#finally making poses again and learned how to make accessories for it
19982510 · 3 months
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reminder to clean your fans this summer...
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l-crimson-l · 5 months
I'd love to get into girlpla, I'm just a bit too broke to afford any kits; however, if you'd like to talk about it as a whole, I'd be more than happy to hear.
So…let me try this again. I had a whole nice post written up and I swapped off for a moment to check something and I completely lost the post.
Mecha Musume has a pretty long history that I’m not going to go into but here’s a little video if you’re interested.
Now when most people think of Mecha Musume there’s basically one standout line above them all: Frame Arms Girl.
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This line is a bit old now but its popularity has set the aesthetic style for the market as it stands now. The build of these are…ok. Kotobukiya was definitely learning with these kits but they’re still solid at the end of it.
Now if you’re like me you’re not too much a fan of the pantsu out look, and other kits in the line don’t exactly do anything to mitigate that feeling (looking at you Durga I).
The next line Koto would release would be better at this tho. The Megami Device line features all original designs as well as collabs from new and old mecha musume brands alike.
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First thing off the bat this is that they’re pricey. At an average cost of $70 you’re basically buying a Bandai MG gunpla. That said, they all typically come with a bunch of option parts. These are usually in the form of unarmored limbs, different chest pieces, face plates (with water slides to make your own) and extra connectors to help with kitbashing. Koto also has released option body segments to let you swap any part of the body you might want to if the right option isn’t available in the box (~$12). It should be noted the newest kits in this line have brought the price down to $50 as well as reengineered the build to add a lot more articulation and pose-ability.
Also in this lines favor is the articulation and build quality. You’re going to get a nice range of motion with or without armor and some of the smaller details also sometimes come pre painted.
That said Kotobukiya is a company that favors more complex character design over an Out Of Box experience so there’s some smaller details that are etched into the kit but unless your paints them won’t be color correct. I would say this is pretty common across most Koto lines.
Both the FAgirls and Megami Device are scaled at 1/12 so Little Armory guns and the whole market of 3rd party accessories will work with these kits.
Next up is Koto’s Sousai Shoujo Teien which is simple girls as plastic models
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A little cheaper and at 1/10 scale instead of 1/12. I’ve not built any but I do know they can bash with Megami Device and Hexa Gear lines just fine. If you take a peek at the JP girpla community there’s actually a niche but healthy group dedicated to taking nice photos of their kits dressed up in everyday scenarios.
Finally the newest line of Koto girl kits is the Arcanadea line.
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Purely in a fantasy take these are Incredible kits. I’ve only built one (Lumitea) but it was far and away a much better build experience than the FAgirl kits. These are actually designed by a vtuber artist iirc which is why the designs are so different than other Koto kit lines. If you have the cash and want to try something different I would highly recommend.
Now finally we get to Bandai. After learning from their failures with the Hg Build Fighters girls they went back and designed something solid and what got me into mecha musume: 30 Minute Sisters
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Right off the bat with an average price of around $30 the barrier to entry is much easier. While not as refined as the Megami Device line, these simple kits cram in a lot for the price. You’ll get an armored and unarmored form, as well as face plates. However the biggest selling point is How Damn Easy they are to bash. Being apart of the 30M line means they’re completely compatible with the 30MM line of mechs. Which also means all of those extra weapon and armor sets transfer over for the most part. And that’s not even talking about the dedicated 30MS option sets like hair parts, body parts, etc.
This is a Very beginner friendly line of kits and the place I would suggest most people starting if they’re looking to get into mecha musume.
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This example I think uses about 5 different kits to build and I don’t believe any serious modifications were needed.
Another Bandai line to mention is the Standard Figurise line which you’ll be familiar with if you’ve picked up the Sulletta, Miorine or ChuChu kits. Typically pretty solid kits (uma musume excluded, only get the 30ms version of that one) they usually include characters from a variety of different shows. These are still of course bash-able but not without modification.
With the explosion of popularity with these kits means we have even more companies now joining in the race. ATK and MS General have a bunch of kits to offer and we see new companies pop up some really sick looking kits (see tgat Galahad)
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We even have Plamax giving us the really cool looking GODZ ORDER kits and soon character kits from Blue Archive, Konosuba and others.
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For these smaller/third party companies I would suggest doing plenty of research before buying one. The ATK kit that I made was Especially frustrating and required a lot of extra work to make parts fit right or to clean them up so they fit at all. Not to mention the extra detail work required to really make them look like the box example. Just do your homework.
I hope this helps!! It’s a growing market so there’s always more kits being announced. This should have covered the majority of kits out there but IMPORTANT! Check sites like AmiAmi for sales or resales on kits. You can sometimes find an unbuilt kit that retails at $70 going for $30.
USAGS will regularly get Koto kits in and new releases but by no means believe them when they say a kit is USAGS exclusive. Remember to check HLJ as well. Let me know if you have any other questions and I’ll do my best to answer them!!
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blackheart-6 · 9 months
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dess-ember day 31/31
hi yall
today i bring my final entry!! i cant believe i made it
its a dess ref, but after the events of deltarune, where i imagine she will be freed
fun fact, i actually made the dess ref i still use exactly a year ago, so thats neat ^^
im not sure if I will keep this design for her being older (the age i usually draw her as is like 15 or 16), but i feel like it turned out okay
i made her a researcher (she researches things to do with souls and magic, things that exist in deltarune but arent really known about in my headcanons), but im unsure if it was the right choice. i imagine she got stuck with gaster in the code for a couple of years, but before that she didnt know what she wanted to do with her life. the way I see it, the gaster in the code with her is the one from undertale, so he has a lot of knowledge on magic and stuff, and learning about it was interesting and helpful for her, and after she got out she wanted to share her knowledge and learn more.
as i said, i dont know if this was a good choice of career, considering she wasnt really the type to become a researcher, but she also changed when she was in the code, so idk. i might change it later.
and for her design, i tried to keep her unruly look as much as possible, despite her job. i changed her hairstyle, keeping it short but giving her a side part and little hair pieces in front of her ears.
i also gave her glasses. i imagine shes needed them for awhile, but she didnt want to look like a nerd 😂 now shes just accepted her fate. i also gave her piercings on her ears, just as a callback to some of my older drawings of her, where i gave her piercings there too.
for her outfit, i gave her a pair of basic dress pants, and a turtleneck (because i love turtlenecks a bit too much lol). and then i gave her a green jacket/coat thing, cause i had to keep her with green, ofc.
and for accessories, i gave her a watch (to match with noelles watch), and i gave her a bracelet with noelles sweater colors. i also gave her a white ring on her left hand, because when i looked it up that was where aro rings were (i hope thats accurate lol).
and thats it, my final entry! its so weird that im here, i didnt think i would make it. i thought id get bored, or too busy, or run out of ideas or something, but i made it. there was a lot of struggle sometimes, and there was ideas i had planned that i never got to, but i feel like it really helped me, having this month. ive definitely gotten better at drawing dess, and i feel like my anatomy and posing had gotten better ^^. though, i dont know if ill do this again. it was difficult, and next year ill be in college, so i might be too busy. i guess we will just wait and see 😁
during this month, ive also thought a lot about dess in general. i have so many thoughts and ideas involving her, yet we still have such little knowledge on her. its weird, i have this whole dess created, but one day she will become obsolete, and we will see who dess actually is. i dont know how to feel about it. but, until we actually see dess, i plan to keep drawing my dess, and i might keep drawing her after we see dess, it just depends. even if im nervous to see her, i cant wait either!
but thats enough of my ramblings, im sure nobody read all that, so for a tldr, i just talked about why i designed older dess like that, my thoughts on my dess-ember, and my thoughts on dess ^^
i hope yall have a wonderful new years!! 🥳🥳
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to-call-your-own · 1 year
I have been very restrained on the internet lately, and I suppose that's a good thing. But sometimes I feel like I could be a tad more open, and I figured this sort of blog is the exact place I could allow myself to talk. It probably wouldn't matter anyway, right?
I have began collecting dolls earlier this year. My infatuation began with the L.O.L. O.M.G. Fierce doll, and since then I've accumulated a fair share of L.O.L. dolls. Unfortunately, I had to put them back in their boxes due to the lack of display area and the extreme abundance of dust in my home. I loved their design, though, I still do. I used to sit down in front of them and just admire the designer's work for a couple of minutes. The way their clothes match their accessories, their physique, hair and makeup, and the way the designers thought of the fabric and the colors, oh man... I just sort of view them as a work of art. A complete image that I don't want to tinker with, as it is already perfect.
After that I bought an Aliexpress Blythe doll, and then almost lost my mind trying to dress her up as soon as possible, and when the clothes finally came, I changed her eyelashes and eyechips, and that was it. I still eyed the custom Blythe dolls longingly, and Pullip dolls, but I wasn't planning on buying any more, not really. I did want to start making my own OOAKs, though, so I was looking for super-cheap, used Monster High and Ever After High dolls, but I viewed them only as the material. Eventually I've settled on the thought that I wanted to repaint a male Monster High doll, and decided to start with Garrott, as he's caught my eye the most. And at some point I got extremely lucky and saw a Garrott doll being sold for only 6 dollars or so (500 rubles), and I managed to buy him. And that's when this new stage has begun, the very one that prompted me to start this blog.
I'll write about this Garrott doll in details later, but as of now I'm going to describe the situation in general terms. The thing is, this doll is not perfect. It is objectively flawed. His faceup is a little smudged in places, his lips are wiped off, his hair is cut, he lacks most of his accessories and clothes, but... after I washed him and dressed him in an oversized "Blythe" sweater, I had a hard time putting him down. There's a strange charm about him, and eventually I found myself not wanting to alter him. Dispite him being flawed, he looked surprisingly good – at least in my opinion, and I couldn't bring myself to shatter this fragile equilibrium. Because I would, I knew I would. And this is how it all started.
I also really enjoy looking at doll photos, not sure why, but I do. The photos don't even have to be good, to be honest, I just really like looking at them. I like seeing how people pose their dolls, how they choose the lighting, the clothes, the setting/background. I especially like it when there's some sort of story behind the pictures. Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be a lot of doll photography on Tumblr, which I find odd, if not sad, so I thought, maybe I could also try to take some photos. Maybe I could even learn photography in the process. So I tried taking pictures of my Garrott, and I got really caught up in that. Sometimes I get caught up in things, and they drive me up the wall, and then I temporarily lose my mind. So here I am now, writing a Tumblr post for a doll blog, with a Heath Burns doll on its way. I was thinking, and thinking, and thinking, and I maybe I want to not only take pictures of my dolls, but to attribute some sort of story to them. I've seen it being done, and it reminds me of the way I used to play with my toys as a child. Maybe I could do that again, but differently. Maybe I have never stopped doing that in the first place. All in all, writing fan fiction is a lot like playing with dolls, in my mind.
So I thought, maybe I could set up my own doll house in a form of a Tumblr blog. So, a doll house and a doll theatre, then. Wouldn't be that bad. Could give me a lot of room to talk. About stuff.
So. To sum it all up. As for Monster High dolls, I already have this godlike shabby Garrott, and I am impatiently waiting for Heath. I am also looking for a well-played Lagoona, it has to be the same brand of off-handedly charming as Garrott, and I am being very obsessive about it. You could say that I am waiting for her.
There's a lot of things I have to be patient about. I won't tag this post, it's just an introduction of sorts, and I want to elaborate on my idea further, as well as post some photos of Garrott.
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A Helpful Pamphlet
 While searching through a dusty and forgotten box of books and papers that you found in your grandfathers attic, you pull out a small, brightly colored pamphlet that caught your eye. On the cover is a photo of a young, incredibly attractive man in a tank top, grinning up at you in a cocky, seductive, almost hypnotizing way. Above him is a a bright, bold title, reading “The 5 steps of jockification, with pictures!”
Bemused, you turn to the first page of the packet, and begin to read
Step 1: Denial
As the jockification process begins, the new jock will at first not believe what is happening to them, perhaps first dismissing them as mere tricks of the light, or perhaps believing that they just look particularly good today. However, through their obliviousness, the physical changes persist, abs, pecs, biceps and other muscles steadily growing and becoming more defined, face squaring off, becoming more masculine, hair growing healthier and more stylish. Eventually, too the things around them will start to change, their pants becoming much more fashionable, their shirt melting away, or else changing to suit their new physique and appearance. At some point, however, the new jock will inevitably notice the changes in themselves, and realize that this is, in fact, real (pictured below)
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You laugh to yourself, reading this strange passage. Does whoever wrote this really think that things like can actually happen? This must be some kind of elaborate joke, a satire of some kind. Still you have to admire the dedication and descriptiveness of it, so you turn the page and continue reading, interested to see what the rest of the pamphlet holds in store
Step 2: Examination
Now that the new jock has realized that what's happening to him is, in fact, 100 percent real, he begins to, out of curiosity, examine himself and the changes he's undergone. He lifts his arms up, examining every muscle and flexing them, amazed at their new and impressive size. His eyes are drawn to his deep cut abs, creating a perfect v, bringing the eyeline straight down to his newly enlarged bulge. Eventually, either through a mirror, or perhaps a phone, he'll begin scanning his face, taking in the square jaw, the piercing eyes, the perfect lips. Of course, through all of this, he won't notice that the panic that was once overwhelming him is steadily subsiding, and his thoughts are starting to slow down as he's filled with a sense of contentment (pictured below)
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You chuckle to yourself again, thoroughly amazed at what you're reading. Somebody really took the time to write up and print out a pamphlet detailing something so ridiculous and improbable. And to spell it all out as if it was pure fact, it makes it even more insane. Still, you had to admit, it was kind of a fun read, and you shift in your seat, adjusting your tee shirt, stretched uncomfortably  tight over your muscles before turning to the next page and continuing reading
Step 3: Acceptance
By this point, the new jock has, rather unwittingly, found himself at peace with the changes he's undergone. He takes another look at himself, taking time to adjust his hair, perhaps toying around with an accessory or two, or tracing his fingers along his hard muscles almost absentmindedly. Thoughts continue to drain out of his head, leaving him nuch dumber than before, and that only helps speed up the process exponentially. Finally, and with a small smile, he realizes. He looks good. REAL good. And with that single thought, without so much as a warning, the final phase of his jockification begins (pictured below)
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This time, you hardly stop to think before turning over the page to the next section of the booklet. You're very excited to read and learn about what the final phase of jockification is like, and finishing this pamphlet is the only way you'll ever find that out.
