#financially supporting more than one group is simply not an option
crehador · 2 years
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hi-drivers ✧ choose your ride
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womenaremypriority · 9 days
This is so horrific.
I have been following Siro’s story for 30 years, ever since I went to interview her and four other rural midwives in India’s Bihar state in 1996.
They had been identified by a non-governmental organisation as being behind the murder of baby girls in the district of Katihar where, under pressure from the newborns’ parents, they were killing them by feeding them chemicals or simply wringing their necks.
Hakiya Devi, the eldest of the midwives I interviewed, told me at the time she had killed 12 or 13 babies. Another midwife, Dharmi Devi, admitted to killing more - at least 15-20.
It is impossible to ascertain the exact number of babies they may have killed, given the way the data was gathered.
But they featured in a report published in 1995 by an NGO, based on interviews with them and 30 other midwives. If the report’s estimates are accurate, more than 1,000 baby girls were being murdered every year in one district, by just 35 midwives. According to the report, Bihar at the time had more than half a million midwives. And infanticide was not limited to Bihar.
Refusing orders, Hakiya said, was almost never an option for a midwife.
“The family would lock the room and stand behind us with sticks,” says Hakiya Devi. “They’d say: ‘We already have four-five daughters. This will wipe out our wealth. Once we give dowry for our girls, we will starve to death. Now, another girl has been born. Kill her.’
“Who could we complain to? We were scared. If we went to the police, we’d get into trouble. If we spoke up, people would threaten us."
The role of a midwife in rural India is rooted in tradition, and burdened by the harsh realities of poverty and caste. The midwives I interviewed belonged to the lower castes in India’s caste hierarchy. Midwifery was a profession passed on to them by mothers and grandmothers. They lived in a world where refusing orders of powerful, upper-caste families was unthinkable.
The midwife could be promised a sari, a sack of grain or a small amount of money for killing a baby. Sometimes even that was not paid. The birth of a boy earned them about 1,000 rupees. The birth of a girl earned them half.
The reason for this imbalance was steeped in India’s custom of giving a dowry, they explained. Though the custom was outlawed in 1961, it still held strong in the 90s - and indeed continues into the present day.
A dowry can be anything - cash, jewellery, utensils. But for many families, rich or poor, it is the condition of a wedding. And this is what, for many, still makes the birth of a son a celebration and the birth of a daughter a financial burden.
Siro Devi, the only midwife of those I interviewed who is still alive, used a vivid physical image to explain this disparity in status.
“A boy is above the ground - higher. A daughter is below - lower. Whether a son feeds or takes care of his parents or not, they all want a boy.”
The preference for sons can be seen in India’s national-level data. Its most recent census, in 2011, recorded a ratio of 943 women to every 1,000 men. This is nevertheless an improvement on the 1990s - in the 1991 census, the ratio was 927/1,000.
By the time I finished filming the midwives’ testimonies in 1996, a small, silent change had begun. The midwives who once carried out these orders had started to resist. 
This change was instigated by Anila Kumari, a social worker who supported women in the villages around Katihar, and was dedicated to addressing the root causes of these killings.
Anila’s approach was simple. She asked the midwives, “Would you do this to your own daughter?”
Her question apparently pierced years of rationalisation and denial. The midwives got some financial help via community groups and gradually the cycle of violence was interrupted.
Siro, speaking to me in 2007, explained the change.
“Now, whoever asks me to kill, I tell them: ‘Look, give me the child, and I’ll take her to Anila Madam.’”
The midwives rescued at least five newborn girls from families who wanted them killed or had already abandoned them.
One child died, but Anila arranged for the other four to be sent to Bihar’s capital, Patna, to an NGO which organised their adoption.
The story could have ended there. But I wanted to know what had become of those girls who were adopted, and where life had taken them.
Anila’s records were meticulous but they had few details about post-adoption.
Working with a BBC World Service team, I got in touch with a woman called Medha Shekar who, back in the 90s, was researching infanticide in Bihar when the babies rescued by Anila and the midwives began arriving at her NGO. Remarkably, Medha was still in touch with a young woman who, she believed, was one of these rescued babies.
Anila told me that she had given all the girls saved by the midwives the prefix “Kosi” before their name, a homage to the Kosi river in Bihar. Medha remembered that Monica had been named with this “Kosi” prefix before her adoption.
The adoption agency would not let us look at Monica’s records, so we can never be sure. But her origins in Patna, her approximate date of birth and the prefix “Kosi” all point to the same conclusion: Monica is, in all probability, one of the five babies rescued by Anila and the midwives.
When I went to meet her at her parents’ home some 2,000km (1,242 miles) away in Pune, she said she felt lucky to have been adopted by a loving family.
“This is my definition of a normal happy life and I am living it,” she said.
Monica knew that she had been adopted from Bihar. But we were able to give her more details about the circumstances of her adoption.
Earlier this year, Monica travelled to Bihar to meet Anila and Siro. 
Monica saw herself as the culmination of years of hard work by Anila and the midwives.
“Someone prepares a lot to do well in an exam. I feel like that. They did the hard work and now they’re so curious to meet the result… So definitely, I would like to meet them.”
Anila wept tears of joy when she met Monica. But Siro’s response felt different.
She sobbed hard, holding Monica close and combing through her hair.
“I took you [to the orphanage] to save your life… My soul is at peace now,” she told her.
But when, a couple of days later, I attempted to press Siro about her reaction, she resisted further scrutiny.
“What happened in the past is in the past,” she said.
But what is not in the past is the prejudice some still hold against baby girls.
Reports of infanticide are now relatively rare, but sex-selective abortion remains common, despite being illegal since 1994.
If one listens to the traditional folk songs sung during childbirth, known as Sohar, in parts of north India, joy is reserved for the birth of a male child. Even in 2024, it is an effort to get local singers to change the lyrics so that the song celebrates the birth of a girl.
While we were filming our documentary, two baby girls were discovered abandoned in Katihar - one in bushes, another at the roadside, just a few hours old. One later died. The other was put up for adoption.
Before Monica left Bihar, she visited this baby in the Special Adoption Centre in Katihar.
She says she was haunted by the realisation that though female infanticide may have been reduced, abandoning baby girls continues.
“This is a cycle… I can see myself there a few years ago, and now again there’s some girl similar to me.”
But there were to be happier similarities too.
The baby has now been adopted by a couple in the north-eastern state of Assam. They have named her Edha, which means happiness.
“We saw her photo, and we were clear - a baby once abandoned cannot be abandoned twice,” says her adoptive father Gaurav, an officer in the Indian air force.
Every few weeks Gaurav sends me a video of Edha's latest antics. I sometimes share them with Monica.
Looking back, the 30 years spent on this story were never just about the past. It was about confronting uncomfortable truths. The past cannot be undone, but it can be transformed.
And in that transformation, there is hope.
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medusa-fem · 2 months
As a bisexual woman in an opposite sex relationship I feel like I should speak up about my experience for the sake of those who don't feel like lesbians can understand.
If you discovered radical feminism while in a opposite sex relationship, that's already hard enough. If you discovered it in a loving long term relationship where everything has been going well? It's a devastating feeling knowing you could be in danger. I cannot imagine being heterosexual as well, so I'm sorry if this post still doesn't represent all aspects of this issue. All of this to say I have empathy, complete empathy for all of those who simply cannot see separatism as an option right now. Maybe you're too in love, maybe you're tied financially, maybe you have kids or simply want children some day. It can feel impossible to leave, and honestly I don't think it's a realistic expectation to hold all women to that they should pick up everything and leave when they are currently happy.
Above all else, even if you are happy right now, have a plan in place for if something happens. If you are choosing to not participate in separatism for any number of reasons, you have to keep yourself safe. Even loving, kind, amazing men and fathers are still part of the patriarchy, and therefore are inherently more dangerous than females. Some may hate to hear this, but this absolutely applies to if you are dating trans women as well. I have seen it first hand.
