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excelhights101 · 8 months ago
Do you think there's love?
From Mr. Right to Mr. Business Without Brains.
Finding Mr Right 1.
Love has a way of taking us on unexpected journeys, surprises, and even occasional disappointment.
In a quest to find our perfect match, we sometimes stumble upon individuals who appear to be Mr. Right, only to discover a twist that turns them into Mr. Jerk.
Join me as we explore other sides of love and the challenges of finding that special someone.
It all started on a sunny day. I met someone who seemed to check all the boxes of what I thought Mr. Right should be.
Charming, charismatic, well mannered, and playful, he knows boundaries, and, yeah, with a hint of mystery, he had me intrigued from the first moment.
As any responsible Mr. Right would, he invited me for lunch, and I was pleased to be invited.
My date and I decided to meet for a casual dinner since I was busy for lunch and get to know ourselves better. But alas, fate had other plans.
My dear Mr. Right immediately transformed into my business without brains.
The very moment we sat down, everything seemed to have gone wrong.
Imagine ordering a simple salad, only to reach out for the dressing, and mistakenly, the salad fell on you. Haha.
I hurried to the restroom and got myself cleaned up, but that was it for me. I didn't want to be rude, so I managed to continue.
All he spoke about was himself and his business. I wasn't given a chance to speak; it was all about him.
Fortunately, after praying for an excuse, I received a phone call, and there I had to leave.
He offered to drive me home, I said no, but I wasn't given the opportunity to refuse.
We got to my house, and Yo! He came at me for a kiss, and I was like, I don't do that.
Of course, my life follows certain principles, and just like wow, he got all mad and angry about how he has never been rejected, and after raining insults on me, I smiled and left him there.
I was surprised I didn't react since I'm the hot-tempered type, but I guess he wasn't worth my strength.
So dear readers, don't be confused; love is patience, love is mature, and love wouldn't give you pain, embarrass you, or insult you.
Don't let Mr. Business, without brains, treat you like trash.
You'd find your Mr. right; it's just a matter of time.
Who would the next be? My right, or?
I guess we'll find out in my next article, so stay tuned.
Please do leave me a review.
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nisanosekai · 5 years ago
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Come find me...
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mistiza87 · 8 years ago
Online Dating
How exhausting! I’m not sure if others would agree…but closing in on 30 & trying to find a decent guy to make a valuable relationship with is super hard lol
I’m thinking it has to do with the fact that the older we get, the “pickier” we become. By “pickier” I mean we seem to know what we want more & mostly what we DON’T want. We’re at a point now that our time & our efforts are way too valuable to waste on someone who doesn’t understand our wants & especially our needs.
Also, is it just me? It seems the men over 30 have had a pretty tough time with their past relationships that now they seem to have lost hope on all women…yes, ALL women. Now it’s all about “I don’t want complications” ergo “It’s too hard to work on a long-term relationship” because it was just so difficult to deal with their ex-girlfriends or ex-wives & then left a huge disappointment for most…dudes, this sucks for us women whom were/are actually loyal & have all this love to offer…& now you just don’t want it because you’re afraid to get hurt again. Guess what, my ex did quite a number on me like you would never imagine one person can actually take, yet here I am still hopeful, still trying & definitely willing to look.
Being 30, our lives are pretty much set by now. We’ve mostly finished school, we have our careers, we know who our friends are…there aren’t any more chances to go out & meet new people the standard way, by that I mean NOT online. Now we’re on dating apps that “helps” us discover singles out there…but getting a genuine connection to these ppl doesn’t actually happen while chatting. No, then we have to actually meet these ppl…& then comes the biggest disappointment; no spark…no connection.
So the question is…what are we to do now?
