#finally putting my colored pencils to good use
the5n00k · 1 year
Molly has a message for you!
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neil-gaiman · 4 months
Hello, Mr.Gaiman. Nice to meet you
I have been influenced by you since I was a kid (I am in my twenties), from Coraline, to Good Omens, to Sandman, to the Graveyard book and many other stories. The amount of works you have created in your life is astonishing, and you're a reference figure to me in terms of making the best use of my life while I am here. I have been writing stories since I learned how to hold a pencil, and hope to keep doing so until I no longer can.
This year I finally managed the funding and the time to watch your course on masterclass. I am happy to say I have finished it and am now your student, even though we never met. I go back to your words as a mentor and they give me strenght. It is so powerful. It works like witchery when I doubt myself. I am afraid you put a little spell on your words, and that you know this, and will be satisfied to know it works. I call you out on your sorcery.
But well. The thing is. When I was a child, I always thought Coraline was a little dumb for going back to fight the other mother. Why would I, a child, go somewhere I know it's dangerous, to try to overpower an adult that means to harm me, with no certainty of aces up my sleeve? How would I even keep my cool and make sure I don't doubt myself and fawn over the monster to ensure my survival? How would I not freeze? The thought "I am not capable" was plastered all over my head when I was a kid.
As a child, bad things happened to me. I may have been battling depression from since then, and I doubted I could make it to adulthood. I coped by shrinking myself as much as possible. Not daring to do anything. I couldn't understand coraline. I hated her.
I forgot about that as I grew up. Yet, on your masterclass, I got to know what truth you wanted to tell with the story I couldn't understand:
"Being brave doesn't mean you're not scared. It means you're scared and do it anyway."
Currently, I take medication to lighten my anxiety and depression. It helps, but what works the most is staying consistent in things I care about and that ensure my autonomy, even when I feel like shrinking again. I am now able to understand coraline. With my adult eyes, it's not a story that makes me feel resentful, anymore. I can see and think, I too and scared. I too wish things were easier. But it's ok for reality to be grey and boring, my mind and my attitude can die it colorful. It's scary, it takes work, I may feel like it doesn't matter sometimes, I may feel like never solving anything and keeping stuck is better than taking that shaky step forward. But I step forward. And I do it anyway.
That's all. Thanks for giving me the time of your day.
Thank you for writing that. It helped.
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martinsorbit · 1 year
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Oh hey, it's that sun guy.
After two arduous weeks (Aug 1st - Aug 15th) the Sun cold porcelain figure is COMPLETE! DONE! FINISHED! HE IS HERE IN ALL HIS GLORY
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Its been a long (and at times painful) process considering the time it took for all the stuff to dry and for me to have free time to finish this project, but now the silly little jester is in my hands and he looks SO CUTE AND COOL!! HE EVEN HAS A HOOK
Thanks everyone for hyping me up and keeping me motivated during this <3 It literally meant a ton and helped me keep working on this bonkus shit
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under the read more, there will be some more details about the figure itself and some more pictures ( Like materials, how much time it took, the process stuff etc)
feel free to ask me questions! thanks everyone!
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Q: What materials did you use for this?
A: White Cold Porcelain, Hot Glue, super glue, pencils, pliers, paper clips, scissors, paint, all purpose varnish, paintbrushes, metalic pens
Q: How long did it take to make him?
A: Roughly two weeks
Q: Are you going to make moon too?
A: yes but it will take a while
Q: [X element of suns character design] is missing.
A: trust me, I know. Ive been staring at his model for roughly a whole week and mentally rotating him in my brain , so if something is missing its cuz i was either having a hard time making it or cuz I took creative liberties lmao
Q: How long did it take for the stuff to dry?
A: The cold porcelain abt 3 ish days; Paint took 1 day and the varnish also a day (as it states in the bottle)
Yes, you can use colored cold porcelain instead of painting it! It's just easier for me to paint it over
- For the love of god, be careful when applying the varnish, that shit is bad for your health! read the instructions, do it in a ventilated area, and NEVER put it too close to your face, or u might get some not so good side effects ( like yer eyes burning)
No, i dont intend on selling him anytime soon sorry ( this was asked before regarding some other cold porcelain thing I did, so I just thought i would add it here)
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- If u dont wanna spend too much money on the colors u can just buy some Yellow, Cyan, Magenta, Black and White (CMYK) along with some skin tones; u can basically make any color from those
- I used two of Sun's main poses in the game as inspo for making this
- His faceplate is supposed to spin but since it keeps falling off I decided to glue it
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think-like-a-poet · 2 months
Hey.... I saw that you're also write for kenan yildiz... can you write something about reader and him being in established relationship and she needed to babysit her baby nephew or niece... that is like less than 6 months old..... and kenan thinking about their future together.. thank you
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Kenan Yildiz x reader
A/N: I hope it is okay that I made the nephew a bit older, because 6 months old do like nothing, so I didn't know what to write for that.
You were running through the apartment, trying to hide all of the dangerous and sharp things before your sister was dropping off your nephew. They really needed some time to just be with themselves without their little angel. Oliver was a sweet 18 months old baby that just started to walk around more and was quick to fall against the furniture. You didn't want him to hurt himself while he was here.
As you put away the vase to a higher reach level, you heard the doorbell ring. You sprinted to open it and were greeted with the side of your sister, her husband and your nephew. "Hello, good morning." your sister said as she greeted you with a kiss on the cheeks. Your brother in law gave you a quick hug, while holding Oliver.
"Hi, Olli. Are you ready to spend the day with your aunti?" you asked as you carried him into your arms. He muttered a quick yes and clapped his hand with laughter.
Your sister smiles at him, "he took some of his drawing stuff with him, it is all in the bag. Don't let him fool you if he wants more candy, two are enough." you nod. She goes over it every time, but you let her. It must be hard to let your child alone.
"is Kenan not here?" she asks as she looks around the aparment.
You shake your head, "He had training. He will be home in a couple minutes."
You talk for some more minutes before the finally leave. "Alright, it is just us for now. What do you want to do?" you put him down on the floor and he walks towards his bag. "Can we draw. Daddy got some coloring pages for me.
you opened the bag and took out the pencils and some drawing stencil with cars on it. "This one." you show and Oliver clapped in agreement.
He takes it from your hand and puts it on the floor. "Don't you want to sit at the table?"you ask and point towards it, but he shook his head as he started the grab some pencils.
You sat down next to him on the ground, and he handed you a pencil. "You can do the other half." you nod and started to draw in a car.
You look up at the sound of the door opening and see Kenan walk inside. He looked a bit tired, but still handsome as always. "Hi, how was training." you asked to continue coloring the car.
He walks closer, confused on why you are sitting on the floor, before seeing Oliver. He smiles at the sight of you two coloring in the paper. There is a slight difference in your half and his.
"It was good. Didn't know you had a guest over." He places a kiss on your head before turning to the little boy. "You remember me?"
Oliver lets out some giggles as he walks to Kenan to give him a high five." yeah, my mommy says you are my uncle." a blush formed on Kenan's face and you smile at him. You love how he interacts with your family.
"I am going to take a quick shower, and I will be right with you." He says and you nod.
When Kenan got back, you and Oliver were seated on the couch, him in your lap, watching some kids show. "Look a dog." the little boy points to the tv and you agree with him. "Yeah, "
Kenan couldn't help but stay in the doorway watching you play with Oliver. You were great with children, something he loved about you. He couldn't help but picture you with his children. He wanted to spend his future with you, build your own little family. Of course, right now you are a bit young, but over a couple of years. He would love too.
kenan walked over to the table, where his bag was laying, and asked"I bought some cookies, do you want one?" Oliver was quick to answer his question with an excited yes, and you both laughed.
"I don't know. I promised your parents I wouldn't let you eat to many sweets. " You say and he pours his lip. He looked like a sad puppy with that face and you didn't want to see him sad. "Okay, but only one. And don't tell your mother."
You made room so that Kenan could sit next to you, and he handed both of you a cookie. After he ate the cookie, Oliver fell asleep and didn't wake up till his parents were there.
"I am going to miss you." you say as Oliver walks away with his parents. He waves before you close the door. You walk up the Kenan and hug him from behind, while he is putting away some dishes.
"I love him, but he does tire me out and we didn't even do much." He laughs as you put your burry your face in his sweater. He dries his hands and turned around to face you.
"Can I ask you something?" he puts his arms around your torso and you nod. "Do you want children later?"
You were a bit taken back by his question, "Yeah, later when we are a bit older. Why the sudden question?"
"I don't know. I saw you playing with Oliver and I just thought about it. About us and the future. You do want a future with me right?"
You look him in the eyes and cup his face, "Of course. You are the love of my live."
"Good, because you are also the love of my life." he says and kisses you.
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d1xonss · 8 months
Okay so, lately, I have been obssesed with young Daryl. Would you like writing a super fluffy fic where reader teaches Daryl about skincare and at the begining he's like 'why the hell are you putting that in your face?' but then at the end he is helping her in the most delicate manner posible. Like the look of love of this man while taking care of you... he just makes me faint.
Hope you like the idea and keep writing because you are so good! x
✧ Pairing : Daryl Dixon x Reader
✧ Era : Pre-apocalypse
✧ Pronouns : she/her
✧ Genre : Fluff
✧ Word Count : 1.8k
AN ~ Yess I love this idea! Thank you so much for requesting it and thank you for all the love on my last oneshot as a whole. I didn’t think a lot of people would like it as much as they did, but all the feedback was so sweet! Again, I tried my best with this one and hopefully I could capture what you envisioned. Hope you enjoy!
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Cleanser, moisturizer, serum, and sunscreen. Those were just the few of many steps when it came to your skincare routine that you had grown accustomed to.
Your skin was something that you were quite proud of, the years of taking care of it diligently were really paying off as it was always smooth and had some kind of a natural glow. You would get compliments here and there and questions about how you always kept your face looking so young and beautiful. And you of course would always give out any advice, products, or tips to others who asked because in all honesty it was just a simple routine.
The light in the bathroom flickered on as you reached your hand out to flip the switch, standing in front of the mirror and pulling your hair back to finally get settled in for the night after what felt like an impossibly long day. Your eyes glanced up to see your face a little more upclose, subconsciously grabbing the makeup remover first to clean all of it off your features.
It wasn’t that often you wore makeup but when you did it was always just something simple. Mascara, blush, filling in your eyebrows. But what really was your favorite part was wearing some type of lipstick or lip gloss on your perfectly plump lips. Your only reason as to why it was your favorite was so at some point in the day, you could pull your boyfriend in for a kiss on the cheek, only to pull back and see the residue of your lips. He however would groan and playfully shoo you away as he wiped his cheek to see whatever color you had on staining his palm. But the small smile playing on his own lips would tell you that he secretly loved it.
You reached up towards your eye to gently remove the mascara from your eyelashes, before discarding the cotton pad in the trashcan below. Then copying the same actions to your eyebrows, you removed any pencil that was left before throwing that cotton away as well. You then briefly rinsed your face with water, before pulling out your drawer full of products to use in a specific order.
The cleanser was always first since your face had to be a little wet, applying it gently all over your skin before leaning back down and rinsing it off completely. Toner came after, dabbing a little product in another cotton pad before dragging it over your face and neck to make sure you didn’t miss any lingering dirt that could still be there. Then it was serum, dripping a little from the dropper over different sections before lightly dragging it out until everything felt even.
It was always this part where you felt your face was especially shiny and glowing, taking a second to look at it glistening in the dim light. Until your eyes lingered to some movement just behind you, seeing Daryl’s figure standing in the doorway as he watched you intently.
You gasped a little at his sudden presence as you weren’t expecting him to be there, laughing a little to yourself as you placed a hand over your heart and turned to face him now. “Jesus,” you breathed, “You scared me half to death.”
His face turned a bit sheepish as that was never his intention, he just simply wanted to watch whatever girly thing you were doing before heading to bed, “Sorry.” he said as he slowly passed through the threshold.
“It’s okay. Just give me a few more minutes and I’ll be done.” you said before turning to face the mirror again.
You half expected him to leave and just wait for you in your shared bedroom, but he didn’t. He placed himself right next to you as his eyes moved towards the mirror as well, but only to watch your movements as you attempted to put on eye cream. He squinted a little as he watched you, thinking silently to himself for what felt like a long while.
As a guy, he never really understood things like this, though he went along with it because it clearly made you happy. But tonight apparently he was full of questions, wanting you to tell him everything about your little potions that sat out on the bathroom counter.
“The hell you puttin on yer face?”
Perhaps that was the wrong thing to just blurt, but he couldn’t help it as genuine confusion filled him seeing as you didn’t need anything like this to be “beautiful.” He always thought you were perfect.
Though you laughed at his bluntness, rubbing in the cream under your eyes as you looked at his face in the mirror, “It’s my skincare routine.” you said simply.
His brows remained furrowed as he was still left in the dark. “I’ve been doing it since before we even got together, Daryl.” you said as your eyes moved to look at your own features.
He hummed a little, more to himself as he thought back to if he had ever seen you do this before like you claimed. Had he really been that dense about it?
“Well, uh…what’re they supposed to do?” he asked.
You smiled as your eyes locked with his again, “They just help keep your skin healthy and clean.” you said as you reached for your moisturizer, your final step, “Why? You wanna try?” you asked playfully.
He scoffed and shook his head as he leaned down a bit on the counter, continuing to watch you with his head in his hands, “Nah, watchin you do it is enough for me.”
You rolled your eyes a bit, though you didn’t push further as you finished rubbing the cream into your cheeks. Though silently you wished Daryl would do something for his skin, you believed that everyone should. The sun was your biggest concern for him. Although you loved his little sunspots all over his face and the slight redness he would sometimes get on his cheeks and nose, you wished he at least wore sunscreen if anything at all. But it was no secret the man was stubborn, but maybe, just maybe, you would be able to convince him.
“Okay,” you said as you finally finished and began putting the products away, “I’ll make you a deal. You don’t have to do face masks with me anymore, if you promise to put on some sunscreen everyday before work.” you wagered.
You watched as his eyes narrowed at you playfully, thinking about his options in his head before finally sighing in defeat and standing back up to his full height, “Alright, fine.” he agreed.
“Yay!” you silently cheered as you leaned forward to wrap your arms around his shoulders, bringing him further into you.
He smiled to himself as he hugged your waist tight, resting his chin on your shoulder. If you asked him, he didn’t need anything to keep his skin “healthy” because he didn’t necessarily care about any of that quite like you did. But he would do just about anything for you, anything to make you happy, and anything to even catch a glimpse of your smile.
Which is why he reluctantly pulled away with a quiet groan, “And I’ll…still do facemasks with ya anyway.” he said almost regrettably.
Your mouth dropped in surprise, “Really?”
“Yeah,” he huffed with a small returning smile, “As long as they make me pretty after, I guess they’re alright.”
You tilted your head a bit to the side as your hand came up to trail your thumb against his cheekbone, “But you’re already pretty.”
