#finally: a tumblr update that makes things more convenient
wingsyliveblogs · 1 year
Lactose intolerance and dairy allergies are different!
Lactose intolerance is well. An intolerance to Lactose (or is it lactase? One of them is the sugar, one is the enzyme you can lack which makes you unable to digest the sugar)
Dairy allergy is well. An allergy to dairy, and all the dangers and unpleasantness that that brings
Also you can have dairy with lactose intolerance if you're willing to face the consequences (just digestive issues), but you shouldn't eat things your allergic to at all really since you might have a bad reaction (like not being able to breathe).
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(In reference to this post.)
Thanks for the clarification, you guys! So I was definitely way off on that one. Good to know!
And this definitely adds some helpful context to Luz counting her lactose intolerance as a greatest fear: if it's unpleasant but not exactly deadly for her to consume something with lactose in it, then it does put that fear more or less on the same level as the others she listed. While there is a bit of a difference between "causes extreme physical discomfort", "causes mental discomfort but only if you're on the internet" and "existential horror", none of them quite qualify for a greatest fear.
...though it's possible that there really is someone out there in the world who does fear one of those things more than anything else. You never know!
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Propaganda why Tony Stark is insufferable:
>Makes weapons
>Made multiple AI Surveillance Robots
>Gaslight a child into fighting a super soldier in a foreign country for him
>His fans are annoying
Portrayed as a hero because? He chose to no longer mass produce war weapons and bombs after suffering the consequences. Huge hypocrite. Doesn't care about anyone but himself. Will backstab people if they believe in human rights when it's inconvenient to him. Seen as a hero while he's the personification of privileged people saying they're not privileged
There’s the usual “he’s a war criminal who only felt bad about it when he realized his weapons were killing white Americans as well as Arab people” reason, and also he’s just super annoying. You had to be there for the original Avengers shitty dialogue a la “we have a Hulk” that had Tumblr in a vicious chokehold. Also he was supposed to FINALLY go away after destroying all his suits in Iron Man 3 but he just… didn’t! Which is bullshit.
Tony is so annoying. When they first meet he straight up bullies Peter into fighting for his personal bullshit, insults and objectifies Aunt May in front of him, spits into his trashcan and is in general being pushy af. He blackmails Peter when he doesn’t wanna come to Germany with him AND HE DOESNT EVEN EXPLAIN WHY HE WANTS HIM TO COME. Uncomfortable vibes lol.
Tony being the one to tell peter “if Captain America wanted to hurt you he would’ve” when Peter was trying to state his case, yet HE’S also the one who put Peter in harms way when he didn’t even want to go with him???
Telling Peter that he should stick to being a “friendly neighborhood Spider-Man” (stealing his thing once again) when that’s what Peter _was_ doing before Tony took him out of his zone and filled his head with grander things to be apart of….bitch? Die. Ohh waaaait (jkjk) but yeah
Super long, sorry lol
Thinking about how in Homecoming when Peter accidentally caused that boat to get split in half because the Vulture’s gun exploded and Tony was acting like as if Peter was completely in the wrong for going there just because he did it without his permission. He was acting like as if Peter was out of line and “disobeyed him”, trying to act like his father. And then I remember how in CACW he’s the one who scouted Peter in the first place just because he saw he might be useful against a personal squabble between him and Captain America despite knowing that he was a kid and he’s just now acknowledging how dangerous it is because Peter “acted on his own”
Completely hijacking Peter’s superhero story and trying to control his every move (Training wheels protocol and baby monitor thing he put in the suit), acting like Peter should’ve known that Tony would send someone in despite the fact that he’d been ignoring him for 2 months since Civil War and not keeping him updated on anything!!
How the hell is peter supposed to know Tony is going to listen to him when he treats him like a kid instead of a superhero when it’s convenient for him? And when Tony loses his temper after Peter says he’s 15 not 14 like “the adult is talking” bitch he could literally flatten you without your suit!!!
I guess in a way he is acting like a father but like the absentee kind. He’s more like a sperm donor father trying to act like he has any rights over Peter’s life smh.
It’s not that reprimanding Peter for the situation is bad, but the way he makes it seem as if Peter is irredeemable as if Tony wasn't a literal weapons dealer lmfao. He could’ve said what was the truth about it without completely invalidating him saying shit like “no thanks to you” after Peter asked if everyone is okay when it’s literally thanks to Peter finding a lead on those guys in the first place that they were even noticed and it’s not like the FBI being there could’ve in no way caused a similar situation.
And then near the end of the movie when he’s getting crushed by the building rubble screaming and crying for someone to help him where the fuck is Tony?? That scene just proved that he never needed Tony’s suit in the first place to be Spider-Man since he had to use 100% his own strength to lift it off of him. I know he would’ve found the motivation even if Tony hadn’t been involved in the first place to give him the suit, take it away from him and have the words “if you’re nothing without the suit you shouldn’t have it“ echo in his head. Why did Tony even take the suit away? Like as if he expects Peter to stop being spoderman without it??? Holy fuck. This is why you don’t make it out of endgame /j /srs.
When Tony took this suit away from Peter he was like “God I sound like my dad“ shouldn’t that be a red flag to him? Wasn’t he literally just saying that he wished his dad was better than he was?? Lmfao
Propaganda why Victor Frankenstein is insufferable:
Victor Frankenstein is so pathetic not even tumblr could love him. The best parts of Frankenstein are the ones where your blessedly saved from being in his whiny, self deprecating, self centered pov. He’s so conceited that when his creation tells him directly “In revenge for killing the wife you were making for me I’m going to kill YOUR wife to see how YOU like it!”, Victor Frankenstein thinks that the creation is going to kill him and *only* him. (A decision And on top of it, he’s a shitty dad. Truly the worst.
this fucker has zero self awareness, which could maybe be fun to read about! except that 3/4 of the book consists of him constantly woe-is-me-ing about his own mistakes and how he shouldn't be responsible for any of his own actions.
He's not irredeemable, but his refusal to take accountability til it's too late is irritating
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trust-and-jump · 4 months
who knew that reddit DC fandom mentality is so much better than tumblr DC fandom mentality.
I am amazed. I love it. I'm on r/DCcomics for three days now, and I love it already. Oh my god. Why didn't I try it earlier.
It's not like tumblr DC fandom doesn't have its own good things. For example, art and fanfiction is much more convenient here. And, you know, just people keeping and updating their blogs. It's much more convenient here, on tumblr. And I love searching for DC fanart.
But oh my god, the comics discussion part. I sometimes hate it on tumblr. On DC comics subreddit though? I can feel people are reading many different comics, and reading them for years. It's just so much better. And I actually can see random comics to read, instead of the same ones repeating over and over (tumblr DC fandom does it pretty often). I'm not talking about the newest comics, because both here and there I see discussions. I mean the older comics. On tumblr it's just repeating and repeating. Especially for Batfam fandom.
I don't say "Batman fandom", because here, on tumblr, these are two separate things. Batfam fandom is insufferable pretty often. Batman fandom looks quiet in comparison. And, besides, kinda salty.
reddit is an evil site for people even more chronically online than tumblr users. but bro dc comics fandom there feels so much better already. Like I finally got out of a small smelly room.
I mean. Maybe I'm wrong. I'm only on reddit DC comics fandom for few days. Maybe I'll see something that makes me realise that here, on tumblr, it's better.
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rainy-painter · 10 months
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Extended Character Sheet (Gen 9)
Pokémon Fans of Tumblr: After a joke gone awry I have spent more than five hours working on extending the PMD roster to be up to current date with Pokémon (gen 9). And to not feel like my time has totally been wasted on a nerdy thing, I present to you my results.
(Keep in mind this is not official at all and just my personal pickings.)
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I will put thoughts and other boring stuff under the cut, should you be interested to read about all the thoughts and decisions I made.
We good? Okay, you asked for it! So;
As mentioned before this all started with a Pokémon Mystery Dungeon joke with pointing out a few innocent behaviors and going: "You seem to be the-"
And then it hit me- The nature-to-pokemon roster of PMD hasn't really been updated since Explorers of Sky, which only went up to generation four.