These are some ways I'm keeping myself safe within my current relationship:
• Keep Finances Separate
Even if a divorce/break up is amicable, not having separate funds is a risk to yourself, and to your kids if you have any. Not knowing how you could afford to leave, will be the first step to convincing yourself you don't need to even if a boundary gets crossed. Keep savings to yourself, even better if he doesn't know about it. Keep your bank accounts and credit cards separate. Even if you don't consider yourself a separatist, keeping your autonomy within a relationship with a male is key to your safety.
• Decide Where Your Boundaries Lie
Make a list of things that if a single one happens, you're done. Hold yourself to it too.
The obvious things are
- Any violation of consent. Especially in regard to sex.
- Any threats. Be it financial, physical, or emotional, a threat is a reality waiting to happen.
- Cheating. It might not be a big deal to you, but it is a clear sign he doesn't respect you, and that is dangerous.
- Buying sex. This may not be a common one, but 100% this is paid rape, and he is not a safe person to be around if he is willing to pay to rape a woman.
- Watching (especially violent) pornography. If you have explained to him all the ways pornography harms female people, and he is still choosing to consume this kind of media, it is fully your right to consider this grounds to leave.
Add literally anything else that is a hard limit for you. If any one thing happens, proceed to quietly prepare to leave the relationship.
• Know Your Local Women's Shelter and Women's Trauma Support Groups Contact Information
Even if you think you will never need it, keep their information in your phone. If a crisis happens research will add time where you can't immediately leave, and it can absolutely be too overwhelming. If you have been through any sort of trauma in your past, I highly recommend being a regular in your local support group if you can. Having a community can keep you safe.
• Keep Women in Your Life
Do not let yourself become isolated in your relationship. If it's a red flag when a man intentionally isolates you, you certainly do not want to accidentally isolate yourself. It can be hard to make and keep friends, but try to make sure you have at least 2 people you trust to call if you need someone to talk to or somewhere to crash.
To this note...
• Gossip Gossip Gossip!
Men have demonized gossiping, but it might save your life. Tell your trusted female friends about your relationship, good and bad. They might see red flags before you do, and if anything happens they can have your back. The best way to avoid falling for gaslighting is to gossip, because even if he convinces you you're wrong, your friends will know what you told them, and they will remind you what really happened.
• Stay on Birth Control Until You Can Independently Support a Child
Obviously if you already have a child, this is in regard to having more children. If you want kids, be smart about it. If you aren't able to financially support yourself, make sure you are taking preventative measures to avoid a pregnancy. Men like to accuse women of baby trapping them all the time, but the reality is we are the ones who get trapped when we love our children but can't afford to leave and support them on our own. I've seen friends go through it, friends who wanted kids and would have zero regrets about having children if it wasn't for being stuck with their fathers.
• Stay Educated
Stay aware of things such as common red flags of abuse, DARVO, types of gaslighting, and signs of depression in yourself. Never stop reading and learning about how these things play out. If you want a happy, loving, safe relationship with a man, a big part of that is having the knowledge to see when it is no longer a relationship with those qualities.
If anyone would like to add anything else, it would be greatly appreciated. I know in an ideal world, separatism would be the choice of all women, but that's not the world we live in. I want to look at ways to support women in opposite sex relationships, especially supporting them in getting out when the time is right.
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sisterof-sin · 1 year
⛧Enter the Ministry⛧
🝤 18+ 🝤 No Smut in Chapter 1 🝤 Work in Progress
Life has been particularly challenging for you, but this new job has been going well for the year. You had no reservations about a career here. You currently work as a part-time counselor in the ministry. Your other duties are the same as everyone, give back to the community, foster relationships with people and the Ministry and above all, be open minded. Your Ministry often got a bad reputation due to its more, Satanic Nature, but it was nothing like what the media would tell you. Satanic worship often was associated with sacrifices, cults, and other grotesque things. But you have found comfort and kindness in this Ministry. Your previous adventure with the Catholic Church taught you that it was really those who are most loud that are the most awful.
As a child, you were enrolled in a Catholic School. You never were very fond of their leadership style nor their indoctrination of students. Your parents got a very good financial deal to enroll you, so looking back as an adult now, you understood what that meant. It meant a solid education, in a district that was difficult to get to a local public school. Your parents never expected you to be involved in Church matters, but as a child you gave it a try.
You tried to learn the culture and the religion but found yourself fascinated with the architecture and history more than anything. The masses you attended were boring and often judgmental. As you got older to make more decisions yourself, you decided to push the limits as often as possible. Your school/church wanted to go to a pro-life rally. You and your one alternatively minded friend would attend and stand on the “pro-choice” side to piss off your teachers and clergy members.
Needless to say, this is how it was for as long as you were enrolled. The school found you irritating but had no grounds to stand on due to your parents’ work in the school. This was amusing to you as a troublesome child, something that really made you laugh. It was all mischief and angst until you saw how disgusting the church could really be. Your one favorite Priest that got you considering faith was a kind man from the Philippines. He was knowledgeable and open-minded. He embraced the LGBT families, was open to talk about science and above all, he truly didn’t judge. He was the one that made it seem like perhaps, in some cases, there was good in the church.
Well, this didn’t fair well for the conservative close-minded sycophants within the church. Their double standards when telling families and kids that God would take care of them, simply was never true. Not with them acting as the “angelic” middleman. The principal and other church leaders needed this Priest gone. He was taking funds from their own pockets and actually using them on the children and their fun. So, they set him up in the most despicable way they could. By hacking into the Priests computer adding some questionable things to it that would be deemed unfit for a catholic church such as this. Without fail, the Archdiocese quickly got rid of him. Tossing all faith, you may have ever had in the Catholic church completely aside and into the trash.
This is where your fascination came from the opposite end of the spectrum. While exploring options to build a sense of community you dabbled in many places. You dated a Mormon once, and that really wasn’t the best experience, since the man you dated was the worst Mormon ever. His family accused you of corrupting him, when he had been doing things that went “against the grain” for years before you were together. But he did show you the Ministry. He thought it was a funny group of people and wanted to make fun of them, but you found some sort of solace and welcome with this Ministry. They were nothing like the “Devil Worshiping Heathens” that movies and culture attempts to scare you about. They were kind and supported people when they really needed it. The sense of community was what brought you closer.
You had this burning need to be close to them, and so began your adventure into the Ministry. The Black Masses were calming and allowed for a true time to heal with Satan as a guiding star. He was more of a symbol to be who you are and be free rather than a Satanic Deity. This Satanic Guide showed you the light in the middle of the day, when all else seemed dark. He showed you that you would never walk alone because you could always reach him. This path was meant to be your trek to never feeling alone again.
As time went on, you found your place. You found the people that made you feel a sense of belonging. You decided to get baptized in the Satanic light that showed you the way. In this Ministry, you were introduced to the Papa of the Church. He was called Papa because of the way he took care of each member. His name was Terzo, or more notably Papa Emeritus the 3rd. He never had a real name that was revealed, but everyone called him Papa or Terzo. You remembered meeting him for the first time, it was an exciting adventure. He was kind, respectful, but also devilishly charismatic. He executed a sensual energy that made many people swoon. He was known for his mischievous behavior followed by a sense of caring. He was unlike his predecessors who were known for being grumpy and cantankerous old men.
But today was the day you were to be baptized in the Bringer of Light’s Holy Waters. It was time for you to take the step to being a true Sister of Sin. You were ready to swear, right here, right now before the Devil.
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novatherapy · 6 months
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mariacallous · 2 years
KANDAHAR, Afghanistan—As Afghanistan plummets deeper into a devastating economic crisis, the Taliban have declared a war on drugs that snatches away the sole cash crops relied on by many struggling rural families—opium poppy and ephedra, a plant that contains a precursor for manufacturing methamphetamine—putting millions at risk of starvation and potentially alienating the group’s own long-suffering support base.
High-ranking Talibs insist that drugs have been fully eradicated from the country and the ban is a matter of ethics; opium and meth are simply “dangerous for the world,” as one senior narcotics official put it. Farmers, low-level soldiers, and rural leaders say they’ve been told it’s a necessary sacrifice to secure recognition and desperately needed humanitarian aid. But in Kabul, where prices have soared and users are rounded up and imprisoned in hellish so-called rehab centers, dealers and users are adamant that supply is undiminished—and that Taliban soldiers still control the trade.