Step 4: Broification
At this point, the new jock has undergone all the physical changes necessary to be considered a new jock, but is still lacking the attitude required to truly be one. Luckily, however, with that single thought from the last step, the new jock has unwittingly invited every single change required, giving them open access to himself. As he continues to look at his new body, cocky, narcissistic thoughts begin flooding his head. He doesn't just look good! No, he realizes as he begins flexing and posing to himself in the mirror, he's not just good looking! He's HOT! In fact, in his, he's one of the hottest guys he's ever met, if not THE hottest. With that, as well, comes a new appreciation for other bro's hotness, straight out of nowhere. Of course no one could really understand how hot he is, except for another hot bro like himself. As he thinks that, his brain continues to drain, space that was once reserved for knowledge like math or vocabulary now being filled with thoughts of going to the gym, hitting the beach with his bros, and other such jock activities. Soon enough, the new jock is complete, indistinguishable from any and all of his equally dull, vain friends, completely oblivious to who he used to be before this day. As almost a sort of ritual, nearly every time the new jock will take their phone, raise it up, make a dumb, cocky face, and take a selfie, ready to upload it as the first of MANY new photos of himself about to make their way to Instagram. (Pictured below)
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You smile to yourself before letting out a low chuckle. That was a good read! A bit hard to understand at points (You'll have to ask your bros what narcissistic and oblivious mean later) but still a super interesting topic and really hot! The idea of a lame nerd becoming a hot jock sounds amazing, but too good to be true. You go to put the pamphlet away before catching a glimpse of the cover again, and slapping yourself in the forehead. There were FIVE steps! You skipped one! (You really can be such a dumbass sometimes). Laughing, you grab the pamphlet back and turn to the last page, quickly reading
Step 5: Look in the mirror, take a pic, and enjoy!
Confused at why the booklet would say that, you smile and shrug anyway, grabbing out your phone, and preparing for a mirror selfie. Damn you look good today! Seeing a great opportunity, you decide to show off, lifting your shirt up all the way, revealing your impressive pecs and abs, and sticking your tongue out in a cocky expression that says "I'm sexy and I know it". You take a couple different versions of the pic, pleased to see how great they all look. You pick the best one, swiftly uploading it to your strangely empty Instagram, already ready for the likes to roll in. Almost ready to leave, you turn back to the pamphlet. Maybe you could make copies of it? You know of plenty of friends who'd probably enjoy it just as much as you did...
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Before we dive into the rest of the Stain fight, let’s start out with the opening volume seven material!
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A grungy, shouty Katsuki serves as the focus of this cover, which makes sense when the volume subtitle is ‘Bakugou Katsuki: Origin.’ I’m pretty sure this is meant to be a snapshot from the final exam, which starts in this volume, though I suppose it could be a snapshot of the future. He’s looking away from the ‘camera’, caught up in the heat of battle, and though we can’t see his gauntlets, the smoke from his explosion is serving as a pointed backdrop of what’s happening at that moment.
It has a lot of contrast with the cover of Bakugou Katsuki: Rising, aka volume 29, in terms of energy and framing. I’ll probably get into that more whenever I finally manage to get to that volume, which at my current rate will probably be another year or two…
As a total aside, this art has finally helped me understand how the fuck Katsuki’s headpieces are oriented on him, like. The art we’ve seen of it so far just hasn’t quite clicked in terms of how it all works, so it’s kind of nice to finally see how the small and large explosion accessories are placed. Can’t believe he has the most deadly and spiky pigtails. /lh
Aizawa is the character on the spine, which I suppose is as alright a choice as any. He doesn’t have a large part to play in this volume as far as I’m aware, but all the characters who are involved have already been used (or are Stain, who is irrelevant for the purposes of volume covers). Then again, I suppose it’s a little relevant since Aizawa is one of Katsuki’s most staunch defenders, and the final exam is another big character point for Katsuki. 
Some additional insight from Alli:
🎆 hanabi 🎆 | alli 🤝 — Today at 9:46 AM
just to add with you cover analysis, allow me to hyperanalyze: you're absolutely on the right track here. Up until this point (and even coming after it) it's hard to really see any of katsuki's behaviors or beliefs as truly heroic. even his tenacity, a trait that all might attributes to heroism, comes across more as self interest than something truly noble. And in the exams, we see a lot of Katsuki's issues come to a boiling point with hm attacking izuku and making unwise battle
strategies to feed his own ego rather than the smart ones he's known for (which would be running to get help in that scenario).
However, we also get to the heart of Katsuki's view on heroics and learn that yes, while in it's current form it's not the best, it started with true and noble intentions, just like izuku's did. and who's the person who has seen not only katsuki's skill but also that his core values line up with true heroism?
he was also the one to pair bkdk together to see if they could resolve these issues together, so he's kind of the main instigator of the conflict for this volume as well
Anywho, onto Horikoshi’s opening thoughts of the volume.
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Honestly, I have to agree with him here - the process of becoming a hero is a lot more interesting than the end of the world, good versus evil battles. Because you get to see the growth, the changes and evolution as the character steps closer to becoming the hero you know and love - and we don’t actually know any of the kids’ endgames yet, which adds more anticipation to it all. 
Maybe saying we ‘don’t know’ is a bit mistaken, since we definitely can see where the road is going for all the main players at this point. We just have yet to see the full payoff of these paths, and Hori could still surprise us with one or two of them before the series wraps up. 
Next is the inside cover page for the volume, which is…
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I have to admit, I had to take a moment here to pull myself back and remind myself to not be too picky here. It’s very obvious here that the art is clean, the girls are pretty, and their poses are fun. The two are clearly enjoying posing for the camera here, and Hori likely had a lot of fun sketching this out. Hori even did a neat little touch in giving them different glasses from each other (and from Tenya). 
…actually, I do have to wonder why the classroom is in such a messy state. Overturned desks and chairs? And they seem to all be shoved into the center of the room (at least as far as I can tell from the limited viewpoint of the camera). 
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Once again, gotta love Izuku mimicking All Might’s poses. And everyone’s in their hero costumes! Which makes sense since this is the start of the final exam arc, as well as wrapping up the Stain arc. In addition, I would take a firm guess that Tenya being on the first character page with his own box is specifically because his character arc is being focused on for most of this volume. 
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…oh my god, even the translators/editors/Hori??? Can fall prey to the dreaded ‘a certain x’ epithet rampant in fanfiction. Truly, revelry in the dark is happening here. 
Lastly, we have the table of contents.
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Gotta love Dark Shadow doing his thing here, even if I’m not sure how much Tokoyami even does in this volume. Also, I completely forgot the two were here when I was making my revelry in the dark joke up above. I swear I did not intend that. 
This volume looks to be nine chapter long - six chapters to wrap up the Stain arc, and three to dive into the Final Exams arc. For people who have only seen the anime and not read the manga, fair warning in advance that the pacing and order of events for said exam arc is… different. 
Anywho, with that, all the opening volume seven material is done. See you next time for chapter 54. 
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italkinreblogtags · 2 years
Prompt: Pearl & Platina How about them hanging out in the daycare center with Phione?
I think I probably spent too much time on Phione, but I hope you like it anyway!
This was Pearl's chance: it was just him and Platinum on babysitting duty, which meant he could finally get Phione to do some dang training! Everytime Dia had been around, Phione would hound him for affection and food and not listen to a word anyone else said.
Phione only looked at Pearl with a cheery smile when he commanded a simple Water Gun, and then glanced around him as though expecting a Water Gun from elsewhere. Maybe it was too young for moves? But the Daycare couple had said their other pokémon had no trouble with basic moves right out of the egg. 
“Perhaps we should try forming a bond with Phione first, as Dia had,” Platinum said, watching Phione bounce around. “As I understand it, neither of us could be here as often as Dia could, and so it may not trust us.” 
“Maybe, but if I’m going to get it to trust me, it’s not going to be through Dia’s methods!” Except Pearl’s method was training, so he was stuck again. In his defense, he had little trouble getting most other pokémon to train.
“Phione likes to have fun, correct? Then why don’t we try to make our training fun, and have it join us?” 
“That’s it!” Pearl’s eyes were practically ablaze. “But not just any training—we’ll have to do contest training! Pokémon and trainer as one, the perfect bonding strategy.” 
Although they didn’t have their contest outfits or accessories, Pearl doubted Phione even knew what a contest entailed, and it would only see that training could be fun. 
Phione stopped whatever what it was doing, and watched them with curiosity as they sent out their pokémon: Chimhiko for Pearl, and Empoleon for Platinum. 
“Before we begin, I have one more idea,” Platinum said, and turned to Phione. “You will be our judge. Whichever performance you like more, show us with a Water Pulse.” 
Phione clapped in excitement, and gave them its full attention. That’s really smart of Missy, Pearl thought. Phione would definitely attempt one of its moves at some point, and Pearl would determine how strong it was, or if Phione used the right stance. Missy should already know she has to “win” so I can focus on Phione. And so Chimhiko doesn’t get accidentally hit by a water attack. 
Pearl thought their plan was executed flawlessly; Empoleon displayed a Flash Cannon-Bubble combo that sparkled, and Chimhiko punched air (with a little fire to put in some effort). Phione appeared enchanted by Empoleon’s performance and bounded over, taking a stance in front of the much larger pokémon. 
“We did it!” Pearl cheered as Platinum smiled. “Now we can see it’s Water P—er, I mean, Bubble Beam?” Phione’s stance was all wrong for a Water Pulse, and it didn’t even seem to be trying for one. 
“It could be mixing up its water-type moves,” Platinum guessed. “Try a different attack, Phione.” 
Phione shook its head, refusing, and shot another Bubble Beam at Empoleon. It seemed to be speaking to it and took a pose for Flash Cannon of all things, a move it couldn’t learn. 
They soon realized it was training, though Pearl had to concede that they couldn’t decide which moves Phione would use. But in the end, it didn’t matter because Phione wanted  to use all its moves with all the combos Platinum could think of, and had too much energy for both of them combined. Maybe Dia’s methods had some merit after all...
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thewritewolf · 4 years
A Model’s Shadow
Summary: Juleka's dream is to be a model, and there is one person in her class that can give her a hand... and maybe she has a little insight that can help him out in return.
I wrote this fic way back in August of 2019 for @adrienagrestezine "Silver Linings". Now that the zine has been published and the left over sale has started, I'm pleased to finally be able to share this fic with all of you!
Read on Ao3
Adrien walked up the steps of the school with a smile on his face. Not because he was particularly looking forward to learning today, but because this was the first day back to school after he and Ladybug had accidentally revealed their identities to each other.
It hadn’t been anything too exciting that finally did their secrecy in. They both simply happened to duck into the same alleyway as their miraculous gave their last shrill beeps. A few silent moments had passed between them before Marinette shrieked and sprinted away before Adrien could squeeze a word out.
But that was okay! It was a lot to take in and Marinette could be a little… jumpy under pressure. He gave her plenty of space. No matter how often he had wanted to run over to her house as Chat Noir that weekend. But now it was Monday and seeing each other was practically unavoidable.
His ears perked up when he caught her voice, although he couldn’t make out the words. He closed his locker quietly and crept towards the sound. That was definitely her voice, but he couldn’t hear the other speaker. Maybe it was her kwami?
Then they rounded the corner. Bumping into her didn’t bother him at all, that had happened plenty of times before. But her reaction was to spring backwards as if his chest had burned her? It stung to see. She lost her footing and almost went tumbling onto the floor before Adrien caught her by the wrist.
He helped her regain her footing, his hand lingering on hers as he asked, “Are you alright, Mari?”
Her face turned bright red and she pulled away. While she retreated, she pulled the person she had been speaking with around the corner and brandished her in front of herself. She blurted out, “Juleka wants modeling help!”
And then she was gone.
Adrien blinked and turned to face Juleka. No wonder he hadn’t heard her - he wasn’t sure if he had ever heard Juleka raise her voice to be much louder than a whisper. Juleka glanced up at him, blinking in confusion at what just happened. She gave a nervous smile and tiny wave before looking away again.
“So…” Adrien said, rubbing the back of his neck, “...you want to be a model?”
Towards the end of the week, Adrien found himself at a photoshoot for the spring line. More precisely, he found himself waiting in the dressing room while they were working through the other models and getting his set assembled.
At least this time he had company.
Adrien squirmed in his seat. He felt like a bad host for letting the silence stretch between them. Especially since she’d be hovering at the sidelines anyway while he was in front of the camera.
“So… Modeling, huh?”
Juleka blinked in surprise before giving a weak smile. “I know, it’s not what most people expect, from, um… someone like me.”
“It’s not that I don’t think you can do it,” Adrien rushed to add. “I just didn’t think you wanted to be in the spotlight is all.”
“You’re not wrong.” She laughed nervously. “I guess… I guess it’s about proving that I could if I set my mind to it, you know?”
“I can get that and I’ll do my best to help, but…” Adrien frowned. “Are you sure you want to do something that stresses you out this much, just to prove a point?”
“You sound like Rose.” Her smile was bright and genuine. “She worries a lot about me, but even when she thinks I’m making a mistake she has my back.”
His thoughts went back to Marinette. Even when she couldn’t form words around him, he knew she was incredibly loyal to her friends and was always willing to go the extra mile for them. He was brought back to the present by Juleka waving her hand in front of his face.
“Hey. You zoned out for a second. Thinking about someone in particular?” There was a glint of amusement in the one eye he could see, as if she already knew.
