#finally riri was such an icon i am so pleased with her
billykcplan · 2 years
back from wakanda forever
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agentofscifi · 4 years
Super Genius Marinette Ch. 2
I hand the taxi driver a few American bills as payment just after he sets down my bags on the sidewalk. I was right in front of the Avengers building, which had a small collection of reporters outside of it. The man smiles as he pops back into his car. I give him a small wave as he drives off. Swinging my backpack over my shoulders and I take both of my bags by the handle, wheeling up to the door. The reporters, for some reason, didn’t seem to notice me until I was typing my password into the keypad by the door.  
“Ma’am? Who might you be and what business do you have with the Avengers? Are you with the other children who have been seen entering this building?” A darked haired woman is holding a mic out to me, her cameraman fixating on my face.  
I shrug as the door opens up on its own. “There will be a press conference later this summer to answer all of your questions. That is all I will say for now.”  
I wheel my bags through the door, leaving behind the small gaggle, who were still attempting to ask my questions. A few of the workers on the bottom floors look at me weirdly as I pull my bags into the main elevator.   
“Hello FRIDAY, how are you?”  
“Very well, Ms. Stark. Your father is located on the communal floor, would you like to go there first, or visit your floor?”  
“The communal floor, please.”  
“Of course.”  
I pull up my sunglasses from my face and quickly pull out my phone. I sent a quick text to my parents back in Paris that I arrived at the tower. As The elevator dings at the floor, I tuck my phone back into my back pocket and grab both of my bags. I walk out the door into the general floor, high heels clicking on the tiles. Several heads whip around and look at me from the couches.  
“Crap.” One of the men, Clint Barton, groans. “Tony, your security sucks! There’s another Captain America fangirl up here?  
I raise an eyebrow. “Ok, first of all, I am not a Captain fangirl. He puts up a good fight, but he needs some serious wardrobe help.” Said man flushes at my words. “Secondly, the security is fine here, I helped set it up. Thirdly,” I look up at the ceiling. “Friday?”  
“Where is my Dad?”  
“Right here, my little genius!” My father practically runs me over as he goes to hug me.   
The people at the couches stare. “You have a kid?   
I pear over my father’s shoulder. The collection of Avengers were all staring at us with gobsmacked expressions. “Yes, he does. Who’s asking?”  
One of the guys sticks his arm up. “Sam Wilson. When did this happen?”  
“14 years and 364 days ago.”   
Sam Wilson stares at me with wide eyes, “So, you’re 15 tomorrow?”  
“Are you French?” Steve Rodgers decided to pop into the conversation at this point.   
“Yes, well not technically. Dad,” I gesture to my father, “is American. My Mom is from China, she moved to France to study baking. She married my Papa who’s ½ French. I did grow up in Paris, however.” Rodgers nods.  
Thor puts a large hand up. “Does this mean the other younglings here are your children too?”  
Dad sighs. “No. I’m mentoring them. Mari is my only child.”  
“And we were never told because?” Clint Barton is still looking between my Dad and I.  
I shrug. “I wanted a normal childhood. Being the daughter of Tony Stark would have made my childhood crazy. This was before Ironman and the Avengers became a thing.”  
Clint nods in agreement. “Fair enough. Why are you here now then?”  
“My little genius,” My father kisses my cheek. “Is starting MIT in the Fall!”  
“Oh, God. She’s a mini you!” I easily recognize Bucky Barnes from his signature metal arm.   
“But with better fashion sense!” I give all of them a winning smile.  
“Can we come back to Captain America needing fashion help.” The Black Widow is grinning from her place next to the couch.  
The Avengers all look at me with expectant gazes. Barnes looked all too happy at the topic. I simply shrug. “You look like America's 4 year old daughter after she’s finally allowed to pick out her own clothing. You were practically glowing, that outfit was so bright. It’s like you were asking for the enemy to notice you. Get a stylist!”  
Steve Rogers’ face starts to turn red. “It worked back in the 40’s during the war.”  
“No, honey, it didn’t.” Bucky and Sam are starting to laugh behind their hands. “People just loved you more than they disliked the suit.”  
Rodgers’ face is a deep red right now. “It’s an iconic antique.”  
“Then put it in a museum and leave it there.” Bucky finally snaps and roars with laughter. Sam isn’t far behind as he lands on the floor to roll around.  
“I’m sorry, who is the tiny french girl who’s verbally beating up Steve?” Bruce Banner is standing by the elevator with the most confused expression on his face.  
“Tony’s daughter, apparently.” Clint shrugs.  
“And Tony has had a daughter for how long?”  
“15 years.” I give Banner a bright smile. “I’ve read several of your papers. Your gamma radiation and nuclear physics work is amazing, but I preferred the stuff on Biochemistry. I have some ideas I was hoping you take a look at.”  
Bruce blinks a few times. “I-15 years-What kind of ideas?”  
“Bacta patches. I want to see if I can make them real. I’ve written out some formulas, but haven’t been able to really talk to anyone about them yet or test them out.”   
“Uhh...Sure. Bacta patches, like from Star Wars?”  
“Tony, your daughter is a fashionista and a nerd. I’ve only ever heard of such rare creatures.” Bucky was no longer laughing at Steve, but still looked too happy.   
“Technically, I’m a fashion designer.”  
“Tony, you daughter is a fashion designer and a nerd.”  
“Who has an IQ of 265!” My Father is smiling down at me, pride filling his eyes.  
A glass drops and shatters across the floor. “Holy shit!” is whispered from someone in the room.  
My Father ignores all of this. “Well, I’m going to introduce Mari to the rest of the kids. Carry on!”  
