#final answer slams buzzer
augustslippedavvay · 2 years
fuck marry kill except i cannot change my answers. fuck steve harrington. marry steve harrington. and kill uhhhhh. steve harrington
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just-aake · 1 year
Red Room Sacrifice - Part 1
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Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x fem!reader
Summary: You grew up and trained with Natasha in the Red Room. Your close relationship with her is put to the test during your final exam.
Warnings: angst, violence/blood
Words: 2274
“I think I would like to be a superhero.”
Natasha peeks open one of her eyes at the sound of your voice, waking her up from her attempt at some rest. She squints at the bed above hers, trying to determine whether or not you were talking to her.
Seconds later, your head appears upside down over the edge of your bed to look at her when you didn’t hear a response.
She turns to look at you in confusion. “What?”
You smirk at her from your position.
“Come on, Natasha. We would be the perfect team. Traveling around the world, helping people in need.”
Your eyes brighten at a thought, continuing.
“Ooh, like that Captain America guy.”
Natasha rolls her eyes before closing them when she realize you are talking about your usual fantasies for the two of you.
“Go to sleep, Y/n. Or else, you’re going to get punished again.”
You frown at her words, but eventually, you do move back to your original position on your bed.
She’s not wrong. For some reason, Madame B, the supervisor and trainer of the Red Room program, hated you. You’re positive she would have gotten rid of you a long time ago if only you didn’t match Natasha in strength and skills.
For a few minutes, silence enveloped the room as you get lost in a thought.
“I think you would be a great superhero, Natasha.” 
Natasha’s eyes snap open again at your whispered words. She stares at your bed, waiting for you to elaborate further, but all she hears is the soft, even sounds of your breathing, indicating that you had fallen asleep. 
She huffed in disbelief. Of course, you would fall asleep after saying something so ridiculous. You were both trained to be killers.
There was nothing left in the world for either of you.
~~~~~~~ ⧗ ~~~~~~~
Your hands were restricted.
That was the first thing you realized as you slowly woke up. Your body also felt sluggish, and your head was pounding painfully, which leads to one possible conclusion. 
You’ve been drugged.
Slowly regaining your senses, you open your eyes to examine your surroundings. You were in the center of an unfamiliar room. It was mostly empty, except for some tables and chairs scattered around.
The large window on one side of the room gives you an indication of what this was.
Another test.   
Annoyed at the realization, you decide to examine yourself and find that both your hands and body were bound tightly to a chair. Your legs were not tied though, so that was an upside to the situation. 
You test the restraints. They didn’t budge at all which means you would need to find another way to escape.
Sighing, you lean your head back to contemplate your next course of actions. Your head bumps against something hard.
“Ow, so you finally woke up.”
Startled, you turn your head over your shoulder to see the familiar red hair.
Natasha was also in the same position as you, though her body seems to be more alert. Looking between the two of you, you see that your chairs have also been tied together back to back.
You craned your neck, trying to see her face.
“How long have you been awake?”
Natasha was about to answer you when the crackle of a speaker sounded inside the room, and Madame B’s voice rings out.
 “Welcome to your next test, girls. Your task for today…”
A buzzer sounds, and the doors open as dozens of soldiers march into the room, surrounding the two of you.  
“Eliminate everyone.”
The doors slam shut at her words.
Chaos erupted immediately as the soldiers lunged towards the two of you. One soldier reaches you first, knife raised in attack. 
You twist your body to dodge the incoming swing. The knife narrowly misses you and embeds itself into the back of your chair. In a fluid motion, you bring your leg up and knock him to the ground with a powerful kick.
Turning your head over your shoulder, you call out to get her attention.
Natasha kicks away another incoming soldier before glancing over her shoulder at the knife lodged on top of your chair. She quickly looks around and spots a nearby table.
Still bound together, she stands, pulling you up with her, before running towards the table, slamming the sides of your chairs against the edge. 
The impact knocks the knife out from your chair, and it slides across the table. Soon, more soldiers close in around the two of you. 
You look over at Natasha and find her looking back at you too. Understanding passes between the two of you as you both simultaneously kick at the soldiers, using the momentum to propel yourselves on top of the table. 
Another swift kick from you causes the two of you to slide across the table, allowing Natasha’s bound hand to reach and grab the knife. By the time you land on the ground on the other side, she has already freed herself from her restraints. 
Within seconds, you are also released. Standing up, you rub your wrists in relief.
Natasha tosses you the knife which you catch reflexively. 
You twirl the blade in your hand, testing the balance, before gripping the handle close to your body in a defensive position, ready for combat. 
The two of you lock eyes once more, quickly checking on each other, before jumping back into the fight. Separately, you and Natasha were already formidable opponents, but working together as a team made the both of you essentially impossible to stop. 
You and Natasha were in perfect sync, defeating soldiers left and right, barely giving them any time to react. Within minutes, all of the soldiers were defeated, lying motionless on the ground around the room. 
Strolling casually over next to Natasha, you stretch your arms above your head and smirk at her.  
“I got twelve.”
Natasha huffs in disbelief at your words. She was about to respond when a movement behind you catches her attention.
Reacting quickly, she moves you to the side before knocking the hidden soldier away. His body crashes into a table, breaking it into pieces.
Natasha turns back to you, dusting herself off before giving you a smirk of her own.
Bowing your head slightly in acknowledgment, you raised your hands, admitting your loss. You give her a fond smile as you both stare at each other.
Madame B’s voice fills the room again. 
“I said to eliminate everyone.”
Your smile drops as you realize what she means. Natasha also looks shocked at her words.
This wasn’t some ordinary test. You’ve heard the whispers of girls being chosen to fight against each other to the death.
Scoffing in disbelief, you realize that this was the final exam.
The Widow program doesn’t tolerate weakness, so either one of you kills the other, or both of you will die.
Looking around, you find another knife on the ground. Picking it up, you toss it at Natasha. She catches it easily before giving you an incredulous look.
“What are you doing?” she asks.
Determined, you twirl and toss the knife in your hand before gripping it into a defensive position again, facing her. 
“She said to fight,” you respond with a shrug.
You slowly circle around her, looking for an opening. 
Natasha shakes her head resolutely.
“I’m not going to fight–.” 
You swing at her with your knife, interrupting her as she dodges your attack. You don’t let up, pursuing after her with constant strikes.
Not surprisingly, Natasha dodges or parries each of your attacks, constantly graceful and quick on her feet, but she doesn't attack you back. 
Irritated at her actions, you force her towards a side of the room. Her back hits the wall with a thud as you press your arm against her neck. 
Natasha’s hands grip each of your wrist tightly, restricting your movements, despite being the one pressed against the wall.
Desperately, you look into her eyes and cry out in anger.
“Fight me!”
Natasha winces at your cry, looking away from your pleading eyes. Throughout the fight, she has been conflicted on what she should do.
Her instincts and training tells her to follow orders no matter what, but every time she looks at you, her heart stops her. 
The pressure on her neck increases, as you push yourself closer. She turns back to look at you. Your eyes were frantic as you begged her, trying to make her understand.
“Fight, Natasha!” 
Gritting her teeth, Natasha reluctantly kicks you away, releasing herself. You catch your balance quickly in time to block her next incoming attacks. 
Her actions were precise and powerful, pressuring you to be on the defensive. She swings her knife towards you. 
Using your own knife, you block her attack. The blades slide against each other as you dodge to the side, redirecting her momentum.
Natasha barely stumbles from your action, instead she twists her body around to deliver a hard kick to your side, knocking you to the ground.
Coughing, you push yourself up, trying to catch your breath. Blood drips from your mouth, and you know you can’t last much longer. 
Standing up, you see Natasha watching you with pain and concern in her eyes. You give her a reassuring smirk, getting back into position. Your hand taunts her to come at you.
Grimacing, Natasha lunges forward again with a powerful thrust. Like before, you block her attack with your own knife.
In the next second, your eyes lock with hers, and you give her a small, sad smile. You subtly redirect her attack again. This time making it appear as if she evaded your block. 
Natasha's eyes widened in shock and realization. Time slowed as the blade pierced your stomach. The sound of metal clanging against the floor echoed in the room as you dropped your own knife. 
Natasha steps away in panic. Eyes frozen, she stares at her hand that held the weapon now impaled in you. All she can focus on is the blood covering her hand.
Your blood.
Holding your wound, you slowly take a couple steps forward towards her until your head slumps against her shoulder. Instinctively, Natasha supports you against her body, wrapping her arms around you. 
You raise your hand to press against her chest as your voice comes out in a whisper next to her ear. 
“Survive, Natasha,” you take a stuttered breath through the pain, already feeling your body weakening from the loss of blood. “You have a good heart. Don’t let them take that away.”
A single clap echoes from behind Natasha, followed by multiple footsteps, and then she feels herself being pulled away from you. Without her support, your body slumps to the ground, too weak to move anymore.  
“Well done, Natasha. You will be a wonderful Widow,” Madame B praises her, eyes gleaming with pride at her best student.
Natasha doesn’t register her words. Her eyes only focus on your still body on the floor. 
Noticing her distracted gaze, Madame B. glances disdainfully at you, motionless on the ground. She snaps at two guards.
“Dispose of her. She’s useless now.” 
At her command, they move to take you away. As their hands grab your arms to carry you, Natasha snaps out of her state of shock as she tries to reach for you. 
“Wait, no, don’t touch her—“ Natasha cries out in pain when she is tased by one of the guards holding her back. 
Ignoring her cries, Madame B. walks out of the room.
“Come Natasha, we must prepare for your graduation ceremony.” 
The guards holding her follow right after, practically dragging Natasha as she thrashes around in their hold. She turns her head to look back at you in the room.
Your body is being carried by a guard towards the opposite direction. Her heart clenches when she sees your closed eyes and arm hanging limp beside you. She hangs her head in despair.
You were a fool. She will only ever be a killer. Only now, there was truly nothing left in the world for her.
~~~~~~~ ⧗ ~~~~~~~
“You are positive?”
The soldier nods at Dreykov, who was currently standing in front of the examination window, watching as doctors and scientists work to save his daughter’s life. 
“Yes, sir. The attack was by Natasha Romanoff. She disappeared from our radar a week ago but then suddenly reappeared right before the explosion. It seems she has somehow broken her indoctrination and defected, working together with SHIELD.”
Dreykov clicked his tongue in disappointment at news of losing one of his best Widows. He goes to his desk and pulls up Natasha’s file. Skimming her information, an event during her training days catches his attention. 
“What’s the status of this girl?” 
His assistant looks at who he was referring to before pulling up your information from the Experiment and Research department.
“Y/n L/n. Combat, weapons, and tactical skills were almost at the same level as Romanoff. Eliminated from the Widow program by a fatal injury from Romanoff, which led to the discovery of super enhanced healing not seen in the other Widows. She was transferred to the research team for further study on her ability.” 
The assistant shows a video of you currently locked in a cell, punching angrily at the wall. 
“Notes from the team indicate that her skills and abilities are still giving them difficulty when handling the subject. Despite multiple methods, her defiant and rebellious behavior makes it impossible for them to control her.” 
Dreykov examines your image on his screen curiously before looking over at the room with his daughter, an idea forming in his mind.
“Transfer her back to the Widow program…,” Dreykov commanded. On another screen, he pulls up Melina Vostokoff’s newly developed research on brainwashing mechanisms. 
“...And add her as the second test subject to our new form of indoctrination.”
~~~~~~~ ⧗ ~~~~~~~
Part 2 | Part 3
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ddejavvu · 1 year
Mei that fratboy!Hotch fic was so good I’m growling 😭 He deserves it I cant even lie to you. If you want to, could you maybe write a part two? Where he grovels a little more and even when he tries to make a move on the Reader, she’s still a little apprehensive?
And you just know Garcias probably already found out what went down between those two in exactly 2 minutes and she just gives Hotch the 😑 every time he walks past her
part 1 // i'm so glad you liked it!! it was definitely a step away from what i usually do hehe // parts of this scene were definitely inspired by the comments on part one! thank you for sharing your ideas with me, i loved writing them <3
When Morgan finally gets to his hotel room that night, dialing Garcia is the first thing he does. He takes off his gun while the phone is ringing, and she answers from her bed instead of her desk chair.
He's filled with fondness at the fact that she's already groggy, probably watching ASMR videos before bed to rid her thoughts of the case they've been working on.
"Hey, babygirl," He greets her, "I need your detective skills."
"But you said you were done for the night," She whines, shifting beneath her blankets, "Derek, when a lady is told she can get in bed, she's going to get in bed. Especially when you tell a lady to get in bed."
He scoffs, "Hey. Keep it PG, PG."
"Whatever," She huffs, "A girl can dream. And a girl was about to dream, until you not-so-kindly called me up and asked me for more help. What is it this time?"
"It's something with Hotch," Derek hums, his belt buckle jingling as he unhooks it with his phone pinned between his shoulder and his cheek, "Remember that cafe you gave us the address to earlier? Where that woman Y/N Y/L/N was working?"
"Yeah," She hums, and Derek signs through his nose.
"Well apparently she and Hotch used to go out."
Derek has a split second to yank the phone away from his ear before Penelope shrieks into it. He barely beats the buzzer, and he can hear her excited squeals all the way from where he'd thrown his phone down onto the bed.
"Alright, alright," He speaks into the receiver, keeping the earpiece away from his head, "Quiet, sweetheart. If you screech that loud Hotch'll hear you."
"That's so exciting," Penelope gushes as Derek slips his jeans down his legs. He steps out of them, leaving them messily on the floor. He'll step right into them tomorrow morning, he doesn't feel the need to clean up. "Did they set up a date or something? Or- or flirt? Or kiss, did they kiss?!"
"Slow down, mama," Derek chuckles, leaning away from the phone just enough to slide his shirt over his head, "No, they were real awkward about it. When we left I asked Hotch and that's when I found out they'd dated."
"He should go in for breakfast tomorrow," Penelope gushes, "That would be perfect!"
"That's what I said," Derek lets his shirt fall to the floor, "But you're not listening to me, baby. Just stop talking for a sec."
"That is not my forte," Penelope warns, "Get to the point, Derek."
"He got really weird about it when I asked him. He was his usual grumpy grouchy self at first, but I guess I asked one too many questions or something, and he snapped. Stopped dead in his tracks, told me to stop talking, slammed the car door, everything. And I thought he was gonna break the steering wheel off on the ride back to the precinct, I swear."
Penelope mulls his words over, and he continues after taking a short breath, "There's something more that he's not telling me, Garcia, and I need you to find out what it is."
"Okay," She breathes, just as eager as Morgan, "Okay, uh- what kinds of questions were you asking?"
"Well, I asked how he knew her, then he said they were dating." Morgan recalls, "Then I told him to go get breakfast down there, and he said things ended 'poorly', whatever that means. And then I said I bet he could still get a date with her if he tried, and that's when he went all stone cold."
"Wait," Derek can picture the sleepy furrow in Penelope's brows, "You said you bet he could get a date with her, and he snapped at you?"
"Yeah, he said some shit like 'don't say that', real cryptic." Derek remembers with a grimace, "What're you thinking?"
There's a tense moment of silence, then Derek is humbled while standing near-naked in a hotel room.
"I'm thinking that you're lucky you can kick down doors," Penelope sighs, "And that you're handsome. Because otherwise I don't think they'd let you work for the government."
Derek's face scrunches in confusion, and he looks at his phone like it's the one insulting him, "What? What the hell's that supposed to mean?"
"It means you should get dressed," Penelope sighs, "Get some sleep, and let me take care of everything."
Derek scoffs incredulously, equal parts fond and exasperated, "Alright, pretty girl. I'll get some sleep. But- hey, what do you mean get dressed? Do you- how did you know I'm not dressed?"
Derek rarely feels the fear of god working for the BAU, but now he feels the fear of Penelope Garcia, "Can you see me?"
She delights in his terror, "No! Well, not now, but you're definitely less careful changing on face time than you should be. I just heard your belt, dummy, and I figured you were getting undressed for the night."
"Penelope," Derek signs shakily, "You are one scary woman."
"Why thank you," Derek can hear the cheesy grin in her voice, and he tugs on pajama pants while she speaks, "I'm going to need to be, to straighten things out with Hotch and Y/N."
"Oh yeah? Gonna show him who's boss, babygirl?"
"I'm gonna give him this really withering stare," She promises emphatically, probably practicing the expression as they speak, "My withering stare is lethal, you should be glad you've never been on the receiving end of it, hunk."
"Sounds terrifying," Derek chuckles, finally fully clothed now, "Alright, thanks Garcia. I mean it, I knew you could figure this out."
"Derek, honey," She croons, "A pigeon could have figured this out."
"Rude." Derek's eyes narrow, "Goodnight, meanie."
"Goodnight, birdbrain," She croons, "I'll keep you updated!"
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kittykat-25 · 4 months
One Of The Guys Part 3
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Pairings: Hongjoong x f! Reader, Chan x f! Reader
Genre: idol au, friends to lovers, angst,
Summary: You tried really hard not to be a cliché, falling love with your best friend. How unoriginal. But when your best friend is Kim Hongjoong what are you supposed to do?
Warnings: mentions of anxiety, Feminine pet names(doll, bubs(?), cupcake)
Now playing: One Of The Guys- Jessia
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As you leave work, stepping onto the bus you scroll through your contacts until you find Joong; hitting the call button you wait. It goes to voicemail, and honestly with a comeback you expected as much. You left a quick message reminding him to eat and take breaks. You scroll down finding Wooyoungs name, you pressed dial and waiting. Woo picked up after the first ring “hey what are you wearing tonight? Do you know?” He says as soon as it connects. “Hi Woo, yeah I had a great day at work! How are you?” You said dryly. “It’s not the outfit on your bed is it?” You heard Mingi yell from the other end. “Yeah it is-wait why are you in my house?!” You whisper yell into the phone. You were already getting looks due to the boys loud yelling. “Hurry home.” Wooyoung sings into the phone. “Jung Woo-“ the call ends as he hangs up and you sit the whole way home contemplating which one to kill first.
You unlock the door to your apartment and find Mingi, Wooyoung and Yunho sprawled out on your couches. You slam the door shut, “don’t mind me, please stay and relax.” Yunho flinched, “I only drove them. I didn’t know we’d be breaking into your place. I’m sorry Tiny.” You gave him an apologetic look and turned towards Mingi and Wooyoung. The latter hiding behind his taller friend. “It’s not really breaking in when Woo has a key.” Mingi said happily. Wooyoung punches him in the arm, you glare at the two of them. “You made a key to my apartment?!” You said throwing a pillow. “For emergencies!!” Woo said dodging them. “Where’s the emergency?!” You said picking up another pillow to launch.
Yunho grabs the pillow from you and hugs you from behind. Effectively pinning your arms to your side. “Your date tonight is apparently the emergency.” He says quietly. Wooyoung walks out from behind Mingi and throws his arm around you. Leading you to your bedroom. “Bubs you are not wearing this on your date.” He says motioning to the outfit you had laid out. “Why not? We’re going to get dinner? It’s nothing fancy?” You said while taking touching up your makeup. “Designer sweatpants are still sweats my dear, no matter how fitted.” He says digging through your closet.