“Am I that obvious?” He sighed.
“Just a little. The whole ‘watching her like a love sick kitten’ thing really gave it away.”
“Well, she’s just so…” He trailed off, gesturing wildly with his hand as he struggled to come up with the right words. “Small. And cute. And pink?” He buried his face in his hands as Juleka laughed.
“Trust me, I totally understand. That’s a spot on description of my girlfriend, after all. What else do you like about her?”
“Her kindness. Her creativity. The way her nose scrunches when she concentrates.” He peeked out from between his fingers. “Feel free to stop me at any time. I could go on all day.”
“Don’t worry. It’s cute.” She drummed nervously on her legs as she glanced at the door to the room, as if expecting the photographer to burst in at any moment. She asked distractedly, “Are you going to ask her out?”
Poor Adrien had been taking a sip of water at just the wrong moment and Juleka had to wait until his coughing fit subsided before he could answer. “Well, I- not that I don’t want to but- I’m not sure she really…”
She tilted her head at him. “You don’t know, do you?”
“Know what?”
“Um… let’s just say Marinette won’t turn you down if you ask for a date.”
“What do you-”
Juleka’s phone went off and she pulled it out quickly. “Oh! An update from the Ladyblog. So… the heroes of Paris - pretty cool, huh?”
Adrien was aware she was changing the topic, but considering it was ultimately still about the same person, he let it slide. “Yeah, very cool. Especially that Ladybug. She’d give Marinette a run for her money.”
“See, I always liked Chat Noir better.”
That caught Adrien’s attention. “Really?”
“Mhm. He’s… actually kind of a role model to me. Have you ever met him? In person?”
“I- No, I don’t think I have.” He smirked. “Is it because you two have a similar taste in colors?”
She glanced down at her mostly-black outfit and smirked. “I appreciate that he’s a cat of fine taste too, but no. He’s a sweet guy, friendly, outgoing… but he’s fine taking a backseat and letting Ladybug take the spotlight.”
“It sounds like you really admire him.” Adrien was proud of how level he was keeping his voice. It would be hard to explain if he started crying now.
“Oh, definitely. Especially his confidence. Whenever I’m scared about putting myself out there, I try my best to be like him.”
Adrien chuckled. “You’ve just summed up the big piece of advice I was going to give you.” At her confused look, he added, “Fake confidence looks exactly like the real deal if you believe.” He shrugged nonchalantly. “Everyone is afraid, but you do it anyway.”
For the next few minutes, he did his best to pass along as many tips that he could. The ones that he would have loved to have gotten when he was starting out. Soon enough they were chatting like old friends. By the time an intern came to get him, Juleka was looking more sure of herself and as ready as she was ever going to be.
“A-adrien, if you could just move a little over… Perfect!” Marinette took another few pictures and checked her phone to look them over.
Adrien relaxed from his pose and walked around to look over Marinette’s shoulder, a spot already crowded by the rest of the girls. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Juleka wearing a similar outfit to his own, hanging back uncertainly. He gave her a reassuring smile and motioned her over.
“Wow, you guys did great!” Mylene beamed at the pictures as Marinette sorted through them. “I bet it’ll be hard to narrow them down to just a few for the website.”
“I’m so proud of you, Jules!” Rose threw her arms around Juleka, humming excitedly.
Alya pulled Marinette into a one armed hug. “Your designs look great, girl! How about we all go celebrate with some ice cream?” She glanced over at him.
“Sure! I’m not supposed to be home for another half hour anyway.”
While the others funneled downstairs, chatting excitedly among themselves, Adrien noticed that Marinette was hanging behind to put away the props and accessories they had used.
It was just the two of them in the room. Adrien took a deep breath and stood beside her, his mind racing with all the first date ideas he’d thought up during all the time they’d known each other. He called on all the fake confidence he could find.
“Hey, bugaboo… Got a moment to Chat?”
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prose-for-hire · 4 years
Natural Attraction
Part One // Part Three
Pairing: Angel x vamp!reader
Request: Not really requested. I wanted to do a second part to ‘So wrong it’s right’. Angel and the reader are forced to work together - will the tension lift or just get harder to bear?
Warning: Sex references. Nudity that is not described. Violence. Blood mention. Swearing.
A/N: I adore writing a plot, can you tell? I could probably keep writing this one for several parts but I think I’m leaving it at this for now 💖🖤
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Ever since you and Angel shared that kiss, he had been avoiding you. You had ignited his world, left it simultaneously crumbling and revived. You made him question himself. His goodness. You made him hate you. Need you. There was so much spinning around his head. You made him dizzy.
He had been avoiding you again since that night. It had been a week and no word from him. Not even a punch was thrown your way. You felt disappointed, lacking. His presence made you feel more alive.
The object that you had taken from what had been LA’s answer to the demon mob had been a bracelet. It appeared like one half of a handcuff and could be attached and removed in a similar way. It was encrusted jewels that held ancient and priceless magic. Power.
In the wrong hands, this could allow demons to own the earth. Live above ground. Vampires could embrace the day. Demons could control the laws of the land.
But you didn’t care in the slightest for this. The real reason you had wanted it was for vain purposes. It was pretty and you had deserved something nice after scraping a living for so many centuries. You had finally saved up enough.
You admired it, slipping your sleeve over it before you left for the evening. You assumed one day that you would have to pawn it so you wore it at any given opportunity. Even if it didn’t match your lifestyle or your outfit.
You savoured the metallic feeling of it against your skin. Of the power it held, that you held by wearing it but not giving it permission to have.
But this powerful feeling wasn’t destined to last. You were jumped. Taken off-guard and slammed to the ground. The weapon they used curled around your skin, slicing into it. While you were distracted by the pain, they took your bracelet off your wrist. They had been too fast for you.
“Oh, I’m gonna kill you” You muttered, trying to haul yourself up.
“I’m dead... and soon the rest of the world will be” he cackled.
“You- what?!” You rolled your eyes, God you despised caricature-like villains, “Come on, man, get a life! Taking over the world is so last century!” You said getting to your feet. But before you could react you got punched in the face, sending you flying back into a brick wall. Your head cracking painfully against the brick. It knocked you out.
When you finally came to, the sun was threatening to rise. You had to scramble to an abandoned building waiting out the day. You spent the entire day thinking. Cursing what was going to have to happen. You would have to ask him for help. Ask him to save the world. By your side.
God, it sickened you. To even dance near the light. To be seen as good by association.
You entered the hotel like you wanted to be there. Skipping into the various rooms looking for a sign of life, or at least living dead.
“Angel?” You called, “Aaangel” You cooed, your voice sing-songing through the halls of the hotel.
“He’s not here and I suggest you leave” Wesley appeared as if from nowhere. It almost made even you jump.
“Hey, Wes! How’s that Sumerian going? Remember: it’s all in the vowels”
“Stop it. Actions have consequences, Y/n. He told us what you did”
“Yeah, I mean it kind of takes two, right?” You winked but he just stared. Hard. He was usually pleasant with you despite your reputation. You had seen him as a kind of friend. The only one you had, mortal or otherwise.
So, your dead heart sunk further down your chest at his tone. Which made you hurt. Which in turn, made you threatening. You stepped towards him, staring him down.
He whipped out a cross but you took it from his hand, grasping it tight despite the pain and arching an eyebrow at him before you threw it behind you.
“You attempted to use the Jewel of Latrop on him and now you wish to-” Wesley began, showing you that Angel knew exactly why you had been there in the first place. It was going to make it harder to convince everyone that you came in peace.
“What? No I- we just kissed” You shrugged. Of course he had told them you were evil. He wanted them to kill you because he wouldn’t. Or couldn’t.
Maybe this information was good information. You could use this. See if you could find a way to get him onside. Or, at least, back with his lips on yours.
You explained. Giving a mostly honest account and luckily, Wesley believed you. Saw you as sincere. You had a reputation but you had allowed Wesley to see your other side. The one that enjoyed reading to pass your eternity. Could speak several languages and weirdly enjoyed assisting and teaching others.
I mean, it pissed you off when they couldn’t understand your simple explanations, but when they really did learn something you had this weird pride that rose in your otherwise dead chest.
Wes saw this and chose, despite the real threat you could pose, to see the good in you. He invited you into an office that you knew had been Angel’s. But now, somehow it was Wesley’s. Apparently there had been a reshuffle, with Wesley taking the lead on the cases.
After a while where you and Wesley sat and shared notes on a text you had both been reading, the rest of the team arrived. Wesley introduced you to those you hadn’t met before.
Then he walked in. Face like thunder, tone hardened at your presence.
“What’re they doing here?” He all but growled.
“Turns out, angel you misunderstood the situation. It’s imperative we work with our friend to regain-” Wesley spoke in your favour, he did make the decisions around here now after all.
“They don’t have a soul” Angel argued thickly.
“I have a conscience, will that do for now? I don’t like it either, but this directly affects me so-”
“See? Selfish. Willing to turn on us all for a cheap buck”
“A cheap fu-?” You teased devilishly but he cut you off.
“Buck” He corrected over your words making you roll your eyes.
“You’re just sour that you don’t get me all to yourself aren’t you? Don’t worry, sweet Angel, we can pick up where we left-” He cut you off in his favourite way. Grabbing you and slamming you against something hard. The rest of the team intake a sharp collective breath. They had never seen him this dangerous in the flesh. They watched as both of you held each other’s gaze, “Here? Now?” You teased your tone suggesting mock-scandal.
He shoved you again and Wesley tried to intervene without success. Your eyes were locked on each other, neither of you backing down until you spoke up again, “I’d say ow, but you’re not pinching hard enough” you smiled wide at the way his eyes flickered at your words. You stared at each other for what felt like an age. The demon within both of you calling to the other.
But he remembered where he was and how he was trying to make amends with the team so he let go. Almost too quickly as he rubbed the back of his neck and stepped back. As far away from you in the room as he could.
It was dangerous for him to be around you. You brought something out in him, almost primal. You annoyed him and you made him feel something… else. He couldn’t quite figure what it was but he didn’t like it.
“Do you still have the manual that it came with?”
“Manual?” You asked before realising, “Oh, big dusty book – looked a little too much like a Bible to me, so I, uh used gloves and trashed it”
Wesley glared, the manual would give you ways to locate it. Plus, information on how it can be used and possible prophecies attached. You were intelligent, but you weren’t intending to use the bracelet for anything other than a brag-able accessory. 
You told them where you got rid of it and Wesley asked the others, except Angel, to try and find it. Some to the landfill and others to the area you left it.
“I need to change, can I?” You asked before you were assigned your cape and brightly coloured tights. Your clothes were ripped and hanging off you. You had been cut up in the mugging. Wesley nodded, directing you to a kind of lost property room where you could freshen up and change.
You had stripped yourself of the clothes. Some were hard to remove as dried blood had stuck the fabric to your wounds. You hissed but managed to free yourself.
You were walking around, looking through drawers and the pile in the corner. Most of it smelled musty, but beggars couldn’t be choosers so you tried to select some of the more wearable items.
After a moment as you were still deciding, a knock came at the door and someone entered.
“Oh, um, you’re-” Wesley’s eyes widened as you turned apparently unbothered that you were lacking clothes.
“Half” You shrugged, then remembered that this man was human. His eyes drawing to places usually hidden. “Oh, right. I don’t mind if you don’t”
The man was speechless, but not complaining in the slightest. You were comfortable with who you were. Your body, in either form. Which frustrated angel to no end.
Oh and speak of the pretty, ensouled devil…
“Wes. We need to talk about-” He cut himself off, taking in your very naked form, “Y/n” He breathed. He shut up when he realised Wes was with you. Naked you. He stared at the man, almost burning holes through him for looking. A low, predatory growl rumbled in his chest. One that you only caught, and grinned at. Which made him scowl at you instead.
“Come on, you can speak freely. We’re all friends here” You encouraged as you turned to find something wearable from the pile.
“We can’t work with them – can’t trust them, you gotta know this you’re a smart guy” Angel complimented but at Wes’ unconvinced look he continued, “Look, they’re bad news. There’s no soul, or morality, it’s just pure demon”
“Angel, we know each other. We’re acquaintances” Wesley sighed as your smug smile grew. You were pleased Wesley still respected the friendship you felt.
“And I’m not amoral. I don’t have a soul, you’re right. But a soul doesn’t automatically equate to morality. Humans, demons even vampires are faced with a string of choices with incalculable consequences” You pulled on some clothes as you spoke, the room’s attention on you, “Some choices are good, some very bad and others… well, they’re just choices. I want to stop this apocalypse. I want my bracelet. I choose that and if my reasoning is not to your taste, well, maybe we can find some other part of me that is…”
You finished your speech, your body now fully clothed as you arched an eyebrow at Angel to punctuate your suggestion. He just scowled and turned back to Wes, which almost made you pout.
“Come on, Wes. I mean, they’re basically Spike’s more immoral twin” He gestured towards you, not properly able to look at you. Less his voice dwindle into nothing. His demon half threatening to take over like it always did when his focus was on you. he was fighting this hold you appeared to have on him. Tooth and nail.
“Who?” You asked, “You’re telling me I have more competition than the pretty girl down the hall?”
He gritted his teeth, about to begin another delicious argument. Hopefully culminating in him taking your clothes back off you…
But then his little gang of merry men (and women) turned up looking a little worse for wear. They returned, explaining that they had found the manual. But lost a fight against your mugger. Meaning that the dark side now had the manual and the bracelet. Which now meant that they could release the demon underworld without the need for a Hellmouth.
Gunn had managed to follow them to some old seedy bar but wasn’t allowed through the door because he was human. You and Angel shared a look despite his previous statements. And then nodded an unspoken agreement despite his words. You would both go.
You took it in turns threatening the guy behind the bar for information. The heat rose in the air. He enjoyed watching the way you worked on the man. Pounded him. You were controlled in a way most vampires weren’t. Angel took over, pushing you to the side, balling up the man’s shirt and threatening him. 