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Release Blitz - My Name is Jimmy by Garrick Jones
Release Blitz – My Name is Jimmy by Garrick Jones
RELEASE BLITZ Book Title: My Name is Jimmy Author: Garrick Jones Publisher: MoshPit Publications Cover Artist: Garrick Jones Release Date: June 1, 2022 Genres: LGBT mystery thriller, LGBT crime fiction Themes: Lies and deception, murder mystery, finding Mr. Right, war and its aftermath Length: 17 930 words/53 pages Heat Rating: 4 flames It is a standalone story and does not end on a…
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swiping-right · 5 years ago
#5 Hold a Conversation
Assuming that all went well, you should probably have some matches and are fired to go! Now, no matter if you are a guy or a girl, holding a conversation is extremely, extremely important. I cannot stress this enough. If someone swiped right or connected with you, there has to be some sort of attraction (at least on the surface) to warrant it. Do not lose this opportunity!
To be honest, the guys probably got the short end of the stick for this one because most girls expect the guy to strike a conversation first. If you are a guy, do not fret. Usually a simple, hey how are you doing? would get the ball rolling. If you are up for a challenge and want to show that you have put in effort, make a joke with her name or mention something that she said in her bio.
For example, if she says that she enjoys rock climbing with her friends, then you can start off by asking her, how did you start rock climbing? and here’s the trick: do not leave it as it is and hit the send button. Furnish it with, I’m looking to get into it but feel like it is too difficult to start.
This shows that you are interested in her hobby, and with you acting as a total noob, you are able to get her to give you some tips (which is already soooo many messages; trust me) and then you can go on and discuss about other topics!
I have always felt that having virtual conversations are way easier than face-to-face ones because there isn’t the element of facial reaction or physical queues. You can very easily lie your way on the internet and pretend to be someone more confident and chatty - now, you may disagree with me at this point saying, but you will still have to meet up and your lies will be uncovered! But I beg to differ because this will get one foot in the door. How you fare during your dates in the future will then be completely on you. Then of course, don’t make such a blatant lie la.
Okay and this is when I ought to mention that there’s a difference here between the apps that I had mentioned previously. Tinder does not have an expiry for conversations, ie your chats will be there forever - while on CMB, your chats are valid for 7? days. And the most enticing part about Bumble is that girls will have to be the ones to start a conversation instead. On Tinder and CMB, either party can get the ball rolling.
When I was on Tinder, I typically chatted with my matches for at least a week before moving over to Telegram. It is always the preferred chat app for me as I didn’t need to give my mobile number, and they have cute stickers lol. For CMB, as the deadline was pretty tight, I would chat with my matches until they suggested to bring it over to Telegram and that typically took around 3-5 days.
I read online somewhere that when you decide to bring the chat over, it means that you are already half serious. Well... right and wrong. I think because of my own nature, I tend to enjoy chatting with people be it random strangers or friends, so I didn’t feel like I was being forced to text. But I do know that for some people, they regret bringing the chat over too early because once you do, it will be a daily affair of “good morning :-)” and “goodnight!” lol.
It depends on how comfortable you are with chatting frequently. That’s the best advice that I can give. But my personal record was 17? 18? matches chatting simultaneously on Telegram.
... Like I said, online dating tends to take up a lot of time.
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leelaisa · 7 years ago
Rain or shine... May bagyo man ---> A roadtrip with friends must go on! 😘🤗😁😊 #rain #shine #typhoondomeng #roadtrip #wanderermode #travel #trip #videogram #wanderwoman #wanderlust #dentistanglayas #findmysoul #findmyheart #missmyroadtrip #findingmrright #theone #soulmate
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dearheart85 · 5 years ago
Listening to Robyn’s “With every heartbeat” accoustic
The feeling you get when you no longer relate to a song that once helped you through one of you greatest heart break ❤️ #unrequitedlove #love #survivingaheartbreak #4yearslater #happinessatlast #findingmrright
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cassie1604 · 6 years ago
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Saturday Short Story - The One Lucy takes a walk to the pub on a glorious summer evening with the new man in her life and opens her heart to tell him how she is feeling about him, her adulterous accountant ex boyfriend and life in general. #findingtheone #findingmrright #sayingiloveyou #significantother #loveofherlife https://www.instagram.com/p/BoTRploFpet/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=14bq51tps8jqy
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What you find in the waiting...