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You sat on the bed a vetoed every item of clothing Woo grabbed until Mingi who was sitting on the floor jumped up, catching everyone’s attention, “why have we never seen you in this?!?” He yells holding up a black leather mini skirt you bought years ago. “Oh I forgot I had that. Cool. Put it back.” You said waving your hand. “I’m not wearing it Mings. It’s too cold.” You and Wooyoung finally agreed on a fun pair of jeans and fitted sweater. Casual but nice. You touched up your makeup and hair while the boys cleaned up the mess they made in your closet. “Have any of you heard from Joong today?” You called out. Yunho leaned against the door frame, “Eden Hyung says he hasn’t left the studio since lunch. But he made he ate something.” You nodded, “don’t worry about captain while on your date.” Mingi called from your bedroom.
You walked out into the living area to grab your shoes when the buzzer for the apartment went off, “miss Y/Ln someone is here for you?” The doorman called. “Thank you, send him up.” You said. You turned towards the men, “do not say a word other than hello. And be honest by the time I get back.” Wooyoung snorted, “we can be civil.” “I’ve never seen it.” you retort as you adjust your jewelry one last time. A knock sounds at the door and Wooyoung all but shoves you down to answer it.
Wooyoung opened the door as Mingi helps you stand. “Hello Chan Hyung!” Wooyoung says as Chan takes in who answered the door “Wooyoung good to see you!” You shove Wooyoung away from the door and smile at Chan. “Hey! Sorry about my guard dog.” You said with a laugh, glaring at Wooyoung. Mingi drapes his arm around Wooyoung and waves goodbye, “have fun Cupcake! Call us when you get home.” You lock eyes with Yunho as Wooyoung shoves you out the door,”YuYu make sure they are out of my apartment and none of my snack are eaten!” You called as the door shuts. You laugh leading Chan to the stairs, “I’m so sorry, they were there when I got home.” He smiled at you, holding open the door, “I would expect nothing less from Wooyoung.” You smiled up at him, “you ready?” He asked as he took your hand and lead you into the busy Seoul nightlife.
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Walking down the sidewalk after dinner, you hand comfortably in Chan’s you think of the last time you were this content. “What’s going on in that pretty head of yours?” He ask, making your cheeks heat up. You dip your head trying to hide it, “nothing, just thinking about how fun this has been.” Chan smiled and it lit up his entire face, his dimples appearing, making you smile more. “Well what do you think about an arcade? Or we can keep walking?” He asked as he gently guided you through the crowds of people. “We can do the arcade as long as you don’t think less of me for my over competitiveness.” You said with a cheeky grin. His eyes lit up at the challenge.
You entered the arcade and bought tokens for the games; as you walked towards the tables Chan spoke up from behind you, “ So what should I beat you at first?” You set your bag on the table and turned, coming face to face with his chest. You looked up, hoping he couldn’t see the flush of your face. Judging by the smirk he wore he definitely saw how the close proximity affected you. You smirked back, “let’s see how good the infamous Bang Chan is at pool? Shall we?” He grabbed your bag and lead you over to the table.
Lining up the shot, you tried to calm your racing heart down. You were good at pool, this was no big deal. And yet this man had your hands shaking so bad you couldn’t hold the cue straight. Chan squeaked down to the side of the table, right at your side. You felt his breath on your ear when you leaned down to make the shot. “Nervous y/n?” You glanced at him before focusing back on the shot, “not at all!” You said, your voice higher pitched than normal. He turned towards you fully, his lips brushing the shell of your ear, “then why are you shaking baby?” You shot and completely missed the ball. You heard Chan laughing, turning around he was still crouched beside the table holding on for support.
You shook your head, laughing “I’m calling unsportsmanlike conduct on that.” He looked up at you and smiled, dimples drawing you in. “Your shot.” You said as you turned around to grab a drink. You heard the ball connect and fall into a pocket. You twisted the lid back onto the bottle as a hand came down to your waist. “I’ll play fair, it’s just cute how nervous you are.” He said with a smile. Resting his chin on your shoulder. You scan his face, a smile tugging at the corners of your mouth, “you’re lucky your cute Bang.” As you nudge his head off your shoulder.
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You continue going around the arcade, playing different games and winning prizes. You stayed until your legs were sore and arms tired from all the games. You looked down at your watch noticing it was almost 12am. “Have we been out for six hours already!” You asked as you left the arcade. Chan walked to your side, an arm around you while you carry the giant dog plushie he won. “The kids are going to harass me when I get home.” He said with a groan. You hadn’t even checked your phone since you left your apartment. “There’s no telling how many text Mingi and Wooyoung have sent by now.” You said cringing at the thought of reading through them all.
He looks at you then faces ahead again, “did you know Wooyoung before the others?” You shook your head, “I met Hongjoong first, predebut at a fashion outlet. We became friends and then I was introduced to the others.” Chan smiled, “you’ve seen them grow into the world wide Ateez.” You smiled, pride bursting through at the boys. “They work so hard, I know you understand that. But it’s been wild watching them grow.” You stop to adjust the dog and Chan takes the chance to pull you closer to him, once you’re nestled safely in his side you keep walking.
“Tell me about your children as you so fondly call them. I know Bin and have heard stories but not from the leader prospective.” You said nudging him slightly. You can see the love fill his eyes as he talks about each member, how they’ve grown and the crazy stories about them. As you get closer to your apartment you realize how you don’t want it to end.
He walks you to your door, hand still in his. “Did I hurt your pride enough to ruin my chance at a second date?” He ask shyly. “I think I can get over it.” You laugh, squeezing his hand gently. You set the dog down and turn, unlocking your door, “I had a lot of fun tonight Chan.” He smiles at you widely, “I did too Y/n.” He takes a step closer to you, and you feel your heartbeat start to race. He leans in, your face flushed and your heartbeat is in your ears, “call me tomorrow.” He whispers into your ear before taking a step back and winking at you.
You shut the door behind you and lean against it, trying to calm your racing heart. “Well we’ll look who’s home.” You start to scream before you notice the 4 men sitting around your living room. Wooyoung with a massive grin on his face. “What’s got you so worked up sweetheart?” He asked as you throw your keys in the bowl beside the door and slip out of your shoes. “Be gone by the time I’m out of the shower.” You call as you walk by the men and shut your bedroom door behind you. You hear them laughing as they exit your apartment. You were never going to live this down.
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Taglist🥰 if you want to be included in the taglist message me!
@vampzity @sanslovesblog @sundaybossanova @skzline @edenesth @owmoiralover @scarfac3 @blackb3ll @ateezswonderland @amuromio
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latelyanobsession · 2 years
Phantom Driver
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summary the hawkins high tigers have lost the ‘85 basketball championship game and billy is not the most gracious of losers. all talk at an after game party, he may have pissed off the wrong people. suspicions run high when he finds your car run off the road two nights later…
warnings angst, billy shooting his mouth off..., use of a derogatory term, mah good man steve, billy being an unhinged gremlin, abduction, violence, fight scene, the tiniest bit of fluff
word count 2,773
note this is in fulfillment of a reader’s request. but i also heavily leaned into a college story that my mother once told me, because the more i kept reading over the request the more it made me think of some of the elements in her college story.... i had too much fun with this. the prompt - “Hi friend!!  Could I request something where the reader is supposed to meet up with Billy Hargrove (they're in a relationship) but she doesn't ever show up so he asks to use the diner phone (or wherever would have a phone, up to you) and calls her house to see what happened but her parent (preferably the dad) says she left a while ago. So he gets back in his car and drives the route she would've had to take to get there and he finds her car crashed and totaled on the side of the road.  Up to you how it goes from there.  Sorry it's kind of long but ty!!”
As always any feedback is much appreciated. Thanks for reading!
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He knocked back another drink, the music thrumming in the background as the teens around him partied.
Lighting up a cigarette, he impatiently snapped the lighter shut.
“Hey man...” a broad shouldered boy said, walking up and offering his hand.
“That was a good game.”
Billy didn’t take it. Instead taking a long pull from his cig and slowly exhaling out smoke in the boy’s face.
“You too...” Billy said with false civility, a tight-lipped smile on his face.
Tonight had been the ‘85 Championship game. It was make or break. The Tigers had been so damn close...
In the last two minutes of the final quarter, the Tigers were up by 15. Only to have Eric, Tiger number 30, deliver a set of free throws on a silver platter to the Arcana Bobcats. 
There went 4 points.
It was all downhill from there. Billy screaming at his teammate, ready to smack him upside the head.
Another foul to the Tigers for traveling. A missed three-pointer, stolen.
A slam dunk, two more steals, and a buzzer beater later.... The Indiana 3A Athletics Conference had a new champ. 
And it wasn’t the Tigers.
It had been at least a couple hours since the blow had been dealt and he was still seething.
Hanging back along the edges of the interschool mixer being held at some yuppy’s house in the town to celebrate, Billy was licking his wounds.
“Hey bro...” the kid coughed, waving through the smoke, “the fuck is your damage?”
Billy smiled darkly, his tongue darting out to play.
A hand clamped down sharply on his shoulder, reigning him in.
“Hey. He means nothin’ by it.” Steve Harrington answered, stepping up to defuse the situation.
“Get yer paws offa me Harrington”, Billy said dangerously, trying to shrug out of his teammate’s hold.
Rounding on him, Steve looked him dead on. “Don’t go starting trouble....”
Billy huffed out an amused laugh.
“Why? They’re jus’ a bunch of stupid townies!” he said rather loud and boldly.
People’s heads were turning in their direction. The captain of Arcana’s team cocked his head threateningly in their direction.
“What’d you just say, worm?!” he smashed his beer bottle to the concrete.
Billy’s eyes were lighting up in wicked delight, Steve jumping in between as more of the Tigers came out of the woodwork to intervene.
The Arcana boys were rolling up their sleeves.
“I think you’ve just outstayed your welcome.” the captain stated menacingly.
Billy held his ground as Steve and another teammate tugged at him futilely.
“Billy...” Steve pled, his voice dropping just above a whisper, “you think Y/N is gonna be happy to get wind of this?”
Billy’s expression softened for a fraction of a second, locking eyes with Steve. Narrowing, before fixing back on the rival team.
He shrugged nonchalantly. 
“Whatever. I’ve seen enough of this shit-hole town ta last me...” he took one last puff, flicking his cigarette. Hitting the Arcana captain square in the chest with it.
The Bobcats scrambling to hold their leader back as Billy smugly shoved his hands in his pockets, walking off with the Tigers.
“This isn’t over punk!” he yelled, Billy waving him off.
“Come out with me tonight...” Billy breathed, pulling you flush to his chest. Prying you away from your locker.
“I can’t”, you giggled, burying an elbow in his ribs, “...it’s a school night.”
“You missed my game...” he added pointedly, sending heavy lidded puppy-eyes in your direction.
Turning in his hold, you sighed. “Billy that is not fair...” you had been away at your own debate tournament a couple nights ago.
If you hadn’t, you would have been there, like always. In the front row.
He leaned in closer. “C’mon, we can head up Route 26 to that little spot you like...” his lips ghosting over your neck up to your ear.
“And then maybe that spot I like....?” he growled, fingers dancing up your hips.
Heat was settling into your face. You swatted him playfully.
“Alright fine.” you rolled your eyes, “just lemme clear it with the ‘rents.”
A triumphant smile swelled his features, bolstering his ego.
He quickly ducked in to steal a kiss before the bell rang.
“I’ll call you when I get home!” you called after him.
He winked, pursing his lips in a mock kiss, walking into his next class.
You shook your head, heading in your own direction.
You were excited, and would tell your parents anything to get out of the house tonight if you had to.
Your spot all started with a small diner 25 miles east of town, that Billy had dragged you to on a long drive one Sunday afternoon.
The place looked horrendous. Like something you’d immediately catch an illness from just by entering the premises. 
An absolute dive. But the food was amazing.
On your way back into town that night you had convinced Billy to take a sharp right down a blind utility road to go see the stars, paired with a bit of stargazing in the backseat...
To both your surprise, you had found an untouched freshwater creek framed with trees and a breathtaking view of the night sky.
This. This was your spot.
“I’ll meet you there...” you smiled over the phone.
“Ya just want me to pick up yer usual?” he asked.
“Mhmm,” you nodded, “Oh. And Billy?”
“You won’t be needing your trunks...” you flirted. 
A low moan rumbled through the line.
“Yer killin’ me baby.” he rasped.
You giggled. “I’m heading out. See ya soon.”
You both said your goodbyes and hung up.
Packing up your bag you grabbed a set of towels from the hall linen closet, heading into your bedroom.
Habitually you threw open your top dresser drawer to grab your swimsuit. But reminded yourself.
I won’t be needing it tonight.
You shut the drawer, grabbing a few more items before heading downstairs.
“Mom, Dad! I’m headin’ out!” you shouted over your shoulder, opening the front door, keys in hand.
“Home by 9!” your father called.
“2!” you yelled playfully.
“Midnight!” he stuck his head around the kitchen wall. He pointed two fingers to his eyes and back at you.
“No later kiddo.”
You smiled. “Right!” Shutting the door and heading to your car.
Flicking his wrist, Billy looked at his watch. It had been nearly an hour and a half.
Waiting in the diner parking lot, he burned his way through a couple cigarettes as he waited on you to show.
His brow furrowed as he plucked the Marlboro from his lips, exhaling.
You should have been here by now.
Tossing down his smoke, he ground it out heading back inside.
Leaning over the counter he smiled sweetly at the older waitress.
“Hey Donna...” he drawled, “Ya gotta phone I can use?”
“Payphone’s round back sweetie” she spoke in a gravelly tone, a thumb over her shoulder.
“Thanks.” he tapped the counter.
Picking up the handset, he slipped some change into the machine and dialed your home phone.
It rang a couple of times before it was picked up, “Y/L/N residence.” your father answered.
“Hey Mr. Y/L/N, it’s Billy... is Y/N still there?” he inquired.
“Hello Billy my boy! How’s it goin’?” the warmth in your father’s tone apparent.
“-’M fine. She there?”
“No. No... she left to go to that restaurant you guys like a fair bit ago...” he sniffed, scratching his mustache in thought.
“Is anything wrong Billy?” your father pressed.
A pause. 
“No. I don’t think so... she’s probably just stopped to pick up a movie or somethin’...” Billy reasoned.
“Alright Billy... you let me know if anything’s goin’ on. You kids keep outta trouble now. Have a good’un.” Your father hung up.
He hung up the receiver, his nerves clawing at his insides.
Where were you?
Maybe you had headed out to the creek ahead of him?
Sliding into the driver’s seat, he started the engine, turning up the headlights.
Anxiety was buzzing through him, his fingertips tingling.
You had to be at the creek.
Pulling onto the highway he headed back in that direction.
About five miles down the road he hit the brakes. Putting the camaro into reverse.
A deep black set of skidmarks were burned into the blacktop, veering to the right off the road and into a thicket of woods.
A heavy chill ran up the length of his spine as he stopped the car and quieted the engine.
There was debris strewn all over the road. Shards of orange plastic from a busted out tail light. Fractured pieces of a bumper. Autoglass glittering in the dark.
His eyes followed the scene with trepidation.
Looking to deep gauges in the dirt picking up where the road met the shoulder.
There was a light down in the brush, a loud spitting noise rising up from below.
He rushed towards it. Panic whipping his thoughts into a frenzy.
It was your car. 
The steel blue ‘80 Chevy Chevette crashed against a large oak.
The radiator hissing angrily, steam pouring out in front of the headlights.
The windshield was smashed, and the airbags had deployed. Blood smeared across the fabric on the steering wheel. 
You were bleeding.
Billy cried out your name wildly. The distress heavy in his voice, as he searched the wreckage.
The driver’s door had been pried open. The seat belt dangling loose out the door. There were heavy drag marks in the grass.
One of your shoes sat alone, a few feet from the crash. Your favorite zip-up hoodie torn and thrown by the wayside.
“Y/N?!” he called out, his chest felt heavy and fit to burst.
Where were you?
Picking up your things and grabbing your bag out of the trunk, Billy hurried back to the camaro.
His eyes darting across the empty road in a panic.
Then it clicked.
“This isn’t over punk!”... the words burst through his head like a white hot streak of lightning.
It was the only thing that made sense.
In this collection of small towns where everybody knew everything about everyone... 
Why else would there be any other explanation for you to be run off the road and dragged from your car?
He licked his lips nervously, hands white-knuckling the wheel.
He turned the key, the engine roaring to life. Foot flat to the accelerator as he whipped the camaro around heading north to Arcana High.
A pair of large hands gruffly shoved you into a chair.
You tried to rise up only to be pinned down. Another body binding your wrists behind you. Taping your legs to the chair.
A tall boy with cold blue eyes moved in front of you.
“Wasn’t riding in a trunk enough for ya to get tha picture?” he snarled, directing two other boys to make sure you were fastened down tight.
You spat on him, chest heaving in anger.
Looking at his shirt where it landed, he raised an eyebrow, smiling darkly.
“I see why he likes you...” he grabbed your face cruelly.
“Now listen up and listen good, buttercup.” his grip tightening, making your jaw ache.
“Prince Charming is gonna come runnin’ for ya...” he wrenched your face close, “and when he does... We’ve got a lil’ surprise for him.”
“But until then...” he waved his friends in closer, “lets hear what kind of pretty noises that mouth can make.”
Without warning he sunk his fist into your stomach.
A large guttural cry falling from your lips.
“Whoo!” he proclaimed in wild excitement.
“Might just have to steal you away after this...” he taunted.
He brought down another blow, causing you to scream. Tears rolling down your cheeks, as his friends watched in glee.
Flying into the rival school parking lot, the camaro came to a screeching halt.
There was only one other car there.
The lights were on in the gym.
Rushing from the car, Billy ran towards it. Not considering how much danger he himself might be in.
He was scared. Angry. Furious. And terrified.
That something horrible had happened to you all because of him. What if this time he couldn’t fix it?
He didn’t want to think about that.
He picked up his pace, tearing open the doors and dashing inside.
He stopped short, his breath catching in his throat.
There you were in the center of the court. Bound up with duct tape, blood staining your clothes. Your body slumped over. You were passed out.
Billy yelled your name, about to run to you when his steps faltered.
Hands wrapped around his arms, throwing him to the ground, knocking the wind from his lungs.
Blue eyes grabbed Billy by the shirt and shoving him against the folded bleachers.
“Hello worm.” 
Billy struggled against his hold, his feet scraping to touch the floor.
“What did you do to her?!” Billy roared, thrashing about.
“Nothin’.... “ the captain of the Bobcats tutted, “compared with what I’m about to do to you.”
He cold-cocked Billy straight to the face, dropping his grip to wind back for another.
Finding his feet, Billy wrapped himself around the boy’s torso and shoved with all his might, knocking him off balance.
Throwing a quick set of jabs, Billy sent him reeling on his heels, as the boy shook his head, bringing up his fists to correct.