He eventually gave up the information. The name of the demon. The reason why he needed the bracelet.
“Don’t you feel it in the air? It’s coming. The end” He finished, choking slightly on the blood running from his nose.
“Sure. Something’s in the air” You glanced at angel and gave him a smirk as he let go of the guy and just walked away. 
You caught up with him and walked back together. But something had changed. Angel’s face was set. At how much you had so visibly enjoyed hurting that man. At how he felt it too. But couldn’t move for the guilt of it.
“Well, lover, didn’t we make the perfect pair?” You sang these words, your swagger beside him made his face harden.
“You think this is love?” He swung around and glowered at you, “You can’t love”
“I feel. I touch. I fuck. Why can’t I love?” You questioned, turning to face where he had stopped on the sidewalk.
“You’re a demon. You- you’re sick”
“Yeah, well it takes one to-” He punched the words from you before they could form.
You laughed at this action, rubbing your jaw as he tensed his own. You just wouldn’t quit. It infuriated him.
It came down to his own guilt. As always. His own hatred of his nature mirrored onto you. And you were perceptive enough to name it. Making him close a fist to punch you again that you happily blocked as you continued telling him exactly why he hated you. Secretly envied you. Was incredibly attracted to you.
You read him like a book and he hated it. Hated how vulnerable you made him feel. He hated that you understood him. This part of him. This hatred he held for his demon side.
Instead of fighting, your words or your body, he just stalked off with you on his tail.
It had now been a few weeks since you had found out the information you had needed. You learnt all about the ritual. The one to open Hell on earth. A temporary Hellmouth using the bracelet and an old incantation. You managed to find a way to prevent it. Hatch a sort of plan. All you needed to do was figure out where and when.
You actually settled into the team well. You were human enough for the living ones and demon enough for the others. They found themselves becoming increasingly fond of you, despite their better judgement.
The tension between you and Angel was noticed. Discussed and dissected when they thought you couldn’t hear. You often could, even when you had both slipped away to relieve some of the tension you had built up. It had started early one morning, when the rest were sleeping and you and Angel couldn’t bare to prolonged eye contact any longer. It was drawn out and heated.
He tugged you aside and met his lips hotly with yours. Pressing you into walls. Shoving you against furniture. Walls cracking, furniture splintering. You gripped him desperately so hard you almost broke the skin.
The air began cracking with electricity. Instinctual rumbles of desire, like thunder. Neither of you were able to figure whose chest it was coming from. You were beginning to meld into one. This moment was like the beginning of a storm. Heat rising almost unbearably. Air thick with arousal. You could both taste it in the air. On the other’s tongues.
You carried on this way, for weeks. Hissing and writhing against each other. Swallowing the others moans. Rooms shaking. The scent of your mutual lust rolling off you in waves. Like a perfume.
You were often thrashing against the other in a fight for control. It became intense. It was sizzling and often quick. Stolen moments away from the others. An all-encompassing earthquake masquerading as a sordid and needed release.
Something had shifted between you. But these moments only fuelled your frustration. Your addiction to the other. It made you want more. Think of each other more. Crave the others body… mind.
You clung to every scrap of information you learnt about the other. Still not able to stop yourselves from trading insults. You found yourself enjoying being a part of this team. Being so close to him. For some reason, the most recent time after you had sex, the words slipped out.
“You know, I like it when you show this side of you” You whispered as you both put your clothes back on and started to get back to the others who were not fooled in the slightest by what you were doing.
“Yeah?” He asked, surprised how open you were being. But you just nodded, your thumb running across his ridged forehead that he had forgotten he was showing. It matched yours and this time, he didn’t pull away. He just stared. As if he was studying you.
You then broke apart quickly when Fred ran in, averting her gaze awkwardly and then having to look up to announce that they had finally located the demon that had your bracelet. Who was beginning to open a portal to the Hellmouth on the other side of the city.
It was easy to locate, considering the massive green portal that had opened up out of nowhere and the demon with the maniacal laugh that carried several blocks.
None of you wasted any time. Cordelia and Gunn took out the guards and Wesley and Fred began to set up their incantation to prevent any demons leaving the temporary Hellmouth.
You and Angel took on the main demon. The one that mugged you. When the guards went down, Gunn and Cordy joined you.
You all fought hard, calculating his moves ahead of your own. The ugly demon got the worst of your punches. Your fangs bared, ferocity evident to all. Your fists flew, legs kicking out mercilessly. People had to get out of your way, you had become indiscriminate.
Then, Gunn ran in wielding a sword and took the demon’s head clean off. You stopped, watching the portal close up. The demon who lost its head turned to a pile of purple goo, oozing down the sidewalk. The metal of the bracelet still solid and dropping to the floor.
You caught it with a smirk, watching as the puddle of goo began to drip down the drain. You snapped it back onto your wrist. You shrugged, ready to leave them and get back to your life.
Everyone paused for a moment, before taking a collective breath. Then their focus turned to you.
“Y/n? We can’t let you leave with that”
“Now, I never said this should be destroyed – it’s mine. Won it fair and square in that fight” You explained but stopped to listen to them.
“It can’t be allowed to get back into the wrong hands” Wes reasoned with you.
“Wrong hands being yours” Angel added from beside you which made you raise an eyebrow.
“No. It’s mine, I waited a long time to save up for-”
“Hand it over” He urged, his hand waited palm up for you to give in. Your eyes waging a separate battle from your actions.
“Can’t do that” You snatched Angel’s hand and the bracelet magically cuffed you both together. It had properties you had hidden from the others, the manual wasn’t needed by you because you had already read up on it extensively.
What? You never claimed to be perfect.
You held a stake to his chest as you backed you both away. The others all looked, eyes wide. They had become almost fond of you. Forgetting the lack of soul. Wesley started to try to reason with you but Angel put a hand out to stop him as he moved back with you. Angel nodded at them to stand down, this was between the two of you.
You slid down an alleyway, the seedy kind that had been witness to many an entanglement like this one. You pushed him back against the wall the way he had so many times to you. Your lips pressing to his neck hungrily. Kisses sloppy with passion. He started to move his cuffed hand to reach for you but you pulled it back with your own. He groaned as you pressed further against him, friction almost making him wild. The way you always made him feel.
“Why did you do that?” He managed to mumble between your urgent kisses.
“Wanted a… little time away from those… prying eyes”
“There’s better ways to get me on my own” He muttered, but you could hear the smile in his voice as you leaned to press more enthusiastic kisses against his neck. His free hand moved so that he was grasping the base of your skull, strands of hair between his fingers.
“Not quite as fun though, right?” You mumbled, smiling back.
He chuckled and shook his head. You had both been waiting for this. You moved from his neck, kissing every so often along his jaw, the corner of his mouth. You notice that his face morphed into the demon. This time he wasn’t embarrassed to bare this to you. It felt natural. Kissing you felt natural.
He didn’t wait. Didn’t hesitate this time. He slammed his lips into yours again. Directing you toward his lips with a dangerous intensity.
The force behind this honest desire excited you more than anything. You kissed, fiery and urgent. It was a moment stolen in time. The adrenaline kicking you both into overdrive. Lips meeting lips. Skin meeting skin.
When you were both panting, from some transferred habit you only gained when you were both together you moved to look in his eyes. Proximity still intense as you smirked at his reaction to you. His need for you.
Then, just like that, the handcuff disappeared and he smiled. Shoving you off him, but it was more playful than it had ever been before. He was warming to you. He still didn’t enjoy admitting it, but it was there. More than evident to both of you now.
He began to walk away but you called out to him.
You rolled your eyes at yourself, uncuffing the bracelet from your wrist and throwing it to him. He caught it easily with both hands and looked down at the object. This action surprised him, but he wouldn’t allow it to show on his face.
Both of you were closer to the other than even you realised in this moment. In morality. In desire.
“Don’t tell anyone” You warned, “You owe me”
He smirked at this. The upturn of his mouth made your heart begin to beat. You swear it happened. Your chest vibrating suddenly.
“See you around, Y/n” He shook his head, warming to the idea of you with every step away he took.
“Tomorrow night?” You asked, your voice held that note of pleading you really wished you could have masked. He just laughed as he walked away, shaking his head and waving the bracelet as a form of goodbye.
You both knew you would be seeing each other as soon as physically possible. You smiled despite yourself, walking away in the opposite direction. This was going to be fun and you had the rest of your eternity to explore it.
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nexility-sims · 3 years
Storytelling asks 12, 13 and 14 ❤️
𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐘𝐓𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐀𝐒𝐊𝐒  /   accepting !
these were fantastic questions !! thank you !! ❤️❤️❤️
12. do you actually play the game or do you just use it as a storytelling medium?
lately, it’s been 100% storytelling, but i am so eager to actually play the game soon. i’ve been working on my historical legacy for ........ geez, like five years or so? i guess it began as my bastard version of the decades challenge, lmao. anyway, long story short, i haven’t finished it, and i need to so i can replay the parts i miss. additionally, my plan is to finally get the cottage one when i finish part ii of the story !!!!!!! and do some legacy gameplay (haven’t decided if it’ll be canon yet but it will, as i’ve said, be jered circa 2007). 
13. from basic planning to a finished post, how long does that take you?
OOF. it varies? here are the steps u didn’t ask for
get an idea, scribble some notes in my journal or on scraps of paper i then stuff into the journal. draw diagrams as needed.
scour the internet for poses (detour to make my own sometimes)
build a set (this is what i do 65% of the time. sometimes it takes half an hour, sometimes it takes a few hours. depends on if i need to download cc, build an exterior, spend 45 minutes arranging deco items NO ONE WILL SEE ssdjflksgfs)
occasionally, a detour to recolor / convert objects (not often but often enough that i know how to do these things now djfshgkjsg) 
dress up my sims !!! make sure they have different versions with accessories as needed, etc. (ex. for the bachelor party, alf & his friends each had six outfits. nightmare.)
take screenshots !!!!! i do this... based on the mental script in my head. so 60% “i know what happens,” and 40% “vibes only.” takes longer if i have to mess around with lighting (using reshade and/or by ... breaking everyone’s poses to adjust the light fixtures. usually for night scenes.)
pick max of 10 screenshots from the 1287398494 i took. i just upload them to photoshop & click around until i’ve got the best of the bunch. sometimes i post the rejects as previews or outtakes.
upload screenshots to tumblr drafts & let them marinate.....
add captions !!!! i’ve started writing them in photoshop, aka the most cursed approach. i just revise & rearrange until it reads well & hits all the marks i had in mind for the scene. i’m WORDY so seeing the text on the image helps them ... not be giving a monologue in every episode. just most. then, replace drafted shots w/ captions screenshots.
potentially, after marinating, i decided i hate the screenshots & redo them !!!!!!!!! not all the time, but maybe 3-4/10 times.
write the scene. this varies wildly bc sometimes i slap two sentences & call it a day, but other times i pull out my writing laptop & pour over it for ... anywhere from a week to twenty minutes. 
ideally, the draft marinates again, then i queue it at least 10 minutes before midnight
SO ........ overall, i would say this process can take anywhere between 2-3 hours to a few days. the longest i’ll have an average draft waiting is a week ?? 
14. do you have any regrets about your story so far? if you could go back in time, how would you fix these?
my number one regret is ... not realizing how invested in this hobby i would be, so therefore not bothering to properly plan things !!! winging it was fun and easy, but now i’ve learned so much—from both trial and error & the amazing storytellers i’ve met. still, rather than going back in time, i’m excited to apply all of this to the upcoming parts. hopefully the story will be much tighter, richer, and visually pleasing as a result !!!! also. wish i’d known about the tool mod sooner ......... sigh. lastly, i wish i’d learned how to make my own cc any of the previous times over the years i’ve attempted it. sure would come in handy, what with all the period specific fashion i want >:^( maybe next time.
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haleviyah · 3 years
Summertime Commissions OPEN! Slots available [4/70]
Hello, my fellow watchers! Summer is upon us and school is OUT for the season! If you are a grade school student, "Happy Summer Break" to you and I pray and hope things return to normal when you return this coming August! (I have little siblings returning to school this August, my god I feel... young.)
Anyways, with the coming season comes NEW COMMISSIONS! That's right, I am holding more commissions for the coming summer! I have a small discount for this summer as well as a special treat for this coming July for U.S. citizens in celebration of Independence Day! I thought of doing something a little different here, so lets give it a go!
The slots available will be 70 this time for the months of June, July and August.
The link to my commission gallery will be here, feel free to browse:
Haleviyah - Professional, Digital Artist | DeviantArt www.deviantart.com
Human/Humanoids/Small animals
Sketches $5
Colored chibis $10
Line art and flats $15
Colored bust $20
Character Presentation Pose $35
Character in a setting $40
Add a flag/calligraphy/crest in the background +$5
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Large Beasts/Mystical Creatures commissions
Sketches: $7
Colored Chibis: $10
Line art and flats $20
Colored bust $25
Character Presentation/Full body pose: $40
Creature in setting: $50
Add a flag/calligraphy/crest in the background +$5
Discounts and deals section!
Turn arounds 4 angles - SPECIAL Discount: $5 off!
Human/Humanoid/ Small animals: $40
Large Beasts/ Mythical Creatures: $60
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Character Presentation w/ 3 concept sketches - SPECIAL Discount: $5 off!
Human/Humanoid/small animal: $40
Large Beast/Creature: $45
A sketchbook page
Perfect for quick concept sketches or for a rough idea!
Humans/Humanoids/Small animals: $15
Large Beasts/ Creatures: $20
The Watercolor page - Summer special: $5 off!
Good for building color schemes while having conceptual sketches to go with it!
Human/humanoids/Small animals: $20
Large Beast/Creatures: $35
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Montage style - REDUCED!
A 9” x 14” poster featuring a presentation pose of your character with a monochromatic background of your character in a scene or any setting of choice.