The road from Kabul to Kandahar—Afghanistan’s former capital in the south, where most opium poppies are grown—is just 300 miles long but takes 15 hours to drive. When we made the trip in October 2022, it was peak harvest time for the region’s famous pomegranates, but the landscape was arid. Clouds of dust and sand periodically swirled around our 1991 Toyota Camry, making it harder to spot craters left by roadside bombs or even the groups of small children kneeling in the middle of the road, begging with hands outstretched to oncoming trucks that lurched to avoid them just in time.
In Kandahar province, we were directed along a maze of rocky tracks toward the Afghanistan-Pakistan border by a Taliban soldier; he had been assigned to us for “protection” at a crumbling local military base. Every river and stream had dried up; the only signs of water access were occasional solar panels, used to generate electricity to pump water from deep underground. Until the ban, this scant water supply was used to irrigate the poppy fields that carpeted the area and provided a rare source of income to Kandahar’s rural poor. Twenty years of war scarred the hills and farms. There are bomb craters, ruined schoolhouses, burnt husks of police cars, and even the grave of a child killed in a U.S. airstrike, but the death toll of the conflict could pale in comparison with that of a newly waged war on drugs.
Having leveraged the drug trade to fund their insurgency for decades, in 2021 the Taliban outlawed the harvesting of ephedra, which grows wild in the mountains and from which ephedrine, a meth precursor, can be extracted, and the following April abruptly banned opium cultivation and production. This move blindsided many farmers in Afghanistan’s poppy-growing heartlands. Standing outside his shed-like motorbike repair shop on the side of the road in Kandahar province, Wakil Ahmad pointed to an empty swath of land behind the building.
“Before, this was a poppy farm,” he said. Six months earlier, just a few weeks before harvesting began, the Taliban told his family that this harvest would be their last. If they continued to grow poppies, they would be fined and thrown in jail. “The fields are useless now,” Ahmad said. “We lost everything. We don’t have any other options. We can’t grow anything else.”
With the country grappling with pariah status and the specter of financial collapse, the decision to eliminate opium poppies and processing of ephedra has baffled Afghans and international observers alike. Afghanistan’s narcotics market earns far more money for its people than any other commodity in the country: the total value of all legal products exported from Afghanistan totaled just $870 million in 2019, which is dwarfed by an illicit opiate market reaching an estimated value of $1.2-$2.1 billion.
With international aid and trade largely suspended, opium and meth became the last economic lifeline for many in provinces such as Kandahar and Helmand. In a country where the public sector minimum wage is under $60 per month, foraging for ephedra can bring in $30 per day, which, although laborious, takes no special skills or investment—traders even travel to pick up the product. In the traditional Taliban stronghold of Kandahar, poppy cultivation raises around $400 million a year for farming families, including the 30-year-old Talib resting his Kalashnikov rifle on his knees in the front seat of our car. The soldier said he has received no salary for the 15 years that he has served in the Taliban forces and doesn’t know how he’ll support his family without growing opium.
The Taliban last attempted to wipe out opium in 2000, with short-lived success. After the U.S. invasion in 2001, production saw a general upward trend, and cultivation spiked in 2017, providing crucial income for insurgents—including, notoriously, the Taliban themselves. Researchers such as David Mansfield argue that it’s highly unlikely the Talib leaders who issued the 2000 ban were trying to artificially inflate prices with a view to cashing in, but as the price of opium increased in the ensuing two decades, they certainly had no qualms openly profiting from it.
The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) reported an uptick in opium production after the Taliban seized power in August 2021, including a 32 percent rise in 2022. This production was concentrated in the southern provinces of Nimroz, Kandahar, Helmand, Uruzgan, and Zabul, which together account for nearly three-quarters of the total area under cultivation. Kandahar saw 12,300 extra hectares dedicated to poppy in 2022, a 72 percent increase from the year before. Processing of ephedra has also increased since 2017, supplying a cottage industry in ephedrine extraction at hundreds of meth labs across the country.
Back in Kabul, local street dealer Khalid scoffed at the idea that the Taliban have stepped back from the drug trade. Heroin and meth are typically bought in bulk from an area called Shahrak-e Aria (close to Kabul Airport), he said, and he sees “a lot of Talibs there” selling wholesale to dealers. Khalid said he has also bought drugs from a Taliban office in Shahr-e Naw, a largely upscale neighborhood known for its manicured public park but where, just outside the railings, we saw at least 50 men huddled around opium and meth pipes in midafternoon.
While it’s getting harder to smuggle illicit drugs into the capital through the Taliban checkpoints, Khalid said, at one wholesaler where he buys smaller quantities for street dealing, kilo packets of meth are packaged with an official Taliban seal, the symbol of the Islamic Emirate. This, Khalid believes, lets drugs pass through the “Kabul doors”—in other words, they are waved through checkpoints without closer inspection.
Analysts watching the situation closely say they haven’t seen evidence of stockpiling, but domestic availability of illicit drugs appears unaffected even as prices soar in anticipation of future shortages. Vanda Felbab-Brown, a senior fellow at the Washington-based Brookings Institution, said she fears that individual Taliban commanders may exploit price surges to increase their own heroin and meth portfolios, by allowing pockets of production to continue under their control in order to inflate their own profits.
On its own, the uninterrupted supply doesn’t prove that opium is still being cultivated in Afghanistan—Felbab-Brown says it typically takes two years of supply restrictions to affect availability on the street—but it contradicts claims made by government officials that all opium and heroin has been eradicated from the country.
There are other signs that some production has continued with the knowledge and blessing of Taliban commanders. Some farmers in the southern provinces told Radio Azadi last October that they were allowed to go ahead with their harvests, and a major heroin-trafficking operation run by Afghan nationals was busted in India’s Punjab region in January. Whether this is a deliberate attempt to shore up control of a smaller, more valuable trade or simply a case of opportunistic factions exploiting the situation to enrich themselves, Talibs appear to be the only winners of the ban.
Profit margins for opium farmers and sharecroppers are modest—perhaps a few hundred dollars per hectare in a normal year—but as our Talib soldier-escort explained, this far outstrips profits from crops such as wheat. In theory, having opium farmers switch to wheat should help combat what the UNODC describes as “one of the worst food insecurity crises worldwide,” but in reality, the slender margins would leave farmers with little means to buy any other food, let alone medicine or other basic necessities. Alternatives such as pomegranates are better earners, but orchards take years to fruit, making it an impossible ask for communities living hand to mouth. No stakeholder who is demanding that farmers transition away from opium—not the Taliban, the former Afghan government, the United States, or the UNODC—has been willing to foot the bill to cover rural incomes in a way that would allow farmers to transition away from poppies.
Low-level growers stay poor, but those further up the chain make serious money. During the civil war, the Taliban in some areas under their control taxed farmers and smugglers around 10 percent of their earnings, while some warlords and Taliban factions controlled parts of the trade directly. Badly paid soldiers and police officers with the Afghan government demanded significant bribes to spare poppy farms from destruction, while senior officials paid up to $150,000 for governorships in remote posts where they could exploit the trade for personal gain. In the early years of the U.S. invasion, Washington was reluctant to push for poppy eradication, aware this would alienate rural communities and drive them closer to the Taliban; reports even emerged of U.S. Marines guarding poppy fields for farmers. But over the following decades, enemy combatants increasingly relied on drug profits, and the United States switched to spending billions of dollars on counternarcotics programs. This included aerial bombings of suspected meth- and opiate-processing labs and trucks. According to testimony given by Felbab-Brown to the U.K. Parliament in 2020, most of these efforts were “ineffective or outright counterproductive” from an economic, political, and peacekeeping point of view, serving only to impoverish and alienate farmers, pushing them closer to Taliban soldiers who offered to protect their livelihoods.