The boy swung, hitting Billy square in the chest. As Billy heaved, gritting his teeth he wound his fists tight in the boy’s shirt. 
Tilting his head back, Billy rammed forward. Headbutting him. Sending his opponent to the floor.
“That bastard’s crazy!” one of his lackeys shouted.
Billy let out a feral cry, the anger and excitement coming to a deadly head.
Winding his grip around the boy’s shoulders he lifted him only to slam him back to the floor. The captain’s blue eyes shooting wide in surprise, blooding sputtering from his mouth.
Tilting him up by the collar, Billy dropped his shoulder back. His fist clenched in a final coup de grace, when a soft sound broke his concentration.
“Billy don’t.” 
His grip wavered. The Bobcats captain sliding to the floor with a heavy thud.
Looking up he saw your tear-stained face watching him. Your whole frame shaking, straining against your bonds.
“Billy please....” you pleaded, “it’s not worth it.”
He ran to you. 
“Hey! Hey!.... Ya okay?! Baby talk ta me?!” he begged, cupping your face in his hands.
Your face was bloodied. 
You had a long gash above your right eyebrow from the car wreck, a bloodied nose, and a fat lip. Deep bruises were blooming across your cheek and jawline.
And those were just the things he could see. The rage was boiling up again.
“I’m okay.” you smiled weakly.
“He’s dead!” Billy declared turning on his heels at your protests only to hear a pair of clicks.
“Hey man...” one of the friends was nervously approaching their captain, “this ain’t worth that kinda trouble.”
The captain raised the revolver level with Billy’s chest, pulling back the hammer.
Another click.
He threw up a hand, warding them off.
“No! No!... This worm needs to learn some respect!” he spat, fingering the trigger.
Billy stood stalk still. His eyes darting from the gun to you.
How could he have ever let something like this happen to you?
“Davis. C’mon man. Put that thing away. Let’s just go home....” the second friend implored.
The Bobcats captain. Davis. Looked to his friends. Then he looked to you and Billy.
The gun went off.
The shot echoing deafeningly in the empty gym.
Billy jolted at the sound thinking for sure that he’d been hit.
You screamed, watching him fold to the floor thinking the worst possible thing had happened.
Davis looked horrified. His arm going limp, as his friends rushed him.
“We have to get outta here!” they insisted, “Davis! We gotta go!”
He continued to stand there for a moment watching it unfold, before tucking the gun in his pants. Running out the door with his friends.
You were sobbing uncontrollably, fighting feverishly against your bindings, finally pulling a hand free.
Ripping loose, you collapsed next to Billy.
“You dumb idiot!” you wept.
He rolled over, blinking at you with wide eyes.
“Baby I’m fine.” he pulled up his shirt, “Nothin...”
Davis had fired blanks at you.
“You dumb. Idiot!” you raged, wrapping your arms around him.
He laughed, pulling you into his lap.
“Does that mean you love me?” he wondered, tucking a hair behind your ear.
Big crocodile tears were rolling down your cheeks.
“Yes” you sniffled, “Don’t push it!”
He pulled you in for a soft kiss.
“I won’t.” he smiled.
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woneuntonzz · 3 months
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torn and folded .ᐟ (1/2)
📞 ; “respectfully, you're disgusting.”
𖹭 : bully!seunghan x bl reader, amab!reader
💭 you loved your free time in manga reading websites, not him though, he thinks you need your senses sorted out for you, and so he would...
⤷ contains: mlm pairing (this is pure fiction and is in no way
made to assume the idol's sexuality!!), angst, bullying,
homophobia towards mc (i myself have struggled with), fluff,
humor (kys/kms jokes), mention of other idol names for world
⤷ wc: 11.2k!! (not proofread :p)
-ˋˏ under the cut .ᐟ ✄┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈
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Attraction has always been a tough concept that fiddled with your mind, and for years you found it hard to figure out where you lie in this aspect. For a while you thought you were just like every other guy, too afraid to fall for a girl. 
You would meet your best friend’s sister quite often whenever you visited their home. You’ve always thought she was so pretty, with such an innocent face and a sweet and wee voice. She was almost this perfect character, fair and bright, nearly unreal. She had such nice hair that fell like waterfalls, long and wispy lashes, plush, pink lips and eyes that took the shape of an almond. No wonder why she was the talk of the neighborhood —and she was just as beautiful on the inside as you saw her in her countenance. 
“You can have my umbrella, don’t worry about it —go home! and if your dad yells at you again, tell me. I’ll give you something special tomorrow.” —the sweetest girl, isn’t she? 
“Thank you, Chaeyoung.” 
She lent you her Hello Kitty umbrella, the cat imprinted all over the canopy, and her little bow on the handle. That day you were spared from your ill-tempered father, and Chaeyoung would never see that umbrella again.
The next day, you came back to their house, ecstatic to finally watch another episode of Slam Dunk on their tv.
“Hi Y/n!” —oh right, you were there to see Chaeyoung too. “Can you come to the kitchen real quick?” 
From a distance you could smell sugar cookies, freshly baked, hot out of the oven. The scent only led you to briskly nodding to her question, following closely behind her as you scuttled to the kitchen together.
“These are for you.” you were sure the cookies were just as sweet as her smile as she extended the plate of sugars towards you. 
“Oh, thank you.” for a while, you hesitated on fully carrying the weight of the plate, but looking at her beaming face assured you, and soon you were stuffing your face with the cookies. 
“Let’s play a little game!” you were a bit startled at her exclamation, mouth still bearing chunks of sugar.
You had to take a painful swallow to ask, “Right now?”
“Should we go outside—”
“No, no!” her giggles made you shiver, it was so innocent, yet so… eery. “Just here.”
“What game are we playing?” you asked again through your soft chews. 
“Let’s guess each other’s crushes.”
Your pupils would move to the side as you got to thinking, a crush, do I have one of those? —the thought of it had never even crossed your mind. Maybe because it was unclear to you what a crush is meant for, or what it takes for you to crush on someone. Chaeyoung? —everyone else seemed to have a crush on her, but you're no train-hopper. 
“Guess mine first.” she urges, and you scurry around in your head for answers, Jaeyun? Wooyoung?
“Is it… Wooyoung?” —and to that she emits a sound of a buzzer, like the ones you’d hear in a game show after an incorrect answer.
“Oh, Jisung?”
You laughed at the exaggerated pout that played on her lips, and she’d only frown at you. For a minute you were worried that she was getting annoyed —good for you for being worried, because you’d find out she’s been restless all morning, itching to tell you, “I have a crush on you, dummy.”
Suddenly you were inhaling thick air, your breathing pattern shifted tremendously as your eyes looked for something to rest on. In that thirty seconds of silence, you wished it was that easy to just sink into the ground beneath where you stood. Her? crushing on you? seemed like a dream, and it truly is for the boys that admired her, unfortunately for her, you aren’t a part of that population. 
“Me?” you pointed at yourself as you questioned what you had just heard. “Are you sure? Are you joking?”
She was quiet for about seven seconds —and you were able to count for the sole reason of being anxious. The sole of her right foot was pressed firmly against the ground, and within those seven seconds she moved it around, drawing small ovals on the ground. “I’m sure.”
You wished you were as sure as she was, whilst she eyed the lines on your shirt, you were thinking about your feelings, what you felt about her. While you’ve always been in awe of how graceful she was at any given scenario, it’s all been just a thought and nothing more, nothing special, nothing for you to act on. 
“How about you?”
You swore you the ticking of their wall clock got louder, and louder, and louder. But eventually, you’d tell her the truth. 
She told you it was okay, but you saw the shift in her eyes, the pair that was once innocent and inviting now terrified you like the wretched pit in your darkest nightmares. How was that even possible? —you’d ask yourself, trying to open your mind to the possibilities. What are the chances that you’d become the person she hates the most?
“One hundred percent.” —now in highschool, you’d bury yourself in that horrid pit everyday, you had no choice, no means of escaping. 
“You’re sure that’s the answer?” you hiss at the pain inflicted by her hands that dug into your hair, pulling each strand, her vigor intensifying by the second. “If this turns out to be wrong…” fate is truly, “I will out you to your dad myself.” cruel. 
That day you told her that you did not reciprocate her admiration is the day you’d see her for who she truly was. Wolf in sheep’s clothing, a phrase you’d often hear even as a child. You just never thought you’d encounter it ever, especially in her. 
You stood up from your desk, huddling your textbooks and notebooks as you took wary steps —would usually be to the library, but Chaeyoung had already caught up to that old routine of yours, so you resorted to an empty, but rancid room at the back of the building. It was dark, even darker than that pit. 
Though that room was not entirely pleasant —it smelled of mold and chemicals you could only make out as cleaning materials— you learned to deal with it for your own sake. You’ve been threatened over and over by a certain group of people in your class that they’d out you, and you had every right to be scared, especially when they almost succeeded in the dawning of your anguish.
In that room, you hummed to yourself, did the work you had to in peace, and most importantly, you read —the pieces that you related to the most.
You remember being caught swiping through it on your phone, within seconds it was snatched away from you. They —two of them— took a quick look at it, smirking and soon guffawing at what they saw. “Who knew you’d be into disgusting shit like this.”
“I mean, it only makes sense. He’s a—” it was the first time you were called the slur. 
If you were being honest, as hurtful as they were meaning to be, you were not much fazed by it, still, you were surprised to hear such a word, even from them. 
“Yeah, you’re right. People like him are really like that huh?” like what? —you could only dare them with the little voice in your head for if you had spoken out it might be your last day in that classroom. 
“Stop looking at us like that.” —and they repeated it again, that word.
From then on, you’d avoid being seen reading, or having your phone out at all. There were times where you had the freedom, so you’d make the most of it while they weren’t there, in the classroom. But this deserted room, despite its grimy interior, would serve as a safe space for you. 
“This is not too bad.” you mumbled to yourself, eyes lingering on your faint reflection on the dust-layered window panes. 
It truly was not too bad to have your peace in such a place, this school, the shithole you were forced into. 
The truth is, you haven’t outed yourself to anyone, no one in school, not even Chaeyoung, not even her brother —and your childhood best friend— Seunghan. After that one fateful afternoon at their house, Chaeyoung felt devastated, how could you not like her back? she could only think of one reason, you must be gay, crazy enough to not return her likeness for you. She didn’t even get to confronting you about it, she just told everyone she knew, everyone close to you —with the exception of your family— that you’re insane, or in her words, “He’s gay, he told me himself! it’s better to stay away just to be safe!”
You’d end up being the one to stay away, just to be safe. Though you could say not everyone was mean to you, they were not nice enough to acknowledge you or what the others have been doing to you either. 
It was an unfortunate turn, and it would ultimately lead to the fallout of your friendship with your one and only sport —you used to call him all sorts of names, and he’d call you, well, what you could only describe as the cutest alias you’ve ever heard. You had something quite special, and didn’t take a while for you to see it differently —to see him differently. Maybe you were being a little too irrational, or maybe it's because of the way his face is always close enough to press onto yours, or the way he smiled at you, the way he used to take care of you without you asking, and the nickname. 
“Hey bunny!” —is what you’d always hear every morning then, when he called you out to play, or take bike rides around the neighborhood. 
“Hi Seung-gunk!” and he’d playfully headlock you, ruffling your hair. 
The farthest you’ve gone with your matching bicycles was the park —you even had your own tree, a hiding spot if you will. It’s where you two would babble on about everything, even the most nonsensical things. 
“Don’t you ever get bored of this park?” you asked him, and you would move a little, feeling some of his sweat touching your skin because of the proximity.
You two were sitting under your tree, leaning against its trunk. Your sides were slightly squeezed against each other as you went on with your venture-talks. 
“Not really.” he looked at you, reaching on top of your head for a stray leaf that fell on it, “Not when I’m with you.”
You believed him, only at that moment, because soon his actions would contradict his words. 
It all started in middle school, the summer before it started, you have already discussed about how excited you were about entering this new phase in your life, talking about how you two would go to lunch together, find ways to skip class and sneak out —it was a joke of course— and making new friends, and the rumors.
seungsseung 💥💥
i can’t believe we’re finally middle schoolers
can u believe it?
y/n 🥕
i’m kinda scared
what if they hurt me more
seungsseung 💥💥
those stupid rumors
you know what
i’m actually gonna tell my sister to stop it
y/n 🥕
you think it’ll work?
seungsseung 💥💥
don’t worry bunny
i know it didn’t work before
i’ll make it work
It didn’t work, obviously. You were bewildered with how he avoided you, like you were carrying some deadly parasitic disease, the root of an upcoming apocalypse. At first he wouldn’t even look in your direction, even when he really needed to, even when you were already sobbing from your classmates pushing you around, with the lead of his own sister. As time progresses, he’d watch your agony, but you could never really tell what lies in those watchful eyes. He’s changed, and he would change even more.
You were in a rush to get back to the classroom after checking the time, but you wouldn’t be inside without bumping into him.
“Watch where you’re going.” like a reflex, you’d use the papers you held to shield yourself, by the way he looked at you, you thought he was about to jump you. He scoffs at this, finding some sort of amusement out of it, “Fucking pathetic.” he says, kicking the papers out of your hands. 
You tried your damndest to fight back the tears in class, not wanting to draw any more attention than you already have outside of class hours. It was only when you were able to lock yourself within the confines of your dim lit room that you were able to release all the tears. It hurt even more that you were not allowed to make a single sound at that time of the night. 
Wasn’t he being a bit too much? —you were crying out loud in your frail mind, perplexed by this situation. You were too afraid to even message him anymore, to ask him why, and what caused the sudden shift. Then, he protected you like he owed you the world, the next day you were suddenly prey for him to feed on. And he’d only get worse in highschool, bonding with the same people who caused your torment, and still, with his stupid, pretty sister.
“Look who’s back!” you tried your best to maintain your composure as you entered the classroom, you had just gotten out of your secret hideout. “We missed you, Y/n.”
“Class isn’t the same without a freak like you.”
You’d flinch, feeling someone rush past behind you. Feeling the back pocket of your pants become lighter, you panicked, and soon your phone was being held close to your face.
“Open it.” Seunghan —he taunted, looking at you the same way he always did. “Deaf? I said open it, fucking idiot.”
Your hands were shaky, taking your phone from him. It took you three attempts before you could successfully unlock it, and when you did, he clutched on it, forcefully taking it out of your hands. You already felt the after effects of his insults that hadn’t even come out of his mouth, but you knew it would very soon. You had left what you were reading open, it was not like you knew he’d be up to snatching your phone away from you to poke fun at you, but then again you weren’t surprised. 
“You make me gag. Do you guys see this shit?” he was already scrolling through the whole thing, and his friends would peek from behind him making you gulp and freeze on your spot. 
You came home with wet hair, a wet uniform, and it was all to mock the fact that you were up to reading something that erotic. When they got your phone, you happened to have left it on a chapter that had a rated eighteen scene. They took turns at throwing water at you, repeatedly uttering how wet you were getting. It was disgusting, but so were you in their eyes, in his eyes. 
can i ask u a question?
it’ll be vv quick i promise
oh hi
how’s school?
what do u think abt homo ppl?
i mean
as long as it’s not me it’s cool ig
they aint causing a world war so
they haven't killed my family
so idc really
that’s interesting
r u gay bunz?
what if i am?
i told u idc
unless ur planning to kill my family
no ur tweaking
i’m just not into girls
but into guys
that’s all
like i said
well fuck u
don’t go offline yet :((
i have no one to talk to
my friends are idiots
all of them.
Then why’d you leave me? —you shook your head at your computer screen, at the conversation you were having with this ‘stranger’ you met in a game. You knew it was him, but he was oblivious towards the fact that it was you who he’s been talking to every night after school, and you prayed he hadn’t suspected you either. 
that’s tough lol
sucks for u
says the one who has no friends
how’s being lonely? :p
There was this urge to tell him, I miss you, but you were too afraid. He was already treating you like a stray in school, what more if he finds out who you were behind this persona you’ve built for him. 
i have one more question
hit me
do u know bl?
and yes i do ofc
ew perv
not that
boy’s love 
apparently it’s a genre now
there’s this guy in our school that reads them
You couldn’t quite understand if you wanted to cry or laugh.
what do u think abt him then?
that bl shit gives me the creeps
all that dirty shit?
two disco sticks?
not the disco sticks 😭😭
do u read?
what if i do…
i’ll make an exception
just don't mention it ever again 😁
kys :3 (jk, but i still hate u)
i will :p (jk 2, but i don’t hate u so deal with it)
You shook your head again, water brimming on both eyes. You ran your fingers through your hair, knowing you could never go any further from this. You could just stop talking to him, block him even, but your heart wouldn’t allow you to. Everytime you tried, you were brought back to that little spot at the park, under the biggest tree, the tips of your noses almost touching. 
Thinking about it makes you think about what he thought about everything, about you, then and now. You thought maybe at some point in time he saw you the same way, maybe he did, and he got scared so he started bullying you too. You’d sigh heavily, slapping a mental note onto yourself —you have got to stop letting the manga get into your head Y/n.
In a blink, you were back in your hideout. Your leg got restless, shaking continuously as you read. Earlier you thought you had seen someone following you from the corner of your eye. No one came in after you after waiting for twenty minutes, so you sat down where you’d usually be. Your eyes momentarily watched for the door, afraid that they might burst in and beat you up, or lock you in. 
Suddenly what you were reading got more interesting. You were fully immersed with the scene that played before you, acting out the expressions drawn on the characters. And his eyes dripped with honey as he got closer, allowing his desire to win him over, and soon their lips met and clashed with so much—
You jumped at the sound of the door being slammed wide open. You’d curl into yourself, dropping your phone. It was like the walls were closing in on you, already feeling the humiliation, the suffering. 
“Oh, sorry, are you okay? I was just here for…” it was an unfamiliar voice, “...I actually don’t know why I’m here either. I guess I needed some space away from those people.”
You’d warily lift your head up, being met with a cautious stare. 
“Wait, are you Y/n? from the neighboring class right?” your nod was only subtle, but he’d beam at you so brightly. “I’m Matthew, can I come in?”
You nod again, freeing yourself from your own restraint. You’d sit yourself properly, watching him scan around the room for a place to sit. You moved over a bit, and that was enough to tell him to sit next to you. It was an awkward few first seconds till he bent down to reach for your phone. You grew nervous when his eyes stayed a little too long on your phone screen as he handed it to you. 
“You’re in that chapter already? you must be an avid reader.” your eyes dilated at his words, and he’d chuckle at your reaction. 
“You read?” you were evidently hesitant, your volume would only be that of a mouse. 
He’d hum a response, nodding at the same time. “Sometimes for the story, sometimes for the art. The author of that manga is great as fuck, and the artstyle too!” he was able to crack a smile out of you, it’s been a great while. “But, I am curious, why are you here?”
You shrugged at first, not really knowing what to say. Besides, no one has ever bothered to ask you about anything if it’s not to mess with you. “My classmates hate me.”
“Hmm, I heard.” of course he had, everyone has. “Is it really because you’re gay?”