Human/humanoids/small animals: $20
Large beast/Creatures: $30
Group posters - SPECIAL! $5 off!
Characters obviously need to interact in order for the success of a good story, wether it’s a fun get together or a heated four way fight. We have to make it look good. This option includes full color and lighting as well as optional background settings!
Duos (2):
Humans/ Humanoid/small animals: $50
Large beast/Creature: $55
Trios (3)
Humans/Humanoid/Small animals: $70
Large Beasts/ Creature: $80
Four’s a Party
Humans/Humanoid/Small Animals: $90
Large Beasts/Creature: $105
(Limited Time Offer)
That's right! Comic book style of a family member or friend currently in service or a veteran! Show them how much you appreciate them being a part of your family and how much they mean to you and our country this coming Independence Day!
This option includes anyone from ANY branch of U.S.A. military to even community service members such as:
Border Patrol
9-1-1 operators
And etc, etc.
Traditional portrait (waist up/ half body) - $25
Any added accessories.
The USA Military/other services flags upon request
Background of any choice
Setting portrait - $30
Maybe you want to see them in action in the place and setting they served in, if you have a photo reference it does help, if you wish me to put them in a setting based on the date and location where they served that is no problem!
They had a team? No problem! DM me for more info and negotiation to make that possible!
These portraits will be featured on my hubby and I's new gallery “Saints of the Stripes” as an appreciation for our veterans and servicemen for the month of July in the spirit of honoring them for who they are and for the lessons we can learn from them!
COMIC Book Section for the future writers looking for artists:
Full color front book covers for websites and print - $25
Full color front and back book covers - $30
1 Inked page: $5
1 colored page: $10
10 ink pages: $45
10 colored pages: $75
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Commissions are done through PayPal only, and transactions are final and I do accept down payments. I do offer the option to keep in touch via email and/or DM and will send screen shots of my progress to you when possible.
1 slot = 1 character.
For example: you ask for a poster of a trio, you will take three slots.
Anything can be requested, just be mature about it.
I won't work with you if you request of me anything that would cause another person/group to be belittled or threatened.
HOWEVER, if your project is gears to authenticity of a non-biased viewpoint historical events then that’s totally fine.
PS: Tips are much appreciated, please let me know if you wish to tip me as well so there isn't any confusion in the transactions!
Thanks again, everyone! And again, if you have summer break, have a relaxing summer indeed and I look forward to seeing you all soon! Stay awesome, and count your blessings!
- Haleviyah 📷
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Chain of Iron theories: Who is the Killer
Its coming up on a week since last made a COI theory post. I said that I was going to try to post all my theories on COI BEFORE it comes out next month, so this posed a problem. So mow I am going to give my input on one of the biggest Mystery’s for COI, Who is the Killer? So in COI Belial will have a new minion who will target the shadowhunters, manages to kill 5 of them (same number Tatiana needed for the ritual) and is difficult for them to apprehend because they are somehow able to disappear. CC has left some hints that the killer is actually another Shadowhunter that Belial has somehow managed taken Possession of, despite protection rituals that should have been placed on this individual at birth ( My theory on that is that since this book is called “Chain of Iron” we will learn that Belial controls all his pawns with “chains of iron”. All hidden on their persons and glamored to look like ordinary accessories.) Our synapse for the book says that James Herondale has been having strange nightmares and fears he may actually be the killer. In COI he will start to tie himself up to sleep at night. We all know its not James right? In mysteries like this you always throw out your first guess/ the obvious guess. I have seen a lot of posts theorizing on who the true identity could be. I have seen some theories do not make much sense to me and some that were really good.
One theory that seems off to me is the idea that the killer is actually multiple killers, more specifically a collection of the survivors of Belial’s illness. If you support this theory I get your reasoning:Belial was able to briefly posses these people before, and the illness may have left biological changes in them. But here’s where I am confused, the killer is implied to be a massive threat wielding enhanced dark magic. At the end of COA there are 30something cured shadowhunters released from Silent City. CC says that the killers body count will be 5. If Belial has 30something new pawns that he can posses, gift his terrible powers to, and send out to prey on shadowhunters, I feel like there should be a lot more than 5 victims. I know Beial is not yet at full strength from battling Cortana, but he should at least be stronger than that. I have also heard theories that it is one of the Blackthorns. This also does not make much sense to me, given that for one thing none of them have training, Tatiana and Grace already have established rolls in Belial’s plans, and while I know Jesse is a part of Belial’s plan I believe his part will be save for COT after he has been resurrected. IF Belial were using Jesse’s empty body to walk the earth, then wouldn’t he also need to stop anyone from trying to resurrect Jesse?
 I have heard many theories on Elias Carstairs being the killer. Many of them just want to make Elias out to be CC’s newest and most horrible monster parent, and absolve Alastair of any responsibility or need to apologize for the cruelty he has shown to our mains. If this is your reasoning for believing Elias is the killer than let me stop you right there. CC has written multiple series and her skills have evolved beyond the need to rely on such easy black and white tricks. But I also saw some people posting about how Elias goes home so late and stopped writing to his family. Some are theorizing that the real Elias Carstairs was intercepted and killed on his way back home and that the being that arrives in COI is actually an eidolon demon pretending to be Elias. This theory is AMAZING. It makes a lot of scenes, would give Belial another spy in a key place, and could potentially explain why Cortana starts acting so weird. I love this theory I do. I am just putting it t the side right now because I need the real Elias alive for other Carstairs family theories, and again have been working with the theory that the killer is a real shadowhunter whom Belial is controlling with another “chain of iron”. My theories are below.
1.) Lucie Herondale is the Killer
 I am working with he theory that all Belial’s pawns have “chains of Iron” on them, which means all three blackthorns have them. In old art CC released of Grace she is seen wearing a pearl necklace that I was convinced had to be her’s. Tatiana’s (who probably consented to wearing hers) could be anything, maybe that stupid, creepy bird, she wears in her hat. Jesse... is mentioned several times to wear a locket.... that we know is connected to Belial.... and was weakened when he took it off to give to Lucie... who is wearing it now. Do you people see where I am going with this? It can also be noted that one of the parts of Lucie’s arc is that she is frequently overlooked in favor of James and how that is a mistake on peoples parts.  Everybody knows that James has powers, he has had 4-5 years of people helping him figure out what they are and how to control them. Nobody but ghosts know that Lucie has powers, she has no training, and is only starting to understand what they mean. James is vulnerable but so is Lucie. I do not want her to be the killer. Lucie is such a fun character, and I was so happy to finally have a female Herondale play a role that was close in size to her male relative’s. I truly feel that Lucie deserves better than to be just a tragic character in the story. I want her to be that plus a hero, but I cannot deny that she is a possibility.
2.) Charles Fairchild is the Killer
I have seen Charles name appear on multiple lists of theory’s on the killer’s identity. People never really give reasons as to why they believe he is the killer. They are just mad at him for choosing to put his career higher on his list of priorities than his relationship with Alastair, or him being the killer would hurt less because he is not written to be a fan favorite. If you are someone who wants the killer to be Charles, but are unsure how likely it is your in luck. Because I can give you a whole list of reasons it is likely
Charles is already acting strange. We know he made some kinda screw up in Paris and had to come home. Apparently Charlotte is sending Tessa and Will to Paris to Start the fix up and Charles will go back afterwards. Well based on what we have gotten on Charles making a mistake like that is unlike him. Casting Long Shadow’s reveals that Charles has been working as a politician since he was 13 and is normally known for being very dependable and reliable. That’s part of the reason he is considered such a shoe-in for Counselor once his mother retires.??? I have theories on Charles mental state (which I will address in a later theory post that will be centered around the Fairchild’s) and do consider the possibility that he was sett off by fear over the outbreak or grief over losing Alastair... But this sudden change could be from other things as well
As of COG2 Charles is engaged to Grace Blackthorn, who controls him like a puppet. Grace herself is the puppet of Tatiana Blackthorn, who is the puppet of Belial. So Charles is now part of a very dangerous carnival. Charles decade of study and knowledge of clave politics at the top could be very useful to Belial in taking them down. Also previous short stories say that Charles spends most of his time in Idris for work and when in London usually stays at home going through law books and records. So I could easily believe he does not completely  know his way around London and (like the killer is hinted to) would need to use a map to get around.
Now on to my biggest reason for theorizing Charles for the killer. Charles and Matthew’s relationship with each other. Charles and Matthew do not get along, like at all. They did once, but that was a real long time ago. A lot of the reasons they don’t get along is dumb sibling stuff: Charles calling Matthew an immature child, kicking him and his friends out of rooms in their house, and lording his increased age over Matthew. Matthew making more noise to annoy Charles, telling everyone Charles embarrassing middle name, and regularly sneaking into Charles room to steal his cologne instead of just buying his own. We are not hear to discuss any of that. All of that has me laughing because it is peak sibling rivalry. Rivalry aside Charles and Matthew model  the old dynasty trope for Ssons with Charles being “the Heir” and Matthew being “the Spare”. The Heir’s life is decided for them as soon as they are born, they will succeed their parent and continue their legacy. The Spare is just that, a back up plan kept around should the heir die, become disabled, never marry, or turn out to be infertile (happens way more than people like to think about). Charles struggles with the weight of his parents expectations. Matthew is more or less the Black sheep of his family, living his life day by day with no grand plan. Because of this he is cut off from them in a way, and goes through a lot of loneliness and isolation in his own house. Neither brother see’s the others hard time; the other has what they themselves want: Charles has attention, Matthew freedom, so they wrongly assume the other must be doing fine. This is a lot like Matthew and James relationship in Dust and Shadows. Matthew and James talked things over with each other and were good after. Matthew and Charles stay apart and ignore each other when they cannot. They will not just talk and be good after. So maybe if put on different sides they will fight out their issues with each other? On the subject of Matthew having to fight Charles, lets say hypothetically Charles is the killer and is possessed. We know from previous books that clave protocol is to place a kill order on possessed members. If that becomes the case do you think Matthew would be able to follow through with those orders? Be able to hunt, fight, and kill his older brother? No. No matter how rough their relationship I doubt Matthew would ever be able to do that. It would be to much for him, to similar to his “sin”. He would want to catch Charles, then try to find a way to free him from possession. Maybe if Mathew could successfully accomplish this then maybe he could forgive himself for his “sin”. If Matthew tries to save him and fails than at least this time other people would know and could potentially get him some help.  
3.) Filomena DI Angelo is the Killer.
Ahh our upcoming new arrival from  Italy. Why are you coming to London girl? Haven’t you heard about all the crazy things that happens there last fall? What possible role could you play in the story that couldn’t be filled by one of our many already existing characters from COG2? (Do you even know your way around?) How suspicious that Filomena should show up around the same time as this killer? Wouldn’t it be great for the story if the killer came from a different country? Wouldn’t that do wonders for showing how powerful a threat Belial is? His dark influence stretching across country lines, maybe even across oceans! We have already been told that TLH characters will need to travel to other countries. How the villain is less one person and more a force. Filomena could start that. She could provide reason to search countries besides London for Belial’s influence. Proof of it being so wide spread would definitely make Belial feel more like a force. Oh but wait, cheesecake wait. Filomena cannot be the killer! That would make her evil, and CC said she was a nice girl! Oh I am sure Filomena is a nice girl, but people tend to change when under demon control. But she is a girl and the killer is hinted to be a male shadow hunter! Are we sure the killer isn’t presented as male because Belial is presented as male? Is it impossible that while on the hunt as the killer Filomena DI Angelo dress in men’s cloths in order to more safely move through the streets? I feel like we have saw that trick once before in TID.
All we really know about Filomena is that she came to London, will interact with some of our established characters, and she will get a crush on someone we know, thus presenting herself as a possible love interest. Matthew was my first guess, hey he was every bodies first guess. CC shut that down, Filomena is not being brought in to fix the love triangle between James, Cordeila, and Matthew. Matthew is one of the only ones to not have at a least semi-confirmed endgame ship. So this means that Filomena will probably not be endgame with her crush. Why?   My next guess was her crush was on Anna. Ariadne is shown to be relentless in her attempts to “win Anna back” and Anna is not having it. Tweets time and time again depict her basically telling Ariadne “Its not going to happen. Give up and leave me alone”, but falling on deaf ears. So maybe Anna will try to get a new girlfriends and keep her around until she is ready to forgive/ go back to Ariadne. Well Anna is more a secondary character, a loving big sister figure to our mains. She gets less page time because of this. We already know she will spend time with Cordelia, Lucie, Ariadne, Eugenia, Thomas... not much page time left for Filomena. After further analyses I have theorized that Filomena must have a crush on Thomas.
A quick google search on the name Filomena shows that it is an Italian name that means “loving friend” “strong friend” and “lover of music” all these sound kinda like Thomas. (Filomena is also the name of a character in the 14th century Italian collection  of short stories called the Decameron, who liked to make stories up about plagues... or so some digging around google told me ). This could fit quite nicely into Thomas’s story. First of all to everybody who has been calling Thomas “gay” please wait a moment to be sure. Thomas does not yet publicly or self identify as gay. He clearly has an attraction to one man, but CC says that he has not yet realized his sexuality and will spend TLH figuring out. He might be gay, but he could just as easily turn out to be bi or pan. For the sake of this theory lets assume Thomas is Bi. Thomstair is definitely endgame. We know Alastair is gay, and CC usually likes to pair gay characters up with bi characters in queer ships, see Malec and Heline. Should Thomas be bi, should he start to become close and develop feelings for Filomena, it will have to go wrong. More wrong than he considers his feelings for Alastair at the end of COG2 (Filomena do not hurt this boy, he has been through enough). We got a tweet that suggests Thomas is interested in the killer, and a hint that he is planing something big. We got a kinda frightening picture that suggests the Killer may be very interested in Thomas.