I give a small wave to the stunned adults. “Bye! It was nice to meet all of you! I’ll speak to you later Doctor Banner.”   
My Father pushes me into the elevator, leaving several flabbergasted Avengers. I raise an eyebrow as the elevator moves down a few levels. “You didn’t tell them about me.”  
He snorts. “And miss that interaction. That was so much better than I could ever have ever dreamed.”  
The door dings open and I’m suddenly in a smaller version of the top floor living room. There were 9 teenagers sitting around a coffee table, a variety of bags scattered around the couches and loveseats. All of the heads look up at me when I come in.  
The oldest male swears in english. “Damn it Stark, how many of us are you going to kidnap?”  
I raise an eyebrow and turn my head up. “Kidnap?”  
My father gasps dramatically. “Kidnap? I did not kidnap! Your parents practically threw you at me once I showed up.”  
One of the other boys snorts. “Aunt May is still angry about Germany. She said if you showed up at our house again, she’d throw you out the window.”  
My father shrugs. “Your Aunt is a terrifying force of nature.”  
A blonde girl rolls her eyes and walks up to me. A hand shoots out. “Gwen Stacy, I’m from New York and I’m 17.”   
I take her hand. “A pleasure.”  
The oldest boy sticks his hand in the air. “Harley Keener, Tennessee. Also 17.”  
The boy with a terrifying aunt gives me a small wave. “Peter Parker, Queens. 16.”  
Brown haired latina woman gives me a nod. “Anya Corazon. I’m from Brooklyn. 16, as well.”  
The last guy briefly looks up from the computer in his lap to give me a smile. “Ned Leeds. I’m from New York and I’m 16, too.”  
The girl next to him does even look up as she waves. “MJ. New York. 17. Nice shoes.”  
I glance down. “Thanks.”  
MJ nods, still looking at my computer. She nudges the guy on the floor next to her foot.  He pulls off his headphones and gives me a wave. “Oh, hey! Miles Morales. Brooklyn native. Freshly 16.”  
A girl about my age looks up from the small project in her hand. “Riri Willaims, Chicago. 15.”  
Lastly was a girl who looked even younger than me. She waves from her seat on the floor by Riri. “Peni Parker, no relation to Peter Parker. I’m from New York. I’m 14, but will be 15 in two months.”  
I wave back. “Hi, I’m Marinette Dupain-Cheng-Stark. I’m from Paris and I turn 15 tomorrow.”  
Harley chokes on the drink he’d just swallowed. “I’m sorry, Stark?”  
I nod. “Tony’s my Dad. We’ve just kept it on the downlow so I could have a normal childhood.”  
Everyone one is looking at me. I simply shrug it off. “So, you guys are all going to the International Technology Showcase in D.C. this summer, right?”  
There’s several nods. “Yup.” Peni gives me a wide smile. “We’ve all got stuff to showcase. What about you?”  
“I’ve got my showcase pieces.”  
My Father claps me on my shoulder. “Ok, now that you are all here,  can give you guys a tour.”  
Ned shuts his computer and Riri sets the components in her hands down on the coffee table. I set my backpack on the ground as my father guides us to a door on the right. He flips on a switch to reveal a large game room, complete with several large TV’s and game consoles. “This is the Game Room.”  
He walks across the main living room and flips on another light. A huge kitchen with a large table sits in this room. “Kitchen and dining room are here.”  
He points up. “Bedrooms are on the next two level. Boys on the next floor, girls above them. All of the rooms have labels and there is a central living space where the stairs and elevator dump you out. The floor below us is a training room. The two floors below that are labs. Engineering labs on the upper floor and a Biochem lab on the floor below. We expect to see you all at some point, so don’t live in isolation.” Dad walks back over to the elevator. “Have fun, just don’t blow up the building.” We all watch him wave as the elevator door closes.  
It’s silent as everyone looks at each other awkwardly. I roll my eyes after a few seconds. “So, Star Wars marathon? Who’s in?”  
Ned and Peter immediately stick their hands up, to the amusement of Gwen and MJ. Riri nods. “I’m up for anything. What are we doing for dinner?”  
Miles shrugs. “I don’t know how to cook.”  
I roll my eyes. “I’ll order pizza. How does a Deluxe, Margarita, and a Meat Lover’s sound.”  
“You getting drinks?” Harley raises an eyebrow.  
“A couple two liters, some normal breadsticks and some of those dessert pizzas that look like someone dumped a whole bag of sugar and icing on top.” I get a nod from Harley.  
Anya nods. “I don't know what you all are going to do over the next hour, but I’m moving in. Pizza and movies in an hour or so?”  
I pull out my phone and start to put in the order. “Should work. I don’t know about you all, but I am putting on sweatpants.” I grab my bag from the floor and handle of my suitcase as I make my way to the elevator.   
Peter starts to pull out his wallet. “How much do we own you?”  
I shake my head. “Nothing.”  
Peter shakes his head. “That doesn’t seem fair.”  
I raise an eyebrow. “My Dad is a billionaire. He paid for a quart of strawberries with a Jaeger-LeCoultre watch. He can buy us pizza.”  
“A Jaeger-LeCoultre watch, serious?” Riri looks absolutely annoyed.  
“Stark just gave a bunch of teenagers 6 floors all for ourselves with no supervision.” Harley snorts. “He doesn’t seem to think everything through.”  
“He has FRIDAY watching us.” I press the confirmation button on the Pizza. “Pizza will be here in 45. But, ya. My Dad has FRIDAY and KAREN keeping an eye on all of us.”  