Your eyes would shift to the side before you nod your head. 
“That’s crazy. I’m bi, I mean, I haven’t come out yet, but —I think it’s ridiculous. It’s the 21st century, are we seriously still about that.” he’d sigh like he’d had the biggest dilemma of his life. 
And it made you laugh, it was very little, but it was enough.
“Hey, we should hang out some other time, how’s that sound?”
You were still cautious about the whole thing, afraid that it might be a trap of some sort. All it took was another smile from him, and you’d finally say, “That sounds cool.”
You two walked out of that room together, and he kept chattering on about things you couldn’t quite remember at the end of the day, and in the same hallway, you stumbled upon your nightmare. He was boring holes into your soul, making you stop in your tracks. 
“Y/n?” Matthew called for you when he noticed that you were no longer beside him. He noticed the way your eyes dropped dead, staring ahead, he turned his head to where you looked, but when he did, Seunghan was already walking away.
Matthew took a few steps back, meeting you again. “Does he bother you or something?”
“No.” technically, you were telling the truth. You were still so tolerant with him, because you still liked him. “You should get away from me.”
He was clearly taken aback by your request, and he could sense you meant well. “Is it that bad?” he’d ask you, concern painted well on his face.
You shrugged once again, still not figuring out how to properly convey what you wanted to say, “They might get you too, because of me.”
“Don’t think so. You think they’ll touch anyone from the pilot class? —no offense, I think you’re great, but your class is a cluster of utter garbage.” he was right, and you’d subconsciously nod at him. “So I’ll stick around, see ya!”
You didn’t even notice that you were already near your classroom. You stood still, watching him as he walked back to his own classroom, just next to yours. You weren’t quite ecstatic about going back to that room, so a hand to your shoulder granted you the favor, stopping you from taking another step. 
“Who’s your new owner?” you gulped at the all too familiar voice that crept behind you. 
“Huh, so you answer now?” you didn’t bother turning your head, instead, Seunghan would move himself in front of you, “Matthew —you know what you looked like? you looked like his pet.” he laughs at you, but you’d keep your eyes on the floor. “Do better Y/n, geez, at least fix yourself first before trying to hang out with actual people.”
Because you’re not an actual person, he saw you as an animal, a joke. “At least he wasn’t a liar.” you might’ve been speaking too soon.
Too soon. “What the fuck did you just say?”
You’d shake your head at him, just like all the nights you’ve spent chatting, and you’d walk past him.
He just stood there, unsure of what to do with himself anymore. 
“Bro, Seunghan, what the hell was that?” he couldn’t avert his eyes from his shoelaces, tracing the pattern it made with his gaze.
“I could’ve beaten him to a pulp if I were you —you know what, we’ll do it for you since you’re being such a puss.” the others’ words went into one ear and out the other. 
He can’t help but think if it was all worth it. If avoiding the consequences, the pain, did it actually do him better?
“Seunghan, what are you thinking about?” his sister sat on his desk, tapping on it with her fingers. 
He could only give her a blank stare, that would soon trail off into the distance. Chaeyoung just eyed him, and smugness was written all over her face. 
“Y/n?” she scoffed. “You’re thinking about him?”
Seunghan only glanced at her for a brief moment, and she’d slam her palm against his desk. 
“It’s not like that—”
“I’m not that dumb, Seunghan.” she truly wasn’t when she was able to ruin two lives, and probably more outside his scope. 
“I promise it’s not what you think.” he kept his voice monotone, and his sister would roll her eyes at him.
“Just keep up the act, and maybe, I’d consider not telling our parents just how disgusting you are.”
Disgusting —was a word you’d often hear from him, how ironic. It was those times when he’d ridicule your love for reading bl mangas, just snatching your phone whenever he felt like it. 
“I can’t believe you actually enjoy this, disgusting.” 
Yet, that still wasn’t enough for you to see him as your enemy. 
hey bunz
how r u?
being lonely and miserable and all
ykw i have a friend now
and he reads bl too
go fuck yourself
woah woah
i was joking 😢
respectfully, you’re disgusting
for that
kys :>
not until we meet
you want to…?
i mean
i just wondered if u were just as much of a twink irl like you are in chat
fuck you, actually
u cant fuck me
i’m not gay
begging on my KNEES rn
if this makes u feel better
i meant to say cute
not twink :p
Again, you were double guessing whether this was true, this whole conversation, the situation, if this was even Seunghan you’re talking to.
i need to sleep
and i’ll be outside ur window
better close it now 👹
nahh bfr my bedroom is at the second storey 😬
now who said i cant float
you’ll float too 🤡
bye pennywise
kys :3 (not fr tho)
i will :p (i won’t dw)
You leaned back against your desk chair, a tired exhale escaping your mouth as you turned off your computer. To say that you didn’t look forward to getting home just to talk to him would be a complete lie. You were even a lot more enthusiastic, though it doesn’t show through your messages that much, you just wished it could be like this in real life too. 
If he was genuine about wanting to see you, and if he finally did, what would be his reaction then? Would he keep himself away from you? hurt you even more? —your thoughts kept running, until they got too tired and the running turned into crawling, creeping, and soon you were fast asleep. 
“Y/n, off to where?” you were startled, hearing your name for the first time that day, and from a new voice that you had been waiting for the whole day.
“Matthew. Just going to the library, I have to pick something up.”
“Just a quick trip? we still have…” he pauses for a while to look at his wrist watch, “About thirty minutes till class. Do you have something to do?”
You consciously tapped on your sides, thinking about how you were only getting what you needed early so you wouldn’t have to run into trouble later in the day, “No, not really, not yet.” 
“Oh, so then would you wanna stay in the library a little longer? we could read there for a while.” 
It really was that hard to decline, so in a span of minutes, you were both seated in the library, not on books, but on your phones.
“You think you could pause reading that for a while?” he whispered so closely to your ear that you almost cringed.
“What? this?” he nods at you, and you’d ask again, “Why?”
“So we can read it together. You’re only three chapters ahead of me, maybe I can catch up by the end of the day —or now.”
His request had caused you to blink repeatedly for a few seconds before you got to respond, “The chapters themselves are pretty long…”
You could only stare at him, trying to search for your next words within the lines of his face. “Okay, but you better start reading now.”
“Will do!” you’d give him a silent laugh, and in return he exudes a low chuckle, it was such a pleasant sound that you felt ashamed for wanting to ask him to do it again. 
Both of you have grown oblivious of the people entering and leaving the library, and the one that watched you from the distance, he had almost forgotten what he was there for. He was preoccupied with how you seemed to no longer care or be cautious of your surroundings. 
He saw it, the way you smiled. He’d been denying it for so long, but he missed it. He missed you. He missed when it was him you used to smile at like that. But there was not much he could do. If only you knew he was just afraid as you were of the world the two of you lived, so cruel, but he could only imagine just how cruel the world has been to you.
Somehow he thought he should be thankful that Matthew had followed you to that room, but it should’ve been him opening that door, he had to back out when he saw Matthew, because just like you, he had an ephemeral suspicion that he might be someone to look out for. All those thoughts flew out his mind like a fly when he saw you at that hallway with the other guy, it’s his first time in a while seeing you be yourself, at ease. It seemed so surreal, but he couldn’t get over seeing you like that with someone who wasn’t him. It used to be him, but then again, your severance was the bearing of his own mistakes. He didn’t mean to have such sharp eyes pinned at you when he saw you, it was a mask. He felt so close to losing. 
His friends weren’t any better than him. He knew he was just around to please them. He never really got off of bullying you, it was all orders. If he even dared to go against them, he might never see you again. He’s got himself wrapped around his sister’s pointy fingers. 
That summer before middle school, he confronted his sister about the things she’s been doing, the crude things she’s been saying. “You need to stop. Just because Y/n didn’t like you back?”
“Why do you care shithead?” he was caught off guard with the words that came out of her sister's mouth. 
“He’s my best friend, I care about him —and do you not understand that he just didn’t like you that way? and he doesn’t even hate you either, so I don’t get why you’re being like this.”
What he didn’t understand was that a hurt ego hits back harder than a heavy loaded truck, “Maybe because he liked you.” he found himself playing with his own hands, “Never thought about it huh? well I have. That’s gross, Seunghan.”
“So what?” her sick laughter came attacking him right as he spoke. 
“Don’t tell me you like him too.”
“So what?” he repeats as he stands assertive.
The irked girl tilted her head, raising a brow whilst her lips rose to a smirk, “I’ll tell, and you’ll see just how ridiculous you’re being.”
“Our parents. You know I will. Fix yourself, or I’ll do it for you.”
Fix? —the thing is, if their parents ever knew, they’d do everything in their power to get him out of that town, away from you. He lived in a religious household, one that’s conservative, believes a man is only for a woman, and a woman is only for a man. 
He still kept messaging you, secretly. He knew that once middle school started, he’d never be able to be the same with you again. 
seungsseung 💥💥
i’m gonna miss you
y/n 🥕
we’re literally seeing each other tomorrow
seungsseung 💥💥
take care of urself all the time
can u do it?
y/n 🥕
ur scaring me
seungsseung 💥💥
It was the last conversation you had with him. You fell asleep, not foreseeing your unfortunate days ahead of you. 
It hurt to remember, but he would never forget. Then he was too terrified of the consequences, but now he was learning to be more capable, and maybe he could release himself from the chains that trapped him in this dark, secluded place. He wanted it to become a reality, him not having to torment you for the sake of getting closer to you, or hearing your voice.
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onto the next? >> part 2
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camels-pen · 1 year
got inspired by a fic i read the other day, but didn't quite hit the right spots for me so. time to write out a new wip idea
The concept of that fic really grabbed me - Jason and Tim having a bodyswap the same day Jason wakes up in his coffin, at a point after Tim had already visited Bruce and Alfred with his insistence that Batman needed a Robin - but for what I was thinking, by the time Jason convinces Bruce and Alfred of who he is, Tim's already started to dig himself out of the coffin. And when the three of them show up at the cemetery, the grave's empty.
Tim would be catatonic and go through much of the same stuff canon Jason went through before being found and dunked in the Pit. He'd end up enduring the whole League of Assassins shtick that canon Jason went through while at the same time Jason is dealing with Tim's regular person life. Both of them struggled a bit trying to imitate the other, but they managed- Tim with not much issue considering no one in the LoA was close to Jason, and Jason trying to manage Janet Drake's clearly growing concern every time he slips up.
Like, imagine Tim, desperately trying to imitate what he knows of Jason from watching Robin on the streets and seeing Jay in a few galas here and there. And one day, Talia tries to tell him he'd been quickly replaced to get him to finally listen and Kill Somebody/accept he was staying with the League until they deemed him fit to leave.
And Tim looks at a picture of himself, hanging around the front yard of Wayne Manor with Bruce, Alfred, and Dick. Another picture showing himself in an ill-fitting Robin uniform on a rooftop and seemingly getting lectured by Batman, who looms in front of him.
And he says "I'm not buyin' it."
Somehow convinces Talia that he's not convinced that the Tim in the photo (who is probably Jason and thank god, Tim was really worried about what happened to Jason's mind- or rather, his own body; he didn't actually consider Jason coming back to life until now) and she arranges a short trip for him to Gotham to see for himself.
Tim really struggles the next two days to keep up the Jason act, but he's pretty sure Talia and the others were just chalking it up to nerves at seeing his family again and the "newest addition".
When he finally gets to Gotham, he doesn't bother being stealthy. He doesn't have the skills- no matter how much Ra's and Talia's goons have been trying to beat it into him- and even if he did, he doubted he'd be able to sneak away from his own teachers that were stalking him from the shadows.
So he does his best to be casual. Walks straight towards Wayne Manor, and when he can actually start to hear his assassin stalkers the tiniest bit as he approaches the gate- a sign they're getting really restless- he decides now or never and bolts the rest of the way.
He thinks, if he had come sooner to Gotham, he would've tried fitting through the gaps in the bars- as if he was still 13 and small enough to fit- but as it is, Tim's spent 6 months in this body and he's not going to make that mistake.
Instead he slams a hand on the buzzer and says as fast as he can, "it's Tim! Tim Drake! There's assassins, open the gate!"
He has a heartstopping moment when nothing happens- when there's no answer and the ninjas are getting closer and closer and- And then it opens and Tim doesn't stop with his relief, he runs.
The door is opened not by Mr. Pennyworth, but by Bruce himself, a belt clipped around his waist, but entirely in sleepwear. He has something in his other hand and as he yells, "duck!" Tim can only think it's some kind of bomb and dives for the ground.
He was sort of right. It was a smoke bomb. He heard and smelled it hissing away behind him, and saw the cloud of smoke in his peripheral vision.
Bruce wasted no time running past him and barking, "Follow Alfred to the cave!" Tim took a moment to just breathe, feeling much more safe with Batman fighting to protect him. When Bruce looked back at him through a spot in the smoke, he yelled, "Go!"
Tim scrambled to obey, trying to run and stand and awkwardly doing both to get in the home. Mr. Pennyworth was just inside the foyer, out of sight of the windows, now that Tim noticed, and holding a shotgun.
He was also wearing a fluffy blue bathrobe and fuzzy pink bunny slippers.
Tim blinked. "Uhhh,"
"Come along, Master Tim. We must be quick."
He didn't protest and followed him down to the Cave, where Jason in Tim's body sat waiting at the Batcomputer.
Man, I'm not completely sure on the timing, but imagine Tim finally getting back into his body and it's- he's taller than he used to be, bulkier too. And there are reflexes and muscle memory stuff he doesn't remember at all, but now just has.
He- he was Robin. Or, his body at least, and he felt like it. But he never was Robin. Not really. He never got a proper outing, never even received Bruce's official approval for it.
It was strange. And not totally a good strange.
He thought about the body he had. He didn't have a lot of love for it- puberty would do that to anyone- but it was his. And that saying about not knowing what you have until you lose it? Yeah.
Tim felt like crying.
#dc#bodyswap#tim drake#nemotime#didnt really focus on the jason bits here but if i ever actually write this- jay would probably get more of a comedy/humour role?#like yeah they gotta find tim and tim's parents are genuinely concerned and all#but much of it would be just funny shenanigans of Jason being saddled with two sets(?) of worried parents#and just when he manages to get things sort of under control. Dick shows up#i havent yet decided if he just becomes Very Annoying Older Sibling who has no idea how to process his emotions currently#and tries to fall back on tried and true tactics#OR if he is in Complete Denial and thinking this was just an elaborate ruse by Tim & lists the exact ways Tim would know how to imitate Jay#(he's right and each accusation/point would probably be juxtaposed with a brief switch in scenes to whatever Tim is currently up to#which also happens to prove Dick's point exactly even though no one can except the audience can see that)#Jay would knock sense into Dick eventually but the point is. I could make his life humourous suffering :3#Either way Dick would show up some time after Bruce remembers to call him & he would Not leave the manor until Tim is back safe and sound#(not for Jason obviously. pfft. Jason's just fine. Dick doesn't need to stay at the manor to make sure of it. He's just staying to find Tim#okay. realistically. this would just be a hella lot of angst. However! Having that shift from Angst with Tim to Laughing at Jason would be.#so fun.#tho i'd probably still sprinkle in some Angst with Jason bc i cant help myself lol
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stephaniecobalt · 2 years
Rose and Connor's first time alone together
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Summary: Rose and Connor's first 1:1 interaction at the national quiz bowl tournament. You can read this without having read the Addicted/Calloway series, however I highly recommend the series! It's my all-time favorite
A/N: Rose and Connor are academic rivals to lovers from the Addicted/Calloway series by Krista and Becca Ritchie. Connor's first name is actually "Richard". He just prefers to go by Connor, but Rose commonly calls him Richard when she's mad at him. Enjoy! (✿◠‿◠)
Word count: 2k
Rose Calloway
I’m painfully aware of the way my Chanel headband digs into my pounding skull and the way my fingers grip the buzzer slick with sweat. This is the last question in the last round of the national quiz bowl tournament and Connor Cobalt is getting on my last nerve. He’s managed to answer just as many questions as I have, and our team’s scores are tied up. Everything rests on this last point.
This round of the tournament is technically Dalton Academy vs Faust Academy For Boys. But from my perspective, the last couple hours have been a rapid-fire, one on one duel: Rose Magdala Calloway vs Richard Connor Cobalt.
We’ve thus far established ourselves as the respective MVPs of each team by answering the majority of prompts, each of us vying to snatch a point before the other can.
My attention shifts to the officiator, who flips to the next page for our final question. Connor and I lock gazes. I wear a fierce glare while he wears his trademark and infuriatingly confident smirk. Ugh. I'm tempted to roll my eyes, but refuse to be the first to break eye contact.
Can’t he at least pretend like he’s scared of losing this last point? 
I’d never admit it to anyone, but I am. This moment has been years in the making. I’ve been to dozens of competitions, studied for hundreds of hours, and written thousands of note cards in hopes of winning the national title.
No one is going to get in my way. Not even the handsome, teasing, and overconfident boy standing opposite me.
My glare must intensify with conviction, because Connor quirks a brow.
Translation: “Scared, Rose?”
My eyes narrow. “In your dreams, Richard.”
The officiator begins reading.
“In this play, a prince falls in love with a maiden due to the magical charms of the Rightful Duke of Milan.  That prince went on to…”
It’s a Shakespeare question.
I’ve practically been reading Shakespeare since I came out of the womb.
Instantaneously, I know I’ve won. I slam the buzzer as my glare transforms into a confident smile to match Connor’s.
Except nothing happens.
And in the second that it takes me to press the button again I hear the other size buzz in.
“The Tempest” Connor chimes in easily.
He’s right. 
My heart stops. And then I feel it drop all the way down to my Louis Vuitton heels. I feel devastated - so devastated that I barely register my teammates clapping me on the back then sliding past me to exit the room. The officiator’s congratulations and closing remarks pass by in a blur, and I'm still staring at my faulty buzzer, seething at its betrayal when I hear:
“Don’t look so upset, Rose. If it’s any consolation, it’s not you, it’s me.” Connor grins from across the room as he continues, “I always win.” He shrugs his shoulders as if to say, “it can’t be helped”, and it sparks a fire in me, snapping me out of my trance
“Don’t gloat, Richard. It’s not a good look on you.”  I snarl back.
“Don’t lie to yourself, Rose. Everything looks good on me.” 
He walks toward the officiator’s podium unphased and begins flipping through the packet of questions.
This piques my curiosity. “What are you doing?”
“I always review the packets after a match.”
“Really?” I say dryly. “Winning isn't enough for you?” 
“No. It’s not. Winning is only a byproduct of my true goal - which is to be better than everyone else.”
This time I don’t say anything in return, not because I don’t have anything to say, but because I’d rather not share what I’m thinking with Connor. I find his admission strikingly relatable. As much as I enjoy Quiz Bowl, I’m not just here to collect trophies either. I’m interested in collecting knowledge. I like knowing things. It makes me feel in control.
With the questions packet in hand, Connor takes a seat behind the podium. He hooks his designer shoes onto a nearby chair to drag it right up next to him and gives me an expectant stare. 