If Lucie is the killer she will somehow be freed from Belial’s control,. I can 100% guarantee it, Charles I feel will have a 50/50 chance, Filomena will die from it. It would be a herculean task to free her, and she is not important enough to the mains for them to actively try and do anything more than give her a merciful death. Should she and Thomas become close than it will break his heart. But if Alastair is there for him afterwards, able to emphasizes and offer him comfort that will go along way to redeeming Alastair to Thomas. The whole experience could be love is hard, both men and women have the ability to hurt you. but the right person will make it up to you and it is good to forgive them when they do. I personally think that would be a pretty cool direction for Thomas’s arc to take.
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lxveshotaro · 4 years
Return - Lee Jeno
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Warnings: Sub! Jeno, Dom! Reader, Idol! Reader, Mommy Kink, Fingering, Mirror Sex, Public Sex?? Sorta
Plot: You were able to make it through Produce 48 and debut as a member of IZ*ONE. Although you were able to make this achievement your accomplishments were stripped from you when a scandal blew through everything. Your company failed to protect you so you ended up having to go on a hiatus. During your break the attention that was on you didn’t falter as more things began to grab the attention of reporters.
A/N: Okay wow this is LONG but I’m very satisfied with it. I hope the actual smut isn’t too short but yeah. I didn’t touch too much on the produce scandal or anything like that since I don’t know a whole lot about it and I didn’t think it was super necessary.
“Y/N of MNET program, Produce 48 will finally be making her return after a long hiatus.”
“After much consideration and many meetings, Y/N will be rejoining her IZ*ONE members mid promotion! Please give her a warm welcome as she takes the stage January 4th - 5th at the Golden Disk Awards!”
Being remembered by a scandal isn’t necessarily rewarding, in fact it’s quite the opposite. You were pulled from your group at debut because of a huge scandal regarding MNET’s TV show that you took part in. Your company specifically got tied up in the scandal pretty badly which didn’t do you any good. You were the representation for your company which is why you ended up receiving massive backlash. Of course the situation shocked you just as much as the other members. Many fans defended you and your group to protect you guys from any damage. Sadly, they couldn’t save you all in the end.
You were forced into a hiatus by the backlash and mess that surrounded you. Rumors spread like wildfire, we all know this so it wasn’t a surprise that one speculation of your company turned into you being pulled from your group for a while. During this time you kept in contact with the other members as you all hoped this would just pass, which it eventually did. It took a lot of convincing, tears, and stress but the day finally came where you would be able to come back as an official member of IZ*ONE. 
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You’re the multitalented and beautiful Y/N of IZ*ONE, it hasn’t been easy getting to where you are today. Many people have and will be jealous of you and your success. Even though you have a lot of people who despise you, the amount of people that love you outweighs them. Coming back after such a long time worried a lot of people, you most of all. You had prepared so much during your hiatus, between bettering yourself and learning choreographies that you would be able to perform with your members, you were stressed and tired. Your drive kept you going, you had a passion and you would fulfill that passion for the rest of your life. 
You were running out of time to practice as you would be performing again in just a few days. Your members were extremely supportive and your instructor would stay late to help you practice the songs that you still needed help on. Your anxiety started to build up as the days passed, not because you weren’t confident in your performance but because it would be your first time in a long time to perform in front of so many people. This performance was super important to you so your lack of sleep and sustenance was well worth it.
Some of the members came by the studio to check on you. “Hey Y/N! We brought you food!” Eunbi was the first to walk through the door. You looked in her direction and smiled when you saw the bags from your favorite restaurant in her hand. As much as you wanted to decline the food and continue practicing you knew she wouldn’t allow that. Sakura also came in, she approached you with that sweet and beautiful smile of hers and brought you to the center of the room so you could all sit together. “Thank you guys.” You smiled at them adoringly, “I know you haven’t been eating well because of preparations so I wanted to make sure you at least ate today.” You nodded and started taking your food out of the bags. The members remembered the exact order that you always got which warmed your heart.
You guys ate together and joked around and shared quite a few laughs together, “Hey did you guys see who would be performing at the show?” You shook your head but you didn’t look up at Yujin as she spoke since your eyes were glued to your food. You weren’t listening for a bit but one name made it through your trance, “NCT Dream, Twi-..” Your hearing was being extremely selective because after hearing those two names your ears closed up again. Without making a big deal about it you just put your chopsticks down and pushed your food away. “Thanks for bringing me food you guys.” You finally looked up at the others who clearly noticed your odd reaction and knew why you acted the way you did. 
“I should get back to practicing, I haven’t worked on my vocals much yet..” They took that as their cue to go, it wasn’t like you were upset with them, it was just that now you had to take a moment to just think. The girls started putting all of the trash into a bag while you collected the leftovers and packaged them back up. “Thanks for visiting me girls, I’ll try to make it home as soon as I can.” You hugged them all and said your goodbyes. Once the room was empty again you just stood there and thought for a moment. “Whatever.. I have a performance to do, this can’t distract me.” With that you went back to practicing lyrics and moves and also learning anything else that was difficult for you.
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You forgot the chaos of getting ready for a show while you were gone. This stylists unpacking their things, the clothing racks with the groups costumes hanging on it, the make up artists with all kinds of brands laid out in front of them, all of this was so invigorating to you. You sat down in the makeup artists chair and let her pin your hair up and out of your face. She first massaged and prepped your face before starting to apply your makeup. This process was always relaxing, having someone brush your hair or having someone apply your makeup while you rested your eyelids. It was almost like it was meant for you to fall asleep, with your members singing sweetly and the facial massage you were getting you started to doze off.
“Y/N.” You opened your eyes and made eye contact with the makeup artist, “You fell asleep for a moment but I finished your makeup.” You bowed slightly and smiled, “Ah, sorry.” She shrugged it off and got ready for the next member, “Thank you.” Next was your hair which you finished with pretty quickly. The stylist caught your attention immediately afterwards, “Hey Y/N, come get dressed please.” You grabbed your things and disappeared to the back of the room for a while. The stylist decided to go for red and white outfits, your outfit particularly stood out as it had both colors and it was sparkly. You also wore a beautiful pair of high heels along with some really nice accessories to go along with it.
When you finished getting dressed you walked out while adjusting the belt on your dress. “Ohhh, look at Y/N!” Your members praised your appearance and came over to look at your outfit. The stylist did a really good job with tying all of your outfits together while also making sure each member was able to stand out in their own way. “Aww thank you!” It meant a lot that everyone was trying to make this a bit easier for you, they praised you, they hugged you, they made sure you were comfortable, this was all a team effort. You all took pictures together and separately so you could share them with the fans later on, but before you knew it the time had come where you had to go.
“Alright everyone, time to get in the car! The red carpet will start soon so we have to go now.” You put your jacket on along with the other members and followed them out to the car. The staff climbed in first and some of the members followed after them. You had to pick which car to go in which was easy considering the other ones filled up fast. You climbed into the car and with that you were on the way to your first red carpet appearance.
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When you arrived everything felt like a dramatic movie scene. You watched the group that arrived before you take their pictures on the ending stage before disappearing into the building. Somehow you were the last one out of the car which further dramatized your long awaited arrival. You felt like crying from the overwhelming feeling that hit you right before you got out of the car. That bad feeling immediately turned to happiness when you stepped out of the car and saw your members standing there waiting for you. The fans' shouts rang in your ears and will forever be remembered. A huge smile came across your face as you waved at your fans. You smiled and laughed excitedly as you walked down the red carpet with your members by your side.
You all came to the stage and greeted the interviewer, “Oh! IZ*ONE has arrived!” The interviewer greeted you all excitedly as you got in the order that was pre-decided for you guys. You guys bowed and continued to smile and pose for the cameras as some of you were given microphones. The interviewer asked quite a few questions before leading up to this one, “You guys brought someone special! How has it been?” The members turned to you with smiles, Wonyoung who was standing three members from you passed down her microphone, “It’s been a hard journey but I’m truly honored to be back and to be able to perform for my fans again, thank you for the support everybody!” You gave two thumbs up and a smile. The next group had to come on now so you guys gave back the microphones, thanked the mcs, and went into the building.
After a while you guys were able to sit at your table and interact with your fans while you waited for the show to start. You played around with your members and interacted with fans by shooting hearts at them, blowing kisses, and taking selfies and including the crowd in them. As you were doing this a boy group started walking in the direction of your table. At no point did you look at any of the tables around you because you didn’t think it would be necessary. Your fans got super excited when they saw who it was which confused you. The group got closer and they passed your table. You finally saw who it was and where they were going to sit.
Of course it was only two tables away, it was NCT Dream. As they passed your table you bowed at them all and smiled a bit. Your smile slightly faltered when you saw him, your ex, Lee Jeno, of course people saw this since it was super obvious what just happened. You shook the situation off and continued interacting with your fans who were freaking out about it. You’re a playful person so you laughed at the situation and playfully shushed your fans who were talking to each other about what they all just witnessed. Even your members were taken aback by the situation but you all took to it lightly.
It’s no secret that your fans want you and Jeno back together, they comment on it, they say it, they did whatever they could to make that point known. It felt like there was nothing you could do though, you and Jeno are broken up and that’s the way it had to be. You haven’t even seen him or talked to him really since you went on hiatus so it has definitely been a really long time.
The show started so you had no time to think about that anymore, all you had to do was enjoy the show and wait until you would perform later, easy right? Wrong. The thought of Jeno being two tables from you, looking at you, thinking about you, talking to his members about you was eating at your brain. You were very bothered by this thought so you had to look over there, you just had to. Trying to be as inconspicuous as possible you only slightly moved your eyes in his direction. Whew, that wasn’t obvious at all or was it even more obvious. You were ripped out of your thoughts by a voice, “Y/N.” You looked around, a bit startled to be honest to see Yena’s seemingly worried expression, “Are you okay?” You nodded, “Yeah um.. I’m gonna go to the bathroom.” She nodded and stood up with you.
She walked with you to tell a staff member to direct you to the bathroom. As you walked you bowed to the celebrities sitting at the surrounding tables. You also waved at your fans as you made your way to the backstage area with the staff member. “Ah thank you.” You bowed once more to the staff member and walked into your dressing room first. Your belongings along with the other members' stuff was there. You looked at yourself in the mirror and took a breather. “Calm down Y/N, you have the whole night to go, you can’t ruin it already.”
You finally calmed yourself down and started heading back to the show. “Y/N!” Someone suddenly approached you from a left turn which scared you. You turned to see who it was, “What the fuck are you doing!?” It was Jeno, of course. He put a hand over your mouth to quiet you down but you quickly slapped his hands away. This time you spoke in a whisper, “My lipstick! What are you doing!?” He gave you a familiar look that usually meant he had something to talk about but before you could say anything he looked around and saw that nobody was around and he slipped into the bathroom that was close by. He pulled you in and locked the door behind him.
“Jeno, seriously?” You sighed, just looking at him pissed you off. “Y/N, would you just listen to me without thinking about what has happened in the past?” You rolled your eyes, “Yeah hold on, let me just forget that you threw our relationship down the drain like it was nothing, let me also forget that you left me at a time where I really needed you.” He looked guilty, “I know I was wrong, you don’t have to forgive me completely but please just listen.” You walked further into the bathroom and slightly lifted yourself onto the counter, “Make it quick, my members are waiting.” He suddenly started thinking of what to say, you were impatient since you didn’t want to see him. “Jeno-” He cut you off by speaking suddenly. He didn’t, no he couldn’t look up at you because the guilt was eating at him, “Listen, when the company came to me and told me that I had to end things with you.. Imagine how I felt. It felt like I was punched in my gut, it felt even worse when I told you that day.. seeing you cry like that made me feel like shit. I want to correct this as best as I can.”
You didn’t say anything you just kind of stared into the mirror blankly. Instead of watching him in person you just occasionally gazed at him in the mirror. He caught your attention with his big movement so you looked at him through the mirror. Jeno was lowering himself onto his knees which made you turn and actually look at him physically. “What are you-” He cut you off again, “I’m so sorry Y/N, please give me another chance.” Vivid memories of what you and Jeno used to do together came rushing back to you. You haven’t thought about these things in such a long time so it was an overwhelming feeling but you didn’t show how you were affected by it.
The sound of your heels clicking made Jeno finally look up. You came over to where he was kneeled pathetically in front of you. You placed your hand gently under his chin and pulled his face upwards more so that he had to look you in the eye. You bent down a bit, “Don’t worry so much baby, it’s not your fault, I know I was mad and I still am, but I won’t hold it against you.” Jeno looked relieved and puppy-like at the same time, “M-mommy..” That name, you haven’t heard it in so long. You bit your lip as you tried to fight off the urge to kiss him. Eventually you lost as you pulled him off of his knees by his chin and pulled him in for a hungry kiss. You pushed him against the counter, he put his hands behind him so that he could hold himself up.
Without even thinking you messily pulled on the jacket to his suit as you tried to remove it. You opened your eyes and broke the kiss for a moment so you could unbutton the jacket. Your eyes met his and you noticed small tears leaving his eyes, “Ooh baby, don’t cry, it’s okay, I won’t stay mad forever.” You wiped that tear away and cupped his cheeks to pull him in for another kiss, this time Jeno brought his hands up your back in an attempt to unzip your dress. You broke the kiss again and removed his hands from your back, you looked him in the eye, “Don’t touch, we don’t wanna mess up my appearance right? Today’s a big day, isn’t it?” Jeno nodded as if he was under a spell that you had cast.
You finally got his jacket unbuttoned and you pulled on his button up slightly and watched as some of the top buttons came undone. The top of his chest was now exposed to you. Your hand wandered his body and stopped right on his hard crotch, “Oh? What’s this?” He blushed slightly even though he knew you’d eventually notice, “Mommy.. You did it..” You smiled at him and acted innocent, “Oh did I?” You leaned forward and kissed his chest, your red lipstick stained his skin. You sucked on his chest leaving a deep red mark, Jeno sucked in sharply as you squeezed his erection harshly. You leaned forward again and attached your lips to his neck, Jeno pulled away from you, “Please- don’t-” It was too late, you had already left a mark there. Jeno was thinking about how he was going to cover that but your voice interrupted his thoughts, “We gotta go quick, we don’t want you to miss your performance right?” He shook his head quickly. “Then let’s get a move on it.”