“...Not as pretty as you, sweet girl.” he corrected, coming in close to place a kiss on your cheek.
But your hand coming up quickly to stop him is what caused him to be slightly taken aback, “Wait, wait,” you giggled as you kept his face away from yours, “I just finished my skincare, have you learned nothing?” you playfully asked him, “Besides the moisturizer will get on your lips, I don’t think you wanna kiss me there.”
He sighed in faux annoyance as his eyes traveled down a bit, “Well, can I kiss ya here?” he asked as you felt his thumb come up to run along your bottom lip gently.
You smiled with a small nod, “Yes.”
He smirked before finally closing the distance between you two, his lips overlapping yours in a sweet kiss as his hands ran up and down your back slowly. You hummed into his mouth as his lips felt heavenly against your own, feeling him pull away to place one more peck on your parted mouth before fully stepping back.
“Alright, come on now, we gotta get ya to bed for yer beauty sleep.” he teased as he suddenly bent down and grabbed you by your legs, swinging your upper half over his shoulder as he carried you out of the bathroom.
“Daryl!” you cried as you laughed at his sudden fast actions, hearing him let out a chuckle himself as he carried you all the way up the stairs while swaying you back and forth playfully.
After that night Daryl fulfilled his promise, letting you put sunscreen over his cheeks and nose right before he headed off to work each morning to ease your mind. And he still occasionally allowed you to put a face mask on him, seeing how much it brought you joy to have someone to do it with. But also he had to admit, it made his face feel a little softer afterwards.
The only thing that changed in your routine since that night is that Daryl would now always follow you into the bathroom when it was time to put on all your “potions” as he called them. Except he wasn’t the one watching you do all the work, but instead, he applied everything for you. He insisted on it in fact. He always wanted to take care of you and this was no different, in fact he thought it was fun.
It was also fun for you as well as you agreed to his request, sitting yourself up on the counter as he applied everything like you usually would. You had to walk him through the steps the first few times, but after that he was a natural. He was always so delicate as his slightly rough fingertips glided effortlessly across your skin. Your favorite part however, was opening your eyes occasionally to watch his face as it was full of concentration, seeing his tongue slip out a little at times as he focused. You thought it was absolutely adorable.
And every time he was done, without fail, he would always look at you so lovingly it nearly made you melt into a puddle. His eyes so clearly held so much love for you, you found yourself thinking how you had the best man in the entire world. Though you always wanted to know what he was thinking when he stared at you like this, finally one night opening your mouth to ask.
“What?” you voiced a bit playfully as your head tilted to the side.
He shrugged his shoulders as his eyes remained the same, “Nothin…just so beautiful.” he practically whispered.
Your lips stretched into a bashful smile as you couldn’t help but blush. Yeah, best man in the entire world.
~ Thanks for reading!
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lushafterglow · 6 months
Bite Me
Chapter One -> who is she?
Paring: streamer Sukuna x influencer F!reader
Summary: A little Q&A video — sponsored by an AD company you did an Ad campaign with — blew up over night. Fans shipping you with your newly revealed crush, who so far appears as if he don’t even know you exist. Sukuna’s reaction to seeing your AD, did not help the shipping.
Warnings: cursing, dirty jokes, 5 year age gap
Taglist: (to be added just ask)
Series Masterlist
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You placed your camera and made sure all the lighting was good before clicking record on your go-pro.
Today you were talking about your new brand deal, and doing a little Q&A video that your fans had been requesting for, for quite some time.
You cleared your throat before you started talking, “hello it’s me, how are you guys today?”
You asked the camera knowing you won’t get a response back so you continued on. “Today we’ll be talking about my new brand deal and then doing a Q&A at the end of the video.”
You looked to your desk and grabbed your new make-up brand deal. “I have partnered up with Elf , and we made something so exciting. Well exciting for me and I hope for you.”
You showed the camera an eye shadow palette, eyeliner, and brushes.
“We have created an 18 color eyeshadow pallet, that has four highlighters inside.” You placed everything down and opened the pallet and grabbed your camera.
You showed the camera what the pallet looked like up close before putting the camera back onto its stand. “So 14 eyeshadow colors, and 4 highlighters. Let’s go over each highlighter first.”
You took your finger and picked up some product before swashing it onto your forearm.
“This fist one is call pink dahlia. It’s more of a nice light baby pink shade. As you can see lots of shimmer so that’s nice.”
You picked up the next highlighter and repeated. “Now this next one is kind of a chrome looking highlighter, and it’s called melody. Don’t ask why I choose these names.”
You couldn’t help but laugh at the name as you spoke it. You like the name and thought it’s was pretty, your just now realizing you’ve already give two of four highlights a human name.
“The next one is one I’m really excited about, it’s a blueish purple highlighter! So if you look from one angle you can see the blue undertones.” You moved your forearm slightly. “And if you look at this angle you can see the purple undertones. I really like this one. Probably my favorite.”
You grabbed the final highlighter and showed you swashing it before speaking about it. “This one is called enchanted and it’s more of a tan-ish neutral shade and it’s really an easy go too.”
You grabbed a makeup wipe and removed the highlighters from your arms.
“Now there’s like 14 eyeshadows and I’m turning into a ulta worker at this point but I’m going to use my favorite colors and show you a look with the new brushes.”
You grabbed some eye shadow base before blending it out.
You grabbed a brush and started to show it to the camera before using it. “This one’s really freaking cool, because it has two sides. So I’m going to use one side for the eyelid and the other side to buff it all and blend it out better.”
You showed the brush up close to the camera before taking your eye shadow pallet and dipping into the the Smokey black shade. “This shade is called onyx.”
You tapped your excess power off and started to just place the black on your outer eyes. And the started to slightly blend it out.
“Now I’m going to grab this dark red and do the same and place it in the middle and blend it out gently into the black.” You did as you said and blended it out with a light hand and then went back in with some more of the black and blended it out a little, while giving it a bit more smoke.
Then you grabbed your make up wipe and made the cut sharp.
You grabbed the eyeliner next and with a light hand you applied it to your waterline, “something cool about this eyeliner is, one side is pencil while the other is liquid.”
You put it t down and showed the camera a view with your eyes close.
“Really nice, feels super light, no fall out, I really like this look, so i definitely recommend. Now I’m just going to finish my make up and I’ll be back to show you the finish look.”
When you started to record again your make up was finish and you had pull out a list on your phone of questions asked.
“This is the finish look, and I have thirty minutes before I leave to do this Q&A.”
You look down at your phone and read off the first question. “Do I plan to do a giveaway soon? Yes. I will probably post on my tiktok about it soon, so look on there.”
“Do I like video games?” You couldn’t help a little laugh that left your lips as you gave your answer. “Yes, but I rage too much so I don’t play much.”
“Any collabs soon? Yes, obviously Elf but I also plan to do a collab with @ThatgirlNobara so that’s gonna be fun.”
“Do I know Gojo Satoru and if so do I think he’s hot?” You gave a slight smirk to the camera. “Yes, but I think someone else from that group is hotter. Which will lead to the next question.”
“I noticed you follow Sukuna, what are your thoughts on him?” When you went to answer you couldn’t help the laugh and the faintest blush coming to your face. “He’s my celebrity crush, my TikTok is full of edits of him.”
“How did I get to where I am? I’ve gotten this question a lot and there’s a simple answer. Do what you love, if you love makeup do makeup. Be kind, and always have an open mind. It’s not something that happens over night you just have to have goals and the patience to achieve them.”
You did a little stretch and noticed the time. “That’s all for today, I hope you enjoyed this video and I’ll see you in the next one.”
Sukuna was reading the comments and he drummed his fingers on his desk.
Sukuna when do you plan to launch the Minecraft series?
“Me and the boys are gonna have it out within the next week.”
You haven’t played Valorant in a while… have you seen the new trailer?
“Valorant? No I haven’t seen but we can look while we’re waiting for Gojo to get his shit together and get on.”
Gojo’s whined out a hey from Sukunas headseat.
Sukuna switched the live to one of his side monitors and pulled up YouTube, looking up the trailer.
“Five months ago? Damn I’ve been out the loop.” Sukuna pressed play and immediately and Ad came up and it was one of those long 15 second Ad’s you couldn’t skip.
“Ugh come on. One thing I hate are Ad’s.” When the Ad came to an end Sukuna expected to see the trailer but was disappointed by another ad. “Are you kidding me.”
This one he could skip so he waited five seconds but in the fourth second you appeared across the screen stopping him and making him pause instead.
“Holy shit she’s hot.”
A bunch of who’s came from Gojo and his brother Yuji while the chat started to spam your name.
Chesterf6297: That’s Y/N
Rando101: That’s Y/N L/N she’s a beauty influencer
Toji - fushiguro: damn she’s fine.
“Who the hell is Y/N and why haven’t I seen her sooner?” Sukuna asked his chat but didn’t bother too look at the comments as the Ad drew his attention once again.
He pressed play and the Ad was talking about some make up bullshit that he couldn’t care less, no he was focused on the red that was popping out your eyes. As if you were wearing that for him.
“Dude she’s hot as hell.”
“Whooooooo?!” Gojo’s whiny voice came through the headphones once again and this time Sukuna blessed him with an answer.
“Someone name Y/N L/N.” A gasp came from Gojo as he recognized the name.
“Omg I saw a tiktok edit of her, hot as hell. Her recent video she called me hot too.” Gojo purposely left out the fact she said Sukuna was hotter just to fuck with him.
“Ha. Ha. Ha. Very funny.”
Quinntonsu75: dude it’s true
Ginahjsh45: Yeah but she also said your hotter
Hislhu: Yeah she said that
Sukuna read the comments but kept his mouth shut and just watched the trailer. By the time he was finished Gojo had logged onto Fortnite and the squad started to play.
They played a few games and usually Sukuna would talked to the people he was playing with (talk shit) or he would interact with his comments and veiwers.
However in between games he was currently looking you up, you had officially peeked his interest, though he didn’t make it anymore obvious. He didn’t talk about you for the rest of the stream, but you stayed in his mind for it.
You scrolling through your DM’s responding to people — not to the rude or weird ones, you blocked them — when you noticed that Ryomen Sukuna himself had sent you a dm.
Sukuna: Hey.
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First chapter out 🤭 this is so short compared to my other works. I’m in the works of making part two and I plan to make it way longer.
Part Two
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unreliablesnake · 2 years
How would Ghost and König react to seeing your huge makeup collection for the first time when you’re off-duty together?
You don’t wear makeup at work, even if you go out for a drink before going home, you just use some mascara and maybe a very slightly pink colored lipgloss. Since you haven’t met outside of work yet, they have no idea how dedicated you are.
When you show up in the restaurant, you wear full makeup. Nothing dramatic, but it makes you look completely different. He can barely take his eyes off of you, because you look so good.
He makes sure you get home in one piece, secretly hoping you would invite him in. When you do, he can’t hide his smile, and he pulls you into a kiss the moment the front door closes.
In the morning he wakes up before you and he takes a good look around the room from the bed where he sat up. He notices the big makeup vanity set by the window and wonders how full it is. You can do makeup, that’s clear after the previous night.
“Morning,” you purr as you get on your knees and wrap your arm around his torso while you rest your head on his shoulder.
Simon smiles at you and kisses the crown of your head. “Good morning, love. Did you sleep well?” You mumble something against his skin without looking up. “Can I ask you something?”
Finally you look up, eyes mirroring a mixture of confusion and worry. “Is something wrong?”
“What? No! I was just looking at the makeup vanity and wondered what’s in there,” he says with a reassuring smile.
None of the women he dated before had such a thing in their homes. Sure, they had makeup, but they usually kept it in the bathroom or somewhere hidden from his eyes. You seemed to be putting a lot of effort into your looks, especially if this vanity is more than just a design choice.
“Wanna take a look? Come on, I’ll show you,” you say with a wide grin as you get out of bed and hold out your hand for him.
Without hesitation Simon grabs it and climbs out of bed as well. You open the drawers, revealing so many products that he’s beginning to wonder how you managed to fit them in there. He doesn’t even know what half of those are for.
“Foundations, concealers, and primers are stored on this side, eyeshadow palettes and eye liners are here, lip pencils, lipsticks and lipglosses are over there, blushes and highlighters–”
“You lost me here,” he interrupts you, picking up a shiny powder to take a closer look at it. “Do you really use all of these?”
“It depends on my mood and the occasion,” you reply with a smile.
He tries to understand it, he really does, but even though you explained him the use of highlighters, he just couldn’t understand it and barely remembered a thing.
Instead of trying to understand it, he just enjoys seeing the excited look on your face whenever you buy something new, and he even buys you some products as a surprise–although you’re always there to choose what you want.
He first learns about your collection when he watches you get ready after the first night you spend together. You agree to go for a walk then visit a museum, so you decide to put on some makeup. “Just to look good as your side piece,” you joke.
Whenever you reach for the products, he keeps asking what they are, why you use them, and most importantly, he pays attention to how you use them.
As you get closer with time, he begins to ask you to put on some makeup even when you’re not going anywhere. He loves seeing you do it, and he loves to compliment you even more. A part of him is convinced that you wouldn’t stay with him if he didn’t take any chance he got to compliment you in some way.
“You look stunning, bunny,” he whispers into your ear as he shows you a necklace. “Mind if I put this on you?”
You turn your head to look at him and flash a smile at the man. “It’s beautiful, thank you,” you say before giving him a quick kiss, leaving a lipstick mark on his cheek. “Let me wash your face,” you say with a laugh.
“Let it stay there,” he mumbles as his lips capture yours in a passionate kiss. “It feels like you just marked me as yours.”
“If you put it this way,” you begin with a quiet giggle before kissing his chin, the tip of his nose, his forehead, and any body part that you can reach from there.
These moments are incredibly precious to him, when you let him know you love him, that you don’t want him to leave. Because he wants to stay, he desperately wants to be by your side for the rest of your lives.
“I love you,” you whisper against his lips.
He couldn’t help but smile. “I love you too,” he says.
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bloodyvioletzz · 1 year
Drunk And Nasty
Miguel O’hara x Reader | AU
WARNINGS: fem reader, smut, face-sitting, multiple orgasms, vaginal sex, oral sex (fem receiving), protected sex, praise kink, marking kink, biting, love bites, missionary, fingering, dirty talk, hair-pulling, literally so much smut so expect the worst, oh and miguel speaks spanish in this 🌚
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Your boss was a dick. Always degrading you for anything you do.
“Is this all you did?” he asked. You were showing him your recent research on a spreading virus that started to infect people in Nueva York.
You narrowed your eyes. “Is it not enough?”
Miguel tossed the papers back onto your desk, ignoring your question. “Get back to work.”
“Excuse me?” you snapped back. Miguel was just heading out, but your tone made him turn his head to face you. You grew nervous under his gaze. “I’m sorry Miguel but- there’s progress on those papers! If you would just give me a chance.”
“How many chances have I given you?” Miguel replied coldly. “You keep disappointing me. I promoted you to this position for a reason. Do better.” And he left. Just like that.