And from there it went down hill:
"Wait! The list doesn't even include all available natures!"
"Okay, so there are 25 natures in all, but the number of starter pokemon alone are 29 so... I guess I'll make up some natures?"
"I need enough natures to also include some classic Pokémon protagonist options such as Pikachu... And oh no, just HOW many options were there from Gen 1?"
"-And there are barely any extra options from the other generations?"
For this project I had to lay down a few rules:
The list had to include all starter Pokémon.
Include at least two additional Pokémon from each generation.
Try to balance out Pokemon Types as much as possible, as well as making them decent starter pokemon.
No gender exclusive Pokémon.
Trans males are male and trans females are female.
Added Non-binary option for the quiz.
Extra added things to note:
The list is mostly based off the one from Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Sky.
Missing Natures from the original list are grayed out for convenience.
New natures, added out of necessity, has its own list.
I also have a list of honorable mentions and cut Pokémon.
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Note: Pokemon greyed out on the list above is to indicate generation changes.
My thoughts on the cut pokemon:
Obviously there are way too many Pokémon from gen 1 for them all to make it to the list. Pokémon such as Cubone and Phanpy could have made the list more diverse, adding the ground type to the options. Togepi and Sneasel were chosen over Phanpy for their less common Typings. However after cutting Cubone and adding Ralts to the roster it could be argued Phanpy should have been added back instead of Togepi.
What am I? The Officer Jenny? If you feel Phanpy or, hack, any other pokemon fit the roster more than my pickings, feel free to edit or make your own roster! :) /Genuine /Positive
I really like Vulpix, however there were already a lot of fire types. The reason why Charcadet is on the list is because I felt like I didn't have enough options from Gen 9 that I felt would fit as a main character, be strong enough or not too strong for the theorized adventure.
Most Nominee were chosen for being decent base form Pokémon and being dexterous enough for a human turned Pokémon to not feel completely claustrophobic in their body: I figured a bipedal or quadrupedal Pokémon would feel more natural than pokemon like Bronzor or Ekans.
(Looks at Snom) I said most nominees. Snom was chosen for their special typing and cute appearance. However stats and weakness wise I found it hard to defend it.
For my final thoughts on this list:
I doubt by far I'm the first to make an extended list for the PMD franchise, but I haven't seen many lists on this website and I did the work anyway, so why not post it?
You are more than welcome to comment on it or make your own! ^^ I welcome creativity and I would be more than excited to see the thoughts other people would put into a list like this!
A lot of thought has been put into the list, especially nature to Pokémon wise. If it wasn't on the official PMDE list, the Pokémon placements have a 80% chance to have a sort of reference from the anime or in game ability, or just how I could see them. (As well as other obscure trivia. Like how Chikorita is on the Lonely category for being perhaps the least picked starter Pokémon.)
And hey- If you feel like your Pokémon self isn't on the list, then that's completely fine! ^^ The list is more of a guideline than actual rules- Hack it's meant only for fun! And I'm glad you know what Pokémon you'd be!
I didn't include Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Keep Going! Blazing Adventure Squad, Let's Go! Stormy Adventure Squad and Go For It! Light Adventure Squad in my research because it wasn't released outside of Japan (To my knowledge.) It also featured a very specific art style, so I considered them kind of their own spinoff franchise at that point.
No, I'm not going to make a quiz to fit the extended list. c': Anyone wanting to make a quiz based off this list is more than welcome though!
I am currently making lists for specific pronouns such as Necrom (With Ghost/Dark/Poison type or death themed Pokémon) and Fae (Fairy/Normal/Psychic type or fairy themed Pokémon). Unlike the Gender themes these will contain pokémon outside of the normal roster. So in a way I kind of walked back on the "no gender exclusive" rule, but hey it's all in good fun!
I'd love it if you guys have any other pronouns you'd like me to work on! ^^
I also worked on an "it" pronoun with genderless Pokémon, however even when the list included Steel/Rock/Ground types and object Pokémon I had a hard time making it work. I'm open to any suggestions on how to expand the list and still keep it in theme. c':
And lastly: No, I never did get back to my friend about what nature xey'd be. c':
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deanthe · 1 year
This is a rather long post, but if you're a fan of Flop Squad, this will be worth it!
First off, I'd like to thank all of you for your support on the series thus far. You gave me the motivation to turn this into an actual thing and not just a quick joke drawing. I'm glad everyone is enjoying the series so far!
Now that that's out of the way, onto the updates.
Now that I know I want to make this a full series, and that I have a decent idea of how long it's gonna be, I'd say it's time we finally get a schedule in. From now on, I will no longer be posting singular page updates. Instead, I will upload an entire chapter all at once at a set date. (Well, once I know when the date is, anyway.) Inbetween I'll post small filler things, like one off pages or even short stories!
Ah, speaking of chapter updates, it looks like we have one right now...
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The entirety of chapter 3 will be releasing sometime next month!
After hearing about the still unclear Key abilities, Noiji and Shikaku visit a relaxing village located near Mt. Nantai in hopes of drawing out Noiji's Key.
Next, I'd like to share a pretty convenient announcement: the official Flop Squad Tumblr blog is up!
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No longer will Flop Squad content be posted here on my personal blog. z Instead, everything will be set up nicely in one place! It's empty right now, but the posts should be up by tomorrow. You can find it here:
Do you feel spoiled yet? Well that's not all I have to share with you. This next announcement will be the last for this post. Take a gander...
A Flop Squad Parody anime opening is in the works! It will be finished... at some point. I'm not sure yet
I hope you all look foreward for more to come in the future!
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friendshapedplant · 6 months
[Video Description: Portrait video of Atticus dressed in cosplay, specifically Dracula from Hylics and Biker from Hotline Miami, as it shows off Cosgears Cosplay Planner App. Screen recordings of the app are also often used, showing off certain sections as they are brought up. Lo-fi music plays in the background. /End VD.]
Oh yeah I got hash tag sponsored to share about this app I use alot :0 Gettin paid to share this but tis all my own words and thoughts and experiences.
Aforementioned link since Tumblr doesnt work like Insta and I primarily made this for Insta lmao
Transcript and additional description details of the video under the cut!
Cosplayers! What are your methods for tracking and planning your cosplays? Notes app? Notebook? Spreadsheet? Your brain? (How do you manage?) If I may propose another tool, Cosgear's cosplay planner!
[Dracula cosplay pops up, poses to emphasize curiosity and then demonstrates examples.]
This website and app have been in development for around a year, and I've been using it just as long. Its honestly my favorite way to organize my processes. You've got a section for your basics, like the character, series, budget, and deadline, and of course a place to put your tasks like what to buy and what to make. I love that the tasks can be organized by what part of the cosplay it pertains to, like weapon or helmet or pants, whatever you want! Theres also a nifty view for just the things you need to buy, ideal for shopping trips so your list is all in one place.
[Dracula scrolling the app, some screen recordings as well.]
I've been using this app to help me work on Biker from Hotline Miami. Being able to go step by step through each piece has been so satisfying, and I can store progress photos in the app as evidence of my work if I were to ever do a cosplay contest! (Which I might be we'll see)
[Teaser of Biker cosplay from the back, shows off specifically stuff with Biker in app.]
Another fun thing you can do with those progress photos? Theres a built-in social media feed where you can post your progress, including sharing your techniques and materials! Progress photos on Instagram can be hit or miss for engagement, but in a place built around progress, it makes sense to have, and I've found some real neat work!
[Scrolls personal work in progress posts.]
On your profile, each cosplay has a page, where again you can add materials and techniques, as well as share links and even your shopping list. Good cosplayers don't gatekeep!
[Cosplay page for Biker, shows mentioned features.]
Or if you don't want to mess with any of that social media stuff? Totally fine, it's all optional. Cosplays can be made private, the Planner is your landing page, and hype can be hidden.
[Scroll profile and cosplays, shows hype hide setting.]
