#final getsuga tenshou
animelga · 3 months
its really interesting to ponder back and forth over if i prefer Bleach or One Piece because both are really flawed in different ways. i feel like Bleach is artistically a more interesting and powerful series but that also makes its stumbles WAY more frustrating because so much of the rest all feels super coherent (for instance the Fullbring arc ending with a bunch of Soul Reaper fights instead of the human characters getting to do something like itd been building up to -> now the humans all feel like their plots never got resolved). meanwhile One Piece is so lighthearted a lot of the time and segments itself up into individual pieces of a larger story that if its ever flawed its usually just flawed for one arc and will get right back on track in just a few volumes.
even though its far more focused Bleach ends up feeling messier in my mind than One Piece and that's probably because One Piece sort of inherently loves being messy and silly from day one, meanwhile the shifts and choices in Bleach stick out as annoying more because the series wants to be more cohesive otherwise
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shiroxichigo · 3 days
Ichigo gets a lot of shit (typically from outside of the Bleach fandom) for being a character whose wants/goals never change from beginning to end of his series. He always wants to protect people (and even though I could argue that he went from only wanting to protect those close to him to wanting to protect everyone he can, that's not the point I'm making with this post).
I think a lot of people who only give Bleach a passing glance fail to see Ichigo's true character growth. It's not about what his goals are or who he's trying to protect, but rather, it's about how he achieves it.
Ichigo is very self-sacrificing in the first third of Bleach. He believes that if the mission is successful, then it doesn't matter how broken or close to death he gets. The mission, saving Rukia (and hurting/killing as few people in the process), is all that matters.
Then, when a part of himself (his inner hollow) emerges, and says "hey yeah no, I'm not letting you get yourself killed and I'm also not letting you hold back against your enemy", Ichigo immediately rejects it.
It's not until he defeats his inner Hollow that we see Ichigo really dive into a fight with the intent to kill. The problem is, once his Hollow is defeated, he thinks that's it. He's freed himself of that part of him and he can go back to being self-sacrificing.
We see this throughout the Hueco Mundo arc. It's why saving Orihime parallels saving Rukia. Ichigo naively thinks he can suppress a part of himself. He bottles it up until it explodes, coming back to haunt him in his fight with Ulquiorra, etc. He learns that side of himself isn't so easily tucked away, and if he recklessly endangers himself, he could end up endangering his friends too. At his own hand, no less.
Then Ichigo discovers he can commit the ultimate sacrifice. Final Getsuga Tenshou. He can throw away these powers and the parts of himself that he doesn't like, and he can get rid of Aizen all in one go. He's lucky that it worked, but only because Kisuke was there.
Then, once Ichigo is powerless, he learns that's not what he really wants. Life doesn't "go back to normal". The can is open, and there's danger out there beyond just Aizen. And Ichigo can't do anything to stop it unless he gets his powers back.
So he does. Then he cuts down the threat to his friends and family. And he doesn't hesitate this time. Yes, he still has compassion for his enemies (he even goes to the Soul Society to ask for Ginjo's body so he can give him a proper burial), but he's learned not to hold back and he's learned that new threats will appear and he'd rather have the power to face them head on.
So then comes TYBW, and Ichigo is facing battles head-on without hesitation. He goes straight to the "bad guys" with the intention of cutting them down. He learns the truth about who his Inner Hollow is, and he accepts it. He's even willing to accept whatever consequences may come from training in the Royal Palace and becoming stronger. He accepts his power and potential fully, and learns that he has what it takes to protect his loved ones with his strength, and not with a sacrifice.
Ultimately, he heals the part of himself that thinks his life is worth less than other people's. He heals the part of himself that blames himself for not protecting his mother (when he was 9!! Like come on Isshin, put the kid in therapy!! Anyway...) He grows into someone who knows his self worth. And I think, for me at least, that makes him one of my favourite protagonists of all time. Because can't most of us relate to feeling worthless at times? And don't we also wanna overcome that?