As soon as he left the room you cleared everything off your desk, pencils rolling on the ground and files going everywhere. You grabbed the papers he had looked at off the ground and tore them up, frustrated. Nothing is good enough for this douche.
Jessica came in, a close friend of yours who was fortunately your co-worker.
“He saw you?” she questioned as she eyed everything on the floor.
“Yes! Nothing is good enough for him! It’s not like I went to fucking Harvard..”
Jessica laughed. “You need a break.”
You looked at her and scoffed. “Yeah, and get ridiculed for not working enough? No thanks.”
“Oh..” Jessica bent down and picked up some scattered files. She was off.
“What did you do…?” you asked suspiciously as you helped her clean your mess.
Jessica’s eyes were focused on the floor. “You know, I just thought you’d want a break- and everyone is going to the club tonight… I told them you’d come.”
You let go of the files and put your face in your hands, exasperated. “Oh my god. Of course you did!”
Jessica sighed as she finally looked at you. “I know you. You could really use this, when was the last time you partied?”
Your hands left your face as you shrugged, embarrassed.
“Exactly,” Jessica smirked.
“Shut up,” you smiled. “He won’t be there will he?”
“Oh no,” she replied. “Miguel doesn’t.. do clubs. Or people for that matter.”
“He’s quite the introvert,” you muttered.
Jessica nodded, getting up and setting some files neatly on a desk. “That he is.”
Once you two finished cleaning up the room, she drove you to her house. You figured you’d just wear one of her old dresses.
As you rummaged through Jessica’s closet, a thought popped into your mind.
“Is he like that with everyone?” you asked, looking at a black slip dress with red lace.
“Who, Miguel?” Jessica was doing her makeup in the bathroom mirror.
“Yeah.. like does he get that angry with anyone else?”
Jessica thought for a second. “No, not that I know of.”
You pulled the dress out, deciding that it would show off some skin and look good at the same time. “Interesting.”
Jessica laughed. “Interesting?”
“Yeah,” you replied. “It’s like he has something personal against me.”
“I doubt it, he’s just an asshole.”
You walked into the club wearing Jessica’s dress. It was a little tight but it looked good nonetheless. To match the dress you let Jessica do your makeup. She gave you a smokey eye and red lipstick to match the colors of your dress.
“Want a drink?” Jessica asked, as if she wasn’t already dragging you to the bar.
Jessica ordered two shots, which you guys quickly downed. You smiled excitedly as you took Jessica to the dance floor.
Your hair stuck to your forehead as you danced next to your friends, occasionally feeling yourself and grinding against them. There was no attraction for them while you did this, but it was fun watching people watch you.
After dancing to a few songs, you lost Jessica and your friends. You were stuck in a crowd of people.. but danced anyway. Besides, didn’t Jessica say you needed a break?
You were moving your hips to the rythm of the song until you backed up and bumped into someone. You turned around laughing, obviously a bit drunk, and apologized.
“Watch it,” a familiar voice could barely be heard over the booming music.
Your eyes went wide as you realized who was here.
And oh, were you gonna be Jessica’s ass.
You decided to play it casual, considering it wasn’t a professional environment you two were in..
You continued to dance and playfully grabbed his hand, making him spin you around.
“What are you doing here?” you yelled, smiling at his unamused face as you forced him to dance.
“Jessica invited me,” he replied, talking louder now.
Miguel slowly felt more comfortable dancing with you, and moved his hands to your hips. It was like he guided you.
“I didn’t take you for a party guy!” you giggled as he rolled his eyes.
“I didn’t take you for a black lace dress girl,” he said, eyes skimming your form.
You gradually got closer to him and he allowed it. “There’s a lot you don’t know about me,” you said, looking up at him.
His mouth opened but he didn’t say anything. You smiled.
“Did I make THE Miguel O’hara speechless?”
The corners of his mouth turned up into a… wait. He is smiling. Miguel O’hara is smiling. And he’s smiling at you.
He flipped you around and pressed up against you, causing you to gasp. He smirked as he felt you grind up against him.
You leaned your head back and it layed against his chest, exposing your throat and a better look of your cleavage. His hand reached down and grazed your stomach, going all the way up until it reached your throat. He gently wrapped his hand around it, not choking you but holding you. All of a sudden Miguel O’hara started looking a lot more hot and a lot less grumpy.
Your breathing became heavy at the way he was touching and grinding against you, he was like an animal.
When Miguel let go of you, you immediately turned around to face him. He had the smuggest look ever, it was like he knew what he was doing to you. He was driving you crazy.
But little did you know that you made him crazy first.
You were so busy stuck looking at his expression to fail to realize that he was hard, for you, in public, with your co-workers around. Oh, and don’t forget.. he’s your boss.
“I-it’s hot in here..! Is it just me?” you laughed nervously as you fanned yourself.
“Si, eres tu…” you heard him mutter.
“What?” you practically screamed over the loud music. Miguel smiled. “Do you wanna get out of here?” he asked.
You could’ve sworn he was a mindreader.
You tried to hide your smile by casually looking around, as if you were searching for Jessica. “Let me talk with Jess first, she’ll think I got kidnapped,” you joked. He smirked and nodded. “Sounds like her.. I’ll be waiting outside.”
You watched him make his way through the dancing crowd, instead of finding Jessica you ran to the bathroom, immediately touching up on your makeup and hair. Once you were done you texted Jessica.
Uh.. who?
leaving club 🍆🍆
With who???
uhmm moguek
Oh god. Use protection, please.
You smiled to yourself at her replies. She’d make a good mom.
Once you thought you looked half decent you left the bathroom and went outside, waving to some friends on the way out. You saw Miguel leaning on a sleek, black car. It looked like it costed more than 200,000 dollars.. easily.
“I- Is this yours?!” you asked, growing nervous as he opened the passenger seat for you.
“Who else’s would it be?” he smiled as you rolled your eyes. “Yes, it’s mine.”
He shut the door once you were inside and got into his nice ass car.
“It looks even better on the inside,” you admitted.
“It looks better with you in it, neña.”
You looked out the window, smiling.
Music played quietly as he drove you to his apartment, unfortunately traffic was terrible on a Friday night in Nueva York. And you two got caught in it.
“Maldito gilipollas..” you heard Miguel curse under his breath as stupid drivers tried to swerve in and out of lanes.
You sighed, it was awkward being turned on and not be able to do anything. Miguel sensed this, probably because you were dead silent while he was there cursing in spanish and you hadn’t said a word.
Miguel snaked a hand over to your thigh and caressed it gently. You looked down at his hand briefly before looking back to the window. Was he seriously gonna do this while he was driving..? Best ignore it, right?
You tried ignoring it, but Miguel wanted to play with his food. He slid his hand farther up your thigh until he reached the bottom of your dress. Your breath picked up in just the slightest, but he noticed. He notices everything about you and he always has.
He dragged his hand underneath your dress and under your panties, long fingers gently touching the area that has been neglected for far too long.
You gasped softly as his middle and ring finger circled your clit at an agonizingly slow pace. You fought the urge to arch into his fingers, and Miguel eyed the way your chest rose and fell quickly.
“Use your words,” Miguel commanded.
“W-what?” you replied.
Miguel kept one hand on the wheel, one hand in your panties, and his eyes on the road. “Tell me what you want.”
Your mouth opened to speak but you couldn’t find the courage. He was so.. intimidating.
“Hm,” Miguel started to remove his fingers, but you were quick to put your own hand over his and guide him back down.
“I want you to touch me, Miguel.”
He hummed in approval, “Buenas niña.” His fingers continued the circular movement but faster. You sighed as your head rested against the window, your hot breath fogged up the window.
His fingers left your clit as they slid up and down your wet cunt, as if they were lubing themselves up.
Miguel pushed his middle finger into you slowly and you moaned quietly as he began pumping in and out. One finger shortly turned into two and he had you a moaning mess. If his fingers were this good…
Your hand flew to your mouth as you tried to silence your loud moans out of embarrassment, but Miguel was ruthless and added a third finger.
“Quiero escuchar tus gemidos hermosa,” Miguel practically whimpered hearing the wet noises coming from his fingers leaving and entering your hole.
“Miguel..” you moaned, his fingers pumping into you and his palm hitting your clit gave you just the push you needed. “D-don’t stop I’m..”
Miguel slightly increased his pace as you came all over his fingers, “That’s right..” he praised. “Come all over my fingers, pretty girl.”
He removed his fingers once you came down from your high and put them in front of your mouth. You complied easily, opening your mouth and wrapping your lips around his fingers. You licked your juices off as if you were starving.
After they were clean and he removed them from your mouth, you looked out the window. Your eyes widened as you realized you two have been in the parking lot to his apartment. You hadn’t even noticed. You turned to Miguel and a shit-eating smirk grew on his face.
“..how long have we been here?” you asked quietly.
Miguel opened his car door and stepped out, “A little bit.”
You laughed as he closed his car door, coming over to yours and opening it for you. He held out his hand and you took it, smiling as he helped you get out his expensive car.
You two were in his apartment in seconds. Lips attacking eachother as clothes flew off. Before you knew it, you were naked, laying down on his bed as he gave you sloppy kisses.
He worked his way down and bit down on your neck. You winced at the pain, but that pain quickly turned to pleasure as he marked you as his.
“I’m gonna make sure the entire fucking workplace know who you belong to.”
Your fingers tangled in his hair as he continued to mark you. You tugged when he bit especially hard, and he groaned into your skin.
Suddenly he was off of you. You whined and sat up, noticing he was laying on his back.
“What are you..” you questioned.
“Sit on my face,” he replied casually.
You blinked in confusion. “Miguel I- I’ll crush you..”
“Don’t make me ask again.”
You considered it and slowly made your way over to him, straddling his face. You were hovering over him until he harshly grabbed your thighs and dug his nails into them as he forced you onto his mouth.
Your clit was still sensitive from your orgasm in the car, and your moans became whined as he tried to make you come a second time. He ate you out like he hasn’t eaten in days. He didn’t waste a single second, slurping up all your fluids while his tongue flicked back and forth against your clit.
You were grabbing the sheets above his head, moaning and blabbering out his name as you felt that familiar feeling in your stomach. You began rocking against his face, chasing your orgasm until you finally reached it, coming all over his face. He happily licked it up but soon let you off him when your moans turned into high-pitched whines.
He wiped his jaw. “Think you got one more in you?”
You frowned, “Miguel.. I don’t know.”
He pushed you gently onto your back and he hovered over you, he was a lot bigger than you. His arms were on each side of your head, caging you in.
“We’re gonna try..” he started, “is that okay?”
You nodded and he looked to his side, reaching into a drawer and grabbing a condom. He slid it onto his cock and gave it a few pumps before lining it up with your entrance. He pushed in slowly and gave you time to take all of him. Your mouth fell open and your head fell back against the pillows as you felt him stretch you like you’ve never been stretched before.
His forehead rested against yours until he bottomed out. He slowly started to move, and your hands clawed at his back for support when he started to pick up his pace.
“Oh, fuck..” you moaned, scratching his back harshly as he drilled into your pussy. Miguel didn’t mind, he was kinda into it anyways.
His pace became brutal and he attacked your neck once again, biting and sucking on the spots he missed.
“Te sientes tan jodidamente bien..” Miguel moaned as he trailed sloppy kisses back up to your lips.
You groaned at his words, and when he removed a hand from the side of your head and put it down to your clit, you lost it.
You were screaming his name and clawing at his back, drawing small amounts of blood. You were so overstimulated.
“You’re doing so good,” Miguel praised. “Come on my cock like the pretty girl you are.”
And with that, your legs shook as you came all over his cock. You moaned in unison as he came too, sighing as it filled the condom.
Your breath was eratic as you came down, you opened your eyes to see Miguel sweaty, his hair sticking to his forehead. You gently moved it out the way with you fingers, and he pressed a soft kiss to your cheek.
You winced while he pulled out. He took off the condom and tossed it in the trash. He slid on his boxers and he stopped you before you got up. “Hold on.”
Miguel went into his bathroom and came back with a warm wet towel. He gently pryed your legs back open and cleaned you up. He put the towel in his laundry and climbed in bed with you. You two fell asleep in eachother’s arms.
You woke up big-spooning Miguel. Your eyes widened as you looked at his back and what you did to him. There were scratch and claw marks all over his back. Oops.
You heard him snoring slightly, and you figured he was still sleeping. You slowly got up, feeling sore everywhere. You put on one of his shirts and went to the bathroom and stared in horror as you saw your neck and thighs. He fucking destroyed you.
You ran to the living room and grabbed your phone, frantically texting Jessica.
how do you hide a hickey???
Depends. How bad is it?
(Photo sent.)
What did he do to you???
NOTE: i’m so sorry if the spanish is goofy as fuck google translate is so weird </3
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soulaires · 1 year
Love Dilemma.
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pairings: Aaron Warner x f!reader
summary: in which your daughter thinks your name is ‘love’ because apparently your husband has been calling you that.
warnings: fluff, crack, dad!aaron warner, use of y/n, ooc(?) warner, soft aaron warner.
« words: 1,304 ┇ao3┇reblogs are appreciated! »
🪩:: voicemail; read my other aaron warner fics here.
authors note: it’s here!! This is not proofread and English is not my first language so excuse it!! Also I think baby Dior would call her daddy “Aaron” sometimes 🥹
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You have a problem.
And this time, it’s not about kenji but it’s about your daughter, dior.
dior, your five-year-old bundle of joy, had somehow gotten it into her head that her mother's name was 'Love.' It was all Aaron's fault, really. He had a habit of calling you 'Love' ever since, and somehow, your daughter had decided to take it quite literally.
One sunny morning, You and Aaron were in the kitchen, cooking pancakes, while your husband is hugging you from behind, face buried into your neck. dior bounded in, her bright eyes sparkling with excitement. "Love, can we have pancakes today?"
Y/N nearly dropped the pancake batter. She turned to her daughter, trying to suppress a giggle. "Of course, sweetheart. Pancakes it is."
dior clapped her hands in delight. "Yay! Love makes the best pancakes!"
Meanwhile, Aaron who heard the conversation couldn't help but laugh. "You're right, princess. Love does make the best pancakes."
And so, the nickname 'Love' continued to stick. dior began using it with alarming regularity. She'd call out "Love, I'm hungry!" when she wanted a snack, or "Love, can you help me tie my shoelaces?" when she needed assistance.
You and Aaron had a good laugh about it, and they couldn't bring themselves to correct her. It was just too adorable. You guys always reasoned that she'd grow out of it soon enough.
But dior's idea of her mother's name wasn't limited to just your home.
dior's school project on family portraits was approaching, and she was brimming with excitement. She couldn't wait to draw her family and proudly display it in her classroom. A
Your husband had helped her gather all the art supplies she needed, from colored pencils to a large sheet of drawing paper.
As your daughter sat at the kitchen table with her art supplies scattered around her, Aaron watched his daughter with a warm smile. "Princess, are you ready to start your family portrait?"
dior nodded enthusiastically, her eyes shining with determination. "Yes, daddy!"