Harley gets a look in his eye. “We have babysitting monitors!” A scary smile graces his lips. “I say we revolt!”  
Gwen face palms, but it’s too late. MJ, Peter, Riri, Peni and Miles all look too excited. Frankly, so was I. “Anyone know a lawyer?” Riri is grinning now too.  
Peter sticks his hand up. “Mathew Murdock.”  
Anya seems to be getting excited too. “So, what are we rebelling?”  
“Baby monitor protocols!”   
Gwen rolls her eyes, but caves. “We need more than that!”  
I bite my lip. “We also need time. We need our own AI.”  
“How are we adding in our own AI to the tower?” Ned has his computer under his arm as we enter the elevator.   
“I helped design the security for this building. Once we have our own AI, I add them to the tower’s system. Once we’ve done that I’ll take FRIDAY out of our 6 floors and add in our AI.”  
Silence for a second as the elevator doors close. “Can you keep Tony out of our floors?” Peni is practically vibrating.  
“I can keep everyone off our floors.”  
Harley throws his arms into the air. “We revolt at dawn!”  
“After the Star Wars Marathon!” Peter and Ned have thrown their arms into the air too. Peni joins in with Miles and soon several teens are cheering in this tiny elevator.   
I blink a few times and van’t help the smile that forms onto my face. How did my dad find these crazy teenagers?  
Before ~~~~~ Next
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kurtwagners · 4 years
you critize atla all that much which fine whatever you can do that but, your blog is plastered in marvel stuff which also has tons of problems in regards to representation and which mostly is run by white guys, one of which is actually a trump supporter so like, what's valid and what's not? Why do you get to pick and choose what is and isn't problematic to like?
Another thing is why are you so adamant on shitting on communists and anarchists and leftists in general? What do you even believe it that you think makes you so much better and wise that anyone with that sort of ideology? All you do is blog about fandom related things and consume comics by the two biggest media companies on the planet and you think that somehow makes you an authority on anything?
I’m so glad this ask gave me a gateway to rant about comics I criticize marvel and DC literally all the time, this is like the 5th time but I love to say it: Post-9/11 iterations of iconic superheroes of American culture, especially ones like Batman and Iron-man, are literally the manifestation of contemporary myth-making of American capitalism, as well as American-exceptionalism neoliberal copganda. My last super viral post was completely shitting on how Tibet is represented in Doctor Strange, you should check it out (it’s old though so not my best). It’s kind of an academic hobby of mine to rip apart comics because I love media studies a lot. My entire final project for my Tibetan Studies course in uni was on orientalist misrepresentations of Tibet in Western superhero comics such as Doctor Strange and Iron Fist and the “Shangri-La” phenomenon (I can link if you want I’d have to revise some sections though, haha)! Also if you follow my social media you probably see me preaching the book Capitalist Superheroes: Caped Crusaders in the Neoliberal Age by Dan Hassler Forest, it’s one of my favorite pieces of academic media studies writing, it completely breaks down the concept of the American “superhero" using a Marxist lens and I am obsessed with it. Warning though it’s REALLY dense but I think it’s extremely well-researched and really puts into perspective how important media studies can be when analyzing the political characteristics of nations, and how media shapes the minds of youth in their image.
I said multiple times I don’t mind that people enjoy and consume Avatar, I just wanted to point out it’s flaws in representing the Tibetan people, which is rooted in the writers being white. Comics also does this too, and I have written about this problem both on Tumblr and in an academic setting! So many fictional works created in the Western World has political implications that are problematic in nature, which is why I as a fan enjoy it and also enjoy criticizing and dissecting it! It helps me better understand how politics are ingrained in almost every aspect of our lives! You can enjoy things you are critical of, so please don’t worry! 
I agree with you, enjoying superhero comic companies is definitely a double edged sword, because of their problematic existence as corporate entities while they are now hiring more diverse writers and artists for specific projects that give positive representation for marginalized groups, like Ms. Marvel and Ironheart. I personally try my best as a fan of superhero comics to minimize my impact in contributing to the corporate side and white creators pockets by torrenting popular, large comic titles written by white men. I only actively purchase small series that give writers of color and women a salary and a platform, such as my absolute favorite writers Saladin Ahmed, Greg Pak, G Willow Wilson, Eve Ewing, and Ta Nehisi Coates! They’re all excellent writers so check out their comics and outside works! I also don’t watch superhero movies anymore, I just generally don’t like them that much outside of Black Panther, aka the best superhero film.
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Time for a promo: My favorite superhero team of all time, the Champions, focusses on characters of color like Kamala Khan, Miles Morales, Sam Alexander, Amadeus Cho and Riri Williams, and is currently being written by esteemed black academic Eve Ewing. The next issue of her Champions reboot is coming out in October 2020. It’s going to focus on how teen superheroes and vigilantes challenge the government and status quo, I’m so excited about it so PLEASE check out your local comic store and buy an issue if you’re interested in supporting comic creators of color writing heroes of color! It really needs financial support after Covid delayed the release. Champions in the past also gave a platform for Indigenous Canadian voices by pulling in Inuit creative Nyla Innuksuk and collaborated with her to create the new Champions member, Inuit superhero Snowguard (my baby), so if you are interested in modern and inspiring indigenous narratives please check out those past issues as well ❤️
And to address your other criticism: not all is how it appears sometimes! I have a more serious political twitter and a fan twitter both, so if you want to see me talk more about politics then fan things please be sure to follow me @chaiiyou on twitter instead! Kind of unrelated but also this is actually a side blog, I have a main blog that’s mostly just pretty photos and aesthetically pleasing stuff @butterchalatte so follow that too if you wish. 