Final thing, this tool is constantly being updated and worked on. There's ocasional bugs and maybe theres things you'd like to see that aren't already around. There's a discord server for that! The Cosgear team is super open to suggestions and because of people like me, the community reference library requires sources for its images.
[More cosplay scrolling, show off references library for Link from Legend of Zelda.]
And I didn't even get to talk about the reference libaray! There's so many resources built into the app to try and make your process as streamlined and convenient as possible. Why not give it a shot? I'll have a link in my bio, go give it a look!
[Scrolls posts again, final shot is Dracula cosplay waving phone with cosplay plans at the camera.]
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superstar-ethereal · 7 months
finally doing an intro post woo!!
i go by ethereal, aether, cassidy, or star(mainly star on here but i'm fine with whatever!)
i use any pronouns with a pref for they/it/fizz/charm
my main fandoms atm are fnaf, danganronpa, genshin, vocaloid/project sekai, mcr, and bsd
↑current biggest ones are danganronpa and mcr, but i'm not really the type to leave a fandom for good, so i'm still happy to talk about/engage with the others!
i'm Incredibly Sane And Normal about kokichi ouma
↑i don't talk about him much but he occupies half of my brain capacity at all times
i'm a reality shifter (and manifester!). non-shifters are allowed to interact, but fighting me about it is a swift way to get blocked
↑also adding onto that i started my shifting journey around M2/D19/Y23
i have pretty bad audhd, please be patient with me ^^
my other accounts are @windblume-star(my fanfic account/my account for rambing about characters when i'm too embarrassed to do it here), and @just-a-spam-sideblog(my account for spam-reblogging things so it doesn't cloud up my main one)
xenogenders and aromantics/asexuals(yes, icluding cishet and allo/amato(respectively) folks)belong in the lgbtq+ community. if you disagree, the door's that way ←↑
my main hobbies are reading(fanfiction), writing, making kandi/perler stuff, and playing video games
i make typos and the likes a bunch, so please tell me if you need something corrected!
↑also i use caps lock a lot
↑↑alsoalso i swear sometimes
i'm in CT but my sleep schedule is ass so there's zero guarantee when i'll be awake (except for noon because that's when i take my meds, but i often go back to sleep right after so that doesn't count)
tags under the cut! <3
#☆||starry reblogs -- for reblogs
#☆||starry talks -- for original posts by me
#☆||starry answers -- for responding to my asks
#☆||starry gets tagged -- for posts other people tagged me in
#☆||fanfiction -- old tag for fanfic i reblog. don't really use it anymore, though, since i have a whole seperate blog for that (tagged somewhere above)
(all these tags are pretty self-explanatory, but my main fandom tags are #danganronpa, #genshin impact, #vocaloid, #project sekai, #mcr, and #bungo stray dogs)
#general humor -- for non-fandom things i find funny
#positivity -- for nice little messages :3
#important -- self-explanatory, for important posts
#serious talk -- for posts that are less fun and silly
#lgbtq+ -- for all posts regarding the queer community
#lgbtq+ history -- for the things that led us to where we are today, good or bad
#queer rights -- what it says on the tin. posts about discrimination, lack of access to proper medical care, new laws or acts(or warnings about possible future ones e.g. kosa), etc.
#conversation -- for back-and-forth reblog chains between me and other people
#personal collection -- a curated little trinket box of all my favorite stuff on here
#adhd -- for all posts regarding attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
#routine reblogs -- for tumblr holiday posts i keep up with (mainly just out of touch thursday)
#shiftblr -- for all posts regarding reality shifting and the community around it
#reblog bait -- for anything from 'reblog if you support acting cringe on the internet' to 'not reblogging is a moral failure'
#silly reblog bait -- specifically for things like 'reblog if you support acting cringe on the internet', tagged along with the above for tag blocking convenience
#unofficial pinned posts -- for things i'd pin if it was possible to pin more than one post at a time
i may or may not add more to this later but for now that's all i can think of so bye!! have a good day <3
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ichika27 · 9 months
OnS Chapter 130
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Aaaaaaaah!!!! The lore thickens!
I am just dreading to make this since tumblr's post editor updated to being a pain the ass to use lol. I can't just not blog about reading OnS chapters cause it's the only way I can "re-read" them when they become unavailable. Why have the scanlators stopped working on this, I'd never know but I'm sad they don't seem to be around anymore for this manga (I mean I'd still read stuff on mangaplus but if I want to backread at least I'd have a way...).
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While Yuu-chan and Mika are having a chat and probably some potential existensial crisis, Rigr seem to be checking out the 1st Progenitor's memories.
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Would you look at that? He got there at the exact point in the memory world that Yuu-chan and Mika last watched! How convenient lol.
Rigr now knows about Shika Madu's past.
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The reincarnated angels don't remember their past lives but it seems Shika Madu is okay with them living unaware of it. After all, tragic backstories and all.
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Rigr now knowing the truth, it seems he now cares about the 1st Progenitor. Shika Madu might be an asshole but he still cares about his angel subjects even after all this time. He knows it would be difficult and he might not be able to succeed but he's not going to give up hope.
It makes me wonder more what his plan is in the present since he seems to be fucking over those he says he cares about.
Anyways, Rigr ends up crying even if he doesn't have his past life memories which made him wonder if those memories still lie within him somewhere.
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I'm not gonna lie, I have no idea what to call him now that it's revealed he's the real Mika. Anyways, he was finally noticed by Shika Madu which is bad cause he has a plan.
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Angel Mika is alive now and he needs to make his father think he's still dead so he asks homonculus!Yuu to take his place. He'd even forget his real identity to make things more convincing.
"No matter how many eons it takes... no matter how many generations we go through... in the end, we'll save everybody!" declared human Yuu whose actually the real angel Mika (this is gonna be confusing lol. I'm calling him Past!Yuu). It didn't matter how long it took and what the circumstances have become, Yuu-chan has always wanted to save everyone no matter when and it's always been his goal.
(I wish I could take the screenshot of when he said this but it's hard to crop with the length)
Homonculus!Yuu seems hesitant at first but he happily agreed with Past!Yuu's plan and he's now the new Mika.
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New!Mika (yes, I'm not calling him that) is given his first task for his newest role. I'm guessing the "seven lights" are the black keys? Maybe? Anyways, he basically made it so that his father would do a bunch of detours before getting to his goal lol.
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Past!Yuu erased (although more like locked away) his memories of being Angel Mika. He promises New!Mika that no matter what, he'd come back and collect him and New!Mika happily promises back.
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Beams of light shoot out from New!Mika and Shika Madu catches one of them. On his hand he finds one of the black keys (I was right earlier! lol). He thinks homonculus!Yuu might've done something but basically thinks "Nah, I made him and he can't think for himself." so he turns his attention to Past!Yuu.
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Past!Yuu acts like he knows nothing (either he's acting or the memory lock worked too well) and Shika Madu doesn't buy it and checks his memories which kills Past!Yuu in the process. Shika Madu confirms that Past!Yuu totally knows noting (lol if only you knew).
Shika Madu laments the fragility of the humans he created as he estimated that they might not even live to be a hundred.
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Shika Madu doesn't realize that close by, Past!Yuu aka the real Angel Mika had been reborn again.
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Aww!! A proper reunion between Mika and Yuu! Yuu-chan had fullfilled his promise! They still don't actually have their past life memories but they're okay with it as they think it'd have been bad if they actually did all this time. After all, it took this long to get this far in their plans and they went through so much that if they remembered everything, it'd have made them suffer more and give up.
They're reminded of the vampires who hated being immortal cause it caused them suffering.
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These two are now having a discussion on the meaning of (their) life. They wonder why they should keep going and why Yuu-chan should make Mika human again. Mika answers that he wants to live and die with Yuu-chan (aww... that's so sweet!). Yuu-chan asks if that'd really make Mika happy and Mika says he thinks so.