You leaned over to kiss dior's forehead. "Remember to write 'Mommy' for me."
dior frowned, her brows furrowed in concentration. "But Mommy, Daddy calls you 'Love.' Shouldn't I put that?”
You chuckled softly, touched by her daughter's innocence. "Well, it's true that Daddy calls me 'Love,' but for your school project, you should use 'Mommy,' okay?"
dior hesitated for a moment, torn between her father's endearing nickname and her mother's request. Finally, she nodded with a mischievous twinkle in her eye. "Okay, Mommy!"
With that, she set to work on her family portrait. As her colorful imagination flowed onto the paper, she meticulously drew each family member. Aaron's beaming smile, dior's pigtails, and their pet dog curled up in a cozy corner. But when she came to draw Y/N, she paused, her pencil hovering over the paper.
After a moment of contemplation, she couldn't resist her inner mischievous streak. She wrote 'Love' beneath the drawing of her mother instead of 'Mommy.'
dior stepped back to admire her masterpiece, her face glowing with pride. "There, it's done, daddy!"
You peered over your husband's shoulder at the drawing, your eyes widening in surprise. Instead of 'Mommy,' you saw the word 'Love' elegantly written beneath the figure that was unmistakably her. You and Aaron couldn't help but burst into laughter, both surprised and amused by your daughter's antics.
"dior, you little rascal," you chuckled, giving your daughter a playful nudge. "You just couldn't resist, could you?"
dior giggled mischievously, her eyes twinkling with delight. "I thought it was the perfect name for you, Mommy."
Aaron hugged his daughter tightly, unable to contain his laughter. "You know what, sweetheart? I think it's perfect, too."
And so, dior's family portrait proudly displayed the name 'Love' beneath her mother's figure when it was showcased at school. When her classmates asked about it, she simply explained, "That's my mommy, but we like to call her 'Love' sometimes."
And that leads her teacher to call you.
You guys received a call from her preschool teacher. "Mrs. Warner," she began, "dior has been insisting that your name is 'Love' in class. Is there something we should know?"
feeling a mix of embarrassment and amusement, can’t form some words to say so you let your husband explain the situation to the teacher.
"It's just a little mix-up. She thinks my wife’s name is 'Love' because her daddy calls her mommy that."
The teacher chuckled. "Well, it's quite sweet, but you guys should try to correct her. We wouldn't want her to get confused."
"Of course," You finally spoke up, agreeing, though you knew it wouldn't be easy.
That evening, Aaron tried to gently correct dior. "Baby, you know Mommy's real name is not 'Love,' right?”
dior looked up with her big, innocent eyes, puzzled. "But Daddy, you call you mommy 'Love,' Why can't I?"
You heard your husband sighed, realizing it was a battle he couldn't win especially with her using her cute puppy dog eyes. Aaron looked at you for help, and you chuckled softly.
"Okay, you can call me 'Love' if you want, but just remember, my real name is 'Y/N.' Or you can call me ‘mommy’"
Your daughter nodded, seeming satisfied with the compromise. "Okay, Love."
You and Aaron couldn't help but smile at your daughter's stubbornness. You guys decided to let it go for now and see how long this phase would last.
As weeks turned into months, dior's nickname for her mother only grew more endearing. She would say things like, "Love, can you read me a bedtime story?" or "Love, can we go to the park today?" It had become a running joke in your household, and even your friends found it amusing.
One evening, you invited your friends, kenji and Juliette, over for dinner. Kenji, being kenji, couldn't resist teasing you about his newfound moniker. "So, Love, what's on the menu tonight?"
You chuckled, setting the salad on the table. "Well, Love has prepared a special meal for you all."
Juliette joined in, a mischievous grin on her face. "Love, you've really outdone yourself with this dinner."
You and Aaron exchanged amused glances, and you all shared a hearty laugh.
As You and Aaron settled into your cozy shared bedroom one evening, ready to end the day and drift off to sleep, the atmosphere was filled with a sense of contentment. You guys had just finished reading a bedtime story to dior and tucked her in, and now it was time for some much-needed rest.
As You pulled the covers over yourself and snuggled into your side of the bed, Aaron couldn't resist a mischievous grin. "Well, Love, are you ready for a good night's sleep?"
You laughed softly, shaking your head. "Aaron, you just can't resist, can you?"
He chuckled, his eyes filled with playful mischief. "Well, you know, now that everyone calls you 'Love,' I have to make sure you remember who you belong to. You're my love."
You playfully swatted his arm, heart warming at his affectionate teasing. "Oh, really? I thought I belonged to baby dior now."
Aaron, feeling playfully betrayed, put on an exaggerated pout.
"What? My own daughter's stealing my 'Love'? That's it, I'm going to sell her toys."
You couldn't help but laugh at his antics. You leaned over to give him a gentle kiss. "Oh my god, don’t. She will cry and gonna start calling you ‘Aaron’ now"
His pout dissolved into a grin as he wrapped his arms around you. "Just like her mother, calling me Aaron when mad." He teased, Kissing your forehead he can’t help but smile widely.
He loves you so much.
He loves you and his princess.
His two best girls.
No one’s gonna take this away from him.
Or else everything’s gonna be burned down.
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(Aaron Warner) tag list 🏷 : @ravisinghs-wife @aishaleblanc
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oh-stars · 8 months
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Love is showing up when someone doesn’t ask.
a @steddielovemonth prompt | 1257 words | CW: N/A | Rating: G
“What time will you be home?” Eddie asks, perched on the couch like a bird, elbows on his  knees and sitting on his heels, toes straining under his weight. He feels like a little gremlin, body needing a way to expel all the energy his boring day off built up while Steve’s been at work. 
Steve sighs and adjusts his tie in the mirror by the door. “If all goes well, eight?” 
Eddie groans and falls back, limbs flailing. “If they expect you to go to school after hours, they should at least pay you,” he says, face squished into the fabric. It’s miserable being on different schedules. He’s been working at the plant until the construction is done on his shop, which means weird hours and being completely off rhythm with Steve. He barely sees the man! 
“Tell me something I don’t know,” Steve huffs as he smooths down his shirt, walking towards him. He carefully bends over to kiss Eddie’s pouting lips, laughing at him. God, Eddie’s so glad this man is his. He’s too precious to let go. “I’d stay if I could,” Steve says softly. “You know I hate going to these things.” 
Eddie sighs, giving him a small smile as he touches up the few strands of Steve’s hair that were betrayed by his hairspray. “I know,” he says. “I could always come with you.” 
Steve shakes his head, cheeks pink. “Thank you, but you, uh, really don’t want to go to a boring PTA meeting. All they’re going to do is fight over which classroom should get the crayons.” 
“I’d go for you, Steve,” Eddie says. He sighs again and pushes Steve away. “Go so you can get back.” 
“I love you,” Steve says, stealing another kiss before he finally stands up. 
“Love you too,” Eddie says, smashing his face back into the couch. “I’ll be here, rotting away until you return, my sweet knight.” 
Steve shakes his head and grabs his wallet and keys off the coffee table. Then he’s gone, with the rumble of the Beemer and the faint sounds of David Bowie announcing his departure. 
Eddie lasts a whole three minutes before he’s shooting up off the couch and pacing around the living room as he thinks of something he could do to occupy his time. He’s done about as much housework as he could manage for the day, he doesn’t think he could practice anymore today or write at all with how depleted his creative juices feel, and he knows nothing good comes on TV on Tuesdays in early January. 
That’s how he ends up piddling about Steve’s desk. Steve keeps all his papers that need to be graded meticulously organized, with the ones that are fair game for anyone to grade (aka the ones with scoresheets) in the blue folder. On days where Eddie’s brain was too much, when he couldn’t even look at his guitar without feeling pain or pick up his pencil to be creative in any fashion, he needed something to do to get the excess brain energy out. Robin’s much the same way, so Steve started setting aside his pop quizzes and multiple choice tests in the blue folder for either of them to grade if they needed. Otherwise, he’d get to it eventually. It’s mindless enough to calm their brains, they feel good helping Steve, and it helps give Steve more time to focus on the essays and presentations that need more time to be graded. It’s a win win all the way around. 
The blue folder isn’t as full as normal, but there are a few worksheets Eddie can take care of for Steve. He reaches for the sticker book and the purple pen (Steve’s signature grading color) in the mug Wayne gave him that’s an apple with a little worm for a handle that he uses as a pencil cup. That’s when he sees the PTA flyer. It’s jam-packed with information and minutes from the last meeting, but in big, bold letters at the bottom of the flyer, Eddie reads:
Join us to honor this year’s Teacher of the Year, Mr. Steve Harrington, eighth grade English. 
Eddie puts down the blue folder, the pen, and the flyer. He’s still for exactly one minute before his body goes into flight or fight mode. Within ten minutes, he’s dressed in his nice date clothes and his hair is tamed back into a tight bun, threatening to snap the band. 
Time crunch or not, he drives like a bat out of hell. He has plenty of time to get to the school, they live close enough, but he needs to make a few stops first. All in all, he gets there right as the principal is starting the meeting. 
He tucks himself in a corner in the back, watching the whole thing patiently. The problem is, he can’t really see Steve. Eddie cranes his neck and bounces on his toes, trying to find a way to make it to one of the seats in the center of the auditorium, closer to the stage. 
His opening comes after the chorus does a performance, when the parents at the front scurry their students away before the meeting can continue. First off, rude, but it works in Eddie’s favor. Steve’s award is next and Eddie isn’t missing this. 
Eddie slips into the front row as the principal starts shifting gears, whispering to the vice principal as the crowd settles. 
She announces Steve to a polite applause, but that’s just not good enough for his Steve. 
His palms ache with how hard he’s clapping, just shy of letting out a loud ‘whoop’ – and he’d do it if it wasn’t for the pretty way Steve’s face and ears are pinkening up. Their eyes meet as Eddie beams. 
“Hi,” he mouths, trying so hard to not vibrate out of the seat. 
Steve’s smile softens as he gives a wave of appreciation to the crowd, eyes darting back to Eddie. As the principal sings Steve’s praise and when she hands over the microphone for Steve to say a few words, Steve’s eyes never leave Eddie’s. It isn’t until a few of his students get up to speak that Steve finally looks toward the speaker, his shy smile turning into one of pride. Eddie knows he could care less about the words themselves (it’ll be later tonight that Steve will have a crisis and finally let the kind words sink in, where he’ll cower into Eddie’s body and panic over how much these kids trust him), but rather seeing how brave his kids are for speaking to a crowd this big and doing it so well. 
The award is the last part of the meeting, so after another round of applause, everyone is dismissed. Eddie jumps up to meet Steve at the bottom of the stage. 
“You didn’t have to come,” Steve says as he jumps down. 
“I wanted to,” Eddie says. “I’m proud of you,” he adds as he bumps their shoulders together. 
“I’m just doing my job–”
“Stop,” Eddie says kindly, “you deserve this.” He grabs Steve’s hand and gently tugs him toward the exit. “C’mon, I’m taking you to dinner to celebrate.”
“What about my car?” 
“I’ll drive you to work tomorrow.”
Steve’s blush is even stronger up close, but he doesn’t fight Eddie. And it’s an absolute privilege to watch as Steve gets all shy again when Eddie presents him with flowers once they’re at the van, stammering his thanks as Eddie kisses his cheek swiftly. 
Ao3 Link
Thank you @lady-lostmind 💜
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thisismeracing · 10 months
Charlieverse | CL16
― Pairing: Charles Leclerc x fem!reader ― Word count: 2.1k ― Warnings: mentions of alcohol and Halloween costumes (clowns, werewolves, and others).  ― Summary: When Yn decided to go to a Halloween party with her best friend, Charles Leclerc, she did not consider that some of the fantasies would be so close to reality that they would terrify her. But one thing Yn had no idea about too, was Charles’ feelings for her. All Hallow’s Eve is not the most romantic scenario to confess your feelings, but it might be just the perfect one for them.
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There are many sayings about how sharing is caring, and how life feels bigger and better when you do so.
Charles knew this all too well.
He was used to sharing everything with you since he was a kid.
It all started after you forgot your snack at home. He was only five years old then, but he had two brothers so he knew exactly what to do. Little Charles offered to share his bag of colored goldfish and grapes with you. The next day you shared your coloring pencils with him. It started with simple things, and it grew as you both grew older. All through the school years, Charles and you were inseparable, even with his crazy racing schedule. You would take notes for him, he would bring you stories, and you would study together until late hours. You shared your fears, deepest feelings, and even the shame of being underdressed when invited to a party such as now.
“I had no idea people would go this hard,” you state, watching as the Taxi driver came to a halt in front of the big doors. Gathered in front of the mansion were people dressed as all kinds of gore Halloween beings, some of the makeup seeming too real to your liking.
“We can go back home and change if you want,” there’s Charles' tranquil voice. He is always the one to keep his patience even if the world is ending, and you love that about him.
You shake your head, “We would never find something else in time, plus, we’re together, so… here’s to another good story,” you point to your matching costumes, and Charles smiles.
You’re both wearing Spiderman costumes. Though it felt like the best choice, the easiest one, you should have guessed it was too easy and, therefore, not ideal.
Charles gives you one last wink before putting on his mask. You do the same just as he opens the door for you, and hand in hand you walk through the crowd into the house. You cling to your best friend’s arm trying to stay as far away as possible from some of the costumes.
“You sure you’re ok over there?” Charles asks when you’re halfway to the kitchen, and you tighten your grip on his hand.
You nod, “Yeah, just.. That werewolf costume seems too realistic.” And there’s no need for you to explain to him. He knows you like he knows the back of his hand, his favorite track, his most played song. Charles knows that someone planted a seed of fear about some creatures when you were little, and some of the stories have stayed with you even after you grew. It is a bit curious how despite your fears, you still love Halloween, at least the kind of parties you go to where people will dress in a way that clearly shows that they are human beings and meant no harm.
Were you supposed to guess that a certain crazy clown costume was a mere costume after seeing people being killed by those?
You wouldn’t stay to answer that question.
When you finally reach the kitchen, both of you take off the mask to your friends, hugging and making your rounds. Charles grabs you two a drink and you choose to stay there instead of mingling and risking bumping into scary figures.
“Can you get me another of these?” You mouth to Charles pointing at your empty cup. From across the kitchen, he nods, and a few seconds later he’s in front of you with a full cup.
“They were out of ice, is it ok if we share this one?” he asks over the music and you nod. You’re sitting on the counter, and when Charles turns to your friends he stands right between your legs. One of your hands goes to his shoulders, and you keep talking about your costume as if your heart weren’t hammering inside your ribcage, almost coming out from your throat the second his hand finds your knee, holding it so your anxious bounce can cease.
You gulp trying to keep your attention on whatever your friend is talking about because all your mind can focus on is your best friend’s hand on you, his body radiating warmth into yours. And not that it is unusual for Charles to touch it, quite the opposite, he loves to hug and kiss those he cares about, but it’s just lately your heart seemed to wish for a different kind of sharing.