I feel compelled to sit down, but at the same time nervous to be in such close proximity to Connor.
“I’ll let you look, but we have to share.” he offers, tilting his head toward the empty chair.
I take the seat.
We’re close enough that I can feel his body heat in the chilly room, and the sides of our legs are almost brushing. I feel nervous at the thought of leaning closer to him, but from where I am right now it’s difficult to read the questions.
“Move the packet closer to me.” I demand.
He moves the packet until it’s mostly on my lap, but taunts “No please? Seems like Dalton needs to teach their students better literature and better manners.”
“Pity that Faust doesn’t offer classes in modesty. Although I doubt you could even meet the course prerequisites given that you’re a raging narcissist.” I quip back. Ha.
Connor wears an amused smirk and I wear a triumphant one as I turn back to the packet to review the questions.
After reviewing the packet together for 5 minutes or so in silence, I hear Connor’s phone vibrate. He slides his phone open and stands smoothly. 
“My team is waiting for me outside. The packet’s all yours. I’ll see you around.” There’s a beat of silence before he adds, “You did well Rose. There aren’t many people that can match me, but you are my fiercest competitor. I look forward to our next duel.” And with a quick nod he slips out the door.
As soon as he leaves, I feel a little emptier. The defeat which had been so easy to forget when I was preoccupied with Connor comes back with a vengeance. And so does my anger. My anger at the buzzer. Ohmygod.
I remember that I was robbed of my rightful victory, and I’m not giving up on it yet. I race across the room quickly testing the buzzers and confirming my suspicions that for whatever reason, my buzzer blew out on the last question. My eyes are wide and my heartbeat is racing with hope. 
This isn’t over just yet.
I hunt down the official and drag him into the room to show him the defective buzzer. 
“Sorry sweetheart, but how do we know that you didn’t just sabotage that buzzer right now?” 
Seriously?! I could scream in frustration right now, but I need to convince this man that I’m not the type of person who would break a buzzer to win this title, and I know that screaming and threatening to castrate him would be counterproductive. I take a deep breath. 
“Sir, I assure you -”
He cuts me off with a patronizing smile “- Look sweetheart, we already announced Faust as the winners. Even if your buzzer did break -” He pauses and has the audacity to wink at me as if we’re sharing some sick understanding that I broke the buzzer as a last-ditch attempt to win, “There’s just no way we’re recalling that announcement.”
I have absolutely had it today. I am livid. Everything about this man grates on me, and I need to leave before I lose my composure. I shoot him one last withering look of disgust before spinning on my heel and storming out towards the parking lot.
I rip off my headband with one hand (please forgive me Coco) and massage my tense neck with the other as I stride towards my car. Halfway there, I spot Connor surrounded by his celebrating teammates, and I swear my body gets even tenser than it was before. I didn’t think that was possible.
I can’t deal with any more infuriating men at the moment, so I trudge ahead even though his concerned eyes meet mine and silently probe: “Rose? What’s wrong?”
A more prudent question would be “What isn’t wrong?”. Right now it feels like the world is against me. And for the second time today I’m losing a duel. This one is even worse: Rose Magdala Calloway vs World. 
I need to go home. 
I imagine myself screaming in my closet as I finally slide into my car and slam the door shut. God that feels good. My shaky hands fumble the key into the ignition and I whip my head around to reverse around only to be met with all 6 feet of Connor Cobalt standing right outside of my convertible.
“Tell me what happened.” he demands.
I hate that he’s seeing me like this. I hate that I'm losing control over my emotions right now. Tears prick behind my eyes threaten to fall with the weight of everything that has happened today, but I command them to stay out of sight. Instead of letting my tears fall, I let my words fly. Raw and unfiltered, I spit out the thoughts on the tip of my tongue.
“I hope what you said back there about not caring about winning is true Connor, because you didn’t win. My buzzer was broken, but I did buzz before you. I’ve been reading Shakespeare since before I could walk. Before I could talk. I don’t care that you don’t believe me, and I don’t care that the official didn’t believe me. You’re walking home with that national trophy, but make no mistake, it’s still mine.” 
By the time I finish my rant, my eyes are wet with angry tears. I yank the car into reverse without giving him a chance to respond. And as I slam the car into drive, I speed off regretting and wondering why I spilled all of my feelings out to Connor like that.
Pull it together. You are Rose Calloway, and you will not let this day drag you down.
This mantra plays on loop in my head, and only one tear slips before I hastily swipe it away and tip my chin up. 
Tomorrow will be better.
~ The next day at school ~
Sebastian, my longtime friend, strides up to my locker as I pull out notes for my first class.
He claps me on the shoulder. “Congratulations are in order. I mean things could have gone better, but considering Faust has won the last 4 years. I think breaking their streak is a pretty good deal don’t you?”
“We lost.” I clarify for Sebastian a little more harshly than I needed to, but it’s a sore subject and this kind of feels like a mean prank.
“Umm, no you didn’t.” He replies.
“I think I would know better than you, Seb. After all, I was literally there.” I wish he would just drop it.
“So the school paper is wrong, then?” He prods disbelievingly as he pulls the paper out of his bag and hands it to me.
I snatch it from his hands and greedily read the words below the section titled: “Dalton breaks Faust’s 4 year reign at the National Quiz Bowl Tournament”. My jaw is hanging open slightly and my eyes furrow deeper with each line I read in the paper.
After a brief mixup, in which Faust was mistakenly awarded the title. This year, Dalton and Faust reign side by side as co-champions. 
I read it again.
How did this happen?
I desperately want it to be true, but I keep my guard up. This weekend was enough of an emotional rollercoaster as it is, and I was hoping to put all of the Quiz Bowl drama behind me so that I could focus on Model UN.
There are only two people that I revealed the truth to. The officiator and Connor. I sincerely doubt the officiator changed his mind, which only leaves one option. 
I would have bet my company on the fact that Connor would take the win for Faust. After all, leading his team to victory all four years would look great on his College apps, and there’s nothing that matters more to him than those apps. Additionally, after 3 years of being academic rivals it’s hard to picture him sticking up for me. His actions make it seem almost as if we’re on the same side, but that doesn’t add up. 
For the first time, I’m not sure what I feel towards Connor. We’ve been academic rivals for so long, could we ever really be anything else?
*hint, hint* :p
Thank you so much for reading, pls feel free to send in any requests for scenes you want to read from the Addicted/Calloway universe!
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prinxejeanne · 2 years
vampire!Bim Trimmer fic please?
[[Bim Trimmer drabble, a quick lil' story about our favorite gameshow host being a vampire instead of a plain old cannibal! Involves the reader, but it's not an x reader?? He kinda. Drinks your blood. But not in a sexy way.]]
[[Warnings: Depictions of blood (obviously), brief violence, Bim being kind of a fuckin' sleaze /aff, reader gets attacked by a bloodthirsty vampire (again, not in a sexy way lmfao), me being totally normal about Bim 👀.]]
You had been chosen to be a contestant on some obscure late-night gameshow called "Hire My Ass". Basically, you were supposed to answer a bunch of random questions, and whoever got the most points at the end was hired to work at their dream job.
Considering the fact that you hadn't decided what you wanted to do, you didn't even know why you were here.
Still, as you stood behind the podium next to the other final opponent, you nervously fidgeted with the hem of your sleeve while the gameshow host asked the final question.
Speaking of which, the guy running the whole thing- Bim Trimmer- was really... weird, to say the least. He acted like a total shark, and kind of looked like one too, with his slicked back hair and his unnaturally sharp teeth. The first contestant to lose, a tall and bulky blonde man, had disappeared after Trimmer had pulled him backstage for a "brief conversation".
"Alright- it isn't common knowledge, but the best-seller book, Fifty Shades of Grey, was based off a fanfiction," he announced, marking the final question. "Which fandom was this story made about?"
Before you could even begin to think about the answer, your opponent slammed on the button in front of them, and a buzzer went off.
"Contestant number 2! What is your response?" Bim asked, the cheesy movie-star grin making you a little nauseous.
"The answer is, the 'Twilight' movies," the contestant responded confidently.
Trimmer let out a sigh, making you hopeful for just a moment.
"I'm sorry, contestant number 2, but you..." he began, pausing for a moment and making you clutch the sides of the podium anxiously.
"...are absolutely correct! Contestant number 2, that brings your score up by fifty points! You're the winner, and we are going to Hire! Your! Ass!"
Your heart sunk a little, the blaring music and confetti only serving to piss you off as the cameras zoomed in on Bim shaking your opponent's hand.
Suddenly, someone yelled "cut" from offstage, and all the fanfare and music stopped. It seemed as if the cameras shut off, and everyone began hurrying off to do their jobs.
Trimmer began talking to the successful contestant, and still bitter about your loss, you wandered off the stage and out into the hallway.
"Who needs a stupid fuckin' job anyway?" you muttered to yourself, shaking your head. "I don't even know what I was gonna do if I won..." You paused for a moment, outside a door that was cracked open just a smidge. Like a respectful human being, you moved to close the door, but paused at the sight of a small stain on the ground.
Was that... no. You were just psyching yourself out or something. It was probably just jam!
...Jam wasn't that thin, though.
You sigh and glance up at the camera hanging from the roof. It was pointed in the opposite direction.
God, were you really gonna do this?
"...fuck it. We ball," you mumbled, chuckling to yourself at the absurdity of the situation as you turned on the light in that room and closed the door behind you.
It... definitely wasn't what you expected.
Instead of a gruesome murder scene, you were standing in a squeaky clean commercial kitchen.
That explains the tiny blood-stain on the floor.
You walk a little further in, deciding to look in one of the drawers and lose more dignity than you already had. There were some knives and forks, and you picked up a butcher knife to examine it.
God, that was shiny.
Absent-mindedly, you run your finger along the blade's edge and wince as it slices into your skin easily. Maybe touching the sharp part of a brand new knife wasn't such a good idea.
You yank your finger away, sticking it into your mouth and carefully putting the knife away with your free hand.
"They're sharp, aren't they?"
The voice behind you makes you jump, yanking the bleeding finger out of your mouth and spinning around to face the source of your startle.
"Oh! Uh, Mr. Trimmer! Sorry, I... got lost..." you stammered, trying and failing to come up with a valid excuse.
"Oh, I don't mind, contestant number one! It was... (Y/N), right?" he responded, getting a little too close to your face for comfort.
You stepped backwards, chuckling awkwardly. "Uh- yeah... right.
God, this guy was fucking weird.
"Sorry again- I, uh, should probably... leave," you say bluntly.
"Oh, no! Please stay." The look in his eyes seriously creeps you out. His pupils are enlarged, and he's staring at your finger.
You step back again, and Bim's eyes shoot up to meet your own. He was breathing heavily, and you wanted to get out of there
"You know, I normally wouldn't normally indulge, considering I just ate, but... I think I'll treat myself today," he said with a chuckle, straightening out his posture slightly.
Before you can ask what he's talking about, Trimmer launches himself at you with his unnaturally sharp teeth bared.
Maybe next time, you should just mind your own business.
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demon-blood-youths · 2 years
Van Ink Za Tatsu No Harem pt. 7 || Love Jeopardy!
This is part 7 of the drabble series Van Ink Za Tatsu No Harem. Here is part 7 starting the real games. For my lovely rp partner @the-silver-peahen-residence. How this game goes. 
----- Parts ----
Part 1
Part 2 - New Challenger
Part 3 - Planning Operation Party B̶a̶c̶h̶e̶l̶o̶r̶e̶t̶t̶e̶
Part 4-   Party Time Descending Into Chaos
Part 5 - Party Rumble - ( written by lovely peahen-mun! )
Part 6 - How to Settle This 
-----------  Brief Summary -------
After Ink left the party with Shdwkyz chasing her down, Navarro had to deal with the situation in party. Now finally realizing that he made a mistake, now he is feeling that he losing control of the situation.Because right now, Kali is in the charge of the party games and urges the boys to do games to win Ink’s heart back. Or whatever those lines were.....the situation unfolds into ridilicious proportions like the DBT feared. 
So will what happen in this love jeopardy.
Note: There are grammars and typos in this. Overall, have fun reading! 
“Alright! Here are the five categories!” Kali shows the on the screen using a projector! 
What is
Battles and matches
My most important moments
Romantic Planning
Do you really know me?
Kali shows the categories to the boys and to the audience much to Navarro’s dismay.  “Fuck....I made a mistake.” Navarro groan as he lays his head on the table. Rust looks over to him. “No shit.” Rust said. 
“I need to find a way to get this shit under control.” Navarro said. 
“It’s a bit too late for that now.” Hellmare sighed as she came back from the bathroom. “It seems like Kali is controlling the situation as we speak.”
“Still...what the hell is she planning?”  Maggie asked.
“Kali told me this is a way to judge the guys.” Fosh said. “It’s like...she’s doing the job for Navarro here. Saying she’s the one who knows Ink better.” Fosh explained.
“Huh? What does that mean?!” Rust said. “We know Ink! What does Kali know that we don’t?!” Rust said.
“We need to watch and see.” Hellmare said. 
“Alright let the game begins! Let’s start off with 100 points! First one who hits the buzzer answers. If you get it wrong, someone else has to buzzer. Now remember, we also have extra points from both boys and girls who will judge on the prompt answers. So this is Jeopardy with a love twist!” Kali said.
“Tch....I’m going to beat all of you extras and Deku.” Bakugo said, glaring at Denji whom snorts at him. “Uh-huh, whatever you say, man.” 
Ren closes his eyes while Rin crosses his arms rolling his eyes. Atsushi wishes he shouldn’t be here but was pressured to and Midoriya wants to keep the peace so he has to play and make sure none of the rest will lash out at each other. Kali smiles gleefully. Navarro never thought he would never see Kali enjoying this. 
"Now let's go with the simple one. This is Ink's favorite food!"
Denji slams the buzzer quickly "What is Pizza!" Making Bakugo and Rin annoyed. Ren remains clam while Atsushi and Midoriya were curious which category would Denji picks.
Kali grins, "Correct! 100 points! Now pick a category!"
"What is for 200!" Denji yelled. Kali snaps her figures to signal for Wes to select the tab. "What greatsword that Ink carries is name?"
"Dragon with a W! Wyrm." Denji yelled.
"Oh so close! Anyone else?" Kali said. Rin presses the buzzer. "What is Wyvern!" Rin said.
"Correct! Rin, you go!" Making Rin smirk while Denji groans.
"Battles and matches for 300" Rin said. So Rin is going for the big points.
"This battle was between a serial killer and Ink in where...? Bonus points" Kali asked. Rin blinks and curses. "Uh....the battle against Iron Titan?"
"Close but no. Anyone else?"
Mdioriya presses the buzzer. "What is the Battle of New Jersey against the Lovely Horrors?"
"Correct. Someone did their homework." Kali smiles while Rin clicked his tongue.
Bakugo mutters, "Freaking nerd..."
"Now pick a category!" Kali said. Midoirya knew because he asked her if she has done any dangerous missions before Japan. She told that fighting Matt was the dangerous.
"Umm...." Midoriya has to pick but he doesn't want to scavenge points. “Uh...um...” He can’t go for big points because he doesn’t want to ruin his friendship with his friends. 
“Come on! We don’t have all day!” Kali said. 
“PICK ONE, DEKU!” Bakugo yelled. 
“Okay, okay! That one? 200 points?” Midoriya just pick one random. 
“200 Romantic Planning?”
“Wait...n-” But Midoriya didn’t get to change his choice because Kali beat him to it.  “Okay! Romantic Planning 100 points! Prompt! Here is how we judge, write down your answers or say answers based on this prompt and the audience from the girls and boys decide the score rating your answer lowest to hightest from 1-5!”
“So here’s the prompt: If someone falls asleep on you while you two sit on the couch when watching TV, what would you do? Like for Ink for example!” Kali asked. 
Everyone looks at Midoriya wondering what kind of answer. 
“Um...lay her down on the couch and get her a blanket so she can sleep well?” Midoriya stammers, he wants to play this safe. 
That’s a good answer. Generic but good.
“Girls and boys! What do you say to that?” Kali asked the audience. The girls were holding 3′s and the boys were holding solid 3s. 
“Anyone else? Let’s go with Ren!”
“I would do the same thing but give her a pillow so she won’t hurt her necl.” Ren said. He got solid 3 and 5′s.  “Rin?” Kali asked. 
“Ehh... I would wake her up because I don’t want her to sleep over night and make her friends worry.” Rin said honestly. Responsible that makes sense. Rin got solid 4 from the boys and 4′s from the girls.
“Bakugo?” Kali asked. Bakugo sighs as he crosses his arms, thinking about it before giving his own answer.
“I would let her sleep over since she does a lot of it. I would her put to bed first because she won’t hurting her back and I will sleep on the couch because the couch isn’t a place to sleep! Not before, I will call her friends and let her know she fall asleep at my place and they will come and pick her up in the morning.” Bakugo said seriously. Okay....responsible and considerate. Not bad. Rin and Ren, Atsushi, Denji had no argument there but it caught them off, not expecting Bakugo to be coridal in his anser.
“That’s a good answer.” Said Momo while the NYC fraction girls begrudglingy agreed as well. They didn’t like Bakugo but it wouldn’t be fair since his arguement is sound. They want to be the better person about it.  DBT girls has to agree as well.
“That’s true!” Hellmare nods. “If it’s Bakugo, he would let Ink sleep over if we found.”
“Not me!” Navarro growled. 
The girls had to give to Bakugo like solid 3 while boys agreed on 4 as well.
“Denji?” Kali said.
“Uhh....um.....yeah same answer as that guy! But in the morning, I get her breakfast when she wakes up! She would be probably hungry first so that’s what I’m going to do!” Denji said.
“Wow...so thoughtful!” Said Melinda. 
“Bastard....don’t use my answer as a kick start!” Bakugo growled. 
“Atsushi?” Of course...nobody is prepared for his answer as he is looking back and forth from Kyoka and Fin. Fin who is puts fingers on the top of his head, signaling ears while Kyoka is pointing at him. “Uh......” Atsushi looks unsure how to answer that answer. Fin goes to do swiping gestures while Kyoka does the hand gestures. 
“Cat.” Atsushi begins.
“A cat?” Kali blinked. The DBT is paying attention.
“I Uh.....will let her sleep on me,” 
The DBT stared. What?
Atsushi looks at Fin who does a sleep gesture with Kyoka holding up some paper with drawing on it, “and I transformed into a cat..no...a tiger so she would be more comfortable and warm! A-and I can stay with her for the rest of the night knowing that she’s safe.” Said Atsushi whose cheeks blushes realizing what he just said. The crowd was silence before it erupts in ‘Awwwww’‘ and cheers making Atsushi blushed even harder. 
“The fuck?” Navarro stares at Atsushi while Ophelia giggles. “That’s so cute!” Ophelia smiles. Hellmare nods in agreement.
“That’s...so romantic!” Ashido squealed. Ashely is there but she got a bit better, hearing Atsushi’s answer.