Thanks for reading my ramble lmao, I'm sure this could have been more elegantly written but I'm very sleepy and just wanted to get my thoughts out there.
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bleachbleachbleach · 1 year
5 Great Things About an Episode I Hate (7, actually!)
The Halloween episode is my least favorite episode of Bleach. It PAINS me. Viscerally. But we watched it last night as part of our rewatch—and have, for some reason, watched it as a stand-alone multiple times, on purpose?? So last night I figured I’d think productively about it and keep track of at least 5 things I like about it!
1. Ichigo Cannot Abide his Own Recap
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This episode takes place in the context of the final moments of the Winter War. We’re talking like, Aizen is transforming, Ichimaru’s time on this earth is limited, Final Getsuga Tenshou, final moments of this 93-season-spanning arc. Ichigo and Aizen are about to face off and make clear what the difference is between the two of them. And then this.
But astute viewers of The Halloween Episode will find portentous spoilers here: Ichigo is about to launch into a long recap of the Arabian Nights episode… and stops himself!
This is in the immediate aftermath of Aizen having spent two entire episodes recapping the entire series. And this, friends, is the true difference between their mettles.
2. Pumpkin Ghost Orihime
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ToT This requires no elaboration. She is so cute. I’m here for Pumpkin Ghost Orihime and Pumpkin Ghost Orihime only.
3. Pirate Renji
Well, that and mummified pirate Renji. LOVE HIM. We went into this episode muttering nutterishly, "just think about Renji and Orihime just think about Renji and Orihime" and look they’re stars, perfection, I survived this episode and am alive today only by their majesty.
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4. Chad was spared all of this
Despite the fact that Hitsugaya and Matsumoto are Here For Some Reason (a feat I usually love for them but hate for them so, so, so, so, so, emphatically deeply in this episode), and even She Not Appearing Ever Hinamori is here(!!!), Chad is not.
I like to think it’s because he’s busy preparing an ofrenda for his grandfather and is taking an evening for himself. Self-care. 😌
5. It’s All Komamura’s Fault
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The conceit of the episode is that this was all a dream of Komamura’s, similar to the Arabian Nights dream being Isane’s. Not that dream interpretation benefits from too linear an analysis ("X appears in Y way, so Komamura must think Z"), but it makes me wonder what reports Komamura was reading in bed, because there’s not really a strong reason he’d know all that much about Ishida and Orihime, or really even Ichigo. To say nothing of RYUUKEN and ISSHIN, who are also in this episode for some reason.
— Was Chad omitted because Kyouraku did not deign to submit a report after his ryoka fight?
— Did Ishida and Orihime make it in because Ishida’s a Quincy and Orihime has unusual powers/got kidnapped?
— Did Komamura visit Hinamori while she was recovering, and that’s why she skated into dreamland? If so, love that for them. So much.
— Does Ryuuken and Isshin being here mean that the Gotei has files on both of them? Kurosaki Isshin, that is, as Soul Society’s Best/Worst Kept Secret at this point?
Bonus Round: 6. Features my Favorite OP
I do not pay a lot of attention to Bleach music—though I’m more amenable to the OP/EDs than the score by far—but The Marble OP is probably my favorite one. I know it has a real name, and I know its real name, but it’s the Marble OP.
But something I wondered last night that I’d never wondered before… What is the room that the hougyoku is in here? Fake Karakura’s Fake City Hall?