It wants to share the secret touches. It wants to claim hungry kisses, tears of happiness, loud silences, and whispered mysteries. It is as if your heart created a reality where you had all of this with Charles.
Your own Charlie-verse.
The party keeps going in full swing, and Charles never leaves your side for over thirty minutes. He comes and goes always checking if you’re ok and if you want to go with him, but you choose the safety of the counter and your crowd of friends. The conversation is good, and so is the booze, from the kitchen you can see a bit of the living room and the pool area through the glass doors.
And it’s only when part of the girls decide to go dancing that you hop off the counter, and grab Charles’ hands following him in the direction of another crowd of friends. You’re tipsy enough to lace your fingers with his and to tighten your grip when you pass people dressed as clowns, werewolves, and with fake open wounds.
You end up in the pool area in front of Charles, he holds your body protectively against his, while his other hand has a cup you’re still sharing. The conversation is between the group, but every once in a while something will catch his attention and he’ll whisper about it in your ear, to which you’ll slightly turn your head, chuckle, and then answer him.
Though you felt a bit out of place at first with how everyone’s costumes seemed so extra compared to yours, you and Charles have had a lot of fun. So much so that you have given up going back home and decided to share a cab to his apartment.
Half of the ride a tipsy Charles is lecturing you with his “I told you so” about how he suggested you slept at his place and you denied it before the party. You just rest your head on his shoulder and pretend you are listening to his non-stop rant.
As it happens, the driver seems a bit uninterested in Charles’ rant because he turns the music on, and the last song that starts playing when he makes the curve into Charles’ street is Michael Jackson. You shriek and start jumping on the car seat.
“Chérie, it’s late,” your best friend tries to reason, but you just giggle.
“You have soundproof walls.”
“But not windows,” he tries again, and you playfully roll your eyes before getting out of the car wishing the driver a good night.
“Annie, are you okay?” you start to sing as you reach the elevators, and Charles just fakes a sigh, holding you close by the waist.
“So, Annie, are you okay? Are you okay, Annie?” you sing loudly until you reach the penthouse.
“Love, that’s not Smooth Criminal’s dance, that’s Thriller…” Charles holds back his laughter when you start a made-up choreography in his living room. “Oh mon dieu, you’re so precious.”
You giggle, smacking a loud kiss on his warm cheeks. While you make your track to the bathroom Charles goes to the kitchen.
“I’m using the guest bathroom! Go shower on the main one, you stinky!” you scream from the corridors and you hear his scoff, almost able to picture his eye roll.
You go through your shower on autopilot, brushing your teeth, and reaching for one of Charles’ shirts that are on the guest bedroom bed. Your visits have been so frequent you have everything you need there, but tonight you didn’t want one of your pajamas, you want to indulge in the daydream that your mind is harnessing.
When you reach your favorite Monegasque bedroom you can hear the shower still running, so you settle in the middle of his bed, staring at the ceiling. Somewhere in your head, there’s still music playing and your body seems to have kept a bit of the buzzing from the party. The distant noises coming from the open windows, along with the wind hitting the curtains lull you into a soft slumber, that only goes away when a door closes, you guess it's his closet, you smell his body wash and shampoo before he steps close to you.
There’s too much happening inside your head, so you choose to stay in silence while your best friend watches you attentively, eyes finding yours in a beat.
Charles, on the other hand, doesn’t have much in his head. He only has you. Your smell, your laugh, your voice, your body on his bed wearing his shirt.
“You’re the prettiest person I’ve ever seen,” his mouth works faster than his brain does, and just like that you’re staring at him in confusion.
It’s like his brain is shortcircuited.
Charles gets up from the bed.
He walks to the door, then turns around and comes back to your side. There’s a crease between his brows and you have known him long enough to identify it as worry.
“Sharls, what’s going on?”
“I’m not drunk ok? Before you say anything, I’m not drunk, I’m just tipsy like you,” he starts and you nod from your spot on the bed. “I am so sorry, but I have to tell you this, and I’ll completely understand if you don’t feel the same, but I have to take this out of my chest, Yn.”
Sensing how serious the situation is you sit up, legs crossed one over the other, hands tucked under them.
“I- uhm… See- It’s like this, I-”
“Charles,” you call.
“I’m in love with you,” he spills in a single sentence, but then he keeps going. “I love you so fucking much it’s starting to hurt the fact that I’ve been keeping it from you. And I don’t even know when it started, but I’m so used to sharing everything with you, I just.. I wanted us to share more. I wanted to share my bed with you, and my clothes, and-” he points with his fingers before you could say something, “And I know we already share those things, but I want to do it differently. I want to share romantically. I want to share my heart with you, Chérie, all of it. But I’ll understand if you’re confused or overwhelmed by my outburst, in fact… shit… I should have waited in case you wanted to go home right? Please, tell me that if you don’t feel the same you’ll at least get the farthest guest bedroom, I promise I won’t bother you, we’ll pretend it didn’t happen in the morning and I-”
“No,” you interrupt.
“I said no, I won’t sleep in the farthest guest bedroom.”
“Oh- then let me drive you, just…– fuck I can’t I drank… uhm I’ll–”
“No, Charles, stop,” you get on your knees on the mattress and reach for his arm, bringing his body close to yours.
“No, I’m not sleeping in the guest bedroom because we’re sharing a bed tonight. No, I’m not mad about your admission, I’m sharing my heart with you too. Romantically,” you confess.
His shoulders drop in relief, and you giggle, threading your fingers on his soft strands. Charles mutters something you can’t understand because you’re too focused on how his face seems different from this angle, after all the confessed words. He’s still your Charles, but he’s also a new Charles, and this knowledge brings a new feeling to your heart and stomach.
When his lips find yours, soft and warm, a contrast with his cold hands on your jaw and waist, he presses your bodies closer and hums in pleasure. You smile, unable to contain your happiness. He kisses you like you’ve never been kissed before, and when the air has made itself scarce, you part the kiss, foreheads still touching.
“So, Charlie, are you okay? Are you okay, Charlie?”
Charles throws his head back and laughs.
He knows how insufferable you could get once a song gets stuck in your head.
“I was struck down. You’re such a smooth criminal, Chérie. Stealing hearts around so easily.”
It is your turn to laugh.
“That was cheesy, but I loved it,” you mumble before pressing a kiss to his jaw. “I love you.”
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────── ⋆🪩 VOICEMAIL: Hi, lovelies! I hope you liked the piece, I wanted to add a huge shout-out to Delia (@struggling-with-delia on Tumblr) for proof and beta-reading this <3.  Let me know your thoughts on this piece *mwah*.  
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©thisismeracing ― do not copy, steal, or translate my work; do not repost on a different media platform.  
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Anatomy Class
kai parker x reader
summary: kai + magic + boredom = trouble
tags: high school au, siphoning, magical fingering, masturbation (semi-public)
word count: 1.8k
a/n: i tagged this right next to my dad; you're both 18 in this!
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“You have to promise to use this wisely and not get caught with it. Not in school, and certainly not at home,” you reiterate to Kai for maybe the third time in twenty minutes. 
“I know, I know! Trust me, princess, I know the risks.”
“If it runs out, I can give you more, but if my parents suspect something’s up, they’ll find a way to contact yours.”
“But what if I run out before the day’s over and it’s just wasted? If I don’t use it, it drains.”
You sigh. “What are you suggesting?”
“I don’t know… can’t I just play with it a little? I can’t do that much damage during school hours. Worst I could do is make some kid trip over his shoelaces.”
“I’m kidding! But seriously, Y/N…”
“Okay, I see your point. Do whatever you want with it, just don’t get caught.”
“And if I run out, you’ll give me more?” He hates to sound greedy, but he’s desperate.
“Of course. I can’t imagine what it’s like to not have permanent access, so as little as I use mine, I might as well give it to you.” He nods. “But again, be careful.”
“I will.”
“Okay. We’re coming up on the school now. Take my hand.”
He does, and then you nod to him to siphon. “Tell me when to stop.”
Your hands glow, but it doesn’t hurt. Kai says when he siphons his siblings, it hurts them. But you don’t feel any pain. If anything, your body warms with a tingly, pleasure-like feeling. After about thirty seconds, you start to feel a little dizzy though, and decide that’s a good time to cut him off. 
He drops your hand immediately. “Sorry.”
“It’s okay. No pain, just a little dizzy.”
“Okay,” he confirms. He’d hate to hurt the one person who’s ever given him any love and attention. 
“How do you feel?”
Kai smiles as the magic runs through his veins. He lets out a small moan that settles in the pit of your stomach. “Good,” he finally answers. He then takes the pencil you’ve stuck behind your ear and makes it float in the air. 
“Good,” you say, stopping for a moment to kiss the side of his face. You take your pencil back as the school comes into view. “See you in class?”
The two of you walk up to the doors together, then part ways for your first class. 
You have third period together, but Kai sits all the way in the back, while you’re in the middle row. The teacher assigned the seats, and rudely placed his kids by favoritism: most engaged in the front; most uninterested in the back. Kai’s incredibly smart, but that comes to his disadvantage in school. Most of the lessons are boring; he passes them with flying colors and faces little challenge completing them. He finishes early, or already understands the material, and ends up tapping his foot or fingers during class. Mr. Peters interprets this as disrespect and boredom. 
Today in class, you’re reviewing the different systems in the body. Yet another topic that Kai has practically memorized. The final exam is in three weeks, though with the material being as difficult as it is, Mr. Peters has decided to start studying early. The material isn’t too much of a challenge for you, though Kai still has you beat in that matter. 
The man makes a list of topics on the chalkboard, then slowly goes down his list asking and answering questions about each one. He asks something and the class responds, but every so often, someone asks their own question, and he launches into a huge explanation for it. It’s during one of your classmate’s questions that you suddenly start to feel a heaviness in the bottom of your stomach. 
Immediately, you put a hand to it. Your mind races to think of what could’ve caused it. You hadn’t eaten anything weird that day, nor have you had any aches or pains all week. In the middle of your train of thought, the feeling shifts lower. There’s a pressure traveling south. In the next moment, it feels like circles being rubbed down along your body. Intentional pressure. Kai. 
Your brain provides the reason as soon as you recall your morning: you gave him magic. 
“Do whatever you want with it,” you had told him. 
Well, he sure is now. 
Slowly, you turn to face him. His hands are hidden from sight, inside his desk, but the smile creeping on his face is unmistakable. He’s certainly messing with you. 
Stop, you mouth to him. 
The bastard only winks. 
You turn back around and cross your legs over each other, squeezing them tight. There’s no freaking way he’s doing this in the middle of class. 
The pressure suddenly increases. You can almost feel the pads of his fingers touching you - one on your clit, two brushing your folds. You bite your lip so hard it might bleed. Your hands are clenched into fists underneath the table. 
“Kai, stop,” you think, hoping there’s even a point one percent chance he can read your mind. He doesn’t, though, and if anything, mimics dipping between your folds, feeling your walls. 
“The organs involved in the endocrine system are- Y/N,” your teacher stops mid-sentence to look at you, “are you okay?!”
You release your fists, hoping to look less suspicious. “Yeah. I have a stomach ache. Do you- do you mind if I go to the restroom?”
Mr. Peters hurries to his desk for a hall pass. “Not at all. Go to the nurse if it doesn’t feel better in ten minutes.”
“Yes, sir. Thank you.” You take it and hurry out the door.
You spare a glance at Kai on your way out. He smirks at you when you look at him, but then looks back at his hands, clearly focused. The feeling sharpens, and you dash out the door. 
As soon as you reach the bathroom, you fling yourself against the wall in the nearest stall. You’re still biting your lip not to moan, but don’t fight the need that brings you to unbuckle your belt to relieve some of the built-up tension. Criminally, it seems Kai can still control you despite the distance. You can still feel his finger-pads petting your walls. The pressure is still on your clit, and it only grows by the minute. 
“Fuck,” you mutter, feeling yourself getting close. 
You drop two fingers to your clit, rubbing it yourself. Your knees almost buckle, and you have to push your toes against the edge of the toilet to not slip. 
“Goddammit, Kai.” It’s a whisper, but you really hope no one else is in the bathroom right then. 
You focus on the way he feels on you, as well as the added pressure you’re giving yourself. Within two minutes’ time, you come. It hits you hard. Your knees almost give out, despite the way you tried to hold yourself upright. Your chest heaves; the sensation sends pleasure throughout your whole body. Your vision gets spotty, and soon, your lip starts to bleed. It’s overwhelming in all the best ways. 
After another few seconds, Kai seemingly retracts his fingers. You curse him the minute he does, remembering you’re in school, and you’re supposed to be studying in class right now. 
The moment you get your bearings, you stumble to your feet and towards the sink. You wash your hands and grab onto the solid material to ground yourself; your brain is still swimming in post-high fuzzies. 
“Fuck you, Kai,” you think, again telepathically, hoping he can hear you. If he can, you’d bet your life on the fact that he’s wearing his signature smirk. 
When you finally recover, you make your way back to class. You offer Mr. Peters a half smile and report that most of it is gone. “Must’ve been something I ate this morning,” you lie. 
He replies with his own smile and a nod, and goes back to teaching. 
The moment you sit, you turn to see Kai, who is, in fact, smirking at you. You give him a playful roll of your eyes before turning back to the lesson.
Luckily, that’s his only shenanigan for the day. During lunch and your other classes together, he dares to act innocent. You would scold him for it during lunchtime, but Jo is sitting with you today, preventing that entirely. 
The walk back to school provides the perfect timing. 
“Malachai Parker,” you say in your best authoritative voice.
“What? Did I do something wrong?”
“Did I do something wrong?! Did I do- you know what you did.”
“I don’t recall.”
“Third period. You and your magic fingers. You-”
“Oh,” he has the nerve to laugh, “that. Did you like that?”
“Did I like that?! Kai, during class?!”
“You said I could do whatever I wanted as long as I didn’t get caught. I didn’t get caught.”
You scoff. “I did not mean for you to do that!”
“But you liked it. What’d you do in the bathroom?”
“Why’d you go to the bathroom?”
“To hide the fact you were fingering me in class! What do you think I went for?!”
“Did you come?”
“Excuse me?”
“Simple question, princess.”
“I did not-”
“Don’t lie to me now.”
“Fine,” you bite your lip, “I did.”
He smiles. “Got you. Knew you liked it.”
“That was so inappropriate! I’d never think you’d be so bold. And when did you know when to stop? You did, like, ten seconds after I finished.” 
He chuckles like it’s a game. “The last five times I’ve fingered you, it’s taken you five minutes on average to come. I watched on my watch; three minutes happened in class, two in the bathroom. I gave ten seconds to spare to either get you there if you needed extra time, or to ride you through it. Turns out, I’m pretty spot on.”
“Putting your brain to great use,” you mumble, “and my magic.”
Suddenly, he looks nervous. “You’re still gonna give it to me, right? I didn’t lose my chances to have it, did I? Because I can behave. Y/N, I promise. It won’t happen again.”