“I know, right? So adorable!” Said Ann. 
“I want to cuddle with a tiger!” Jinx said happily. 
“I heard tigers’ fur are nice to touch!” Said Spring. Atsushi blushes hearing this. 
“So cute!” Breezy said.
“That’s my boy right there!” Said Fin, so proud of his trainee while the Lupins were cheering for Atsushi on. Fin is wiping tears from his eyes like a proud big brother. “My boy is growing up to be a man. He’s growing up so fast!” Fin said while Ahmed rolls his eyes but claps for Atsushi regardless. 
“Way to go, man!” Said Pierce. 
Atsushi sighs, shaking his head. “That’s so manly!” Krishima nodding his head. 
“WHOSE SIDE ARE YOU ON, SHITTY HAIR?!” Bakugo yelled at Krishima. 
“Holy shit! I gotta give him that!” Guam grins. “That’s something I would do if I can turn into an animal.”
“Same....” Joshua liking the answer too. Atsushi has solid 5s from both groups. Kyoka give Atsushi a thumbs up to which Atsushi chuckles sheephisly while rubbing the back of his neck. But he can feel the intense stares from Rin, Denji, Ren and especially Bakugo. Atsushi sweat drops a little. 
“Yeah...Atsushi won that one.” Maggie said.  The DBT agreed while Navarro twitched an eye. 
“What the hell...he got help from the crowd!” Rin yelled, pointing at Fin and Kyoka who are pretending to look away as they were whistling. 
“Oh well...I haven’t add that into the rules!” Kali shrugs with a grin. “So feel free to get some help from your groups.” 
“Very well.” Ren said. Ryuji and Futaba got his back by giving him the thumbs up while Yusuke hums. “A tiger from the east and a dragon from the west. A perfect match indeed. It’s inspiration for my next art piece.” 
“Whose side are you on?!” Ryuji exclaimed. 
“The hell!” Denji growled. “That’s not fair!” As he has no one to back him up. Kali clears her throat. “Okay Atsushi, you won the points with some added bonus. Now pick an category.”
“Okay...um.....Battles and Matches...?” Atsushi asked. “For 400?” 
“Oh so now you want to win?” Rin huffs.
“And congratz! You have select another prompt! Here is one which is more fun! Ink loves team attacks....so what would be your team attack?” This got the boys’ lit up but they had to rack their brains about it.
“Oh! That’s a good one!” Rust asked as Ink is really big on team attacks.For example with Navarro, it’s Godzilla due to the nature of their attack. With him, Dragon Knight! Usually, the DBT members has their own name of their team attacks. 
“Indeed. But if Ink was here, she would love them all!” Maggie said. 
“Yeah...Ink is not good at names but the names she put from what she read and watch makes sense!” Jaron said. “Plus we help her with it.”
“Like with mine, ours is Blue Storm because....well...we like blue.” Oblivion shrugs. Rust nods, “Word. Our is Dragon Knight!” He grins. 
“Now I give you 5 minute to answer. So take your time!” Kali said as the boys rack their brains so each one made a list that comes to mind for a team attack that sounds great to them.
Once 5 minutes is up, Kali announces, “Time is up! Now let’s hear those team attacks!”
“Me!” Bakugo shouted as he goes first, putting up the name of his team attack. “The name is Alpha Explosion Ink Splatoon Murder!”
Everyone stared at him like he grew two heads. Shoto sighs while Deku cringes a little, apologizing for him to the DBT. 
“Uhhhh....” Maggie doesn’t know what to say to this.
“Splatoon? Like the game?” Oblivion asked. 
“Wow...really?” Rin said. “That’s the best you can come up? I expect better from someone calling himself number one.” Rin said smugly making Bakugo mad “Oh yeah, Rat Tail?! What the hell is your team attack?!” Rin pops a vein hearing Bakugo’s remark about his demon tail. “Mine is Azure Flames of Hell!” Rin grins, showing off his badass team attack name.  
“After all...me and Ink use blue flames! Plus we’re like demons!’ Rin points out. Most of the crowd nod their head in agreement, as it makes sense.
“Oh yeah?! Well our team attack sounds better because we make our names known!” Bakugo yelled. Before the boys argued whose team attack is best. “Now, now, now! Let’s wait to hear out the meanings behind the name second. Ren! What is yours?”
“Hmmmm.....” Ren thinks. “How about The Showtime Star Finale?” 
“Yeah! Way to go, Ren!” Ryuji exclaimed while Yusuke and Futaba agrees on that name. 
Melinda hums, nods. “Oh, that makes sense! Ink is a like star and ends things quick with a big bang!”
“It really does!” Jinx grins. 
“That does sound like her!” Guam laughs. The crowd can see meaning behind that. 
“Ha! My name beats all of yours! Ours is Chainsaw Dragon!” Denji smirks. Ren looks over to him with a look. “......um...what?” 
“What?” Rin stared at Denji with a frown. This makes Midoriya blink. “Denji....do you have a quirk that related to chainsaw?”
“What kind of team attack is that?!” Bakugo yells. “It sounds dumb as shit!”
“No, it’s not!” Denji said. “Your team attack sounds too freaking long!” He complained. Kali clears her throat. “Alright Atsushi! What do you got?” Kali wants to move this along. 
“Ummm....welll....” Atsushi shows his. “Scales and Stripes? That’s the only thing I can come up with. Sorry!” Atsushi sighs. Still, the previous round made Atsushi favorable. 
“Not bad, not bad! It’s because you’re a tiger and Ink is a dragon, right?” Kali nods. Yusuke hums, “Yes! The name for such an artful concept is fitting!” He said with a smile.  
“Seriously..Yusuke...whose side are you on?” Futuba stares at him with a look. 
“Alright last one! Midoriya?”
“Oh um....uh....” Midoriya looks nervous, fidgeting his fingers but sighs as he holds up his sign of his team attack name, “Draco Smash.”
“You gotta be shitting me....” Navarro said. He heard from Ink that Midoriya is a All-Might fan and gets inspired by his moves but holy hell! Draco Smash?! Is there anything that isn’t All-Might related?!
“That sounds like a Pokemon move.” Gerald commented making Rust snort. 
“Well...it’s way better than Bakugo’s....I think?” Fosh said.
“No!.His makes sense, I mean if you play the game Splatoon, it makes sense.” Oblivion disagreed. Yuuka sighs. This is going to be a long night. 
To be continued...
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feluka · 2 years
(SLAMS BUZZER) Hetalia. Final answer
sorry. wrong answer. *two men in black suits drag you away*
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sweetestofchaos · 2 years
Can’t sleep it’s 1:03 so here’s a guess the idol.
Okay so his about a 10 (every idol is a 10 cause my not) but he looks like a sweet innocent baby with those cute cheeks 🥰
Here’s another one. His a 10 but will kill you if you annoy him or if you tell him your good friends with someone he want to muerden for the longest now. 😬😅
Ohhh, let me think 🤔
Okay, so I’ve got Youngjae (Got7) before he turned into a vampire, Jay B (Got7) or Joohoney (Monsta X) for the cheeks.
100% thinking Jinyoung (Got7) for mister slice and dice 😂
*slams hand on buzzer* 🗣 Final answer!!!
0 notes
simpurnatural · 2 years
Ink Memories - Part 1
Clint Barton x Reader  
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Simpurnatural’s Grand Masterlist
Warning ⚠️: Swearing, Mentions of Abuse, Smut,
Pairing(s): Ronin Era!Clint Barton x MOB!Reader
Summary: After Thanos snapped his fingers, Clint made it his mission to end all crime organizations. Little did he know that you would be the first he’d let live to tell the tale.
[Part 1 of 2] || [Part 2 of 2] (coming soon!)
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Clint stepped out of the rain and into the tattoo parlor with a tight grip around his bow. The warm scent of jasmine filled his senses as a his eyes landed on the dozen or so women sitting about. Their conversations dying down once they noticed his weapon
“Sir? How may I help you?” one asked, approaching the front desk where he stood.
“I need to speak with L/n,” he replies and looked at the security cameras in every corner. 
“Follow me,” the girl nods as she motioned for archer to come with her.
Walking by every set of salon chairs, Clint took note of the fact that every person in that room had two pistols on their hip. Could he take on all of them? Probably. His eyes scanned for other exits before the sound of a buzzer was heard.
He watch as the girl mutter something inaudible into the panel before signing something with her hands and pointing to him. Now Clint’s sign language was a bit rusty but he could make out the fact that she called him old.
You leaned closer to to the screen, getting a better look at the man on your monitors. After conducting a facial recognition scan, you figured out that he was the man that was slaughtering all your allies. Not only that, he was an avenger. Of course you wouldn’t want to miss the opportunity to meet him.
“Send him in,” he heard a feminine voice order as a concealed door hissed opened.
The girl moved aside to make way for him and waved flirtatiously. The others giggled but Clint’s shoulders slouched at this. You were just another crime boss to knock off the chess board.
After being ushered into your office, he watched as the large leather chair spun and revealed a petite woman sitting on it. His brows furrowed in confusion before straightening out again. You laughed loudly before speaking-
“Were you expecting a man?” you ask, motioning for him to take a seat. “Please sit, I wanna know why you want to kill me before I kill you, Mr. Barton. Or should I say Ronin?”
“Half the universe died and some of the other half didn’t deserve to survive it,” he replies as he placed his bow on the chair beside him. “But I wasn’t expecting a woman,”  he says, answering your previous question
“I’m honored to be the first,” you reply then moved a bit closer to him. “You could shoot me right now and countless more would come. Or I could send you on your merry way,” you offered.
“Both sound very...tempting,” he says then eyed his bow. 
“I suppose I’ll give you a moment to think about it,” you say, your hand brushing against the handle of your katana. “Do you know why I came to be?” you ask.
“When two people love each other-” he began in a sarcastic tone.
“-Quite the opposite actually,” you chuckle, “You see, my parents were practically royalty but they hated each other. Everyone saw it and believed that they wouldn’t be fit for power. So they made me,
Not because they wanted a gift for up high but to ensure that they kept their seat on the throne. Everyday of my young life was spent being reminded that I was nothing more than a object. Beaten mentally and physically almost to the point of death. Till I finally snapped!” you shout causing Clint to flinch.  
His eyes noticed the scars on your palms after you slammed your katana on the desk. Dried blood stains painted it’s blade, the gold adorned handle beamed in the light.
“I killed them and was banished from the land for all time. So I formed a successful organization that would help girls leave their homes. At any cost,” you say with a proud look on your face.
“Touching story but I didn’t come here for nothing,” he sighs before swiftly picking up his bow and drawing an arrow. “You’ve killed a lot of people regardless,”
But you were quick to grab your weapon and push the desk towards him abruptly. Clint cursed as it made contact with his rib-cage, totally leaving bruises. 
“You’re funny,” you smile as you threw daggers at him, using them to pin him to the door. Your eyes landed on his arms and an idea formed in your mind. “And the perfect blank canvas,” you smirked.
“What’re you doing?” Clint shouts as you tied him down by the wrists and ankles.
“Well you did come here to kill me so I thought to be cautious,” you shrug, patting him down for any other weapons. “Give me the gun,” 
A girl came scurrying over with a tattoo gun in her hand and ink in the other. You thanked her quietly before telling everyone to leave the room. 
“I want to gift you with something to remember me by,” you say and wiped down the needle before taking a seat on his lap. “You ever gotten a tattoo?” you ask.
“No,” he grumbles before getting a rag shoved in his mouth.
“Well this is going to hurt like a motherfucker,” you sigh, switching it on. 
Clint quivered a bit here and there as you worked on his arm. Muttering muffled remarks anytime you kept the needle in one place for too long. 
Something to also take note of was the growing erection you felt poking at your thigh. You watched as his face reddened every-time you changed your position.
“Are you comfortable, Mr. Barton?” you questioned then rocked your hips slightly.
He let out a groan before you decided to rid his mouth of the rag “Very,” he replies out of breath. “Are you done yet?”
“I’m not even halfway done,” you smile before continuing.  
“Y/n!” One of your girls gasped as a handful of them came running into the room.
“Yes, what is it?” you asked, a pang of worry striking once seeing her scared expression.
“They’re here,” the girl responded, pointing to the black SUV parked outside.
“I’ll handle it,” you groaned, shooing them away and climbing off of Clint’s lap.
“Hey! Where are you going?” he shouts as you made your way to the backroom.
“Back be right back, Mr. Barton!” you hollar back before emerging from the room with two katanas in your grasp.
“Won’t you need my help?” he asks causing you to glance at the leather bonds that tied him down.
“Maybe,” you reply and twirling the swords in your hand as men in black suits approached the front of your store. Eyeing his bow and arrows in one corner and Clint in the other, you decided to untie him. “Betray me and I’ll kill you,”
“Right” he nods, rubbing the rawness of wrists then grabbing his equipment.
“Miss Y/n! We’re here for blood,” one of the men announced as they stepped in, “Your’s to be exact,”  he chuckles darkly.
“Well you’ll have to shoot me yourself,” you reply bitterly before getting into a fighting stance.
“Suit yourself, little lady,” he says and signaling for the other men to fire. 
Turning your katana into a sharp edge chain, you whipped in their direction and slicing heads clean off. Clint released countless arrows, some causing minor casualties and others burning the enemy alive.
“Those are very cool!” you commented, stabbing a man in the chest. “Do you make those yourself?”
“Yeah,” Clint responds as he threw someone over the counter. “Damn!” he hissed after being kicked in the chest, his bow skidding across the floor.
“Bye bye arrow man!” one waves as they began throwing punches.
Right as you cut someone clean at the torso, you turned to see Clint getting totally pounded. Looking down at one of the katanas in your hand, you tossed it over to him.
“Nice try!” the guy cackled before trying to force it into his chest. “Say hasta-”
“-La vista,” Clint chuckles with a smirk on his lips.
He pressed the button that reversed it’s blade and lodging it into the guy’s neck. He then pushed the corpse that collapsed atop of him off his chest. Your heart raced with adrenaline as he got off the floor.
“I gotta get me one of those,” he says, looking to you. 
“That was so hot,” you breathed before slamming your lips against his. 
Pulling away, you pushed him back onto the salon chair. Clint huffed as you climbed on top of him and reeled you in for another kiss. His hands slowly explored your body while you raked a hand through his hair.
“Wanna do this somewhere else?” he mutters in your ear, voice dripping with lust.
A shiver was sent down your spine as you mustered the words, “Of course,” before finding yourselves back in your office.
Kicking off your heels, Clint locked the door before turning to face you. He finally admitted to himself how beautiful you are. All the built up kill-thrill made him want to fuck you even more.
“Hope you don’t mind,” he said as he tore the end of your dress.
“Not at all,” you assure and tearing it even more “Be my guest,”
Upon propping up your leg, Clint began leaving red marks along your neck as you worked his trousers. He trailed kisses from the collarbone down to your shoulder, slipping the strap off.
Ridding himself of his shirt, it revealed his toned abs. You let out a breathy moan as he pulled down the top of your dress, revealing your chest. He cupped your breast and attached his lips to your’s.
You finally were able to undo his belt and tugged on his pants hastily. Clint pulled away and kicked them off before pulling down you underwear hastily. His hand hovered dangerously close to your heat making you gasp.
“Please,” was all you could say in the moment, “Clint please,” you pleaded.
Slipping two fingers in, he watched as your eyes rolled back as the feeling of sexual contentment devoured you entirely. It would’ve seemed like he was manually trying to rearrange your insides. 
He added a third finger into your cunt and soaked in the sight of you riding his fingers. A loud moan slipped out of your lips causing Clint’s ears to perk up. He wanted to rile up another one out of you. 
“You like that?” he asks and wraps his hand around your neck, “Tell me how bad you want it,” he whispers in your ear.
Saying anything felt beyond your basic capabilities at the moment. Your legs quaked at the intensity but he didn’t let up. His grip only grew tighter around your neck and moaned at the dominance he held.
“I want you in me so bad,” you finally say and Clint kicked his boxers,  slammed into your cunt without warning. “Holy shit,” you gasp before his lips were on your’s again.
Both of you shared a mixture of slurred words in the kiss before you pulled away for a breather. Your heads still touching as he focused on your slight tummy bulge that appeared then disappeared with a every thrust.
“Feel that?” he asked, his hand pressing down slightly. “You can barely take me,” he coos as you groaned at the sight.
Back arched, you body was sprawled out across your desk. Clint leaned down and took one breast into his mouth and the other into the palm of your hand. The dual pleasure was surely shattering your whole being.
His lips left wet kisses across your chest as his hand rolled his nipple slightly with his fingers. Your eyes began watering at the feeling of your approaching orgasm. Clint just thinking of you coming around his length sent him into overdrive
“Cum for me,” he orders as his hips snapped into your’s. 
You were moaning mess as both his hands lifted your waist up and down his length. He watched as you entered euphoric bliss, screaming his name from the top of your lungs. Then Clint yanked you down to your knees.
“Suck,” he instructed and you complied happily.
A deep groan left his throat as you took all of him. You pumped his length quickly, wanting him to reach the same amount of pleasure as you did. Mouth open wide, you hummed in a satisfactory tone as his hot seed shot onto your tongue.
Placing you back on your office desk, Clint wiped a bit of smudged lip stick from the corner of your mouth. He kissed you once more and tasted a bit of himself in the process.
“We should do that again sometime,” you breathed.
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dreamcatcherrs · 3 years
only at 3am - dream x reader
+ the rain is just nicer at night when you're alone with your partner at the edge of a viewpoint, nothing but the whole world waiting for you
++ making out, so slightly suggestive!
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your laugh falls past your lips with such ease as you exit the car, immediately feeling the rain crash down on you, soaking you completely in the span of a minute. you hear the sound of the door slam on the other side of the car, and you run over to greet the guy you’re so hopelessly in love with.
swinging your arms around his neck, you jump onto him, and though he stumbles slightly in surprise, he catches you with ease, grabbing onto your thighs as you wrap your legs around his waist. you're stuck in a fit of your own laughter, giggling as your hands cling onto his now soaked back, his wet shirt clamped in your hands.
“I never ever want this to end!” you yell at the top of your lungs. to yourself, to him, to the world. to whoever’s listening, really, you don't care anymore.
clay soon joins in on your laughter, burying his face in your wet hair, feeling it tickle his nostrils when he inhales. his grip on you tightens, and he sends you a mischevious smile right before spinning you around in a circle swiftly, watching you squeal out and laugh with the biggest smile on your face as you hold onto him tightly to avoid falling. he mirrors your smile, halting to a stop to put you on the ground again.