Most illicit drugs produced in Afghanistan are destined for export. Tons of heroin, meth, and hashish were seized by Pakistani authorities in January 2022, including a record 130-kilogram haul of heroin intercepted by customs at the Torkham border crossing. Demand for meth is also soaring among Afghanistan’s neighbors, including Pakistan and Iran. But plenty of Afghans are hooked, too. Two decades of relentless fighting, brutal terrorist attacks, and economic chaos, followed by the return of the Taliban regime, have left more than half of Afghans struggling with post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, and anxiety. Despair and trauma breed addiction; there are now an estimated 3.5 million drug addicts in Afghanistan—nearly one-tenth of the population.
A string of reports and documentaries over the past year paint a grim picture of violent crackdowns on addicts and brutal conditions inside underfunded rehabilitation facilities, where there is little food to go around and malnourished patients frequently die from disease or the effects of heroin withdrawal.
“They give you no food or water. Beat you like an enemy,” said Khalid, the heroin and meth user-turned-dealer in Kabul, who said he was arrested in one of the early Taliban crackdowns and sent to Camp Phoenix, the former U.S. military base now repurposed as a Taliban-run rehab hospital. “There’s no food for us, so we have to eat grass, but if they see us eating grass, then they beat us again. They say they want to get you off drugs, but it is like torture.”
Potential victims of the crackdown extend outside national borders. Afghanistan supplies around 80 percent of the world’s heroin, including to many European nations where fentanyl, a synthetic opioid, is yet to penetrate the market. There is no evidence to suggest that heroin addiction or demand diminishes amid supply shortages, but in the past, disruptions have seen synthetic alternatives flood the market and overdose deaths soar as users struggle to adapt to massive changes in purity levels.
“There’s an assumption that the Taliban are the biggest gang in town, but transnational organized crime has become much more monopolized, more cooperative, and more powerful since the Taliban were last in power,” said Neil Woods, a former undercover police officer in the United Kingdom who now works with the drug policy reform organization LEAP UK. Woods fears a “fentanyl catastrophe” if the ban is effective. “If they do successfully clamp down on heroin this time, it’ll just be more cost-effective to make a quick shift to synthetics,” he said.
Senior Taliban leaders insist that the drug bans are ethically motivated, but their objections appear selective. Last September saw the triumphant return from the United States of Kandahar native Bashir Noorzai, a notorious drug trafficker and Taliban financier, in a prisoner swap that saw the man known as the “Pablo Escobar of Afghanistan” greeted at Kabul Airport by cheering crowds and senior Taliban officials. In Kandahar, village chiefs, soldiers, and farmers offer a more pragmatic explanation.
“Our leader mentioned that the foreign governments are not happy about us doing poppy farming. They said we needed to ban this to be recognized as a government,” said Ular Majeed, the head of a Taliban outpost close to the Afghanistan-Pakistan border, where he is responsible for 10,000 households in an area rife with cross-border smuggling routes. Now that they’ve fulfilled their end of the bargain, he said, “it’s time for [the U.S.] government to do what they said and recognize us, so you can help us.”
Back in Kabul, Taliban officials categorically deny any such negotiations are underway. “We wish that other countries would work with us to stop drugs and would help us, but we have not had any contact,” said senior counternarcotics official Mun Ali.
In an email, a U.S. State Department spokesperson described the ban as “promising,” albeit contingent on seeing a meaningful reduction in poppy cultivation or meth production. Asked if the United States had engaged in dialogue with the Taliban ahead of the announcement, the spokesperson replied: “As we’ve made clear, we’ll continue to engage the Taliban pragmatically to advance American interests.”
“This is very much a replay of the 1990s. They were making that same pitch, bargaining and consistently hoping that the ban would give them international legitimacy,” Felbab-Brown said. But from an institutional and regime survival perspective, she said, “it fundamentally threatens their ability to hold onto power.”
“The Taliban could be lining themselves up for the ‘well, we’re only growing poppy because you didn’t give us the humanitarian aid you promised’ approach. That’s quite feasible,” said Steve Brookings, a former chargé d’affaires at the British Embassy in Kabul and former special advisor to the U.N. Assistance Mission in Afghanistan. Even if officials want to kick the dependency on illicit income, it may prove financially impossible.
Members of the Taliban are often perceived as less corruptible and bribe-seeking than their predecessors, but the cracks are beginning to show. In Kandahar’s villages, soldiers and rural leaders admit they haven’t been paid in months or years. This may have been palatable while the Taliban were the underdogs, but now they’re in charge of the country’s finances—and it was their decision to ban poppy, many unpaid workers’ sole source of income. Meanwhile in Kabul, Talibs flaunt the trappings of their newfound power, cruising around the city in luxury Toyota Land Cruisers and the occasional Mercedes-Benz G-Wagon.
Asked if Afghan families facing starvation following the ban would receive financial support, Ali, the senior counternarcotics official, replied that, as good Muslims, Afghans know “obeying their leader is the most important thing,” dismissing the question with the flick of a wrist adorned with a huge gold watch. For years, Taliban commanders depended on loyalists to shoulder hardship in pursuit of victory, but if peace fails to deliver security and rural supporters feel betrayed by the widening wealth gap, support may evaporate—and lower-ranking Talibs will need to make a living wherever they can.
“You think the Taliban are good men who would not do bad things?” asked Khalid, sighing bitterly. “Yesterday, they couldn’t afford vehicles, but now they have all these [expensive] cars. They couldn’t afford to get married, but now they have three wives. This is their business: When they come and arrest you and take your drugs, they just give them to someone else to sell.”
Unsurprisingly, the Taliban vociferously deny these accusations.
“Our soldiers and staff fought for 20 years. They will never take bribes,” said Mawlavi Shir Ali Hemaad, the head of investigations at the Taliban’s organized crime unit. “We were the ones wearing jackets full of bombs. We were careless about ourselves, so how can we care about money now? No, never. It will never happen.”
But without food, income, medicine, or access to basic services, the costs of this loyalty will be hard to bear. To hold onto power, the Taliban need to choose their battles. Unless they can generate economic benefits from this ban fast—for the whole country, not just a handful of their own men—a new war on drugs will become a costly political mistake and one that only exacerbates the misery of addicts in Afghanistan and beyond.
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parasparivaar · 1 day
Paras Stand Against Domestic Violence
Raising Awareness: The Paras Commitment to Combat Domestic Violence.
From the bottom of our hearts, we extend a warm welcome to you into the Paras Parivaar Charitable Trust family. In our Sanatan Dharm, this Parivaar was founded and is now being maintained by our Mahant Shri Paras Bhai Ji of Sanatan Dharm to contribute to the welfare of the underprivileged and needy people. Because he consistently states, “happiness of maa is behind their smile.” This idea of Mahant Shri Paras Bhai Ji has become the focus of our family’s daily activities.
The Paras Parivaar Charitable Trust works 365 days a year to lug our Paras Guru’s vision forward. We have helped more than 10 lakh Needy, and thanks to Maa and our Mahant Shri Paras Bhai Ji of Sanatan Dharm, this number is steadily rising. And it is the grandeur of Sanatan Dharm that we strive to assist those who cannot afford to pay for their education or who are food insecure.
Because we usually hear the quote “Unity is Strength” in everyday life, the Paras Parivaar Charitable Trust would like for you to join our family. We are certain that if we all work together as a single family, we will be stronger and more committed to helping more people in need. Serving an increasing number of individuals in need will enable us to carve out a large place in the heart of our Maa. So, join the Paras Parivaar now for the chance of a lifetime to make the poor and needy smile widely.
Working hard to boost the lives of the poor and needy would also help us reduce the rate of poverty and increase the rate of education in our nation. In addition to providing aid to those in need, our Mahant Shri Paras Bhai Ji wants to educate them so that they may become self-sufficient and contribute to the cause. join our Paras Parivaar Charitable Trust and aid those in need and destitute with what they need for food, shelter, and education.
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October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month, and Paras Parivaar Charitable Trust is honored to be a part of this national dialogue. Every year, during Domestic abuse Awareness Month (DVAM), people from all walks of life are reminded of how important it is to continue the fight against domestic abuse. Our group is dedicated to helping victims and pushing for reform, and we cordially welcome you to participate with us in this important work.
Understanding Domestic Violence.
