also not shy about sex and violence. You can lose limbs, which affects your ability to wield weapons, you can chop them off to prevent infection, you can use found limbs as weapons. There are several gods and their cults in the game and receiving their blessings can help you tremendously, but their rituals involve things like orgies, human sacrifice, and cannibalism. The game has a wonderfully bleak and beautiful artsyle, where the environments are decorated with torture devices, corpses and skeletons in various stages of decay or mutation, strange plants, tons of other shit that I don't want to spoil.
Fear and Hunger also has this incredible/awful mechanic where your whole game can evaporate on a literal coin toss. Certain enemy moves or rituals, or even saving the fucking game, require a coin toss where you literally lose everything if you fail it, and the death scenes are... pretty graphic. My first death involved character being chained to a torture table and having my limbs and genitals cut off one by one by the torture master on the second floor. I picked the wrong conversation option.
Every choice you can make in the game could go in any way. You never know who to trust, which way to go, or if the floor is going to collapse under you. This game makes you fucking insane, it's bleak and horrible but somehow it's so charming and beautiful at the same time. It punishes you SO HARD for your fuck ups, but getting it right is SO REWARDING. The dungeons seem endless with so much to explore, so many interesting enemies and such intricate lore and world building. It's a LOT and it's definitely not for everyone, but if you're the kind of person who likes a challenge as well as a fair amount of horror and storytelling in your games, you will LOVE it.
I haven't played the sequal, Fear and Hunger: Termina because even though I've been playing the first game for months I'm still not finished haha. Apparently Termina is even BIGGER with more characters and backstory and laakhsgdhsjahgshddjd. I'm trying to pace myself hahaha.
I got it pretty cheap on steam and I'm pretty sure it's only available on PC. The controls are so simple you could play it on an old SNES controller, which I'm a big fan of cos I am not the kind of gamer who has the patience to learn complicated multi button moves and shit. 4 direction keys, yes and no, straight into the game. The combat is turn-based which I enjoyed a lot because once you have a few other party members you can strategise your way through most fights.
It's definitely the kind of game where I've found myself keeping the wiki page open in the background because the game explains NOTHING to you and you have to figure everything out step by step. It makes you work for every tiny morsel of progress or story it feeds you. It pavlovs you into having visceral reactions to small sounds. It's a horrifying masterpiece and one of the most beautiful pieces of art I've ever experienced. I might have already been driven insane by it though.
So yeah, that's my current obsession in a nutshell. Thanks for coming to my ted talk :3
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jayfrost-designs · 5 months
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Up next is this lanky boy. ^^ As you can see, I went in a completely different direction with his design this time than I did before. But I'll get into that in a bit. Shame that such a cheery apprentice turned into such a grouch later in life, but I guess living with Onestar as your leader for so long will do that to ya. :P
Kestrelflight has no physical description given besieds his pattern, so I came up with my own for him. The more oriental WindClan look seemed to suit him best, so that's what I went with. I wonder if anyone ever noted at the Moonpool gatherings how similar he and Jayfeather look, though Jayfeather is a much more stunted-looking oriental cat. Poor little Harestar's now stuck between two lanky tall boys as his deputy and medicine cat. XD
For his pattern, Kestrelflight is described as a mottled gray tom with white splotches like kestrel feathers. The best way I could think of to abide by this description while also keeping him looking realistic was to give him the finnish mutation - a form of vitiligo that lightens the pelt except for on the points (face, ears, legs, tail) and gives the cat these white flecky spots throughout the pale part of the pelt. Male common kestrels in the UK have heads and tails that are a different shade from the body, so that part kinda fit as well. He has no confirmed eye color, so I gave him yellow eyes.
Overall, I'm not totally happy with the design, but it works.
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weaponxdotrunblr · 1 year
The fear and hunger discord is being very normal about the "Finnish people are weird and sadistic" meme
so there's this one banger image that was recently crafted by some unknown saint that kept being reposted in the discord so as such it has subsequently mutated because people would NOT stop posting it. The original image
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first mutation
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from here on out it completely spirals
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This shit is like a Mandlore gaming lowry chat bit, its really fucking good i can only wait to see how much more incomprehensible it becomes
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papermonkeyism · 2 years
Little rituals are fascinating.
My family is of the "sauna every day" - level of Finnish, and between me and my dad we have this habit where whoever leaves the sauna first will call "ktrrll!" to which the other one will answer with approximately the same, but ending with more of an S.
Decades ago it started out as a "kiitti saunakaverille" ("thanks to sauna buddy") /"kiitti itelles!" ("thanks to you too"), and at some point it just shortened and mutated into this weird warble we do every time without fail.
I think it's funny.
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