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Mika is slowly but surely turning into a full demon and Yuu-chan says he won't let it happen. Yuu-chan concludes that they don't clearly remember their past lives and they'd continue living this life and would try to reach their present lives goal: save everyone (especially the dead Hyakuya orphans and Guren and their friends) and turn Mika back to human.
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Hope restored! Yuu-chan likens their current situation to a video game and thinks that they have a chance now that they know the lore. Mika agrees!
Their current goal? Get the seven keys!
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Oh!! Flashback to eight years ago!
Ferid is wondering why the First Progenitor wants to make a "Mikaela" and what even is a "Mikaela" in the first place. He says he wasn't compatible to become this Mikaela and the First Progenitor himself cannot be whatever it was.
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He also got his hands on little Yuu-chan and Mika (they were drugged and were sound asleep) to check their memories. Someone else is there with Ferid however...
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Ferid asked Guren if Guren had checked the kids' memories and he hasn't yet.
Oh... what does this mean?!
That last panel though. Guren looked weird lol. Had their chins always been this round/big? I mean I knew the illustrator's artstyle had changed over the years as this manga had been running for a long time now but this is the first time I really notice. I don't like it lol. Makes them look weird and old. I might not like Guren that much but I have to admit he's handsome and this? Not at all lol.
Okay! We got the lore!! I'm happy and excited and this feels like the most hilarious development I've seen in this story in a while. Angel Mika is smart and immediately have some kind of starting plan for his goal. Sadly, it seems turning himself into Yuu-chan also lowered his braincells lol jk. It seems no one else in this metaphorical chess game realized that someone they wanted to take as pawn is also playing the game.
Guren and Shika Madu totally fucked up their plans all because they were targetting the wrong kid! Especially Guren who had been with Yuu-chan longer in this current life cause his actions in the last couple of chapters made Yuu-chan reject helping him. I think if Yuu-chan had gotten back his memories of being Angel Mika and if Guren knew about this fact, Guren probably would've had a better chance of convincing Yuu-chan to sacrifice himself since Yuu-chan's goal in life (both the past and present) was to save everyone including Mika.
Oh, ther irony! XD
This isn't a perfect story, I admit. I don't think this turn of events had been hinted before (if it had been, then it's my fault I missed all the clues) but I don't care. I'm still having a lot of fun reading.
Mika telling Yuu-chan once again that he'd just want them to live together until the end made me sooo happy! Ah, it's times like these I'm happy to be a MikaYuu fan haha. I remember that in the PSP game, they did mention this also with Mika and Yuu wanting to live and raise kids together. (>///<)
I'm curious now about what Shika Madu is actually feeling about all this in the present. He did care a lot about everyone back then but now it doesn't seem to be the case and he's willing to sacrifice the other vampires just to get his son back. But then again knowing that he could just have them reincarnated, maybe he's okay with sacrificing the current them cause he can just make new bodies for the vampires.
Also wondering why Shika Madu kept remaking the Yuu from Ancient Greece. Did he realize there's something special about this new human? Did he realize that in a way, this was the human form of the homonculus eyeball (actually Angel Mika)? Or did he just think of making a human version of homonculus Yuu cause it'd be easier to experiment on something like him which he could just remake? I wonder if it's the reason why Yuu from Ancient Greece didn't have emotions while the new humans created in the past had personalities or seemingly could have one even before getting possessed by angels?
Also, Shika Madu's tragic backstory is enough to make Rigr sympathize or at least care about him though. I wonder how this would affect things as Rigr hated the First Progenitor and was willing to oppose him. How about now?
That ending there though. What did Ferid mean by "Have you looked into their memories?" when talking to Guren? Vampires have now been revealed to be able to read memories - Rigr and Shika Madu did so earlier and Ferid says he would at the end although I think I should've seen this coming since vampires turn into demons and demons have that ability. Does the question mean Guren also have that power? How?? Or is it Mahiru-no-Yo's power their talking about since she's now Guren's demon? Hmmm..... but then again, didn't they mention a connection between the Ichinose clan and Rigr?
Oh my god, so many questions! XD
I'm so glad I didn't end up taking too many photos cause tumblr had a photo limit for posts and I didn't hit that. Excited for the next chapter! Hope it's as fun as this one.
If I don't get to post anything in the next few days, here's a Happy Holidays to you! I hope you have fun and thanks for reading. :)
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Hello! I’m Mercury, and you’re watching Disney Channel! (Joking :p)
This is my blog, which is mostly just something I have as a source of entertainment so I don’t start to lose my mind from total social isolation. I mostly just repost stuff, but if I ever make an original post I will tag it accordingly. I finally have gotten around to making a few tags for organizing (took me a bit, but whatever) so there will be a small list of tags at the bottom for convenience.
Also I don’t usually add trigger tags, or tag NSFW posts, I honestly for a while just used tags for commentary purposes so me having any tags at all is a new development. Also I don’t have a DNI, and I don’t really follow them because I personally think they’re a silly concept, so if you are not ok with that feel free to block me. It’s what I do when I don’t want to see someone’s posts, so I don’t fault anyone for doing the same to me. :)
Tag glossary:
Obligatory art tag- any art I like/reblogged
The catboy speaks- any original posts
The catboy intro post- you’re here! :D
Catasks- any asks I answer :)
Ratposting: posts about my girlfriend, also she’s on here, so any reblogs with this tag are from her, so say hi! :D
Ferretposting- I’m probably bitching about my ex girlfriend that I hate
Weaselposting: these are about my ex girlfriend, who I get along with better than Ferretface, so she has more positive things written about her. Probably won’t be updated much anymore :p
Lil guys- cute animals or anything else that makes me squee
Blorboposting- blorbos, my favorite characters that I see and go fucking crazy over
The adventures of tiny Mercury- Animal Crossing tag, which I’m playing basically every day and is currently (on the day of our lord July 22, 2024) the only reason I have a will to live.
Catboy complains into the void- this is just me being a lil hater about literally anything I don’t like, probably block this tag if you don’t want to hear my annoying opinions or anything involving potential discourse
Catboy archive: old posts from when I didn’t really understand tumblr, they aren’t very good (may feature new additions in tags prefaced by an -> to indicate that they are new tags)
Also any old posts I’ve made are not tagged, I just don’t have the time and energy to go back and tag them so yeah ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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morimakesfanart · 2 years
hey I honestly love this story a lot and the drawings! how are the other chapters coming along !
I don't normally answer this type of question because then I get asked more and more which puts a lot of pressure on me HOWEVER I've been wanting to give everyone an update so I'll answer this time ;3c
The next chapter is pretty much done. It will act as final prep for the Announcement Day. I want to have more of said Announcement Day written before I post the next chapter (I also have original comics and commissions to do). The Announcement Day arc is probably going to be 4-5 chapters; I'm still drafting the 2nd. (It took me all of last year to figure out Mori's outfit for it & I really hope everyone ends up liking it.)
TBH I thought I would have gotten to this arc sooner -like ch20 lvl of sooner. It's making me better understand my writing style actually translates to written from comic form (I over estimated how many less chapters it would take to write instead of draw), and how I format stories. I had one point joked to a friend that I wouldn't get to the Sindria Arc until ch50, and I'm panicking that, that might actually be what's going to happen. My current plan is to try to get there around ch40. I had a bunch of things planned for between the Announcement Day and when Sinbad heads to the Kou Empire, but I'm gonna have to either turn a bunch into summaries, cut them out, or move them to a later point in time like I've had to do with a bunch of scenes already. I need to get better at handling timeskips. Every time I attempt one I end up realizing that there's no reason these characters should have taken this long to have this conversation if they see each other every day, so I end up erasing the timeskip 🙃
On top of Sindria's Prophet, I've started making some one shot omake things that will end up in a different collection (The Adventures of Simpbad) because idk how else to fit them. That will be where I fullfil the requests I've gotten for more intermission and AU chapters, and I'm posting this as a promise that I'm actually doing it. They won't be as edited or cleaned up as Sindria's Prophet, and not all of them will get art ... probably. Any chapters that do build off of each other or SP will have that marked for convenience. There will be a few NSFW too because I want to practice that, but I won't be posting those on Tumblr because of the current user agreement.