I am a leftist of color (anti-imperialist anarcho-communist would be my best bet but I don’t like labels) myself, who is critical about how Western leftists often romanticize geopolitical situations they are unfamiliar with and nation-states that they have never been to or have been a part of. I hope you understand that leftism, like many things, isn’t a monolith and there are many disagreements and critical discussions happening within the left all the time, groups such as anarcho-communists and marxist-leninist-maoists really aren’t the same. If you happen to fall into the more tankie/authoritarian side of the spectrum, uh I guess sorry if I offended you by criticizing my colonizers lmao but these discourses are fairly common and happen all the time, I’m surprised you’re not familiar with it? Having open, critical discussions within the leftist sphere is what helps us better understand one another and build more substantial praxis together, it’s unhealthy to stick yourself in an echo chamber!
I don’t really get why you’re so spiteful and upset though, I think people who mostly come online to decompress and engage in things like fandom still have a right to have open discussions about politics if they want to. I’m not claiming to be an authority on anything, just sharing my own experiences like everyone else. I wish you well and hope you can find more compassion in your future om mani pedme hum.
Tl;dr: There is no ethical consumption under capitalism
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ircnhcvrt · 5 years
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flyin’ thru the skies!
“uh... shit, i have no idea how to start this or... how to even, word it? i guess?” riri lifted the helmet onto the nearest dumpster, sliding her hand underneath the cool metal to activate the recording feature. smudged in dirt, a shadow of a growing bruise under her right eye, blood beading across the cut on her lower lip coming into the view of the camera  — all in all, she looked like pure shit. “i guess what i want to say first is... if they find me, i love you, mom. more than anything. i know i said i’d be by your side till the end, and, and i’m sorry i’m kinda breakin’ this promise, but the world... it needs me. i can’t be by your side till the end if the end is near and i have the ability to find a way to stop it. for whoever finds this, please know, my name’s riri williams, i’m from earth — or what i thought was earth — and it’s clear to me that i’m no longer within my own dimension or universe or reality, whatever the hell you wanna call it. shit i’m ramblin’, lemme start over. i’m riri williams, an mit drop out, and i am the superhero ironheart. yeah yeah, like ironman, but in my opinion totally better? if this dimension even has one. i don’t know where i am, but it appears that i will need to fight. for as long as i can, to protect those who need it. if i don’t die and this message is useless, i’ll keep it in the archives, but if not... then it’s up to you to continue fighting for me. for all of us heros that can’t go any further. you’re countin’ on us, but we’re also countin’ on you. keep your chin up — and i know you’ll make us all proud. i — “ she was blasted in the chest with an electric pulse that radiated off screen, crashing into the brick wall. brown eyes blown wide she raced for her helmet, the camera catching a close up of her face. “shit, no time for sentimental crap, i gotta go. peace!” and with that, the feed was cut short, filling the screen with nothing but BLANK SPACE.
— zoo wee mama that was a bit of an... extensive and wordy intro into my character, apologies! my name’s e, i’m 20, living on the east coast of the us of a, and i pen the marvel original character, riri williams! 
she’s the unofficial prodigy of tony stark before his demise, and was able to break into various places on campus during her brief stint at mit to create her own iron man suit.
she uses that suit to fight crime for a while, but unfortunately the suit is damaged whilst she’s in mexico during a mission, and catches the attention of THE tony stark who, graciously, decides to endorse her on her journey to become a superhero.
FINALLY given the resources she needs, she’s able to create her own suit, titled ‘rescue’ [the black, fuchsia and gold version suit] and uses it interchangeably with her original replica of the tony stark suit she’d made.
she carries an ai version of TONY within her laptop and her suit, sort of like her own personal JARVIS, yet it’s almost as if he’s really there, snarky quips and obscure ramblings and all!
she’s somehow dragged onto an earth that isn’t hers through the various time jumps carried out by other heroes, into a world where even the slightest blink of a hero is caught onto by these fuckin’ senteniels who seem hellbent on trying to scuff up her brand new suit.
she’s scared, yet that doesn’t stop her from mouthin’ off and making terrible vine references in the midst of battles.
as for me, i’m a college student majoring in psychology [maybe thinkin’ about adding english to it too, but i don’t know yet!!!] who also works part time. i absolutely love roleplaying and i haven’t really been using tumblr for roleplaying, i normally use discord, but i really like the theme of this roleplay so i decided to give it a shot! i fell in love with riri the moment i saw her and since nobody seems to really know who she is, i figured this is a great opportunity to bring her out to the world — in a sense! as for the blog i actually make my own icons and edits, so stuff that isn’t reblogged or stated in the tags as someone else’s stuff, is all me!!! even the header of this post is mine, as crappy as it is, so icons may take a lil while to churn up sometimes, but i made myself a lil pack for now that should hold me over. if you don’t use icons/gifs for your posts that’s totally fine too, i won’t use them if you won’t, so don’t feel pressured into it. 
honestly that’s about it! i’ll be responding to starters in a few and eventually post some of my own. i hope to make a shitton of friends and memories here with you all!!!!!!!
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thoughtsonthotss · 6 years
OMG so the Met Gala happened last night and unless you’ve been living under a rock or something and have no idea what the Met Gala is, it’s basically a big celebration of fashion at the Metropolitan Museum in NYC, hosted by Anna Wintour and Vogue, and every year there’s a different theme. This year’s theme was Heavenly Bodies: Fashion and the Catholic Imagination. And as you expect, people came to SERVE! US! LOOKS!
This post is dedicated to all of my favourite looks of the night, in no particular order (except the first one), so gather ‘round my huntys, and without further ado, here are my uneducated fashion opinions.