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Bonus Round: 7. It's followed by the Best Bleach Episode of All Time
The Hisagi Inn Episode is RIGHT AFTER THIS ONE, the most immaculate Bleach episode of our hearts. B3 loves this episode more every time we see it, and our immediate reflex after it ends—every single time—is to watch it again immediately. ALL HAIL THE INN EPISODE
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acediaedeus · 2 months
was listening to music on a road trip yesterday and was struck by how much Квітка (Flower) by Okean Elzy reminded me of grimmichi, specifically grimmichi during the 17 months of Ichigo being powerless. sooo, let me try and show you my vision:
Без болі, без права надії (Without pain, without a right to hope)
this gives very strong Ichigo vibes, how he appears to have gone numb to everything after losing a chunk of his soul (understandable) and also seemingly had no right to hope for his powers to ever come back to him. he had to accept that the Final Getsuga Tenshou was actually final. not only that, but the pain of the loss was only heightened by him also having to give up his friends.
Так швидко, так сильно й так мало (So fast, so hard and so little)
Ой як мало! (Oh how little!)
I see it as relating to how fast-paced the events were, how it all happened in mere months (we start in the middle of May, Soul Society invasion ends on August 13th (first two arcs completed in about 3 months), Arrancar Invasion Arc starts up on September 1st, the fight with Aizen is November 1st (2 months), Ichigo loses his powers “for good” on the 2nd day of December; so half a year for three arcs full of action) and yet it came down so hard not only on his mind, but also his body (every chapter he’s wrapped in bandages), leaving him with little time to simply live, be, exist, enjoy his teenage years.
from Grimmjow’s POV this could be him saying that the two of them crashed together fast and hard, but were not given much time. him talking about how by the time he’d recovered, and went to take Ichigo up on his promise of many fights to come, the other had lost his powers.
Цілуй у вікно мої губи (Kiss my lips through the window)
kind of hard to explain this one, bc I twist the lyrics a bit, so it’s more dramatic. could be taken literally as Grimmjow visiting Ichigo during that period and wanting to leave a kiss upon his lips, but being scared to confirm that Ichigo not only cannot see, but also feel him, so he kisses through the glass. or the less dramatised version: just Grimmjow leaving Ichigo with a kiss every time he goes back to Hueco Mundo. and the more dramatic version of this is if we interpret the window as just glass, and no matter how many times they touch lips there is still a distance between them.
Як знак на моєму плечі, ти квітка (Like a sign on my shoulder, you’re a flower)
cute little thing about Grimmjow being reminded of Ichigo every time he sees/touches his scar (this “you’re a flower” lyric gives Soulmate AU vibes, tbh).
Так швидко в моєму житті, так швидко (So fleeting in my life, so fleeting)
Ти квітка (You’re a flower)
here I translate «швидко» (fast) as “fleeting” actually, bc it feels right. obviously refers to how little time they’ve had with each other, comparing their partner to a flower, bc flowers whither quickly, and are only a fleeting moment of joy, not meant to last long (as we are referring to picked flowers).
The End
thank you for indulging little old me ˗ˋˏ ♡ ˎˊ˗
give the song a listen if you’re interested, it’s really good (Okean Elzy is a great band) ∩^ω^∩
saw @seijousucks ask for grimmichi songs, and remembered writing this thing. also, I have a long buried by now post about how Animal Attraction by She Wants Revenge has huge grimmichi vibes. Perverted by Elita from that same post, along with Serial Killer (but only a couple of lines). and we also have Ultraviolence by Lana Del Ray.
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joz-yyh · 2 years
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Sorry, I am late again and I kinda jumped around a bit! This was an idea I had all the way back in 2015, but it has never seen the light of day until now. I have the whole script for this comic planned out; however, my past self only drew one lonely sketch as reference so, here’s a WIP of the first page~
Day 2: Winter / Spirits 💀 ⛩️ TITLE: “Analemma” noun. (Astronomy) - The sun’s position in the sky, photographed from the same location at the same time of day throughout a year, forms a figure 8. SYNOPSIS: Shiro is left alone in Heuco Mundo after Ichigo uses the final Getsuga Tenshou. Having been separated from his King, the Zanpakutō loses his will to fight and as a result, other hollows seek to make an easy meal out of him. Ichigo appears (as a ray of light at first) to bring him back once he regains his powers.