Some will also be my dabbles into figuring out what I'm going to do for the Adventures AU that a lot of people have asked for. Since Sindria's Prophet is a teleportation Isekai, the Adventures AU won't be. It was when le trying to write an Adventures AU that I ended up settling/deciding on Sindria's Prophet. I have plans for both Isekai and born in universe versions of Adventures AU as well as different starting points. So far it looks more drama heavy than SP, but I require comedy to live so it will still be in it. Since I'm not entirely sure how I want to handle it, I will be using reader feed back to decide on the final base.
All of this has actually gotten me a lot more comfortable with writing stories instead of only making comics. It's a lot faster. Scenes that take me a week to draw I get written in a day or 2. So I'm starting to play around with a few of my original stories in this format. There is one that absolutely can't transfer to written properly because it's a silent comic (no text anywhere) but that one's always been a bit different than my usual stuff anyway.
I hope that answered your question;;; I kinda just started rambling. I hope you're having a good day :3
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allianettemie5 · 2 years
Hey there. This is a master post to this whole disaster. Is updating.
There is a fanfiction master post, where I keep track of all the fanfiction I published.
Let me finally do the introductions. My name is Tasha (she/her).
My socials (there's currently one):
Archive of Our Own (AllianettemiE5)
I have sideblogs!
@privaterecording1memes — Private Recording 1 memes blog @pr1-appreciation-month-2023 @umbertail-falcon — Reblogging whatever I find out there @batman-on-budget — Genshin Impact related stuff. Possible fanfiction in the future. @darthsnail (WIP) — for Star Wars content.
What am I doing here? There's a button to read more!
This Tumblr initially was meant for writing events, like #crewfuweek2022. Now I'm doing whatever comes to my mind, such as art, ficlets, some abstract things that my brain tells me to do at 2am.
For your (and my own) convenience I have put (and going to update) featured in this blog tags.
Some of them I want to mention here:
#allianettemie5 original. These are all the original posts from me (no reblogs). It's convenient sometimes to have this tag pinned somewhere. I DO NOT CLAIM that I am a hundred percent author of the original things that I posted about.
#allianettemie5 ask. Kinda shocked that I can add this tag atm. This makes me feel very professional, and I am scared.
#allianettemie asks others.
#private recording 1. I'm trying to get this name some more recognition, for this CC group changed my life.
#private alignment charts 1. This is my own little thingy with me making various alignment charts with some content creators from #private recording 1. Check them out, it's been so much fun making them.
#fanfiction. I write a little bit. I mean, I have grand plans, and not all of them come to life. Still, I have an account on Ao3 where I come back to once in a while.
#harry potter au. I also have this little side project. This is #private recording 1 Harry Potter AU. I don't know what it'll become in the future.
#genshin impact au. This one is #private recording 1 in the lands of Teyvat. For now it's posts about each of them getting their Visions.
Events I partook in:
#crewfuweek2022. My first ever writing events and the only one so far. I highly recommend checking it out, there's a master post for ya.
#pr1 appreciation month 2023.
Some more facts about myself:
I'm not a native English speaker, but I think I've picked it up at a decent level.
I watched the entirety of Supernatural (pain).
I tried to learn Sindarin when I was 14.
I tried to learn Klingon when I was 17.
My favorite song to play on guitar is Hey Jude, and it totally has something to do with Supernatural.
Sometimes Imagine by John Lennon is hitting something deep inside of my chest.
I consider myself a Star Wars fan (pain).
Batman Returns (1992) is a Christmas movie, one of the best, and you won't be able to convince me otherwise.
My favourite cinematic moment of all the time was and will be the scene of Eorlingas riding down the hill at the Uruk-hai with the blinding sun rising behind their backs and the music so bright and inspiring and powerful; I haven't seen more beautiful (or even matching) moment in cinema in my entire life.
I listen to movie soundtracks a lot. Here are the top-3 movies I love the soundtrack from: The Lord of The Rings (the whole trilogy), the new Star Trek trilogy, and Pirates of the Caribbean 1-3. These trilogies rule.
I'm a space invader, I'll be a rock 'n' rollin' bitch for you
I want to end this post with a quote from Skadj, for some reason.
Totally about me
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krovscastlerpg · 2 years
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It’s finally ready, Krovs! Our main page and species updates are completed! We know it’s been a long time coming and we hope you’re all just as excited about this as we are. We believe that our main should be much cleaner, easier to navigate, and all the information is clear. 
Players will notice a few pages missing like Krovs Town history, town locations, our hiatus form, and our blogroll. We’ve completely cut those pages out and replaced our blogroll with the tumblr follow list that should be much more convenient for following our many accounts. To request a hiatus, players just need to message the main with a hiatus start and end date. All information on Krovs Town has been revised and consolidated within our IC Rules pages. Players will also get to see our lovely new main theme! :) 
The pages that received the most updates are linked here that players should read through: 
Species (Desktop View) / Species (Mobile View) 
IC Rules (Desktop View) / IC Rules (Mobile View) 
OOC Rules
Our species pages received the biggest lifts out of everything we’ve updated. Some names have changed, a lot have had powers and abilities adjusted. Most importantly, each species and hybrid has received a significant lore update on their roles in the world of Krovs. Players should read through these pages carefully to familiarize themselves with everything, especially when it comes to their characters’ species. 
We are officially re-open for new applications!
Please see below the read more for a quick notes summary of what’s been done in regard to character species in Krovs.
Remember those little numbers on our species and hybrids? We’ve opted to forgo them entirely since they never really made much sense when thought about. Instead, character power will be based on age, experience, knowledge, abilities, and skill. We trust our players to be fair and know their characters’ limits. 
We’ve cut out a whopping total of 156 hybrids down to just 29 hybrids. The ones that we cut were all ones that were either very unpopular or felt redundant. The remaining hybrids have been revamped and updated from fantasy or supernatural creatures closely related to their actual lore. Some have only been renamed but haven’t changed while others have been altered completed from what they originally were. We think this should help differentiate species from each other better and provide better focus on character development. It should also be less overwhelming having less than 100 hybrids to choose from. 
All hybrids are now housed on their respective species pages (for example, the information for a vampire/werewolf hybrid can be found on both the main vampire and werewolf species pages. This should make it a lot easier to find things and fully understand the abilities their characters are capable of. 
In order to make more room for our more popular species, we decided to “cut” and consolidate two of our main species into other groups. 
Mermen are still very much their own species but will now be considered a type of faerie. All information on mermen and their hybrids can be found on our faeries species page. 
Elementals have been cut as a main species with all of their hybrids. However, this species has been revamped as a new spirit type. See below for additional information. 
Demons: All species types have been updated with lore and abilities. Shadow demon is now called “daeva.” All full demon characters will need to specify a demon type. Hybrids either already have them built in or they are optional. 
Spirits: All original yōkai spirit types have been updated with in-depth lore and more fitting abilities. We’ve added two new spirit types: Elemental spirits (replacing the original main elemental species) and ghosts. The elemental spirits have received some major upgrades from their original species. All elemental hybrid characters are now considered spirit hybrids. All full spirit characters will need to specify a spirit type. Hybrids are optional in declaring a spirit type. 
Dragons and Phoenixes: These two species now both have two elemental variants that players can choose from for their dragon or phoenix characters. Dragons can have different elemental breath types ranging from fire, ice, or storm. Phoenixes have three different types starting with the main firebird of legend and then pamolas and thunderbirds revamped from their original elemental hybrid versions as two different options. While pamolas and thunderbirds are not the same as phoenixes, they will be classified as “phoenixes” for our ratio purposes; the main phoenix may also be referred to as “firebird” to help differentiate. All this information is on their respective pages. 
Faeries: In addition to mermen joining their ranks, faeries are now separated into two categories – seelie and unseelie. Each one has their own set of unique abilities listed on the faeries page. 