You change your attitude to match his. “Oh, baby, no. No, I’m not like that. Don’t you worry about stuff like that. I’m still gonna give you magic, even if you use it in questionable ways.”
“Okay. I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay. But one condition.”
“Yes ma’am?”
“Wait until actual study time, like in the library, to do it. Not in class. Unless we’re watching a movie.”
“I love you, you little weasel.”
He scrunches his nose at the nickname. “I love you, too.” Then he chuckles. “I fingered you in class.”
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elsfavor1te · 2 years
can you write hcs of ellie being a simp gf 🫶🏻
warnings: i don’t really know what to put here tbh.. cutesy fluff stuff. 18+ smut included. oral (r receiving). thigh riding (also r receiving).
this was super fun to write man. i loved it 10/10. 💕💕 thank you for the ask. this is technically the first smut i’ve ever written, if you’d even count this as smut. be kind. 🥲
simpgf!ellie who always has to have her hands on you.
you could be doing something as simple as reading a book and she’s there, head on your stomach , hand trailing up under your shirt.
she loves to hold your hand too. just when you’re walking through jackson or when she’s between your thighs.
she has you spread open for her, one hand holding your thigh down. her tongue swirling around your clit occasionally sucking. she uses her free hand to hold yours when you’re about to cum, talking you through it.
“that’s it. good fuckin’ girl.”
simpgf!ellie who loves kissing you.
normally ellie isn’t one for pda but with you she doesn’t care. kissing you where ever and infront of whoever.
she doesn’t neglect kissing you when she’s upset either, sure she might grip your neck a little harder than necessary when she’s dragging your face to hers to place the kiss on your lips. never hard enough to hurt you though.
she doesn’t care if you’re wearing lipgloss either. you’d try and stop her reminding her how she doesn’t like the sticky feeling of it,
“baby, lipgloss. it’s gonna be on your lips.”
“i don’t care. kiss me.” she’d pout cutely until you finally did. standing patiently as you took your thumb and wiped the thin layer of gloss off of her lips.
sometimes when you’d wear the pretty colored lipstick you found on patrol and kissed her cheek, neck, forehead she wouldn’t let you wipe off the mark it left. telling you it’s your special way of claiming her, (even though everyone already knows she’s yours).
simpgf!ellie who loves waking up with you.
loving the messy bed head look you wake up with, your hair sticking up in all directions and mouth dry.
sometimes you would wake up to her trailing her fingers through your hair, separating tangles gently when she came across them.
other times when you’d wake before her she would have you locked in her arms. your legs tangled together and you trapped in her arms.
at first you feel safe, admiring her pretty face while she holds you. after awhile you’d try to wiggle out, whispering her name.
“els, i gotta pee…”
“shhh, m’sleeping”
eventually you’d wiggle enough and whine enough that she would let you go, urging you to go fast and come back.
on special mornings after you would both wake up you wouldn’t even make it out of the bed before your lips are crashing urgently. her thigh pushing up against your clothed center as you grind down, letting little moans slip into her mouth.
simpgf!ellie who helps you when you can’t sleep.
she would make you snacks if you said that’s what you needed to sleep.
she’d rub your back for hours if it got you to sleep easier, whispering reassurances as her hand drew little shapes on your back.
“i’ve got you…”
at first she was against it but once she saw how fast humming little songs would get you to sleep it’d be her go-to. humming to you everywhere. when you couldn’t sleep, when you were crying, when you just needed ellie to hold you.
simpgf!ellie who talks about you to everyone.
“dina,” she would try to keep a straight face but ultimately end up with the biggest grin on her face. “she found me a brand new case of colored pencils AND a new sketchbook for my birthday. we’re in an apocalypse man. how does she do it?”
dina would smile, happy ellie found her person. even happier that it was her bestfriend she found it in.
sometimes when she couldn’t contain herself she would even brag to jesse. “she did my hair like this for me when we woke up,” she gestures at the 2 braids leading into a little ponytail at the middle of her head, otherwise it’s her normal half up half down hairstyle. “bet dina doesn’t do your hair in the mornings.”
“what? of course she doesn’t, i don’t have enough hair for that- you’re such a fucking simp.”
“yup.” she grins cheekily. “so inlove with her.”
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Made a traditional artwork of Wade Wilson, Deadpool as played by Ryan Reynolds and James "Logan" Howlett, Wolverine as played by Hugh Jackman in Marvel Studios' Deadpool and Wolverine using Colored Pencils in the span of 56hrs!!!
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After 2 months of work on this, I finally present to you this artwork! I didn't expect it to take this long but imo every second spent was well worth it because I have never been sooo incredibly proud of an artwork as much as I am of this!
The coloring of both was sooo fun, I can't express just how much I've learnt from this artwork! Due to the size, drawing the details was a really hard challenge albeit a really fun & educational one too!! I'm really really glad with how the likeness & proportions have come out, I love how much both characters pop out!
Wolverine's mask was the most intimidating to draw but I'm really happy with how it's come out & I hope I was able to do it justice!!!
I added, mixed & combined a lot of things to try and make this artwork as original as I could & is definitely something I'm gonna try and do more! The process of putting together the reference was such a blast and so was adding things that weren't in the reference pic, for example: I made Wolverine's beard more thicker and bigger, removed the sleeves but kept the shoulder pads and many more little things here and there!
Prints of this artwork and more are available for purchase at: https://www.inprnt.com/gallery/theflamingredwolfarts/
If you have any criticism about the artwork or an aspect you don't like, leave a comment about it, I'd love to hear it, bad or good & if you can, be sure to tell me how I can improve on the aspect you don't like or criticized about!
Follow for more art & if you like this artwork, be sure to press the like button or double tap the image
@fabercastellglobal Polychromos Colored Pencils
Touch Twin Alcohol Markers
Electric Mono Eraser
@dalerrowney1783 Red and Yellow Smooth Cartridge Paper
Sakura Gelly Roll White Pen
Time Spent: 56 hrs
Size: 16.5 x 23.4 inches
If you want to repost my art, make sure to credit me!
If you would like to use my art as reference, feel free!
Thank you!
133 notes · View notes
bvidzsoo · 9 months
Love Me Like A Rockstar (1)
ー☆ Chapter 1: The death of peace of mind
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Author: bvidzsoo
Pairing: Song Mingi x female reader
ー☆ Warning: light cursing ー☆ Word count: 6.9k ー☆ Genre: university!au, enemies to lovers!au, rockstar!au ー☆ Rating: sfw ー☆ Summary: Love. You wanted none of it. You had already been heartbroken very badly once, you didn't wish to go through that ever again. But the Universe works in intricate ways and, somehow, you found yourself webbed up in a local rockstar's life, Song Mingi. He was everything you expected him to be, yet nothing like you imagined him he would be. What happens when you find mutual understanding and have heartful conversations? Will he be able to break down your walls? Will you be able to chase away his darkness?
A/N: Hii, first chapter is out, hope you all enjoy it! I hope the lyrics aren't confusing, I went ahead and tried out something new with this story, hopefully it's as enjoyable as I planned it out to be. Please do check the playlist as it'll be updated with each chapter and I also advise you listen to the song before or while reading the chapters, it'll have a different feel. Taglist is open, thank you for showing interest! Please leave feedback and enjoy now!
Taglist: @orshii @lovely-red2 @juicy-red @scarfac3 @sunaswifes-blog
⟨Series M.list ⟩
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『I made another mistake
Thought I could change, thought I could make it out』
The rustle of paper, the zipping of a pencil case, the drying scent of freshly used paint, and the oily feeling on your fingertips after using acrylics, the slight burn against your middle finger after having held your pencil tightly for hours were all things I was used to, familiar with. I bit my lower lip as my eyes were stuck to my A5 sketchbook, the paper thick, entranced by the black charcoal forming a way too familiar shape. The outline of the person was dark, shadows creeping around his body, faceless. I didn’t have it in me to put too much detail into his face, my mind kept wandering. I was feeling slightly lost. The weather was getting worse day by day, the sky dark, casting a gloomy feel over our heads. It didn’t help that I haven’t slept well for three days in a row, but perhaps that had something to do with the full moon—or so my mother has said while cooking dinner yesterday.
A sigh left my lips as my fingers itched to trace another line against the paper, to perfect the stray strand of light-colored hair falling against the man’s forehead. My shoulders were hunched over and I only now registered the soreness in my neck and lower back, having been sitting at this stool for almost two hours now. When I was drawing, or painting, time seemed to fly by in a wink, leaving me completely oblivious to everything happening around me. It was a means to calm my mind, to soothe my feelings, and a means to existing without wondering, dwelling, or feeling the dread of not being good enough—and perhaps the worst thought which quite often recurred in my scattered mind was that I didn’t know what I would do with myself once I was done with University. Opening an art club for all the art lovers was a small step in feeling a little accomplishment, however, that would be gone as soon as I was out and away from this place. Who would take over then? Were there students who were interested enough, loved art enough, to continue the little legacy I would leave behind? Those were pressing questions in the back of my mind sometimes, and I knew I was worrying about insignificant things, but they felt very crucial to me. If I could leave a little piece of me behind everywhere I went, nobody would be able to forget me, right?
“Bye, Y/N!” The sudden chirping of my name combined with the greeting finally snapped me out of my thoughts and I looked up, a small smile forming on my lips as I waved at the leaving students. They weren’t my students per se, I was only an Art major, but I did view them as my little apprentices. They were ambitious and determined to learn everything they could, eager to contribute as much as they could. I appreciated their effort and felt glad that people like them existed, it gave me hope in humankind. Not that I had much with everything going on in the world, but I could only appreciate and admire those who found a little kindness in their hearts to share with others.
I finally felt like I was done with my drawing as I sat back, rolling my shoulders back and cracking my neck as the last few students left the room, leaving me alone with the approaching girl with a grin on her face. I turned my head and watched her as she giddily approached me, gripping her sketchbook to her chest.
“Wanna see?” She asked with a chuckle and I nodded with a smile, eyes falling on my best friend’s drawing. I instantly recognized the features of the older woman and I chuckled as I took in the smaller version of my best friend, grinning up at her mother as she held a little flower up to her. She never stopped amazing me with her beautiful creations, and I couldn’t help but clap for her briefly.
“This is gorgeous, Seulgi, I’m in love.” I said as I reached my hand out and lightly traced the leaves of the willow tree in the drawing, making my best friend grin happily. She had her hair down today, her black curls falling around her shoulders. Her hair has gotten long, but she didn’t want to cut it, said she liked it more like this. It did suit her and gave her a younger look; her colorful outfits complementing her personality and overall looks well.
“What did you draw?” She asked and I glanced over at my own drawing, sucking my lower lip between my teeth. I really shouldn’t have drawn him again, but doing so brought me comfort. It always did. Despite the heartbreak he left in his wake, Yunho was a person whom I have deeply loved and found shelter in once—my drawings of him only reflected that. I have anticipated Seulgi’s reaction as I took my sketchbook off from the drafting board, turning it around and letting her eyes rake over it as she sighed, giving me a slightly disappointed look as she placed one hand on her hip. I looked away and quickly closed my sketchbook, getting off the stool. My hips and back protested in pain as I stretched my arms overhead, letting out a groan when my stiff muscles strained and vertebras finally popped.
“I thought we agreed you would stop drawing Yunho…” Seulgi trailed off as she watched me start packing away my things into my dark green backpack. Oh, well, she certainly wasn’t wrong, but I got carried away today—I haven’t even realized I was drawing Yunho until I was done with the outline of his body.
“Uh, yeah,” I muttered slightly embarrassed as Seulgi shook her head and closed her own sketchbook, balancing on one leg as she unzipped her backpack and placed it against her thigh, “But we talked about the feeling of comfort today and a place or person whom makes you feel safe and—I got carried away, sorry.”
Seulgi gave me a sympathetic look as she had forced her sketchbook inside her backpack and lowered her leg, swinging her bag around her shoulders, “And you couldn’t have drawn you—mother? Or teddy bear from third grade?”
Her offhanded question made me chuckle as I looked at her amused, my backpack hanging off my shoulders as I only wore one strap.
“Mom would flip if I drew her and made even the smallest mistake. I’d rather avoid getting scolded about making her eyebrow darker than it actually is.” Seulgi and I shared a look before we both started giggling as I recalled the one and only time I drew my mother, swearing to never do it again as she found every single little detail wrong about her features, pointed them out to me, and then proceeded to ignore me for the next three days. Thinking back on it, it is a quite hilarious memory, but back in that moment she made me feel like I wasn’t good enough, talented enough, making me doubt my skills for a very long time. Until I met Seulgi and she started freaking out about my art, calling me phenomenal.
“Yeah, perhaps drawing your mom wouldn’t be the smartest, but seriously, Y/N, how long has it been?” Seulgi seemed to think for a second as we started for the door, “Five years? You certainly should be over Yunho by now.”
Hearing his name left a sour taste in my mouth even if it shouldn’t have. Despite the passing of years he somehow still made me feel bitter about everything that’s happened between us. I hate that feeling, but I couldn’t get rid of it and it was frustrating.
“I am over him.” I muttered as we left the art studio and I locked the door, making Seulgi hum next to me sounding not too convinced. I sighed and rolled my eyes as I pocketed the key, then we started walking down the empty hallway, headed for the exit.  
“Do you have any plans tonight?” Seulgi decided to change the subject as she bounced on the balls of her feet, a huge grin appearing on her lips. I raised my eyebrows at her sudden excitement and thought for a second before I shook my head no. We turned the corner to the left, having arrived in the musical studies department. The hallway was littered with doors on both sides, which were studios for the music majors, private little rooms where they could record and write whatever songs they wanted.
“Cool,” Seulgi grinned and suddenly gripped my hand, her lips falling into a pout, eyes slightly widening. Oh, I knew what was coming next, yet her honey like tone still made me cringe, “Come with me to the Outlaw? Please?”
My eyebrows furrowed hearing the mentioned place. It was famous amongst our university’s students. It was a run down and cheap pub where degenerates gathered to have fun almost every night, drinking their night away, wasting their money and braincells on unimportant things.
“Why would I go there?”
“Because I’m asking?” Seulgi raised an eyebrow, “And because the Noir Zenith are playing tonight and I really want to go—”
“What is a Noir Zenith?” I asked confused, making Seulgi’s eyes widen to the point of bulging out. She looked funny as she let go of my hand and gasped as if I had sworn out her mother or someone she really cared about.
“It’s the coolest band from our university! Are you telling me you haven’t heard of them?” She asked outraged making me laugh, “I’m speechless.”
“Well, you know I don’t waste my time by drinking my sorrows away in a shitty pub surrounded by even shittier people who try to chase fame with scratchy and awful voices. Is the band made up by some music major students?”
“They do not have scratchy and awful voices, Y/N!” Seulgi looked outraged by this point, making me raise my eyebrows in surprise, “God, they are one of the best bands to ever exist—”
“Yeah, right,” I rolled my eyes as we entered the main hall of our university, “Go on and disregard all of the previous phenomenal bands to ever exist, nice one, Seulgi—wait, is this about Wooyoung? Didn’t you say he’s part of a band as well?”