Waiting. I”m terrible at it.  I tend to just make things happen, to wait would be painstaking and uneventful in my view.  However waiting seems to be where I’m at these days... waiting to hear from God, waiting to hear if I got the job I so desire, waiting to see what my next season of life will be, waiting to find Mr. Right, waiting to see how I can get my finances in order, waiting for answers, waiting, waiting, waiting.
I believe I’m an expert in the world of waiting, you see I’ve been waiting for Mr. Right for 36 years now... of course some of those years I didn’t even know what a Mr. Right was...by now I have a good idea of what I’d like him to be like.  Now I do not always seem to be looking for him, but God knows I’m still waiting.  Some girls search out on their own to find him, others seek to serve locally for a chance encounter to find him, me on the other hand - I just wait.  Perhaps I should be seeking him out, showing up at places where I think I might find him... but there is something in the waiting, I truly do not want to give up.
What do I enjoy in the waiting? The longer I wait, the more I learn about myself and the more I will see him as an answered prayer, I have so longed for.  To give God the credit in my Mr. Right seems to be worth the wait.  To reveal to others how waiting on God to reveal the next best thing, is far more rewarding than taking matters into my own hands and not waiting.
When I’m waiting...I tend to spend more time talking to God.  I enjoy knowing His plan is in action, as He knows I am clueless or perhaps vaguely aware of the plan. I am able to focus on other items in my life while I wait.  You know a women’s best feature: multi-tasking.  While I wait...for the man, the job, the future plans...I learn to live in the moment.  I learn that I should live today to it’s fullest, because one day the wait for the answer will be over and the view from this waiting pool will soon become different, as I wait for the next item.  
Waiting on God requires discipline, faith and a whole lotta trust...that what you are waiting for will come about; yet we all know it might not look like what we envisioned.  I can not lie... waiting to hear if I got a new job, has been difficult and frustrating at times; but knowing God is with me during the wait, that my season of waiting has allowed He and I to talk on a daily basis, to search His Word for truth to hold onto, to know that He will be glorified when the wait is over... why would I not want to live in this waiting game?  When I wait, He gets the Praise!  When I wait, He gets the attention!  When I wait, He is the only way it happened... so waiting -- Yes, I am thrilled to be waiting on Him to reveal the next steps because when I wait, I see Him and others do too. 
Enjoy the wait...it might just be your best season!
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mistiza87 · 8 years ago
"So when are you getting married?"
Because we’re closing in on 30, it seems super out of the ordinary to still be single for our loved ones. So, we show up at some family event thinking to ourselves “this is going to be nice; some time with family, some time with friends…been a while since I last saw some people so it will be so good to catch up”, you know, all nice & dandy. Then that auntie comes up, “oh my beautiful niece, I miss you so much! So when are you getting married?” 😒 Thanks a lot for reminding me that I am not married yet, & the reason for that is because of my stupid ex boyfriend that I’ve worked so hard to stop thinking about him finally, pretty much ruined all those hopes & dreams, & then all these memories flood back into your brain & then we muscle up the courage to say with a big smile “well, auntie, having a boyfriend might be a good start!” & just laugh it off like it’s nothing.
I get the wonder behind the loving & concerned family members or friends that just basically wants to know if you’re actually trying to find someone to spend your life with because they just don’t want you to be alone & they want to be sure you’re being taken care of. I get it, it is a nice thought. But these questions/concerns have got to go out the door. lol
There shouldn’t be expectations that we are supposed to be settled by a certain age, this is probably part of our generation’s anxiety. Being brought up in immigrant families, it was the norm to marry young & make a family of your own as soon as you hit the legal age (hopefully) but don’t forget this tactic was probably used to join families’ assets/businesses, or to get the marital benefits & such. Back then, it was a responsibility, maybe even a privilege. But now & in this country, it’s a choice & it’s just a personal liking. There are no ground values anymore in marriage like we hoped it continue to be. The idea now is “can I see myself spending the rest of my life with him/her”? And that, THAT is the ultimate question now. So much for “living in the moment”, huh? Now because there is one thing wrong with the way he/she handles a certain situation, it raises concerns for their life together. But whatever happened to faith & responsibility?