“god I fucking love you.” and then he's kissing you, hand holding your head steady on the back of it, the other pulling your wet body against his by your waist. your teeth clatter against his, your laughter bubbling throughout the kiss. it’s playful, the rain making you crazier than usual. and for a moment, it feels like it’s just you and him. and nothing else matters.
he slips his tongue into your mouth, smile fading slightly as he shifts his focus solely on kissing you. and then it’s serious, passionate. there’s just something so… magical in the way clay kisses you. skilful, gentle, yet rough at times when necessary, and just so so dreamy and passionate and nothing like anyone else could ever live up to. you let him take control, placing both of your hands on his cheeks, feeling his cheekbones poke into your thumbs as you pull him closer to you.
clay’s hands move, arms completely wrapping around your waist, kissing you so hard that you’re leaning backwards, his hand on your upper back the only thing holding you up. you love every second of it - maybe it’s the feeling of the rain trickling down between your lips, or the feeling of his soaked, warm body against yours, or simply just him. your answer is all of the above.
your hands move down his chest, feeling his pecs through his shirt, then the outline of his ribs, the line of muscles spreading down his stomach and suddenly you're completely lost in the moment. he moves you to stand upright again, fingers moving the hair out of your face as he cups your chin in his hand. you curl your fingers around his now brown-looking locks of hair, pushing them back through your fingers.
when you finally pull back, you're out of breath, even though you hadn’t even noticed the lack of it. you're not the only one though, clay’s hot breath fanning against your lips as his eyes stare into yours through his wet lashes, smiling sweetly at you.
his brows furrow when you squint at him, and suddenly you're bent over, letting out a sneeze into your already wetted sleeve. you give him a look of “oh shit, it’s raining and it’s cold and we’re definitely gonna be sick when we wake up”, which, yes, is a look, and all clay can do is laugh, grabbing your hand and kissing your forehead.
“I guess you're screwed.” aaaand he ruined the moment. idiot. you punch his chest, and he barely even moves when you do so. you turn to open the car door, but get interrupted by a loud sneeze coming from behind you. you turn, smile slowly growing on your face, ready to give an awesome comeback-
“if you say anything I won't buy you that chocolate you really like ever again.”
your mouth opens, then shuts.
at least you can be sick together.
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tag list✰
@zayenz @terribletoothbat @0t0n1n @0125cm @yukiuheh @shinee-is-5-forever @regularnoceur @b01nk-b0w@christhebish@nutritious-emo-crackkk@bookishreid@giavanna-707 @reddiesmcdonalds@cosmins@vixxzial@autumnpleaves@paradigmax@meaganjm@shiningsunrises@moralofwalls@username1212131@gxldentaestuff@innitdream @televisionpresent38 @bubblyanis@zurami@highoffhockey@popinjaytaylor@196os@livsbaby@doubts-of-gold@bunlina@retrav @mcyt-is-my-life@aleaisntcreative @my-shitpost-of-writing @my-shitpost-of-writing@clownsdrowning@pissbabywastaken@shiningsunrises@tie-dyed-dumbass @death-by-rats@simpfordraco @bippity-boppity-boopa@neongreendaydreams  @vibin-by-myself@littlepotatos0w0@christhebish @pipp-poppz@btsiguess-kpop@prettysmallfries@hiyoko-kos@kenmxskitten@fudrudy@weepingartanimespy@rhino-zucchini@goldenstarofthunderclan@melonmarz@ubeicecreamisthebest@polaroidinurroom @ady-yoo@isimpforeveryone@edenhollandd@ineedtogetoutofhere@glitter-night @hamilsandersfam@mothheart-witch @wrong-exit@trashcanfullofdork @hellfirepheonixx @marshmallow-babe@isimpforeveryone @ky50621 @randomcloud@wormie4k@dinonuggies50  @p4rty-t4ttoos@aspenthegremlin@book-of-anarchy @jeyacore @thetattooink@gogywasfound@millavalntyne@junob1ade@ubeicecreamisthebest@karida @i-have-paws-love@drvgonraja@eatasslikegrass@creamofweep@venusomega@lunarfedora@rowe-n @wreny24 @vincent-stargogh@floatingplanets@vernon-dursley@childhoodgrunge@fivxss@hexagonclash@crazyjuls12@littlebabysandboxburritos@shifted-dreams@lenamarie666@reinyrei@sozvuchiy @weaslvy-mxlfoy@aiofheavenandhell@honeyglaazed@carisle-mikealson@ineedtogetoutofhere@twist3dtinkerbell@cracraforfandoms@angel-dazey @leia-starly @smiithys@squiddyyyy@c0wc0ww@animeweeb019284 @m00-bl00m-k0le@stqrs-thoughts @jenlouvre@uhhhguiltypleasures@trappedchest@punzrights@trashgremlin36@cyberrsoot@elebeleb @k3nn3dis-crap@karlshoodies@rascal-in-banishment@heartbroken-writer@bartok-the-magnificent@ihavenoideashelp@goldiefox1@bethybop@helluhru@venuzblr@pha5ed5tar50 @cscooop@bethybop@lunareclipse-13@http-strawberryy@mahitophobic@ahmya-4@dracoscumwh0re @darkdaria1 @jiminifiess@orchardangel@shyorchider@cupcake54492@natsueyama@honeyconnie@notacardigan@maybeshroom @sbi-is-my-onlysanity @yoshi-rikuaeshetic@gayyysunflower@sarahwasfound@ditzyjitters@queenelkiexx @jinxy175 @starlight-writes-stuff@youngstarfishdinosaur@dilfpunz​ @officialsimppage​ @sa-edal​ @lemon-cow @someinsanefangirl​ @noncannonships@simplestradicalform @buzzer-s​ @ariespirate​ @moonlight-394​ @sloxth-poe​ @loonyprincelupin​ @pearlsposts​ @strxbrymilkkuu​ @trash-chiold
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double-hoe-seven · 3 years
Conjugal Visit
Summary: Its time to visit your husband at good old Belle Reve Pairing: Robert DuBois/Bloodsport x Reader Word Count: 1,830 Warning(s): Smut, prison sex(?), allusion to violence and murder. 18+ MINORS DNI (DO NOT INTERACT)
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"DuBois, you have a visitor!" One of the guards shouted while he scrubbed the floor. "I'm not in the mood to fight with my daughter and I under no circumstances want to see Waller," he growled. "Well then you're in luck, it's the only other person in your life from the outside," the guard said bored. "What? I'm not ready for a visitor." "Too bad. Let's go." The guard was getting impatient. Reluctantly, Robert got up and followed the man; at least he'd showered that morning. He followed them to one of the private visitation rooms; there you sat, wearing black boots, jeans, and t-shirt, and a midnight blue leather jacket with the black rings on your left hand. "You're a sight for sore eyes, love," he smiled as the guards uncuffed him and repeated their usual warnings before leaving the room, locking the door behind them.
"If I'd known you were coming I might have shaved," he commented as he approached you, pulling you into his embrace with he was close enough. "I don't know, babe, I quite like the beard. It makes you look distinguished," you said with a hum as you wrapped your arms around his neck loosely. "That's just a polite way of sayin' it makes me look old, innit?" He asked with a stifled chuckle. "Older and handsome, love," you corrected. "Did you come here to just take the piss at me or do you have a better reason?" He teased before leaning down and capturing your lips in a hungry, impassioned kiss. His arms wrapped around your waist and pulled you flush against him.
A deep groan left him when you gently bit and tugged his bottom lip, smirking up at him. "Needy little thing, ain't ya, love?" He hummed as he tossed your jacket aside, hastily doing the same with your shirt before scooping you up and laying you on the cheap bed in the room. His lips dropped from yours to your neck, leaving a trail of light bite marks in the wake as he trailed his lips down to your chest. "I don't know why you bother wearing bras when you visit me, love, they only get in my way," he chuckled as he unclasped the black lace of your bra, discarding it with a grin. "Because I'd rather not be led through a prison with-" your words were quickly cut off by a surprised moan when he leaned down and took one of your nipples into his mouth. His tongue circled the bud as he suckled gently, rolling the other nipple between his thumb and forefinger.
Robert alternated between the hardened peaks until you were a moaning, squirming mess beneath him. Your hips rocked against his needily as a whine escaped you "Robert..." "Use your words, love," he teased with a wicked grin. He chuckled to himself when you only shot him a glare. He unzipped your jeans and pulled them and your underwear down teasingly slowly; he pulled you to the edge of the bed and kneeled down throwing your legs over his shoulders. "I think this might be one of the things I miss most while I'm here, being able to just go down on you whenever the fuck I want," he said in a soft mutter as he ran his thumb along your wet slit. "Trust me, hon, you aren't the only one who misses it," you mumbled. Your back arched with the first swipe of his tongue. Two of his fingers teased your entrance before slowly pushing in as his tongue circled your clit slowly. What started out as slow drags of his fingers and tongue turned into him fucking you with his tongue and fingers, stretching you to prepare for him. He didn't stop until he felt your walls tensing around his digits, when he did he quickly pulled his fingers out and licked them clean, a small pleased groan leaving him as he watched you pant softly, a needy hunger in your eyes. He always did love bringing you right to the edge.
He quickly shed himself of his orange prisoner's uniform, taking his member into his hand as he climbed in bed over you. "I'll be outta here soon enough, love, then I'll take you somewhere proper and romantic," he promised before pressing a soft kiss to your forehead, followed by a slow sensual kiss to your lips as he slowly pushed his length into you. His hand stroked your cheek when he felt you tense up, your tight warmth stretching to its limits to accommodate him "that's a good pet, takin' my cock so well." You wrapped your legs around his waist tightly while your nails dug into his shoulders.
Each slow drag and push of his hips pulled gentle moans from you. His pace quickly built up and he tightened your legs around him. "Is that the best you can give me, love?" You teased when he settled into a series of long, deep, slow thrusts. "Aw, does my needy little princess want it rough?" He almost cooed in false sympathy while slowing his hips. When you started trying to move your hips against him for any more friction than what he was giving, a small whine escaped you when his hand moved to hold your hips down "use your words, pet. Tell daddy exactly what you want or I'll just keep going slowly until I'm ready to finish." "Want you to fuck me until I leave here with a limp," you managed to say after a minute of trying to steel yourself.
The squeak that left your lips when he suddenly pulled out turned into a loud moan when he slammed back into you, setting a new brutal pace. You angled your hips up some so each thrust brought the head of his member harshly against your g-spot. "Fuck, Robert!" You moaned out louder when his thumb started rubbing fast tight circles on your clit. "That's it, little bird, sing for daddy so this entire fucking shithole can hear," he husked before nibbling and tugging on your ear lobe. "Say my name, Pet. Tell everyone who's you are," he growled, pinching your clit when your only answer was a moan that escaped your slightly parted lips. "Yours, Robert! All yours!" You moaned out, eagerly trying to match his thrusts but finding it harder to keep up with his roughness and brute force.
Soon, Robert sat back on his knees and pulled your hips flush against his with each more forceful thrust managing to hit even deeper places, places that were quickly bringing you closer to the edge. "Fuck, your warm walls are squeezing me so tightly. Play with your clit for me, yeah? I want to see all of you come undone but don't you dare cum until I say," he muttered lazily. He sat up fully and spread your legs a little further apart, transfixed on the sight of his length disappearing into you and coming out with your sweet nectar. You nodded and bit your lip as you traced shapes over your little button. "Good girl," he mumbled, his thrusts getting shorter but quicker, more of a rapid rutting. He smirked when he saw how hard you were trying to hold off "alright, Pet, you can let go." He might've whispered the words but they were clear to you.
As you came, you moaned out a series of curses and his name, your entire being quaking. Groaning as your walls tightened even more, he fell forward over you as he joined you in climax. His body covered yours while his forearms kept his weight off of you, his hips slowly rutting into you as you both came down. He planted a series of soft, languid kisses up your neck and along your jawline before finally kissing you softly, one of his hands coming up to gently brush some loose strands out of your face. Robert carefully maneuvered your bodies so he was laying on his back with you on his chest, his arms around your waist while his index finger absentmindedly traced shapes along your spine. You both laid there in comfortable silence, your rapid breaths slowing down were the only sounds in the room.
"Do you really think you'll be out of here soon, love?" You asked him hopefully, looking up at him with a small frown. "I do, darling. It won't be long before Waller comes with another suicide mission for me to lead," he grumbled before pecking your lips softly "I'll be home with you before you know it though, yeah?" "You promise? I miss waking up to your face between my legs," you joked. "Believe me, love, I miss that too. You always have been my favorite breakfast, or meal in general," a sly smirk crossed his face and he chuckled when you slapped his chest. "You're awful," you joked. "Baby, I'm an assassin, I'm not exactly a role model for anyone. I mean, for fucks sake, I almost killed Superman and if given the job again I'd take it," he said casually. "I know you would baby, maybe this time you'll succeed," you teased with a grin. "Watch it love or I'll have to bend you over my knee," he warned, squeezing your ass with a wicked smirk. "Oh no, please don't sp-" you started saying sarcastically before his hand quickly came down with a loud smack. "Wanna try that attitude again, princess?" He cocked his brow while he waited for your answer, giving you a quick kiss when you didn't say anything else.
Before either of you could react, the buzzer of the door unlocking and opening sounded and a woman walked in. "DuBois, Mrs. DuBois," she greeted flatly, unfazed by your nudity as you tried to cover your bodies with the sheet. "Fuck are you doing here, Waller?" Robert growled. "You have a new mission. And this time your wife's coming along. Isn't that right, Tracker?" She said. "Excuse me?" You and Robert said simultaneously. "That's right. We know about your side gig hunting down people the law let off. If either of you refuses to come on the mission or tries to abandon it, I'll hand over our evidence to the proper authorities. You, my dear, with not only be put in jail but you'll lose your license to practice law. Even if you managed to get it reinstated, nobody will hire a lawyer who knowingly married an assassin, the same one who put Superman in the ICU," Waller explained calmly. "You're threatening my fucking wife?!" Robert shouted as he sprung out of bed and pulled his boxers on. "I'm doing it for the safety of our country and the world," her voice was so eerily calm. "Robert, calm down. If it gets you home sooner, I'll do it," you told him as you sat up, using the bedsheet to cover your modesty. He looked at you like you'd just grown another head, in complete disbelief.
Tag Team: @bdffkierenwalker​
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The Art of Not Falling in Love- Roope Hintz
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AN: This is a piece that is very self indulgent BUT it has a plot despite being like 80% smut. I am thinking of making more parts if people like this 
Word count: 5k 
TW: like its smut.. so like what do you expect. (Wrap it before you tap it) spanking light dom!Roope female reader 
You could never quite understand how you got into this situation. You’d sworn to never fall in love ever. The pain of watching the gruesome divorce of your parents, the way your friends seemed to find “the one” left and right, only to be heartbroken, was simply too much. So you decided to simply don’t fall in love ever. 
And you’d kept that promise to yourself, ever since 15. Sure a few crushes came up now and then, but you never acted on them, and you made sure no one knew about the feeling. The only person in your life that knew about this promise to yourself was your best friend Jamie.
The first person you’d met in Dallas when you’d first moved there. You had been a freshman in college and he had been, ironically so, the first person to hit on you in Dallas, and you hadn’t even officially gotten there yet.  It happened on the plane ride. He was seated beside you and you couldn’t for the life of you remember the pick up line he used. You just know it was bad, cause you remember laughing at it and the way he tried to manage his long limbs into the airplane seat. It had gone uphill from there on, and you were glad he didn’t get offended by you laughing at him. 
Now, however, you were sitting in the stands of the American Airlines Center, watching him and his team scramble across the ice in a turnover, passing the puck up the ice. Roope Hintz picks it up and flicks it into the goal, just over the left shoulder of the Blackhawks goalie, making the Stars take the lead with three minutes left in the third period. The stands erupt in wild cheers and the team celebrates on ice. You jump with the rest of the crowd, and clap enthusiastically. Knowing that it’s gonna be an insufferable team to meet afterwards. After all, athletes tend to be after winning a game like this. 
The buzzer goes off and the Dallas Stars have officially ended their losing streak. The crowd is going wild, jumping up and down, making the stands shake just a little. Thats when you decide to sneak out of the stands and find your way to the outside of the locker room, where Jamie had promised he would meet you. 
You have been around a few times, and sure enough you find your way. Jamie had made sure to let the security staff know that you would be around after the game. There is a soccer ball laying around so you pick it up and start bouncing it on your jeans clad thigh, then dropping it down onto your foot and up again, alway in control. You lose yourself to the ball, concentrating on keeping it in the air, so much so that you don’t notice the door slamming open until the boom of it makes you drop the ball. 
“Jesus fuck.” 
You whisper as you look up to find the source of the noise. What you find shouldn’t surprise you, but seeing a shirtless Roope Hintz standing there with a frown on his face, makes heat rush up your neck regardless. 
“Who are you?” 
He looks suspiciously at you, taking in the skinny jeans and the absence of a jersey. As well as the forgotten soccer ball. 
“Sorry, just here for Oleksiak.” 
You try to shrug it off, looking for the ball again. His eyes squint suspiciously at you, but his head tilts backwards as he calls for Jamie. He comes bounding out of the locker room, shirtless, but fresh out of the shower. He’s in the middle of zipping up his game day slacks, and the smile already on his lips gets wider.  
“You could have waited with the others you know?” 
Jamie says cheekily to you. The heat to your face returns, but not in full force. You look at his tall stature and the smaller man beside him. And for some reason, the blonde star of the night is the one to make you look away. You shoot daggers at Jamie instead. 
“You know, you could have told me where they were, so I didn’t have to stand here like some other crazed fan.” 
Roope slowly turns around and walks away, closing the door with one last curious look directed at you. 
“Oh come on, we all know you’re crazy for me.” 
Finally you can feel yourself relax a little, with a sigh you take a step closer to him. 
“Yeah, crazy for you to leave me alone.” 
He wraps you up in his arms and lifts you up in the air, laughing as you gasp at the surprise of being lifted up. 
“Congrats by the way, you played well today.” 
You say to him, as he lets you back down on the ground again.  
“Thank you Sparks.” 
“Now go get dressed completely, I suppose you want to celebrate tonight?” 
His signature, tooth lacking smile is on full display as he slings an arm around your shoulders. Jamie looks at you with a mischievous look. 
“We really want to celebrate this, and besides, we really need to get you laid.” 
You wrench your way out of his grip and scowl at him, pushing him in the direction of the door to the locker room. 
“Get dressed you idiot.” 
You say with a flat voice, trying to remain serious, and failing when you see Jamie wink at you last minute. You immediately go back to juggling the soccer ball, as the door slams shut. 
A couple of girls are walking towards you, and you suspect they’re here looking for their boyfriends or husbands. That’s until you see the flustered cheeks and whispers of “I can’t believe we made it all the way here.” and the agreements that follow. 
Their eyes land on you and your soccer ball, and their expressions instantly sour. You try to shrug it off, but when the whispering starts again, you look up from the ball. You start getting suspicious when one of the three girls flicks her long, perfectly curled, brunette hair over her shoulder and opens her immaculately painted lips to say something. 
“You shouldn’t be here you know.” 
The confidence in her voice almost has you fooled for someone who belongs there. Almost. You’ve never seen her close to any of them ever, even if you had managed to stay out of the public eye yourself. Something about this trio didn’t feel right. You stop juggling the ball and drop it to your foot, catching it without bounce and then placing your foot on top of it.  
“Why not?” 
You ask out of curiosity of what the answer would be.