Gigi Hadid
Now I know what you’re thinking, “how can this extremely problematic Hadid sister be my favourite look of the night when Riri was there?”. WELL lemme tell you, not only did she come on theme, but her dress was so damn original. Anybody could’ve done the cross, or rosary, or throw a halo on, but Gigi came as a damn stained glass window! This dress is so stunning I can’t even comprehend it’s beauty. I love the one shoulder/off the shoulder thing it’s got going on there, as well as how the stained glass feature goes down her leg. This is probably the most beautiful dress I have ever seen and don’t think I am even worth being in it’s presence (as if that would ever happen), like it feels wrong to even stare at it. 
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 RIHANNA CAME AS THE DAMN POPE. SHE IS THE POPE OF THE MET GALA. I don’t think I have ever seen anything more iconic than that. She knows that she is the queen of the Met Gala, and of course, had to come as the queen of all the christians as well. This ensemble is literally flawless, it is who she is as a person. Look at all of the embellishments , all the beads, on the coat, dress, skirt, HAT!! Rihanna knows how to work any red carpet, but this particular one is her bitch.
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Blake Lively
Now, Blake Lively is no stranger to the Met Gala either. She has been known as the second in command to Queen Riri (idk if I just made that up or not). If we know anything about Ms. Lively though, it’s that she doesn’t come to play, she comes to slay. Word is it took Versace designers OVER 600 hours to put together the bodice alone and it’s easy af to understand why. Look at all of the damn beads!! This dress is a literal work of art and I’m sure some day it’ll be put on display is some fancy dress museum. I absolutely love the two shear panels that show off Blake’s legs. She looks like the most beautiful tapestry of all time. Versace, you have out down yourself. 
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Mindy Kaling
Next up, I want to talk about my dear, sweet, Mindy Kaling. BUT SHE AIN’T SWEET. This look makes me want to scream out “Elizabeth, you better run girl, your reign is over! Mindy Kaling is snatching that throne from you!”. I love how regal and classic Mindy looks, but of course, the POP is that huge crown on her head. Not a tiny tiara, Mindy is a queen and she knows it. This fierce woman is wearing the fiercest crown I have ever laid my eyes on. I also am living for how the back of this dress looks like a damn cape, and those contrasting gloves. UGH. I am in love with Mindy Kaling and don’t care who knows it.
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Jared Leto
Now ladies and gents, THIS is how you show up to the Met Gala, on theme, as a man. I’m not sure if he’s trying to channel his inner JC (jesus christ), but I am really feeling this modern day take on it. That hair, that beard, that crown, that scarf thing that priests wear. I’m loving this look and the pink bow shirt undernearth his suit. I truly love this and am very impressed by this look.
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If you’ve made it this far, then I’m sure you know that Zendaya is the up and coming mini Ri when it comes to slaying the Met. She is channeling all of the Joan of Arc vibes and I LOVE it. She is such a feminist and I am so jealous of all the teens who get to have her as a role model and a positive female celebrity to look up to. I love how she is the badass saint, yet she is a modern day badass. Old meets new. I still can’t believe she came as this stunning human being, in this stunning wig, and stunning silver dress, and everyone knowing who she is channeling. Literally so cool.
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Chadwick Boseman
Our boy Chaddy was serving us a damn look! I am soo for these guys finally starting to dress up a little more than just a suit. Like, I mean a nice fitting suit looks great and all, but there’s just no oomph. But this! This has all the oomph I need. I love this white suit, and cape combo. Oooh those gold shoes are amazing. I also loved how he stayed on theme, with the gold accents and crosses. Keep it up man, because I was seeing King of Wakanda tonight.
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Cardi B
I know that I just did a post featuring Bardi, but omg I LOVE how she paid homage to Beyonce with her Met Gala look!! A queen in the making paying tribute to an established queen! I love this! Women supporting one another. Cardi looks like damn royalty, look at her cradling that lil bump! A princess is being born! I am loving the sides of this dress!! I love this shape! Victorian-esque with a modern twist. So beautiful.
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Aaand lastly, we have the ever stunning SZA. If there had been a “most whimsical” award, SZA would have won it that night. This dress is just so beautiful, elegant and fun at the same time. She looks like a fairy princess. I am in love. I also really love how her boots match the bodice of the gown, maybe it’s even a full jumpsuit with an attached skirt? Either way, I’m living for this tulle AND her halo. The world is her oyster and I’m just swimming around.
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Anyways, those are just my humble opinions, please don’t burn me at the stake for liking Gigi’s dress the best. 
*An earlier version of this post said that Joan of Arc was a biblical character, but she is actually a Saint.