At the mention of said boy all anger and incredulity disappeared from Seulgi’s face and she shrunk back, hiding her face behind her hair, “Yeah, he’s actually a vocalist of the band. Noir Zenith.”
“Oh,” Was all I could say as I watched her push her hair behind her ears, face almost as red as a tomato. I tried not to laugh at my best friend, her crush on the boy painfully obvious, “And I assume you want to go watch them perform tonight?”
Seulgi nodded wordlessly as she pushed open the double doors for us, “At Outlaw?”
She nodded again and I hummed, raking my brain for any plans I had made for tonight, but I found none. I had zero excuses to refuse Seulgi for so I glanced at her as we ascended the few stairs, licking my lips as I dwelled on the idea of being seen at such place. I mean, it couldn’t be that bad, right? After all, it was just a band singing from our university and I would be out of there the second they were done. That sounded pretty reasonable and alright to me, so I hummed, and smiled at Seulgi.
“What time?” Her eyes widened as she whipped her head towards me as we were headed to the bus station.
“Oh, my God!” She shrieked and flung herself at me, almost throwing us off balance, “You’re the best, I love you! Seven, you should be ready at six thirty, and I’ll pick you up and we’ll drive there together—oh, my God, I’m so excited! Wooyoung said they’ll be performing their newest song and he said it’s so fire! Mingi wrote the lyrics, and Wooyoung helped with the chorus, he actually showed me a snippet—do not tell Mingi that—and it was so good, oh, my God—I’m rambling, sorry, but you said yes and I just—”
Seulgi cut herself off with a shriek as she let go of me, leaving me partially deaf as her shrill voice rang through my right ear, making me wince. Of course, I wouldn’t tell Mingi, whoever that was.
“Alright, I’ll be done by six thirty.” I muttered as Seulgi skipped ahead, sitting on the bench by the bus stop, grinning from ear to ear as she took her phone out of her pocket, starting to type furiously. She was probably texting Wooyoung, but I couldn’t be too sure, they had periods when they would talk all day and night, and then periods when they would go radio silent for a week or so. Their relationship was interesting but Seulgi never talked too much about it, having once muttered that if she thought about Wooyoung for too long she’d fall for him—or something like that, I couldn’t be sure, Seulgi says a lot of things which she only half-heartedly means.
『Promises break, need to hear you say
"You're gonna keep it now"』
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            The pub was exactly like in the stories of others, and an exact replica of what I had in my mind. Which was bad, so being right here only made it worse as I allowed my eyes to travel to the ceiling, noticing all the uncovered pipes traveling above our heads. The lights were dim and there was almost like a light fog in the air, thankfully there weren’t any foul smells, like cigarettes or something else. The room was spacious, which was the only alright thing I could find about this place, as the walls were made of burgundy brick, a few falling out here and there. The dark wood floor seemed to be rotten in some places and I could only hiss as the front of my boots caught in an uneven plank, sending me slightly forward. Seulgi threw me an amused look before continuing her trot towards—I didn’t know where, but I decided to follow her blindly as I really wasn’t vibing with this place. Posters hung from the brick wall here and there and some graffiti covered it where the bar was. Chairs and tables were littered around the room, all looking quite old in age as I noticed one chair missing a leg, chuckling at the idea of someone toppling over once sitting on it. Seulgi gasped quite loudly and stopped walking for a second, making me crash into her back and throw her an unamused look as she swiftly turned around, lips pressed together and hands cupping her cheeks.
“Do I look alright, Y/N?” She blurted out, eyebrows furrowing, “Or am I too much? Do you think—did I totally miss the vibes with this outfit? I look ridiculous right now, don’t I—”
“No, Seulgi, you don’t.” I decided to cut off my best friend’s panicked rambling, placing my hands on her shoulders. I allowed my eyes to take in her outfit again and I smirked at her as we made eye contact. She was wearing black nylon bomber pants paired with fishnets which were peeking out above the waistband of her pants, her white crop top stopping at the middle of her torso. A black bomber jacket was thrown around her shoulders, matching her pants, and her white boots reached just underneath her knees. She had straightened her long hair and I helped her by making a smokey eye for her, accentuating the depth of her beautiful eyes, sharpening her stare. She looked absolutely gorgeous and I needed her to stop second guessing her outfit, “You look fucking hot and anyone in their right mind would want to devour you right now.”
“You included?” Seulgi flirted cheekily and I pretended to gag as I pushed her playfully away by her arms, making Seulgi laugh as she pushed her hair behind her shoulders, “Alright, I believe you.”
“Very well.” I grinned and allowed her to grip my elbow as the crowd was slightly denser here as we made our way towards the front of the room, headed to where the small stage was. I could see a drum set up on the dark stage, and suddenly I was veered to the left, almost getting whiplash by the force Seulgi pulled me after herself. I took in the people around me and decided that I definitely wasn’t part of this crowd, and it was showing. One, I was painfully sober and they weren’t; two, I certainly missed the point of this being a pub dominated by rock lovers, and my outfit had nothing to do with it. Against my better judgement, I have decided to wear a tight black skirt which barely reached the middle of my thighs, paired with high heel boots which reached my knees. A white tank top peeked through the burgundy long sleeved blouse I wore over it, having discarded my leather jacket in Seulgi’s car out of fear of losing it. All in all, the outfit was awesome, it’s just that it didn’t really match with the place in question I was at. I was slowly starting to regret coming here as we finally stopped walking and Seulgi’s hand, which brought comfort, disappeared from my elbow. I suddenly became aware that we have stopped by a table, and my best friend’s arms were around a guy’s shoulder as the two hugged each other—rather tightly, might I add. I allowed my eyes to fall on the guy and realized, only because Seulgi had shown me countless pictures of him, that it was Wooyoung. The only reason we were here, her crush. I tried to hide my snickering as they pulled away from each other and I have noticed Seulgi’s flushed cheeks, which was probably wise as Seulgi’s eyes were instantly on me, holding a warning in them.
“This is Y/N, my best friend.” She said sweetly as she lightly pushed Wooyoung towards me, “Y/N, this is Wooyoung the—vocalist and guitarist of Noir Zenith.”
“Cool name.” I muttered half-heartedly as Wooyoung extended his hand to shake, I was only speaking because I had to say something if I didn’t want to come off rude. A huge smile broke onto Wooyoung’s face at the praise of his band’s name and he eagerly shook my hand, making me force a smile onto my face when he held my hand for an unnecessary long time. The guy was just around my height and seemed to be buzzing with energy as he tapped his foot against the ground, sneaking glances towards Seulgi before finally facing her. His jawline was sharp and nose high as I took in his profile, his pretty eyes focused on my best friend. His hair was longer at the back and had two colors, black and blonde, it certainly didn’t look bad on him. He seemed to be the only one, besides myself, not dressed fitting for the place, and suddenly I didn’t feel as singled out as I had been moments prior, thankful for the light grey extremely baggy jeans littered with glitter he was wearing and for the grey and black faded out loose shirt hiding his frame. The front was slightly tucked in and a maroon belt held his pants to his hips, matching the color of his sneakers. The guy wore a few earrings and I just heard Seulgi complimenting them, making me chuckle. I knew she wanted to talk to him, so I didn’t bother them and instead looked around again, feeling slightly awkward, before I rested my gaze on the other two sitting at the table.
One guy was looking down at his phone, completely immersed by it as his long fingers were typing quickly, his wavy black hair falling into his eyes. He wore a very intricate white shirt, the material seemed to part at his shoulders and only covered his upper arm, cuffed and puffed out at his wrists, leaving the rest of his arms bare. A black corset like looking fabric was wrapped around his torso, stopping right below his chest and everything was neatly tucked inside black dress pants, an expensive silver chain hanging under the neckline of his shirt. The outfit was something I would’ve never thought of putting together, yet, it looked fabulous on the man and for a few seconds I found myself gawking at him. But I quickly caught myself and looked away awkwardly, hoping that nobody noticed my staring, instead, I found myself looking at the third guy, taking him in. His demeanor screamed confidence as he wore a smirk on his cherry red plush lips, jawline visibly sharp as his head was turned to the side, his nose tall and long. His tan skin glistened underneath the shitty lights of the pub, yet you were able to spot a few covered up blemishes around his jaw. His neck was heavily decorated with silver chains of various dimensions, a shinning silver pick dangling lower on his exposed chest as his black tank top was low cut and form fitting. The guy had a big midnight blue jacket over his frame and it had an interesting design, his jeans ripped at the knee and black like his tank top. Silver chain like bracelets wrapped around his wrists and I found my eyes drawn to his hands as he was pushing his glass from one hand to the other, fingers littered with smaller and bigger rings, the one with a red gem catching my eye. His nails seemed to have dirt scribbled over them, that is, until I looked harder and realized it was chapped black nail polish. I couldn’t deny how nice this guy looked and as I looked back up at his face, I found him looking back at me. My heart somersaulted but I played it off—hopefully my face really didn’t show any emotion—as I steeled my gaze and allowed blankness to settle over my features. His black hair was shorter and fell over his eyes, covering his forehead. The guy’s eyes were sharp and his gaze intimidating as his face remained unexpressive, features cold as he seized me up, suddenly the smirk back on his face. My eyes narrowed as the guy continued watching me smugly, and I just noticed the little something which looked like a smudge of something on his right cheekbone. Did he smudge dirt on it? Was he even aware that it was there? The possibility of him not knowing his perfect face was tainted brought a smirk on my lips and an eyebrow of the guy’s flew up, his gaze almost challenging as our stare down was abruptly stopped by a chair scraping backwards. My gaze went back to the very handsome man and I was surprised by the friendly gaze sent my way.
His features were soft yet sharp at the same time, his eyes big and warm as his lips were plump and looked soft. His skin was tan too and the highlighter reflected off his cheekbones, giving him an ethereal feel. There was a small piercing in his nose and I was slightly alarmed as he suddenly walked around the table, approaching my side. My body tensed and I glanced towards Seulgi, who was deep in conversation with Wooyoung. I assume these three must be friends since they were sitting at the same table.
“I’m Seonghwa, Wooyoung’s friend.” The guy finally spoke up, his voice was definitely softer than I expected it to be, and I reluctantly shook his extended hand.
“My name is Y/N.” I answered politely and retracted my hand from his as fast as I could. Seonghwa continued smiling as he looked towards Seulgi and his own friend, “Oh, uhm, I’m Seulgi’s best friend.”
“I figured,” He chuckled, scratching the back of his head. The aura this outfit gave him certainly didn’t match his current attitude, “Wooyoung mentioned Seulgi coming by and bringing her friend, it’s nice meeting you.”
“Oh, you too.” I offered him a lopsided grin and clasped my hands together in front of myself, Seonghwa’s demeanor not as off putting as most guy’s—or like the other guy’s who just stood up from the table and started approaching us. I watched him, eyes falling on him involuntarily as there was something about him which demanded attention as he came awfully close to Seonghwa and I, towering over the both of us. Seonghwa was a tall guy too, but this third guy’s height seemed to loom even over him, but I didn’t let that affect me in any way as I looked up at him with a bored expression.
“Found another little fan of ours?” I gulped at the hear of his voice, which somehow matched his face, it was deep and slightly raspy, however, the tone he used rubbed me the wrong way. My eyes narrowed at him and before Seonghwa could answer him, I fired an answer his way.
“A fan of yours?” I chuckled drily, “You certainly can’t be as self-centered as to think every female around a mile radius would instantly throw themselves at you, no?”
A beat of silence followed before Seonghwa started snickering, hiding his mouth by his hand as the other guy’s eyebrows furrowed. He didn’t look pleased by my question and he leaned down to be at the same height as me, gaze boring into mine. When his face was blank, his eyes seemed to get sharper and it somehow made my heartbeat pick up, but I ignored it. It was just the adrenaline, the annoyance, probably which threatened to seep through my bloodstream sooner than later.
“And who are you again?” The guy’s voice was quieter, dropped lower as he tried to belittle me with his stupid question, but I just rolled my eyes and crossed my arms in front of my chest.
“Don’t think I introduced myself to you before,” I snapped and the guy clicked his tongue, “Who are you, first of all?”
“You don’t know who I am?” His eyebrows suddenly furrowed as confusion washed over his face and for a second—but just that one little second—I thought the guy looked cute as his features softened.
“No, I don’t.” Him lowering himself allowed me to see whatever that was on his cheekbone better, and I could make out that it was some sort of logo, however, I have never seen it before, “And you have some dirt on your face.”
I pointed at my own cheekbone and Seonghwa’s sudden loud laughter alerted Seulgi and Wooyoung as they finally seemed to realize there were others around them, especially me, as Seulgi quickly stepped close and gripped my shoulder.
“That’s not dirt!” The man exclaimed and for someone with such a deep voice, his tone went incredibly high, “That’s my signature, bro.”
“Okay, bro, you’re self-centered, like I said—” Before I could really go off on this guy Seulgi gasped and laughed loudly, awkwardly, as I threw her a small glare.
“Aren’t you two hitting it off right the bat?!” She tried to diffuse the tension as Wooyoung chuckled, amused by the situation as Seonghwa was grinning too, “Y/N, this is Song Mingi, the bass player, singer, producer, lyricist, founder of Noir Zenith—be nice.”
The last part was only whispered to me and my eyebrows furrowed as I looked back at this guy, Mingi, who stood back up straight and threw a glare my way as I scoffed, shrugging my shoulders, “What a waste of talent on such personality.”
Seulgi’s eyes widened to saucers as Wooyoung inhaled loudly before breaking out into an ear-piercing laughter, making me wince, while Seonghwa had to cover his mouth again as he threw his head back and laughed.
“Y/N—that’s—” Seulgi stammered but I hushed her and smirked up at Mingi as he seemed lost for words for a second before his eyes hardened and he pulled his shoulders back, jaw clenching.
“What are you doing here if you don’t even fucking care about our band?” He hissed and for a second the viciousness in his tone took me off guard, but I didn’t let it show as I wrapped my arm around Seulgi’s shoulder and pulled her into my side. She looked mortified and tried speaking again, but I beat her to it—to my pleasure.
“My lovely friend, Seulgi, dragged me here because her and Wooyoung are friends, happy?” I felt Seulgi slightly relax in my grip, but she still subtly poked my side harshly, making me bite my lower lip to keep the groan of pain inside. Wooyoung had stopped laughing, thankfully, and was looking very amused as he punched Mingi’s arm weakly.
“I think you got a little bit humbled, dude.” He whispered loudly—probably on purpose—and Seonghwa giggled again as he quickly adjusted the front pieces of his hair.
“Why would anyone who doesn’t even listen to us come here?” Mingi muttered more to himself as he turned around and sauntered off towards the bar, throwing a glare every so often my way, making me giggle as I found it amusing. Poor dude, couldn’t handle a little humbling, but he definitely needs it.