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recurring-polynya · 2 years
Do you think Rangiku's shikai has other abilities she hasn't unlocked yet? Like creating clones or teleportation?
So, for starters, I would guess that Rangiku's shikai has abilities that we haven't seen yet. A subtle, but consistent piece of Rangiku's characterization is that she tends to hold back information to get a tactical advantage, like in the first battle against Grimmjow and his Fraccion, where she plays dead to waste Nakeem's time until they get a gentei kaijo. I actual love the way even the narrative plays with this the first time we see Haineko-- she and Kira go through this whole drama about how no one knows what his sword does and he's so CoOL and SecREtive and EmO and he hits her with it seven times and she makes a bunch of patented Bleach shocked faces, and then she's like "okay, enough of that, get wrekted, you infant", goes to shikai and that's all we see. Three issues later, Kira is sitting in his own crater.
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Anyway, so there's some interesting meat to this question, which is, how do special attacks work, anyway? I think there are actually two flavors of special attacks, or at least two ways of developing special attacks. The first kind is something like Getsuga Tenshou: it's a distinct, self-contained technique that must be revealed by one's zanpakutou spirit. But we do occasionally see Ichigo do stuff with his Getsugas, like deflecting other attacks, which is just a logical extension of the technique that he could presumably come up with himself and practice. Conversely, most of Hitsugaya's attacks are variations on "making ice". They make ice in new and creative and destructive ways, but you could also imagine him creating them himself from first principles, probably with support and guidance from his zanpakutou, but not just handed over as a whole cloth.
[Note: I remembered there being a part about special attacks in the Let's Do Shikai!! portion of Color Bleach+, so I looked it up, in case Renji had any wisdom for us. Unfortunately, all it had to say was "you should have one. Or possibly three", "Ikkaku's lucky dance is not a lethal move", "you can steal a lethal move from your superior!!" (with no indication as to how one goes about this) and "Ikkaku ruins everything!!" Uh. Thanks for nothing, Renji.]
That being said, what are Haineko's powers? Well, her basic ability is to turn into particles that Matsumoto can control with her spiritual pressure. She is, to some degree, similar to Senbonzakura, but with some important differences. Individual particles of Haineko aren't really strong enough to cut anything, so she works more through erosion. It's like being attacked by sandpaper. Haineko is most useful as an area-effect power-- Rangiku has been seen to surround her opponents with an ash tornado, or to form Haineko into a shield. Haineko can also be used as a smokescreen, to blind an opponent. The final thing we've seen Haineko do is actually really, really interesting, which is when Matsumoto works together with Hitsugaya to form a multi-layered wall of ice, and then retrieves Haineko to leave vacuum pockets in the ice. The thing that makes this so interesting to me is that it implies that the particles of Haineko actually can teleport, otherwise, they would rip holes in the ice on the way out and break the vacuum.
So now that we have listed things we have seen Haineko do, what are some other things she could do, in order of how far a reach they are from stuff we have already seen
Be used as a very basic light/dark illusion, for example, to mimic a shadow in order to draw someone's attention
Haineko could enter someone's respiratory system and destroy them from the inside out. This would actually be a pretty significant ability in Bleach, where a lot of characters have hardened skin, or a zone very close to their body where their powers have no effect.
Not really a combat ability but I would give my pinkies to see Matsomoto pick a lock with Haineko
Actually, along those same lines, if she can reform Haineko into a solid, she could do something like bind someone's arms together, or encase an enemy's hand as they are trying to cast a spell
I wonder what happens if Matsumoto splits off a chunk of Haineko. For example, in a case where they're splitting the party, can Hitsugaya carry around some Haineko like pocket sand, so Matsumoto can find him later or that she would have some sense of what's going on, i.e. spooky action at a distance? idk idk
Does Haineko's "teleportation" ability work in reverse? Can she use it to pass through physical barriers? Magical barriers? Does it have any application in dispelling certain kidou?