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shorthaircutsmodels · 4 years
Rihanna's Short Haircuts and Hairstyles - 25+ - https://shorthaircutsmodels.com/rihanna-short-haircuts-and-hairstyles/ - Rihanna's Short Haircuts and Hairstyles, In contrast the typical blogger-esque blunt cut riri bob looks like a textured taper ends in an effortless side sweep for a slightly softer shape and extra volume. The ultimate goal is to create a Rihanna-inspired modern haircut that is customized exactly for you. If you're ready to cut your hair into shorter styles, check out our best Rihanna pixie cut gallery for more inspiring ideas. Rihanna's Short Haircuts and Hairstyles Rihanna's Short Haircuts and Hairstyles, Everyone knows who Rihanna is. Rihanna rocks fluffy long curls and all her pretty locks sweep the front. The other side has been shaved to achieve an edgy chic look. Rihanna hair store This hairstyle really elevates Rihanna's look and shows off her unique fashion statement. We agree that Rihanna is not only a talented singer, but also a trendsetter. She becomes a fashion Centre and we can't stop following what she wears and what she does. Rihanna hair clips As well as the clothes, Rihanna's hairstyle becomes a ‘guide’ for women to follow. Her short hair is very stylishly edgy and gorgeous and is becoming very popular. All women want to cut their hair like Rihanna. Rihanna's Short Haircuts Rihanna's Short Haircuts and Hairstyles, We believe you want it, too. Here we offer you pictures of the best Rihanna's short hairstyle you can choose. Messy hair gives a fun and edgy look while chic gives an elegant and striking look. Rihanna hair care This hairstyle won't disappoint you. Rihanna is a pioneer who dares to try edgy hairstyles. Let's appreciate the top 28 Rihanna hairstyles to witness the pop star's immense charm this time around. If your hair is too short, just pull it back. Brush the hair towards your forehead. Rihanna's Short Hairstyles Rihanna's Short Haircuts and Hairstyles, Sweep too long and use hidden needles to secure it behind your ear. Keep spritz strong for final appearance to keep hairspray safe in place. If you're ready for a bold bold change, copy. Rihanna new haircut Rihanna's Short Haircuts and Hairstyles, Girl Riri's look, which is bold as it's easy to style and is always a great hairstyle for women on the go. Rihanna's most successful look is one of our favourite Rihanna short haircuts, showcasing her edgy style without making. Rihanna hair braids Rihanna's Short Haircuts and Hairstyles, The limit trashy, and this fairy cut is one of our favourite Rihanna short haircuts, and we're sure you'll love it too. The Barbadian beauty's hairstyle is a truly flattering look and we adore how the warm black shade reveals its natural glow. Rihanna's Haircuts and Hairstyles Rihanna's Short Haircuts and Hairstyles, But what draws us to Rihanna's style is how closely her hair is clipped in short layers to add that extra size and bring all our attention to her striking facial features. Rihanna is one of the role models and style icons for black women and women in particular all over the world. Rihanna's Hairstyles Robyn Rihanna Fenty's Short Haircuts and Hairstyles, The Pixie cut is one of the famous short hairstyles practiced by celebrities, including Rihanna. She picks out some kind of gorgeous fairy cut. A short fairy cut is best when making a. Rihanna hair colour Rihanna's Short Haircuts and Hairstyles, Layered crop of side-swept Fairy and fairy cut in soft waves. The short fairy cut shows how striking the hair is as it is cut into short layers. It will be suitable for a person who is heart-shaped and has an oval face. This cut will give you a slightly fun and warm look. Rihanna's Short Hair Robyn Rihanna Fenty's Short Haircuts and Hairstyles, Meanwhile the layered crop and side sweep pixie will rock your hair if you add more layers to your side bangs and more volume. Cut into soft waves, Pixie will also make you look cute and edgy. Rihanna hair pins Bright waves make this hairstyle attractive and stylish. You don't have to be afraid to use Pixie cuts because you'll look younger with these hairstyles. Rihanna's messy and stylish blunt bob will be good options for all shapes, including a round face. Rihanna's Hair Robyn Rihanna Fenty's Short Haircuts and Hairstyles, Hair is clipped at the length of the neck, giving a hair that is not too short. Rihanna looking for styles of short hair. Rihanna new hair There is a long list to go through as there are many options to choose from. But it has taken the world of short haircuts by storm 25 classic Rihanna have decided to save you all the hassle of shrinking down short hair. Best Rihanna short hairstyles images These are super cute mythical styles that add a lot to the musician's warm look. Keep reading and decide that Rihanna short hair will look good on you. Pixie cuts certainly work well for ladies with short hair. Here Rihanna adds some texture to her dark locks making them shine. The contoured bang frame is a fun and cute cut to create a beautiful face. Heart-Stopping Looks Featuring Rihanna's Short Hairstyles Rihanna's Short Haircuts and Hairstyles, Creating and maintaining the hairstyle is fairly simple. You can use some pulse wave and styling products to keep your hair style in style and shape. 23 on Nickelodeon. Rihanna hairstyle Apply some hairspray to protect the annual Children's Choice Awards.UCLA'S Pauley Pavilion Los Angeles CA. These Rihanna short hairstyles are ideal for brave and brave women. Best Rihanna Short Hairstyles - 90's Hairstyles The bright colour is quite eye-catching. If you want to get people's attention you can have a try. Rihanna reigns supreme in my book. I know it's possible to be more than a triple threat because of him. This singer actress, fashion designer and makeup maven, is the essence of everything when it comes to constantly killing the game. Rihanna red hair music video Every time riri is new ' we can't help but stop and stare-she always kills. A quick swipe between my recorded Instagram photos is proof that I am forever shaken by changing hairstyles. To see the best looks of the bad girl. and please try them at home. Why Is Rihanna So Gorgeous With Short Hair. Rihanna's Best Long And Short Hairstyles Over The Years Rihanna in a hair chameleon rocks all sorts of lengths from all possible colour variations but being short hair is something that flatters her incredibly. Why. According to David Kibbe's image ID system, Rihanna is a Gamine look. Rihanna haircut A feminine angel face and a young body structure. Women belonging to this species appear rather passable or older than their age when they attempt to develop their