Domestic violence is more than simply a personal issue; it is a societal scourge affecting millions. It refers to different types of abuse — physical, emotional, psychological, and financial — used by one spouse to acquire or maintain dominance over another. According to statistics, one in every three women and one in every four men have suffered physical abuse from an intimate relationship in their lives. This distressing truth emphasizes the critical need for awareness and action.
Domestic abuse affects people of all ages, genders, races, and socioeconomic statuses, and we at Paras Parivaar Charitable Trust realize this. Our purpose is to give assistance and services to people affected while working toward structural change.
Our Initiatives
1. Support Services: We provide a variety of services to assist victims of domestic violence. This includes therapy, legal assistance, and safe housing options. Our experienced specialists are committed to creating a secure environment for survivors to heal and regain control of their lives.
2. Educational Programs: Education is essential in preventing domestic violence. We run lectures and seminars to raise awareness about the indications of abuse and the resources available to victims. By educating communities, we help people detect unhealthy relationships and seek treatment.
3. Advocacy: We actively participate in lobbying efforts to encourage legislation changes that will protect victims of domestic violence. Our group works with local governments and other non-profits to push legislation that helps survivors and holds perpetrators accountable.
4. Community Engagement: Throughout October, we will organize a variety of events to encourage community involvement in the battle against domestic abuse. We encourage everyone to participate and disseminate awareness, from candlelight vigils in memory of victims to informational booths at community fairs.
How You Can Help
There are various ways to assist our activities during Domestic Violence Awareness Month:
Get Informed: Learn about the warning indicators of domestic abuse and the services that victims can access.
Spread Awareness: Use hashtags like #DVAM2024 or #HealHoldCenter on social media to spread awareness of domestic abuse and inspire others to take action.
Volunteer: Contribute your time or expertise to help us with our initiatives. Each and every gift counts.
Donate: Maintaining our programs requires financial help. To support us in continuing to offer these vital services, think about donating.
At the Paras Parivaar Charitable Trust, we think that by working together, we can end domestic abuse worldwide. October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Let’s band together to support survivors and push for long-lasting change. Always keep in mind that every action matters, whether it’s lending a helping hand, sharing knowledge, or just listening to someone who needs it.
Come along with us as we strive for healing, providing a safe haven for survivors, and elevating those who have been most impacted by domestic abuse. If we work together, we can change things.
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What is the best approach to surrogacy for LGBT couples in Australia?
For many gay couples and people who want to be parents, surrogacy has emerged as a viable option. However, Australia's carefully controlled surrogacy method provides intended parents and surrogates with both assistance and firm legal basis. This post discusses the surrogacy process, legal concerns, and associated costs in order to determine the best way to become parents through LGBT surrogacy in Australia.
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Understanding surrogacy for LGBT couples in Australia
LGBT surrogacy is legal in Australia, but the laws vary by state and territory. That being stated, the following are the main beliefs that guide surrogacy in Australia:
Australia only allows altruistic surrogacy. Surrogates cannot consequently be paid more than is required. Commercial surrogacy, on the other hand, is unlawful and involves paying the surrogate a fee in addition to expenses.
Evaluations of the medical, social, and emotional systems are frequent needs for prospective parents. That ensures surrogacy is a good option for them.
The surrogate and, if she has a partner, become the legal parents of the child at birth. A formal procedure is followed after birth to transfer parental rights to the intended parents.
Steps to becoming parents through LGBT surrogacy in Australia
Gay couples should take the following specific activities to effectively navigate the surrogacy process:
Research and Planning
Before commencing the surrogacy process, much research and planning are required. Understanding the procedures, laws, and legislation in your specific state or region is critical. Also included in this are:
Speak with experts in Australia, including support groups, surrogacy lawyers, and fertility clinics that specialize in surrogacy for LGBT couples.
Emotional Readiness: Ensure that both partners are psychologically prepared for the sometimes painful and drawn-out surrogacy process.
Locating and shortlisting surrogacy agencies
Finding a surrogacy in Australia can be a personal affair, as it typically involves a friend or relative.
Finding a surrogate in Australia can be a personal process because it often involves a friend or relative from your social circle. If it is not possible, you can:
Join one of the many online or offline communities to meet potential surrogates interested in altruistic surrogacy agencies that surrogacy Several agencies can assist you in selecting a suitable surrogate. These companies have already handled the legal and practical aspects of surrogacy.
Legal insights
Legal agreements are key documents in the surrogacy process. To put it simply, the surrogate and the intended parents must sign a formal contract before any medical treatments can begin.
All parties to the surrogacy agreement are named, along with their respective rights, obligations, and expectations. It discusses the emotional, financial, and medical aspects of the surrogacy procedure.
To ensure that both parties properly understand the terms of the agreement, they must get separate legal assistance.
The importance of medical treatments
The surrogacy process includes several medical procedures, the majority of which are performed at fertility clinics. These consist of:
In vitro fertilization (IVF) is carried out with the egg of a donor or one of the intended parents and the sperm of another intended parent. The embryo is subsequently transferred into the surrogate's uterus.
The surrogate will have routine medical checkups to ensure her and the unborn child's health.
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Birth and Parentage Under the Law
There are legal procedures in place to transfer parental rights from the surrogate to the intended parents when the child is born.
To formally identify themselves as the child's parents, intended parents must submit a Parentage Order in court. This procedure usually begins a few weeks after birth and comprises providing documents demonstrating the surrogacy was legal.
It is vital to provide the surrogate with the postpartum medical and psychological support she requires.
Surrogacy Prices in Australia
Surrogacy fees in Australia can vary widely depending on a variety of factors, but because only altruistic surrogacy is permitted, the costs are often kept to a minimum and can include:
They include delivery, prenatal care, and IVF therapies.
Drafting and assessing the surrogacy agreement will cost money for both the intended parents and the surrogate.
It is generally needed to obtain comprehensive health insurance to cover the surrogate during the pregnancy.
This category can include pregnancy-related incidentals such as travel fees and lost income.
Surrogacy cost in Australia can range from AUD 30,000 and AUD 60,000, depending on the specifics and conditions.
Suggestions and recommendations
Surrogacy can be an emotionally charged event for everyone involved. Access to counseling and support services is critical in this situation.
Intended parents help to manage expectations, stress, and the ups and downs of the surrogacy journey.
To ensure surrogate welfare, emotional care is provided throughout and after the pregnancy.
Online and offline support groups can provide invaluable advice and emotional support from others who have been through the same thing.
Source - https://kenyasurrogacy.blogspot.com/2024/09/what-is-best-approach-to-surrogacy-for.html
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bluehillsau · 1 month
Exploring the Modern Retirement Village: Place to Live
As we reach the golden years of our lives, the idea of settling into a retirement village often comes to mind. Far from the traditional view of a retirement village as a mere residential community for the elderly, today's retirement villages have evolved into vibrant, multifaceted environments that offer a new lease on life.
If you're considering making the move or simply curious about what these communities have to offer, here's a glimpse into why modern Pakenham Retirement villages might be the perfect choice for you.
A New Standard of Living
Gone are the days when retirement villages were synonymous with a lacklustre lifestyle. Today’s retirement villages are designed with an emphasis on comfort, convenience, and an active lifestyle. With beautifully landscaped gardens, state-of-the-art facilities, and stylish accommodations, these communities offer a high standard of living that can rival any luxury apartment complex.
Imagine waking up to a stunning view of manicured lawns and engaging in daily activities that stimulate both body and mind. From swimming pools and fitness centres to art classes and hobby clubs, modern retirement villages provide a wealth of amenities to enrich your daily life.
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Community and Connection
One of the most significant benefits of living in a retirement village is the sense of community it fosters. These villages are not just places to live; they are vibrant, social environments where you can forge new friendships and enjoy a rich social life. Activities and events are often organised to bring residents together, from movie nights and book clubs to dance classes and group excursions.
The communal aspect of retirement villages also means you’re never alone when you need support. With on-site staff and a strong community spirit, you have a network of people ready to offer assistance and companionship. This support system can be particularly comforting during challenging times.