Demons, celestials, and their hybrids get some fun customization options with the addition of sins and virtues. Demon characters embody one of the seven deadly sins while celestials take on one of the heavenly virtues. Each of these provide these characters with a few extra powers. The information for this can be found on their species pages. 
The biggest update of all is our information on magic has moved in with the information on witches and divided into schools of study. Each school has leveling from beginner to expert with all abilities defined clearly for players’ knowledge to work with. There are also rules on how magic works and guidelines to follow based on character ages and when they received magic for those who have had recent species changes. Any character species capable of wielding strictly magic, dark magic, white magic, or a single school of magic like necromancy or animancy should follow these guidelines. All species will have quick links to these sections for players to easily find what they’re looking for. The magic rules is also linked in our navigation for quick access for everyone. 
We hope that this should help clear things up in terms of what magic can do in Krovs. Please note that if something is not listed as an ability in magic, it’s not available for characters to use with magic. 
Now that all of our updates have been done, we’re looking for full player cooperation in the next week to finish updating our main page. We will be messaging players individually over the next few days asking for this information, but anyone online is welcome to get a head start and proactively submit what’s required for their characters. 
CHARACTER INFORMATION UPDATES: After reading through our species pages, please provide the following information based on your character species: 
Witches / Witch Hybrids (or other magic users like ghouls, liches, arachnas, and inugami): specify what expert school(s) and advanced school(s) of magic that they are in according to their age / when they gained magic; please also specify if they are in dark magic or white magic otherwise they will be assumed as neutral or what their species write up says (this is required)
Dragons / Dragon Hybrids: specify if they are a fire, ice, or storm dragon if players would like to change their dragon element from just fire (this is an optional change; unspecified will be assumed as fire dragons)
Faeries: specify if they are seelie or unseelie (this is required)
Spirit Hybrids: specify spirit type as needed (this is optional)
Demon Hybrids: specify demon type as needed (this is optional) and what sin they embody (this is required)
Celestials / Celestial Hybrids: specify what virtue they embody (this is required)
Once submitted and approved by the main, please add this information to your character blog descriptions like so: X X X X X
The format does not need to match exactly, but all blog descriptions should now include the character name, age, species (including type as needed), role, versatility, and additional info like expert/advanced/advancing areas of magic or demonic sin/celestial virtues. This is so that all important information is available to players at all times and prevents the risk of power playing. 
All additional character information MUST be approved and added to all character blog descriptions by next Saturday (1/21/23). 
CHARACTER BIO UPDATES: Given that a lot of our species and lores have changed, players are welcome to update their character bios as needed to fit our revamp in terms of species or hybrid creation, or just updating their background. This is OPTIONAL and will not be enforced. All characters have been accepted as they were under the original rules and we are not going to force anyone to make major changes that will affect their character just because we decided to do a revamp now. These updated rules and species lores will be enforced in any future applications. Players who would like to update their character’s bio can do so at any time starting now; we do not have a set deadline for this. Simply submit the full bio with updates to our main and we’ll incorporate it into our character post! These bio updates should NOT be used to completely restart or retcon characters from scratch. 
We’d like to thank all of our players for their patience. We’re incredibly grateful to the few who had sneak peaks and provided some helpful feedback during the drafting process and the ones who were more than flexible to work with us on necessary species changes for their characters. We’d especially like to thank our long-time player HD who volunteered with proofreading and editing our species pages with some valuable insight. 
We sincerely hope that everyone enjoys our refreshed species and finds them just as awesome and exciting as we do. We’re looking forward to seeing new characters join Krovs Castle as well with these updated species. 
Players, please LIKE this post so that we know it has been read. 
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biglisbonnews · 2 years
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RYL0 Has Her Full-Circle Moment With 'Thru My Chest' Born out of the nature of the internet is a generation of omnivorous listeners not bound to the limitations of genre; it was only a matter of time that hyperpop would explode onto the scene. Frenetic and sickeningly sweet, the genre has spawned countless artists intrigued by its accessibility, much like the previous wave of bedroom pop. Alt-pop breakout star RYL0 is taking all of these things and making them her own. Taking a detour from her explosive, off-kilter hyperpop bangers opens a new path for the young artist, armed with the skills learned from being an independent artist that has collaborated and shared the stage with everyone from Fraxiom to Arca. "Thru My Chest," her latest single, hints at this new era. Harps drenched in reverb lead into deep kick drums with the dark urgency of drum-and-bass, setting the perfect backdrop for RYL0's stunning vocal performance that goes in and out of autotune. RYL0 is ready to see what 2023 can bring, and that means reflecting on her journey thus far to inform her songwriting process. With some of pop's most prominent producers ready to work with the rising star, she's ready to expand the vast, colorful world that she's built.Read on for PAPER's conversation with RYL0. “Thru My Chest” is such a brilliant track and is very different from a lot of your poppier, mile-a-minute songs from your EP. What did that process of shifting gears look like for you?The process has been pretty long actually! We got together for the “Thru My Chest” session late last spring, around the same time I was preparing to release my last mixtape, I’m the Worst!! So there’s been a lot of overlap. I came up with the concept of I'm the Worst!! back in 2020 and it didn’t come out until May 2022, so I’ve been playing the long game for a while and a lot can change in that window. Once that project came out, I was already mentally onto the next thing since I was doing tons of different sessions in the middle of its rollout. I had spent a few years operating in the hyperpop world, was ready for a change, and started exploring new styles of pop music. Leading up to the release of this track, I knew I also wanted to change up my look. I like to challenge myself since I get bored easily, and decided to transition from the DIY internet music aesthetic that I had embraced the past couple years to something that was more glossy. I’ve been talking about this “rebrand’ for months, and that’s not something that just happens overnight. I really wanted to take my time and make sure everything would be aligned with this new direction before rushing to put the track out. I needed new assets, so I made new logos, updated my website, created a Discord server, made a Tumblr, etc. Now that everything’s all set and the presentation’s there, I feel really confident about finally shifting gears and reinventing myself again. I browsed your Soundcloud and was taken by your older work characterized by eerie synths and minimal voice production, and I see glimpses of it in this track. How did you find your way back without letting go of your passion for pop music?I’ve actually been thinking about this a lot lately, and it really does feel like a full-circle moment. Up until late 2020, my biggest musical inspirations were Kelsey Lu, Grimes, FKA twigs and Purity Ring so I was incorporating a lot of dark electronic elements that were often categorized as “experimental” into my music. I was producing everything myself using GarageBand while I was also trying to figure out what I wanted to say and how I wanted to say it as an artist. I wasn’t concerned with anything technical because I found it boring, and I never used a proper microphone because it was more convenient to just sing straight into my laptop. Obviously, I didn’t take myself too seriously but I also knew I hated being called experimental because it still felt disingenuous to what I was actually aiming for.Releasing "Thru My Chest" of course marks the beginning of a new era in my career, but it also feels like a nod back to some of my earliest releases in a lot of ways. While this was never the intention when creating this track with my collaborators Dave Burris and Christina Galligan, I think that ultimately proves the point I’ve been trying to make for years up until now… I’ve always been a pop-oriented artist. I’ve definitely gotten better at making that more obvious in my music over the years, but the pop sentiment has always been there for sure.You are a former screenwriting student. Do you envision ‘Thru My Chest’ being part of a larger story in the future, and does envisioning your music in this way help your creative process?I started writing songs around the same time I studied screenwriting in college, and I think that significantly impacted the way I tell stories in my music. I love building narratives in general, but with this song in particular– the narrative is pretty fairly self-contained. The song itself might not be my most intense or meaningful, but it’s still very honest to how I was feeling on the day we had the session. I remember really struggling to wrap my head around my own emotions, feeling really vulnerable, and trying to parse through them in real time as we were coming up with the lyrics. I think working with another writer definitely made it easier to detach myself from the context, and keep it concise while also prioritizing the song’s pop appeal.With that being said, this track does communicate really well with a few other songs I’ve made over the past several months, but that wasn’t intentional. It wasn’t until I looked back on the demos that came out of a lot of these sessions I had back to back last year that I realized there was a consistent through line at all. Usually when I come up with a concept for a project, I form a loose narrative early on in the process and try to create songs that fit within that overarching story. There’s a lot of value in that approach and I’ve learned so much about world building that way, but I didn’t do that with this song. I’ve been trying to just let stories form organically based on what I’m actively feeling inspired by in my life and let the larger story speak for itself.You’ve worked both solo and alongside a talented array of producers and fellow artists throughout your career. What has been the most rewarding and most challenging parts of going from making music independently to opening yourself up to the world of collaboration?Working with a team of people and considering other tastes, styles, opinions, and timelines can definitely have its challenging moments, but I love collaborating and it has always been a huge part of my life as a creative. Before music, I was heavily involved in pursuing both musical theater and a career in film production – both highly collaborative practices. The only real reason why I worked so independently for the first few years of my music career was because I didn’t have many other options when I first started out. I started learning more about production as a hobby while still in film school so I wasn’t really surrounding myself with people I could ask for help. I didn’t have any kind of musical network and it felt both extremely isolating and freeing since I only had my intuition and my own ears to rely on. At a certain point though during the pandemic, it was becoming harder to operate by myself on my little island because I was struggling to find new ways to grow and challenge myself. I was getting bored of operating within my limitations, so that’s when I got online and started building a community for myself and hitting up literally anyone. I was so bold about reaching out and DMing as many people as possible, and that process was extremely rewarding and changed my life. I’ve made some of my favorite songs with the help of people I’ve met online, and that gave me a lot of confidence to start collaborating in person… sometimes in really intimidating environments. I truly collaborate all the time at this point in my career and I’m a much better artist for it. Plus things get done a lot faster which is a bonus!Check out the PAPER premiere of RYL0's "Thru My Chest" below.Photos courtesy of RYL0 https://www.papermag.com/ryl0-premiere-thru-my-chest-2659205529.html
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thepetiteninja · 8 months
Welcome to 2024
Hello again!