femininity with meaningfully feminine looks. Rihanna Hairstyles, Hair Cuts and Colors With short hair and even a simple boyish cut, Rihanna looks sexier and more feminine than her longer hairstyles. As such, we can conclude that short hairstyles have certainly been “his” for the past few years. Rihanna black hair From Brave bobs to punk pixies Rihanna has done everything. Check out Rihanna's Gallery of hair here and find your favourite. Here we share Rihanna's short hairstyles 2020 front and back look. Rihanna Short Hairstyles Stock Pictures This article is written to cover Rihanna's short hair look front and back. The haircut reflects your image and shows your physical appearance. Rihanna is a die hard fan and if you want to follow her glamorous personality then you shouldn't be copying her outfit accessories but her short haircut. No then do you know about Rihanna if this page will help you to look at Rihanna's life. Robyn Rihanna Fenty, commonly known as. Rihanna hair bob Rihanna is a brilliant Barbadian singer and actress. She is also popular as a businesswoman fashion designer and philanthropist. He has worked hard throughout his career to rebuild his image. He admires himself for various musical styles. Rihanna's short haircut suits people with an oval or heart-shaped face and highlights cheekbones and small facial features. While it can help you when it. Trendy Rihanna's Short Hairstyles Comes to styling your short crop with some natural wave or kink hair, very straight hair can look pretty straight if you cut it too close to the head. I've sorted the most chic of Rihanna's short hair, paired them with trendy make-up, and here's what I share with you. Rihanna is a celebrity fashionista, no matter how avant garde and even absurd they seem, she doesn't shy away from new trends. Forest green lipstick. Rihanna hair 2020 - 2021 That's not a problem. Pink hair. Even with a wig for the moment, Rihanna isn't afraid to be permanent with an unusual colour, but how permanent a chameleon can be. And it's no secret that we love him for it, and he looks so cute going through all his stylish metamorphoses. Meanwhile, she noticed that the singer, who had short hairstyles, looked better than her long locks. Recording artist Rihanna arrives at the. Rihanna haircut 2020 - 2021 Billboard Music Awards at the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas Nevada. This Rihanna hairstyle is quite eye-catching as the colour is quite bright. Create some layers on the sides and back. Waves can make your hair more voluminous and full of vitality. Rihanna haircut style Hairstyle is ideal for people with a long face shape. From the game to the Fenty Beauty make-up line to her fashion collections, her music, she knows how to do our favourite Bad Gal things. Rihanna natural hair color And she's fine. As for her hair, she mixes it with long loose waves, regularly switching between her natural curly texture. There is no better way to spend a day isolating yourself in the spotlight than to sew in Rihanna's British Vogue 15 years later and browse through the hair style catalogue backburst (2005 to 2020) of unofficial history. What color is Rihanna's hair Her dazzling appearance on the cover of the May issue. A warm collage of photos of Rihanna's short hair I'm sure women are still looking, especially when the superstar singer is crushed to death when she goes this route. Rihanna Has Short Hairstyles. Rihanna hairstyles 2020 - 2021 Pop princess Rihanna confirmed her position as a certified hairstyle icon when she went to the cool short fairy crop. It works on the versatility of a curly wavy smooth or punk short hairstyle. Rihanna's hairstyles are rated for r-rock chic. Cut color texture Rihanna does it all. This gallery of hairstyles that have changed over the years showcases how fearless. Rihanna hairstyles braids The singer is when it comes to wearing the hot one and paving the way for others to follow his lead. She puts on a red lipstick that adds a bold expression to her look. A great style for women looking for easy care with top notch elegance to match. Are you a die hard fan of Rihanna. Then she would mimic her hair and look stunning among her peers. Rihanna hair stylist He is known for his inspirational music and bawdy style. hair chameleon Rihanna regularly changed her hairstyle almost as much as her clothes. A red punk eager to play with his look saw him experiment with daring bobs of pixies and caramel fauxhawks. Create shorter side hair. Jags cuts top hair and creates some layers to provide some volume to your hair. Best Rihanna Pixie Cuts The short haircut is quite cool and attractive and ideal for almost all situations. Change seems constant in every aspect of Rihanna's life, from her music to her vast wardrobe and, of course, her charm. The Barbados-born musician, who bust the world with pon de Replay in 2005, has worn every hairstyle imaginable since his debut. No, but seriously. Will Pixie cut it? Control. There's dreadlocks down there. Rihanna hair color red You can be sure. Yet she even wore a public doobie with pearl-studded pins on the red carpet. What about her makeup? As it always changes. But Rihanna's commitment to changing it isn't just about style. With each risk it inspires us all to get out of their litter and try something new. If you have curly thick hair, especially African Americans who tend to have your hairstyle, you need to relax your hairstyle with ease. Do you consider these styles Rihanna short hairstyles. Rihanna red hair The hairstyle often varies depending on what you wear or how you feel. We love him very much. Rihanna is often referred to as a hair chameleon. In fact she's also a talented fashion chameleon because it's hard to find another celebrity who will change her appearance so drastically in relatively short time. Rihanna grey hair color We can literally follow the freshest hair following Rihanna and create trends. And the singer looks different every time. sharp and bright, stylish and emotionally flamboyant and glamorous or sometimes sincerely shocking. If you've been overthinking a hair transition you get all the badass hair inspo you need to go for it. Rihanna hairstyles short Basically since becoming a massively popular pop singer Rihanna's hair has not only been the subject of news but has inspired millions to follow her sense of style but the rest of us have had so many different styles that she can't follow them all. That probably doesn't even scratch the surface of how many different hairstyles. Rihanna hairstyles pictures Rihanna has had over the past few years, but it's a start. it's something that praises not just his face but his entire image. Let's see the pictures. Rihanna's