“Y/N is a little bit—of a bitch—ow!” Seulgi hissed as she rubbed the spot on her arm where I had punched her, “You didn’t let me finish! She’s a bitch, but she’s my bestie and she doesn’t mean harm. I’m sure you guys will charm her by the end of the night.”
Charm me my ass. Maybe Seonghwa and Wooyoung, Mingi not—for sure. Not now or ever. Not that there will be another time and another chance for him to do so.
『It wasn't hard to realize love's the death of peace of mind
You're in the walls that I made with crosses and frames hanging upside down』
            The music coming through the speakers shook the little pub as I sat at the table the three boys have claimed as theirs earlier. Seulgi was by my side, but she was standing up, and she was jumping to the beat, somehow knowing the lyrics to the band’s newest song. I had a feeling Wooyoung had shown her already everything, but she did ask me not to tell Mingi—to whom now I could associate a face—and I had no desire to speak to him ever again, so she really had nothing to worry about. I couldn’t help but admit that they were good—not that I would ever say that out loud, especially not to Mingi—as the rock music blasted from the stage, purple and white lights illuminating the boys. Mingi stood in the center as he gripped his microphone, face scrunched up and the veins on his neck straining as his raspy voice involuntarily covered my skin in goosebumps.
『For granted, in vain, I took everything I ever cared about』
My fingers were tapping the rhythm of song, chin placed on my palm as I rested my hand on the table, watching each boy with curiosity. They all seemed to have different personalities and styles, yet up on the stage, they blended together and they worked well. Their voices complimented each other, where’s Mingi’s was raspy and low and harsh, Seonghwa’s seemed to be lighter and raspier, but then Wooyoung would jump in and his was powerful and high, and yet it still felt like a soft caress of a whisper at times. Their outfits, despite being so different, also made them look exquisite and gave the band a special and unique touch. As I glanced around I noticed how taken everyone seemed by their music, hanging onto every note they played as Seonghwa played the drums at the left side of the stage and Wooyoung the guitar to Mingi’s right.
『I miss the way you say my name
The way you bend, the way you break』
Mingi was gripping his microphone as his eyes were closed and nose scrunched up, eyebrows furrowing as the words slipped through his lips smoothly, his raspy voice soft and tender, like a steady but soft caress of your cheek, the light flutter of your eyelashes as if he was right by your side, whispering the words to you, trying to seduce you.
『Your makeup running down your face
The way you fuck, the way you taste』
Suddenly his eyes flew open and he looked out onto the crowd, locking his gaze with mine. I was about to grab the glass of water and take a sip, but I froze as a smirk slipped onto his lips, mixing in with his voice and very obviously making him sound smug. My jaw clenched just as the people, especially the girls in the front row, started cheering loudly, enjoying Noir Zenith’s performance. I tried to convince myself that I was just imagining things, but I could’ve sworn Mingi’s gaze remained on me and only me, singing the words from deep withing his chest, all kinds of emotions and feelings plastered over his face as he took his microphone out of its stand and started walking around the stage, crouching down and pointing at the girls close to the stage.
『When the curtains call the time, will we both go home alive?
It wasn't hard to realize love's the death of peace of mind
When the curtains call the time, will we both be satisfied?
It wasn't hard to realize love's the death of peace of mind』
They played two more songs after their newest, the crowd going wild as they sang along and I could feel all those unslept nights catching up as my eyes threatened to shut closed at any given time. Seulgi noticed and grew concerned, but I reassured her that I was only tired and would head soon home if she didn’t mind. She insisted I wait at least until the boys finish their performance in order to not be seen rude as I have, probably, already offended them. Not that I would mind, even though Mingi is the only one who actually deserves it.
Once they got off the stage everyone was swarming around them, congratulating them and offering them drinks, and I watched as Seonghwa kindly turned down all of them, meanwhile Mingi carelessly accepted almost all as Wooyoung was pushing his way through the crowd, eager to get back to the table. His cheeks were flushed by the time he reached us and Seulgi sprung onto her feet and went to hug Wooyoung but suddenly paused, looking awkwardly at her feet, until Wooyoung went and pulled her into his embrace instead. Seulgi’s face lit up and she started animatedly talking, but I couldn’t hear as the crowd was loud. Seonghwa seemed to be nowhere as Mingi managed to make his way through the crowd and now was grinning smugly at me, one eyebrow crooked as I rolled my eyes, still not impressed at all by him. He said nothing as he sat down next to me and took a sip of his drink, eyes falling on me. I could see him staring at me from the corner of my eyes, but I ignored him, and instead reached for Seulgi’s jacket to get her car keys so that I could fetch my jacket before leaving. As I felt around her pocket I became aware of two people towering over me as they had stopped behind my chair. I turned my head around and raised my eyebrows at the two girls as they were giggling, waiting for Mingi to notice them. And when he did, that irritating smirk was back on his lips and he greeted the girls with a wide smile, biting his lower lip as they started praising him.
“Mingi you are so cool!” The brunette exclaimed, grinning at him, “I swear to God, this new outfit concept is so hot on you.”
If I could, I would’ve died from the second-hand embarrassment these two girls were giving me, but instead, I decided to stay just a for a little bit longer and see what nonsense they manage to sputter so that I can use it against Mingi later.
“I don’t think I’ve ever heard you singing so passionately like tonight, Mingi, the new song is so good I’m already obsessed with it.” The blonde chimed in fast, throwing a slight glare towards the brunette. I guess the friendship between them flies out the window the second they step closer to a relatively attractive male—not that Mingi is attractive or good looking.
“Ah, you two…you always know how to flatter me.” I possibly have thrown up a little bit in my mouth because of Mingi’s sultry voice and narrowed eyes—he partially looked like he was about to pass out and partially like he would inhale one of the girls, if not both.
“You so deserve it, Mingi!” The blonde quickly exclaimed and placed a hand on his bicep, “Who is your new song about?”
My breathing faltered for a second as Mingi glanced my way, but then I threw him a glare and rolled my eyes, realizing this was our first time meeting. Why did I even think for a little second that the song could’ve been about me? That sounded crazy, and now I felt crazy as I shook my head and downed the glass of water I have abandoned like half an hour ago.
“Someone who won’t leave your mind and makes you want to crawl up the wall, thoughts filled with them, desiring them like no one else before.” Mingi’s voice dropped a few octaves and I couldn’t help but look over as I smirked, abruptly standing up.
“Oh, girls, not to disappoint but he’s said that to like—three other girls before you two, and I don’t think that’s entirely what the song is about. Or maybe Seonghwa was talking about another song…” In fact, I have lied. Mingi hasn’t talked to anyone since he sat down to the table, but the lie was worth it, because the girls expressions dropped slightly, “You know men are usually more desperate to get laid than women, I suppose it makes them say all kinds of things, doesn’t it, Mingi?”
Mingi’s jaw clenched as the two girls looked unsure as they looked back at him, and he chose to laugh it off as if I have said the funniest joke on Earth, leaning slightly forward as he looked up at me, “I suppose someone wasn’t really paying attention tonight to our performance.”
“Right,” I hummed and stepped around my chair, “I prefer listening to real bands and good music, not to some wannabes wailing to a crowd of drunken and high as fuck university students—have a lovely night!”
I only caught the irritated huff of air Mingi let out as I headed towards the bar, where Seulgi and Wooyoung were talking to some people I didn’t know. I didn’t want to disturb them for long, but I had to tell Seulgi I was leaving and would get my jacket before going home.
『You come and go in waves
Leaving me in your wake』
            By the time I have gotten home it was very late and despite my body feeling tired, my brain was relentlessly swirling with thoughts and replaying tonight’s happenings, so after fifteen minutes of laying in bed and staring up at the dark ceiling I realized sleep wouldn’t come easy neither tonight. I sat up and turned on the lamp on my bedside table and grabbed my smaller and thicker sketchbook, flipping it open to an empty page. I sighed as I grabbed a pencil and pressed it against the paper softly, letting my wrist curve whichever way it wanted as I started doodling, humming to myself a melody which sounded slightly foreign yet somehow familiar. I knew I have heard it before, probably recently, but I couldn’t figure out just which song it was.
『You come and go in waves
Swallowing everything』
It didn’t take me long to have the outline of something, which was starting to look an awful lot like eyes staring back at me, and I continued tracing lines and shading in the spots where depth needed to be added. I licked my lips and narrowed my eyes as I pressed the pencil harder against the paper, tightening the frail lines and finalizing the quick drawing of the eyes. I extended my arm and stared at the eyes, which almost felt like they were glaring at me by how sharp its stare was, and my eyebrows furrowed as I realized the eyes looked nothing like Yunho’s. I couldn’t remember the last time when I drew anyone else that wasn’t Yunho and for some reason that scared me as my eyes bore into my drawing, my humming coming to an abrupt stop when I realized who’s song it was. Noir Zenith. And the drawing, the sharp and glaring eyes, were of Song Mingi’s. I gasped and without a second thought started scrawling at the drawing, heart racing and mind an awfully lot quiet. What was I thinking singing his song and drawing his eyes? But there it was, the answer, I wasn’t thinking. And I was sleep deprived. I needed to sleep, like right now. I threw my sketchbook to the floor and jumped back underneath my blanket, pulling it over my head as I screwed my eyes shut. Sleep, I must.
『Are you satisfied?
Love's the death of peace of mind
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❱❱ Next chapter
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Write a fic about where you are attending kindergarten and then there's a rat fighting off foot ninjas
and then TMNT x reader
Ninjas In Kindergarten (Angst?/Crack?/Fluff?)
Bayverse!Turtles x reader
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A/N: In honor of the second rat we found in the toilet today, along with the signs of rats in the other parts of the kindergarten, daycare and staff room, I bring you this. I’ve changed it from Foot ninjas to a mouser, and brought the turtles in just for the fun of it. And oh yeah, they brought the rat hound in again. IT FOUND ANOTHER RAT WHILE WE WERE THERE. What an internship. It isn’t boring I tell ya.
Btw, me and the kids are now joking that it's Master Splinter’s unmutated family that wishes to recruit ninjas on their own. These little ninjas now do a double check before using the toilet.
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Warning: Kids in danger, crying children, and spelling like always.
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It was a surprisingly calm day for a Monday in a kindergarten. All handovers of the kids from their parents had gone smoothly, with the kids happily playing together on the mats, the pillow room or the play kitchen. Even the girl that tended to cry whenever her mother dropped her off was in a somewhat good mood, drawing with her two best friends at one of the tables.
You sat by the play kitchen area, plastic food all around you as the boys and girls around you handed you food, acting as if you were the only guest in an overstaffed restaurant. Out of the corner of your eye, you could see one of the adults cutting up fruit, while another one brought more pencils to the drawing table, all while the third one was changing diapers on the three youngest kids.
It was nice to finally have a calm day at your internship. The past few weeks had been somewhat chaotic. Not so chaotic that you couldn’t keep afloat, but enough to make you very tired whenever you finally got home. But damn it, these sweet kids made the whole ordeal worth it, only making you excited for the day you would have your own.
You and your boyfriend had started to talk about children. Nothing was set in stone yet, but the topic had been up several times. Well, if it was possible that was. With your boyfriend’s… less than human nature, none of you were sure that a child would even be possible. But nonetheless you dreamed, finding your heart jump whenever one of the kids accidentally called you mom.
“(Y/N)!”, one of the girls at the table called out, running to you with the drawing in her hands. Her 4 year old face, bright eyes and happy smile shined proudly as she held up her drawing for you. It was a blob of colors with no form of meaning, but nonetheless she was happy. “I made it for my mom!”
“Woooow!”, you smiled, leaning forward to show interest in the paper and the many doodles on it. “Did you really make that all by yourself?”
“Yes!”, she said with a little happy jump. “All by myself!”
“I think your mother is going to like it a lot”, you said, smiling as another kid handed you yet another piece of plastic food, adding it to the growing pile in your lap. “I think you should put it in your drawer. Then mommy will know where it is”.
“Okay!”, she smiled, running to her drawer with a skip in her steps.
With the paper in one hand, she opened her drawer, only to jump back with a scream, causing you and the other adult to jump, all turning your attention her way, all the kids doing the same in quiet shock. In her drawer was a mechanine, the size of a mouth, with one bright red lamp where its eyes should be, walking around on two feet. You jumped at the sight, knowing exactly what it was. You had seen such a thing several times with your boyfriend and his brothers, during your run ins with one certain scientist.
You quickly ran to the girl and pulled her back, just before the mouser jumped out of the drawer, snapping out at you. All the kids let out a scream, running for the farest corner in order to get away from the mouser.
In one swift move, you pressed the number that the turtles had given you onto the keyboard, sending an alarm signal to the ninjas, before giving the mouser a hard kick as it tried to get near you and the poor crying girl.
“Up on the tables!”, you yelled over your shoulder to the three other adults, quickly helping the girl up on the nearest table, before helping the next kid. “Keep the mouser away from the kids!”
And so you did, getting all the kids up on the tables, ignoring the questioning looks from the other pedagogues, as they wondered how you knew what that thing was.
You got the last kid up on the table, kicking the mouser back once more, before quickly jumping up on the table to the kids, before it could bite at your ankles. The kids on the table hug you tightly, crying as the mouser started to bite at the wooden legs of the table, trying to get it to fall.
Suddenly the door swung up, revealing your mutant turtle boyfriend in the front and his brothers right behind him. The moment he spotted the mouser at the feet of your table, he jumped into action, smashing it into pieces with his weapons, causing the room to fall quiet. Thankfully the kids weren't crying at the moment, but you could tell by the looks on their faces that the sight of four mutant ninja turtles would soon cause another round of crying.
“So”, you said, trying to defuse the building intensity in the room. “Kids, this is my boyfriend. You know, the one that was a little different with strong muscles? That is him”.
Your boyfriend waved at the kids with a somewhat awkward smile. When he and his brothers gave you that emergency number, he had never thought he would have to come and save you, three pedagogues and a bunch of kids from a rogue mouser.
To his surprise, one of the kids poked at him, staring at him with their big eyes and runny nose, not fearing his big frame as he looked at them.
“Are you green because you ate broccoli?”
“Yes”, your boyfriend answered with a smile, before knocking on his shell. “And I got this from drinking coconut milk”.
“Oh boy”, was the only thing you could mutter, before the questions came flying, all of the kids wanting to learn about your strange boyfriend and his brothers.
It didn’t take long before the kids started playing with your boyfriend and the other turtles. With Mikey they took turns to jump on the smashed mouser, laughing loudly at the sounds it made. Donnie drew with girls, taking a look at the drawing the girl from before had made. Raph played a throwing game, throwing the kids into a pile of pillows one by one, while Leo was making a tower of building blocks with the quiet kids, their eyes growing wider the taller the tower got.
It was safe to say that you would have to bring your boyfriend and his family to your internship a little more often, especially when the kids started screaming and asking you to bring them once again. There was nothing you could do. The kids had turned into big fans of the ninja turtles. And it was adorable.
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