My most recent post was from 4 years ago. And so much had happened since, so I guess it's time for another update. I'm writing this for me who will be reading this entry after a few years, maybe when I remember to dig up my old tumblr account again just because I felt like reminiscing.
So anyway, I'm turning thirty this year. That hasn't sunk yet because more than anything — I'm getting married this year too. It's still to the guy I have been writing about years before. We're turning 9 years this 2024, and are tying the knot this October. He proposed to me two years ago. On top of the Singapore Flyer, 11.11.22. Damn, what a date.
But the past few years weren't all about butterflies and happiness. These past few years were actually some of the worst ones of my life so far. I'm in debt. But fortunately on a good payment plan now that I haven't missed. I risked a really good job to pursue hosting full time — that only lasted for 3 months. Then shifted industries because I wanted to still give myself a chance. And so now I'm still hosting but for e-commerce livestreams. Got promoted twice in a year. I'm now a trainer. But I still do copywriting on the side because it makes good money. At least now I've flipped it up. Doing my passions full time then writing on the side. I'm tired though, to tell you the truth.
Mind-wise, I'm confident. I know what I can bring to the table and what I'm capable of. I don't second guess myself too much now. I still work hard and multi-task. I know my worth. I know my strengths. I learned my lessons well. I've been through difficult times and now I've gained stability. I know I'm ready to fly. In a smarter, more mature way.
Life-wise could be better. Because the wedding is right around the corner, everything I'm earning is being poured to it. So you can say I'm still living paycheck to paycheck after all the great things I take pride on. I'd like to think I've planted a lot of seeds that I'm just waiting to harvest soon. Hopefully the wedding turns out great, so I could finally enjoy the fruits of my labor completely. To be honest tonight, dinner was just a pack of pancit canton and cup noodles. It's petya de peligro and I don't know where to get tomorrow's fare to work. But I'll get by. After a day, salary's gonna come. I really hope it gets so much better soon.
So these things, y'know. It's entirely great but minutely terrifying. And every single time God proves to me that there's guidance from above. You won't believe how many conveniently unexpected blessings I've gotten over the past tumultuous years. I can't even comprehend how I've weathered through all the moments I worried about. But I'm here, sitting on my couch, safe, satiated, typing whatever comes to mind. It's these reflective, peaceful pauses that makes you realize that despite the chaos, I'm actually okay. Barely breathing but pushing on.
I'd like to think future me who would be reading this somehow, someday, would look at me and say: "just wait, it's going to be better". Because I would be saying the same thing to myself who started this blog 10+ years ago. It had gotten so much better. Crazier, but better. I wish future me would say, "babe, we're a millionaire". But more importantly would love her to say, "we still love what we do". No matter what that looks like.
So there. I think that's an ample update about how I am now. And hopefully in a few years tumblr would still be here so I'd be able to read all this again. It's a good self-therapy shit. And also I just missed writing my thoughts like this.
Ok, I'm just rambling now. Until the next update!
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imightgetbetter · 1 year
Oh I’m so happy for you :) the star maps sound so cute! I’m glad you’re doing well, my favorite parasocial tumblr blog <3 no for real, have been missing your posts.
I ended up going on a second date with that guy, we went bowling, and I just wasn’t into him. Afterwards he asked if we could go sit in my car, and I just knew, he was going to want to get physical, but I was like “okay,” and he did end up asking to kiss. (I went to the bathroom before we went out to my car, and literally said to myself in the mirror, I hope he doesn’t ask to kiss me lool) He was respectful and was okay with me not wanting to kiss; it’s weird because I kinda wanted to, but like I also was solidly not into him.
After I got home, I texted him and apologized for not wanting to kiss and kinda explained that I have a hard time with physical intimacy, and he basically said that it’s really important to him in a relationship. We agreed to just be friends, and I honestly felt kinda dejected for some reason, even though I don’t like him. I haven’t talked to him since that night, I’ve kinda realized when guys ask to just be friends, they don’t genuinely mean it lool.
I’m not too upset about it anymore, I’m going on another date tomorrow night (with a different guy), but I sorta had a romcom moment tonight with one of my coworkers? It’s also weird because I made an offhand comment to my mother about him, saying that if he cut his hair, I’d be into him, and tonight he showed up to our staff meeting with his hair cut.
Our coworkers also kinda conveniently just left us by ourselves several times, and we walked together under my umbrella in the pouring rain across campus, so it was cute lool. I’m trying not think too much into it because I literally know nothing about him, and I think everything that happened tonight was circumstantial and coincidental
I just want to be able to finally move on from that guy who broke my heart over the summer :/ but I think I’m already sorta over trying to date lool
i'm really proud of you for putting yourself out there!!! dating is so hard, i literally don't think i would've tried any more if i hadn't met my boyfriend when i did. but that's when it happens, when you're literally one second away from giving up completely. i say just keep taking things as they come and hey! who knows! maybe something will happen with your coworker and it'll make all these other things worth it. i hope you're doing well, my love <333 thank you for the updates
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rayveewrites · 2 years
Who is Alice and What is Zloy: An Essay* on the Lore of Zlobert Experience
Aka I did not watch hours of Zloy videos and dig through his Tumblr to keep this information to myself.
*This will not be written in essay format. I have a visceral hatred toward structured writing. Thank you for your understanding.
Zloy is a dimension-jumper/worldhopper, which means he spends most of his time doing whatever he wants wherever he wants. Of course, Zloy was actually alive at one point, and he had trouble surviving in servers he wasn’t native to.
The solution? An exosuit! What exactly this damn thing is is a little unclear, but it is, presumably, pretty good at keeping the man alive, and most likely has an awful lot of robotic functions, or at least can be easily fitted with robotic functions.
So Zloy was doing his thing in some world or another when he ran into the ghost of a witch. Said witch’s ghost then proceeded to steal Zloy’s original body for reasons that are unclear to me but might have come up somewhere maybe? (Zloy for the love of god please tag your lore consistently I’m begging you-)
Zloy, now disembodied and watching a witch run around in his former body, then proceeded to possess the nearest humanoid creature, as one does. Said creature was, of course, a zombie, which was allergic to sunlight, as most zombies are. Being possessed by the ghost of a Player didn’t exactly change that little fact.