The next three I think are a bit of a jump, but not inconceivable, which could either represent getting a new ability, or, as I said, revealing an ability that she's already had, but been keeping on the downlow.
Reforming the dust of Haineko into a sword that is more powerful than the sum of its parts. This is basically exactly what Byakuya's sword does. Once again, it would actually be pretty useful in the Bleach power system for the purposes of fighting "untouchable" enemies. There actually is a very real manufacturing technique called sintering that involves taking small particles of metal (or other materials), and heating them so that they fuse together, which creates a solid with certain enhanced properties over cast or worked metal. You cannot actually make a +2 vorpal sword in this manner, but maybe you can when spiritual pressure is involved.
Going along with the ash theme, if she could heat Haineko's particles to high temperatures, basically adding fire damage. I suppose this could also have general utility, like she could make herself a little Haineko toasty armor when Hyourinmaru is going off.
Fun fact I learned from a children's book! The actual most lethal part of a volcanic eruption is the toxic gases they give off! I'm saving the lava powers for Momo, but I think that Haineko could have some corrosive/poison effects. Coughing, dizziness, fucking up mucus membranes! For a treat!!
Based on powers other people have in Bleach I guess Haineko could make illusions (it's about as feasible as Hitsugaya's ice illusions, imo) and maybe teleportation. Like I said, the bits of Haineko can already teleport, which I'm not sure would really extend to Matsumoto herself, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. There are also shunpo techniques that are effectively teleportation, so that's not all that exciting of an ability, imo.
I guess as one last note, perhaps this is a little reductive, but to address your initial question of "Do you think Rangiku's shikai has other abilities she hasn't unlocked yet?" I think the answer is absolutely yes. A rather significant theme of the TYBW was that, when their bankai were stolen, some of the captains, like Byakuya and Toushirou took it as an opportunity to get even closer to their zanpakutou spirits and improve their shikai. We make a lot of noise about Soul Society being very static and unchanging, but I like the idea that a shinigami can always learn and improve with their swords. Just because you're dead doesn't mean you still don't have room for personal growth.
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zinogirl · 1 year
I'm like gonna get into bleach again i think
I was never really deep in it, i started watching during the fight against Aizen over fake Karakura Town, and the last i watched was the "Final" Getsuga Tenshou
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From @alpharaposa
Rules: make a 24-hour poll with the names of your WIPs, let it run, then write one sentence for every vote the winner receives.
Not all of these are published yet ;3c
Below the line is a sentence spiel abt each of the fics~
(defenestrate the) window of opportunity : A post-Final-Getsuga-Tenshou Kurosaki Ichigo is tossed into HeroAca'verse, this impacts a lotta people- Midoriya Izuku, Shinshou Hitoshi, Aizawa Shouta, Yagi Toshinori, Sasai Susumu- but more than impacting the lives of the people around him, Ichigo finds he still is connected to both halves of Zangetsu (as well as some extras.)
glass prisms : lmao second verse, same as the first, no be serious Lilac. A post-versus-Future-Byakuran Sawada Tsunayoshi and a post-Final-Getsuga-Tenshou Kurosaki Ichigo wake up in a hospital in the HeroAca'verse, and eventually three skies (>:D) walk into U.A.'s 1-A classroom.
Be A Hero! : A slow burn crossover, wherein Marinette Dupain-Cheng makes bonds, breaks bonds, saves godlings, gets kinda-sorta-maybe adopted by godlings, gets a partner she can rely on, a new Order is established, (and also lionised,) not necessarily in that order: and, have I mentioned the dimensional instability yet?
halfway between the black and gray : I like aliens, I like wacky crossovers, I like wacky crossovers involving aliens, and snark-to-snark combat; aaaaaand I also think I could make Voltron: Legendary Defender a little more interesting/a little less worse with the addition of Ben Tennyson.
worth two lions (yet here i am) : A giftfic for Wolfsrainrules; posing such a question as 'what if Sawada Nana was the daughter of the Arcobaleno Fon?', worth two lions is my answer- featuring kiddo shenanigans, arson, and the beginnings of a beautiful (terrifiying) team between half-feral cousins.