Don’t get me wrong, of course, we should take things as signs or red flags, but what a lot of ppl do now is turn away fairly easily instead of working together through them, or helping each other to fix what needs fixing. Because hey, as much as maybe our grandparents didn’t like each other at first, or never did, a lot of them managed to live together & worked through it for the rest of their lives, because of their sense of responsibility. Obviously, abuse of any kind is totally understanding for when a couple decides to split but aside from that, what we lack is the work, the super hard work it takes to break through our differences & actually walk through it hand in hand, that kind of responsibility we agree to when we are to take our vows.
The thought of “responsibility” for you AND another person is now this overwhelming fear in our generation. Now, instead of taking responsibility for another, they have resorted to deciding to travel more before settling down because “you live life only once”, or dating for casual sex because the “no strings attached” motto gives each individual a sense of self-power & seems to refrain from getting heart-broken or disappointed.
By all means, I’m totally for the fact that we do have to take care of ourselves as individuals in order to be able to take care of another human being & then tiny human beings. But, aren’t we overdoing it just a little much so as to avoid the “responsibility”?
So…when are you getting married?
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nisanosekai · 9 years ago
I'm just a girl waiting for her happily ever after.
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itgirlwritingsonthewall · 10 years ago
What Beijing Bargirls can teach You about How Men Perceive You
When I lived in Beijing, China I often explored different bars frequented by the expat community. Living in another country gave me a different perspective on courtship, love and dating. I write a lot about labels on Twitter and in my articles and I think this experience in China can elucidate what the other team is batting with. Arm yourself ladies, this is your ammo. Education is just information. The wise woman will use this to her advantage at the appropriate times. The less seasoned dater may misfire. See if you spot yourself in this article.
Here are some finds that I believe single women on the quest for love may find interesting.
"Bar girls" were common place in you guessed it, bars! How would one spot a bar girl? Though not outright called prostitutes everyone knew based on the way they dressed, where they hung out (bars) when they hung out (atmospheres with dark lighting and alcohol) what they were up to and there was no second thought
We don’t have bar girls in the US. We do have their equivalent which is versions of “girls gone wild types” at bars. "Locals" we're the women who based on their style of dress you could deduce their values based on their cultural Upbringing. Their style of dress was cutesy and at times with a penchant towards glitter and sequins if one was being extravagant. Just as you can tell based on how someone is dressed if they're not from your city or country, so too can men deduce what they may be able to expect from you. Sure it's stereotyping and other factors come into play---conversation, touch, etc those other indicators are for another article. Outfits, stances and choice of location to hang out communicate what type of girl you are whether you like it or accept it or not. Men and women alike are looking for clues and indicators to learn about a person. Are you sending a aligned, coherent message or mixed signals? Is your style of dress mismatched with your actions? Are you disappointed when a guy acts in a way you didn’t expect? Chances are you’re actions and the way you present yourself are not communicating from your it girl mode from the inside out.
Cynthia Okimoto is a coach, writer and speaker with Betheitgirl.
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episodeinteractive · 10 years ago
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Who would you choose?
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findingmrfun · 12 years ago
Mr. Forward Wears his Hair [& Attitude] like He's in High School
It's a sit and see night. See what happens. See who comes by. 
"I couldn't help but notice you sitting here." 
I'd noticed him as well, sitting down the counter. Too cute I thought. Like a band guy - and likely with all the ego. And then out of the blue, he slides up to the empty stool by me.
It's loud and we try to exchange some pleasantries and then, "Are you leaving anytime soon?" I reply with a negative and he dashes away. Five seats away.
And never comes back. 
Self doubt creeps in. Did I do something wrong? Was it a joke of some sort? Maybe I wasn't forward enough? So I buy him a beer. Balls out girls. If we know it's a come on, guys must too.
Still nothing. 
This counts though. I don't know what the lesson is. Perhaps it's to not let these things get under your skin. Don't worry about the why nots. Obviously he wasn't worth your time. The simple hello is all the compliment you need.  
Maybe it's when you first spot that cute guy at the bar, approach him first and just see. Just dare. Try. You won't know until you do. Or maybe it's to work on the single stool maneuver. (My personal method of getting single guys to sit near me.) Whatever it is, I'm not beat.
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