Fortunately(?), Zloy knew how to cure zombie villagers! And, consequently, how to look after his new zombie body: golden apples and weakness potions. Of course, those can only manage an actual zombie so much, and also his body was kinda decomposing, and part of Zloy’s brain was being exposed to the open air and the guy was just kinda miserable in general, so he made himself a helmet out of his available materials. (Gold. He made a gold helmet. It got stuck to his head pretty much immediately. Now he’s even more miserable).
So Zloy’s wandering the land, consuming weakness potions and golden apples, a helmet glued to his head that he’s waiting to break but also really doesn’t want to have break on him, and eventually it does, in fact, break, because gold is not a very practical metal to make your helmets out of.
Unfortunately, the helmet breaking does not change the fact that it is still, in fact, very much attached to Zloy’s head. The golden apples, meanwhile, finally start doing something useful, so Zloy is now a ghost possessing a zombie with chunks of gold helmet embedded beneath his skull that conveniently work as sunscreen.
(either the apples or the helmet also turned his eyes yellow at some point)
And things are looking up! Not only has Zloy brute-forced his new body into being a fully functional Player, but his newfound zombie nature means he’s compatible with worlds by default, because zombs are a Minecraft constant. He’s free to travel the universe and cause problems for everyone, including himself!
Eventually Zloy finds his way to a little server called Truly Bedrock, where the moon is in pieces before they even start and the inhabitants are every flavour of unhinged imaginable. Zloy, who has seen weirder things than a broken moon and is also very unhinged, was right at home!
…Until said home got blown up by a chunk of moon.
And then the rest of the moon.
Fortunately, the TBers are frankly impossible to kill, even if they get bits of moon dropped on their heads every season finale. They’re like extremely weird cockroaches (affectionate).
So welcome to Season Two! This is where things get really interesting.
Zloy starts the season off with a shop in their new shopping district called the All Store. The All Store’s function is that people can both sell common resources to it, and buy from it, ideally creating a shop that restocks itself.
Originally it starts out as a fairly traditional chests-and-signs shop, but after a while Zloy gets bored waiting for the server to update to 1.16 I guess, so he revamps the All Store with an awful lot of well-explained redstone.
Realizing he’s kinda created something that could tangentially count as an artificial intelligence, he dubs it Allistore (Alice for short), mostly for the pun.
He then takes a break to reinvent the TNT duper because those don’t work on Bedrock. His solution is ghasts. He also builds a bunch of pirate ships and giant skulls because Zloy. He ignores the current ongoing serverwide problem that is beacons causing nether corruption in the overworld, but so does the rest of the server so.
Eventually going back to the All Store, Zloy gets to work and expands it once again and kinda rants in the general direction of whoever’s been messing with the circuits.
He finds a dark oak sign saying ‘hi’ in one of the dispensers, renames it to ‘henlo’, and chucks it into Alice’s water stream (which is set up to never let items despawn, meaning it'll in there forever) as a stupid joke. 
Then he goes off to design a vault! It has elder guardians, cobblestone generators, obsidian, the works. His plan is to convince his servermate Dadcraft73 to pay Zloy for the right to put his diamonds in said vault. Dadcraft agrees, so long as a) the diamonds are insured and b) Zloy stores his diamonds in there as well.
…So the diamonds get stolen like a week later.
Zloy’s put on trial, and the court is a kangaroo court, and nothing makes sense and a definitely-not-Foxy-person shows up at one point while Judge Foxy steps out of the room, but he ends up owing Dadcraft hundreds of diamonds he doesn’t have.
Zloy finishes his expansion of the All Store, and checks his accounting chest to find not the results of his test run, but a face saying hi dad. Here’s the sign you lost.
So it turns out Alice is, in fact, sentient. Somehow. Neither they nor Zloy are quite sure why.
(It’s at this point Zloy switches from using she/her to they/them pronouns for Alice. Canonically they’re fine with both. )
Zloy installs a shulker box swapper so Alice can talk more easily than messing with the accounting chest, and then Alice tells him to get his act together and reopen so they can maybe earn Dadcraft’s diamonds before Zloy gets locked in his own vault (which is a very effective prison).
Alice mail-orders a mech from Mr Beardstone, who has a mech shop for some reason, and Zloy realizes Alice can look after themself and doesn’t really need him anymore. He gives them the diamonds he managed to accumulate and goes off to lock himself in his vault-turned-prison for the remainder of the season.
Alice is, quite frankly, having none of this, so they scan the inner workings of the mech and combine that information with a scan of a thing named Chuck that showed up like once and…. Look, I dunno what that thing is either tbh. There's no context as far as I can tell.
Anyway, these scans come in useful when Alice uses them to get Zloy’s old exosuit working and operational and they finally have a player-sized body to work with, so it’s time to bust Zloy out of jail!
Alice basically tells him to get his act together and get mining, because apparently he hasn’t told anyone other than Lyarrah that his shop is a person, and they don’t particularly want to get repossessed.
Zloy does a lot of mining and gives Dadcraft a stupid amount of diamond ore arranged in the most obnoxious tree he can manage and that’s the end of that.
The TBers finally decide to do something about the ongoing beacon corruption, and JessieB comes in with news of an extremely big, extremely ominous nether portal that will spell the end of the server.
Naturally, the TBers go to investigate, and learn that the extremely big, extremely ominous nether portal will not, in fact, turn off. And then a giant magma cube came out and started destroying stuff.
While most of the TBers ran to upgrade and fire FoxyNoTail’s giant laser, Zloy and Beardstone split off to make a giant mech out of shops for Alice to pilot, and Alice fought the giant magma cube… at least until the laser destroyed both the mech and the magma cube.
The problem, as you might imagine, is that giant magma cubes tend to split into many, many, many smaller (large-size) magma cubes that are now swarming the entire server. The things are everywhere. There’s no escape.
Foxy figures that hey, they haven’t had the moon fall on them yet, may as well get it over with. He shoots the moon with the aforementioned laser, and everyone hauls tail into the very secure, apparently moon-proof vault/prison. Zloy doesn’t want to leave Alice to die, but Alice just kinda yells at him to get in the vault, they’ll be fine, they literally can’t die as long as the All Store still stands.
Zloy grabs part of Alice and goes, and then another chunk of moon lands on the TB server because these people really can’t go a season without that happening. It’s a wonder they have any moon left. 
Speaking of which, the moon is suspiciously fine for Season 3. Not only is it in one piece, something that has not been the case for the server’s entire history, and also Alice shows up and starts acting really weirdly about halfway through the season (the thing Zloy grabbed turned out to just be a monitor).
Turns out Season 3 is a simulation run by Alice so the TBer’s brains don’t die while they heal from being squashed by the moon again. Unfortunately, Alice had to strip a lot of Zloy’s permissions to make this work, so even if they do pull everyone out, Zloy will be left without a functional body, and- no, stop offering yourself up as sacrifice you stupid zombie.
They break the server via the medium of maps, because maps in bedrock servers take up obscene amounts of data and completely destroy the file size. That’s not a TB-exclusive thing, that’s just a known problem with bedrock edition.
They get out, but Zloy’s body is, in fact, no longer functional, so Silent chops off his head and they take it with them. Zloy is fine, if rather grumpy from being stuck in Silent’s hotbar and unable to do anything except loudly judge Silent’s actions.
Eventually Silent gives up and gives Zloy to a random zombie he finds in a cliff, and Zloy, once equipped, is once again able to possess the zombie’s body and is capable of making that everyone’s problem, including his own.
Alice shows up eventually, names his overcomplicated autobrewer, and starts chilling in his hotel.
In short: Zloy is a ghost possessing a decapitated zombie head possessing a zombie. Alice is his offspring, an immortal AI/building who is able to use player-sized proxies to interact with people in a more traditional way. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
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