(don't you ever for a second get to thinking) you're irreplaceable : There's something going on in Paris, and halfway-incompetant emotional terrorists, temporary disappearances, lying liars who lie, and unreliable superhero partners are only the half of it- ome thing's for sure though, Marinette Dupain-Cheng's got her work cut out for her.
per ardua ad astera: on supervillainy : Let me pose you a question, 'what makes a villain?'- is it the acts (atrocities) one commits, the thefts, the fraud, the debasement of the sanctity of peoples lives- or how often is it that a villain is a villain because they come into ideological conflict with the heroes or the authorities? As history tries to repeat itself, and people have to live with the consequences of the fallout, more and more people, who once buried their heads in the sand, start asking questions that will take months, if not years to unravel from a tangled web spanning almost 3 decades- civilians, heroes, and villains alike.
murky reality : Disappearences, mystery ailments, and people whispering of spirits, this is not unknown news to the Gaang- the sleepy hill town in the Earth Kingdom almost begs to differ.. as Aang, Sokka, Katara, Toph, Zuko, and Suki investigate, the shadows grow longer.
Thunderhead : During Cloud Strife's mako coma, Gaia bestows a boon- a gift and a duty all in one, becoming a weapon, yet not a WEAPON against the Calamity; as the time for the final confrontation between the Planet's Champion and the Son of the Calamity draws closer, a storm brews- then all too soon, a thunderstorm breaks, and Cloud must face "Sephiroth", and JENOVA with his dying will.
balance-maker, balance-breaker : Finding out that having saved Paris is simply not enough for some people, and the Pocket God Collective of Marinette Dupain-Cheng feels that their hands are forced, and it's now the time to take drastic measures to protect their (child) human; and so Marinette wakes up a child in body, in another dimension, there are shenanigans afoot; but then the developing peace is knocked down a flight of stairs by a monster that leaves most, if not all, of the kwami deeply afraid of what might happen to their Marinette and her new found family.
at full speed through the stubborn night! : When the kwamis of Precognition, Evolution, and Constitution come to you, Marinette Dupain-Cheng, grim-faced and a breath away from paralysed with worry aboit your well-being in the very near future, well, you listen, and with the rest of the pocket godlings that decided along the way that freeing them made you their perfect-yet-human Guardian, you plan; if only they told you about the interdimensional instability that would serve as your cover for getting the hell out of dodge-- so 'you' drift in and out of clarity for a few years, before everything meshes and Tailor D. Fortuna Rinne opens her eyes to her hidden memories, and powers-- but rumours fly fast o'er the seas, and not one, but two thought-lost overpowered Paramecia Devil Fruits just reek of bad news to the World Government and Navy.
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When does Ichigo regain its strength in Bleach?
Bleach is one of the ongoing anime series and with the anniversary of becoming one of the "big three of the era on Shonen Jump magazine," we can't exclude the love and admiration we have for Ichigo. Ichigo Kurosaki, the main character, has joined the list of the most famous characters thanks to the introduction of powers that quickly made him a respected force in the Soul Society. Ichigo has gone through some major challenges to achieve his fame and ultimate power.
The anime series, based on the original manga by Tite Kubo called Bleach, also aired from October 2004 to March 2012 on TV Tokyo, and we will witness Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War, the final manga spin-off, in October 2022.
Bleach picks up Ichigo's story as he becomes the most powerful Soul Reaper and protects humans from evil spirits. Ichigo resides in Karakura town when he becomes a Shinigami (Soul Substitute). He is not alone with such power in the town as he gradually learns about the powers that his classmates like Ishida, Orihime Inoue, and Yasutora Sado possess.