“Well, it’s reserved for the wags, you know, so you don’t belong here.” 
You tilt your head and raise a brow, questioningly. 
“Isn’t that what the owner's box is for? you know with reserved seats, food and really comfortable sitting options?” 
A blush seems to rise through her make- up and you restrain yourself a little, you really don’t want to make her an enemy. Just in case. 
“Yeah.. I just need to see my man before we head home.”
She stutters out, looking at her two friends who nod encouragingly at her. 
“Okay, just remind me who it is again?” 
You play dumb, knowing that the media is about to get out of the room in a minute. 
“Jamie ofcourse.” 
And her voice is so confident as she says it, you let a smile show before chuckling. They really thought they could fool anyone with that. Just in that moment, the door opens and cameras and notepads or tape recorders start filing out of the door. 
You walk over to the door, holding it open for the stream of reporters and crew. Then you duck a head in and yell for Jamie. 
“Oleksiak, your girlfriend is here…” 
It isn’t intentional all the way, but it comes out in a sing- song voice.  
The entirety of the team turns to face you. Briefly you meet the eyes of Roope, who’s still shirtless. Just as Jamie passes you by with a confused look, you tap his now clothed arm to make him bend down just a little.
“Ehh, so someone somehow got past security, apparently you’re her boyfriend.” 
You say to him, loud enough for the closest teammates to hear. 
“Jesus Christ, not again.” 
Jamie mutters. Stephen Johns is closest and has his phone in seconds calling someone. You let a glance out the door and see the girls huddled together, suddenly looking unsure. Jamie takes a look over your shoulder and sighs. 
“Guess I should distract them until security gets here, just stay here.”
You roll your eyes, but stay put. Then suddenly you realise where you are, feeling like an intruder. 
“Sorry guys, didn’t mean to intrude, just thought you should know about the girls outside.” 
You say, trying to not look too closely at anyone. You can feel the heat rising up your neck. 
“‘S alright, not everyday we get to know a girl from Jamie's side.”
Tyler Seguin says from his seat by his gear. 
“Oh I know, he has a hard time finding decent ones.” 
You say it absentmindedly, but the entire team seems to crack up at that. You feel a little bad, but you also know it as true and it's already said, so you can’t take it back. 
“Seems like he did alright with you.” 
Roope says as he pulls his button up over his arms and starts pushing the buttons through the holes.
“Ahh, a common mistake. Not a girlfriend and not sleeping with him either.” 
His brows raise and a cheeky smile forms on his face. But he doesn’t say anything else. You feel off, of sorts. He doesn’t irk you like the girls did. And it was kind of scaring you. It’s the feeling you get when you start being intrigued, and you don ‘t need that now.
You’re sitting at the bar, alone, not that you mind it, because the girl who finally got Jamie had been ogling him all night and talking too loud, and it was a relief when you saw them walk out the door. He had asked multiple times if it was okay for him to leave, so much so that you almost drove the uber back to her place yourself. 
Staring down at the drink in your hand, you realised you were too sober and too far behind on studying (not really) to be sitting here, in a place you didn’t want to be. So you got up, turned around and immediately crashed into a hard chest. Looking up, you find a wild head of blonde curls and a heavenly cologne. Roope Hintz.
“Can I help you you mr. Star?” 
You said ask as he leans closer, if that was even possible, without touching you. He at least has the decency to chuckle and look a little bashful as you address him that way. 
“You sure you’re not even a little infatuated with Oleksiak?” 
Rolling your eyes, you lean back onto the bar and cross your ankles. 
“Why? Are you jealous?” 
You give him a flirty smile, just for the hell of it. Roope steps forward so his feet are planted on either side of yours, not touching this time either, and leans an arm beside you, making him come impossibly close to you. 
“What if I am?” 
He asks, and his eyes are roaming all over your face, ignited with a desire you haven’t seen in far too long. It makes a heat pool in your stomach, and a little in your cheeks. Just purely out of the close proximity. 
“Then you’re gonna be sorely disappointed.” 
You try to sound casual, but Roope leans a little closer.
“And why is that?” 
You can tell he is curious, and your judgement is compromised from the closeness of him. Maybe one night wouldn’t hurt, right?
“I’m a one time offer, an-” 
Roope doesn’t even let you finish your sentence, before he has your hand in his. Just as you touch it feels like a wave of something indescribable washes over you. You’d never felt anything like it. 
“I can do that. Come along now, we haven’t got all night.” 
Roope drags you away from the bar and you scramble to keep up the first few steps. When you catch up, he laces his fingers through yours, and heads out the door. It’s cold out, and since you haven’t really been outside today, all you have is the sweater you came to the rink in. You hadn’t been dressed for a club at all, but he didn’t seem to mind. You wrap your arms around yourself, to try to preserve some of the heat from the inside. Roope has a keen eye and steps behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist. 
“One time offer, remember?” 
“Oh yeah, that doesn’t mean I can’t be nice, or no?” 
And as he pulls you closer to him, you can feel in your bones (and your lower back) that he isn’t nearly as nice as he’s pretending to be. And you catch yourself thinking that you can’t wait to see what this turns into. 
“Just, doubting what you define as nice, that’s all.” 
At that Roope, let out a little chuckle, before leaning down a little and placing small kisses on your exposed neck. He works his way up to your ear. 
“I can be very nice, it all depends on you though.” 
With a final kiss to your cheek, he steps away from your heated face, and looks at the uber that’s now in front of you, double checking that it’s the right one. How in the hell had you missed the car pulling up to the curb? Roope opened the door to the back seat and let you enter first. Then he entered shortly after you, told the lady driving the car his address and turned to face you. 
“Didn’t think you were that shy, sweetheat.” 
He gestured to the entire middle seat between the two of you. You just shake your head, with a coy smile on your lips. 
“Just been a while.” 
You say quietly, not wanting the driver to hear. Regardless, she looks at you, very discreetly, through the rearview mirror. You give her a reassuring smile trying to convey that you feel safe and that you’re okay. She gives you a wink in return. 
“I’ll make it worth your time.” 
Roope leads you into an elevator and punches one of the higher numbers, all the while his eyes are roaming you, mentally undressing you. Most definitely wondering what he would find underneath the sweater and jeans. You are absolutely feeling a little shy with the way he looks at you. However, at the same time you’re looking at him, wondering what he is going to do, if he will be soft or hard in demeanor, if he’s gonna be rough or boring, but somehow something in his eyes tells you, it’s gonna be anything but boring. 
The elevator stops, and he steps closer, taking your hand in his, entwining your fingers and leading the way out of the elevator. Just two doors down he pulls some keys out of his back pocket and steadily unlocks the door, no fumbling. You take it as a good sign even if you already knew that he wasn’t even close to being drunk. The lock clicks in place and the door slides open, revealing a dark hallway. Roope steps in first and flicks on the light. It’s neat, considering what you had been expecting. The door shuts behind you, and you hear the lock clicking. 
Toeing off your shoes you turn and find Roope already staring at you. His eyes are considerably darker. He drops the jacket he had been wearing to the floor and beckons you with a finger to follow him, all silent and a little domineering, half a smile on his lips. You see the light flicker on in the hallway as you follow him down to the left and then the first door on the right hand side it’s the only open door, but it’s not fully lit inside. Carefully you step inside, when nothing happens, you take one more step in and the room is suddenly full of tension. 
The light here is turned on low, and Roope is standing in front of you taking slow steps towards you. Determined to stand your ground you remain unmoving, but your eyes roam him, and he seems to notice. With a smirk he takes a hand behind his neck and promptly yanks the shirt off of his upper body. You feel your jaw dropping just a little as you scan him over. 
“Look at me in the eyes babe.” 
Heat rises to your cheeks, but you remain in your spot steadily holding his gaze. He takes a step closer, and then another, until he’s standing mere inches from you. A devious smile is playing on his lips, when one of his hands lands on your waist. His thumb rubs circles on your hip, just underneath the emerald sweater of yours. 
“Are you sure about this?” 
He asks, taking his other hand up and caressing your cheek. You nod your head yes. 
“I’m gonna need you to use your words for me.” 
The hand that’s on your cheek is suddenly forcing your face upwards to meet his eyes. 
“I’m sure about this.” 
You whisper, again meeting his eyes. Just as the sentence leaves your mouth, he immediately goes to kiss you, but you pull back just slightly, just to tease, and maybe test him a little. He sees the mischievous glint in your eyes, and his smile widens.
“Oh you wanna play like that, huh?” 
Roope’s hands slip from your body, before meeting again behind your thighs, lifting you up into his arms. You stare down into his darkened eyes, and lean into him. He lets you kiss him for a couple of seconds, before he deepens it. You let him, not really feeling like fighting him. His lips move from yours and down your neck, as he walks towards the bed, you can feel him leaving a few hickies before dropping you onto the bed. 
“Off with the sweater, kaunis.” 
You look up at him, while crossing your arms and gripping the bottom of the sweater, letting him take in all of you as the green top comes off. Underneath is a simple black bra and you can see his pupils dilate at the sight of you. 
“That one I’m gonna take off myself.” 
He leans over you, until you’ve laid down flat on the bed. He’s hovering over you, resting on his forearms, yet his hips have already settled between your legs. You can feel him there hard and heavy. His breath playing across your collarbones, makes you feel the anticipation building in your entire body. 
He presses a quick kiss to your lips before he starts leaving open mouth kisses down the valley of your breasts, he shifts his weight so he is leaning more on one arm and slides the other underneath your back, and makes quick work of unfastening your bra. The tension leaves the straps and you let them fall off. Then with his teeth he bites the middle of the bra, lifting it off your body and chucking it away with his free hand. 
You don’t question his words, honestly feeling a little more turned on as he speaks to you in a language you don’t understand. With a wink he kisses each of your tits a few times, before moving further down. 
“Still good?” 
He asks, and you feel your heart ache a little at it, and immediately shove the feeling aside.
“Yes, so good.”
You say, all out of breath as his fingers pop open the button, and slowly pull down the zipper of your jeans. In a swift motion he has his fingers in what you assume is the belt loops and has pulled down your jeans along with the black underwear you had been wearing. Instinctively you try to close your legs, but two calloused hands on either of your knees stops that motion. 
“I’ve got you.” 
Roope says as he leans into your right thigh and starts leaving kisses again. Closer and closer to your core, and when he finally is there, he switches to the other tigh, repeating the process. Your hands, which have been clenching the sheets, finally go to his long hair, tugging a little. Roope lets out a little groan and you swear you can feel it in your entire body.
“Aww, look how wet you are, all for me?” 
He asks in a husky voice. 
“All for you, all for you.” 
Roope seems to revel in the admittance rolling off your tongue, before he lets himself have a taste. At least that’s what you think is happening. You feel his hot breath fan over your core, and he is painfully close, you lift your hips just slightly to meet his mouth, just as he pulls away. 
“My bed, my rules. Now, you’re gonna have to ask really nicely to cum, before I let you. Got it?” 
You’re so lost in desperation for his mouth that you can only nod. You both hear and feel the sigh escaping him, before he lands a little smack on the inside of your thigh. It causes you to let out a strangled moan and clench around nothing. 
“Didn’t I tell you? Words.” 
“I’m sorry, I’ll ask to cum.” 
And then he’s all over you. The pent up feeling you have in your body only seems to grow as he spends his time licking and lapping at your folds. With his arms around your thighs and eyes firmly set on yours, your body's working overtime trying to feel everything. You feel your grip on his hair tighten as his mouth finds you clit and a finger easily slides inside you. 
“Fuuuck, feels so good.” 
You draw out the vocals as he hums against you. Your breathing went uneven a long time ago, but now you’re struggling to control anything that comes out of your mouth. Especially as the second finger enters you and he makes a “come here” motion with his fingers, finally finding that one particular spot. It nearly sends you over the edge.
“Ah ah, ask first.” 
Your brain feels like mush as he continues his assault on your pussy. 
“Please may I cum?” 
Roope hums against you, before leaning away a little. 
“No, I want you to beg.” 
He goes back in, feeling the way your body is wound so tightly you don’t know where to turn, not being able to think clearly. 
“Please, I’ll be so good, just please please let me cum.” 
Again Roope hums. 
“Okay, only if you’re a good girl though.” 
He says looking up at you, with that smirk of his, before he dives back in.  You can feel the tension in your body tightening, and when his tongue does a particularly intense stroke over your clit you can’t hold it anymore. Your legs clamp around his head and you let out a drawn out moan of pleasure as he lets you ride out the high on his face. 
When you can’t take it anymore, you gently guide his face away from your core. Roope has this cocky grin on his face and you can’t help but like it being directed at you. You pull him up towards you and kiss him deeply, not really caring if you can taste yourself on his lips. Finally he lets your hands wander over the planes of his upper body, feeling the muscles tense and flex as your fingers trace every ridge of his body. He seems to really like kissing you, but he does notice that your hands go lower and lift his hips up a little to make room so you can pop the button of his jeans. As soon as the zipper is down, your hand traces the waistband of his boxers. 
“You gonna play with me like this all night, rakas?” 
He asks with a playful tone of voice. 
You tease, pulling on the waistband of the boxers, before releasing it, making it snap against his skin. He leans away from you completely, getting up so he’s on his knees, but otherwise full height. Your legs are caught between his, so you can only sit up as far. Not that you mind though, with the way he towers over you, giving you perfect access to the bulge that’s now in your direct line of vision. Without really meaning to your jaw goes slack. His pointer finger is under your chin, making you look up at him.  
“Eyes up here, yeah?” 
You nod innocently at him, making him groan at the sight of you. 
“Good girl. Now let’s see if we can put that mouth of yours to good use.” 
You blush at his words and the smirk on his lips. Regardless, you start peeling the boxers and jeans down his legs. Slowly. Since this is going to be a one time thing, you think, you’re gonna savour this moment. His skin is hot beneath your fingers, but not as hot as your cheeks the moment his cock springs free of it’s confinement. You’re definitely not complaining about any aspect of it. 
Without a second thought you put your lips around the angry red tip, letting your tongue explore every inch of his dick. Roope seems to like what you’re doing, judging by the groaning and panting above you. One of his hands is in your hair, doing a makeshift ponytail as you continue to suck him off. Suddenly, he all but pulls you off his cock, which now seems even more red than it was before. With strings of saliva hanging from your mouth, connected to his dick. Roope lets out a groan that makes your inside tingle before he slides back off the bed.
“I’m going to ruin you so good, rakas.” 
He kicks off his jeans and boxers before he is over you again. You look him in the eyes nodding, before spreading your legs, letting him settle between them. He cages you in with his arms, and for some reason, even with his dark gaze upon you, you feel safe. And when he grabs your arms, pinning them beside your head you let out a content sigh. Not only because you’re completely letting go, but because you can feel his cock brushing against your stomach. The anticipation is almost killing you. 
Roope, kisses up and down your neck, whispering dirty somethings in your ear, because they aren’t nothing. They are all his fantasies, of what he has come up with that he wants to do with you. As well as to you. Most of all though, you think he just enjoys watching you squirm in need of him. When he lets go of your right hand, it traces your throat.
“Now, put my cock inside yourself.” 
It’s a demand, and you follow through, out of desperation to feel him inside. You wrap your hand around his dick, carefully tugging at him, running your thumb over the tip, teasing. With a little smile on your lips. Roope is quick to kiss it away, delving into you, with a passion you’ve never felt before. “Inside, now. Or this teasing of yours is gonna have some serious consequences.” 
He mumbles against your lips, so you do as told, guiding him to your entrance. You both let out content sighs as he finally sinks into you. He is going slow at first. Letting you adjust to having him inside you. 
“Look so good for me like this.” 
You can only nod as he starts moving his hips in slow, deep thrusts. He finds a pace and as soon as you start clenching around him, when he hits that part of you. His pace picks up. The hand that’s still holding onto yours, they are now intertwined in each other. His other hand is caressing your hip. You’re pretty much just a blubbering mess of his name and curses as he hits all the right parts. 
With a final kiss to your lips, he leans up a bit, so his thighs are resting on his calves creating a steep angle, so you almost slip off him. Almost. He pulls you closer by the hips, making you yelp out, before your legs are planted on either side of him, giving yourself a little more leverage as he hits deep inside of you. The moan that escapes you is genuine, and you squeeze your eyes shut in pleasure. At that you feel a sharp sting on your thigh again. 
“Eyes on me.” 
In the fog of pleasure all you manage to get out is a weak. “Yes, sir.” 
Opening your eyes, you see Roope straining a little as well. His cheeks are tinted and his breathing is really uneven. But his eyes are blown with pleasure, and as you guide his hand to your lower stomach where you can vaguely feel him moving in and out of you. It looks like a new fire has been ignited inside him. 
His hand slips from yours as he lets it go to rub at your clit again. The pleasure almost becomes too much, and your eyes roll a little at the feeling. 
“May I please cum, sir?” 
You manage to moan out, barely remembering his demand from before. 
“Hold it for like three seconds, I’m gonna count you down.” 
So you look him in the eyes and let him blow out your back for a few more thrusts, and then he starts counting down. 
His rhythm changes as he slows down and goes harder, deeper. 
He moans as you clench around him. 
“1, cum for me.” 
And you do. It starts in your stomach, and like a warm tide it washes over your entire body. Roope fucks you through it, before he finally pulls out and with a loud groan he is jerking himself off, letting go in hot spurts all over your torso. He finishes and stares down at his personal masterpiece. With your rapidly raising stomach and chest covered in his cum, you can tell by the smirk on his lips. He’s satisfied.
“I’ll be right back.” 
Roope says with a wink, and you just nod. Because even though you just had the best sex to date, you were trying to gather your thoughts. On how to get home. You don’t see where he goes, but you hear water running from a sink. When he’s back from the bathroom, you assume, he has a wet  washcloth in hand and is wearing a fresh pair of boxers. Gently he wipes his cum from your chest and stomach, and a little in between your legs. 
And you’re almost completely ruined by how gentle he is. But you have a promise to keep, and you’re not planning on betraying yourself. He leaves again to toss the cloth into the hamper. When he comes back, you have gathered your underwear and bra, and are standing on the floor on slightly shaky legs. 
“You’re leaving?” 
And that was really the first sign. 
“Yeah, one time offer. Remember?” 
You answer, looking for your jeans. Roope sweeps them off of the floor and hands them to you. 
“Yeah, right.” 
You get dressed in silence, and when your last sock is on. You straighten up. 
“I’ll just find the way out myself.” 
It’s meant to be casual, but Roope immediately refuses. 
“No no, I’ll walk you out.” 
And he does, following close behind you. You’ve just gotten your shoes on, when your phone pings. It’s a notification from uber that your ride is here. You’ve put your hand on the door knob and opened the door, when Roope, who was leaning against the wall, pulls you back and kisses you deeply. 
“Next time you need an orgasm, give me a call.”
He says with a wink. 
In the car back to your apartment, you can feel it. You’re not gonna get rid of Roope after what just went down in his bedroom. The worst part of it is that you’re not sure you want it to be a one time thing. Fuck. 
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