 You unbuttoned his pants, “Look in the mirror.” You turned him around but he watched you instead of himself, “No, look at yourself.” Once he did, you pulled down his pants swiftly, Jeno turned around and looked at you to see what you were doing. You pushed him down slightly and bent him over the counter. “You always cum the fastest from mommies fingers right?” He nodded and looked down at his hands. You slapped his ass which made him shift forward and wince at the stinging pain. Since you had no lube you had to keep using saliva but it worked in the end. 
You rubbed circles over his anus for a bit. Jeno pressed himself backwards and against your fingers and looked at you through the mirror, “Please Mommy..” You still had to be quick so you smiled and nodded, “Okay baby, I’ll give you what you want.” You pushed him forward again slightly so he was almost flat over the counter. You then took one finger and slid it in, “I’m not going to stretch you that much, is that okay?” He nodded and bit his lip, “Please I wanna cum..” You smiled as you slipped another finger in. This used to be one of your favorite things to do with Jeno, seeing him with his legs spread wide open for you was always an amazing sight. 
You held a steady pace and watched Jeno as he held his mouth open and whimpered quietly. He still wasn’t looking at himself so you reached forward and lifted his head. Your hand was resting under his chin, “Don’t you look so pretty? Getting fucked by Mommy’s fingers?” He shied away from your grasp, too shy to admit that he loved seeing himself like this. You sped up your movements which made Jeno whimper quietly. “Touch yourself.” He quickly grabbed himself and pumped himself at a fast pace. His legs shook and looked like they were about to give out under him. His moans became more audible over time. 
Amidst Jeno’s beautiful noises falling from his mouth there was a knock on the door, “Y/N? Are you in there? The other girls said you went to the bathroom a while ago.” Jeno didn’t pay it any mind and continued to stroke himself. He was struggling to stay quiet so you covered his mouth and continued to finger him. “Yeah sorry! I ended up taking a call, I’ll be out in a little bit, I know I’m on a time crunch!” The staff member nodded even if you couldn’t see her, “Also, are you okay? Are you hurt?” She must’ve heard Jeno’s whimpers, “Oh yeah, I’m better now, I hit my hand on the counter..” The staff member nodded again, thanked you, and walked away shortly after. Jeno looked so fucked out when you looked back at him through the mirror, “Wow, you didn’t even get shocked, such a naughty boy.” He let out a moan that was muffled by your hand.
You moved your hand away from his mouth, “I’m close!” You slapped his ass again and he squealed which caused him to cover his mouth with his own hand. You laughed at him for a moment, “Go ahead.” With that you sped up your movements. Jeno choked out a few more moans before he spilled himself all over the floor underneath him. He slowed his strokes as he caught his breath, “Ooh so messy.” You pulled your fingers out of him and went to wash your hands. Jeno laid over the counter for a moment as he thought about what just happened. Your heels clicked as you walked to grab a paper towel for your hands, “Have fun cleaning this up.” You smiled at him and unlocked the door to leave.
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You had made it back to your seat, your members and fans looked confused but it didn’t take long for them to start making speculations. You took your seat next to Yena again and got comfortable in your seat. You had cleaned yourself up, touched up your makeup, and made yourself look 100% presentable again. The other girls were giving you very suspicious looks as they waited for Jeno to come back as well. It took a while but Jeno returned from the bathroom, his hand was over his neck, probably because of the hickey you gave him. This time when he walked passed your table you just looked away which of course your very observant fans saw.
He sat at his table and the other members immediately started an interrogation, “Why are you covering your neck?” Renjun, who was sitting directly beside Jeno leaned in for a closer look. Jeno moved away from him and shooed him, “What took you so long?” He turned to his other side where Haechan was squinting his eyes suspiciously. Jeno let out a short nervous laugh, “I-” He couldn’t even get his lame excuse out before being interrupted, “You took a fat shit didn’t you?” Jeno’s mouth fell open for a second, shocked by his members unwillingness to listen, “No I had to do something.” The others rolled their eyes but left it alone for a moment, “You met Y/N didn’t you.” Him and Jeno made eye contact, a light blush washed over Jeno’s face at the mention of your name, “Ooh! Jeno’s got a girlfriend!!” Jaemin childishly added, “You guys are so immature.” Jeno was blushing and smiling like a high school girl while thinking about what just happened.
“You look happy Y/N.” Eunbi leaned closer to you and watched your facial expression change, “Did you and Jeno make up?” Yena, who was now tuned into the conversation also leaned in. You smiled and shrugged your shoulders, “Sorta?” Yena smiled really big, “Look at you! So happy!” You looked like a little kid with the way you were smiling, “It looks like you’re in high school again!” You shook your head, “No I don’t!” There was no hiding the butterflies you felt in your stomach.
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You waved goodbye to your fans as you and the other girls climbed into the cars. Some of the fans were mentioning Jeno and others were sharing their love for you. Once you were in the car you looked out the window and blew kisses to your fans as the car pulled off. “That was so much fun!” You couldn’t stop smiling, not only because of Jeno but also because of your loving fans. “I’m so glad you were able to be here.” Eunbi held your hand and smiled, “I’m happy too.” Eunbi laid on your shoulder after you guys shared a warm smile.
“Y/N!” The voice shocked you so your eyes went wide but you looked over to see Hitomi. She was holding her phone in front of you, “You and Jeno are trending all over the internet right now.” She wasn’t lying, everyone was posting about how Jeno ran after you in a heroic kdrama kind of way. “I wonder how the company will feel about that..” You just laughed and shrugged it off even though you were thinking about Jeno. “People really want you guys back together, they always have.” You nodded, your fans and Jeno’s fans were always extremely supportive of the fact that you guys were in love. It was truly heartwarming. It felt as if it wasn’t up to you if you two ended up together. The reason you guys broke up was because of Jeno’s company, they threatened to terminate his contract. 
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It’s been a year since you made your return to the industry, one year since you and Jeno made up, and one year since you found happiness again. From that day on you had been working extra hard and earning respect from more fans and from SM Entertainment. SM has decided to allow you and Jeno to be together! There’s no more hiding out for you two!
“Are you ready to tell them?” Jeno looked nervous as he held the big surprise in his hand. He kissed the youngling on the head and nodded to you. Taking a deep breath, you started the live video. You only showed yourself on the screen as you greeted the fans. “Hi guys~” You waved and read the comments, they were asking where Jeno was since you guys were always together. Jeno put his hand in the camera and waved, “Hiiii!” The fans were confused as to why he wasn’t showing himself but you would reveal that shortly, “Okay guys, remember when Jeno and I told you all that we had a surprise?” The comments showed confusion, “Well, me and Jeno have decided..” Jeno crept into the camera frame, his hands were positioned weirdly, “We wanted to have something to care for together so..” Jeno smiled brightly as he lifted his hands and revealed an adorable puppy, “We got a puppy!!” Your fans put many hearts and called your little baby adorable over and over, “Please help us pick a name for our puppy! Put suggestions in the comments.” Jeno squinted so that he could see what people were saying. Many were jokingly putting weird names and some were being serious, this is going to be a long live.
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monokumaplush · 4 years
Hii, could I request Miu, Kaede and Sonia realizing they’re in love with their fem best friend? Good luck with the blog!!!
Alright, here we are! So sorry for the wait! I hope you enjoy it :))
~Mod Toko
Kaede Akamatsu
-Kaede wasn’t having the best day. She was late to class in the morning, and during lunch she accidentally spilled milk on her shirt. Later on in the day, when she got her test back from a few days ago, she saw that she didn’t get the best grade. All of that put her into sour mood, and she wanted to try to cheer herself up.
- When school was over, she went to the band room and head straight to the piano. ‘Playing always helps me calm down.’ She thought to herself.
-But, she thought wrong.
-Every time she tried to start a song, she ended up pressing the wrong key. That only made her more frustrated. She nearly slammed her head onto the keys if she hadn’t heard a voice from the doorway.
-“Kaede? What’re you doing? I was waiting at the entrance for you so we could walk home together.”
-Kaede looked up and saw Y/N standing in the doorway with her arms crossed, looking at her questioningly.
-“Oh, Y/N, I’m so sorry! It’s just that I was having a bad day and I wanted to try and calm down, so I came here to play.” She explained. “Oh, really?” Y/N asked, interested. She walked over to the piano and sat down next to her.
-The seat was small, which caused the two bump shoulders. That, for some reason, made Kaede’s heart speed up a bit.
-“Um, y-yeah, but I can’t seem to get it right…” She said as she watched Y/N’s fingers run across the keys. She pressed down on a couple, making a sound, but not a steady rhythm.
-“Um, here, let me show you.” Kaede said, taking Y/N’s hands in hers. They felt warm, and her face started to feel the same way. She guided her hands around the piano, helping her press the keys to make a steady rhythm.
-After a while, Kaede let go to let Y/N try herself. She was also getting a bit nervous from holding her hands, and she didn’t want to mess her up. Y/N finished the song and smiled at Kaede proudly. “That was fun!” She said, and stood up from the piano seat.
-“But, we should get going now.” She walked towards the door frame, stopping before she fully walked out. She turned and smiled at Kaede one last time. “We should do this again sometime. I’d love to learn more from you.”
-Kaede’s heart seemed to stutter, and her face felt hot. “U-Um, yeah, w-we can…” She said, looking off to the side shyly.
-‘What was that?’ She thought to herself. But she already knew. She knew the feeling right away.
-She was in love.
Miu Iruma
-Miu was working in her lab, coming up with another new contraption to add to her collection.
 -There was a knock on the door, and Miu gleefully opened it, a grin spreading across your face when she saw who it was.
 -"Y/N! I was expecting you~" "I didn't tell you I was coming over." Miu only laughed and walked back to her work table, completely ignoring what was said to her. Y/N rolled her eyes and continued. "Anyway, I need you to make something for me, please. That's why I came over." She explained.
 -Miu looked back at her with a smile, her eyes lidded and eyebrows quirked slightly. "And what would this 'something' be?" She asked, implying what she thought it was. Y/N only rolled her eyes again. "It's a telescope. I kind of lied to Momota about having one and now he wants me to show him. Could you please help me out?" She asked.
 -"Oh, anything for you, Y/N!" Miu said cheerfully. But the happiness on her face quickly turned into a mischievous look. "But, you have to pay price..." She said perversely. "Whatever. Let's just get to work, shall we?" Y/N said quickly.
 -"Alright, whatever you say boss~" "Stop it."
 -The two girls started to work. Y/N explained how she wanted it to look, and Miu went right into panning the construction of it. When they were well into their work, Miu got hungry.
 -"Hey, Y/N, get me a snack from the MonoMono Machine, will ya?" "Could you at least say please?" "Can you get me a snack, please~?" "Never mind."
 -Y/N walked out to get some snacks, and Miu focused more on her work. She didn't even hear Y/N come back in a while later. She nearly jumped when Y/N placed a hand on her shoulder. "Miu? Did you hear me? I said that I got you these caramels. I remember you saying that they were your favorite." She said with a smile. Miu's face went red out of embarrassment. "R-Really? Um, thanks, I guess." She mumbled, taking the caramels from her hands and turning back to her work.
 -Even after a while, Miu's cheeks still felt warm. 'What the hell? I was supposed to recover from that by now!' She thought, trying to keep her mind on the machine in front of her, and not on how cute Y/N's smile was-
 -She nearly smacked herself, trying to stay in control. She just wanted to get this done as quick as possible, and she did. 45 minutes later, she completed the telescope.
 -Y/N took it from her hands and smiled, only making Miu's heart race faster than it was.
 -"I've got to give you something in return now, right?" Y/N asked with a sigh. Miu's mind blanked for a bit before she remembered what she had said earlier. "Oh, yeah, um... you-you gotta pay the kiss toll." She said quickly, not realizing how nervous she would be.
 -"That's it? Huh, okay." Y/N said, a bit surprised. She leaned in slightly and pecked Miu on the cheek before walking to the door, thanking her and waving goodbye before walking out.
 -Miu was frozen in place, but her face was as hot as the sun.
 -But, her racing heart said otherwise.
 Sonia Nevermind
 -Sonia was waiting in the subway station, staring at her phone to preoccupy herself. She was getting a bit antsy; Y/N wasn’t there yet, and she was a bit nervous being alone in the subway. But, a sudden call of her name was enough to push away all of her anxieties.
 -“Sonia! Sorry for the wait, I just wanted to make sure we were taking the right train and everything.” Y/N explained with a smile. Sonia returned the smile, shoving her phone into her pocket. “Oh, it’s quite alright, Y/N! I’m just glad you’re here now.”
 -The train quickly pulling into the station caught both of their attentions, and they walked into the car. They took their seats next to each other and the train started to move again after a few minutes.
 -"Oh, I'm so excited!" Sonia said, clapping her hands together slightly. "I've never really been 'out on the town' before, so I'm glad I get to do it with you." Y/N chuckled, finding the way she said things adorable. "Same here! There are a bunch of clothing stores in the mall that we should check out, and there's a giant food court that we can get lunch at." She said.
 -The train pulled to a stop after a while and the two got off and walked out of the subway. They took a short walk to the mall and made a bee-line for a very popular clothing store. They took a look at all of the different racks of clothes and accessories, pulling out the ones that they would like to try on. Sonia pulled out a pastel pink dress with a blue bow tied around the waist. "What do you think?" She asked, putting the dress in front of her to sort of model it. "I think you'll look adorable in it." Y/N smiled.
 -Sonia's heart seemed to flutter a bit when she said that.
 -"Do you want to try it on?" Y/N asked. "U-Um, sure, let's head over to the changing rooms." Sonia said shyly.