Freedom and Flexibility
Contrary to popular belief, moving into a retirement village doesn’t mean giving up your independence. In fact, many retirement villages Pakenham are designed to offer residents the freedom to live life on their own terms. With various living options, including independent apartments, assisted living units, and memory care facilities, you can choose the level of support that best suits your needs.
Additionally, many retirement villages offer customisable services such as meal plans, housekeeping, and transportation. This flexibility allows you to enjoy the benefits of community living while retaining the autonomy to live as you wish.
Health and Wellness
Health and wellness are at the forefront of modern retirement village design. Many communities feature wellness centres staffed by professionals who offer a range of services, including fitness programs, physical therapy, and wellness workshops. These resources are aimed at helping you maintain your health and vitality well into your later years.
Moreover, the on-site medical facilities and emergency services ensure that health care is readily accessible, providing peace of mind that support is available whenever needed.
A Smart Investment
Choosing a retirement village can also be a savvy financial decision. Many communities offer various payment plans and financial options, making it easier to manage your budget. Additionally, the value of real estate in well-regarded retirement villages often appreciates over time, making it a worthwhile investment for your future.
Making the Transition
Transitioning to a retirement village is a significant decision, and it’s essential to consider factors like location, amenities, and the overall environment. Visiting potential communities, speaking with current residents, and evaluating the services offered can help you find the perfect fit.
Remember, a retirement village is more than just a home—it’s a gateway to a fulfilling and engaging lifestyle. Whether you’re seeking a lively social scene, a supportive community, or simply a comfortable place to enjoy your retirement years, a modern retirement village might be just what you’re looking for.
Summing Up
Today's retirement villages Pakenham offer a dynamic and enriching living experience that goes far beyond the stereotypes. With their focus on comfort, community, and well-being, they represent an exciting opportunity for those looking to embrace their later years with enthusiasm and joy.
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maharghaideovate · 1 month
How Symbiosis University Assists Students Who Learn Remotely
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The remote learning options offered by Symbiosis University Distance Education are well worth investigating, regardless of your background—if you're a working professional seeking progress or a recent graduate. They are training you for the workforce of the future, not simply for school.
Adopting new learning strategies is essential to staying ahead in the rapidly evolving employment environment. You obtain more than simply a degree from Symbiosis University's cutting-edge online learning program—you also get a competitive advantage.
Online Tutoring: Additional Assistance When Required
Stuck on a challenging idea? With Symbiosis University, you're covered:
Round-the-clock tutoring services: Ask for assistance anywhere, at any time.
Experts in the field: Make contact with authorities in your area.
Individualized assistance for your unique problems during one-on-one sessions.
Options for group study: Take advice from and with your peers.
The main point: No matter how late you study—even the night before a huge test—you're never alone.
Technical Assistance: Maintaining Your Connection
Technical issues shouldn't derail your education:
IT helpdesk: Quick solutions to common problems.
Software support: Help with all the tools you need for your courses.
Troubleshooting guides: DIY fixes for minor issues.
Remote desktop assistance: Let the pros take the wheel when needed.
You'll adore it since you'll spend more time learning and less time battling with technology.
Online Resources for Libraries: An Abundance of Information at Your Fingertips
You can access the library resources of Symbiosis University here:
Access a wide range of digital resources, including research papers, journals, and e-books.
Access the same databases and resources as students enrolled on campus.
Help with research: Librarians are available for consultation.
Reference instruments: Make writing bibliographies simple.
In summary, you have an excellent library in your living room.
Career Services: Getting You Ready for the Future
Your degree is just the beginning:
Resume workshops: Craft a resume that gets noticed.
Virtual job fairs: Meet potential employers online.
Interview practice: Sharpen your interview skills with mock interviews.
Career counseling: Figure out your next move with expert guidance.
Why it's crucial: You're not just here for a degree, but for a career boost.
Support for Mental Health: Because Life Happens
Understanding that studying can be demanding, Symbiosis Distance Learning Center
Online counseling: Consult with experts while relaxing in your own home.
Resources for managing stress: Acquire the ability to remain composed and continue.
Peer assistance organizations: Make connections with people who are cognizant of your situation.
Tools for self-help: Go through a collection of materials to promote mental health. The impact: Both your grades and your mental health are important.
Financial Aid Support: Bringing Down the Cost of Education Managing the financial aspects of education can be challenging:
Scholarship information: Find out what kind of financial aid you are eligible for.
Plans for payment: Your schooling should be paid for over time.
Financial counseling: Receive guidance on how to handle your budget for education.
Emergency financial access: assistance for unplanned financial setbacks.
Why it matters: Dream big and don't let financial concerns stand in your way.
Student Community Platform: You're Part of Something Bigger
Distance doesn't mean being disconnected:
Online forums: Discuss courses, share tips, and make friends.
Virtual student clubs: Pursue your interests with like-minded peers.
Social media groups: Stay connected on the platforms you already use.
Alumni network: Tap into a community that extends beyond graduation.
The cool factor: Build relationships that could last a lifetime.
Accessibility Services: Education for Everyone
Symbiosis believes in equal access for all:
Adaptive technologies: Access the tools you need to succeed.
Alternative formats: Course materials adapted to your needs.
Exam accommodations: Fair testing conditions for all abilities.
Specialized support staff: Experts in making education accessible.
Why it matters: Your potential, not your limitations, defines your education here.
Continuous Feedback Loop: Your Voice Matters
Symbiosis wants to hear from you:
Regular surveys: Share your feedback on courses and services.
Suggestion box: Got an idea? They want to hear it.
Student representatives: Elect peers to speak for your interests.
Town hall meetings: Direct dialogues with university leadership.
The impact: Your feedback shapes the future of distance learning at Symbiosis.
Concluding Remarks: You Are Not Traveling Alone Remote learning and remote help are two different things at Symbiosis Corresponding Courses. You are armed with a strong support network from the moment you walk through the doors until graduation and beyond. Symbiosis can assist you if you're having trouble with an assignment, need someone to chat with or need assistance selecting a career path. Keep in mind that using books alone won't be enough to succeed in distance learning; you also need to know when and how to utilize other resources. Don't hesitate to reach out and seize all that symbiosis has to give. After all, they want to help you achieve your academic and professional objectives, not just give you a degree.
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indiafund · 1 month
Supporting Animal Rescue Organizations in India: A Guide to Cruelty-Free Living
India is home to a growing number of animal rescue organizations dedicated to the welfare and protection of animals. These organizations work tirelessly to rescue, rehabilitate, and provide shelter to animals in need, particularly stray dogs, which make up a significant portion of the country’s street animal population. If you’ve ever searched for “dog rescue near me,” you’ll find that there are numerous dedicated groups working to save lives, provide medical care, and find loving homes for dogs and other animals.
One of the key ways to support these initiatives is through charity for dogs. Many animal rescue organizations in India rely heavily on donations and support from the community. Contributions can help fund medical treatments, shelter operations, food supplies, and more. Furthermore, animal fundraising sites have made it easier than ever to contribute to these causes. These platforms allow animal lovers to donate directly to specific projects or organizations, ensuring that their contributions make a real impact.
In addition to local donations, animal funding organizations play a crucial role in sustaining the operations of rescue groups. These organizations often provide grants and financial support to help animal rescue operations expand their reach and improve their facilities. Whether you’re supporting a small, grassroots initiative or a larger, established animal foundation, your help is vital in protecting and caring for Community Animals in India.
Animal protection organizations are not just limited to rescuing and rehabilitating animals. They also work to raise awareness about animal rights, promote humane treatment, and push for stronger animal protection laws. Many of these organizations advocate for a cruelty-free lifestyle, which extends beyond animal rescue to include everyday choices like the food we eat and the products we use.
For those who are passionate about animal welfare, adopting a cruelty-free lifestyle is a natural progression. One way to do this is by choosing Vegan Indian Food, which is not only delicious but also aligned with the principles of compassion and non-violence. Veganism excludes all forms of animal exploitation, and India’s rich culinary tradition offers a vast array of plant-based dishes that are both satisfying and ethical. From spicy curries to flavorful rice dishes, Indian cuisine offers an abundance of vegan options that are both healthful and cruelty-free.