short hairstyles look ultra chic and super flattering for this extra short line haircut face, with side sleeked bangs in Rihanna's black casual hair in a short glossy line style. Rihanna haircut umbrella She draws attention to her trendy make-up with turquoise eyeliner and lips. Rihanna's black pixie haircut featured many sumptuous layers and edges. If you're looking for messy short haircut styles you can try this. Smooth your hair to match irregular bursts. Pixie haircut styles are pretty cool and suitable for almost all situations. This Rihanna short curly haircut styles fresh and glamorous hairstyle stunned many people. Rihanna hair wrapped The hairstyle is short crop and there are some waves on top. Shape the side section backwards. The hairstyle is pretty cool and modern. Apply a quantity of hair styling products to perfect and shape your hairstyle. To recreate this edgy look, use volumising foam to slide the back of your hair into a bun and leave a section of hair on top. Rihanna hair products Some of Rihanna's haircuts were the hottest I've seen on a female celebrity in a minute since divas like Halle Berry. While RiRi is doing some weird things like rocking red braids right now, she's still made history with her short hairstyles. I wonder how many women he affected when he did his short hair change. Rihanna natural hair I'm sure there are thousands, no matter how many. Rihanna is a worldwide sensation. The Pop star has given many musical hits over the years and has his loyal fan base swooning his every move. Not just her songs, but her hairstyles and fashions over the years have driven people crazy. His appearance is versatile. Rihanna hair cut short Over the years she has made some very bold and bold choices when it comes to hairstyles. There are compilations of Rihanna hairstyles that are absolute hair targets. I love her ever-ongoing experiments and all of them with and bold casual and subtle anywhere hair range. If there's one thing Rihanna hasn't tried yet, she's actually sported a lot of hairstyles that we think about. You set up her hairstyle and she did it. Rihanna haircuts short Everything from a short fairy to a long flowy girly wave. Riri tried them all. It is never fully connected to a single glance. It changes their appearance and keeps them attractive and stylish. If you want to try some of her hairdos or are looking to feast your eyes on riri's beauty you've come to the right place. Rihanna umbrella haircut Here are 110 Rihanna hairstyles that will help you stand out in the crowd. This is how a Rihanna engagement usually goes. I thought you couldn't look better .he's stupid, with another drop of dead-looking looks. Rihanna haircut bob This woman doesn't lose and I'm totally fine with her winning all the time. She is a hair chameleon and is a cold real testament to what each style looks like when you're apart from your own TF. Rihanna hair buns Oh and I know already that the Anti shower descends while belting out my fave lines. An unbeatable queen Rihanna who serves up a beauty look can turn her hand on almost anything and make it cool. View yourself with Rihanna hairstyles. It provides you with tips on how to style your hair by letting you know which facial shape matches your hair texture and hair density as well. Rihanna looks breathtaking with a side-swept fringe with a. Rihanna hairstyle short Short caramel bob mohawk. An easy-to-replicate look edgy hairstyle is seamlessly styled, but it appears dimensional, and soft waves add excellent texture and volume, ensuring it doesn't look loose. Here is an example of that. Rihanna hair short Her brand new bold pixie cut. The$6 AP will perform his hit single Found Love followed by his brand new remix of Cockiness (Love it) with Rocky. But this isn't the first short haircut. Rihanna hairstyle bob In an interview, her stylist Ursula Stephen once explained the singer's desire for constant change. we're always experimenting with her and having fun with her hair and changing it. Rihanna hairstyles images Since short hairstyles have been in vogue in recent years, she also wears a short pixie cut. One of her most iconic haircuts is pixie with a side-swept bang. She rocked a haircut and dyed her hair pink for a more dramatic and stylish look. Rihanna new hairstyle Curly hairstyles don't seem appropriate for short hairstyles, but in 2016 most black women carry too short haircuts to look uniquely stylish and. The latest hairstyles and trends make it possible to go to unlimited style options for women with fairy hairstyles. Make sure you match your face shape and hair texture before choosing your Pixie cut. Rihanna red hairstyles I once saw RiRi wearing army pants and flip flops, so I bought army pants and flip flops. And now that Rihanna has unveiled a brand new look for summer you can bet I'm already reaching for scissors and planning a dramatic hair chop in a few minutes. Rihanna hair style The singer took to her Instagram story on Wednesday to show off her super cute short black bob haircut in a boomerang video, revealing that she had chosen a pretty drastic change from her more recent looks. You can also choose a blunt angular bob as your hairstyle. This bob will suit you no matter what kind of hair and kind of face. Rihanna haircut short This makes the cut more vibrant and. As well as Bobs Rihanna also looks perfect with her fork and bowed out bangs. These haircuts are suitable for those who want to look edgy and bold. Hair is shaven on the sides and voluminous on the top. Rihanna hairstylist If you want to be braver, give more volume on top of your hair. The difference between Fauxhawks and pompadour Mohawk is that fauxhawks make a sharp cut at the back of your hair while pompadour gives a wave cut at the top of the Mohawk. Rihanna color hair In addition to this hair, you can choose two tone short bob long bang bun knotty knots sharp curly side shaved bob fringed bob and curly bob as your options. Look at the haircuts below and see how stunning Rihanna is with her short hair. Master of Reinvention robyn Rihanna fenty is a Barbadian singer songwriter and actress, especially when it comes to funky hairstyles. Rihanna hair color She is a fashion icon a diva on the red carpet and is known for her quirky style. Born in Saint Michael and raised in Bridgetown he first entered the music industry by recording demo tapes under the direction of record producer Evan Rogers in 2003. Rihanna hair cut She always offers new hairstyle trends with bold and unique hairstyles, and changes much of her hairstyle very often. His individuality is what makes him a true style icon. short thick hair can meet maximum experiments.
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