Some stories are introduced throughout the manga, including the battles between Ichigo and his friends versus spiritual humans, immortals, The Hollow, and more.
However, as the story progresses, Ichigo loses his power and must regain it to protect his loved ones. While it is unclear when Ichigo will regain his power, it is likely to happen in the upcoming manga spin-off.
In conclusion, Ichigo is one of the most popular and powerful characters in Bleach, and his journey to regain his power will undoubtedly be an exciting one for fans.
When did Ichigo lose power?
Ichigo possesses an immense power. His speed and strength are truly astonishing, which leads to an increase in his fighting capabilities in battles. The source of Ichigo's power is not limited, as his Zanpakuto can take on the form of Tensa Zangetsu's Bankai.
Coming to his Shinigami powers, he also has the power of Hollow, which usually allows him to enter into the Hollow form - a state that makes him even stronger and uncontrollable, and his speed increases. As his Hollow powers are uncontrollable, he is often afraid to use them because he fears that he may lose them if he cannot learn to control them. Ichigo's Quincy abilities also exist, allowing him to increase his defensive and offensive powers.
In the fourth part, we see how Kagerōza Inaba creates modified soul copies of many members, and then he puts them into the Reigai bodies. Inaba tries to capture Nozomi Kujō to merge with her and become a primitive form, Ōko Yushima. But this is prevented because Nozomi sacrifices herself to defeat Inaba, and Ichigo loses his power in the process. Ichigo loses the ability to use his spiritual energy in the intense battle with Sosuke Aizen.
This is mainly because Aizen was the strongest player in the Bleach world at that time, and Ichigo had to sacrifice some to continue the fight. Ichigo is then trained in Dangai, where he learns his ultimate form, Getsuga Tenshou, but the drawback is that this form will lead to the sacrifice of his power without their return. Dangai is a realm where time does not pass, so Ichigo can easily confront Aizen without spending years of actual training.
After the battle with Aizen, Ichigo loses all of his power when he successfully defeats Aizen.
When does Ichigo regain its strength?
Ichigo Kurosaki is one of the strongest forces, but unfortunately, he lost his power. His immense spiritual energy and shinigami ability have certainly been missed, but fortunately, he regained them in Chapter 362. In the Fullbring arc, we see Ichigo struggling and trying to live his normal life after losing his Shinigami abilities in the Karakura battle. After Aizen's defeat, Ichigo meets the "Fullbringers," who claim to have developed awareness of their own spirituality.
Therefore, they can manipulate the present souls in everything by focusing on the spiritual power of others rather than their own. Ichigo learns to manifest his Fullbring power, truly embodying a weaker, spirit-infused form of his own strength. Ichigo slowly regains his spiritual energy, but surprisingly, the leader of the Fullbringer group - Ginjo, actually intends to steal Ichigo's power. At this point, Ichigo gains his power back once again when stabbed by Rukia's sword (which carries the spiritual energy of many of the 13 Gotei captains).
Ginjo becomes stronger while Ichigo regains possession of his Zangetsu, even becoming stronger than before and regaining his power.
This causes Ichigo to regain possession of his Zangetsu and become stronger than ever before.
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jasonblaze72 · 2 years
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‘’Kore ga Saigo no GetsugaTenshou da’’
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wvds10627 · 4 years
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I’m sorry but you can’t see this art again
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violetsuzy · 4 years
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bleach icons
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bleachismyname · 4 years
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gy30nuy · 4 years
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𝗜𝗰𝗵𝗶𝗴𝗼 𝗞𝘂𝗿𝗼𝘀𝗮𝗸𝗶 𝗶𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘀 ㅡ 𝗙𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗹 𝗚𝗲𝘁𝘀𝘂𝗴𝗮 𝗧𝗲𝗻𝘀𝗵𝗼𝘂 𖤠.
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djiguito · 4 years
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Ichigo Kurosaki
Bleach Fanart
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