Another important aspect of living a cruelty-free lifestyle is choosing cruelty-free skincare brands. These brands do not test their products on animals and often use natural, vegan ingredients. Supporting cruelty-free skincare brands is an easy way to align your daily routine with your ethical beliefs. Many such brands are available in India, offering a range of products from moisturizers and cleansers to makeup and hair care. By opting for cruelty-free brands, you not only take care of your skin but also contribute to the fight against animal cruelty in the beauty industry.
In conclusion, supporting animal rescue organizations in India and adopting a cruelty-free lifestyle are powerful ways to make a positive impact on the lives of animals. Whether through donating to a charity for dogs, supporting animal protection organizations, or simply choosing Vegan Indian Food and cruelty-free skincare brands, every effort counts. By making conscious choices, we can all contribute to a more compassionate world where animals are protected, cared for, and respected.
As we continue to advocate for and support Community Animals in India, it’s important to remember that our everyday choices have the power to make a difference. From the food we eat to the products we use, each decision can help create a world where animals are treated with kindness and compassion. So the next time you search for “dog rescue near me” or consider purchasing skincare products, think about how you can make a choice that supports animal welfare. Together, we can help build a better future for all living beings.
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baby-bump-journey · 2 months
Navigating Parenthood: What Young Expecting Parents Should Know
Becoming a parent at a young age is a transformative experience that brings a mix of excitement, joy, and challenges. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you navigate this new chapter with confidence and preparedness.
Emotional Rollercoaster Pregnancy and parenthood bring a whirlwind of emotions. It’s normal to feel excited, anxious, overwhelmed, and joyful all at once. Hormonal changes during pregnancy can amplify these feelings. It’s essential to:
Communicate: Talk openly with your partner, family, or friends about your feelings. Seek Support: Join a support group for young parents to share experiences and advice. Practice Self-Care: Take time for yourself to relax and recharge, whether through hobbies, meditation, or simply resting.
Financial Planning Having a baby can be financially demanding, especially if you’re a young parent. Here are some steps to help you prepare:
Create a Budget: Outline your current income and expenses, then factor in new costs such as medical bills, baby supplies, and childcare. Save Wisely: Start saving early and consider setting up a separate account for baby-related expenses. Seek Assistance: Look into financial aid programs, scholarships, and grants available for young parents.
Educational and Career Considerations Balancing education or a budding career with parenthood requires careful planning:
Flexible Options: Explore flexible education programs, online courses, or part-time work that can fit around your parenting schedule. Communicate Needs: Talk to your employer or educational institution about your situation and any support they can offer, such as extended deadlines or flexible hours. Set Realistic Goals: Break down your long-term goals into manageable steps and celebrate each milestone achieved.
Health and Wellness Taking care of your physical and mental health is crucial for both you and your baby:
Prenatal Care: Schedule regular check-ups with your healthcare provider to monitor your pregnancy. Balanced Diet: Eat a nutritious diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. Exercise: Engage in moderate exercise, like walking or prenatal yoga, to stay healthy and reduce stress. Mental Health: Don’t hesitate to seek professional help if you’re feeling overwhelmed or anxious.
Building a Support System Surrounding yourself with a strong support network is essential:
Family and Friends: Lean on your loved ones for emotional support and practical help, such as babysitting or running errands. Community Resources: Utilize community resources like parenting classes, support groups, and healthcare services. Professional Help: Consider working with a counselor or social worker to navigate the challenges of young parenthood.
Preparing for Baby’s Arrival Preparing for your baby’s arrival involves more than just buying baby clothes and setting up a nursery:
Birth Plan: Create a birth plan that outlines your preferences for labor and delivery. Baby Essentials: Stock up on baby essentials like diapers, clothing, and feeding supplies. Parenting Education: Take parenting classes to learn about newborn care, breastfeeding, and baby safety.
Navigating Relationships Pregnancy and parenthood can put a strain on relationships. Here’s how to maintain strong bonds:
Communication: Maintain open and honest communication with your partner about your needs, fears, and expectations. Quality Time: Make time for each other, even if it’s just a few minutes of conversation or a quick walk together. Conflict Resolution: Learn healthy ways to resolve conflicts and seek couples counseling if needed.
Managing Expectations It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by societal expectations and pressure to be the perfect parent. Here’s how to manage expectations:
Set Realistic Goals: Understand that you don’t have to be perfect; aim for being a loving and attentive parent. Stay Flexible: Be prepared to adjust your plans and expectations as you learn and grow as a parent. Celebrate Small Wins: Acknowledge and celebrate the small victories in your parenting journey.
Education and Child Development As a young parent, you’ll play a crucial role in your child’s early education and development:
Early Learning: Engage in activities that promote early learning, such as reading, playing, and singing with your baby. Developmental Milestones: Stay informed about developmental milestones and encourage your child’s growth through age-appropriate activities. Parent-Child Bonding: Spend quality time with your child to build a strong emotional bond and foster a sense of security.
Self-Reflection and Growth Parenthood is a journey of continuous self-reflection and growth. Embrace the opportunity to learn more about yourself and develop new skills:
Personal Growth: Recognize and celebrate your growth as an individual and a parent. Learning from Mistakes: Understand that making mistakes is a part of the journey; learn from them and move forward. Positive Mindset: Cultivate a positive mindset and focus on the joys and rewards of parenthood.
Conclusion Becoming a parent at a young age is a challenging but rewarding experience. By planning ahead, seeking support, and taking care of your physical and emotional well-being, you can navigate this journey with confidence. Remember, every parent’s journey is unique, and it’s okay to ask for help and take things one step at a time. Embrace the adventure of parenthood and cherish the moments as you grow together with your child. Book a Private Pregnancy Scan to ensure your baby's health! Schedule your appointment with Ultrasound Direct and take this opportunity to connect with your baby with professional prenatal care.
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Do These Perpetrator groups that Target Innocent Americans, view themselves as a "militia"?
These Domestic Terrorist, anti-government groups view themselves as above the law, have a clear and anti-law abiding, anti civil rights agenda, and attack and violate other Americans Citizens.
Emotionally vacant, they have no empathy, no regard for human life, abuse and use children of all ages, women and girls of all ages, and anyone that they might single out for a host of differing reasons or for more often than not, no real reason at all.
Could they, based upon their multi-level criminal behaviors, likely suffer from a wide variety of organic mental illnesses?
The very short list to include, just a few of the options below.
Are they recruited specially for their mental and emotional disorders?
Will it be easier for the mentally Ill to be abusive to another and have absolutely no regrets no conscience?
ADHD (now classified as a mental disorder)
Autism, Bi-Polor disorders, Nicotine Related disorders (305.1) Alcohol Intoxication and other Alcohol related disorders (291-303) Substance Abuse related disorders, Impluse Control Disorders (312-) Dissociative Disorders (300-) Schizophrenia and other Psychotic disorders (delusions).
No one can ethically diagnose a true mental Illness by simply observing someone else's unacceptable, criminal level behavior.
However, if a member of one of these groups views what appears to be what he might believe as a weakness in another making it theoretically easier to manipulate him, he might then act upon that observation.
What is a Militia?
"A militia is generally an army or some other fighting organizationof non-professional or part-time soldiers; citizens of a country, or subjects of a state, who may perform military service during a time of need.
When acting independently, militias are generally unable to hold ground against regular forces; militias commonly support regular troops by skirmishing, holding fortifications, or conducting irregular warfare, instead of undertaking offensive campaigns by themselves.
Local civilian laws often limit militias to serve only in their home region, and to serve only for a limited time; this further reduces their use in long military campaigns. Militias may also, however, serve as a pool of available manpower for regular forces to draw from, particularly in emergencies" (Wiki)
Do these Perpetrator Groups view themselves as some sort of Domestic Militia?
Clearly their motivation is to destroy other Americans by attacking them mentally, physically, and financially.
They are definitly available for hire, by anyone who wants to compensate them.
Using those in authority to attack their targets, with lies, stories, smear campaigns and false witness. Abuse by Proxy.