 -They went to the changing rooms, and Sonia went first, walking out in the dress she chose. Y/N smiled and clapped a bit when Sonia did a couple of small poses. "See? You look adorable!" She restated, and Sonia blushed, her face almost as pink as the dress.
 -Sonia quickly bought the dress and the two walked out of the store and to the food court. They got their food and sat down, with Sonia immediately digging in. She stopped herself after a bit and laughed awkwardly, wiping her face with a napkin. "My apologies, I didn't realize how hungry I was." She said. Y/N only chuckled. "It's alright." She said.
 -Y/N suddenly stopped and leaned in a bit, making Sonia confused. "Sorry, you've still got something right there... let me get for you." She said. She used her thumb to quickly wipe away a couple of crumbs that were near her mouth.
 -Sonia's face seemed to glow red. She tried to wave away her hand, feeling embarrassed. "U-Um, th-thank you, uh, you didn't really need to do that..." She fumbled with her words, and Y/N only smiled. "It's no problem."
 -They ate the rest of their lunch and walked back to the subway, which was more crowded than when they got there that morning. They shuffled their way into the train and were smushed together. Sonia blushed once more from how close they were.
-Sonia had felt weird throughout the entire day, and that feeling only increased when she stood closer to Y/N. She didn't know what the feeling was.
-But, she finally decided that the feeling was nice when she felt Y/N's hand softly grip hers.
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skunkandgrenade · 3 years
Cosmo Series: Metallic Commission
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Taglist: @rat-father
I feel like I’ve hurt Cosmo enough in the last two chapters or even the last three, so next one will be some wholesome comfort! Here’s a layout of the house and here’s what Cosmo looked like during this chapter!
CONTENT WARNING: mention of past noncon touching, dehumanization, self-dehumanization, Stockholm syndrome, uncomfortable clothing, minor feet injuries, pain, discomfort, mention of torture, intimate whumper, sensual touching (brief), display whump
Metallic Commission
Cosmo kept thinking about that day. It couldn’t stop reliving the horror and fear, feeling their hands crawling on it even if it was all alone. But it didn’t say anything. It didn’t complain and it didn’t talk about it with Master. Pets shouldn’t bother their Masters with useless things like it’s own feelings and fears. It understood that now. It would never fight again, no matter how bad things would get. It would just submit and let go, it couldn’t hang on to its emotions. It had to wipe all of its humanity away. It was a pet, a display piece, it wasn’t a human being.
“Cosmo? Where are you? Come here, darling.”
It perked up at the sound of Master’s voice and left its safe little corner in the kitchen.
It crawled around the house, looking for Master while he looked for it, and they eventually stumbled upon one another.
“Oh, there you are!” He crouched down and pinched its cheeks. “Today’s a Photoshoot day, remember? We have a commission to do.”
It frowned sadly and nodded. It had hoped Master would forget.
“Now, if you’re nice I’ll give you a treat, okay?”
It looked up at him now smiling.
“It’s not gonna be fun for you, but someone’s paying a lot for those pictures, so I expect you to behave well.” He kissed it on the forehead and got back up. “Come on, now.”
It followed him upstairs and inside the bedroom, and got up once it was in the middle of the room.
It knew the drill at this point and knew how to behave when getting ready.
Master handed it a metallic bodysuit covered in diamonds that revealed its stomach, a box of accessories and weird metal shoes that were shaped like ballet shoes.
Master helped it get dressed and put on the accessories correctly.
It had a diamond crown, elegant metal claws, chain metal handcuffs and a metal collar.
Everything was extremely uncomfortable, and it quickly understood why Master said it wouldn’t like this one. The worse part were the shoes. They were forcing it to walk on its tip toes and it hurt so bad, it couldn’t wait to take them off already.
It tried not to show its discomfort, but it couldn’t help but frown and grimace at each step it took towards the makeup bench.
“Oh, darling, “Master chuckled. “You’re lucky you’re not his pet or you would have to wear things like this 24/7.”
Cosmo made an even bigger grimace at the thought of being stuck in those metallic clothes all the time. It couldn’t help but feel extremely grateful that it’s Master wasn’t like the man that had passed this commission.
It sat on the leather stool and waited while Master got ready to do its makeup.
The makeup took a while because Master had to place little jewels one by one around its eyes and then on its lips and had to make sure everything was symmetrical.
At least it liked being close to Master and feeling his warmth and learned to fully appreciate the intimacy of moments like these. In fact, it learned to appreciate every moment Master didn’t torture it. It liked him when he was nice to it, it loved his touch and softness and wanted to please him by its own will, but as soon as he would get angry and scary, it would become terrified of him. It never really understood him, but made peace with it. All it had to know about Master was how to make him happy.
“Okay, we’re done.” He put his things back in the black box and got up. “Come, its time for the photos.”
It got up after him and had to stand still for a few seconds to find its balance.
Master let it grab him by the arm so it could walk without tripping and lead it outside on the balcony.
Cosmo resisted the urge to stop and take in the beauty and smell of the outside world and kept following him in the photo studio, not wanting to ruin the nice mood of Master.
“You only have five poses and just two of them are standing up so we’ll start with those while you’re not too tired, okay?”
It nodded and walked clumsily in front of the camera.
Master came next to it and moved its body in the pose he wanted. He took its arms, softly caressing its skin with the tip of his fingers and placed one on its side and the other behind its head.
Master positioning it felt weirdly sensual and intimate and it couldn’t help but shiver at his warm touch, starved for positive attention.
He kneeled next to it and helped it place its feet as if it was walking forward while making sure it was still well balanced.
He then got back up and adjusted its hair and accessories before going behind the camera.
He took a few pictures. “You’re floating, darling.” He instructed.
Cosmo did its best to look relaxed and elegant despite the pain it’s feet were in and couldn’t wait for the next pose.
“Good boy.” Praised Master. “Look forward, far far away.” A few flashes. “You’re in a dream, you’re weightless.”
It followed every instructions as best as it could, desperate to be good.
“Great! I think I got it. Now...”
He stepped back in front of the camera to help Cosmo into the next position.
He made it lean against the wall and hold its arms.
“There, put your hips like that. Good boy. Now, turn your head towards the camera and look down. Good, good. Okay, don’t move, now.”
He went back to his spot and started taking pictures.
“Yes, be seductive, open your mouth a bit...” Flash. “That’s great, stay like this.” Multiple flashes. “Turn your chest around a bit, no— the other way, yes, like this, very good.”
It could feel its legs were about to give up because of those stupid shoes and felt terrified at the thought of misbehaving.
After a few more clicks and flashes, it couldn’t help itself.
“Master... p-please...” it begged desperately. “It-its going to-to-to fall...”
“It’s okay, darling, I’ve got the shot, you can get on the floor, now.”
It sighed, relieved, and let itself fall. Its feet were burning and probably bleeding and it hurt so much.
“It’s okay, darling, you’re doing great.” Master praised softly as he went beside it. “Only three more, and those will be easier, okay?”
It nodded as it held back tears.
Master made it sit and pushed its right leg up and on the side. He put its left leg on the floor and folded it carefully. Next, he positioned its arms. Its left arm rested on its left leg, while it held up its chin with its right hand.
Master hurried back behind the camera and started taking the pictures.
“Now, look at me, darling. Yes, like that, that’s perfect.” Lots of flashes. “Wow you’re doing this one very well! Just a few more, okay? Keep your right foot straight. You’re doing great, darling.”
A few seconds later, Master was back next to it and repositioning it.
He made it sit with its left side in front on the camera, knees up and feet down, crouching a bit forward. Its elbows rested on its knees and both of its hands were gently put together on its left shoulder. It laid its head on its right hand, which was on top of its left, and Master arranged its hair once more before going back to the camera.
“You’re back in a dream. You’re floating. That’s right, close your eyes, darling. Yes, that’s amazing, you look stunning.”
It enjoyed the praise and feedback and grew more and more confident. It did its best to ignore the pain in its feet and just focused on looking good for the camera.
“Beautiful, darling, stay just like that.”
It was getting tired but after this, it only had one last position to do, so it was able to push through.
“Perfect, I got the perfect shot.” He smiled happily and went back to Cosmo. “Now, lay on your stomach. Good boy.”
He brushed his fingers on its back, tracing its spine and descended to its legs. He took it by its hips and turned it around a bit, making its right leg more elevated then the left.
He got on top of it and positioned its arms and face and Cosmo could swear he was doing this all on purpose, just to make it desperate for his touch even more.
When Master walked back to the camera, Cosmo whined softly, now cold and lonely, but it knew better than to move or beg.
It saw Master grin before starting to take the pictures.
This position was its favorite because it had no weight to put on its feet and also because it was the last one.
“Stare far away, darling. Stare at the sky. That’s it, good boy.”
When they were finally done, Master helped it back up and held it strongly to help it stay up.
It grabbed his shirt and walked next to him back to the bedroom.
It took barely thirty seconds, but to it it seemed like a decade.
It couldn’t wait to take off the shoes.
Master made it sit on the tufted bench at the end of the bed and kissed it on its forehead before kneeling in front of it.
He took off its shoes, to reveal its bruised and bloody feet, and took a roll of bandages out of his pocket.
He bandaged it up gently before helping it get changed back into more comfortable clothes.
Once wearing a blue t-shirt and a purple skirt, without forgetting its leather electric collar, Master took off its makeup.
It felt so much better and lighter and smiled innocently.
“Now...” he stroked its cheek. “Are you ready for your treat?”
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wearethewinx · 4 years
If you're still reviewing transformations how about Magic Winx
of course! (i do plan to eventually finish the set, i’m just bad at committing to projects and i’ve got some Stuff going on lol) 
this one i’ll be holding to slightly different standards from the others, just because it’s so much shorter and more minimal, and i still wanna give it a fair shake
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Choreography: 5/5. I’m literally in love with her little twirl, and her ending pose kicks ass
Elemental: 5/5. There’s sparks flying in the background, her clothes burn onto her, and that heart-shaped burst of flame at the end is just -chef kiss-
Personality: 5/5. Literally the only Bloom transformation that captures both her cheeriness and her fury
Design: 4/5. Overall I love it, and I think her wings are slightly evocative of a dragonfly, which is nice, and the tiara is good foreshadowing. Wish it had something fiery/scaly tho
Execution: 7/10. We’re missing her shoes and skirt, but what’s here packs a real punch
Final score: 5/5. The only recorded instance of Bloom’s personality. A rarer treasure has never been named
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Choreography: 4/5. She’s given a bit less than the other girls here, but that hair toss and twirl are superb
Elemental: 1/5. My girl got really shorted here. There’s some flower-shaped sparkles and a green background
Personality: 5/5. Again, that hair toss and delicate twirl are so perfect it makes me blush
Design: 5/5. The flower necklace and leafy wings give the elemental touches, and the dress and long armlet things feel so perfect for Flora’s personality
Execution: 5/10. Fumbled again! only her necklace and armlets? And I don’t need to remind yall they just FORGOT her wings. Shame
Final score: 4/5. They were so close, but they got a little lazy
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Choreography: 5/5. Simple, but not boring. That little prancing step before her pose gets me every time
Elemental: 5/5. Excellent example of something that wouldn’t hold up in, say, believix, but because magic winx is so short it’s perfect. She’s surrounded by sparkles and her clothes appear out of liquid light
Personality: 5/5. She looks on point and LOVING it, posing and strutting. Yes
Design: 5/5. The hints of silver, especially with her headband evoking the moon, are JUST enough to keep me happy, and I adore her bracers in particular
Execution: 10/10. Every aspect of her outfit appears on its own, and her pigtails in particular look great in motion
Total score: 6/5. Ladies and gentlemen, our first perfect score! Am I biased? Most definitely. But I stand by it
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Choreography: 5/5. Easily my favorite, her little dance and being so, so graceful while she’s spinning on that CD
Elemental: 5/5. The simplest transformation, showing the fuck up. The floor lights, the spinning CD, even that hint of scratching in the theme song just for her? Perfection
Personality: 5/5. We get her tougher, rowdier side in the first half, and her more graceful side in the second half
Design: 5/5. I can’t put my finger on why, but her wings always make me think of a shiny CD, and her dress and platform boots look very club-ready. Also, the wedges and faux-two piece are slightly more practical spins on the other girl’s looks, which suits her
Execution: 8/10. Her wings and headphones are off-screen, and because the headphones are a unique accessory you really notice it. Everything else is done individually, and her armband swirling out of ribbon is *chef kiss*
Final score: 5.5/5. Like Bloom, this is a rare example of Musa’s personality in the wild
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Choreography: 5/5. I adore her little fightin moves, and I just think she looks really strong and focused
Elemental: 5/5. Poly maps and electricity swirls. A simple, tasteful charcuterie board of tech imagery
Personality: 5/5. Ah, back when Tecna was allowed to look stern and focused while transforming. I adore it. Also the martial arts-lookin moves at the beginning live in my headcanons rent free
Design: 4/5. I docked two points for that stupid, STUPID hat, but gave one back because her wings and shoes are Just That Cool
Execution: 9/10. SHOW ME HER SHOOOEEESSSSSS but I give major props that her shoes are the only thing missing, considering they allotted all that time to her practicing karate. They didn’t use it as an excuse to cut her actual transformation short
Final score: 5.5/5. God, remember when Tecna was allowed to be Tecna?
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Choreography: 4/5. Actually reasonably strong, you can just tell they rushed it compared to the others, and it sucks
Elemental: 0/5. A total joke. Not even any pink sparkles I could give a pity point for maybe possibly being morphix
Personality: 4/5. We get her strength and determination, but not enough of her gentleness and grace
Design: 5/5. I love Aisha in spring green, I stan, I support. The shorts and armbands feel sporty, but the wrapped fabric is feminine and nymph-like
Execution: 7/10. We only miss her armbands completely, but I’m knocking off two more points for rushing her
Final score: 4/5. WHEN will rainbow learn to respect this queen!
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Total score: 5/5. You can’t fuck with the og. You can criticize it for shorting your dark-skinned girls tho
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