Using biological and chemical weapons such as drugging and poisoning agents.(food tampering during breaking and entering or at restaurants and coffee shops) Spraying chemical aerosols during breaking and entering and on outdoor plants and gardens.
Destroying real and personal property through ongoing vandalism.
Blackballing and Blacklisting in an effort to destroy career integrity.
It is certainly possible to (aka -January6th) to locate, charge and prosecute these "militia" groups.
Especially when they are so blatant in their perceived protection from any and all Law Enforcement Punishment.
Operating fully out in the open.
Unlike January 6th to some, these are true conspiracy cases, with no "grey" area in question.
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boathouse-cfg · 2 months
Achieve Your Business Goals with DSCR Loans from Boathouse
In today’s competitive business landscape, securing the right financing can make all the difference. For businesses looking to expand, invest in new properties, or refinance existing loans, DSCR (Debt Service Coverage Ratio) loans offer a powerful solution. Boathouse Commercial Funding Group is here to help you navigate the world of DSCR loans, ensuring you achieve your business goals with ease and confidence.
What are DSCR Loans?
DSCR loans are a type of commercial loan that assesses a property’s ability to generate enough income to cover its debt obligations. Lenders use the Debt Service Coverage Ratio (DSCR) to determine whether a property’s income is sufficient to cover the loan payments. A DSCR of 1.0 means that the property generates just enough income to cover its debt payments, while a DSCR above 1.0 indicates a healthier financial cushion.
Why Choose DSCR Loans?
DSCR loans are particularly beneficial for investors and business owners looking to:
Expand their portfolio: Acquire new properties without relying solely on personal income or credit.
Refinance existing loans: Take advantage of better interest rates or loan terms.
Improve cash flow: Ensure that the property’s income can comfortably cover debt payments, reducing financial stress.
DSCR Loans in Michigan
For businesses in Michigan, DSCR loans offer a tailored solution to meet local market demands. Whether you're looking for DSCR loans in Michigan or specifically searching for a DSCR loan in Michigan, Boathouse Commercial Funding Group provides expert guidance and competitive loan options to help you succeed.
Finding the Best DSCR Lenders
Choosing the right lender is crucial to the success of your DSCR loan. Boathouse Commercial Funding Group stands out as one of the best DSCR lenders in the market. Our team of experienced professionals understands the nuances of DSCR loans and works tirelessly to provide you with the best possible terms and conditions. When searching for "DSCR loans near me," look no further than Boathouse for personalized service and exceptional loan products.
How Boathouse Commercial Funding Group Can Help
At Boathouse, we are dedicated to helping you achieve your business goals through our comprehensive DSCR loan solutions. Here’s how we can assist you:
Personalized Consultation: Our experts will assess your unique needs and provide tailored advice to ensure you get the best DSCR loan for your situation.
Competitive Rates: We offer competitive interest rates and flexible terms to help you maximize your investment potential.
Streamlined Process: Our streamlined application and approval process means you can secure financing quickly and efficiently.
Ongoing Support: From the initial consultation to loan closing and beyond, our team is here to support you every step of the way.
Get Started Today
Achieve your business goals with DSCR loans from Boathouse Commercial Funding Group. Whether you're looking for DSCR loans in Michigan, the best DSCR lenders, or simply "DSCR loans near me," we have the expertise and resources to help you succeed. Contact us today to learn more about how our DSCR loan solutions can benefit your business.
Visit our website at www.boathousecfg.com to get started.
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beehivehomeslafayette · 3 months
Discovering Respite Care Services in Lafayette: A Guide for Families
Caring for a loved one is a deeply rewarding experience, but it can also be physically and emotionally demanding. Whether you are a full-time caregiver or provide occasional support, taking breaks to recharge is essential for your own well-being. This is where respite care plays a crucial role. If you're in Lafayette and seeking respite care services, you're in the right place to explore options that can provide the support you need.
What is Respite Care?
Respite care offers temporary relief to primary caregivers by providing short-term care respite care for their loved ones. This care can range from a few hours to several days, depending on the needs and preferences of the caregiver and the care recipient. It allows caregivers to take a break, attend to personal matters, or simply rest, knowing that their loved one is in safe hands.
Importance of Respite Care
For caregivers, respite care is more than just a break—it's an opportunity to prevent burnout, reduce stress, and maintain their own physical and mental health. It allows them to continue providing quality care over the long term without sacrificing their own well-being.
Finding Respite Care in Lafayette
Lafayette offers a variety of options for respite care tailored to different needs and preferences. Here are some steps to help you find the right respite care services:
1. Local Agencies and Organizations
Start by contacting local agencies and organizations that specialize in senior care or disability services. They often maintain directories of respite care providers and can offer guidance based on your specific situation.
2. Home Care Agencies
Many home care agencies in Lafayette provide respite care services. These agencies can send qualified caregivers to your home to assist with daily tasks and provide companionship to your loved one.
3. Assisted Living Facilities
Assisted living facilities may offer short-term stays for respite care purposes. This option allows your loved one to stay in a supportive environment while you take a break from caregiving responsibilities.
4. Community Resources
Community centers, religious organizations, and support groups may also have information on local respite care options. They can provide referrals or recommendations based on their experience with different providers.
5. Online Resources
Utilize online resources and directories to search for respite care providers in Lafayette. Websites dedicated to senior care or caregiver support often have reviews and ratings from other families, which can help you make informed decisions.
Choosing the Right Respite Care Provider
When selecting a respite care provider, consider the following factors:
Experience and Qualifications: Ensure that caregivers are trained and experienced in providing care relevant to your loved one's needs.
Cost and Insurance Coverage: Understand the costs involved and check if respite care services are covered by insurance or other financial assistance programs.
Compatibility: Arrange a meeting or interview with potential caregivers or facilities to assess compatibility and ensure they can meet your loved one's preferences and requirements.
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Find Save N Grow's Health Insurance Advisors Near Me
In today's fast-paced and uncertain world, having health insurance has become an indispensable aspect of our lives. It provides us with the security and peace of mind that, in the event of a medical emergency or illness, we will have access to quality healthcare without having to worry about the financial burden.
If you're on the lookout for a reliable health insurance advisor to guide you through the complexities of choosing the right insurance plan, look no further than Save N Grow. With a commitment to personalized service and a wealth of experience in the insurance industry, Save N Grow's health insurance advisors are here to assist you in finding the perfect health coverage that suits your needs.
One of the challenges many people face when searching for health insurance is knowing where to start. The process can often be overwhelming with the vast array of options available and the intricate details that need to be considered. That's where a knowledgeable health insurance advisor can prove invaluable. They possess the expertise and understanding of the industry to help you navigate through the various plans and select the one best suited to your requirements.
Save N Grow's health insurance advisors are highly trained professionals who stay up to date with the latest developments and changes in the insurance landscape. They are well-versed in the intricacies of different health insurance plans, including individual and family policies, group coverage, and specialized plans for businesses. Whether you're a young professional, a small business owner, or someone with specific healthcare needs, Save N Grow has you covered.
To find a Save N Grow health insurance advisor near you, simply visit their website or give them a call. Their user-friendly website makes it easy to locate the nearest advisor by entering your ZIP code or selecting your city from a drop-down menu. Once you've identified your location, the website will provide you with a list of advisors in your area, along with their contact details, making it convenient to get in touch and schedule an appointment.
Save N Grow prides itself on delivering personalized service to each client, understanding that everyone's healthcare needs are different. Their advisors take the time to listen and comprehend your unique circumstances, ensuring they can offer the most suitable health insurance options for you and your family.
Having a health insurance advisor by your side is not only advantageous during the selection process; they also provide ongoing support and guidance throughout the policy period. They can assist with claims, answer any questions or concerns that arise, and keep you informed about policy changes or updates.
Don't leave your health coverage to chance. Take advantage of the expertise and commitment of Save N Grow's health insurance advisors to find the best plan for you. With their extensive knowledge and dedication to serving customers, you can rest easy knowing you have made a well-informed decision and secured the insurance coverage you need.
Health insurance is an investment in your well-being and financial security. Don't delay any longer—reach out to Save N Grow's health insurance advisors today and take the first step toward protecting your future.
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